Daily British Whig (1850), 10 May 1898, p. 2

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IV Iwn street to rum, between me mm B onlmm scrootu. Apply to surru 1:03.. King Street. sulb : \'eu--M|yor:Livingaton. Aide. Behnn, Cueon. Curtis. Donnelly. Elliott, Kent. Mooora. Mcliolvoy, Stewart, Toye, Web slaw-_.`0. at r-r.'.. %Iayn--A!da. Boll. Cooke, Minna. Mc- Cartney, Robinson, Ryan, Shut. White -9: -3 Ald Curtis presented the report of the committee on parts. recommending an in- cream in salary to the cuatakor. AM Rninm nakod for Ln ernlnnnon puts an opportunity to upunn. Ald. Curtis `-19 obliged for the condo- eeonniou afforded by Aid. Elliott. A por- aonwould think he, tho speaker. was on trial nnd was obliged to Answer guilty or not guilty. Th. nnnninr W18 nreusrinlr to enter into In salary to I200 cnmtalur. Ald. Elliott asked for explanation from Aid. Curtis. It had been reported to him and through the prone than tannin courts wen being builo for use oi private parties. He would give the chairman of path an opportunity to explain. Ald. Curtis obliged not guilty. The opeeker wee preparing I lengthy defence of bin action in connec- tion with the menegemenh ol perks. but Ald. Cereon reiood A point of order end the meyoi` eneeinedhim. Ald. Cu:-tie naked leave to explain the: be had not bed built 3 single lennie court thie year. Ah! nmh nled how much had been einale tenme noun sme yeer. Ald. Cooke eelted ,how upended in repeire to tennis courts. Ala. (hnie replied twenty cenh. Be hed hor- rowed the penitenliery roller. which hed become eteck in tleneil. A Sheddeu teem wee neceuery to move it. In took twenty Ininetee to petfnnn the mesh end the ehersu were twenty cents. Al . |lcKelvey moved. eeeonded hy Ald. Curtis. the: the oily engineer: ted to report e! the next mum; d the council the number of dreinu connect- etl endc the loeel improvement dur in ls-`V7998. the locelity in w ichhech were In ouutmexed. the eierend of tech dreilmtheeetitneiedcoee an e by the city engineer end the ecteel once. together with my conueete he may deeue Ionekeeeteehe eteln nowedopted ee 5. sh. hnilzlina 1:! nine. lo tho bnildiiigj .-S__--L iuhhulnb. Invotouluaflon? l'cun`uandwonIno booth at Aha utbyi 3 L AL , J}, .n:__ _: .I:_-__.._ __.I _.._ Imvoyonr wild uovu: up an: an aigru 24` nu`:-0: IAHIBURN li\)RMERl.Y THE BEHI- dunno of Hon. U. A. Kirkpatrick. hemm- IltuM.ed,oppoallo Mncdonald Pnrk. Ap- Knurxrnucx (I Bounns. Ontario 8!. Shaw, Stewart. W hue,-`J. Ald. Carson : My resolutions goneml- n .. A...-.u Indigestion A ".*:=`' cuanv lung L;_.L._. .L. _..._.L- _p_|_ );_._..-__. THE .DAInI..%WB1G{.....'rU1nsDAY. MAY . Careon.Cooke, \. Ryan, Togo, 1.-amn mnveyeu [D '.l.0l'0l1[0 Entorprining people deal here Dun- lop'a clothing is always in the load. Ab lash nigbtie mneting of the city coun- woil city treasurer Imland reported these market; to`ls collected to data : Previounly rezmrted. $l,36 7|; cnliected for fnrtniphb ending May 9th. $55 50; f.0t.n|. $1,492 21. AHA:-man (`nu-fin mun thnb nn Slndnv Uare. Ten additional application` received for membership in yacht) club. Examine the McBurnov-E nu: Cafe. Tn&')l'|_:)lsIRAB1.E mu(`K HOUSE, No. no . Bu-cot ; ulmulnn dlnlng room and kitchen. with mrnuvv; modorn In every way` IIIII moderate. Ahunhut Du-nimble hltorennnui Dwtlllh on \Vellln lun Htreul, occupied by . Dun. Ihln an I L. mu and Tobacco atom min to Fnux smuv. Panaoapns PIGKED up an out: susv new-onn-:3 -tn`: Spiel of lively my :.m-win tlla ' Pooplo Au Talking Abous--loilI|Il[ In capo: um Atmntton 01 `than Who Are -.n.-- nngn. , . yqcbuc1uD. Examine McBurnoy-Benttio wheel before buying. Itfaabeauty. Bong, the druvgisb, agent. slnnmh nnihimzn $14, 315. The regular druqglan, agenu. Scotch ruining: $14, $15. regular figure is $18. Dunlon. Kim: at-root. 'I"|Jn vnnrnhnn W Tainn anld A Valllllhl name I8 315. uunlon. lung anrueu. This morninq W. Twimz sold I valuable cockar spaniel Dup to the owner of Bay View kennels. Trenton. n..-:....... ...:o.'o.-. ..........-a Ql-) 13 View kennels. Trenton. Bu-`inem-I auit.s`t.o measure $12, $13. Dunlop. the King street clobhier. f`..unr. Rxnhrn nf Hm rm of Plowoa & Uunlop. line lung aryreeb clounxer. Cnph. Srobr. of the rm of Plowoa Scott, Toronto, is in the city. He has purchased all the old iron removed from the steamer Rosedale and will have the conveyed to Toronto` `l`.nn-rnrinino nnnnln HAM here enmng May HUI. ih).') DU; I20!-RI. .71,-1;; 5|. Aldarmnn Curtis any: thab Sunday lam: `.!,0I'0 piar-on.-2 visited Macdonald park and the cricket eld for the purpose ofinspectiug the improvements made to these places. Nob one dissenting voicn was heard, cit-izens recognizing the good of the improvements. V n... vnnilnrn warn nmmr In hnnv all now. I tyne Imprnvumenm. Our tailors were never so busy as now. The having public are recngnizing the merit of Dunlop s made to measure cloth- mg. A rnilornv nidmn in boino him into A railway aidmgz in being Richardson & Sana o!evnt0I'. The work will be cwmpletcd to mnrrnw. The elm"!- tor is almost ready tn receive grain. I'- wan expected that: In to night. or the r.-r tlngz in tha morning the first cnrpzn would he mlxen into the new elnvator. n ...|.n...... |......-....,. ......- ... I... hut. Hm rnnn A1` BEAU'l`u~`ULl.\' u11`UATn:u unz- tuhod Brick House. slumwd corner Union nndmbert noun, own! by Cam. I-`. Puller- nn. For mrlhor pan-l|cuInn4 apply to A. BTIACIIAX4. no muen Into me new emvmur. R-arklnrn bnv'9r-n pm-n us by. but the man who in on tho nlnrt to mwn dollars buys hiu clothing here. Dnn!np. King street A rnh-nrnm`n~nn rm-oivad bv W. 1". clounng here. nnnmp. mm: 8|:l'l 0T- A telegram` was received by W. Drennmu yos-ytcrrlay from the officers of the III (I hatrahon, Ottawa. to the effect. that the regiment: could nob come here on the queen : birthday. The corps had to re main at hnme tn entertain the 8'! Royal ries. Quebec, which will visit: the capital on that day. IN`- ..s.-I- .l....|. nut` nial: Oha Rinnnr that day. For style, dash and nirh the Mr`Rur nay Bonnie wheel leads them all. Hoag, the druzgish. agent. 1 nnnn hm: n lnmr stringy nf brottc-ra in CH9 UTUKRIEU. HRQHE. J. Guoea has a long string 0! brottc-ra training an the Rideau stock farm. Among the number are D.L C.. owned by S. Hnrlnmsl; Sb. John. owned by W.` Mar- shall: Maggie W , owned by J. Gillette, Gannncque. Besides the dozen trotbers he has fine colts in training. n7:n:...... vI"..:+ c......._-.. Pnllin- `Rn: mm: has nne com: In rrammg. William Tait, farmer, Collins Bay, was nlllictod with Sciatic Rheumatism for twelye month-. One bottle of Dr Hall's Rheumatic Cure curerl him completely. Fifty cents a bottle. For sale ab Wndo a drug chore. Hnvhnnl Pm-mun. in-,. Intolv sunorinten- mug nor Samuel Paraonn, jr.. lately superinten- dent: of parks in New York. is the highest American authority on the making and beautifying of pleasure grounds. Hie ar- ticle, "The Parks and the People. in the May magazine Outlook. is thoroughly readnblo, and is notable also lor abundant: illustration. The Outlook is preparing its annual recreation number. the beat 01 its class. `rho Luau News About Vuaoll and the Port of Kingston.- The tug Walker arrived from Montreal this morning with four barges. light). The inn Rmnnnn nlnnrnd [MID aveninn mm mormnp Wlul Iour uaruua. uguu. The tug Bronson cleared lash evening for Montreal with ve grain laden burger. 'I"|.a nrnnmnr NlnnfnAaIn,nhil`.aDO. arrived for Montreal wun uve gram Iauen uargur. The steamer Monteale.Chicago. arrived this morning with 50,000 bushels of corn consigned toil T. cotnpnny. The ntmmer J. G. Nicbnls arrived from consigned tom '1'. company. The steamer J. G. Nichols arrived Montreal this morning with n consign- ment. of supplies for local hardware mer- chnntii. ` The aloope Monitor. Made.-up and Laura 1). and schooner: Annia Minnea and An- nnndula, grain ludon. are Awaiting to be discharged it Richardson & Sons elevator. A1` mm and Alb: Ivullulul uullll nvyvn nu P031 COI.BOR.\`I-2 On. May 9.-Down: Steamer Hiawatha, Chicago to Preaootb, corn; Veronica and Ambyo. Chicago to Preocott. corn; Clinton and barges, Toledo to Kingston. timber: Orion, Fort William to Kingston. barge Case. Toledo to Kings ton, timber; schooner Barnes, (Hnrlmone to Pmeootmpig ironmteamer Lmgdonhicngo to Oadensbursz. general cargo. Dnn-r HA1 unrul nnf. , Min` 9 -Down: Uadensoursz. general cargo. P0111` DAI.uuL'sm. Ont . Mn` `Steamer Frost, Chicago to Oqdenabnmz. general cargo: steamer F.`nmem, Dxuth to Ogdenaburg, rye; steamer Ssqnin. Forts Willinm to Prencobt. wheat; steamer Mont.- ouglo, Chicago to Prenmtt, corn; ateuner Omchn, Chicngo to Prescutt, corn. Bold: Rolled ll: Wm Not P3: The Run Under Prevent System. It is quite evident A new system 0! street watering will have to be innuguntod. The ptneent. system is inefficient and does not give ntishction. The best results no not obtained for the outlay. Ah last night`! meeting oi the cvsy council this lotur. u a protons. was rend from R. ondry : '-I hop to nrotast mains: paying etroet INCIDENTS oFV`m mu. p"0B. WI! I11] H1)!!! l\- LIUIIVI . I beg plf0I89B ngninab paying tutoring on Johnston street), 80 in this season the can has only ouoo been on the awash opposite my house. If the ponies is not improved I will refuse to pay runs. In Mann-ml. l`nmnr.o. Hamilton and Cold meats, all kinds. Frontenac Cafe. Lunches and picnic baskets. Frontenac "min not impl'0\'!d 1 Inn roman no ply r--u-. In Montreal, Tomnto. other Inca cities tho watering of streets is done before seven o'clock un ; why not L...V' THE LIQUOR and DRUG HABITS. l .g.- run` . II A `What! ._ __-__ _I..|:_. J I III. I.1UV(\I\'U\ -u- v-`----____ WE GUARANTEE to every victim of the liquor or drug hehit. no matter how bad the cue, the: when our new vegeuble medicine in taken es directed. ell deeire for I:.._... .. 3...... in nmnnurl rithin thin ||(]-'.IlIUxB II rvlllglivu w--u-u ----is; cl. _ 3 ponnnnen 1.flI_I O 0U0d_ $ weeks. Tho nodncmo 10 taken -uni-no-In null Qilnnh inlffilll TK: HANDSOMR NEW RESIDENCE ON Mon street. near lnvlnlou uuwt, lately mumbled In David J. Wllllelnbuul. A small ex- modicum no nun mncwu. In W-W wt liquor or drugs in removed within that uh}; and n nnrmnnanh euro olluctod in um. ween. `rho nomcmu nu nun princely and without intetfering with Maine: duties. Iunodinto Ionlta-oa-- unl lppolilo. clap and clan In-sin. and health iuptovod in Ovary way. Indiepub u lilo tutillony not ruled. We invita strict invo-tiguion. Address the Dzxon nun 011. Na 40 Punk nvonlli (BC! Illlkll strict Inn-ugtuon. Aauruu sun usxwl CI!` 01;. No. 40 Punk noon (nu: and). Iontnul. In-nu; until J an III. II..- hoax -I AI his pug. in council Ind evening ald- I.......-n_....nuu..}mmnn'nn|nnnn- MARINERNTELLEENCE. A CITIZEN PROTESTS. Wollnnd Cnnnl B1-port. V,,_,_.._ f\ . II._ n INGSION Rl~`.:~lll\E.`ICl-1 l`H.-\'l` PH`- tuluqno reshlenllnl pruperty known as (mdarwuud," about 24 non-u, mljulnluu the city. Laue brlckdwollmg ulonulhuml-ulnn; lll modem Iulpvovonnonls. `R111? alunu uu\hIc~u_ ole. Omulldl well planned with ormunvnml then. Exluuslvo m\n|ens,nn~.m\n|, No. J. B. WAIK. Klugslomur I-`. 1'. liens. London. plioationu have been `hip the Kingston Ihyoo To The Kionayto E. C. Gildoraleeve, and W. Moore are organizing a party to proceed Do the Klan- dyke. Already ve young men have aignf. ed their willingness to join the gold hunt- ing expedition. `rho uruteu And Ohoaput Prevoab, at the New York clothing shore. has this season a great variety of all cluan 0! material suitable lor order clothing and prices were never so low as lbl season Special line of panting made to order for $3.50. Guaranteed to give rat.-class wear. We Just Want To Toll Yo Thnb we have the best: variety of boots `ever shown in the city, and the lowest prices. A. Abernathy. Q nun `Il-llDI'l. ' H. W. Kimball has arrived from Slaten-u ville, Rhoda Island. to assume the dunes v of aupurintendeub of Lhe local canton mull. l Mr. Kimball has had a wide experience in 3 cogton mill matters and is fully competent : to nuccez-nfully cnnducu alfmres connected ! with the local mill. ' To Spend Four Yell! lure. Lash night ehori F. W. Burton.Simcoe, arrived here with Harry Warden. who will spend four years in theliiugaton peni- tentiary for mnmlaughuer. us. John : Church, man. i The conuacn fur Lho erection of the new i rectory tor St John : church, Bath. has been given to Dunnwoody & Brown, Nuw~ burgh. Tho fuundatmu Will be laid utwu: i Lhe muddle of June. In cunjunur-on wmh F than ceremony W In proposed to hold Hm centonuml of she church, which is now In [ Y I I Hm 105-Lh your. A Drlluu III l'IlIl.I!lr\lll ` Mrs. Murgzueb Connolly, reliol. of tlm` Into James Connolly. dned est l Hnt.el Dicu, , Kmgrshou, un Sufuuday evening. Sim mm` bum In Ireland nboul. evguty-eight _y.-nrwt go and had Invud m Bulimnilo tiny `warn. Sue h.fr. nu nunnly. 1"uuru1nmn.~ w-J10 sent. to Ho.-llc\'Ilio mm Hm l`uI.enu tut.-k plmgl 1\1.mJz.y. Hen hu>5h.slM. Jnnu`-8 (.} P[(,ccdb'.' .18!` L1) UH) `P{l'd\`U bb0UL B VHMK urn ` `kw: _____,_*__ , A (janhllljll Liul In Trouble I Ah the police court. this inorning in young man beloiigiiig L0 Umiuiioque was charged with (ll`l)likL`llllOP'I'. H0 iilaaded guilty and 3 felt. sorry over his disgrace A line oli Lliieo dollars and costs, with the option of 3 goiiig to jail for lourleen days, was impoa- ] ed. He isaid he would teiegruph to Gain uncque for the funds. He belongs to a well connected family. | -:--+---<----- ( -v up, w - -..,__ On a few lines of shoes : Women s ne button boots. patent: ` leather ups, good house boots, 90c. Women's tan eboen, 60c. Mirs.-:ee can shoes, 50c. Women : ne black shoes, 75. Men a tan shoes worth $1.50 for 950. Men a ton boobs worth $2.50 for $1.50. At; Haiuea & Lockett`a. Kingston Ladies Goegg A nu-ucvnawww nawnnnnu .._A._ Ln- l).o-\_-.- A I280 A uouu rruuuu:-. | . A very encouraging practice of the - I Kingston lacrosse club was held last: even- l mg on the cricket. eld, ovdr bhirby stick- l handlers turning nub. Sides were chosen. ? the home players being pitted against the defence, resulting in good hard checking and combination. The new blood" show- ed up conspicuously and will push some of '.. the seniors hard for positions on the team 3 '| thst. meets Rsnfrew here on the queen s`-s L:-s|.A.:r` I ( . F ( Dull: IIJEUU birthday`: IHUU Sl`2`2,`.. 97.G $9,584 `.32. IRQT ; ` 1897 Totnl. 3140.742. 80: collected, | $Il0 U60 48; remitted, $6,891 51: balance, ` $23,790.81. sh.-Mn wntnrinu. 1896-Totnl, SL775.-; TIXBI vuuvcuau gu .......,. Ab last: night's moshing of the city coun- cil colloctor Thompson reported these tax collections to date: 1896 -- Total, $139,816 H: collected. ' moo mm m. mmitlad. $7 934.25`: balance, ` Street: watering. 1u:m--1uu:, u.uu.- I 50: collecbod, 81.478 89; balance, $296 61. - l897-Total. $1.820 90; collected. $723.- 97; balance. 81.! 96.93. ____t:___ lnuorueu Dy rnyuu:-9. When physicians endorse end prescribe grprepnration the public may have unlimit- condence in its virtues. Speaking of` Abbey : Eervescenh Salt. the Maritime I Medical NBWF, in its October issue. says: . "Abbey's Eerveocenb Salt is a pleasant. eervercing nperient. and inn valuable sub I shtnte fornanseulng mineral waters It , has been highly endorsed by leading phy. 1 1 eicians of Great: Britain and the continent. l of Europe" . Qinr-n inn introduction here, Abbey's EL i j 3 ( 5 1 In large bottle. Trial sin `25 cents. of I-Juropal" . Since its introduction Abbey : i ferveecenb Salt enters into man; of the pre- i anriptiona of Canadian phyaicians Abbey's ' Elleivescenh Salt Is especially useful in` cues of La Grippo, Sleeplesu-noes. Loan of Appetite, Bilionsnone, Sick Hetduclio. Con- _ at-ipation. Rheumatism, Neuralgin. Splo-n y Affection. Nervous Depression. Indigen Lion, Sen Sickness. Flaluloncy, Gout. Fever. Skin and Kidney Complaints. 1:. use puries the blood and clesra the com- plaxion. Sold by all druuziste at 60 cents ` All lglndn or -In-`cubs For (An and black shoes an Abemothyh. 10. 1893. AI con`: J` 3- .0,- inging` Dllnklm Total. Uld3,6l0 11; culluvuau, . 97.6l; remitted, $7 93-l.`. .\`; balance, no OITY AND vlplunfv. ._.__?.:___. Taxes Collected To Date. - ;.r_ ..___s:.... at 9|; :1 lndorud B! Phrildll -,-.__ __..I.....A qn n A ueutn In Kingston. 1. ,.:I,. .,,_I: Had A Good Practice. "7. _._... ........>.'... A Nowfh-l_|;nuer.* v n,uL,_-___.-__,Jl ___+ To-darn PI-Icon ,: _L___ _ SL775.- QOOR RI says no mu Benign Irony `tho noun! or onlth On` A ocean! or The Oounon Non Supporting A llocommoudulon From The non--A New unln,-Badly Needed on (lure Htrtet. At last night's meeting of the city council Ald. Carson presented the- re- port of the board of works, recuxnu1`end- mg no nation at present. on the requ-Est of the stage dtWt`er.~I, and that; the city comn1i.=.siuner be instructed to with- dlnw the charge ztguinst W. Hobbs. At the request 01 AM. Dunnelly the re- port was taken up clause by (`l:lu.`:h ,`. Ald. Dunnelly took exception to thu rolcrgmmendation of the board of health, .....:...- cl... ..m.n..iI an 1-nn~xll In`f M1 Agyncn : acnoo - mum Pu muool B |l1OAIo`I~|'h`\lh1D and th':\'ory . tll Dun olontu-Io. port was Luxml up ('Iu.u:m u_y \Iuu~7I:. rocommemlation advising the council to con.~struut u| dluin by low}! uupruvexxxonl syslvxll. He? thought the board was exceeding its: duty in making` such :1 remuuuemian tum. ~ AIA Flhntf nnnfnrl (Ina IJIVV lllllll` in HS pmwr. l Ald. Mimics was sutisfiml to be guid- !(*d My N10 rvport (If lhe lmurd of health, wbut ho had not heard any complaints {cnnvuning that portion of the Guru` tstroet drain berm-ml Uugnl und Kim: `slr(`(-ls. Blow hing strcvl the drain iwus wry band. 5 .\ld Stmxnrf 1-nrrnlmrule`-d Aid. Min- s0\\':1g'('. .~\ht. .\l-(`.'1rtnv_v .~`.. lt1l the (Euro street dmin was good from Uugut, to king a~:trvot_ but a new (train as not-d-`d he- uwmu hing umt the uutvr mtg". AM. B:-hun could nut 80!` any sense- in referring the mutter hack tn thn nt`ll}L tlt(`l`F. '|hv tmurtt nf houtth finds A train is um-ossury uml rm-u11unor.(ts it.-x vnnstruvtinn. The vnunril must com- .[)|\' and h:n`o the (train built. -.-\ld. t\l'I'l\'<-tvo_v and :\tinm=s submit- `ted an amendment, rot :-.rring tint fvlultsv of the report. In tho city vu- pzinvor for 11 rv-port us to the mmditiun 3 ut' present drain nml cost, of :1 new um-. -` t ['4-uupto of times 1 s `- street. 9 knew smnething \\.t.~`. npcnml ll runtl to he filthy. nadu below King Aid. (7:u`sun~ unl uhuut that The npeulu gs. `ed the mntt-.-r of impruw-cl sanitt Hf t'.le (war the old fzxsllium-d stone drains. Tito` trains were not as sanitary us` the old stum- .-\|d, Roll que : mains unless tr:tpp<-d ut strut-t curnor tn h:|\'-. porllwzltv is much bet tvr S(`\\'.'| RI`. It tnp< nings. frum t the` odor `through the earth them In rise thmugtr \'(`nt.~;. Rx-an suvh "1' Ald. Bell's nnnnnrtml (inn. Ald. Elliott. quoted the luw under which the board made suuh n roi--nu mondulinn. T11: body was ucling with- in its AM. Minm-s uid-1 IHE IHREATENS I0 Rus1cN.; ALD. ELLIOTT OFFENDED AT .. .1-u I'IIIn nuns .\\ilS \|'l)' II-ILI. Q .~\ld. Stewart vm's' st:1l(`n1vnt. 5 .-\|(l. .`linn.-`s s ioro Street (In ......~ |u.in in M17 _ Tn_vc'-9. - `! Aid. Robinson nskod if the lxmrd of lwnllh lmd taken any uctinn an the rvqm-st of Dr. Fvnwick for :1. drain in - lowrr King street. i ii AM. Eliiurt rcpiied mat. the lmard on ,h0:I|Ih hurl (-nnslden-cl the mutt!-r :|II'i; .5\\nu'd make just such unnlher rt-port; _ tn the munvil as the uno pl`\`SFnlNIln-l , night. That is,prn\'iding tho hmrd 0!` , ll|(`I1ilh does not resign," continued AM. ' Elliott. .-\s far as I am persunilly vr.-nrrrnerl the t;0um'il will rvceivo my: ' resignation as a member of the board, ' inf b(`.'|ilh." -I... ------------l vxws :~'1:n(`n1Hu. I said that parlian of H11` drain lwluw King sin-z-t was built in 1871 and l1l`:`(I*`l1 I'('pl.ll`i.'l|_". I Ald. Elliott xnfurnn-ml llw council thu it v huurd of lmultln, in umkiug suvh ul ,1` rnmnxendntiun, nus guidml by in-] strncliun:-x and sugg;osliv.n.s from the` unit 1- nnnina-wr {at . m m...,a 'cuy (`nglne-;*r. I AM. 'l'm'o s: "FAIRLAWN." JOHNSTON ST. A VERY COM F0ll.'1`ABl.E DWELLING. N0. 184 King street, p0u.~u.*uulon May lat; mod- on Improvement: ` mm moderum. Apply lnxtdoor to luuc Iursou. 'cuy AM. 'royo said um within the hlnck {nu (lure street, helm :-n Kim: and \\'UI- [limzmn streets, tl1en~ \\'u.~+ $1! 0'l0wurth `of properly that wals nut mlminod into the pIes.~`||t M-\\'t'r, \\'hi<'h is nnly hw- ,f<-et, ton inrhos Eu-vp. A mm drain was badly I14-mlvd. ,\hl_ Munors im'nrm<'d tho mum-il lnn hurt` .`llf`(`4`l, Ulll m \\Hn`n um u-u- Innis lhl(lI1l0V(`d on ucmunt of hm! I dl`1Iin:|p:<'. .\ll. l~`.||inH said the` people nmwulml `In tho hnurd of houllh fur u drain us :1 Must n-.~.nrl. Asking the engineer In fnnxlkv n report to llw council, wns u 'aslI:1i;:ht. slap at the |m:u`l of health. .\|l. l)unnvHy hulk 1`?\(`(`[)lilIll In AM. s|`?l|mtl's rt-marks. 'l`]w ('ulllh`il repro- 3.-u-nletl llw [n~t)p|u'.~a|1mxn;V and should 3_hu\'o the finunviul nspm-l. of the drain Hdm-ml I`.-efure them by tl1uv|t_yeu- ` ginvor. l H Ilm engineer r(`|)urt(`d upon the lllHQ' HllQ'l`l ll wu.-4 in- Ald. lwnr mum: llI(` hum 11 source of nui.~mnce. -'{fivi<`nl and would not. vnrry off the ` .\lv(`:1rhw_\_' min! nus \I.I lz..lmn mmld nnl son :mv `ginm-r. If the engnnom` re-pnrtml upun mwossily of 11 drain ulm'.'- King: st rm-1, AM. Minnosl will support the scholne. ;\_ld. Kent found the (Euro Hlrovt J u c:\I|!`I`ll nf nllitulllrol, ll \\'1lH in- SUCH \'(`lll3. .\ld. R_\`an supported .vi(~\\`s. From In sewer upe-ning on Brock street, near (`lo-rgy stnwl. fuul [udurs nriso, so had at times that th(\ {residents 01' the locality tmvn to km-p `their (tours and wimtous clused. The report was put and udupted. The yt-as nnd nzlys om vutlvd fur by Aid. M.K-lvey, t_he vote being: \ .m=_\I':-vnr I.n'inutnn. .\|dS. B9. The mm nzlys \u-n-. rum-u nu u, the Ynns.--.\I:ly0r Liyijjgslun, .\|ds. Boll, `(`(`vke, Donnelly, Minnes, 31-("ur(nu_v, ;\frl\'elvey, Robinson` Ryan, \\'-hsu-r, \\'hilo-IL I \-.....;n.Ia Tlnhnn (`:1rs0n.(`urlis. \\ hll(`-ll. ' .\':xys-!\lds. Rvhnn, Elliot t, Knt, Iuores, T1 )_v'-9. I \|.l !?:.I\ir.unn nsxkml zuny |14'(`(n-t AM. 1'\lq<~ hm! n\'_.\In| ltl. l\I()(K'IH t*x-.-\I:l. Mr V nu. nl rnnl counctln.-s`R'L}:.-:'IE.__ llou In Am and Music. _ duouuounl udnnuguwllh Cf "'3:-`?.:.& hhtnuhn - _ ....`L".Z......:'*' " ` " lrillll :'lIl(I (`UN on ~.s:ml (Iran I mm )1] gs nu ed corrohoru led r|.o()d n\\n('tl two h()u3t`.H' out uf whirh Hm te=u- ..r )....I (`(131, (II II lI?`\\ HIM`. \ rum! x mdu Carson. Curtis, b`hzn\, Slew`.-,rt,` uuncil y of the (`My eu- Fiverybod y ;Wants to `Save. That's why we are telling you again tlnafwe are in a posi- tion to turn out a First-Class SUIT OF CLOTHES for )ou, on which you save ve or six dol- Ears. We have an assortment of SUITINGS. OVERCOATINGS. ETC.. ETC.. ETC.. ..... ....""..;".`.'i'."...'-'.'. "'"'"'"'-W Q.` dues and udnnhgqilm eouvuslenu. than annual suntan; which is equal to the best in the city. Every new design is here. The stock ofPiece Goods which we purchased lrom the Grand Union were all imported direct. $x6.oo Suits now $12.00. $18.00 " $r3.5o. $2o.co $r5_.oo. $25.00 $18.00. $28 00 $20.00. $5 oo Pants now $3.00. $6.00 $4.00. EALL WORK (JUARANTEEDJQ |J.TWEDDELL. HARDY & cg Asa special Bicy- cle offer during our Fire Sale at High Grade Bicy- cle. with Dunlop Tires. $40. 131 Pmcc s; Street. __..__ --_. '-noN'r orncs: on F1i:"r noun -1 Cnrrutherl Block. Apply to J. B. CAR- Imlll. mans-monv BRICK HOUHE. Monllui conveniences. ul turned M) J ohnalon mum Oorner of Burris, oppoolte BInhop'u I-`Mme tpply to R Guwmno. root. or Queen sum Clear as a crystal and delightful in its invigorat- ing and aromatic odor is the coffee that" comes to you in pound and two- pound tin caps from the famous coffee importers, its purity and its strength being guaranteed by their seal. ' \pI-Inn Its supreme merit has been proved and is ac- know1ed'ged by thousands of the most fastidious coffee consumers through- out the land. Grocers everywhere sell it. .?--_::- X 134 Km: Htreet. |x)eL~u-salon May lit: i `run: nmms sun. `rm. pnqnnnlnt Uulwunlly cumin it Aruandbluclo. . . Kl HANDHRIE NEW R.l`I3IDF.NCE UN Union ed by lmo will complete IL lm olna Queen`: Lg: grounds. Apply to R. V. nus, Bus UPPER HOUSE VAUUIIN '1'mumun 6 Rent $150; tuxes uuol wmerrrue. . av. Wmu Omco. 8! UNIVERSITY AVENUE. BIUCK DINO with all modern colwoment-es. Raul '1` DESIRABLE BRICK HOUSE, N0. 116 : Chase 6: Sanborn In. Run (lm: y KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE E` OF THE FLAT OVER THE uumx )'n Clothln more Klu street, awnin- two's Prlu ug Olce. pply 3`. um |' FLAT OVER THE BIIJISY in Clothlnn Store. Klux street. mumm- BEAU'l`lFUl.l.\' BITU;\'I`[s`.D DE- ml Brick llomu-. EDGCATIONQE; ._.._.__. m A Nlhopunl m ' .t:nI').:nolonnno. __.__._-.:__..:___.__..-. 0UBE.. W3 VVILLIAM B'I`REF.'l`, EX- lanalon Kllchon. rent. modsrule. Apply toruov a H1`:/wv. _'!'0 BE LET. _ Reofnned on MONDAY. JAN. Std. Q` for and t-nl Chaos, In BU!-ll. R4. BBO HAND AND CIVIL VICE 8UBJRC'l`tL Individual Instruction. Ill full lnmnnnuon cull 8 Onl- lqo Omen. Oddlhuowf Block. obuslnsnnam uamses wAs TRANSACTED. An Alden-nun Tutu Exception to who no Oomldon An lllouu Expenditure or lone}-The Pounull Reluon to Grunt. Ronuulon of Ta Ion to the ftmeuo Also- olnllon. A regular mooning of the city council WM hold lub ex-eninu. Pzeeenlz: Mayor Livingston, nldoa men Bahan, Carson, Cur- th, Donnell], Minnea, Mooorn. McCarb- noy.MoKelve'y,C. R. Robimon,Sbnw, I`oye. Webntar, Cooke. Whine, Elliott, Boll, Boonrb. Ryan. Kent. Ald. Dnnnallv. baloro the m7nuboa Conmunlontlono Bud. From C. R Whitehead. manager of the Dominlon Cotton Mills Co.-In view of the resolution panned by the council, he would be pleased, together with the com- pany : solicitor. to wait: upon tho finance committee to discuss cotton mill matters. Flmnce. m..,..... n M n..:u.-m n f`. M I` ._In nhg lcm couum msasslou. auownru. rayon, none. Aid. Donnelly, baiore 0! the regular-meeting were conrmed, protected against one item in the report 0! the nance committee. concerning poy mom of $300 to Christopher Robinson as additional counsel in the case of the city vc. Ihrcot rnilwny company. The by-law distinctly etotee shot theoity solicitor in ruponlihle lornll payment. of additional counsel ices. He claimed the occounb was illcgel. The council poised this account. M8300 in deance tfthe bylaw, and might; pone another Illegal account) {or 83,000 etite nexb meeting. Ho protested against: the payment: of the sum and the hurried manner In which lb was rushed through the council. Aid. Rahnn nrnued for e ruling on the msttor thus mbroauceu. I The: mayor ex luiued than the nnnoa committee oomi and iv necessary to em ploy additional counsel and gave the city solicitor power to employ the name. AM MnKnlvm1 and in looked II thouh solicitor to employ me name. Ald. McKelvoy and it: looked though it was I quention u to whether or non the finance committee was right: or wrong in she matter. AIA nAnI\A" nnlnn nuf. Lhnh `h III A 11*;.: I Ila Ooo. use master. Ald. Donnelly pointed out than H: was I question of legality. Ah]. Dunks wn willinn to v6te on 3 re- quoamon or ieguwy. Aid. Cooke wu willing aolution referring the matter to the solici- tor for an opinion. (3.. mnhinn nl Ald. McKe|vev the min- !or oplmon. On motion 0! Ald. McKe|vey utea were adopted a: printed. Fimnce. From B. M Bribton, Q C.. M I`.--In the matter referring to improvements to Mar- cello tower in Macdonald park, he had handed the council's resolutions to the minister of militia. who promised to inves- tigate. Fire, water and Ii hb. mm... In ..I hnn-d or has i-.h--Ra unsani- and need 0! a mum. Douru or Wurlla. From J. B. WeIkem.--The Midland agriculture! society told B. W. Folgern loo facing the fair grounds. A deed was drawn up but not) registered. When the grounds were handed over to the city Mr. Folger a lot: was included in the dead. 'l`hirt.y-t.hree feeo should be deeded to B. W. Folszer. City property. I`.nm W M Drannnn --Iu behalf of the Potluonn Pruontod. Aid. Canon--From Charles Barbor. ro- quoat-ing permission to remove I small home lrom Bogob to Alberta street. Board of work. Ahl n..um_lI`.-nm .1 , mwfnrd and through the council. Ald. Bobnn prouod for ruling msttar thus introduced. m... ...-..n.- awnluiunrl that than nnnaal uignte. fire, water anu u no. From logal board of has th--R0 bar condition of north end of King street on need of drain. Board of works. nu-.. I n w.n..... _..'rrm Midland W. Folszer. Uicy propercy. Fuom W. M Dranmn -Iu behalf queen : birthday celebration committee. requesting ponniesion boplace tip track in the {air grounds in good conition. On motion of Aida. Minuea and Shaw. the ncceseary permission was granted. ol worn. Ald. Cu-son--From J. Crawford and others, taking the the thrash watering privilege be extended to Division etreeu. Bond of works. ALI tV....|..._I'i`.-nm M J Rnllivnn_ nuk- RICK RESIDENCE, N0. I79 DIVISION 5' ,. olovon rooms; hut. water haamug and othvr {adorn conveniences. Apply uoxl. door to E. Wnwn. Board or worn. Ald. Cooho-FrnIn M. J. Sullivan, mak- ing pewxihaion bocutz down A tree. Re- ferred to the city engineer and chainnsn of bond of works. wish power to act. A4. l'0IllIt ll nupul eu. Ald.'ElcKelvey presented the report of the committee on nance. recommending payment. of those eccoimts : Registry otlice, 84?. -L0; court house. $258 81; jury expemee. $639 47: conveyance of prisoners nndlunntice, $575.31; Shedden company, rolling perks. 89: Kingston elevator com- pm}. Huber. $43.0-5; puke,p.ny roll, $56,- US; W. A. Mitchell, 812 67; house of in- duutry. $750; geuernl hoepital. $1.200; Hotel Uien. 8400: orphene! home. 3200; children`: aid society. $200; poor relief. 8200; mechenioe inetitute, 8300; queen a hirt-hdny eelebretion. 8300; registry oice 32 00: Prof. Carr-Hnrrin. 8206 52; D M Mclntyre. expenses to Toronto, 826.45; Cnravell compeny. 36; R. Uglovv & Co.. 399 0|; election expemee, legielntive ee- eombly. 8333: C. W. Muck. $12 80; Car- novoky wood colnpeny, #3: W. Shame- bothem. 36603: A Strechen. Sll: J. A. Doneldeon, 82.515. Shedden company. 83; J. Sownde, Q 25: E. McFadden. $38.13: C. Clarke, Cl l9 3?: R. H. Fair. 87 50; J. P. Gildoreleeve. dunegee. $13 09; W A. Mitholl. $47.33; general pay roll s1,m,. 35; P. Cullen. me 40; an-1>on.I. men, \I nun..- `In-`A -nnnnnf. SI.` .Il|~ R. 53: l . unlen. Ila!) iv: nlcuouuu, nuau, Murny, atone Account. 613.40; R H. Gowan. 82l.(|8; '1`. White. 819 I1. J Con- lay. 39: 6. Guy. 818: J. Aiken. 815 60; none account, 3400; J. Loumon. 87 50: R. Waldron, 84.75; 0 A. \\'n'ghb. 8-6 75: J. Hamilton. pulun. 34: A J. Johnston. $35 01: T. J. baby. 33 60; Canadian loco- mouvo company. 35 40; J Bounds, Slh lu: Bskrnul Write. 858; R. lgakaly. cut.- Igo. I7 -I0: y roll. putt. 7 87. Want veers dopuunont: R. Uxlow & Go . 818 0.1: light. but sud powot con- gisy. 82050; '1' Hunk . 813; Runny. by a Co. 81.06: J. am. 8685; lobar pay is. cm 32. `hoeoumitton further neotnunndod tint on tho nppliouioo ot tho amount athletic nnnnninkinn- nnnlvinn [or nuinoion of ID!!! IIIO lppllll 0! III. Ilnuwur uuuuuu unociatioqnpplyiug for nminoion lot I897. Ibou tho udvioo 0! the city soli- nitnnnnnction be (non Tbocnmmittoo also mac um year not uouu noun. Md. Canon objoottd to tho Int clsuo intholnunco npu-(x It would handicap the bond of work: in securing 3 unpply 1:! sign.` DUI, upon (III Invlu In IIII clsy Inu- citoqnouctiqnbo (then recommended that no hutlnr ptymonu 50 made us`: Int Iuoho lions Ald Pu-non almond to All. lhlnnltlntllinolluunuguvuu thlallthowonoovnod :{.thoci\_y would I.._...I.--L-nun-L Qiy-.1". 8Il@IIOIlj..IIIulyw-|~J- i iota-ouounouoy Invalid in INN aanalgnnnnn ' HOUSE OCCUPIED BY MR. MERRICK. King Street. Extenulnu and all modern conveniences. Rout xmxh.-rate. Apply next door IoJunoI: Paws. F3S'5".:u*':':.T: CCITC. AIL T Ijlli P`- Allllchnn Ihunnnu gin: 1.-. -n sL..o.... n-nnd hm LL: citv would Prolcntlng Iloponl. 1.7,: , _ . _ _ _ -_;-.I AL- on the qnomon." Continuing, Ald. Curtis said the associa- tion nhould be encouraged by the remis- Iion of tune. The shareholders were ready wlell out for fifty cents on the dol- In-. NO. as: UNIV!-:Ral'l`Y A\'l11NUl!.'. muux home with nodouu. Pououulun Mug lat. Airply to 83801`. ROB1`.Nlt8IIl1'l`.3.'|7 ulmston lnml. lur. Ald. McKelvey'pointed out than in com- plying with tha petition the council would be acting illegnlly. There was a way to get around cbo diiculty. A by-law might. a aubmimed, grunting exemption to the association. A M mi.-..+_o. amemnmrl thumb it laha oninion association. Aid. Elliot! iribimabed that ii the opinion of the eolicibar was: ascertained concern ing the granting of $300 to the celebration committee. he would say that it also was illegal. The council had power to granb remission `(if taxes on account: of poverty. The athletic association was bankrupt; He moved in amendment, that the clause in the report concerning the athletic associa- tion be utruck oub. am n..i.... ....m.nml tlml: the moon. be oil to grunt oxunphlou `to cln athletic u- ooclstion. In wan I bankrupt concern. kept ulloch by I luv publlo spirited citi- zonl. who mainuimod the ground: As A gluon where visitors could be ontartuined. a would like to no the council encourage the association to the Amount. of the taxoa. A m u;...... .h..-ml in the nuns opinion. yvxlh me anaocmuon r.-uouuu uu Ulluuulnuu. Aid. Ourtiudmihted char. he was a mem- ber of the usociabion. Aldl Btownrt: "Then you cannot: vote the qnoabion. (`.(mt.inuin.I?. Ald. Garcia bion be utruck ouu. Ald. Bohan suggested that the report. adopted as presented, and M. the next council meeting introduce B byvlaw grant.- ing exemption to tho aaeociation. Th. amendment. was nut. and adopted. mo uaoclamon no we Imuuuu ul uuv Unav- Ald. Minna: shared in the ammo opinion. The few public spirited citizens connected _wi1h the association should be encouraged. ALI (L.-r.n.:hnit.Pnd rhnr. he was a mem- exampnon mo aaeocmuon. The amendment; put. adopted. Ald. McKelvoy called tor the you and nnya, with hhia result 2 v.......Alda Rail. Cnoke. Donnellv. Elli- Webawr--!r. Naya--Mayor Livingston. Alds. Behan, ` Uauon, Curtis. Mooer-. McCartney, Mc- Kelvoy, Ryan, Toye. White-l0. Md. (`..~u-non uresonted an amendment) to Water Work a Report. Aid. McKelvey presented the report of the committee on water works, recom mending hhab on the petition of engineer W. Hazlebb, for an increase in salary and Dine services of an assistant, his wages be increased by $50 per annum, and than the committee be empowered to appoint) an as- eistant engineer. Am Hall mnld non suouorh the renorb. Kelvey, tcyan, Ioye. vv LIlE6-lU. Aid. Carson presented strike from she report: that clause dealing with the question 0! broken` atone. In was canned by show of hands. Aid. Mc- Kelvey called for yea: and nnys with this result) : \'.m.._Al:1n RA`-Inn, RA". nal`B0n.C00k8. ---:jq PPEII HOUSE VAUGHN TERl(.ACF.. N0. Apply n Wmu Omco. W(~bstel,-IU. . Nnyg--My|y0l' Livingston, Aldn. Cume. Donuelly, Minna:-, Mccnrtyuey. Mcliclvey. Shaw, Stewart. WhnLe,-9. AM (1....-nn - Mv resolutions nonmal- aistanl`. engineer. Ald. Boll could not support: reporb. He was opposed to the creeping of an of- tico for anyone. The present. engineer was not overworked and had easy hours. He roceiyed n sutliciont. salary for his labors. There were many competent: men in the city who would accept: the position no the proeonh salary. Md. McKelvev was surmised at Aid. with bma roaulb Yons--Alda. Bell, Cooke. Donnelly, otb, Minnea, Robinson, Shaw, Stewart, Webster-9. KY.--.- Il-uru- Tiuinanfnn Aida, Rehnn. reauln You-Aldo. Behnn, Bell, ( Elliott. Mooers, Robinson. Wabstel ,- l 0. Mar-__M.n:nr Livinmlton. . ly carry." Ald. Elliott: Your friends stick to you better than you suck to your friends. pron.-ant salary. Aid. McKelvey surprised Bell's words. In committee Ald. Bell had seconded Ald. 1)onnelly'e resolution, pro- viding for the engineer receiving an addi- tion to his salary. The engineer has to work seven days in the week and his work is constant. The council should not ask its oiciela to work seven days in the week. The principle involved was whether or not the council would Act in I christian spirit. It had been suggested that Mr. Hezleub could go to church after his eervicea are through on Sunday morning, but he could not get to church until the service was well ndvanced. The council would not be acting justly to Mr. Hazlett unleea giving the increase in salary. Ald. Bell had failv ed to explain his change of mind. AM. Hell exnlnined that he had been ll]. \IIl! ly carry." Md, Elli ed explain me cnenge or minu. Ald. Bell explained mislead concerning the work the engineer was culled upon to perform. It was repre- sented to him that the engineer could not find time to attend divine service. Sick- ness etucking Mr. Hnzlet-t.'s family he was relieved and the mm pub in his place was through every Sunday morning before con o'clock. He in also through early in l_.lI9 afternoon. Learning these things he was led to change his views. 'I"L.. ..-.. .mI nu. nn Hm manlnhion led to chunno ma VIBWB. The you Ind nay: on the maolubion were called for by Akl. Ryan, with this re- ...IA . E KAVETWO NICE HOUSES ON JOHN- IIIOII tune! to rum, botwoen Clu nnd Bvdonhnm Apply to

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