0: Sale Januar (JREN WEM;' 1oUP as .;_ .`_F-ll` Mr Mod Hut when blnmul uh H10 lmml nut Hun slightest 0l`l 0RTY`NlT and give him yuur nrnlor. ) 71 BHUCK STREET. KINGSTON PROF. DORENWEND will be at the British Americ_an)Ho`tel. With uamplou of \`\'i;z~, Bang.-A, 6:0 Evnry New and Hm FRIDAY`, JAN; mm. IR dis- B's?Ai)En%w1Tn snolmsl I llllll _V0. lL`l'l of Bl3|.lhrll'l .1 1 E3101. lwlu y. In the wit! people rnka umm ll_8KO(l mm Q0 IIIGKO. _, At'|.he premier : earnest request. the matter was allowed to rest, but. the `events of the past. few days have brought niattere to is head. and Sir Adolphe Caron decided to-dny to makea straight, charge against his colleague of seeking to ruin him politically by anonymous letters to the governor eneral, and insisting on his ex- oellency ing informed of the serious charge he made against. I colloaue.' The Accused minister in )r Mon- cnnrge I The taga BARGAINS m Dry Goods was pouea. All this time Sir Adolphe Caron was more than incensed at what, he considered treach- eryoofn kind hitherto unknown to Unnn~ dinn politics. He went. to the premier, showed him the two reporca of (hp cxpm. la, and npked him to iudge. Ao'u|m nrnrninn any-nan}. rcu.n-at IL- they mid tlieinseives. OT'l`AW.\. Jun. -l.-The Mull and Empire correspondent nireu:-It is believed" that within the next few days important events will happen. though they may not partake of tho clferacter that has been antici- pated. There was 8. meeting of the cabinet esterday. after which Sir Muc~ kenzie dtovelmmediately to Ridenu hall, where he had u long interview with the governor-general. \Vhat the busi-- nese of that conference was has not transpired. It ialsuggested tliwt it had; to do with matters that luul occupied the attention of the. "government, and which necessitated the prompt: cun- eideration of him excellcncy. At all events the circumatuiices added to the mtlier nicky feeling!` that had got u.bro:ul, and ed many to give credence to the ying rumors. The situation, it must be admitted, is surrounded with diffi- culties, but they nre not greater dif- ficulties than conservative stu.tesmen have already faced and overcome. The nmninnl muioritv of the udministnr . 7` ~ unllohn Quioutlon Cronin; Dlvla|on-Cnn A Bemedlnl hleuun Garry `P TOR,n:4'l`(). Jan. .'l.-The World a Ottawa correspondent says : It is now almost. cen- bain Llmt the govermnent. can only carry :1 remedial bill by the aid of the liberal votes from Quebec. The government ): highest possible majority izg at the must. forlyrfour, nnd there lire nrobublv L\vcnt,y or more possible majority is an we H1086 wrnyuuur, prdbubly twenty conservatives in the huua'e,mont.ly from On- t..-`nrio, who will vote ugailmt it, if they ex- pecL,t.n return from the next election. The situation, tJnerel'ore, in une chub has given corinervimves, especinlly from On t,4u'io, occasion to pause, mu! they ure lnok- . ino for. u wnv out of the Inazc in whichl mg tor. u wny ouu ux they nd tlneuneelves. O !"I`AW.\. -|.-T :_g.%..___.T.._._ nzslbmmons RUMORED. Entque so far Mon~ _ smml Ur. .1 nmenon now in ooa swaa. Speaking of the possibility of the char- ter of the British South Africa company being revoked. calls to mind A fact thbb may not be`generally'known, that the com- pany controls a vast. ex nee of territory. The charter was gran in 1889. It. con- ferred upon the company large administra- tive powers in the region north of Cape` Colony. und,nuthorized'it. to promote trade and commerce and to workgmifierul and, other tanboesions in those regions. `The boundaries of the temjtoriee. are `rough- ly as king. Cape Coiony and the Trans- vna on the south side, Portuguese East. Am... ....,i ah. nm.:.1. ru...o..-.1 A:..'... ~...-... l(,`|I(l preslglenl. l\Tllb Cl' In `I (mngeroua HI` nena. Under the doctor`: ministrntions preuiulont Kruger was cured. and they bo~ cnmo strong friends. This friendship may ntnml Dr. Jumeon in ood stead. Speaking possibility ..TAYLH 3.. Iy n Iung.u1pe Lolony nnu one u-ans. south:-ide, East, Africa and the British Central Africa ` pm- tectorlbe on the east, the Congo free amp the north,i1nLl Harman South-west AT- u the west. Thus British Central lnshonnhmd and Mnmbeleland all 1 the shere of bhq company ; whic cover I totdl area of )OO aqunro miles. Mr. Rhodes thq cqmpony in Africa. .. . SAY HIS PLANS WERE KNOWN TO BRITISHERS. new as Lnougnne mm been when by anr- prise by the audacious not of Dr. Jameson. But whatever data can be obcuinod an ox- i plnining Dr. Jumeson a conduct nuggeltu that Mr. Uliaiiibghrlxiin has been eitherculp- l nblv igimrunt, of impending developments in the [`rzmsivmil, or has purposely per- mitted liiini-ielfto be duped by the r\asur- V unce.-I of` prime rninisker Rhodes and gov` ernor Robinson who must. have known all the rm,-nu. Mr. (}lmmberlnin s official (le- nouncementa of Dr. Jameson will not even- Luully exunernte him from bliune, while Mr. Rhodes nml governor` Robinson will lliH('.6*,lhH(`(l`l.lI.llI. ha nrnvan Ln have been A |JAMEsoN's AUDACIOUS AcI.| Preplrntlom; llnve Bean Going on For Bl: lWnnt.hn_.'l`hn I':u-tfnl llh-at Wan Not uu-1 \,nnuunuIu ul 1- K`u|I.I:--LII. u-unouqu Shall Not Be Made a Suupegont. lthe administrator of the Bgitish South Afrinmicompnny, vindicntes his conduct in lending nksrmed force into the Trans- vnul, the key to the mid must be sought by collating nnd comparing information tlmtmay be hud outaide of the colonial ullice cuznlnunieatiom-. The government has closed all the pmceaggs pf independent inquiry. It holds the telegrnphmlree from the Transvaal, which are occupied with its own messages. `and tells the press that no- thing beyond what it has already made public. In the meantime the Right Hon. Jose h Chamberlain, secretary of ~ state for L e colonies,` has the advantage of nppenring to be in nowiae respon- H. Robinson, the rovernorof Cape Colony. mine bv l.nNlmN, Jan, 4.*Until Dr.` Jameeon,, ; nible for or privy to l)r.Jnmonon e venture. l The Hon. Cecil Rhodes, the rime minister f of Cape Coltmy, repudiutes iim, and Sir . nets though`he ind been taken by enr- ` zuuuuIn~ I III! I-cuun Changed Into a Flllhu Him I unnnal 1:! II For: THE DAILY" BRITISH WHIG, SA';I`URDAY,~ JANUARY 4, 1896 I 1 Bl; l..ou., f the British So bl: Afrion Town (clog phi to the Mn oompuy lollovn: _ lot A: ,_Wuhlu[ton: Wnsmxu-rox, Jan. 4.-Tho Venezuelan commission met this morning in the diplo- rnntic room. department. of auto. Maura. Condreb, Brewer. Alvoy and Gilnpn are in uttonduuoo. Mr. White is absent and in not expocwd to joip1.he oomlnfaaion until next. week. ` - L00! Evan Md. ELLIO'I`T 8 opponent; `mimic ' that he hu 3 noundlolnim to the mnyofnt nnlr. Give him NI HKIMW ' I A righivwltiloie-h|ncu.r Knoxvrum, 'l`enn.. Jan. 4.-R.epogbe , hnve reached the United States revenue collector e office, which say that in a bettl yemrdny, between I posse of officers an rnoonehinerepin North Carolina. near the Tennessee line. Ieren men were killed and seven! hurt. The scene of the reported battle is seven] miles from A railroed. ,,,r MB. A Terrlc Bllunrd. MlL\\ AlTKEE, Wis., Jan. 3.--Reporta re- ceived last. night. from Marquette, Onton- agon and other northern peninsula points any the most. severe blizzard of the season in m in: throughout. that section. The snow as alroadyinberferod somevyhut. with railrnnd travel in that naatinn. Thn ra- enow nan airoaayinnenerea sornevynun with railroad travel in that section. The re- ports say the unusual and intense cold which accompanies the storm has caused much auering, and it is feared some live: inay have been lost in the woods. ,9 ____ _, III; II6 IIII UlIl'|(l'0|IlIu I0 Tr. am rignn A bnttsle has ben ught. The ghting was severe and be casualties on both sides were heavy. Dr.` Jameson has been arrested. Immnh (`hnmlrmrlnin am-rntnrv nf ntnta arrested." Joseph Chamberlain, secretary of state for the colonies, rgnaivod up 5:20 o'c!ock. this morning, a cablegrnm from Sir H. H. R. Robinson. governor and commander-irr Egg!` of Cape colony, saying: "I receivod . H fnllnwinar taleu-ran: from Sir Jucubu - occ qr. Egg: 0! pupa Uolony, saying: `'1 received efollnwing telegram SirHJucubus A. DeWet.,BriI.iah agent In Pretoria, at six o clock last evening: "Ever mlxing is quiet; no further serious istur nnce will A deputation fr m the Johan` nesburg reform tmnnnittee cmnepluut. even- ing, giving A g'unrunLee of peace. I lll` formed president Kr-lger of thuL.gunrmr fee, unvl Ina...- ma/, pandinu G)v_ R0bimu.,n 4 M.l'I|Y.Il. Hut, if he J0` l.-.l ...._....... . .. ......- ....:.o and Eizie .f$BLnnZi;d?"woEi' uoET'o1eZ{e'& or surrounded b I e burghor forces. The danutntlon was ithlv blessed at. this as- vu-v uvunuu-we-Jun vvuunu uvu uv unvnvuuvu Th deputation was ighly pleased surance and gave a pledge that a reform committee would preserve order. Agent Dewetis pleased to saw: "I testify in the strongest manner to the great moderation and forbearance of the government of the Trnnavn,nl under exceptionnl and tr i g cirmnnntuncee. The prisoners have ju_f{`r- - rived. Their casualties are stated to Have `been severe. Those of the burgers were alight. 4;... n,.i.;...,... .1-.. o-i.........i.. el...t.-J: VLY , lIII'I ||UlI lll'JII Ill V. IDJIHIIII" KIJV. Rolgilun-~.n'4 urn Iml. L Ie hnnue.-h-u-`._; people were quiet. and did not commit. any hostile acts thin Johunnesbur would not be molested nr -unnnnrla he 0 A I-aural-\-r fnr:-on Tho | Gov. Robinson also telegrnphs that of the iqrce led into the Transvaal b Dr. `Jameson. seventy were killed, I. may wounded and 500 taken prisoners. \ He nlaoteleamnhs that it, is stated in i wounueu anu ow taken pl'l0Il0l`H. also telegraphs the Cape Town papers. that Jameson, , White and Willoughby are lodged ut, the Pretnrin jail. Gray and Coventry, of the British South Africa company, are among """E'L";".L/\ ' mtonunry [or me for wrocmngn ock slnnd ngor. near Lincoln.` whereby `clown ivu worohn. - _ - ` `Dean-oyml ny Flre. DH.I'!\1M().\`D\'Il.LE, ()ue.. Jan. 3. - Fina -started about two `p.m. in Benoit`: block from a defective chimney. The whole busi~ neas portion, consisting of eight buildinga. including post ollice, also two private dwellings and one hotel completely wiped out. Total lose estimated at 8l00.000; partially `i_nsurod. " The (Heat North V\ eiItern Teleornnh part.mu_v `Lnsuroa. The estern Telegraph compnny a agent at Drummondville wires via Richmond, this morpjn . as follows: The re which broke out gem yesterday about three o'clock in the aftA)_rno0n com- pletely destroyed seven dwellings and Le- nnoir ; hotel. The partial uccupyln the houooa were Messrs.-vTurcott, Curtinlcho, (lnutahier, Walsh and Rev. Mr. Morohnnd. II I'llI'W IIIIPIFTIUII REIT`, PIIIIIIUUIL LONDON, Jan. 4.--Among` the new year honors conferred by the queen was the be- atowal ofkni htliood on niiyor Lewis. of Freetown, t. e capital of Sierra Leon. Mayor Lewis, who is also an unolciel member of the legislative council, is A pure blooded negro. This in the first time Hunt. the honor of knight. has. been bestowed on ope of his ~ I. up I-ur mus. ` . LINCOLN, Neb., Jun. 4,'--Jud`ge Huhuul hes; elnnced George W. Davis to` the nitontinry (of life for wrecking: Rook Kind nneemrer. Lincoln.` wherebv \,ulI- IVVU I l'UVIIIl'l`l l IlI: I I..IIIUI' IIIIIT` Hal Li: w -The People lip In Arms Against the Uoverulnt-nt-'l`heSpanlnnlsl Inn Mllllury Dilemma. I NEW YORK, Jun. 4.-A despatch to the; Ilerultl from Key West, F|a.,sn_vs startling. nilvires have been received from te city of lluvunn to the etlect that the whole pr-` Vince of Huvunn is up in arms against ti government. The situation in the western: settion of the island is reported to be so ulnrming that the two extreme vveitern provinees, Havana and Pinar Del Rio. the Cuba, have box declared under msrtinl lust containiu` Ya richest tobacco fields in law by thaxcap ain-general. In this dis- trict also the insurgents are repent- ed to `be gaining strength every hour.` While` no details are given of ectunl en- gagements, the reports say the governm t troops ure falling back everywhere in ti 0 (liserlected western regions befor , triumphant rebel army. To ullny as h as possible the panic excited by this un- (lition of nhirn, the chief oicinln ll the capital are sending out false dospu cheu about the situation. That tliei-so attempts at stilling the facts nre far from successful is shown by the wirlo (`lll`I`nl`.:'_y which has been given to the rumor that the actual crfis in the revolution has urrivedv and that far from holding the i_ni.Iurrection- hate in check, the Spanish inilitnry uuthori- ties have been out-genernled. have allowed their foes to turn the think of their main position, nnd have thus found themolves in u militnrv dilemma of the most humilinb I Il'|I I. u|.I.I1 \J\J I'\.lQl1El'|F\|-ClJa | .UUlU ll) 4 ' nould lead l`hY:`9nurrectlonIstn Ham the (`all In 1ndvu1tuges (` m-'l wu Provlm-es Put l`ndor Maw cutrion. yet. Law Mond,uy no: tq seriouelly to vote 32' Jpn. t.he~ "'`" W "99: 5"!` -`""""" I "`-"`9l _ ' LE "<}"1"U"_"- ] '`]v `_` nxnuw In u-I-rrnul ruwuur. In close touch with the busy premier of cho dominion of Canada in J. Carleton, hi: condential clerk, who for :1 Ion Lime hns nllllored from _ mtarrhal trou la. The slightest cold settled in his head, and trouble at once commenced. Ho very free ly sure to the people of Canada that In no wny has he secured greater relief than in the use of that astonishingly quirk acting remed_v- -Dr. _Agnew a Catarrhnl Powder. which cures without. delay. and in free altogether of the obnoxious elements com mon to caberrhal remedies. It relieves in ten minutes. Sold by druggjntn. Sample bottle and blower sent. by . . G. Detchon, 44 Church street, Toronto, on recei t. of No. in gtilxer 0'! QMIWMH . C. SP"ANlSHM|`Ll ARYAUTHORITIES HAVEBEEN UT-dENE RALED. , A Pure Blooded Negro xnngmeh. r...-..., I... 4 _n........."n..- ..--. . mun CRISIS nEAcH12."-'| some Up For Life.` xr..s. 1.... 1 . 1...; the Diamond ; refuse all others. ll'.I0llf .y IIIIC Q0005 VVHI De ["0 TOHUIC. -\ l)lll:'l0nd Dyes are the simplest, strong- eat and fastest. `colors for home dying. Every mclmge of each color is warranted to do the bent. work when the directions are f0ll0II`d. The manufacturers of Din- moml lilyos pro re specinl clyea for wool, silk, cotton all mixed goods. that give the most. brilliant and lasting colors. Ask for . --.-... . _..._-._.-.._......-- \ VVhen you ask fnr Diamond Dyea,.Ind your denier offers you n substitute. you are being deceived, and trouble and IQ of' money and goods will be the result. `.\ Din:-mnd Dvnn nm the simnlest. at.romr- {Ill olvlr l!l:-l::uvu- DI I o S lnnl _ Ital. Pu,'::8;u:I|Iro mnnlalolvginl tho Back, am'u,ud lyhc MIN 0-. nodnlzheumuu-.000-, . . - . ~. g;_ii"`E"i'Aog5g] n nr Ilnnlnn ll 1 H. Body, llheugsllln. 000. V Tun lnnr, In ofovoi :1: of nouns : Pla, Ind in -in and ill OIIII. G4 III u Islam.-uman: font. nngauus rd and remove the sun. can by nnanq-lau|I`nvlll.\0t_o\huvIIIpahI auna -oukuvununnnl IInan'|lIII`llIl$oWI!'-"""'P"-' oulhlgd Cl ' wmcugu-Ann." unnllonmlll. . a o ,__ rm-I by-M-sum-.... ll! IICTI. IHII-I I"L H} gv|Ul Mil UFUKB UIHJH One ml 1 1'` -. ; mt, out the r mldre.~lm: them uwl nw .|u'r`-i pence hy taking them to U16 imtui 4../.1 Ir-s .` ing; them. At the same time he m-Hured them that Shortie was not there. The sheritf expected trouble, how- ever, and thought the best. thing he `could do wins to get bhortia out of the way. A mob from Valle_yeld' was reported to be due nt Beauharnois at 3:20, so he caused the rumor to be set nout that he had driven the prisoner to Ste. Mar- tine. The mob on arrival went direct to Stsuhrlnrtine. Shortin, however, VYIA8 driven to Chuteauguay. Here the river was crossed in arow bout. Shortie and the sheriff then walked nbout three miles and got n 0.1 . It. train to Montreal. They arrived here about hnlf [mat eight nnd Shnrtin vma lod ed in the jail for safe keeping. The poop e of Valleyeid are in It most indignant frame of mind over the notion of Lord Aberdeen in commutin Shortia sentence, and became so incenx-set 0\'er the matter that they have destroyed every picture of the governor-general in the Inca. Tm nni."a.ng.. .. l.o|..... l..- tn kln..o..A..I Wlll You Nny. INUHTIDK, Jun. 4.-(To the Editor): nle I am strongly in favor of seeing ne .ools in Kingston, and that Kingston would land in educational matters and lmlvaxntuges for obtaining a fFt'Clu5H eh` I also wish the ratepayers on next, when cm-xting their bnllobe, ll consider if we are in u llxmition to Vote 3`_ ll.0U(l fnr A vmw an-lnnn The GCHUUI n-W: KINGSTON, Jan. -l.--('I`o the Editor): The supporters of the new school by-la hasten to explain to the ratepayers th t only $16,000, not $2lJ,()00,is required. W y were explanations not made before ? The ipiemon was raised at the working'men's meeting several weeks ago, and though it was pressed by several s ieakers an expla nation was evaded and t e newspaper re- port omitted it. 11' everything /would stand inspection. why was it not made clear 1 Fears of the defeat of the bylaw brought his much out, and as the people are not satisfied that the remainder of the scheme may be no better it would seem sensible to defeat the by-law and leave the city council to deal with the matter. If the cuuncil has not condence enough in the scheme to take hold of it, the people should pause before endorsing it as smnetliing better might be devised. With tiiiu-,.~; as hard as at present great care Hlinuld be taken of our tax rate, which is one of the ways of inukin King!-itoii a de- ~'il'able place to live in.- II.r;I"rul<. E"'0I'.l'I'LGUml{AAB08."! clmlnou, IL is greatly m new or. n more uccomnnnduLYou is required I would vote for for an additional sum of say 85,000 Do In expended on Queonstroet. school, and there is plenty of ground room for such an ax- Qenaion. but I vote nay" to the extra and izrineceaaary expenditure of $20,000 for an entirely new building.--Rospect.fully yours, Rnnnnzn. _ _ my escrloueuy (:()mu(lel` II III )0L4IL10Il $`. H,0U0 for a new SUIIOOH. The nmount from the recent sale of the (Jordon street. svhool ` phoald surely be A ' to put: Queen street school 'uto proper shape as to ventilntion, drainage. etc., which, it is claimed, it is greatly in need of. If ncrmmnmln!.Ynn is muuimrl I Wnnlvl mm for ` BBVEREO WITH A TA8`|'Il.l8I" AD Illllllll DOMINI- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. uAuuI.' Evans I I-'ot uh by In to -1 !THE pmsonsnu Now}: HOUSED m I \ MONTREAL JAIL. [Mcmwv x. Bu}; January Clearing 6) Sale.` ICORRIGAN & C03; JTILC Kingston Watch for our Hand BiHs_. now b tributed in the city. LTUESDA! ` Our store will behcl J ed all day MOND` to prepare for the Won erful Giant Pr'iC Sale. F. x. CousI1\fEAu s OLD s *rXND .4, HAIR, HAIR Me Al When Dry Goods will b almost Given. Bleached 'I`a,l:_Lng, worth $1.50, for 85. Unbleached Tabling, worth 50C, for 35c. Blcnchcd Sheeting, two yards wide, worth goc, now x8e. Orange Hall Building, 80 Princess Stree;.\ . . `# January 7th, I896. OPENSIN ALLIT3 GLORY ON .. 1 7" W -.carry _ arge and ried stock f these, uitahle for eaidence, Hotel or Public Institution. 7T@atPapers& Fixtures MORNIN,