Inn uapo. n. M. \iaIldOb. Quebec. The club pasted a naolntion urging pn tho minister of militin the desirability of appointing graduates to the permanent forms. and pointing out that appoint.- manuu to the permanent (hnadian nrtiilary and infantry bad bean made by the pro- nnt govrarnmano. but: not one graduate at tho oollego had been named. which waa a bnach 0! faith to the cadana and a viola- tion of militia roguiaaiona. 3. I-. ran. iii-l."ni. :0TTA\\'A. Fab. `. l.~A Staninlann Fr-anoia` rnrn. M P. lnr w... }-.-...c... at an I I--_ -- Royal ltlllury Oollolt Club. Qrnmcn , Fob. 2| ~-`l'ho members of the Roynlmlmuy oollogo club mot. hero 8:- turdny in Annual mooning. and ducted om- con. nubuquontlv dining together ut the Harrison club. H 8. Greenwood, of the Third lngoona.`l`otarbom. wn looted maidonnb. And Capt. I-2. F. Wurtolo. Quo- . secretary-trouunr. The vice promi- dontn mo Cspt. J. R Cochrsno. Kingston. | and Cups. H. M. Gaudob. Quebec. Thu club named I nnnlmjnn .....:.... .... linger Inu ecnor meue lorcunee. Seenlen edverbieed himeelf by wrieih A number of popular eon e. Ono 0! his rue nd beeb was "Peek-L 00," which wen im- nedietel taken up by his imimbore, end "My Nelie'| Blue Eyes" etuined gzreeb po mlerity. n she night of December `. Uth. I801. be eollepeed no the Fourteenth ehreeo theatre. e victim of pareeie. Hie condition beoeme eoeedidly woree. end in ehe tell of IND2 be we: removed on Bloomingdeie Three yeere ego Scenlen`e mind beoeme e blank. Hie wife bed been conehenb in viminc him. end was at. hie bedside when he died. |IUDllI`.l'-" Ho plnyod Iuccenlully in the "lrinh Minatmel," Hhnno nu Lawn. .\lylea Aroon," and "Mnvournoan." under the mamaomonc ol Augustus l at.ou. Hie por- aonnl mngnoniun. nnturulnou and own! voice quickly made him the rooognimd Irish singing oomodinn of tho timo. Boob mumgor and actor undo fortunes. Smnlnn A:I\-an-Hana-I Mn..." 5... ..-n.m_ - pun row yours. A- Sonnlon woo born in 8 rlngold, Mum. Fobnnrv Nth. 1856. in out: were foot. and be shunned uchoo only for I on can. The greater pub of In: boy- h be worked in a grocery store. A0 a child he ponaonud a remarkably own: voice. and ho was lroquonbly engaged to ring no muporonoo meetings. Ho tnllod com ronco. too. and was known on "Mu- tor Villio. oho boy tomponnoo singer And looburor. LI - .-I_..-.I -..-_-._r,,u, - uvuulnug my uuu uvuuulnn, man All EDI Bloom! muno uylum lube Friday night. V on he had been oonnod for hho push {on yours. Hmnlnn 1-an Ivu-n in n.l....n-|.I u--- DOIIIIIH, LDC ll I: on he Imam l._ ..-- ..- no man oodounm rum Away After am You`: lnonrcorntlon. Nnw Ynnx. Fob. `.?l.--William J. Soanlan. tho Irinh comedian. did no the Blonmlnndnhmnm. nvlnm Inn II`.-M... uu nmu ll place In all educational systems. "Education without. denite religious principle: has been put to tho test in many communities: it has had a long nnd fair trial; It has had all that n lavish expendi- ture of public money could purchue in ita favor, and now in tho judgment of think- ing men it atunda nondomuod by its results. Where it him had its fullest scope there lawleuneoa, municipal and state corrup- tion. cheating Ill all the forms that an lntellcctuul tmlnin v makes possible, have increased in start ing proportions. The spirit of religious observance has decreas- ed. the sanctity of the homo has been pol- luted and ml!-murdor, the odium of a gospel ol doepnir, ia nllrighting ao- cioty. The agents of unbellef. with lair words and apecioua pro- mine, deceived many well-meanin chriatlam into an acceptance of a porn - oioue ayntem: it is surely not too much to ex t that they will now awake from their do union and help to restore the Creator to hia rightful place among hi: creatures and thua cure tho ills that allliot society." you uuuyuuulu on me IOZJOOI quemon : "Our holy father. the pope, hue recently told us in hil enuyolioal to the blehopl olCunude, thut `purely Ielontlo instructions and `vogue and euperoinl notion: ol virtue. are not aullimenh to form good chrletluna or upright citizens. I uh you all to have 3 oo y of that mug- niiloent letter in our Eamon. to study in carefully and to be guided by it: wise und loving words. Would that ell may see their uruth. end recognizing that without relig- ion there in no moral education worthy of the nnme, nor trul elllcucloua. Lay aside the prejudice: ellhorutely fostered by theneoular spirit that is seeking to overthrow all supernatural teaching, and unite in prochimmg that God he: I right: to hold in place in all educational systems. without. danlta rnlioimu '.a.;..;' Iwuumn II. Purely Iclontlllc Instruction: and Vcgno and Iuporllulnl lqulom of Virus Are Not Inlllclont to Form ood Uhrlulanc or Upright Oltlum - Well - Ilcnnlug Uhrlulnna uocclvod Intnan Accvpunco ul 3 Pornloloul Intom. l-IAI.Iux, N. 8.. Feb. 2lS.-1n hi: lenbcn puturul. read in the Roman Onhohc churches of his dioceu yuborduy. nonbin- ho O'Brien rciorred no follow: to the pc- pu oncyclical on the school queubion holv father. the nnna. ha: mnnntlv SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOME TO BTUDY CAREFULLY. |rm5 mm ENCYCLIEAL. [ms LENIEN PASIIJRM. Archbishop 0 Brlcn' Words on. Secular Teachings. was an an.ooMmabALE. cutout Pnnolhn. IRAL KINGSTON. ONTARIO. .M().\" DAY, FEBRUARY 2], l.....1.."""'s'.'.'& u'.'.3. 1 /145nr& co) Ornwa. hi. 9l.-Willh`n I. Ogil Ionohoo on or. hunugocd hug auction with Inmtiot dopunnohuogo toIb\',akoufonho Gold Hill: nylon- Iiaaddtvolopuont coups: . ' ,_ __.._ _..- ._...l ...u- us-nun via: any jn oitho popularity of Ir. Fonuiuo by hot that he bu tho boon pnha ol the may tor the Inc In-any-In you: - j_j- 1 A Pomona! Inst. j 81-. Rush, llli. Qua. Fob. `.`l.-R.~ 52. Panama. In % . at um city. has bun donned mayor SI. 11 intho lo Gun- man: (or the thirty-thi tint. Ono my {'1 .`..`."'....".. .t.".`!..:`.!`.: . ;"'....":: Nit. I` Ioltual Polloo It!!! Up. MON`1`RIo\l., lob. `ll. -- Tho Monuool poltco mo in o rnthor bod way owing to tho condition oi the civic noncu. Tho mom- boro of tho forco no otill rooting thoir lut yoorfq uniforms. u (hero in no moooy to tmohuo now onoo. Nono o5 tho eophino no I]-ocoiiod a cone of puy uinco tho now human In Ammunition. Lu\'I|()f2`, Fob. `.?l.~-`Th0 CID! TOW!) corrumndi-no of the Daily Mail says: "The Trnmvnl government in mounting um :3 Johannesburg sud conveying` uximn, nhollo. ries and cartridges to hint. poine in an olfon-ivo and ostentatious manner. During the Inn rook night rail way mack land: of In Inntorial M paraded thou h the moon to the fort on the hill oumi o the town." Ogilvi nnoln. uplomr. hnnnnuod urn: II-onon T6 Death. 81 .hux mc MATIIA. /Qua. Fob. `. l.-A man named Courtoin. axed forty years, not` brobhor-in-lnw 0! Char oa Buinot. deputy for Juliette. was found on Bnmrdn lying doad on I snow bank on the shore 0 much Lake. Cour-coin wqp last seen slim on Monday. when he hnd Mt-y dollar: on him. Mr. lhtal. postmaster 0! Jolioheo. a rela- tivo marching for the mining mun. use informed ol thd dincovory of the body by I `nvoor. The body bu been taken poo union of by Mr. Bninob. In in not thought that ran inqnoah will bu hold. nu; uuruugn unur property. in in rmuorod now tune the company Inn secured an option any, Inge tract of land inside the city limits. to be used for freight min and other torminnl purpoooo. The ooation 0! Ohio ground in also being knpt I oocrob. although it in thou ht to be in the vicinity of the property of t a Control Tor- miml association. in the northern put of the city. It in nan.-mllu .n.A..r.o....a nus L- Ina- was any. It in gonernlly underatood that bho Tole- 'do branch of the Grand Trunk will be very nearly I straight cub no Dotroib. when in will connect. with the main lino. ' Fancv Waist: 75c to $2.50. Black and white Waist: 75c to $2 Lawn Walatu sl to $2.50. Opening Monday and all week. Aollnly looking To Ioonro lI-8t|-night Brunch To Dolrolt Tomcno, Ohio. Fob. `.l.- During the pun few day: evidences luvs been accumulating tint the Grand Trunk nllwa in Actively looking tn entrance into To ado and the bltugnlnioua coal fields of Ohio. Thus far transactions on the rub of the milnmy compmy appear to nave been coudutod with utmost aocreoy. and very little of I definite chnnotor is known beyond the (not that just: ounido tho oicy limihv certain {armors bun signed contracts conveying to tho Urnnd Trunk pa-oplo tho righh of way through bhdr property. ru.uunm nnw mum uh: mmmnu lxnn rum oornnlnuy." Nnw Yonx, 1-`ob. 2| ~Ro{orring to the nympnthy expressed throughout) Grub Bai- bain over the loan of tho Maine the London correspondent of the Timon any: : "When the En lioh paper: 0! thin weak you name: oho Au uncle you will bum-nolgwluh tho hub that they arm the Ihlno on-nody with as much emotion an I! in was a ship of mg. English navy bhnc Ind been destroy- '1! nun negun at me enruolo poulole moment). H4\\'ANA, Feb. `. I.- -Llout.-commander Barnett. of the mrvoy bout Bnclm, uid to a correspondent of tho Auociatod press : "You want the facts; 1 con tell you there are ninety-iivo ohnncoo out of one hundrod thou the investigation will ahow that tho forward magazine of the Mnino did not blow up tint. il in exploded at all. and that it won not the came 0! the terric conno- uenoea that followed. The condition of no wreck when rut otudiod and a later onreiul scrutiny xmko thin on Almost abno- iuto oortninty. Nlcw Ymm, I-`-In 9| _lJ.l.p.-l.... on ok. .____. lcugllnh Puporu Trugted Tho Dlnutor With Grant Icvltloucu OI` limntlon. W/mnrum-V. Feb. 19 --The naval court of enquiry nppolntod to investigate the Maine dinner will begin its work lb Hnvanu tomorrow. This news came to the auto department this morning from admiral Bioard. This prompt. notion is un- doubtedly due to the oxprona direction from aoorebnry Long no have the lnveanigw Mon begun at the enrlionb poulblo moment). H;\ \'A\'/4. Fab. 1",. .l.lAn .nnmmnnrlnr one (learn or we utrm L0 mperance relormer. Miu Willard : reqneec than her funeral be simple was carried out. Portions `of the Icripture which Min Willard loved most were road and her favorite hymns wcro sung. and then tho Methodist Epicen- ll fnnoml service was rosd Rev. E S. ripple. )Mlor2 of St. James` Mobhodieb Epincopa church. was the oiciating clergyman. He was assisted by bishop John I` Newman and others. Thopreai- dance of the chute or anizmtione. of which Mieewillnrd was the end. were the honor- ary pull bcurera. They were conducted In low York -Few orlte Peeeeuee Wen need. New Yorm, Feb 2l.-l`he lunerel eer- vloee over the remeine of Miee Willerd. preeideno of the W.C.'1`.U.. took piece in the Broedwey hebernecle Sande ener- noon. The eervlce wee held in i. in city by the oiiioiel decree of the WC T. U. be- omee oi Miee Wi|ierd e many lriende in the eeeu. On Thurede be held eh Evenebon. I I. Beiore the nel interment tekei bleco. however. the body will he in etete in Willerd hell At. the W.C. l`.U. bemple an Uhioego probebiy the greener portion of Wedneedey nexo, and while en route to tho weetern metropolis will eleo lie in cute for e ehorb blame in Uhurchvilln, N Y.. Mien Willerd e birthplace. The church wee crowd- ed. A greet number of oral tributne bed been received end there together with pelme were used ee docoranione in the church. Eiuoh nemee ee Minor Helen Gould, Susan B. Anthony, Rev. Anne Show and many of the W.O.T.U, promi- nenh world roproeenbenivoe were written on the cnrde ebbechod to the orel gilte. In nureunnoe of o onblegrarn soul: by ledy Somornob to Mine Katherine L. Stevenson. eecrebery of the nntionolorgouizeoion on Chicago, a bunch ol roeea wue placed over him hour of the dead to mperance relormor. remmen thnh her iuneml nexc e eervloe will A .T. R. ENTRANCE TO TOLEDO. A collar 0; ENQUIRY. THE runenm. ssnvnoza. -j--1 vnr mr we omor. I menu anppor at `I xoolkodcr hotel. Ir. Whnlo ha hon wotkingin this diotct for upwuds ol I ` month and nodomny (rind: during his Vviic hon. A vary kappa tine Ina Ipnp u an dinmr.u_urvd up but Hutu-6' E A `,5. ~ On Sahtd A. Don- \l\I\J \-Ill IsI.I\d "\II 10 By special arrangement with the manufacturers we havelconne to ourselves for Kingston almost all the styles we show. so that buy- ing here gives you an op- portunit of having'a Waist or a hal dozen if you wish, somewhat different from all your friends. It-uouunupnnc. Onuturday night I number of mem- lnn ol tho local coon oh the lndopuadcul Famous toodond C. C. Whale. gt-and or- (uinr for tho ordor. fuevoll cuppa: Ibo Oolkndcr Ir. Wink hm hm rwouvoo uu.wu and lino omltonl 87.000. it tho Ileana oi any of oho oeaooo oi tho unionhr of other oountioo ho hahon it will bofound that tho Ontario civil oocvico in tho pooroob paid in tho world. Woddlnn loll: as Pononouth. A vor happy ovoni ooonrrod at Porto- mouth thin morning tho ocouion boing tho morriago of Julia. oocond danghoor oi Thoma Tobin. and ono oi I`oruuoui.h'o moot popular ladioo. to W. Barrio. o! thia city. Tho ooromooy wao pottonnod by tho Rov. Fathor O'Brion in tho noo of tho hi-ido`o iuunodiaeo M o. Tho bride lookod charming in a ooaeumo oi Inorino poplin and Pomon lamb. Bho wao aooiatod by hot oioior. Iaggio. whilo J. Givino ohly aooioood groom. Thouoo Tohiu. ialhot ol 0 htido. orrivod homo from BI. Vlnoono do Paul Sunday unomioq to aooood tho nar- riogo cotomony. Alto: tho wodding a nmptnona htoahlaoo woo ootvod at tho roaidonco of tho hrido'o fathor. Tho plo- oonu ooro nonotooo and costly. AI noon tho happy oooplo loll {or who oaoa vhoto ihoy intend opondinq choir honoynoon. Tho youmr oouplo no wall and widoly known. l~2vor_y ooooooo io oiohod thorn in thoir now ophon of info. I.`\5.`".K.' In England four oiuinla are employed for then. the total alarm being s:ll,500. In New York the inspector of innurnnoo ncoiveo 8l0.000 and one nninttnb 87.000. If Hm nnmn (J an: nl uh. um... ..I sh- I`luUU|' IO GIJXIJ. In Ontario one omoinl is inupocbor of in- surunco. npiabrar of friendly nociotion. registrar of loan companion and roforoo un- dor the mcoouioml duuioa no I salary of 33.000 I- I3__I__.l n,,,_ _nv,- n V V I arm. u\z,mIU. Ministers rocn0arioo--Wctorin. $.`.',l)00; South Australia. .500 to $3,000: Ontario. `L000 to $1,600. In n..s..a- A-` -n;..:-I :- :__._..g._ .1 :_ Attorney nonI- Wash Australia. 82.- 5""; Mame mom. $3.500; Ontario. :2,- 400. lnnpootor ol uylumn--\"iot.or'1'|. 85.000 ; Ormmo. 82.000 Innnantnn nl 4-H- \ i-A.._.`- OI) Flu. I\_. Dvuuu nuuurIIII.oo.UUu; unurno, (2,900, l..-_-_A-_ A: ,__n ,, , Iv-,. '- .. ...._ Fvt-W. -.n.uvu; Uublrm, \I,nuIL Queen : prinrm-~ \'Ict.oriA.C3.5()0; South Au-mulls. 82.500; Wont Auetmliu. $2,000; Onbario, H.400. PIA:-Ia AI oh. Inn... \!.`..s.....'- Qnnnn. vuulllu, {I|,*u'U. Clerk of the holu-9-Vict.ori|. 86.000: Sou uh Ansmliu. 86.000; Ontario. $2.0m). Athnrnav.annnn|._W..n An.o.-.n. ca for 1898 are here.-\.* As ever we read the trade here on stylish Waiatm. Exclusive style: and moderate prices backed by perfect tting gogda do the work. no n-shuns`:-uI anlounnaudhnnnlknn` 'I.l.K'U. Deputy ministers --- Vicboriu. 84.500; Soubh Aulbnlis, $3,000: West Australia. 83.000: Mnonchulobta, $11,500: Ontario. 82,300 to 83.800. Hnnonnnh,-b.nnnnn , \I:..A.....:- on mm. `L. uunuaeull. i.s.nUU: Ununo. IUUU. Libr|rinn-\"icborla. 83.000; Manchu- -em. '$3,000; onuu-in, slmm. (Junnn n n.-lam.-_ \'..s....:. 1!: mm. u....n. g.;_.wu no l|Z.DUU. Sol-gonna-atnrmu--Victorin.33.000; Mu- nchuooctl. 83.500: Ontario. 8600. l.hrnrinn_\r'inI.n-l- C ) nun. \l---_..|... one: now: now unmlr I! won crmcum : Oabinoh nliniatora-Victoria. $10,000 ; Snuoh Auatnlin. $15,000 : Womb Australia. :5.000+ Muuohuuobu, 85,000; Onoario, 4.000. l\.....s.. ....:..:-;-..- \r:_...__-,. O: Ivnn What tho Fucc Dlulouo in Bound to Vu- rlonl Oountrlu. Much do in boing undo by the oppouh tlon about tho ullogod over-psymonb of ob. public servants of the pmvmco. A com- pnrilon bohweon Ontario and other coun- tries shows how unfair is such criticism nlhinnh nuininlnr-n_\Iu'ntn-tn am mm . gungu auu ulgga. At: a meeting of the commercial travel- lore mutual benefit association at Toronoo. on Saturday nighb, a committee was ap- pointed on behalf of those who objech bo prolenb management to confer with she di- rectors concerning the Iuhjocta of diepute. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SERVANTB. umreuu ro puono acnool acnolnrs. Clam French expeditions are advancing toward Sokobo, the capital of tho sulta- nate of Sokobo, in the extreme north of the Human states and nix French oiooru with I force of 204) men have arrived at: Ar- gungu and Tnggn. A!) n manhino nf thn nnlnrnnrninl t..-....L Uulng promlaen. Tho Brnncford ministerial allinnno hu appointed a commibcoo to endeavor be stmpcho promotion of distributing theatre tickets to public school scholars. `JIIO Frnnnh nvnhdinnn urn nrlunnnina Ir"-nrlo. u.uIIu Impootor of jail:--A-Vioborin. 83,750; On- nrin. S2 500. The New waists VVIIIBTU. The directors of the Winnipeg general hoapital have daoided to null for tender: for u jubilee addition, auicion funds now being promised. Thn RI-nntfnrrl mininfnrinl nlh-nag Ia.- IIIIIIIIIX` l`he Cmmdian temperance league of To- ronto held a memorial eorvioe on Sunday in cnmmomomtion of tho death 0! Frances Willard. NH... .l:---A-.._ -1` LL- IIV'_,,! . I nu uuulu nun Iurnuln nwellnry Dull. Aplnguo hospital ab Bombay was de- abroyed by fire. Twelve Europonn and eighty-four native patients were saved. Innnantnr Ru-nr-Ir nl Hm Dnhu-kn.-A 12...]. uuxmv-mur nuuva puuenml were saved. Inspector Brock. of the Poterhoro Bank of Commerce. has resigned to accept: a nfmilarpoaibion with the Merchants bank, Halifax` I[\L_[1__`__|_-__ A______.,,___. I., , tn- caning liquor I70 D minor. The total Ion by tire in London for the your wu $58,122 65 A motion has been umdo in onunoil for a new re-hall. (Y M I`..l.-p wk. l.......-. ..|._-..-..I -1. Iunuu In onunull ml` 5 new nre-nan. C. M. Foley. the lawyer. charged at Paris with (mud was sent. to jail because he could not. lurnlnh necessary bnil. A nlnana hmniml an Rnmhnw an an. n on: uonnny. Eighteen oil wells have been uunk along the London road to the womb of Sarnln and are all producing well. (3. W. Conn. n l Af.nI-hnrn hm-tannin are llll prouuclng won. (3. W. Coon, an Potzerboro bartender. wu ned Eli) on Saturday morning for aolling liquor to a minor. '[`hn fnuxl Inn: BU Hrn hi `.4\nr`nn `r Olga DU IN? NEW \0I'Ka 10 has been decided to construct: an un- dorqround railway in Berlin. Jmanh tnr-tn. A Harman rnnirlnnk nl FOR THIS WEEK. ruwruoru tor runny yearn. mod on 1-`many. T. A.Gambl ox-reevo of Auiniboiu. in dead of npop exy. He- was formerly of York county. Riahhann A" null: hang hgnn -nnl. ..l-.... um. Inan mun lnul-on lnrybody-w Iota From All our---[Milo of Ivon- uhlnu lullv Bond um lononbond by The Don Publlo. The Spank-h wu-ship Vizcaya ha: driv- ed In New York. In La. kg-.. .-..:.l...I A- ..-_-L_.._; -_ _.__ 0l'RI'Ull(1 PIIIWIY In OHIO. Jooeph Stortn, I German renident of Pemorboro for muny years. died Frldny. A.Gambln. ax-raeva of Anlnihnin, in `IELEGRAMB FROM THE EARTH'I FOUR QUARTER8 GIVEN. icnunnusnn rAnAI:nArns.1 INEWS or nu: wnm.n.I What Comes to is from All Quarters. % 1`IId`_'A d. ...I-_ _.I_L. - _____.L-__ I, 1898. la uvmcsmn usual have those little touchgjgf tailor-made " about them that add so much to your satisfaction and comfort. The I `arty or the Din- ner, wherever Full Drss is good form, our DB.S_5, SH_3_T__S_ -v n-vvvw In 1wI- III `IKE J'C' Tnku lnxmlx-v~ llmmu-Qulnlno 1`nblot.\ All slrugxluln rvmml tho mom-y II` It mum in cum. u The Queen`: Dnwlng-Boon. Lmmux. Fab. `.2! -A conrmation of queen \'ict.oti| u oxoollonh can at hula: is found in the otlioid unnouncolnont that it in bormnjoot.y'a intonbion ly no toooivo tho pruontoon no lint draw. in;-room of the anon. on hbruuy Lilith. Buurduy nut. 1b~(.:o;:e-;m('old 3776174.-" ha} Tnltv hnmll\-- Ilnmm.4)mnIm~ ' ,u n Lucky Ir. Drolot. Mourns, Fab. `.2l.--Guatava Dvolat, who aoma months ago booama poaoaaaod of out-.ain mining right: in the Saakahohw wan river. has, In Ininin parlanoo, struck it rich. A syndicate. w ioh baa baan M- oontly formed in London, has paid Mr. Dmlob 850,000 in cash and 8250.000 about in she new company for hia rights. .- ...4 cool on Killed lhl 1{A.\uI.m\~, Feb. .'I.---(:. ridaovood. I boomin contractor eovonhy-eight yearn nl ago, wing at; 46 Jackson cu-sob out. wu found dad in bed Sstnndny morning, :2- phyxiatod by coal gu. Tho above In: ul- wtyn out of order And Bridgowood wn roacn in the lush at-urea ohulfocntion only I w weeks Ago. Ahshou h woslthy. dooeuod lived in what. was we honor bhan A shanty A Bonn: For Ir. o[uvIe-A Veteran In the Ben to.` (|`rrA\\'.\, Feb. `.'.l.--The report. in current: that the government will suggest) to the house the granting of I eubatentlel honor- uium to William Ogilvio, D.'l`.S , the lemon: Yukon explorer. (or his exceptional service: to the country no A critical period in the Yukon luau year. Hnnntnr War-L u nf .....I;........u JAS. SWIFT 8: C0 all one 1 ulon lull) your. Sonutor Work, the auto: of pu-liunon, VII ninoby-four you-I old yuurdny. _\. _ .,.4 VVUIHUIL Amoxwub thou prooont were: Mrs. Frank nrtmun, Colebrook; Mu. Tobey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dollur. Mr. and Mn. J. C. Oonnolly.Mi9a Connolly. Mr. and Mn. A. Benjamin, Ynrkor; Mia: Rou.Kin ton; Rev. and Mn. Woodcock. Mutor ood- cook. Mu. Rynn. Mu. R. F. Biot- noll, Mr. Ind Mn. A. Bioknoll, Mn. H. Mocuhhy, daudon East; Mr. and Mn. F. Drowry. Nowburgh: Mm Butor. Mrs. and Dr. Oldlmn. Yukon Mr. und Mn. Tricko . Knmloopo. B.C.; Mr. Ind Mn. 1. h{oAuloy. Nowburg; James Haydon, Toronoo: W. Taylor. Tweed Novn:B. S. 0'Lough|in, Yukon William Smith. R. Lahoy. Nnplnco; Dr. R utun. Mr. Dawson. Ynrhn-. ` av nulln umun. IV. [ADO]. NI uthn. Dunon. Ynrkor. UUKIIL The dinner served at twelve o cloo|r. on long tables brought ready laid into the hull from hidden receeeee, wee nuch as to add even to the alrendy known roputatlon of Mrs. Fmkle an a genial hoeteoa and eucceeeful entertainer. To a person en- tering the hall the effect wen particular- I pleasing. The brilliant and beautiful ecorationa on every eide were eminently artietlc and formed a background totbe handsomely gowned, smiling ladies and the whole made an artistic picture not soon to be eifaced from tho mlnde of thoee fortunate enough toheable toenjoylt. Of the ladiee' toilettee, they wenall tx- ceptionally elegant. Buice toeey that the would in no way hurt the reputation oft e section for well-droeeod, handeome vsaanuquacum um aecuon [or many a day. The hall was all that the moat lastidione could ask, large and roomy with a reb- olaee dancing oor specially reparcd for the occasion. The convenient y arranged dressing rooms, off each side of the usage. were much enjoyed by the ladiel. _he stage iteell wae arranged as an arbor with plant owers and curtains. Here were stationed the orchestra and the piano. At the farend of the hall, approached by a draped arch. will the billiard mom. used as a emokinx room and a dressing room oil` it for the gentleman, who did not eeem averso between dances to enjoy a fragrant cigar and a game of billiards. At convenient place: about the main hall were placed card tablee where pedro was indulged in before the dancing began. Vlllagee lave l'oI-med `llrenlelvei `like Pedro oleh. . A few Iocial epirite oi \ arker.0olehrook. Newhurgh, Tweed end Camden Eaet have made the part winter onueuelly pleeeant by iorrning themaelvee into a pedro club. the ladiee meeting in the afternoon once a week at the hone of one of the memhere. where they thoroughly enjoyed therneelvu with cerde end convereation. Frequently they gave An evening party to which come the gentlemen oi the club, who could not ettend the afternoon events. At theee partiee wee added to the other arnuaemente dancing and a euppet. Ae lent up roeohod theee pertiee heve become more nquent, and in come oeeee have partahyn of the character of e bell of more then ueual hnlliancy, ncnehly one given by Mre. R. F. Bnclrnell, Camden East. The wind-up Earty of the lemon for the club waa given y Mn. 0. H. Finkle. Newhnrgh. on Fri- dey evening, Feb. lah, end wee enjoyed by about fort people. It wee given in Fvnlrle e hall. ewhurgh, which was most beautifully decorated {or the one-uion. It is admitled by all who were privileged to attend that in grandeur and hrilliancy it far eurpeucd any eociel event lmown in this eection for day. The hall wee All hhnr. that mnnh leelirlinnn NVEWS FROM OTTAWA. A SERIES OF BALLS. Rev. Mr. Williuno. the oolond noipul o! I college at Ablnyvillo. Bond: is in an city the guns o! J. Jana. Prin- oou strut. Ho peanut ondonliolo to none o! Kingltonh inuential Inn and in making 0 hour in halal! at bio oollqo. H0 ~wil|dolivcr an nddra in 8|. Adni bl dnl-inn Hm -35 399990099904 vvusu. l"llIIl' pnce `L09, M '1 n.:no.u.av .ro. III. 1 ' 4 Gnyhmbwedgcm re- , gnluprico 83. for $1.00. MORE TO FOLLOW. Koop your oycv on this space. ~ wm uouvor nddt , hull during thl wool. TT Lnolgon Ienuntod For Llh. Cmuuo. Fob. 2l.-Judgo liar. denial the motion for 3 new mo! in the one todnymd uonhnoud him to M0 - prinomnont. An appul will ho him to the Itch Igpuuno oourh. M ?_____._ u.\lm:It.~4 1`;\N In-J A'(`m\lMuhA'l`l-2|) with I-ulh ulnulu uml uluuhlo mnnln, wllln nuxlvrn vmwmnlc-xmm, L :36 Quwll Hiram. "I-;1.I'--lul.l.\lll.l'2 MEN IN EVERY IA)- -ullty, lnvnl nr trm-ollln ; in lntmdnoo A new din:-ox-c-ry and km-p our u now mmln umkld up on Imm. mm-we and hrld on thmu mm lawn and nountry. Htmdy amp oymcm. tom- mlnnlun or nuuury. $6`: per munth and M- poumu. and mum-y dopoullnd In any bank wlmn starwd. I-`or putlcullrl mama `nu: (\Vmu`.n M mum 1. I-lmzcrulc Cu. londou. Ont. `nnmn. "I-.I.l`--m:l.l.\lll.l'. tI'n\'('I|`I`!l>&A;MlID Il_I`(|!IlI(j0 I5 nnw lllnutnx-ul-u .....| |....... .. ,, HINDI) (H`2.\'|'Ill.\L HEIIVAN1`: MUH1` Imvu rv-nwnoon. Apply to Man. J. Blue- IWV, 2! Hluurt Hlrwl. BOD. Tum: mm -Smmuma-Ab Dom-onto.l`ob. 1650:. Emu Thompoon, Ovorton. to Mini Snub E. Starring, Ovotton. ` W\' ~Bl'RK -In Wlurtown. N.\'.. Fob. Mich. Juno: Wyldo, Waurbown. Ind Mn. Margaret Huuoy Butt. King- ston Ono. Zlllu I-Luuun Tonm--In Portsmouth. on Mon- day. Fob. 21. by the Rev. Fr. 0'Brion. W. Hurts. at Km Icon. to Ilia Jnlh. uoond daughter o Thoma Tobin. of Portumggh. -- SMITII--JollNli'l`0N-0n Fob. 17%|), It Brookvillo. Janus Smith to Margaul J. Johnston, all of Ohnrluoon. KIcNN1cnv-Bmean-0n Fob. Mb, Ray- mond Konnody. Colo Luko, to Mini Ju- nie Bro:-co. Wucporo. Mmtn.ow--Tmm1-.-sow--0u Fob. ooh, at (noon Bay. Bodford. John Morrow. South Shorbrook. to Elizsbohh Thomp- non. ..__,._, . :;;:t BIR l`ll!. VANl)l'HEN-Ab Nnpnneo. on Feb. Nth. wife of F. W. Vandunon. of I daughter. \Vll.HON~~Ab Nnponoo. on Feb. limb. to Mr. and Mrs. W. E Wilson. 3 Ion. '1". F. HARRISON COMPANY You will an money be- cauu It Int: longelt. ,, , _ . _______-_-vwnv `var-nu... `-5-1 A lhulnrlultvru uml I`}l|Ilm|Ill('l`N, 2:11! and `Ni I'I`lIu`0NH Hlruul. `I`Iumuu:--\\'umr001Int, U0; llvnldc-nu`-', 9|. Upon duy auul nlullt. uuuau 1: I uuncung l.:c`\m.\'u l7NlH<',l{`I`.\I\'|`1|t n EuuAI.Iu|n-- II! I'I'lIu'ruu nl~rvvt, (`urm-r yxh~n|w.m utrwl. 'l`\-lvplunw mlnnmnlvulluu. III l'I'|l|l'\`I4N 1 _- ____..A ._?..;,_ _,_.,. .__.._ __ 8. E1. cdnamr, UNI-)R.\l. llllll*I("l`()N. `MI l'lUN('3lCX-I85 HT. Klnuulun, num~umm|' to W. M. Dronnuu. WY L M lmn uh-1'. V 3 The advance sale of Sanson- nble Wash Goods carries with it afeature full viii interest to the ambitious mother. Sewing in ' Winter is a pleasure; in Summer, when `sultry, hot days depress one, it's a health-wrecking strain. With an assortment so complete as that now before the eyes of all who visit the store, selection ceases to be a matter of import- ance. The collection is the cream of a new season's early output. Vow (Hnghams. ul`euv Ormlmn. ./Yew Lawns, ./Vt-ow Embroulc-run, .!`'~w lrhur (Venous. .Vcuv P.K's. .\`cw ummm. l.`lc.. Eu`. Kflnspection invited. .___j._.___._____._. (ll-:.\'l-IRAI. NI-:I!\'AN'l`. Al'l`l.\' T0 MIN!-.6 L \\'II.x|.~nm,.'m `lot-g_v Hlnwt. E&r'z.!r!as' any. ulol fnodmuly cold. is inclined to be economi- cal. If you use II nun lIl`lI Ll, l`Inc l'NInr.u'I`Ax|cu--2.`S4-2136 Prin- -wuu nl. 'l`vl~pImnu HTA. ()p(`Il [my and Night. ._.-._.____..j_-___.__. r I l)Il`(`t`l Illlp0l'l(`I`N hrenn (modu and Mumlou. HNI-)R.\l. DIIUC1 "l`()N. H` ..._______.___._j-_--:_ WEATHEI; W;OIAIlLlT|IO. 4 1 ; M. EDITION. Ottawa and It. [mmnon nlloyu. 10 mm. '- High tour!) to u northerly uinda. now `now: to- city. clearing during duo night, my HENRY BRAME. IYuun.-up-nun WANTED; IAIIRIID. Swift s Scranton Coal .143. mm), :1 IVuIn:In|\ 65TH YEAR. .NO. 43._ MOOOONO: I GOOD WIFE Howl l`nul In . 1 nm` ul |I|(` ` l`|\l|Il1IIl`I)f Ilw prim`. ` pool` mm] -vv--u `!'D--" C` `,9 .0 3 large Back For Capes. regulnr price 81200, for 07-50- n.1na.n.n- JVO. II. . ` 8 Children`: White Fat Colhn.regnluprice$x./69, _ _ ____`, ____. .... .. an '10`! a nun` ii-Vwr. Then-`II In hot um II the M Imm um nI|c,.nu,\- hnny. j hwy luwv nannl um |u'a\pl1\'!IIm|III`_\', um! I om! Imw llwp mlnqrnl 'l\e,)-`w an-minim! mt u-owls chtatr. Ilw_\"n` an Th hmw-at [||\:`l IlIII\;III||.. M | In-eymn rpm` n u n ms mm Til!!! Ivrhna Look: ml`! #100?!` tank any And me {mm Smyllw uwn an 1...: . mm- . Ilu In Imu` Ills s:|_\ . Mir hh rh{hls|u\\1- In-vn |\mlInI b_\' 1lw|\h~ mu! nmwrmnrnl. l`ho_\* uws-nun: [hr on lot of men \\ lm am` In no \\'|rn- lulll. In-r Rt. Jnhn rm! pxnlmr In gr! n mu Mr. mu;-um bu mm`! m-t llwnh nl IL _ .\Iu'I Ina \\`h tn-~_\' mum Mn`: Im-In-I In Nu In . 'I"heh"II N` n Inlninllxlv In III M luwn HIM nlml. my lmm,\`. \\`v will nllv mural vlw pnny vhn mr Ixwunv _\\~o\n- nml morn ` llnw mm! H`) ;nvw-- and o wily and nmle un- mm ml now: They Iuwv pmpkw vmIm`_\~. ml Hwy mlmpvnl. :\`F`lIl In \ ns` `will |K`I\ Inn) g\kp`\_ llnn Ilny. '|`Im-lmn vonw wlwu llw working mam In 3. rhrhls Imw mmwml hr Iho nn~ HN nulnvuml .~mnl u \ In as ram`: .-IuI whc-n Ihv_\ mall! I win xulw \ uu`|l Iu~m* nur nun:-IN` u-mw. 'I`lw.1~` luv an Inn mm` In tlw um Iuvru Hm! mnlu` up _\-um` mlml ` Thu! II'u'nJ3'. Raw: and llurtycl-m`! RV`! Iun ha`- : n . Tl-.v:m\nIl uwnl lllwrul l-~uIur- uml IIm\`n- gv ulunuu In rur uw, l'2\*vr_\';nn.xl mum lhlkn Mu tun, nnw jun! wull ml _\~un will -an-. A V\'hvn _\-nu Iwur. upon I-Iv:-I hm uIu_\-. \\`hu tho \'nu-rr lhen \\ Ill Imw In my. :`l`lml`Ilun1_\-`at n'l<\m1u uh` all 1-Iwu-I nnw hr H II). 'l`lu-:1~'ll Ir a hug llmv In Ilw ulal luwn lluu night. IIl\ l|w\rI_\'. (`mum Mullu nu-I _\ -I Tlml Ilnnlv Ihun : A uucmao In no 1.1.. ton nun mun. nhmu mul xnln \nnI` II.-In-n nnnl hu.l rli-I3!` I I "Kl:-nnllkc-thslcl l<`|vI:|n. at In: 1-. vuNm.vnIu- Ms||\luII|(.M'N|II Ilku~n\\~l||rl\\' ml. ll:-uullml `srnsqu-In-,l\\'1-I| \'-Ilw mm!-. Hunks on Him`. !M.\liI.l-2\ -U.\l{l1l'I' `HH.\' (`UM |`.\ N Y. |.|m|l- a~nI_ '|\vmnlu. j- "'l`\n) hon! ll \\'rH1~u Iuml I .'\x1`nln mnkr I HIM l)l.I-2\ Bo! R 6.! HI` .\`0. I. l'\\lEI` I W 0 "HHllI|)!II"4 M lhv l'u.-wt-n. Ii`m-u-lnnllu hunk. Hwwpn llw vnllrv vlul nl` tumloum .~ N\I*l`_\ ImI|_\`U|`1II'I'n. .\lur\-v||m|uIllm-- lrnllunn. Pm: rvlnn I. l|lL\lil.l'2\'~(l.\Il- Rl2 lNuN 11)., I. mum. `urunlu. `\ Mr Nu m. T319 M-ONDAY EVENING FEB 21`??- lHl|`l'-1'!||II'|(Iull`1'Nl|H|`lIL?` Hulvln` .\lv1 1'1 Il.|.l-11:]-3, nl` .\lmm`1`n , ('1 vl.l.|-It H-2. M` l\'lmnaluI\. TUIIQDAY EVENING FEB. 22nd-lutc~r- mmllnuw H4-rlvn (H:-nu-I-`hull; -- \\' .\'l`l'2I{|.4 m YR l*`|(H.\"|`l-2.\'.\('H. M! .\xlml~r4\uu `."w. H--ul~ In hum! ullllhl `Cw, vmru. \.-. qI`l-2|-2.\"H Kingston Covered Rlijl? nnr:.1.- I` -11.: rrnnr u . _,-- --.- -- - .... _-'...a.--. \\'|th Hm 1'0-H1uru-llll`ll.\|{II HUl.|i|-Z.\`. K.\ l`|H".|(lN|". Hl`2lt.\l.\lNl-2, uml u Mm.mHl- N-In (`up-1 unal 1`lmrn~nI`ul.\|`Y rluorut. l'2uvh ml m-vr_\' ullv nu urllnt. H`w'|nl |)||(`l-H ~33:-. ill:-. 7531' MINI .$l. |`uu upvm .\lmuIu_\' Inurnlm: ul lIIu.m. ul HII\\"\'l`I"r-. 1 arm mt u.w:Nmn1' m~u.v. me .;;:e;c;;;..;;`;;;gn..,z \\'|l|| Hun I`n.HIn|-u._IHI'll\IH| Hnl Thu Ill; Dnnhlv Mar Ha-unlv I mhwllnn-'1`ho Hllvw-nullll (in;-|'ul`n||||qm', 14 n A -, g- A lMll`.~4- \\'lII`l\ \`I)ll wt` HIM lln-rh dun`! un slam, um |nJ|nmm.I .-mud wh:-n mm ruunl I om xuu-.-4 Fur Bargains] svoENHX)$i"wKriH. ' ununnx v.cTom,;.;5;%" 'I'I 'II'i-Ill \ \' I.'\' I.` .:....._..._.._....___..._.__.... .\lHl\ll`.\.\' I-`..\:`Il.\.Vul-I nul`uIl1` .\.\`h | ml-I. .\ln.I..~<.\~I`rsms::nuA\1.71N`Iur-~m--~ nvl. |' l|'l' HUI nloaklinuo. mlvluun n \- I`! FOR HARWTND aooo aovenmnenr. FRONTENAC WARD. \Im\'I|\\' I.'\'I.'\'I\'.2 ..n 1 jally of lit_1ga{.`emmillees! [ rI\lI-I1 I 9 6 "The um ul` Ilvr .\l:\|w-Iy I Inn-M-emu.` Mon l.nrm~ nhuul Quwn \'lvlm'lu." {1`II|nII\lIkv lI\-I-lull ~.4 :|n|l_\`. HIMlbl.l-Z\'-H.\RllI'. . i.\iI`n..I.|nm-I. Tnluunn COFIMITTEE RO0M-Prlnceu $t.. opposite sydonham street. 'l'<~lu\|n|InIw ymm. wm. H/um] mum nun In Nmu-I thlnn In Hm wnrInI-ponr 1 UN` Ilomml. . ..A,...nn ,.._,.n,_ ., PROVINCIAL 1cno~ 1| ";l'o"nll% proposal: tor urolmo of ammo: Roudnlo roooivod by acorn Aunt-snot Oo.. Toronto. up to` Tuesday. An nxmllnnh nrnnrnmmn i1 hnina mm. U0-g LDYUIIIIO. up 90 LIIIIOI,- An oxoollono progrnmmo i: pnrcd lor jbho nun-nu` nlumnw I "An Home" in tho Wmu ball ` owning. mlr Squiro Bunoroftu reading of Dlolung Ghrmmu Ono!" no open house this ovonlng. Hnlnd nrnnnnnln lnr mu-nhnn nl shun..- VJIIXITI. ID OOVIIIU l'lI UIIII IV`IIID . Nomination of candidates for legit utivo uumbly. Olty Hall on Tuudny M: 10 mm. Fronunno and Bydonhun ward commit- uunb llbonl onmpnign roam: this even- Inn-. I131? lIVIU$UV- -Ill 11-!` `lo too`: no-um: In. `Annual reunion so Bullnul oollozo thin waning. Into:-nollaalntn hmknv mnmh. Manill vn. IVIIIIII Intercollegiate books match, Mcuill n. Qnoon |. to covered I-In obi: owning`. A nflnn Nnmlnnhlnn nl nnndltlgbnn lmn In-i .-..:-- `IIODIII1 lotqlool IOIWIMIQIII Infnnlnnnnnlun-h-. ' V7 Il0(`l| l.` I` Jlvl 'l'(`llI.`.\` : For Member For Kingston. -... nun.-u. llur Onul In 0\:`v1`1I|I||ll,\' n'lu`n|\ nl nml mu prim` In no hlnhnr Hum llw |v|`h'n~. nu.-.s.uI In uh ......I Ln`: .n..n ..,. , l,. Ivnnl IIIIIIII. 'I`l'|'2HI|.\\' |`2\'|".Nl.\'H Ill 1 l`n|nm|H(-1-llnrmns. I'r|m-up-r4 .` Al I L'I\ ll nun: `gnu I-nuuvuvl II \IH.\'li\\' I'nmmlIIm- .., ..u-.,. 'l`l'|-)Hl|,\ Y I-H 1'nnnn|lIm~ Hm IVII-lV'I\I I'III`IIg .\|t |I\'|l\ Y |'I\' I-I.\'l.\'I5 ('IIllII|I|H|'l`Hmnnu l'|'|n ( un-I \-vlv _\uur tlvlwl nml jun-l u` . ml 1'; Wednesday, Feb.` 23. | IIIlIII|l\'I' lululllu. l'l`IIl('l`HH ALI. II` II 0'0Ia0OK. gun LOOAL MEMORANDA. AOENT8! . ..r n... AOINT8 J..I.I |.~|..|.A.. n .. n-.. _ `-.. nnr ml in MI ruo\l-nn sllrl. Im lulu. ll ht dry. vlmn mul mu wvlxlnl. It In I?- llw-rnl pnuumly by van-ml. polite mm. AGENTS! I-`.\'!-I.\'l.\'H M Hmlpuluu `l(Im|II~, |'l'|lI:-u-,-an H(|'Iwl. ` `IIIII I-2\'l'21\'lI\`H 1 Hmnu.-4, l`rlm-a R D I-\'|'i.\'l NH nt lumnn. l'rlm-mu . ll. l|.\'l`('ll. ,\nnI. .N`1'I\-nul`y. IIIIIII./III A. II. I-`nllli. `ml rul Pumnnllu-u. . H. lI.\ |`(`ll. .\nnI. .~ua-M-ml - --nu lVI`I0 wk--I nml Hunpnlgn H Nlr:-vl. (`unum Ign ~4 Hll`l`1`(. `illii. l'I|In|m|}(I| < H! I`l'(`l. uvm pru- uuoc union to marrow 9,10? m pro- oc I0?` (`His Tlobhooodlu nonmungsiuota. NOT. &.tt3'a |oM~ IlTIUf l'I'C:I`a 0`l'I'AWA. Pub. ll.,-' Mann. '1` llitoholl and Samuel J. Wu-tum. Toto- to. no guowod usiohns uppnsun at customs. Ahool8l0Inbtoo6nd for the pri. vilop of F/II` upon dominion lnnda (or anal. vru|\\ A. SID: 2|.--A GIIIIIIIIIII lTIl'IOiI' Mn . M P. to: Woo: k`rmoo.I .hi.I..lsoo at tho odogo on tho point ot donth, and hue domico to oxpoctod to oocunh any mouaont. Mr. Pony hut hoon ill ovor oinco hie arrival [tom Princo Bdword Inland. Low lovor woo Iho tronhlo at lint. hut con. plioutiono hovo not in which rooko hio ro~ oovory wollnigh hopolooo. Tho otrichon Inomhor io hoing nuondod by Mo oon who nrtivod from Booton a four don ugh. Clioip at the Prlce.