I Ilonullundtn . ` . Write to 3:0 GI] KEDIOAL OOIPLNT l IUFFADO. NJ. and role: to uululhououul ` .1 sun can In Lu DADII ; I Ilon by A com Ilonll aundtn ` Wrn to I Int time man: this otumng oar .-- Thoy will send the]! ooltly and mnmonlly OR- the 1 pllanco and I wholo month`: count of to- uont vo romodlu, pmmvoly on trlnl wnhou on use to any honou and reliable man I ot I dollnr need be ldvnm-od-not I roll ld-ul1 mmlu no known to and noknov 00305 ymo uncut. I The no Modiunl Oompon I nppuuuo Ind remedies Inn bur. ltlkod A um ud wrmon | about all our the world. Ill] ovary mu: in head 7 of them. ' Thaw natnrarn nun: aunt), tinny hgglqlm ' 0! them. They tomato or cunt mun), vigor, Mushy Iiuue and new lilo. ` Thaw nulnhlv nan Ania: an OLA:-Innn lhnlnnn r Tho, qulol the energy The) our! lo much dooo on huboon prumood In M- nrtlslng out ch 1 and old company now for the Int time makes an otutllng Thoy costly muionlly luL'.m:l'_y vull U6 uruu mr U16 purpose. J. M. Campbell and lt-mily lean-eon \Verl- nesday fur tlriLi~li Columbia. The farewell hop given in their honor on Tliurnda) evening was a lnfb brilliant. and sizcc< i=ll'a.ir and lEllf)\'4'8 the tsueem in which Mr. mid Mrs. Campbell were held during their evojourn in our town. The G-namque boys, or as they call Lhcmrolvma the "Hot Tamales, were victorious over tho Kingston Leam,seorine thrre points to nne at. their ioceno match. Mr. Crowley will leave for Llllldl-1(,l0Wl16 to Lll8 lllo poi-ition of h xrtender for Lawrence Boyle, who haa recently purclmwed the Szowmn home` The pl~hi-mite campaign r'omrnib- Lee will hold a public nmutiug in B few weeks. Several Ppaakerr-, well posted on the mutter, will bu zutulmd to assist-. Horse races will be liuld on the ire here next. Wednesday and Thurvdny. The horse mm any a good limo may he expected. The enunvl of the innnem-we hammers in the nxle work: was hozml late on S`Ltl,ll`dr|_V night The r-lmvol iwn-lmwcle running full blunt as well. \\'l:on the factories ure unable to overtake their ntdrrr.-3 and `have to run so late ei. en on Suturziuy nighi. in in not 0. bad sign that lhu L-.uric~,v' government; lm-i not ruined the iliuliwlxics of this country an well as the pronmzrttn of the working man, who are enabled to not only work full time but are in "ecellll-()f the extra pay for over- time. (J. E Burton. 0 J. Sluaneman and L Fmial leave tn~nizhL for l et.erboro to attend the high court of the Canadian order of Foresters. nucmuu. 00. at Bulhlo, N. Y. Thu 1: duo coma not that the con yoonttoln tome Invention; and dhoovottu Ir I: In. no own In the whole ruin ol medial Mano. `II I the world to-dAy--in all tho of the Ior|d-no doctor not lnmmtlon `in (us And restored no mu: monuhu the tunodllll } nmmou. co. 0 (Mt thn lhn oonnnnvnamtmln I uued to In r_:<:.n`:K:n::-n:nll;Ti;;d. now I am strong nnd well--M:Hor .s Compound Iron Pills did ib. Sold by 1'}. C. Mitchell. -:-u-j-;j Market Square HEALTH AND BNER}; Aasltli. HAPPY MARRIAGE. 0000 TEMPER. LONG LIFE. HIGH!` MIG HID. Tho; quickly atop Inn: on thouyutun Ihntup | Ihgonorgy D rho Foremost Medical Company In the World In the Cure 0! Wuk Men Make: thll Otter. mo Trial To Any Honest Mu} } mlamulmry r.t.'1uwu. Ill U18 evening It pinn- fnrm meotin.-z was held 11' which the Ruv Mr. Pietra, Rev. A. R Oruer. Dr. Juck:-on and others mok para. W. Acton and J. A (iibaon have entered into n pamncrship In manufacture harness for the trade. The upper 1! mr of Mr (lube-on a glove and mint. facfm:-y will be med for the purpose` .1 M, Cnmuhell and mnnlv lvsxvnrin \VnrL A Farewell op. `" GAN.uicqi'm, Feb. 2l.---W. J. Wobaur, the liberal candidate, was in town an Friday and Saturday arranging for a pub- lic meeting on Thursday. The conserva- tivea belda meeting here l:o.nigb1;_ M;-, Powell. M.I .. `Nest Norchuinbei-land. NIB, Mr. Ctigrain, Quebec, and local men are advertised to take_parb. We are pleased to hear of G. P. (lrul~nin,Brock- ville, being elected grand master worlum n of the A.0.L .W.. aleowbat our own townuxmu. '1`. lS1.Corriecb. obfnimid the high position of grand overeeer by a. very lur'ge.vote. Rev. Mr. McKenz e. Rl(`-Ck- ville. took both FCBVICOB in the Preaby tax - ian cliu:ch he.~e ieterday, Rev. II. G`-rncn_v occupying his pulpit in Brockville. lie 1 preached two poweiiul rerumna which ; wem gieaclv appreciated. In the Metro dienchurchliev. Mr. Pietra occupim the pulpibintlio morning. taking the annual , miaeiuimry eeunun. Inthe evomnga pint. ; II Rm 1 I and noimm ml. .m..r. I /1...- .4 T A 1 Gu:n.noquo'I Show Rushed With 0|-in-3-, ALL WORKING OVERTIME. ll ivus plnS5ll)l- [0 ml! xorrxxlngsmn. 110 was it man of unblemished honor 1nd one who has done much (or Kingston and for Queens. The aymphonious music` that delighted the speaker '38 worthy of a better atmosphere, but he was forced to admit. that it veins in the intore.-.t of the cause. Ontario \ms go- ing to experience is greater victory than ever before nchivvad. and he trust- ed that by united efforts they would 'm-hieve a great victory in Kingston. ` What`: the matter with Hagar 1 "He's all right," sounded amid the ch:-era hat greeted his masterly effort. "A ndslide In The Old Town That .\'ight,'V a song composed by major G.1llow3y, was sung with grezttqim by the nu ience, with its composer lead- ing. An orchestra. selection. .1 inn? solo by Mr. Mooers and ya can a of comic songs by T. Cannere, preceded um address by Edw. J. B. Penle, president of the liberal nuocietion. In calling upon Mr. Ponce, ma'or Gnllowny said `that to him the li rel party owed nearly its-very existence. The prodi- dent. of the unocintion in rising wee aruettd with thrnmrunninc ehnen cent. _ox uga umcuuon _ .|l' mmggtn`-mung ; 3:5: 5:] llmfu-d xibllltv 0! nll tho utnckholdc-rs. mum AND cn`\' l`l{U|'1-2R l`Ylnsurvdnl lowest posslhlv f'2|!l`:i. liernru runmwlng old or glvlng new business 9: rI\l`.-1 from. S'l`R.:\.\'(l ,& s'I`R.\N`(H7. Ag:-ntu. W. J.I<`A[R., ulzvcml Agent, King .-urmt, (mmrlonnn . mun In, nut nu ('f)lll(l nnl. no . t mmnm-r u{ the liberal asaociaiion and not he- proud of it..- He belonged to 21 party he could huth revoren`ce and admire. They would prove in this election that it. was impossible for the cnnservrltivas of ()nm.rio to get rid of.-the Iihernlgow ornmont. .\'n government in Lhe world was ns free from blemish and dishonor as the gnvcrnmont of the day. Its .mndidat(- in Kingston was 3 man (or whom they had ndmirution nnd respe-L Hc.was as good a representative an it was possible to get for-`Kingston. Ha \vn_-z n mnn nf nnhlnmiqlmzl Imnur ml 'l`HH`YlI \'-"H5 who had I p Ulli}'PTP.il) ! I lht-Ir gzruh` _ It would` I! |`hiS fl: lvurn that I .:xppi.'|l).S9 f( l :p:mit*d h.v s `p .\l:1'_.liiI1s 1 ['1' I l'll`., uul.-LIIIII nu p`)l|l'y ()1 H11) lu')H'(`HL They were va-ry unxiuus to gel. :1 flugu-x` in ()r1t:u'io'.~4 pit-. A good [(uVurn.! ll1(`lll was in p0\H>.I' and ii wus guing to In-. knpt in. P was g|.ui to see Lh:1:1l- mosl cw-Iy lihurul sludvnt of Quec-n`.~4` hm! H-gislervd, and they would have, zuntmg lhn al,udvnl,s_ ovvr furLy M u. m.'1_1uliIy for l1'.'u l.y. Thvm xwru snnue that xwxo Hii1 doubtful, but. thvy would he uitondml Lu. Qum-n'5Ht1ule-.nI.~ know :1. good thing hon (hay mu il, unrl Hwy saw that the Hzudy guv:-rn-: Imvnt \'.'ns :1 gum! thing. 'I`h(=y knnw hrvn lhv friend of (.Jux-0n`.-4' uni\'vr..iIy, an-I Hwy worn mung 1.0 shmv lht-ir gzrulilunln to Hon. \\fiHi:un ll.-Irly. It wrnulrl` Inn Ihn nu-auulncl nunnnnf I Ll.lHlU.\[|l]{`lt`! HI`. IIIUUIJIII. UU VHXH "UL (H1- :v_\pninlu-(I. Qum-n`s students qhould he LEI`-'l1(`flll to lhe libvrul as:-ux-intion for; providing Hus enterlzunumnt. Th:-y wt-rn liherahx whn had .-1ssmnb],vd tu- night, nml hn was u lihr-ml too (ap- piuussn) .\ mun might. belong tn nl -sort that he uiid not In-Iim'e m, he might` ho a. mrmhor of n. society he had nu faith in, but he could nnl. he .1 mmnlwr nf Ihn Hhnrnl ncannivnfinn and nut in. rlnrn izxaunutm LU nun. \\vllll-'Iln ii.-iri_v.| ` the prnudnsl. mnmvnt llll his llft: if election night. he 'mi5zlu., `learn H.'u`l._v was Pl(`1'(.L'.\l. Grunt, fullmw his rt`in.1rk.~', ;u-mni- shnutq of Slmrtl,`s zill riuhl I" ; .\T1'. liilis rvmlcrvd in solo, "('unquvr- '-d_" in ]nIo:1.-ling: style, and the 0I`(`l)t`*il m, `;.zzu'e= nnolhar selrctiuu. Arthur llzigrlr, unnllier l)!'llllIlHl. student of Qum-in'.~i, gave an (`x1llH1s:'.'istim- urllI`v.s'.-1. Hes lid not t`HmP prcpari-ll In Hllllif . :1 .H|lt`l`(`l1. lllu understand the gnllit-rim: to he n; unoking concert, and Judging from Ihu` utnmcpllere he thought. bu wa.-a not (ll-I-l .'v 1nnlnl|-1|, |')nns-h`-2 unnlpnlu qlunnlrl ha I UH IUU BIIPUL. I`.ll\\'iU'|I IIIUYHIUII Ill`- cump:u1ie:l Iho songs on the pmnu. ' Capt. J. 2. ('.'n'rulhu-rs, pn'sidvn1 of} Uw _\'ulIn;.:` lilwrul :1.s:~m<-iuliuI1,\\'.n.~4 give-n llwvn ringzinn t;hevr.s :u1 hu muna fur- \\:u'4l to auldrvss them. He` 1'cl e=,rI'e-d Lu lhv hard wurk before the hhc-ruls. 'lh<-w was on-. mum nppurtunily fur thvnn U-N dis-.plu_v their ln_v.nlt_v and faith in Hm um pnliry zmtl the old I{`.'ldl`l`:-X, 11:4. lhuy hm] mm` dam`. in lhv past, hy c-lerlim; Hun. \\'. Hnrly as nwnxlmr fur l\'im.;- slnn. (;\ppl.'I.1l.~w.) Ilv nus glad to my, lh<- lihu.-Ll stmlentn nf l)uvun'.~A om pn-sent. 'l'h=y had done nuhlu war}; in prevA'<>l1.~x elm-lmns uml helped to roll` upaxmngnificcnt um_1urily. l'he xuumla of Si1'()Iin-r M.u\\'uL hzul certainly Iullun upnu llvn. A. S. Ilznxiy. Th!` liha:rnl.-a` l`I`p! z`S(`I1l. Hi\'(` was not \.ith them than.` I-vcning. Si:-lcmnss (h-hmincd him in To.` mnln, `ml Hwy uuuhl uurl. all the hurdcr for him. 'll1(-.y all loved unu \'.'(~'H` p1'nuul of ll19irc;1mlni:nv, fur hes hud Q-Vet` hmkc-t . wall In tlm illlul`t`.`sLI of Kim.;s1un (crie-s uf "Ivar! Hmrl")[ \\'<-, will finish the gnml 'ork |>_v nlv.-L-` ing him by u, hngu 1nn_j0rily (prolong:-1 ! uppiuusn-.) J, H Shnrll `I .\ 2| {)IInnn': ~.-Ilulnnf I I 1 I c & k s '1 U[F|)lil.lL\I'. J. S. Shortt, M..\., u. Qu00I1's.~ p.'{l V0 :1 musing zuhlross. 112-. :1 In hr prcseut with tho. yuum: hnl saw no grml. isslnv |efure-. H: mm, (`x('(`[)l it might law in k :1 htn1gry(-rmwl of (my pol 'l`h:- (`()X!S(`T\'{lli\'l`,`~} h.'ul lrumpvd L-uif with u cough the dim-.|.s' lu um >'( iL, For wv uni llI.'.ll`(`hin[;' tn via-t\n'y." Hm rousing ('h(>ru:+ slmnk Hm |)uiI-I- ing (Ind could be )|zxinl_v hv.1r by lhnsu an the. slnwt. '.ul\\'zu`d 'l hm`nlun of I ..._un.-uul inn u-._. n-{nun Chm \'/Illn` Iiln \\|.`.i Sllllg \\llll VISUF ll.` nuy, lhv 1-omgmsvr, Im at in 1211- ('|mx'IIs: " Hurrah! Hurrah! true. llurmh! ulWl__u}1'uhI our c fl".(` ; l~`n-Pun-n rally mum! us 1 in the svn, l<`nv- um urn ...r..` nun U1 IL [nu nn vhurch. .-\ .~u-soml lnlliu .ln un.u- 1|... n. u -v-- -uvv uvnnay-u 1 . l"uudn'nv0r 52,0l)0.000. In uddillun tn which tho ollcy huh urn huvn for ru-cnr|t_v the un- llm (rd ubllltv AN!) `.l'l`\' Pm wx.`,n'vv Inunnn ... .V"i('ll|.l lllll-`ill`2|l H(`|l.' luring; l. u~ mvning in 1111:` difficult [H11 1'h(: chorus, ".\1ur\' was sung unh vig< \\-'I V l'|l' l'()ll|HHKJ`l' I nay nun lhrsu For llnl\ ..I' 1. I Hl7 Illllll V` (13 DUlII?`\\IId mu_jur L.`:1llu\\uy p1usi1im.', , x-lnsuu. upvnc-:1 lhv progr few Wvll rvn-lel``d srlc-(-lim hay imlum-11 Ill! :1 H nu...` nu... 1-1..` :::.-I -- H. 1-lll lU Ut` uwro pH':ls(lnL H1 H5 null!/:l.- uun than m Ms zxnlucipulmn. '1 he nmruh of vi:-.luF`v has hemln. B- furcils un\\:1ver1ng and unclwrkud ;u!~ \':mc-t-, the oppusilmn fur.-vs aw (Hs:lp- prnring. I-Twery day the liberal runk.s'| um suellillg uith rswruils, xnth Invni who wvre t`Xlll(`t'(l into the \\hi(nv_\" rmnp by r;wl1 and rcckl0.~ss pruxuir;--:-H xrlnivh muld nvva-r he fullillwl. Un; March Isl the buule will he ms muxpletu nndtliumnhum,In in1.-:$nn:ui..u;min I man u lal LHU uuuua \uI| He ms l'l)ulp|PW mud tliumphunl. In NH u-r{nn|uliur| as il has In-cn ]l()[)l`lUl and 1:1vIiu'.Il in H5 pl`:-pur:1lir)u. Not. in ull lhu <'un.~4--1`vu- two. wurd rallies ('mnl)invd 11.1.- llwru M.-ml as large an crmui ur us umvh vu- ihusinrtnl muuift-.~lt`rl 11.; in llw anew linvml gzutlmring of F:-.1urrl.ny night. `Hm hour as stnxwwhul Jule ulmn, mu hm '.H..u ,..- .....g;`i.\,. |)..... n.,..`.. .... - Wm; I-lull Wan crowded To The Doon- uh-rlug aldarosui llada-Victory In In The -ur-(Juon'a utudanu wlll Do The]: uuty uu march lnt.-'l`hoI'e Wu A not `Elma. Ii)` Jupiter! l'hLn, nuhly, Yurk; his turn.-`down: Llluu 1:gllt st--1{ing Henry Vl. .\ml nubly, too, {Luus done. Again hztvr the young liberals Hi this old, l:iaturi<- ci:_v-:L city pmducirxg. man nu, lhuugn they may not have almpmi ' the \\`lni:p9r`vt 1|. thruno, h;n`u at l\'.'|St i llJ0lll'lt'd the (it`l`!"t s and ti-gstxuly of` this t`un1'v<;t."d0miniun-.1g;1ln, navetlml [young lilmrals turn '1n.=ted llle*il`lU_\`:1l t and z-nthu:5iu..su1 tor he cztusc Lhuy re-| pt`:-sent. 'lhe puullc l unnuls ot the| limrstone (`ity are rplote with many, 11 mm gathering in which zeal, tlrduri and hope that w;Ls_ zLl'wr\mrd.s rewtlizr-d lulve horn nl thuit` l1igll.'.~n`pttt'l1, huti n--vol` has there hccn :1 rally more su.-- .` t-esstnl than that whicll look the furnt g of n sxuolgur in the "\\'hig" hull on .~ Ntturtluy nigjlt. The spnviuus hul could nut hold all the young" men wlm 4 stught admittance. The ulsh-.~;, thei lu|"mcs_ the 1-nlrunces wm'e crm-.d0ul uith an 0xpect:mt and [ru-nll_\ usst-nI-`; huge. [pun every [nun ht-aumed the. hope of victor',l- H. hope. that czunmt` [.111 to he uwre plvusnnt its I`t`tlH.Cll.- llnn than IYI he !lI|.Il-;I\'|lI .n ENTHUSIASTIC `LIBERAL RALLY ` ON SATURDAY NIGHT. rm; swmc o?;v1crom.| \\lHl |;ul.-hurl ` n I|'nI~1u l|l('.UlL ll`1ll (HM \\ (`ll I'('('l'lV1"I. ' nrus, ".\1unthing lu \irL->r_\'.`' ; vignr by HI:l_]ui` ml.-, ztutlxunw _jui1nm;" )X'll.`if ` UIIE DONT BRAG lint. an AA Mxn 'I\I|IIIn-1:-1. L... I\ u__ ,.. \Ll\\('(l `VII T110, (}u'l_' : nnnn #- ll. llllglll V U! K"|']| rmwl pulifir lli\'l`.`~} up cough, dim-.|.s'v(l nu palivy uf uny mum Va-TV nnvmnu tn m lI'Il`.I I ll HI '|\'\ ..\...., . |\u_ ,. '11 reciuxtmn, W. m(}u'l_";1ud lhu rx-pr('su LL. nun trying to lump II\\:|k\-` .-\twru):l Bras. cuxltrihlllwl uvul s<-Iuclnumn on llw In-I13 mvning, and HM-ir l'HnrI\' `IIH It-nl \\.nI'n-. \\-II I`:-m-iuml uh! lilmruls are wu- I. I . A young um-r'n.~4_' iln-.pl1h|i~. km-p (ML In-u nu! 4 from the un unnu VII- mm rrlay 1| , Ruullv_v's ur- u~.unnu luv u )unln'|uII.~<. vd Hm -.|.~'.ml mu ; slutlmxh! ms proud ' |'I'ln*l"I|~ ' .5 n-.ili.c:i- V Wolunlllar Forgot Ills Little Speech And Iexzun. )7 "-'9 " wire-.d Sl'Nlll`R\', Fab 18 - [nab evening a ma moeting in the interests oi J. S. Galinghcr rul milk-5' i was held in the town hall. The COl1Rel`\ A- ~"'` V "W" i tive cniididzibe, J. W. IC'ivvar and Mr. h !`-V; Weinmillar up Ike for the opposition. while i "" ""` ; J. L. Haycook looked after the patron in- . ) . . :il'_:`)In kid: i tere.-its. i.i.liiagiidl`lH opening spoke ten mu 9 minutes ngzainsh cnlmiizitirin roads and J! Hhltlgllillb H.\yi--wk taking credit for road I grunts, claiming tlint the countv tout de M5 pnmtions to Tumnto fur tlnw purpose. Mr. Hnycorzk in replying turned l.`allagher'>' uiielargumenb iv-`Eda 'und dwelt on the read igrunts. Bh0\\'in;{ wise expenditure of ever} 10 \\ 11". dollar and leaving it to the 00l`nnli8r.iOll0l! il1v_v'.-i present: to judge. His position was on W` "Y "' duraed by them He gaven good account l"""-M"` of his stewardship and made many well ~~ \ . m' `` directed points J. W 1-) lwards speech war prose Ll-1 . l d. d ' _p mmk I mainly against. patrons beiiigntye in e mrimlwd pendenta, and one or two minor points. ,,(,H_.i. Mr. Ihycnc-k again followed and show- , ed himself to be one of the bent speakers I-pi-.-mui. iever heard in Sunbury. Mr. Weiamillar on V ii-inr_\-, . winding up the debate. was n failure as Hi` (;;iil.- ` far as questions `of the tiny `were concern- uJ'Uii1llll;;ed. Being guyed by the audienee(hie i Huron record having travelled faster than W"` '!`-' he did.) he forgot his little piece. Be 5' l ``' '5 charged that Mr. }{2iycock s secretary coat i the country 3600. When requested to take it back he very quickly did so. The .`n_),... sight of one plain farmer downing the [W whole qua:-tette was. much npplnndod at by ,,,:,.,,l times. Joseph L. Haycock has loi-t none nu, ;..._'of his old time p )plli>I.ritay here. 11. J. _,,.,_ Morolimdmudo him:-elt ii host of frientu iidvnl of` by the fair way in which lie presided over c.i.~4 the meeting. mm for-i ` he cunt rc ---vv -v.-y-un 1 . ('umul|un ;zm'<~rnnwnt rPNOr\'c mm mmnmtu In ..s`I.3MMl.II|. Thu prnlllu fur [nub (Ive _\'(`m'.~ will be ll:-clur--I uhuul .\ln\'. IHIH. 'l'hv' uvvllrllyln orllw Ms.'|w.~xt nrclor, I: point whlc-ll ummut Ix: undo-'r~rM.ml, nr m'm`lmkul or \`l*w(-I with only pn.~'uIIu.: (Ih.~dur\`IlIl0n2 In lhvxoaluy.+nl'k-n-n<- rm- Mlnlntwx, .`-M-1-urlly" In l|u Hr-t 4'0nRIIIt'l`I\l|II1I, ur-bu ht to D0. 0l'm'4-ry Ix-rson inking mu u Llfu luunuu-2: pull:-3'. MILLS H`l`l!lll(lll.|M, - General lxontw. Kingston 1 . sollbvdbanlun. `-"P'*"' 0! III . UllI$'I \RCl'l'lI UK` (Ill IIIC E01` good than all othornunodiu. has I consider mynll curd. mad with I 25 out box at thlt." ` NINE IIIIIIIIFUI GOUIII, "IX Cu and: ox treatments, but gut no bunot. Onohox oi Dr. Chan : Oahu-rh Onn did me more and Qhgn All nthnp ncnninn `In '.AI I `"1" W9 may QUECPOOIDIO and disastrous onou attendant upon these an loso no tune in procuring r. Guano : cstarrhcuro. Mr. J :`W. Jenninn. Gilfud. Ont. write: as follows: "I 1 t batman two and 1 three hundred do lfl, tried all kind: at I trnntmnnt: lmi uni nn Inmn n... Inn. I-lattor Pructloe With [Dammit-I. 1-, NEW \' Feb. `.l.-The Commercial 0 Advert:-or mys: The less said about the !- Muina disaster the better. Apparently we ~` ` have bluwn up a line vosol. Inllod several ` nunvjrul sailors and sent. $3,000,000 worth of pmporr._v to the bottom of the sea by under careleae-noes We have come to grief 7 like ll buy trusted with a real pistol utter 1 drilling and parading and ghting imagin- _':ary Indians with wooden dummies. The V ` incident will be worth Lhecoat If it teaches _-4 - u-1 humility and nbates our thirst. for war v If penco Ill so perilous to our builelllp . when there is real powder in their magi \ ` zines. what: would war be? We had better '- l practice with dummies for A time longer ll br~`nre we set out to conquer the world. _ - Catarrh sulfa:-er: and thou cl - metod with cold in the Read, Hay Fever. Raw and Spitting, Foul Breath. Loss 0 Taste and smou and the many disagreeable disastrous eonnoauamam nmnn.m Water uupplj mm:-I. Lozwov, Feb. 2l.-'l`ho fire in the store- ; room of the secretary of the Lyceum v tlxoutro, in the prch may under the London. Chatham and Dover railway. nemr Ludgate Hull acumen. by which 20,000 ofSir Henry , [rving a aceuery; enc.. was destroyed, was `another illuacrnbion of the primitive fire 1 methods of London. The store house was ` within :1 ball unle of the tire lnipzudo hud- ; quarters you the remen found the Inter ..-upply inadequate and had to rouse the turn cot'ks1'rom their beds in order to ' gab them to turn on the proper supply of . water`. 1 n aw sprung Weeoe & Co e. 4`) -`illhl-IFIIII U I'lIllI I` I-IlIl'N. .s 1<`i:iu:rso:~"~ l"Ai.i.:s, Feb. l5.-Jolin Hol- <- ` linger and man are engaged repuiringu M pier under the bridge which was damaged .Y by the ice coming down last. apring. The K , Roman Uatzbolic church was the scene of e 5` very pretty event; on \ l/ednceday when I-V ' Peter ()`.\Ioill. Babhursc, was married to n Mien Lizzie Clea-I. dniigliter of John Clone, Lmark. John Robertson is engnized bak- H `iug out. wood for next`. winter. Mr. and Mrs. Neil..Donnelly are visiting at her , fat-lier`s, Therm.-i Armstrong's. 050. i, ` Owing to the severe snowstorm our u. 3 mail carrier made three tripe inebend of six. I! `UllfH`ll(`l flolllingor bias atone to Buffalo wits Ll Jxrmi, ier ea or can e: ewas nocom tmie *5 by W. R-ntliwell. A few from here extend- L {ed the funeral of Thomas Crampton on :Sundny. `The remains were interred in I `Sc. John .-4 cometery,Boyds. John Hucli-on `r-pent rs couple of days last. week an Glen Tay. Viaimre: Mrs. R. D. Thornpeomab i'A. Sheppard :-; \liee Annie McLaughlin, Lunark. at R Craig .-a; Mi-5 Kate McGuire, L-mark towuship,nt, T. (Jommand'a; George Warren nnd Susie Morris-, Perth, at J. . 5 Morris ; Clmrlon and Miss Theresa Muse. -. Aimenbe. at J. Hollinger a; P. l)Jyle,Way- . wide, on J. M iloney u. anwuu $2110 AND sanh \ (JUNE. 1 London. Liverpool and Globe Fire Iasurancc Company. Ia`nn.I..'n..n.- n) mm mm v.. ...I STILL HIS (7ATAR_H REIMNEIL A 25 can Box or an. crusrs cmuznn cum: nons arrcrxvx wonx. New spring 1889 wall Vanna & (`,n n. n tiger. He considered this. was an . occasion when he wished he was some one else, when he might have rendered u song instead of giving an address. He V had just arrived but had been told there had been a hot time in the old town Lo-night. Nothing could T8Sll the liberals on March lat, if zeal and. `nhor could save them. Hon Mrzl Hurly`s health would not iermit hllll to ho present and many ol the other city speakers were doing battle outside 1 the city. He felt `that he could tole- l I graph Mr. Hurly that the prosentturn .' out was it credit to the liberal commit- 1 tea and to evvr_v reformer and thut. _ with the help of llmse. present, they l'W(`llld get there with both feet" on l Man-h lsl. Prolonged rheering follow- tied and broke out again in rem-me-I1 I` \ vigor after lhe reading of the follm\in;,' `(telegram by Cupl. W. B. Ci|l`I`ll|lll"!'.\,r v i to_wl1o1n it us sent. from Toronto: -|\ou muy extend my best wishes Lu a|ll1 young liberals of l\'ingsl.on. Vir- rytory is the Air here. \\'u will do i|. riin Kingston also by the help of your l nohle linnd." (ziigned) \V. llurly. Li 'l'w0 solos followed, one by Mr. Kola: - . and one hy Mr. Acres. Two oLhr~r\veal'- i:(`0n1pos(>d and appropriate rump-xigzn I srivigs were sung by the composer, ll. 1 `D `H \\'. Best, n Queen's student. the audi-l em-e joining in the chorus. l 5 Fhnrllv hnfnrn tumhm n`nInnI.- oh. l'Ill'(\ Joining` In me cnoruu. Shortly before twelve o'clock the large and enjoyable assemblage broke iun. x JosEPH_6b_w~s THEM ALL. lorguImu'a Falls Flmuhell. _..- .uA__ 1`. .. 1 P`[>l'- Ab D, A_ up-jr-\|_Jl \.r\lVI\JJl`. :iIIPrInca_osIaw1~nnmcuIoI'oV% nl bl _ _ _ '. `. _ c1:?'.E`.`.'.".?'..f-'.`.`;2."? "`9"- "?"*`- I I lAl-\?AAA(\4An London & unfashlre Lite Assur- ance Companv. raps marl nluhlnzl. I am sell NI-_wT =5.rUr-' IH.\VEOPBNEDgfY*K3W _ ruumlu v-1* -' 1' am: A g - mm snark tn! 1:... mun}... gm 1n.a.- nu- "*3- ."`.`. ;'."".. 9EM"!: smxorzrowmocuiuu-nuuuvnn nlnhlngn. ' . . >`"'"CiX"2"AMs'oN.% \3PrlIh':..nnl. nadI.l`noun-Iahnlnh-In n-:vuuu-ululu luulvl "11! j! K! Qlwn ` as St. nonIs;st.-.1 momma :1a: lm rte of Bllll rd Cloth, BI! Tl truiygolurrxhuu I-Ilecatric Cushion: nit` home but In smna-namhncfa nun who om. no 5; l\__n.;-Q41...-nn_..'4_ Jae. Laturney, 800 Princes: Street. Themnmomlwilh u . ` wheel wlqdo rluulacmron 01 Iful ml 0..-: ~In|._nn_ VEHICLES ssonm-r. -rm-i mmonu R K. Kll.ImIL\ , V. Ix. M. t`. 1' 3. .~:.,1 o .\I-dlvul Hupa-rlntumlum Klng.~:lon ml lloupllnl. (`oruncr fur (`Hy mu! ('0 Hlm I'm'n|-rly cw:-uplml by lhu lulv Dr. . clern. l`clL-phone No. 342. V --- ------ -n:'1-w-Q-lj Electrician. Co-Mnntlon on and B|Octl'|PIllI`C and Electric Suppllu Intact. lsmmms? SLEIGBS 6&aIJJ.'E.T ' Kingston Pnlnt Hhnp and Room Pnpor Depot, ('nrm-r`Hmvk und lirumt Htrc-eta. ____ Wall Papers suitable for Kitchens, Dining Rooms, Halls, ma: Booms. Bedrooms, Pntlgrs, Drawing Booms, A12--- `UL- where all kinds of Wood is to be had at lowest prices. moot-nn Healers. Bella P I l ' I nudAnnunc|aton-Wlr- I my for Elcctc Uxh Rrpnlrs ofn khuls promptly nttoudcd to. R 1-2. HPARKH. D. h. H..-.I.. I). H., M. D., I)F..\'- . TINT. Um:-0 20.15 I rlm-H-In hlY'l`('I. Hm!- qlenvu 1:52 1'nlvcr~1l_v Avvlmo. (Imcn hours, NILHI. In 6 pm. Huturduy ow-nln?', B to In I`t-lnnhouo 3m. 1'. P. Hmn-mun 1 I) H jnuom & U0 S mm, *F`o'fgct it Not. A Iuun I \J\4l\l\JI.l . The i:Iai$xLtant and otl:er Frencl: Canadian Poems, by Dr. Drum- mond, $1.25. vuuu L\u.p Spanish john, uruu. Wm. McLen- F. N ISBET S L`CV|lI.I' ClLaI' /JD! Olgl Romanoff, or the Syren of the Skies. 75c. Stolen Souls, by Wm. Lo Queun, 75c. The Lion of Ianuier, by Maurus ]okai,75c "Plan Dink! Qnrf kn Kira WA- "3`iI;"isgr.t Sort, by Mrs. Ed- ward Rannard. 75c. Cl'\'\I1I'f" \ kl Ann uuu, /3|... , The Great Stone of Sardis, buy Frank R Stockton, 15C. `*1: The. `jnkulnnf nnrl nil-nor nu-Ann`- Miss Balmain's Past, by B. M. Croker, author of Pretty Miss Nevith, etc., 75c. r'\l.... D,..........` Av 4|... Q....... The Corner Bookstore. :ornor of Prlnoou nno Woulnnou IIIOOU Nn.m. Hutu` l`t-lvphonu t`. I . L. 1!. 1-5.. 1\dhtlul(. 333:3? AT ABOUT ` '.......`".:m-'-,.......*~- ' "::. ,-.'.=,m`:::.r- Np? I A 5 loner only. Adan:-ad P:ox1'." at W'j'@ WW !w. .1. Dick & S0n s I HE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. The above goods are the` % choice of our stock and are made of White Bros. ` Box Calf. W: Men's Box BOXi Calf Laced CALF. Boots, new ` toes, heavy or light soles, welt sewn, per- fect tting, worth from $3 to $5, our eale prices T. MCMAHON & 00.. EN s [ FOOTWEAR. COAL that is COAL at 'N'E-'W.-_$"-5T7` R` 5:.` .\II` PI13YEl\ l\' IYIJIC7 XIWIIIEI I Rich I: agar-h$l::g vllld onto Pb: - C In `H ?3"p`1'33u of other imam both um` um. I PERFECT OUR! FOR COUGH{9 AND OOLD8 l.l........unn Anlhmn R:-nut-hIln,Sm-o'l'k1-nub. EONARI) (.'l.E.`vlE.\ I`H L. 1). H., ])} dlmctly up msltv the 351 mice Welling- ton nu-4.-ot, k mnxton. ` tabllnbml In M57. "1`glut11|:oI1oNu. 337. Rmuiduncel King street ma . Uuuunw IIIIVIJ vwhww Hou-senesl. Asthma Bronchlln. Soto Crow) and all THROAT. BRONCI-ll\L LU G DISEASES. Obstlnntec In which resist other remednos ylcld pron to this plennnt plny syrup. Panel 150. Ann coo. rrn loffl-In IOID CV All. I!-UQCIUTI. `Km . Ax an Norway Pme Syrup. In- -.Il-.p -lAnn- ARCH` BI`- CLOSING UP SALE. $2.50 to $4.00. DR. vyp l_) S Effects. Designs. Prices. Elootmln Healeru, I nudAnnunnInmnu.Wlr- ;.._ SMY l`Hl~2 & LYON, lL\ltlH:+'I`ERJ5, SOLIC- Ellurn .10., (mtnrlu Cmunbcrzs. M. an Ynut, Q. C. II. I. LYON. _:-__ WM. NEWL.-\NDS. AR(?}lI I`lC(."I` and A rulnur, curnur nf llrm-k mu) King screw.- nvr.-r\'mle'u Drug Htnrc. Entmncu on K11 1-lt.root.m-xltntmx l{.u.1.. A CHURCH school; .4... AL. n. ._ --._....... Wl`Hl.'l{ ELLIS. AR(?IllTF.()'I` ()l<`F`X("I-2.`-L`- !-Ixvhmxgu Fhulnh-.-rm, t)m)rJ's Block, 51 Brook street. Klngaton, um. , . . 7 . *1- i.-. ' /}`3 m\vr.n a sun AR(`lll'I`l-2("l`H. M 1-lmnts Bunk lluIll!ng,-urnuv Brock ` Welllngton streets. 'l hmYyc `.512. xu mum, at low rules of Intern-.1! , uu (`Hy um! 1"`urm}'mport . lmum ruutvd on (`My uml (`ounty Ix` wn urea. Ap ) y 10 l`noM,\.-x Blunt;-'~, Munugeru l~`r0nte|w.(- nun und luvuuununl Hoclcly. Um:-u opposite the Post omw. .._..__.._.__._. LESKANDEIE BI.ANCH1\lD (,`HAR'l'El{l')l') Accountant. Rook:-I 01-nu-I pm-xu-d, nudit- nl .~atuh.-Inn.-ms ed. Trlnl hn|um-ma and Imuu-I taken. llunlnvms-m1l1d<:ntlu.l. Addn.-.53 Kln::~ uton But-slm-me t,`olln.-m.-. `A alleount at auul'n`-t::lrtl l`t;:`diB?hpt;`rI 3 rerrymon. ' I n)f|n on mm. cons ALL. M.A..PI1noIpl.. y . own To LOAN IN:L.mut:uns.\mm. ; at low rates 0X'lnlcrL'.1l,uu 1~`u.rm Prunortv. Lmum urnntml nu (`ilv nml asuia uooumo. ` x._..` n. ,1 _._.-.A_.,..._.__.____.._._.j-__._.._ HIIIIIIX llfl lll. _......_._.._.__;__.-__ I Illa II In\IhJ\J\IlIIIJI.. 8.~ll(i.\'I<`.l~3I-5 IN 'l'Rl'H1`. ()l<`l"lt`E : am HA- gnl Struck. AmlguIm:nt ~)1lvllu-d . 3 :1 la.xativc,one pill acts perfectly, and if :1 stronger action is d {sired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills. In obstinate cases, where a purgativc is necessary, three pills will be found sufcient. These pills leave no unpleasant after ecct. l One pill taken each night during ` thirty days will cure constipation. . muuusmzss cousnmmn % SICK unmeas- uvm THllBlE8 . 3. ll. M(.'U:\.\'.\'. :\CCUUN'l`;\NT AI ` ; R.(mlE1tulu A em. Rents and Menu: Illwled. Mont-y 0 loan ut lowest mt Jlco 352 King ML, over Wudws [mug Store. --.~... ICIIVIIC I U 3 Prlnclpol. BIBBW8 LIVEHY UPEN DAY AND NIGHT-` 'I`elephom- 20]. , ,, j. A. (m1-:.\'s. nurmwr. Hollnltnr, 6 4-hnnlu M.'mk. Mum-y tu Imxn nt 5 KINBSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE .8.` If 11L',\.'xI71:cji?S'1'KNf` Azent. Rum: um: SMYTHE & LOSCOMBE. NlH\H<`.|`,H Iv 'l'lH'H'l` nmrnm . mm x "`: "om..'E' '.` :if.i'Ta`i'...' ' A . mount of `mo-thlnl to dnlghwn ot IA0I_I.`__*_!|m_' _mu Inmrlnulon only to " in ON E?7n7N'I5"B 13 IN'E"s_s." _..__.j__. . EDUCATlONAL_. MEDICAL CARDS. . K1'|.1mn,'\'.M.n..1u.v.1uz '(I|('Ill Hulmrlntmulum l\'l1nI.~x A"9_H'TETi AF??"?: Re-0 nod on MONDAY. JAN. 3rd, 398 for Dav nml Evonln (`lasseg-, In nu:-xINx~:.~a.~;. mu - HAND AND CIVIL 1-.'oEll\'IL`1:`. .~,\Ul!JEC'l`S. lgllvldual Instruction. P I mu lnformnllnn mall .~.o I"n|. uuuu-gvvuuaulnlu Buddi- PPLL STA?!` 0! Unlvonis Graduates. 8 Itteutlon given in mm ual needs or pub! renement, Ind culture or home comb! with the bl 6 mental tralnmg. Thobelt Education: odmntagvegwlm every oomlnrt and com-enlenoa lhllllllconrln Cmnum. And kntlnn lgllvldual Instruction. 1' Information call :.t Col- lege omce, odclrelloww Block. TItsuRANc'E. `HORSE ETVERYF Li-.67.: __j-`---j DENTAL. cu: F;71:ctJ1?S'1`KNT ,{:~:n rent. Iwcmnzm `u lonn uh lmvent run-.u. in-sorvc now a 3'. szlwxt ml, nr `g wlltlnn mu! rush 4-nnnlcln-mlh in, `M-rson um - nu nuvuul; Prezxldenv. Undn the Pntronnge 0! El: Gncotho Arian- blahop and the Very luv. the Dean of Onurlo. rolrlawndlnto Buldoncn of Alexander unn.Johns:on strut. DIV`: -sung... 7"` `. over M0} 1. ) nnd H p. , [u\TI`I H:~m-- uul II An onto which no morally. `Q30 -unuwuuon, III! was same In povot no-day ihitocl 1 IIIMI lrom tolling his vote or In waiving railroad hrs to and from tho nuioipnliny in which Ilo voted; and Ioukdilthotronltir. Thiainan blot h Edd! cl Inlhrmuhiah nn mantl- uu_o|_Iuu's ol the pooplutnug uayogngf .4. nlmou-anon, and that than to-day ncohilitod ullinnr hi: me. up nno principle In llllll `tor my part vn n stone, at thegreepizeee etrnv by: drowning Inn vhoee oeeeis I deeper-etc end hopeleseonn. The!-icbentohllol the lecture reported uyinge wee then the Mo- rel Inenl heddonetnouto deetmy -5.153;: the people then any other ed- niniecreuon. in Dover no-du- Ioll 00"]: DI EDI! IIIIU WOITIQC UNI). A5 to his statement that no man can vote without A government otcial atop- ping' up And neutralizing his vote. 'ho known In to bo absolutely unsure and Inn possible. for tho is implying that than on as muy officials on other voters. No other moaning can be taken out of in. And that everyone know: to ho oxcnngnnhly fIlae:butwtho];mM:l1ouc1't. rooms oath to`bo hooeoth 0 HI octor to no e-ou the principle ol mnk:`for my part in dnrn.orIhon-um nan.-.--1... iuuguaulpi or Ouner poaitionr. Next he tells us that the county swarms with government employees who material- ly aided in every election, and that tho Lorie: would place the appointment of these men out of the hands of t e govern- ment and put it in the bonds 0 the muni- mpalitiea-e gross enggeration and a new deperture-for he know: no such swarm-2 exist and very little. it Any. such aid sf-, lorded. except to vote. which is the un- doubted right ol every male British rub- ject of men : estate: and as for cheng'ng the method of eppointmente, be known the toriee, were they in power,` would do no eiich thing. They never edopted that plan at Ottawa. ltis because the grit: have the doing of this that worries him. A: On hi: nhelgmnnn that nn In-n A... .wouiu oe upset at once. The idea of such a comequeiitial gentle- man as Dr. Walkem. himself, it is under- stood on aspirant for ollice in the shape ol a judgship, u|:' Wing that the local govern- ment fortiml 1' 3 with it lob of hireliugn, paid by itself, and choked free voting by that means 2 And then he etopped. as to that. He seemed not to have shown in what way free voting is interfered with, because he knew he could not. And who are he bireliuga referred to `.' Presumably l{l`ll.!'l, for such in inferred. What a pity it lrthey are not toriee. In that case the high toned drictor would have been mum, for it is they, of course, who should be en- triiated with the duties referred to, for were not they by divine rights, deiii_zne(l to fill all the positions in the gilt. of govern- ment, as in the days of the old aristocratic fiimily compact, when no one but so-called gentlemen, or their Iona, could get a place ofany sort whatever ? Thatia what uaila these iiegrurling people. Then Dr. Wulkem went on to say that the license commi:-ionera wielded great influence bocau-o C-')Hl[)')88(l of two grits and one conservative, and shore he i-topped again without letting us know in what way and over whom they nzxercired their alleged power. Are they lnio.vn to interfere with or intimidate the license people in any way whatever 1' He did not and dare not say that because he has no case,an.i knows it could not be proved, and even if they did, taking his own inference. could not the tory member of the board, by his interference. neutriln/.9 the (facts in that direction of any one of his brother grit! on the board, thus leaving 11 ditference of but one to do the havoc complained of? Out side of all this license commissioners, holding honorary positions only, without any pay or remuneration for their services, have as much right to exercise their in- finance generally in behalf of their party and friends, reformers or conservatives, as has Dr. Walliem or other aspirant: for iudgeehipe or other poaitionn. No-Ir. ha lmlln in thin. thn .-mm:-n ._........ reau y no conaone. It is only when governments, grit. or bory. have proved themselves untzruutp worbhy and incipable than bhoy should be turned nub. and on than principle every elector should be guided. Han that. been proved against the Ontario govermnenr. 1' By no mean-3. Was anything of than kind heard of until an election was at hand? And is any real genuine charge brought; against them now 1' Nob one. There are certainly nob wanting any number of uu- Lruchful and unfair general charges, and chablana far as those falsifyera dare go because were denite charges made they would be upset; at. The idea nf sun}: 11 nnnamnmnkinl nnnlla '1 IIIFTUHU. That; is the course the conservative . lenders and newspapers have invariably adupned from time Ilnmemurial. for they h-ivu nutlnng else to depend upon for euc- cesa They are not fair and honest enough to award praise to their opponents Wlmn and where ID is due. all true citizens waving proper regard for Lhe welfare of iheir country. should; but oppose every- Lhing. however commendable, and mm the part or spoiled children who wanbovorything rheir own way. and will do anything, however rloapicnblo, to attain their ends. Are these the men to be entrusted with our public bu:-ii-.e9i? In adopcing such misleading bactiica to secure votes when out ol power, when would they not do ubould ID unfortunately occur that they were on- vruebed with the handling of the reins `.` They think and acv as if the conservative party and none other lmve the divine `right. to rule. Did they prove themselven worthy in the past of being retained in that po\i- tion which they so long nccupio:.l'.' I; is the same kind of deception of the people then employed. aided by rmcally boodling, that. is being adopted here and throughout the province no the present: 'time, and winch our own local C0ni8qu0lIt:ldlB were ever ready to condone. It in nnlv whnn lrnuorni-nnnQn "-49 A. WUIIU mu) Nulu was unuue. When would-ho leading and prominent churchmen such as these utter such non- sense and exaggeration: as they did at this meeting, and ure doing regularly in their canvass in this campaign. wlmc can be ex- pected of those who are supposed to lo.,k up to such paragon: for true guidancu? In is deplorabie chat such men in their anxious but. vain desire to attain piano. oliice and power, should be no lacking in fair play us to hold back the credit to the Hardy government [or that hnue.~L. careful und ecoumnica.l manageinenti of our provincial Mfiirs to which they are jlleliy ennibiod, but should zoaort. to d0C6[)Li())f' Im-tend. rm... :. u.- ..... _, u, III! -. , Kmosros. Feb. 19.`--(To tho Editor): In reading your room-o`ol the conservative rally in Victoria?` ard on Wednesday night, I was struck ith mixed feelings of sorrow and diagusq to think than the hi-gh. coiled. lofty stepping, aonlof-houur Q C. local luminaries ofvcho donsorvacive part)` and the wise miller (Weismillen) train the west, who were the Ipeakero. most of them holding prominent; official positions in the churches wish which` they are identied, would doign lo stoop to the adoption of such mean. deceptive and lying statements as they uttered, mlely for the purpone of misleading their homon-I and to secure votes for Dr. Smyclm. Theao men know perlectly yvell uh-ab nearly all of what they Mid was untrue. When wnnlrl. hn lnndinu and nrnm.m-.l- .,,. , 'F"'!""'-'7` `tho lollclml and lxlllllbtod Pre- oodoll lulu; llnhllohcd I! Would- Bo-lapdlng OhumI`unoI-Dr. Wulkom Roughly Bund1nd-8n:thq'a Forlorn ~a.ov:_n or TRUTH" onjpcnzes' nun-rnnm wgnn din I v ' [mm RUBBl_SIP mum. inctoma want: hiiv. .....,--5.---1 Igndies College, - . ,. Even when the disease is farther advanced, some rc- markable cures are effected. In the most advanced stages` it prolongs life, and makes` the days far more comfort.` able. , Everyone suffering? from constumptjpn ncedsthis food tonic. D ............. .. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- livcr Oil with Hypophos- phitcs will not cure every case; but, if taken in time, it will cure many. 0...... _-_L-._ -L_ 1-, Aftcr coughs and colds the germs of consumption often gain a foothold. n,,-.'v 11 1 run itpeaiiin on we apathy 0! The growth of wealth and of luxury. wicked. wasteful and wanton. as he- foro (-`ad I declare that luxury to be, has been matched step by step by a deepening and `cleiirloning poverty which has left many whole nC|;,:lll)Ur- hoodn of people practically without hope and without aspiration. At such 9 time for the clmrch of God to ail; still and be content with theories of its duty outlawed by time) and long ago demonstrated to be grotesquely inadequate to the demands of a living eilustion. this is to deserve the acorn of men and tho curse of God. Talia my word for it. man and brethren. unless you and I and all those who have airy gift. or stewardship of talents. or means of whatever sort, am willing to get up out of our (il0l.h and mac and rlol-li diletcantoiaru of nei-vice and not down among the people who are battling nmirl their poverty and ignomnce~---young` girls for their clnatity. young men for their better ideal of righmuusnoae. old and young alike for one clear my oftho immor- tal courage and the iinmortvil hopo-then verily the church In it; utately splendor, its apostolic orders, it: venernble ritual, its decoroua and digniid conventions, is revealed as nimplv monstrous and inaolonb impertinonce!"--Jorrx F. BAKER. the church: l l'l'. Lnuulynn nnu rr. Ul1C6_V, NGW \0lk, Fr. Hnnhngtou and his fabher, bnshnp Hunt,-.ngt.on, Rev. IIughl`ricn Hughes and many other earnoscuudonba of social con- riitions. Lamb e-_uIumer bishop Potter, of New York. in at nctesh lmrmuny with the true functions of his ollir.-e, for two months per- 0nnll_v took up the residence and work of an eaehsido min-u'onary--n map- hrrd truly looking after his Master`: !I_.'-nck. Fresh from a closer contact With the fwna of life as the many endure them, he umd, speaking on the apathy of the church: nrowth of wealth and AF lnvun. DIIU (:UlllllEl'- And in some notable instances thiaviow is held by the V ry best man in him churches and occasionally proclaiunnd from the sacred desk and it is well, both 101' sociegy and the churches, that this is 240. Many nobablouames crmld be mentionucl who have spoken brave and` true worrlu condemning this very evil of cruel and un- righteous dvsbribution. Ringing do- nun'iaLion of the growing wealth and luxury of a select; low. side by side with the deepening poverty of .tho many, could be culled from the writings of pope Loo,clie archbishop of (3.mLerbx1ry,t,lxe bishop of Durham. bishop Potter, New York: principal (lraub, Rev. S.xlem Bland; Fr. Mulynn and Fr. l)uce_v, New York, Fr`. H|)IIn0P.nr1 Land hi. i`..:L..- 1-...|....` iuvuu vunu WIU VVUPIHIII UK UII1 VVUTIU HRH nevqr been as 8(l_U'ly rliiitrihutocl us it is now!. there be many whose nbserviitnns uf social conditions le was liham FBI won- leiinir, how any investigating mind could have arrived at such a conclusion. Thut the reverend gaiitlunnn s opinion is shared by many dues not make it correct; that hill position is harmonious with that large olass who oppose every social reform by defending things as they iiro does not demonstrate its truth. It is the cry, of Peace, Peace," while there in no poi_r:e that meintiiins the width of the gulf that ireparutee the churches (mm the sympo- thien of the common people who know practically that the tenileiicy is today towards moro and more abundant pro duction of wealth and also towiirds greater inequality in its distribution. If one were to say tlmt the distrilnitioii of wealth is increasing by tomliniz to he made in nu invorpe ratio to the ell-)rt put forth in its production, thoeo liming to make the greatest t-ifoft in its production getting: the least share: those making a loss ellbrr. getting: ii greater share while in many instances those making absolutely no eillirt at all towards the production of wealth post-easing themrclves of the lion : share; the statement would be muioin bnr~ mony with the {nets of the case seen from the point of view of the work bench and the counter. A...-I:..........-___n._I_l.: .. .u- soc -uouoo. on KOTT O EWNI. Chit, The Growth Of Wennh tml Luxury. KIN::4I'0.\r, Feb. lT.-(Tu the Ehtor) : Notwlctnstuundznxg a recent pulpit amt,-:< ruent"Hmb the wealth of the world hm! nouns hm... ... ...... .n.. .1; \._:|....,.4 'IUl' lllluu After Mr. Wei:-uniller, an oil: defeated chameleon-like politician and imported stump speaker from the west, had made some vague remarks and the usual stereo- typed prophecies In regard to the outcome .0! the elocrinn, Dr. Sxnythe addrosead the electors, and umong other things asserted that the govornmerb~nh~uld, on its nancal record alone. bat `nevi out, and that the Smdald l\ ln(-donald urplua had dwindlul down to .`$.'>UiJ (J00--3 new tory departure and an Bdllliliill am, even he d-u. c deny that there is a surplus, thuugh a email om, and not a deficit, contrary to the conten- tion of the bury press and the other tony atumpcrs, who. in their recklemnoea. vnry this unmuut from $5,000,000 to $l|J,|l()0.0UU of a debt. rezwhod by a. rpucies of tigururg known only to themselves. It. shows all in then: to be utterly at sea, fur there exists in real surplus of over $5 ()\I(),iIlK), and not a deficit or debt, ma treasurer H-orcou-:0 and the provincial auditor clearly estublinliuci at. the late aeeeion Dr. Smythe evidently showed that he despnirn ol reaching that much-coveted and numeroualy pmmivd portfolio, to which he has so long been uupiring-lor he d)l1[mirilIgi_)'miertbii that if only about: eighteen additional seucw cuul-2' be captured itwould win the olectiun for bin parLy-a forlorn hope already duom- ed --I.o\'im or` TlllI'lI. A. Blanchard. c.I\.. J. B. Mcltay, Prlnclnol. Pmnld-`M uruy exponueu. _ The only two thing in the report credit able to the doctor was that in was a good thing the conservative: were turned oub ab Ottawa. It seems that even he got tired of the raaonlibiu ol his own party there. which is admiating 3 great deal. Had the government at Toronto been guilty of like common in wonhl be time to "make a change there also, but as that is none!-.e case, and no- evideuce whatever existing that, in is, it would be folly to make 8 change that would let in the friends und allies of the condemned Ottawa boodletv. now out in the cold, the only proper place or them. AL.-\.. Ll- ll7..:.._.:I1._ ._ -n_ _r_1_,._,1 building: nnd railroad: Ind xecoivod nb revenue in retutn. Whoever heard of re- vonuo Doing secured from pgblio. building: and bffnused railroads 1' and yet: he does not deny that such money should be neces- urily expended. Th: nnlv trnn M-uinu in tho nanny-0| m-mIi|- use IIl8u.;o. on: PTA nnnna: u-L. Tm ngumr wme, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21,-.-Jess. LHU [~0"[:H , mud, All |'n. [STAMPS -mu e Hnlldlug, nu su,.vnin&`ticC ' tron. Tl-qunly nn 0! 0!-ndnnlo titl- na-wn In tho` Donmnmn transacting pawn buslneu oxciusiyely. Jlnuiou uiunqnn A seml ssuzup fr-rnur b--autifnl hook "Huwtogot |Pment." -vwhm. proubloto invent." and Pnxeson Pntenu. Ads-Ice tree. Iheunodo mt MARIONG MARION. Exrztrrc. `fem llnlldlug. SI, Jamal Street, lon- l'1.qonIy {Inn}?! lind- Send Il_ _llIt." whm Vprn,ubIoto invent." the ' I Tim euro norvonnacu, dupoudenay Ind All Ihoe son of ovtl hnblh uoouu,ovuvori,o1u Thay `kn full unnath, development And but Io ovary portion md menu of the body Fahuro ll lmpnnaiblo and no In no burnt. This Trial wlmoul Expense " offer In llllltl f bythe company to I Ihon mm, uni Appllo-Ia E mun be made 3! 01100 No 0. 0. D. lohomo IO hogan lnthropy no! ' do-zogtlon. no otpouro--1 olou: Illull propoat ` lion _v oompuay 0! high hunch} prolu - ltlndllif. ,_ J u--I-1 n;\JlVI lJI`l-I\_J But we do the Insurance hllsinvss of tho (`Hy nnd \'|(`lnlh')u.~4l, tho uunw. That Is In any. wu have our Jhurv and It In lncn-using. H0 fur um ymr It Is the lnrgnst. on record. Exc:-llcnt companies. now rams. .