THE DAILY hwma, 'rn'Un'sDAY. JUNE 2, .39. NU-BIB 0' -tnlunnut xuuvu-y `X Iichknullor Ill!-Anvil. We [nnrnntpo to -Inn them proper! . Na chemlc1|lsuaed!o|nJnn' the carpet; (`phal- Iterinxofew don:-ription. Vablnet M ors-)lInlll. Gnu: and Tue nhnynlnstoc Ille Camovslxy Wood Co.. % can an-D-u-nun 4--` !Mumy's lmpmvad Method. ARPE+s N LEANED... IJCIINIFIKIV 5|. `PHI! 70. Caryn Douortmtut It -:r-:--------------- (znodtroug Extension Table. 3 lon\'en,ch-.. only ::I,.;0. H u-vlul Hun. at $6 that ure unequalled for alv n unxlu uumy. \hm- uv n.m'<,.II.In..-I '7`-:hIr\.- n...: a.. ......... T.F.Harrison Co. SPECIAL SNAPS IN Hum: nrv slaw and pl\_\'nh|t` In xulvnm-u-. mm-.1\ru M unlnmrpnrms-1| nuwwiullnn.-4 or as vloeu wm hr held pen-sonnlly nwpumiblc n unlenu they 31 V0. IF.....YOU ARE. . . . WISE fYOU . . . .WILL PERMIT. . . . US TODO . . .YOUR BAKING. . . .11` WILL . . . . . BE WELL. . . poms. TOYE S, . KING ST. `Fmnos run RENTAL. I173-DB (ID C7111!-nun n:-- EXTENSION TABLES. jOOKBlNDlNG I u~1u.x.n-anurcnn , ` :OO6OO: Furnitu re and Undertaking. ROBINSON 9595.. in pocket. nd have had the satisfaction of good work by men who know their business. n'r'r0`T - -:2 9 Sure than sorry when you 2 have a job of Painting or Decorating. All our cus- 3 Lomers are 2 suratnvv nr ugvm-_\' IHHIIMIll(`l'nI`l|In arr .~nh_|m~l In n*.\lr|A'|luI|. (`nulrnct mlvortlsoru nllnwml two vlunzvx pvr won-k : Innrv ruluvnt vh:un:u.~4 uuul lw pnhl tor. The puhllaln-r will nut he l`\NpulI.\'|hII.' fur Inlsumln-rstnmllluz or vc-rlml nnlvrs. \\'rIll--n |H`(`l|0ll.'l .-hnuhl luv plzu-HI nu ull t-np_\' Ii-r |n~ wrllnn. .\ll lulu-rlis--In--nls um .~uh_]-1-I In [In- nppmvnl ufthv |n|ln|L~lIc-r. .\ll vllurm-:4 for mlwrllru-Invnl.~' nun! .- tlum: dun and pllyllhll` In unlvnm---. uninmmnnuml .-`n~ _- _-v.--_ v-wt I32 onAn'Io s'r.` (`munch Ys__.- Wall Paper Spoclnllsta, BAUCZJT S'I;REl'IT. vuwoowwnnowo Better Off Better Be nllnl Oak '1`:\hlc`.~'ju~( in, . II|'o.~:<<-.-' mu! Sprln::~ tn ulv In-|'nn*l.lI1` rlsv. I -.~' in those. Tlnvw are '0 and Spring on` LII" Ooonvocnl. Tolhuuthfn nhooltcnlu chimp pnhdplulyuvul. '.l'l|I`H` llnws u \\'I`f`|\'. " 61' " .\h-usdllrmnema by 11 solid scale, twu-l\'0 llnon to the Inch. lllrths. Mnrrlmms or D1-mhs, one Insertion, 500 lwu |l|0|'lll)l|. 750. \\ nuns, hunt and Fnuml. Phrmnuls, Arm-lu~- fur snlo, 1-10.. 10 per wunl in daily I.-Lwuv ; mini- mum 1-hnr-,2-. ). m. ` In-mllnu Null:-ma, l.'u- nor Ilnu - rmlnnml ruin than an In; wonu "guvur IIKI "xrvcn" an and In ntoad of the nod "dun" who am hunlnnyn uliulidth nun! ofpoopl wbobavounodin. Ooovuy good fusion `io tbs! our gnndlnothon. vboknov the right void. and the two Ionic imtud ohho hunt. Tho ward "dn- nun: (HA Aanvn rnvunhg A` n an--- IX CHI. 11 WW1! `UK. Daoontirownrd;-olioolnvouaan. IIUIKI Jun at shin time cum the aunt, "I don`: recollock our boin with him I50!) be was alone. utnrlt I-`rm Puss. "Witnou, ukod tho suornoy {or the dafanco. who wn trying to prove the tem- ponry inznnioy o! the ptiuncr. van is this run : habit to talk to himsoll who den 2' I--. -A .L:- A:___ -__- .|_. , , , --I Dewey`: Bellglon Duurmlnod. Bumdo (`om merclnl. The following loom which vcnro re- quested to publish. spook: f0I' itself: "MU.\"I'I'Ie;l.llK, Va, May 23, 1898. "Mr DEAR Sm: I am mthoriud by the Hon. Charla: Davey at this city to state than rut admin! Dowayin 3 Ioynl commnnicanb of the 1'. E. church, "He in not I Rotnnn Catholic. "I hope you will contradict the story. You no welcome to use my name with Mr. Dewey : if you wish. Yours tnlyy A N. Lmwls, rector of Christ church." The Bands] Ountlzn. Ahthe annual meeting of the working men's 14ord`a day rest ueaocintion. Lon- don, Sir Mark Stewart. M. l ., presided. The reporb autod than the boldness of Sabbath dot-ecratora was increasing. and too Sundny opening society had appeared in its true colors, boldly demanding the repeal of the Lord's day :05. Sir John Bridge had imposed only 8 nominal penal- ty for the employment: of woman by A theatrical caacumier on Sunday, though at another come full penolt.ioe--amounting to .L`.'i(.--had been iniotod because women were employed after four o'clock on 0. Sat.- urdny afternoon. Regret. was upremod no the resumption of Sunday band-pinyin: an Windsor Cutie. The socieay`a incime for the you had been .l,l~l7. I P "The United State: has more treatien than any other nation. We are not iaolnt ed by any moans. Every treaty with an- other nation is an alliance. In has been the policy of the United States, Wlbh one exception. to avoid every complication of the kind. We had such an alliance with Franco, but it was never attempted with any other country. I do not believe there will be any complications with any other nation on account of the Spanish war." _j.____._..,_ ll'l Ingllnu You liar. Balm uniablo critic! have ukod the vi: napalm `basin? anal lxnh-F --.5 13.! I- on omnruvls Iur nu-r full Inu~~. Minimum churgv fur a nnllvt`. LIN-. (`onlrm-ls fur u sgxwllh`-I zdpxlm` nrv nuuln for Inn l'.|'lll.\ for Ina-rrxllltilu mnnmlm-cnu-ms_ hm nut cw: nfhvlp wuutul. for nu}:-. lwlvt. purlm-1* nhlpx`, tvmh'r.~' nr anlylhlng In-ynu-I nrmul un- mmnM:Int~nl of gfxxls or III-`l,nlll'II4'(|Il`I'.~ fur .-:\l.v nn` vxt-lmI<` (`unlspau-1-~a for prur'v`~>hmn|. in- m.!(`lu`\' _\nhh~.~l Ul XIII l'J(l|'|l!ll IllllHCU- "1 don'o believe public sentiment is in favor of such an alliance. he declared. "Great. Briuin is the moat. unpopular na- tion on the globe, and she knows than she has euomies. An cllanaive and defensive alliance, I-Hill new has been talked of, would not ovoruwo other nations. as aome bo- lievo. and in would make us vastly un- popular. We would not gain anything by in. We have all the nlliuncos we need no pro:-entz. "Thu llniln Qhnlnn has mnrn In-nnoinn Ix-Secretary of State John Sherman MIIGI some lmphnllo Statements. C|In'm:0,June 2 -In an interview in the Chicago Tribunmex secretary of atabo Sher- nmn was emphatic when be started to talk of an English alliance. I rInn'n knlin.-4. v'.|||\`:/I ;...A:..`...t :. :.. OPPOSES A BRITISH ALLIANCE Uvlug nlJaUluu`Jl_)' curuu as wen. Address as above. enclosing a stamp and refer to the BRITISIII Wmu. No attention, however. will be given to mono writing out of more curiosity. libero- ioro abate than you really need a cure. UIIFUU. Mr. Graham was himself for a long time A an fleror from above tzrou blea and after trying in vain many. advertised remedies. electric bolts, etc., become nlmoeb entirely discouraged and hopeless. Finally he conded in an old clergyman, whose lxind and hnneat: advice enabled him be speedily obtain a perfect and permanent: cure. Knowing to his own sorrow. than so many poor aullerers nre being imposed upon by unscrupulous quacke, Mr. Graham con- siders in his duty as an honest: man and a firm believer in christian sympathy and kindness, to give his fellow-men the beneb of his experience and assist: them to a cure. Having nothing-to sell. he asks for no money, the proud mtislnction of having done A groan service to one in need. he rightly considers an ample reward _for his trouble. If you write to Mr. Graham you can rely upon being cured and upon being absolutely cured my well. Arlrlrnnl an nhnvn mmlnnimrn at-nmn llonou Help Irroo To lien. The Kingston Biurisn Winn is author- ized to state by 1). Graham, Box 133. Ha- gersville, Ont., that any man who in nor- vous and debilitated or who is suffering from my of the various troubles resulting from overwork, excesses or abuse. such as nervous debility, exhausted vitality, lost vigor, unnatural drains and losses, luck of development, etc., can write to him in strict condence and receive free of charge full instructions how to be thoroughly cured. Kl-. l'1-a.L..... -..... L:........Il I..- _ I`... A:.___ U1 uuvlu, uuu=,u or wuum NIBIUB In LDNHW Samuel Plimsoll, known as "the aailon friend, originator of the famous "Plim- soll mark" to prevent: the overloading 0` ships, is dying at) Folkeucone. He W8! born at) Bristol in 18:34, and went into par- linmenb for the express purpose of helping the sailors. 00 lane {FUDG- Conductor James. of we Gals, Preston & Heapeler electric road, is in the Galb hos- pital and may die, bha result: of his head coming in contact. with a trolley polo whi o the car was in motion. 'I"LA Jn.nn...vI...L.. AC .. -..I....-.-I --:|n IIIJU CHI" WI! III {HUMOU- Tbe descendants of a co!ored family named Barton who formerly lived uh Pine Grove, have been granted we use of the Woodbridge lair grounds to hold a reunion on Emancipation day. There are nearly `.`.(0 of them, most) of whom reside in Toronto Qnrnnnl Vliunnnll bnnmn nu U!-Inn uniln-~. rulnr. Warren Bookwibb, the baseball player. who elnped with the daughter of Robert; T. Lincoln. has enlisted with the Iowa national guard for the purpose of going too the front. " f\-...l....L.... `l,._-. .1 at... run. n_.-L.... A. 1-lmr-,2-. '. .'m. Rvmlln ' Nulh-1-N, 1.34` per Hm-2 wln-n ll lrupluy mI\'-rti~'4-Invln mm r-nntruvtx fur Inn! lim~~ Luv uusupauu, Ul IILIU QUEBEC BUBIHIULIIP company, In ashore seven miles below Fame Point. lII..--...-. D-..L_.:LL LL- |._..-L_II ..I_..-.. gu IHBU EUUCU UU monulsy next). Winnipeg : induabrinl {air will be held this year during the week beginning July 11th. um! y` lnh. FFL... Tolognphlc duan from nu Fun: of the Globe, Oondonnod and Auortod for Italy Beading -- A Glnnoo Glut You the Fnntn. unsoun- A shock of earthquake was felt: an Mon- troal lash nighn. Tim I'Afr|'|:uIrn.fnr I-Ailwnv our am-win: will I.I'UH-I IIIU Jllgllllo ' The refn'gern.tor railway our service will go into effect on Monday noxh. Winninno n indunhrhl {air will In: lrmld THE AFFAIRS OF THE HOUR I HERE IT IS IN SHORT ORDER FOR / WHlG" READERS. Ill]. Tha Campana, of the Quebec ehea mabip `omnnnv. in mzhnm pm-on milnn bnlnw Fnma Oneida`! Alnnr. ,\u\'I-rnrrr.-u-:\a r:.\ Flrst lnserllun nus Hill`! uml on.-r, 10 per 1` men coll:-Lu-ul.{\'u Ins:-rtlun, 51- " 1 mm: :u wt-ek. nvo Hm-u and over, luv Twice as week. so " TIIFH` llnu-A wvok. " iv Mm|_~u|rm1mntx In :1 unlhl nu-nln hm-lvo ll: A RELIABLE OFFER. --- u, 1 Hana}; Harold. 3 It Cqss lss_ -n nun-nus. vi nu-u-su vu Its`-Iyl uu price by THE DR. WARD (.30.. 7| Vio- toria St., Toronto. Book of Interna- A1_. I...` . . nv---. \r\.rII` `III. `.a-\-I'rII' van. \;'ard's Blood and Ncrvu Pills are sold at 50. per box, 5 boxes for 81.01:, at druggists, or nailed on receipt of _.I.. I... TIJD l\D II)ADI\ I`l\ -. I72- ..-nu.-ux. .--nu}:-J rII\Jv\J . I suffercd for two years with what the family doctor claimed \\'n.s an incurable case of Consumption and dcbility, telling me that my life was but fora {cw r " at the best. As I was about to ;;i.. up, Ipicked up your advertisexncnt and re- solved thereupon to give Dr. \\'ar Blood and Nerve Fill: a trial. Th first boat of thw worked such a wondcx-t`ul change I tilt". that at last I had struck a medicine that would help me. Icon- tinued the use of the Pills, receiving from them day by day esh, strength and vigor, in fact friends of mine that had not seen me for some time hardly knew me, so great was the change that Dr. \Vard's Pills worked. Out ofthe fullness ofmy heart in thejoy of my being rescued from the grave. comes this testimonial. I shall. as long as God permit: me to live. herald forth their usefulness and life-sawing power to all amicted by that monster of disease that almost claimed me for itsyrictim, thereby repaying you in a small measure for the grand, new lease of life Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills have given me. Yours truly. JOHN D I`llf\DD (`._..I- Ca !`...-I_L l'\_a uuua -c-Us uvsli -us. -vuua--u- ,Jvnuv P. THORP, Cork Sh, Guelph. Out. I\_ II'-_J`_ Dl--.l __.I \Y__._. fIiIl_ _.._ 1' IIIIUU. ' '\, teuac Cafe. auiuiig uuplcill ml(0l'l(`al WOYKF. From his position in speaker of the house of commons. Mr. Edgar has had un- pmilleled facilities for obtaining date end eponlrinsz intelligently of the institutions of government. Nor has he hesitated to introduce the human element, including the personalities of early settlers and the characteristics of lending ntateanieii. The characterizations of Sir Wilfrid lmirier. of Sir Charles Topper. of Sir Richnrd Cert- wriglib, will take their piece. as nmon the most interesting of contemporary bio- graphicrl sketches. The doiicriptiunu of summer end winter sport: and forecnt ol the future of Cnnade evince the prei-eience of the r-tntesmeii. This work will have e permanent and distinct value. and no Canadian library, whether public or pri- vate. can be complete without it. The publisher is George N. Morning. Toronto. Consumption is often caused by a weak state ofthe blond, permitting the gertnw to obtain :1 foothold. That Dr. \\ nrd's Blood and Nerve Pill-I cure disease and make the system safe, the folluwing evidence amply proves : I ....!I`._...l r._ ....- _.4_._.. ...!.|. _..|._. .|. _ -_-_ _ -..--`. 'l`mI: DAILY URITIHII \\'nm In puhll-hml cw-ry evonlng at :I|l`y-.`iM-1311) Kim: stn-1-I. km - stun ()nL, ul six ImI.I..-\lt.~x I-I-in \`F..\R, pu_\'nhf- in uJ\'mIcc-,;otl1orwl.~'o $7.30 will be churgnl. .\ l|\' I.`ID'l`lHI.`\l I.`\."I`s' IUHU. It is rarely this such a history is under- taken by an author no specially littoulze Hon. J. 1). Edgar. For thirty years e has been connected with the political and social life of Ottawa. The pages show de- tailed and accurate ncquaintnnco, with great ability in the grouping of facts, and the historian : faculty of diecriminntion between the essential and the unimpor- tent. While little of value has been omit- ted the story is told in such concit-e and well chosen language that "Canada and [to Capital is sure to take very high rank among topical historical works-. Pl`l|l'l| hi: nnnitinn 1.: nnnnlunu nl Ikn run WEALKNTEST AND nmurv. A Uanadlau hook. CAN.-u>A AND ITS C41-IT.\I., by Hon. J. D. Edgar. Q. 3.. speaker of the house of commons, illustrated by twenty-one photogravuree. '2 50. The appearance of a volume on the centre of governmental, social and politi- cal life. is an event in boolunaking. Such a work could not fail to be received with great interest, were it but the well execu- ted teak of an industrious htterntcur. There is enough in the records of the Cane- dian seat of government to engage the attention anil give play to the faculties oi` the most brilliant historian. The rise of the city of Ottawa. from being a mere location in the pachleeo pine forest, to the site of the linear. group of government buildings on the globe. must be full of an- tmction. The story of that rise comprises much of romance [or it includes the days of the aborigines, and the struggles of the early pioneers. There is not a dull page in the book and the illustrations are excel- lent. I. L. _-_..I.. lL-L _._-L , |.:.a_-_ 2. ,___I,,, Xflllg [UH IBKBI 00553 In HUGH E BUIU. The old otiicera were re cleaned in the following: A. (luun,cbalrman; J. Machar, secrobnry; J` Faravhbe. t-reasuror;J. Mc- Arhhur, Iol. Dull", R. V. Rogers, llr. Knighb, 11. W. Richardson and Rev. C. Carmvrighb. trustees. Thu Ilblll arnnk nl I'll} tn Hun nhilrh-nn u UHFDVVFIKHD. lflllttfe. The utlll grant 01350 to the children's aid society was oxerlouked, and in all pr; - bpbiliby will to replaced, as bhoro was no intention toil:-gontinua in. IUl' IJLIU UTPUIIIH HUHIICI Inasmuch as there existed A difference of opinion among the members of bhe society as to the legality of a grant; to , the orphans home. a resolu- bion similar to one made last: year, sug- gessing obtaining one opinion of en eminent: counsel, was voted down. bub re- ceived more supporb than hhe resolution of last year. The question of instituting a lriendly suit in court: for the purpose of determining the validity of the present: mode of distributing the funds was dis- countonenced. the majority of the board leering the legal costs of such suit). The nld ninm-n warn rm nlnnhnrl in Hm A IDUOIIIEIOII WEB IHETOGUCQQ l IQVOT 0! grunting the hub two inrubutiona named the sum of 8900 to be equally divided, huh wee defeated. The eum of $300 was voted no the Y.W.C.A. for the purpoae of open- ing 3 school of domestic ncionce. the amount: to be given on the condition than on additional 8300 be secured from other eourcee. The sum of $000 was laid aside for the orphenn home. lmnmunh nu thnrn mrinhxzl A rlinrnnnn CUIIIB [UT 0110 your WEI Uil.UOU 5 A full discussion arose on ohequeation of diatribuhin grants of money to more in- stitutiona t an the society has done hither- to. Applications ware received lrom bho orphans homo. young women a christian association. l Hotel Dion, and houae of Providence for grants towards new year. A resolution was introduced in favor of .......u.... 0.- l...|~ 5.... .'......;..o.'.,..- ..-...-A Ffumu "G:I0ng I confogbroneryu Frr n- eunc Cafe. cuurgu Ul MID LIIIICIIKMTIIII UUIJUOI cuuuvr ment. fund. held ilsa annual meeting yucc- dny afternoon uh three o'clock. the lollow- ing being present: A. Gunn. clnlrmun; ` J. Mnchnr. aeorobnry J. Foreylho, l.reu- | urox; Lieut.-Col. nalr, R. V. Rogers. J.| McArbbnr. Dr. A. 1 . Kuightz, Rev. Con- way Cartwright; and H. W. Richardson. The nancial abatement: placed the capital of the society at $21 155 95, including the balance of $92 34 from luau year. The in- coins for the year was $l.068 39 A full ilinnnninn nrnnn an r.hnnnnnf.inn n9 -l- \ -I:l\-I-L-L-J-` . Two Hundred Thousand Dollars in sum: from one thousand to ten thousand dollars. For porticulua apply sh Godwin : Insurance Emporium, Over Express Omce, Mm-kol. Bqunrp. _.:._..:._...___.._.._:._: Granu Toward: `rho Orphans Bonn And I The Y. I.0. A. The midlmd diatricb ochool society. in charge of the Lnncnaberiun school endow- mnhr. fund hold M.. annual -na-Hun unarm-. .- wvw --we`: To In dnndd In `hauulhl and Blylllh nlllnnery an; to In dresul In the man! haphatnl wqwltyoolulon _uIcxccuudby LANCABTERIAN FUND. rg |\r. mmlost. %`J:..":..'..'.`: scpcnooc. v mu-rue tronI>kto_1:n_tu&.;;:u-o_katno:|n3 INWU II- '.:..f':,.."""-., . ~ M-' Picket\Y'reChickenface n-nu`1IoIC|'I'un$|0;l& "'-" M St. oonls St.. nontfian [nporbn of BI! Ovrcolumbna mmg htbohatln me. hnnnmngnd-nu-cu VICTORIA TRIPOLITB 00.. Limited 91 nnnas as 91-...-- Send I0 CENTS For Sample Box. In In Inrnntod to product an unwr- puood polinb. without injury to tho hoot lurfneo. uxr nulc muuers nave xor auounty me nu- Hm ledn Illt. ofall theatqckllnldern. FARM AN CITY PH.Ul ElI'l'YInsurednl lnwent posnlblo races. Bemre renewing old or giving new lmnlnoua get. I-Mes mun. 311.. B1`:-nehaco. rlultactnnn at alt-I all DAQITQLIQQ It Your Dealer Does N or. Keep [Victoria Silver Polish when all kinds of Wood is to be Had at lowest prices ]BO0TH & curs mm, monk Ind `E n A CURB vfhari nil M! E Ili- slut upon n nu the cum :9 Mn: Winn. `Du: have cum! thousand: and vi! curorou. I lump?- luvu wrntar nsnnun to ooclu onto 0 n onchouoor refund the 1. Prion I pun aft; or .1; pkg`: (fnl (nnmon o for cum. I: A ..... J i;';'(".sis.';." r{`{/"F-` ' 9;*..**:;:.`.'.=...': non cuoor nmnd tho Yrtoollv V I U: plcinfo; F I In! mat"-sEsaa3'?3; 9*:%`.':`= -n_._ -_ - __ un_._ -_ x__ an--_____ v_.n- -_.a |Forgct it Not. aw-:: :a's2'asaa*3\ras;*v::r.:=m.:-.* For sale In Kingston by Henry Wado and lumen Mcbmd. lbrngulnu. lowenl. possible nu hm-Inn BTRA] H5553: and Films Fog and To~Let. Fife lsqnnee in 5 Colnpaniqs in-ha`: llil mm [mm ' I3! inn-in smog. : _ _._.___._ Fmlturo pacled for shipment 0: stored. MADE ME AW{I~3 L AJAX 'I`ARl,I'?TR Dl'\Q'I"l'IV'll'l.V (`nma Oablnet and Upholutermg Work or every deaoriptlon made to order or re paired. - lino-OI-cannon ant! I'nnlOhnv- Rad: runn- ynlruu. _ Mattresses and leather Beds reno- vated. Iluuw--lb-urn um.-nbnull Ian -lulu`:-nan-uh II I F`. C. Marshall. CARDETS CLEANED. SEWED AND LAID. Rrnb `V1"I"l("! Anovgn ~ w cut 1 n. u a. nu Ill Narvmu lllnuo . F 1|} Me or: W I goal I '33: ll 9 areal oep canon In 7 m o- .. nu lion-. nnood by put nhuuu. a duct and sin to n runkon a [nun nnd quickly Dd uulxaly rnnov-on I Illdnhoov In 0 d or mun]. ully carried in not pockot. Prion 01.00 | pooh: Bl: lot 06 .00 with I: 001400 guarantee in tow Monty 9-funded. I N! 3 7 Al l|1`Al'Ili . mam. on having INDA . I your dmgght. an II! R. II. we will nondlt. pupal . D00 IIIIIDI 00.. Puma. Qlngqllovllllgj Uenr `Nmlu. lirumuisl. hlNGB'Dl)N. ONT. 2!! nud 235 PRINCFBS B'l'REl.'1'. 'Phnne 312. Steam Carpet Cleaning Works. [HE BESI IS THE CHEAPEST. n-u-A u-uuu vvnnyuu y . Funds over 000.000. In mhlmnu to which therollc ho ers have for wourlly the Hljn lg-d n Imy the stockholders. COAL that is COAL at -its --`CI TZIQI YT!` ZIIIIKU 81 Bron! Bt..K1n|ton. CANA DIAN AOINCY. jj:-._.._....._.-_.._...._. li IVI & TI IVIf'II` AJAX TABLETS POSITIVE Y CURE JLL.l\'ofIoOI I)boaaao-I`gL In; an- ` or!.Impotnncy.Hlnop|onnnon.n`t:ao|und by Abuse q;oI.lwr Exoonca Indiu- A ".?...*3Z.-::~. ma London. Liverpool and Globe Fire Insurance Company. I`nn.I- nun. our mm mun I .. ._|. I_L R ILBOI!.N M. D., M. L`. P a 8.. LATE o 81 cal Supor'lnu.ndent Kingston Gene- ral Hospital. Coroner for (my and Country Omoe fnrmerly occupied by the late Dr. Bann- derl. Telephone N0. 342. E. SPARKS D. D. B. L. D. 8., M. D., DEN- T11-LT. Ofce 28} Ilrlncess street. Real- denno 132 Unlvornlt. Avenue. (mice hours d&m sn urdny evening), 8 to 16 Telephone C. P. Sherman, . D. 8., L I). 8., Aulnmnt. I1. NlIWpAN'D8 AIWBTIECT` and rnluer corner 5! Brock and King utree over axle : Drug Store. Entrance on King Btreot. next to OAK HALL. A$1lURELI.I&AIwHlTECr omens- xcmge `numbers, om-d : Block. 81 Brolk St s.Kngsmn,0nt. .. V . .-~. 11. N`nrw)`...mne mnnrrucvr and `grnluer king atreAeu'a brunt Him-e. Entmuae on Kim: A$o?r3.{ii`.`e;*" (o".`i 3`n`.d;`oif.`fa' d ed. `rial balances. and nanofal If-wmel tnkqn. eonndant.Ial.. Address K1118- ulon Bualmauu Collono. E! as LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL . 1 Nu m at low raven oflnwrest, on (my and `I Proportiv. Loans unwd on City and punty Do u urea. A y to Txonuus Bumma. Llawero `ronteruo an and Investment I-boo -y es opposite _the Post. Omce. MONEYroLOANI . ____j__ P WEB so ARCIIITEUPB. harm nk uhdlng,oornar Brod. Wel Iglon streets. 'Pl1one 212. col|31nl.`E':r`1:. n}~0Il}1`e:Y'.` l.<:`\'vlou:2gtg: am 4' 382-`lly: ,ovu wadofa Druavslora. _ Bill. - . J. tn. MCCAICN. ACCOUNTANT AND T's'C, over Wilda : Iifdavswra. I ' ARI) TEE A L ('00 Uh B%`(}(N>kCH eJCHAtgi E nhnt.` n 0 n . Iudl pan balances ntawmenm mkun. Runhm-I 4-nnfldantlnl. Address Kink- _eI1-nbone Ml. ` ' ` x giving business I BTRANG . d S'l`KANU E. Agonu. W. J. FAX nrplnl Agent, King Street. Ontario n SMYTHE & LYON, RARRIBTERS, SOLIC- lmrs &c.. Oularlo Chambers. VMYTHE & LYON, HARRIET] E H. BMx'ml:.Q, C. 1 BBIGNEES IN TRUST. OP`FI(`E : 233 BA got. street. Assignment. aollolwd. :___-____:_j.T. A. GIVENS, Barrister, soilcum. over Mer- chants Bank. Money to loan 31.5 and 6 p.c. T. McMahon 6: Co. ~.,:..=..-*.;-+.,-;-,+.:.*'3_.'.'-s.;':.v:**w-* . .1. FA! ll $1 0Ioo--- llu-r.I:lI.oonI-~- `M05 BY AND BUSINESS. ..+~._..._ SMYTHE & LOSCOMBE. nun`.-..... . -_.\. .`_. --._..,_... _.. ,'mv:iilOR LIVBRY` m '5 uvmux 01 `alt-ubone ., VHMEDICAL CARDS. ARCHITECTURAL. INSURANCE. THK DENTAL. LEGAL. `4'HIh'.~ for .-c:|lI' wit`-`~'nln|nnl_ 113` ' H. I. Lvox. 'IIlll`|`1l III m mill.-_nr .\ Inhnum llltguluunniouunpswpl-onuuuno Innnctionhd boonoooehhtlhloubio huh. `liunauuuiudluoapuubq-. 1 krona. ml.-En. l -Q11] -1| Looking lwalnainuoturu.-ynn.Aln@I', ' olguvurmr Atkinson, chatted with . Inmuoa.-niuIjuapcan- piling 8l00,00o far 5` song [or him in WU thocnno. und bynuuu ol fllgdbtunionuonpt Iopnvolhusho Illljolixhml 1nQlnII&I&Innlin ' thin uppondIoIIuono5dlando' I vvuv W Ivan: Uttjuvy. CIl.\RLl~l'\b\. W. Vs, Juno l.--In tho circuit com: at Glouvilb yesterday hogan Ihoncondttidolll-I.lynh.AIkinnIv, rib nl you-nrnnr Alkinmn. chnnnd chi Gotcha ! Ilfo charged in: !htgny_ t`...-. _. _.. 1 I`- I-.. I I- `L- XIIUIIOWIIXIIKUXII T TV` Ilnlll D. uppanndun balcony vhmlo was not (only choomd. Ibo fnvoriw a-y being "Long live Ibonodctt ghoul." Bimihr onthninn vn Innihutod :0 every nu- Lian tn hh in:-Int I) Snmnndn. nsrm. box:-on. Juno 2.-A dolpuheh lo the Daily Tdlrlph from Hultid up genus! Woylor nrrivod nu Sunhndr on Tuoedny. Thounndaoflhonuidonln olthooitymu hinulthootnionnnd gave him an on~ lion. Later mthnoiutic croIdnInrronnd- odlliuhowil-diutuzd II hive until hi nnangnntltunnhnlavunu :|.uLA -.- _..z tiooonhinjauruoylosnmudor. [0l'?IIOI'y`\ WMIn`.\'<:1'0.\', Juan 2 ~-AdmArnY Dewey : eob nu Mnnilln is to be acrongclzonod by the addition of another monitor unless cir- cnmnhncos arise in the nub tan days no make is advisable to mcint. tin a stronger naval fotco in the Hawniian inlscds thnn is now represented by the little czunboata ` Bonnington And the Mohican. ` The Char- leston is glrosdyon her Iny to Manilln eomroying thnn transports with 2,500 moldion. and tha Ilonteroy in being pro~ At Sm Frnncioco to follow as won an hh EA `(ID j Thn "nnnnlnnnlv in WWI IC DI IYIDCIXO W) "Illa" she in fined for us. The Hundnock in now ctuiuing in Puget Squad zuuniing the [air now drv dank than npninn mhnihln IIOW UIIIIIIDK Ill FIFE "Ilng In big new dry dock than ngninat pouiblo harm- Ililo. WA.-mIx<:1'o.\', June 2 -Spein's an power in the Atlantic in to be deal: in crushing blow at: Santiago de Cuba, just to in was overwhelmed in the Pacific ocean at Mnnille. For the time being ell other projocte Against: Spuin on than aide of the globe are to be an-pended end thearmy and any are to unite in delivering a blow at Santiago which will render Spain power lose to undertake nnyoamive naval moves and which will an the some time give the United Smtoe I rm fcodiold on Cohen territory `l'Aa|lI`\'::-rn\* Jnnn 0 ._ Arhvnnnl Y1.-up . SL5!) nl horwlso. .-\tlm`hnI In the pnpvr in mm of tin In-st Jul Om:-on In Fnnmln; mpl-I. st_vlI.-Ix mul (`h\*a|p` wurk ; nlnu lxnpmwd lxrlntlnz pnwu~ea. IIW. J. [L l'l~I.\`.\'l-I, J0ll.\' 0|-`I-`HRH. Prnprlclur. Assistant Bnxslnous .\l:|n:\g.-r. Zunnlnnnn L14` _ , nnn .u.u, numlnu. Prior to the receipt; of tire ion-going de- agutch counu Gas.-4 \'.:|6ncia asked in the senate whether the news than Ind boon ro- csived of a Spanish victory wan otlicial Senor Aunon. minister 0! marine. answered affirmatively Ind added that the news was a good aurury of further vicfonoa that would be gainod by the cnurugu and merit ofSpomah nailorr. The Ienato unanimously ulopcod an expression of satisfaction at. the striking victory gained by the Spanish eet. \1V.........._.... 1..-- n a__:_I. -,_ I5 everywnere IIIIHIIOSCBH. Muuun, June `.2 -Tha following: is the text of an oiciul doe-pabch from Havana : The Amerioan squadron. commanded by colnmodom Schlay. composed of large iron- clnds and cruisers, uzcuckod t-be fortica- Lions at) tho entrance of Santiago. Our ironclad Cristobs! CJIOII, closing the mouth of the` port. and Bupported by the tire of the force, repulsed the attack. causing damage to the enemy. (Signed) hX.\xTr:n- .\I.o, admiral." D.-in- I1` aka nnnninb. .-J Ila `A|rluaI4\:l|ID A4. "BTU. u Ni-:\v Yoruc, June `2.-Tho Telegram publishes the following Havana deepstch "from A Spanish correepondent :" Gen. Blanca has received cables from (len. Lineres, an Santiago de Cuba, advising him of having repelled the United Sheree fleet. At the Albieu theatre the perfor- ance was suspended as soon as the news was known. ID was announced from the stage. bringing about an enthusiastic manifestation. The orchestra played "The March from Csdz, which evoked lcud cheers. To-day Hanna is very merry. The balconies of all houses are decoraoed with banners and unspeakable enthusiasm is everywhere manifested. MAIIIIIH Inna 0. ..1'hn fnllnwinn in lnlin UIIOCIIIVU TBHIFLUIICC WHEN (H8 llllll CIHFIJ comes. The bishops and priests are bold- ing lrtquonb religious {casts and procee- siona in favor of pouco. Churches are crowded, especially by women. Rot-idem foreigners are attending also in large num- hnrn. . UUU ll-IUII IJIIVU Bantu. HAVANA, June 2.-Among military men the opinion is hold that the American troops will be allowed to land in Cuba without much resistance. Orders have been communicated to some of the depart- ments that a little resistance may be made against the invading forces. but the instructions to other departments are that they shall be permitted to land free- ly and without opposition. Only a few departments have been ordered to make a decided Io~is- tmoo to the invaders. The opinion prevails among all military classes that It will be botwr for the Spanish interests to lacilibate the invasion. and permit the in- vading army to go to the interior of the island. It is believed that should the American government succeed in mobiliz- ing a great army in Cuba, it will arouse the army to the point of making a more elloctive resistance when the nal clash VI`)... |..`-|..-...... -...A ..-...e.. ...-n `Ir\`A_ .......-.. By 50 DOIIDIDIIO IUD WIF- WASIIINGTON, June `.4 --It is condrnt- ly expected that the first military expedi- tion into (.`uba,under Gen. Shatter, will in- vest Santiago do On be and attack admiral Cervereh flee!) from the land early next week. Rear admiral Sampson has concer - traced a formidable eet of armor-clad:-, protected cruisers and torpedo crafts off Santiago and has arranged for a strong convoy of lighter vessels to accompany the troops, to that there will be no escape for admiral Cervera by sea and operations can be commenced as soon as the military ex- pedition has been landed. There is a strong probability that the army has al- ready left American soil and is fairly on ite way to the paint of dobarlration. near Santiago de Cuba. Strict orders have begn iesuod by Gen. Greely. chiel signal officer, to the press censors at Tampa and other southern points not to allow any news relative to the embarkation of troops to be telegraphed until several days after the men have eai ed. D.`-.\~. l...... u A.......... .....:I:L.._.. -mun The conlonhlp Iuso Bu-lot that No Report Will Bo Allowed To (lb Uutll Days After Tho Ilooc shall Have nlled-lumpnpn Inoooodu Some: Baton rho um-bor- lny Land wnn Lltclo Boolunuco, Nnw Yomr, Juno 2.-A Washington deupatchbo the Herald Maya? Roar ad- miralsampoon has succeeded commodore Schloy In command cftho American mv I force in front of Santiago de Cuba and oh Spanish eet. As the ammo time the her of American men-of-war cruia` lg oil` that porlrhaa been increased to l eon, so bbab win new practically impos iblo for Camera : rquadron to escape dos rrucbion or ca taro. A -3.-Ll nnnnlnl noun. "Fl-an nnnrlilninn or Cl DI]l'Uo A adrirl special says: The condition of the hum of Spain `is considered more serious than any reverse of the war, inna- much as the impossibility of the bank to help him government means an impossibili- ty to continua the war. WA.-mmnww_ June `.5 --lh in nnndrnh. SUCH I8 THE BELIEF-'-TO LAND ATSANTTAGO. 4y; Perccntand upwards. [ARMY 0N ITS WAY TO CUBA. I F vBcstqodity. Lowescpdea cmwooomocoumtn. 1. ;_`L.___.._ _ con AND wooo, \.AusuIu' -uu or.-urn` 1- unuuunyl, 2.71`. L. ABRAMSON: 3 Hindu Dunk next (.\rInn'n Whohnh ,__ can u-`won I-I `sac Hnvlngn-cent! nl'l`htUi!\I the grvattr por- tion orthe suck 3; nmuty Bun, 0f.\I0n!lIl one onho Inrgrstnmnnucturoru 0! noon 3 shooulnt`nn:uia,nt a very low gure. I tun now In a position In on -`r to the public the realm: bu nlns ln thew Hnm ewr odbrnd In lnsmn. . aw lsyourttmv. lonueadvuntngr. I hurt nlno nu: bargain: In Rudy-Nude Clothlng and deal`: Fumluhlnpu. Etc. , I Al-5!-\ALAr-so-xx: MORE BARGAINS. mvlnn nu.-nuv- ......_I....-..n nu... ___. Um! In-1:170! I 3 humus: " Ali _v.'o nan In-h THE 'FIEl\'L\' IIRITIHII \\'lllH l`.`pnm\~, RI c-0lnmmt.|u puhllshetl n~n`r\' 'l'Imn~4iu\ morn- mg m 5| n _\'l`l\l`, if paid In I|\l\'lIl|1`\` ; uurru [xv $1.51! |n`r your. AIIIIHIR |'()ll.\(`Hl1lH)ll. ' A somewhat reckless youth who had an- listed for one your and had spent. his time in camp in writing home for money, nally sans utm telegram mm "olincher: li`ar.hnr: Ina nhnn MT in nhnrn lnnln HUIIU Dull LUICKTIIILI HHII "('IIlIcIlBI' 1 Father: Leg ahob off in sham blttlo. Send all funds you can. To this the old man replied: "Son: Don t: know your number, but wooden leg gems to you by express. If it, doesn h t, get camp carpenter bo plane it. Best love. All well here. lihc Leg Went Hy Express. Athmla (`m1.~mul|0n. ` A anmnmhan nnnbln-n emnol. ...|.p. I UI IVIIT`. [l\U\'.} IXUIII rucullbly. John Gallagher has a new wheel. Mien Croegaan. Kingston. and Mr. Sheffield. Lyndhurels, are the guests of Rev. A. and Mrs. Creoggan. Misses Sullivan and Rattan, Picoon. visited Miss Alma Clark on Sunday. Kenneth \\"elbank-I has re- burned from Kingstmn. Messrs Mus-grove, Kelly. Sullivan, Alcorn, Wright; and O4- frander. Plcton. were how on Sunday. Several from Cherry Valley visited the Epworbh loagzue on Monday evening. I). M. Breclin. Picton, was the guest: of his paronna. Dr. and )1 rs. Bredin, recently. The Many vimou Arefbll Not|oed--lrn- proving In Health. MIL!-`0l\D, June l.-Several young peo- ple spenulasb Friday evening at Wau- poouo. Mesurs. Byington and Strong. Balloville, were in the village last) week. WaLsonI)ulrnnge. Rochester, is visiting at his home on Royal street). Miss Sadie Handlefb for Syrscus recently. C. I). Allin returned from Toronto on Friday. Miss Maud Ulnrk visited friends ab Carson nbrcoh luau wook. Mien Libbie Bredin, very ill for the lamb month, is recovering. Rev. R. Allinis attending conference in Cobourg. Mrs. Sutherland, Kingston, and Mrs. Tree are the guests of Mrs. Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Hudgin, False Ducks, have been visiting friends in the village. Mr. and` Mrs. C. Miller visited friends in Bellevilie recently. Mr. Williams, Cobourg. and Mr. Williams, St.` Paul. were bhe guests of Mrn. (Hex-.) Allin recently. Jnhn Gnllmrhnr has n nnw whnnl Rlinn KCIHOVQ UID lllllly IILIUTU II) IAHU lull. J. W. Andereon s horse ran away on Tuesday morning. but wuss captured oppo- site Madden Bros grocery. No damage of any consequence was done. Word reached hero yesterday of a serious, it not: fatal, runaway accident: eh Colebrook, near Yurker. Capt. Corneil was jusla return- ing from his dsy s work when some boys tired offs gun in close proximity. The horses sbnrbed to run away and became un- manageable, throwing Mr. Corneil we on a heap of stones. He is very severely in- jured. The doctors could nob say, ehorbly after the uccidenb. whether any internal injuries had been sustained. He is very severely cub ubouh the face and head and complaineu of `an acute pain in his side. one lley Reenlt lem||y--W|lIInm Ienwlck Lohvol Bar The onset. . NAl`ANEE, June `..-Ab the cheese board yesterday afternoon 1.315 boxes of cheese were hnnrded. 5!? uolored and 800 white ; 426 white nnd 1:15 colored cold no 7150. Th'dfh'r'\n Symiugmon in in Oouewe this week. Wesley H. Collier is visiting friends in Peoerboro. Beanie Mooeeie arrived home from Hamilton yeebordny. Rev. R. Young, Beth. was the guest. of "Rev. W. W. Peck no the mango one dey this week. A daugh- bor arrived rm brighten the homeofMr. and Mrs. Dennis Duly. Piuty Hill, on Saturday. William Fenwick left`. yesterday tor tue case , where he intende spending the sum- mer, And if he likes that counury he will remove his family there in tho fall. I 7 AnInrlnn n hnrnn run nmnu nn .,.,lY Sc kl Ll. . MILFORD MOVEMENTS. TWO MORE RU NAWAY3. mg nl 5| 1! polu In I|\|\'lIl|1`\` ulhur\\ ls. $l..`II wr \'I`l|l'. Tll I SI.\ll-\\'FFZKl.\' In plllrlidltxlhll .\Inn- duyu nml Tlumulnys at $1 In yrur In mlvunu`; SIJI) In-rwlso. the nnnor ls or Hm Inn Jun.