con AND woo; cm who no can mu). j}:uj.Q----- ulllur-. uul, .)UU,UUU. All the females omp'uo_ved on the New York Central railroad, whether operators or type wricorn, are no be discharged by Lho lat. of April. Several other railroad companion have issued the name orders. .. I. R Hcrnhlin rnnnrt; tn thn l7nir.naI UIEU IIILI Jlllilly D0 The Vnccona mills at Cobnoa. N.\'.. n ninontorey structure. was burnodon Tues- dny morning. It was the lnrgzoat. woollen mill lll uhe United Smrog_ .,,mp|u)~mg L190 hnnds. Lou, $500,000. A" khn lnnn.luu nnunlnvn nn Hun Nam [IUWCT DU Harm. Two colored men walked eighteen miles `.0 Windsor through the mud and a|uah to answer to uchnrge of nteahng timber last, Thursday. The magistrate dinmiaeod the cue And justly 90. Thu Vmtnnn mill: at (`nhnnn N \' n Lnreo nunureu cnouenna pounne ox pow- der were shipped on Tuesday for mlmiml Sicard a squadron an }\'ey" Weo-t;, thelargoat shipment: over undo from the BrookI_\n navy _~,':\rd. ` The Ooptic christinna believe that: on `ihrisbmne ova the nature of every savage out is tamed, that children may play with 3 lion and that all rquilea loao thou- powr to harm. 'rn:n nnlnrnr` nnnn u-nllznr` n:v|\Onnn milnn LLIU LHILBU DUILGH X0!` 8 DUOUHIIHU ynnrs Arizonaia looming up as an orrmg` growing acute. The oranges ripon car]: than in Ualifornin. and thoae produced a ' mid to have a ne lln-or him those ,,-.,,_) _-- ,,,J_ -1 ,_ -_,_ uv ll! Hun no no an expen: WOOGWOI nor. Ella Wheeler Wilcox wants a war. From this wemfor than Ella. hnving probably subdued ` Mr." Ella Wheeler Wilcox, is nnw m'n-hinn- fnr rnnln an-nrlria In nnnnnnr EUUUUBU ' MI`. IIAIIE WDGBICT VVIICOX,` now aighing for mom worlds to conquer. Fiftv millinnn dnllnru rinmx nnt. nmmrl s now mgmng to: mow worms no conquer. Fifty millions dollars does not sound no Lremonduue when you any it quickly, but. it. will pay the salnr of the president. of tho United States or a thousand years 1\Y`l'I.(Inll'I lnnmina un ll an nrmurn. unuu menu xor [W0 WCEKL An occontric individual. who [was near Derby. Conn.. has been engaged for some Lime push making violins for the angels. [in is paid to be an expert woodwol Lor. Ella \VhnnInr Wilnnr n-nnhn n war Fr-nm uuu xrom evorynnmg owe. Henry Vnrly. the eminent: evangoliab, has commenced I series of aervicea an the Bapcian church, Bxxmtford, sud wall con- tinue them for two weelu. Annnnnnb..... .'nyI.`...'nl....l art. Lu`. .1-..- ypadkeuenjxukonj A`i`.'.'.`.'..AF`.*!'.`!.S Lu prasuuonr. mcmmoy. Two men"iu Montana recently tried to be convivial with wood alcohol. Now they are total ubatainers not only fr m alcohol bub from everything uise. nnnrv \."nr-Iv Hm nminnnh nvnnnnlint [III III umvrgulluy. . Uol. bhnw, Wm,ort.own. department com- mander of the some of New York, ($.A.R. , baa olferod the services of lU,UOU setorune to proeidnb Mcliinloy. Tum nmn"in Montana rpnnnflv h-{ml In your In JBII uucu. . There are fty warships I Fln.. and 100,000 tons of t 'he I)ry Tortuuu. gulf of for any emergency. [In]. hhnw, W/, (In I-'|||HU|EL'U, K:-ll. ' Spectators an n rccenb Sunday morning cock fight; at Uswego were fined $100 ouch by rocor ier Bolger, with an option of one your in jail uncb. Thnrn Arn Mn: wnruhinn uh Kav 'naI; DIIU pUl'BU|I Wlhll VVLIUIH BHU WIIH CUHVUlHll| Advices lrym Truwbridge. Ont . reporr the Manland river as very high and much valuable property has been destroyed In consequence. J.'unmI Unrtin. hnttnr knnwn nu ".qnidnr UUIIDUQUUHCU. James Curtin. better known ns "Spider Kolly, was seriously ababbod on M0nd.\_\r night by Sally Sznibh. the pugili-ah, as San Frmxciaco, (,'.|l. Quxnanrnon.-u ..r .. .-. Anne Q.....l..- m.-..m:.... UUU l'4`lWlll'lDlH', UHIL, SKETCH WOIKH. Elnmbobh of England had clear, liquid blue eyes and always glanced sideways an `the person with whom she was conversing Advionn lrrm Trvnwhridan, nm. , rnnnrr L 12., Hr uuxurbul), an wwu Buguler. About 300,000 bricks will be required for a now chimney which in to be bualb at one 1-Idwnraburg. Onb., starch worka. F.lw.nhnf.h nf Enalnmi hm} nlnnr linniri : Iunun. Three hundred thousand pounds of pow- lar warn nhinnnrl nn I`nnndrm fur mlmiml IUU IUUII IUIIS IFUKLI UTUHD LU l3K'BllJ.' Mrs. Cuolino Ellis. Branbford. broke her leg and arm on a slippery sidewalk. and WI sue tho city for damages. Thn Hnrlln nnrnnrnrinn in nndmuvnrincr JaI$CIIIU XIIC I ZIIIIII VIC I IUIKU will bouocommndnml In them FRI-`.l-I Hl.I-2F.l`- SEEM mr nu Fhlvngo nr Ht. Paul wh _ unm- Ilf Blooprru mu be had to the I`uv'llIc oual. -nd--Q--5..-. __- --._ -__r-~-A unu wm aua mo any xor uamagua. The Berlin corporation in endenvoring to secure this senvxoeu of James Warren, U E., Wnllcerbon, as town engineer. Ahnuf..'lll(IlII|llhrmlm will hn ruunirnd LUIHBH H600 WIDD CDII I0!" I yOlH'. The largest) waves are seen off Cape Horn, rising to forty-six feet: in height; and 765 foot long from crash to creah.| Mrs. Cnulixm Ellin. Rmnmfnrnl. brnka [U0 Dptllbll WU" ICON) (D9 0001'. The Italian government has entered into a contract; with British nm bo supply the Italian ecb with coal for a year. Th: lnruascb wgvm nrn amen nil" (Tuna IIUIIBI ll] LVUW I U! M BI/BL!!- Tnlodo and Dnmucus blade: in the mid- dle centuries were very popular Ind sold for their weight. in gold. In Frnnna rlatrraen. and dinlnmnn no IUF lolllf WUIBIJD Ill gulu. In France degree! and diplomas are granted by the government. and not by 11? nnivernicios as in this country. \Nibh 350 000.000 within rnnnh nrmlidenl IIHIVUTHILIUB IE l Idllll country. With $50,000,000 within reach president McKinley will no doubt be able to keep the Spanish wall from the door. Thu lhnlinn rrnvnrnrnnnf. Man nnharnri inh. Lulu Iprlng. Over sixty applications have been re- ceived for night: and dny oonlbables I!) St. Mary's. Onb. Amhin nninn Imvn n nnhanna fmmythn 'blIU WUTIII INIIIIUUKIII `l,UUU,UUU [HUI]- Nehson Humphry. one of Hamilton : li- cense commimonarn, Hod unexpectedly on Snturday. Tim smvarnmant. intend: mnkinnv consid- Duurnay. The government intends mnking consid- onblo improvements In Rondun hurbor this Ipring. Over mxtv nnnlicatinnn have been re- Wlfy I. UDp ; Arabic coins have a unbenue from the Koran and generally the cnliph'a namo.butz never an image. The Now" \{m I: Inainlntnrn will ha nkad tEA mm rsnmmr IIUVC-I ll IlJIxU> 'l`he_Ncw'Yo:k legislature will be asked for the free carriage of bicycles on ferry boats in New York state. 'I`..t..,l.. ....A l\ ...... .. |.l-.l-. L. 0.)... ..u`.~l. Jill! DUWVY 0| PHD |lII|lIll]IllIi IIUIIII In London. En_g.. in 340 (coo high. Ah the beginning of 1808 Mac Armies of vche world numberod 4,500,000 men. \Y..I...u. I.I'...-....J....n .s.... A! I.L..-lIIn-.n - I.` no nmu '1-nnngi um Ilnnlu nppon Inn at tho my 3: Recorded In" tho lint " uuny Press of tho Country. ' Snub Bgmhardc In 3 non angler and u (ah; zhob. The cameborioa of the city of London cover 2000 acre: at ground. The tower of the pulinuflnb hcuu in Ah the houinnin: nl IHOH bha Armies of WHAT we iukrsns ARE wurmo m upon us. ` BREE`Z)I SCiSSOR LAAINKTUMS? 1 s Bstl Il-_.In I- Doryuhou Iopqlood. A I-___ _, n at Key Wash. ammunition at f Mexico. mad} ul.Inq I XIIUVU IIWIIUTIUK -'*:~.-~...,...."~'v~;~v.-...;;a,.., ...,,,...` " not I & cough:hooou1d till "4 . pgrfootl n , vrnrlifzyol in withonz Dr. Chain": un- mo anion new land II. Anolgnlnrwno vna in Kingmon manned to rein: two bottles which he Brought string to "ns.undIbliovoi|wIIllIInumo! nnvhm our nnlv law. I ' ` uuncroy mo company`: uetonce. In in said that :1 vigorous though unsuc- cessful attempt has been lately made to endeavor to get: Hurry Johnston, the pri- soner uniting trial for complicity in the firs, to turn queen : evidence. In in said constable George I!rown.A':hene, approach edJohn!ton a wife and propoeod that aho main her husband and endeavor to induce him to carry out thin progrunme, promin- `ing if he did no 3 Iron pardon should be obtained lot him. -- -nu - -`-- wvwwuv wuuuu-n no-nu nr nunlllmcnnd utlwrvt gmlmx we-at um 15 upo- clalctunvonllo-nvv, unul | mug luring tlnelrbwn be(l1l|| ,nr nmy pun-luuoul an-out H06 in Mnmn-n urTm-nntn uuulmw. 'l`lwne loo us (`turn wlllgn through wmnmt vlmllgv, Pb an `M01 Muntn-ul nnd1`->romn to Wm- ulpeg. I-RE!-. Hl.l-1Il`I-Elm will lc,-uvu King- awn every Tuenulny M 1:10 p.m., nnrl l`\'I'l\' Wednooulny M. 2:45 u.m., uonunonc-mg .Vlnrc|| Slh. nuns. A. 1'. bL'r.wLuu`. rolglxj. up!-. `N uyn: "From tho 7th of January to the 80th. we wen up night And dny with our two links boys. employing doctor: Ind tryin every kind of patent medicine we ever rdol. Anhlntimowodidnotk know ot Dr. Chat`: Linlpdd sad Turpen- tine until alter the 80th. when our young- at duling died in Ipito 0! all in could do. Somome in I-`ebrmry e doctor told In our other boy conldn'| live till Igring. \ We won about dim when -no--gnu---11': Inna`-uAnlL`! yvonu --Imeaugiu my I Chute`: Bym Lanna`: tsymp. ' v "levied Moncoto Iommblilouof III (in! he land I. Aldghhocwho '1`: in manual] in numb;-n A from Pnrclun Pmmlnoul Jnhnnmn If 30 mn Turn Queen`: lcvmmum. Fl(IlI'l(\'l|,I.P., Onb., M:\rv.h l7.~-ln the case of Scovil vs. the Lwo msuranco com- pmnioe. tho lnnter have no defence for their nllcgations against Lho plninbi` ex- cept, that Scovil did mourn the burning 0! his buildings and hereby forfeited and voided his policies. Subsequently Scovil was Arrested for this vmy charge and on Tuoeduy found no,t guilty, which seems to destroy the company : defence. [h in DAid Lhgh u via-nl-nun Hannah uvunuun. Tells how I)r._@ chaso Saved her Boy. There Will Not [In any Immediate clmuxe In the Ontario Unhlnet. Tom).\"m_ March 17 -l{ona..l. M. (iibson and John Hrydqn will remain ministers of the crown till thb legislature meets, thougli they are not at present members of the legislative esnumbly. Discussing the quention the Globe says: "It is an es- sential part of our system of responsible izovernmont. which makes it possible to raise on the Hour of a representative choinbornnyqueatioii of administration. and therefore makes it iimxieeary that the min- ister who is: roaponrible for it i-bould be present to defend him:-ell" nnrl also to ex- plain what he intends to do with the money which he nalu parliament: to ap- propriate to the service of his department; Under the British system. which iathe model of ours, every member of the cabi- neb in of necessity III parliament. This being the nubstitnbinl btlllil ol the consti- tutional usage, it lollowa that therein no objection to l\ member of the ministry who has temporarily lost; his new in the legislature. rebniiiiiig his portfolio while tholeginlnture is not in position, the only conrlition being his intention to Seek re- `election within A reasonable time. Tho presence of mini:-tern in prrrlimnent is one of the cbiel distinctions between the Bri LIOII und Anioriciur eyntemn, and on the whole the British in the profurahlo plan. the continual nommunivalion between the oxecutivo and the inn` imikini: body being benecial to both." A Monnan smxs. Bis Syrupv or Linseed and Turpen- tine a Precious Boon. MR8. A. T. STEWART. Folgsxj. Opt. Iyn: uni. ..A __A_. .._ ...Z_I.L. A-4` J`- --ILL Ann VI IVLLN (Io KVU II/\Kl .`U.V LIU-p Ul --1 have much pleasure in uiving my teaoimony in favor of l m'ne s Celery Compound. lwnn ozmiroly brukan `town by hand work, unxivhy and slec~pluHa- nose. and had pain all through my body. Doctors romodios had no effect and nu- bhing met: my cum untlllm-ed Paine : Celery Unmpound. This medicine has done wonders for me. and I would strong- ly urge all aulfering women to u-zo it. as in us the boat in the world. \ ....... o....l.. _`.,,`,_ .-_.-, - .v-_----g vv: nauti- No. Iona lrnnsfbrn or cuntomn troubles. onlil. Hl(' Filled Tourist Bloc pr: Ilrnt-(`Inna uleenern nunched In an THEIR l3-l:.'_f-'ENC2mEZ`E)_[:'-;ROYED. I|I"`ll|I.`U. Mrs. Moaaop. Mimico, Onb. , cured by (Na great Compound, nay.-1: Wl<:LI.~4 & Rxuwuzmux Cu.. ...l. ._1.._ ....__ :._ I -`UIIUU l-GIUYIY U|llHPUllllU. Do not put. olf the use of the great life giving medic:-inc; ooh to day, before your broubloa uesuma alarming and desperate 2-ympboml. Thousands of woman by the use of i Mne'n Celery Compound have found new life; you will be one of the number ii you have the faith and condence in the medicine that others have. Tho use of one mnglo bottle will give you astonishing` reunite. IA..- ll .... -\ \ll...l.... ..A ,...._....l l... III- Yuur ins and ngonieu {tom rheuma- uiam an neuraigin, yournervouanou and pxosbmtion, your headache and nlo(`p1o!A- norm, and the gnawing pain: of d_y~ pepsin, an be forever banished by the use of l`.+im, .4 (`-elery Compound. l)n nnh nut. n!T the min nf Lhn arnnf. lifn Spring is at hand and all nervous, weak. broken down and half-dead women should think noriously about their condition of hoalhh. \ . ..... .3... ..-..l nzur\n:n- |`_..... ..l .... ...... Painefs Celery Gompound Is Our A [}reatPurier. Recommended By The Best Physicians. It Makes Women Strong. Healthy and Vigorous. Remedy.` Paino s Uolony Compound is the Grant Spring Modi- oino for All vonwonkod, Nervous and Bnokon Down Wonnon. MINISTERHBMWILL REMAIN. Pnulng on route thrnu h prlnvl ml (`nmullnn clues and Chicago um 81. Puu . 5l|llL'H0llI, and Dakota. UUU Ill uuv Wlllltlo Yours truly. Mrs. Mm_se-op, Miunco, Onb. lliipnnen or mum {mug mm. hp.-, meg. Gar Dolumlmn Elacmc funhionu arr kuuvm In "`L`.'.?'aJ?:`..'&a'R..nua.-oniosun. V no st: Dolq st. lontral_ 3 3. E. an-nan 4 C64] 330 mm s'r. *".9..T~3~ nurses; a-- so---..~ .-j..a..Iv..n..;.l\./ Electrician. combination on and Electric Pltturu nld Bloctrk: Supplies in stock. %srcImIsTf=;7: on`. radon: Lou .IuuMmd" n aid or mud. nil) carried in van pockot. {'1 lm 31- |DM`| BI: for 3.1.00-uh 0 wrtlcan gumrmuuv to noon non rorvusdgd. I II`! II?! An nun-nun. bu nnuunnn hn;`i:n|u . H NIP rough: bu u . ms -um npnl . D00 RIII-in! (0.. pr`. MI-UPC Men: `A -.u- nrmmm, 1\'|.\'1..~'JuN.o)N'l`. ;r . 6`. In an `p.;.c`1,.;-..; .- wt V12?!` nnfl .:." ."o -hrnnknnnornmn. 'l\Il<`-H7 Ed 0 rs. .IuI|Mmd `n I: nnckvt. `um iupulnn I`III`&'\l\I lv\'Y"*" I l ll(\l.`."R.|l .r t.uv)\`(~`. Rroumu In .'l(_)z}a . (Yuma ll Nurvmxn 1): It-I 1 Fa Vin` MP17K'l 1 `nmuia. Hlowplnu-now. A llh |Y ElM_w* alon-.0011. -nmwd hy punt. abuser. lumq _ __ *I- I?.?;?.?_EiE[*3_3K 3{Ii"Eiiia COLONIS1` SLBEPBRSI Repairs onul klndin 1 Dorllor of Prlnnun mm Woulnnon attach F. NISBETSI Papers for Walls, Border and Ceiling, blending in color and design. l NEW srocx. ! NEW DESIGNS. any uuhrlll IIGLCI A of ~~'EAL13DoNxA SPRINGS _is `an aperient that is an aperient and plena- aut to drink; Sold by ,beat dealers every: n r yhre; '_ g Wall Paper, I893 Illlnh nnd new luo. They qnlokly no) man on no qmn Ihnu) no ouorgy. The cum urvouncu aupoudonq nl an moo can of evil habit `noun, ovuvorl, on Thoygln tnll nun; dovolo mom mad but In ovary portion um! orgnh of tho y Failure LI impossible and an In no bum. This " Trlnl without lhponn " offer in Hunt! by tho oompnny to I then um. and Appuulu must be mad: at onto No 0.0. D. uhomu. no Donn hnnnthropy no: deco tlou,uo upouro-u olnn ulna: propel! Hon y n company 0! hlgl lunch! and puts. Ilonnlltnndlng. wma to I 0 I11! IBIDIOAL OOIDAIY ROBINSON BROS. \\'.nll l`nprr Hlurvlnlltll, \ DAGOT STR]`.`..F.:'1`. { V llama} stunting. Write to BUl'ru.0, N. I . and rotor to man; the noon! at any narlu lhl ail. Lowest Rates. shorten. quickest and Most Popular Route. I slfifi, 4 . ' fin}! roiof cl Morin yuan. OI IIIOIO Ill] honoal Ind [CHANG Ell I I I llu cod boulun od-mourn: ld0-l.ll raanltanno [nail to send minor Olga` yum mus The no Modlul oompn u oppunu no nmodlu hue boon Inllod A In And In-mu 3:3: :11 out the world, In ovary Inn in hull um. Th am In health ....:'.:':.'....:':.:" """"~ ""'- ' They ruwrom on llllvfo lllo. Thu aulnklv nan Int dun mun thin uhnung om: ;- | [_ They will and thou ooatly and magically clot , In n punnoo And 1 wholo month'o count at 19- , mm vs romodloi. ponluvol on trill without 1' honou And to table I ( at 5 dollu nud bo ulvuaood-not a pony . "\Jl If U! I';lVla\\! | l\\' "5 every day for llre next month. Our new Wall Pupcra uro lo1rlyfL;_vnnr in-prvuunn. Our m0Hu-- E\[-ml. wmll ITIRIL Make a memo. nf tho fart than ur\l'D l\IIl.`\?l\'H I\\\'>> :__ lonnoh doootlonlubon prlooodll-' writing that th I `End old oonnpnuy nowlot In Int dun rukut. mun; ou Thov soul] muiully I The Duncan Water '1. t'\ n I 'I\I\r\\vo - . I It all II II to-up-In` All no I gomor not mamas: h mm to an no: no In`IIo &cI nuuo,1U. . AL 00. TM: In auto 5.. not um Ibo unmyoutuh homo Invention: and cm: I Inn Io oqultnlovholu otuouulnnn. n L 5 u Peanut Medic`-I Company 'St. rm. m,...I':';-'.'""" In `tho rld In the CHI ! of Am-..rd_ing to Dr. w. V. Klugu`-mry. ml u. mu . Alaska, la n verilnble Klundyko for Hu- :4 Human. Du;-.ku nnd one swnrm I cm by the xmllinna. '1` a river: and 'A|,1' `ND QNBRGY `W. t lakes uro black with them in the uprlnzz nAnnv uusnunn mm... and full. Dr. Knumburv um-nt nuwrul Fm Colonist Sleeping Cars _..1`n.__ mmmynmm , rhoonmutodlulcoupnny 3 nuromnou noancuconp-ny',__, Wprlq can NA}:-? weak` mm um am. 335*; DIVINE 1| HIIWHU. (H CH0 NW`! 1 "our. OH-1Nl.\'u n,w= _......-. J... L. II._ _,..n ... The Corner Bcuokstorm, `CIXIII UIIVT XIVIIEYI nm IIAPIW DIARRIAOB. 0000 TIIPEK I-ONO LIPI- PRICES LOW. GPENING. I-Ilrvtrh` llmtor-I. mil! nml Anm|uvhuuru.W|r- lnu mr lzlvrlnlc Uxhta H promptly nmndeul lo. _` "ac mm If E_LI44 _..-m__ Wm peg -ANl -- "add lop nut to own polnllonnppcap ,. much-w mnpcon a;m.,u-so;m,..,.,. a n. ' IIIIIII. `rah nee oolonm sleeper nan-0.10 n 3'90-un)`(`-?v'v.t:-nwmpnt Mn. Charla sum. 0! Jumbo oMo`d`"" t`::'du!:oIlo:n.!:.:du"o7 !.w we put: "Ml. . Iunyun. hm Conn`: um. Lint Pill """A _aumnoodwm.ugun. ;i....."'_"' D 1-! Ilu.r.|n&Oo..(`mmn'n. '1 mntlunon-My child was Inch troubled . wiqh am. I In: udvbod to try umm wmn Povrden. I gird no and an phuud=" it an. nu gun; I... `....A L! - 1-xx-.. _Iv uni: rvwucnl. I 5]!!! I II! III PICCIT to my my Mid ha not had 3 I`oino0.- W. J..8.\*|m:'c, Dawn Hill`. Soldbytllx dmmrinn. \0Ill- I- I In one night. I E :fP.2_T".'."': 1. Then an! arvarm IUI` mrough the! wlmr land .\ml waging `brook: pang, "Surgly spIi u`| at hand!" , l Dr:-nming the Mars new young, nnd W ho a_ child, .. ._ Ilia nine uld lipa did mutter. and ha Imiled. . O. `aw. Charles G. D. Roberts. Time in the` lung, chill. -Inn! I III]? III I IN` slept, W I) i In I ho nhn hula`! The Blnon. When you 5200 the "hoof-al Dumps and haven Inn. saw in our hand. an ono of Wade : Mandrake `illa. In will put your stomach and liver in good working order. 25 pills for `.25 cents, ohly uh Wade : drug atom. In ll M-zl of |{()l-kia\HFfl noctnr, But you r.1n`L Invvig-In In chap thut`n Nlh` - To shuffle hm l'nur-pl_v flnnnnl auit, .\'m'. in n munwnt uf ruahns.-4, shout His nll--mu! clu-at-protector. nuununu-.. Inr. 1'.-w|r'|ruu\z-'1', W IN N]- l'l-IG ml the NURTll-Wl us well the HT. PAH and all other mm llllvo point.-4, uro exactly the some as othor Ines. This spring wur .-mnn'.~< A npvvtro; You can ymvp w (hing till your uonsv-H pm-im But, Mm-Inirul pvrvhvd nn un nspon limb. It's rt t`|w.~lnHt, lnirulie. an it IS- lhi.-4 linln rout _\-nu'rn lnntimr: Ynu nu-Mn In nmkn it your nnnuul "lm." To cnmv M the first saluting Of gvninl air, and vhirp .'l|muL Tho -I.-md(`|inn`n munimr out, And Hm rhulmrlfa rmulinnss in sprout, Am! llw ver(lur|~`n Lmnu-rnl nhnnlina I Hu.-Hun ( 0 I-luvlui 1.. .1... nu.-nun uuuru-r. I-luvhinl! pl-l'I`lH`d un un nape-n hm`) In [ho I"nhruur_y gliltnr, You mu`! fool nm with yuursirml hymn Or the (wit of your luuu:4um~` L\\il- cm-~ l'.'l.`-IUH (l\'(`l` 3 two fnvlizum 1 'l`}u-rt` is .r\l.'IS|('|, Inn! ` wry h:md_\." Ul |Tll'lf u : I Hill I HI` IHIIIH . llronklv(a huh, {ANT tlml. 'n<`nth : Tln~rv'a nn urnit lIH`l'l H HIHUIIIK Hllll ll" IHH UUIII, Ill`! mnn nt Hm llcuzl uf Hun inhmd givu-H u .~+ig:n.1l and hulh nlnrl. in lvmtilm tho ga-van with llwir vluhu. `Hm mu--In ura- usually : we-.'nr_v, nml uh:-n Hwy :H`1V tlixtunrlml nmldn-nly lmlu lhvir lwmls. Hvfnrn thu-y vnn oh-ur Hm in- Inml hundrous lmvu fullvn vivtimn to tho vluhs. Al uinun inn Mum] umwm`~4 tn IN` full HI loud gm-sv. Un mm (M'- :';\.-inn nu-r 500 mu`.-m \vu-.n- hmzgwl by un rm ialnnd Ill our night. liHln- u.-an fur :1 riflv in \l....I... Inn .. .-.....l trill: ll .. . ... \\lllI l|. 'l`ul;-- thv lmliuns, fur in.tnn~.-. Th--y Iny in :1 hi}; supply of duvk Iuhl u IIWILI (`N-r_\`, full. 'l'huy uvm-ru|l_\' [IPO- fvr lhv |{N`.RI`_ |u'`:|nm` thny urv lt|l`|.{a'l' and run In` p1'v.~u`|'H`d |wHu`l'. Th:-v hunt m-\.-u- with vluhs, nnd In.\n.u,n- In kill hundre-1l.~x in mm night. l`hiM inu- \\'.'1}' tlwy no ul.-uul. it: Thu gm-.-in gen- rr:1|ly hm! on s':mlh:n. nl nighl. 'l`\\u lmliulm \\ill \\.\l<'h u vortnin muumr until it is pl`t'lly xwh mvurnd with |.[lH(`. l`hn-n (ha-y pull on! frmu Hm hunk in lhvir v:\nrw.~|. (mu hnmls `U the hem! of the inland nnd the nth.-r nt Ihn foul. When ouvh hm; hm! [inn-In I`(`(`l Z : hmdinpz nnd tin his lmut, lh-,\ Hun .-lnlm AI Jan in Inn inland ..n...u.u~.. Wednesday 2:45 an it . gnntncon for the In 11 |:1 `{H.\'[H`l ll` \\uI|.~1, uhn has I H)llHl`lIl ulmt I |>(\I'H um! (hn fnvi urn knllvtl." NH`. llun L'I.n'|- ....u I. . --:gnI_\~.-l`H'Il Kl`l`.Vl'. "W-`Iii : dun ! run}! off Ilka- Hr. KiIuz.~;hur_\'. It's true. I-I H! it is w).\'[wI truth. l`|1r=x.- \\.'llA'-I uhn Imu Im.-n Ihnrn mu Inn rnunnrns rmullnms In npr-Mn, And the verdurIa gem-rnl shooting. UL lI'('Hll IUUU. "'.l'hvro \V('I`l' tnn -of us with voud almi- mnns uml [I0lIt_v ut` ummuntlton. \\'4-ll, thu uny he Hl(lll|.rh|t'l't"l Hlu dut`k.~t nml m-es" mm at vuntiuyn. '1' had duck fur fhreukfust. gun.-In for dinner. und (lurk 't'ur supper. Talk about cutting thirty quniln Ill thirty days! |'hut '41! isn't Ill it with llw fr-ut of mtttmr zluvk und gt)u.'w lhl'(`l` titm-H 1; day fur nix Inunttm. Sn, whvn it I`Hllll`~t tn vutimg, lun'l Nxy duck tu mu. I huvn haul vnnugh tlwk and (.( to I.-mt mu :1 lifvtinn-. Ht-'|\`t' (`{1H`H n||' \'IIl'[l`ltt. and .`5|)1`l'll`-`I nf the hint. lhtvk ltmalt, duvk .-mp, t||lt`I(H.ll| ad. tlnvl; in F\'0`l'\' t`nlI('t|l\'nh|u \\-.~u- .Im-1: mm nur nu (um um (2i~4uun-u-:||n|n- pnrf sf lniI'al.~| no-ru all l`i.sh_\'.' "How many did yu l'(`pUl'l(`l'. ll. l. ..... L...-.. A... mm` IVIICOUIIIOFJ Will] (luck! and QNNIE. "Ye-s, air; Alaska is the greatest vouulty fur dun-kn and game in the world,` said In-. l\'inmu')ury. "I-Zvs-,r_v `lK`FN0n Inn goes to Alunku ahuuld he [n'n\'i(l('d uilh u gum] it'll-bun` ~huI;{un. I-Iltumzlu ducks can In; killed in the ~.~apIing tn Inst until the full. In HM` full unoths-r supply um he laid in nu lidv mar tlm uinln-r munth.-4. "Why I hum seen duvku so thick on-rlu-ml thut the sun would he uh- swrwl fur thirty minutc-H. During: tho wound your we m-re In Alaska the ducks umde so much Imiw ulung lhu Ylmun thuf wu vuuld nu! ale-up. \\ u collld nut frightt-1| th-`In away from mar our vnmp on the hunk ut 1111- rm-r. und cum-Iudwl tn luv in an big supply of dun-k nu-at for Um mming winte-r. N-`M(`.`4, our nu-at nuppy hm! grown wry svurve, mm ms cm in m-lu:;ln'.-<-(I _ of frq-sh fund. ~'rI....-,. ...,..... 0.... ..r ...:.n. ..,....a ..u.... I lllll` Ill!` rhmnlx-r I - names are much with them in Hm uprlmz full. Iimgsbury ape-nt uuverul _wnr.-4 in Alunku With the l nited Hutu-:4 .~.tIl`\`u_\;{u;' com'mis.-Hon which hxadlhu boumluly of H10 territory. During that Hlllo he experienced some remark- uhlv nucounlera mm duck: and 3995-9. Yv.~I. sir: Alaska in the urauto-at No Email For Illuon starving II tho (And V of Gold. 60 1.-...l- I)...'...|.|s._ I, nnw limb. "hi: nun \'1\L I|U.\-lu'.\VAIIr. Ur lIli.l| I :\.\lI hill the lnvmnur or ('lll.nlum\`.\'I~2: thm thv \\'h->l<- ~lnl'_\` ` untrue. \\'l1h-lxlwrv rcnml In my hu-l In-MI r-wurn 1` In I-(hm at In. lN.. 12:4. ML, -IN. IRL, and H-'. t'm'h. Mm U, \UT[()N-VIN`-('l\ll|l(`I`||Hl' Hlr W. I`u;:o* \\'-ml slut:-I that .a";:'"' e I-)r._J& Illlrmvnem l'I|I>ruIly|1c" am the Go\'or1unwntH!u|np. mony punlou c-nah bnlllv. nun-, blah, I I\.` sun 1-: unit! Vurvu . no nip-h-trhyrnpplyin to nooonud; \ Truck`: Mngmuc 0 mutant. 25. )c. E. C Mitchell, druum. .%--._ wnLo\6Ucks7m1:n vuxou. >003! In I50 mu Outed _ __1_|- L,, . \ nu an`: Fool UI. lllrdlo I n ,_...: l(`l'. l\ imz.-.lqr`v turn:-I I: I hu kt-pP'dur:nu Hm Hhv luukml up, uml. I`-ul'-r:n`I II).'Hllu|l' uni: \\ hiln nma nan, t. your prnnnssnry ` u:`mtl1ulugn~:\l llltur. hurls dulfl lrumt nnr `.o..|..n Ir. mmeru. nnrlund nilenm " Mn; on mony n whim uardvr, mow. hire` ' kept; J :1 mn. um-x.-. ; |n'I'I1 lht'I'`_ my ulmut vility uith \\ 1'. hd\\'nl`tl.-i ` an the` gr`:-4|! `(`lI|ml_ hut. I \u.lHi..n \| V... H9` [Ur gun will urn.-1| things (.1. kill. II. I .~mi!: -`HIHI hunxlvml hundr-`cl BBDTH 8; to ma, ma 5 `"0 Iihnrahll Hnrln nf W ` h 6 1" .`|lIl| \\|'l ll Hm num- whivh ll:-{\- .-a 1-unfinnl--I ml, qummly . nut h-n'inu am umhlu lo ' (hut, I-Iwry Fmm `V. Qtlllll 1'0l'U`\`\\'. .\l.l -. l'urIIwl} 1' Tm:-ll|I'o'r M H1. Hm>rArv'.-4 Hspllul. [A)nd0ll--"I luwn no |w~s| nu um! I Imvu l|4`\'vI' mot Hmw 9,-uul It In 1`un- with M1 medlvino mom:-nolmm nu nn Allll-*4p.'l~`IIlI) nml Hwlxllln-. null um |n-I`!'I"tl_\` ml!-II-cl with llw rs-dull." v-um Ion ' Anthmn. Dlnrrhrun, and lIlh('I`tI1Mm.Ku- ; lkuunell l'0lllIIlllllll`nll`1lIUHI" (`uilmgv nu` l'|I\'.~I<'inxutIml hv I'1'Ik`i\'0`|ll\Il*'s]'Il(`|| (rum! 1' I. ' H0! a}ueutry's (`unnul M Mnnlllu tn thm'tfuct. that 1-hulvm Inn hi.`-`ll rmzln-.{ 1'--m-1'ull_v, und mm me only IIEMEDY of any ooorvloe was 0uI.unum'm-:.-Hec [mun-cal, lg; hm-cxnl-.-r, mu. Ivl u-\` |\.`n lul-rs-rI..\v.; an I'~rIn\'_I||.-n'A nlr n|.' ` 117.... in n W-"' .......-.3. kinds orwsu h to om hadulonoot pticun ` V 5. -IAI. '.A--___ .u-zkml l|u' K7) 50:1 lhn (HlIl> .-lu'k \ I`.1ul and uml iForgct it Not. HIE BEST IS TIIE CIIEAPESF. ' - I I V I -1- W :I`I`I"I'I:'l'I~`I'I`I3 CHLORODYNE- 3:-us.-Isra,-I.-I: TIME~ MI and 2I\`5\ rnmcms HTREET. `Phone 312. Cabinet and Upholatenna Work 0! every description undo to order or u purod. - `Into-unnnnn n-.A II-..A\..._ n-A_ _-_- Fum'lturo packed for shipment or stored. . F`. C. Mai-aha-ll. lnttnaaoa and Feather Bods uno- na.-uL..-- ......|.-A 1.... _x_.__.-_; __ C-ARDETS CLEANED. SEWED AND LAID. P- l|U\\'l`1M)lII ull klmln. Steam Earptlemaning Wmks. COAL that in COAL It I-Ind-v ll llmwn0'n I 'InIurmIync" mu uovorunnent Hmmp. uony panics w._lgI*A)lUFA(.'TURHK-J.'F. l).A\ lc.\'I*nu1`,:L'Grunt Rim-H.-ll sh, PERFECT-_ A. Strachan. Wellandvale P\c;gg`gt'%V`.'l_3icyclcs. I . 0. .'\l)'v'r`-I, Hm *-Imnm-:v1`.*' :4.- -:|u|\\' nmm, Full 1` [BED suma I`. F. HARRISON CO., nru \(.`I`l'n`(`l In nnmn nml pnrllmt. In nmkvu ). 'l`hu_vur-~ mo u-nu-Iv.-L rlcllmg wlwvln u the muI'k-`I. 'l`lm-u gruzluu, \Vlm mm luv '0 Hum u Iv ilxxdercukera 6.: Furniture Doulou. T5i`YLL|No-Bv RAIL. Mr. Tnoa. J. Smm, Caledonia, Ont.. write.-I : A year ago I had a very severe cold which settled in in lungs nud in my throat, so that ctvuld ucn rccly speak louder th.-m a whisper. I tried several mcdivines. but got no feliafuntil I used one and I half bottles of Norway Pine Syrup, which com- pletely cured me." --.. _ L_..|_ _.. A..- r... Q- -- Cures Coughs, Colds. Lung and BronchialA`ectionsthat other remedies won't touch. an aunt orapnng uncan- ing. You shun tho ro- m in Imyin Paimmgila. Vunlohon, Mb bond. Wall cohrn, Alnbnhln Knlnomino. Bmobonco. from In. Burbek/Hardware. bnlhlnlin -9InI|j ,....~-J y-u \-in unw- 25c. 11 bottle or n for Chou. v- uvwn-\!~! W ' IIIAIIIQ II-`I'I'I'I'I*I'l*I'I'I`I'I'I'I`II - '(-EARDEN cn_v_.__ urn, Hm urvut llnm! l{1ng, rhlmc as l`. Ha-vz-ml Hlll Ilw nml Iurgu FullII:Lm`m1ndr:-u und purl: nl` To think 0! Spring Glan- lh. `-1 I......:.... D-:..A- u- n In-nl Hm! '.` 1' M lmvk NcuL for nu|md_\'. Pnmcxfss f:I:.' nl.A.lA.A.A.n .1.-.-..n.A.n.-.;.-1 Id Flrnl-(`Inna I evous Iralmu. E.'l'I'I`l'I'II'I'I`I`I`I SPECI AL SNAP. I2 LARGE SUITES 'b'o'd1|N|oN. Sbld Wholcula by the Proprietors Worcester : Cl-ouo & Blackwell. Ltd., London ; and Export Ollmeh generally. m,,,"_.g-......` - v.:.:o.m_,. I. at HO an. at Eva: ;Pubouu:lo p.m.;, gmguhnntma P. uni C.P.R'1'IekoI nnuounu. . ' 5`.-no ll ulun. GUT RATB8. I-.... ._- ... cnunniarnwasl. AGI'1f x J. M. Douglas Co. and Urquhart & Co., Montreal. our 13:: mznnr-1:-En of every ott/9 of the `ORIGINAL YYOl3tCE,!Sf]Vl`Ig1I`ISI!_I_Fl-E DR. J. oL.L.1s BRowNE's IITAIL IVIRVWHIRI. 0335/ws THAT ms SIGNATURE % I\U.`I I ET! in cum. 224 runs. \ THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE CHLORODYNE .':....$}-`.'.`u .' ' ~.?"I};.`',':. - I-15'.`I.`f1;`n35`Z-'3-JRxiii..95? . ` '"' x `I-|Il_\"J:.1|-:w'n1 for Uuugm.L`un~u|mptmn. CHLORODYNE '. ..`.`fI.'}.'%':"".1f;1}2'3E..$J.`f' -`.1 .-`ff.5111}?',{2i}..f "" "` uotl ll:-h.-\rm In hlnrrhrun um] Ix tho only spool- He in ` :h.-ru uml l>_s'.~u:Im.-r_\'. cm.0RonYNE ::`.:;%;`.":2,'.z`,.z`:3:..::`;::':..`;'.'u.`::.`.'::* `" *=*"'W CHLORODYNE ::o.'.'.': :r::.'.:: .. '.!.*;'.*J.:;:'.,.:.'r, ; ;.'.';*.::r.`::-, Avv. nvuuu -In-uunclu ul \7|Il5|IIlll IIUIIDIQQ on Pint-(`Inna Hleepen attached to II Pncl Gout emu-llnlly (`In-q-In: nml urn-wtu lhnw too often 0 (HNH|'`\ : lllplltlwrlll, I"-2\'e|', t,`ruup, .-\:;uL'. ' , notnllkoucdmrnn mnllxlhounlyspr*cl- ` u |l1(`hulm'uunnl lguumr a Iwzoto, nsz,-;n_.t. ..l two-2' juunvwwu --$1 . com an-uac.1'ne raroomwm. he. wneawangwp. . '7" j IMILIJNERY |"5``35 I .3.'.; --v---- -\--v-it I wt-' H ` ' 'l~`orn'le In Klnn-ton` by Henry Wade and hue! Elclkal. Dnuxlsm _? I` TUHI I -ll'l Au INK Mnnm\l|un .. .. .\V n!Iws-!ny.Mnrrh IMF Ollllfomlnn . . . . . .. Snturdny. Mnrvh mm laun-nuun. ..... . . . . ..\\'--dnmdny, Mart-h 30th Pnrlllnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .!-lnlunlay, April um I-`rvr tlckoln and very Inmrnmtlon apply to J. P. ll.-\NLE\ . .\uKN1'. tinunl Trunk Hlntlnn. -..... ---.., ,__.._._...___...-. it}; {MIA M N m TA W ALL)?-coon Dbooo run I! ~ 9I7.lI,Iu-to-e:. about;-. u room: with tho Whql SLEIGHS Window- Ja-. Laturney, E Prim: lunnL "nun rnrnmnm. -1. u.. T Kinastohi: Pembroke Au mama racmc Runways man. snolmurr cnmm-rr Aw 0~u.\' nnu-zcr hulm: 'm min` ` cum! nmsu umonm mums. ooumm `ll Iznnn Granada-n A- ...... A..- _.._.L 4. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. I ;:n. In rrturn. Nu-4-mqu In l.|\'f`rpm)I I.-nuhmch-rr_v. Imulnn, (ilma nw_ Qno-u n.-`lawn, hc'll`Iu?, $`.". 50 In '_:.';..';1I. .\Il:-hip l'U|[`N`Il-", clcclrlv l|uhla.~mm'mu.~ urn- (iIm4y1nw.Q1I~~- ltvlfnw, 54' g-_,._r,n_' .\l|c nhl n-ulmm.-, lIghla,~qmcluu.~ pru- nmmulc t-vkx. 15.. ;.;...;,. Aanl H 1` IP HI Agvnt, (}.T.lL Bunion D. 'I'Iv|U`..<\.\'L`l-I `t L'U.. H In-nl. `cc rn IIGIIIVJ. In `ALLAN LINE Fm-II. IUHI `..... |"r~l>.'_`|lh M:-h. :%ruI Mrh. l7th . l'r-ml l.|u-rpaml. Fvh. `.`nul . . . . . . . .. Mar. 'Jlh , _.- . ..--- v V... Frulll l.l\'(`I`)\un|. Jnu. '. 7lh. Fvh. lmh Dominionhinesteamsips ._..__._._ LIVERPOOL _I-37fc_\7I-CE DIRECT. lhrwsnlnl without om-nuns vxnmlnmlnn. Hr tickets, reservation of upnce ln~r-Ileopors, n I to W , J. I`. llA.\'LE\'. AHF..\'T, (`Hy Penance: Hullon. (kn-nor Johnston Ind Unusrlo Stntotu. . Jails! I I Ht!-nun:-r wlll lr~n\'r- Klm(~4Inn wluily. (l`x(`0`p1 Huudny) nu! u.xn.. 1-unnu-4-Iln-.z nl ('l|p(!\'Hw1`nl- with truism tn nll points In `he -y --_-._.__ -.__ A.___._ ISWIIJ l..O 'l`m_v. Sprlmmvld. Hurtrm-I. Worcemtt-r, Prov!- douve, llu-dun nnd the IN nan:-1 II JZAT In Rome. lT`.lm,AI|>r\m'. Nmv Yurlr. Phllmlelphla, Bnltlmum, Wmhlnuxlnln and mo ll I IIIII lfll. .~A---mu! mlpln--$;u'xu_ 512.50 sh 1. ` i7`-Hlirrtlnrln. W` ` Bome,Watertown & llgdensburg By I r. u.-\N men .\uKN`l'. Trunk Htallon. J. P. GILDI-2RHLEE\'l-J. Armxr. 42 (`Ian-er I UIIJJIIILVUIH I.-Bk`! \\'ngnvr Pnlnvn .`*W'l`p|ll)( (`urn |)"'\V(`l`ll (`A 1'1-I \'l`.\'< `I-I.\"[` .\ .\'l) .\'l`2\\' \'Ul{K. Fur In\\'rr4l l X|l(`H. tlmu luhlt-Hulul rvllnlple I 'nrnu\l|m Il|\pl_\' m I-`RI-JD. .'\. I-`Ul.HI'I!l.I`lly Th-k 4 A wnt R. V 5' 0. NIL. Mu! Ilr-)cK*ll. l{lng;ulo 'I`}lE0. lll"|`J`|~'.Rl<'lh`l.ID. \_ Lil`. \. IL\\'. .\' I LIUL Hvrnmusn \' ` .9 ml\'pn|l1ntI\'u In .\'<-urululu, ll (`um-vr, 'l`outlmcl|". .\l0nIx1ghln, M a1*i{3JT.;.`.;mc._fJa+ "son. __- __.-..`7 -- -v---- - -s----vv (`ammo-m-Inn Mnrvhtll. Rptwnl lrnlm with 80 IO?!` NWO!!! and lmuwhnhl undn will (if nu olonl-_t oobn) run frmu -mmtnuwr `Tu JnI7lE.~lIl. dur1u:zMurvh um A II I on nlnawlll uv-`through ( baht ppm nun:-Imrl and will run through In lull gwhhougohanfr-. wlllho chm Dd rmum and .frt- am an: I vs stock IN` BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE la Iheonlyltelng our -tore. \{'ed vote all our energy and mm In lt.~ may your Ilnllut and gn-mm` * Itqnni lnI_-oypnttu-Ina-1.-tyres. AJA A|.!I.l!'I'I P()Gl'I'I'B!.Y CURE A Lxl.1l'Vu-cocoa Dbnouo-Fulln Hoar I 'J;I S TJ TE S. . II II I`l1|llI IMDBIUII ... ('m1nuln...Foh. lmh,H:.'ubn.n| 1 . . . . . . . ..( `uumdas. . .. .\lnr. -:m h. noun _':\lln-35:0 tn sill) nlnglu ; $100 gird) rt`- ll"|`l'|~`.l`(l<'lh'l.|>. '. \. IL\\'. .\~ LHIL. Hynwnnxn, .\'.Y. :jj .-.`. `r\l-1 From l`-urtmud uv.., .. Onwogu, .`-vrm-use lltwhestor, Bunruln, (`low-lnnJ, (`Incin- nml, St. Louis and the IUIIVLVIIV uv, n unullluluu SOUTII. volllut ppm lnorlml and will rough am stock mrihlfd without vxnmlnmlnn. T 0! try duct! ` nanuhctuod n" n- rnhvntl -5 OR. ID... nun, -1|. l4ll| '1-IS T. r, In nu -n nun EAST. Ul llIl'1l|`I|'ll||Xll|l I"|'| I.-H1'I"I`HI1I*:4,Jlll)' I .- In go-nnluv \\'lHmuI tivurwhvllnlnlg MN u | -u uuuu . \\ mm 26th \\'--dnmdny, 30th Dlh ._ .._-,_,,, .l. D. Glldonloovo. n 02 ('l.'\r(`nvr' Ht. ., Uvnnml Agmnlu. Mun- .\rm.rr. `I2 (`Innnm Street. Pf?/NTED nulnn. Eng N llw \\'md`4 Iwllrnl 'l`v.~'ll- checked Ihrouah .frt-lght nil ||'\-e rat without tickets. reservation of mum In*Hlnnn m.` ;.'.f.;.:.':` ""7 _ . Ilobcut Ul ~ P`? yvuu no1v.|nl'l would not to without Dr. Clint`: syn` ugh of unused and 'l`Irp0l{|iIIiIl`tIO homo. PRICE . rI4puuu.lnhna9.`linuhu J nlvrvll-C _ Cum. Much l7.--A I pray cl dor- viohon stand the Nib In 8 A liyu hhnd on sandy but Into npulad by 650 Igy that troops with tho but of thirst. a unlnonl. engmoon. [5 no reported that omporor Wnlliun of Germany ntgtad at 3 print; dinner at Bor- Itn"th`::t\I at he om- pcoc `oi up u I n 0 pooaun thnmnlva 0! Cuba. ` B0 in Alan tad u uying "than Anhrimn diplomnvv was the moot dinhononblo in the world." uulgn Ina wonunlnsnlp; Submuino mine: are boin plaood in the channel of!` Sandy Hook. N. '.. by corp! 0! ongmoon. Grub ucrecy is being unin- 5UiDOd\ Thorn In}! In no danger to the ocun linen entering New York. as the mines are all conducmd from the shot: by eminent. enginoon. [b It rnnnrlad thnt nmnnrnp Wullinn at In I! (IIIIKQHJIII OOHCIIHOIL The Japanese minister has presented to Mina Helen Long. the sponsor of the vowel roconbly launched in Brooklyn for Japan two mporb chinonno \'uos,aa nnoxneuboeo 0} the occasion. Thou uses an of oxquinico design and workmanship; Snhmnrinn min`: Ar: hnirm nlnnul in 01.4 uuu IOIIT CIIIIUKIIL , ' l). Puzdy. engineer of the Brnnhfnrd court. homo. wan bndly molded by ouogpigg lhtm on Monday morning. He ocbomp to x ncop when in aw otf and the hot. uid poured over him. He in aid to be in n dnngomnl condition. Thu Jgnnnnnn mn|nOar has no-nnnnhul on Ill! l4I'U H95! Cull UH Uy I IUUUTU Dino rl|' wny train. Doceuod was I brakceman, aged thirty-threo years, and leavao a wnfe And {our children. I\ l|....I... -..,..`_--_ -1 AL- D___Ll-_.l II! III! |GHa IJLWIOII UI|':y [Or VVl\I0lngU0. Joseph Soely. Sh. Soophenn, .\'.B., whnlo coupling curs fell mac a [V015 and haul his two legs cub off by " hora Lino mil- wnv trnin, l)nr\nAnnd um: I hrnhnnmnn companwn nave xssuea (no name oruere. L B. Ilambhn report: to the United Shame government that gold and coal are found on the streams empt ing into bho Hoqbnlinqua river, in Klon yke territory. Ho hue left. Dnuon City for Wu-hingcon. Jm-anh Sash. Sh. Smuhnnn. N R . wluln nu no lulu In: In!` I uI`III\` \ Uunl. SPECIAL TRAINS