8PAlN';l\'llNl8TERS sown`? NAT THE PARLIAMENT. I Inihtub. to ryjulgululullililij uh` hit IIvcuo dodthb-tuba. I noun Built and dsqhh. Ow` `M ll-Q -I Lib:-all at Viourinnd Bydulnnvuda main oonnitho Int nighguho nt now Linnadnthn rnrn mmnik mono. and tionoduthor oL..AL...i.n oChninshoo6ooo(J.B. G:-nit-n. at lnouanuaiouvilh Ihoounpnlgnwns |5l$II5;I'CC'CTC|5I'iXgIINI --4I. .._-2.l4-.4I __.I II: II I0!` I IIIXYIIII Ill 0"? I00 Irl UII I'llI } nrnt onlInmcnt.-Su: Fnnchco Clima- ` Inl- About 250 yards Un- bleached Pillow Cot- iton 6c per yard. Limit. This will only be of- fered until 2 p.m. ITBOITXYESTIHFS Wllll UTUII HOPE`; Tlw cavalry homo must be without blam- lsh or dofmt, sound In ovary pnrtlculnr. Literally spouting. it is more dllcnlt for : horse to get into the cnvalrynu-vicodnn It In for n rwrult to emu` the army on his l-it nnllnnwnk __QAn I`:-nnn|n~n (Ilium- IIFUI Iclo. KFUII. : (lamlry horse: no pnmhnaod by the ; qllsnermastul-`a department under tho mntrmt xystonn. Proposals !or fumishlng mmlry homes no invited. and the con- mwt is awarded to the lowest bidder. The mvnlry homo must be a goldlmz of hardy color, 4 to 8 years old, 15}; hands high. and weigh about 1.000 pounds. Ho must. he gnntla under tho Inddlc. hos and prompt in the walk. trot and gallop; hrood {on-hand; 1-you large and pmmlnont. and possess perfect vision. H0 is thoroughly examined for splints. sido bones. ring- bonea. curbs. apovinn And any trouble. in- onlox` constltutlonnl, which nmy tend to ; shorten his usefulness or render the ani- mal uuoervloeohlo. The nostrils should ha lugs and ououpy nearly the whole lnuial structuro. Tho mouth should ho smnll, with thln. rm lips. The cyan should be large and mild. with the eyelids. The nun should be delimto and pointed. Tho fool. should he of medium aim. duo rqud being given to tho also and shape of tho homo. and then should be no visible dif- laronm in the feet on to also and form. The tail is mom ornamental in well bmd than undorhrud homes A no Iilk `mono charnotorims wall bmd horns. TL.` nqvnl-up knjn -net I... -lolunot LI-an. Iuury llIH[.R. UlolUll l`U Gun 1` IWIIIUIBUII. A prollminnry inspection is mado at tho place where the contractor purchuoa the animals by It roprosontntivo of tho govern- ment, who generally aooompnnlos tho con- lravtor on his horso purchasing trips. thus avoiding I-ho oxponso of buying horsos which are sum to bo subsoquontly rejected for various defects. At tho preliminary inspection a tow first class, many fair and a suporahundnnoo of lndlomnt and modi- ocro horses are presented. The contractor Informed mo that about one of every 60 nxnmlnod at tho preliminary inspootlon ` rmno.-A up to tho roqulromonts; that ho had traveled for throo nml four days at a time, visltod horso rnnchrs and lookod at several hundred horses without seeing one that namo up to tho specications. I was also Informed that the class oi` horses required by the government are gottlng very scarce In California, and that many of tho nav- alry horses now at tho Pr:-sidlo warn pur- ohnsud in the states of Oregon and Wash lnuton. linuvnlnr Inns-can Am nus-nhnnm-I In! tho: POT. DOPIHR Dull) ID WOUIU IUIUII HUT BJO- She wrote to Caeto telling the story, end she received an equally lengthy letter from her husband, full of joy at hearing lrorn her. detailing hie own life etory. telling more than Archie had concerning hie treecher y. He eaid he had written con- etantly to Archie while he wae in Tennee- eeo. encloeing lettere to be forwarded to her. Qrchie had nally told him of Ellen : ` death. encloeing a note he now known was forged. Caeto had "never married. but added that he could not blame her for doing eo. as she knew nothing of me cir- culnetancee surrounding Arohie e betrayal ol truet. He eaid that he had a comfort- able little home and though both had pau- ed their prime, yet he hoped much happi- neee wae yet in etore for them. low Cnvnlry llol-no Are Solooted For the United Staten Army. I happened to be at the Proaldio not long since when the commuter for furnish- ing cavalry horses to the government sub- mitted novornl animals to in board of army nlcors detailed to make tho final inspec- lion. Of the horses presented only one was rojeotcd, and that was on account of n cold brought about by oxposum to drafts whilu in transit from tho point of prelim- inary inspection to San Francisco. A nrnllmlnnrv lmmnr-.i.inn in rnmln nf. thn aloe Ina De gm} uer Iorgiveneee wr nus ein. nniolde ,.;.he (not. that her huehnnd. Canto, wee eniil alive and wae a reeidem: of Toronto, Canada. He excused his crime upon the rounds of his love {or her. He tol her than he had caused the newe of his brother`: death he had eenh her to he ineerted in a Week . Virginia pa- per. hoping chat: is wouidreaoh her eye. Rim wr-om tn Cum mllino the emrv. and one renewing remurnmeeuury . Juet. previous to the civil wereho lived on Kanewhe, W. Va., her maiden name being Ellen Ceuidy. She was courted by two twin brothers. Oeeto and Archie Moran. The` war broke out: and Caste worm in the confederate ermu Archie joined the union forces. Her ether was killed and in Ul she married Canto. Her husband was ordered away and eeveml months later she received in letter from his brother, Archie, containing news of her husband : death. ACher|eeton. W. \'a., newspaper clipping was enclosed in sub- ebenhiauon of the statements. 0. .... ...I .........|.- I..ss-.. ..L.. Iv:a`t.Qt' I-A IDIIHIIRHOII ()1 DUB UDIEUIDBIIU. Sqvoml months latter she ieldod to. Archie : poreuaaionnnd married im. Her second huabnnd died a few days ago. Juan before his death he called her to bi: bed- side and be ging her forgiveness for his 11..-... __- -.m ..|:.... .....a ...-. .. -..-:.a-..a- -6 Uj'IlIITII%IIIIl- D~&lTU-'Iu mark in with Ihooonpnign was Vhhdnesday Siiecialsa Ooutod By Twin Brothoro Ibo Ion-Ivod Ono old tho Othor Later Told nor or Hot IlnIbond'o Doom In tho Conlodoroto AI-|ny-'l`hon lho Mn:-I-led tho Dooolvlng Brother ond tho '1':-nth II Dloololod. Srmxuvn-u.n. Ohio. Feb. l6.-Uuto Moron. who claim: to be A rooidont of To- ronto. Conodo, is on the eve of being ro- unitod with his wile. whom he has mourn- od no dead for thirty years. Tb story oonnootod therowith rivoln onyth g in otion. KA... I.`||.n Mn:-an his wiln in nrnu Ah I'.l0| :l0l'l. Mu. Ellen Moran. his wile. in now ab 617 West. -uhstroet,Cincinmci,on her way to Toronto to join her husband. She tells the following romurkableltory : Juli . nuwinun tn the nivil WI!` she lived A Story Rivallinz Anythlnt In Fiction. lmaumnzn Wll ms WIFE] AFTER THlF;TY YEARS HAVE ELAP8ED-8TORY TOLD. |muumu:nHmsnsnn.| uucLE37A}A_c7+_[nens. la Lmmsmn a BRO.l tailor-made " abou't them that add so much to your satisfaction and comfort. havg: those little tou_:hes of I Tweed Dress Goods 29c. D ron M41 +ePERA awuycu. llll VOIIII IT! ll IDUHU .0 ,sruU on the electric light. The village bu 82,100 insurance on watar works ayahm. The young Iibonln, under command of Cupb. Bmeo Can-ushers, hold I rousing rally in the rcform commiuoo room: Inn night: and propuod for a vigorous cam- pnign. The young liberal: will ho pu-ticu~ larly active through the cannot. Long rnbbor boots II Abernathy ; UIXUVIIWIEU III IIIKIIIIIIK DUO IlIl$o The fire was got under control nfter an hour : hnrd work. The voter works sud electric plum won almost completely do- abroyed. The haul loan in about 88.500 nn aha nlann-in linlm Th; villnn hn T:_(-`cu-c I Cold in one vn~..|... I ..-..n.-.. II-n...._n..IuIn.. 'I`nI.Ino.. \ II Plante Deetroyed By u. MAIum.\u, 0nt.. Feb. l(i.--~About eix o'clock this morning engineer Truman. of the wster works wee Awakened by smoke and on inveeti tion found the building on fire. Theco of the whistle being burnt, Mr. Truman climbed to the roof in his night clothes and gave the alarm. The uemen on arrival lound the fire had gain- ed considerable headway and with the wind blowin A terric ale and the ther- mometer beow zero. t ey were at great dieadvantage in lighting the flames. Thu n has one nndnr mntml after an at 1.-vuuw cu wvuvu w-v I`nh- l.nxnllux H|'0I|IIv-Qll|Illl\|' ' -Irmuzlulu n-mud tlw lnum-y If It I `.'.';-~. Ill Ullllllfy pllllu The woman who no going to teach or go into some rogulnr buaunoul udviao to go to Dawson City." said Miss King. The greater number of them expect. to open hotelu or boarding homes. do home Work. oookln or anything for which they are fitted. b. you! moeb of them will take up claims." 3 200 yards of Table Linens. cream bleach. at 25c. Women Going To The llondyie. Nnw Yonx. Fob. l6:-Mlee Florence King, I Chicago women lawyer, in in the city. She heed: e movement in the direc- tion of the Klondyke. In is the Women : Aleehe gold club, of which she will per- sonally conduct) members to the gold elds. There are now ubouh lifoy Inemberl ol the club. They will Average About shirt. -ve you: in ego end t.he.greeber num r oluhom come from smell town: and country pleoee. "The woman who Ara nninu In Lean}: or Wlndnor Board of rude linrneetly Dlecuu the Problem. Wmnsun. Ont., Fob. l6.-A meeting of the Windsor board of tnde was held luet night to discuss the oxportetion 0! in from Eeeex county. Every member of the boerd was 0! the opinion that the govern- ment should take some notion. Residents of Windsor pay twenty to twenty-ve cents I thoueand lor their ee. while the company in Detroit wee ing supplied on much leee rate. William Mouregor. M. P. for North Euex, eeld the government did not like to oenoel the right sziven to pipe gee toDeu'oit. but wished to roetriot the use of the an to the cit of Detroit. He asked the baud toaen e etrong petition to the govern- ment at Ottawa and he would me every memo in hiepower to analog in_p1-ohibltlng the further exportation ol gee. ~ Grebbed in aim to Shoot the lunged Ani- minl-Wenpon Aeoldentelly Discharged. Ki;i,ow:~A. Men.. Feb. 16. -- George Bailey, eon of poatmuber Bailey, was killed by e bullet from I forty-four Winoheeber rie. while engaged in butch - ering ii cow. Messrs. Bailey end Fevell were killing a beef cow, and the former red iwo lhobl an the enlniel which dropped apparently dead. He then proceeded to cut its throat. when the cow suddenly sprang to her feet: and mode is desperate oher e at him. He ran from her no quio ly u poaaible, and. issuing Fiwell, to whom he had bend the gun. he made in grab at the weapon, which he caught: by the mumle In some inexplicable man- ner the rie wen discharged, the bullet entering the unfortunate young man's body below the ribs, end, penning up- werda, lodged in the right breeab. killing him inabently. _ Oonnou not Dad By Amount liner- nol. Z--- A Innvlnnnn. rxuexanool. Uonnore Ill IIUIIIR Ill Erlckeon'e hotel when a man named Doyle, known in Roealnnd ae J. Snllivany came in. walked up to Connore and eald: Dik out or I'll ahoot ou. Con- nore emiled and aaid. " re away. Doyle immediately tired. the bullet entering Connore' left breast above the nipple. Connora lell dead withoiit a groan. Conetahle Forhea. acting in the aheenoe oi oonetahle Jarvie. on epeclal duty at Nel- eon, arrived on the aoene veminutee later, but the murdirer had lied. Search wee made. but no trace of the murderer could be found. The bod wae laced aboard the eteamer and broug tto eleomacem nied by Forhee. Ryan,aleoErickeon.'l`om mith, a chum of Doyle and Kyle, who wee in the her at the time of the shooting. ae wit- neeeee lor the inqueet to he held on Tuee- day. Connors wine a miner and worked laet summer in the California mine at Nel- eon. Doyle came` here from Roeeland a ehort time ago. Both were Americana. vvuuuru IIIUI: uuuu say -uvu--n ---v-' Both Ion Ancrlouqaz Nluzun. B.C.. Fob. l6.-'I_Do ItII_|I0l' Nelson brought. in the body of Dennis Connors. murdered Sundny nigh} at Knukonook. Oonnoru was lining in nr`nLnn - Iuubnl -|..n n lnnn nnlnd Tlnvlm [cow MADE AC l-MRGE AT HIM. The Party or the Din- ner, wherever Full Dress is good form, our uuntuoasucu. MURDERED IN THE MINES. Pillow cottons 6c. EXPORTATION OF GAS. " 'llhIN.u. .\II I mus In run`. `Univ -ruvy ' Tllulvt,-4. .\II I mm In run`. IUIIT VII IIVT 0| urlvinnllrli. Comidonblo timber in boing dnvn ' across the ion In Garden inland- I! will In undo into mm in the spring and than down to Qnoboc. ' Tlln nnnlnn at "L" nlrl hgllnpu -nnn V uown in vacuum .' The Ioulrill II "A" nld btlhty Vim iuind in fur coat: today while path`:- in their dniiol. ..'o l.{l 5.. ..a. -...I ...II.- lID.__$._ Ill 5%! (III 1&- 't. fail to go and not the "Boa-'l'ou' burlonquoru At. the opon homo to-night Price: 250.. 350. and 50:2. (NIB) Illll UIII I0 CIJRJU. lllf j H price to in `d is 86.000. The ocular Iib. to farm ropcnygioldl incl on an uncumonb o! 8 .000 ' A hnninv n\-l>1\I\,-n- nlnngtl `A (lacuna. III] III KKUIUIIUIIU UK OIIVKFL A bocko Inatohwu yod at (innu- hn_rpb on nudny oi; I IDOCIOOH Orillin nod Unvonbur. rennin; awn gall to tour in fun: ol Gnnnhuru. f`\n.hI.o.LIn Hun}..- I; L.:__ 4-.-_' I05! ITO YT l0l' I (Dill OI .610. 1. I` Mgb And one _nt `$1.090. Fol: that tho A:l::m I,Ibi:Id=?n'urn. I win \ Imoxn D. I0! IBOKIII 0! CI llUU- III` an aid: , lot: no u-aouodlontoul 0! 8375.000 at 595 Antl on: Ah `I [I'll Tn: lnhn-Q `In. Al"lI KNIHI|l'IlH'()'l'I'.\(H`I. \V[TII l"IU\VI'.'" uurule-n utluclml. A Iulml-ar 0|` (vlmlca plums for mic. Apply mt '.\I"l`.\IN Al`Hl`H1'lYM, I`n|m-r\'ut|\1-Pulnnnlilmv llmnus, nr HI-`I l)lv|- xlnn Hi r-cl. n.\Ic17r.n,~x <'.\N M: M -m.\monA1'1cn with both ulmxlr um! ulonhlu rounnu, with |uu:lo'I`lI I'n|l\'1'l||(`II1`(m, ul )6)! Qnwn I-nrvol. r |'lHlI)l`I.\'('I`}. hm l|lm('K H1`!!!-ll-7|`. MIMIC: tllnlv puma-nnllnn ; hmutod with hut vmlnrr nll mmlc-rnlmprovmm-nls. Apply to C. LIV` INHH'l`l).\ & Ihm. -_.._. now mu-uwry mm kcsop our n-how camla tacked up on Imam, I :-.na-1-o1 and hridlh throughout. luwn nml c-ountry. Hlmuly (`mp n_vmem.. (om- mlulun or nuxlnry. $01. ) per month and ex- pnnwu, uml mum-y dupuulwd In nny Iuulk when turned. For pautlc-ularn addmuu Tull wumm 1\1r.nI(vu, I`}l.l`Z("l"I(l(! ( .`u., lnndon, um... (Junudu. Hl'2.\'l'llC.-\l. Hl~:Iu'AN'I' HY THE lwr Mun-h, rm`:-rmu-wt rvqulroal. l-lmrllro In Ilu-ovvn!mt. him; I). |lm4.~4, mm Alfred H . I E|.|'-l1l-2l.lAlH.l-I MEN IN EV'l".I%Y IA)- vnllty, Iowa or truvellln : to lntroduou I dhwuvvry nml kcsop :4 now camln tacked up l'una-ml throunhom. IL I! Bl ID. CRAIG-MAl l'l`.AND-0n Fobruuy 1601:. Ah the ruidonco of the bride : snob. (Mm Mniblond. 68! Princou shrub.) Thoma H. Craig, Bodford Station. `to Mill uid M. Mnlhlnnnt Klnnnl-nn; T. I-". HARRISON COMPANY 'i=Joi 'du'ee'n'{. ' I-Imxx D. lllnllo GmsoN-Enterod inbo rub at Klnglton. Fob. 16th. 1898, Bnjnmin J. M. Gahoou. good 24 van. I'll. IUDII. I533, L aged 24 years. Funonl nobico later. mun (II~2Nl~}RAl. HEHVAN1`: MU!-41` hnvr I'{`fn*|`1`lmes. Apply to Mus. J. linu- m:N, `.'.I Hhmrl Htrmt. ' 3IuF.3uur1'""mJ3. oiiui And very ool : holnpunomo con- uidonbl bolow zero lb niglmno und VII`! mld on nrldnv. IICIUII III XIOW Zll cold on uudny. |Steacy s. |%STEAGY&,$IEA9. Vanna: -.4.-v. 'l`m-2 Lls'.ADlN(l UNn|cIn`AKIcn--234-I50 Prin- ovsu Ml. 'l`vlephune HM. Upon Day and Nluht. I.Ir.AmNu UNmcn1`\Krr.u A llfv Prlnm-ma nl.rm*t, (`ornur : 'l\-lophuuu cmmmmlx-MIon. l'Iulor1uko-ru mu! l.n1hnImnru. 2.`!!! ninl `I35 l'rIm-c-us Htrnet. 'I'lmmsu:--Wumruuunu, W; lh`N|(ll`Il('1',9l. Upon duy and night. 123 Princess St.. Kingston. 5oo pieces New Prints and Sateens. 100 pieces New Dress Muslins. 50 pieces New White Victoria Lawn. S. S. OORBETT, IYNEIKAI. l)[lH-)('l`0lt. `Ml PRINCEBH ST. K|m;utnn, n'uvmm)r Lu W. M. llrommn. New Spring DryWGoods P.S.--We open out a New Millinery Department this spring. _.... ._..:_j,__ lUl'.\'l~I U(`('l'l'l|-III In MIL .\H'2R.|lll`K, Klnu Hlrvot. l"..\N'mI|m| uml all lmxlern mm-nla-nu-I-n. RI-ul nunh-mlv. Apply next Imr tu.n'|m: l'|m'r:. 4 Direct lll|])0l`l(`l`.~| I)rom- Hoods and Munuos. II. UIIIR. DCUIDITI DDIUIDI M. Mulblund, Kinguton; (H-`..\'|-IR.-\l. l~:llV'/\N'l` BY THE lwr Mun-h. l`t`1IMl`(`1|. I-lnnulm In M Othn nod 80. Inwrqlloo 3 10 Mn. - High northnrly ___| north-vnohorl wiudl. cloning and warn (ml 2 hnnunrnhntn nnn. UENEr\ L SERVANT. APPLY '1`) H158 I \Vll.KlNNON,-")0 Clergy I-street. 6511: YEAR. N0. 39:. 300 pieces New Embroideties. New Goods opened out daily. WEATHER PROIABILITIII. ITHNIHI|l WITH l"|.l)\VEll xmrule-n numl-er ul` nhulna _4 P. M. EDITION. HENRY BRAM E. n-..... WANTIDT BOARD. JAB. REID. .. Iv........ In what our mml nbru n.:lrv. 1-nrr-fullv cu-rm-n. Fur Line(\ Wraps! $25. . Big sweep. fur trimmed, deep fur collar and tho- up-to-date. 4 _A'p_ I AND l~}mI.u.MIm.-- u- Hydunluun atroc-l.. ll. $131!` I? 3 klunnllko Huh! I-`Mal:-." I |III'r`.rlmt|\.\'nIu- ' nhlo hunk. n-Illnx like tl whlrhr ml. llmullml mu-pr:-In.-g tun-uh`-aw n-ulu-., lhvk-_nu nme. . In In .1-:\'-u.\mu.'mnN c0.\ll`.\N\ , unm- M.1\m-mu. .\'lI'l-2|.\' Nl1`l'.\Tl-2| unuvrziw .\.\ I| Mm! .-Ahnpmltln dun-lllnn nun-lml. and at [uni an-luhllnlml Inn-Inn-. mm 0:9 pun~In\nnI hm...` ,\ lv nu .\lu1`.\ss`s liru. I-`.vrr.\n; I-nru, . `in: Street. u `run truxj ' rI&$uw U 6 u "The In`! Ill or not .\lc9o|,vlIn\1-mm." ' vtriln lnnl lnmv at-um Quinn \'Ix-aorta." .\;I~nlu mat t_Iw olnllnnn qlallv. ' V. Ian.\1|.x\-u.\RIu-.'mn.-Inn.Llmnuu. 1\-mmu "HI|lII[\M\n of Ilw l'n.~von." I-`ow-hi.-ullu hook. Hwnvgu lh-~ vmlw nrl-I ut hnrdorlnuu ~uh_|a-u-In. I-2\1-r_\-In-ly 0h1I'l\ Nlurwllmlslllm. ITIIIIIIIK I`nII ii-lu.-4 $|. HR.\l|I.|'I\'~H.\ II- |{ I-mints` 1`II.. I. m|lc~l. l`-mmlu. klnu whuz In Illa` I\'|lIg\luII lit-nvml um mul. Inwvul ur may l:`mIu-r Jml nu-<~.~nrl 3' ur- vn-pl:-1|. W. N I-I\\'l..\ NIH. mllvo--.':u Kim: SI rvvl. .\ n-hlln-I. T*1!`...i`J-,1_!:I9N| I@@x_Ts_:J>I II I 'lllIIllllIIEl' 'III II` Ill'lll Illa lvllli llllI|'U Ul |lIU l\'ln Ion nml Mnmn-ul I-`urwnnllnf t`mnl)_uuv vy|;: 31-xun/xv EVENING, I-`oh. um. n -7::in OK` 00 . o'clock. All aupponena of Hon. .\lr. Ilnrty nrulnvltod to um-ml. A I-`.l)\\'.\HIl RI-`. \|'l`RE. s:::.... :wa:.csaay's. ihursday FEB. 10th and 17th. .\l|`3|`I'I`lNli (W I`1)ll'l'H.\lUl"l`ll l.llH}R.\l. Pnnnnltwo wlll I held at the um:-u of the wnc pm-zunmv 1-zvmunu. um. HABTY AND G001) GOVEBNMENTI ml`Ivo_.':!2 Kim: m-I. ONTARIO WARD. \\ Hll!\'l'ZH|i.\\' I-?\ I-2!\'l.\'H u! pulgn I `ulnmlltvv ll-mllw, |'!'lm-n Fnoninc wan sl..I..l|..I_.I.... \`.. unl.lnfIu'UmI. order your next tun rrum ma ; _\'un'|l 12-! jun!- tlw cunl ymfmluoklnu for, dellverml prom|It~ I_\' by emvml. mllto mun. Rally of liberalllummitteesl FOP HARTY AND GOOD GOVERNMENT. RIDEAU WARD. \|'I.`l\\!l.`ulI|\\' I.`\'I4`\.'I\'l.' nl I`nn flo Dull) I000 look Io! VII] IQQCI . {to run Thaoolvu In. Asylum boll `thin ovonlng. Porhornouth liberal: Inooo this evening` nu 7:30 o'clock. rM.. -cu.-....'I`nn" Inurlmumlrl u the vvn nun u - -4-. -\vv.-. opposite Sydenham Stre;.t-.-N 7:30 o'clock. The "Ban-Ton" burluquoru so the open houu to-night. Rgnd st Ronl rink Thuudny nizhb and noun no-mgnu. Band st Royul Thuudny night: earnivulhdondny nighmwuthor permitting. Mnnhinun nl Ridun Ind Ontario Wild cu-niveluonany nlgnmweuuner punnicung. Meetings of Rideeu and Ontario liberal: so cunpnign committee room: this evening. Ten ere received until Thursday for the urohue of property on University nvenue y Mrs. Elemere. ---- PROVINCIAL Eltcnon I IHON. wm. HARTY | ponrsnfouni Teugcwonjs. ' And Mora Hut 'l`vII-phom- `N. 2-Iiai:7n`r{Xi~i`1ii:s7.-2 COHMITTBB ROOM -Prlnceu .` ,4 - .34- Q-.A___I__.._ 14---` For Member For Klngston. gr-1 BURLESQ UERB. presenting IV I I-IHIV IIIII-Iv! Huh-4lI\`|u|m .\'u. l`. - 'l`lll'R.Hl).\ Y I-IVI-I.\'lNI.` ul (`uuumhm l`II|IIIll|H(`1) Hmnuu, I'I'|Ih'|'.~r~' .\'l rm-I. `I I, A'I` IIIIVI lII'\I( L-IIU II`IlIIl. \\'I`2Iv.\'l-)H|h\\' l'2\ l'I1\'l.\'H, ul Hnr pumu Fnuunlllou llumnn, I'l'|ll\'I`NH H1. --.- ...-__ LOCAL MEMOIIANDA. Uuu-, I Inn | an an n x u. ALL A1` I! 0'0LUOI. .\. M. |~`0Hlb, H01-'_\' (`<'II1I'ul l'I>[lI!I||H(`.(`. 1:-1M. FOR SALE. In what mml nbru _\'mI. tmromtlln olnnn nlry. curt-fully M`l`N`I1- ml. f|I||Wl\||lIIl(`I)nl. \ h1~n you huy nmn M` It vuu get at (on or sound oonl nuul u (on of unnfn:-Unn. AGENTS ! .||_x_||_ ..|- AGENTS! . ..r nI-_ nn_x-. . AGENTS ! l'1D\\'.-\HIi RI-I.\|' PIN`). .l .\ .\l HS H'l`l'7\\' AIVI`. I St.. IUVIVT. ll Ul" III'C`IVC'.TTl.f ID hpnoothuo wocltlboltntllooorpnaol on thonoil. If his in acquitted Ila-ovl Iocnvuhou in Paris. The P51 N.` IIIKJXITU. "IICZIIWK `stride! 7.oIunndI|hcrovdofl,. >0Ineoun-A duhlhnllwihlhlthoywondyinthh ltoou,Jndlhd|o\ick.ndthovohlhvo ,only on In . I wbald hcolhouull. : fminnmnlh. llintrinluill nnnrhn llyj II I `DIX Tlilll. i Dnyfnn VII gmlty. Ilia trial will none ho nvivod. ll Dnyfn-onovct.to not hot in Imnm than Inn In ICILIIII mum-an nl IIVOfIDIy UIIW J E. lnlllu XVTII witnclnu unied Qhouho handwriting of Bordon to-cabled that o! major Bour- lhaiy. lawonwon I-Ind Iron Mndmno Do U 1 Boulanouy admitting the pououiou ol Iowan which Eatorhuy wrote her button I88! and 1894. and containing notion mi- nultvuaiono on Pam: and cash Ftonch nu . Injor Bcwluxy. it nppoud.'uh- `ad luau bonturmd Io himbul Hsdano Db Bonlancy rolund todo no in ode: to In silo to pcon that the Ind not oonuithd . Injot wind Io-day Inn Plfil In tho Nan Yuk Janrnnl. "I an an link I.Iu- cut! ,vm|'m Iuolunu run I,\' by cmvml, pullto -IjG' IjIII WIIT CD3, HT I'Ir|I E to tho New \ II I5oIt@3. "I on no Iiulo `I-mhl A 715': and `In Aun\-d 0|` I \'h`nnnl|, [Illa la Acqulttod. latotlnay Ion. Ioo.~ 000 JIDII nun Ola. PAIus. Feb. 16 ~-Tha '/.ola trial in nob likoly tn and until Saturday. Then an avidoncan that the court. in beoomi more favorably dinpoood to M. Zala. vual uiumnnn Imxind thanthn Inndwritinn nl la|ll'I. (leorge Curzon pointed out that lluueia bed advanced to the Oxue. end thet it wee impoeeihle for Great Britien to ellow e gep to remain in her north-weetern frontier. It wee ne- ceeonryto recognize thet. however desir- one Ruuia might be to oheerve her obli- gatione. circumetenoee might be tooetrong for her. She stood on the bordere of .-\f- ghonilten. which ureet Britain wee pledg- ed to defend. The Ameer hed enid: "Eng- land end Af haninten ere no one house. with one wal. Are your eoldiere going to join mine in defence of that well 2" While no eane man would propose to no beyond the mountain barrier. yet the two peseee trevereln the range muet be Iecured. Foreign re atione of the frontier trihee Innet be controlled end aeeurence of their good oouduct muet.-he ohteined. If the work of the frontier ollieere wee euc- ceeeful the tribe would be brought will- ingly under our rule, will weer our uni form end form n velnehle recruiting ground for the lndien army. for the reeouroee within India are leee plentiful than form- r|.)l he. vernment ennounced ite intention toask or 75,000 for the maintenenoe of eBrltieh eeetion in the l'erie expoeition in 1900. llerrneny had propoeed to ex- pend ehout .t':350.000 upon the Germen eection of the exhibition. Lawenn Wel- ton'I emendmeut to the eddreee wee fur- ther disoneeed by Sir William Vernon Harcourt. who criicined the government e policy in Indie. and by Arthur J. Balfour. I who defended that policy. after which the mmnnllrnent -en reinnnu-I hw A wnm nl .'lIl WIIU IIUIUIIIIKI DIIIII [DOUG]. IHUY Wlllull DD. amendment wu njoctod by I vote 0! .'ill mun em. I Indian Expedition Doutna Commendation -AmolulmoIn Rejected. l.0.\'[)0N, Fob. l6.-In the house of com- mons yesterday Herbert: H. Alquith, liberal, described the Indian frontier ex- pedition as being "one of the most in- lorionu ventures in the annals of Great: ritain." and asked the house to declare the war a violation of sound policy which deserved the condemnation of the legisla- tore. n......- 0....-- ....:..a-.l ....a aI...a vunnea and autonomy caueu n scuumu. "The letter reached Havana ve days after its postmark in Washington. An agent of the Cuban party, who is an em- ployee of the Spanish postoioe. lmew that the letter was on the way and when it came into his hands it was carried from the postotce and a copy of it was made. Word to this eilect was sent to the Cuban leader in Jacksonville, Fla., who at once asked the secret Cuben Junta in Havana to secure the original letter- that a copy was not what_ was desired. The original was then taken several blank sheets were substituted in place of the paper upon which lie Lome had written and the let- ter nall postmarked in the Havana post- oioe an sent in its routine way. Eight days from its arrival in the Havana office the sealed envelope. properly addreesed to Senor Canalejas. was delivered at the ho- Inalaterra. Senor Uanalejae did not regard the matter seriously at the time al- though the hotel boy who brought him the letter and the postoice employee who had last charge of it were arrested. 80 also was the hotel employee who went several times daily to to the post oice for the mails. All three were discharged after an examination. Senor Canalejas communicated almost immediatel with minister De Louie and lor severe weeks letters and eablegrams passed between the two but no trace of the letter could be oh- telned." etor touowa: _ " enor De Louie did not mailthelet- ter on the morning in wee written, it not being quite completed. It In on R desk in the logetion. where it was ret eeen and noticed b 3 person who ie in the employ of the em any. Latin in I eub-oicml ce- pecity. During an e aenoe of half an hour tram the inner oiiice of De Lame the clerk in question read some of it. The next day the same person sent word to his Cuban eaeietnnte in Waehin ton to the effect that he had seen is letter rom De Lorne to Ca nnlejae. in which president McKinley wee vilhtied and autonomy celled e echome. "Tun Inner nmnhnrl Hm-Ann ve dnve ILEHER Ill El|NnLEJAS.! How The Epistle was obtained Bv The Ju _nta. lho Phllndolphla Fun In lllgh Authori- ty For the ltntolnont It lunu-'Iho Lute: Wu union and tho lnvolopo Flllod with Illnnk Paper lam. to tho lcdllot ol tho nvnnn Paper. PIIILADIILHIIA, Fob. l6.-Tho pron print: what it courts to be the true ver- sion of the Acquisition and publication 0! the iotton from Spnnioh minister Do Lorne toaonor Cunnleju. The authority cited for its authenticity is; Cuban of the highest standing in the councils of his party," who roceivoo his information from "the head quarters in New York. The star follows: --1.: `In I'.uu|--r nah mnilhhn IQ".- Cf. In was STIILEN IN HAVANM IT HAD BEEN READ BEFORE IT WAS MAILED. COURT FAVORS M. ZOLA. AN INGLORIOUS VENTU RE. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, VVEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1898. IC IjIICX Itj I- UUCCC ` Oossns11.Vur|.l.F`olI. I0 -EdIcn Pubs In bun ouhntl tron Thumb to Uokni. loonilutronuhnicninuopun Tur- ny, hotels to "induce inquitiu into 850 canon nnnh din n Bal- to: which plans Illrvulbound. `rho (2lan.l:vadauuwcnd thoRo?|io`n cig- ul named on 5 in no troublt. W. W. IlcGui.I'.o..h1I'I| of tho ovncnol Clu-uondl. Isidthuuntho gbuocoolhnhotoonrnntorynbvuho Inliovui uhnho I'O|nnoMgg|hunot'o lonwuuntno. Doubt luau or Tho clan: Novuln. Snnu, Wash. Fob. I6 -( K Daley. ono om crow ol the Itounor Ra-Alto. -hint. I... .....'...I L... 0.... AI--L. J...- on! name can ol no nuuncr nouns. vhichhu urivodlnn fxonmuh. done notlhink ulunho uumorchra Noudn Salon. 110 uidthntho Roadie pnnod thoclunqhdnonfob. Dthnou-Janna. `no -Li4uL -`I-an QKQ --- L...._4I TL. 15 pieces of Tweed Dress Goods. regular 50c quality. Your pick of many patterns 29c To-morrow. IKUIIII A`! ` RI... \-.... I T IWIIGOII Dy EDI (Hill; 0| NI. PIIDIIO echool to the pupil who will get; the high- eet. hotel in the enuenoe exuninetione next JuIy.--A number of our young people et- tendod e party at the home of Mn. '1`. Bred_y.-hIr. Jockeon preeched to n lerge audience in the Menhodiet church Int Sun- de_y.-rSinoe the ice heeune watered ooeet ing but been the chief sport of the young poople.--'l'ho weetber ha been very die- Igreeehle during the pee: week. _ .,-_ .____1__,,,`_ An lntaroatlag Oonoan. S\ nxmuu. Foh. |5.- l`bo 47th hattalion hand gave a concert in Walla] hall on Wodnaada night. An orchaatra haa boon formed an it no ho that undo: the ahla alnont of E. Landon it will make rapid prograsam-The hockey match. 85. Luvranceu va. Sydonham, haa boon pont- rooad indanitaly. --A prize 0! free union or tha lint. you in the high achool. will be awarded by tho tnmoaa ol the public I achool on tho uunil Ihn rill nah Lhn Mah- HUI" IUIIDT III IATWII IOUKCI3 VVH II` uhunod. riovod And sorry cherub. The minister: col mote aggrieved than prai- dont. McKinley can poaeibly be. We are bouoso men who have been plncod in I hlao ponicion by A tool. r vunl NI-zw Ymux. Feb. 16 --In conversation with 5 Mldd correspondent. of the Herald. one of the cabinet minister: said : "You may pay openly. as coming from senor Sagan. und from each 0! no. thou we en- tirely condemn in the moon nboolnte unn- nnr nnhnr Ha lama : I.r.nu-, WA um Inn Boon Plncod In 3 fun Pocmon by I Fool. no .~ us - .. u .. plowu. Sir Charlee Tupper said that he agreed. and that everyone agreed. with Mr. Blair, that a railway must be built into the UA- nadian Yukon district. but. that it should be if possible an all-Canadian route. From the lirst there had been a most deter mined effort on the part of the United States to grasp and turn to the ac- count of that country all the advantages to bederived from the furnishing of su plies and the transportation of people w o go into that country. "I came to the conclu- sion." he said, amid liberal applause,"that the route by the Stikine river and the con- struction of the railway lrorn the Sti- kine river to Teslin lake was not only the best route. but the only available route. so far as the construction or` a railway during the present season was concerned, and I felt it my duty. as it was a question that 1 regarded tar above party. to draw the attention of the minister of the interior to the sub- ject. I told him that if the govern- ment ol Canada would grapple prompt- ly and vicorously with a measure. and un- dertalre to secure construction of a road from the Stiokeen river to lake Teslin, I believed they would merit the hearty endorsement of the parliament of Can- ada. I have seen no reason to change that opiuion." He criticized the gov- ernment for having awarded the contract to Messrs. McKenzie and Mann without tender. He positively pro- nounced against the Rothschild proposi- tion. saying that he would be opposed to the expenditure of a sin ls und for the construction of a road y l- erouto sug- eeted by their representative. He also eclared against the Edmonton. Prince Albert and Ashcroft routes. Hon. M. Sifton made a strong reply. The senate adopted the address without division. is was In IHDFOUIICIHK DUO Ulll. Mr. Blair announced that clauses would be incorporated in the bill making in obli- gnbory than A majority of the directors ahould be British subjects. and making it: more clear elm an obligation rented on the company to operate the road when com- pletod. Rip Chnrlnn Tnnnar nid that he named. ... ......... ..- ,,.--.-._. -..-- _- .._w.__ ._ stand b in parliament. Mr. lair. in moving the second reading of the Yukon railway bill, corrected some of the miaquolustiona and misrepresenta- tion made by the opposition of his speech in introducing the bill. Mr Rlnir Annnnnnnd hlmh nlcmnnn wnnlrl III: Charles `topper : lpeeeh on The Bell- wny-Oomplete manage or Base. 0'rmw.x. Feb. 15 -Last year when the Drummood county railway contract was be- fore the house for ratication the opposition could find no wordl etrong enough to do- nounce it as a corrupt and imprcvident bargain, without. however, taking the reeponsihilit of making specic charges upon w ich to base an investi- gation. When the session was over leading conrervativee went about the country condemning the rascality of the government in agreeing to take over the railway that forms the connecting link between the western terminus of the Intel-colonial at Chaudiere and Montreal. The coneervative press was equally vehement in its denunciations. To-day.*when the government put before the housearesolution calling for an ex- haustive inquiry into the traneacticne un- der consideration and into all revious ne- gotiations for the trans er of the Drummond county road to the dominion. the opposition protested that they had never made any accu- sations of wrongdoing. but had simply criticized the scheme as an improvident one. This disclaimer almost took away the breath of the ministerialiatsg who last session had been subjected day after day to such an avalanche of abuse as they (ould not well forget. Mr. Torte, who had been singled out as the chief among the sinners. could not sit still when he heard Mr. Foster declare that no charge of wrongdoing had ever been made in the house. When the minister got a chance to speak he was in a high state of indignation, which manifested himself in ascathing denunciation of the course of the ex-minister of finance in making state- ments on the platform that he refused to Mr lair, in mnvina tlm nnnnnrl randimr /mwmcol