"To test the value of advertising [tom all who cut out "this un- nduncement apt! present it at our state we will Accept it as being wotth TWENTY-FIVE CENTS invpayment of all pntchues In-om one dollar and upward. ` ' I two non bond in (non. Fun Havn. N Y.. Much 3| -A small `Icon but commnmg the bolts; ol two boyr. ondoncly almu rmscu or as-unleen ~ yum uf ago. WM .h-covered on the back: about. thno mule: out 0! Hail nllngo thin mnrluitg. Thq bodioo was not docompond and `from nnuacrnncnn il in mulund um: Iur a term or yum-. . . I The ra-Iwny cv-mmlvfee pumped the bull to incurpnrvvo D U (")rbIn n Kate river ` rmlwuy. The men wan fty (um to furry ; e-glut. I"nrl_y In on View obluwruled on the I duvunion. TL- _,_._---._. g:.-.-_t ALA .,L -,,, ._ Clpltnl Tldlngn It. in prapomgj m unto Ohtun the head` q\mrmrainCumda of tho Vncmrmn orJor or tnmod nurroe. The provmcval com` mitten has ouhmihtod an otfar to the du- recton of the Lady Stanley nmtituto for the loan 0! HIGH` hmlding to the lonnor for A term of yuan. ` 'Is._ --.|..._.. ...._......'.n.._ ...,_,) .;- Lzln IVIIII I'lIPIU<" UH (III! I HKUH I'l\'8r- Senator Hulls fought. the bull. and the government mu nda to tight. it vehemently should in ever ranch the commons, as it. probablv WI". bx-C.|ll'0 there in hula hope of Mr MINI`: mntinn fnr lhn niwmnnthn` pruuaulv wuu, lJ\*C.||l"l were la lune nope of Mr. .\hIlu-`e motion for the nix months` hoist bemg adopzed. HUI" UK THIIWB) '1 I5 WK-9 \V`ln(lrt\`n. Simrlly after `he senate met. senator Louglieed moved the -ocond reading of the bill to incorporate Hamilton Smith and his associates as the Pamc it Yukon resil- vm_\'. mwigation and mining company, with power to construct a lmo of Mllwny from l`_yrnmId hnrbir on the Lynn cannl to Rink rapids on the Yukon river. Sannrnr klnlla fnnuhf. Hm hull and IL; wur :IuJourI)9u. Mr. Reid mmod the second reading of his bull to regulate freight; rates on IBIL ways, buc on lho suggestion oi the minia- ter of rmlwu) -1 is was withdrawn. Rhnrllu nnr `Mn nnnnrn ma! Ann-Inr UUl|\lClU(l "Br. SH Louis lluvioe. who nlan oppo-ed Mr. Bnt.ton'e b~ll, sun! that in his opinion the code was wry I-manly drawn. The bill was given iliu six months hoist. Johu(,`hm|ton movej tho eecond read- ing of his bill to rm:-o the age 0! content to eighteen years. ' Bur Louis Davina in mk- mg to allow the hill to stand over for the further comulemlimuof the mum!-er of juetmo, and than the minister _nf ju-tme Is now cuefully consider- in the criminal code, with n View of an nmvuing the result: of his dehbormims to purliamenn. The debate on the bill wmv adjourned. hlr Raid Inn\'n.I than nnnnnni rnnriinny nf auppt-ru Ul um Imw IIIUIIGIDIIUU P.~llKg9II1 .|Dll. M. 0. Cnnmrnn moved the six umnhhn-' hoist. for the bull. and incid'ontn!l_v`defend- od Mrs. Sternamnu. paying that, he could not I-00 on whats evidence the jury had comictod her. 0... l._...`_ "-n:.Aj .._l.,` _I-- -,_.,_,_,I ll- KIIVIIU. This evening Mr Britten moved the house into commutes on the bill doing away wi'h Nu. requiument of cormbum tlve evidence in cases of seduction and nomo similar ones. repealing the pm- viouon of tho code which l"((|lllI`! the cement of the attorney-general to an np. pen! m caret whvre a trial jualgo refuse! a reserve cam nn nuustiona ul law, and also repealing the v-ecuion which mnpuworn tho mini-for of juauco to grunt to convicted puuone a new trial If he sees 60." He mentioned the one of Mrs. Sbormman In auppm-0 of the lane mentioned mlggermion. RI. 0. (`.nIImr\n mnverl Llm nix nmnhlu-' 258;` on (me tuny-`cu II. a lube! UIIKB. Mr. Muclm-n. of East. York. asked whether mo 2` wernment intonderi guing on with !.hom~<)l\'ency bull. S\r Ruclmrd ;)u`twright reminded him that the bi ! was not undor the charge of the govern- mt-no. 'I\L.'- -..-_:.._- ll- l)_.:;L-_. _._,._-_1 AL, ['. I(\|l\II H` P'IIU[I'I"K Ill` |!l' ()uK/UNJI). Rx-gtunlunu the Banter mij-mrnnmnt-. Sn` Rnchmd U.u tnvrignm nuial chm. thn pr semen in l'urum1')unr-- hurl bean to mljnurn on Wndnoaduy until the following 'l`uunduy The gnvernnxum would l}0HBIl|I-(J19 wn.-hon of tho hours and make A deriuito prupoml on the r.-uhjuct at u later date. klr MnnIm.n nf Emu}. Yuri: nnlzml "IUIllP`l1lU\|"' I VH3. lI`l vmcu was $7160". "MI I pruning Hm i F 5-'H.3H(l Mr FM 'nnll,rl(`|(. Ill mmw P l"[|L' `UH I P` WwD'I-OUU ' Mr Fmpatruck, m answer to Mr. Roche, Fmtl [hut 1): . I" DIM; had Iwon peun\nont,- I) appmHud mu-iicul ullhtor an the King. Mon penitent.mr_y an :1 mlvnry of $),()uH_ The gu\'crnnu.-uh in nu! aware LhuL Ur. Pnulnn un piltcli-INK Im prafmnriun nun-ids). R.-nmuhnu Hm |..n4Inr uH.\urn-nnno. Hu- EH13 lfplh. lkelpljivzg to n quunuiun by M r. Bunnonr, tho eulucmr guwml raid that In tho roviu inn of the V0 rm` Item '1: Onburin in ].`\".H- 95 {um then re\ n-nu: l-"100!!! nctud Mrs) were not, (3uun'._y juvign-. Thu tum! ulnrrunt, pend In the lo.-vuivw qhgrn under the lent, le\'i-HIV` nf chm limu In than pru. .. .. Q"I l`.A'!Il I 5|... ..._,.,.....a. l__ ..-.__. The olllelal DI`Idb\`Il win Dlumued In the I-louiie. OTTAWA. Miiroh '3l.-Th., oinciai dad. heist. who in eiiahlqd by the immuiiity from the pl'0CBPG of law for_the collection of debtui which hu oijnya to ll-iece as many tradesmen as vill trust him. was the sub- ject oi is debate in the house to-day. The ineinbere were almost. 'ilnBnlm0\Il in ex- premilug the belief thiiti the ooiitiriuoiice of such in chine distinction as that which prevents ix creditor from enforcing the puymeiib of II debt by ll civil e'rv:inr. is a acundisl. But. while there was an almost univeriinl egrcemeiiti on this point the lawyer: in the house pointed out the , techri'cr\lobiit.nclos in the way of remov- ing the privilege that I-urrounda the public olllcinl The qnieiition came u l upon the motion for the second roe . ing of Mr. Rl(`lnlld!0ll bill to render sub- ject to griiii-hie all moneys in the hiuiile ofi.hero.vndue to civil eervnritu. Two l(`gl|lgl0ll.`|(la ofobjeotion were tiilren to the uii:eiiure-ilrob. than it encroimhea upon the right of the crown to refiire it hot ior proceedings against it to enforce ll cliiim; and. second, that it over rides the jurisdic- tion of the pl`0\in(`.l3H to deal with all quea- tioiin eileaiiiig property and civil rights. Cuneideintioii oi the iiieii-iiro was not con- cluded, but Sir Liuie Divion, paklg lor the guveriirnent. promised thin: the i-iibjucr. would receive l\hl0lllli)lI with the View of formulating ii plan that will uc (`Ullllllirll the purpvi-e while iivoiiliiig C0l|~ itiiiutiuiiiil i-houls Wliilo member`: iiom llU\'u|u in their voiiilciiiiiiitiuii ul the C|\ ll r6r\`&llL \\ ho ixiusee to pay his tailor iiiirl his giucor they nll riicngiiiz-:-d the fruit, that t'ii practice is C0'iill`|.ld tn f\l8W.ilhLll.il1ilh the service an ri wholo ie Above reprogch in this ienpict. ltnnluinu in n iimnninn hi; hi I` Run nu! r I l `S DOMINION PARLIAMENT, VF. IIIU UJIMI my -1 Lho umounb for III; Ahnl at lurnu. Wmslrm, Mm. April I.--l`our Inm- r dmd pcoplo amvod Int nighton the fourth Ontario tum:-run excuronon of the no.-om` two hundred more null arrive O0-day over the Northern Pncun on the U 'l` R. apecnl and us in unnamed that by tomorrow over IAIN new formats vnll IIIVO ruched tin cuy dumxg tho not. Icllnlny mu Rolkl mu. \\'A-III\'1\nx. D C . Aprvl I -`l`he pron - dont Mn nppmved the bill tor the ruin! of the Mniddeuuern. The hull ptovide for the payment 0! cm 3-urn pay to tho Min ottbe dead and nimbur-on ooun and. can for the human: 0! than Iona unison` prejudice In an huh` at mrvivud righlr J0 p_-~i9n~- I cwnnnu -Ill"IIlI'Cl In III "wyg" --mun g." uolmothn W ",""" ' / _A, ;,,~ I Gcntlcmcn s Shirts 75c. I IIWIXIB Elli Ill HIUTTIW II. VUICCW No jn an in tone. but than him- oono m Dti'}dil3 I0 I50 "W." nhl lunch .Win." an aliasing hdhhnal "I!Iv0" India had. Dnnnn. Apnl I.--8Iovo_Bmdb. the in non: krvdgu jumpor, died yenhrdny on 1 thin whole on km in; to Adtino` Mich. . ol congution of the lungs. ' Oltnwn Thleveo Rnld A Chnreh. 0'rn\\".x, April I -0tMwn has n gang of church uneven. Wednoadny they amend `the I-1.:-Irrn Methodist church and stole the elm It. all the curuinn they could lay their hand: on, cvrueun and other mutu- mema belonging to tho orclueo-tn and wound up by mkvng the oontnu of the mm-ionnty box 0! the cbriomm ondouvor aocuety. Conn-ntnlnu-d In The union W.\.-Imc:1~u.~a. Apvil l.--Sir Julian Pauncefote. the British nmbgnaador. paid a pen-onnl vino to Garb. Siunbec at. the navy department yea-ler ay and ion with hum a note 0! congratulation in behalf of the queen. for his `ervapo from death in the Maine disaster and rm his conduct on that occasion. Capt Sign-boo wan yoaterduy ordered to duty in aecnetary Long`: cloo no special aide. IIIBHU IUI IDRU amount. San Franri-.oo and other parts of Califor- nia were rm-eroly ohnlxened by an ca-urt.h~ quake on Wadneed ni ht. Windows were broken and attic ea 1- uttered. Tele- graph and telephone communicntion was interrupted by the crossing of the wire:-. Lone as the navy yard reached 825,000 Tho naval hospital was wrecked and the government. sawmill blown dovm. v...-M. ..;..; .. .`..;......L .... ...... . In Gmnrnnluo innnonq Luna-haul-nap. KIII I|'IlU\\U|I l\IKlR"Uuf . I`. Maluui'), provhonomry. Quebec. has made I report to the -uperinr court. than forty four 0! the bnihm are not. qualied to not on they have not recon-ed their bonds When u bul\ll` I! nppwinmd he in obliged to mxduoa u guarantee bond of 8400M lur- nin nnob|ig.mou in lnvor of the govern- menu for than amount. 0... I`.......:_... __..J .11.... ._,..n_ _I r\.I.~r,_ lIUl'l.llUl H LHIIIIHK C()n1l\ny. ` Mrr. Harry Kmgnbmy. Cbntlmm. Iota- ted ho: huv-band, wlm had elopetl vu tl) Mm! Alice Na-II. at Essex. Mun Nash is l)l|I\l. She and Kmgnbury had rented a house and were In-mg tmzotlvux Mrs Kingnlmry would not leave her husband and l|u\._v walked tn Clmlham. The blind gill followed Kmgvlmry. ll, Kl.-xlnllin, nrnlhnnntnv-:7 flunhnn Im- lllHlC|lil>_)' Ill Kfibhlllg III. The best. ugu-pperl gold seeking party that h \n left Detroit. for some time depart- ed for the north-wart. lnnh night. Thu arty consisted of Dr Karl. H Sargent. . R. (fnlmnior. (2 U. l'mnt.iu, Hugh Roberts and I". Rmnbolm and represented the Mvchigan norlham mining company. Rh`: "nrru K Inunhun \v f`.}uO|mm In \n, Ill UN. The l\icKonr.ie and Mann expedition. with three I-envy teams and a largo outt. has got. nu far as Porru )il)0. uboub sixty unlen from the month ufl no river. Slmuld the mid rpell continue they WI have no dvl!icu!t._y in getting in. Tim hrwr. Inlnnnntl rrnlzl Imnhinn rmrv OI IGU` Ladies` Bow Ties and Flowing End 4-in-hand. urc-uuy. The new German uruiner (lnmllu was launched an KioI on Friday She was chriutened by pruncoeuv Henry of Prussia. nnd the ex mnpress of Germany was among tlm-9 pron-ant. Tlnu vn.vnnr.nIH rlnnnhinr nf LN!-mnl among um-9 prevent. The ve~yonr-om daughter of Michael L-annon, Mnidnmno. was drowned Thurs day by falling into a well. She had been lets plane on t. harm, and when her parents returno ey found the corpse In the well. Tl.` II..lf_.._Z.. .....I ll... -....-.l!.:_.. LULH HIHU The leuirlnturo of British Columbia will umlennlw Llm mi-uy of gold (hunt in \'m torus. Thrywvll mould in into burn and give u c-emnmco 0! ma valuu. British Uulumbiu hm mnda ummyo- nmntm H) laullll -IUH nnlu of railway from \'mmuver to limmulnry (neck. A bonus of -`:4 HIIU kl unln wxll be granted. Ilr Uunmngh.-nn. l!ulu1mm,wMa=plI)xi marl by gm: wlnch anvuped from A mm! atom Inlnudlico J./unon Jouhm-, who ....... ...\.......l ...;p|. ..l...u mhh 9|... .ln..o... ll|IIICU"`v The [him-h cruiser Rapid, from Gibral- tnr on s\lamh l(i:.h, rrgnrding uhqmuo-nl'el.y considerable an-xwety wow lelr because of lmr nunnrnval, reached l l_ymouLh on Thursday. Thu nnw (lnnnnn nrninnr lhonlln um: nu-In wllm dullicultv rm n.:. I'IVl`lI D V` lnmpf. ` There are fnrly cnxaa of nmurvy M. Inw- nun (Ivy hospital. The out put of gold from that liauict. WI M-mnin-h the world. Jncul) Blumn was in-t;un[|_y kullod by being thrown upon the tmw in him rmwlnill nonr the C I R nmuon at North Hlencno. Thu duuun cullovvod ut. the port of To- Inntn for March, I898. show an Incren-ta of over -`3lU(|,U00, war the roceipna for March, HUT ` l. ._Ja_ .._|1\:.,-.-L_,_ n.,, ..,. ,, I .Lz.U')`I, I I" Tun eleminn protests were fylod Gusher- | d--y at Ongoode hull, making thirty four fyled to date I).-. Hnrhnrf. Lxlzn Rm-Mn Mun In-mn nu. Ill WEN Ul \JUlIHl. A large number 0! Ontario settlers and delegates from the nonthem abate: have M- nvm no Wlnmpeg. Thorn Ara Inn :1 mun: nl ununnv nr. Hun. I-`NH l(mdul7.- and Giorgi have been sentenced to uieubh on tho ch-ago of arm attempt` to mu-n~ninut;o king George of Greece un Fob. `.`6Lh mm "A4< I- :_I_...._,. 4: n .-.',| M |,,,,.L- ,.,:n 031 (ill Ul(`.)'0|0I III ["0 Clly. The Brimnh revenue returns for hho yeur ending Mnrch `.7Lh show an incmue of .L".(HH,|l!) 'I..... -I.....!.... ...-s-_L- _.___- ..I..l 0. --L-.. IIBAIIIIIFLI U|Il\:ll. JD IV Ladies Collars and `(3`t`1`'s, new styles. `I `.11.. D.... `FL... .._.I I1`l.....I.... Iylll DU (NICO 1):`. Herbert. Lslm, Harris. has been ap- pointed pnrser on the 0.1`. R. amamor Em- press of Uhinu. A lnrun unmhnr nf nauhnrin nnH.In|-n and Lmlo Ilnumu-I Thu lunoa-on lvoryboayw Hotel from All our---Llttlo of Ivor)- thlng Ennllv Bond nnd Rumolubnnd hp Tho Dom` Puhllo. Quobcc council has decided to impose a tax on bicycle: in the city. The Hrimnh mvnnun rnturnn fnr Mm wann- 1 umnams mom we ulhws % FOUR QUARTER8 auvau. [IllNllENSED rnnncnnrm gusws F__I_|j wunw.l Vwmu Comes to Us from All Quarters. Ill IIIHGIIIIUD If-HUGH d0l|I\|H" WHU wibh the doctor. was revived with null ga uvmcsron a BM] i Only by seeing and handling ! these goods can you judge ol the real value. We ask you, then- fore. to call and examine this re- markable purchase. UI IIICIII (`III ,\\'e have just completed an enormous purchase ol Fine Im- ported WORbTEI) TROUSER- y I\lffL` ...|.:..L .-..- .--.`|A _..II C... Special" Corset value 75c. New Veilings 15c to 4oc. Special Kid Glove value 75c. Ladies Belts IOC, 15c, zoc, 25c. Handkerchiefs, fancy border or hemmed stitch, 3c to 25c. I adios Pnllnra nnrl Pu: nzuu ",7\lllK'-\l VV\}l\uI|3Ll nnuua INGS, whigh we will sell for Our Ctistom Tailoring Depart- ment has been a score of succesr ful sales, but this is the greatest of them all. `ue lime to Bpy MLN`S EMNIS is Now. Bun Aluminum! Iltr Husband. Bl'|\.\| R\TIl, April I.~~Pim_:ua Louis-9. dnughwr 01 lung Leopold. Belgium, I: liv- ing openly with her lover. lnoutomnt Muh- hclnch-Kenlontch. on his unto. near (loluboveu. Croatia. She ran (my lrom her hunbnud, prince l h\lip.nf Soxo0o- bourg-Uot.ha. uovornl months ago. Her husband pursued her tn Vacuum and than fun hr. a duel with her lover. in which the hlle nd was wounded. The po has been asked by her lather an emperor Francis Joseph to annual her marriage with pnnco Pmlip. ' '1`; one-6 oi com in one may Tnhn Lnrnllrn Iln-nnuxrlululnn 1\..|\I.|. K II -w 1.:-nu; no wvvw vuu IIIUIV IU' TRIP hnxntlw llmmo-Qnlulmv. 'D\h|(`Ill~ All gclainln rvmnal the mnnvy If It hula lnjcnm Enquiry no Toto du Punt bnrrnckn shown that. no order hu you bocu received for A" battery detachment to proceed to 0b- tawn. The force in ready to move when called upon. nu-uu |IuII|Il IJIIIIIIII, Tnlu-.\"ru, Aprnl l.--Tho thirty-threQ_ members of the Royal Canadian I'nlnm.ry' fur the Yukon and the live |loynlCanndmn Dragoons who accompany them lefb last night. for Ottzawu, where they will receive their ouuiun. . Their comndoa gave them I grew farewell at the Union union. LIUII. IVIIH IIlFI.'ll`Ul V ltplylll a At tho ndjournlpema ul loggo tha mem- bers dined m the mum: not. Apart for the .uv-pore. I! bump ny Msno being expooucod. ' ma morning .\ rn. Loec Jmbo Inn for Dun duo. whore L0 nights nhoinnwutec I-DOW Iudgo. New Sailor Hats 15c and 25c. Be Iure and see our Millinery before ordering your New Easter Hat. 'I`I|n Pruldont Mare. Last evonin Mrs. Loo-combo. Brnnlford. memo-1*. of t. r Onumo gt-and lodge of tebekknho. pmd 3 lrnwrnul vieib no Lom.~n lodge. There was a large tnrnouh 0! mm here. Tlneo candidates were initiated an lotho nuyswerioa uhho degree. the Hour wank being crmint.nb|_v carried out. Alter wards Mra. Lmculnbo nddreued thou) proaeno. touching upnn vurtoua topic: 0! meme to the older, expmeain the hope than the contemplate Ontario frame hnnged Oddfelluwe won won becomes reuht.y. The npeuker ah-0 exemplied the secret. work of degree. R. Mack and J. Bullin also ado short npcochaa. Mrs. Lorcumba Wu! presented with an address and r0|IV9ll|l' a non no I memento of her vim, Mn: N ee making the presenta- tion. Mrs Ln:-cmubo replym Ah lzhn mliuurnmnnl. nl In an lhn mzm. Already ab thin port many thousand bu-halo of grain are rtmod, ready bu go {or unnl on tho npening of tho Imvar vanala. If the Wlllund canal would -upon beforq the lower cunul-, it ahuuld simply mean I blnrkada an hhls pmls. Pm lhmn rnnnnnn an nArHnr nnnninn nf vlruum IIII IIIIII IJIII. On amount of the early i-pring wmn marine men think that. tho Welland muiul shuuld upon for llR\'l\{!\llO|l earlier LlIl\ll u-uul thin yunr. laO|wkl|lR at tho inattor from all points of view, the opening of the canal before tho ll'll?.|l Limo would cause trouble and delay along the lmo. In the rim: place, in the na- tural courto of tlinign, the canal ln .-uppm-ml to be open about`; the `.?:'i(.h Aplil or inc: 1"`! May, and the majority of boats and bontmun gure on t.hn- date to have their boats romly. Then. lien lhti Wol- lmid muml is opened tho Sir. Lawrence cnnnls nlmuld be ready mo. All canals ulimild open tugohherx by this nriungmnenb grain and other produce in bmneiu from the wear. to the 1-unbuanl will uni; be do- l.`l_\'0ll en route. Steamship companion uure on the cmmln opening an M19 up-unl time and nrmngo to have NIOII` ahonmarn in Montreal ready men to niouivo the grain An onrlierupenilig of tho canals thui u-nul would cause trouble and delay ln Mon- trenl. LI___J.. _L A|.'_ _,,. , -I I UlDl"KIHlB BU LUIS plll. For these reasons an earlier opening of the mantle than usual is undeniable. Lurn amea nnn muipaon. '1`. Harlin . Montreal. will address the board of (nu 0 here thin nhornoon in the interests 0! federal aid being exbondod to lhoprojuctod improvements in Montreal harbor. A reaolucion will be submitted supporting Montro.al n claim in this direc- tion and urging hlmh nntlomsl aid should be given the improvements to tho grout Im- tinnnl hiqlnrny. The resolution is not ro- gnrded as likely to provoke opposition. auyuuuwnulsub OI one uauwrn mvluon DI the (hand Trunk. has resigned his posi- tion to accept: a ajmilnr one on the Cana- dian` Pacic, with hundqunrtern at Mon- heu . ll\L_ _-_A..,-; I-.. .|-_ n - nu mu` , 1 IICIII. The contract: for dredging 22,000 yards in Tnront-0 harbor hhrbor has boon given to MvNamea and Smnpeon. '1`. Hnrlinnr. Muntrnnl. will ml.-Iran Hm EARLY o5EWfrT(;"U3Es|nAaLE. uout uwuora Aml mnnunhlp Companies Uuuut on l uuul Unto. r\.. , . | n Saturday Wants. l UlOl`UUl'O. Sir William Van Horne arrived in town bhiu morning to attend the annual meeting `of the Canada and northwut land oom- pculny. . I "nrnnm .u.(.r...m nnnnk-nhml puny. J. W. Hnroom. nummb mochanicnl superintendent of the eastern division of the rum! Trunk Inn rnnhtnnul kin mull. Both were Agnlmt l.IbcnlI-WIll Addnu `nu llmu-(I 0! I`:-ado. ' 'I`u1m.\"ro. April 1.--'l`here were no {ur- bhor prutonta oucored this morning ah On- guodohull, but several will be lylod this after noon, among olborn, potltlonn ngulnab Taylor. llhernl member for North Middle- aex. and Bl(7.M`d. llberal member for Euro Potorboro. 9|-. \X7II`.-_. I ... II __.._ ___L.-.\ 1.. AA... PROTESTG rnao ro.oAv. Yutnn 11-mm (Tommy. ~... A._...l I Iu._ AL.` Tho water pipe Iudin`m tho oloottio smut nilny shade bum shin mommg. - 4. 0-Xillriifins ms 1: .urvn.\m0m with Imh nlmzln and dnuhlv mum: lh nmlvrn mnwnlmu-vs. M ht Queen mnel ' nlllnmlvrll vul Mr. .\u|-ly in Ilw |\|`I`lI\i~("s HR HTr\.\'F. llFI.'llI\N.\' nnnrI`lr~ru_\~ Him-I; nll nuulu-rn u\nI\\\\I||nIn\u 1=.;..i ` mum: D. '1 u m-:1-.-em un' Iuu~'I(lml1lE.3I0l\R|lN vnn\~m\-`nu-v~<, slum!-wl 2I0.lnlm.-Mn HI-hwl worn-vr an llurrhx nmuv-Ilu lllnhngvn I`nInn`}. .M\p|_\' In H. (`R uvmuh. urn muum-n Rl|`W`h .`.?.;` \\'m`I( lllllll`HI`I 1`!4pI|l|IIu`t|m\I\l I l\I`.\! nlwn-I_\ mun up nml Hnlznv slhu. I'2m`|nem eu-ll-ml I`lI\`I-Inlw|`uI`UlII` In-r|n~In .-\. ml .\l.-mnuv~r. NI .\ll\`II|mll\ .\\ M)lNl"|. Tm hmnmfnl NW uI'.\l|NI Wlllnnl." by hvr nvvn\lnr_\' mm Iluvrarv Iunmllur. Anna .\. unnlunz |I\|rn\IIlu~I|Im Ivy Lmly Ilvnnry Hum- vr-u-I; nu-ll.-' tn vvor hmly. Hwnl Imp. I'I`0w- gu-vnuuullnyvmulu. hmkumulnn-.-. luum.Rv- li.\I(I~`I-:1`.~n.V I `n. . l.|mlh-cl, 'I`un)m,u. ..-.. 0 ..._ ..< W srkllx lmnlwr.-` nnnnnrnllu-r Imluulrlmtn pm-s-nun ur ml r mIm'nI|un In whnm Still a month wnnl-I In-um lmlm-vnwm. lmulnl nlv-twI)E\g0 A nu-xv Imllwc nu tlu-Ir mm lmmou. '1`. II. I. - an un`. 'l\m)IItlk A -- - I nl'.*%l-)l\'|~`.I-1l`l`2|{H 'l`II lIl'\` IIIHII IIM.` lblnlnu R-mill \'lmlrv-, mnlmm-ml mwk mu :-hlnnrum, m Au vvntu (`nvh at Mn.m` HAI.Iu| lhm.\l.-I. llmvk Nth-N. ..\.\"l`I-1I\ In` 'l`lIl l\ R nr Iv-mum Imu.-wt mmlvmvum~I\uI--nr--u. I :. : ])l`TU|`IJ'7 '|\| IKNINH 'l`|I|"`.HC I-`l'H.Nl'l`l7lm In hm-nlul in IN" nmmmc hhlulur M Mll.l.H' H.\l.r.H llmnl-4. Ilmok Hlrwl. `\`|t`.lt\`u.\'l-`. 'l`n KI-TI-2|` 'I`IIl`.lR I-IYFTHON I (luv Hprhuz Hal.-.u_ uh---rum] In mmthvr cnlunm by M111.-_, Anmuum~.ur. lull wlln I`. l.. l)wgl'f\lI`|\l||_\' I RI-u T. F. Hafexsom COMPANY l'|ulm-lulu-ru nml II'InIu|Inn||-u 0-['1 nun! mu mum. . Roux ~ In kvngc-mu, Thurndny. Mu-oh 3|-la. 1308, Mary Rolherford. bolovod mile of John Boon. aged 08 urn. Funeral on Sunday. April 3 . from Im- Into rocidonce. lm) Chnthmn nlnob. II 2:30 pm Friends and ucqunintnnou are rec-poctfully invited to attend. l`I lIII``.~u< "I'H|\Il`I\l`oI ...._....-. ulI\n nu-nr` Tun! l.n:.\mNn l'Nm:u'rAmm-%I-M [`rlnoNuI B1. 'l\-lo-plmuv IITA. upvn [my and Nluhl. ? )5 l'.\'l\'l-`.|t'4l1`\' .\\'l-`..\'l'I~7.IRrK\.\IF1'-AJND knvhm. nuvununm-cl: mu-Ivrn Im|\m\-1 - uonln. .\p||l_\` X. .\'.. \\`IIln l)'Im\ ..__. TIIRI-fl-`.-H1\|R\` mu `K IIUVRR. .\l0l*B|lN mn\~m\-`hum 2I0.lnIm.-Inn Mn:-I. ISTEACHSTEAIJY. nan uu \J\)|v|v|a| Ag F[T`H.R.\L l)l|(I`)("l`nll. `NI l`lUN("F`.HH HT `ilmuluu. I-m-m-umw in W. M. lbmmmn. KAIHN 1 H5 I Tvluplml Noun nrlnwPl'Ieu. ~ 'I 10 Vlolluwn Scoot. GEO.MILLS&C0.. ua.Ii&ine Styles New kid Hl>\'wa, Austrian Silk Umbreilas. Nvxvu-~I Hhlu ul Ilumlla-.~, New Blouse Waists. (\ n'rI7.v~:.\'.~f1_w { .{1'rr:.\' |i7rn I~1w!'Vl~2.\ _'i`_;l.Xl..ls} ur.\l||lu, Hm Auwlltnlvvr. llrnvk Htrvvl. kc-ml u-In-H I .w|uvm.~. [I] run uuuun, Newest Ideas In Black Gren- Lau3le.{"'$""y'i';'."`$"'~ew Capes. New 8 Black and Colored Fnx 1`!-Ilm ll2lt,"I`\\`n Iklm-Ix Hunt rm hunk` Elegant New Jackets u llluvkn nml l`nwn.~4, . . - . New Ilhirlalinns .I.. I. . L.Ll\L\L\J.LJ\lLV \J\JJ- l'I\lI`I'ln|u'ru IIIIII I'IInl\uImun4. Il|n`o`.~u< Hlwnl. `I`l|mn~u:-\\'m~ .: -~------4L>- ` ICNIGH \|. ..`4l~`.|k\'.\.\"|` I kw-UL f\ II\\`.'|-llllm i||` ` IX '|'l'1l{l! Hill, 'l'\\'0 Itlm-In Hp-at rm lnwk: v<\\`vr~ In Ihv mum- A special line Men's Shirts 75. ' 4-ply Collars 2 for 25. New Stylish Ties, silk lined, I vnrvlullv I r||Irl~\m1 Mull In unululultml Dlroctlmportora of Dry Good: and Muunery. j WEATHER PROBAIlL|f|(I:_ 4 P. M. E{1T)`I/'1T`I/o1~I1. .. -In! Iv - `rui--1-all` mn l'mmr.m*,un:u AND l*`.MI\Al.MIlt-- . |`I`l|w\-.~n NIH-1`! (`nrnur Hynlonluun bl. mnv s-ummun|vu Inn. I .\ NU \`I`.ll.X.\'t m..-.\n lvtn-lnrvumunw Hum! u \-H lm-ks mv Ilnl.-hing muvh -Il|'llI|I`lIl lm-<|ww|'lw1'n |wlluI',n1-Iv.-tmi ~nrvIull\" fur Ihv r-I-mull`.-< ulvnunul lmll Mm: Mulluv.-4. lllm-In-nu. llrmuuuelu Nvhn, mululultml wllh n`h\'n||l(`. ' IV IIJII. " III | and Snturdny. 1:. 2l0Ql'RF..\' 31:. my mm! h- Iml wnlor: muwm-wm : -`xlnnu on kllvhen. `.wr. TI mun F. Tnvnn on K Oman and M. Luvronoo nllo I0 n.m. - Fair and cold to- A) III!` Qnl nu-ulna 1n:im' mumm. . .... In. ".llnurn|-can -|-| 'Tls Worth a Quarter. In-I :I!l .\Iu rw-pnml--n um s.T a. u0u.m:1`1`.L I \Il)I.`1 --r. \I) mu Inn T0 MST}: U|1(`ll|`\ a null I'2ml\uImI~rn, `JR! and BM wt. `I`lunIw4 :-\\'nm-manna. DIN Inn-n cluy llllll nlulll. :2 _JA8. mum, 'V\lIxn<~n:- __- ._... .._._... .4. _'rFn`: .\Imm.I-: W APRII n rvm Imulurm-u: AI1 1153?: 65TH YEAR. NO. 7 7. V0 lll.;\l'l( EARN AND wk: uml nlm spot nu lwv. nw ur Huh. lnmrnmuun I HIS |`r|Iwu-nu Hln-N, will -`-gjjg \.\"l`: IInl'rAI-:.\h\ll\ ( in` Imnlnu. .\m~ly ul. \ out dully. `K. 2l0Ql'Rl..\' I11. M" water: l.|`I HI" /\|'R"A In-ulwmn ; nl . \\'lllv.' mnm-. New Capes and Jackets. ARE ALL 11}. In I IIIIU. lrynu lot u.-x rurnlsh your(`m\l. ` Pun AI-that Anal `run I.|on In Open `rnl TIC TIIIIO 0' TIC VIII`. Lssmwx, Aptil I -In the house of com- Inono ycnuduy the pulinuontu occur I lay oi thofaniun 0150!. 0101110 . . Cur-` ton. laid count Munvio. the Run-aim ; nintuot ol Ionian `irt. on Hutch NM: .' ullooind the Bntiou unhundor at St 5 mnnhnno `:0 H R n'I`.-...... Dan $-13`... ID!!! ID IX Q00! UIIIUOO T?! R nnotodhon that Japan ha and the Uulhd slum-o no join 0:. Brihin in nppottiog I `a mum in win! 009: We: Bu` star 850 p-130:5; Ihoclimlo var indonnity in my ot tho nuonnu loo rsnunn unnuuuor II 38. P500953. 8-: N. R O'Connor. to inform her in] y : govotnnont tlntin the own! ul Chincoonlonung to Ian Port Arthur And `I\ Din Wm to Rustin. both/porn would hoops: tofopigutndoonghonno ho-ioutloouotchinoo parts. [I hrnnahnnlhnr. Junn Inn -.L.4l wstraw . Sai ors H 15c. FOR THE Sl'.\l.\ll~iR .\hl.\'1`llH I-`l'lL\'Hll- ml, ur M` Kim _\e:\r, unmrn0.I}Il."\\'||l-nv (`nm\m`. K111; stun \\'-wt. at pn"I!`IH own- I--I H` J. I! \\ uIIu\m. .\rpl_\' to \\'AI.xn.u .& V /u.xn.\c. AI-`I'LL .\lP.l-7Tl.\'u nl-`Tm-`. .\ll-`.\lllFl\R nr Klmmnn I.-Hm`. .\`~. .'-9` I-0.0 l~`., ax rs uwsml1`llIruFIuI\.\\`) l~;\'I-:.\'l.\`u, ,\pl`H Ian. I unl Ill?!-.1 Inlpurlulll. JHIIN I\Il,l.ll-2.w-.~~,~, \)I I-\.--lr`D I'\lII'-II; ' 'l`vn-Inn: rm 9.-\1`l'Rl\.~\Y. umlu\r-dmnnl ` TU CONT RACTORS TF.`.\TDl-IRS .-\ RI-I I.\'\'l'l`F.D FUR THF `l`ul ll`l\ulo~\ \\`u|'|\'l\`I1|l`Ih`1l In Hm .-I nl` Dunn llwnllluuv llnu.u\-a u\n l'nh-.u-..In- \ l'`.NDl`IliH .\ INC l.\'\' [TED P! H! rrul 1 of two l)w-\ll|mz llnmm-znnl'n|\1`r In lhls mly. 'l`vm|c`ru rr~<'|vu\ up In l`.` :\'v R .\1`I'Rl\\\' .\ nril "nul 11! Hm . ;\ l`l |(I`.~\ \ .` umlrr.-lguml. mnv In u-vn. lIllIII`I`.'Illl`\I, \\'lwr\- 1 mny lwu-vn. l.u\\'u`-at nn~osxnr|l_\' new uni. ll `Sin HUI} In-~v`I'II. |.U\\'I'~\ Ur ulI_V nlnvr II`ll(l|`I' Ill` ll `..\'ll\' I` H\IITH. .-\n`h|twt. .\ nchnr Bu! MI mz. Ilrnvk an n-vi. .....To Ihe ladies of Kingstqp. you turn: smug sou pork T" `HI PuugApn I.-[.6 am. on... ml Zhjnhlhllln--nh Innnnnd u' Ne! Spring Hats flrI>.I>I>l>I-. Ivl-I!-(>61-I! MAPLE WHO FOP OIODHIHK 'VI||lUUo Mucedoine and fruit: salad: and droning, at oookory school. Saturday st. 3 p m. Auction nla of nnnna and rnw hunt; in`. YOUNG LIBERAL CLUB. NNU.\l. .\|l*)l-`.'I`lNH I-`t)lK I'll. (nil:-.-rs Iur an:u|m{ yr-:u` ll l~`.\'l-ININI 3, .\pr|l lwl, ul thvlr Hm [Ann HlnlK.7:.`M l'..\l. lmllullmr frmn H l'.\|. llll In l`.\l I I UUYUCK lILl IIlUI'I'UW ID UIIIID Ulla! rUUu]l- Tenders for erection of we dwellinuu on University avenue received by H. P. Smith, architect. up to noon Saturday. unm evening. -\ Annual meeting of young libeI%ia this evening at olabb o'clock. Ran nnr man unit: Rnhu-(lav. Dunlnn fnr UVIIIIHR BIZ Dlllll 0 IIIUUI. See our men suits Saturday. Dunlop for the top clothing mines. Mnnndninn nnrl {ruin Inlndn and drnuinnv, `Ill UUUIUTY IIMIUUIQ Dlhllrllly I0 I P In- Auction sale 0! canoe and row host; at ll o olock tomorrow uh Mills nloa roome. V'.....l....- tn- ......u.... -0 M..- .I.....n:...... llo Dnuy logo Book for WM; lemon 'I'o Pout Thonuolvou In Lsdioa musical club in Wnw hull Sutur- my -4 p. In. Kingston Lodge. No. 59. I 0.0.F., meet: this evening. \ Annual mnnna nl wnunn lihm-}ln thin cur nus ourl :70 PRINCESS 81'. IaaI `A01! H|0<`|K.7t-`I0 l'..\l. lhtllullm: fmm l'..\l.1llI In I`..\l. u . .u u. A gentlom-in who has 2,000 trees tapped in supplying us with the delicious product of the maple tree. 110 uses tbuavn- poraling a_w and the syrup is clean and pure. ll!-.961!-. on-I:-(>1-sou-s-:oi|:o I-ii` -- Q 3- ? l`\II\III\ II T HOHA5 H. JOHNS. and you will have mccon. Jerney (Imam is strictly n hiqhgrade powder and nevnr fails in making light sweet. wholesome Cakes and Pastry. I1.` Beat in Canada. Do you nlvmyn have success in Bak- ing`? If not. with next: ordor to your grocer order I tin of JERSEY CREAM BAKING POWDER on m"-sTna puma. --'vv:' V"V SPECIAL NOTICE I \nt_ nxu 'I"I!IV unr-nu. lrynu lot Hmn will prnvu :- Tlml our coal in I\l\\'nyu nu nmnl us llw In`.-at, nlwn_\-n Kenn, nlxvuyu lry uml unxlmu In luv hur m~|. ` Tlml you u`.\m_\'s not tlw rn<~k~Imn-nu urlm-.4. Thu! youulwnyu gut prumpluncl vureml (Iv- l|vo_ry. \\'l"l`0 nlwnya randy In pmw nll th--.u~ lhlllgs to _\'mn--now I.-4 n good llnn- In lmzln. HARDY & COv. are so much In ndvnnce of all previous models that they will be In [teller dcmand than over. '93 Model: now on ex- hlbitlon -they are benutlu. LOCAL MEMORANPA. KI NHRTON A`H'I.\"l`.~L T0 REN T. V'\.\'I"\ "A \|~vIvn- pol`-ml ` .v\prll Z wlu-rv 1 Sen}! for... Catalouzue. In 1,898 In I'.' uvnl-wk noun. I `lull. In HI-` omen` nl` Hm - |Il:|ll.-I and 2-p--v|llv:\I|nI1~ ~-at ur any nthm` h`lllII`l' um I. `.`m|. In II Tried By Time. Ir... ... Ina .... A In I ..u. N. u'('nNNnIl. N"I`I`|*l n r\' SYRUP PURE. In .1: "rmx mg` H` lhl.-< l"|{ll|.\\ -lhmmu tmluh-u v|i\r 1 TH F. SF.\'- Hu` n'nu-Hun Oun Ii. llovton and moth: have taken upti-odouonin the -Ionueoungg situated at :50 none at Alvhghn unto uni Udnohun ` A ` I , Auolborlulllulmd. : P.u.sn.~1\\x, A131! I -PtInMin 1:35-- 00: Fluody. Totomo. mod I largo nllvcis 5 sun in Iowuohnp ol Mums. I luv who hon but It in rumored that themll hu-been nmnmg lnr tho pun tuonly ycnnmduhntn nuilnv ol nocohmtho no-(Ibo:-boon! have Iunuppliod ma tho prod-ct. ` . luv. [0 (Huron " I Bnu.I.~r. Apnl I --The Gormnn union of tho Ucmambu can In which It up allggnd ; demands for dmnageo have been pme-ed upon Spain's n.I.enu in that. mme Cuban n-nuruIInI.~. dunnz the mnht of March ll ism. attacking`: Uermun Ielinery at Cana- da (Alon wr-rxon Cannunborn) buonlmu to {ho rm of Flnhu and Schmidt of Tnni- : dad. ptovincoolsantu Clu-I. I-Nod four per.-on; and wounded ton occuponu ol the nnuy. ~ THE DAILY BR;msHV WHIG. I: 70!`! IIUUIIIIIIR. ` l.I.\`rm..\', Neb.. April I -Hnn. W. J. 1 Brynn Iona night. made the foilmning mue- mom. to the uuo~tmn whether In hon judg. mcnt. the tune had nrnvoui for the United Sun: to inwrvono In behalf of Cuba and bting the war to An end 1 Yet. the tune 3 ( lot Intervention has unwed. Humamty demand: thnt. we shall not. Cuba" has - , almom. wnhun ought. 0! MN` phone and the J ' mlferlngn of her pooplo cannot be Ignnomd 3 1 ' unless we an I nuiun have become no em . ground in money making no to ho indner . am. to distract ' I D--u ..- A -._.| I TL- IV- 4.. _-_,: _,, Pl(`]0 `LIIBI WWI!" LU pl. lhzluax. Apnl l.--Hurmany hm enm- moncod diplomatic preeununono to Spun rvlabivo so the Cmnmbm cave. and the German cruu-er Uomr, on her way to Dghm. has been ordered to got ready to proceed In Cuba If uciufnccion I! not quick- ly Inn hcnminq. 1...... N-|. A...n 1 :1... Lu 1 WK UPHIIH IT ("ICU- BIk.\n.~~:n.\\I. April l.-K_vnoorh of this (my has unulerlak-m to deliver `.300 huge pmjewilee weekly to Spain. Hbtlnjv Annl l__l1uI-rnnnr Mun Anna. lrulu [HE gIHBI'.V } Spain`: oioial reply to pmaidonr Mn. Kin|oy e latch. demand in the Cuban aib union was received In Washington lun mum. An anxious pxrny. cnumrismg munr. of the cubmeb and several close friends of tho udmininuratiun. waited ull late in the evening In eipectntion nf, developments. About. half put. ten the message began to come m clphor and the work of translation mun begun at onco. Rluulv.-:n|\u Anrill ._Kx-nnnnh nl thin UHCU. [IL Hill: 4| UUFL I "Stop and rolluct, a nunuto," .\[r. John- aton and he had been accused of speaking for the president: This he denied mu! continued : "He has by his personal art and by hi: mmltel patrincinu won the rouppch ofthe penple, north, south. east. nnd west, without. regard `.0 puny nee. Shame on the man on the o.her side of this chamber who dares to make party capital out of this matter. Mr. Johnston and this govommenc hud boner allow the Cubans topauy $`. ll0,0U0,1|1N) to acquire their independence that une dropof American blood nball be unnecessarily shed. (An plnuse from the repubncan nude and hm-ca lromtho gnllery ) Rnnizfa nmninl ronlv In nu-nirlnnr \ln "1 wall not criticise and lnlluencc, mone tary or otherwire, that which mun memo for peace. I any again If the president. has grant. an ultimatum to Spain it mean: war. You tell nor to get out: you will make war: you excite Spmiwh pruda. ' You lom-0 Sagzu-la In ll condition that ho is not able to complete negotiuuomm You Wlll shed Alnortczm blood. You will expand mi|l oi tremnum in cmluevmg Cuban mdepoml- once. AL what ll cost ? Ills ... ......I ....H ...L .. ._. _..A_ '7 \l- '.L.. OI lllu OFPUIH. ' I would go to war only aenloab re- sort. [would nob sacrice prec-our Am erlcon blood except. out quarrel should be ojuet. one and the first gun would bring ow-ry American cirxzen to the auppurs of tone c(mnn'y'n- (lug. than in would carry Wlvh in the moral support: of tho 0l\'lll7.Bd world. and he who bolnevod limb the moral uuppv-rt of the world in to be ignored in a cnnllsct between two great. na~ hour uu1\'erti-on him-olf Lo humnnit._v an the man who known nothing of mono mtlu` encos which in a time of national cor-ll-ct. tend toward peace and toward ultimate victory. "I wall nnf. rwilininn and innnnnn nwnnn | IIU HUD FIUF LU UIIIU. I um nppo:-ed to war; war with its du- \'a-mulling cunt-eqmlnceu, war whvch In \'u|\'0.< N van \.'Xp8lI(l|| um of public mom-_v, whluhv invnlven hurdz-Im of c-xulmn H) be punt by tho ponplu, wlnoh Involxos the in- -umg of pupal` nl0m.~_\. whtch Involvw n ptrlud ul~w1lI spcculalitm: war which." whvlo ltullmda uppurlumnua for exalted p.llll0lll-|l!J and llemw vlemnon to the Hm. ..t, the urne Limo npeua up an opportunity lur Iho cunnnnult who .vul~\avr preys up-In tho Vitals of Lhe yzuvulumenb and aoelm to lake advantage of its necessity. I am opposed Ln man condition of ulhira Inch would lake away we tlawor ol the American people. which would pub women no the garments of mourning and which would bring to our unwilling ears the VOICO of tho orphan. I wnnld an Inn wnr nnlv nnnlmlh ra- UIIVIUU Dltlx HHUUHI IIUII ll" GU. WA5l|lht;1'I)N, April l.--ln sharp unn- trmgn vuth the rennuku of counter Allan were Lhoee of reprueututnve John:-nu. Inttmnn, who. after In-temng tun ' (`unbu- uhall be-free-In-any-emu p-peach from re pveaenutttve Lewn-, Wat-htngtml. maden e-peoch whwh. whnlo In men with dz:-up provnl fvum the galleries. was Izstened L0 intently. I lnwo realized {mm the atnrt," mid he, "the danger to the country winch the hot, heudodno-I-1 of those men who never smpto tcllecc would precipitate un. My vote has been and Ill in for peace Whether proper or not. I do not cert-; l tiu not stop to CMO. I um annmnmrl tn \.ttu- war with its div. lye In lcrongly Opposed To shedding lllood ` ` Except. In A Hlluornlilo and Nnoonnry 0nuIo-'l`ho Upnluir II llhmirl Ily Tho ' Gallery And Anpl-Iudod y Ihapulillmuiu -spun : luiply elng 'l'nmi|ntad-'l`wo Hundred [lingo l ro,|ootllu Woolly For Npuln. `_ Nnw Yoim. April l.-A llpncinl deer patch lroin Washington to the Wuild, aimed `2a.m.. gives the following outline of Bpmn a reply to the now presented by mlmaber Wuodford: Bpninnemher n000d88 to nor declines president; Mcli-nley a pro- poalcioiia. She makes who counter aigu~ uienb Llinb Spain should hontelf be allowed to propoe-e terms as to wlinbabould be done regarding her own territory: that ` the United Stiaten should nob do so." \XIlun.........\- .\.....l| I In n|\nIIr\ nlnn CBMEEHD. Inn AVlEE_lS__REllUlREll.] REPRESENTATIVE LEWIS PLEAD8 FOR PEACE. lSPlN S IINSWER Mxi She Can Attend To tr Own Affairs. KINGSTON. ONTARK). FRIDAY , APRIL 1, 1898. UIVIIIUH. The roproeenhtivat of the tobacco crow on at I-I-4-ex c may wnizod on Sal` Henri ` Joly. mmmorof In`-md mvonnc and Mr. F:-her. minister of agriculture. uni laid I hoforolhem than new ,1-wgnrding um? ` l nnd'inkud revenue ralatiom. E n B l IRISH. Clix A Wouuclhtmp unusually pond vnhoo '3-==utnquI|ngIuunurh`nd ' For M: I lb. woenngin you unplcndid blond nf block NI Ont Bncluoh bnnlhtl us at -we par ID has no oqul in this city. llolhn BNI. II`; g._-$-._.. .._..._.II.. ___A _,n.._- pihl hm-nun nonu-0. - Cm.rvuu's. Ohxo. April I --By 3 MN 0! ` oigzhtnn to eighteen tho Innate gosurdny dolunud the Sullivan bill. nholishing upc- hl puuvehnont. .__..>_._ , IIIQ DIIIIQ VIII I0! mcolnpotou Olld sppecranua in gmlgod than the bu}: dned from oxpooun but 1 for (hp ago. Coroner Bldnd 0 has been noti- Iiod and will daubthn tn inqutk /may & co}