[ `Ea rly jh;;is Week R. U1//Xi DF~i`ON \Vc (`?lf'l }' :1 large and vmiul stock of tlwm, :~uita|)le fur` l\ (-si(l(m'(-, Hotel or Public Institution. mcy(`|n.'1kiv l I I Toilet Papers& Fixtures -/:<.'r- 71 HHUCK STREET. KINGSTON [Ma&iies.Jan'y.IH9 Cosmopolitan, \[ III I ` Delineator, ` \Vcld0n's Ladies journal, Toilette ~ iipbru nr_v, |Rcvicw of Reviews, Canzulizul Mnmhly, n. AVOID ALL I V \\'< gell rgan 3& %P&i%ani1 Eu. I I Yopulax` I AF. NISBET S |'c.E~:> "-3E`:`:`..f\R`S, Lum-7 mun. Pu|1K-1a,mm!a-:L.m4~ , . _. C,onnmuu.-1-'1.2n lo :13 t Btgnrr IR--Townships, 16 to m. 01 5. T ha (.`.7rn' r F5ra0k!`st0re. I.\:\; , v"vI</ , -- .cxtr21 cheap. Iluu 3 . .'Ir1<.)r1'r Stra9!1;1n;s.;Ha"r1i,ware+ K . ,~wmth $15 3:! pI'i(`(~%. I\:\- Q: -~ ;e.\tr.1 ch: I! The Ar` \' 'C(C$MMERC|AL. Life, `S [In |*u nun: .\I, Met 1w.KATF.S STI CKS "\u ntlily I|Iustr1tur. Mc(7lure's, III]! _ (_)utIn','. VI I00 Loosely. Hnnhi nu Au mlu Luvavly. H-- lschina He we-d Boots. our waterpfob oNL)( French Calf, '32: 55:13.. $5.00 Coughs and Colds Hockey Skates ,w p.1.- EH; SON. "';:':::'. *7---':7`j"' Duncan Water] G. W.MAHO0D! Ladies HOBART'S I "`.`iL LifTL AA igal Success; 3 W0 are offering at less than cost. 5` Only a few xen. Rn-aninc in pvnrv dc-r.:ntn1ent `Tgy|pjsNewSlure _If you \v..mt to s-guru one of . those M fashionable - Jackets ` an .. >4 1 Knot nu: run-an-an-u an n--- - n ERIE KINDERGARTEN UAILY AT 1:80 -I.u`Ch|ldron'n Mowing Chns, weifkly, I00! 300130-1 moan; ouch alternate Thurndn 5' gun lowu to Hzaun mu : manta snurdnv. .1 p m . Ilbmoon. I Nature's Great Apavln' from Caledonia Springs Is Safe. "lrl by Be`: Hofuln. (irot-ars`,_l)[;]-vv-an-_5 Alli u_ .-.u`I 1*-` | Illly il lcvv lull. Bargains in every dcpzutment ._. J 88 8:. 90 Princess Sgrnot. AND QUACK NOSTRUMS. We Make the Tight Ones. u I women. POIWVHIQ IGI Vll `WEAK MEN Ind olnnlcrlnifmmmonui ~ ` VI 3'1!` III bl` im fm maul worry, -, |'lI'_!I. or ggll-cbnu, COUGH CURE. Iv--\-an -.a u `Ivuu -. -- OPEN EVERV NIGHT. BIB DAILY -In` Chlldronho Mowing 3 `In. Bible Claus lot Young (Hrl-a. ` N72` Thursduy. 7:30 pm. Mootlna nl _ hon. wukly. FIJI.-cdlly. 7.30 pm. I'nnr I0! vommitteo. daily (except Saturalnym. W Snlurdav. - won 800110,! Thursday _ ' initial sr'n`eEw.' .. - ....,...._..... .r:.. .. 3) 1z1f`I{f'T7.'." .n_1wEnEN61i JUST ARRIVED TO T`;.l'I-IE3 LIVEH PILLS} -um not for me to dtermlne. I have to"!!! that Parliament would-be rmed with It thu w 0 Ivan the cause why we nhouldeziotig prooo: with uni buslmu oi the Houu. Pcrlhmont. nu boon oulhd to iotomln A opnuln IUUIIU IIIUIEJV, BIUBE uuu DOM: .7 Sir Adolphe Cu*on-Mr. Speaker, be- fore the orders of -the daxiare called I have an important stwtement to make to ihe`1iouae. Since the opening of Puriiament seven members of the Cab- inet huv-2 tendered their resignations to the Prime Minister, which were sub-. n.:L1ed to the Governor-General and accepted by his Excellency. The gen- tlemen whose resignations have thus btftli accepted are :--Mr. George B`. 1' meter, Mini ter of Finance; Mr. John iiagga.rt.:%r1ister of Railways and L'anu.ia ; uhariea iibbert Tupper, 3\iiniswr of Justice; Mr. Wiiiilm Bui- luvk Ives, Minister of Trade and Com- `rnvn-e ; Mr. Arthur R. Dickey, Minister of Militia and D`i en0e; Mr. Walter H. .\:onia.gue, Minister of Agriculture, and fiir. John F. Wood. tlontrolierot Cus- toms. At rthe next meeting of the Ilnuse I 11 pe to be in a. position 00 i`.lu.t(~ den telv what course the Gov- I uuuwu, uuu. I.-\uy<;v-u-.,- u ..u.. -.... ` uuoq new members had bot-.n Introduc- ed to the Hanna 6! Commons and the preliminary buoinnls had been dispos- ed of, Sir Adolphe Cu-on, amid a pm- round ullcnce, arose and and :- n4_ ..:-u_u__ n.._.... 11.. nnnbnr ho. ' Mr. Fostergplains Why the ` Ministers Resigned. OPPOSED T0 PREMIER BOWELL Chemlst and Drugglut, PUREBI` mums. 1`... Du-h.mu.. nlul Huuuo ` 61: Richard ca.nwnghc'n ox-mmnm or Mr. Foster`: Expla'.na.I:lon-Charcel Azalnat Dr. Montague. Ottawa, Jan. 1.-(Speolal.)--W`hon the .1--- __._ __.....n.._. \...A Lg;-. Inon-mint- THEIR REASONS. 1.110 umm. .. on page two. Riv Rloha noucy, but to'me It looks very much as If this were uwtht-r of whose expedi- enta. of which we have had mo Klan! already, In order on enable the Govern- ment to not" carrv uut. the pledges already, enable the Govern- not" carry the pledges which .t_`hey gave to Parliament. (Lib- l`ra`I cheers.) lMr_ Sm-almr-In the mollon of Sir IWO. , Sir Richard Car-twrig'ht--I do not know which is the more extraordinary, the .r neat made by the present leader of the ouse or the atatoznent to which we have just Iirteued from the ex- lner of the House. I have had lame Purl-Iarnentary experience. It in three and L'hl!y years since I first sat in `the Parliament on. the then two oo.n- I I adas, and in all that time, although I have seen many crises and assisted at some, I can recall nathing in the faintest degme pami1eLwith the pres- ent condition Oif things. Sir. I defy my hnn rripmi the ex-Minister of . ink community, a. case in hich seven ministers of the Crown ave resigned In the interval between the placing of 9. speech in the mouth of the Governor or Sovereign of the country and the debate that usualiy I follows thereon. (Opposition cheers.) I've have heard of sudden conversions and sudden convictions. We know. on the authority of an eminent English . writer, that Mercy has been sought and found Between the saddle and the ground." But that is not 21 circumstance to the speed with which these new convictions have dawned on the minds on! my hon. friends opposite. Nnw It tines appear to me that these hnn. gentiemen. one and all, huvp 0'6'r>d 11 direct insult to tho repr>st=nlaiive~ of the Sovereign and 11 dirt-wt insult in the House. (Ht-ar. hear, mun iiw ()]up:\_q1[|r>n,) It appears in mi-. no maltx-r \\-hm thcir groumiq nu Mu-Ir v-1-:1-.-inn: nmv hi` that ff)!` ill condition on. things. air. 1 new my. . hon. friend the of, Justice, who is learned In precedents. to point out to us. In the history of any English-speak- in of [hp Governor the, , IMr. Sm-aker-Is the mollon Adolphe Caron ohjer-(L-d to ? Mr. I.aur|er-Certa.inlv. Notice mus! \ ur. rruu-1 TELBl`*H)NE 5|9 Adolphe Caron cihjer-IL-d to `I I.aurIer-C(=rta.inly. be given. Slr Adulphv Camn-'I`hPn I will KW9 It as :1 nmlma mf motion for t0-m0r- -ow. . Mr. Laurler-}~`nr the day after to- Tl(IV`V`f\.V narrow. Hlr Adolph!` Hnmw do nnw mil urn. , The remarks of. Mr. Foster WI" be-found .n noun 0 mn n. Julxvhp nmlce mt` motion 13112-' `DAILY I ,:l6F;r|-'ocln'y,`I`rid~ny and Baturdny lot ` an` out or up in IOOOKJII u-dy u. I 31:-men WHIG, \vEnNEsnAY<-.' .JAiI.rARir 3`, 1696 ., . ..,.-,v;a..:-,";_q-._-,.,>.~..- /:77 ..V?,,:,..,...,.,. . , on just ' in re! ra, how- that I t before rnforpnr A i 'w_:.'.'. .`_.' -B_9_UM5 I North Amrlcnn mull oumnn company. John Dickennon. the libom nominee for ', South Weutwqrth, will not be oppdned in ;I.he bye-dlection. rm nuurnnne be that cffocl. having been iven by the comer-1 `naive: when Mr. wroy wu appointed ngmrnr. . K It`! `- Jo|mny-Wh( when you broke ytml nrm,ynu couldn't nok as for two months. 1 l0.\'l:` F` l'()llTU"|rl(1l|Cl') ElUI`U DU I/IIU IXIIIEFHUII Uldfel'o\\a' building. A number of local hookeyiota had :1 good lfmcticeron the ice 11) the Kingston rink , an night. A new schedule has been drawn ` up for practice hours. Extensive arrangements are belniz made 1 `rho Vary Latest. News Crowded Into the Smnllnl. nt Space. Ripe grnpo fruit M: Cm`novA.-ky a. $5) for your nick of Hardy's, cloak stock Thursday. F1 iday and Saturday. A. E. (Imam, St. Paul, was called home on account of the severe illness of his I I ....\o L..- `Oil KCCOUIIL OI HID arweru Illuuun Ul Illa mother. W. '1`. R. Preston has been elected a member of Toronto council, sumding sec` mud on thu list` in ward ve. Ripe pineapples at. ()m'm)vx-xk_\"s. , A numl-ur uf ybung Indian purpose gi\'- ` ing in lcnp your d:uu'u in the Hole] Fronr I GENEaALI;:;{AenAPH$. Vl Hjilp ylll` ll-`|ll('U Ill ["93 ll 1- mm H : dne.-4dn_v evening. arry lodge. No. I. 'l rent,ix-,0 I ml their plm-v of meeting . .-m.fm-I,in:mr\' store no the l|,UUU Wlll IIUIRJIIII. . Elliott. continues to receive y belegra1ns'and letters from mg ut n--tliutnnce. A tele- .... 1'. AL... _v evenmg. Boys, huve ' from over store Kingston } Men's Heavy Lined Kid Gloves and Mitts cheap. " Children's Kid Mitts cheap. Cashmere and Wool Uloves cheap. Boys Heavy Wool Hose in 5 qualities. Cloakings. Tweed /Dress Goods `and Cloths` all reduced. _ Special Saleoof W/o._o||en Yarn. / /' I _EIII`E Ivvinran - tho Vollnouei pocuu ootholt A mom: 1 ma - nut aloe:-npv..i:>x?."uo.. MCKELVEY & HIHEH; JANUARY SALE A l|Il.|0fll.I(!l. NEW YURK. Jan. 8.-'I`he Hamid : Rio do Jzuieiio advices state that in in! oieinl letter declining to agree to nrbitmtiou in the dispute with (ireat Britain o\'(r the island of Trinidad the Brazilian government declnres thnt it does no not because it'ie iniinicul to that manner of settling internu- tiomil questions, but because it. r-nmaidora the island her property. rlt is ll'.N!lIl'Bd in `tho letter that liruzil will nmiutnin the eio\'oi`rigIity over Tiiiiidiul which ull nu- tion.-` lHl\'C liui'et.nfure ncknowleilged and . hringeto hyr dispute all of l`Ingzlnn(l`e cluini.-4. The government MI-'l(~ Great Bri- tnin to be mztunted by 21 HCIIHO of justice, to reconsiclei the question, nnrl to return the island to its legitimate owners. It hopes England will not forget the com~ mercial and financial ties binding the two countries, together. Brnzil begs for a quick and equitable reply that it may solve the question, which now wounds both the honor and patriotian of Ru- zilinne. It in added that after her rig to have been ncknowledged, Brazil may con- sider the proprietf of allowing in cable etu- | tion to be eatnblis ed on the island. TI. lrnliun nniniutnra ha rn infnrinml the 5'0 '40 U8 GHLHUIIUIIC The Itulinn minis Brnziliuu foreign ( claims growing um um romly for sub: States nu onrbibrnbx mouth, llnly will w ` trntiun agreement. ECORRIGAN & CD'S Whnt Brlluusnyvz II:-Letter to the Britlnln Aullnorltleu. January C->` Clearing v Sade. l zIv;1('|x<,n1 T;1l1inv', \\'<)rth $1. 0 for .`*<:. r~ u 3 l'nb1L.-mhcrl Tnblingj. wuxth 50c. for _;5c. } >!:*:\("`( I SIM--li1I_:,lwnyzmls wide, worth _ ' DEOLINES ARBITRATIONN. Ii Iononrm 1-on ulcantlon A an Ilnhlna aura. = ` Ann Ollln 13:1 Men` BISHOP REINKKVEL-S` "DEAD. l.n|\lIK.V Aluun In All \\'I1iIv Hleml M l D-WI NTE R SALE. established the island. ilinn ministers have informed the oilice that unless the owing out of the late rebellion y for submission to the United s ou`hiLrut,nr, by the end of this rzily withdraw from the i\rbi- rroenient. ' 60 Princess %`%j St fleet. VrA_LH s I|l\\IV |\\lll`L`l l|I `lllll uln-.2. 'I`\\-'cctJ I)r<:~.<-.<,~* ml I)r:1-.vm's at rcnlurmi ` worth $x..z5, now $I.( 11 and llznmcl Shirts c II 1:4 I111 lI`(`. his I H nuruunncm-o. . r Alumni mm cmlol n u 1 .'3"3o3"u`. ..a..a.'.7.47.`.2.. *