c5o.n1us&co., VVIIIIDIII KVIBIGIIDUKI, I IDIGI. The Maine was one of the bees recond- claee -hipe in the navy. She was built. in the Brooklvn navy yard. She was 3l8 feet long *7 broad, 211, mean drufo, 6.68; to: aplacement. She bed two ten inch vev.` .l turrets and euro military mete; Her motive power wan {urnithed by twin screws with triple expansion en- gines. having a maximum h wee power of 9.293. capab'e of a speed ofl7.S knots. She carried iour ten-inch and nix air-inch breech loading guns in her main battery and seven six-poundere and eight one- ponnd rapid ring gone and four zatlings in her second battery. ae well an four White hand M-urnulnom Ill DOT ECOINI XI According to in list. compiled and issued by the naval department lut. night 25! liven were lost. by tho r-inkin oi the Maine. In the list of dead are: 0 mmoa of Lewis L. Barry. Halifax, N. S : John Dolan and William J. Fewer. St. John e. Nlld: Butley Fountain. Quebec: Fred Jon-one, New Brunswick; Chuleo l.\inl.St.. John :-. Nlll.: fluorite Lnpierro, Montreal; William Mamnon, (Xanadu. Th: Main` urn: nun nl lm. Isaak ugovuul Oenedlens Were Among Those Drowned- Other Dleutsre. Wmiiilxzcrox, Feb. I7.-'I`he following oablegrem was received last ni hb by the state department from consu generel Lee at Hanna: Profound eorrow ex- pressed by governmenb end munieipnl authorities. consuls of foreign nations. organized bodies of all sorts, end citizens generally. Flags st hell mesh on govern- ment peleco. on shipping in harbor. and in city: busineel suspended. theatres closed. Deed number about: 2130. Olli- cers quarters being in rear and seamen`: forward, where explosion took place, ac- counts for greeter proportional loss of sailors. Funeral tomorrow at 3 p.m. Ho our people will repress excitement. on calmly unit decision 0! court. of en- quiry. Anon:-rlinn In A lint nnmnilnrl and in-nnri niupplyushi no-altit- VQIIIJUUVUF U!` V IUIIJTII l0I' Lualn. Mr. Hsrdy is expected to speak hero to- morrow night. IIUTLIUUU UI @UU,UUU- The minister of the interior will not no- code to congressman Hamilton Lewis re- quest for the ieeue of free miner : certi- cates at American ports or at Lake Tecish on the Yukon trail. Minors from ohe Um- ted States will. therefore. have to call at: Vancouver or Victoria for them. ll- `I J...An in 4--u...b...l L- -......L L-.. L... DIWIIICCI. In tho following ycu In ox lnrd H M,S_ Trilunnlu lillul 90 EFBIIOII DOIIIIII ll IIIWIOH Ullly. The conhncb tor the erection of the new convenb {or the Sisters of the Precious Blood on Daly avenue has been let: to A. Borouke. whose tender wes in the neigh- borhood of 560.000. Tho minlnonn Al N... :l|OAu:nr ...ll an) an. ULIBUD McLeod Stewart, it is understood, will leave for England shortly on business con- nected with the Ottawa at Georgian Bay canal cnm ny, and two other oompanies with whic he is connected. Mr. Stewart will beabseno about six or eight weeks. He has been invited by the Royal United service institute to give an address. Anziaa Tums. correspondent in Men- treal of Le Temps. P rie, has been appoint- ed French oonsul an )awson City. The cnnlmmh lnr thn nrnntinn nf the new `V6, A-1 -I aw, LI-l\1 -v\v White Swiss Spot. Mus- lins 13c, 15c, 20c. KY___ `l'\.__..._ 7I"._.`.-_---_'_._,_ plIl'lIIllUI)D lUI' IIIIO Pl'lVllUgU- Hon. William Mulock has tasken L rosi- denoo in Ottawa. He is on Theodore streets. ll..`l ..-.I Dn.__-_A. :5 :_ .._.I_..-L_-.I ._:II Cupltnl `riding: The dominion governmenb bus closed an arrangement with the Canadian bank of Commerce for establishing a bank ab Daw- son City, in Yukon. F. A, MAM-inr, hrnfhnr nf thn Inn: Mr BUII `Jl|ly. III 1 UIUUa E. A. Mercier. brother of rhelete Mr. Mercier, premier of Quebec, has eecured a lease for dredging `.280 miles of the Yukon. He deposited $30,000 with the interior do- partmenb for the privilege. Hon. \\ illinm Mnlnnk ha: mlmn 1 mai- TUKIIU LU loll! IIIBU IIDIIIUDIU UWHHIEUIP HUB. Sir Richard Cartwright. categorically replying to the question, said that there are no negotiations going on at present between himself and the Petersene. It is not the intention of the goveriimentto give the contractors further time to sign the common, nor has the contract been ex- tended already. The contract was signed on March 22nd. 1897-, The amount of money deposited by the Petertene with the government is i. l0.U0O sterling, with a guarantee to the sotisiaction oi the min- ister for a further sum of 10,000 as per the terms of section thirteen of the con- tract. Section fourteen of the contract provides for the forfeiture of the amount of the deposit and of the guarantee in the event of the contractors making default. k'ndly and powerful proteeotion of ourself, Mr. Speaker, I have known Mr. lair be- fore he became minisler of railways and canals in this house and I have known him since. I am not: going to gets up in this house at any `time at d endeavor to throw a slur upon his family or himself, or to in- stitute any compnrimn as to breeding or any absolute inventigsticn as to the question of breeding. I take is that there are gen- tlemen on both sides of this house. and ladies and gentlemen listening to members on both sides of this hou3e`,"und I think the actions and words of any member can be very well judged and can be taken he an index of what his breeding in early youth. or as it may have been improved, in. `The government was asked by Mr. Ives for A statement of the present. situation in` regard to the fast`. Atlantic steamship line. Sir Richard Cart.wriaht._ nnhnonrinnllv one engine: uu_un u_uo govormnonn Inuenaoa to bu , and In his reply he did not any that t day had entered into I contract. he- zmnna in in nob 3 Inch. DDRO BUB] uuu UUIBTCQ ID once it was nob a fact. IA... anal`: -uuuugpl pl. CIIIUD Ill WI! IIUU D [ICE Mr. Foster argued that from the con- text of the question and answer the minister of railways wanted it ti he understood that no such tele ram had been sent to Kingston. To Mg. Blair s characterization of himself he made this ropl_y:--"In reference to the min- ister of railways and canals and his reference; which without any interven- tions on my pub. brought to me the protection Mr. Sneaker. I have inn-n Mr, lair ha- letter from Mr. Hnrty, taking what his intention were as to affording the King- eton work: an oppartunihy of bidding for the engines that the govermnonb intended tn hnv nnrl in hi: rnnlu ho Aid nnh -nu Very Wide Lawns |0c LOSS OF THE WARSHIP. - llC XFIllI.illIUllIXI'. V" of crovundonopunoogcvcnn . Thiny-night ol Illa cut and lotty pull nnn wan lat. V0009] WloeIud-Inny Drowned. Trmnn-rs. Canny Inland, lab. I7.- Tho Cunpqnio Oomnlo Tum-Allnnuquo lino ammo: Fhohoi bound from landl- len for Colomvn totally wnckod on Amp Point, thin inland. yoctordny mom. |i:;1.`Bctcupuin. neond olliou-. vq: auinndnnnlnxnnnuunn But no uauI_a7n:n-u In Uplnlel. T()W|NTl), Ont. Feb. l7.~A London cable to the Telegram says: The Daily Mail diecueeinp iii an editoriglthe relations between the United States and-Cenada. brought about by the latter'e attempted legislation in connection with the no-called all-Canadian route to the Yukon diatrict. places the reeponeibility for my lriction that may exist upon the dominion. Defeated Hurley Davidson. l.xr-1; ~:uu-, Onb.. Feb. 17. - Harley Davidson. Toronto; Leelie Jonee end Stanley Jones. Wslkerhon, and Alexander Mcheod end Jnmee Burmide. Kincerdlne, met. on the lame ehming rink in 3 rice fore purl-eof8`. .'). The race Ina won by . Stanley Jones. Welkerton, who cu cured the second and third hence, Hurley lV'ld- eon taking the tint. which use exciting from `m co leet. III Tho Tonal Explodo And Go Down \'Ir'roum. B.C.. Fob. l7.-Tho steamer Islander hu nrrived here with details of tho laundering of the Meamer Clara Ne- vada, opposite Souvnrd (`ty, in Bern|rd a buy. An eye witness says be In: aband- inu on the beach and saw the steamer smuggling ngninah the wnvoa. Suddenly there was is Hub And the steamer bursa into lluncs. going down as few seconds lnter. She had twenty-ve puaengoro and A crew of tilt n. The Rustler, of Juneau. in searching f possible survivors. onunuuag - av---vvv noun.-yv, Loxmm, Feb. l7.--The mar nia of Saliabury and his second son. lord illiam U-ucoyne-Cecil. rector of Biehop a, Hau- eld, hada narrow escape from death yeetcrday evening as they were entering the gates of Hateld. A gust of wind swung the heavy gate against: the broug- ham in which they were riding, cutting thevehicle in we between the wheels. The horses proceeded with the front part: of the hrougharn, leaving the marquis of Salisbury and his son entangled in the remaining debris. They received no in juries, however. White Victoria Lawns 10c, 12 1-20, 15c, 20c. II7L.'A... Q....'-... Q_....L RN.-- Knbbroughow Yuk. nlnndubho (idol Muo.mImithdIIicido hllnn nnrlnnlln HUI] blu M. Laborie repronchod general Peilieux with telling the jury that: the mighb shortly hnvo war and added: \ e do not {our war with such soldiers u we have but. if they are led by certain oicora- here the judge stopped him. M. Mnrinnd. n nmnnurnnhnr. Ail-mad LII. LJIIUUTIU DU IIIBID I reply. M. Lahorie lodged a formal protest: against the ruling of the presiding judge, and turning no the jury be protected Igninab this denial of me right: of the do- fenoe, after which. addressing Gen. Pel- lieux. be An: "Yours in 9 patriotic doclarnbion, hub the Judge immodietely stopped the lowyer In requested him to drop the matter, so which M. Lsborie ro- torled : "If the trial last: six months I will persist until light is shed upon this affair." ll I..L-....'- _-...._-..I.-.uI _-_-__l `I'I_II-.,_. UUUII wlpuu uuu. We should lmvo been glad it bho court martial had acquittod Dreyfus. u it. would have shown there was no trainer for the army. for all of ua.t.o mourn for. Thu nrnnidinn intlan rnfnnm-I tn -'llmn ouu army, lur all 0! uu.W mourn I01`. _ The presiding judge refused to allow M. Laborio to make a reply. M. Lnhnl-in Indcmd A fnrmnl nu-ntnh UYUUIU. `I LUIUIIKUU BUHHIIIIIUII}. 1 can keep silence no longer. I can- not stand them trying to detach the army lrom its chiefs, for if the soldiers cease to have condence in them, when will the chief: do in the dny of danger, which is perhaps nearer than people think. Then, gentlemen of the jury, your son: would be led boaimple butchery. but at the same time M. Zola will have gained a fresh vic- tory. and will be able to lay his history before Europe, from which France has been wiped oub. We Ahnuld hmm hnan ulml if hhn IILIU `JFUBIUIIIK JUUgUo Gen. Pellieux continued : "An analysis of the Bordereau letter indicates that an artillery attache to the war ministry could alone have known the facte recited. or have used the technicalities employed in the Bordereau letter. An infantry man could never have spoken of the things of which the letter speaks. (Sensation). And now,"exclaimed the general. raising his voice. "what remains of all this -fabric`! Not much. Yet they accuse ollicers of ac- quittimz a guilty man in pursuance of orders. (Prolonged sensation). "l nan knnn ailnnr-n nn lnnnm-, I bun- UIIIIIIIIUIIISU LU HUI!` lull BVIUBHCU. In is not your turn to speak. replied the presiding judge. (inn, pnllmux nnntinund - "An nnnlvnin France In In Danger of Bella; Wlped on the lap of Itnropo--sorry the Court- umrtlnl acquitted Dr-eyfue-l. Labo- rIe'e Bcqueut to Male I Reply II He- fuued-linternazyu Handwriting. Puus, Feb. l7.--The trial of M. Zola for denouncing the army produoed a bug aeneationin the testimony of Gen. l e|- lieux. The general, coueldered that the proceedings showed that the defence et- taohed no weight to the evidence of the sworn experts who ' had .aoeu the origins?` Bordereau letter. and added: I Will prove to you here. with the papers in my bond. that the otlicer who wrote the Bar- dereeu letter belonged to the ministry of war, was an artillery men and web second- ed for service on the stall`. ll 'l-I.A..:- :..A..-....ns...I . HI _.I. LI.n& KIIUIIIQIJ SIJVI .Fu11 width Flouncing Embroidery 50c. ou lUl' IUFVIUU UH IIUU BUIILI. M. Lnborie interrupted : I ask that Col. Pzcquart, who no rho present; moment is ah the bonus of magistrate Berqulus. be summoned to bear this evidence. UT. :- nna an... L..... 5.. -......I. H -_..I.'-.l IA mnmnc IJEIILARATIHNI DELIVERED BY GEN. PELLIEUX DURING THE TRIAL. in sensnmm IRIAH Is That of M. lolai Now Being Heard in Paris. Salisbury`: Narrow llcnpo, . . . _ .. IZV..L 1` VIVL- _..-_,,. la LIYlNGSTON ml have those little touches of ta'ilor-made " about them that add so much\to your satisfaction anjd comfort. yoagss sml +epERA+ A special bargain lot of Flannelette Embroidery at 2c per yard. m mr\lCOIl\:Xl$ ml, z 7 ` `iv 1/ Iv ` Tvwv VIC )\PIII4 .1.-' 'l`u|n: l.u\ut|\'I` lmuno-Qnlnluw Tnlrlvlv-. All ulrupxizhatn rvmml lhv mun.-y II` II mlln tu cun`. '.'.'>c. FOR NIL lUll- See the BonTon burleaquers at tho opera house tohigzbt. the beat. chop of its kind ever seen here. Prices `.'5c., 35. Ind 50. IA:-an I-inn Iunnnnnn an-nun-a` An.-. 1VUI' EBOII IIETB. ITICOS V. -)C., JDC. Iu WIC- large ripe bananas, ornngeaf dlwr. gs. Apples of all description. Telephone 357. FnnHin a. - The Toronto Mail is in error in stating . that Murray. of Frontenuca II team, win I member of last. year : senior teem. Fron- tenac: played only a junior teem lean see- HOD. Death Of P. J Pllkny. . Wmn.~1m.-., Ont... Feb. 17.--1 . J. Pilkny. {ether-in-law of M. K. Cownn. died at the residence of his deugbt.or.Oue!lobte Avenue. yesterday nfbernoon. He wen taken ill about a week ago and never recovered from the attack. . c.`..L.".T. *c.`:aii7...;7-a.'T; 'l`nln- l.n\nl|\u` lh*n|nn.|.)nlnlnm 't`uI.h-In .\|I -j?"` '.i y overwork Ouneecl Death. ` ' 0RANt.'I\'lI.l.l':, Onb., Feb. 17. -Dr. H. 1) Fraser died auddenly leer. evening ol heart failure. He wee in Rood heelth up to bhe time of deeth bub bed been over- worked for eome weeke. He ley down to reeb before eupper and when obey went: to call him he no deed. He we: I promin- ent: Meeonic end forby years of ego. Iuy Not Join The Y.I! CA. Mowm-:.u., Fob. l7.-Arohbinhop Bru- chooi has iuued on order totho fnithiul, prohibiting them from joining the Y.M.C.A. It was recently uoerbainod chub 3 large number of Catholics belonged totho uaocintion sud when the atteucion of the Romnn Catholic nrchhu.-hop wu clllodwbho he! he pfompbly g in- Icruotiona than the prncoico In: W in- oontinuod. `_4_ -\ Terrible Experience of Two Ion In Algome -One Deed. Tueseuon, Algome. Feb. l6.-George Avie. of Cqchburn ielend, manager for the Island ceder company. of Chicago, and hie teemeter, Petriok Berry. had A; terrible nine de a experience on the ice. They left heeeelon on Jenuery 29th for the ielend, with e team. but 3 .-nowetorm eat in end they were lost. On the third dey they came to the Sul- phur ielnnd lighthouse, where they er- rived with hende and feet hedly fror.en.end elvnoet helpleee. There they remained. euifaring greatly, until the 0th innt., when they were relieved by e party from Thee- eelon in enawer to assign]. Mr. Avie he: einee died from his injuries. 19 pl JIILIAI One half Flouncmg Em- broxdery 25c: 'n*..n ....:,1n.. 1:`! .... ...'..... I13 I" TECH V8l'_y . The olecbion of otficere for 1898 resulted: (lrnnd councillor. F. Buohsnnn. Toronto ; grand vice-councillor. Mrs. M. Minna, Belleville: grand pub councillor. George H. Loon, Hamilton; grand chuploln. Rev. .l. J. No lo. Btrnuord; grand aoorobary, l)r. C. V. Gmory. Hamilton; grand nudi- tor. 1). H. Stunrb, Barrie; xx-and modioul referee, Dr. D. Robertson, Milton; grand herald, C. E. Heard, Sb. Thomas. IUIH W81! UUUUUII UII IIIIU IIXDU UIIIUUo In view of the serious illness of Miss Frances E. Willard, a resolution was passed expressing the profound sympathy oftbis grand council and the order with their white ribbon sisters in the trying crisis of the rerious illness of their leader, Lheqneen of the temperance relorm, and assuring them of their earnest prayers for her recovery. Thn nlanhinn nf nffir-are fnr Inna Mainline!- uuu IHUIHHUIF In UH!" Iuuu. The nance committee presented a re- oort recommending that horteafterone of the ' chartered banks be treasurer lor the grand council, as is now the case in the dominion council. l`he committee congratulated the order on the healthy state of the sick and iuneral benet departments, reported the grand treasurer's and auditor : accounts as having been examined and found correct. recommended the paymen of $10,000 to the national prohibition federation, that twent -five shares of stock be taken in the Temp ar publishing company and that the usual salaries and honorariums be paid to grand council ollicers. The committee on state and extension also presented its re- port. consideration of which was not con- cluded The following places were named as the next place of meeting, Hamilton, Stratford, Toronto and Hespeler. Strat- lord was chosen on the sixth ballot. In "in... A6` bl... .n..n... :II.-.-.- Al Ll:.. The Party or the Din- ner, wherever Full Dress is good form, our IUIILU; VV. DOIB|7_V, l'lIll'l'|ID0lla The committee for the White Green de~ partmenb presented its report. urging more attention to this department: in the future than in the peat, es the work of child raving has been greeuy hampered by lack of eupporo. The committee ileo urged the creation of a sentiment in favor of purityx and oleenneee in our land. In... u.......... ........._Iu.... ...-.-..s-.l - .- lnwyvti bill -llll -Ilw]IUUIl'-o=IUnU 5 I-vv Va looting. llxod. S1`. Tuoms. 0nt.. Fob. l7.-At lut evening : reunion of the oooond daft pro- eoodinga of the grand council of the Royal Templar:-of Temperance the following re- presentative: to the dominion council were elected : W. A. Holliday. Brooklyn; W. W. Buchanan, Hnmilton; J. Bughee.'l`oron- to; J. Muir. Exeter; W. McMillan. Toron- to; D. R. Roberteon, Milton; 1!`. Buobnmn. Toronto; J. A. Austin. Toronto: Rev. J. J. Noble. Stanford; J.M. Cober. Heopeler: W. J. Kenning, Guelph; J. S. Green,New- market; 0. H. Webber, Hamilton. Alber- nativoe. J. Mills. Gait; L. C. Ponke. To- ronto; W. Bentty, Hnrrieton. Thu nnrnniilu-An fnr Hun Whit: no-nun dn- juxuu Bloftl Bd And Adoptod-Next PIIOO ol Xngllnn -Iintl llllllltu ROYAL TEMPLAR8 MEET. NINE DAYS ON THE ICE. All our Fine Suite for Men, $9, $10, $11 lines, at $5.75 this geek. .2` We are clnainor nut our wn I0 u_.. 1 ..._.._..;_ ....-..__ E. Rout. I In-not raiding mu Holland Lmdin , had IOVIHI ribs In-ohn Bunk] by hit 0110 Idling on him. if . 0.\l{li|-`MH l`.\N HE /\l'(`UMM|)DATHl) with hull: ulnulu and clnuhlo-. moml. with madurn rnI|\'t'n|l`lIm'tI, us was Queen tted. . .@.* Fl 'lt.\'l.~ull-Zlu'u l'l`.\Hl-2. \\'l'l`ll l~`l.UWli2ll mm!--n uluu-In-d. A mnnher 0! choice" pluni.-z fur unit`. .\pply In ! '.\I'1`.\lN AINIIVHTIIH, (`mm-r\'nI|\`v l`ununlll-1-, llnulnl, or Nil DIVI- hlnn H!ru~l. .. mum`; m'I'I`I'lr:h In MIL )\ll-2lllm`K, I Kim; Hlrmtl. I-zxlmmlun mnl all mode-rn c-r-nx-4-nlt-In---s. llvnl nu;(l-mu`. Apply next ImrIn.lrmn;l'un'I:. ` l)|'IHl|)l'l.\'i'l`I. LS1! mu N'l\' I-l1`lU`2H'l`. IMME- I ulhntr |>0O\NI`H.'4Inl|.' |ll'I|l(`(| with hot Wlllnr ulllnmlu-I'll|lII|)l`1)\'(`III(`|IlS. Apply In (1. Ln mu.-rru.\` 4% mm. r;I.r-m;I.|AIu.I-: Ml-IN IN l4:\'l~:nY In- -nllly. local ur lrnvclll ; In introduce A new dim-uvory um! kmp our we now cardn uwkul up nu lrN~r-. rvm-ma and hrhl en mm lmul. town nnd mnnntry. u-ndymnp oymunt. `om- Inluslnn or uulury. NV: per Inuuth and ox- pmmm, mnl numny dupuultml In any bank wh--n Hurlml. l~`ur ;uuu~uIm-u lId(ll'NIl Tun W:-m.n Ml-`.m(,`Al. I`}I.I\:l`1`llL' l.`u., hundon. Unl., (`unuAIu. Y .\ \'Ul'.\'H l..\h\'. l<'l'RNl|-JHEI) IIHHM Inn [orlvnu-nnn||,v, wlthuul bulml. Ad. llI"1`HN "H, ' \\'IlIu U1t'('. IF IHVII` nyllclll 5:119 `I vvnno .2` We are closing out our Clothing Department and this is our reason for such a small price. _I..un".- muv:.~'|-::~"r mmm'u A1` Mn - Ium Mulllur-'1 nlghl. l"lnlu-r wlll bu Null- uhly l'l'\\'l'I|(`(I by It-uvlng M ml Bmok Htroel. j Hum ul-'..\'l~2ll.\l. :-4Em'AN'l ; all}!-VI` lIu\'t-r0n'|'m|(-ma. Apply to Mus. J. III!!!- , In-:.\`.`.'I Hlunrl. I-urom. j._:.:_ nun. noun, Lava, DODJIIIIIH d. H. UIDUII. aged 24 an. The fnnon will law also rouldonoo 0! MI Iabhor. William Neill, 187 Unlvoulby avenue. on Friday an 3 p. In. 1'1-londl and acquaintances are respected Invited to attend. I.Ivr;~u.m'~~Ab Naponoo. Fob. lbth, in- {Int an of John Livcnloy. aged eight months. DIID. GmsoN-Eotorod into rat at Klnhon. Wnh lmh I900 II-mi--In I II I! ... CAI.\'lN--0n Thurldn , 17th lam. tho wife of Hiram A. CA Vin. of I dmghtor. C1.n`r-Ao Nnpmoo, on Fob. 10th. VHO of George Cliff, ol 3 con. T. F. HARRISON COMPIANY (`halt-rtukt-rn and I-lmbnlnmru. 23:! [and `.536 I :-inn-nan mwct. 'l'lmuuu:--Wnroroomu, 00; livnlqlcm-0,191. Open day and night. u can: ---4. u. Tmc I.I~:Mmm UNm:u1`.\xIcu-554-266 Prin- ('1-anal. 1\~IupImm>H7,\. upm1l)ayundN|ghl. _.-.w I! - ...v._--..` Lvcamrm l'.\'m:rm\:u-tn Mm Ennamnm-- H7: l rlm-1-nu Nlrl`1'l,l3t)l`II0l' Hydunluun utrlsot. '1`:-lcplmnu cuunmnnlvulIon. _. ' __,_`__ .__.-.`__. ._.2...-q 3. s; EJORBETT. l Nl.l{.\l. |DllH*}("l`HR, aw l'lllN('l*IHl'1 FIT. Klngnhm, u\l('.q-(m.~4or In W. M. lbmnnun. The advance sale of Seasozu able Wash Goods carries with it a feature full of interest to the ambitious mother. Sewing in Winter is a pleasure ; in Summer, when sultry, hot days depress one, it's a health-wrecking strain. With an assortment so complete as that now before the eyes of all who visit the store, selection ceases to be a matter of import- ance. The collection is the cream of a new season's early output. M JI`'u~ Gnurlaams. .\`ru~ 0:-nandiu. .V'u* Lawns. .\'4-tr l.`mbo-oHl('rMw. .\`rw ll'Icu.- (`ouonm .l`ur P.le"x. .\`w Ihnuex, 1-.`u., l~.`l:. |3Inspection invited. Early Se wing 4 -j- l'2l.I`-R! MEN IN trnvclllnz : lntmdnno It }msoN-Entorod sine A-no `xi non. Fob. lbh, 1898, Benjamin J. M. 0 . sand 24 van-n. (H.\'l~IR.\l. I-`Ell\'AN l`. .\l Pl.Y TU MIMI`! L \\'II.Iux-m.~'..'4H`I:-my Hlrovl. , , I I)lr1-ul llIl|)()l'll`l`H l)rw~nn (joodnund .\lIuI(|0a. wumsn pnoaAeu31fau. 4 P. M. EDITION. 2c Embroidery. m`: 'l'l'H-2h In 1 H1 rmtl. !I.'Inc|m otoun and so. Lumnoo alloys. 10 |.In.-Wind| ohlfbln to north 1 and out. Rio mud doolol cold fnxlnv - Afnll Al nnnu an nltlgu [IQ Elli. IIIO IOU IIEIUUI ` :0-day ; Hall of snow on! HENRY BRAME. WANTED. ?? `-3?- _._j-_::- Boaab, JAB. REID, nu IVun..-nu`; nyu-n n ull mod:-rn 123 Princess St., Kingston. l`l7'l'1!lllNH. MN- I null):-Ma Immhl. 1-. Addrom Mus. FOR THIS WEEK. 65'IH THE DAILY BRITISH 1. NO. 40. -UI'f'o WW3 -X ovunnnbiulnnd. vulopu punt. 5?.` nu ma yum nun two day. in via: of the ill: archbishop oi Kiogotoo. Bin ` In n-En:-inn [mm crank mnnlnnnn and I ` A Von Ilot Inn. { Archbihdp Walsh. Toronto. in Ugnenl cinch` `upshot. Hobuboonhuo CO in nn I-n thin. in tiny nl thn III. .O.GO"t". o"0. It In Black Fur Ca s. gegulrngf price $Iaoo,p;or $7 50- ' % n.{Rc..nJI' No. II. 2 Children : Whitc Fur Collus, regular price $1.60, fot 81.10. n.uu.-.ua~.ro. in. ' _ 4` Guy Lamb Wedges, re- gulnrptide 83. fat $2.00. uonn to FOLLgW.~ Keep your in on this _ ) 7' III . DVIDIIUITI. olthoouo. II Iillunlg Inna [rut of V upptiu. Oouidon toll in tqud ufiio Inlth. no Ippucu mt I ruuanu until the `_'.1rd inn}. but Mr. Smoke who up- poarod for the creditor: would not content unless Inil was ginn for 8l5,. Illi. Ngcgtoomono Inn urivod 1% And tit out In adjourned until 3 pm lo-dny when county crown attorney Wilkes, Bmntlord, will be hate to take AKA -Q nl ILA Anna looks An A,|o`urnnI_ I`.uu.-, 0n0..I"eI). I7 ---0. M. Foley. lawyer ol this Iowmnrreuod yesterday on A charge 0! fraud. having appropriated to his own uaonbout of his clients moooy. was brought up lor 3 preliminary baring before justice Powell thin tnor ning. Ho applied for I remand until the 93rd inst". but Mr. Hmnkn rim -n. lllrennhenlng Aunerlcnn liiuy. SAN I)u::u. Cul.. Feb. 17.--Four war veeeela spent Snurdny and Sundny in the buy here, the Momdnock and Monlerey. large cont: defendemnnd the Albatross and Patterson. classed as gunboets only. The gnnboate are expected to remain eev. erel months. The Monadnoclt, which re- turned Friday from Magdalena buy, where the has been engeged In extensive target practice. nailed for San Francisco to dny under orders to detach a number of her of- eere and men there who are, it ie report- ed. to be tnnelcrred to the Atlantic coast. veteele end nuvy yards. This tmnefer is considered by acme of the oleen to mean the vtrengthening oi the navy on the At- lantic in view of tho poaibility of war. The Montetey is `expected to remain here till April. -,_L, -,, --.,_,,, - vuu ca -1-. NIF!-2I.Y I`-ll l`l'.\'l`|~`.I> I.'IlIN"l".RY AND MA-M Hho ,w|tl\ mud A good eulnhlln ml Inn- --nn luv pm'x-Ium~ cheap. .$Pr\_I\~ nl l\lr1'.\s.\`s lh:.u. I-`.~4'rAnc UI-'1-`l('lZ, .. lngslrvul. lIl|l\' [IN IN, Hl'll||l',,' ll KI` ll \\ Ill l'I\\'llIl I. l|l'l|ll Hllll |r1~|l`1'!llN, lwu-ugly-:1 tu-tjlmc. Munkpmn Hun`. k.\lI|.E\ -($.\Rl1I-Z`. UN (`1>.\ll`.\.\'\', l.lm|l- cxl. Tnrnnm. " l`l`e hm! H0` 01' ll:-r .\!n_|u~Iyl |uu~r~n(w1_" wrltvn Inn! IAH`l|l' ubnul "Qu1'4`l| \'l('lnr|u." Ag:-nln nm|n~ lh-v ulullurn uluih. |llt.\l|l.l*2Y-(-'.\ RIH-2`l`H4 >,\'( 'I)., l.iIn|lm|_ 1`: m ml n c-I\a|.a-1 I `I n Klnndlko Guld I<`lvl1lr~'. u Inrxv. :-hnnp_vulu- nhlo hunk, .-wlllu~,: llkv u \\`hlrIw|mI. In-num`ul nr1qw-t1In`,l\\`I'Igl\'_-[1 Ht.\lI|.E\ (`1>.\Il`.\.\ \'. Fur Bargains] (Indian: I no - ``Hl|m mm: of lhu Vlnsm-n." I-`usvllmtlnv lumk. . woopu the-. vntlru vhl of lmnIorlun<|i 1-ulhjt-ots. l~2\'-rylunlyunlc-rs. .\lnrvol|uuu|llu.~<- lrnllnns. Pl`!!! w(-luH fl. ll|{.\Dl.H\'-(i.\ ll.- }{l`Z'l ?-iUN (`H., I. mlu-I. Furunln. Pictures, Fra1'n:s, Minors and Room Mouldings, also Oval Frames. Brass Corners, Bow Knots and all the latest novelties used in the art of Picture Framing. l4.ZLIQ! 5r Ki;;g_stqn_ _c_qvcr_cd _Ri_nk.] I ESTABLISHED 1874. I59 vnmcess sr.. - Kmesrou. FRONTENAC wnno,` Hnl...lln-(dau- ONTARIO WARD. `lfltl I ` 1=..\' 1`.\.'|:_: cnnii A51} I. Mao. T 'I`Il|' nun x \' I.`|'I.`\ FOR unnrv AND ooob GOVERNMENT. FRONTENAC w/mp. |4th-Band 'l'hls(ThurIdny) Evening. 1`. II. II .v\'I'l'll. .\s:4l. Sm-rt-luI'_\'. .............,.. . (bur cmsll.-u-xc~0cd||m|_\' 1'lu`||p M the prlq-0, umllho prim` In no hlxlwr than the poor mnl prh-1-. mnrmmllnnll ('0IIl-IIn ullrl. nu ulula-. It In dry, vlmm und full wehzhl. It In de- l|\-vnxl promptly by mm-ml. polite mrn. 'Ha||y 0T /lib_a|`.Enmmiees ! I COHMITTEE RO0M--Princess 5t.. opposite Sydenham street. Tclephnno 281. IUICHIDIY In CW, IJIII-DU-Ill Illa. Committees for sub-divnaionn 12 From` tensqward and Oahu-squi curd moon at I i libernlcnmpdign room: this evening. j ymm. wm. HARTY] fit Dilly Iotdool lorhlglculul Ila D:-at 'I'l|.n|n-lint luv, `ICU I11! Hills Dvvu nu: vv-up -'-uu-- Io root Thanulvu IN. Band It covered rink thin evening. Bon-Ton bnrlopqndn ah the open hence to-nights. Vnudavilla minntrala nerformnnaa and PROVINCIAL ' Elicrlom to-mgnu. Vaudeville minutrola performance and assembly in city hall-to-night. (`nmmittnan for subdivision: 12 Fran. Int urvnuunup In nmguou. ll 3 W to Io:-i 1 s I ma L.:'......a".E 7:.....a.g....'"` 5': 3'.'.'... a. cheap at the Price. For Member For Kingston. KIRKPATRICICS l`<'|l|l-1 l.\'(i ll l`rIn:-u I1 vlqnllv IIIIIIIJI Hull)-IH\'|.~4l4vII .\'n. I2 - 'I`l|l'H.-`4l3.\Y l l-ZNINH ul l`:u||]\u|;.{|| ('u|nInHl<-0 l(m|ns_ l'r|m-<-: 5'1 rm-I. IIIVIVIUI IUlIUIIIg |`lH'l{H|),\\' Ij\'PZ.\'l.\'4; (`unnnilln-v l(mun.~`, |`rln<-4 LOCAL MEMORANDA. Inn was n. u:rc.. ALL AT ll O'0l.0DK. .\. R. FOIKU. Hr-v`_\' (`A-nlrul Unnlnloc. no `Ml. FOR SALE. AGENTS! AGENTS! .._: IVA .|,I.. n , ,` _.- ___- _ __-_. Hood (`mil In um` of tho c|I"nLpoaL (Mugs In thv \\'nrll-punr <-ml mo of th-adam~m1_ '- AGENTS! 'IIu-nu, Inlnn .\'u. I|-l~`I(l lI.\Y l<)\'l'Il\'- Hunpulgn (`umm nu-v ltamlns, >1: rnN.. ` i at ('nmpu|;:n m-.~'.~ Hm-cl. pulgn l. cnut. IIIIDIIIIIIIIIDJIQIRIIIOOIII. lnuatoindnnhnthnlnq audio; any (11503 in IL: in-an .In had not youogor days. (Gnu apron.) Ir. Footer turned pub with angel-.`t., Ineingtho crriao,kcpehiuou. M- UD. 8 nr--Thnhnn. -all-nunn (Mp nuun u gong a nun III) III . Tho-inbhr llowoduolhruling oltho choir. ill b&id &jI&IIi@0lIl'. minhdnxbnlnn Annnnllnn Ann IWUT. `Mr. Blair-1 do no! kind it difficult to out n qoostiou without doing it in o moss inoolen: (nd impertinono manner. I have known the hon. gentleman (Mr. Factor) since beeod I vote young men together, nod I End the theneociotion of the hon. gentleman with genolelnen iiunng All the intervening yeon bu not prodncod any nu-ted ouct in removing tho ill-breeding and indoor Innnner that ho evinced in his nu mayor, Inn the demo :1. 11.... .....| |.. [ -r. 5511!! --LnInoo. [G I Bloiilgoing nlittlolooiu. Th.-inhhp In-q-{unsha- JIIIIICI Ill [Di IDIEKTIIDI. Mr. l`oator~W1|| the hon. tlonun (Mr. Blainotnewhctbor Mr. rty In tollin the truth or I fnloohood when he and! t "we have I jelegnm from the minintor of railway: Ind canal: that an order lor three looomocivea will be given to tho Kingntaonworh ." Ho appeal. ed toitho minister to give an honest Ill` mum-_ ' IAIIIII I KCUIIU IUIUKTIIII unu of" to Kingston promising that In further order wuuid be given to the Kingston loco- mouve works. and ham these circum- stances be deduced the conclm-ion that. a change nhould be muscle in the provincial government. There was more ohm cold justice in these Ialegnnu. Mr, Fnntnt---\V1Il thn hnn. nnntlun-n Hllll II.IIIII-lIIC|Iul13KU- Mr. Ingram, of EA Elgin. made the blunt aetemon that behind Mr. Harty a statement was :1 political objecn. It was for the role purpose of unk- ing votes and nochmg elee. He and. much to the surprise of Mr. Blair. um I eecond telegram had been sent In Kinnntnn npnnuhina than n In-oh--. IIIUII Ul lvl-IU IXIIIEILUII IIXJUUIUUIVU WOT`!!- Mi-. Britten, the member for that city, made in very plain that the answer of Mr. Blair and the proceedings of the meeting referred to were in perfect accord. He said that there was no pretence at the meeting that the work had been given; all that was stated wae that an opportunity would be given to the Kingston locomotive work: to put in is tender. There were no politics in the question; it was eimply a queetion of having government work done by Cana- ilian manufacturers. I1. I.....-..._ .J L`--A Ii`l-.'.. ._-.I- AL- HIT. LIYIUT UIUW [HE IIIDUIIIIIUII Ul `Ina house. evidently for the benob of the Kinganon elector: in the pending content, toaapeech made by Mr. Harry in that. city on Feb. lab. in which the Ontario minister of public works stated that he had received a telegram from Mr. Blair 00 the eiiecb that he intended giving the Kingston works an opponuniby of building three locomotives for tho Intcrcolonial railway, the specifica- tions for which would he sent; an once. Mr. Taylor contracted the answer of Mr. Blair with the etatemenn of Mr. Harby. and desired to know which was correct. The second queeeion than he spoke of had `reference to the drill ehed aim in Ganano- quo. we answer to which, as given by Dr. Borden on Monday. Mr. Tavlnr dnnmri than ha haul moniund IJUIIIISII UII H-IUIIIIBI Mr. Tnylor denied that: he had received Any commission on the sale of the proper- ty, outing poaihively then no dollu of the govormnemfe money ever come into his hands. He further declnred that there vna not a ahudow of truth in Mr. Turner : letter and that he had never recommend- ed then the lot. be purchased for 86 000. Having made this penonul explamtion he resumed his seen. and tho (hnnucqlie matter we: allow- od to drop, but. not so with the ques- tion of the Kingeton locomotive works. Mr. Rrihtnn. hhn mnmhnr fnr than nits: LUKUIIUUT HIS UllUl'U WIN! H lllllfly (me. On Monday, during the absence of Mr. Taylor. the conservative whip, two ques- tions standing in his name on the order paper were answered. one by the mini iz-tor of railways. the other by the minister of militia. The first wee as to whether an order had been given by the department of railways and canals to the Kingston locomotive works for the supply of locomotives. and the answer was in the negative. Mr. Blair said ten dere have not been reoently asked from the Kingston locomotive works or other firms. It is the intention, however. of the department. as soon as specics tions and plans for s new locomotives hsve been completed, to open negotia tious with the Kingston works on the subject of the building of some locomo- tives for the Intercclonisl railway, as the department desires and intends. so far as practicable. to give to s Osnsdisn rm the preference in the manufacture of the locomotives which the government may require. Mr. Blair also said that no telegram had been sent to Mr. Hsrty or other person stating that s oontrsct had been given to the Kingston locomotive works. In. 'l|....l..`.. .l.._ AL- -es...a:.... Al LL- Words Between Ir. loner and Ir. Blair -r Taylor's Queetluns-Benk of com- meroe Will Open I Branch In Dawson CIty-A mg uuntraet ulven to a Brother of the Late Premler Ileroler-lllcbeoa Stewart will Male a `hip to lngland on Important Bnslneu. O1'r.mA, Feb. l6.-To night Mr. Sifton concluded his address upon the Yukon bill. It has been a singularly clear and compre- hensive review ol the whole Yukon situa tion. pregnant with the information which the house desired. and which has been so conspicuously lacking in most of the speeches made by members. To form some conception of the vast amount of re- search and thought which the government. must have devoted to. the etependous pro blem which suddenly confronted them. it may be said the youthful minister oi the interior spoke with per- sonal knowledge of every point in volved in the problem, from England s treaty rights and the danger of anarchy in the Yukon if starvation threatened the people,` down to the size of the rocks in the I`IVO|'b. All was familiar to him from study and personal observation. His demonstration of the advantages of the arrangement proposed was a strong en dorsation of Mr. Blair s remarks, and al together his elfort was a masterly one. On Mnndnv. durinu the nhnanr-n nf Mr l 1 I l I mu: mmwnv BARldIlN| EHAWWHIJ, _Fo_o_t90uecn St. COAL THAT SUITS. O9-O9 The Best Route was Assuredly Chosen. Inna IIPPIISIIIIIN ANSWEREIJI Ma-..TnyIo`r drew the tension |fIIlII_ nvndnnhlv fnr than hnnnh TERMS OF THE CONTRACT FA- VORABLE TO CANADA. ng uu ur not, tips llll nu. Ir. 8513::---Tho boo. gunlgnun (Hr, it) in ndnn 1 littln Inn in. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. TH U'RSl)A?, FEBRUARY 17, 1898.` III DI XXIX IITUVI. While tho lloditntnnun ab. eom~ Iundod by vies-admiral Sir `Bryon. Inn Inn:--nvring 0!! `hi ` no nd uurouawmgyurnnox Iouonou hoa H ms. Triumph killed 5.. man. luthiocuotho dinutorwutnudlotho nu ol ototino nieoutivo. IDLII. LL. IluI:o.._-.._ ..A .._. ncuu wrpouou. The In: serious discolor of this mturo occuning in peace time was in 178], wbqn EMS. Patrol blew up in the Straits of Magellan. The verdict of the court was that in` Ill canted by the formation of con! gun. another mggontion being that 3 onbonnoo culled etotino. I aicootivlltowod in the point room. was rupomibla. Upon thin occuion that were two/iiutinct. ox- puusou. and 143cueomzo crcw M 150 rnrinlud can-II: Ill`/' `av, uvvn New Dress Trimming/a and Ruchings showing to- day. If.4DY&6`0