. A L 14- :THTS Her Majesty's Grenadier Guards. Canada's Welcome to ms 11.-1n for 40 yr-urn or Band. . I ` IIDI II IIOCI D Special showing of New Punt Wnppen. Shirt Wmgtl. Stfpan o Slrfs. In's. Women's and Childnn'| Underwear sud Hosiery this W-`eh be! .A_I.. :- pl.` -hula-n no Atlhinl aunt`: in tllnir hnu-tmentn. ronunnm nwmtoxm 4; 00.. 118-120 Princess Street; Starr & Sutclie, PRINCESS S" s-D. w. DOWNiL2Y, Brockville, TH EEKENNEDY CO., Limited,Montre al. plbuuuuluuu, nuuuv Ivv \.--nu. M..- .. ..__-V The life of leisure that some maintain at the expense of others is not: easily chang- ed. The country having the most: advanc- 'ed law in regard to in. the most: perfect machinery for adjusting it, namely Gor- many,hss.by its city workshops and indus- trial stations, done its best: to make every one a walker. every one the earner of his own livelihood. Germany has succeeded in stamping oub professional pauperism, of making almsgiving an offence, but it) is only possible under a paternal govern- ment, which presumes to regulabe the con- ditions of tho people and to labor always for their cornlorb and welfare. - . 1 !_|, __ 0---]. `l.l ,.`....... MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. The warm and balmy weather has had its effects upon the human race. and, true to` I sort of rule, the bump has resumed the excursion business. He looks his best, and uaumea his itteab air. , LA- lr:_.._A....:.....- Ananmh uuu DIEIIIIIIIB um uuevuu nun. _Time was when Kingstonians dreemb of the di ippserence 0! this race, or of the survival only of the titesb. One of its alderman had plans which promised to make of Kingston a veritable paradise. But that was before the u- sbbebic a. Jf the tiny manifested itself in certain transforma- bious mosh visible abbuu (be water from and parks, where the gentlemen of leisure referred to may be found, bubnob as tennis players. So it seems that the city will have to wait: another spell and for a new man with 3 new idea in regard to public benefections. Meanwhile the (ramp our- ishos, and he is picking up these days a lob of goods which, to preserve our aristocratic pretensions, must: be called brie-a-brnc. ms... m. ..c I...'....-.-. that nnmn maintain ab When fou come to us to buy. Our enormous stock affords an excellent assortment to choose from, and the quality of our goods is such that you have condence in them. You don't feel always as if something was going to happen or go wrong with them,and every one knows our prices are always low. Q I0! IJUUII" cuuuunu nuu vvuuuuu. A government) which. as Frank HoiTmnn has observed in The Outlook, regulates the size of the building lob, so chub lighb. air, and ventilation can be secured; which supervises the erection of houses, and in- vista, in we are supposed to do with our schools. that each occupant) is secured a certain amount. of air space: which has ali . .-, , 1- ,,__._...1 .. .1... Aianau. A (.YUI'l;iIIlI uluuuuu un n-.n l'V.,1u\1v. ncticloa of food inspected, to chat diaeaaad or adultorabed foods are not oi};-rod for sale; which lmo its municipal system of insurance against sickness, accident: and death; .1 government like this is certain to have a municipal plan of poor relief, and it has. The whole city is divided into districts, and each disbricb has its cam- mictee, and on this committee the boat citizens consider in an honor to serve. -` I I I` I ,,5__ L-....L. ..l bkniu nu-I ClLl'I.uuE UUHEILIUI Iu uu Ilunnun Ina ..... . .. The people of America boast of their Ad-` vnncod civilization, but) they have to go no Europe and to some of its older countries to gob ideas in governmeub, municipal government`. ab lenab. Compared with Bur ' lin a ours in crude indeed. SIR CHARLES DISCONSOLATE. The leader of the opposition was In tours on Tuesday, when. the new contract hr the fast) Atlantic line being under re- , `L; ;l._ _.__A. L. 1...! s..l..\.. III KIIO Incl! llvll-uunv Inn-V uv-uh .....u.-.. -V view, he recalled the part: be had taken in trying to close a deal with the Allan:-3 in 1896. [VI . A ____g__l _____ ___:,_L lC\UU- Sir Charles was 50 carried away with Liaideau on the subjacb that, repudiated by the people, bowled oub of ctca by the oioctomte, and damaged in his nfTecti0us by the governor-general, who refused to sign the contract. he wrote a lobtei` to Sir Wilfrid Laurior. in which he undertook to give that honorable gentleman some very sage advice. 11 ,1 .L:- -.l...`.... L..." nnnnninll Qir Ebu uul Inc Had this advice boon nccepbed Sir Charles folt. that Canada would now have one of the finest: fleets of vessels aoat. and because she had nob this eet, at. this `particular time, Canada had lost 1: golden opportunity, "one that: would never occur again. rs: _-.._.... L- 1...... sin... 0...... urn: rmim. agn--n. Of course, he knew that there was going to be war between the United States and Spain! It is this war that creates the golden opportnnityyho refers to. And there is no evidence to show that ilthe Allan: had had the contract the ships would be aoat to-day. The contingency that has nllected Peterson, Tate & Co would have affected them, namely, the great etrikoin England among the ship. builders. Besides. as Sir Charles knew, the :contract awarded by A government that had been rejected by the people had to be referred to the new parliament, on the advice of Mr. Chnmberlnimtho colonial secretary. and the new parliament had found something more to (I.mada`s ad- vantage. `on... ....:| -3 us. rV'....I.... Inn: On nn -0, vulua-6 Us This wail of Sir Chulos was to no el- lectz save that: in gave him another occasion to make an attack on Lord Aberdeen. whoee new and special offence is than he has as brother-in-law who is chairmnn of 3 board whose nancial interest: will be re- proeonbodin the new fut: Atlantic steam- ship. The governor-general should not hove any hrobhers-in-low of capital and onatgy.md they should nob, as my rato, pub their money into `aboaznahipa than will undo with Canada. To do this submits them to Sir Chulot Tapper`: displeasure, sud they cannot: pronpot under it. r`!-__.l- L... AL- __.. .- _..A -..KT._:__ _-__ \n vi-V, ..-..-...- rnvwr-. `nu.-- .-. v Canada. by the way. is not aulfering very much because in has not its {ant steamship: during the Spnnial:-AIno&ican war. The hutiunony ofa good Canadian prinb-one inuenced by a special study of the posi- I.ion-h to the affect that the war in not increasing Canadian trade; and there an some who think Canada has nob much ' need of a tan aueamuhip lino. However, it is contractnd lot. and linen it must I39 it. in gnlllying to know that it will involve | loan nllhndy. by _8`00,000 annually for ten 5 yuan. and that tho unaauhipa willbo of a Lghnonaln-Q nnhinn On n:I-{-IA- :_.__. I c 1 t ( I I 1 I I We don't profess to be the ONLY CLOTHIEiQS on TOP OF THE EARTH, but we DO KNOW that we have as ne goods as you can nd anywhere and 'what is more our prices are lower. V3'I """' """' '-` """-""'r` W|Il\I'W VI Inbttchu, tnbjocl to ndlninlty inupoc- ` tionnnd Inbjocbio In and u cninen by, Ibilnporinl govotnnont. ` i Sirnrlooinhcn in 5 and npoobclo, bnthodounoiuun to have so much to! cry shout ! I _ -1 XII In LDC Ahanolhfo stock. ll n. - nnduulnnc. 0 In hnpnng re: 6130 work ..,` Bum lunaq. op. puih Windaot howl. Fruits. "Gunong u conhetiooury. Tron- tn-nefhh _ `rho Oplnlou ol llnguton town I I. - liming Dalton Iccuthy. The non of the dosth ol Dalton Mc- Carthy was received this morning with narrow by all classes cf citzsns, irrespec- tive of party. `For chopuet few days many , anxious eyes have watched for A change in \ Mr. McCarthy's cmdizion. and a favorable I reeulb was sncicipabed. His death is look- ed upon as a matter alhctinyg the whole country, and Canada has indeed lost one of her most brilliant none. D-.....a;..... LL. rdnnlh J I. \.Vhilim:r or not most brilliant sons. Regarding his death, J L Whiting said : "For many years lhlton McCarthy has stood in the from. rank oftbe profession. For accurncolrnowledge of law, skill in ex- amination ofwitneeaenand clear incisive ar- gumenb, he had no superior. The ease and rapidity wmh which he mastered 0 case. and the conscientious care he gave to it. me proverbial to the profession. He was of an agreeable disposition. and in very plea- sant associate in B suit, fair and courteous as an opponent, and one who will be gene- rally missed. and whose loss will be great)- ly regretted by the profe-=sion.` Hr Hinvihn maid: "I W38 in Toronto ly regretted by the prole-awn. Dr. Smytbe said: "I wsain yoaterday and board all day that tho gravest roruica were apprehended. In his profession and career Dalton McCarthy al- ways cherished my utmost admiration. Fiom a comparatively obacure practice in Barrie he soon roao. I hl\'8 often been as sociated with him proioasionally. nnd yho more than confirmed my previous prepo+ nnnninn no Ixrn hind. (`.f\l)l`f.POllB. and in than connrmeu my previous prupu-a aeseion. He was kind, courteous, and every department of a case his transcen- dent abilities were mmile-t. He always seemed lobe nmuu of wiry frame. and this in his ordinary good health conducad to his rolling up an immense practice. In politics when] was first associated with him intimately, he was president oi the provincial conservative association, and was looked upon an the very pink of con- eervative orthodoxy. Hie aub-sequent divergence was extremely regretted by me, and n more conciliatory course might have prevented his being ridden out of t.l.e party. The profession has loan it great mun,and 1 am satisfied than there wua still ll great work in politics to be done by him. His death at such a premature ego is e nationnl and provincial calamity." n. Wnlhnm .m'd- '1 was verv much ia national and provincial cumxnrny. l)r. Walkem e-aid: 'l was verv shocked to hear Ll lulbon McCurthy o death. He was one of the most, brilliant: men of the Ontario bar, 8 man of excep- Lionaltalenn. Beginning his profcasiniinl caret 1` at Burr-ie, he established such ii ru- pumuion locally Limb ho was enabled bi: mom to Tnron-to nnd taken coinriiandiiig poaitimi. He was brought before the pub- lic vory prominently in c.inneL-Lion with the election`-afar his coriatiliicwcy. l`he~o elections weren grout drain on Mr. l\lc(_)u.i- Lhy a resources, ro thnb when he (intend parliament: he was obliged to do- vote his time to professional ra- ther Lhim to parlinmentau-y duties. Consequently he was not: A success as n politician. Politics require unremitting devotion to ensure success. Mr. McCarthy was an ambitious man. and desirous of be- iug a loading spirit: in his party, but as he did nob give full tima and attention to the work. his counsels were not accepted by conservative lenders. and he became dia- allected. Ol lute years he had become an impossible politician, taking up fade. and destroying his ui-elulneas and reputation for ragncily. Mr. McCarthy was above all things A lawyer. and IL would have boon wellif ho had conned his attention entirely to his profession. His death will be very generally rtr,{rot- ted. 1,4... Rlnlnh .-. n r`. . wan orentlv griev- ted." John Mclntu-9, Q C . was greatly griev- ed over Mr. McCaul.by'a untimely death. He said: ` I know M r. McCarthy very well. personally, and always found him A very cumming! an. Hits loss wnll be vory much lelb and m rotted. do was .'t sound l..\wy('r. an admirable speaker. and an able man in every way. The Poterboro Rangers to Camp Here (ur That Period of Time. When the Poterboro rangora set; out. to taken trip they do non arrange matters half-way. They enter into the spirit. of the outing in a whole-hearted manner. Colonel Bell, commanding the rangers. in accepting tho invitation to visit hero to participate in the celebration on the queon`a birthday. has this to any of the lrin : Nearest Agencies- Lnp : "Aha meeting of my officers t.onigl;b it was unanimously docxded to accept. the kind inviaatiuu of your committee to take pub in the uueenh birthday celebration In Kington on `. 4Lh May inaf. It. was ul- ao decided that. If you can furnish nan suitable camp ground and we cm get t.l.o necessary czmp eqmpage from the mnht-in a:orea we wili go into camp for three days. "\.\.'a umnnne to have here no a late days. "We propose to hour on Saturday night: by the C. I`. rail- way, and arrive in Kingston oarly on Sun- day morning and go mder cuuvau at onre and remain until late Tuesd y n7gl1v. My quarter-nmater and It squad at man will go down on Friday nnd have our Lenka pitch- ed on Saturrlny. I auppaao them cm be light; arranged in the camp ground and n supply of water, etc. we dnnnt. axnect. vou no so to anv supply Ul wnwr, am. We do not expect. you go any excn trouble on our account. more than if we were with you for the one) day. The extra time is purely a regimciital ouzing. Perhaps we might. arrange to give my mm a nail down the river on Monday afternoon if a auitubla steamer can be obtuined. We will not go down very strong. proba- bly about `. .30 or `60. Howevar, two or bhroe of my officers will go down to King- aton a few days prior to our visit and ar- range :11 details. I will let you knowin ample time of their arrival. It in in nrder nnw fnr tho local curne to \1v:vvn |A ampie Lune or LDO|I' nrnvau. It is in order now for the corps arrange I church pxrnde on Sundny, `Rad inst. City clerk Drennnn has written to Col`. Bell. inbimnhing thnb everything noodfnl would be arranged. that 0 men could camp in the fair ground. tha lights and water would be furnished. I! well an camp equipage. If it is poasiblo to urrango ib, the viaitiug regiment will be rendered I complimentary excursion among the in- lundn on Monday. _ . A 3:...- LOIS A IllI'EI'. While working at. I circular saw in the mill of bile Cornovaky wood manufacturing company this morning William J. Reid. Williumvillo. ind tho misfortune to allow the ngers of his lulu hand to come into conucb with in. the raeulh being thnt. the r~b nger was nipped all . the thumb and ` middle nger being badly lacontod. Ho was driven to tho gonorul ho-pitnl whore his wounds were attended to. It in thought the thumb Ind middle nger will be saved. __:_-----2- ` - _x._.u_- anzafsonnow :'xI-njesaeoi 1 Th Bcyol Qumto By. now uhonlino Hcr'l'\nod.Nspanoo.Duotonho nndulllol I I calpoinb. Train lave! City Hsll dapo Ido- nb {min B. J. Wilma. O.P.R. ---K -A Fl.-nan nhj. Por`['Ilomd Ddry.Pnrostud Bat T0 vIsWT=oR THREE DAYS. iT S EASY TO V BE SATISFIED ` 3. n.ns..o. Olu-cnonlhctt vvluuug Ask your grout - {:- _.='__.---- Lost A linger. 1 ,; _ _:_-..lan `A2 `,---- ,;`a , L. specialist in the scxentic and Undevelopment. I know the action of every drug man was ever prolurluvu. mu mu Iuu m, .. V. ...i medicines so best will not: stimulate. They do nob cone. Why not use mum srnimiob Ill ! bestows upon us-bhe one element-mosh im than!) to lilo in man or how --El..E`.CTRIUl' V 7 WII Body Babtory and Supporting Suapennory oombino a self-u-ostmonb which is po-mm and lumm, On my protesslonal word I make this statement: Tn weak men. young. middle aged or old. who may have the least: Joumlntlon lull: in build upon, I promise a positive and permanent euro by tho juvlinlouu u-no ul my Eloctric Bait. More t-hat: 5.000 shbeatod to this luv your. It Stops the Drain In 30 Days, and. causing as iron oirnulstmm :10 blood to and ob rough the psrbs. gives development: and spoodily ouroo A-`DH FEI` 1 Know hue uuuluu un uvvn, vuua ...... .~ r to 0 self-troatm mnn, mmm, mmdle zmad old. may foumla WOT aI Hlgl. ll. VIII I7: ll nuv Ivu naysay- I publish in my Health World (sent lroo, Ioslod, with book) more than four hundred sworn volunmry toatimoninln now every month. If pomniblo, call and consult: me free of char o at my oice. or probably you have 1 lrlcnd near by who would examine the In for you. Olllce hours. 0 to 6;!-Sunday. II no 12. Wribo today for pamphlet. H.-. .-. ......-u.-nu can err IAMI.-1:; g-rnr.jg1'_ \ ` Cheer, boys, cheer, T111 you crack .1 thousand thr0:1ts," anu unuuvclupuw Medicllee Will N05 Cure. of drug than avorprouorlbod. buo lob um my M Ilo an topnbiqnh. an nnntomsn I0 bouncllnlly .....n..;..... .5 haul! will nnh sbimulnta. Thev nob Lmmvil. mm which null)!` A .. .. _,____ ,.`.______ Theuards Hnmafrnmtlmerimea I856. eof Men's Suits at $7.50, $9.50 and GRAND UNION cmrumu 00,, IKINGSION RINK, \\v/ . . . . . - .- .... - ~_.-:-.;;.:.::mc.v;;;:.::i:g:-23:.-2;5193::-;s_:s< rafamamora 2.\ .~ - T~----- - - - ~-W-'-` W` % $1 \ %.~ . y Every Ball Rolls o, u . r 9 1. . L`. - . - . 1 I 1 ...`n:. :2 I 1?` I2! In was decided no a meeting of the King- ston baseball c!nb last. evening that the order bopluced at once for the new uni- , tonne, consisting of dark blue knic~krr- bockcrn and shins `With nnroon !K0chn;;, i capo undlothern. u1.n-m Mnnmomerv. the crack rgt I A Oapuln Elected [ant Night. I I I and letters. Wallace Montgomery. first buommmu unanimously olootod captain. , undho will be uaiswl in rolecting the i turn by dinager Gsllngher and George` Sullivan. , l The pl-`you are dobormlnod to "turn ! down" Ogdomburg on queen : birtlxdsy, 1 and in addition to their nightly pmcticu ' on shonthlotio grounds not-rotary Elliogt ' bu Arranged for a game no Yuhr on Fri- day, Ihy `20t.h. _ _ J -_ - .._.. I - onyols MIA But. i Provost. of the New York clothing now, will make to order a suit of all-wool Eng- ;;1 ~ \'/ W \-_-'7_(__,1.:5L 1,, _.- ,..;~- `A-32-72-t~`Z?Z1~`Z"}' i\-:f'J{f*?*f4f2'T*I=?"1!'.*?.`-:-.*?79"-`2`~`1? - -4--- 5` T5 5 DAN GODFREY PLAYS A Special Millinary Bargain For Friday and Saturday, England s Grelatest Military VARICOCELE. The bearings used by us-the four-point kind-are so constructed that we :ecurc posutive accuracy `of adjustment and every bull performs its proper function. IT ROLLS- rolls continu:1Hy--and never slides. Friction is reduced to almost nothing. No dust gets into the E. & D. bc:1ring`2. Felt washer pre- vents it. 011 d..):9 not get out. Imhxvay of balls being lowest part the h:1ll cannot get away, am! every ball is perfectlv lubricated. Only needs oifing once a sexson. DUST PROOF. Worn at Night. It Cures Whlle You Sleep. r .__.L.|:..|. :.. ...... --Irmloh Him-lnl lnnnh Iran. sealed. book) mm fsale of Seats at Uglow s Bookstore 9 a.m., May l8th. --~---- - pamphlet. DR. D. SANDEN, 156 ST. JAMES BTHEET. MONTREAL. QUEBEC. @?` UNDER THE PERSONAL DIRECTION OF MR. CHARLES A. E. HARRISS. THE BLA[}KSTONE ClC~2:P.F2. ALEc:;;BfQHI_;( J 114::-q ? 1'hnso gnodn are mmlv only from r-holrc lmrIv`|y Mnlt. the bout Hop! and I pure Hprtna Wnlor. Thvy hnve ht-on mmlyza-d In I zrm mm: hy four of our ablx-st rm-|n|.xt,s. nml lmve been pnmmuu-ml rvxnnrkuhLv munnl." "pertbolly sound." "nftlc-lh-{mm avor nnd superior quality." Play uh-lama throughout. Cun- adn remmmcnd them In thotr pr:|ctlN- In mft-n-nae In other hmnchn. TIER (MILD. MINI]! AND IIIION .3 MBDALS und Twvlvo Diplomul have In-vn nwnnleul this .-He nnd Htnui M the Great Wurld`n I-2xh|b|t|nmg_ y|;_; Al. Plutlmlvlphln, U. 8. A.. lh'. t|; (`Mm-l. H170; Hytlney. Auutmltn, I877 ; Paris. I-`nun-e. INT.-i ; .Ym!I|(`I\, \\'L-st ludleu. I501 ; Chicago, U.H.A.. MB; nud Han Frui- ..n..... l`-nI|l'nI'lI|XL l'.&`:\.. 193]. ` ~ - ---- - I -.._|_ ___n._ '1-:v'~.\iu-e. Ir~`..-C; Jnmnlmu, weal. J cIuco,(':I|lfnrnm,l'.S.v\. irxn other Mali new `N0 OHIO out. teslinmnjnls. 2 -an I I` : ~ is the title of 9. little socket volume I have `rrhrcc Classes of Men just issued, showing the eftects of early abuse or later excesses. Every weak man, single, married, young or old, should read it and get the benet of my thirty years experience as a treatment of Drains. Losses. Impotency. Lame Back. Varlcocolo Fen WEAK MEN. It u>l|nmn}nl.~e. Brewery" at Lo JAMES MQPARLAND. SOHN LABATT S (`III .l=?F!Rll I'ED 'vv~~~-~- ~ . - run , any urnmm, l'.:~,\. mil. ' r'Nn Beverages on this continent hm-v received such emin- mmlnls. ` - - .1 Clean it Home Dyeing We take all our Pattern Hats and Bonnets and put them in two lots to clear them out. The object for which they were bought is accomplished, and we are prepared to pay (by a loss) the advertising they did for the department. All the 88 W812 pattern: at one price, 35. All the 814 and upward pattcrna at one price. 89. y We croea the line now from Spring to Summer Millinery, New thinga in Summer Hate. trimmed andpuntrimmed. The latest ideas or modications of the urine. If not suited with the ready made we trim to suit your ideas or get u aometliing for your approval. In any case prices are right. must be right. `a the part We are carelul about. 'l'he eelling of Sailor Hats is pheno- menal with us. The value eete ple wondering how it is done. Sometimes we think we muat to selling all tffsailor Hate sold. 250, 500, 750 are the I.. .I:_- --3.4.. wnmscin. our. George Mills & C0.) - Agents. ofthe E. & D. bicycle receives the same care and attention as the bearings. All material is the best money can buy. Our mechanics are skilled in I I fine work and purchaaers can rely on getting the finest it is possible to produce. Banadian lypugiaph limiled, V - - BLB BRATED ' _ L 4 I WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 25th, I898. __.__._ A. 1\r\ -n-_ P,`` London. Canada. mo. - KINGSTON. hm: yr I|o tn wpou no. u Inln no man ~ which nut. bounbllnlly It, ~-El.,E`.CTRIUi' 7 WM: my bulb in: vod Uolnniu 4.1.5. in n.z..M.un -nu` IAJHIHI. v -_ ----w PRlCES-$l.00. .752.` 500. new 1/ _ -> V "' VfC'-I rj.:~f-'0'S'51": :" '/ Cheer, boys, chccr, Tu the marry music's notcs. Lam. Dan. Godfrey; IQIYI. womcnuuau Lmluruu uuuuwuu nun qua, .. Ityluqin thoIindowsonnmin:goodninthairdop:tm.pntQ.