In opereblon _to.luI'n II II II reeuy an uumu. Kn W311`; Hey 12,:-The Brioinh mm- ol-wn Tnlbot whlqh entered Havana har- bor eevorul days ago for the purpose. it was reported, of taking uvey use Engeh 'roeidenoe lelh there yesterday morning bound for Nuenu. The warship, it: in loomed. did not eeke her mnjeat.y eaubjecta from the hloohdod city. Tim Ii`:-nnnh ntnnmar Lnlnvebte which IBIJOTH & (}0 S mm] .-cu..- u`...-.__- v.., 1.... ' Pornale In Klngxuvn by Henry Wade and` lame: Mclmod. Dmuxittn HIE BEST IS THE CIIEAPESI. COAL that is COAL at V.auununuyuuu. "1 have used Norway Pine S m [or coughs and colds of mysex an baby. Palwayu (ind it cures n cold quicker than anything I have ever tried." Mas. R. P. Lncomum, Parry Sound, Ont. -- ......l -_- .. I...uI,. _A..Il ,J,, I Stops the irritating cough, loos- ens the phlegm, soothes the in. amed tissues of the lun"a`nd bronchial tubes, and produces a quick and permanent cure in all cases of Coughs, Colds, Bron- _ chitis, Asthma. Honrscncss, Sqre Throat and the rst stages of Consumption. I` I` haun nu-:1T\Ynr-wnv Din- c........ 1 any uuunu, Uni. 25 and 50c. a bottle at all dealers. IIUIZKI lneL'~ K l.'11>u\`g sound dtgcslion. bee tlnuuhc tr. e mark name 2 . , 55 IlI1|1\?K."l1nljTlS'TUlli Fyuni Gum after l%I- I'I& I`! IIlO`lI` AJAXTABLETSPOS - LYC RP. ` JLl'.Nv:-Iona D1:-xv.-- gnu; ear I scan Jibop! . , . -I %?'A:c;o funcr -1.`; 7:47 PIQQIIII nqnolu I01 Illppllul nlvu In-cu I and otuvuion ohms Huvaul in t. ohoounluu holp comes. The insur- gonu Inn planned to cub on` tho unmet supply. ll thin in mooualul ihin amid Blmco`I situation will be hopeless. II Annln "Av I9,_.AdmKrn| 1BI moio. Rnthanolvmin v-no sen- won-onr semen Windows and Doom X0 N?! no asauuu-men 5-. ,..aunuotux- n The mm mm rebouahbwcdll lot Pnlmunnl Welland-Vale Wheels. 3.51 PAY IIARDWABK -I--+-`I---+ 1B9'o;`; lmow A wARsH1p'nE'c7 ITHE `raving DUTIES or emf.` ____ - -._ _-_..--mm Everything In [oiled Down In Time go! Action -1 be Air Supply out on, the men In thelntenso eet Wllt ulghcuud I. H. -'l`hey Know Not How the Bat tle Goet- The Least Accident nllxht Result` In Dustin to Them. Very little is known by the public of the general conditions that prevull underneath the declrs of modern men-of-war, andrhow trying are the duties of the gallant engi- neers and stolters, on whose c.ll'orts depend the success of the ship. ltis reported that commodore Dewey steamed his ship at the rate of eight knots an hour during the light. Even at this slow rate of speed the buffering among the men in the engine and boiler rooms must have been intense. When the ship! en- tered the bay of Manilla ` every hatch and port .hole in the eet was closed tight as wax. Heavy armor plste gratings cover the hatches. the ventilators were "ck eel and every air and water com- partment was hermetically sealed. The men below decks were not ex ected to be heard from again until the g t was over. Their position was anything but pleasant. The instant the ordinary drafts that sup- ply the boilers were shut oil`. forced drslt was made by means of the big blowers which forced air down under the boilnrs. These fans, revolving at `the rate of 600 revolutions per minute and supplying 1,000 feet of air per minute, make a deafening noise. The stokers, stripped of all clothes except a breech-cloth. and shoes to pre vent their feet from burning. shovel coal continuously. They only stop when com- pletely exhausted. , The tamnorature of the rooms. which l)efect:aVl;1"(Janadlaa latorlol. The remarks of Prof. Shortb at the meet- ing of the historical society on Tuesday evening. regarding the United Empire Loyaliets, are worthy of note. Prof. Shore! has hoen making a careful research into original documents from France and Eng- land relating to the early settlement of Cmada. which have, within the past: few years, been placed in the Canadian arch- ives at Ottawa. These documents show considerable defects in the presents history of the United Empire loyalists. Not all of those who came to Canada from the states ab the close of the revolutionary war were driven out because of their loyalty to the British cause. The loyalists were chiclly those who had borne arms against their fellow-colonists. and to whom the Americans refused the privilege of return- ing to their former possessions and these came to Canada mostly under the leader- ship of military officers. Arrnin in histories of Canadaib in con- amp ox mmury omcera. Again, in histories of Canada it tinually stated that the French-Comedians of that only period remained by and fought for Britain. But this is totally untrue. Only for the stupidity of the United States troops, the French-Caner dinne would undoubtedly have mlnained with them. When n cnlllor troops was made from the French-Canadians by the military governor of Canada. none could he got. A history of Canals. with the data now availablemrould be an intereating volume. pletely exnaustou. The temperature rooms, approaches that of a bake oven, causes the men to wilt: right and left, and as soon as one fsinte he is carried to a place where the conditions are not so severe. Coal dust fills the" air. and together with the stifling heab makes it almost impossible to breathe. The deafening roar and whirl of the klowers, together with the continu- ous pumping of the engines and the rat- tle of ccal.ruakes communication by means of speech impossible. Orders are trans- mitted by signals, told all nn the fingers. Above the endless din, however, the boom of the guns on deck can be plainly heard, and the stagger of the ship which follows each discharge is also felt. livery moment there in danger of some accident to the boilers, which would cause the death of every man in the engine room. The breaking of an exhaust pipe ore r-team ..r... .1 mm nnrrrr-fnd insfnntlv. would lead broakmg or exunusv; plpo urn neaun pipe. if not; corrected instantly. to further damages which might scald to death every engineer and amlaer bolow decks. Tho heavy armor plate grating about the hatches would make egcapo by that way impoaiiblo _ 1.. mlriitinn In all there distressing con- that IIDPOBEIDIB In addition to all these distressing ditious there is the horrible uncertainty of whab is going on in tLe outside world. The men below the hatches nre absolutely ignorant: of which way the battle goes; their ship may be on the point: of being rammed and sunk. and they would work on unmindful of the coming destruction. The men on the veeaels of Dewey : eet must. have suffered intensely during the four hours ghting on Sunday, and in is likely that the main reason a rest: was taken for breakfast was in order to permit; them to get. a breathing spell and iecupcr~ mo. Do not uuller from sick headache I Ino- monb longer. It in not noceaeuy. Carter`: Lime Liver Pulls will cure you. Dose. ono little pill. Small prico. Small dose. Sunll ni" llllltl pill. IDOAN S xuum PILLS | DOING IT. -hllP-lno [mi 0! llunuy xuuuuwu. "I have onffetod from violent pains in nybuckfnrtholnuthtooyean and have bad dilcnlly in urinating." odd Mr. Charla W. (houloy. I10 Ordnance that "After doing I d: '0 work I felt so drug- godeutthtleondnknlap otcnlundin the morning I could randy got up. I has tridfnny audios tot kidmy Iron- No.51: nololid Instill gollbox ol Donn : idney Pills. "They helped In from qua I qntinued liking than and` now I An Inp- pg to say I an uzsloldy end. I not soundly at nigh have no in unuuhng' ' . , Thhlld` ` III: II ' Iauflnyn lady to Iputhounnd: ol tho that and I can iurhlly Innu- ncnd Dun : Kidney Pillshuynud-, llicud with hiduoy Innlalu. I `Inn In. 3 mnuo 9 `in -y cut.` An Alnbltlouu schema. Kmon-ox. May lI.-(To the Editor): A lady sud a tow gentlemen. one of the lnttor I prominont politician nnd another 3 young and clover business mm. I very happy oolnbinntion, Are starting a new Icbolno. to be a great benet to the city and largely incrouo the population. - The [notation in to capture one of the four thousand donut otforod by the Ontario govorulnonl. and at the counties of Fron- Iouto. Luna: and Addington to unite with tho city and establish a home o! rt horolor the poor "trunnion t." "honest" All over Frontenac county I)oun a Kid'- noy Pillnuocuring Back Ache. Bright`: Dunno. Diabotcv. Drppoy. Rheumatism. Scinticn, Gnnl,._1.I_ri9al1 t.I'oublu nod hlnrhhar innk II pains and tenet. NIOII Ilclnclu um Inner- mg. and no gladly coming fcrnrd to spank a good Irotd lot l).\cn'a Kidney -Px!lp-tho king of kidney remodiu III Inna. nnmmi frnlll rinlant lill in ,kIDNEY DlSEASEj i BEING BANISHED FROM , KINGSTON acuucl, UIIIIl,~\ bladder techno:-o. D:_Ls L-.. in Q1 bladder Irenueee. Right here in _tl:e limestone city In dree ofsaeoph are being relieved of tzf pains en tcheo. theit nickname and an - um. end nu plgdlv colnimz Nsrig AND STOKERS A special bargain is a line of 12 1-2c Prints, water damaged, selling at 8c. Linen Towels at 20c pair. Some special lots of Dress Goods at 10c, 20c, 35c and 50c yard, double fold. ' , Corsets, Gloves. Hosiery and Underwear at clear- ing prices. Men s Furnishings at clearing prices. Odds and ends of different lines are laid out for quick selling. You are safe to secure bargains for the picking if you come with the crowds to the selling of the 1Tay10r & C0. Bankrupt Stock. villi Tuluwu urwno II uminng hauqyoltbnrioulronblu uniting hunwwvuhueuuuu nlnngnnchu nutvou dohili . cxhuudod vihlity. lost -I-mg dlnin-nnd Inni nl IF YOU AVRENOT I;AnTIc1_1LAn _.._g `an _n. .. ...,,, ,.....-. .. ... Price $1, 6 for $5. or address`- iT|{E SLOAN MEDICINE C0.. of Hamilton. limited. Machines. Refrigerators. Ice -Cream Freezers," Window and Door Screens, Garden Hose lstep LaddeTrs.T Clothes Wringers, Washing i and Reels. All our READY-If>If.XE(D PAINT is guhnxftecd to` give satisfaction. ` i ELLIOTT BR(3s`;`,V , A _-_ -_.-_ __.____ gcmn lI-Q 15 Ez_pnE'<:'ssmee1" A ._ onanm. 1-:3 Sold Wholesale by the Preprletors Worcester : Crosso an Blackwell. Ltd.. London ; and Export Ollmen gerierully. Len AND PERM AGENTS : J. M. Douglas & Co. and Urquhart & 0).. Montreal. oumsxnx-: wnxppga I of every Bottle of the \'_ ORIGINAL vvoRGEs3u`l'-mtg !-IIRE RETAIL EVERYWHERE. Qvplilli. Colman ynu lo nun In TIEUSEKEEPING AIDS. 033:/we THAT me 8/GNA rum: Just as to Pattern, but looking for goods of real in- trinsic worth and ata low figure, you will find that you can save money by buying goods at the selling of THE TAYLOR STOCK. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE CHLORODYNEI CHLORODYNEX CHLORODYNEL CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNES GHLORODYNEi Pr-eprietors \ ' .. \ `ii! ' ster: ll. 1en ` I RYWI-IERE. ' _ _ . ORODYN E- .\'. \'(-nnIl.:.- l`otlh:rvw. .\I.l>.. t -u`nw1l_v l,v(~turor nt, Ht. Goorgcm Annlnn-l huw nu In-sltutlun In vetutlnu thnt I huve never met. Inns us un AIHI-~`|\1|slxIm|l(* mu] Hnlutlw-. I Il:I\`l` unmI|th1Con- 1, nlulullwI`1l|nA`:|s->4; uml um |)0l`fL`cl|y mtlullwl with thu result." I-`cl tuthv 1`:-ll--xv of I h\'Hlt`ll|llN that h- I`\`('1'|\'l`tIIl(|I'|)lll(`h from Min to tlu-olhw" thut t-huh-rn hns lw--u ruglng I`c~url'ul|y. uud that 41* was l`\'Nr:.--Sm- Lxuu-cl. Lat lwcvmbcr, IBM. -- - - ..w.. uurr.-z~n.\~..| :Ol:I:l_SWzBRO\NNE S - /8 Now Pm/vrso ~ m BL!/PINK ' ' DIAGONALLYAOROSS me `, In the hotel r('llll`d_\' lmown fur (`ougln-1,Consumption, ' Brmwhllls, .`\xdll|lHll. : 'l'vtl|nlL\' -Im-ks nml nrrox-{tn lhmm Ion onenmunl 4 (H.~'\'u.~'4`r<: hlphlln-rlzt, Ft-\'t`r, Croup, Ague. : nvlv-' mm :\ ohurm In hlnrrhmn and In the only spec!- ' no in (`hull-ru and h_\'uvInl:-ry. ; vm-ctunlly out.-a odmrt all nlmokn of Epilepsy, Hy- v slvrlu, Pulpllulhm and Hpusuuu. ; In nw only pnlllullvo In Na-nrnl Ill, Rheumatism, I Hunt, (`um~or_ '1`uuumchu, Islvnlng tln, etc. ` ls mlmlttml by Hm pron-u.-:lnn to he the most. w on ' derful an-I vuluublu rvnwdy u\'t'r\|lrs1'()\'0X'(`tl. Cu too Rhenmntion, Ncunlgio. Eryuipdu. Eczema and all Blood And Skin Diuuu. Mrs. Jami-n Slew.-urt. No. II) Hughes Street. Ht. Thvumnv, wrlu-II : Hume mar or nw Venn: :30 I was Irnuhlnl with n r-unpllmmnn of (u-zines and WIN In-Mn! by nmvrnl of our ho`-I -My dorlo ml lrlul nil klmls of pat:-M lnl`(Il`|ll0n~ rm. veil no hon--m until I lrl--I.~&|,oA.~c`nlsmA:41'uxIv,nnd I at once ho-gnu In Illl|If0\'l'. My len IMO ! one time was ml 1 and I was ac: Iy able to mow. an Imul n nnalnlod In Inn , hm! maul one mu my health Impm . and the mrdlclnoutrncted n eomplc cute. I n highly rvmmmemi Hu).\ '~x lxnux 1'uzur!oI-ulncrvou: cllmnlcrs. II la n_ lclcnl Blood Purine! and Willi) all that In claims In! It. I will no pl to [I70 cued an inrurmauon I can to an ~>non1mll|r3ul- u-MI lm-ouslnnthp no.-[B010 `ho Sil fhsit cinlnu-{I pleased to [I70 ~-nontmllar ul- Ilrr ad. n:-em-lngtlnr llI`fHl'fnt' llvveuo rvlurn nflhe dlamue. I have rmtl Incnuulln ....|.m1 nnul nnw onlnv ` ' ` R`1'\l'd. Hm-0 m-Inc lnr mullnne ru nrlhe mm; I wright and now emoy porkctgil. 1.: 1,,l-__ __ _.|,|____ [L%(iI\`.\71N1)1AN Iona urns. Inz. J. ('m.|.Is Imnwxll: wnl un- uf Ilwl.~1`-`mlum l~`n-L-mnn Will n.-.\'m"I'|IIl1`H,.Il|Iy l3!|I. IBM. 4- Is gl`H||`lH` wllimul the wmdn Overwlu-Imlng Medical Tout!- , mommbury, London, Eng. l`\;$IIl'O|`0l N'lOps')0l`bl`lnQ|Onr," "nonosn l Ioopeohblo tramps. A piece of [And 0! not loco than [on acres mush ho procur- Od in ordor to you t o lonr thousand dolA on. land and buildings muobcnoo no! Inn ulna clxooon thousand dollars. All thin the city will ho required to do in to y in than ol tho cont. which may bo Eur or nix - thousand dollu-I. oxemph the [Import] lrom taxation and pro- vido unnunll 1 Iibonl sum for in than the maintenance 0! thoiultitntion. The ' oflnndon Divi- sion no! known on o Murdock form in amino ol. Bo it tunomboted thou the city in now a homo of induury with in Skin~ not wing. whom there in unplo accommo- dation In! all the nu.-pocublo sud unfor- bunlto poor of tho city. 10 is hoped this uolnno will not turn out to be another un- bnunlo lu|nn-'l`nI Onsmvn. Bnmsn Wine in anchor- :;.'."....'"....."-`.;:{T'.'.*........".`:.:'.i'.;:'...r. `*5, Chill and 1. look of zlnnimnnnt ahnmn into to him in from the blookeded may. The French steamer Lulayebte was cuptured while brying to enter Hm vem lees Thursday and was released next: day by peremptory orders from Washing- t.on,left. Hwnne late on Tuesday attor- noon. What we: in the Lafayette : hold. however, and what she landed in Cuba will probably never be known. She was not. moloebod and we: soon hull down withuut huvin been spoken by A single veseel of the b oclrsding eet. Klmurrnw. Jn. Mnv 12.---Th0 British LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Iomdldphooihlcu. :...-.A._ by}... II _.,. :_ A RELIABLE OFFER. In: line For Paco. _.... |l-_ In A u unuuunu-uuu. Isuzu mean who to him in incl tannin. Inna Al A3...` UIIIIB Alter enillneu of eevergl weeks dure- on, Dmiel Reilly, the well-known violin- ieb. died yeeberdey At the Hotel Dieu. eged neventy yearn. Deceased was born an (llenurm. oounby Antrim, Ireland, where he received hie education. A0 the age of six years. having ebeleno for music. he wee pieced under the tuition of the beat. violinieb in lrelend. I mm named John `Ellie. He made hie reti public appearance on e viollnlub in America with Dick Sande mioetreiI,el>o.rt.ingirom New York. When Cool Burgees etarced from Toronto on his lireb tour, he wee lender of the orcbeebra. end with thou cornpeny twice eppeared here. Ho alter-werde accompanied Dick Sande mineirel troupe inaeenr sqgugh America, and later on forms in member of the orchestra irweiling wioh the Williams opens compen . He furnished the oroheebrn. music for b e Lyceum nhentre (then known as the N ickleaon theatre). Toronbo, while in that ciuy. He was in Quebec in 1860 with the Albino Bros minaorel troupe on the occasion of the visit of the Prince of Wales tothe ancient: capital. and, by requeeh. gave on enhorhninmenb before the prince and hie suite. After giving up rarfiblingz he settled in Kingston, where he taught music for as number of yeme. also conjuc- hing an orchestra for dnrcing pucpoeea. Few of the present age l`-av.) nnyiden of the populeriby of Reil|y e orcheebra, bub blie young people of twenty years ago or thareaboute would have no other. rm....... cm.-n hnfnra nnhlinn nail hr thnreaboube would nave no owner. Three years before sebtin sail for Amoriea he taught; school, un er bbe au- spices of the national board, in Shrubau. county Tyrone,` Ireland. on she estnbe of the then marquis of Abercorn. His father preceeded hum in coming to the Itabee, and settled nt. Alton. lll. While proreed- ing up the Erie canal deceased was accused by the captain of being a runaway slave. "nvinn nlwuva been a free man he resent- the bloclmding neon. Kums'r0N. Ja, May atonmor Ironopolin rived at Port: Royal ealordny with A cargo of coal from Csu-dill". he endeavored to run the blockade an Human. where the con] wua consigned, hub wan stop by the United Santos esh. The rouopolia than touched ah u__--.. van .1... H... nnnnninninnnrll by we capneln 0! Doing a runaway amvu. Having always been free ed the charge. Hob words ensued and a fight: was the reeulb. The captain received Iaevero benhing ah the hands of Reilly. Before the affair ended. however, Daniel was tossed mm the cans! by some `of the hands on the boat). For this oifence (beati- ing the cnpbuin) A warrant wenieaued for his arrest, and he had to make his escape Io Canada. He boarded a boat " as It fugitive slave. and as such was conveyed to Toionto. He stopped six years in the queen city. While in To- ronto he entered the normal school and succeeded in gebtzing u second-clue cor- ticabo. Ho ulao (laugh: a music school there. both vocal and insbrument.nL u.`.... ..I...,...- ninliuiaiu who mmln their there. how vocal mo insururnenmu. Menv clever violinisLu who made their mark in the world were pupils of deceased in his pnlmy days. As a violinieh he had few equal.-, but: in late years his sight: hil- ed and he was obliged to give up Leaching. During his declining years he resided with his coop-eon. Arthur Fields. The funeral was conducted privnhel y. A Clear Oomploxlon. The human face should always have I henlchy. may allow, and this is obtained b the use of "Climnx Iron Tonic Pilla.whic strengthen the nerve-.purify the blood and build up the system. Fifty pills in a box for 25.3. The l)r. Hall Medicine Co..New York. Sold only an Wude s drug store. __.__4,,- ,__...__;_ Tho stunner Sb. Lnwxonce is being tted out {or the approaching Mann : bueinosr. _.....,.__.__... ... We have some very tty and - usty ms. This one is for china, etc, has setpa.-mine shaped front glass, :tc.. handsomely nished -tn` AC1` `luau, sun out, etc . OII, etc $25.00. It is the Iatest. Our Paxlor !ioeis_ wolth looking gt. Made .. --L_I _-L`.-5.. `r F. HARRISON co." IVIIII `LU" I WWII IIIIX It: "I Ihln vdtr " U 'Pl& "Album in 3 unnunoun in .....-'.:-.':.`-'.'.':| 2-his-nL" -I-ind; `rm. Paywlgen Gvonyikgced U mu und I - If you will promise to give our treatment a fair. honest test. we will send our appliance and full month's `course of remedies for a free trial. Under no circumstances are you to pay a dollar if not en- tirely satisiactory. This is our gen- erous oer to all honest men who suer from any form ofsexnal weakness. I `L. LI._-_ __]__ W CIILIC3. Those who have the blues. who are despondont. who arevhumiliated by the realization that they are no longer real men. gill nd that this free trial treaiin t will accomplish wonders for them. It is so easy to get it. and nobody but the patient need know anything about it. an ,__-.- __ ._.. _..'II ...l-g nccu Luuvv cu, I-nuns u V V _ . . .. If you will write us._ we will give full particulars of our treatment he- V fore sending the medicines and ap- pliance. together with n free copy of our widely-known book. " Com- plete Mnnhood." all sealed in n plnin envelope. Cut out this notice or mention this paper. __Z.__`. A: Ail; We are ad`? .. ---- `.-r-~- HEEIE MEDICAL co. :--q-nAQf\ `Y `P ul-IAKLAJ 4-.-.q-r_-___. - ,_ BUFFAL . RY. nduuulull FAT!-I OF DANIEL NELLY. I Vlollllunrllll Younger D|n-l| n._._- hub stop by `In. Unllen DUILUH Nnanu, NB, where the commissioners ordered her to proceed to Jamaica and de- liver the cargo to the naval authorities there. CABINETS} For Parlor or Dining Room. Thomas 11. Johns returned from Boston lash nighb. He was there for A week on business. -IXI0IlI3"`q \ , A team jail received en the Methndieb oicee from the Rev. 0. L. Kilhorn. M D., Uanedian Methodist mmionery no Obenm, Chine, gives in emneing detox`-ipbion of the wev in which the main Chinese of ohe in- terior regvml the in-mien of the celestial empire. Mr. Kil rn eeye climb the oiciel news of Germany getting a piece of the terrioory came in is code doepetoh to the officials. who geve their version of in one. and that accurate intelligence wee not: available until the arrival of the mails from the pom-. Thu nntivn! naked Ml`. Kilborn Ill) labl hue porno. The native: asked Mr. Kilborn this Germany was. Wns iv A city `or counury, ml A menu `P or I man? The lebbor gives the gntiiff news than the hospital established bhero by the missionaries baa become almost: ael!-|up- porting. *3 _ V nmnmng IIGFI-Ight Iran` (A 0-Indian lhlonlfl `.5. g u L.,- x_'_A __-__r_-A -5. '51.- I/lablxnnlinlu 31.10? will buy Brick House nnti Lot 139 Bal_`,'0i. ( .uw1`r.) saw will huv Frnnw Hnusn and Lot, aivouiilx mo. No. is H'Kiii mm-1. $3,.'n`>U will buy'Siome Hume and Lot, about 59x Hll. N0. '28 riu slrwi. $2,300 will bu) I-`mmu Hnu.\(' and Lot. nboui 40 fret rmntn c-, lit) uni li`.l Barrio Sin-vi. 5&5!) will buy I- rmnv Huuw um! 1.0!. N.\\'. cor. ofurrin uml tlrdnnmm Sin-oi. $500 will imy Frunw llousu uml ini, N0 10! York 311901. $750 will buy :lT fool fronimzc` nf Lot on Division Stmoi, iwlwovn iimok umi i'rin'P~zx Ht. $&-30 will buy iirick House uml in! west suicor l`nnihxun sl Net. 5000 will bu lv`rxum` iimnw and Burn, with lot, (`nlnvss nn sl.. cur. .\ifrmi rat. (on inval- nwni ninni. (hffhllnbmdrhciini D Ehetlobdlnua `-'. D81-h!&l1D `M St. Donia St. Iogtnal $35 will Imy I-`rume llnusv. I-.`..'5. HI. tamer- `n'nvS|. ln\l:Ill|N'lIlp|l|ll. $2.71! wlll l\u_\' 2! llrlvk l)\\'eI|lugs,cor. of Baum! - and .\l!Ilcr'~ lam-. $5.21 wlll buy I10-u-ox. frontage on King stn-rt, ` nor. m (lure. (?lmusI`.~` on ll.) Wm: 13 smufs mam; A l`l0.l. .\. U \I` ln.i\`|`1"1`\?\-*1` Imlvo,` 0 Gold:-n Linn llluck. :?---j-..1 g '" E.-.-.2:-.~.. - NUIBIR OP IICILLBT IEBIIU nnuloant Ihntnauuu tuvm &u\.Anl1dVID \ Ul],l`>'.\'l(lIl BL. CHI . .\un'u bl. ulu Iu.3'4u- men! plnn). _ , $l.7mwlll hm` hnnl-le I-`rmno Home And 1-xlm ! Int, l.`llII1`ll5 Ihain slrvel. $I,luu wlll lwuy It-muh l`u.~l lluusc am! [.01. N0. M3 t`ulbm'm- st rm-t. $!k';0 wllllmy I-`rzunu lhvolllng uml Land, Nu `.`.`| lllvlslnn slrvcl. . 2.71: wlll lmy Flno l|\n`lling and uulhulldlngs No. Il:l.~llunrt salreel. $3.7m \\ lll huy llrlvk Ilwulllng and Land, N0. 70 "l\l I'l(` .-alrvvl. $750 \vlllhu_\' Dwvlllug, Burn and lnml, our. (.`ln~rr\` ulna-L mud nunr nvw school. 31.1! \\-lll huy [pl nu l)l\'lslnn slrcot between Brock mul l'rlnm~.\'~` slr1\`l.~'. : Stu! wlll buy gnu-I Fmmo lIuu.--. I-LS of Alber slIrc<`I_ uenr Fmr (iroumls. (on lnsmlmen. ` s un.) , $l.Imu-lll buy llmusv nml Int, No. l2 Vol ni xln--I. (Will lmdo mr [:\rm.\ 3249 will Imy nu llrlck lvwelllng (nearly m~\n_ 3;`: llugul. nmr llmck alrml. $9.aum~xIl I-u_v `.`.30-non` mrm. nnesl lnnll In T nx`Klng~um. ll miles from Klngslon. (Wi I `l`lI In parts) Alvuul In-ullu-r Ilouses, Km: um] Farms for mil ur \n\nnnm\ | 55.`!!! wlll lruy Ito-lcel. rmmage lung Rll'I.`l`I, D 3. 1.. B1`!-llBR&a.. 1 fhuhauuudjdul n -_gn_- GARDINEIPS REAL ESTAIE. :IlL' III l'.\(`lIl|ll[K\ Apply in .l. .\. GARIILV nxunm-~:~ um.-o, uppos Price 50. per box. 5 boxes for Sun. at druggists. or if not obtainable at your dtuggist, mailed on receipt of price by the DR. WARD CO . Victnria St. To- ronto. Book of Information FREE. __j.j__ J." I ' -.; I1` LQIFMB LIKE A mos Auqasgx "" .. ` I -V -:::-j- PIANOS FOR IIBNTAI... A-\- $tv-II-j IT ROBINSON BROS \l nll I'\nnor Qnanlalldl in the right vny. Keep it bright sud clean by the application of good Paint and Paper. "Leavingitall to us" means I heapof satisfaction `to `you. cnmsli Pnjnon. Money In your House WIIIII\l?|` 1IIT\u Wall Papa: spcsuuu. lL\(3(Tl' STREET. KER. Rnml Relate and she Pu: Union and V%m;r~a*,% rm'wrv.'-na -rm: mom R-snuuin Roda 3. Our-an all Norvmxn Dina-3 9. Fulllna ` Pm-ugh. S enpleaunuos. Nlnhtlr Innin- ulonmeh.-.. muud `by put nbnoou. aims vhzor and aim to uhrunken nrqnnn and quickly but Iurul rum.-on Lon! Manhood m aid o young. Emu ly uarrivvl in Man. pocknt. Prlus G .00u pacing; Six luv 3.1.00 u-\'f.'o a written guarantee to more of Inom-y nfuudarl. I)oN`1' an All hH'l`ATl0N. but lnum. on having INDAPO. ll` your drnacln bu not `M It. 1"! William! it DI-opald. `H000 Minruz 00.. IND: Qlnp. III. no on Apt Mam `.\':un-. llruluuiut. hl.\'US'l\).\', 1.'t\"1`. Self-oiling axles. One-piece crank and axle. Boltless head and seat post. Large tubing "tapered," making it stronger. i Ninl.-In chm} nlmhu nn Hm nntncl XI] nun lur I vaaam. Nicw Yonx, May 12.--A Washington eptoial lays: Goal is current here in oloial circloa bbab pain may sue lor peace aoon. This is pleasing to the admini- aurabion and tho aaeerhion is made that the government would not be severe in do- xnnndn of Spain should aho ask for co now. but) ll the atria gla in prolongs she will be mado pay well for her lolly. Fo:olgn diplomat: an Washington are nnauilniuln the opinion um Spain will be liopoloulyloauif eho doea not immodiaw . ly mo lot co, give up Cuba and per- * min oho Umbod Sbatoa ho hold the Philip: slum an nouricy for payment; of a war in- omnlty. A Kn Woah menial nave: News come: Be Pl!r:c&t.9a>l 1fR bhl Ullgtfl - Nickle steel chain. and the easiest running wheels made. A Good wheel tor $35. warranted. | A. STRACHAN. + Agent. {Steam Carpet Cleaning Works; CARDETS CLEANED, sew:-:0 AND LAID. [ I ' Cabinet and Upholscenng Work 0: ovary description made to order or re- paired. khavfv-manna And Panther Ends reno- VEIQG. Fumiture packed for shipment 5?: stored. :'!;AbIiQ %l"'othc`I."F`;.:.o.rac(a u. d.Xndir of c C r-1. ns:om Vitality in 31! o..rtoun.nng Ii: a nun or study, Vlwix.-Va or marriage. 3:2-sr my and (`(1 tn 1! nnmurne. r shown knmodluo my nun and Marta I (`.11 v'bQ!I_Ill other I Yn- us; upon hating the unmno Ann `I hhcu. The! H hqu-caved thou-andund villeunwll. 0 unpas- I Ilmavrinon xnuantao toartucun ha unchcuoor roluud Price _ __ egg- | We to am 3 can lb Inoucy. Price at or mix pku-u (full induct! {qr O18). . 1` %=:....`~e--'=.';:-=-' aemnuy. A Key Wont: special nnya: from Haunt hbn [anon] Bhuoojnu doa- puIlrd.g noohtytnld lrom Madrid. bgin upon nqnuln or oupplica have n in-nnncl md can-vation I.~ un I:u\,u 5;. p.u.n.-5c. ALL UTHERS ARE IMITATION.` FREE. M12`:e:`=:..a:;i.%a+1?e.e3~::i<=;`e.:=;::g:>:"; 'I'\IH.||1ulH. rlul ` In I pause. Matt:-asses and Feather Beds reno- na..__.c;..-.. -.....b4A Inn nhl-w-nan! .n- I , 3 ' 1.'6.1m'.Ll '3') PRKNCI-3&3 STREET- { `Phone 3|`). VIAITEILYOIBR IAIEI ___.a- n._..| -I n I--nil c'z1m\\LhL uhqe ILl}iIl~.:1Vx)7\7;v-" 7Emii-mi E :1` l\I\ Ann: ,.- n-u`('IHQ 4 v I.iII5ii'u"IEiii`13r`b.."h~pc' '9. alsnp. In. an `.\':cuu. C. Marshall, when all kinds of Wood is to be` had at lowest prices. I MADE ME A MAN} 4-!\ LIAY TAR! I P(lQI1"TYFl.Y CURE iForgct it Not. Bllncol Iiunuou will no llopulual-. lhnlun, lhy l2.-Admin| lenmojo, minister 0! marine. denies who he Capo Verdo 11900 has returned to Cad` and says in in acbuully when It: ought be in ac- cordance Iibh the inuttuotiona its com- mander. The prohibition ngnineo the talc-gr: hing of news concerning the oon makes it liitticnh to ascertain the value of admin! Bormojo u denial.