2|! PIIICIZSS STIIIIII, - OHM I0l'8l1Z|l.0l. nanny monnne. _ In is quibe evident: than this young mm- den wee euifering from A lack oi blood. as do so meny young girls who are jueb no u oribloel point: in Info, and it is quiteu app- erene than obere in no other remedy the equal of Dr. Williams` Pink Pill: in I001! ones. They enrich the blood. stimulate the nerves and build up the entire system. And mother: will not: pmdenbly if they in- lieu upon their daughters belting an occa- uionel box. We know from experience that Dr. Williams Pink Pill: have done great: good in Ornngevilh and vicinity. and there is scarcely a day nhnh our repor- ter does not) come in connect; with some one who bu : pood word to any for this wonderful medicine. h- n7:n.'.....-rD:..I. `IJ:II. ........ Ln nah-in yOIl'-DIG (llll D00! 0! M1`. IIIIG MCI. II- Sweeney. of am: -cm. of thin town. he- gsn no fail both in health and Ipiriba. Her face was nlmoab as white I! chalk. her nnnA6:}A ..-.m nl-lg and bump H-uh. hnnnn IIUU VII IIHJOIU II WIIIIU I! Ul-|I|Ig IJUI appetite veryiiokle. nod her limbn began to Dwell. Nobwibhnbnnding her grow ng weakneu the peniated in unending school until cne day her anchor advised her to go home, and not to return until she lei! beober. Aruba same time phe teeoher. who knew bhe vuiue of Dr. `Williams Pink Piiln in such cuol. Advised her to bake them. The advice mu lolluwed end Mn. Sweeney told our reportertbah ellnoub frorn the when there won. an in rovemonb in her dnughtex-'1 condition. or eppetito became better. the color returned to hot hoe. and the severe heudnchee that had made her no miserable vanished. and she in now mung better than nha has done for many months. In In nuihn nvillnnh thnh thin vnnmr mm- From che Bun, Urangovule. some month: ago Mnlaglo. bho fteen- yoar-old duu labor 0! r. and Mn. J. Hwnnnnv nl . nhn -tn-nah. nl thin hnun- be- loan: Olrll Inlooptlblo to Tronbloo than -I In] Bun]! In Dunno 4- P110 lpou. udnohu Ind lloklo Jpbotlto tho Iymptonn of In]: Douay. From the Sun, Oraugovule. nnun rnnnlhn nan Manda, hl 'OnAl'l- I THE HEALTH OF THEIR DAUGH- TER8 SHOULD BE CAREFULLY WATCHED. > dropped the hand, the tandrm mind; upon the silent. lam ' 2 cut, one long, du-`vp, troubled look. (hen node from the and place; a hop! was crushed, his alter-Into untnld~ in oyclink news,- newt won A race again. not ever did he lose. > frnm Hm ground he sprang, and gaze-I! hut um) /('0uld [mint that gait`? `* win .1 lnnk of foolishness, well mingled uilh unmze; uy might Imw clmimul him as hcfurn that cruel form he stnml, r tho pl\\ (`f' \\;m slrickvn from his nrm. nml from his lips the hlmcl. mick rirrpmzns. MORAL. -nag-n JUSTAHRIVED IIII COCO WIIQFIX -1318 CARLA IX XITT HIP. IX IVIDIII XVIII , ID to Oahu with tho lint oxpodi ores. nod thoothcn toboholdlnct no I a:4hk.oIundL vflhgu wk htio in 3 3 pop! n olnboni 000 thnund. but dutl Ila nut weak in will Manon, into n oily cond- onblo dinouionc. Already than have arrival about but thousand troop. inclu- ding two troop: at cavalry and no volun- uc ngiucnu. Ibo Bcvonlrnt. 0! New Youth. nnd lhnkmnd Nngnhnm huh Iwl, ma uauaullnn uutuluxw. IIOIII than out ulna no wolhdrilld u :50 up than phyliqno in nmnnnrlvn . uungurmunn.-Iug corona swap Ior Bl. ptuonh osupnign. and, have known that white ooldion will not camp in the cum plain with them, but they but apparently relied we much when tho lnloool 0! the whim oioou. no Innonao that in all uni- cionl when the oolond lino in not strictly drum. I undununtl that on-dun have Lag-n In.-n.4I I-an-n ALA -_- `g. Ag I-lgtg VIDI ll IVHOII PTUPUTI WIDIUOCI In DIIGIF Inn o. The ollicen o ; be regiment: have 'hndoavored to keep from the public muny on huge: and abreou tight: the have occur- red, but where the injuries inflicted have resulted [sully mho newspapers give the facts, And so distort: them as to arouse boob the whites and the blacks, civil and Iniliuury. (.0 A dangerous poinb. Shornlv nfmr mv lI`l`IVll hm-4, I want: DI IIIOIL ' The gomumonb fully roooguiuu Ihov danger ol bringing colored troops lor the wt 9_sppnigP_, ugd, havo_kn9_wu IIFIWII. I IIllUU"IIX IIII II'IIC'I DIV. Iooninuodfron thovuofcnto iuolnh tho unload troopt. tho Ninth cavalry to tn to On!` lth tho r-II nrnndiuannnv WIDII IIIKIIKIIIIIOIL An oicer. who wu emnbering elon the road. we: hailed by n couple of coored men. who need many lthy epihheu. Ho eteppod forward to make no street. when one ol them whipped ouh I revolver sud bluednwey. The bulleo whittled by ohe oloer end buried itself in tho body ol 3 colored soldier, who lellznortelly wounded. This was done in the presence of Iwo hun- dred nenrooe. boo belore the murderer conlj ahooo spin the oicor knocked him down and dieermed him. For: momenc it Ioohedu if there would be e genonl etteclcon the few whiten present. no econ: of revolvers were drown. but the plucky action ol tho olcer `eepereouly overewed the bmopera, who elun olnlo their lento. The ehooher will be tried thin eluemoon by dnn:-head court-mutiehend will probably be I on. > ' `IL- ...... .... -_n l._I|_ _-.._._:_-- LI.-. Yuk. u \ \ \\ \ Inuiolry. no a uangoroui poino. Shortly afoot my ornvol hero. I went: cub Do the comp, when the bonus of the Tenth regiment of cavalry are pitched. Mound the colorod troopers in o greltly orcitod atom. and their whine olliceru nome- whob exercised over the hon that their eubordimtoa were beyond control. 10 up pears chat: on the day before oovorol ol the colored trooper: visited u dm score and ordered soda-Inbor. but the ruggiob re- lnnod be nerve bhom. They cursed him vigorously and departed; but: this "drow- ing 0! the colored line" rnnhled in them, And, returning. nhoy {red I fuailodo an the limo. A men named Collins in: coming ouool the barber shop nexo door oh the momonb and he who shot. through the body. the wound proving total in I {aw mlnutoo. Trn nl tlm nmn-nan um-n Arr-mini u-ul All one wouna proving nu: in tow minum. Two oi the negrou were Arrested and All tho other troops were ordorod to their qnnrura, sll being refused leave. This united in: feeling of houilicy against the "white bullies." u the colorod troop- ers call their olcern. and when I arrived upon the scene the men wero boiling over with indignation. ' An ninnr. whn Ill nnnmrina nlnnn him ' l;oI`ruupomlmwu Tnronlu .\'-w.-x. LAKI-Il.A.\I), FLA . May is -1 nrrivod ln this preuty little village. thirty two miles from Tempe, yesterday. juatiu time to witneu the nhooting of a negro cavalry- men by e oolnrede. although the bullet was intended for en oicer. It was A molt bl-rod-thirsty crime. cooly and deliberately executed, but the bed rnnrlumenehip of Lhe murderer geve the olcer hi: life and deprived en unoilendlng soldier of hie. In e previoue letter, I referred to the bitter- neee caused among the colored troope by the" refusal of hotel-men to eerve them no the white men : bar, and during the put few days this bitterneea hue been inteneitl- ed by eereeu encounters between the color- ed troops and city mobl. end between eel- ored and white soldiers. and the military euthoritlee new recognize the feet that un- leer prompt etepe be taken, eerloue out- hreeka mey occur lb any moment. It is known the meny of the troope, both white end colored. have Armed themselves with emell revolvers. not ellowod in the service. end that the white eoldiere on evening leave now carry their belte. e dengeroue wee 11 when properl wielded in their Inn l. The nlllnm-en `.hn malmonh hnvn Unruly conduct of the Colored Troops Now I In (Jump. I (lorreupomlmu-u Turonlu .\'t'\\`.~4. I LAHI-`I,A\I\ Fl A Man IR ._[ nr-rivnr` In --v- nvuvvvvll -u\I nluyrvllllls IJIIUPIIIVVIJ A IIIIIIIUIIIC - ZIFUIXIIIIUIIV WIIIIIII II `J on my protosslonal word I make this statement: To weak mo_l:. young. middle aged or old. who may luvs the loan: lonndabion M0 to bmld upon. I promise I icivo and pormnnonh cure b Nu judiolonl mo of my Electric Belt. ore that 5.000 attested to thin uh y_ear. It SCODJ the Draln Ill .10 Dlvl. and. cunning I In-an nlrnnlnhlnn of my cuuutruc nan. More nnnn o.wu nnnuuoa no em: nun It stops 30 Days. and. causing I Inc circulation of Mood to and through bhe pubs. given dovolopmonh and Ipoodily ouru Worn at Night. It cdres While You sleep. I publiuh in my "Health World (sent (me. uulod, wibh book) more than four hundred sworn voluntary testimonials new ovary mouth. I! poulblo. call and consult: mo fno of char 0 sh my office. or probably you hnvo A lrlond not: by who wonld onmlno the In for you. Ofco hours. 9 to 0;Suuduy. ll to 12. `Write to-day for pamphlet. __ 4_ _ --.--_- -._- -- - ----- ------ l`:uuuunOnlu Pun In cu-. "Three Classes of Men }fm,f. ;,`.' .,`.`;`..i,`,II', 0} nbue orlater excesses. Every weak man. club. mmio!q;'.yonng` 9|` dldyf . \ 2/ should read it and get tl_ie benet of my thirty ye|rs'.'epriI'noe an I spec ialist in the scientic treatment of Drains, Losses, lmpotency. Lame _ IO and Undevelopmenti. '-~"~"""`i"" - W Medicine Will Not Curegl `d `I know hbbnd uhtllon of arty] drug gist van over prumavog; but lob mohny n pl: Iiohn hlrgnblznh. an IIIIII 0: In `its no: no I: w not ob IIIII ubo. 0y 0 non bone. not an 0 I but out w c In an no boon bosom: upon u-bhc one clement math in: tune to lilo in man or boub-ELEOTR|Ol"Y ? W,ibh_ my latub lnpafovod Galvan I Bod y Buttery nnd Supporting Suuponoory combine I all-trutmono which In pouitivu Ind mm. 1 ; TN+~ @~ Oh mu nu-Alan-Innnl nun-pl I anal ; Olulu -Gal;-u-no . II`- .....I. ` A IPIOIPIO POI Rlgpumntlpm. Gout and l'I._...l- tI-___I_ I- THE ARMY AT LAKELAND. VARICOCELE. won`. I). SANDEN. use sr. muss smear. MONTREAL. QUEBEC. FREE BOOK - "I3 s --on rTJ'n'.a"'&"r....` '1' "Elm..." ".Iii.r?.'.".'":m'u . lint com nlnint added to nylottl I30!!! `1.uo_ _ dsuina-.punmLob.ck.ana Inn onggudmd dupoodqn. wu 0. um Ina uupouuuuu. I E90 doctoring nnd doting without do- riving the olightoob boml|';u.tndo.l..n;lly gun p llbopoolgotunp my dsuninur who had non:-oi nn:oIdod.n l can y in : Oolnq pot bud motottyonobohuo of tho nndfcino. I told her II wu no WIIII$IpI'Cl|XHo Inchloonuuod with tho nodhho ad l__....J _...- A-- :IIQII :dCUI1.VI$ II jli T ll voty . F: no:_ cIrcd.&nh h Panda Och` no. You and Inuit: In .._ ll.l_.)- lhlndn nu.-.-_--4| IKA [PS1 lllleu ulwovwy II 53 '-1 nrgooll wbonroonilltglotty thin. uodlcino and nut itgvircun. You-I Vin Only. Cums Oolun. OENDRON. - ' $75 00 RELIANCE. - $45.00 Wnu. & Rmuumox Co . Drum. Bma_;-l can conscientiously re- commend Paine : Celery Compound to all who mey be suffering from dyepe in and livt troeblee. For yeere while mo in Black Brook.l enlleted from e con iom Non of eroublee. and um eo bed with dye- nnnnin Huh I M-mlal nun hunk A manual Al I DIX OI Dlul. Ind VIC F DIE WIIII (I]I- ' rpnia um I could not touch I mono! ot cod. I found it dicull to clap, and that little I did go: Ill olhn bmhn by horria drama. Intonlo when` I from "-Qh .u.-...I.{..L .uIJA.J L` -n-land .Qn-Dn '19 It Is The Medicine for You.` Poor sufferer. You Cannot Be Disappointed It! \ You Uu Palnfo Celery Compound. I like Hm lazy, rlnisy sprin` in'-likn tor ho \\ hnr the hlnnsnnm nir u their rivlulmam over me! Thnt.`s Hm time you'll fin` I when Hmr`s nny work I` Or Innfin` ruun in nwdders daisy drinks the uewl _-_j._--_-_._ Paine's Belery Uompound Gave Him a Fresh Existence. Had Given Up All Hope and Ex- paolod to Die. It's wi.~hin' time un` fishin` time, an` firm for uluyiII' Mill, Whur the` song" Lirds in Hm hlos.-aonnn nir n-ningin fit. ta-r kill! Tor fowl yvr lmlr n-\\uvin' in lhe vi'|el- svc-nted ljreozn, , ()r sli v nwuy tvr drcmn|un' in the dron- in 0' III bees. ` H ninW notimo hw HnkhV;it Mn1 no time [or stay In tho cy, when the vooHn' uirtudlhf you uxvny; hks up In the cy at gn A glhnpm\n`|uP, 'hon thnrh nlva nf H, urm|uuded.in tm-mNMvm,nwrymH nhndon Fur He Had Endured Years of N Misery and Agony. Purchased before the advance in prica. ()r Hummer In `rho Mr. .-\Hnn!:1 (`un.~atil`uHnn. . '|`l1H`<".-I :1 Hurtvr fa-1-I n` nunnuvr in the hwy, daisy air, An` Hm hnmm|'n' hinln nir .-nnuin' nu` A NFWFITAN. Ill IIIUUHIS lr (`V('l' \`\'IN`rl`; 1` rt fuller ftwla like nuddin' wlwn Hmr`.s uny xmrk lrr do, In.-1{in' ragun in nnmll'lors whar tho daisy drinks the dew. HIV) , (lilly : ||l', " lhu hummI'n' hinln than lnlnoms uir eve-r`\ ` n I..II...- l'....l_. In... -3- Palm`: -..4Ia-I 4| rl UIIII7 ua-puunu III nldl-oovcryinthvutld. an-n-Innhlrulhhnrnu as DVFF mm -, me noddin` ` 101' dn. whur the I uew I Input. 1!. I. u-rninin` all r nnnl F. A. PAREN T. springtimo foal- Ill! CUIHIII [III r"\\'hru ; I n An low Inn) re Unlllolollliy DOOOIVII In Treating Kidney DIeoI'derI>-0II III Aord To Trlne lth Your own Illi- cenoe?-lr you Iulpeol there In An) lldney Tmuhle. Dleoercl PIIII, Powdlll And one-AIIe-Ioeeh Aneeleee IIIIQ one le A `nine-'I`tIed And Ieeltllol lldney lpeolne. Aremed which diueolvee ell chutne- tione. whio heels end etrenguhene the II- ` fecbed pom. end which from Ike very ne- bure e ndlnatee ell lnpurmee from the eye- hem. In oheonlyeele we sure liner! In one: of kidney dieotder. Buch rem yll South Amerioen Kidney Cure. TM: II nob hereeey. The formele hee beeupet . under the aevereet of mu end It bee been plooleiuned by we greebeet eulhomlee A the world 0! medicel nclenoe the Ilqe j -endliquide on|y--will obheln the IQ- eulba sought for. A liquid remedy tehl ; into the eyeteu goee dueotl into the nib `- ouletion end eweche iuun ielely the u i looked perte. while eollde each ee pllled 3 powdere cannot eibly ebeele then It 3 `sales. Kidney ieordereoenuot eotd Ill be trled with. Thequloheb my II 5N ;: aefeeo way no combee nheee tneldioee elI- A menu. Thle met remedy never hill. i h'eeli nidk ney epeoie. We e eel- venb. Id by W. H. Medley. '1 Ulllil at 0" NIlIbnI%:2:.I-1N0`: nu Our Oolnn """s'.'..'i:`JL'.'n"'.%o:En ['3'-n"u3{'a'&numnuIdoIn W` % to st. Donia st. antral`! hm-. "U110--Y\\'n-l.llI3(`-nlI lngeunelr r'j And then as one man (hone CM, olnculicnisla In-gun tn briskly Mel ` Hm Ch.-m'nt Rave [rum Ban Hur. ` 'I`l.n unnniunuln -uxunxr -Inr\IuIn' IIIQA um umrnn nave In-um unn nur. Thv Spnninrds never stopped rune ning unlil they rmmhed the utremi om! or Hm inland. and then must. of Hmm plunger! h and struck out Iultlm I for Pnrln R ivn. ` R J. REID, Manager. VVIIIIIUII U-VIlIl`IllU Irv . Clovollul I7uin-Healer. l`lm fate of the battle hung intho' hulumrc-. The coxnlnnudl of lie in- vudimz cnrps looked anxious. The ob- minnlu Spaniards Iefusud to be elb- |)l `I. I `(A`tlInIl mnmonf. Gm. Lew \\'.xllno apurrml In the lrnnt and mlluwu "Hm llm time mum, gonmnl." ho` hours:-ly shouted, fur the durnltl ro- surf?" % , . 'I`|.n nI\rv\rv|ln:'1|lP Isnnnln 'rhnI\ `ll nurtv" ' The commander hesitated. Then he alnuddorod, and noddad msaent, nub (urns-l uwny. - Tuna n|`nnInu lnlnr Hm 'nl!nm nd ` lul nc-I Ten minutes later the Wnllnco an-V nihiluturs, 400 nlrung, lwept on N10 Held. ` 'l`|.n Q..nnl -k nllnnnru "\lIL'K\I` in nnnnx. lllll. The Spanish gunners looked in amnio- nwnt M this intrepid band. an might ` tho Russlnn gunners at Baluklavn haw luukml III. the lihl. brigade. Tim nnnlhilnlmiu Im Ind and (malt luulmtl III. we lllll. DI`! R00. Thn nnnHIi|ntm`.~| ha led and cool ) , dressed their lines. ; "Alla-J fun I" I-nurnhl Ikn nnlinn. WIIA: lnd[_xl`1l. I Al that moment Gm. Law \\'.\lIn\oI apurn-ll in the [rant and saluted. "llma Ilm Hma nnum. nonmnl." ha` (lr(`!N(`ll lll(`|I' Illl. g` "Altent.iun!" roared the valiant W34 hum`. "(kw--hx-n-!.hI!e-nll together f Anal than n: nun mnn lhnla Ah ox;oI{bTt Food, admlnbly 4 ndnptad lo the want: Infant: and Ycung Persona, nnd Ming` rfch In rlxorphnloa and Palm of lhn grealcsi ulilitywln suphly-' '12 the bout:-forml_n[ h` :vn.'~<~'..~Ivx ezcmems of food.` , tum .\ t`.uu:;u-v.0. N-"H7 All Drugglsts wand General Dealers. L. L. B/I"l'llB;R C nurnujgjiii umuna Wallace Invnd;'I`ho lloy. .I I1..!... \\....I4-1 KIDNEY DGOIIT. They Cleanse and Purify tho Blood. The Great`s; of all Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. We are selling it faster than we can handle it at the old price- xo PER CENT. REDUCTION. Sarsaparllla \ f.AqM I II S 2 Carloads of Fur- niture for Yoqiivompn LOVE ---v Iv - vi vvuwvv I! lit: no comfortably, supporting tho gure, while ielding cm]; to every movement. {I luv well, Ind sell; a! popular prices. -MouL: --u'-"--I---- DlVISlLAWIINCICOu.Lj' {voo;.%a'wa';.';;.' wun THE D 6 A COIIIT. VVHEELS: iii. n" I i'E&'n{. IA- -- --_l`._A_LI... -..___._;l.__ u--- g 1--.- cimiuc c4n.}in.u. BE A MAN. Ihl&nQnnn---.. It so aunt: in nuucv. nut ri ht hero value an unl'urlun.ilo hitch. T ro existed no power ahurl-if the draft that could compel them-. to volunteer; and, while mum at uur nai- menu were: willing to enlist in an hnle or in inulividunls, to be split up and di- vided nmung the dilfdient vuninuncls just its the officers in cummrmd saw (it, them were hundn-la of nth:-rs equally lyrnvo, equally luyai and I'qIl`.Il- ly homsf, who wuuld not Mills! un- lets`lb1-lr re ilnent mu lllIl`l'pl(`.d ax` n whole, rntalmng its utficn-ra and having the re-gimentnl or animation stnirl as it did at home. T is was violently op- p1B!`d liy the war clrpnrtment and all the regular army oltiaru prv-arm. at \\';i and ulm uern o-um-ling cummnmh 0! null driliml mlilmrs in- stead of raw n-cruits, which would en- able them to get ntf tn the amt ul war with the least possible delay. (`un- qrnor Black or his adjumnt general Til- llnglmut Inlocbd at pica 0! land nn Hempteod Plains, I hI(`b they pioposrd tn ornament with the name of Camp mun. It h ring In llnrdnn CHI, to olnnmenl with use of camp Block. It In (loan to Garden C-i'y. when Aluundet Turnoy Stevsut e:`.-t- _~d that uificat mausoleum under what: nplo id too! big uorthkaa bones were non-r dostinvd to not. Th aite selected fur the camping ground Mm,- I or MAXI men was n wretched (nil- un. when the thmunnds at aoldiv-rs which haul nrrivyd marvhod our tn their calm thy found it and thovnun- try [of miles around one vast quag- Inm-. For drinkjnz v|II pnees-th1-rv-was no water anulahle; the atmmphorv around than and the ground henmth their hot Inn full 0! it, and thoir Initial Iona pan littl! nr no pm In-`lion mu kph tampon. which bowl:-vi ground then all through tho miuenhln night Shun ran i-nnnnnihla Ln (Ln lI.|_\' lIlI`l`0 Jlppi`-'II"l (l ll) HQ` H`) UI'R'|lll[t"l re.-ni.~tnnvo nn the part of ltmaw clrufl--rt nr thq-ir friomtn, hut. ttw .w<-nml lay it 1l`\"upt d rnpidly .-mcl tnrtya-ight hour. after the draft In-gun ltw rity us in tlw hand.-1 uf rintors, \\h1`rv it remain- ed for several days, till vrlxahe-(1 by the military sent from \\.-sshinglun. Gen. Be-njnmin F`. Rutter renal`-rod efficient aid in n-sturimr pom-v. 'I\o-n nrnnitlnnt RT:-Kilnlov nrnlarn-rl OOODERICII RD! FLEX $7.50. 39 and $10. MOR(i;\N at WEIGHT 394]). rnmmnn sum 1.: man: gm DUN IA)! QXZIIL All mute: of `final top! In stock. Bicycle work I Itpeohmy. A gt.-non! neck or Bicycle supplies kept on hnnd. Wbeoln to not by the dc. week 01' month. jlbannn lklln-I In lbnnnnlnn um Ill n-sruruur \\'hq-.n president. A\!(`Kll|ly order:-vl tlw cnhstmcnt of 100,!!!) men tlw gav- ernors (If the different states wcro anx- iuus to tender the as-rvicc-.3 ul tli entire volunteer forrva ml the state, uhiwh would give the prvaidvnt his 100,00`) mlunleers, well drilled, port.-vlly vquipped, and, with a little outside practice, would giie him men intelli- gtnt and loy;sl-much In-Nor material than could be l"0.l(`.h!'d in uny anther way at shurt notice. n... -8.50 L...` ..-...4 nn uni.`-hunuhg N1. Iiwry city or luwn that hus 1| mili- tiu company is mtturully vnuugh pruml of it, fur its ranks tlrl` filled up with the fathom, the brothers und sons of the mmmunlty and when they tlunthu uniform at the state, nu matter what their ovcupntinn during the \\(`.\`k` thu-y feel that they lmw risen to :1 high:-r aoial and militury plane. The print in nut huhind them fnr tlm Lime. 'I'hI*v aoclal and nulnlury plane. Iue pruu is put behind them (or tlm Lime. Thuy are now their country's (left-n<|o~r.~1,tlw sworn champions of the p9()p|t*':4 rights. \.'a-w Ynrk st.-no-. has n snlo-mlinl nu- cnnmplnna ()1 Inc pvupw :9 Ilgms. .\'1-w Yurk state has nplo-nditi nu- tiuual military nrmlnizuliun umlnumng the thmisnnals that cuniposie it sin-. h'|N her prime favorites. Prominent ulnnng Iht-so furlunate h<'rV~e:+ is our Seventh, known nmung us it; the l)nn:ly Sev- onlh," not. for their well fitting vlulhvs or tlwir finirnl hehuviur. but for the-fr hl`.'I\ l`l')', their motlost cgurzige and till thus!` grand qunlitiqts tlizihumko up the- l}ph'.'ll soldier in tho f|Q`I1|-:l he-rn, in his country's: uniform nr uithnul it. .-\ knight. suits new at suns reprnche. Thu mun who enli.-its in our nation; ......-.I .....l..-np.....l_. o|...o Mn in |...nn.n Lu- Stun-8. In revnrtiinst the swim thzit took plum.` lnet in-u.:, I re-gr:-.t to stay th-it I tiontotl it in In light und flippzint nmnnnr, altogether unwurttiy uf tin! .'illi)_iI`(`i. I was writing till, unit iii:-in un- \wl'lhy oi myself, fur if there is tiny- thing on which I pl`id(\ myself it is that nhsnlute fairness in .~4peukim; iii any suh_jw't and of xwvor ullnvsing my to-etingstn run nwuyuith my H( nHe ut` jtistit-n_ and it is this qniility whtvh hits .~-ctirmt um the trii>mt.~i|iip tlliti nup- pmt of tho newspapers Unit .~+t1rtq-it with me nr. our t-mitt-nniul tit I hilu(l<-|- phiu tin-ittyt\\'ii ye-:ir.~i sign. .\'-w York is proud of il(`l" militia, and well she may be, for many tiiui-~i uh-.-n the` lives and HI!` pl`t)p(`l`l_V of nut` (`iti- zons new in |N`l`ii the lirriw lll"ll of our citizen .mt:tivi'y limo thrmin t|i`uise|\'os in thv gap illlti nt m-vi-I'4` disvnnifurt nnit cuiisiitvr-ihle amt tinn- thin-n n'nurt'Ii)' hawk In it |:iir .H(i trampled the life out iii Ll``il.Ull, iuut whc-n-their task was fillibhed h.iw drnp. pt-it quietly hnvk into litl`tt` nld lillt" iilt` with no Iiunsttul |)ll`i(!|l.'5tUll.`-1, with no unusual clnlm niiw that of an tmmwt citizen who finds his roquitiil and n-- wnrd in the remeinhrnnt-e of \\t-rk W0 tuna and of duty Iuithfully porf)rtlt- N]. I.`.-..--.. .-H u n-- l..u~n Ihul Inn: :1 niiii. Ill-'|y hvlp at their country`: can. ~ All aorta of offers 'were made. One bloated hondholder offered the govern- ment his beautiful yacht" if the sec- retar of war would alluw him to se- It-ct I e kind of guns to he used oniher, he to make necessary altemtinns at the cost. of Uncle Sam and, \\ hen ever thing was finished, the lhited States 0 put him in comnmnd, with A cupta|n'.~a com- lnissiull in the -re ular urmy"to the close of the war, after which he was to he a full fledged captain in the navy of the United State-s. M-rvy, u.isn't H7 (`hvek is no name for it. The-rn are very few things in nature i|2lI`(I(`r than the diamond. One of these is mllevl hort, and monumental hurdm-s.~1 of chock: that word slmuld (lo-st`I`i|w the offer of the individual \\l|u.-41' yavh! still lm-ks :1 cnmniissinn [mm the |'nited States. in 1nnnl':i:nII Hun .-nnnn fhzli fnlilz see I rs. V?he(hr yggeaicleut M'Kin|ey made :1. (`all on the stutus for 100,000 volunteers, it was hertnlded by the press_ through- out. the land that over u _mIl||Qn bud rushed forward. read? to fight and die at their country`; cal_ All nnrfl nf nlfarn vmm rnmlc-. One tho Ilto lolooud tot tho Comping Glound In I Quagmire was an frog: Told Tlnlr nor: of uurl-oIv-lvu-y Town or OIG7 That an n Illlltlo oompnny ll Now Proud or lc-'l`no Blotting out of tho um: oglmoot by Governor Black In A ornol lvont.-A can of Iona- mqnnl ardnou of check. (Hpuclnl Corrospondem-,9. [.4-Her No. 1,098.) New York, May 27.-T:Ike it nll around and the middle week of (`.h.Lrm- ing May has been one of the moat trying and disagwoule that our ante 1|.-1:! seen for years. 'hon nrc-sicleut M-Kink-v :1 lsumnlncs llFSLllIERS.| ,...-_- htnh h NVHIVVT THEY HAVE TO ENDURE WHILE IN CAMP. Last week was in Most Trying ,;_1'.ilsarec able One. JUN nrnarxcx Hlll Ill ll-|l[R'l 5 Weekly. Hnmtius at the hrid , and he Who fought nt old '1` ermopylne: Great Samson and his potent hone Ry which the Philistines no.-re slum-; Small David with his \mndr.ms him That. did for him 0! giant frame: J. Caesar in his Gallic acrnpa That made him lord of other vhnpe; Sweet William, called the (`onqu-trnr, Who made the Dri on sick nt wir; King Hal the Fit , whu nnhly {might And thrashed the toe in Agincnurt; Old Rnnnpnrte, and \\'.-cshir.gtv.n, And Frederick, and Wellington. Dvrntur, Nptson. I-`ightirq Jne, .\nd Farragut, nnd Grant, and oh, A thousand other heroes I _ Hare wished I were in days gone hy-_ (`an take their lnurels from my dour, I-'nr I dnn't nsnnt tlwm nnr rnurn "13WrI[l$lEHCUlIlIt union. vu can lovurdxunlln. Imi km to- -.dln.&n-.n.._|:.l Il..;.. ..u...| ourea. Mr. Graham wee himeell lor a long time a eutlerer from above nroublee and after trying in vain meny advercieed remediee. electric helte, etc., heceme almoeb entirely diecounged and hopeleee. Finally he confided in an old clergyman. whore kind and honeeh advice enabled him to epeedily obtain a perfect and permanent cure. Knowing to hie own eorrow. than eo many poor uueron are being impoeed upon by uneorupuloue quaohe. Mr. Graham con- eidere in his duty as an honeeu man end a firm believer in christian eympabhy and kindness. to give hie fellow-men the benefit: of hie experience and aeeieu bhem (.0 a cure. Having nothing to sell. he aeke {or no money, the proud eetiefaohion of having done: great eervice to one in need. he rightly ooneidore an ample reward _ior hie trouble. If you write to Mr. Graham you can rely upon being cured and upon bei aheolutaely cured ae well. A drama an shown. nnolnninna ehamn Aaarul u IDOVO. oucloungn ramp and rotor to tho Bun-mu Wnm. No stanchion. however, will be given to than writing out 0! man ourionihy. uncro- lon man than you ray mod A cure. TIRES: _.A-_._-,...- _..... . \nll ullr IIIIIII Iulllrla Irul Ill] Hunt, For I don't nun. them my mum. The truth will nut; it mn't he bid; The doughty deed that llama; did, In that lnr distant Spanish an, In rully good enough (or me. The grammar`: had, but, 0 my son. I with rl'd did what Devocy done . Ihcnnuthn Ind II: In (hobo-Inland Untold 'I'oIIvo-'lho Oust lath Ah- ctlunn lhouuouo on: I-304 in and In a 00-pin: Ykhry-logic! II n (HNWll('II(" [U U[(]Q'l'N. illlll, IHIVIIIK H the wnlivf he wunlc-rl, hv prn"oNl--l tn lry tho rogirnont nl. unlrmn-ho.*ul (`uurl mnrtiul. He found ull the pnrlivs guilly of tho nff(`ll.' vlmrgc-(1 nml (ll.-I~ hnn:le-.d lhe reuinnenl on the spat, thinking no doubt. that he ll-ul perform- ml one of tho gN`ul(`.st [mats in modern llislnry. Wuit .1 litllo limo, govornnr; unit :1 little` time. 'l'lu- mills nf llw gmls grind slowly, but they grind ex- ro-erling fine-." \\'.m the znllernmth. nnrl (lnn'l form`! l`mt rlc-nr old mlngv, He laughs best uho laughs lznl." ..IlR.()Al)lll{lM. A Ohnugo 0! Anbltlon. John` Kendrick Bangs in Il=lrp(`r:a \'n\L*lr Bonus llelp Irree To Inn. The Kingston BRITISH Wino is sui`.hor- iaed no state by D. (irshsm, Box 133. Has- gersville. Onb , than my man who is ner- vous snd debilitsted or who is suffering lrom my of the various troubles resulting from overwork. excesses or abuse, such as nervous dobilibf. exhsusted vitality, lost vigor, nnnsturs drains and losses. leak of dovelopmenb. em, csn write to him in strict oondsnoo and receive free of chsro lullluiinstruoulons how to be thorough y ou . ..L-... _-- |.l--.ll la... - In-nu Hm; lN|('K. On Monday the troop: hogan to ur- rivc, exporting to N`(`t'I\t` thv mnpptivx that they) \\':mtml ut. tho ctunp. .\f.-my of the rtxinnvrtts mrlm .-1 full thun- snnd strung. 'J hv nld fight ing Thirteenth cnmo uithin 30!) ul` -um, whivh the gmvorlmr :<(`(`lllNl to think was rt din-t-t insult In him, and that this I'm`? rnnstitutvd Hm tvffvnse 4)! dia- ()')(!dt(`l|t` to nrds-rs, unit, huving Hit pro -mutt--t hnnrlvrl Hm I-4-uinmnt nn the shut. One. of the cruolc-st and nuns! fur fi-lvliing (`mills that vvvr took plum- wilh the nnlinnul guard of the Hint!` of New York O('(`llTl`Ni hero this we-k within tho limits of mil` UHF. mi|it:Ir_.' history, um! uhivh will nvvor be for- gnlten by our (`iiizon H(Ii(ii(`I`)'. It hlois Iho gnllunf nhl fighting '| hirt(`onlh from the military of the slum, hut souner nr later it is bound to come lmvk. n.. RJn...l.... aha I--..n.._ [mu-nn In nr_ A permanent rnmp was select:-(l nn Hompslend plnfns-|mrron nnd d\.~m|.m- us far nu the eye could r0ru`h. The-rn were no cnnxenienvos mcossury for such rt camp, no wnlor except, where ihe-. frogs told lhe story of mrrnw or the quagmire. llirentoned to I-ngnlf than}. Just. imagine a avene him this, nml lhnusnnds of mud. hungry defenders of tho union with no grub or water to drink. !\n.. nf H.n no-nnlnuk nn.l n\..uI fur pnnnta n00I." No matter what. may be the suffer- ings of the men who were mrulo sol- diers last week, nor in what part. pf the globe they may he culled upon In serve, the horrors of thul. rlroudful weal: ow-rlops them all and will never be forgotten while one man remains un- ptuniahed who had u [mud in mlvuncimz 1 . . Ullnl. \V HELD 15 ll.` tnenv \\ Hy, IIIUU. There was silence for an moment,an then with a. wild cry cl` vengeance a mans of (lesperate men hurled them- selves on the tent of the unfortunate joker. There was a short and tnrrifiu struggle, a gurgling sound, like death. and examination next murning only returned three brass tmttona and thu collar of his fatigue jacket. Moritz l)nn't joke with the boys in a ni ht of cold and bitter storm and when {ly- in fragments on their night shirts ex- hl it sign: like these: "(iruh takennn cold storage. Large and roomy luftstu let for the storage of army grub. Na- thing refused on account. of upunt..-in-- ous combustion. Everything eatuhlo, from a ickled canary to a baked elv- phnnt'a oof." Nn mnltu-r what mav he suffer- JAS. REID 6: CO. never (0ppC(l [III II. KDOOKHG SPO! UUL of the English alphabet and gmnut and presented the stabat. Muter m Volupuk. R:-rinuv-, what`: Hm namn nf dis i u`u`uj`iiai imam: by making bad fats: and nnawering queer question: ti ithe morning broke, heavy with toy and slime, and among which brenktuat was only a sorrowful and xeuioka pouibiiiiy. Just as the` day was breakm is squnky voice ring: out from one o the Fourteenth : tents, aturiing everybody and made them think that o. bami of Apaches hnd swept down upon our urmu und carried 01'! our colonel. It was the cyclone phat had done the work. From 3 mi hboring bent again rang out on the envy midnight air the same ahrili rusping voioe that pasued high C at 11 imp, ate and 4 jump and never aiopped till it nooked spots out nf ihn Enirliuh ulnimiwt nml nnimni. VOHLPUK. Scrimay, what`; the name of dis place? Uh. go to sleep. 1 cun'L. Suy, Cully, w|ral'a do mune fwr fuir. Bhutk, of course. No, It taint. Yes, it is. No, it tnint. What is it, then? Why. mud. 'l'horo was silence for :1 mnmnnt.:uul uu_-_:U-II. ["'IhvIiuIuspulnIi!ronrhoI- $252. I-no an-nnhnlv Lnlnin Inn HELPLE88 ton aux MONTHS. 2'u'.o|3'uIi'y J35` .."u}2Y|.'"' ' A drain an above. enclosing: rump ml nlu tn ah. Rm-nun Wuin. A RELIABLE OFRERIV 10 lil ugns I'L`1l. --BllU A DU RIM. firm` tun I|l-ill- fighting within ' _ nrl Inn I\rl\"f\l\l.l'l` In I llrlllll-Ill`-lu run: I n! xt t lo "|'h- oi Ihnw urinal av. JAMES REID ()n i Ila an-m\|.. Then mndsters. rm-em. Innn~horn-.-ull who ride the unis:-loan stat-d:-r If out from I single state you Itmggle On ha haul-` . I! ever Irom I mingle glue struggle to be lived,` Before you with the Innis lrom Her lnthori Imus dnth nlnnl .. C1070 VIII) [DP I-K1310 Il'0IIl IIOI` father`: hqune doth atoa|,- x Be sure you had the old gent`: mount and punctuate well each whorl! . -I`jlK CARLJ "!n!2_.t_he_a_a d_0Wr_ms,t_ ayes put .50! -he still keep down thine ire!- Grunt that for which we both hesmh, then each shall call thee Sire! Give me Imck her for whom I at V9, with ham run tandem fled,-- Thou wilt not-who wast ynun 1h)`- aelfl My curse he on thy gem! I" .. (`Q His hm-k he humped, for life hu scorch- ml, the hnmllvs light. he ('l:mp-d; It as in min; the f:Ilhor, gaining ground, I't`l|.Ch(`(l nut. and gruspml; His daughter}; skirt ho gmspml, nnzi then the gnllnnlfs throat he Look- Whnt was fhoro in that `much l.h.|t ull his ')l`('lllh|(`!s hotly simuko` \i|lnin!" nt length ho nmt.l.(-red low -nnd wvpt |ik1\I`hildbuml [hun- 'l`:ulk not nf grief till lhuu hast seen the tv:u's of `\'yx-lu mon- _ Ho thought on nll his glorious hopes, his \H` |il'0'.~\ rvnuwn, Then flung fnrlh {rum his side the live! mm! in the dust unlu duwn. "I thought to stand the nltnr by, my love, lmsizlv Hum soon. I would that there we might. have met -in.1te:|d \\o`ve mot our dunm; Thou woulrlst. have known my love for lheo-fnr thw I`vc~ rnrod mud won- Rut thou hint met thy tale; thy htlmr now hath spoiled our fun! Then starting f"nm the ground mm more, he caught. the daughter`: hnnd \\hi|o the father somvlml full grimly from the place where` he did stand; And with A gentle, bolder grip the timiul lttssiet l(`d, Before her l'nthvr's pie-rvin eyes;-she she bowed in (ear her 2-:u|;-- $'AnbuIum~ all m A. Came I nut forth upon my pledge, this girl to mark? my wife!- e slill, and list Ihnu me, do.-urx-yer nf my hnpos in lite! The voice, the glance, the honrtlsnughl --gf\`e answer, are they mine! " ll thou lt. obey that law, Good will to- wards man." now is the time :" Ho 1 Tim! hnnd mus alrnng-:1 ihing to four ` -it grnspml his lhru.'1.L too tight- ` Ho looked up In the {Iwu nbove-Hut {Mo was (lurk n.-9 night! it did rage an! triumph shnwcforull thu years uf vnrv; II): met at lust hm` father's c-yes-but pily was not there! Then covering with his nil.st.uinel hand his darkly muurnful brow, No use, (hers in nu u.\K`," he cried, to try nml `scape them now For he`: the winner that is plnin-my darling, oh. so fund! The -nnsumn1nn'un of our wish is now my grasp Ix-yundl And In! frnm fnr as an they rode thorn (`mm-. an angry hund. With one that 'mnl:4t them hondfhg rmlo rm :1 smrvlu-r in the land; ".'\'mv haste, .'Uph0nsn, huslc-! for lln're~ in wry truth is he-, My fullu-r, whnm thy anxious howl. lmlh not one Wish to .-wt-,i" T he 5 I "I 4-zu-9, pourr-I c-.`vn ndw mums, an ungly mun this day; Mnum lhnu this v.h\-0| and `thou um] ` I uill man he fur uuuy. The-n lightly ruse lhul lu\\l<-.53 Inns and mounlwl quick um aunt, ` And urm-d, am if \vil`] plan in. view, ha-r I()\'(` In he more fluul. :1; y `rm he :- A Bomancc or The wnnnl.-A Pu-ody. The hts.-xio hmvml her high-hvld head and tumml her ht-urt of fire, And lmdo (no nuppfi.-ml. suitor {mu her from he-r fieru-. uld sin`; I Inimr the-0 In-rv the |mA'k-gutu lu-._y- () e-nlc-r while ye may, But pINh.m mo faith, my liege. my lord, lmfnro we fly zm':\y." WOOGGTHII IIIUQICI '13. Dr. Williams Pink Pills cum by going bobbo root: of 0110 discuss. They ronew and buildup the blood. and surengtben the nerves, thus driving disease from the sysbom. Avoid imitunions by insisting that: every box you purchase is enclosed in awrappinq bearing the lull bmde mark. Dr. `Willinmn Punk Pills for Pale BWI'Bppl DOITIIIK D718 [UH Dfllutl lllllrl, Dr. `Williams Punk Pills for People."