windowua nmsu-anal ELLIOTT BROS,` -- 17 PPIIIGOID It:-op}. ` . \ - n P-- GRACE irami ` hi orEx_1vsnEa. IIAINII O LOCKIIT. . - - SOLE LOCAL AGENTS. -j CLEVELAND ! THB V and NO APPROBATION DURING SAIJS Thowhito [mail in (ion ucc-emu FREEZERS. `humane mun quart: WORK OI` PARLIAMENT. Complaints: undo. nndin a mo div- as! my. zhtthoworldpsrlsammi hn mimouuhdvo much. only hm hm- nnnolmuelhnporunco vunpmod at I.hInHuIion,IHnmnoIImod,\ho Inn- ehiunounduhoplounilo net. sad we olhlnnwoulduoohnnnmounhutouuch Mlfonh opposition. `hm nplm` was willing Mululoohwu val. Iunm Ihlulnllhpnmuul the gun ml muavoupl frhouuhvcduld not Inlmmml. ' Gnnbdthuthoppouuoudid hip iupeowllnmneliulilt. II as out to njunhuouumhdauwitnndml 0!. Dan; mu uh govunuul mu Iumlbuny it unt. man man uutlumu-ohnuouplvqqthy mus- uxdlhuumuh blocked iuthnm, as Iuuonnlmuduouh vnnpw pad. hnmultlumdnulngnl miupuunumlunusvugnmhslvo huuulpunmuiopnouqsh mu Iilvuuuujahllyllulumshtllo mnuIh|ouhuuuuuluIvulhnc- npu|nIdib'uuItuIInI|uliIvc- was hnuppuwomtlululaqh ngul prawn lminadn hr lb suunnhuuunnmcm In uuluppuuun an amino. u pm uulnumhphnpnpanlhhluuu. nulbuuuIulunIc~.h\hInhIu\,cl tlopclphllsvqshuofllmnui-has V lhlnunuauuyuuuhn It in `I ~ punlblmuvln Indus but in ` vnlnpuaguhluuuhlunspw nnnnnlmnudllnnghngn nus 1'3 Y0U"()Wl;l;(-)l:Q"l`vl-J'K`;I- I:;.` ll.-IAI.n$ FOR CABHONLY. ..,.......... Such experiment oi the kind. imvmnr. would coat a quatm of is million. or more. and than in no ovidoneo tlm Mao adverse eriucinmo and direct music of Mao uhceon would have in nfonmbory uifoct upon tho vouonbln. Tiny no not nbjoeh to pinb- iio opinion. Tiny do not can about is. Thooounutulioml right oi the autumn. of whieh Bun Bowl! in the fonmooI{ upra- nnhtin, in to link. to olijncl. to In may nudyaiy and pimp out oi norm. The victim of a wicked conopinuy within ii: on party is in hit to In tour with nary- Ihing mil cmyhdy. I I: use The inmate blocked the hill, etopped all meme of ingreee end egi-eee into em! out of the Yukon, and threw the trade and commerce into the hmde oi the American compeniee hevigetimz hy my oi Alulm. The Bter vnmld like the people to pm- nounce hpon this matter. Bo would some other Belle. and the people might eer- priee the eeneton hy their expneeieh of opinion. I\....I. ..-......l.......A `I ml... Lt...) I...._...._.. er-u vueu! eve uuw uveeuve. vnuvw planer enmv. The Btar e idea. however. in unique. It euggeete that when the eenate eaye "ney to the propoeitione of the liberal govern mentit ehould immediately Jieeolve par- liament and appeal to the people. That would he one way of dealing with puhlir iernee. A government ie formed from a houee comparatively ireeh from the peo- ple. and backed hy the largeet majority any government has ever had in thin do- minion; hut heoeuee it is not politically in accord with the majority in the eenate it must he emharraeeod. and he told that ii it doee not like Bowell e hoeeiem it oen go to the people I The star would ha\1 liked thie proceeding in connection with the Yukon railway. Here was an enter- priee ooeaeioned by special emergen- oiee. The gold fever had poereeeed the people. and they were going into the iar north in thoueende. Cornmunioation nae wented. and rapid treneit. There wae not the time tor a eurvey euoh ae nenally pre- reeda the hnilding of a railway. But an emort wee made to get all the reliable data poeeihle. and on thin the contract wee euggeeted. It called lor n land enheidy ol ooneiderehle dimeneione. but there wee no guarantee that it would be a proiltehle bargain. en Riohard Gert- wright deeorihed the Yukon hueineee ae a huge gamhle out of which the government wee juetiilevd in keeping. in railway build ing. end in regard to which it took no rieke. ea A a.n ..u Tho prohihitlon oi tho liquor tromo in- volvoo o loo: oi puhlio revenue. to tho ox- tont oi milliono. ond o dloturhonoo oi ttodo which oonnot ho ootimotod or volu- od. ond no govormnout would he womnt- odln ruohiog into thot which nloy not ho oupportod hy puhllo opinion. The tomporonoo mon hovo hoon under tho oonviotionthot prohibition hoe the en- dotooment oi the mnjority. Tho rooult ci Onterio o vote. token oxprotoly ior iho put-pooo oi determining Ito pooition on tho quootion. govo them ground ior doeiring o dominion mooouro. How would that mooauro ioro ii pneeod by pdrlinmonti Thotio the problem tho plehleolto in do- nignod to oolvo. end it oonnot ho eolvod in any other woy. Outoldo oi o vote upon as ploln question the government hoe no moono oi knowing tho mind of tho pooplo.ondto whot extent tho liherole no in iovour oi the roierondum. Be- yond thot thoy hove not gone. though they oon do worse than odvoooto the ini. T iiotivo ond reiorendum. ond eooing thoy ore oo oeriouoly mieiod, it would not he is bod thing for the oonoorvotivo potty olao. mu... n;-..)- (.1..- |.._.._.._.. 1.. ....1...... 1.. IIVUI Tho only dmlootlon batman tho puma; In thin rupoot more out o! tho wnllngnoso on tho pm oi one so oonwlo tho pooplo upon a grab moo. prohibition. ond of tho other to wold thln consultation And at my- Ihlog which mum I pruotlool dullng with it. nu A.A..; `.3 A. . ... . IINLTI `K0 Til RIVIRINDUN. `rho Ilohtnul um dun talk nonunu Iolulmu. Ind grub honumo. Iuuh In the only mm on an npply to In mm: on the rmnndum. It won: at him u u mum munm. though (I In not on men! that It In my mom llhoml shun consona- him I .A., an H. .. A . .1 'rH1__c_ pA1r_._v _wmc;. 7o..7.`.:.';..:. ...'.;..`-` nu ma; wii3i'n s`i3!ir. 323?: 33 1:93} %J(.)_i:-I_AI_~`__-.[_.__&$ML_JTHERLAND. A critic of the Americas M-my at Tsmpu. nndammpohntmuilnppumhn boon matting Hui! Oolumbiu. no Inn has do- ing his wintry a nrviu all an an. The army in not moved. Ami no not above a touching I . llotvovu` the mail and rylovrill M1! mm wlmi monum- mom And the contmzizon dimm It may no hing wmtmi. Bumoi Boulmi Mn now dieeovoml shunt. Winnipeg ml Gnu Northern nilmy ncoiwd mo much mm imn the coimtvsiivo vonmmi at the dominion mil IN Iihon gunman! at hluiiinh. Im tho nine in cl India; on mun too Ms. and in my cumin uhiibmything vlionloluonoimdih The Amu-Mn a:a;c_i;uon oi mmerymm clnimd tlmh they have lo a trends of $600,000 by the onnmmm ibitoryl in hum. `Mo Sun Jun an in u t m can mm won! II it loose um muimn Ind. for nll mm. The salt in in Maori- om Institution to which an nummnm some the way an vntmmo. Why should the Nligioun. or the church pupa-9. a fully aulfor by newspaper postage? on journal: all a special plum, have special constituency, Md conmn rpocinl news. Tiny an supported by a npeciul clue. [I they any who they an cracked map to In the poatugo will not alive! them. EIIITORIAL COMMENTS. Boon Bowel! got even with blue Mnnilsoln govommnl by mining in who gram from the aclmol fund for which it asked. Any- hhin to amhrmn Mr. Gmonvmy. Bonn- tor well has no use for him or his nation. cl nehoolp. UBCGIVO [DB UIEMOTI. The one thing ehoub the liberal edminie- isrehion. in doing it innlbeeredlb. he: been its desire to promote commerce. Ire re- ierentiel teriil hee been well inengnre ed. end in is declared to be working rei.ieleo- torlly. Trade in expending between Gen ode end the mother country. l`hie ie evi. danced by iahe exceee in importetlonr. emonnhing to over Bil: millione, end by the increere in impor etione. giving it lerger increeee from o emeller ieriil` e. Oh. . the government in doin it (Pond deel or the conntry. It may no he oing ell theli ire iriende looked lor-ibe edmin- letretlnn mey be ienlty in come respecte- hnb it hee done better then could poeeibly he expected irom the dirgrnntled combine- tion new celled the op ooibion. A rty which bee been at ver ence emonn I em- eelvee. vrhoee conrpireciee here become e common ecendel. whoee repudiation oi the leeder clorln the leet eeeeion. hee been re- peered. ie oomed to is long cooling in the ehedee Ir occn iee. in ie notin e condi- tion to rnle.end e owe no rigo oi regenei-e~ tion. tinoo. lnthoim gm: it to: noon in oiiieo it hot moo nuonokio promo. dio- pooing oi. MIMI] othor thingi. tho mill`. tho knnitoko qoootion.tho crow`: Nut Pm ullwoy. tko loot Atlnniio oioomonip nor- vioo. tko Yukon odminiotootion. oio. Om IOIO oi tho ookonioo projooiod by the gov- onnoont tom tom pound by tho nonoio. ` one ii tho country lo ouiftrinu tho roopon- oitllity ohonlci ho plnood oooonllngly. . Mr. Footoro ploint. in koholl oi hio por. ty. ll thot tho oonunl oxpondiinrohoo hoon ` inoiooood. It lino. ond nnovoldnhly oo. 1 kn. Fioldiug hoo iound moooo loo thin. ` `rho Druomono oounty oootroot ondlor- ' rongomont with tho (ll-and Trunk invoiw I od on ontloy for. 1301-00. oi 0160.000 1 tho oonding oi o ioioo to tho Yukon ond ootoh liohmont of o [om-nmont tholo. 0500.000; ond o opoolol onplorution. 06.000. 0i"I Iotoi. not in my proviono ootlmoloo. oi 0314.000. Oi tho ootimotoo for ions 00 tho iollowlng inoumd oxtioordlnory doa mondox Exploration of tho roilwny routo botwoon tho Itlokino ilvor nail on oooon port in British Oulumhlo. 036.000 t uploh otion of tho moot pi-notlooi routo into iho Klondyko. oll Oonodion. 000.000 3 nomin- iotrotion oi tho Yukon. and mountoxi po~ lioo ooivioo. 0390.400; ouotomo` mongo- monlo. tronoport. oquipinont. otn.. British Oolumhlo to tho Yukon. 0il02.l20. moking o totol ior tho Yukon of $085,070 In no- dition iho following land to ho providorl ion Inning of tho Drummond county road ond oporotlng oiponooo. 0700000: plohioito. 0200.000 3 now otoomor. IKE I. oorvioo. 0l80.000. Monitoho orrooro. 0230.570. All those nnu-uni itomo--|oot yoor`o ond this yoor o-moko o totol of 02.1 I9. I07. A.._lnt.o___...,,.n .o.| Akl `;au.|II.lII|| And thle must be I.-eid.thet the eetirnelee -nnderliberei government have not been exceeded. Btiil more. excluding the 3814.600 tor the Yniron.irom.the eetimetee. end they etnod e meet favorable compari- eon with the int eetimetee this were pre- pared by Mr. Foster. the beienee. indeed. being in lever oi hhe liberal rule by over $2.000,000. A pretty figure Mr. Footer cut when he pretended that hie eebimetee were not tlnel. but they were ehown by Mr. Foeter to heve been printed end nir- enleted among the conetituenuiee. that they covered verioue public works re- mieed ee election hrihee. end that It ey bed to be considered either ee genuine or en eomething that use meant to greatly deceive the eleetore. mt. A..- nu..- ..t.....n. at... m.___r .._t...r..r_ 'o'I`. ?`..`13`7.:`;.`m.......y.u.&...a NhN|II\D.IIII.MM|I\ Ianinmuu We are decidedly in earneat about reducing our big atock before the change in buaineaa (July lat) and we have marked all gooda away down to clearing pricea. MIIIQ I1! )p\b9I-\ nsu-nbggqncung s g A . -n.g-_ shun} par not want A nouns in Dunn, nlunnn nun... mm! m m-rnmny mm m muny 1-um: nl` Hm Fnitm! Mules fur wsn-n, unul whim-h, us in shown. in Man Iwvunnimx mwwrrul in Hue mnrv prngrmnix-9 viii: pf (`nmuIn. In tl.u..tlI.m 1'n:| ll bun Inn n.I.h\.I DI I llllllll. In Hnmillnn also, I! mny Um muin Pa lnugh! In Hm primary ha in! 1 lmyn nml girls. marl Hwy Ihnf Hm Imrn nmv `hnlhur Hm II cl HI! IIIIIIII I. Tuesday : Limlmy. 2.000 hon: bonded; 69`) home sold at 7 I-I80. t lummll. um boxes offered um. bid gnu loo. Maxine. 965 lmxo\ boarded t 725 sold H 7gu.. and 25 at 71-mo. Onmpbollford. 99 vohm chemo bonrdod 3655 sold an `ms. nu! Inn us? H0 Bolluvmo. 1.1256 white And 1:13 hnhslid Ilnhlmr. LI IDI1 nnl Ah `fin Ivy, lVll'. hogan mm min. Hummer. 'I`lm nuawsn of tho mwhlng of mu aulnjnvt In Mtmlrml [ma Inn-n trlexl in urn nl` llmpuhliv nvhnuln nnly at firs`. (`ma nlng from (ho nllwr m`||nu|H n vy nr Inmtruvtiun; lust ys-cw It wan axis-ncloxl tn lhnm m more avlmula, Hu- urns, Hm lenehmn and mm M nmln M! In I an nan.-In nlnn-n.| mu). Icn MA|nI|'Iu `Ml IHB, mu wng min-ii pimaml wiiii iw maiiiin. In lmmainn, sowing in nnw iniighi, In ilw svlmnia on ii scientific imnin,nn-I ii is hoped Hint in linm iiiu vlimiiiairy uf fumi mid prmiilmil i`\iiik(?I'_)' will uisn iw ruitlvll. in Iinmilinn fur Hm Insi Hm ymi-1 npvvinl nmimtvnmiln IIMVF lwmi niruiu vi linmiif nvniur vinsai-a imw iliu imtiufii` of Him li!iii'\li`Hi1n. in Halifax aim the girls ul` iiw piiiiiiu avimnls nm iiiimlii ilunwsiiv nvimm`. Ii wmilxl np Mr iimi 'l`nm|iiu in liiw- |\' in his `Mi mliimi Hie UHIN` viiinn -if I In .i..mi'..:.m in. ...i....|i..... .. ...i.L...4;.. ExlPn(l9(I I0 lnN`l` Bvlllillll, ill!` I i mnr HI!` girls, inn. Ill I I-ll) DO|IUVIIII| MVGO VIII I onlorod bonded 1 M90 mold lb He. `V H` U!` `PH Ll`Il|lHl IMF . KHIIPI` l`ll|PH Ill Hm lumfni-m in mlnpllmt n nuh_w~t in- Iu Hm mrrh-ulum llml lma hcsvn In l~2nu- 1 lnml in (cm-mnny mm In many Mlhm nl` Hm I"nHm! Mlnlun fur mam-n uml . suTHERE? -EESHOE SALES- III HUI H l)l\_` that the up! ml. I nn Donna (M Dumomo lmummr. l`m-vnlo (Hube. The hum-d nt eclumliun In lmmlun hum nppumletl n apwinl uummlume ut tlwtr number to vunaldm` lhu quenuun M the lnluptlnn uf the nuh_|m*t ul` du- tmstlc avlonm mm the svhunl currh u- lum. Thu nmnnlmn ur Hm mnnlnmw-l um hr. l`eamlnls.. Ur. |~.`ng|Ish. Mr.I3uy- Ivy, Mr. Lugzm and Mrs. Hummer. '|`lm lIN`(`t\II hf Hm Immhlmt nf Hula , uaulu pmrvuy or down cargoes. replied: " l`n tell the tfuth the mmulhm Ms- ' clfh haa been A mwrful [urmr in lean- ; suing the Burma u-mha. Just at Hm are-sent. time an important point us , nnfluenclng the ahlppvrn of upnrt grain. (mrrlml by {he (`hnmllnn I`nu|fh\ H all new Into hjmgllsln Imtlums. 0 marge he hi? lhwrs am driving out Hm small hm .3; hut the (`hmullzms urn guhhlmg up an _nnrmuu.-1 nmnunl, ur huahmaa which previous tn this man- mm. came dawn lake Erie. "l`hm`n what. has knocked the hulhmm nut of (rat M mtqs. and whom We going to en In cm unaulmhle problem.` lupus Ill Ill? present. oust IIUW LmVl`l`.l! n urt. in up-the-lnke traffic muaml by 9 canal accumulation of pm-In u frvllynt, but this mm`t Inst lung. .9 fur own cargoes. there Is nhnn utmly nuth page at resent. and nothing In` eight fore he new urn begins tu mum, which won't. In untl Au net." Another vcfnnulnnan In many In nn unuvu, wnwp \\'m|'l. In umu Au net." Another vdaavlman In repy to nn Inquiry as tn u-hut muss-.d auvh xm un- uaunl sonruny nf down replied: ";Ip gel! _the t|.m_ mmullnnb[ n- ` nu nun]. I Buffalo, N.Y. Courier. " I`hma hawk been an Mme before In twenty years." said n Inks lme ufcl-ml pemsrday. "w on hummus mm been no dul . There 5. of mum an mmuul em nlmue of freight; during June mul `July but seldom suvh u vmmpletu nul- Inpae an M present. Just now Lhnrul-J mum. In |m.Hm-.In|m H-nffm mmnml louluullald to Q0 mu-sun OIIMIIII Am hholr. Nuffuln N V nuulnu TIADI on THI mu. illun mlulml, lnught (`Inn-wn ya In my hnys mw Mlwllur than the CLEVELAND BlC`I}C:L-l;`.;$m.00; '5.m. MODEL 44 mo, .30 INCH WHEELS. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. AGENTS BVERYWHBRQ. H. A. LOZIBR &C0., Toronto Junction. pom nnrnmmmxrxx-s- .l."I"l. SUTHERLAND, Kingston, Ont. (met no Iluhu. t n. l_.... rl Ann L... T HAT S ALL. ...,...... _,_,.. ...,- ., ...., ,...-- _._ -- 75C $lv $I`25 $50v $"7S $2 to $1` ** Drawers start at 25c. Umbrel :1 Drawers atsoc up to $2, all prettily trimmed. l Corset Covers starts at 1:: 54c and climb up byte:- cellence and goodness to $2 including all wasted between lines. Wgamerfs Crash Dress Skirts M50, $1.75. Prmt Wrappers 75, $1, $t.25. THE BLAGKSTUNF C|C2IF\R. A A Flower Drive. ` 0 Three lots at too, 25, soc each. ' ` h Women's White Cotton Underwear at` ial Frices, American made in rural sanitary work 1 ` s, ree from any su estion of sltimping in sizes or`;_yn- worthy workmans ip, a combination of excellence `nd quality combined at prices usually paid i`or"" infttior armlents. The lines are special but too many to `five etai s. v;` so 9-o\\ I . . .,,, J` \ . UCKHIIB; \ (}owns, Iimbroidery Trimmed, start at 50c andgo mom that to 60, 69:. 75c,9oc, $1, $I.a5 and up to $4- 7 L.3..A ,. .I.- I at --L- L. .g:..;A `-.; .4a.4;; ngngnan ngu Km Two Special Drives $ D93 YK\\`v I I I N9 need to say a word of the values. We w(iuld nt advertise them if they were not extra good Va ue. ` ' ~ Oil 0-` I Starr &Sutc|%ie, `J. R. C. 00335 & co.. Columbia Dealers. KINGSTON. ONT. We cannot all be beautiful. but we can at least be graceful, and graccmlneu in wheeling ls an accomplishment all can acquire by riding a CLEVELAN , the World's Greatest Bicycle. The hnndaomeat in design and nish. The best in workmanship and material. The moat perfect in its line: and bearings. IVI lllril A AID` -gnaslppsn .4.` .4.` .._ 4_.. -_ ____ ..._ to-day (in Women's Trimmed Straw Sailors, 25`-and soc each. . % KT.` n.n.A..n.j `AA alum: an |nnA|AA AC `kn ||o|'||Qn Olon-vlwlvu. IAN. Illa Illll Climbing luv. : Hnrllordo. I00. The Cdlmnbiu New Depnxture Brake given added pleasure and nafety to cyclists. EHWHEEL T0 B5.PES1!EU3VFA0TBR5 r~.-r ` - ------7- - ronmmnr moauonn A on % na and I20 Prlncoou _ Bu-cot. Skirts startat 35c and rise by easy price step; to at. 8* ._n-fth. -ya u cunt wan .L\ w- A mum on | Pom! cud: am you | catalogue rm Noam: Agoncieo--D. w. nownY. Brockvillc, THE xnnmsnv co.. Limited,Montrenl. ms for so suFp'rTse"7aap wrappers: A man 00 4 mm on Jul mum Iucmlul uni lulu at tau- 4 mm It lcluou-lull Mu-1|! an outhllm d |IId--mud point-anlurp pom an that` Hm!--loud ' Imu Hula lumen. I A . 1 A DOPE MANUFACTURING CO.. Hartford. Conn. 7 ,,_,'__ _,.T:..__ -- vv --"wuwv- Ihulu-lulu Machines?-::=. IIOOII ...-.-.. -.._l|..-.-|M--a .. 1.._g_` -_--~ -A -- IfI' UWIll| -II'| climbing . Inc oumulmlunm, 3: You cut the bmm of mry ounce of applied mm. ._ ....v -u For amliii-(er number'5Wrappen:% nhn_lnmln- ll-`LI-...__n..|. A.-- nu.u----.. n____4 -_ owe cm IN WHEELS. colummchann Wlmlo su. E Po; 25 Sllfl .50 * no [two Fl n`4..'..`.n ..n n.`..m Bevel-On; Chainlesa % Bicycles $l40,_ unntlnn hnllnhlfll, 3 1` BEAUTY Velma. IIO and 818. FOR BARGAINS IIMI ARE GENUINE.