Daily British Whig (1850), 10 May 1898, p. 1

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.9 I OIIIIB OUD IIIIICXUDUQ. Repom of Spanish warnhlpo icon no in man y inaunoel found to be unhrno Th: nninlnn in nrnnlna hlmh him Rnnnlnh IHOHUI The oicinll of Oh govommonb expect) no but by Thundny that tho Unibod Bum aud Spanish In undronu had fouphb I battle somewhere off n J um. Porto Rico. Th. 5..-man bunt \XI....l..... ......-..-.a Dy UUIIII VVIIILIU. VV IIlIlllgD0n. WIII DU CH3 :3 a spy. The war dopu-mono bu taken ohnrgo of the one. He furnished informa- hiu: concerning the war to persons in To- ronto representing bho Spnnlah govern- mono. NH..- ..lIl..X-l- .1 AL. _.....-.._.___L -_..-_u WDUKI 0 IO nonnurn ODIID 0! El,- Tho gononl unborolb I0 Wuhington con- tron in tho oxpootod omza mom: between the United Sum naval oroo under roar tdlninl Sam on and the S ninh ven- aola, common y known A: the spa Verde esh. l'1--___ `l\-_...:..... AL. l._....._ ..1I_._ ._ `Iago-orgo Downing. the former allot on the Brook! n. arruhod on Bntaurdn ni he by John ilkie. Wuhiugbon. WI" tr ed A: A luv. Thu wnr dnnau-tmnnh hu hninn Tho navy dopnrbmonh bu rnobioully dotorminod to build who may go tormod ducroyon of torpodo boao duhroyen. Light. gtool will be the nbruobunl mum-ial om loyod. Qundm lo oxpauulon angina wll make the spec bwonoy-olghb known pot hour. nmnnnn mm! M: Innmh-on am unma- PI!` nour. Snmpaon and his nquudron are some- whoro off the northern cons of Huytl. Thu nnnnnl Inmrnlh Ah Wnnhlnatnn nan. -..- vvvv -w... . -- -v---vvI :1 -nu retro-ICVU the letter face. Isle ed ed the!) the boeplbel of Ben Roque. filled with Bpenleh noldiere. was pen on fire by obelll from the Bolton and than ulster: of elm-lby were killed vvhllo re- moving the wounded. Mueeoree are re- ported to have occurred ouhnldo of Munille, bhe lneurgentn butchering even the Spnmnh women end children. DIIDOO 0! ill! lily. l.llOl`0 Wlll DO I10 mm- oulty in 10%! tho onblo. Admiral Dun huvlng to on t o precaution to buoy bob 0! she cut ands. point mon mile: from Mnnllln at the on- onnoo of the bay. Thorn will In no dun. nnllm In nghhlnn thl lmhln Admin-Al nu... The Dress Goods Counter g__- In) Admlnl Ionlojo In llllod. Lounuzl. M l0.-A noohl don tch {tom Bhunghui lynx [0 super hero that odmh-Al Montojo. oomunndnno of Mao Spanish lloob, who uoapod from cum I: tunnlng along the Ihoro to Mnnilln wit his two mom. wu lnillud by the populace of luco. In I- -.a -.l Ihnh oh- |.-...u.-I -0 H-.. Notu ltoln `rho Hold. ,|_,,-..L,,, _ . I EC ZfI$--j1I'wI 0-rtuu. lay l0.-'l`h niniuln cl nilisigou. Dnordcn. ho dodtltdto nnduonoo(Quoboo n Iutdlan loll: utwuinotdotthnstlnyuqynuoiotthcn III:-i lb liqlnnotncian -`.31. Lhnt. "<'5'.n'.'.'.':'..".,""niI"'n ntind .. amour has arrived hon Oudin whore Inn imp:-iuood be two days on ol hing I United States lpy. In win It lunar! only through tho In-nlnnh and gnu. 0| Dang I umwu anus upy. no III n~ Iouodonlyunoughtho _ptud OIIID pm action 0! the Britio annual. R;m~mnxu_ MAI I0 -MnlhI kn kn runs, may IU --n Inn (0 Inc P` `bu [null rid up than uninh- uu we placed lhoir portfolio: In tho lnndnot prime niniour Sagan. inning iuohiu Iotnbuil than some quota :0- pm at his diocnhion. mnn_1A|. Ilnv I0.--A round nmrhl lbgllnh oonnl Iolouoo n Unload lulu Allogol Ipy-IanhI law. Puus, May 10 --A dupahxh to the Tunnn from Huh-id nu that thnninh. HARDY&CQ IHDEBDCIIOITII IICIO DI U111 III III OW bout withnpart of six Cubans. Rowan out twelvo Vungipc movin outward. Ho bmughb maps and Inns. 0 out Garcia and an-ungod for `n oooponuon in the landing ol troops Oano our In An opon loot. Namav. May I0.--A. 8. Rowan. 10]: infantry. U.S.A.. nnchod to the couch Ilrvico doputmont. nrrind hon Ina night holnthonorth tide of Cuba in no opon hash hit}! a nnrlw nf nil Cuban; Rnnnn WIUII "III III IIIIIIIIIIIIUITI III IV tho insurgent: and rooonooutndot. 50 I010 ll DIIOIIIIDG. 'Fhird- t. in non tlioidon of the inun- ,gonta to join with bho Unibedsubon troops and give the Spminrda open battlmdriving them oub. Gen. Gomez don not loom unions to have Unibod Shine troops lumi- od. He believes All that is nooouu-y in {or the United Sttlol to bloohdo only Spaniel: porn. Imp Fnnch And Italinn ships. an well u Spaniah oliipmfrom going into Cubun porn. and to and him ulnn. munitions and anppliu no that he can continue to burn: tho Spanish out.- ponta. He believes Obi: will ruulb in Spnin yielding in 3 for months. Mr. isamnrfnrdmn Lb: nnhar blind. belinvu in in nocouuy for the United Scam to land troops in Cubs. l`nurkh--(}nmQl in march in nnnd of Ann: With Mr. Somorlord came Ool. Jun Jon. one of the othoen oi the Cuban ro- pnhlic, who bl-on ho eonled In from Game: to admit Sunpooo nprd an arm: and supplies. The ho in that tho Unihod Smhngomnmonh wil nimply ood Cuba with rile: and ammunition sud food (or AL- :_...__...s. _..;I ..........A...l.. troop: In mu 0:. Fouu-kh--GoIne: in nonly in mud of sum and uuppliou. Hi: man an faring wall so In so mowers go in Cuba. has us now on one ration 5 day. Gone: in show Iixhy mlilosd iulmd in Oh euoorn and 0! tho ie an . Illznk ll- D-._--l4...I A-..` lV-l `L.-- ICTVIIIIOIII III 3 Firab-'l`ho condition of bho rooonconhrw don Iinno Unttod Shthou nuppliu lnvo been cub off in nnupechbly bud. They no dy- ing in greater number: bhnn over bolero from uotunl Itnrvnbion and thin moruliuy will increase so long an nliol in not torch- coming. 8ooond-- l`ho mo of Gown`: oommuad continua to be imobivo. waiting for Spain toziold u: we iulnnd. I..:-.J L :. ....n. 5).- 41.- -0 AL- 2..-..- I00. Kn Wkrr, Mn 10.---The nrrivnl of Mr. Bomorford. the ew York Herald's cor- respondent who sun with (lemon Iinoo the week following the blowing up of the Maine. has owned everythin to be made clear rogu-ding the ninnncion n the inland from the insurgents standpoint. The con- olnniooa drum from Mr. 8omorford o ob- oorvnhiona no Il`:...o. `FL- .......nu.... ml ck- ...........n... Wlll IIIUIUI lvll Ulcllf !0l'IglIolU PUNIT- In nnblcipabion of docpntch ol troops no Mcnilln the United State: commiuuy- gcnonl ol nubcintcnco bu directed the prcpu-union and shipment: to San Fran- cisco of 600.000 rnhionqcuicicnb bolub 5.000 men four months. Th; Qnnninh In-ui-Ar Ynnhnlln II hnunh-A-I D.UUU IIIIII I0|ll' IIIDIWIII. The Spanish oruiaer Isnbolln ll bouchod M) Sb. Thelma and that communicating wibh the Splnioh oonuul nllod away no the wenbwnrd probably joinin bho other Spo- niuh warship: on the noun 00! o! Porto Rico. L'nnIv \l1-mu II-.. In , JFL- _--u'...l AI ll. Our stock of these goods was too large to display properly at the beginning of the sale. _We have arranged to give up ten tables to these oods to-morrow. Nee less to say our stock of Waists has always been the largest and most exclusive in the city. A large portion of the Choicest Waists were in our windows and in boxes on the ground floor, when the re occurred, so thatthey were almost all uninjured. Prices cut deeply to-morrow. WAISTS 25c. WAISTS 5c. " 4oc. LOO. " 69c. " $1.25. Every Waist greatly reduced, some by half. I (III l.lIl'l)Ul'a Dewey hen much work yen to do in the Plillipplnee. He mueb hale Ilollo. end one or two ohher poinhe. Before ehbendlng bo bheee pointe in will be necessary for Dewey to aid the oroope which will he sent: ho him from Sen Freneluco in eceompllehing ohe surrender ol the Hpeniah broope in Menllle. There are nboub ten thousand Spenlnrde will in she eihy and en nrmy mush be lent: to him ho bring them be borne. Then he will whack the other ntxngetic polnhe. In nnlalnlnnhlnn nl dnnnnlnh nl hr-nnnn tn OIUI UIJID IJIVB IIOIIFIIIIIU IOI' I oonwry. Than I: alto tn unucunl npoobnolo of young men of the leisure clan and undu- gndunbu from univoruibiu volunteering to nerve in bile nnh. In the naval nor- vloe no young men of pouiblon and for- buno ahovolling coal and serving 1: oilero and romoq on Inoniborn guarding New York harbor. Y\-...-.. I.-. ........|. _...-I. ..-A L- A- x- sI.- MIC IIKIIE III `III pnuul MEI!"- Buu~n.oxu. In I0`-laud law In: nah nan nu-nnhi hang Innlnli nu Unltod Dunn Wlll llnlld Dun-onn or for ` podo lion Duuo,nn-Dowoy'I Io:-I II Not Yot Dona In tho l l|llIpplnu-Oubn Should Ila lloodod lth Anna um Hap. `- pllu-Gomn Doc: No: Want. Unlud Dunn Troops to Land-lubolln ll Jolnu . the Splnllll Eliot. TAMPA. Flu. May l0 -Al0hougb throo I week: have nob you elapsed since war In: ; declared in olfuob bu been 00 lmlh thg`, different pubic: of the country more close- ly nogobhor ohm they have been for manf you-I, And hn ohm ed tradition: and pol - ciol hhnb have our shed for I oontnry. Than in Alan an unnnul nnanlnnln nl THEIR common MUCH wonsei smos wan seam. | Has Bound the Dmerent Parties ' Closer Together. IAN EFFEIIIIIF IHEWIIILI CUBANS ARE SIARVING. ninorus Ii. Johns. MINISTERS REGION. 'I\'IhI`I'IOAlD)s .10.. J.o-gaoul ll, lalVl1V\J`Jl\Il` Do You will nd the Material the Best, the Fit the Best, the Valuethe Best. c.uv1nc..s1ona mm] _ Lot the same principle apply to Smnrs ?` Try LIVI N GST0QN'S. seek the--best legal talent. In their judgment the best is the cheapest. ~ `I?! .-C `aw-cut uawvtudv TKCW `hkohlnu mono-Qnll `hum. All Wnmndthonnnoalvnhlhuoours Level-Headed Business Men and Bacon. vv-w-IwIIIIIlvl-. V Cmrmo. hhy was another oxoiti um 50- a product ox- " The class for that showed: my. ass; July. 81.14; sopuubmmo ; Dooonbor. 85. ling Goons`: Auulnnlu Inculod. hunnou. May 10. - Du Iron Athena any Kurditn and oorgiun. the two Inn in ` ntouptod to uulliuta king Ooorgo 1;`: Guns. onhbnuy 26: lug won uoculod Monday. Anoolod In low 3:5. HALIFAX. N.8`. Mu l0.-'l`bo Ihllnu mnrdonr nunod Aloongolo Olivcfv `nnbd in Nan Var}. Inn boon Ar-racial an Ilill VII I WWII "I NOVI DCDIII` II, [am Mr. at Bath: polio: Ions. Willing To Oontout `til. Nlw Yunx. May l0.-0orbobb oorl to moon htuimmoun boforo October In for 8l0.000 aide hot And will gnnntoo the ohunplonohip ol the world. And $25,000 it he (Oorbon) hilt to uop Fiunlmmonn in an rounds. lb make: tho oflcr in view 0! Fntuimlnou Ihtonoub tlnl he will Hem--im ' _-.-.. _-T- IIIHIUUK l'IIm$ lxlll UIIVC. WIIIT in New Yorhhu boon u-rand no llill vill a town in Nova Bcolin. by douc- tivn in. of Hnlifnr nnliun Inn; `Ibo lsnlu Advuood. Tononro. May l0.-Tho groin-broking rms hero hove inomuod ohoir nnrgim from one cont on horotoforo to En oonu. Thoincrouo ii on ncooun of" lo oxeitod condition of tho msrkot. Bout of the broken no refusing to dosl to all in July options. Then in a good deal d robin npocnlobion. Iuuvuo -- 1:: cut U IIVI. MoN'mnr., May 10.--Foruh res no nging in the diuhricu to she norbh of Hon- treal. The mountains and highland: from Ste. Akubho to Labollo no being swept by the worn tomb re: which have ever vinitr od that region. The loan alrudy aggro- gntu hhonundo of dollu-I. and the not- tlon are ning before it. uuwn luunrnny nun I nupno Illll morning. Tho injury to hit lung il bo- liovod to be very action: And his condition is non critical. The Objeetlone Overruled. Tonoxvro. Mey l0.-J uetioe Oeier hund- ed out judgment this morning in the mat- ter of the objection rnieed e net the election Eetition put in by liherele egeinet t e return of O. B. Powell ee meur her for Ottewe. It wee urged thet the respondent wee entitled to e notice ol the proteet.e|eo thet the time (or lin hed ex- pired when it reeohed Toronto. ie lord- ehi . however. overruled both oontentione en the petition ie eueteined. Special Attention to Ladies Goods. The Great Interest in this Sale Continues. vvuuuv-vu vuu; VI Iuuul. Tonorrro. May l0.-B.iohnd Garland. mungor ol the American Dnulop tin company hm, while driving in his d out um morning. In: thrown out: .35 uvoulyinjurod. Dclcon llocuthy Md 0 nlnpu this mnrninl. Thu iniun in bin lump in in- uuun-cu run.-I |IIl|lI IllUIIIIlIIII Iallllllllli. Tonozwo. my l0.--l)lacipline cummin- hao, Onhario medical council. this morning invuuignbod ohnrgu ngninoh Dr. John Kirkpatrick and Dr. Riohnrd Allnn Clark, charged with an rofouloml conduct: re Dr. Munyon'I I vorblnin Iohomon. Dr. Klrkpohriok Admitted t. o olnrgo And couod the practice: complained of u soon as whey were pointod out: to him. Dr. Clark is gholng the one, William Louno. Q 0.. being his oounnol. Dr. Leslie. Lino charged. ndmibood the offence and promin- ed to oilond no more. He will bo roporbod to bllo council. pun week nee neen corn enu wen enu very little work hee been done in the repeir-in line. The preveiling wind hee been tort {or ebont e month. i). E. Aineworth end wile. Aihenr, N Y.. et their not e in Cryetei oey eet week. left for their ome nu Fridey. D. W. Gerdner ie enierging the New Engienci Kitchen. L. W. Seckner. Lcwviiie. who rune the berber ehop in the eumner et the Ooiumbien hotel. errived et the perk e iew deye ego. The Peeee end Werner Iemiiiee heve returned to B reouve on ecocunt of the ilineee oi Mre. erner. The executive committee wee here egeiu leet week giving out contrecte for repeir- ing. etc. The eteemer Meeeeue errived on :Fridey evening with e ioed of furniture for J. A. Morris. oi the perk etore. The Ielender ie eln bringing ierge quentitiee oi freight daily {or the etore. Major John Heddock. killed e few deya ego en Phile- ~ deiphie. wee well known here. The milk Lmprket ll opened end ie in` cher oi Homer Mitcheii.ol the perk term. hooi wee oloeed during the peet week. teeoher Ven Oemp ettending the echooi teechere meet. e_t_ Oepe Vincent. The eteemer Ielender hee commenced ceiling et Fine View dock, which mekee it more convenient for the people of thet piece. "Old Gior onte proudiyin front of the perk etore n honor of Dewey e nevni victory. Arrivele during the leet few deye: L. W. Beckner. Heedlend evenue; Mre. Gievee end eon. United Stetee evenue; J. Jemee. United Btetee ` evenue; Mre. Doevereeu. Outlook evenue; W. Wright end lernily. Outlook evenue. AI-dull At Ihonund Inland Purl Nond- Paopulnu lot Iunlul-. Tuouunn Iuuun Puut, Msy 9.-'l'ho nub Ink hm [nan nnld And not and Ill`! I IIIUUSAND IHLAND KAKK. El Uo*III. pub week bu boon cold and Inn and vary 5 lihblo work [an bun dnnn In tho ranch-inn Ohugod Inn Unprofoulonnl Condnot. munnuauu. DOWN THE RIVER POINTS. common vu-y orluoil, ..-.. II._ In t)!_I._...I ALL DAY TO-MORROWI Grout Faun ll _ II In -an . ISU. CQTGIIE U1'l,ICIg logiul urnyughn town to opoodthonnnurlnIold\vorlinIbYu- koudinu-id. J. Lanhcthnd told tvokdidaovo lnndhioyclulolaullovnopnniubhy. VVIIIIXTI" I3 uynol N0ld4:Pto I0. II Dfllyll I; HIV [CK & AU UW'.' land I: C 12. AI Gnolnlnll 5; BL Louiat AI iltlburg 0; Louinilloi. Kuhn: lnnnn-A| Rnnhmbn 92 lb. [unto Alt E0033.-C; Wili 7 ' 8 dd4:Pnvid;nnnl(L; 5000GT Iloutrnl 4. At '3 I. .. National |onuo-AI Button 0; Iolliunn 13` M Want 6: Phllulolpbh ll. At Brooklyn 1; av Yuk 8 A! Glut- hnd Is llinnnn IQ Al finnlnnnll 8 IL luv III`! IIICI 2!!-III I IHlI IT'ZjI D I|nlltonhI-Apptsl to Inll. "` x"?:25'.I" " a . ow or canyon- d 6 he not hbphoiognphingtho Sgsnith foztioauucgu no Patio Rico hr hiapupmondoondunnolltohoohoh no I spy. than old Hamilton boy. ho hvl ibyonon the Hnniltgn Herald and III In (or I abort nuono yous Hz? brought up I: J. W. [malt Burlington. Iii: Ioodtlnllo In boon in prison than took. in ultimo nnunoonoolnvingboon curried out It in thought that It. Roland. lulu` Brit- inh barn. [in nnnnnlnd In Hm Krill: nan. Ihoughtftvla;-;"I'l'|'-'.' hi Brit ish bom. bu tpptllod to the Bush con- nnl an Ran JnAn_ Plum RIM; far nrnhn. llll DON!` IIII WK 50 IIIU II NuulnBu|Junn. Potto Rico. Linn. ANTIED--\ 0UN(I WEN AND woman or olwlm` mien Ir -uu young In npIrll.o* nudouhlm vlu|nwu~r.gu-ul unlkorn. ambitions and Iudunlrlouu, can nml employment In 5 mod mum-. with lbpnr month uni upwudn Qmunllng umhlllly. Riv. 'l`.8 l.Ixsurrl'. `lb- ronw. Blouse Walsts. )lll V.\'l`l-I l l'I'l [.3 m A Tl-`.A(`.}lIR WITH llva 5-vars` expmlmwn (three In A collo- mm`; x)dn~mwwen. Cnndldluen pro Eur c \'.| uorx-Irv oxrunlnntlnnn. nimrlnulliloul. ole. Addmm TItACIlKI!," wmu ommx ANTI`Jl|-.'l`l'ZA('ll|lU'| AND UTIIIIIII hrtum. men mr vuosuon or permanently to mllclt for "(`unndn: An Enoyvlopndlt of um(`uunlry," In nvo m_vnIquar\o volum No uh-Ihw-ring; mmmuu-Inn Rlcl weekly. III I.lN3Ul1'l`I l'||I.l.'|lIlN(l (`u., ronlo. `rho lost You laud`: oonupondulu Zn-nllb-nln-___A n-Q-I On --Ital. wouur nndunhlnl vlmrm~I.nr.InmI Lnllmrn. nmhlllnnn AN'n:l>-MI-ZN AND WOMEN WHO CAN work mm! mlkln and wrltln Ilx houn dallv mr u|.\` dnyu awn , and will content with can dollars wookly. Adxlnulw lulu ('0. . Toron In. wllh um (IDIIII , ANTEl|-.1`l*2A(`llERH AND UPIIIIII In nnllnlt mr "(`nnmIn- An |u`.nn\-nlnn-ulln nl u (knmlng) at their human; we not hour whole or upnro time. Addroaa A. Wum Olloo. GOOD COOK WITH BEFBIRINOH. AP- ply In B. W. Onur. Willow Cottage," Klngutrool. West. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY n...|...a..n...... -...| n~...s..|..\-.. on nvul on Vuulluvo this In the plum. C....-_ .pn.__ ,,. HOUHEMAID. APPLY AT ON mferenoeu to Man. Koxrnnx King Street. h H5 I7:-Inlsiasiiiiiinaot Cori 'I`alephono oommunlonllon. L. I . IIJXILIILI-DLJLV \I\J.IlIurl.'IJ-V I Undertaker: And Embnlmoru. BI and II Prinoonuu stroot. 'Phonon:-WnnroomI. In all day Thursday and Fri- day, May 12th and 13th, and also Friday `evening. You are particularly requested to call and inspect the Waists and Skirts on exhi- bition boned with Feather- bone. BUY \VAN Al LAVVR 0 . ingtrucdona will be given by Miss Jones on its nice. van: uusug HI Lmuanca I7rmn1-Axum-61-BO Pnoen BL Telephone M14. Open Day and Nlghl. HI I): Vvliualnnp 1 FUNERAL nmmoron. an muuonsa 81' Kluxuton, successor to W. M. Dunnln. an a Pmmrg Louinillo 5. Kuhn lcu?-AI Roohclur 9; lb- unto A uolo -C; I....A| URL L4... '5. Cl_._._.4 A LA .._l_'.L Very special prices on this class of goods. Come early. A big staff ol courteous clerks to serve you. Parcels delivered promptly. LII BAIT?!` I?I\I'Il\A(`Il . LADIES DAY {&{{1Be{}n ]Sjegcy_& Ste_acy`s_Slgrg Bunion futons). no-AI F? .. .?`'"P "am 93 ."."".'P"`.`_ D1rii615I7r'1A'fb1i'?:'o}} the NEW YORK FEA- THERBONE PARLORS, Are You lnletested In The Latest in llressmaking Art? uuunry or IIIIIIII lOIlIpOl'I|I|`O.| shower: or thunder norm during the night: Ind on Wodnnldny. -.-a-nu an - nonuunuuuug nmxo UNDIRTAIII AND EIIA.l.III- 1 Prlnoeu ntroot Corner Bydonhun St. 'I`ulephono ADIES ANDGIRLS '10 D0 PLAIN WORK (knmlnu) at their homes; loo hour whole uonro A. -?T HOUHEMAID. Al`I l;Y A mfemnnm to Max. M: *j 7 cannot: TO an SHOT. Capes and Coats nearly half price. Othn and an. Imnoou 5" l? mu. - 50!; togIIl0|.|u.- t on or or uhomu or thugdu .wm.nJ Mias Jones, the HEAD I%TI\"I\"\ l'l`I\'1 '- WEATHER PROIAIlLl+|I& 4 P. M. EDITION. HENRY BRAKE. IV-.--.-n--n- Anna .1 B. 8. OORBET f '\lI)II`lVl\t'\D (El) III)` W A N'riao. ` JAB. REID. IYun--.- ; ---. I : . T J D- A-APPLY \ OHN LA! ' A1` `6 W loxrnnx In, gunman `\IOI_|8` ynlIIIII\i'|dAu|o} At The Fire Sale.l " f""'l"'J ' -ALL SALES FOR CASH.- 3. AND. 109. mu : III Adams, Vendor. .1. 341.133. monomer. ` V;ood Bros.` `Maul Valve L. __-hum. -a._.n_ :- Inn A!CUAl.III'l'l3N ovum amon- hldon 0! un- ymuu ` `:5: .|l..0` pu..un5oInuon: vv V-..-V-V -_---w ouv yuuvsn Tbuhqy think you an sauna with ytllulale-ml service. but we Milan we otlulnyonulllhuutnuaucuon Glvo our oppwhullq. and plan; `on .\Ig)Nli}\'Y', if M` I luau! an ...,";..9'.:>.'."' "'5' "W fmumnmlon The not on Frontenac cmnqu ceneceq ccnpalll 4.: U \I A t\ILV LILIJJLJ I` THAT FIQIRARLB l R0l'lR1'\` SITU- uud on Puma: and honhnuo Btneu, luclnglntnnndlhtoulwlnounsttce tooth side. undhoullnudncnn I-Vomtmc least slap. on .\IglNlh\Y. MAY lmon the nnmtau at 1 nun. uhnrn. In hnlnmg nu I. ll. BRECK. - 339 KING ST. Ir nIon't wish to deal M the cheapest. plate. '0 Wllh to draw your uuenunn In our `hsble nu Rtown, wllh Portable Owns. We have them All prion from 3l.a'll npwnnls. lnnl ll vnuu-nun nml Klnnnrln I`Iwlnv-an .....| we ucnu turn: Jul pl'|l`I` lnlln 5|.-`ll lIpVIl1lA. lnmul youruu nml Elootrlr Fixtures and see If they no tarnished. We cnn n-lu-quar. hronuootglld mum. and mute them |ook Illa now. IIIII. Wl dcl In huvl r lmn ;'IruIIylI;r Kn-Tune mus: su'u'u'nn 3: rurnu3.'. [[lllH'I READ THIS Al]. I reserve hhl xed by tho Omolul (mnnllan. `harm: : ten per vent man and bnlnnm or pur- oluuue money wlthln Ihlrty ulnyp; all pumluum money mhe Id lnlome Canadian Bank at L\)nnnem. rrunlo tofolnl on-III or the ndlulnlutrulnx and time 0 M31 Gmmllnu. won 0! an-Ilem muerund n-number nfxuod honrln rrnlt tmeu. Thlupmporty hut I\ mm!- ngeuf `In!-tun l)Iv|:xInnHl.rv-vt by I depth or 310 feet. As lhv land nvceuuary tooxloml Blxlh umml ouuwrl In Dlvlnlun Rlrwl has been pur- cluuood {mm ho late .\llna llenm-tl. hy the Lily. ma 0 nlng on-llxth sun: will Iw tho propor- ty 0 rad for sale 5 rmnugo on 0 ml on the I Who! you In! lhoptununlglnn you I honoupodooalbruolenugcni mom,-_ cIlntoIL ` _;..n.__. .. ., . .. cmuml [mm lhl` Hue .\llIuI llenm-ll. hy Hm rmnugo new street. The pro rtv will he nntml rm sale subject to ml xed by Omolul mr nur- money lune m nuome usnmuun uanl Uonnneme. lnl to Ofglal Guunllnu. I-`urmor lnmrmnllnn will he then nn 1 mlulnmrulnx and me mnmu Guunllnu. Inlbrmnnnu will he then on app. llcauon lo Wzummc a WALK I! and In Md NTYRS Q MclN'l`\'RI?.. uh Mu llk Vendor`: sol|o|IorI. HAT VAl.UAIll.l PRIDPERTY HITIIATE on Dlvlulnn Slreel, In the Clty nr Klug- Mon no.1! All Sa|nls'(`hurvh former! mm- ed and occuplod h the Into Rh: Ham Ilen- neu,wlIlboomwa mr nnlo-byaucllnn on tho prvmlaoa on Wl-2l)NI'IHDA\'. Ilh Mny,ut l`J o'clock noon. Umn um pnnerty Ann good mom) Dwelling House, cunut mm: H! room: I rI|.u&Il\Jll :ZlI7 ` and a summer kltnm-u. I large frame burn, A wall 0! one-llem muuerund nfrxuod hearing Thlunmnorty \JlI. VVWKIZlIyo Ah the hiotoricul society meeting thin owning Dr. Smytho will read I paper on U. 16` loynlinu. Ilnonunpnmnoon rorwmgnnau n Inna Ihnxnnlwnn Ln, Iij" 192 T. .III' 11.: In Pool `rho-ulna Iv. Frontenac Colo. open day and night. Bummer mlllinory opening no Sponoo & l Oo'o, Wodnoodny. Ah tin hiahnrinnl nnninhv mnntlnu thin I Illv Repnlnu or all kinds promptly attended In lung up `Phone II. AUCTION SALE` HI THAT I'|IllA RI.` DInI|II!1`\` an-Iv. 'a"so Pmucus siniar. Q!4\`.'.f."J!!l -w-- 2- wv. --wu-- v -s: v V nun no v` moo. _ :3. cm. 5-: HAT Illl IIHHII A ii? A I IV A In up nnnnuuuuv .n LOCAL HIMORANDA. Illlhlhnllhlolflohdhl. Lonnos,Iny l0.-A dupnhln to tho (lnuicblnn I long qynuou. British nddolhol nnill|hnpuiioa- otludnlnlluynnulonndhuhc nnl nppulto lion. [0 in add tin othcvunhvillhuntou lunacy. Tbndti can! alum: bathing in Inuunywuhud-` Jun. oanudulinuuudo alum ._.:..n A. L... sL._.n...-.A n_._z.__L -- vu----` V-V""'W -C'r WTIKI ilto Koy Wmin ohnrgoolu I-in cu-0:`; thcivilnthotiliollhcnlod whotbc it olnllbolibollod. haiku two rah ow Bnulnrgwuwu-nod Iwny from Lmdq bvi al:ugoolc:l:lodutinod nu. ovpon otphnd lhomnhl lnl minim Savanna Inn. nwwuhq Ill:0npnnI. Kn Win. In; l0.-'l'ho New thing my noordod n Iy baby . dc brush Ibo ovpon Ionndod no and the Norwegian Innpounuor . which was diaoonnd about an unluo uiol. lauded towards thooout and in the dinolion of Hanna. An ox- `ouiou ol tho Norwngicn` our :-xmcd III: nnuninion ol nnmnugdnr II.. TBTOIH Ilnluunuu OI sou 0l"1|IlI l Ii around the mcpicion ol comnndor `lb 00 :3: an anal |ll;`|u|:*hlI.:l|nm in in; `an ip and` it to :0 in ohargool I lhnaivil nnlhnrilinnlhnmhsd -Lgnh... lur xuvun. `nu nvwpori IIIO upnnu Ibo Spain! shing achoomr Scnmo yu- Ih DVD!" Kill! IIIIICG. Having donito information lhot sho Sponioh Iiooh which ion 80. Vinoonb ton doyo ago io not oh ohoconorioo or at Oodiu. tho outhorihioo condonhl pndioh am; not odminl Bompoon will go In 5.5. NO within hho non foray-oighl ouro. Tho oiciol viow in that tho Sponioh oou in .3 oomo plooo in tho Windnrd iohndouvhich on to thooouth o! Porto Rico. If Ohio ho oo thoir prooooeo willohouly ho by tho ooocm which on potmllin o dogtoo of loogiiudo to tho not mud of tho Bu-hodooo. Elovon doyo hovo olopood uinco tho oot. loll Sh. Viuoout ond going oi tho nlo of N11` hnolo on boot thoy ohonld ho by shio tino hovo oovorod tho diotonoo Io Sou Jnon. nun 0| um Int? W Illl Inno nnvnnn. Lieub. J. la. ll nxliold. of the signal corpl, nnnouncoc hhuo all nrrnngamontn an oolnplotod for handing n balloon In-nin oouth to be baton to Cubs with tho invad- ing u-my. This lo the tint notompo our undo by the United Santa to organize nnd nip n balloon corps. Tho ohm-urn from unwill have I rungs of vitlon of out any miles. Having dnnitn infnnnnnnn H. Al.- French In: Olnln Dnmnlel. Wiaunmmx, May l0.--Acoording to ofoiel information there is reason tabe- lieve thet en investigation in being made by the French authorities to eecertein whether the Compagnie generele trem- Atlentiqne he not good ground for A claim lor dunegee a net the United States on account of t e leizure oi the steamer Lninyetto. 0! that line. Notwith- ntending the promptneee with which the veuei wu releued. the French euthoritiee believe that it was I tardy return for the notication the} bed given 0! non nl tha shin to nut mhn Havana lVOI'I alI JDIHOI. A Porn An Prince. I-Isybi. apooinl ho the Jam-ml up : The United Sutton cruiur lion on-yin Info. Bho In coding Io-dsy I: :0 o`8b. Nioholu. of! tho wuborn com: A nah ID UIOIU Bl of Royal. uouuunuou wt} Ina gli olvibtl non oi the chi? co uh moo Baum. huxeld. of u.. n (lIIOI 0yII'l UIIGO Illa I'l'DIIl'pllII. A London opochl to the Journoi nay: : There an porninbonu rumor: hero based on n Porhugooo doc $011 that tho Spanish Cape Verde oob an nob nailed to orou bhu Athnhic hub in combining with othqr Spsninh vnnhipo an Cadiz to nil an I loti- miduhlo armada. and Into nll on hho ro- unlb o! it: cmudo on the outorn conh of North America. A D..-n A.. u-:.... u...u .....i.l 5.. oh. no: I! aucnooa uplnuul In one uuromo. A Codi: Ipeolnl to the Journal says: Propnratalona for who nillng of tho ll.-ob now here are being oloaoly gunrdod by the govornmonb. The Ihl now randy IE9 mo Cnrloo Quiubo. win I complement of 600 men; Victoria. with 800 mun; Allonn XIII. with 500 men and the torpedo bow duoroyors Orudo And Prolorpino. A Lnnrlnn nnnnlnl tn chn Journal on" : WHITE LAWNS AND SPOT MUSLINS. propnemone l0l' wnr meuureu. A Key was npeciel eeye en ertieo just returned from Gomerfe oemp eeye there ere 13,000 Cubene in uhe neighborhood of Sencn` Spiritue. They in short oi u-ms, ammunition end Iood, bub full of enbhuei- um. The condition of the rooonoenerm doe in deecribod upibiiul in the exoreme. A Catlin nmnhl tn hhn Jnnrnnl nun: vans. A Washington opooinl says: A club bu come bouwoon noorounry Alger and secretary On which will came one or the other to roam Iron: the cnbinob. The broublo IN: and in boonuno Gage ombnrru- led the war department by oppoalng up- proprinbionn for var meuuroo. A Kov Wan nnoninl nu iuuh Illlllotl ID nll nun uruuuu uuu nvxluvlu. A Key Wm Ipocinl any: Hnvann nowa- pupon found nboud 3 Spnniuh prize juub onpmrod any bho 3 union trnnnporb Manh- eerino evaded the nitod Bushes bloclndo o' Olonluogoc and a toad that port with three milhon dol in silver, fteen thounud ries. beside: ammuniolon nnd commianry Inppliea, all of which were lonurdod by rail to Gen. Blanca no Hu- VIII`. IDVIIIOII Wlll DO GUIIITIG. It in nuorbod pouioivoly than Sampson will non bloohde Porno Rico nnhil he has encountered oho Bpnninh than or booomo nuurod in but non around the Aolunoio. A V..n mnnh nnnninl nun "n\IAn| nnwn. u n we Iuccou or nllurll ol ullnpwnu ram. It the Spmiah (loan in doooroyod I Argo body of troops wi|l land In Cuba by Sunday. Ifnm on ll unlucoouful the invulon will be olorrod. YA. I- an-nA.;I nn-lhhynlv khnh Rnrnnnnn Illllonu of Iona) and Iunltlonl lhI|;\od much to Bonnu-Ipnln'o u! no cull: In Bond: to Put to Ion-Alnr will Likely Drop out of the 0nbInn-lpnIn In: Unto All on An Actual on the Aclnntlo Oout Ottlu. Nnw Youx, Mny l0.-A Wuhlngton . rectal yr: 1:. in mid to the war dopam- meno thus hbo invasion of Cubs will depend the mucous or failure of Summon : n nu H mm mninh Hum in dnnhround I lnnmn cars SUPPL|ES.l MONTSERRAT svnoao aLoo-N KADE mo AIDED aumco. } Mav Attack The United states Coast Cities. MFHRMIBABLEARMADAI MILLINERY OFFERINGS. MANTLE OFFERINGS. KKINGSTON. ONTARIO. TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1393. ovum at Iooillo hon ooddoood all '2: print Inlulour ouguu Inc : "Tho 3 puaiud-. hut him not undo thouiono hoax Wohol tho oooaolnion shutou- nilon did their duty nlionsly and only noconhod to tho gnu ::I-foo in ct tho ooony am: wing hotoionl . I out my ooodoauy that nothing ooounodlo wound onrprido Thotnthio no Into won vooooqriuoo Io. Howovot. no hnvooo tinolo otoin uoluodololo. W0 Iool tolunonll, and . 00 Int duty oi?! U and v|oqILh '. IIonv.otuInnduln-an-n hlumm. Icy l(1-In so inutbiow to- privno niuiour Sagan aid "Tho Jndquoq Q-._i-_J- L._L L-..` _.A __ , IIIIWIII nlcl eeewu DIl..5DO mun- Iuond county niln inveetinsvng committee thee IIe(SirC erleo) bed em- Ieoelewerto Mr. Pope, M. P,belorethe election 0! I896. offetioa to buy the mud fot82.500.000il hie petty were returned to power. PREMIER BAOASTA SPEAKS. Inotol In lot Dlucnrtonod-Tho llm any In to Unto. JIAI noimn Ininininr Hannah nniol . s-DR. IKIIFUII Ill EDI BTIIIIIIT III III. W tho government. Dr. Bordon undertook ho bring down very document that will throw any links upon the subject: of bin urchno of tho drillohod oito from J. B. moor for 82.- an CHI . Sir Chub moved the adjournment 0! thohouu inordor to donytho ac- curacy of I nporh menu from Oahu to the Halifax Chronicle Man William Fsnvull had mud bolucmtbo Dunn- lnnnrl uunnhu mil... in-..p:..o...- lUI'U I9 CID UUWIIXIU IIW. --e-iTho onnouoeononh woo nodohby Sir Wilfrid Lourior that o bill will be onb mitted to provide for the orgonintion of the Yukon; thou tho wliolo ouhjoon will not be duel: with by Ohio legiolaouion. no the xovornmono in not at preoonh in poo- oeooion ol ell noooonty inlonnohion. The nh hour ol the oiuing woo occu- ied by Mr. Toylot. who evoiled hiinoolf of in right: to lood up Honoord. He had moved for o return in ngord to tho pm-~ chooo ol the Gononot no drill shed oito. end ho comploin then all the poporo booting on tho Iubjeoh Ind not boon brought down. Ho throotonod thohlt tho minister of militia roluood to oboy the order ol the houoo ho would not ollow tho miliulo eotilnohoo to go thmngh. Mr. To lor criticised the hronoootlon which _._lsJ 1- .L- o.....1..- -1 .L. __._._i.. .- v-new u -u-vow \v `V vIuuu`u. Tn-Yo`;-;:n"i-oi"`no'<`i who maul in the tnnuhr o! the pa-opu-by to nova:-nmmn. The mnn `n{n on- d 01-run. Mey 9.-Mr. Cuey'r 0\E0l`lI in behell of working reilweymen were; rewarded to-day by the pueago of his billtso luroher secure the ufeby oi nil- wei employeen and passengers. He mule e and fight to eecnre the adoption of tho compeneebion for injury fenuro of the meuuro, bub on e division he was ouhvoted by fourto one. Mr. Rich- erdeon withdrew his hill to provide for the collection of debt: due by civil servants, on the ueurenoe of the premier oh he would nupporu in. In will hevebo be recent be- fore in can become law. ML- ...... _.....-..A _-_ ...-.l- L- n:.. III: HIIIIIJ ICHIIDIY IIIIUU MIC UIITIUIOD 0! HI` wnr. Tho nllnnoty with which the Spun- iu-dn bore omnolvu In face of their tor- riblo lniquioy wu beyond ruin. A aplen- did imbunoo hud boon :6 od to the long role 0! heroic dud: porfonnod by hhe world : Iumon. no many on go no In ny any loan. Lord Boruford. 0 king of Dewey : work, declared `at: 0 had alwnyn lolb oh 3 dooiuivo vidiory involving hundred: of live: under oxtnlno conditions might nvo thouundo of Hun b shortening the campaign. The bntlo o Manills. ho udd- od. mush oomlbly ncoh the dun-anion of the In-. Tho zullnnhnv with uhinh u. llmn. PASSAGE OF MR. CASEY`! IILL. llllly IIIIUIIIUCI IUIIIICI 50 DI IIIIIITIIO The opinion in rowing abut the Spanish Cape Verde esh 9 not in (me wauere eboun Porto Rico and oh being uneble to loonte the ships there ednlnl Sampson bu gone on a hunt. - ML- _.......I....._ ..........J.__ _n n-.u_ _.2n Illl I IIIIIIU. The rqnudron pnpnring an Cadiz will be ready no go no on by May 15:11. Lord Ru-nnfnrd. nnnklnn nf Duran : IUIIIUWIIUIU UH DIII VIII". rurio I00. Tho bor do boll: Winslow ongaqod three Spun Ih gunbonoa off (`urdenu buy on Sunday nlternoon. She dinbled one and came out unncnchod. D-.....s. ..c l:.....l-|. ...--.|.x..- ---.. -... :.. will contain a SPECIAL SILK OFFERING. SHOT SURAHS xqc. IAPANESE SILKS Igc. PLAID SILKS 39c. PLAIN COLOR ARMURES AND WHIP CORDS 5oc.

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