Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1898, p. 1

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GEO.MIl.i.S&C0..l I'Il3IIIuoINoC&AIundIood. La-Ntnos, lob. l9.~-'l`ho Bhndud cou- nunting ddihtinll outhonovohomwus fties as : 6'0!` and by r. Ch. 1: an o i-nhum. Arman ..m..."3.".!.'2:.` Cll l0l' D0~IlIy E0 000100 1 EDD IIOIIIIIIO count of action. Should an Canadian Puiorulunot Iunouhonoult mm thnluuot nurlyull oHhoNow Bog tnllic by tho Aucicln limo. rue: [rum new plugnnxm pounce I0 we ri- oic cont oeme upon iu United Statue oonpetitore hie the exploeion ol a bomb. The G:-end Tuunk bee invited the Chioeao roede enjoin in in meeting the C.P.R`e teen, via Chicego. and e meetimr hen been ulled 101` today to decide on come denite mane nf union. Shnnld on nundiu. auuuvl -than nu-I-- -u,y nauvu IIIIIIV. Clllvmsn, Fob. l9.-'I`ho tnnouncolnonb by tho C.l'.R. of I wboloulo Induction 01 run: from Now England point: to tho Pu- nio M-nun mm: nnnn in l'niIul Ruin: III DIN] umploynn Ill TISCOVIIIIIR 50. XWIIX ol the dead. l'p to eight. o'clock Int night 135 bodice Ind boon rocovotod. Ilull IIIVI l!l]|lO!(O(l (Ill I|I&lIOl'W'.Ill0lI 0| consul-nonoro Loo to coho bho dopooitiono ofollioon of o Mame ond no oppoino o oxrmmiuionuoinog-och tho wreck of tho Maine and invoouguo tho cause of tho ox- plooion. Ho bu not you rophod to tho application. and nonoequontly tho oxpou-to huwonoc commenced work. The divoro no only exnplnynd in rocovoring tho bodies of this dud. l'n tn I-izln. n'nlnoh Inlt lou IIIIIIIIII -\I'uIlVIl'UI.l Bu -\.`<'A, Feb. l`J.-I.ieut.. Pedro l'erul. brother of the inventor of we eub-merino appliance beering their name: Senor l'en\l, the judge in the cue of the Maine. and themembera of the technical commie- eion heve nqneeted the enthorinetion of ntmnnlmnnnrnl Ln: tn uh Hm dnnnnininnn IGIIOUT, l'BlBOl'I(lD BBO uumunl. l.u.~anoN,[~`ob. 19 -A donpabch from Cape Town to the Ihily Mnil says that the dia- miml 01 chic! juntico Kotm bu onuood alarm and Apprehension bhroughoub South Mriou. irro-pootix-o of political or racial holing, oxcepbing the Hollander clique. Tho ndminintrntion of justice in the Trans- vul in onornlly regarded to having been red I to A farm). Snmn nnnnnn nnnmnd. v--u In uuurmny Ivunruuu I! uuvmg Deon red I to I farce. some persons contend. nu that the Zurnno power` ought to inter- vene on the ground that the gt-no sandal in n dnngar to British intoroeu. Fancy Walsts 15c to $2.50. Black and White mum 75c to $2 Lawn Walsu SI to $2 50. Opnning Monday and all week. Ix-Judge Kotne llefnsse to letlre Isl I(ru- ger`: command. Plurroius. Feb. l9.--Ex-judge Kolzo. dismissed lrom otlioe for rotoobing ngeinst the relntions botween t e exeoubive and judicnry in connection with A law passed I year see, has written to preoldsno Kruger declaring that lie sbill nqnrds himsellna chiel justice of the supreme court: of the Soubl1Alricsn republic. He dis ubes the president's power ho dismiss inn snd quotes vnrious laws in supporb ol his con- tention. President: Kruger replied to the lehter, reiterating the diumisnl. Law nnv l`.h H) _A olgnngenl. from I `n|.A DUHIIU. UDDOIIFR Inn .|0l`0nI50. The Nickel atop! company of Camda in taking for inoorponhion. The Sum: ranching company in asking for incorpora- tion. ll|L- r<...._.u__ _.__e-,_u____| __.:I:__.:___ DID". The Canadian agricultural utilization and soworngo wnbor company of Montreal in making for incorporation. Lu! IIIOIUIIO In Ullly WII OVOI` UUULUUU. Petroleum which. when teeted by the method: set forth In the petroleum impec- tlon eat. will not llul: en A lower tempere- ture then 85 Fehronholb. mey be im- ported in teulu-hipe et the lollowlng porta : llelifex. Hemilton. St. John. Port Dover. Quebec. Port Stenle . Montreal, Windsor. Prescott, Bernie. gmckvillo. (lodericln. Kingston. Port Arthur, Port Hope. Owen Sound, Cobonrg and Toronto. Thu Ninhnl etnnl nnrnnnnu nf nned: in PUFIUHI. The Oicinl (.`u.et.te node has got: the dominion trade returns. '1` oy show chub for the seven month: for the fiscal year ending Jan. 31. Inch, the increuein the hotel volume of nude wu $3l.692,7`. l over the name time in the proviouu yen. The increase in the import: wu over 87.000.- 000 and in the export: over 324 000.000. The inoreue In duty use over $801,000. Patrolman -hin|:_ -hon Land In hhn UU HIIVU IIUHTUU VIUIIIIUG KN! UHICU. Mr. Richar son has also introduced. alfoocing ubho otllclala, which provides. among an or thingl, than all money: in the hands of the government), or under its control or management), and payable out of the conaolldated revenue lund of Can- ada, ahall ha liable to acbaobmonc at the null; of judgment: croditor or any person to whom any portion of said money is pay- able, in the same manner and by the same process no money! in the hands of private persons. Thu nlllninl ll:-IAMA hnxlnu Inn nnh Oh: CDBEDET. The bill introduced by Mr. MoMullen.to amend the civil service not. provides that any deputy head, oicer or employee ank- ing for or accepting any extra salary or additional remunembion. other than I per- manent. increase of his salary. shall be held to have thereb! vncnnted his office. LI. `|)..|..._ .4... L... -I-.. :..A.....l....-..l UU LVII`. nuruy I KIUIU IHUODIIIE. Mr. Mcluerney spoke for two hour: to an almost. empty houn. criticizing nearly every feature of the bill. He xmde the record-breaking estimate that Messrs. Mc- Kenzie and Mann would clear on the tim- ber limibu in their land grant. 5 prot. 01 8-l00.000,00U. The adjournment of the debate waa moved by Mr. McClure. Unl- cheater. TL` LIII l...A..AI.uau\.I L.. I]... ll_\l..II-._ A- PUB!!! IU III . Mr. Uugrnin. one of the ableet repre- aentativee which the province of Quebec sends to parliament, made a ppecch show- ing that he had given carelul etudy to the question. Prof. Russell, liberal member for Halifax. followed. ea}- ing something worth listening to. He said that although Canadian ri hte had undoubtedly been united by the aching- tcn treaty. it wee atill likely that British right! to the navigation of the Stlclieen, as secured by the Anglo-Runsinn treaty could he claimed. This evening the attendance of members was exceedingly smell, owing to Mr. Hardy ! great meeting. Mr Mnlimrnav Innlm lnr tum hnurn tn Will 00 II| O|IgDD UIID. Colonel Sam Hughee started the bell. He npoke in fever of the Yukon railway deal in the houee today. He gave rea- sons in support: of hi: poaltion in the course ol a speech which had 0 e ring of sincerity about: in. The colonel in the only conservative who hoe commended the [J10- poaal I0 far. Mr, (lnarnin. nnn nf Hm nhlnnl. rnnrn. VJLIIJU \I\I Fl-l\a IV V: use By special arrangement with the manufacturers we havelconne to ourselves for Kingston almost all the styles we show. so that buy- ing here gives you an op- portunity of having a Waist or a half dozen if you wish, somewhat different from all your friends. Lieu.-Ool. lam Hughes Endorsed the Yu- kon Inllwey Project, O1'rAwA, Feb. l9.--Interest in the de- bete on the Yukon rellwey blll in waning. Ab one time in the course of the afternoon it: looked no it the blll would have peued ite eecond reedlng, bub Mn, Cum-sin stopped into the breach and continued the diloueeion. When Mr. Footer end Sir Louie Davlee lnve epoken lb le herdly likely the debate will be continued for many deye longer. Public inmraeh mnv be mnnumrl when lllly (lIyI I0gIll'. Public inherent mny be renewed when the bill got: into commibbeo. as then the Iallono and the WOIIK points oftho contraco will be brought out. nlnnnl Ham Huahnn nt.su-and Hm lull. Tnouma nTsouTFf'ArmcA. American Linn In L000 Tulle. l\,L In II\L_ ,,,, A CONSERVATIVE FKOR IT. II nut `no nouuno V000. Huuuox. Ont. Fob. I9.--Tb halal B into nhnri` htlbtnnl o bprou Iiouvohpur mun:-Iu uouqwuwuuyuo-ulnljlnl most important puiod ol tho ptovmcnnl Macon. The fading in pain! that: ohnngonnho ptuuntjnnounwlnnpror EH33-indnvning upontho noun would indlusrml. In an` ILA ha: A ninln 5:13:-io .-;:|`l'-.I`IOn.;-`.3 tho shut in no nobly wood y then duinglho non i-nu-Inn nuiod nl an nrmmmml "'u"a.'3'.sL'.'1"J."$".'IuX ""'.'::.'..' iudhcnu. to up tho lull. night. nailv intlnnco In tho worn tho Inna nl Foot Ouen st PIIIINN I. into for Llbornllan. 'l`uno.~zm. l-`ob. l9-Gl6wing nportn oominno to pour in [mm onnido conni- tnonciomnodtho Int wont 0! tin oun- pnigu will be ontond upon by tho libnnlo mm onthnoiuun than in tho proeunot of vidlory. Tho canvas ovnnwbon hurt on: the indication given no nriouo hhc mocking. that the oloctuonto oi torio will and b the gontnlnonl lhnnhnnm nahlrnlnnd nthandnnin-sh. WIIIII (KID WIY In WHICH `D. .`Inu `no XI. An otlbrn in lacing made to ban Damien Bonnie. who in: boon un prinon already twenty youth for up, pudonod. Ho wu origmslly untonood to death by tho lnu judge Runny. who did nob Enov no the time than the dumb nonumoo had boon ubolirhed no I ponulty [or rape. The man : victim in no pronoun Inouiod and Ian chlldlou 0! her own. Iouo. Tho bin is thrown out: b the passenger depnrmnonb of the (I l . Ix`. n nt 3 grout den] of trouble and txponao might. be saved to Intending Kiondyko travellers in the mat.- ter of taking our, custom dogs with them. It in outed on the boob ol authority thnc they no of no use whntovu` and quickly Iuocnmh to the covers washer of the fur north. The supply of limit with which the animal: are provided hu A grant deal to do wibh the way in which they otnnd the cold. An Mlhrn in hninn mad: :1: hum Damian Ulllll IUIHI OI VH9 UIU UUII1FnIUl- Charles M. llnyu. genornl meneger ol the Grand Trunk railway, bu returned from the weet utter having completed er- rau ementa with the Wnbuh for the use of t e air line between Deuoitnud Buffnlo. It is ntutod by the menegement then there is nothing in the story about: the Grand Trunk trying to get An entrance intu To- ledo. VIM... |.:..n :_ AI . g _ . _ . ..e. I... AL- ..---....._.- They Qnlollv Succumb to the Cold Weather In tho North. Monnuun, (Jun. I-`ob. 19. ---M. D. Z. Boa.-owe. munoger for the rovinco of Quo- boc of tho Mutual reserve und uoocinuon. in apenkinp of the increase in rates for in- surance in the above oompony, Mid in of- focbod shot clans known on the fteen-your plm. Although the increase was c0ulidOl`- oblo you the rote: were even new lower ohm come of the old componiu. Phnl-Inn M, "avg, nnnnrnl mnnnanr nl Iallrlllllu ln thoimperisl hours on Fridn niglm Rt. Hon. Jose ll Chamberlain. rop ying to I qnoltaion by it Charles Dllko oonoormng the `gave news received from West: Africa. road the bolognmn received. They umouncod the command of the Sonognlu to haul down the Brlmh ag uh Boris. Iago: Hinterland. and the French occupy tion At: Wne. Gold (Yeast. EASTERN DOGS ARE NO GOOD. Ioanury 0! lilll hy0I|llII DDOIDIO. United Steten oeoreb bee dieoovered e new counterfeit Sill national benk note on the Hibernia nuhionel bent of New Orleans. It ie poor workmanship. printed on two pieooe of pepor. peeted together. The coloring ie epplied only in rpote, end no etcem ta bee been made to imitate the em: three is. L`..l.4I__ ..:.LA I.. eL- :._....-_1-I L ..... _.. EE33"b$3B'3$E3&"Ey'X'."i"n2'SEER! was undorthclandbmllnm &. Dover nir . near tho Ludgnoo Hill amnion. Ihinh wan nuvl an A ntnn-alumna fnr ah. TIIIIOIU. HZ!` FIIU IJIIUKIVC nm IKUIOII. which ma mud n 3 ntorohouno for the nconory of the Lyon um theubro. Unitnd Htgtnn usm-ah ha: dinnnvm-Ad n for 1898 are here. As ever we lead the trade here on stylish Waietl. Exclusive styles and moderate prices backed by perfect tting goods do the work. not -nandnl avvanrrndnf ly In 000 I`! [10 IN. In men moo with tho comhltution of obs world : W.0.'l'.U.. lady Henry Bom- eraet. would become: prooidont, but in one of her being umble to take it on account of her illness. the auocouion goutotbo secretary. Mlu Agnes E. Blnck, Enlnnd. All hhn nrnnm-tin: and nnnnnrv nf All A lG(!l'0l'oIl'y, Mill llgll In DIICI, loll Illlu. All the properciee end scenery of I" I dozen plays. belonging toSir Henry Irvin . hue been deem-oyed by e fire in the ere - can nndnr thn hendnm`. tnllnm h. lineu- IIILIUIIII VVUILIUII I PFUII IUUUUIIIIIUIL In receiving the new Russian emhun- dor to France on Friday. president Fnure said he new in then genI:leman e worde"e guarantee of peeoe and en eaenred pledge of the prosperity of the two friendly end li6d nebionl." A `I;-`A alngl -;-- Iauuuluh I`-.iA_-1.. \7gn .xufl:|:;:ut;lI:.ol Wu foughh Friday in Vion- nn boowoen prince Phili of Sue-Cobourg And Goths, And Lioub. ibuchiok. They fought. rth with pistol: And then with words. The prince wu wounded sovere- ly in the ri hh arm. In nnnn arm: with Hm nnnnfntinn nf lIl\! HHUIIHIIIIY BHIEIIIUIBU Ill VVBBHIIIKLUKI. The meeting in under the auspices of the nationnl women : pron uaooiahion. In mnaivina the now Rnuinn Amhnun. LIV! III llll UIYCULIOIIE. Charles Logan. 3 Toronbo binomith. married in 1876 to Marjorie Hamilton. and now livinlin Detroib, in uking for I di- vorce on L a grant: of extreme cruelty. A bill nnnrnnrinrjnu 3.1 [NH] mill in nrn. VUIUU llll (U8 FIND OI I'.\hl'DlIlB Cflllliyu A bill appropriating 84,000,000 to pro- vide a battleship to replace the Moino was introduced in the house at Washington yoaberday afernoon by Mr. Footo, New York. TL- ...A.-....-A.'_.__I . _ _ . _ . ._ .1 _ _ _ A . . . ..- l UT`. The international congress of press wo- men, the rso in the history of Journalism. V has informally assembled an aehington. 'I`ha mantinu in nndnr Hm nnnninnn nf than uang by no. News of lawlouaneu ab Slmguny and Dyea will probably caulo the United Stabs: senate to send an additional mili- cudv force thorn. M. I0 mm l.m.|. t.......\.. Ln..- km... t\lI `I-I IUITJU unuru. ome l2,UO0 fresh troops have been or- dared to reinforce the Ottoman garrisono iuTheualy. The minister of waria ao- tivo in all directions IVl.....l..- l......... .. 'I'\..-....L.. L..'..-.....'L|. The New Waists 10 M16 (IOOIOIHE COUTFO Cl 300 VVIILDIIOU cup at Liverpool, Eng Friday. J. hover`: Wild Night beat. the duke of Leedu' Auld Lang By no. Nnwn nf Inwlmnnnnn Ah Rlrnnnnv and UFH Ul OU,UUU. James Crawford, father of Thomas Cruvford, M.l .P. {or west Toronto, died on Friday aged ei bty.fonr you rs. A nmn nnmnd Inn-v | nrrv. who ha: INEWSIII THE WllR|.[|.I lcnuneusan PARAERAPIISJ IELEGRAMS FROM THE EARTH ! roun QUARTER8 anvan. um. lpuou TIMI lnunll Inryhoar -- lotu From All our---Llnlo of Ivan- thlng luuv Bond and Bomonhoroa In The Don Public. The Methodist church no Bkoldl Milli was burned Thursday night, involving A loan of $5,000. Jnrnnn (`.1-nnrfnrrl fnilnnr nf Thnmnn UII rrluny ageu Cl lily-[Ollr yl fl. A man named Ian-y Parry. who bu both legs cut. olf below the knees. stole I skeleton wuggon in Colbome E few days EHO. .u what Comes to Us from All Quarters. nKUa .c In the deciding course of the Waterloo un Ar. Liwu-nnnl Run , II`:-idAv, J Irnvnr'l la Lmnmon a mi nowulhouuiwou. have those little touches of tailor-made " about them that add so much to your satisfaction and comfort. Vnmass sums] +ePERA% aw `vvvv -v u--y- v-v `ruin: -r-1. 'l`n|n\ luxnllw llrmnu-Qu|n|_m) Tnhloln. All drugglsls remntl the umnuy It It nulls K run`. In`. ` TOR "EL The ice being cut for ntorngo purposes {mm the channel, fronting the Kingston penitnntinry, in omy nix inchu thick. The Lively lhl Inca. R-(\\`8l.A.\ lI, 8.9.. Feb. )9 ---Tho ski noes for chnmpionnhip ol Ctl udmn Red mohnuin. I distance of a mule and I half, with I dooconb of 2.000 fut. VII wrn yonterdny by 0. Joldnona, who curiod away oho mngnitioouc silver troph pro- oontod by the Hon. C. H. Mnokinloa . n\..|..` I ......oI.-n 'M\IIIlLI`Il|II|I\l\ 'r.n.|..n.. \ II luvnu-v nu gov uuuuuv-u MoN'rnAI.. Feb. 19. -A special doe bob from New York Inset club me New ork ntounpehip linee have decided to cancel ell nrrnngomenbe with the (I. l . R. mfueing to eccopo. either prepnid ticket: or tlckou sold by them on uhe other side. than in, in Europe. The western lines nleo notified the 0.1 . R. um. hheir action had sbrogetaed all immigrnnc contncu. Theo mum than the mm in question will now refuse to do bueinoal with the U.l`.l{. 0V0l' BSDGNIIY. OOIDPICKOIY DIOIIIIIIK DIIO rond naomoghooa. A. Vnlior i-tarts tor the Klondyko March ht. (3. Robinson Ind family sro about to move from here. They willbo heartily welcomed back at. Any time. In OPS)!` bu oonclu living I bachelor is not bhu way of lilo, and bu chooon MIII ` Wilton. u n holpmnto. A for young lolk Attondod I plouun night so- cisi :0 G. Robinson : on Wodnoodny evan- ing. FOR THIS WEEK. UU"UI'IllI WCII UK VIII WXWTII IIIVIIIDII III tho C.P.R. manager and an lnoondonta waa not for thin morning. vory matter brought up for dironaaion waa amicably an-an . Oortain damandr ot the men have n granted and other: have been withdrawn. The prinoi Imattor brought boioro the attention of t o oiiioialn van the qnaation o! wagoa.nnd the condition: under which the man earned their monoy. There were thirteen dologatoo proaont. vvunuun vvuunvv. 'Wn..\u;n, Feb. l7.-A 0 clone swept: over escorday. completely looking the mu! nnnmarhmm. A. Vnllnr nu.-n for Ohlun co-openung mm Fnnoo. Hum: KONG. Feb. l.~ He Noi popere reporh the mobiluzetion 01 7.000 broope bo co-operete with the French equndron on the arrival of reidloroementa. The lnbeetz pebtern of weapon! And Ammu- ninion have been served mm to the nu-rieon. The infonbry and nrtillory In rend to move an e eignel. The hroope have Len mobilized no Mong-Kni, n mnrihime town 0! Tonquin. cloee to the Chinese `frontier. The French admiral, Beenmonh. hue er- rived no Saigon with inehrnobionl ard- iug Hui-Nan. The Sui on Journe en- nounoee that the troop: t. ere are ready to leave for Hui-Nan. or for Slum. Benoue French notion in npprehended. with poe eible further enoroaohlnenue upon Siam. nuuu-In; - Iuuujvuo Wmmx-nu, Mann Fob. l0.--'.l`ho con- oludin union of the oonforonoo boowoon the-tn a non of who rum-n division and oh- I` `D `D -...-n-..-- -...-I .un.-l-n...:l...s- Favorable Trade Reports. NICW Yuan , Fab. 19.---Canadian trade reports to Bradstreet are quite favorable. Toronto reports wholesale houses as work- ing night and day ship ing spring goods. Woolen and cotton mil s are behind on or- ders and large soles of American printed goods are being made to fill deciencies. ailures are less numerous and inquiries are reported from many American cities for supplies suitable for the Klondylie trades. Prices of wheat are sbove the export basis. American corn is selling largely for feeding purposes. No material change is reported from Montreal. Busi- ness failures in Canada this week number thirty-eight. against fty-one last week: it -eight: in this week oi 1897; fty- eigib in l896 and thirty-eight in 1895. cl. Ullly F; LVll'. anu WITH. IIOHTIOWIEI anu IUII ab J. Kol|y s: Mr. and Mrs. (lrahnm, Sydenham, at. Mr. McIntosh :-: M. Bhurtn lntht. his motberh; Mina Koating. liodford Mills, nt (ieoige Draporh; Min J. Ahom. Cusbondall. an Mrs. 1*ow|rr`s. Min Mary Shannon is visiting friends in Odessa. nounng meeunge III we canoes-ounce. pru- ring for the coming eleohion. Ieeelee eve Inpde their eppeerenoe. but no eeri- oue ouee ere ho be reported. The dencing oleee eh Sunhury in etill held in fevor by the young ple here end many reareb ibe cloning on onde evening. A number 0! fennere ere drawing milk to the Kin ton deiry school. The Sunday eohool pupi I ere ecbieing for e eooiel to be held next. week. . Creig 5 nt. Sundey in bowp. Meeerl. Kelly and eiker ere enjoying the luxury of new outtere. W. Bpooner end J. Fow- ler ere recovering from their illneee. R. Allinon intend: moving to El inburg in the epring. The eeeeeeor, gar. Ureer, Ulenvnle. peued through this week. Wil- liem Spoonor, Moncreel, il vieiting hie puenbe, end F. Hunter. former- ly of this piece, bee been renew- inq ecqueintencee in the (lion during the not three weeks. Visitors : (J. Crew- ord. Manihobe. and-C Hay. llutlerln. ab 0. l{ay e; Mien K. Mcllrnth. Bunhur ,oh J. DaIy e; Mr. and Mrs. Henrietta an eon uh .1 Knlln u- M`r and Mr: u-Alum, The Party or the Din- ner, wherever Full Dress is good form, our ` Intro Hold Ioolliago--Ioulu Pron- lont-Inu vgmon. (iumnuumn. Fob. 18,-The iron: are holding meeting: in the oohool- . pro- nuina for thn mmlna nlnntlnn. Mauls: ~_W|l|nul' lulu.` ...-.. ----...I.... ...._..l`|.|.. { 65TH YEAR. NO. `>42: uunnncntod GLENBURNIE GLEANINOS. nu'T.T-6.763 iI;1un:|I. Illl In A Amlonbly Armand.- .._ . ll- .. I-L In nun bdnoodny A Chicago pops: up: When the bilhop of Kuun mud: n ornudo nu tho nu ofchowinggnmho shown hllnolflo lion man 0! too null intellectual oolibu III` tho ponition ho , occnplot. llodlul in no again him on aciontio Jlolldl. and lnonlly the qnouuon bu no gmlonuoo. up n-. nun; vvru wvuulv Dunosn Moll. Wolfe inlnnli. ll oon-4 dent. than J. L. Hnvcock will rooelvo A largo ouongh mnjorili in noutlaorn lronIo- nm dint:-lob to elect Inn. on If the book wwmhimanh sarong `nu him. The tron or in sun from foul-to Ilx umlrod main:-{M7 n.\Tur:u.~ m.\' in: M1`: .\mon.\'r|-ET with lmlh ulmzlv nml uluuhln nxunv. with mnalvrn vnnvc-n la-In-v-.-4. M 191 Quwn Mn-ot. ____i l IIl'2l.l'-l!|C|.l;\|H.I-1 Ml-IN IN l~:\ F.|\ IAI- vnllly. loml ur tru\-ollln : to Introduce :1 now ilrwuw-ry uml lu-en our n mwourdu malt-I up nu lI'l`1'H, rmn-1-n uuul Inrld n thmn hom- tuwn nncl vmmIr_\ . Hlmuly Imp nymonl. tom- Inlnalnn ur uul |I'_\'. nk`: |Il'l` month and ox- po-nm-n. mul nmnvy wpm-It:-cl In Iny hunk when uucrlvd. I-`ur guuurulnrn nuhlmul Tm: \\`uu.u Mr.mt`Al. I'll.l-2t"I`nl(3L'0.. lnm|on,1)m., t . wulu. _ _ N EN!-IRHI-I'l`lI? MAN AT H.\'l'I~}'l`0 HAN- all!` Hl:'_\'-'|w< Ihl` llw Huoltl lllryvlt` l`u., Imnlloal In uml urmuul |\`|um on mm! Il- Iuvm. .\ppl;l- In 1.1`. l.\mu.r:\', M Knq Htrvvl V\'I~.-I. 'umIIln. Uullll (`null Is a .. _ ., UHUI) (H'2.'.l`2l(Al. Hl'2l{\'AN'l`; MUH1` Imw rvfi-rt-m-vu. Apply lu Mum. J. um.-. In-:.\` , 2| Htuurt Hm-ol. \I \\'4\'l`l`IH HI'.\Nl|`Zl. l'|'|`. u|muI Mulll nmnllnn um. .\un\\-vrn In uunw 0!` "H KIN." Ihwvunlnn` nvlurnnrlnrnrnmllnn at M maul. HlI`\`t'l Wvnl. IIlWI|U|IIr WWII" '0 udoriu an :l.Il1dl'Id majority. lunII'IIrj=jaIvI EC!!! all IIICI strut. Sunday. at 2:80 .In.. uuvioful 2. Friends and noqu nunool no I!- opoctfully lnvitod to sound. An.No1.n-Ab Bnldur. Mum. Fobrunry Nth. 1898, of hon-0 llilurq. Janet. bolond ' wife of Williun Arnold. qod lthy- sevon yours. and oldest dnughur of Abrnm Uoddea, Mcl.uon'I Dopob. Ont. Tia" 0". III. VVIIIIIT In -N. MI. I. l`u.:on . Us IIIMOIIII5 837 Bush an-nah. Rumlnv. at 9:30 n.m._ nnpvinfnh altrnnn ClIA.\Ilu\:lu.MN.--Ab Kin neon. on Fob. mu. the wile of A. J. hunborluin. of 3 daughtar. -__-..___._--._.-.j.__.:_. DIED. H.u.I.-Ab Kingltou. Fob. '18). Willllnl. non of tho Into Willlnn and Mary Hull. nod 41 nan. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY v-un uunu' Tmr. LICAIIINU lYmum1'.uucu-2M-266 Prin- cnu at. 'l`el<-plmnu |I7A. Upon Day and Night. K mu` nl llu` 0` ml nnv uf H- `J-l:r`gu"B`l':;c-It` Fur Capes. regular ptice $13.00. for 37 50. CW0 "- 1 Children`: Wfnito For Collars. tegulu pn .e 8x.6o. for 81.10. IJRG-`Jlu\`.'\`0. Ill. 4 Grey Lamb Wedges. rc- gnlu ptieq $3. for $2.00. MORE TO FOLLOW. Keep youcyo on this spam. _. .. . ___:.-_.--v-u ww-- -not Q l'Iulm-luknrn mul ldmlmlnu-ru. :1!!! and Ni l'rIn-mu Hlrout. `Phonon:-\\ umruoum. U0; lmtldmu-0,1|l. Up('lHl_\' uml nluht. n.nI-`I nun unvna-nu. l.mmma l'NlIIcI1`AI(El( AND EMnAmnm- Im l'rhu-mu nmwt, (`m'|wI` Hytlonluun ulroot. 'l`<-It-phuma vummnnlvuliun. _.__..._.__.____...___..____j... |3TEAQY%&_$T_EA9. I) The advance sale of Season- able Wash Goods carries with it a feature full of interest to the ambitious mother. Sewing in Winter is a pleasure; in Summer, when sultry, hot days depress one, it's a health-wrecking strain. With an assortment so complete as that now before the eyes of all who visit the store, selection ceases to be a matter of import- ance. The collection is the cream of a new season's early output. J'ouv Gmnhams. .N'ew Oraaudlcs. Wear Lawns, ./Vew Iisubroldrrlcs. W-uv swme Canons. Var P. Kw. JVew Dmuum. 1200.. Eur. r:-lrI Inspe`ctiot"1 invited. I,_ llll 01 "I01 place: on Sunday. Early Se wing HINDI:ul-ZNI-1l(.\I.Hl~:IW.\N'l`. .\I'l'l.\"l`l) .\l|m. .\. ('. .|UIlNM`rnN. M lmrrlnrltrm-I. j. -7 |"lH|h\Y .\ Ii.-\|H\' .|\'I`I|l |'U|n0|II'}I| . \\ .\'l`l`ZH HI'.\.\'l|`Zl. l'|'I . nlmllnn .\I|M\\'vI'n mmw ul` "Hnurl." 1 hlrool Importer.-4 l)ronn (lnmlnnnd Mamtlon. I ll.wn.1ux.nI M .\lN\ man. I llllihlha mun-~ with Multan` I`|u\ut.D wuu mg... heath sued. Nu York. . uI~:Nl-;_lL\l. HI-:4lL\'AN'l`._VAPI'l.\ T0 Ml \\'iI.xI.~u-um, :10 (`I-any I-mm-I`. S. B. CORBETT. FUNICIC/\I, l>|H|`}("|`HR, `ARI PR1 l\'lnunl,un. union-rumr to W. M. l Ottawa and St. Iaiioa valleys. N 10 mm. - Non-oborly -um 00 ____\ outorly winds. lino and on a I ,_ full of mow coming in no Imuy moon Sundnv. W EATHIR PROIAIll.l`l'liI/IT 4 P. M. EDITION. ` .1. I.fnu$iooin{s"caT |n-h,- uI_u, -| n HENRY BRAME. |r.`.... )6'AiTiE7:.: us. REID, an IVuu.n.-um; gr...- r1\a$Iv I T 1 klmullko Hold l`1n~|nI:I. a hut!` ohmp.\-nIn-- an-lo In-oh. -mllllm Ill-~ u vthlrlwhn . llmmlnnl nmnnmmx l\\-rnI.\`-um wuux link: on Nun`. BORN. up. ca. l`luN('l~3HS HT. V. Dronmm. ` -mllhu Ilk-~ vthlrlwiml. llmmllhl ` Rmopmm-5 R.\l\l.N\ -uiI\Iu\l~.mu.\' u-.\w.\x\'. unm- I. 'l\\nmIu RR.\ ll.II\'-ll I. 'I\\mmn\ TIKXIV I T I `I`Iw Inn` l|!|- M` HM` M VI haw men. rm:-n Inn Inn uhom ` I|\'I'I\ \`I\~Iur|a. Am-mu huh Igw clnnunn IIlI|`. I!I{.\l\l.R\ -u.\RRIN|. l 1\.I.|mlIl. "l`nrunIn U`TXI` I & I lllllnilil M` mo l`un~vn." Mununlln hunk. . \v\|n- ihv vnnw min at I:-mlo lun- mluwtn. l~2\-vryhnd_\-cmlorv-. .\h\rwllm\n lhl!- lrnlluun. Pun: u\~Iu.I I. l|R.\|`|.l~I\'-U.\R- Rl~.I`NIN (11. I. mltnl. mm!-n lint whmln malvilmp-Inn Iwm-ml llmgmnk Inwwal hr nn_\` tvmlrr um m~wwmr|l_\' ur- (`I`|\|l\|. \\'. .\' N\\'I..\.\'|I"-. v'_ .__`_-v_ v-`:. |~`..\`lHL*l \\`ll.l. NI-2 Hl-3|`!-I!\`l-`.|| .\`l` 'l`l|I~I nmooomw IIml1`rn||rIu~| (\\ Mun` slam` um! u'Il\`IIh`QIIOI|n lung in` uwn, up In . q-`clerk |.. . I-`Rll).\\'. `.`.ulh luv-1.. u` tho rmvxirnl trmlun` workn Ivqnln-I |u wlmtltllmz m-~\\`m~ win: In Ch!` l\`|uu.-tun twin-ml llmgnlml. um` wmlrr unwv-.~u\r|l,\' .\u`lIIIwIm UH NIH! uln- ru-.u| um-l uvlwr mrlnlu-rs whu um` In Ilw vIl_\` aw |m |lu| In nllvml. .\l~'Inlm~.4 um` n~q\uwml In In-hm luulmw. J. K It. .\In1`,\N.\'. Nm~n\lnr\'. BMBRGENT MEETING. Independent Order ol Forostoru. II Iu`\IIll~'I}~l an.` I`! |I'I}'I` dRGn`sll.\` .\`0. I. MONDAY EVENING FEB. 'J1"**lII|s`|- I`u|l~ |utvl`!ml|I'nuoxlulvll, .\In-Hl|.l.(`l|l.- |.l`lH `I. M" .\lunlrv:Il_ \'.~. Qt`!-ll-`.N`.~` l`lIl.- l.I'I(i|*I.nl'Iilmhl-III. TUESDAY EVENING FEB. J2nd-lmm-- III~'1I|nlt' H--rlvu l~h~nul-`l|mul;-\\'.\'l`|-IIHAN) \'.`K I-`|lu.\"l`l-I.\' \|`H. -ms n_|.. Kingston Covered Rink Il0(`l| ls` I` .Vl.~I'I'(`lll-.`.\` : THIS (SATURDAY? EVENING -~ Hvlllt-I` lmmm-\tsvml-I|nnl Hl`II`k\'|N-`. \'r~. Q1" |'Z|`I.\".\' (`H|.l.l'Il Hi. MONDAY EVENING FEB. 'J1|'~-lnI~-r- I`H||I`|!h|l(`l`YIIIl|I`|\I.l|`KIIIIPII. MvHl|.I.l`l|l.- sr. I,\wnr:.\"I~:..r Yillh. h(_at_`::_LhuuoAhuu-3127 | mun am) no|T. I 1 unit`! III nun.-I :1. Hill UA)l'll{l`2 N.\Nl`|lHl"l` \\`U| INN` NH lmz ul`(`hur|on l||-kn-In` "\`I\rh4lIm|~ l`uru l`|c-kulu--|`rm u-`Hp nu-I lH`1~-I I`In~l-~, lInlvu|I_\'..`L'u-; 1 ullI*`r_\', `. .`u~. 'I`|1`k\`l~u'nI||wm*1`uI`1`l|uI Hu\\'_\`a~r'~. "`%:.'::"":Wcdnesdm Tlw Illu lhmhln Hmr .\`vvulv I`:-ncluu-I|un--'l`In- Hllx-vvnal'l|| (Ipvru \`uIuI.uu, ---w -v-.v v- v - - - - -~'-v-a--- \\`IIh Hw 1`u-Hlnru--ltll'H.\|(lI HHl.l||`2.\`. |\'.\'l`|ll~`.Hl.\'l-I HI-`.l{.\l.\l.\'l'2, uml u .\lmmlI|- t`l`lI| (`nut nlul ('hm`\lM 1-l'aI.\l`Y Pliurh. I'Im~|| uml vwry nun nu urllr-|. H wv|nl prlm~.~<--3-'u'. .'IM-. '.'.'1- um! $l. . l"uu IIIWIIH Muudu,\' Inurnlmz ul |Hu.m. ul ` H`wv|nl prlm~.v~-:.'u'. Yuk-. - uuul Pun u|n`IlH .\lundn_\' Hu\\'_\'u-r'n. emu emu nouss. * In uhl u I -\ I` I\l l.\ I`-AV . l.'0`.\Im|nnIon `Xx-. l`.\lI`ll. UMN`--`it! Rim: .\IwI_ Ihe Isig iiftamhgng Pictures. Frames, Mirrors and Room Mouldings, also Uvsl Frames, Brass Odgners, Bow Knots and all the latest novelties used in the art of Picture Fnming. VUITIVII TUCIIIUI \oUI'IlIlu Pu n.n.\.~uxu man: RY mm M A1 AM: ` ..um- um mm-n~ I`l\ut..Ib wan mp...` Klmtkl RXCIIANIIR I)l'0|l`l` AND Inn: A I`\':o:maqunn.'n mumwo lMI.aIQE,! ESTABLISHED 1874. I I59 PRINCESS ST.. - KINGSTON. 0:1 rich Feather Curling .\`n ruusnxu hump: In` Minn \ --._:--.-j.j.. ` Fur Bargains] svoemwn wmof u..\'|.\\' |.v\*|.*\`v Pnonremc pwnnp. Hally of liga_|__Bnmmitlees!J COMMITTEE RO0M-Prlnceu St.. oppoultosydenhnm street. `IIOIIIIII lolollooml`-;or'hl[ludnlI in Inna 'l'lun-nnl-an no |HoN.wM. HARTY] `I-I IIIIII GUI! lIIlIl- -III VIIIII to You Thnnulvu M. Young llbonlo smoking concert, Wmo hall. tonight. mkav mnhoh Bmokvilln vn. Dunn : All nun. no-nlgnu. Hookoy munch Brookvillo vs. Qun n no oovond rlnls thin ovonlng. 'l`hn nnntnnnnd onrnlvnl Ah thn Rmml wag. Emorgonb muting of Indo ndont Order of Foroutan Sunday ` at 2 o'o ook to Attend funeral of late Bro. Hall. PROVINCIAL E`LEC[ION,!l OIIV` IIITIVFUIQ uur UNI In I`\1`1`1`1I|l\|x|_\' vlwup Ill llw prlvv. ulnlnuprlvo In no Inhzlwr llum llw pnur mul prlm`. ` 1mr\*mtllu\llmnl-nu um. l\n Into. It In dry. vlmu uml mu xwlnlut. It In db Ilwnxl |bI\\lI\pll_\` by mwml, |\u||l(' nwu. OOVCTIO NIIK "Ill IVIIIIIIK. The postponod on-nlvnl no the R0 :1 will ulna place Mondny night, won or pormmlng. Emnmonb machine of Indonondnnt Ordor 'l`t'|vplmIu- T9.j99NIR9T9_R~_% FOR HARTY AND GOOD GOVERNMENT. For Mcmbcr For Klngnton. ' "" """ III (I. `ul'tlm1'll_\' I`1mrF|IIuI nml Ihv ` Hnlvr nl` .\'ur.~~u. ...xnunn~ n. u.. huvu. n. ,n_ -'KIRKDAATRlCK S hlvllvvul II'IIIllI )|H,\;|I_\\' |",\`]v;,Vl\<.' nl Hunpulgn (`m|IlII|lh-I` |hmm~_ I'lIIl'l'~4~4 .-llrmvl. ALL AI` 8 U'Uh()Ul(. \ n |~..nn W In-ruvvv III-nun .\|H.\'l|\\' l'I\'l-INl.\'1.` ('Im||n|lh-1'Iimnnx |`l` LOCAL MEMORAN DA. \llIII 1 IN IN nlwnpou lhlun Iu uw \\`\Irl\I-pum' tlw mun:-cl. :1-TL- AGENTS! . ..u 1:... \|_n..._... AOBNT8 ! n_. .. |_..__ _AouN'rs'T NH\\'l..\.\'lP'-. I \r\-Ililn-I MONDAY ` AT I ~|n Iunnl nluucl lfw . II. II.\'l`('H. hull. H:-1~I'1~Iu ll. ll.v\'l'l `ll. ,\rl. :`\I'1`I`1`luI`)'. 7. Feb. 23. IVE NING I CMEQBD. thuhooily ol Kiopton Iogivo II tho Ind non- hvodcaid- ...'""'..".'.';.'?..:."3'~":~.'.'.:f.:::."... .'*'..': gnnutivodlhiolotlcttou the Mann. Alton: "TL. infer-nhn ml-nd In IX TIE ITIUU $ WXWCT that "hon ialotnuion nuivul dun Iiriagyomconnldoriludonlor yqn Io annnInIlnn|nnl.." Fnllniinn this Ids. l0rOgouig._ Aid. lsiliott pa-eeented the report ol the oozninitteeon tinence: The oolnmittee `on linenoe end eoconnte. huing heerd the explenetione ol the deputetion to Mon- ttoel to meet the Meeere. Ahhott, and hen- iug penieed their report to this council. hege Ieeve to re ortee followe : The com- mittee recomnende thet ell negotietioue lo! the pincheee ol lende lot e eite for the hleeen Ahhotte' wothe.he dieoontiniied. The oomuimee limhet recolnmende thet the eooom yin; hy-lew.'No 662. he re- ceived peeeed. You committee re- conuende thet the depoeit oi the Meeere. .-\hhott&Oo. with the intereet lion the A-5`. -1 A..........n L. n.n..a..hI eLg- N `\I%CI \\'. ID . WIEI IX HITCH ll dultol .50 then. .`\DlIOIWu Mr. Bolgcr a mombor of your deputa- tion. ud who.romainod in Montreal to make certain onquiriu in oonnocuon with tho uuou dopnrunont. concurs in tho lorogoin ." lgilioto vnnontod report GIPCIIIIIOII. PTDCUIT D00 IIIIIIXW IIIXFU of the city from all obli uom under the sgroouenu to ho won by the Monro. Abbott. n\A.. Dal...` - --._L4_ -3 -a..._.l-....t_ I0l'||'l'CII 50 IX BDCIII. Dming the interview with the Monro. Abbott your deputation were shown 1 Ian- tor pron copy of tho letter none to the mayor from them in which they demanded a return ol choir deposit of SL000 and do- olnod the oontroch on on and. u\'...... .IA.....A..ni.\.. -lo-- .au...iAA_.Ll- OIITIG UIIU UUHWTIUU IV In On. "Your deputation. that comidonblo diocnuion. pl-ocurod who nnnoxod I-clout nf him nits from All nhllnntinnn nndnr hhn nun Iuun n pmpoonl no pruino. "Your deputation remind on the oven- ing of Wednesday. nftor their Arrival in Montreal. a telegram sent. by the Monro. Abboco to the mayor no Kingston and ro~ ted to him on Montreal. in which the cars. Abbott dooluod thou from infor- mntion received in would be ulolooa tor the roprooentativu of this council to go to Montrul to no room. ul\...:.... pk- :...--..;-.... ...2LL AL- tA---.. Cheap at the Price. I'sliIIlI' TIPDTIJ. WIIIUII WII IDIII PTIIUIIIDU 3 "Your deputation met the Messrs. Ab- bott so their works in the city of Montresl on Thursday morning last. 17th inst. Your deputation naked the Messrs. Ab- bott il tho site agreed to be given them and shown on plsn "A" in the city engineer's oilice. less that portion ol lot No. 17. owned by Mr. Csrrington. would be sutlioient for them. To this they answered no. Your deputation then nsliod the Messrs. Abbott ii the said site. less! in Uarrington lot. plus 2'1` sores of mm sh land belonging to the estate ol the l.|l0 William Allen and ad 'oinin;, the truck sl- lowanoe of the (LT. . oompsny, would sullioelor their works. To this they re- plied no. Your deputation then-asked the Messrs. Abbott whst money they would accept in lieu of the said Curing- ton lot. and take the bslanne of said site for their works. To this they replied that they could not discuss the question. Your deputation then submitted. in lieu ol the site shown on said plea "A." and as an sl- ternative site. than large Iiold lying be- tween Montreal and Rideau streets and the marsh land lying in front of it, the property ol the estate of the late William Allen and upon which your deputation had secured an option to purchase. si ned hy the rosent owners. for the sum o 8`i.00U. 'l`o t is they replied : `We cannot enter- tain suoh a proposal at present. "Ynnr danur.aLinn ronaivarl nn him even. DUW. The mayor explained the purpose for which the meeting was culled. edd- mg that alter the last meeting of the council he hsrlurn interview witlrdoseph Csrrrngton relative to the purchase of his land. Mr. Oarriugton would not sell the portion referred to and would not submit a price. However, he offered to sell the whole tennery lot. The nance committee found itself in It peculiar position. On the one hand there was Is doubt of the Abbotts coming and on the other the Toronto syn- dicate was pushing its sale of land on the city. He had the city solicitor write the solicitors for the syndicate. asking them to extend the time limit. This being satis- factorily arranged. the deputation depart- ed lor Montreal to meet the Abbotts. hav- ing arranged by telegraph for an interview on Thursday morning. Previous to going down he had interviewed Mrs. Allen an had secured an option on her lend, so that in case the firm would not accept the amended site. it might be induced to locate on the second site. The llret interview with the Messrs. Abbott lasted from ten until one o'clock Thursday. The Abbott! insisted on hav- ing the Ger-rirrgton land. He ollered them two end three-quarter acres I ing adjacent to the (LT R. tracks. but th s they would not accept. Asked what sum of money they would be willing to acce t in lieu of the Carrington land they won d not state an amount. neither would they accept Mrs. Allen's land. Fullinformatlon o! the visit or the de utation would be found in their report. w ieh was thus presented : "\'nm- dnniihahinn mnh hhn Mann. Ah- xunure. A special meeting of the city council wu held lush evening to receive the neporb of the committee on mnoe and also the report: of the deputation to Montreal. re the Abbott lime. deal. There were pre- sent: Ma or Lnvingubon. Alda. Curbil. Srewurt, enb. Elliott. Cooke, Canon, Robinson, Mooera. Whine, Behnn,Webnter. McCartney. Wri,;hb. Donnelly. Mmnee, Shaw. 'I`|... ......uu- ..-nlninnn-I FM. nun-nnnn fru- IABBIJH IIEM. IS DEM]. Ihb Dopntutlon Lnld 3 Length) Report lluou tho 0ounclI-'l`l:o lrlnnuoo Com- mlnu Doolnud to (Jail 01! Inc DOII And tho Oouncll AoquIuood-Ihnt Iho Aldormou and to lay About the latter. ` The Abbott: deal in dad. and the Alder- mon, in pulsing a by-luv Int. nl 0 repeal- ing the bonus by.lnw. stun ed to the funorsl nrrnngementl. The scheme, born of such hi h hopes and expoctmionn. wu short: live Jndood. A burned ohnld dread: the fire. they uy. nnd the oouncnl in not Jnkely so borlod mm 3 nimilnr error in the future. A ...-.d..I nu-`Hun Al DI`; nifty nnnnnil The `Bv-Law Repealed and The Money Returned.` I|lEPlJIMlllN S INTERVIEW. OONFERRINQ WITH THE ABBOTT BROS. IN MONTREAL. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1898. /mmracol

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