You |]un i Need lu,Fee| Stued Gcntlcmcn`s i T Largest Assortment. I 1: Ron} \IAl`I2`l \I. I Largest naauu Iluvn H e Best Variety. The Latest Novelties. And where yo can get `more solid va ue for the price than can be had else- where. . c. LIVINGSTON & sag 756: 77 BROCK STREET V1 Will be a red-Ietter day with us for allniixds of REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH ONLY. Furnishings \J\IuuInn . y uu with local snow falls. l`\ll|el`ulLu(m lnnru uum mm nu... ........ .. afternoon. (.`noKr:-Ac Westbrook, Jan. 9th. Mary Jane Allen, beloved wife of John Cooke, aged 57 years. Funeral taken place from her lnte resi- dence, Westbrook, Saturday morning M, o.... -'nI.u.Iy years. I-`unerulbook phwe I nft.nrnonn. W. M. IDIUCNNAN. Fmuuux. Dlnrxrrun AND Euun.nun-2li1 |'nm- naaa street, hloal above old stand. A nN'r.7a 1-'<)n crrv AND C()UNTl{Y, on r -lnry or uommiuion. to sell Rowing Mn- ! chines. Apply to J. Lalshlsy, agent, `I3 Prin- cess street. um. mun, Tm: Luumm Unm-:u'r.uum-2.u-rm Prhlcou Mreot. 'l`elephona` 141A. Open lmyund Nixhl. _.______:__._________ Dig nmuu THE VALUABLE HHOP ANI)Pl{l`2Ml.`H1'-5, 2`2`)I|nd $31 Prlnuana street. at present no- mwieai by C. D Chown. Han been in. stove and hardware house for over twenty years. Ap- ply to J. P. (}ll.DIllIll.lRVl.ClA_I'enco street. n-vmnuu IIILI THAT DWELLING. WITH lKl'l\;l!n1Un and modern lmpruvemonts. lately occu- pied by Mr. G. A. Robinson. corner Johnston and Ban-la streets. Stable on tho promises. Immediate Possession. Apply toJonu Ilunm. 39 Clnront-.0 street. PRICE TWO CENTS ' [ARE VIEW, 431 KING :4'l`H.}:`ET WEST 1 at. resent. ooouploi by Mr. E. L. Ohnko. Possess on lmmadluoly. Apply to Jon! Imam, Clarence ntroot. --.?__ 3710 Lil anoul. run-u. u.--. --. r nu. . 0100190! no m-nu. won cuutnood Vlctox-In Circle, King`: Daughtox-1' (am to the Hmpunl. Victoria circle, of the king's dnuglntera, yeacerdny presented the general hon ital with a hand-tome brass bed, for the was ward. About t.hirt.y members of the circle were present. at. the hospital, nmnng phem Mrs. Octavius Ynben. Mrs. Dr. Oliver, Mrs. Huggins, Mrs. Bell. Miss Bell., Mina Crothera, and Mrs. Hubball. Mm. Yates. on behalf of the circle, handed the bed over to Dr. Kilbnrn and the lmly n-upurin~ ` Lendant, Miss McMillan, and Dr. Kilborn thanked the indies in fitting terms for their handsome gift. Th. had has not. vet. been furnished. bub Soubherly to westerly winds, milder, ..:4L I..,...I .. ... ..lIn 1~`1:\Tr muwm-1 no.u_u>mv.~<. u.~xn ..t.nblo h,on.ud.. Pleasant luclllty. Apply The bed has not yet. the members 01 Vucmrin circle have the matter in hand ahd Lho appoint.ment.a will be furnished shortly. A brush plate on the bedstead bears the inscrv Lion : "Present- ed by Victoria Circle, lying : Daughters, I895." g n. In.` hlno lrnnvnl. I nun. I Be Dld Not Cnnvu. Uoput -rovo E. Milton, of the township of Pine urg.nacribes his defeat. for the reeveahip in the recent. elections, to the fact. that he did not canvas 1 single vote. He Ins been a worker in the township Voolincll for many years, and has been A ....mhm- of the oountv council for some oolincil and hue been is member of the county time. He never ehirked a duty. but work- ed for the best interests of the township. He in not A believer in the principle of can- vueeing,nnd determined not to sell I eingle elector to support him at the last content. Hie opponent. on the other hend, thorough- ly cnnvueeed the township. ` XIii}o-e.ii3 oouo;oI < Deen Murre , of Trenton, has donated ` to St. Colum n'I ohu , 0ornwell,the eide alter! and stations the croee. He also domted 83.000 to Archbiehop Cleery for the edvenoalneut of the new college to he opened in this city next September. THE PR()l ER I`Y ON CORNER OF WEL- limztnn and Queen ntreot-1. at prenu-nt wnllpiud hy family of hue [1 Kane. Apply to I. I3 `.\1cI\'r:N_3Ii(3larvnco treat, ..,, , A KNTS -lary rlevIlna__M;s- \B00ts & Shoes 0FFORD S . . 3 I \JI\rwu...... D!!!-IIIINO 10 $10!! RIBS (J .-uuolu for tit; \y(l_:6o_r WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Our stock ol the balance a van! qutl -:.nAu LI -(V1 muting nu wows: Ingmar by IMII HI I .4611, -_. Eb.f OFFERD :____(:_._.?__..-_? HOIY:-KEMAIILA A[ l'L\' AT KlN(}.`lTON l.A|Ill-Zr!` (`m.I.l::u:. FU'HwS7\LE t-r3`_`1_'Q-La r. ::--.--:::j-_ aPREsErI1`ET) WVIATVH A 31:07 em-e, vv es u o'clock. T1: : AND PREMISES, shmd oc_- unuupn-.._.. . .. _ , , WITH EXTENHION lne9ly_ unpu- Au. lAll':____/ ca: 11 I GBIA1` CQELIING SALE AT w. I1. DRENNAN. \.......p.u. nun Vunul uv TO BE LET._ HENRY BRAME. .n.un1u vlrn A run Run wANf*i':'i:r.7[`CI:`- .1 ol Wlnhr in will all for - ..oc|.. .4-nn.nt.OoIS m JAN. REID, lh-nun-nu urn- SKATES] STICKS ; Good: we win an un t the n.\.09!$ , 3 at Mo on`? You pm -- -. - AA. ' / - 3 from the hoapwul this :.'.1.'....`.a`.` " `'1 wink! nuumt lg; &tho but unanno- lnn Ituot. next nIInQ00~ `:50. IIOUI. Stocks 1 Clearing SIX Y-THI RD YEAR.-I A most seasonable requirement, yet we'vea few dozen odd lots which must go. Fleece lined at 500. Big 16 gage Ribberl All-\Vool Shirt only 50c, were 65c. r` ',I n:__- L.`,._..... Qnntnh icavy Undcrwcar Dlllll Uluy Dun, vvunv -..J.. Special Fine Fancy Scotch Goods, were 90c and $1.00, now 65c and 75c to clear out. Clouds, Hoods and Caps. Are just now in it. rm... 1.. ,.-.. 1.- An armed guard hee been placed on I no cemetery end we matter has been kept. quiet. in hope of detecting the culprits-. but no clue has been got. The Crow Probably Lon. NI-2 YORK. Jen. `J.-A tieapevrh to the Herald, from Halilu, eeyr it, in feared the entire crew of the British etr. Ealing. con nistln of l.Ivent.y-nine men of all ranks, have nloet. They any have reached the Newfoundl nd coast, but the chances are that theyf to death in their hob. or were lost. durihtghthe terrible storm on u,....a... ..i..l.i. n Enlimz is the ship re- |The`IIro loconl. , Plums, Jun. 9.--Al an early hour yet tardny I re alarm sounded a on" to` Rickorcown, ncidonoo of W. A. Hop- burn. The tire wu coon under control, but not until I100 dnmngo was dohoto build- ` ing and fnrniwro. , - - - -~__--._.n Gnu-I-os PI.A(.l,Jln. 9. -~A ngan bod June: In-vino. of Carleton Place. w ilo coupling can at Arnpt-for Int night. toll. the wheel pain; on: one 0! hi: foot. the roads bdngjtlnd to ho unpntmad, - Befor.e Stock - Taking brings to light many an odd line which should be closed out. U Desire: to Intimate that thoy have tum {on-ed their Auenry for Kinptnn and nur- I-ounchn country to R..l MCDOWALL. I'll um! :94 rln('.(-N at rootmnd uollclt. through him In cnntimuuu-n of the generous patron- IIO himhm-tn rm-o.-ived. (`,u.m>mo-In are ulna nnllod thn they an to ma kc pnymom. to Mr. Mnl)o_ynll for pant dm and nunont instalments. ' L. A Foot Anplntod. _..n_.,._ I-.. ll ,1... m lalanu, H be M man man AMPUTATION. JOHN CARLETON EXPIRED THE GENERAL HOSPITAL. lle Could Not. Whntand the shock cldant to the Acclglent and to the 1 nova! of the l.|mb-Wa: Well lino E`-A4 Hard` Jghn Carleton, struck by a train on the Grand Trunk railroad, I few days a o. and whose leg was amputated on the fo lowing day in the genernl hospital. lied in that institution at an early hour this morning. The shock sustained by his system in the accident, was too reut for successful re- sistance by the vita energies of a man of his age, and he never fully recovered coli- sciousness after undergoing the operation. Two of his daughters were at his bedside until the last. ACCUSEUOF STEALING HARNESS The Thleven Sold the Stolen Property For ' Fllty Conn. Seine days ago Edward McFa..lden, n haclrdriver, reported to the police that a portion of a set of harness had been stolen from him. Police officer Bateron was de- tailed to investigate the case nnd he soon succeeded in nding the missing articles which had been sold to in second-hand dealer forfty cents. He succeeded also in tracing the o"ence to the guilty persons, who, lmwe_we.r_ nemned In he apprehensive that the police were investigating the theft nnd on this account they lny low for be\' ernl dnys, mid the etlorts of the police to (ll.'lCOV6I` their whereabouts were unsuccess- ful. Yestertluy afternoon police ()llll'0[` Aiken, who is doing pe(:iarl diity this week, <-might eight of the men /who were wanted. He at once placed them under arrest and at the police station they gum the nnnxca of Sumuel ltyei-eon und Willimn Stevens. The case will pmbnbly be tried by police mu;_Iistmte1)nll'tliia morning. Samuel Norris and Albert Stevem-s were plnced on trial at the police court this morning. Both pleaded "not guilty." Stevens elected to be tried by in jury, and v\.'......:.. ilnfanrlnrl hv R, Hliuwu dcvhncd to grade. u Edwin Houghbou mu \'ir~iounly lnssetl, the strongest possible proof that he sue` coeded in playing the part of the villain, "Sir Francis bevison," to the life. \'ir~ gi"" Houghton an "Corny." the old maid. sis- of Tarlylu, kept. the audience con- vulned {with lnu liter at her Olll mnidiah qujpn nml cmn I0." And Mabel Gardner was n rm.-clnha Barbara Hare.` The support, given by the other members of the company was uniformly. lt. in rnrelv that Kingston is visited by n vmnpuny of such genuine excellence as thin. the engngcnicng. of which hm: been all too gyort. llondnrlotrl llooknoro. To roduoo our stock 0! cloth bound boo}: we are (iering 800 volume: at 50. each. That: no usually sold from 750. to Cl 50. Complete soul of popular authors no .110 volume. Iomng un. R.a0(onbury'a bankrupt stock of men`: lurnisfnings, much of underwear. collars. outt. fur and fell huts. bio! galore. kid And buck ' ea, ne tilt and cumin goods, nfo rel. Enrything mm go. nnu Fullullv DEGORATIVE ARI SOQIBIY. OF OTTAWA. .. .n..u Ivunnnv nr I-'50. company I. 50:2 volume. __._. KINGS I`61TI, WI! lluuau nu. AL the close of the fimners imlitv",e meeting yesterday Elijah Joyner was taken ill with lienrt. failure. He was removed to the county trezisurerh otlice and :1 physi- cian summoned. In Lhe course of an hour he rallied sulciently to be driven home. He has not been well of` law, having been conned co his room for the past few days. Tho Chairman lndlopoood. J. J. Mason, chairman of the Ontario toll roads commission, was taken ill yester- day and was. in consequence. obliged in discontinue his duties in connection with the tuking of evidence on the subjects be- ing investi uted by the commission. He caught col at Cobourg where the commis- nionera Int on Tuesday and this was the be- ginning of his indinposition. A. 41-41.- W Great Value In Clomhlng Made to Order. Prevoab, no the New York Clothing Store. Brock street, has decided to sell at close prices all his suitings and trouser- inga, consiatin of Scotch and English tweed, fancy all mixtures and worateds, at prices to "defy competition. Also great. variety of overcontinga in meltons, beavers and aerges, also Irish freize. Remember he grantees n rt-class t. Holding Quiet Meeuugn. I). 1). R0 are, the patron candidate in the county or pnrlinmantary honon, says the patrons are holding quiet meetings all t.|n'0u;;h the county with much aucceu. He dues not fear the result. of the elertion. In mme uny number of putrmm are return~ ed to purlinment they will support, the leader of either of the great. parties who do (`lures himself in syn) mbhy with the patron movement. ( the promise.-. The Roynl rink ulna mine In for n lurgo 'share of pnlrolmge from the lovers of out door exert-i.-re. Capt. Dix had A uplondid qheotuf inn, large in I|iInenui0ns,uuuI on which n goodrsize crowd of nkngeru en- joyed a ruuvlo of hours` nmnneme`nI,Z The muaiv upnied by A tletauhment, of the Nth bnct. Lmul wurvnf the ur-11ml excellent quality. --nu- :- nrnnnr 7:: :hTlnNS, The Cnndldltel Bum-ounful A I`nI-Innl Plnnm \'n.I..u:r; nr .\1.\no<'. Reeve. James Whytock: muncillors. Fraser Aylenworth, W. H. () I"l_Vnn, S. Bdwc- n and I). F. 'right.. l'll I Ant III 'rv HKII. ' ALIA HARQ cad. sahns. Iuoouol to J. lullatbl l 0).. lug- ~ Anna `Moot. II!!!-`nil. \'; up Reeve, R` F. Houn` F. Vmnpbell. Sandy (SI der. John (`onnt.ryman. L 1'" I u:Il (IF K def. John I ounurymuu. V =- vu.I..u;x or Kl:.\IP1'\l].l.E. -Reeve, George Taylor, ar.; councillors, Me-cm-. Mundle, Brownlee, Buchanan and Clothier. 1'nlI'l~AIlll' 0|` lll'.Vl}ERlr`(H\D. . 1-mn.~unr |H')lu:Rl`(\l>\D. Reeve. John Swiss, elected by a ma- jnrity of one over James Clare; first deputy roove, Andrew Cook; second depnt.y`reevo. John Baker; councillors, Jnmee Murhhy, Robert Colon. 'NnIIIlIllllP n! RIDIORD `ruwmunrnr I Reeve. J. M. T3523 Benjamin Ten, John Swu-brigk, Wm. ll||IIII._v. THE MUNICIPAL WETECTIONS. CITY AND VICINITY. ___ ONTARIO. . l`I.IUR`SDAY ' EVENING.` J Anl: M `N Houston: councillors. W. ndy(5rM1l, John Alexan- uoronu rnrta. Councillors, D. Walker. Wm.` I am-n nf nut. \)l Invvn. R R5 K RNLY AND HHS LINDSAY. 0! Ottawa, have oponod olnuu in Art Nemiluwork M Mn. lxylnm. corner King and Wnlllnm nvreatuontrunpaon William street). r the alupitxeu of the Above 000101`). lonumns an (row, to I. Tho 0 hot. of the . key In to I-proud A knowh-dgo cgemhe Vork they do. 5: vol! II to IdVOP' be, It. in; I comparatively new ornnhnlon. For pnrth-ulna cull gt tho above Address. _____ V ` PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP`B OUR { BUSY REPORTEHS. . 1 The Cploo of Every Day Llfc-W|1nl the Poopla Are Tslklng Abuut-Nuthlng Ica- onpol the Attention 0! Thou Who Are Tnklnt Notu. Wlll Ald. Skinner be turned down? Six tramps were sheltered in the police atabion lut night. The school board will have its nal meet- i 1 1 ! 4 `[118 aonom noaru Will Have u.u uuan mean.- ing this evening. The canning factorial in Pict)n have amrmd to make (mm: for next, neueon. `Inc cunning ucuorwn In rluuuu started to make cums A tnilnr. rnlnlinhn and] n tnilnt, m'mm Odoronm. For sale by 15. u. Mlrcneu. , The water works accounts for the three ` months ending March 3136 are being sent. out. today. The nnl session of the court nf reviaiou abarwa L0 IllaK6 10!` next, Fcuuun. A toilet. requisite and n Loilet, ormunent, Odoronm. For sale by E. C. Mitchell. The. water works to-day. The of I895 has been called for to-morrow after- noon nt three dclock. w...- .. ...rnr-t. t, order the Hneninlu` Cor- at three o clock. For a perfect fit order the Specialty set. at Miss Weller s, Wellington street. pm: Fr (`.hininnv will lenmnm in \\'u0(l- Miss Wellerwa, \Vel|llIgL0ll .`-l(l`00[. Rev. Fr. Chiniquy will lecture burn church, Pituuburg circuit, on TlllllE~ day evening, Jan. lllth. Thin wAAlx'n Buffalo lixnre.-cu day evemng, Jan. mm. This week's Illunt,ruLed Exp:-e.-an will contain portraits of the Inexnbers of Sir Mackenzie Bowoll'n minl~;l.r_\'. Th. nnmnn mill in heimr worked to its mm Mackenzie Bowoll m1m.~u.r_\'. The cotton mill in being fullest extent to keep up with the orders 1 on lmnd.` The employees re putting in ` full time. |I`I.. km. um! ahnn rm nf Jmnma INCIDENTS or THE D_AY. !` utabion Iut night. The school nn Ha nunnino r on. cepled. Downed Bult|u1nrn (Yluh. Queen's hockv team defeated the team of the Baltimore nthlctir vlub '[`uo.~adn_v night with ridit-ulnhs ease.` The s4-ure mm M to (I. Two twenty min'ut.e halx-on were played, the visitors scorin seven goals in the rat and three after in ermission. The interference and team work of the (,Imm~ diam: were perfect , and were loudlfl np plauded by the large attendance at E e we rink. rink. ` 'l'IIc|r Buc-can l0lIlvuua. Below is gm extract, from A letcer wrutten In Baltimore on the night following the ; mtory for Queen`; college lIo(`ke_\'Iats, 1 (hen the American team wma defeated by a more of ten to nothing. The letter was _,pen_nod by A member of the \'ict.orinua Knuth; Queen's hog: Joann plnyetl in Baltimore I-mt. night u this L'\ 0l]lI| will play nl. Wnnhln Lon. Friday we \\'i1%.QJu_y ncrnin at l'iltI um and on Sntunlny`in night iicl this 0I]lI| wm Friday again urg SnLurdnv`in Toronln. V}: to date oui' sue:-can hu! been comvlabe ts no American oeam ha! I-cored A sing 0 point in competition with us." _ _ __ _A____ \ Pnuod To Normal Nu-hool. , -Among Llmse who have paused the 0&- tawa norrnnl Ichool _oxaminu.ions ure Misses Flosaie A`. Noah. Nnpanee Mills; M. 1.. Rock. Emeweul-.m|u. `Newburgh: Emma M. Patton.` Sharbot Luke. Measnl. R. J. Fiolrl, Newborn: R. Hanna, Athens. . Minn Bnrullwu -ucceuful nt Toronto nor- 7 Ind school. ` Their But-can Completo. '- ._ _.A.....: 5.1.... . l.nm A N VARY s:`189<;.' . What ls Balng ileum and Done At the 4 Inl Tn-dnv. bake R poruolio unuer mm. Those who argue that Sir Mackenzie Bowel] has not yet. resigned the helm of state into other hand: were comforted In their conclusion: by the fact that cabi- net council business mu being tmnsacced lnfn hnur hilt. niaht. This OOH` nl\ On In council business being Lmnaucwu up to n late hour last night. vinced them that the premier is making nn earnest ebrt to construct his cabinet [ upon a permanent bnnia. In this connec- Lion the names were mentioned of Dr. 1 ml To-lily. l (')'r'r.\\\ A, Jan. 9.-The political situation I is more unsettled than ever this morning. ` It in ullinned by some thnt Sir Mackenzie l Bowcll Wlll resign and allow Tuppor tp form in cabinet, while others insist that Bowell is to remain, and that Tuppor will take portfolio under him. 1 3 I Thane nmuo battle. in mm tion Sproule for the portfolio of agriculture; Col. Prior. for militia; .`-~ Charles Tupper. Burt... for interior, and in nu.lL`.inn to the m-signment of Hon. Peter White to the de- partment of nance and such other dis nosi- Ll0lI`\ of available cabinet material as have already been made by common report. All thin Ii, of course. interesbing mainly as indicuting the absolute uncert.ninLy of blue issue. It 'ull sends to develop the rare possibilitiel of the oc- casion, and to demonstrate, in a sense. the extreme elasticity of the conscit.ut.ion un- der which we live. A ....l...:....i noram. on Hm nrevnilins! nu der which IIVO. A practical offset to the prevailing certainty is the rapidity with which senate \'a(;auciea are being lled. In live days seven seats in the upper chamber have been removed from the political prize list. In Rouljin Nanbiu. l`oronI.o. has the removed from the polmcal prme nan. hr. Beanie Nesbiu. Toronto. following in the Citizen regarding Cumu- Monbugue letters : Dr. Montague stated in the house, yesterday, Lhnt .\lr. Wullnco hm! nhuwn me these letters, and than I |..n Mm... n.-mnul Rnlh Rfutlr TO-DAY'S DEVELOPMENTS. Uroufm has been very prevulenr..~quu,e n nuunlxrr of hnmilinr faces, absent. for some time. lmve be en seen in the village. They Are home to spend the holidays.--One of ourlurmers drove to Kingston and back on Saturday, and as he got near home he noticed one of his homes. a valuable ani- mal, acting strangely. When he got to the gate the poor creature died shortly. U liqun majesty h have (led Tol 8101!! mus ozhu amclu an winter oouan OI hush of mo. on In thobuc Max In I aim neon-mom , In 1 to II trio tahodn. 1 mforlol tulnor - 4-: -A 1-. necessary to DUHLII ru 'ment and [\ro!pOl'ity." I.m1n0,\, Jan. 9.-- was reporua on the M103 exchmpxny t.hIt.pnIidoht ;:='r~ "':u..*".,':.:.':*'u..:?..?":;'*.'t..:.f men a n mm o , I n the British South All-ion company, or the : dnmnge inioutl by Dr. Jameson a raid iw to the Trlmual. 1.. ARE an-nh-no _`_` '3!` .12 Silks and Materials for Evening Wear. Prices reduced specially for this day from 25 TO 50 PER CENT. CaH and see tl_1em whether you want to buy or not. They will be laidout on middle. circular counter and marked in plain gures. RL-BUILDING AND REMOVAL SALE IN FULL SWING BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. *ro=noRRow, Friday, January 10th. smcv & smcv. Isthe place to buy High- `Class 3 llolhlrlo L -s:::.:,;-.: Drlumu