`A Nice TurIi;t- . Didn't Work The Sumo Wu. Wm-'hlnulm1Ht.nr. "lt.'a rnrnnrbukln .-;.l .-....L..- G--- 75 a 77 pnINcEs S1'l`l-EET.- Step Ladders, Clothes-Wringers, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, Ice -Cream Freezers, Window and Door Screens, Garden Hose and Reels. All our READY-MIXED PAINT is guaranteed to give satisfaction. . - Double fold Unbleached Sheeting roc yardi 36 in. White Cotton 5c yd. 40 in. Unbleached Cotton 6: yd. Men's medium weight Underwear 25c, worth 40: Men's Negligee Shirts 35c, worth 50c. Men's Black Sateen Shirts 50c, worth 65c. Children s Fine Rib Black Cotton Hose worth 15c for Ioc plir. Women's Rib Black Hose worth xztc for IOC. Women's Cashmere Hose 3 pair for 50c. Women's Tan Muco Yam Hose worth 25c for 15c. Women's I-Ial{Sleevc Vests worth 15c for IOC. Two bargains in Dress Goods. Lot 1, 25 worth 35C to 50c yd. Lot 2, 50c worth 750 to 90c yard. Are some of the in;1nyxno.1ey'saving chances to be picked up at the selling of the Taylor & C0. Bankrupt Stock. [Two Lots of WaLsh%l5abfiEs L I H A Q O A n A nun Dr. D. Senden, 158 St. James Street, Montreal, Quebee 1.l.L.L_q.Lg,og 4.- 4.- . HOUSEKEEPING AIDST FORMERLY RICHMOND 1! CO. H8 and I20 Princess Street. jj.j_j- For Impotcncy, Lame Back. Night I.osss.: Drains. coccle, and all effects of Youthful Errors `&m'o"x'! '." ELECTRICITY, Ata Bargain-5c yard. worth IOC. 8c yard worth I2 I -2c yard. Consultation Free properly nppllied. Why not be up with the times? ' n ten yours Electricity will be the treatment an remo. With my world-famed ELEOTR (JBELT and Bup- ` porting Suspeneory I cured lest o|r,5.000 ` week men, young and old. _Doo . "Three 1 Clegaes of Men." explaining all. sent sealed, I free upon request. No 0.0.D. Freud or ` Free Medicine Swindle. Write for above . ; book to-day. 1 inf nupumonnu-nun-ubuu-tum. Ihcurllluuoilu ' M p.u.necu..!muusf. [n""`uu'I nnmn. E; C. MITCHELL 124 Prin- cess St., will give you the cash. and see how sobn you will save In Iulneu on-pleasure. we mann- ht0uIu`arrhn- Bughs. Hummus. on-mun-.-. D1 Cans. Wagons me. 'when' you spend your money. [Ask For Cash Coupons ROBINSON BROS-. YAII I`nnno ll-`.1- $3.00. Olrignwrihn mu. 3. ......"""`.':.`.'..""......'- x: ugh to call. write for show book i ; Sundays. 9 to 12. ` REWARDS- !AI_ -B1Ahl\ jinn n- v----wvvv tut?` Wall Pope! Bptclnllnu. B.\(K7l' X73881`. Are what you should STICK OUT SIGN. |\liGS;0l;.,0NT >C5-flififh 04343434`! 454 <'I4I<`I<$4`I4`If: ART `GALLERY, couancne nu ma. [EXHIBITION Kirkpatrick's `Dull nuuvr-IIIIYIDK UEVICO. Moderate in cost, easy to manage, with the ovens ven- tilated and heated EVENLY all through by n patent ue A _not found in other -stoves. \ You`ll never have any "bit- ` chon troubles" if you buy one of these reliable ranges. ' Every one in guaranteed. ` Call an! see them. 6 They no handsome. dur- able and econombal; fitted with ohry up-to-dam coal land labor-aavmg device. Mndnntn u'n ....o ......- A- Duchess or oxrom nango- Jan. Laturny, 1 Dugnguggn L.._._...:__..- -. in the kitchen--alIya_ys- if you hnveon of Original ` \Vater Color Paintings at 1897 it was dcclnnd thn 8400,1110 mus collected by tho ropcblic in its way of ant. The orpniud Cubans Ahmad Inn bun instmnontal in sunning and landing rtocnitla-go um ol money. Ono Indy * gun 3120,0111 The Putin colony. al An- uusa nah dun. gm 3100.000. none. 0! lb: republic but bun told an?! on that that ha $100,000. A loud Douay? Yu.IIII not much he 3 in. And can ooooonhlly upndod to hop things swing at all no against an any whonnppotthncauthospnniudn. it ilnlinthd. that lhirtotn nilliuun malt. Pu-hp: thin in ovu-laud by an- lriudly critic. but tho-can conldln cntdovninnuuoly nndocill lawma- pu-tliuu which no nation. bun: rich and nun...--.... .--l4I ---- -_ -,....... Sines I895 tho republican gonrnrnooh has been directing shin with no potion n ayetom ofconcrolnnd direction no in poo- oiblo undor the circnrnunnens. Athnpu. more or Ian ornbnrnnirfg. no node to ox- erciro jndicid and legislative function: nod Innnngnwou-h-unnoriu. nnilhia, shop: -lor the runubctgrg 9; gm nnpplhn. Tu collector! have bean no work. and in I397 it Dun algal.-..l 5|.-. hams t\4\4\ -no uvuuu IV yulluu, II ICCIPCO0 II tn OVI- dance thnt. they no not in sympathy with the Spanish cans. ``for." lO_Vl Mr. Rubens. Spnin would not oxhennimto hot loyal whim]! ` n:____ nnnu .n --- vuwiv an in nu I-\l|l\.I.IlIl6s With this tribute to the Juntn.(pro- nounced jaonts), and this personal vindi- cation, which may or may not have been necessary. Mr. Rubens explains how Gen. Woyler come to concentrate the rural populationto the number of hundreds of thousands in certain guarded centres. Only those who were srmed joined the in- surrectlonary pmrty, but many who ro- mriined at home aided the rebels with food rid clothing. Capt.-Gen. Compos. who tin-t directed military operations, said these country people were rebels and spies. all of them. and thathe could not succeed while these conditions remained. Weyler. therefore. conceived the idea of lodging a1d confining the country people in the towns, destroying their habitstions and their crops. and conscating their stocks." Many 0! there iuralists. seeing that they must either ght or become prisoners. joined the insurgent party. They become what is called the impedimenta. the camp followers. armed mostly with machetes. and so useless in lighting. though most useful in foraging for the army. in herding. in raising crops and in general service. That tour hundred thousand of the reconoeotrados have died of starvation. and that those who survive are bound to perish. is accepted as evi- dnsmn Mus. st... ._ ...p. i. ____--L - --- Julnwuululn tho Iuugll at In ....-. vmnubn Ab bhe outalnrh he repels the insinuntion thou the Cuban: who reside abroad are 0)WIl'dP, that they do nob want: to spend and beepenb on behalf of the cause they ea-pouee. "There never Inn need for them in the eld," he says, "but: there has been need of the money which `they laboriously earned, and which they have given no {ree- ly. The constant. sacrifice of the Cubans abroad to eupply the patriots in the eld with nuns and ammunition is as remark- able no in is touching. \l.7ioL sL.'.. A_IL..l- A- n , v -\upI u-rUl\IJb H.-.-N -*".:.".':.m....,..-e'.:.*:s%*.; _ mt. down! on Dunn CUBA`S INSURGENT PARTY. Horatio S. Rubens. counsel 0! the Cuban rpvolntionnry parby, has given to the North American Review his contribubion 0-) the literature of the war. and in is very interenting. Ab. 5|..- -._;_n, A; I - V i ......... V ...... \/`Iv. -uuu an cuvu nu lI\lElUlU- Me-antime this Eenute has gone to sloop on the union label bill, and does not: want anyone to disturb ibe slumber. .....,. -...- _....v.- .- U... .-v.v.-u-I "lf,"eaya a deapatch from London, "a satisfactory arrangement could be made Canada could remain nob only her own ehare of the trade, but: also eecum that which formerly went; to the United Sbatea. What: would he a satisfactory arrange- ment? The Canadian manufacturers will surely nd out. and as soon as possible. M.....;.'...... n..`. ......c.. L-.. ._-_- A. I .-.,.r. V-.. V. .---.--v, -. -vu u- rnvnunvuuvg in the new relabiona bebween Canada and the mother counbry. He may be rushing things a bib,bub he is bakingcnro ofhia cher- ished idea ah home, and he in incidentally giving the union 5 lift: nbroad.3 Llln --..- - .l-_._-L_L 1---. 7-"), u V`;-)ia.ii;dinnc have been crying oub bbnb they hue not protechion against the com- petition of foreign labour and foreign pro- ducts. 1!: in only reasonable than there should be an interchange of sentiment upon this point). . The British workingman `s not. perhaps. an touchyaa the Canadian, as easily piqued or as easily aroueed.bub it is not. remarkable that: he should want a reciprocity of favours, if not a preference. In 91.- ....... -..I..:....- L..;_--._ n___ J- _.__| Unioniam in strong in England. In is the home of workingmeifa clubs.@Oocaaion- ally n grout strike is called. like that in the shipyards last: year. and aacbimz all the trades. nancially be the extent: of millions of pdunda, and for the time being in reams no if unionism is crushed. But it: rallies quickly, and goes on in below. accumula- ting in power and resources, and so pre- paring for I! new conich ab the first oppor- tzuniby. r`I_._-.I:__- L--- I. _ _ _ . _ __:,, , J .1 A u... u an yvvpnvu But: along comes news from England which givosvtbo oradee union considerable comfort. The cu-punters union of Groab Britain. a wrong inabitution, and one whose inuence cannot: be ignored. has unierbalxen to boycott: Canadian products which do no?) bear the union` label. The boycott has nob in with the doors and ashes which Canadian mnnufacburen ex- ported luh your bo tho value of $217,989. In is an important item. and in is only one item. THE 8ENA'l`E S ACTION. The senate hen defeated the plea of the Cnmdien nudes union to have their label legalized and given an dlatincbion in the trade math of the dxy. The senate does not see the necessity of ib, as J: does not see the necessity of many other hhimze. end it: does not one ebaulz the Working- men e votes nor the votes of any other ch 9 of people. Duo. ..I . . _ . . _ . . _ . _- 1.-.. t.~__|-_.I THE DAILY warm] "015/tr per Orb. D,-mm: vv-w as.-nun \an \l|llIu For to-morrow we offer a special bargain in \Vhile Quilts, full size, regular 95c, for 75c each. You save money by buying off a cash store. What about the 24th ? Lots of little things wanted as well as Millinery, Shirt Waists, Separate Skirts. Are you going to ride a wheel ? We have a bargain in Men's Bicycle Suits, only a few left, they're about half value, you get comfort . and t in them too, $2.25, $3.50, $4, $5 buys the suit. I Men's outtting too, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Ilose, Underwear. 1 S ecial line, Men's Negligee Shirts, 3 for $1. ` en's Cashmere Hose, fast black, 2oc pair. : Men's Balbriggan Underwear 45 each. . shudntylaug. nnn -Il:._-..\ nun nun` r'w!nA Q,1'fbnsbAy, mAi :7. HARDY 8:1 As a special Bicy- % cle offer during pur` I:-`ire Sale at High Grade Bicy- cle. with Dunlap Tires. $40. Mrs. Woatmaro. Bruntford. dropped dead at: the grave side as tho remains of A friend were being interred. :7j._._.__._.__.._....._..___._ aulpr, anu nuuau gooanoaa know: many of the barbuinnn. There was I fairly brink naval olirmiahea in the clan: dnya 0! [mac Elizabeth. unit`; In In uuu ux we glonea 0! old Greece. In the zewglm Accium Ocbnviua Cu-mr won much renown. In the third century the emperor Claudius had a lively dispute at: tea with the Uotha. sunk 2,000 of their ships, and killed goodnoaa knows how some fil'lV brink nmml liirminhnn in #5.: ..... crugrmu. or It not obuinablo at your druggiu. Iun7!rJ on ncum of rice by the R. WARD CO . Vlctnril L. Tc touto. Book of Information FREE. mugut t p-1'0-Unto. Ilmnllmn Hvmhl. There wan once a great; son ghh at Sala- mie; it: in one of the glories of old (lreoce. the Eemahh Anni... n..u...:... n.. ._._ PHI`! 501'. per h , 3 hon! fat 3:. It dnIll 53\I H 3:! obuinablo n:`;onr d"(Ii.Juu7Ic:l ncum price by mnrruge .IlIu l olll:t`lJ<`l!. IA)~ /\m,n`|m< (`|'|l|t|. WiIe-'I`hcro us no doubt aboub in. mar- riage does improve a man : politeness. Husband ~ How 202 "Well, you frequently gab lip and obr me your chsir now. Before we were mar- ried you always wanted to keep half. Inrnmt) l'L`l(`;.:I'I|lIl. Remember the Maine" Americans are saying, and they will probably keep up the cry. seeing that the drowning of the Maine : crew is likely to he the only roully serious occurrence in who connect the whole embroglio with Spain. New \m`l( Hvrnld. An lriahman was thrown out: of a re!!- taumnhin Third avenue by a German waiter for creating B disturbance after be- ing refused Spanish mackerel. and was hauled before an American magiatmtmwho ned him. Tnrnnm 'I`ulw,;r'x\I1I. R.emembm- mm International Oompllcntlonl. New Ynrk Hvrnhl. An In-u'..|nn.... .....- AL_-...... -__. . uuuumuuu on Lnmr anus and that they have proted by them. The Spanish. however, may not be the only sufferers by them- vasion of the island during the heatod term. The Americans are seeking n land- ing upon it, and there is occasion to feel that they must contend against diaadvnd- begun as nations and fatal in their tendon- ciee as those which have decimated the Spanish army. ._- . . V - - . --vv usuu. In aubetunco such is the picture of affairs as in in x-ketchod by a Cuban insur- gentz. He may overdraw the Spaniel: failures, as the Spuniah"hnve overdrawn thqCuban failures, but certain it is than these itlshrganta have had climate and in conditions on their aide and that they Spanish. hnwnunr What: has been the cause of Spain's lai- lure? Ins oommissary. The Cubans live on yam, yucca, fruits, sweet: potatoes. cassava. and even cabbage palms and sour oranges, while the Spaniards willdio upon this dieb. Most of the Spanish loosen have been occasioned by levers and dysen- bory. They See bacon and beans. and in the climate they are the cause an sickness. Besides there is no sanitation, no caro of the troops, and physically disabled the ` men oannoc ght. In -nl-an!-n.1..- ..-L A` oppoelng forcu. Mr. Rubens nye there are 40,000 well armed Cuban: in the eld, end impediments nnd others to the num her 0! 160,000, willing to ght hub with- out the ries the Spenirh will not lob the Americana land. The Spaniard no one time had 220,000 soldiers in Cuba. "1`o- dey, say: Mr. Rubens. "they have only 80,r~J0 fit for duty. as against 200,000 at this season last: year. The omcinl records admitalors of 65,C00 in the first two years. Within nine months a`-nub 30,000 have been rent homo, invuiided, and there are now abouo that number on "the nick ` lino. , Starr & Suiclie EDITORIAL COMM ENT. mnrrluze .Ind Polltcnru. n|.x..- ll...-..I.l The l|lnln_[nnldent.. .I.x.n-u... ight Up-To-Date. nrn).l Anetta but of tuba-colon Alfons otlcutlotooi nllockvood Imnilnl I&khnin-ng nnnn--.- uh. vcnou u-pmvtl I: I7-It-d Ohm 51 mm` oi rneqnitg: lay 6. Fang: gum: |Afn:yctto, uchoonot Ori- gmg, achgoncr Antonio: May 2. K5001!!! Antonio Y. Paco`: Tran ! 30. Iclmner An- sousdsumz; .\ ' 29. -t-met Armani- ta. Ichoouct _Lo lo. sloop Kngncil: Apr" 27, gmck Do sapzu-nbn._ -to-{rm Guido: lA)`pnl 29, ngunor not! Panama: _A_pn'l`. I. ocboooor Antonio. `boggy cmdudu. u_choomr Tm Hogan- mg, guuaor 8ct nruIno.AItI_:I;t CCIIIIIO. nuuur Iglol` - MOI : P" ' - Mathilde: April `:2; shing n_cl:ooncn.IIn-- In. Pidln I1-:2 Bung \. Anlnrn suulli: BF "`..', nslnng vcnoomn 1:: Pidm. noun: Bum Vcnnn. any of the numerous sources of saving of a cash btisi-, ness as against a credit business IS a saving for you i you trade here. So many things in a credit business have to be provided for in the prots that} our prices for cash may sometimes give you the idea that goods are poor, but they are not, it is the savings made by this cash idea of ours. upcuuu, I! In plv yin an omcial visit to our echool an wil Also visit others in the Immediate neighborhood. Mr. Nclntyn in the mccenor in ofco of Mr. Mccnllum. , Re In: viouu to his appoinomerw ptincipsl ol rnndon col- legiate and for a number of yarn in ici- once mutor. Ho has long bun rocognir ed M one of the moat mccouful tuchcl in the province md his nppointnono came to him Almost " unsolicited. Ilia GINO! both -I I 299499! 59!.` tg-chcr bu ban ono of almost continmd mecca. B(`lRll`K, .\l:m..Jonrnnl. Alexander Mclnbym. B A.,ochoo1 in. specter, in nu present` yin oicinl vioino nlhnva In CL. I-..-n-4l:-A- _-x_LL-_L..x nu nu nut-II Selkirk. .\l:m..Jonrnnl. Alnrnndnr hlnlnmw mm c--" The mood of the burden in hie Arms changed. " Yon wont go?" She Iciflonod in his arms. " Why, John Augm-tee Thomu. you horrid, mean thlsg. You won't: go. You just: will go, no there. Why Blanche Creeeon e ance. Bob Sonora. is going, and ehe e just: made him A red, white. and blue eoln pillow to use in camp, and I've elarted one for you, anq all the girls will laugh at me if you don't. And you're horrid if you don t,eo there They'll nll lnugh no me. Oh.you must go. Thieltimo she was crying in earnest. An hour later John Angnelne Thoma de- rted a udder. wirer mm. .He will on- inb. And the fair girl will weep ngnin when he mu-chee away to the frono. COV|V|ll!IVOIy. Who could he do? What: could be an)? He looked helplessly at the fair young girl. Then be (altered, Don't: cry. Eh. I ll do anything--I'll-l pn:mit-I won o go. Don c-- UPI... ...--..I -1 .|_. L, n uuuy. one Ioolea an mm narrowly. Hie glance waadirectod abernly at a still life picture of oranges. sh. cigarette:-. and ice water. She made an elloib. and tears walled in her oyea. "If you go," she choked, if you go--l'l| -I'll-ory--I'll- cry--ro-there. And nhe buried her said. with its mean of golden hniron his broad chess, while her shoulder: heaved convulaivoly. \\'|1nh nnnlrl Mn rlu.` What no---`-4 |-- --> ` um. uanug I50 moer. her eyes. " Oh, you honid thing. you never think of me. It : always that horrid. horrid duty. She looked ab him narrowly. glance waadnrectod mu-nlv At :. nan gm-wnau In me am gasllghh. "You must: not go. Don U go. Reginald, she ploadod. His name was John. bub she called him Reginald. I don t. want; you L0 go. She unclnaped one hand and be- gun to smooth his hair. It had always worked before this, aha murmured to her- eelf. " I)on o go, please!" His voice shook. but he was rm. "Duty calls me. I must: go, he said, huakily, not. daring to meet her Oh. V00 honizl thiurr, wnu nnx-nu thin]. I'ml|uIu-Iplnln Tluu-.~:. The fair girl clung to him dot-pairlngly. Her golden trusses swept over his manly chant and her bueeyea, lled with learn, gliatened in the dim gaslighh. mush not no. l)nn n nn R.min..IA " nrunsu l.zU'vIIlUIa. Undor theimading of "privileges she Wnnhin;:ton authorities provide: Brin- Ish vezuols plyimr on the Sbikeen river may touch at places in Alaska for pur- chase of fuel or en xpliun, or in distress. under supervision ol ollicors of custom:-, which the collector of customs of Alan- lu shall from himo to time station can such phces as he deems necessary. and such ofcera so placed may issue permits for this temporary landing of passengers. No merchandizo is to he landed M: such places." Vessels descending the river ro- neivo the same treatmono by reporting at Wrsn el going` out. The regulations are dated lay Mn 1. Ho llnd No some 0! The Dramatic. Philnulu-Iplnln Tluu-.~:. Thu fnlr oi:-I nlnnn in In`... .l..-.....'..x.._ nnnur Dllll Will 08 anpoeed of. The treasury department 30 Wnahington has issued a circular proululgatang cus- toms regulations governing vessels. goods and passengers entering thezsbikeon river, which show bhanblxo United States have granted every poseiblo concession Canada could expcctz. and which allow freely the Lmnaler of cargoes and pass-angers an Wrangol to another British vessel for transport: in Tulin lake and the Yukon or llritiel1C0`1`ml)i&. ll...l.... elm: ,,..a:..... ._n u,_,- '1, , n -- nuuvuu nunn the men: he struck out altogether. Mr. Tarto ex plained some of the special features of the hall which malroitz resemble the kingly gift to the peasant: poor who lived next: door," who wanted an elephant: badly. The expenditure covers_tho mainten- ance of two acres of flower gardens. four acres of vegetables. forty-eoven acres of grass. and thirty-two acres of wood, 84,. .";00rquare feet: 01 buildings under 96,- 500 test of roof, 4130 yards of car eta. 340- yards of goilclotha, 273 win owe. 579 gm: lights. one and a quarter miles oi drains. 4,500 foeb 0! block pavement, 9_`2f)0 feet of oemonb walk. 22,400 feet. of fencing. and 2301 yards of gravel roads. l\.r. Monk moved so reduce the item to $1,200, and both amendments were lost and the item carried. '!`n m.-......\... .1... r.._....|.:_A -4 An I H um um: teem carnea. Tomorrow the franchise nob and some minor bills will be disposed of. Th6 tmaaurv dannrhnnnf. At. \Vna|uinnl.nn wrougu committee and read a third time. When the house went into aupply Mr.` Tarte was again interrogated about the stone {once in Major Hill park. opposite the parliament buiidin e, and a lot or time was squandered upon t is little item. The work is being done by day labor, the esti- mate being for loss than 3-i_000,and therefore within thojurisdiction oi the minister. The opposition criticized this course, and it was argued out belore a lietleae house until after ve o'clock. The minister dropped the item.saying he would have one to cover it in the supplementary estimates. Mr. Monk criticized the item of $17,000 for the maintenance of Rideau hall, characterizing it as sheer waste. Mr. Tarte said that the estimate was the same as under the late government. Mr. Rogers mid that it was an extremely unpleasant duty for any minister to have to criticize the expenditure on this account. He did not object to the amount of the governor`: salary; we could not. he said. "get n good English nobleman. or even an Irishman. to come out and govern us ior loss. He moved that the item be struck ouh Altnrrnlnhnr Mn 'I"--in A- uumaumceuy concerned. Tho bill to incorporate the eubaidiary high court: of the Ancient: Order of Forci- tern in the domlnlon of Canada was pissed through committee and read third time. Whnn thn Imnunn nnxn inns .......I.. Al. I Ivory Poulblo Oonoculon dtuutcd to can- ndu. ' O'r'r.\w.\,` May l6.~--Tho whole of to- dsy a tension was devoted to the consiVern- Mon ofoatimatea of the public work: do- pbrtmenh, and very little interest. was mnnifeebodin the rooeedinga. except: by show members w on oonmtuencien are- immodintely concerned. Tho bill tn innnrnvu-Ah: Hm nuh-.`A.'L... It In A QlIO0l'l Grntlnnto. \l on '11:`:-v\1|I customs 41- wnman. EVERY CENT THAT IS SAVED FROM vv M13 x ruvvumvsox (.`o.. Dim: Sun: -1 caaidu-it a plenum . and nits} toput onroeud what Puiufa hunlioud with and sun o|nu'u.'nuo:l,uIiIol to Ian wine cinuhiluulmml qycuontil ludhhoh Uoupnnnd. Nov! notllfulfootl for ,th not/v;':. built: and blood. lit the guano ru [unscrip- tioo-Iho Mann uni tuning that tho hm phyticinni nconuond. Wlzus & Rxvnuuvsox Co.. Dun Rnuv _l .-..a..m...-s . ..x......_ Thcunuglc an in a condition of mint and not brought on by Iluplulmu notvounou. It in from thonnh 0! net roopluhuthoinnohn olonr innnony umn an ncmiud. llyou an oluphu. naval. dupondent or irritable. not at onto hdon yarns: Income: notions and stunning. Uu him : Ooloty Compound noun : food nuns. basin on II in LL; an... ._./.4... ___....~ akes Men and Women Healthy. Sum; and Happy. GIVES SLEEP AND REFRESH- ING REPOSE. A ledieine that Feeds the Nerves and Enriehes the Blood. Palne s Celery Compound is the Only Agent that Truly Regulates the Nervous System. It Comes swiftly and Surely` When Sleep and Rest Clnnot Be btainod. Wm-'hlnuloI1Ht.nr. "It.'s remukuble,am'd senator Sorghum, "how di`emnt.l_v peoplo are affected by the ammo thin ." "Have you goon randing medicine?" "No. lwas thinking of my speech. In kepb mo awake four nights, gad put. every- body who hoard ia uleep. ]UourtfIEanity. Nearest Agencie-D. W. DOWNEY, Brockville, TH E KENNEDY CO., Limited, Montreal. ---