lonuuuooaouo. Ipwuoocmmunu aunnoonuwnppa, Blouse Waist Bargains. There is no catching another chance like this for this year. $1 and $1.25 Waists 5oc. $1.25, $1.50, $1.90 Waists 75c. . ` Newest Waists, Organdie Muslins. and other thin materials, $1. $x.25. $1.50 for lines intended to be $1.50, 82 and 82.50. Imillinery Newnoss Floor Oil-Cloths r yard, t} yards, ryards and 2 yards wide, a cut prices. Curtain Nets. Curtain Muslins and Sash Curtain Goods, likely the finest assortment in town, one-fourtlrto one-third less than regu- lar rates. Chenille Table Covers from 65c. Art Blinds from IOC. Table Linens, Table Napkins, Doylies. etc , all at reduced rates-one-fourth to one-third less. I-1ARDY&CO .-...- ,,... Fancy Brocade Dress Stus 29:. 39c, 49c, woxth 40c, 50c. 70c. Dress Trimmingsin Gimps. Cords, Braids, the very latest, at prices one-fourth to one-third less than regular. All classes of Linings and Small Trimmings reduced. Housokeopers` Department- This big department at the time of the re held nearly $lo,ooo worth of goods. Prices on every line cut away down. Tweed Costumes Dress Stuffs 25c and age, worth soc. Navy and Black wet-proof Serges 3oc. 4oc,5oc, worth 40c, 600 and au- K Interest grows. High Class New Goods in every [department at less than wholesale prices. :Dross Goods and Trimmings, `Theinvestment of your money in Dry Goods, Millin- ery, Mantlea or House Furnishings at the `BETTER THAN A BANK! will be on exhibition in our window on Tuesday and following days. `I7... ..I...... ......-.. KT`.-. \l7..2..L CHI-.. 4.1.2.. -.......I. ..I,.l- Hardy Fire Sale. > EASY ouncn wonxw I Onowv wurr: cums. MAKES At a Bargain-5c yard. worth lOc. 8c yard worth I2 I-2c yard. CHILD3 PLAY 0! WASH DAY Ru\Iu'nnIInck~Iunsn{hohavc ' 40 umunummnnnnudor III Iunmluu-ouicc~ Iollp ol Dan. Godfrey. England : Brcatesl Militaty Band. The Prizes.l<`or the Bicycle Club Contest on May 24th Rluluhnllnilvlanl 6. Dunno lutdlpof Nearest AgenciTes-D. W. DOWIGEY, Brockville, THE KENNEDY CO., Limited,Montrc-al. PORMBRLY mcHMoN1K>/A oo. :13 and 120 Princess street. Tiufai LoiuEi2`E:6.,'E5.-S.I3"3E.I&i3..` - v-.-...v uu nu-Ju uuvv-vwu IWTUCBI U-\.l\.'I.I3\.'l "BTHER cLEvELA"Bs $55-$70. nus |s CLEVELAND YEAR; `hhnootbu-. On Wdmd Highs nation 0! myo- Nduodoproduuonnoecunuluuromm Juno Ruuuuh drin-Bonn Innnhnd nndnnsolhumuwucnto A nbovn onthtl ovninto the do and hit. Gouge Ron`: bun no bu-nod Ivohomo cndntwinplononuhiognl` thlwnnvul. Rumba l`onuhn"' oxgudou to On- noquo. hard. lay IIII. Everybody `ud.I.;l`ctIl|qyul|IIlnBlinho|h a mundane mesh. 13;. tinluun. Bhopal u...`!3"..s...... vu---nu-uuvus Bur cinch I33!) than has: been htouhlo shout tho Spunioh nccadon.` through tho . dull ofliing I-`orvdinnd. who had nuc- ouaoa Janph aoupm. ' nuasma-. only child we I dnghtu. and it who con` tcndodhybon Chino. hrohhcr cl hali- uadalm oho could no! late thothnno. and: tho Bulic law. which ueludud -lclnhound thnhovrnontiuodtoit. Buhlnuhullrnpnty won. nmlIhoOuliou wutiuloopponilionond have houndim tuthingluluuu. undulouoarlnuu dun luhlludidhoonignlucoclud hhtiiquihioomnnehthuuhohndloly houihouuntryiulsxnddidahtod. Ayolquoudlluuhugkhgollhly. vuneoputlu hinged nhdht but ycnlguudlholholotinmh Nhtqhnvs in; tho that again" vuunh. AI this juuwuonhhrldnqihtiuhhwp dolwmhthunnthpuulln puplumh iudnqih hiulnquuumu ago; IgA:.._ --..'_..LIi.._`......__.._A -_.I nun: vs:-vuu-1--1 vu |\rIIl\Jl\Il In win the Biapnno-American war broke out Don Carlos. the pntondor. nnnouncod that he would to Inn! to the crown in in slum to pnoorvo tho dignity and power of Spin. Tnublu Inn boon unleiplying in Spun. but Gnloo bu boon quick Bo my 50 trailing hi: opportunity, any in gaihoringhio Iona. and mnmomoishoco days. he nursing Mn alum no the throat. [0 Lu slnyn icon at A crioia in tin coun- try : history that some much out bu culninntod. wuv vuw I`uv\II The enmpiol oi Lord sud Lady Abat- dun. n workon. and in boinli of tho poo- plo and tho people`: cams. is worthy of pnin and imitation. .._..._ .. ........... ...,. Lady Ahordoon will has much mioood. Sho ho: idontillod homolf. on no one in hot position hon dono. wibh tho life of the poo- pio. and with all that concerns their oom- fort and wolloro. Through tho womon o council, touching the dotnootio and induo trial inntincta of hor nor, oho boa oxorcioed on iniluonco thot will he felt long after oho hoo crooood tho ocoon ond through the Victorian Ordor oi Nurooo. which will yet ho oetohliohod. notwithstanding tho oppo- oition it hon rocoivod from some oourcoo. oho will loovo o monnmont of her energy and devotion and oi tho pooplo o homoao to tho tho quoen. DBL- _._,._._.I-- -A I--.) ..__.A I _.|.. nx., - vv\rIvI-I c-nu uavuauun-no |llI|IIlUIe Lord Aberdeen has been A men of mark- ed individuality. He has fully under- stood the dutiel of hie office. and he hen performed them without fear. favor. or nifeotion. The diilioulty he had with Sir Charles Topper nod hialkmhineb in to be re- gretted. end it would not have erieen hnd Sircharien acted with the prudence that became him. Tho late conservative minia- iora had `no right to undertake appoint- ment: when they had been defented end were auppored to hold oiliee only until they tidied up ite eairn, and no make way for their eucceseore. Some of these oflicee were vacant before the election. and ii there had been urgency in the one it would have been manifested. The ollioea made meant by forced mt-ireniente were not an the disposal of e de featod government. The attempt to crowd the senate with partisan mn- borial was no palpable that hie oxcelleney could noh help but notice it. He lme been attached at various times in the commons for the independence of his action. but not to his injury. He will leave Canada with the consciousness of having conducted himself carefully, oontiouply. purely. nohly and honorably. l...I.. a|___j__.. .__na L. ,a - n ...-.. ..u.a--u-n-Aiu IA` VEIAVKLL Towards the and 0! this your. uni coir Iitlombly in advance oi the clone of the fourth term. Lord Abordoon will retire irom tho govornorohip of Canada. lie in: re signed ciiloe for personal reasons, and renonn which have prevailed with the im- perlal government. Hi: oxcollency, in addruuing the premier on tho aubjoct. says tint bin life, and the lilo of Lady Aberdeen. hnvo been full of interact in Canada. that thay have made mmy friondu. and will not forget thmn. Tlzoy have certainly ondoavourod to dirchnrgo their functions in I worthy and creditable manner. I ......I A |.-_.I--.. |.,- |_-,., ,. .. n THE OARLISTPY OPl`OR'l`UNl`l`\`. Inn .n vvv uuu-1 uuv vnunu ...._._..,. . This in very plain talk. and ii: in justified by exporionoo. The swing of congreu on the Behring Boo hucinon in without In parallel, and it: meaning in very clear. Bub Grout Brihnin in the independent power when inclination to an iair play is kooping min other European powers out: of who wnr. And giving the Amorioam uchanoe to cover themselves will} glory. "Whntovor may ho thought at prooont In Woohlngton." noyo the Bnturdoy Rovlow. In England we hovo not forgotton what hnpponud durlng tho Vononuoln mm. nor 'moro rooontly tho conduct of tho United State: with regard to tho Behring III] ohory quootlon. Tho ouddon offuolon of lrlondllnou towordl England durlng tho put fortnight. no for lrorn/hglng grateful to no. (mo no rothor wlktuh-o ronoo of indo- oont humbug. whllot the notion of tho Ion- oto loot wook In promptly voting the hall million dolloro duo to Oroot Brltnin under tho Behring,-Son oword, which ought . hove boon pnld long mo. Iovoura Itrongly of tho mothodn ol tho polltlonl bono who in ooouotomod to pin support by brlbeu. Whotovor hyuorlool hypocrisy may do olno, thoro to no real lrlondlinou on yet In England towards the Union." mu. 1. _._.__. __|_1.. ._n, ,, o u n I 1|!` . uni:-unnv Ah` I-nvvuuu -1: The Bnturdny Revlon. the Inc luuo to lund. rcmovu bhrlmproulon the all Englnnd In applauding the work at the Amorloum In tholr war Aplnno tho Epso- lnrda. Tho only oapburo of print. bolero tho Mme mod for the boglnnlng of bouill- lu. la donorlbed an an outrage upon the man olomontnry prlnolplu of juablco gtho dilbuutorlng of aha mun Amorloam in to- lorrod u horolc lolly," the language used by Mr. Rocboforhln doooriblng the notion of bho United State: In the Cu bun buulnou. I THE` DAILY WHIG. "OHIO! par Orball Dian. THE ABERDEENS IN CANADA. ..........__..........-......... mmnmo IN mNuz.AN'13T' ` tovrnrd >he3lth._ ` _---r---`D v-. T . t started in the wt ' direction. 80 thing is needed to check disease and start the system `in the right direction ._ ` -' ..-.- --vv-nuns` `r Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with hypophos- phitcs can do just this. --.___ -1- _, ,, "'i;';..:.;`gJ.;.::.3.:'.;.,..s,% feeds furnished tissues. and D FRAUD I it A). Iuyoucucu-tu~'I. Lnklormnu-`I. lnuunnddugnnnd quum-. will be ordanmd. In all the Anglican chat-elm in the dio~ euoyutudqy up In in lnhall oi homo lniullom won mu 0 by an pruidlng am can. It was the mnusl ascension-Lido appul. signed by all the biuhopn. _"i\- o-x.v--and then she gets into a tight place and needs 7 helping out. "I"I.2._-_ , _- -.,-_.-J !_ -1- \,uu|1:l| l'lI'l[lI|Il|Iu Tho Bay of Quinta Mothodmconforonco it to ho roquoctod by tho Methodist. church: of Bollm-ullo mconxwmolhon in Jim, 1899. On Wodnudaq owning in Cooke : church mm cmdidutoo lot the l`ncby- Mrinn mininury sud tootalnnn from Quota`:-. will baordaimd. In .n pl... A.....I;..... -k.......L.. :.. n- 4:- - , . ,_, _ , , Nature makes the cures after all; -o uuu uy Ivnmn uou Innllel nln cnurcn na- mnne. Perhaps romo will my chub we have not the need for boing inborostod in tho house of God no people long nab had. Some oven any um the word ol God hon loco ion power. The word of God him not loco ito power. and tho church in doing olnionh work. Ever christian can an- doroo the words of i o ponlmitt. "llovo tho `habitation of Thy houoo." Them are other ogonoioo besides tho church that no helping on Uod a word. Mud than nnoncioo thuo hocomo I put cl tho chriotian church. But if tho oonociooco nnd heart: 0! the poaplo was not houchod by God`: word. than other ogoncioo. such an Sabbath ochool. prsyor mooning. christian nowo porn. otc.. would looo their powor. (3) 0 Iowa uto houoo 0! Hal booaum it nllordo spec-ul o not-Lnni bloc of fullowohip with (End and in pm- plo. Tho owootenl. rerollocziunu you have. when othor things lodo my. in tho con- munion with God in His house`. (Bod io pnoom in Hue houoo with apiriouol powor to onlighben. Thom in oomohhiug mom in warship thm mere Instruction. Therein oho lollowahip with one moth or. J -_.--- uuvu -7: vii -Iv U-wvrw VII`! Gill? I-IlB\I$U.II\l to iut ii deeper uioniiing into it. here are several reuonl why those who love God onlortein this high opinion oi the hoiieeolwornhip. (1) We love (lod e house because we love the truth which in no com- mon in its miniiitmlaione. Under the old dispensation there was nothing which our- reaponded to our preaching, i o. nyntoin-itic exhibition of divine truth. Under the new teatemoiib diapeiieation com.-idor how Hod : truth is regarded. Who iii it thiii does not stand with awe in tho [\l`0!0llC0 oi that truth which iii no greet? Everyone who loves the truth. loves the place in which thutlruth in epohen. There in iio- thing else that the piiople of (Bed will allow to be expounded in the pulpit in pliico 0! God`: truth. This truth oomea homo with the aigiiinure oi divinity on it. It caste down emrytliing that is proud. pute down all that is have and menu, and bring comfort to men. It never loiioii its charm. (2) \Ve are interested in apirituel work carried on in the house oi God by which (led inukee His church ecl- i-.-ennn. Pnrlmin mnmn mill nu Hun. m... Dallverod An Able And uuntlful Dlnoourne In 0hnlmeI'I' Ohnruh. Rev. principal Gwen. Knux college. Toronto, occu ied the pulplb ol Chalmers` church yeeter ny morning. And delivered en exceedingly interesting; and bedublful dincourue from the Brh verse 0! Palm xxx I: "Lord, I have loved the habitation of Thy house." The pulmm hero ex presses his appreciation ol the worship in the home of (Bed under the old dlnpeuam Mon. md there in no reason why we should nob be able to adopt the umelsnguegmnnd to here ere naveml mm-unn uvhv thnnn ulm MIDI- Whnb tho and must. be in very nppamne. Don Oarloo. or someone else. oqunllyabrong an I dictator. much urino to pub down an- nmhy and disorder. In in ovidenb than the Oarhatn are non numeroun. Mm: they do not owing groan inlluonco. than they are not: trust-ed. or they would have been mak- ing grtmtor ho-ad way during recent: years. However now in their opportunity. In is now or never. -1 uuwuwuu vn -UDIU uncur- ,.-. .v_.. .. ri' ell taimon for internal diuoneion thin in the moat: unlarbunom for Spain. \'Vitli ll war on the attention of the government in Ibl0l'b0d without the revolt: oi the peoplo. uh home. and revolts than nuke bho polini - onl leaders abandon their post: of re nponelbiiiby, to lob minforlu 1ee accumulate and overwhelm the nation. In in the pecu- linrlby of the Spanish to bocomo hysterical on Ihorb notice. no live in I sort: of fool : psredine. to expect: ouooeueo without working for Lhem. to become hilarious or dengeroua for very little, to be inboxicuterl with joy or murderous with hate. to lie in 3 some ungovernable for any length oi time. ll7l.-L L- -...l _.__..s L- :_ ___._,_ ,, V`. V... Write for Cahlogue. Agents Everywhere. sou: nm~nI~:snxr.\n\~r;_ J. H. SUTHERLAND, Kmgstop, Ont. II A I l\')|l3n A. an an _ _ _ _ 4- n,,_. -4 ,, --v n u. --vuvvu IE I van KIIVI Iiuillllvllu Tho pmonb crisis in on opening which Don Carlos woman. He om piud ihnb he bu been deairoun oi having the power and inbogricy of Spain ountninod. but he om point to the inch thnb both are st: amino. and aim: through the loci: of A throng hand in the kingly oiiioo and one Iomowiinb im- neriom in his direction of nine nifairr. -.1----3. nu aneruwu, grenu-ueugncer ox 1400'! Phllllppe. They wore oouelm. In ve month: Merooder died. In due Line. and tho hlrborlen uye klnge oannob h"`| | HIM! another hrldo wu tough!) and found ln the Ann! rlen prlnoen. and by her Alfoneo had own children. one of whom lo the preeenb boy king. Alfonso X [I dled lame seventeen yenre go. end einco then My eon Alfonso X111 hoe rolgned through his mother. tho quoon regent. Her anx- lehy he been bu hold the throne unbil ha in old enough bonooopt to and become the Actual ruler of Spnln. All her eppoale to the Spenleh people have been to old her in the onrrylng one 0! bhlnmblblon. Whether ehowlll succeed lo I very gum querhlon. 'r|\nnr1nnnt.;..l-l..l- -.. .......l_... ...I..l..|. vvvw ;vuu- In W , Alfonso wu oallcd from his ullo and P|`oohimod king. Ho wu mu-rind. nblll Yollllmvho Moroodu. grand-dunghtor of main `Phlllln... rm.-- ......- .......n.... In. sorlinb triumph, She ploplo. dluuthlod sud dlononhnhd. turned to Iuboll con. Allonno. who than, in 1874, In: but nevu- QAAII Ilnnrn on! g... ._ .... _v, nun: UIIIII. been your: or ago. Allmun n... ..I REV. PR|NO|i-`AL CAVE N. church rnnxnpho. .. ..l.\ r... |n...|._.|.-_. . ;g'PklCl-:8: $I.00,` 15c, 50c. Sole of Scott at UIov s Bookstore 0 am. May l 8tlI. ' : ~ . o 1 G LienL Dan. GODFBEY S Famous Band. 4 "ThcFlncst llilary Bug! in the ,\VorIl."-(Vile: London /, Finn) 1'1w!ll|.-lorh: Mu mm! Itwnl In lln Annual` or`) Oalnmla. ' Substitution |"Btilish Music For Bgnadians." and U! and can ml` a lung mu wu- in` him. or in dofmlb of no son dun im- pmomnonh M bud labor in ouch out. Implo N we nun Any nluwrv. On uhodty Isaac Powlos. livuoronto. mu (inod $1 and coats for mining grouly insulting longuqo to Josogh Leslie Clean, and 82 and can for I: sing amt but- :.... In`... an in tlnfnnll nf an Inn dun: in. Amlllblld IOU &C|`O!. George lmuon. boa vuvorin the mun Tn) woolen millmnpgod to take chum of who vrouvo room in the Ihwthomo wool- on mills. Carleton Place. an prooonhd bo- ton leaving with n hund.-out clock by hho Implo of the man Ta] factory. n.. ..'n..ahu lu-no Pnilmn. Ihmronin Kingston Rink,May25th. mum on mm a mum. 'l`homn Melmin. l`rth. In: mid his fruno dwelling ,on Smth ccroomscobch Line) and mo good bit of land with its to Gordon Flaroau. who now occupiu it. u. m..|-..... 1... hmmm lmm hi. hmunu no my to nonmnm. Nu. Frnor. Almonh, colobrntod her oiszhbyei hth birthday on M ndny an tho home of or duughlor. Mn. . hn Munro, Now England. BM in chin to walk ovary Sundny to tho Pruby torian church, u dis. eumo of fullv n milo. W`LA...-- Ila! g-gm I`.u-IL Kn: nah. Lin UONINI l"In\P.III. '00 HOW 0OOIlp|OI M. Mr. L\lcl.uou bu bought Iron: hi: bmumr Archubald I50 Lem. 11..--.. l._...\.. K1555 non|~Qu`n tin: Ill-nu IOIVCS ll \\'Hl`. l0\ll' ION! INC] l0|ll'(IIlI.{lUf!o By an nnondmont to the municipal not towns of lceas than .'SJN`0 lmvo to reduce aim of councils. and wud mpmaenkutinn will be done any with. A mayor nnd nix councillors will be all Dogoronto will horo- nftor clean. The lmorouto iron company has mour- od in clmrtor. The mcoung for orgvmiuw tion ha been hold. A quoncicy ol manni- ll tn bo uood la the construction of the works bu been purchased and in now on in to llonmntn. Mn. Fl-nnnr. Almnnh. mlahntod her WIDII (I II! I ll! Rn CUFWH Duncan Mclmmld. Arunntrmxghu Cur- uora. B;\t.hnrst. died on Bundny of pneu- monia. Docom-od vvu nbouu Iifhythroo! years olago And luvs: one son. Robert. J..who in now in the United States. Mn. Pauline Ramon. rolioc of the Into Luther Rawaon. Picbon, pansod Away on Tuenda '. aged eighty ve yours. During nlmonh gar entire lifnbinno she was us cou- aintenh member of tho Muthodisn cbutch. fl...` -8 "\|......I...-V. -..i.lA.\t. .... -4.) uoltho only 1898 models that have adopt:d any improvement of note in ll 0 bouings. which change ulvmys involves the greatest expense. t\'l`I.lI':l) bl Bill`: All"\(\ An. ad... IIIIEHU |"IiI9|UUl' UK UK) |\lU(llOU|~'U CUUICYI. Ono of 'l`hurlow'e roidontc p.-\-trod uwav Int wook at Corbyvillo in the mreon of I'ot.or Post. He was born in rinco I-Irlward count?` sixty-ninb yearn ago, and Ion-cs a wife. our com: and fourdaughten. nu an nnannrlmnnf in than mnnioinnl nah UIVU llllll |uU\VUl'Uc ` W. ll. Sbowurt. Poborboro. olxurgod with obtaining monoy from Bloomeld run under moo preoonooa. wu mod no |oom- : eld. Ho pleaded guilty and was lot ow wibh a nun of SID and coats. l\nb\nnn K.n'\-\n\.\l:' A.-..n..4Ip-nun-'; 1",`... . K. On Thurudny the corner atom of the! new Methodist: church at: Albury was laid by Rev. W. J. Young. Rodnoravillo cir- (min. The church will be of brick with no no towers. \\I ll n.-.......s lI-s...-|........ -I.._.._..I ...:u.. A\.Do Un Wodnondny of Int wool: Jamel W. Roborbonn. of the Winnipeg Tribune. was mnrriod to Min Lila A. Millar. Ronfrow. They will take up ruidonoo in Winni- Il. UIUIU. A lly VVQTU HIPIINEU. George H Am. an old and worthy maiden of Conway. South Frodoriolmbm-gh. in Ioriouuly ill of cancers. ' He was born in bhnb towmhip oighoy-nix years ago. (looms H,mdim_ Huh nnnn mu-u wwuuulp uuguuy-ux yours B 0. George H.mdi\r. fth non 0? Rev. J. Hnndior. Nowburgh. graduated in modi- cino this your from Hnlifnx university. He will hangout his uhinglo in Pmtou. NS. |lI'U` U)` R "IN; The bond of health. Ronfmw. appoint- ed 'I`hunphllo Bornrd mo nenvengor an n ul- nry of $3.`) A monbh. Be In to supply horse and curb and do the work. IN...` |......l.....l A..l.._-.._ ..|. ..-I-- _........I unn curl) lulu (I0 we work. I Five hundred telegraph polon. owned` by Mocnlfroy & Farwoll. were burned Inst week on tho I. B. & (). RR... mm` lim- cfofb. They wore imurod. Han:-rm H xm, An nl nnrl unrhhu Nulnhh DU LVl|plIllH9- We rogreb no learn of bho illness of Ann Riohnrdaon. lrotnn. Ho is ill from blood poisoning, the roeulb of n uoratoh on the arm by n nail. | Tim hnnrrl nl hmxlhh H.\n|'mnn nun.-duo. "A?':n.e otlioinl meotiuw of the Selby Mo- Lhodinb circulb. Henry iloon resigned his ponition an recording atoward,hnving moved to Napnneo. .741 ma-r-an hn Innrn nf hhn Inna: nf Ann vvv Black Dress Goods are a good thin to fall back on if undecided as to what color to buy. lack Grena- dines are a favorite. They're here in wool at 50c and 75c ; in Silk. at 75c, $1,551.25. Black Figured Goods at 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 65c, 75c, and up to $16 per costume. Can't miss suiting the most particular buyer, styles, values all combine to make selecting easy. mrao 'onn-. mu remove to Montreal. Pbifip Phnlen. Newburgh. has a thoroughbred Jersey mm which gave birth r.:)dn cull boforo aho was bhirbeon month: { 0 . II:_. In A 1 | I - - I` ' mu. 1 Min M. A. Jnhm-on. aged aixt. -vol _)enra. drop (1 dond Saturday from curb Iimuo. wxila going about: her daily work. AL.A|.- _4u_x_I .,.__.- p.| n n :- um um: umnpasgn _wero wutluii. | Mr. nnrl Mrs. A` R Bayes. in charge of the induabrial school an Eldon. Iowa, for three 'onn-. will to Montreal. phi in Dhglnn KY.`-nub...-...|` L... ncuwa anu ro-enter. one army. The election expenses of Bowen 1-}. Ayleaworeh, M. 1 . P.. Lonnox. during the tho lam campaign _\vero $.'IU7.(l3. Ml`. nnrl Mn. A R. nun: in ohm:-on n! I uuu IGGIDIOD OI DWO EOWOTI. Foss (Jodkin. Oak Leaf. olden non of John (lodkln. died Ssturday morning from lnll-`gimmzmon of the lungs. I John Mcnannuh. hnml.|mnnnr. Rtnlln. Illllllnlnllll 0! W0 lungs. Mchanogh, hotel-keeper. Stolla. Amherst. island. may return to the United States and mentor. the election exnannnn n! Rnwnn II`. uu no noouu. I Cunp Iroquoil. the Inmmor home of tabs Wnllnou. Boston, in being Improved by I the nddiblon of two towers. F'n.. u.uu.x.. n..1.1...n -IA--A ---~ -0 wily)`:-. Bowen, Gannncquo. has rented the I Island and cottage formerly owned by Dr. (Tolemnn. I A D 11----.. n.-_;_- _I__LI_A .|. n,._ \ UlInI|l'). A. S.Onnon. Piobon. shot by the late Adolborb Wyoobh, bus so far recovered u to ho about. 0......` t.......-n- `L- ..... __ L__.- -1 Ak- um: um uountr I0 epencl one summer. An Elisabet town hobo!-keeper mu ned N00 for ulllng liquor witbouh I liceme. Kerry 0. Mecthewe. Kingston, lnoende movlngtn Won art: in the near future. Mr. Slater, reuy. contemphtel the erection of n eummor reeorb Ah the place. Pembroke : population lzhie eprimz ie 5,- 025,un inorenno of 157 over laeb you-'1-. Aberdeen Dirk oomnnlbtm. Rnnlrnw. will nu Webshow some New Waist Silks this week, rich effects, at small prices, direct from the Japanese makers. Plain Silks in all colors, 25c yard. " 27 in. wide, all colors, 45c yard. Fancy Plaid Silks at 45c yard. Fancy Check Silks at 65c and 75c. Roman Stripe Silks at 60c and 65c. Figured Silks at 65c and 75c. Hair-line Stripe Silks at 75c. The head of a silk importing house told us last week that we ought to sell heaps of silks at the prices we sell their: at. .. 4... van, an IHOFOIIO 0! [Di MID you-'u. purl: committee. Ranfrow, will gave I celebration In Ranfrow on dominion av. \. D.....-_ n-..-..-,... L-- V7-7,-I A|~ uliu. norm nnmnga. ' H. B. Munro, B A., Almonto. haven for bhe old countr to spend the An Elinsbnt. [mum hnhnl.lnnnnu- Inn: Raul T1 I'll! N0`! Pl! IIIO OIIIGCIOI IIlDO-IIl lpleoilu `I'll! UIGIOIIII II II! Oolli "! Ind lIClOIDoIIII-L OIIIIII 0! [INF Oltlnl Hill!- A man mine he: been opened eh Deep Leta. North Huelnge. Munro. B A.. lmnnta. lmnnu Im- IPIOE OF THE ARTICLES IN THI um: mawsonm:n1snucr.| VlOlNlT l;liW`8PAP'lli-I`. UNDER THE PERSONAL DIRECTION 0!` IR. CHARLES A. B. HARRISS. I):>uble fold Unbleached Sheeting roc ynrd. 36 in. \Vhite Cotton 5c yd. 49 in. Unbleached Cotton 6c yd. M en's medium weight Underwear 25c, worth 40;. Men's N cgligee Shirts 35c. worth 50:. Men's Black Sateen Shirts 5oc. worth 65c. Children's Fine Rib Black Cotton Host: worth r5c for me p)i|'. \Vomen`s Rib Black Hose worth talc for me. \Vomen`:: Cashmere Hose 3 air for 50. \Vomen`.~: Tan .\hco Yarn t ose worth asc for 15. \Vornen`s Half Sleeve Vests worth r5c for me. Two bargains in Dress Gaods. Lot r, 25: worth 35 to soc yd. Lot 2. soc worth 75:: to 90: yard. Are sorneof the many rm.ray-swing chances to be picked up at the selling of the Taylor & C0. Bankrupt Stock. *--. V ( Two Lots of Wash Fabrics I Not at last sale here. Every new thing placed in stock as fast as it appears. Standing orders at headquarters to send on new goods `quick as to hand, makes this possible. Prices one-fourth to one-third less than regular Millinery priced and better service than ever before. l Remember a large staff of clerks to serve_cvery one promptly. 3 All Sales for Cash. Parcels delivered on time. Starr 84 Sutclie,