PEREONAL MENTION. .:jj.____j__ line from Cuba. ."Foloy. Wonbpnrb. WA: in bho lav. 5:. n. a PMS! 'llelIno'nnnl can no can run mu. 1| _yuu lwlunu uuulu! urlurt WU OIII yllll CID PYOCUIO mam Iron) 1'`. U. MIIODIII, Umml, 1" KHHOQCU 53300`. who will also give you full information concerning the system and pay you 83 coal: whon you rotnrn hm the book filled with coupons. So don't. forget to ask for Cash Coupons. to they cost you notlzing. save you money, nnd keeps you out of debt. Following are merolmnta who handle than : l . During this month we intend cslliug upon the people of this city for the second time to present to them our Cssh Ooupon System. _ If eny person has not yet received one of our Coupon Books we shell be pleased to supply you with one Fri: end explain to you how you can ectuslly one three per cent. on sll oesh purcheses by dealing with the mtrohsnte whose names eppesr lbelow. To those who are using the Coupon Books we shell be glad to find thst you ere repidly lling them end we shell oonstantly keep you informed of en new marehents whom we run from time to time odd to our lists. _If you require books before we e 1 you no procure them from E. C. Mitchell. Dmggist, 184 Princess Street. W1 I130 EIVO YOU inlnrmnlion nonnnrnina tho nwntnm Ash} nn` urns R I am-In nlsnn inn pnhepn Inna eI.. L....|. Are you Collecting Them"? u. u. vuugunu -nu rnnoou HINGE. DRYO00 8 AND IIILLINERY. HARDY J: C0.. l Prinouu Shoot. _~ CBUIILEY BROSJ. Comer Prindeahnd Bcpt 8 CLOTHING. GRAND Umori cnornmo 001 m Prinauh duo! usnrr-s 1-`umusamoa 3. P. Jsnxms. in Wellington emu. . V \ uuulurllll nun nuno nnuo nu appurod : 28; . times in New York oiby. 261 bimea in Brooklyn. 46 times in Philndolpblu. 37 times in Boston. City hull. Tuesday. April 1201:. Admin- eion. 25; rozorvod, 50. Plan :0 Uglowac Co. Ivory Pound in Undor7G7ovoi;nx;:entInop`oot1on Botofo Leaving the lalsnd. Salad Lend Packets Only. By Grooora Everywhere. 250. 800.3400. 600.600 J. Willium Mac . New York : (norm humoriah and buffo uuo hu nppurod New York nihv. 1- Va IJTJCILI I . DIITIUI Dql|Il'I- J. HALLIGAN .x- 00.. Brock sum. G. H. WILIJAIS. GM Prinoou Street. A. Do, Boot. Como: Barrio-and Yotk SIIOOII. * BUTCIIEBB. ` wannmcrron mma. King St. lune Bquuo. JAHE3 BLAKEY. 284 Pnnoou Strut. JAMES SCBUTON. Corner llonlnal nnd Ohulu Sh. ANDERSON BROS . 810 Division Street. JAMES llcCULI . Manual And Bay Shouts. 0. H: W'I\[';LllA1N 404 Prinooll Shoot. ,, , nn u Ann nnntnnnu uuuulu UK In wncouoo. And In 1213 royal any the grout king wnl hurled. but. tho exact spot is undIIoovor- ablo. Tho tomb was moved under Ed- ward tho Elder from the old mlnnterto ` the now. because the canons complained that his about walked and gave them no peace. ' . -u. nluuuln, muruur unuun IIJII Ul\'lIl0n BB. K. Bnocx uls:m;m'1'H.ssa Johnston Street. W. H. KEENE. Cor. Bydonlnm and Ordunoo Sh. HRS. NESBITT. Cornet Dune and Willilln Bu. . J.LEAIlY. Mario! Square. i>lAl.l.lnAN .c- my n......|. m....s I yru\'mIIl'lIn ()1 ms ]l8()[lllI. Wlnuhosu-r mm proudly clnlm to he tho blrthpluoe of ltingllsh lltoroturo. on Alfred wns lt.a foundor. It wns for tho pouplo that Alfrud wroto. nnd It. wuu tholouxlguuge thntwo own that unique posuonulon, tho Engllsh ohronlulo, tho hlstory of tho man the chronlolo was probably oompllud hy t. klnu, wlth the holy of tho brethren ol` t. lthuu. and coplus woro sent to the monks no Chrlstohuroh, Canterbury and to tho Sorlptorlum at l ct.erborough, nnd thoro tho moon] won coutlnuod, handlng down the Eugllsh lungungo through the troubled tlmou of the Norman conquest. blll 1154. when It oloaus abruptly In the middle of A sentence. And In lulu I\4\Ivn` ..lA.. s|.- _.._-A I--~ of pho puoplo thnt. ho used. nml lt. Is to hlm u from tho ourllusb times. The oorly port of ' u. n. nunlnnn. III rnuooll D|l'I!|- H. SHARPE. 628 `Princess Street . ; E. W. MULLIN. Corner Williun Ind Division Sta. ,1 nDn1u.' ulnn.-nlmu nun l-L__A-_ n.__-. GROCERIES. JAMES MCCULLA. Comer Manual and BI] SI-I. ANDERSON BROS . 2l0 Division Street. E. F. SEARS. Corner Montreal and Charla 888. E. F. SEARS. (fornor Gordon And Johnston Btu. N. E. RUNIANS. 949 Princess Silt. I1 oununu nnn.n_:___-._ n..__-. MA YOII OF WINCH ESTEI though often doiuuted. he never `tout heart. At lust, viotury orownod his` oi1'orts und in 873 the trunty of Wmlmom confvrrod some years of puuno and rust. on tho exhausted country. By thut. treaty England was di- vided into two pun-ta. Alfred romining the country mouth of Wntlimc areas. of which \Vim`.iwntur was the natural cupiml. Thorn, in the fortress pnlncuof Wolvoaey, he spent _ the most. pom-uful yours of hinroign, duvot.~ inn himauif to the mlvunoumonb and im- provonumt. of his peopln. Wlnuhnnu-r nun m-nnrllv nlnhn 4.. 1.- u.- uulmrvu name 01' Alfred. 'l'ho m. years of Alfred : I-clan were yours of storm and urea. years when he saw his kingdom desolntod by tho rutnleu nrmloa of the Danes. years of a dospomte struggle for lndependunoc, In which, IHWTGIB. A movomoni: with this object in viow but already been not on root in Winchester and hat received the cordial sup rt of the bishop. the dean and chapter, t 0 college and the corporation. The can has been- wnrmly taken up by the mayor, Mr. Bow- km-, and it may pgrhupu be regarded u I good augury that, though hin prodooeuora ` in the mayoral dignity number 713, he himself is the am who bu our born: the honored name of Alfred. 'l`hn u-qr. pm... ..a nu--.u_ --|_- _..-__ -.-;-u In uw uucurll Guy IO IIIIG IIO llomory at the Grant I13; It In October, 1901, England In not hul- lly changed In a wit, the thousandth In- nlvoml of the death of Alfred tho Grout wlll holzttlnuly oolohrntod. It thla comes to pun. on already arranged, tho city of Wlnnhoator. the oapltnl of Alfred : llttlo lnlngdomnnd the place where he passed the mount of III: llfo. wlll ho tho center of Interest. A --u.n......_L __.n.n_ 4: n, I -- I Inn: ol the lodurn city to loner 050 Human cut ting llung nu--. ALFRED or vwncusran. -vunuuu -run: uuvuv. ui;nc1'unu:s'AND rwrunn manna. A. D. WEI-`.88 5 00.. an mm Shut % IL OBLKE. 100 Brook Shut . Buyers and Merchants Bcnct Assqciatlon. D Umox c1I6i`1iiiz'Ei 5611:: Prinoouv ` -cm: nNxms.1-uwonsngaou _ ,OllpOl`l-99 Coupons. l The Blqcksjone 0igar_Factory, J Znjj T j: See that each Cigar has a Red Ribbon in the end printed BLACKSTONE" on it. None genuine with- out thie trade mark. J. MCPar|and, Nearest Agencies-D. W. DOWN EY. Brockville, ; THE KENNEDY CO, Limited,Monlroll. ;' FORMERLY RICHMOND a CO. H8 and I20 Prlncoga St:-ee t. BLAGKSTUNE CIGAR, Alf not, Now is the Time to Begin. The [39:21 on t|-1e:-3 Market. MONTREAL. 1' . nunvovuruur (nun? IIII DIITD DI BOOTS AND 811038. A. ABEBN-ETHY. I17 Primal Stud. H. JENNINGS. 856 King` Stud. N. E. RUNIANS. MI Prino Blunt. -v.u:u-npu-n-.-. Ado-5 on-.4-._-. --. UA-.I`AD l|UyUIJ.IJlIp DIIIIITTI SIX DI, , Jnwnnnar. r. W. corrns. nae Primal sumo. numm nn. w. A. u1' ma 9': Primal: sums. LAUNDRY. n. F. F. nomm, we Wellington emu. camnsrs. E. c. urrcnznn. 1a4.mmu Street. , 1-`. Il0AG.Oorncr Pcineun ml Benin Bunch. Dnnmn Ann urn-nun ---MANUFACTURED BY-- unnuu uusvn uuuxuuvu UU.. III KTIIIXI PHOTOGRAPHER. A. D. WEESE & 00.. 181 Princess Strut. OYSTEBS. FRUIT AND DISH. E. P. WALKER. 274 Princess BI-root. W. H PRI'I`CHABD.68 Prineul Stunt. E. F. SEARS. Montreal and Olutll Blnltl. H. SHARPBJIO Prinoou BBKQL JAMES Mo0ULLA. Manual and Buy Shula. JnwIn.t.Imv. (}EN'I"S FURNISHINGS. GRAND UNION CLOTHING 00.. I82 Ptinoou St. . MERCHANT TAILORB. THOS. LAMBERT. 157 Princess Street. GRAND UNION CLOTHING 00.. J28 Prinooll St. IWIIOTIIIID A DDIPD oooodooros u:- ' No,t Like Cinijrlaazg L A -IIIIIBIIE `Fl-III! Alva A lll!lAn-I-up Ql'ILll\ ~-- IIll\ `Distributing Agent for Kingston. .oupons. We Took Chances TQEYLON TEA barpct Clcancrsll mmuu rpper xmrnnco or (`omwnll (`anal Intl Rh-or Rcq-hen." will he rnolvedu this of- countll IO cfolock on EATKTIIDAY. the am day 0! .\pr1l.lzi\mrlbe wocknoonueclcd with the vldenlnguuughunl and the the l'rr|:r Entrance ot Ihonsornwull r lhu.-has bow-wen Corlwull nntlcxr Imnlandlng. `nun und:mnu-aumunof the vorlmn he Inn onmd unlsthdnyor I IS: \honaIe0oho cmerxuganm ol ` henn- Iuom ofllnll vs outrun Otlnvguml at tho not`: now: Pdntrdhnnn of macho In obtains-1 It Inc photo annual In Ihonnollrlun then mu-I bonlturhul to an hula: an anal uiguunru orlho mu Imnmthr nature onto oecupnuon and runs- Ocoooolcuohmomhtrotlhounmqaud {tuber guuudunlanu In the sun or An, -::- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, EAI.RD1'!2NDr: .-g... S slgnvd IMn| M4 .|gr"l':;xumk" menu-1 l'nnnr l`no-......_ ...~ n_.___. . .. 9.9,,` '. comm. n an HIV? mom] T Alonndcr Finhor and J. Middleton, ol|ogatod by tho Oddlollowl oi that town. Inn in we cit yutorduy making arrangements for th t third un- nul ucnnion to Kingston and the Thou- sand hlanduon Dominion dn . TIM chur- hnd the runner Hero. defection and van-no Kl don umaq. %Gd.|OlII(0 - cal ofdo anon, Jubilee Minn a. `faulty arming next. pun nuguuu was Bill Inoocripuonn no not any in ngnlnrly. Plano Iind oocloud jho dolls: to pay mine. mun mu _we Ill owe e green deel no the Feel. The eeoond uxeker eeid he hearti- _Y concurred with e pnvioue apeeher. ` eepeciell{ ehoee of ne who owe our aub- eoripbione. In nine oeue out of can in ie pure neglect the the eubecripuone eene nnlu-Iv. Plan. and .....n.....: ._-.:.,..`,-.,,A,, V own A (Iron Dal To `the Prcu. ornuu-um. _, W. B. Wynn. Kiugulaon. wr$u:-Al: 1 uocioby hnqut. I Atundod lately an inci- dent oocurrod which pub; would In I good reminder for others 0 your calamari!)- cn bonidoo In all. The Inn noun on the Iinh Inn The {H-cu. und in reeponoo the Brit Ipukor aid In t.h6 oonno of his - ro- muh shut in all deal tho pun. muku said 1.. 5.... nu-uuu um I puuruuoo is null) or A person onjoying goocrhulnh. Mn. Smpoon in a lull aunb of Robert On-roll. thin city. being I meet 0! hi: Inohhor. l|UlBW|\ I"l \`(` l`l`t`HK At 47 Arthur abreeb. hhellhonne of Mrs. Jums Brown, resides that lady's mother, Mrs. Mary Slmpson. 105 roan old. Mrs. Simpson was born in 1793 in Ballymony, Irslnnd. She came wish her husband, baby and three brothera in 1814 to Cana- da.xn the aalllng ship Rob Roy. The parsy made lss way through when is now Ottawa ooGoulhourne. near Ashton, where they commenced farming. The also 0! what la now Obtaws wae then bush and the only buildings were two shantiee Filly yeara ago her husband died. leaving her with eleven children, the youn ssh be- ing elx years old. She continued arming until ten yeare ago. when she came at her daughhee wish to live under` bhe labber a root. Mrs. Simpson has been a me- long toehohaller and Presbyterian. Her sister die}! an the age of 104. She has grandchildren and great-grandchildren all over the oonhlneno. She enjoys all her faoulbles. her memory is still good. her manner and a paarsfnoe ls than of A en{:_ying g healnh. PI , Qnmnmn in . 'n" ......a ..s n-L-._. (mawa Prm l`n-us. A! A7 A-sh... gm In. In: Innpoolro 0|-on Ago And Good Iomory. l')hl.nwn I4`:-an hr.-an rive oven THE cam unv. mudmnlnr an oran- Thin unvuingnolionnulot iii mo. 1 now Ink."'l'b8ouuol Outing nLivin." wlnndullnnovdhinhonlhnunol nits Thnqyuulucunluuotonw allow Ya-llutnul thfcud. Portu- ddylolullhbnvvuttlun. Think IuIu&.nIlIbpI&oout.lud in lhnilnvinldlunlhohlluloptul on iulhdqlhlhoqlts "Inhll|ry." nyoIr.0ap."in|linvotI,Iopu\h ehnru_nIIy&nUcluI|bnaiapt`nci~ pbclpolitiulcunony. Thphu I woullhlobnooliuotnhuelmwbo tbiblbbiohlhv. ht nlhc Ihldoguibvhpcinhcno vhiby hjbbbun. loin-lunatic; oI&|&bhbvnI Incl r-w--v uuvuuno Hoary Goorgo did not otiginoto mony ol use thootioo with which bio nuno io oun- oootod. Political ooonomy oxiotod In tho Ioog vooro bofoto ho booouo o otndont o! it. But no non boo givon to tho oubjoct tho loooinotion with `which ho wroto shoot it. Tho hiooory ot bio only otnggloo. Ilio oonlioto nod Ilia oonqnooto, nut bo ondol-otood in onion` to opptooioto bio no- oou no on outhor. Hio "Progrooo ond Pvvcty woo o rovolotloo in noon. on on- loklingininow and ottnotivo way of o oonplox oobjoot. That it io otill in do- nond. toot nino thonoood oopioool it won oold in tho United Stotoo doting A month rooootly. "noiootly ottooto." oo ooo ultiopohit. tho populority of thodo~ oouod potlioiot." ` Bot Booty Goorgodi not Iootootiood 331 KL Ag-In .215. R. -..;L___Ly, no '1' ` ' V `WUBRB 'mpv.eIv_e.A HEART)! sewn-arr T0, Aqnr ow AM. :1.` 1 ;\.j:-.- ;`_..... .:.__ . nice to tho uontiuonb um llonry (loome- inn wan dad. or nthor hho polmcsl opin- ion: And poliuoahoconamy to which he pvt upnnlon. Ah ones. in Chicago. oonolour thonund men pub thunulvu upon n saying that the tingle bu `Ides. on in maria, III bound to grow in public tnvour. E ...._ n..___ .I.-.I 4.. _ u - vu -n-u nu unuuuua-Il'Il@h The louon from his 0500 in him a uhooo- ing with fatal results cannot: In jnnillod. Tho luv, and than who ndminiator in. will can out of the bullies. of bhooo whd will about their follow: unlnirly or jllognlly, and without the aid of the rovolvor. The more emphatic um point can he dude the 5455:; ug-an -unuvun-so-Jo `Emereon wae pub under arreeb, and. be- fore bhe coroner`: jury. evidence wae given which went to ehow aim he had acted in Ieli-defence. With him etood a wife and child. whoee didtreee appealed to all who saw bheln. The man had a grievance. He had earned wage: he could non area. and he took a rneane oi forcing their peylncno. He wae aeeaulted and he had a provoca- tion. Had he a right: to me a revolver. even in rel!-defence? ' In in not lawlul to carry firearm: in this county or in the United Bnabee. They may be kept in the done, for in protection again incrueion. but beyond that one has no use for hhem. Emereon`s mistake was in having in hie packet a revolver. Ho in impuleire. and when brutally aeeaulted by a etronger man. reeorted to in. and oaueed a death before he had "time to think. The coroner e jury acquitted him. bub heip now on trial for manelaughter. TL- I..-.._ 1...... L2- -__- 2- .L,. , J Mr. Emer9on. en eotor, end depending upon hie wager for hie living. end in need of money. declined jut before the eurtein went up to enter upon the etege. He eo- queinted the meneger, Mr. Tuttle. with hle_ poeition. He eweited reeulte end they come quielily. Tnttle. en ethletie men. end engry. eoooeted him on the etege. re- fused to pey him. end struck him in the hoe. cutting him eeverely. Emereon. who carried e rebolver. pulled it end red upon Tuttle. The bell entered the left eye. penetreied the brein. end produced deeth immediefely. I'a`._---A.. ....-- _..L .._.IA_ -.._-,A I I nanavvnlnixl QVUA VUNULLDLEIJIJIUQ Thejury in the London shooting can rendered the verdict thntzuho circumstances loomed to juntify in, bubib is a verdict than some paople will be euro M` mieundor- ntnnd. __ IX --vuwvu rnvlvulllvp Ind, IIU IJUIIIIIIII Ill. The 0.P.R. eonhreob wee not beeed on bbeloweeb oer eo bhe time. and in wee jueb like the Yukon oonbreou. except that bhere wee not me much urgency About the once: eboub the other. And the eemte did not see eny "deal" or eteal about the C.P.R scheme. end did nob queebion it. Hod the Yukon railway been projeoc- ed by I oomerveoive government the sen- et in elLprobebilit.y. would not have seen an thing wrong about in. nvn ---uvv; e Hod the senate been llberel. end hed it talked of rejecting the C.P.R. oontrnoo be- fore the bill reached lb. bhue ehowlng the prejudice that ectuehed lee mernbere. eo, John Meodoneld might: not hove gone to the people. He wee nob e No eager for elecuone except: when they could not be helped. He went: to the people e couple of time: premeturely, in order to secure Ifnep verdlcbe, end he got: there. But: then wee not on evidence that he won greatly in love with public opinion. and, on the mereeb pretence. ready to coneult. lb. VPLAIVDD -.._A..-_L _.-_ _-A L---J -A unvwu vuw But the olroomounou on not the cum. Sir John Mnodonnld Ind A majority In the home, and 3 conurvntivo majority nu never known to omit the will of the party leader on any sooouno. Bit John hod also 3 ninjorivoy In the note. The men who commuted In owed their appointment: to him. They would nob think of offending or ghting him. All any nu bhoy did not do it, and no you the old mun no onuu for anxiety. II-) AL. .....A.. L--- n|____| _A .1 l , ; 1. V - . AFPEALING TOIIHE PEOPLE. Tbooll lo ponudod to ooy thot"If tho Yukon dool woo tho groot notunl project It lo roprooontod to ho tho govomtnont would go to tho country and got {or it tho ondogoonont of tho pooplo. Thot wu tho guru Sir John Moodonold woo propuod porouo bod tho 0 RR. cont:-not boon `brown out." SHOOTING NOT JUSTIFIABLE. HIL- _-,._ `TI-IEA, DAILY WHIG. GEORGES LAST BOOK. ..-;___ - _ 1-an ,mn.y wme, SATURDAY. mm 9. 1995. mmoesnou and coNsIjI_m'_I1oN. 'PlA.\png-s-J... .._.._--_ _ . inns we unmet \ nclonnn. They loll Dawson on Dinah uh. and undo the tripin Ivon- Iy-tvo dayr. The nporl than judge Io- Guinhndnnchod vuonnndhndopunod cont. Ednrd Lord, the man who nob 890.000 (tom 5 nloon Inc (all was un- toneod Iobvo hyoun at hurdsgw r. Vihiuinn tong 0850900 in (ma Ttudwdl nino. -Inn Ioouln lama; noun. , SB.\1',l'l.I. Wash. April 9.--J. 0. Court.- my and D. A Campbell of chic city nrriv. `Gd 50"` '70`! "Inch Citv Inl owning on use manor \ .ouomn. `mm M. 0...... 30'` `Wm "C7000 Citv Iulovoning ' tho shun Vncuorinn. y loll Dunon duh. and mun. tho u-ma. ......_ nun u-om uuoa. They will remain until the bonninetion of the Speuieh-Amerieen lronblee. Mr. Cuddihy repoth the ex- citement in Cubnu my intenee when he left the Cuban cepitol e few days ego. Tho dominion pilotego communion; com- Weod ol judge Leverqno. commander ekohem end major Gonrdeeu. deputy mininet of amine. In in neeoion hen. Tho ergumenu of counsel npceeenting the her- bor boerd. the merino undtarwrihere end the Ihiwing iutereete are being delivered. llUI'I I I'0I VIZ. M0.\'1`lLlAl., Qua. April 9.-H. K. J. Ouddlhy. family and mother have arrived ban from Cuba. They will tannin until UCEHIIHOII of hhn QnAl|iIh.AInAn-{nan I50 OHIO`- Rev. Dr. R. S. MacArthur. of Calvary Baptiet church. New York. Inn : "Ia ghee me much pleasure to eey thet J. Wil- l emu Macy hee lreqnently enterteined de- lighted endienoee in the chapel oi the Cal- vu church. He knows how to he witty wit out bein coime; how to be immcneely nmneing whi 0 he never violetee the pro: prletiee ol the lnoe end never forget: the dignity which becomes A gentleman." City hell. Tn edey. April 12th. Admieeion. 25; reeerved. 600. Plan at Uglow & Co e. 01 FIN!- J. A. McDowell. brother of R. J. Mc- Dowell and Mn. N. C. Poleon. in lo the city renewing I ueinoanoee. He in A lawyer in senile. e studied in A King- nbon office. I)... h- D :1 |n,_A,.L,,, -2 rc- Iuuupwu u pouulon In I umon sno . Alexander MoCubor. I ngoreoll. formerly of Kingston. utu-be Ibouu April Him for Brieilh Columbia. where he goon no man: par for the Yukon gold mining compmy. of Paris. `I A |l_l'\-._-n L,,,.n ,, p n u .- munou I Ioiouoo In woo: urn ununo. John Rin wood. ciparmnker. lab you tordny for V nceruown. N Y.. where he has nooqotcd 3 poaicion in union shay. Aloxnnrlnr Mnnyur In...-..ll .u.......-I.. nnu oxponouooa uonol man. Edward Mndignn. of the township of Camden. in bho petitioner in the proton agninno the return of Jsmoo Reid. I1:-,1` n Qmm. .4...n.... -0 n......-- | oromor on Mrs. unermnn. The Gnmnoque Inn bu boon loued by A L. Fuller. Burlington. vs, I capable nnd experienced babel Edward Mnfliugn nf ILA ln-n.|\n nl` ugunuu we return or Jsmoo Reid. 11:. T. G. Smith, neorobnry of Queen`: college. room-nod home yostordn after a month : nbnonoo in not Ontu` o. Jnhn RinnD-nnal ..:..--...-|.-.. 1-9.. _.-_ R. HOINMII, I .-\., Qunh, marrow in Nam... I... noma mr mantel` nonaoyu. Mr. Gordon. Athens, was I visitor with J. A. Sherman, University avonuo. He in I brother of Mn. Shormnn. 'N.. n.............. I..- A.-- L--- u-__-,a L.. UUIUTU YDYIUTHIHI nomo. Mia Eio Robertson. Sydonhun nut, obudcnn an cholndiefcollogo. W y. is home for Easter holidoyu. Ml`. Garden. Athnnm um: A vlnifnr mill: LII] [Of 000 DOUGH]!- Mxa. R. Dwok. Brock street. in vinicing friend: in Toronto and will viaib HuT1`t 1:: before returning home. on: Rmn ALA-tuna H-uI-_L-_. An.-A vme no xunguwn. L Min Annie Howton, Alfrod otroen. nbudfing in Toronto, arrived home yum`- day or the holidays. Mn. R. Danni: Hrnrlr nbrngf in n:..'H....i I Lu Fpenn uarer ` Mn (Dr )~Boloh. who has gone home to Syracuse, wamvieibing her parents. Mr. and Mrs James Reid. I D uv..:..|.. :.. Al... |::. :--.._,_-- L- lfl UIIIIOB IVOIG. J. R VVrightz, in the life insurance busi- nou. has removed his family from Brock-_ ville so Kinguton. 1 Min Armin ll.-om. Alb-AA ......... nondaya. R Douglas. of Robertson's wholesale grocery store, is enjoying Enter holiduya in Toronto. I 'l`|.- u:.--- ll-_._:- _..; m__,|_x- Iv n III LUTUHIUI The Mime Maggie and Frankie K-ally. Bay moon. Iolt. for Toronto on Thuradn to npend Enwer " Mn tn. \.n.m. ...L.. n... ........ l.......- .- l DDIIUVIIlB- Dr. G. Mylh. house surgeon Ah the general hoepitahia conned to his bed with bont-ilitia. u:--t: ID 1---- n,-_.-_,_ _.,,_. - -. DUIIIIIIWH. Miss E W. Jones, Frontenac shrub. left: for Toronbo Thureday night: for the Enter holidays. I) \-....l.- -1` D..I.-_;--..I_ .._L_I_ I DIIIIIIOUE. F. Osborne. Wanna`; phobogrsphic gul- lory, spent Good Friday as is bomo in Belleville. n. n u..n.- 1.-..-- _..----- A -- HINDI. A. G. Byers. Chicago, mmulaoourer of {Arming implemeuca, in in the city on buninou. II` !\.|....... II7,.-__l, ,,L_._,,, n - UH HQ. Dr. W. G. Linduy, Stirling, Onb.. in Among the guuota at the British American hotel. A I} D"... !`1L.'-_..- _..__l,AA- - uuuuuu. II we guano 0| .1. 11. fl on. Mr. and Mn. T. S. Clnrk, 'ingIton, spend the Easter holidays in Belleville. A E. Dean has resigned from bhe in- ahruocorahip 0! Huh 1 . W.O nm bugle band. vtul III me any yeueruay. D McLeod. Gmanoque. spent yeuterdny in the city with his-pnrcntr. Mrs. Willinm Elliotb, Kingston. in the guest: of Mrs. Brown. Bellevillo. D. Anderson. of Anderson. Nixon & Co.. Montreal. is in the city on buulnou. H AlhWOI"'ah. 0` Mm hank nf Mnnfrnnl monvraul. II In me clay nuunou. H. Aahworth. of M10 bank of Montreal, London. in the guano of J. H. Pi Mr. And Mn. '1` H mun. ':.......... IUFIIOCC I\.. ` CID] [III I IBW UIYI. John Mills, of the ngriculburnl collage, Guelph, in in the city. E. Auelntino. Mnnh-n-I. In uhiol..- H. uuelpu, I! In one city. E. Auelctino. Montreal. is whiting his parent: at Garden Island. W. A. Mccrthy. coal dealer, Oswogo. was in the city yesterday. I) McLeod. n.Annnnnum mun]-. `maim-A.-. On the weather being all right for Easter and have prepared a big stock of Trimmed Millinery for those who have waited to see what the weather would be like. You can select just the right thing, ndjust your idea and have it for to-morrow. Not every store is ready for a rush. It's the kind of trade we cater for. Ample stocks at all times and always ready for the unusual. If in a hurry come to us. No need to make it do. You nd the right things. How about a wrap, Cape or . lacket, Se arate Skirt, Tailor-made Su`its or Shirt I Waists ? hey are here in full assortment. . Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Sashes, Ties, Hand- 1 kerchiefs, Etc., for ladies wear. ' .Gloves, Hosiery, Ties, Shirts for Men's Wear. Shirt Waist Sets, Belts, Hair Pins, Back Combs, Stick Pins. Special line Parasols, 75c, $x, $I.25. Open to-night till 10 p m. ur. u. u. noisy. VV|EDp)l`|1. Wu In bho oibyuterdny. ra. John Shermnn, Tamworth. in n vimor In the alt . . Thomas W. aaey, Nnpnnoo, is in the city for I luv day. John Mill]. nl MIA nnrinnlturnl amlln..- nun mguu. M"'- F- 3' Y`PPa HImm0n. in a visitor in Kingston. 11. 1'1 (1 171-]-.. n7-.L_._; ._, evening. in \?\.$3)n!'2.vfllly, Toronbo, Ipenb yolbordny B. W. Folger returned from Toronto lub night. Mn. F. H. Vnnn. Wnmiltnn I. . ..:.n..- .II.lIllII'- T. A. Murphy leave: {qr Montrqal gm. evening. I f\'R,AlIy 'l`.u-nah. -n4..L _--L-_jA,, FUW. Min J. Lovick. Ottawa, in at home for Enter. or A \A.....I... I--.._- 1.. In__.,,, . .. . -u-vu-... ., an Inn: nu-uvu. ;;his book is now publilhod, nod it up- puu N: be the moat complete text book in political economy that but yet been In- Inod. It in not no oontrovcrclcl an lovcrnl others of Mr. George's, but it than It giv- ing the rude:-light into political economy, as it bu lnllon to Mr. Gaorgo. 3nd in in written in language no clear, to tone. co concise as to be intelligible to every ong. Iovomontn of the P009]: - I); ma, An lining And Don; I]... (`nil-n ulna. 4.. D-...L..-|.- L- nrgrbhn to Accept no Intomont that ho himull an doubb. And to adopt no oonolu. nion nnmtd by hi: on mun. IIILI- I.....L I- _-._ _ LI3-I.-.I __.I 1. Mrs. Callas sing: in Pembroke to-mow I13. ! Star_*_[& 8 utcl i e,