Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1898, p. 1

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IMDY& 6'0 l23Pl'hSL.Kll:StI. nu Io IIIIII noon 0 may umna but on Wodla; in diam : ohu-go. Today the moouut will put Nae dilfonnl pun oi tho balloon: and Ft than randy for uhi I to nap: on ridq 0|` Sunday. Albth and Vuiclo has written Gen. Gnoly volnnluri to turn in tho Uuitod sum: uuy. ' IIKII OI UK IIIIIIII. Nnw You. May 28.-'I'bo govornmonl Inoy bo about to pnl inbo oporooion o plan for looobing odmirol Oorvoro ond bio Hoot by bolloon. Tbooo oon ho oporohod by day or night And in in ooid hhoy will bo oonh np [Ion tho dooko of bomoohipo [or cronoporh In (root 0! Sontiogo Solno tilno ogo Anthony Voriclo arrived in Now York on o Fnnch lino omoamor. Ho ouno boro with tho ropntooion oi boinx one of tho hbroo gnotoob mrononto in Enropo. Tho othor two on Monrioo Mollotto and Do Cbontor. who lnodo Androo'o bolloon. Shortly other the wor brobo out bo nour- od on ordor for two ornoll bolloono from brigodior-gooorol Grooly. obiof of 0' ml oorvico. Voriclo ooblod to bio friond `thi- Iotto to auto lloon cl they orrirod Wod y |l\o..l-- sh- ...._....n. _.-n __. ..- El oouoignnont 01"} no the Iuppliol to In uhbli on the nonhorn count In! sh`. illnnd. Iuppuol on B0 also count of tho iclnud. Hum V... I1.- I and ii UUTVUTI IX (ICU IUII DIIIIIIKO. II II. III. managed to oacapo tho inoontion oi uha plan of campaign will ho poahponod and Ibo achomo probably ro-arrangod. Tho milioary and naval programlnoaa oxplainod to tho oabinob, oonbarn latoa rth tho roub- ing out 0! Cohen : a ipa from Santiago poaaihlo hhoir capouroa and than in- vaaion of Cuba by along army and alter ohan, or aiinulbanooualy. if enough hroopa are available. the occupation of Porto Rico. Tho defeat of Canon which will be incidental to the joint land and Jana ab- uack in Santiago. ia oonaidorod bho most important projooh oi the whole plan. It: accompliabm it. in in admitted. will not boouyan an ."I'C'Ivy Inigo guna rnuahbelandad V 0 aonhhorn coach of Cuba. 800 niloal Key Wont. and than an objootiona to an attempt: to carry the gum to ill: surrounding hho city on bba ground in non faaaiblo. Tho gonaral invaaion o uha having an ion objoco tho capture oi Hanna. will follow immodiably alter the Santiago axpodibion. Thin will be agroao a`air on a much I acalo than our athmptod in war and will probably conaunio oooaidorablo than in launching: skunk-A-nannm `A I UIIDUIJ WI] 1 EH10. IIOWUVUI3 The plan of campaign decided on b tho pluidonh md his milibuy and nun ud- vison waukotohod no the cabinet ofooro yuoordny tor bhoir oontimnbion. The runmo in dopondono on oh: no" uhao kl-var: Ln: nah lath Rgnlinnn, N In. In- A 0lpIOl1.0IOI[O loo Boon Booolvod from Iohloy-lt la `thought Oorvora la not at lonuao-'l'lao Balloon: no on Their way to 'l`oInpa-A an-man Iarlne In-`llnvana Harbor WI-ltoo A O.P.I. Oolnl or III Bxporlonooo. Wasnmorox. May 28.--New: of, im- portance. undoratood to be from column- dore Sohloy. waa reooivod h the navy de- partment late laot night. ntrary to hia ouatom. aeorotary Long went to the de- partment at a late hour and van oloaeted with aaoiatant aoerotary Allen and Lieut. Whittolaoy.tho cipher ex to! tho bureau of navi ation. Gen. A. . Greely. chief oi the goal aervioe, who haa charge of the military telegraph ayatem. waa oont for and remained at the navy department until after midnight, the othera having de- parted earlier. A cipher manage on tranalatod and read at the oonferenoe. In vio'w of the arran meat made for giving to the promo any viooa from Schloy that Oervera'a loot waa atill at Santiago. the failure to make public anythin about the message would indicate that note has eaoapod. No poaitivo utatomoot to that effect oan be made. however. Thn nlnn nf ngrnnnlnn paai-A n Ian 5|`- AM:mcANs WILL G3 AFTER If m BALLOON8. I00 Wrappers |m LIJIJAIE SPA|N S FLEEI. Dcpcnds Upon Destroying Fleet At Santiago. mu: mm or man] -v-v-vvq v-v-any IVICIIWII` Inl slot:-nod: oeouling Iolho pnun Illn hlloouowillmn thoil-arrival at nnglnnlnnnrlnnh-uni-g-..n...s... \`l'Ill|IIlU II UUFUUUHU UII VIII DWI IIIIID rrvon bu not Iota Santiago. I! he bu mund ho noun tho inmntinn nl hhn KINGSTON. ONTARIO. SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1898. -rr 19 O pnuncnppnnuaol unnoqy: "'.l`hogronuuuuu.uo ' and yullooiuploiniillitqliuvi nonhu- -unh cboullipuoblobcnd. Not own own-uuouuto. 1'hcniIuoInoooln- "utuuulul In IJCII." bo.\'r-ox, May 9?. - Ir. Glulntondc body ha been partially unkind. to tho but maybe can by Ibo blicthrongh the glans punlin the u whilo ilia I `ng in ucuoinwouuinuu Ablny. sh illiun R Richnond.Ro Aondcnician. vlovu uuunonodvto nvudcn Iohh dnvingt ol Ihofunlorn picn. Ila minus tho following duuiplion ol Ibo nnnue unmunnnd thinn- Du`: Donna on A oonol-on QnontIon-At- not On It. um. Ornxu. Mn] 27.-'l`ho time 0! tho houo won occupied todoy almost to I-be oxcluoion of all other buninooo by the dioouuion of the mucous that led the Ininiutor of public worh to agree Gotho substitution of oononu for none in building the pier: and nbnlinontlol Ihonov bridge across the Saskatchewan rivor no Edmonton. Mr. Dnvin lod Ibo attack. but Mr. Turn vu ouily nblo to jootilythochon lothnbwhnlwnooon In Iobolopnoon uooonndnlwuin icy drown to In t prndons notion. dinluod by onooonoidontionnnd tins tho public in- hunt. Thovhoio Iioryinthnt nth:-tho contact for ehopicn nndnbn hind hoonnvnrdod it wudiooovond that thou wunoolonoin thovioinity oflho vnth ouihblolorbridgopupouu. ndu-the-o circunolunooo. on the national Ii : angi- noon. tho Ininiutot uthoriaod Iho'onIIu~ cation of ooncrou. ( no we axplrulon or IWHIIJ-loll!` noun. I Blunoo Mia? he can ouily ham my audio; in In by ouuoorg. Inyo randy ?.~'oouhiIruo' all full upon the Invader! in the four western provinces. The war part of Mn troops In the inluud no in; conoontntod our the coat, where it it thought that an at- tempt to land might be mods. The oul Sponiuh wu-chips st Codixarc also but ip Peluyo. the oruiur Empa- dor, Carloo V.,ono torpedo catcher and tho converted crniooru Patriotic and Rapido. Everything bore the upposrmoo of an- Indiana. rumppmul or ouownoro. The United Shun donpstoh bout Englo is mt Porn Anbonio. Jamaica. In view 0! the noutnliby low her commcndu ha been forlnuly notied than the Eagle much have no the oxpintion of twenty-four houn. Blnnm hhinkl ha mn nnnilw `nan nu. uu pu-mu eouwemonn nu been received. The Spenieh reeerve tqundron command- ed by edminl German: will Inenmuvrepro- bably for eeverel days in she open nee. efherwerde immediately ceiling for the Philippines or eleewhere. 'I`hn llniru-I Que`. .l..._o..L L.-. I~__I_ 1nomsn.JonNs.j l UUIITUKU Not I lino more than was known when dny bu been nddod to one now: apart- montfo inbolligonoo regarding 0 9 Icons. Tho fooling in growing. however. that tho Spanish chips are not: at Bnnoingo ulnoo no positive abatement has been roooivod. Th PAXIVQ lnnnn-an Annun---4| IllUIlIlUo Gonornl Blnnco snd one Spanish govern- ment In ocoupiod now wibh tho quubion ol sanding home the invalid Ioldiou. The nick and wounded no this auoon are lling the hoopibnln and crippling the colony ! ro- oourcol. boners! Blanca report: that he bu pun- viuionl and ammunition enough to lub ve Inonhlu. uuoy uavu ololpol moo we Ahlautic. It in reported than severe ghu took place boowoen oho inaurgcnhe and 8 an- inrdn our Cionfuqroe on Sundny in w ich the Spnniudp low 300 killed and wound- ad. pmod in at Sand y Hook bhio morning. Despite the mono ouorgetio search oho whereabouts of the Spnnuh nquadron is unknown to bho Amoricnnu. Iuin fared bhoy have escaped into the Ahlnntio. Ihil rnnnruul Huh nun. nk... a.....|. ul we powerl D0 lu| .Ol'V0nO. Freighbers heve recenhl landed consid- erable provisions 10 Sen gum. where wu- prepereulone continue. The Speniude de- olere they will burn the city before chey will surrender. TL- lY..:L-.I Os-L__ .L...,_- P ' Wlll surrender. The United Stanton steamer Sb. Loni: Doanitn the man lnhrankin nnnnk ..l.- nu onuguu on me Iron: and no mouth. The Spenleh preee bitterly lemenhe the selfish mooivee underlying the reluctance ol the powore no intervene. Fralohhnra hnvn I-nonnhlu I.-ul-.l ......-:-I Wu lnnmu-Iu. Tho Spnnhh cabinet in boliovod to be doomod to another rooonnhruohion oooh and is obliged to live from hand to mouth. Tho Hnnnlnh nnnnn hi.-In I.....-..n- LL- ollloor on` board H.M.8. Talbot. It in datod Havana harbor. May 7th. and oayo: "Woaro ohnt or In Havana harbor and that oil` from al the world. We have no connection whatever with tho ahoro and will be in thin vloinlty until the war in over. 1 have not time to write much. at tho French manol-war Fulton baa romlud totaho or:-`mail to Jamaica. I tlio war aata Inuo ongor we may oay good- yo to our projootod vialt to Montreal this oeaoon. We are daily witnooalng all the horrors ol a eel o and all the horrou of war- loro. van now an I write tho Yankee eet la llrin at the forte. There have been a couple 0 arnall naval on age- rnenta. The people are otarvlng ore. There are only two rnontha provllione ln throlty. When the on need up what will he the remit! W y.total oapitulation. My opinion lo that Havana lo not to ho oapturod by lighting ao it in too woll pro- tected by lorta and minor. We are moored alongoidothe wreohol tho Maine. Oh! whata night the io--not tho oomblanoo of a ahip. Frreo are hreahin out in the city frequent- ly; what oauoeo t em in not known. ----C! 4.! a`*.. .t.`fF.`.'eA.`.i.u.a.m`.; % HOUSE OF COMMONS. lconuhl In Death. - lI__ IJR In is- uny uuujnlulnu xlllmp GK tainodvcnnonilluuou. luau. Icy 88-A niniotu-inluiio iuinniuntuiling hon tho utihdo of unotunumniunsuto! public insinc- lion.ntiuupnnuotPiqgurvcI'.niuiu- torolnaen.lhoinpui`h`onofnninon-0 vu-was utuwuupyau Illll an out, up `not, gupnroottd thnnlmy a ho. ac: and-inl chaps. I proud- has Ihuluo dicnltiu ,0! Ibo Iihntion an nowouly hdngfnlly Iulind. Tbs nlnuoooofvunon hugivonlln poqlo tiuololooklnyoodlhonnholllniour. Tiny noogniullnl cu-hinlnpu nur- tainodwucnnnillunnnn. uuurupuuuIIolInIulrll10lSlIlI. HE. Ililoo bu fonnnhhod ooomploto plan for I ounptign urinal Snnhi to ho uni Into otfoct in can it olnll shown that Ihospaniohoooiainthohnrbor. Lmmmt. In 28.-'l'ho lurid corns- pondonl ol the `not. describing Ibo put lio doptouion ptovniling thou. up that tho key-nolo ol opinion it struck in on odi- toriol priatod in Ibo lmpnmiul undo: Ibo caption at "A Gun Sudan. whonin oo- cun tho lolloving pomp : "Tho Spanish pooplo in applohmdndihhh uclnm ooruin about in donioico. It ouch ovor_v- wberefornppa-Iund nds uouo. The cll Qdnnn anus ILA W`i-.n I. 3.- my nuly Iuu youli." WAsiu.\'u'mx, lay 28.-Ib can be atated on the highaah authorihy in the army ud- miniecntion that no etepa will be taken to move armed forces inho Cuba and Porto Rico until the navy department shall have conclusively ehown thao the S ninh eet under Canon in in n place it it will be unable to menace the military expedi- tion. It information in received that the Spanish warahipa are in the harbot of Sanei de Cuba the ret military expedi- tion I be sent to Santiago ptovinoa. la in still an question whatbr uoopa willnaadlo eanltotnenornhooaelol Cuba or to the ialnnd of Porto Rico. Gan. baa Ignali-nu -.-...:.._ ---I__A O._;:.__ n. L Gentlemen never had a better opportunity to fit out cheaper. a5c Ties {for 25c. 50c Ties 1 for 50. 4-ply Callus. all styles, 1 for an-I pununnug In R" "H ":3" bswnrdn "Cuba I duty of hnnnnih and civilization. I have only muons admixing the United States. I hnvo wriboii"uB bruidont Molinloy and Gen. Milo: thanking them for the Ameri- can interests in Cuba until now. I don't Iennny danger of our extermination by the United Suntan. which you point out in your letter. I! in in no. hinboty will judge. For the present I have an no hthuibin too Into for my undoraungirg hotwoon my may and yotin. Wnsuuxn-nut, Mn: 0!! _h. nun In. -9.0! uou. Uolnet ennwer In pill) III II lollown: "I wonder how you write me ngein nbouo henna of peeoe when you know that Cnbene end 8 ierde oen never be en peeoe on the coil 0 Cube. You Spenierde Iepneonb on thin oonbineno en old end die- credned monnroby. We are fighting for nn Amerieen principle. the some one of Boliver end Weebington. You no] uh we belong be more nee end invite ue to gbb united egeineb e loteign inveder. but you no Iniehlen again. For me there no no ditferenoee of reoe end blood. I only believe in one reoe, mankind, end for me tbeneere bnegood end bed In- lieu. Bpein lied been led! IGI e bed one endlhe United Scene it pedonni ' Imeeiihmeeee eowerde Cnhe I a:;'.:.": pre, (me no nnelr nevlug apemen moon. Have blockade of the ports of the ielend has no other object; in not only hnnnful to Spaniards but it also affects Oubene oom- pleting the work 0! exterrninetiou by them begun in the horrors of the civil etrife. The eupreme moment he: therefore er- rived, in which we should forget our peet rnieuuderetendinge and in which. united by the lntoreet of our own defence. we Cohen: and Speniorde mint repel the iuveeioo. I propoee to meke en ellianoe of both armies in the city olsonte Clero. The Cubem will receive the urine of the 8pu1 u'lIlit`rInv end with the cry o!"Vive Eepeno." end Viva Cube." we shell expel the invedere and free {mine , foreign yoke the deeoendeote of the some people. an. flaunt nnnwnr in nan-h -n- -- uue uulwu auweu Ina uen. uomen on-` ewer refusing it. Gen. Gomez at the some time no he sent hie answer to Gen. Blnnoo. sent also I oo y of both document: to the president oi t e Havens junta. who deliv- ered them to rmjor Delimn. Gen. Blenco in hie letter uid: "We Spaniard: and Cuban: nd oureelvee facing I foreign peo- ple oi diemut reoe. oi neturel nbaorbent tendency end with the intention not only to deprive Spain of her og over the Cu- hnne. but also to exterminate the Cuban geople. due to their having Spenieh blood. he I.-- ..- ...|___ -|.:_-;. :_ _-L -,,|_. L,__ p I ., A Poulblo Among: Ply: 0| cummin- 'I`ho Dpunllh Poopro Are Looking Ivory- whoro lot lnppurt But ndlng nono- Ipun Indtonlng `to A lmuh-np-0noo- Imp:-Inonod Nowunpor Ion Atrlvo AI lo: Won. TAMM; May 98:-'l`wo ilnporhnb docu- ment: were brou ht: yontorday 60 the junta by mnjor Dosh. the Cuban ooor, who wpnh to Hanna city and um-rwudl roturnod. Iuocoufully porlomlng I doli- onto and risky miuion. The document: are alleged be be from Gen. Blanca boGon. (}nmnx.n|-nnnninn tn him an `INA:-unn nninnx us Ill*U\l 00 DO lI'0ll.`I uuu. Dunno DOUGH. Homes, in; to him an nllimoo nguinot taho Un Scuba And Gen. Game: I an-' -mgr I-Afnninn it (IA-\ flu.-Au -0. AL- --_- CAN NEVER BE AT PEACE ON CUBAN SOIL. ' [mu LATE run umn Nuw.l That Gomez `Join llim In Expel- llnz Americans. 1un.sLnrmnur0ssJ `j Olllj-PI}. .--Il._ IVTII -v `cu-uI.pvvICIIPXCIC' hhlnnu mtmo-Qnlnl Ihhldn. All .r.?IntnnmndunnouqyI!':hIhtonI\ 'Dn |hilmoIno ""l'i0GIhIu" Ale opunhuuub-night C Bos'rozI.Mu|.. Ila] l8.--I"ndu'ick I`. Iougpuyinghlluoblboaomlbnnh ol0oInIIuns.I|uldtthociIynnIliIinnI~ logodhioucoounhuo than-t'tIon830.(lw Io80.0w. Awunnthulianiuuodfor hiuu-nu. Moon in Ihiny-two ycnnol us. "Low Neck Sweaters} - ___._____ Ibthrcacbldiuancay TAIQ lgxnu-In lhnntnnnlnlnn lung- A u nuwury. upouon. r.u(,Ion not Ovllng tar north on III or ` expedition. Ho villuoondlhoinlulo at Into which inhnownurrihoryhul hoyond which in: Ahmad eld of hithu-In um: hurri- Iory. Huor. Hunhry vi rpndlho nIuinddIhonnnctnIIrulngUoEd- nonlondiu-thnllnkolnnunovut. Wrun1rm:-I_l';n.-.-';lf:y-'2v8`.`--D|vid 1`. Hnnbnry. Iqodoo. En.|oh hot ovming for unlminn` an-li|inn_ ll. In an an: or nonunion on `ma minus which he e and to hlvo ki|lod.bnI which it in nllqod won nova duhoyod. 00! What Ilo Dcoorvol. VAxvor\'n.. B 0.. May 28 -W. G. Pol- lock. until recently I jnntico ol tho palm of Thnrlu Inland. was scanned ur- dny to gightaon monthn inptioulnonh for ohhiuing money under fnlu from tho ptovincinl vunnnt Pdlocl obtained a number null unto! noon) in tho tho 0! honuhion wild mimic as 3- -u._.; _..._ _-_._ AMA.--- uunucr uonullumwnoll IDI aolonunl nllogod ooorood hin inho aigningtho now. won Iovoroly cross-examined. and in van undo apparent that ho know of he enounono unounb oi moon] that Ill being given to Paxton, mute & 00.. and while ho would writo lotton complnining. ho nova: inotrnclod the sooonnb to hocloeod porolnpoorily. This proved in he the email! pain of tho ooeo.for the judge`: charge. which in: practically n dinction of n vordiol for all the dohndnnln hinged on thin cinna- Ihnm. uvluuuuuw uulxvu on Illll BIIIIIIIII` tunes. The jurj. clear two hours oouidcnlioo, returned a utdicl in lnvor of defondantn. CV03 Wunrnr. 0.-11-.,Mny 28-Oct ohho most ` extnordmnry once ever tried halo tho of the Western hunk nun: loill. ho tn- oovor the amount of I 810.6110 cots The dofondnnb was, until about I jun Ago. manager of the Weston hull agony Port Perry, in this oounby. Ho noon ohm T. H. Mcblillnn, ouhior of the bank. tenor- iud him inoo giving the none to make up Mao ban k'o loueoa in Paxton. T060 and 00. : foundry at that plnoo, and oh Ir. Mollillm coerced him into uocnring an on- dorun of the now three of the wcnlthiut buoinou mon in blah born. Menu. J. K. Carts. Jan. Carnegie. and Wm. Ron. Mr. MoGillunu-u um ho hu boon horried into giving Mr. Mcllillnn over 882.000 in notulor lonuhowuinno my Impoun- illo lot. . Cuhior Mollllan. when the dohlxlnnl Allan:-I nrnlnnd him In. nnhu. AL. ....A. A Bunk lancer Ionulud Into llgnlny I Nnn. on An nxpunuon. Wnnnrm, Hum. 14.`, 28.--Duid lnnhnrw llllillnn Pp: Igls I. -..._:_- urupuu Ill DIIOI. The unwanted movement and vibntion caused by the nu: ol xnournere passing through the hall brought down the duet of oenturiu from its seven- century-old rool. It hung in thick clouds like smoke in the air. thickly coating the block dn rice and clothes of the moving throng. glue whole Ioene, ehorn on it won ol all Attempt at decoration. hreothing on it did the unetudied nlfection olngreet people for o netioml here. In: deeply in- preuive. IIIXIIIIO IDIUIEI :inpod in black. Thn nnnnhul T`!-1'0 wooden alleyways oonuruobod on ouch side of (she bier. hhrou h which two inoeount. abroum of pooplo I; ed. were dnnod in blnok. wuuuu IIID your. Around In! I0!` WON six omdloa in the pluinoet bran candle- ahioko. and no the head In: I pliin blnok GPOQ. auu IITIIIKIIIIIIIIIII VII ! 0! IIIIIIIIU severity. The catch itself was o! tho lninuh duorlption. And undo of ight uh, its sole dooontion hoing three bun ring: on each oido. All in loot lny bho white silk pull worked in gold used no bho [men] of urchbiahop Benton. who died suddenly when an I Vilib to lin- warden Into `mar. Arnnnd lm or war. NOW..'!'y ~..._ -. .-- nunuvuvii nu u--vu-nun-v navuvvug wardon lub your. Around tho `or hit ngndlna in MI: nIAinnnf. In-n-n Ann-ulln. VVXIIIIIIIIIIKI IJIIIS It has been computed that oloee on 300.- 000 mournen peeeed through Weetmlnater hell Thundey and Friday doi honor to who memory of the greatest emocntlo Iteteumn that En lend he ever produced in the very epot w ere Ohulee 1. reoei hie eentenoe of death. The urnngemente were of euetere nlninnnh (`Anni-I nnn and en-HA nl I-1! 300.000 Pouou Inch Put III: II In Wutnlmtor-All Olson: In `throng. _I_._olnoN. May 28.-Euglund d inun- tioml crilubo to Glsdnbonn. 0 uncou- ill lllrlln A `n 'Q"A1-Ah QL-h rmaurs $8? COEROION ALLEGED. ""......"".?..."F...! Demand anorlnou; harvest hr it` I '-".....-",,:..-;. '~'-=;.:-::.=.~.::.':.'*-....`f: cnx..DI!9'- I5. Dan-bun 8uIal.QIxI. . Ic do: ovuylhlngnhou E-upon. Ben` E Lsnnnd locally enunn Rankin Young. Ibo Inuopld ht lbnln Ihohglh ofougran. WW Q :::'::.':*:.:.":..,..n'a::_"~ aqyuon-IIIAI: l rdghl'lI5:antlt ms` I.'l l.'I..lhpL suutxhlmnu 11 ng men: nrma-3' Iaehuu. xIludel':l`:.]elortnu1dMhonwIno an admin-tn or .'lr.GIIuhIono. uxdwnnldllko toopond the next tune Inouum In telling tho batch ea ofhln me. \\'ou-och youhow loan and guunnlm nomad. Prom gain 5 gay uhoolnlbl! mm. `nun!!! Kid Glow/as Special. :1!) I daynhooIulrl{mn.11um lq no u-oflhllureuudll vrllbo wilt. Paruculul furnished nor. DLlY-0II- nna'o.V(.`o..l.un|n.'mIwu1o ANTED HON $1`. .lNBBOI`l'lC t_n:_u'IVI'ft-vy Thom. W. flnudhud [Id mowurodr hruad English Author nnd lnllmnu acquaint- nuco or Ind:-lone. Ill! an Illuntnulouz o\'_0r fill nplenilld ; only 8I.& our -mu-:u r. usn uuunr nnu Inllmnu councilm- over an pages; ' only $l.& mlnlonnm peroonucndlt vv-Ir height and duly paid; oulllt hat. on 5-cant p hr maul Addmn `nu Doluu (Ion- rlulv. . S.(.`hk-ago. :1 William [-1 Gladstone-HI. an Public service": 3 wonderful ntogoln (ion-l~ ouIIIn- by Hnudhrd. D. . unedu- hnxllsh uennulnt. `VAN'l`l:lI. AGENTS I-`OR `I'll! GREAT- entanncllun book "um olluluouc." momurial odluon, h Hopkins (haven'- ruspnclna now . Ell In every . may to make 3500 I6. 30 nm In the Ru n|.ar-Hanan-non . [.Iurl'In,'lbnmI1o GOOD (IENERAI. SERVANT; Rlflr enoon n-qulnd. Ap to Inn. A. B 0|.n'Iut.Corner Klugnnarlontruu. WANTEIL AGENTS !-IIt("anId||n mmnnrlnl nrllllnn ha I:....Lu... n.-..._ _._ tnolllll uni. I1 (XII #3. II at. In-y'o onohodnl on Monday mum in; at 9 o'clock. Friend: and sequin- tongu no nopoctlolly iovltod to ob- too . CANK-Ab Lnhon. Bodlordohin, Eng, 9 May 18th. In. George Cohan. motllord In. John 1'`. Tilloy. Noponoo. Igod shoot oovonty-night yoon. i Women's Cashmere` Hose aoc, like you regularly pay 35c and 3oc. Women's Cashmere Hose 25c worth 35c. 37c tegular 5oc kind. soc New Corsets 40. 75 " 59- Qx " 85. 81 25 " $1. `\ Ilua GBAIIN---In Klngohon. May 28th, 1800, I On]: lihflholo II I Guy. olnolgco to ob Inmnlhonlhondduaolhorun. Thom G:-slug, Mg `Q... 8|. `:1 : Qhlindriz mu Hannah. ma--2 :: l0EN"l`d WANTED FDR `WAR V1711 , I-lpun."lnclud|uInulcIumnnlh-I. DIID. Hnu.I1r-Mn 27011. Sarah Hunky. nlicl of obs loco homu Hunky. Funeral will leave her Into nlidnooo. cor- nor of Earl and Wollin ton strum, Sno- day.n two o'clock. mud: and no- qnnlntanoucro nnpootlnlly invitod to mud. a.. .1. . J..l.1.`L.L\J.\LL1\JL` \J\JJll..l'J$.LV I Undertaken sud Embnlmoru, sat and 5 Princess Street. `Phonon:-Waroroolnl. I); Rnuldonco. 91 Open day and nlgm. : _;; IAII Ill). Lnvnnn-C.uu~nnr.I.l.--At Concnvillo. May 23rd. Michal Luvlor, Oontrovillo. to Mint Emma. youngest dnughoor 0! Pat- rick Campbell. Caumnvillo. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY ndartnkorn And lcmhnlmm. on mm mm up an. Annual]. Tl! Lmumm UN'DlIl'l`AKIl-$I- Prlnoeu Bl. 'nelophono147A. Open Day nndmsht. ___:______:_._.__ I.\mEn|A1'EL\'-A COOK. APPLY 1'0 Mm. Brnaxux. cor. Ring and Uulonsln. i C"l'l\'F.' SOLICITOKQ WANTED I0 William LID and 'ubIlc8Irv|om":nvondc-rml nlnrvnfnnln-I. an an VVIIJIIIAJ. UNERAL DIREGFO an PRINO El F Kingston. uuooouornfo W. M. Dnnnnn. VV VI III IIIII IIIUIUH Childten's Tan Hose half price. 15c for 8c, 20 for 10c. 25c for 13. mnIu|An'a I`;-L.._--.1 Ll--- -_- I STEAOY& STEAGY. .j `GOOD l'l'(]u|l'ld. Annlv Man. A. It in Pleids and Stripes. lovely goods, $1 each. Black Sateen and Sarah Wnlsts 750. 81.00, 81.25 and $1.45. Exquisite designs in Anderson : Gingham Blouses. 8 coloringa just received. $1.60 each. llllslln and Grendlne Shirt Walsh 750 to $2.26 each. 3-Inspection invited. ' aj lU0()l|(?UOK. APPLY To MRS. Odll I83 Queen Street. -. ___T____:____ j `HOOD GEN!-IRA]. SERVANT. APPLY `D0 Mum J. B. Cocmumn. I3 hr! Bueoc. _ `GOOD HI'l":'ll-`.M:\lD. Al'l'I.Y IN evvnlnz In Ilns. W. [L Lnssug I cnau{nI{a}`:I:rTWiis' There `is art in the design at! make of them. As to the prices they are reasonable. Good Useful Blouse for soc. in a variety of new pattern. 760 will buy a Blouse really worth $1 |.-....I._.... aka.` 1n-.-4- uunn Ht-l7:1l-`.ah\lD. evvnln W. Lmsun. llnry Co I1-ye. ___._._.__..j___j |Steaty_'s New Blouses. 1150 Women : Hose 7c, 9c, uc, 13. Worth half more. I~l.n.|._-_o_ an-__ II_, , t It ' UIi|0W'l',. WWII Ijl IBIIU gllormldutlng the night oral-ly Blu- v. ' I Sole Agents for P. D. Corsets. WEATHER PROIAIILITIII: Enloy Comfort aid Style In one of ..~ 4 P. M. EDITION. IV I----'IiIlI IBU EU 'IIIg Run and van ho-day. outing in ahowory. with loool Qhundor dnrinn Mm nlnhl an-an-Iv an an. Ohtun and St. lav:-1 . 10 t.n.-Euo and south win 3. n: And -arm hn.tInI, nnlno in i 3. s. ooannrr. V. Y\lIIIY'lY\II GI DI)! WANTED. us. mm). A IT|rn-an A pun I 11`:- ;__._._ IJILVIB. Hosiery and Corsets. Liberal Bargains for Sa- turday and Monday. Will Buy a Big Parcel at IHE HARDY SALE now/going on. Dollar or Two All new 50 K_id Gloves 25c at 75c to Soc. 81 " 80:. " 01:5 " $1.05. Childmfs Hose zc, 3c, 5c. Children : Ribbed Hose 7c, 9c. TH YEAR. NO. 124. and Remnant; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. F'l'l}I':.|\(`K. bttlrlt on W IQ!` II 0! on. 3 J. uln. an duo: cotuzllaeh-r\ I.' nmmu. my noon: 9 to an `*Icdny, `nu:-Av stun) only. _____:...___..________ VIINISRIIV RIIOIR WITH on \\`l1'll W1` F had. as In/G Puma: and. V'u'~_I| DER`! WILL RR RBXYRIVED U!` `hi June IN. In-xl Drlhepumhnmu um In-I~ hm-enipulu A. ll. lnlummrnororlhuek and houtonuv aunt-. conulul an-an name. not vnatmrnu-onnd Im- I J. 8. K I((`.\NN. SE Klngstrnt Nblsgng Ilalr Ronov l I\l`II|lAE\IIIt \v nuns: -us...-u ........s 4.. QIWIJI IVIIIIU VIC. to Can New llillioory fot this week. Prices down, that`: :11. Right Qnuicy and style hon. _-j-- wvw' -cu-cu IIXITU?T EIlIl..1\NKNTl.\' Fill! PACK. NIBPK A Iumul at I an 2"; 13:; an Alp..."-..I.."3'..'3'.'i l .::j-j.j. TBNDBRSFOR REAL BSTAT C!D\Il\DIDa unit an n--on-..s.-._ -._ _, - . V-.. -uuvun annual. VGJVU The on lnllalok Birgit Valve mum to- =:u:vI nmllllnool rumheu. an. on -_.. .___-`_ - wax -sin`: Ivlliildo DKRQ WILL R8 RWRIVED 1 Dune mluuud-of dam-onllhnanln A II II..x._.. ..-on-~--- Wood Bros Metal 15 -s.I-n..n..;|.. n--__._. - no unruly!-I ln\-um-vd um will m cm` whvol mm M mid M the In: prior 5 coma; I rum nun mom-ry v man. Hm I: n ohuuor Rornllvo man In make money. This guard has hum thotmnhly trial and pmw-n n I-nu-can II In nmuklnnd u Wlwlu uiulluon no the what! evorywtu-re when mad. Apply A. J. Rrnt. `Domain. I \III 3C1 lis AI.PAl\I.I-I PATENT. lX(`LlYRl\'I RIGHT In nnnumclunnn-I well In Iho Oounllm or Pnmtrnav, I.-nnnx uul AddInton--unl- balm`: Mud and Duntflnanl mr lucynku; am manly!-I ln\-um-vd um will at cunt:-mlxltl nomllnrnnnn :3 nannm T1 Vruuu. l.c.n.v 1-'l`InIuudd -L mzu 1nn'J A In-nI..s&._ -"_ I-`or ohnrtrr by Ih Dnyor week during mnmh ol Jumx Hpwlnl run: In Plonlv I-Ixrurnlnn and Private Parties I~\u- terms suiclruu T. J. (`RANL .\lnnngm, Kingston. -- JbO_l-I N _l-VIIAGGART " Dress Goods . -ici'`5.'iK`K"t' iI:'o'r'iI`nF3E"Jt'ti'5"l:T'o if Bhlbloy: M ingot smog. on TDIIDAY, IA! am. Vin: Wulnullnd Nth Bedroom Sung Ronewmd Homo Hnlleu D-win). largo Wal- nut Slxhvlwmni rdlnm Rldolvunni. nlnlng Room (`hnlrn. |ao1~mc. ham and 1mm Plo- mm. Haul luck. onamtm Nils, I)ln|n%'l`:\h|o, mm. \\`o\nlmln\. lvlprlnp. Mnltnrsuu-. anion Hone. Rnuwnlr Bang~'.(,1rpeIa, Purusllm. Ont- Ieq. (`rot-kery. Kitchen ulnnnlln and other an Inn. Bale at l0::Il. 'l\'rma mum. JOHN H. HILLS. Aucllonvor. fstrs. JUBILEEJ Gammpffsjlml mated: Insurance] llv Clllul I U I4V|I Firelnsurance in 5 Companies at lowest rates. Houses, Lots and Fiums For Sale and To-Let. _ I_', I--, I` | ""230 Pmncsss s'rnas'r. '"i:}Z}}$gi'y' oZxI"}.T13{L`S'{'sh.m. poo SATURDAY. May 28th. for 260. IPARLORSA1`9MONTREAL sr. ..- -- `...v..--u. nun: IIIVIII Alla in conjunction with this busi- ness are Hair Dreuing Parlors. 1_\__,,_l , 3,, ,_ l'II Sailor Hats lzfc. Ready Trimmed Huts 75:: and "P- Thc but Millincq style is nlways found here. In L. "A: III:-A... C... nkl- ____-_-... _..--mg... - pa Ivvnu {let-En! Face Medicines. The names will bc published next wook. `.A_ . . oa'i,y'ia'2'13};'nTa1:'i:'17::f~z'xE13'y'-"exELI IA" Ma`: Ma` La` di7e.] --.-- w---u-w-- ----- M 100 rpound In better value than 76 r cent. 0 um 500. 00v. 800 and $l Team on luv market. All roouru keep Monsoon Ten, In load pack: on y. j uh -LJ.-IE at! 3% J- lhnt (hr 400 one oomoumon buy: It botmr Aruolo mun the other new Ibr 80 or 3| does not arpour to be oomlderod I olroum- numoo wor hy or very much oomldornuon. v v-.. 1 --v nu---`It ll,'(`TION HALE OF IIOUSEHOLI) FURNI- nlum WM: and athtmy Bulmom LNIIIII DOCK WU": EWING U0- . Koop Tuned: , Juno `lab. Inc for pkanio to Klngmon Hi In by Ibounor John Hug- gu-h. Faro. Including nuppor. 25. 4 55 Per Cent and 1;pvar;l ' THE! FACT A0. lhr An. Ann Groat Millinory Selling- Ilonduy und Thursday III 6 mm Guide Book no.7. Bwmt Co. "Qn Tnnnnu .'nnA Uni. I-.4 I an. Iwuuuy. hounor Jumo Sum for Obbun ovary Hominy nnd Thunduy no 6 mm. Bond (or Guido Bonk hnilu. Ruin}. Rn U UII INI- For as good time go with she bicycle club to Oluhon Tnoodny ovonln . Thu nhnmnn Juhllnn nn Jnhn Hnunnrt ulqyuon rnuuly ovomn Tho cannon Jublloo an John Haggnt an open for elm-oar. Boo dilplny udvh. Tundra {or Inn] md hinnmlhhina im- In opun tor ununor. an uulpuy uni. Tondon lot Inc! and himmlbhing for board of oducntdon will In rooolvod up to 7 .111. Monday. hnmar Jung: HIHH lnr OMJA-A IIAII BY JOHN n.--..xn - 4` .....-.. "IIIU UIIUWZ" II "19 UPI` HUI UIIII owning. `gas ldltmhlng spools] for Saturday W-.. A ..g..I HI... .4 -lLL LL- Ll-_-I- _I..I. IIIXII lohllool IIIIWIIQICQI Iofliflnlldvliia A number of euros have been effect- 310:1 Maid these guys. [.00 rapfets or 75. Or-7s ' $1.25. 81 50 " $1.00. $1.35 " $1.75. Frontln-to 0110. o n duy und.nlaho. 'l._'ho Olnbmon" I one open houo tl .!'?"?.5.Y._ N TEA lruuuulw unit. 0 n any uuu nlanu. "Tho this Isl Wellington tr;ct. LOCAL MEMORANDA. FOR BALE. 5 II |'I`$\!? $"IVI I1 __?.j_;_ BOARD. .OI \ !l.l.lA)l I11, nnmun; and Ins. mound-gang. oottho Into In. "1 ` . nIohl::i,c.:?d.|L`thcybitnhul|uuu. Wnnmmux. In -'l`h wuuuruurgvwlr uunouwvuuvoon ago. Thohlloonn olnuly n'l'unpu no voila? fotlnd nonunion. buluo loo lul- ash in wnlanndrizd shim zsc. 75 50`?- : " _ 75c. 75c Dru: Slum soc. , u 75. Regatta Shim 49c, worth 75. Regatta Shim 75c and St. worth 81 and $1.50. Gents` Kid Gloves 5oc.worth 8: " 75c.wotth 81 Int] .1 cu:

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