'"X'1'no Toronto mine. youbordby. Mra. 5.-;::.:.'......"=-M W""':.'.":}'::';: % , ` of . . .. uvon-your-old ton. Pm . Ah the Bijou theatre lire on Seen. 94th uh. In .Il......t..... a . 11-}..- --....-A - D-:u-L BEGIN` Ill` 00 DO U. Zlill IIIU. In dlncuuin n 0 Maine report: a British experh aye an on We mine wu tn eleetro oonbech one there lnlllh hevo been I osble to tire it. Many oircumotenooe are quoted to throw I doubt; on'the findings of the eourb. , IJU IUIU lUl' D5! DID], HIDD- A conference 0! min men was held on Tuesday at Bnalo wit. the object: of aohbling the present: war in nbos. hub in adjourned bill to day without taking any notion. `ALLA "\.._4_Lk ---!_.. _--L-...I-_ ll..- Roizerb Thoma, l\ well-known hookeyisb of Potorboro. wu tendorod I banquet are he loft. for Bay City, Mich. A onnhrnnnn nl rnilwnv man in: hair! The uploo of `rho Morning Pspon nna nu Lnut Dupnohu. Rev. Robert. Knowles was inducted into the pastorate of Knox church, Gala, lash Employees of business houeea hero have offered a day : pay. monthly, to cover the cost, about 8300.000. for the purchase by Spain at H. L B McAlmont a 4-heel yaohb Giralda. which was oifored to the United State: government: bub was declined. The (iinlda is now hem. wu built: under the auservialon of uh'e Britinh admirality, is fit- bo for eight. guns and carries no present: {our rapid-re guns. She hu 3 speed of about twenty-two knots. UTDIDCDD Wlll "IUD Ull DUUIU IIHUU-H Great onthuriumil manifested here id connection with the porlormnnco at the Royal theatre to colloch funds. by ational aublcripciona. coincrouno the on th of the navy. Santa no telling uh fa uloua pricea. RAm`ICl.nN.\. Mnmh .'!0._A mnntihv nf prices. BAm`ELONA, March 30.-A quantity of artillery is about: to be embarked here on two vessel: for conveyance be the Canary islands, to be used in their defence in once nf war OI npun. . Thgmparcinl (lndopondenl) says: "It: notea a change of attitude on the pub of the Qnitad Stntoa." presses the belief than "when tlo nix Spaninh cruiaors and torpedo boat: Arrive in Hnvnna harbor the relations between the two countries will improve, and hopes bhlh the Spanish gov- ernment. will "act; on those lines. -..-L ....al.....:-..u l--.....1l--s-.1 L--- .'.l 1 IHHIDIIIIOIII PTDKBBU Ul IIIIU DPIIHIIKI ppl." ' The same paper than counulo Splin to prepare to repel every kind of intervention. to be uncompromising And to Accept. nothing affecting the dlgniby or sovereignty of Spnin." 'Phn.,[mnnrr\inl Hndlnllnn nAI-m - ""1 Oponlng Continues To-Day and To-Morrow. Liberal eeye : "The-' port of the Maine contains no grave taemenu. therefore 'pt-eaident McKinley will not use club pretext for deolnrln Iver, out will we b {like trleliesl H ohe Cnbnnii e e eve e pl. governmen wn never tolerate A lo > lgn nation. in the guise of philanthrogy. invading our ter~ ` ritory, lor lo woul be followed by the ; unanimous protest: ol the Spanish people. I The name name!` then nounnln Rnnin In COHDUI DDTO. l Mmmn, March 30 rm semi-oleinl El non may plll D0111 IIUIIH. KINus1`uN, Jamelol. March 30 `-4-The American schooner Hater, Pensaoolexle , loaded with lumber. Iived here {enterdny evening And her captain reports t. ah while on the voyage he nu rdel by I Spanish pmnbanb. which tow the schooner into ; Cuilden and detained here there for three ~ days. The ospunin of the Heater bu re- ported the nutter the United State: consul here. "Annvn IA.-nh `I0 TL- .-...l nuininl El The shove in the tub of 1 joint resolu- tion introduced yoctony In the homo of rgpreuonbntizu hbyhlr. Marsh. Illinois, 0 airman o 1 0 DIN committee on militia, and It in `quih pouiblo. in view of I the Into 0! helm at pronnt. thnn the mo- tinn mnv IIAII kn! hlln ILIIIIIIII, Illu Iv I` \` ` -Irv WIII` lb! 0 at pmon tion may pun bot honm. Kim:-vrmt. Jamaica. Mn Budget Ipooch Dollvolod ._.. hf! ll__.Lnn um, I HE LEFT THREE WIVES. Theory or Polnonlnc Ilold . ,_ ll,_.Lnn -n n PITH OF THE `NEWS. `Non nk 11,44: -4 nan ; nu nun an council to Bu-ash:-ny. Robots utchulon in Ian and collunior at Lioeowoll. miniuur cl marina uni lulu-in bu our 820.000 to the avast: :1 the `mic Muigowu up dongs: for sinus in Behring nu. A deputation consisting of nail! Alhn.Aikiu. lloliiuduo . 0 Douohu. 00: and Iain. (lurk. Dunn: and Wnllnno. I.P'I..iIihd upon Nunolloncy Md prohibit him will: hnlihlly cu- grnuud and richly bond at tho civic uldnn of `bureau in act I at ...Ll.LnL.-...an-nn-..-.gI:.;I.sL- `I. very uch. It's much the large: and prettiest we have seen. WIV CIIIIKOT Ill 51 QWEIKKX Samuel Janna Bid cy. formotly oditot ol tho` Wollsud Tribu bu bun `nI~ ed 3 colloctototcuuomo :8 Pan homo in plsol of uermu... Gounod. Jami Ru-In hm hon Annninhd mlhnhu AI growl . - Mr.ng'|.aIr. mlnlltor ol nilunyo, hu 0:- ia opposition to niln monopoly in British Columbia and in in I git his inuence my conyatho Koala valley nil- nv chance in tho qommittoo. G.-...I l--.. EKAA-.. l..-..-I- Aallsg. you! to unooungo the on uuugu. A big deputation from Batu will inter- view tho govormnom at Omwn concern- ing the mural gap (Loo-n.Iion nu;dnhp:o- unnun an ovarian. cannon . . AlhuJu!v lob. the govornmonh will ul- Iow only two and I bull par cont intanu on uviogl. A hint zlnnntntinn from Rana: rill intnr. ' |I IIIICICDNI IIJIIIII IIOI DIV. mot. plain naked his supported! to throw out tho hi I in the interest: of Hamilton Smith aid the others who on looking {or Yukon chm-tar; VIII IIIOIIDOT ll) WUIIIKI 1 (III TXUTIUUVODI placed upon the Ininere by giving 1 monopoly to one company of hell the gold non of the country. end pre- venting other mede lrom being ) built in order to teke in euppliee 0! food end other neceeeerlee. I believe thet this house will reject this rneeeore. end lent equally convinced that if ewell-devieod plen M cub- mitted to perliunent the senate will he ml!- ing to go 3 long wey towerd naming the government in opening up that country. providing then they ere not asked to enr- render the whole territory to one monopo- ly." Sir Mecheorie could not heve nlninlv Asked hie nnnnortnra to throw mar. Inuny Ippomwu [rum Iquuuvc. III! I I h than even in the oommonu woud luoo him in the lronh rank. o-night nnutor Templomnn. the roprouonumvo of British Columbia libornlmn, undo .1 vigorous argumen- mtlvo speech in favor of the bill. following Sir Mnokomio Bowoll who. in closing his upooch. undo the following nuggutivo roforonoo to tho schemes for build- ing nllwuyu inm the Yukon from porn: controlled by the United Bu- taon. "I but no fear of the din con- ooquonoon predicted in time country -robol|ion And all elm nor: ol zbing-.-if this mounts in nob puood. ll than in anything that would lead to that more than another in would ho tho restriction ._I-...I ....-_ LL- -n'-uA- L-n -i-.l.._ - EHO GIKIIGIU POIIIDIS III : The aenatela still pounding away at the Yukon bill and at. this writin :0 ie doubhiul if a division will be reac ed to- nighb. The supporters of the govern- ment. may be seriously oubnumbered numerically in the upper house. but the are a good match in debating abi- ity. Senator Mllle ie a hoeb in himeelf.and laeo night an a late hour Mr. Dandurand. lately appointed from Quebec. made A nnnnnh lhn given in mhn nnmmnnn . `TIT? " Blr Wilirid--No. Mr. Dnvin. on A motion to adjourn, road I quotation from I speech of Mr. Blair on the Crow I Neat; bill. which. he said In: incomiabonh with the position taken by the minister in the railway committee this morning. Mn (ininn innnirnd Ilmn Hun Rh. Law. We Like Your Mllllncry Full HIOHIIIIK. Ma. Quinn inquired when the Sb. Lew- renoe oenele would be open. Mr. Bleir nid in reply theb obey would be opened no the eerlioeo pouible day. The nnnunin etill nnnndinn ewnv All I IUTVBY Om UDllJI'VB50l'y IDIOD B0 UIIUOTI. When would be the policy of the govern- ment if e oerteln event should take place in the other houee, which wee expected to take place. he wee nob prepared to eey. but he wee non ewere that each I poeitlve ebetemene us Mr. Footer bud spoken of had been made in the senate. ll-. Wan-IA: TL;-u Inn -magnum-ngnt Inna yer. Mr. Foster ukod if the utnbemenb made in the combo than me government: inbend- od bo build A WI gon mud from an ocean porn in Bribiah Co umbin ho Taalin lake was lame. Sir Wilfrid Lam-ior replied that he had stated some time Ago than bhe govern- ments intended muting an npproprintion for : survey from Observatory Inlet: to Gleuorn. Whine would ha tha nnlinv of the govern- rornv-ergnr. Sir Charles Tupper asked the premier if the abatement: was well founded than the member for West: Huron (Mr. Cameron) was to be governor of the northwest; berri- torier. Sir Wilfrid responded that if the statement: were well founded in would be made otlioielly. and on it; had nob been made oioielly in was not well louuded as yet. Mr Fnatnr nknd if than ntnhamnnh mndn `rho qnestlon of Federal Oontrol of the l`ranchlse-8oma of the Provincial Be- aulatlons 0ondernned- l`he Lieutenant- Oovernoralilp of the North-ncat-'lhe Appointment of uollectora of Onstoms. O'i"l`A\VA, March '.. 9.-It was in silent protest that the house listened to the speeches that were made durin this the last day of the franchise bill do ate. ,,An air of Iassitucle pervaded the chamber and the seats that were vacant hir outnumbered those that bad occupants. Members.prin- cipally on the opposition side. got up one after the other and addressed them- selves to the Hansurd reporters. After the day upon which the measure was in- troduced there was very little serious discussion for the reason that there was such a thin l_ine_ol divergence between the parties as to leave little or nothing to tight for. Almost every member of the house was willing to ac- knowledge the failure of the franchise act of 1885, and the adoption of the provincial lists was reizarded as the inevitable conse- quence of the repealof the old law. The conservatives stood out for federal control of the lranchise. but they were unable to submit any practical scheme whereby the provincial franchises could be made sub- ject to the direct control 0! the central authority. Mr. Powell offered an amend- ment to that effect in general terms. and the house divided with the result that the motion for the second reading of the bill was carried. the government majority be- ing forty-nine on B vote of ninety-seven to fortv-eight. Rir {Thu-lna 'l`unnm- aahnrl Hm nrarninr if BLAIR NOT IN FAVOR OF RAIL- WAY MONOPOLY. fannucnnu IN INIERESLI Has Been Adopted by the lions: of Conmons. {THE FRIINIIHISE Bl|.|.I IOBH IIIIKIO Ill (DU lllIIlUn Mr. Footor-Thon no unngounont. bu 3--ndn.*v M ~~ v ~ -r v - `- The general remark of all was la uvmcsron usual Only by seeing and handling these goods can you judge ol the real value. We ask you. than- fore. tocall and examine thh te- markable purchase. ` UI IIICIII QIIO We have Jjust completed an enotmous purchase of Fine Im- -.A-a-4| \llf\DC'I"EI \ 'I`DI\I1QI?D_ Our Custom Tailoring Deput- ment has been a score of success- ful sales, but his is the greatest of them all. -- ow-u on ovuw out `ruin -rus- Ttko huumve Bromo-Qulnlno 'I\bIaI.n. All gauxinu nmnd the money If It mlln Inoun. The Iimc to Buy M[.N S PANTS is Now. UNIX. IVOUIIT V! IIIIICT IIIC%lI IIIIII. Don`n lnil no no Stowe : gnu Unolo Torn : Cabin no the og:-| home tonight. Prion l0c.. 20:. and . John HOOPIIIFIDIHIO. ha been deposed from the onronuhorahip of also Nqpunoo poet 00500. Robert Wuhan: Iuooudn him. I'\a.-`A l-lI A4 `.4 Bb..--I- __..L lV_-I- nnycn -In -nun-nu-3 nu]: Ausxunmu Bu. Mu-oh 30.-A|onn- cl:-is Buy in no lmo I nunpapor. The on- tarprin in to be um-tad hon May ml: by Gnonn W. (loans:-. nvnnnnh. N.\'. mrpnll II to no Iurua non may I: Goorgo W. Cooper. Bnvnnnnh. N. Y. not-aanownuu. 0|/10 wolllllnonltroot. n-vv. I-I-Iuuw unuluwnu Iii. Cl.A\'TON, N \'.,Mu-ch '21! -Rov. I-[once Baldwin. of this village. died at Funk- loro, N. Y. , Inn evening of norvoul prostra- lion. ngod forty years. Abouh tour weeks ago he wont no U sin: to by treated. Rev. Mr. Bnldwin bu boon pastor ol the Bap- tiuo church. Clayton. for nurly ve you-n. Ho lowed u I B: ciao mlnmor for laur- uon yarn. Ho out: 3 wife and u unnll chlldnn. To Cure a Cofduo one Day `FAD: lnrnvn llrnnumllnlnlnn 'I`nhInin A II `l\II IIIUIIH .IIII BIICIUC III I` III III]` ported WORSTED TROUSER- INGS, which we will sell for ulguu or IIIIII yuru. IIII awn Iunlau am: the the potent: will ho iuuod M. once. The grant wlll comm ol l60.000 mom of good ulublo lnnd.ln good running dlabrioln. which la ab pronoun valued an 84 an acts and will lnorcno in vain rapid- ly. \VINNn-nu, Mun, Much 3().--l)r. Bryce,oI the Manitoba univouihy. up he understands the matter of land grant: to chub imcitution by oho dominion gov- ornmonh, which has been no issue for Int. eight or nine yous. bu boon towed and Hunt: thn nnhnnhn rill In hung! at. Clothiers andhrnlslm. nunlnunanu. wry. Iauluwlcn. l"lIl' rulnllnl WON mu booido thou of Adam Hoguhh. to when aha Inn on aged to be married sixty years ago, huh I 0 died on the eve of the wed- ding. Bbo rcmuinod fnibhlul to tho and and always wore` the ongsgomonh ring ho bud given her. ` lI-II1IIlIII IV IIIU XIII. \ \Vm>son, 0:10., March 30.-'l`ho burial of Miu Ma 0 Man. who did so blue ruidonoo 0 her nephew. in Dglmlkon Sands . that plan: so 80. JoIm'ooom- nary. nndwioh. Her remain: worolnld hlifi Manna of Adam "nanrhh On m|\n-n III III lolill U (MUCH- %he amount: of poaching which is going on at present) in tho way of fishing throng the ice for trout: in aoandaloul. Paroion are lmown to have taken man hundrod pounds of sh onb of lake BB. herlu and lake 8%. Jooeph during the past few weeks, and there is ab preacnb said to be a not nob at the lam.- menticnad place. The poaching is not only going on in said lake but in a lll'[{0 mm- ber of the smaller lakes along the lake Sb. John railway line. Tho obndora an a general rule are nob portion who reside in the vicinibf of the lnku. bub pooplo who go from the c by. K Plant: 01 Poaching. Ql'lllEt`. Quo.. March 30.-'l`ho funeral of Miss Flouio Rosina King, knllod in the Levis mow slide on Tuesday. the 22'nd February lash, took place yontordny morn- ing. ten o'clock. L... ...........s. -5` ........|.x.... _I..:..L I- _..t.... Not a visitor but was favorably impressed with the display. Large, stylish and reasonable priced. superintendent skinner Inc It Leanne Ju- venile 0|-Ime. `Ai.nAN\', N.Y.. March 3'). ~'1`he adop- tion of e curfew ordinance in the cltiee and towne of this state an u mean: of keeping children off the streets on night is advocated b superintendent: Charles R. Skinner of c o ntate`deperb- menu of public instruction. "The work of the curlew ordinances in men cities ie attracting attention." be any: in in annual roporb. Over 300 cities and town: in the wont: have adopts! a curfew ordineuce. The relulb has been a decrease of from (my to sevent -ve per cent. in the number of arreeta of c ildren for crime." IIUIIUIIU `III IIIU EIII-II -U;IlEU IV Zllilll` en- letertelned Irlende. BLOOMFIELD, Merch 30.-Fine weehher preveile end everything pclnce to en enrly exrlnq Fell greine end clover heve unr- v vrd the winter end ere looking reen. On Tuendey evening lees week Mr. ke- ley delivered e lecwre on Ache Klondyhe gold region, in reeourcen end beet routu ol reaching lb. The lecture wee much ep- precleted and wee enlivened by e number of angle ientern viewe cl ecenee in then die- brlcc. H. Bedell receiv ecer loed oi lum- ber lrom Trenton for re- ' ding hie hern. Mice Ebhel Bowen-men enterhelned e num- ber cl her friends on e recent: Fridey even} i ing. On Seturdey the road ecreper wee run over the etreete end the looee dirt re- moved.leevln eeolidloundeiion. Clarence Mellory end urbie Shemon were eh Sydney Bbenbcn'e. Eeeb Luke. over Sundey. Min Tonkine in e gueeb of Mice Meme Frelelgh. Mire M Freleigh enbert.elr.ed some compeny on Selurdey evening. The reeding circle geve e rogremme eh tho -Epworch leegue on Friday evening. going over the book: read during the pub win- ter. Mrs. D B. Bowermen in in Toronto this week. There ie some talk of a cream- ery being laced in the cheese fectory. E. Swilzer no left: to take charge of hie checee bueineu in Michigeu. 1. Wilson has returned from his visit to the etetoe. Iaoturo on `tho Klonglylo-00:0 To IIuhl- nnn_ Dunn-Onlnnal Eulnnnln APPROVE;i -l:|E~(;l;l;l:EW LAW. BLOOMFIELD BRIEFLITG. Rev. Hones Baldwin Dad. xv \v 1: u .\.. r\ hpor tor Alcnndtlu In. I) . .. ll- __L On A A my band Grunt. ._.. \l-_ IL___I nmunl To Tho Ind. ._ I\ . mg u an -|\ n vvu \ "ION! I. :r`p7im: IOWII : unzuorvnwvo protuu IIOIVQ, up. on six. in opoodonn two. Thou protub- od nun-dnv can Kinnlnn. Nani hush. an: an. vunupouuonn Iwo. `(BOD plt od youorday Inn K` loo Noni Path wetland. South any. I ! llnooo nu` Wont Durban. ."{.."<';in`.".'.i!L"I. ..'2a`".I.'.? u......."" . v-um. making the Inll twenty. on bl- I In: Gomorv tin proud! IIOIVI. ND- :-AI ah. lndonnnrdnnh Inn `Flinn. nnnlnnh. --u-w--w- -- y In I-` I--iv: vvlril UZC ZCUYT . are doing well. Aboub n to In. Burke gun birth to brlplou. I 0 which won hop. and All no now living. Thy won oxbibiwl no the Anbnry Put hby :how than years ago and at the Intonhto Air. new II nor name In unlu oolongn. All IIIO children an girls. and with the mount. yon: Bun-in nnvn birth to u-ning. A" n -hlnh IOOW hit. nuNt'Irm.\', n..I.. nuron W --Irl. Joan Burn an birth on Wodnudny to Mp- lou no or home in thin borough. Alluo nhlldnn um chin. and with sh. mama. UAIKIWZIGH (`AN ll APCOMMODA with both nlnglo un dmlhle moms w I modem oonvonlenoec. M. 3 mean strut /\N'I'l';l) NY (NJ! mTAlll.lHllrIl) llOl'l-U-1. huh unulv mam nr wunmn nfgoodolm -It Hlnlldlliulln Iv`! ma .\InnngvrhI.\|-muululnn vn. wurk um corn-upnn-Iv-nvu M. I|I(`|l' homu Bunt- l|I\.~A.~A nlmmly Imlll up and mtnhllnhod hon-. r-mlury mm. l-innloso at-Ir-mldnmuod ut.MIlp(N1 rnwlupmhrmur Iurmu to A. P. |*2l.nIlN. Unw- rul Mun-up-r, IRII .\l|vh|;pm .\ w.,UlI|-uxo. Ill. Store Crowded .1. uuluuu, Ilunluuvllull Dy hllll nuury Boll!` vrm; polls to over body. um: um Prou- N`(`.hl!_Vt`.`l|llI. In on time. B man'- z,\unv-:-rm.V 11).. Limited. Tomnw. AOINTI. Tho houutmil mo M')llnIWl||AnI," lay hor M-omtnry and lltornrr onoutur. mm A. Gonlnn; lntnulm-llonby .nd Hoary m- um pm-msnynoluln. nm:\'- W A Nrluz Runners` uunnnrolher Induntrlmm persons ur n\lr eduoutlon to whom 30) 0 montl would he an lndnnelnnnl. luould uluoo nmw lndlou at their own human. '1`. II. N um1*r.'l\ommo. `\'El(\'UNl'} TH KEEP THEIR E` A lhn Hprlnu Halvu, ulvortlaod In culumn by Mlllu, Auouonwr. ] 0l7HF2Kl~2|~1PER.H TO BUY llmll RM`)! Dlnlng Room (tlmlrn, ombouod Mot and lI|d0l|I N4, M. 60 count each at Minus` HALH lummu, lmx-k Htnvut. w.NN'Fl-2|) IIYOLII E`4'l`Alll.ll'4II|'Il) IIOIVHE. h slnnallfur In ll.-I nu \InI-Innnr hnn.uuuI.In n'.m EUPI I4} T0 HIHNG THE! ` P In 1): uold tn the muhoul blfdrn Bum Rooms. nnx-k Huoel. (`l'l'lZl'INS'l'U ATTFZND THE I ufM|Ilu, Hm Alwllmmer, RA-ml mlwrl Ira-nwnlu. `\'El(\ ()Nl') TH REE! THEIR YI8 N E mo not by Mlllu. I-Idonrnna. 60 cents cm-,h M. Mu.x.n' Hum: All day in apite ofwind and rain. )1s:m*|.I~: T0 mum: 'rmI:I|it Jrunnrrunl tmom b d or utMu.u' BALM-I llmmn. Hrnvk I-u.mm.. fiuo " (:|mnA.\:-In Kingnhon. Much 30th. I808, Brldgoh O'Brien, bolovod VHO of Charles Grnhnm. Igod 32 years. Funornl will who plsoo from her Into uni- donco. 20 Marklnnd Ihrooo. nub Friday nltnrnoon sh hnlf-put: two `o'clock. Friondo And ncquuinunou an unpub- fully invited to ahtond. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY IYluInrluIrnrn Ill\l| IJ`vn|\nIn\nnu 0!! A-ul IX IMMEDIATE -~ um. A`): Muntnro. v nan. uunu. me LmnmnUNnm1`/unm-2M-no Prlnoou 1-IL. Teluphunu HM. Open Day and Nlgm. on...` --- gr-~--u-' Innma Unnrm-ramm AND E lIAhIII- 1 H5 Prlnousn street corner sy onhtm Bl. '1`:-loplumu eummunloM.lon. L. .I. . .l.&.`LLlL\LlJ\IL` EIQJILFJIL` Umluruxkern and Emhnlnmrn. 283 Ind I I`lllN`mI Hl`r190l.__ `Pl ones :--Wl\mI'00Il`lI. lloulnlunoml. Upon nyandnluhl. j PIOQOIOO Ind. Tonoxm. Much 30.--Six non oloolloo nmtuu won fylod yesterday with rugb- nr Gmnb. than liberal and thin man. The SPRING GARMENT8 for Ladies wear, like the MILLINERY, have been personally selected with great care and cannot fail to be in- teresting. They will show you the latest Parisian notionsuhow French vivacity and taste touch all points of women`s dress with an original charm. Inspection invited. lSTEAGY& STEAGY. Our first day : Millinery Opening a big success. To test the value of udvertisiog from all `ho cut out this un- nouuecu at uni pteaent it at out uotowowill accept it as being. worth TWENTY-FIVE CENTS jgpuymqntof all purchase from one dolls: and upward. nu has uvuuug -3 FUNERAL 1>1m4:'r0n. am PRINCESS 8'!` Kingston, successor to W. M. Dronnln. Very little need be said I An ocea- Iionnl raminder is all that Ihoppon need with Enter lean thnn two weeks nnwny. You want new thing! to won and it's an easy matter to nd whs wanted. It in well enough known. thnt this store is up-to-duto. not now alone. but all the year `round. New Buster Hats and Bonnets " Wraps and Jackets. Gloves and Hosiery. Silks and Dress Goods. hurt: knnn has-nrnnnnu nninnltu` tlt (`l'l`lZ|CNS'l`1) A1'I`lCND THE EXT SALE u| M||lu. Hm Am-liunmr. mk O.maL mm. mm A! A nmn Pmnrn-um. N.J.. March 30 --In. John lnl-in nay: hi:-kl: nn IIIAJ-`Agni-up 5. mph. OAIIIDERH (`AN I15 `r(`C()MMODA ' onhlo mom nodorn oonvonlenoen. E moan stun`. fHuwAhTEsler?{ Ottawa and at. [ammo ullogl. W` 10 Mn. - Wuborly wind It and cool to-day and on '1` \m-, I . Direct Importers or Dry Good: and Mnunory. wnmn Plioaaluunrnu.` Everyone Pleased 4 P. `M. EDITION. :33-_.3.`'.;r :.:.'.`." oil! HENRY BRAME. Iv............-.... . 8. OORBETT, T I|II'lIJ`l'I\f\I) IIIII I)III WANTED. :BOARD. "us. REID, `JILL 11$` -1 . m'1_rooInI. 3 C HAD` Street. A Big Success. 'i=Joi 'du'ee'n't'. ' IIIONI .. '11: Worth a Quarter. ARE Ai.L 113. >og no; u In-we lryou lot um mrnlah your Coal, umoj D2- _ -' <.- . A ' . _ a_.. 1. NO. ~75. GEO.MILI.S&C0.,I W. I; wrlgnu rluun. nu IOLIVC. nmioufonnmonthoB.ol .nil . In ably to It uuncl star I -own of puuuooic Rev. Fnhcamhutudd tho "llonllh Iliad hr uclhlop Clary in Khglton bu `hundgy. CXUCIVU IIIICIIEIIII ITIIII I13 3?` tie: on hum to come cunt in shah put. Tho in in the Roman Catholic null were int! in the comoury_ 1`nu- day. Thoma h in main qgom for R. J. Bioknoll.Cundon But. in buying hogs and cash around thin vicinity. Michal IIO.J.l'..hnomrn0d Iron Photon. than huboouvidtintlltiva to: sum was put. lax-)2 cloth for P. I P. Iutphy. two. vid hie parent: Snndgy. Purick Hunt in accent] I position an Iuumnolcr with \v R wan; Piotnn, Ina hum... W. K Wright. Pinion. III IQKIVC. nation fmvn-an III II. B. (I nilpnu I. any-vu -cw: -aw-w -4 vy-cur-up-4-; when the intend noiding Ho. o_nonoivo knnith tndo nndsllo Dan. on Cgubninn In noun. Aii-n 1-.AL-s . irlulvlllo Iploodoc Elus.~z\'Iu.x. Match 29 Honda `I rain has `n undo rondo muddy. r. and Mn. . J. Begun and children Inn to- Inovod from Inn to Osnubrook. Duh. Ho hum nxhnnivn lnnith Ind. Andnl-1 mp. TO RENT. FOR Tlll-`. S(YN.\lI-ZR .\l0N1`ll-'4. l-`l'R.\'lSll- ml. or b ' the . nnmrnl:-In-d. "\\'IlIo\v Collage. K N \\'u-at at present nevu- cl-vd by J. B. 'I\lk . .\pp'ly lo WAI.xn.\I '.u.xIm. 'l\`~nm-rn n~ct'l\-ml u fl.-\'l`l'R|I.\\`. .\pr|l `.1 mnlt-ralunod, when 5 unuyln-nevn. I.m\-vs: In-msrnnrlly non-Final. H .Nll\ Hanna! & Harold. 'I`7m`::?,'_"" u: Ne! Spng Hats I `I \a\auv I II:-I\p I \J|I\J- Tl-`..`Ilbl~2HS.\l\|-2 lN\'l'l`l-ID FOR Till`: HI-}\'~ orul lrmlv-4 work r1\u_nln~l lu lhv I`I`1`(`l|nI| nf two Ihrulllum llnlh-.l| nn "I||\(Vr\ll\' .\ \-vnnn IE3 : It sweet! TFINIDERS \\'H.I.llE IiE('I`Il\'El) FUN THE '`' 0\'`` Rhmn-In hv Ih-~ nm|nr.~lgn-I up In lhv mm n..\\' m-` .\PRll. mm [nun unv uhovv pzmnn-In hv up` [0 lhu mm n..\\' us .\muI.. ism, n-um uny pnrllv.-I \\'l.~zh|m: I0 hnlal n_|-`nll Fulr or l'Z.\lnln- mm In Hm \ `Hy or Klngutum. The lliulmul nor any lvmlor I\nl noces~nrll\- Hun tl\v\`lLf |\'|ngu'l-m. any nocer-`nr|l_\- ll\`l`!`pl(`d. T. U. HHl.Hl.lI_ me ca;;.g.y.c;.;yL%w;;;.d Co., % . '5 '. .`..`..`_'.9 .'_: n|....... 7 _.-_..mus \\'c\|wnrnmu.-o tn nlcnn thvm \n)p1`r|_\'. No homln .nm-uelnh-uln mod to Inburv the Mr- mtx. huonly ml sxui-st wuy :4 by m-mllnzx hvmln Murray at Garnovsky s Factory. lI|I_\' ll`l!'V`Il. |. ur X|l|_\' nun-r Ivnru-r nu H .Nll\' I` .-'-.\ll I'll. .\n-hlto:-I. Anchor Buihllmz. llrovk Kl rwl. O F..`lH~2llS.`\lll-2 lN\'l'l`l-ID FOR THE nf lwn Dxrvlllng llnun.-s onUI1|\nrs|t5';\\'I`lnn' in thln n-Ity. 'l\`~nd`rI I'v~ct~|\`nl up In 1:! u`v`|nvk noun, R,-\Tl'RI|.\\`. ,\nr|l Lhnl nl l|u\ nlmu ..r Ihn '....-.-.::-....{--...... Loxnat. Inch N-II in rgu on Lnnkannhnnoolhbnu-nlnnnhnnnn. cur THISOTTI ICarDt% C1ancrsu!l Phone N. Nvw Purpeta out. sewed and lnl-I. l-`urnlluro pavkml whvn muvlluz. mu ovumng. Bgring o ning of aprons nod funo wor . 0. corn : lull. Tnudny. Ap I With; concert in tho ovonlng. llolhlly mm look IorVhIIaMloII Illa. but Ilmnnnnlwnn hi. `IIIIIIIII IIIIUU Irvin: -vi wan. -v-uu-- to Put rhouulvu bv. Uncle Tom : Cabin, :0 the open home this Wining. Rmina amnion of am-om fnncv MIDLAND CENTRAL FAIR GROUNDS. Trlod By Time. _lryou I IN! ... Th`: nu:-oocl In slvr Alwyn.-u nlenn. nlumvu 1 Tim! wni .1 popular and an -rvpontoml oxprcs-lou at cmr .\lllllIwry Opening. lion`! min seeing our clllplny. TO CONTRACTORS. nunu Al)I.` l`\V\`l'IVl_`l\ |..\n -no-nu~ are IO much in advance of ull prcvlouu modal: that they wlll be ln greater demlnd than ever. '93 Model: now on ex- hlbltlon -:hcy In benutleu. LOCAL MEMORANDA. I I `Anal. nl lhv um:-v or me ) plmnk mud .-qnovlnvnllom ml or nny nlhur Ivnrh-r um I. -uuuuuv uni; (?nrpeI. Impurlmentm T. Iu)l.uI-`.l!. I`II_v hnglnevr. ll JV IUD III! l|lI llllll "Il|l|'\JIX.l' lll-III um \ _ in: us thohut. nlwnyu elem. Ilwayn ry an unxmun L0 be burned. That. you always got. the rock-lmnmn vrlcos. "That you nlwnyu gvl. prompt and mm `M dv~ very. We-`re always ready to prove all tlu-.~w things to _\`uu-now In a good tlmv lu bugln. Iuncnlllnilllo lqljii Inllolp ol oolorulttoopoionprdoduquilunt in uhowingtlo pupal oltlo III` depart ncnllocanaunuun mlnnd hunnnln sh. `$3.... mndlbcn -nu man UXCILOIIKIIII In EDI KIIIIIWBI Y Tho concluding ronnrh of the warlike I oonntor from Chicago fdrly olootticd hi: upohnir honnro. Hero they no : "Loo no unko. Bhnko off the Chinese osmotic thn locks on in drowsy indolonco. mumuring `Pnouhnnyprios`.Awskn9oorfoI1hthorI did :0 Concord And Bunker Hill, unto to lorionn vu- ngsinot I IIIBIOD that burns one: and Innrdoro women and children. undo to glorious war that ouch no gain for no in Irounro or territory, hue n In: to drive the r from the continuum. to nrotho u ting in tho thy forever. and wnr that will help In for em to come by giving notioo that c honor of our ag tad tho lives of our oitinu mono ho rorxoohd among the notion: of the world. (hoogoontinood npplnno in the unvy count me uucnargu or IIIIIP uunon. la was owned. locuod nnd oxplodod by Spcimund Spain much nnunr." (Gnu excitement: in she gnllorien ) Th: nnnolndina ran-nth: nf u --lily- uxao coo ruuponnuoumy. vvo III ! in open- ish Invert and over Spaniel: soul. The harbor ie owned And controlled by Speln. Thoexploaiveo in um hnrbor were owned And oonhrolled by Spnin. If in wan A torpedo it VA: A Spanish torpedo; if in III 3 mine in run A `clpaniab mine. No ex- ploeivoe lure been on ale in HAvAnA for over I your to A privnte citizen. I! it run gun cotton in VA: Spenilb gun cobton: And il in wee oynemite it won Speoieh dynunite. Tho power to explode in VAA controlled by 8pAin. A govormnont Acne only thron la in A tn And ollioerl And that nnntrn tlm dim run nf khnip ngnnn-A n 5I{n'y"'i.I-3u"u"i'EI'".' "c. ulE"$?a'.3;u'.'L'5 they contro the dice rgo of (hair In Ill nwnnrl Innnurl gm! nrnlmlul Ix- uu. uunuvu uuuu uuu up 7! 0! N10 IIIII 0! action taken by pi-ieiszza McKinley. Hero is whnh he he: to eey on that subject: We can hide no longer under the execu- hive wing. `He can neither declere vnr nor refuse io. Congreee alone can declne wet. I for one am ready to vote now. You may continue to cry `pence. 'peeoe`. but there cnn be no peace while Europeans own and butcher their alevoe on blue name continents where our ag peoe. "Bub that: era than who nrr nun nln IIIUFU Oil Ill llvllllu "Bub than no thou whqu um the court does, not x the rupoui ility. in nu: not necessary. The `peanut. uny- Qrico mun cannon acct no. The In: cue: the responsibility. 0 won in Spun- inh inborn And mm: Smninh ntnl. `Nu WIIIII IIIUHU" I Mr. Proaidonn. I open only for myuolf nndl nm (or war (grant nppluulo in the galleria). Mr, Mnnnn rlmu nah Annrnrnnlihg Ii... CLBMHKD. _|enre.--IIeA-- of Or euppoee no eeonor ad 3 Ion or fether? Do we tell our chil- dren the truth when we say the lile 0! every Amerlom in 0! equal velue before the low T They ere not eenahoru they are tailors. Their widows and orphans cry aloud to us. The silent; eppeel 0! 268 see- men comes to m again and again. uying. `we are {loch of your esh. bone at your bone And blood of your blood: we lived and died for tho ag than nhielda you. Whnb is to be our answer! Shell we ennwer with money? Mr, Prnninnh [ enaei nnlu `cut mung" nu Inuuulnulc Dpoeoh Exoltu um-on Applnuu In the Unllorlu -`tho llonollr _ tlon lot War to It will Introduced Yutcrany Into the lion 0! Bopn. ununlnn By an llnnla. llIlnolI-upln- Ions U! the apnnllh Preu. 'NAsunw.1'oN, arch 30 --Iuboreab in tho Cubnn aibuabion--the interest: mighb al- most be termed excitement, so intense wu j. ` it-renohed I climax in the proceedings 0! ` i the senate yeatoxdsy. An on previous I days 0! discussion of the Cuban question, bhounandu of people ocked to the capitol. only as low of whom, comparauivoly, could gum admission to the gvleriea. Within Hun minmu altar taha sanntn Ill] IUIIIIIIIOIII (40 I09 gI'lBl'lBI. Within five minutes iilter the eenate convened Mr. Allen. Nebraska. introduced a resolution recognizing the iiidependeiice I of the Cub!!! republic. This was lollowed by A resolution prpgosed by Mr. Rewlins, lUteh, declaring war against the king- ` dam of Spain. Mr. Forelier, Ohio, i then introduced a resolution declai- V ing for such intervention in the i Cuban war ae woiild bring about the in- dependence of the Cubans. Following this came a resolution by Mr. Frye.Maine. demanding that Cuba be made free. The resolutionii followed one another repidly, the galleries were in a commotion and the people were prepared for any thing. This was the condition when the vice- resident recognized Mr. Meson. Illinois. or his announced speech on the preeidcnls message transmitting to corigreas the lind- ings of the Maine court of enquiry. Mr. Maeoii read his speech from manuscript. but it was delivered with all the vigor and (ire of which he is capable. The intensity of feeling of those in the galleries was evinced by a storm of ap- plauee, which was elicited by his declara- tion that be we: lor wer. Vice-pre-ideiib Hobart had real dilliculty in suppressing the demonstration. I\-......'|.i.... pk- .l.q.I._....a:A.. A! ll... I144..- SENATOR MASON SAY8: "I AM! FOR WAR." lama wuuw nsmm: wan. It Passes Many Resolutions to Free Cuba. Kilafltnon does nob npgrovo ol tho lino >1 sub {am in ihnh but In: tn nu run than nnhlum. HHE SENME EXIJIIEIJ. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1898. S uupad ' '-;iu7u-on` " iT{'-i'Z."|.....g""' kin In tho 1 who `III to with Huh; lhnnlid: Id-an... Qnnllnn x..- 3' ...`iK"E_n. ........... 0nv h`:nInnd -u and 5, up 21.. York Journal to goouoeouniuu count A nnangl noon-3| LI nnnnl-p MIL VUIUTIIW OIIIIU P|'9VlDXg IIIO ITIUIC for noun-oudnund och: union by tho Iorguly manning. The no- vpouo oxooodod I inary upuodjgggvg bnvunolnouphlonoko up tor `thin. '1?-omdol-no oxuochd to moans so 8l.4&!.000. tho In-nu in an In-soey ol lb moviun lIui.iI -fvvV- IfUIlV`l'Tn \'n1'onI.\. B 0. Much IL-'l`ho budget tpoooh wu undo in tho lqiolnuo yester- day by ptonior and nnnob ninhhr Tur- nonwbopvounrunon ol tbooxpondh tnrocxonding`;.ho nv:inno. |h':.npid do- volo out 0! pro non. l u c 0': mndnnnd othc nrvinnn hm! IUUIIII VI uvuulr-Ill` GUIII. Nlw Yon. March 30. -'l`ho yoioinno who attended Anton Boidl. 0 funouu nautical du-occor, who died suddenly lou- dn night. during hi: d `mg moments. on at I lose no account: r his nnoxpochod death. The and cum II the homo 0! his mnnngcr. Sunni Boruluin, No. 1! Huh lmh unto. and but a for hours baton Mr. Boidl had bun I tly in potfool houlth. Bin triond-In in! lo the theory 00 that it was pocouni toning. Mr. Soidl ruin oxoollonl h Ihnhv honn Lgln-. Li. 4|.` 0 I. Infonhil death. Tnoo lound 0! line Young. 1 :-nunono. March 30. - News received {innards concerning the dieeppeonnoo 0! in But or Young comiderebly elleyed the lost that ebo bed met an unnotnrel death. Mr. Newton wu into:-med than penon euewerin to the description or line Young bed oaled no the home oi Mr. McKee. ueer Moneglnn. e eboru distance out of town. The women Ihyed for I time. no eome iood. elepo and then left. saying she was going to Myrtle. [Hen moat. reenoneblo supposition that the pot- Ion wee Mine Young. DUI` I00 IIIIYTIOG Iglln. He lived in Inaornol (or some you: bo- fote his death and his I lumto wilo. who in Min Smith, is omit! to her donor in his auto, which consists oi tboub 81.000 or8l.300, principally inuunnoo money. LIUII Illullll DH Lllll IDOTCI UOII. Whi1o,ih aooma, was qulto I doceivor, for he leaves thrco wives. Laura Smith was his first wile. Sho wonu tohauoio from this city aboub fteen or sixteen yarn Ago. White lefh her And married 3 3 Clovoltnd girl and INC! A few yuuloln her And married again. A Iivnd in Innnrnnl lnr nnmn noun Ln. The Inttlmoulnl lxporlonoo or A l`oI-mu lnxonoulto. HAMILTON. Much 30.-Bohind the story of enquiries being mad: by Walter Mills, mnyor of lngorsol. for the wife of the Into (horgc Whine. formerly of thin ci , when Imidon nuno wu Laura Slnii. . in the story 0! I life which might unto matter for the crirninul record: if Mr. Whit; had nob nhuiilod of!` this moron] coil. lllkh- :5 ..-.....- ...-- ....ln- - .I-..:..-_ /may & col