Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1898, p. 4

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Taylor &Go. Bankrupt Stock 1|`- M_I!ah2nt 9.- KIIu\oI_ _'}..T.o:.}' " " ' ' 0II'II'.II'C&K ' T Lodklg J. McP'ar|and, BLAUKSTUNE CIGAR, " r.g'ypunn uream no on receipt ofa 3c. stamp. cue, will take this great remedy and derive .1 like benet." Mill5urn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure Palpitatinn, Dizziness. Faint Spells, Smotherin Sensations, Nervousncss, Sleeplessncss, /\n;1('min, Dyspepsia, Female Troubles, cakness, General Debility, Alter Effects of La (irippc. etc. Price soc. a box. or 3 for $1.15, at all dealers, or sent by mail on receipt of price, 1`. MILIURN la Co.. Toronto, Ont. Egyptian Dream Book" (copyrighted), explains all dreams. Sent to anyono an receim nfa 1c. stamp. ` Vl5UIu / \ Mrs. C. Ovas, a well- \ known and lghw re spected lady of Coiling- - wood, Ont., made the fbliowing statement of her case or the pubhc benet :- "it in only since taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills that I have got any one from the hearttrouble from which I suffered forncarly 45 years. My heart used to but rapidly, then seem to stop. I became dizzy and would almost faint away. I began taking Mllburn's Heart and Nerve Pills last Much, ve boxes in all. They have given me strength, restored healthy action to my heart. and built up my nerv- on: system. During the Past 45 years I have been trying to get something to help me. but never took anything that did me so much good as these pills. lam sure lame other poor nulterers from heart and nerve troubles hearing of the results in my will Milbl1rn'n Heart and Nerve Pills Painitatinii. Spells. ' HOSE feelings of fnintness, those dizzy spells and sinking senzi. tione which pus over on from time to time, are warnings that cannot go unheeded. hey indicate I weakened condition of the heart and a disordered state of the nerves. Nature is to ing you in an unmistak le man n or . ll . & .`."_`E` _Y,`3_FT3`. f.`__ '.`.`.f-`_`. DANGEROUS CBNDITIONS DUE TO WEAKNESS OF HEART AND NERVES. Towanl you owning some Cheap Goods if you buy them at the selling of 116 UOIIIIIIDIII Al`/HOV. POI-III!` TECH EVOIV POPE IAIWFA " RING C0, Hartford. Conn. `J. R. C. D0335 00.. Columbia Dealers, xmorron. ONT. . The Beat on the Market. COCCOOOO-G The Blqcksjone cigar Factory, lleve hcen shipped our customers to date. Everyone who has ridden one admits it is c better hill climber then my chin wheel yet made. The unprecedented success of out othet 1898 models is evidenced by the test that our ulee to dete ere M 6-10 pet cent. grater then for the ectmepcnding time lent yeer. - Columbine Ale/Ion Popular Than Ever. mm mus nun mzzmtss. MONTREAL- --MANUFACTURID BY-- Bevel-Gear Chalnlcss Bicycles =THE2= 'Distributing Agcnt forKingston. IIIUIC DUI Iuua. Get Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills now. They will strengthen your weak heart,invigor- ate your debilitated nervous system and give you renewed health and vigor. Mr: (` nvnc a mall. uuuuuu yr`.--_.,_ .- that you must come to her aid quickly. There is no time for. delay. You may survive one faint-will you the next? One dizzy spell may pass off, but the next may be more serious. f`-L llfII____...I- I'__..L ylvvvu Iva Illuea! u un- Meanwhile the reooncentredoe ere dyi ng, daily, by hundreds. Who are they 3 it hee been aeked. They are the lumen of (tube. and their familiar. the neutrals, the ' dependent one. whom Gen. Weyler order- ed from their hornee into the towne. He euepected that they were supplying the ineurgente with food end in otherwise aid- ing them. In the towne the people hed no way of earning a livelihood. and, an a result, they heve been starving. In.March it wae eetimated them fully 3n0,00u were in need of food and clothing, end while Spain has done something for them. and done it reluctantly. the United Stetoa has been a heneleotor. and hue lurniehed them . with many meny tone of lood and wearing apparel. Theee tuppliee were sent to Cube by werahipe. which prmeerling was objected to by Spain. But: the United Statee government carried out ite plen- notwithetending. PI\L-._- --- _. 1...I.'...Al`... Al- -.___4_JA.. I Taylor & 00. Bankrupt Stock 60. -.-..---v ---u-nun nun -; u-U -tutti uhonldluupnud. Bpalingonlohnll oltlnpnrononib dunltlul (both hhionlocltlboeonnuull to-shirt. which lb ,.._-... ..= Sit Charla Tapper and Sir Wilfrid Lmrior. thoono yopreunung the oppooi~ Non and the othor the government. Ind ngtcod that tho debate on tho budget. should and with Friday nigho. But when I the mm for Action cum Ilr. Wnllu_;o. Mr. Davin, and othon who pooponhd with them. refund to abide by the ngnomook Ir. Wdlnoo mound tho adjournment of Athodohuh. lnthnnci by publicly pro- Ulnij `in Infnnnl tn -ALnn-IAaI- Qi- . -v ---* -- ----~' -7 P--'".v PW` ' claimed _hia refusal to nchnowlodp Sir Charles Tuppofo Icndcnhip. ' Ilr. Wnlhcohd a bulb] oi nonbto ! No sound Bio ptoponl, to min on innit is.` 0:. 11-4.. -- -__x--x_ -_ _-..xLI_ I..'E;3}..,"Is.'1.....'"" .'..u'Z3`.'. ".22 unnpncnt and into by tho hue. nL4_IJ L. -Q.-...A..I n_..Lx... -_ L-L_u -I--.:v---r - : - - - - v g-.-u u-vuuu... Tho dootontin tho country will have their own lnolingnu to tho guidance of A party which line ropudiuut the unngr monu of in ludon md than prococdu to turn the homo 0! common: into I hur- |-v_.-. -c---utru-oIu1yl-CwIvI Anon; :5-:oInn Davin nnd Iuuiotol Loodomudhnnou. Hie notion tuilod uv- -uwuu--.-.....a. I There are no indioutiona 0! I surrender 3 horn Spain. On the oonbnry the Spnnisrdo J no acid to be nervounly waiting for Pres done McKinley`: uloinnntum. When do- Iivond than will be hoomilmoc without or lny. And in will. in all probability. be I long. a dnsdful, and an expomivo war. Is in jmtiad? DISORDER IN THE HOUSE. THE WAR OUTLOOK. President McKinley is in no hurry to sign the resolution passed by congrcss and the senate. which cells for the independ- ence of Cubs, and the evecustion of it by Spanish troops. That resolution means wet. and President McKinley, wisely, acts slowly, in the hope that some way may be found for e peaceful solution of the dini- culty. The delay gives Bpein more time for deliberation. more time for inuence by the counsels of Europe. more timejin which to take in the seriousness of the sltustion end the effects of hesty action. nu- _-__s._.:-_ -_ 1; |._- .._--_.l :..A.. AI..- III-Illvevu -Il\l vuv illwvuu we u-nu; u-yon.--. The resolution, es it has pessed into the hands of the president. is less oppressive then it was originally. The emnculelion which it received led to its improve- ment in that it dropped the idee ol recog- nizing the republic of Cube or of my pre- sent or temporary government. But it oonteins the order topein, "Go. and there is no ceremony implied in the order of exit. The commend is imperetive enough. end,in the interest of the reooncen- tredoe. it is intended to be immediate, et. oncey though not so worded. The evacue- tion. even if agreed to, any not be com- pleted lor many e dey. |l-,__|.:I- AL- _---_--A..-.I-- --- .I...`..... uuuvl nu uuauwu auyyvu u 3-us--.u.u. Cleerly the time in approaching. and. may be near at hand, when he muet go. and any other men, leee impreeeod with hie own importenceend loee fond 0! place and power. would end the strain at once. He cannot overlook those note of diora- npect and revolt. They should be toned for, or the leadership should be placed at the disposal of the kiokere. Who is be- hind them? In Mr. Faster aspiring for Sir Charles seat 7 As the hubitont would remark, "belie low." but he ie surely the men whom the irreconcilablee hawe in view, and in whose interest they are per- forming. Of oouree he is innocent of their plane. jut-.t ee Sir Charles was inno- cent of the plote to which his friends ro- eorted in order tG"'romove Sir Mackenzie Bowell from ollice. which he usurped. '..m:'\'ll~\l\?<`).;l-:I.':voeds worth 85. for 25. Cretonnes worth Be, {or 50 yard. Oromo Tinted Lawns Inc. for 60 yard. :16 in. Bluok and White Sateona 150. for 100. Knit Wool Shawls $1.60, for `me. Berlin Woola. 4 ounces for 100. \VnOm.-unmnf (`l.\-I.a (0 an D... an I... .... .....J' lVl....I... Q: 4`... Au an um yun II n Twoincidents of this union of parlia- ment demonstrote the disgosition of cer- tain memberoto humiliate and oend him. The rot wn the Attack upon him because he ohcse,lnn patriotic and non~psrtizsn mhnner. to endorse the Yukon railway contract. He wu compelled by the re- volting lection, led by Mr. Mchun, to re- cont end recall his longuage, to oppose whet be commended. to odvertise himself on one who followed rather then led his party. The second out was the repudia- tion of his right to 8:: I time when tho budget debate should end. He went home oblivious, apparently. of the purpose of those who were nntagonistic towards him during the session. and who took advan- toga 0! his Absence to break his agreement with Sir Wilfrid Laurier. It was as lamen- teblo circumstance, And served to ompho-` size the growing discontent of the party ` under Sir Oharleu Tupper e gnldsnce. (u-_..I..AL- L:...-. I. .......nnn|\Knn an.-I : DESERTING BIB CHARLES. In there enother oompireoy et Ouhewe among the ooneervehivee. end ior the pur- pose of removing their lender? Io would eppeer no. The mastering: oi the dia- cnntente, the unkind end unfriendly eat: in which they indulge. the l'0I0l`0 to teotioe which reeeb upon Sir Oherlee Topper. eiford evidence the moeh . ample end can- vincing izheb heia nob wmted by none of his petty. ll`-.. .!_-lI--L. nl bid. -no-inn II` nut:- T_HE I)AILY _;.__.T _ ..':'___ ,, :5, --_-_--uu -:2`---v D01 romnry Jrmlmrnl. In An hum-t re. Wnrn M nl ht. Punnmn inuumuy mu Hnndruln M m unlnry tn-umonlala new ` g3:yhm1)n.mI`h. Writ: Ibr Above book or nnmnnan nu Inn: _ ..._- -uuv _...-u [E 0. nanII.Is"o'sU:nIL.I-nun-I.Qu. olllbxnxlbilun. Hnnnlnv-sIn.m. In 12:41: II. II|III.IiHI.hIIIl.KlI|.h.| llounDLu:.t`Op.m. sumlnyslnnmlolamm uul an the cnrnln othen. `A - _._..._ __. `loo Inch Wntod - would Inn cone an-owing owon Upon tho urnvu. Kingslon, April lU.--(Tu the I-Idilnr): "(`us.lmu llulh mnko ruwurdns of us all." . This is true, hul muny wuuld hm! il 1`us_vvIo hrcnnk the hum].-4 ul` vustmn us far us llu-_\' UNilnS(`]V(`H urn (`0l|N l`ll-` I. unly fcolings nf others would he hurl tlwvelxy, nndwsu on the princ-ipln I`\- pm-.=.~m1 hy the (Rural, |v2.\mnp:ur in ahoso wnnls, "IA"!-ll \u~ shuuid oft`:-ml Ihun," lhvy comply uml km-p up the` ruslum by an doing. .~\n nsmviuliuxl nus [urnml unw ml!- ml the Vllnvrul Rt'fm'm :l.~<.~un-iullmu. I.-4 it dz-ml ! Is it doing any thing.` Inmk _ 4:`! lhv (`.\p(`n.`|i\'!` any in uhivh uu I|H`.~H and lay our dear um`.-4 Ill tlw Iumh! lw it Him In keep up this vu.~4lvm1! live-In > in H1!` 0'41 -,`uumr_v uholu paupln huvu .1! :| rulv mnro we-.'\|Ih, (hr (ll-us! tn"- (II`.\`st`tI in n. uhilo mllun niulmlnw` and newer pnintc-cl. This -um-xn mnvl have rmno [rum Hm sl:|lI'.'4. Tlwn luv- \\ns(- of (Paul's ho:|uli[u| Hun.-r.~ \\hu'I| l':ul4- in H day! (ir.'n1lo\l Hm! il l\ alum` to honor the` dmul, is it \\i.w,` \'.u. u ill .\...- .. I'1\ P I UIVIXUIIU OUU _VIlIlc Whip Conl Colored Silks 81.25 for 50. Fancy Dress Goods 50c for 25c. Check Dress Goods 500 for 25. Fmicy Dress Goods 850 mid 900 for 650. Emliroiulory Silks 2c skeiu. Como wi'li the crowds for bnrguins to the selling of the nnnk urn! nmlcfal up-m rn.m-u-I. ll tolls of` m` :1 ymr-' um-uw In Irmmng rv-nnllu .-r nor!-ul-um-,~nr mu qmlnu. lN`| \IIl|l|lN"l. lnmv ho:-k..1mpumnc-y, \-nirlmwls-. run. with my worlclmnnnl E_l9T'!l9PlT: % The plebiscite bill will be introduced in tho homo to-Inorrow, Mr. Fisher will have ctmgo of it. -T III IJIIYI H0` nuup III. II . There arrived at t.hI/ general hnpltnl `from Napunoo to lay, in aged uogm rulYer- ling from A vital Mllmtinn. Ho gave his name I! James Taylor. but. could not. duinilely any whether he wu nomnty-eight. or ninety-re you: 0! ago. Ho mu botn a slave in South V|raini:\.nnd smco liberation ho bu tolled hard and honestly for as living. He is now comfort- ably located in the Sampoon ward. Free Book ' Weak Men ink. (U ugv.-I. R4xA\'. ii. Gr(~:n'm, W. I". .\'-wlun, pr-stnms 91', um! !~1ll[l(`l`,illll`lHi|`i|li .I.-mu~.~i Mnilh, nro nitemliug (`()lli('l'\`n(`t` in Fulton, N.Y. i-`rnnk A. Smith is mm- plq-ting the rt`.-mmlolling of Ains m.-rlb's cotlngv in (`r_vHl:i| Buy. Tim work on the club house in I'ronpor`i Park will be rushed in iryl uiid gt-I it done this aormon. Frank Fotu-r|_v, |"i.~li1`r'.-A Landing, has nl:u't.('l for |a'rio=_ l zi.. to join his Sil`:|lI)(\r fitting nut llwro. Mupiu Island. rm-ntiunad intim- strnnge doullihod li|i(`- in the \\'nter- town Times, oi April Nth, is situated in slmrt disiunce fruni hero und in slill thickly mwcimi nml unuvcupiwl. Mujnr Judson, Ogdenshurg, gave :| lecture ysterdoy on `_'MunuI S(`io|n'v." IllUU.\u'lll1l Mls. ll. :~[lil'illl:Allhf, `nu.rl1l.-nl I-`II sun-n Jnunu i|ll|\l'H IIUIII .`_Y]ilL'llN(`. ll husim-.~1H will atnrl up hon H. V. I\Imn'o-, of HM` |':u`k H-Innvvtl into the mlnugu :'h.'Isw| by him on Hunlcn u I}. (`nllin:<, Omar, has urri c_`ngu (Al iri (roiling munm HIR. ('uHug<`. Ha` R\\' H Crn:n'c\s \\' -If` 1| V tlwssw n: ( i .I..un I Bovenl Park Uautltuneu In Altoud|uoo- .-. .-..- .-.... -u--u--huu-v---n The diaturbanco of Sa\t.ul`d.'\y morning. boforo the oppoaitioll surrendered, in to be regretted. In is due to the fuck: thnblho opposition is nlemornlizod, that in has a loader whose leadership in will not follow. 38 in. Hemp Cnrpetslmo and l5o.{or 70 yard. Lace Curtains fa` $1.75. wortl14$3 pair. Lace Curtains for 82, worth 88.26 pair. Lace Onrtsina for $2`50.worth $3.50. {Heat Curtain Poles. no trimmings. 20 etch. Drapery Pins 1}! dozen for 15. 3 do: for 50. Chenille Curtains worth [ CC rm for (`I '1}! .,__.--_ ...-.. -- _----uu nu-.. .. -......-n Strange to any the offenders. in the face at the most positive evidence. tried to justify their language. It could not be done. Yet they pond on purists. as men who wanted the commons chamber freed from the smell of ginger ale and cigar smoke. True the Mr of the audience chamber should not be tainted in any way, ` not even by a bad breath; and so the res- teurent should go from the precincts of parliament. at least no liquor of any kind should be sold in it. Perhaps. the people will be inclined to voteior the plebiscite on prohibition if one effect of it will be to relieve parliament of some. of the scenes ' thamhuve di.-graced it in the pest. and scenes that have not occurred under lib ml rule and nnuingement. nu... .l.'-u....L__-:. _r u...._.l.._. ._____-:..._ eppeelllee hell be Held oiled! eeeeeennt. Bil Oherld Tapper wee ee hone end "pre- ennebly eh teen. Be wee the qtber leeder of the oppoeibion. Hon. Mr. Footer. The oppoelolon wee in charge of Mr. Wellece. end he end hie lollowen entered upon e belking oempelgn. The mlnieterieliete nu!- lered (rpm ennui. tilt Richard ordered e cup of bee end e eendmeh. Hon. Mr. Terbe ordeed e eendwich end e gleee ol ginger ele eeoh for himeel! end eeverel of hie friends. Major Bonnie. Landon, reent- ed eomething. end iueinuebed then the Ii. berele were intoxioefed. Mr. Devin. ob- eerving e bobble on e member : desk, end ` euppoelng tlneti in canbeined C.nr|lng e beer. ` beeeme personal nndplleged tguw could nob meke him wogee then he netur y wee in hie eober eeneee. All thin wee lee pus I no idle vepouzimfs, but when they appear- ed in Henaerd the libenls bed e right: to 1` object: end to demand their wntzhdrewel. ` `L. 1 ,, IJL__....- L- _.__ _| , ,lf___.I_.._ .,. A`rTNbI?{a CONFERENCE. EXPENSES OF FUNERAL8. llo DJ: iVotA Id); -1 AL../ il('llN\`. I?` l'\|H'| I`! hora lhia um slow, I ` Iul.t.`l_\' [H I .'Lv(-I111-'. .lu , urrivc-(I and In muunu in Al... ll; llilll Ill -I I-'l.II HUUI` Inns lmughl Hw mum` nvo-lluv north. I) VI.-Iilnrz-4 :|| llm Hrrirq uml \\if1-Iluvv I341`. ll 5:4 e~\pm'l--I Ill Imru lhiq us-ul: u .nuu IH Hm ll||l - . . . .s IUI IUU. llllli II II}! LJIIIWIS QIJJU, lUl' l0|J- IDCKIIII `V UUIU. `I UIIIICGH [Ur IUU. Waterproof Closka $8.50 for $2. Waterproof Cloahs $5 for $3.50. Women's Bergeclotlzhlantloa, velvet. collar, $3.50 for $1 each. Colored Velveteen: 200 ynnl. `I'I._`.. l\_..l I\_I,.._ I (V,'II,_ `I A`. P , PA I.` ,, ,, I'\ {V I n.\ I Irvin! III II. Ilrlii. \\'.u|l.-wt` llriclm-, an -f .\mI|; liriilgv, pmlmnssler ul. \ o.- nu ml :m'n_v In the new-rnl hnupiln ml Tuesday lust. nflor un illnr-an oh-iuln months, from dizwuux of NW kidney, ` knnwn as puns kidnvy. Ho uncle-rxumi lwn nprrniions in the huupiial u-i'|I tho hops 0! rrmnvni nf Ihc` khIllO'_\" mm = ` u was fnnml the discus` hrui mmlo Inn`, mm-h lmirlwny. Ilia antic-ring sun in- wuss, yet ho lunrn it wry patiently. man whvn rmlun-d in flesh in .| um-v 5k.k'n\ \\'honin honlth sand nlrrngi '1 he was nno of Ihn nlilml. mm in this M-Niun uf mnniry, bring ninnicio-ruloly m-or six foot high. He was thinly- :-iphi yum old, and was M-II like-d hy his acquaintances. The funeral ur- vicea were conducted by tho. gar. R. Burnham nl Cntnruqui. Tho" '1-rmon was reached in the Methodist church at Ventbrook. Every seat in the church was filled with people. who Mme to pay their lust respect to the decreased. 9 ` "llllllll "II III!` L-Hll IIIVI. .\h(`r~n rvllxrnvvl In In--r Kf`lY\[`l\i\` nth-r .~pI`nhnu .1 with hr runny flioluls In-ro. .\|i~'~o .\[uuRie* Dc-vet` nu ! l rnl'. .\. J. ll-ml, .\f:mnli-k, uill lw Inzuriml in llw R-r~ mnn (`ullmliv . .urrh ull 232ml illsl. Tm- uliffivully In-t\\-rn llw mun mum-il nml lht` 0-|wh`ir` liuhl vump.m_y still rnnain-z unset Ind, .`|||I an `Inn |n\\n H in dtnrknoss. ([55,. l.uur:o ll;-II .<|wm u {vw lays nl I\ mnplvilIo Just \\w-k. Unfit` n nunnhor lrnm lwrv .|H!`l|l|"I| H4` funeral hf H-0 .\I.'uz.'iv' I'Z:I:4l.m ul I-Z.-usfnn`-< (`urnvrs un Sumlay. I-'r.mk Torn rvlurn--I lwnw frnm .\IuniI-um I.-wt \wv`k. .\. l-I. R`-nu! re-lnrnuul lHl.'l\\.'l, \\h0`I`0` ha` |N|\ lmvll fun!` Hllw lime`. llv `\pw*l.~ tn In-:u\'r `HI .\`_\-virus-y. l'.H., in nluml N`l| dn).w In lnuk unu- his `mid mine. Minx \\'|mnu.~n-.~a|n rn. mvmwl frnm liinuatvm, uhvrv aha` hul In-vn \'i.~ilimz frio-nds. .\uu.-4 rmrn harm" nl Iu`\\ |:y\'.~A frnm. I week in June. An inuential deputetion weed upon the government lo-dey to urge the estab- lishment of e merino biological observetnry in the gulf oi St. Lawrence for the study of the nature end sources of the food sup- ply of eli. oyeters end lob:-tore ee recom- mended by the British nuocietion et its Toroto meeting. In requires en epproprie- tion of 8l6,000 of which 810,000 would be for the outt end 85,000 for meintenence for live yeere. the eeteblishment to be under the management of e board to he composed jointly of representatives of the merino end sheries department end of the universities. r. The W.C.T. U. polynloh petition will boi presented to the cabinet: on the evening of May 3rd in the Dominion Methodist. nhninh, unvnuu I lulu-I. The commiaaioner of imugrabion has received udviceah-om bhe chief agent in Scotland chub Mrs. Livingston is meeting with euccsu in M19 project: for brin mg 0110 to weatem Canada a number of rat.- ciua servant girls. Io.ia expected that a party of a hundred will sail about the (iron weak June. An ln...~mi.I r`nn||O.n.`nn nmgrl nnnn IVS` n" |'rf|HK .\pp|a- Hull, hm null lw nmrriml I .-hnr. In nu ml... IIIUSOFIPDIOH Dy DUO PGOPIO 0| U8llIUI- The tsrilf resolutions were considered in committee of ways and means and reported without amendment. What members of the opposition termed the "sham preference to Great Britain was severely criticized, and some oi the conservatives came out ilat-looted against any concession to the motherland unless an e uivalent be given. Messrs. Powell. Hen erson and Davin insisted up- onaquid pro quo for any advantage ac- corded Great Britain in the markets oi `Canada. The point was raised that the admission of the West Indies to the advantages of preferential treatment while their tariil is too` highto entitle them to lever will have the eilact oi assisting the sugar retin- ers in eastern Canada and discriminat- ing against the rener in British Co- lumbia. The western rener must get his raw sugar from Queensland, Fiji and Mauritius. and it was urged that ii the government could break the rule requirin colonial tariffs to be as favor- able on t e whole to Canada as our tarill` is to them for the salru of helping the Wrst Indies out oi their diicuity. a similar ex- ception might be made in the case of the Pacic colonies, to which British Columbia must look for its raw sugar. The minister of iinance promised consideration of this question. though he was unable to see that the British Columbia refiner would be prejudicially ailected in the west by com- petrtion from eastern Canada. The ele ment of distance" would. he tlnuglit, pre~ serve the respective territories of the cast- ern and western producers. Mr Mnilm-Lhv imarrivnn nnlina that he OF RH!) \!.'l)`i5BI'l) pl'.)Lll.lCOX'!. Mr. McCarthy has given notice tlmb ho will move for copies of all communicuaons between the governor-general and the oolonialaecrehmy respecting the appoint- ments recommended by the Into gov- ernment, bub nob emotioned by tho gov- nrnnr 0! may cbmch. tlen-Io lqeeu-use `thrift. 01'-mwa, April 'lD.--The oppoeitlon divided the home to-do on the qoeltlon: u not e edvlnbllity o reducing the rate` of in feet paid to depoeltore in govern- ment end poet olco uvlnge bnnhe lrom three to two end one hell per cent. An amendment offered by Mr. Davin, expreeelng re rot and calling for rc- oomidentlono the action teken,wee de- feeted by on Adveree mnjorlty of thirty- eix During the debate the minieter of finance expreeeed the deeire ol the gov- ernment to do everything possible to en- courage the thrift of the poorer clue of depoeitore. end iutimsted thet eeri- one consideration would be given the euggeeblon of Sir Richard Curt- wrightthgt e lunded loan hoerina three per cent. intereet might be cifarod lor euheoription by the people ol Oanndn. Thu tn-ill` rnnnlnhinnl wm-A nnneiderad Seethat each Cigar has a Red Ribbnn in the end printed BLACKSTONE" on it. None genuine with- out this trade mark. no Iona mvmu on no nun bonu- al--. Q- Q__._.__- II|._|nn MERRlCKVlLLE-_MU8lNOS. "nX'ris`6iToZ?zEf.T Death 0! U. lrldro. . . F I'm-;.I..... ... . Ollvltll fldlnl. _.x-,.-.,___ -1 .__. not 500 IOOOMI you Inc vv nu.` nu win I umrdod Ibooomnct for tho printing of K-xpnphloh and annual upon: hr no woman : muons! council. Lib and Honlth. 3 mro nf lunro doctor. bu Income 3 moeooufnl mnnlhlygqngnino 0! New York. pnbliohod at $| a you. It in E ominously pncuoatnnd mvnlnnblo 0 those having turn of n lnrmly. The at nth of nngnlnu in very menu. In ! it in n good ` Ohm; bones the useful hgpmg poet with use jurmln tor onurwnm nnrvo-on only- For tho second tho Hm has been I numulul nu AIIIIPAQI In: tho nrlntlnn of A Tannery Ilnrnotl to `the Ground. CI.INrm~', Ont . April `:0 ~Abonb one o'clock thin manning the urinary of 01 B Donn dc Son no dmxovorod to be on u.` The building being {mum and n nouthwut gnlc blnwingt. burned rnpidly and in '0' I total Inn. A urioun con ugrubiou from ying embers urn pros-ontod only by hard ' work on the put ol the mo brigadt. The low in ubout $:..mm ; Insurance 83 `J00 TILA Alnnbphn Ihohn an-unnnnr`.. nmh kn lb`! I034 II I00!!! ${u.|I(I|I mgunnc. {.1 :.-uu Tho olocttic "pzhh comp:ny`u a-no kc ah: k wu knockod down while the r wt: in Kr A (rum dwolling balonging to an Luc Coro wu dsmsgod to the utont ofnbonh `J00; lnmrod in the \\ um'n lor mm VWUIL IIICIIUIJ L 32.50. for $1.75. All `vnnl VI`.- __Constipatl9n Nearest Agencies-D. W. DOWN :Y, Brockville, ` THE KENNEDY CO., l.imitcd,Montre9.l. This is the dishmco ridden by the Iweragzapor-I m in ten years. and in tho dislnnco ridden by 1". U. l\l_vvr~a when he wan the (wutnry olnunpnonnhip of Ummdn. ' ` 1-1.- ..-...- 1111...: A 'II.. -....- (huh. When in is remomlnerod HIM this ulieabmmn wan ridden on rough country mull and not on snmoth mplunlt, thv .~:n-en',:t|n and woarnng qllutlitlon of the `Cleve- lnml become uppnrmt. Writ. -, for vumluguv, J. n,%s%u%1%rgIj2g.;_s._N|_), `Kingston. Ont. |24,F000 Miles on a Cleveland. SI H.l'T |{l'}l`ll|'2Hl*I.\"l` \'|'l \ Ii +*THE W(;RLD S GRVl3A37$'|; i3ZlC\ CLE." The same Wheel. The sumo Chaln. The same Tlres. The same Bearings \\'ure uaml in the lhnusanda ol'lnilu.~n this wheel travelled Without an Accident or Delay. HERE Is A HELP---A BIG HELP.`

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