csomus &c`oI, Injor Wohh And thotliool. Ormwa. Mu-ch 16 -In the nnoto. no- notor Porloy ukod it major Wsloh won I. loved to go to tho Yukon district Ibottol provioiono. no shot ho Md to pay 5 dollar on pound for poor hoof. He noted this quan- uon bocoueo iu vu roponod in the non- pcpori that major Wold: had piurchoood 15,000 pound: ol boo! on that guro. Mr. Mill: nidmoior Wnhh Ind nlnn CGIIOI 0| 0000! mill. 1):. Spronlo udhncod tho theory shut the object. of introducinn the quowion into parliament was to inuonco the Ontario oloctiom. --7-- ---._ uvluvvvilu vvyvvv uu uwnluucln thi ouuidoquastion wu _-H. `lg dig.` on `ocf on the Yukon bill. which has pro- codonoa of other meuuno. Ila Q-u-4...]- .A3..u-`J AL. AL_____ .L_. nu-. uonneu, nugpupncoe. gnhiuuind than Mr._ Britmonh ob in intfroducing thin outside mention was!) Mn `nut .15..- win uvuuuu znuulgtillltl. OTTAWA, March 15 -In the home to- duy Mr. Britbon of Kingston moved tho adjournment: of the house in order to correcbunisatalomenta mmle in 3 quen- eion put. on the order paper I short time ago and published in oppooinion pipers during the Ontario ounpugn that there would ho 3`..'0.000,000 foot of Ontario lumber e.\ rtod to Michigan this your. Ho rubrnitto an oicial o om. of the ootimneod out. which pl the gure ah l60.000.|"00f 0. \ ,w- " Mr. Bennett, Eng igneoe, 6_:Kiu{aino' than Mr. Rn`r.um'.i nbiih- in .'..`".....a.....-.... Mr._'B}.6n`iW6'I3}ir i}it.:-oduc inn (Hay WI` of bill- think I... n.-.. uunuluuuu nppolutml. Nr:\\' Ymm. March I6.-Representatives of nearly nll rnilroede in the New England and torn states were present at I meeting of peeeenger egente in the Jersey Centrnlbuildiug. The purpose of the meeting was to consider way: and meme for bringing to I close the rate wnr in the northwest. It was expected that the rub-committee which went toMont- .realeevere|woake|go to endeavor to of- with they C.l'.R.. might submit a oomprebemive re- port of its worlr and recom- mend that action of a decisive charac- ter be taken to bring the tight to I close. A epeciel committee wee appointed to pre- peree plento bring About eettlement of the existing troubles. [Ate yeeterday elternoonib noted that the meeting be ed- journed until to-dey, no tbnt iurtber de- libention could be had. The committee etnted that an edjournment would not be requeeted were it not that there was I proepeot of an emiceble Agreement being feet I settlement arrived at. The adjournment wee granted. way xor me eucneeeor. lle id: The (J.I`.R. expeota at an early date to build three big ooenn liners, eboutthe sin of the Teutonic. end place them on the route between Vancouver an d Yolroheme when they are ready. It is their intention to utilize the boetlpow running between thoee ports for peuenger end freight eervlce between Vancouver and Auetrelin. When this is done 1: feet line will be eetnbliahed between Quebec and Hnlifux end Li verpool. reducing the time of range to three and in half days. The U .R. will then be Able to take I peasan- ger It Eueton and lend him at Yokohama without trennforring him to Any other line." Thin. Sir William eeye, it will be able to do by 1900. Ilnllvuy Ilepnnontatlvu Adjonl-n-8poolnl Colmnlttoo Appointed. noarlv nIl,bh nilrrndn in uh. N... Bow Au lntorvlow With A Wnuhlngtun Man in_ Interpreted. Mo\'mn.u,. March l6.--The Herald publiahea a special dated New York, which uaya: _ln VIOW of the repeated denials which have been made by Sir William Vnn Home of any intention of rohiring from the presidency ol the C. P ll.. it in in- ceroabing to note a statement made by him to the Washington correspondent of a loading New York paper yesterday. on- nouncing his intention of laying aside the reins of over after the your 1900 and outlines p on: for improving the lncilitioa of the transcontinental line before nnking way for his oucnoaaor. "A mild. |I'l"Lm 1' TI D -....-_L- -5. _._ mi jdae;' St` 1 IIKIII III DIJIIIL Illll llluun ll carnal! 11 e United States government indeter- mined to etnnd in line with England and Japan in China, it would have to make such preparation: as are now afoot. England and Japan are ready; the United States is not. It is a fair nu-umption that there ll at least a tacit understanding between Great Britain and the bnitecl States. This would account for Mr. Uoechen'e extraordinary reluctance to exercise the right of pro eruption ever the warships built in England. The best of these urefnr Jupun. our ally, and could not be touched. The United Stateeie pre- eumubly anxious to purchase the two ship: which were no pointedly preeeed upon Mr. (}osohen a attention and which he hinted were unsuitable. They are certainly unsuitable to us. If the Americana wanted to buy them a more impolitic atepie inconceivable at this junc- ture when we are promised American sup- port. than our buying them over their heads. Happily, the government is not likely to be entrapped into such a blun- dor." In lore Then To Prepare For A lpenleh ` War. LONDON, March 16'. -Sir William Robin- Ion, just Arrived in London from Hong Kong. of which colon he bee been gov- ernor Iinee I891, werm y edvocetee en un- derstanding with the United States on the Chinese queetion. laying the slain of the United State: in regard to China were identied with those of Great Britain. There in e feeling at Hong Kong and Shanghai. he lays, thet the Chinese pro- vince: cannot hold together much longer. They are already partly independent, not only of each other, but also of the imperial government. - The Shellield Telegraph eeye editorial- ly: "Are we not rather haetyiin enum- ing that the war preparation: of the government of the United State: are directed solely egeinet Spain. Amerloen eteteeznnu are very deep. ' They may be content to let it eppeer that their erma-y mente. which are really intended for a muo greater oeoeeion. are deligned egei et Spain. This much in certain: Ininnrl in nrnncl in Hun with Y.`....l-....J .....l sun wn-(LIAM wm. RETIRE. STATES ULTIMATE OBJECT Corrontul Ilucqumontl. Il-__l up 1 .- - NO ACTl0N-1:;\T WIX CUT `III Z13?-CK uipunno-Ihoisth. f&_QP.K Wm I Imk -7 ` [ , Theo: Ivpord Yuan. Yolhotdny I578 Inn Token of at having mt torch one of the our y rooocd oprinp. mum of T. A. Brock Inn thcuopon consul . TM lul crossing on the ion bndgobyhonowuon l|l'h5&h:0|I&hO' Tth shoiconovod dovntron inlnnt of thocityzlhoriompool nnuotho outhohhbntootnntil Iliollth /Mnomcol 3111 ISCIIRIII? II `II lfll me! P` i I I In: tho won. mud u-:1 : "Inch m. If . Inning` lnnnhno mania Jnninnd Iggh -- Iilfl Ulllo IIII HUGO Dy Pl'0CIImI`lno ' The board of trade is endonvoring to occurs {or Ottawa the lugs works oi, the Onnadinn nickgl steel company. which has Istoly being otgnnizod, bnckod up by loading Oanndiun upitnlilu. John P9 tarpon. Hamilton. uorehry of the noth- psny. wroto Making the board to Iupporb no in in paueion an the aovommontjor thg ilnpouition of nn upon duty tin nichl mum. lawn expound that Mr. P- qonon would he pronnt to address the nfbotiua. huh nqg having boon" sblo to come the board pootponod Action. A apo- cinl meeting will be held noxo week to hear Mr. Puterton explain the proposal: of the company. Mr. lutornon in hit locton alto autod than if tho government imposed the oxporo duty on requested they would have omoltiug woth cnuhliohad wiphin I yogi` onpnhlo of tnrni tom 0! nichl wool hillotn put my. 1 oil 1.000 4 '1 CIYluluIU- An order has been Bonn out to custom: collectors bbrongbout the country to im- poao the duty of one-half cent a pound on vfroah salmon. provided for in the I"nol_ding tail! but. Iuapondod by procllmstion. Th: hoard nf truth in nnrlnnmr-inn on Iuulng Ion Favor The l.lborcI-NIckol Oolnpuu '0 Allaln. 01'TA`\'A. Ont... March 16 --The contact in Ruaoell is one of the moat lively that. bu over (then place in this district. Both sides are cornin 0! victory. but betting man no in favor o! Mr.Guibord.t.ho libonl cmdidnto. A- ....I-- I.-- L..- ....s -..A A- __.-A-__- Afte all ` 1,; hueineae of the grand lodge {a ,_- njtfhneacted the following Sir Kn te were elected otlloere for the current year; (Ir and muster, D. E. Stew- ett, Madoo; deputy grand maeter. T. Oul- ton,Cempbelllord; deputy greed meeter. H. N. Morton. Ottawa; oheplein. George n `McCartney. Bethany; registrar, Jo Perk. Benfrew; deputy registrar. J. S. Orr. Medoc; treuurer. James Clark. Ot- tawa; deputy treeeurer. Jamee Alrth.R.on- frew; lecturer, E. J. Hughee, Car zdeputy lecturer. Theodore Pen-eult. Ren rew. The grand lodge got thraugh the busi- neee et one o'clock this morning and ad- journed to meet the dey previoue to the next meeting 0! the provincial grand Orange lodge of Ontario east. The grand lodge of Ontario eeetgneete this afternoon. There ere large numbers of delegatee preeent. UIIl'lll Ill A. U IJOV9- ' The grand malhoa, grand uaiauafa and grand treasurer : report: showed an incroaao of membership and nancial aband- ing of the grand lodge for the pasta ear. Sir Knight. Perraulh. on behalf of the en- frow Royal black proooptory, No. 326. preaontod an address of welcome to tho grand lodge. which was responded 00 by wand manor Bradlo and Sir Kai ht: J. . Bell, M.} ., gran master of nbari"o oaeb. K` , `Mf_ffe$_ah _ lg ""InIlL....--A-aI a.|.- t-II-._:_.._ Ul'l" JEIDBIUIIII, D. d. IIIURHCI, JOCINIU gono. F. M. cum. 3. D. Revels. w. Wrny. H. A. Moltin. J. A. Pobbl, W. Cairns and A. J. Love. Th. .--.nA .....n..l. .-.....l .....{.A....)- Ofllcou OI Grand Lodge lI:lootod-lnoronu In Ilounbul-I Iloportocl. Rnc.\`r'mc\v. 0nt;., March l(i.--The meotr ing or the provincial (3:-and Black ohnpber ofonborio out. wu held in the Down of Renfrew on March 1531:.` Among those present from outside of the count: were : Grand Master Sir KnighoA Bra loy and Sir Knights D E. Sbewarb, Thoma Onl- bon. George Mocarhney. John Park. John R. Orr. JunuClnrk. E. J. Hughes, Joshua Scobh. F. M. Clark. 3. D. Rough. W. LII! IUIIUW. ` Tho o inion of lion. 5. H. Blake. (J C . that the esrinlature has not jurisdiction to prohibit the importation. mnnuhnoture and sale. within the province, of intoxicating liquor: he: been received by the Manitoba legislature. GRAND BLACK CHAPTER MEET. "81; stock of Newest Trimmings will be found one of the best as- sorted in the city. Millinery still coming along. Very busy in the Mantle room. We advise our patrons to come early with their orders. nurnar 5 aulorney wm appeal. Harry (lardinor enticed William Rogers into an unoccupied building ah Pulaski, [ll , and beat: his brains out: with a club. Gardiner and Rogers were playmates aged aixbeon. The former had ll grudge against: his fellow. mi . . . . . ._:_._ .:n_._ a It nI_u_- lxf` U`-IV IIIKIHK ICUIUU W. J. Korner. the New York nowrpaper nrbiatz, was sentenced no day no imprison- ment for life for the murder of Rose Red- zatve. his sweetheart-, on Seph. 23rd, 1896. Korner e athorney will appeal. Harrv (lardinmr anlinad \ViHinm Rnmu-n Ill \:IIl:uIuv.~IU|l Ill) UWBWI. At a meeting of the Queen : Own reserve Tuesday night in was resolved to enroll the companies and to smut: drill immedi- abely. Thu O|n'rtu,ni.y|1l>|. n-u.....I ........o:...- .J LL.` uwty. The thirtyeighth annual meeting of the association of the chambers of commerce of the united kingdom opened in London yesterdny. Tho mnnhinn nf nnnmnmu nnnnhl hnlrl nr uuwruuy. Tho moshing of passenger agents held at New York for the purpose of gobbling tho ruilwnv rate war udjouruod for a day with- out: taking action I I `(nu-non Olun Maul \'n-I ..nn...-,...n.. evening. , A abatement that the qualication of three or four senator: is to be abbackod in in circulation ab Ottawa. Ar. n ..u.-o.`.-... -4` LI... n....-..I.. n..... ..-..-_..- lllllu The Yukon railway bill passed the com- " mines of the house at Ottawa without: op- po-iuion. Sir Hnnrv Rnnnnmnr Han nnlnlu-nnul in, 1U'llIIUllo Sir Henry Boeeomer, the celebrated in- vonbor of Bessemer steel, died Tuesday evenimr. evening. A mm Llltlo Into:-I Thai IIIIOPIII lvorybody-- lovu from All our---Little at Inn- tlnn: lnllv Bond sud Bonombuod by `u Don Public. The result of the rocounb in Ottawa gives Mr. Powell the new by a majority of nine. no%w. nuu.u..T '3 TELEGRAMB FROM THE EARTI-1'8 FOUR QUARTER8 GIVEN. I lIllNllENSEll_lf[\_RA[iRAPllS.l RUSSELL CONTEST LIVELY. NEWS [IF THE WR|.|l.l {What comes to Us from All Quarters. la uvmcsron sum] Only by seeing and handling these goods can you judge of, (hp real value.' We ask you. ther'e`- fore, to call and examine this re- mnrhble purchuc. yvl ttiu VV \l|\J I l.4I.I I l\\J\JJ INGS, which we will sell for Our Custom `Tailoting Depart- ment has been a score of success- ful sales, but this is` the greatest of them all.- \Il kuulll Ell-` We have just completed an enormous purchase of Fine Im- /-uu-L-.I \I)l\DC`I"I;`I\ `I`I)f\ITQl3`l) Black Dress Goods BIIUI Ill\Il-I5 "III \llCC `II I` III`: I III` ported WORSTED TROUSER- YMIEC ...l.2.~|. ...- ....`II .-..II I`... Ihe Iime to Buy MN S PANTS is Now. cvuxo vb `CHI III IIIUVE JIG- 'I`n\k' lnxnllvo Rromo-Qulnino Tnhlolzc All drngxiuu refund the unpnoy If It mm In curv. fan. 4 The Hmnci 'l;I;unk ll moving it: nuditqta md pnymuten! oioos from Dohroib to Montreal. ".7 `rho Vulcan Apponlod To` Imcnmz. March l6.-'I`he Pnll Mull ms- zetto publiehee u deepebch from Rome which aye there he: been an exchange of communicntione bebweon the vnticaumd Spain in regard to Cuba and the relations with the United States. The pope is ready to do everything in hie power to prevent. boetilihiee. The Vatican proppeoe abet Cube remain under the dominion of pmin. bun ruled on the lines of Eng- lieh colony. fro `Cafe at` (`old ihoolonc Day Tails; lntnllvn llrnmn.unIn|mn 'l`nI.Inn A n In In. ad` \ll` / llllrifa / CUII U1 Spain. ____`____,_-___ my `fun Are Needed. Bu Crrv. Mich.. March l6.-Repreeen- hebivee of we navy department ere\in"Bny City for the purpose of gown: options on several 0! the large lake tugs belongin so the Saginaw Bey bowing ueocietion. `he usociebion owns the largest: and mono powerful eet of any compeny on from vuher, one of the number having been 3 blockade runner during the rebellion. In in said the tug: are vented for towin coal huge: in the event ol war wit Q-min Row on The Boundary. NANIT, France. March l8.-A Germnn ca coin of custom: guard: one of hi: on ordinates croet-ed bhe tier on Mon- Bey. advancing lbeen y r I beyond the boundary line. A body French work- man attempted bonrreab ch Germans. one of the workmen striking tjhe German oili- cer with e stick. A1` _2'i _or. draw hie ordgnu award and ordered ` to loud hie rie. Bomb `V A custom: oioiela then withdrew to ho boif dny line where they stopped on confro tedthe French- is a great help to a satis- factory nelection. Never in our history have we placed before our customers such ne goods and excellent value as to-day. We invite attention particularly to our - nu us run nw-I unvurw;-vv . Mxnnsmlc En, March l6.--'l`ho follow- ing are the names 0! those who were hub in one accident to C.P.R. brsin No. 1. want of M00|'jIW yuterdny. by the ovort.urn- ing of I couple of combo: : A. Currior, Hunilbon: L. L. Lorotin and J. H. Smith, Amhornb, N.S ; Mr. Sonmith, Vcinon. 8.0.; H. Butlor. Brockporb. N.Y.; P. T. Kenn, Chiosgo. Ill; Mrs. Goodnll, Wood- stools. Ont. Allthoinjurod will bobble to continue their journey in a day or two. IIIDU IBTVIOC |70'lJy. VVIVIUT II IIIIUHQ Two or three bridges oubuide of Bodlord have been carried away by the rising water. Several Itreou of the town were covered with ice four (ooh high when the water: Iubcidod Int nighb. lce ll mu Firm. ` Somm, (,me., Mu-ch l6.-ATbe ice here in etill firm and heavy loads are being taken across. The weather is rapidly rising bobh hero and at: so. Denis and St. Uherlee. Indications no Sc. Francois du Lac point: to the ice breaking up within Lwenby-four hours. At Sutton the cold weather has caused the water be go down oomiderably and no trouble is anticipated. Cronnimt with magma over the Sn. Luv- uuualueranly IHCI (I0 DFOIIDII ll IIIBIUIPIDOCL Crpuoing with teams over the Sb. Luv- ronoe opposite Three Rivers bu beonnbur doned. The ferry com bu pub noel into service bo-day. nor in rising.` Twin nr thmm hrith-nu nnhlidn nf Rullnrd IDHUIVVUB. Aqranqementa have been made whereby the mounted police will pahrol the Peace and lower Aohnbuca rivers in the Internet: of remote and miners in those vast and fertile districts. The lice intend to establish 3 bumclu an post no Pence river landing this spring. IIIIU I THUS] I In [1 V0- The Canadian nzovernmeno bu docidod Lo Lake active measures to protecb the tim- bar of Peace, Liard and Aohobnon rivers and arrangement: will be made with the Hudson Bay company for the cooperation, of in oicials in guarding these vnlunble FBRBPVQR. Exprou Tnlnn In Irlvo loouonu-To I :-utum `timber. WINMN-in, Man. March In ~-The cheap rates to the count: from eastern points via.` the U.1'.R.. are being npprocintod to an ex- oenb fur oxcoedin one expectations of tho company. I`o- Ly : express in in two sections. while Thursday : will bo in four and Friday : in five. Tho (lnnndinn ammrnmnnn Inn dnnidnrl IDUITOW. Mr. Goffawe an-eat seems to have preyed on his mind and last evening he made an excuse ho get. away from the constable who has been looking after him. Immediately drawing a sharp hunting knife he thrust: it. into his own neck, inlliobin an ugly gash about three inchee lon . he wound is not expected ho'prove abal. The un- happy lnan oxpreeeed regret: that he did not cueceed in doing away with himself. An Orillle Poetmueon who mourned over an Trouble. ORILLIA, Onh., Merchul8.-'Phomu Gof- M. the poetmuher here, ehtem bed to commit euioide lelu evening. 0 had been in custody {or some time put charg- ed with heving been connected with in criminal operemon on e young girl named Fanny Young who died recently. The ooroner'e jury broughh in e verdiob egeineh him and the magistrates ere to give their deoieion in the preiiminsry enquiry to- morrow. A Large Stock 81G TRAVEL TO THE COAST. Injured N_o|r nlooujnw. .u.. [I .- kl_..-L I0 "UL- TO END HIS LIFE. Ice. HIITCLI lD.-` ma 1 out-ed tit b Fro (Jon the Ge . jdkgor ordznl :1: red gcuabou .0 bou duyl ,n todtl C Jolnlgg `tho llglnlnndotl. IF1mrr, Mich, Mnmln l6.-Fnrqnhu- Boseoo. Detroit : crack piptr. bu yo Toronto to become pipo major 01 6%: Hilrhlnndorn. `v I . Wall gm ado. New spring nail. Vorylow M ' .l U|'0IlI'u0 50 j {ighlnndqm .. I `- (_).\liM-IIIH 1'.-\N Ill`? Al'UOMMODA'l'F`.D with non. ulnulv und doublu mmnn with ' modern onn\'1\nlencI`n. M 383 Queen Mun`. - mm Work or MIMI \V|l|nrd," um most. won- dc-rml wnnum --rum rvnlur_\'. Uvrrn IHIINIIFII hmunlrul pnrlrulls or llw [mutant wonu-n knnwn.wIIh Inlngru hlvul nkulclmn. Hnsp for usnvnutuoru. LINHU 1'!` (`UM PAN\'.Tn'mm'm. `Tis Worth a Quartet. o \\'unn\n" In Hm mm nfmlr 0 arm! new hnuk. l"l|I`II1II`N all nlnuu-nufllw unlujm-L runlnlnu "Tho Llli` nm Work of MIMI \V|lIurl," 1-vnlurv. Hvrrn Immlmul WANTED: I-`nnm-ru' mom: or other lndmtrlmm ponums urmlr \'1|lu-ullnntu whom 300 A month would ho nn lndm~un'wm. I could slow 0n M l`(-wloullmznl their (mu hmnou. T. II. I - H4'u I`l`. Tnronlo. _________._.___.:.j_- Pl T0 BRING 'l`Ill-`JR FIIRNITURP} In be uulcl tn lhn hlxlnout. blddur ul Minus` HALRH mums, nrock Htmol. '_ ____._:___.._.__-_-__. I l|l'Hl*IKl'Il.l'ElL`4 TO BUY HIGH RACK Dlnlnx ltnmn Uhulru. mulmunod bunk Mill nhlr-urnm, at 50 outs Nu-In at MH.uI' Hahls lLuo.\I.~4. Brock Ntmot. .\' lI.\ l'I4`.lu l<)N1`l-ill Ill)l'Nl-2 .\NI> PANTIW Mum. Apply with mnumnca,-u at. any limo nut 45 Klng Hlrm-I oppmllo Park. * ('01 IR. HOOII lH'II"ERl*IN(`l"al'l RI-IQl'lIIl`3l). AfIplvt0.\lu.~4. (`um-, Luke Vluw bodgv. lieu-r _v z-`(lrnuh l(r.HIl|l`.Nl 'l'}. WITH (lll()l7.Vl)N, FOR. UNFI year, from May Int. Ahlrmm D. K.,Wum ()f(`L'. Dm\M:-Ab Brewer : Milla. on March. 15th. 1898, Paorick Donne. lockmraoor, and 72 years. Funeral will toko lcoo lrom his lobe rui- gonoo. Brewer : illa.uo-Inorrow (Thun- uy) morning ab 10 o'clock. to 80. Barm- by I church. where A column ulom mun will be bold. Friend: on to- qinihhoncu no roapoctfully Invited to attend. RIm-In mnpm. on much lith. Joooph W. Roid. mod 36 you: And 11 months. Funonl from his late ruidonco. 8 Glrroth `at:-ooh. on Friday um 2:30 o'clock. Bor- vioo ab 2 p.m. _ IXITYICIK I-`(Ht \'l-JIM FINE (M K l.lHl{All\' l"urult.uru. m-xt In Upurll Huuuo, MI l"r|- clny ut. lU:.'HI. .\ll I.l.N. cam YEAR. N0. 6. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Umlormkvrn mu! Emlmlmers, 233 and 235 Prlm-cam Htrcul. l'h0neu:--Wurerooml, 90; Rewldcnoo, 01. Open tiny and night. EAMNO UNmtu1`AKl-In AND F.'MRAulIn-- ; H5 l rhu-.ur.u ntroet. Comer aydenhun HI. Tulopholm umnmunlcnllon. ' Pl.()l`I.lC'l`0 A'l'I`l~JNl> THE SALE In lnwru Huuun Frltlny M 10:1!) by l JV In W up-no-unto Nlluhlnnl U1l'Al0'1'- MEN!` will be one of the mono Mtnotivo features of our Shore tibia Spring. Duo Notice will be given of our OPENING DAY. TElGY& STEAGY. s. sfbdlinmrr. FUNFIR.\'I. IlIlH.(."l`0R. `J81 PRINCES8 HT Klnuumn, nut.-couuur to W. M. Drenuau. .. -_ ..v-- unrvu -cu on; for bu in I: lollinmand a'l`HOROUGH KNO L `DUE of bho TASTES and fanoiu of KINGSTON SH01 I ERS never stood no to boomer ud- vnntage chm chin pawn in the collec- tion of Dry Goods we olfer too you. A Nl MILLINERY DEPART- MFIN1` will hn nun nf thn mnnh -M-nation M M r:nm'rEm'--A aimnmcnlcnm. unci- vunl. A1-ply M 45' Prlnuoxuu Htroot. The information gained from experience. our unqualied facilities lagging Ind. lnllino.nnrIn'l`HnRn|iFlKNn I. `.l)l2I`. ill ?-%I*IKI'IF.P!9lL`4 TO BUY Anal To test the value of advertising from all who cut out this an- nouncctacnt and present it at our stow we will accept it I! being wotth TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in pcyment of all purchues otn goo dollar and upward. _ n. 7 I This in tube monbh of promioo. Tho nign of the Ice God in over, and the Brit: II nu of returning lilo will shortly he not! in tho hug: and nldn And nmnnu Mm bird: Illu HUWUTU. The change of the eeenon will have in etfeotz upon the people. With the u-rive! of spring comee the bime-honored duty of buying. Spring |]ty_h[iuuds.~ FIVI- .'._l`_._._._L:___ ,,,!, , 0| runurmug Inc will Inorlzly no nomooa In the tree: and oldn and among the bird: and flowers. ` 'l`|.- ..|......- -1` L- --_-.... _.!Il I.-..- n- EXIT WINTER. RF-I.`-ll l)HN(`l'3. WITH Gll()[7.\'J)H, FOR (mi! year. Muv I). k ..\Num :___:_:_: V :l-2.\"rl.l.\l.\!\' M:-unul-as ltIm.\| .\1'llI Mounl wllh prlx-um lhmflv In crmrul :I|H_\', hlw lornn, .`\ddrmu I-`., Wnn; 12`. Vnnulc nIa.u||l' n :4: Ln In NH UNI>Ir.a1'AIncn-`.'M-256 Prlncvsn HL Telephone H7A. Upennny unl Night. .___.___j_______j__._. Ah, March. we know thou art kind- hearted- And spice of ugly look: and thunk. Out: of night and mining April : violou. Direct Importers of Dry Goods and Mllunary. j Jolnlgg lI|l'l'. Hinh Mum]. In _I`. T1-:13 DAILY BRITISH WHIG. wun-asst` I-`IIOBABILITIII. 4 1*. i M. EDQION. UUIDWI IIIU Elk IL 10 |.m.-l`|ir no cloudy weather. n in local uhowcu. highor tom- ponburo. Ottawa nnd Sb. hwuuoo vtlloyo. oloudv wntlm. HENRY BRAME. . -... an. WANTED. _JAS. REID. lvunu-mu . -1.... 1 1 NEXT ' Mlhm. Bishop Email in uccuditad b i- dem Oolounn, Libotin. n can donP:;l ouinuy to loud Sdiobnry Ind president Llcliinloy. to whom in barn locun on- tnnbhd to him on than 0! bio departure from Monrovia. The gin-Id that loner: io A to-mat tot clout relation: with (Brut Brihin and can Uoitod shut. to which oocnttico pruidonl Cohan up to en- un Ibo indopondonoo ad c|ov;:unI ol Ihoofgnauy; It is uudcntood that thin ahnin nnmnnnl bu hunllt`nno}.....I Kuborh Alla (Inn BHIIII Anal Unlud . Into: To Md IOI`. lnwmx, Numb I0 -Rov. Dr. u-cull. Molhodiol Epiucopsl bishop of Africa has nrtjvod (roan Libeno. Ho um New York in liooombor INN and Inn tines tnvollod 6,01!) miho in went and touch Africa. nu- tioning eighty-live missionaries. Mn. Hutnll anoonn-niod bu huobnud. Both no well and they upset to nil for New York an Intel: `nth. Hal`! II I`Od"IaOd `. dun ()nIunnn.'.l.ihnr=`.c ma. non Am! \ u.\1`m;wIn.\um-:nnn 1: |lul'.\ l~I. rm. :1. Huh` Nlhxbl : vxlvlulun cllnlnu nu-um mu! Htvlu n. \\IIh nu-m,;w~: mo-In-rn In A`\ v|I`)` \vn_\: rvnt mnnl-`now `\l.~uIlm "`! .-ttnrwmu I\\\'|`ll|Iu; nu \\ rlllmnun .\`lI'wI_ nu'u`||pIo'1K|_\' .\lr. llm. Baum u~u1'hm_r mn|:-1`pIuu-n :-Hun-. ,_\'ppI_\-`In Fr.'u.`. \ rm \\v. . H I`.'||.lUllIlHlu|I Nhvvl. Hum hm with null mmlurn ~un\-vnlu-m-c-~. Ii: rut-\. I`u~z~w.v-lull .\|.-u\ In-I. \|\p|_\'\ Hum`. .\ v~: |1|1'r,:\:l7.l.-human Hlnw. ._._j_j__j_j.._ \Il0||I`TlI vi R. WNu.`I 3 `III martini` \IlI hli Il.\'l` III-`.SlN.\lll.l-`. `n1'l`.\uI-Ic Iuun Htrvvl, uppudlmlw livnhl .\l`lnl\'rv, Q.I'. now um-m~h~-l Iv Mv.\lulum. I-Ix`:-mlnn kltvlu-n: mun-: nmulu-rn mun-unim-m: ~.-ml ur Np! AS_p_ri{n.g Hats] It-cu \ar`l\Llo ().\' lH".l|\l.|-` HI-` .\l\ |`\l'(iH'I'|.|l \.\'l\ mmII_\' In-mlvr lhv wnrnu-wt nl` Ilnmku In llr. Thlrul. .\l|~.~ l`nuInr uml lhv m1r.~Inx HUI" nl` lhv Hl`IIl`|`l|| llmpllul I`-Ir thrlr lIIll`I`- rumlnmwuv nml urvm klmlm-~.~s In Ih-\ Inu- l.|`uIv\nunl .\lI\n-h ulur|mz lulu rutnl lllmwn. Thu` l`0l|NlIIl'l`l\HIIll alluwn um ll will |u'\'vl' ho li\|uI>ltI`||_ WITH I.\I.\l|-I|l|.\'|`l~T l'lNHl~IN.-llU.\'. llRl(`|\ (`nHm.n\nn nl`|[l`l|l .\lrm'l. H-kul .v-lul\l\_ hvu h(|IIM`.I`\\`(`HI`lll we'll. m~ur|_\` thrw m~r1`~ ul luml. Rvnl nuxlvmlo In .~ulu|l~Iu IPIIMIII. .\ \!\|_\ In 'I`. I-'..\'uI.\Vl\. mllnmlug. m` I)ll|\;1\ n:' .|.l| . h`|I.|n:IHI.H:\`lt. IL` I 'lun'nm` =.~Ir~~n`l. _-_-_.._ , -.--.---`a.- genus.- V|1.: l~`Ino nk l.|hrary I`urnHuw- lmtor Houlo. Wrllhuz (`.uh|nut, Ink Htumf. Hmou Plmlr. (HH(`1!I)l\h'l`,HI`1I llnmn How. S`pr|n n, Mullrmuu-N, lhnntn. H~-ullluz H.lu\'v, `mlxl. |`}xlu||.~Al0ll 'l`nh|:-. lTm`pc9l lvlnhm l`hnlr.-4, (`en- Iru '|`uh|0n uml um:-r urllr mt. sultan! |II::II|. 'l`\~rm.~ l`n.~||. .l(Ill\' ll. \lll.l.H Ema nkv COMM_lT'_l`__l_-2__l`E_.l `H. '.\|l I` IN |`.'u.lu \\-llh nll II , M, ._-_- --.~_.-._-- --4-av ,., .\I|~2I-'.`l`L\'li1)!-`Tlll-22l'rn MAY 1`l~2I.l~2[1R.\- Hum Pmvnnlllmv wlll lw In-ltl Flllli.-\\' |`2\'l-2.\'l.\`I I. .\lnrvh lmh. m H I'..\l., In mu (`Ivy (`mum-ll Hunnlu-r. .\ll |llh`l`\'NlI`1I In mnklmz Ilw ('1-|I'hrnI|lllI u nlll'\'I`u.~I|rI'I`~*<]I|1`~l~`1Ihnlllvllxl. W. !\l. lbltl-INN. `\'. __\/ 9 .._\,..u vx/mg.-4.54 0! Fine Oak Librarv Furmtuve. Stoves. ` Bedroom Sets, mm. at the Store next Opera House, lll~2 HIYlIH4'l{lMl`)|{. .\:-t l'HlY,\I.. (Jl\'l his |)l'|'HUIHI| ul,lu-nlhm, ll.`-`.'-<|Ml`ll |>_\` un 4-x-. Iwrlmu-mlnlutl'. tn lhlu lnlpnrlunl hrmwh n!` no Hprhn; Imulm-.~m, wllh our:-ful Inun:u:e- munl and wry vllvllp m|\'--rllulnx rauuu, I hnvn nu honlmllml In uuuramluulng the hunt rwumn. llnvv ymlrnulv lmnkl-1| ul uncv. Home lmvn ulmudy lwuu b<)I)kL`lI. POINT! :- Ahctib"Sh1csT of Hglgchold x=u};1_- ture. Properly. Etc. Superior Incandoscentas Lampo. 1 our 111* out Tue `K In-:.~I1m:.\"r:. rm. lT!il)l\ l.\`l1`b.` an-,. vIn`\'m\ munu-: hul mm-r lwullnu uml ulhI`r nmlvrn l`I\l\\'l`ll|I'lll`0`l. .\mI_\* Iwxl ulnar In H. :. Wm.<`II. $1.50. Nm\'|.-_\'mu' II \\'l':]unu l`t'I|| II III):-.~ llnl \\u H('l`|`IlUHH |..r` ]>('I`l'l`I`Il_\`t'\I`I`_\`H Will buy the best Incandescent (ins Lmnp in the mnrlmt. former- ly huld at $2.50. _:`.`_-._U:TI0{N ~5`AiI+E FRIDAY, MARCH 18th. Jill-I $UX 313 HIll' VIIII: I `lo Pool Thonulvu M. St. Patrick : day. Thursday. Sula of lurnituro, 0150.. Ab Milln nuction rooms, Thundny, so 10 am. `Ill Dhlll I010 Ho;-;or 1 Ca Dani Iflnninnnl-A. 7* f 85 and 87 Prlnosf gt: Mwwwuwowownww -yun nu -- I mnku urmn lonuh returns. I nu-II 1:) 1w h uhunt lulduh-I`. I In not knock 'U01lH duwnjnt b.'uw||ns' to It-lulu. FOR SALE OR LEASE. l\'l` l|I.`uIII \ In I.`1`:\'I'I`\:I|.' ;n\' u\'I; IIBAWFHHII. ,\ ll\'l hauls nu \-I;)\\'Tlu|rsulu,\' afto.rnunn. jj JOHN H. MILLS cum: 3H` o+H-""3 74:" gnsjgispoaosa W-._4-._M.!Ic"I:u. 1 Hlllll lllIl|\Jl |`lII'lI l`|7IllIlII|llI3u I ~ It In vm Ln puny Imlhlluz lnnd .-mw ' wood with our Hawx. nr to (`Imp or null!` with our Axum. Homl Ax!-H n.-4 lnw um 51):` In $1.00. [lurk Huwn.m|I||'Ium-4-cl,3I)<~ lu7. )I`. I`muu-l`ul Hmw, Huw lhwkn, Npllnlng \\'t-Imam, Hhurpvnlng Hlnnvu. l".t<'. |."Uur It-as Huw.-4" t'||t,umm.' Ice rm). Inn ! no may if the Huw Iidull or lmrka-n. Tnkun upmml nmn tn koop ul.|l|llndcrnllt-h1-nmllllmls. ' In I. .. ,.. a.. ...... ....n.: Saying Nothing and Sawing Wood 79 and BI PRINCESS ST... I'l\h `u`l`||\7 :\\"I`l III _.._j_________.j_ l .`IIV`)-2lt~II1`\` .\\'l-2.\ l`H. ;\.\'l* .\'U. Julmnlun hrlvk Ilmlsnx 1 TNT. I We deliver in `when you order it--nob the next day. We deliver it oere!ulIy--_vour premioen won't. look like A coel yuj alter we've put in our cool. . `e new money lot you too. l NI\ l`.|( luhnnlun u I ` n~z~\.ulnn ` ...R CAR D. ll|l|.' . $1.50. LOCAL MEMORANDA '.xu-nuuun Kllvlwlll Iml HI!` I I I`UI\\`|`ll|a|N`(`.'4i .~'luhIu uml 1` .\ppl_)' [:1 Illt`: km-nu`. .\||rI` i'6mi:'}.~ |(`|l'l'\ .\\`l-:.\'l'r:. ;\.\`l\ hrlvk hnllN`.\, 1`<|ll\'l`l)lI'lIt't`r4. Iirm nmnlw \l.~u\~ \ppl_\- to :~r:uo.'T. uhnnlml NI I`1`I`l. rnuvvnnuu uiul Ii] N4 ;.-"|`| PN, ` ?.V'|`.\lUl ). .-- JOHN H. Mll.l-'4. 71$ UI`()(`k Street. I.~II. JHll.\'l|..\lll.I.H. lull:-0|`. \|\' nnm-nmnn. Tho coal we all you in good cod goo lull woigho. loin clan -ovory Don is carefully so roonnd. \\'. .a-N..- In ...|.-.. _-.. __A.- -- l.. l'l.|').\lI-I.\"l`.~l. `I 1|.\' .`~'\'IlK.\'~ |IlI`I|I`(` nl".lnI|n Il`|(, lrlll l)I||` ,.'\.\||' \\'ur|(~4 limo-. EIIIJITICITXI. . 3-I Mu.~gruJu..,Qu.`. "Inch 1o-"rmu:. 'l'.Ronn|oIdodwith ocrpujroo olfilpo hccknursl Hoar! cl 3:8`! it` suing. Ilzlidnoioecu ootbo nnihliuggnudl sumo bursa St. Henry uuMln\'ic- tonnbdp van blocked for Ivoluouo. `ho nnuo nun vn-ooh. Tho into hingouldonlcouudtlnnuo. uruugivnllu. Una. yuluruny lllol IIIIIIQII. bin wife And I young woman nunod Alice Toonoy. with whom holnd boon living. 'lM.hInlI badlolc mo wile at Sun SLO. Mario and married Min Toomoy. His wife Ikzifoiid him hon. but mnud of linking troublo ntutod to live with the recnnut pair. Yutotdty I quunl abut.- od. with tin can shove Inonuoood. lathvmll in unconciounnnd will die. Mine Tunney Inn oli in cinema 0! rocovory. but Mu. Iathvslh oondition in not dan- own hunwuu. I ulrnor. VIIOII noun II In Onngovillo. 0nl>.. yoourday thou hilnnlf. bin inf: And A Ionmr rnmnn nninnrl Alia. Heavy-weight Coal. INK- Aftar tho oridonoo for the ccown Inn in his lordohip dooluod n vudico oi nob guilty. Scovil. howonrmggl -bola in $4.- 000 basil to nppur `Ab tho `next nation: on a charge of boing an nccoenory |fOat\tlg fncb; nu`; n|.....|o A...A -11. u__ 1.. -, . v \ My not llnnoolt And Illa two In-on. Nu..uug l`.\'ITu. N.Y.. hlupb I6.-Al-' beta |.n!n'roll. A hubor. when boom in in nrnnannmllg nk ogntg-Inn -Lam |.l-..ll Soovll. Bnorx\*II.I.lc. March l6.- Ah the spring assizes yesterday. before justice Armour. the grand jury hrou he in A true bill a time Thomas K. covil and he was paced in the prisoner's box and plonded nob-guilty to indiocmenb charging him with sewing re to his dwelling house and barn. with intent. to defreud.on Nov. `Jlst. l.\`9(i. The chiel witness heard was Wil- liam lung. who testied than on the nigho of the tire ho had driven with H. Johnston toScovil's residence in l`ort.land. Johns- (on not out. of the rig, and when asked to sccouno for his action said in wss only a mutter of a few matches. Johnston wonn toward the house while the witness drove around to the opposite corner. Soon Johnston appeared and in a few minutes ames were to be ,seen issuing from the ham. Johnston told_ witness that there was tlolln lb. and witness afterwards got 340 from Scovil. The case is will progress- mg. Lfbnr than A-itlga-can `rail tkn p\:l\aInua -..- :.. l ILA. I but. wall-k inthqngg TI-no lllll Brought In Against 1'. K. Iaunull IUIIIUVUIL The Daily NWE commenting on the speech of l'nil:ed States consul- onerel 0sborne,says- "What we have one in this country is to give public notice that the combinations of Euroieen ,powere wherewith the United 8 es ere daily threatened on the continent, do not include and never will include our kindred selves. Blood shows itself thicker than water in little neighborly reminders of that sort. and the occasion really doee not demand more. Bubifit did demand more. more would he said. and we rmly believe all ' that the Americana happened to consider needlul would be done." Julloua argue nonor or me counnry." United Setee consul-generel Osborne. who received an ovation. rierng to reply to bhe bout referred to the bulk of en Anglo- Americen alliance and teeeied to the friendship exiebing between uhe two coun- briee. He id he did nob believe that either needed protection. unless against 3 oornbinebion of powers, bun should thee comblnntion ever occur he was confident than the protection would be generously given (cheers). Mr. Oeborne geve the opin- ion then the asreined relation: between the _l'nited Sbebee end Spain would eoon be removed. `Ft... T\..lI.. \YLL.K _L....`._.__h.'.,.. ., -|, quuuu. lmranun, March 16 -The ancient and honorable artillery company of London gave a banquet last evening to Messrs. ~ Hodges, Ferris and Lewis, of the Boston ancient and honorable Artillery company. The earl of Denblgh presided. Among the guest: were consul-general Osborne, vice and deputy counsul general Weeumm cot: and Lleut.-(.`al. Well. navel sttnobe of the United States embassy. Lord Denhigh, in toasting The President 0! The United States, Equally Honored In England All In America." said: "We all deeply eympethize with America in the red national disaster that befell the Maine. President: McKinley. cool and level-heeded. is not likely to run the country into any unnecessary danger. while ue honorable ruler he muet be jeeloue of honor of hie country. United Shuttle consul-uenenl Olbnrna. uuu LHIDUU DUIIDUB Ill DUB VTUUUIID UFIIIU seems to have changed all than. The theatre was decorated last night: with United States and English fl-ice outside and in. the colors of the two nations being draped together in a manner emblematic of their present mutually friendly rela- tions. Alter the first act of the play the orchestra played and the members of the company gang The Star Spangled Ban- ner" and than "God Save the Queen. and the audience not only vigorously applaud- ed both, but heartily joined in the singing. it might not be exactly easy for the oldest inhabitant to remember just when an American audience in an American theatre has before joined in singing (lad Save the Queen. l.n\:nnu Marnk ll: _'l`|.n nnninnm -..`A Neither Power Needs Protection Except Agelnet in combination of l owers-'l'he Strained Relations With lpnln may Be Boon Removed--SolnsthIn Unnsnnl for an American Audience to ling The Brltleh National Anthem. New Ymuc. March 16.--Ths Tribune publishes the following: A highly sun- cesslul attempt to excite a patriotic demonstration was made last night at the Empire theatre. It does not take much to do that, but the present instance was notable, as showing not only loyalty to the United States but friendliness to Great Britain, and that is rather unusual in a United States theatre. As a rule British flags and British songs have been intro- dur-ed on the local stage as a foil for the American, and they have in most cases been received with half hearted applause or with silence. But the clearly lriendly attitude of the English government toward the United States in the present crisis seams to hum nhnnumi A" than, Th.- rm.-en U.` In nununn FEELINILI IAN ALLIANCE IS PSSlBLE.( REFERRED TO BY THE AMERI- CAN OONSUL IN LONDON. God Save The Queen? Sung by Americans. Ponrib ARSON CASE. KING_STON. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1393. , _,, Q w,uuu poem: or 000! u can uguro. aid major Walsh Ind Minn with him unplo proviniom for himself And ty. It `Ill pot-oiblo than by night V0 Ind 90 buy but! to provido for unv- ingninttobehadnohbllbodiduol lio- lifvl Ibo Itoty. ' ' . display. Plain and Figured Al- pacas 25 to 3:. Plain and Bro- cade Stuff Goods 25c to $1.50. Silk Stripe Crepounes 75c to $1.25. Moire Velours $1.50, $2, $2r.o. nr ulna`: at `Tana.-.-A "`-nip...-m1`..-