:Rcflcct Fp_r To Isle Blcyolon. ,__ 1.. II! A ...._.. Put In Nomlnntlou Ify the Ila- puhllmlnn. I-.. I" A 11..-...|.l a.uu...I nulnbehng only Iune--mur oonaervnnvee, two patrons und- `three indepondonu. Both patron members are with the govern` mom on their achool\po|i . and tho Dauphin Iloction to be hol next week will pgufbly libonl, making swat who! I.h1`ry- no to menu for national Iohoola. thnolnoro than in the lat house. 0! lbs indo holochd, loan. Fish- ctond Iibuuh udoppo Iollf. Gunny on Innohoolqnudon. .--vu-un. 1-}.i *IEm-liniii-n.. Wlxxvrm, Jun. |7.-Roviood returns of the lhnibobu olectionuhow that t.heGreen- way government will have thirty stnighb supporters on choir gononl policy in the new legiulnturo. the combined opposition of oont-v|tiven,puh-on: and independent: nulnbe 'ng only uine--fonr conservatives, Lu-n nnlrona indenondonu. nhrn. - an-`hm aeld it-nnlvunl Inf. rny lip ur new nmpn-on-u. Inlguni, Jam. I7. 5.1. I). Coulter. tailor, 2-I6 Vonge at:-not, was charged in the line court, this morning, with frnudnlen y re- moving his goods. Coullber owed $262! for rent..und on Suumlny last..being threlwened with distress. he sold his goods to his wife, who gave hiln $500 for them. her husband having given her the money first. The wife than p at! to remove the goods. In court L in morning, the goods wen) imlned in 8140. The case being cloar, the police magistrate onlered Coulter, ncmnlilig to the terms of the act, to pay within fifteen days the sum of 82 , double the nmnum. of the goods taken away. In default of pa ment distress will be enforced and in dehiult. of the money boing raised by dio- ment (IIILFBBI mu no enmmea mu m degaulc money boing by trau. Coulter will `be imprisoned for six months. He next. soI'\'o1l 2| term in "A oauery. R.(.`.~A.. and from there wont to C oom- puny, (now No. 2 company, Ro_)ul regi- ment Cnnndinn infantry). With this corps he took part, in the north-west, rebellion of I885. He was trans- ferred to London. and had served here ever since. His term of service expired on the l4!.h mat... and twenty four hours later he died. His father is chief of police at Niagara-on-the-Lake, where the remains will be intern-d. The -body will be n(:~ mnled full military honors. Authors, Logomachy, Lost Heir, Game of Nations, Canmlian Events. Halma, i archeesi, japan- \?:e Oracle, Old Maid. Solitaire, c., &c., ~ 25 CENTS I ma. There wua n lively outl I-lnpping all over the lloor. nnuu In uunuvu. Loxnm,` 0nt., Jun. I7. (`orporal Jmne Ed\vaL'rtl Burns, mm Of the bent drill icmtrtmtorsnlu the (lnnndiun militia, died \\'o.dne. ut Wolnoley burrnokn. He mu: born ut, Ninsgarn-on-the-Luke forty _\`L-nrnngn, and 1:: early boyhood joined the Hthbnct. Kingston. Later he served in the loyal Cnnmlin ries, which regiment, WM disbnudod in M79. He was in thelted River expedition under Lord Wolneley. He served term in A" battery. D l` .A and {mm Ilmrn want. tn (W unm- the following Invocnmon : Our heavenly Father we thank Thee for the degree of special liberty which we ma u people enjoy, and our hearts go out for tlnom in other lundn who are struggling for in wider liberty. Especially do we priiy for the Cubans, midnnk that if they be right. their e"( rtV0 may be crowned with RlI(`C8!!~`. Am] wu puny tlmtnur country inny do for them all that it can without compromising its difnity or in disregard of In obligations um duties to other nu` IHNIH An llnprm-odente-d lit-V-Ir;nn(-0 In tho llmino of KepmImnt.uI.Ivon. \\'\. Jun. I7. -Applauae fol- lowing the deliver-_v of in prayer III the lioune of nepreseiit.ati\'es in mi unm-ual, probably unpn(-udentetl, incident. in it! proceedings, bun when chaplain Cuuden, to-duy. offered the following invocnnion Our hsmvenlv Father Thee Two of Them Illaql. NEW \'nIu<, Jim. I7. ~Twe persons were killed nnd three badly injured, twn of whom will probably die. on the New York (.`untrul l{|{.. ut, Huh street, umi 4th \ U' nuu bridge. ubont six o'clock thin nioming. The five persons wereemployod us our clean on: by this Wagner i uIu<: (`air (30. ,mul were walking north on the New Huven RR. truck Lu avoid M New Haven express trnin. As they stepped on the New York Central truck lhey'wore struck by engine Nu. MOI of the latter road. The kilietl are : I iv:-tun Nnuh-Ar Hui-tx-..ir unnr-4 niii, of the lunar road. '1ne kmeu l.lI.7.l6 Meeker, Llurty-.~ix years old, married, crushed and instantly killed. Ila]... Mnlmn tlxh-t.v.niu vnnrn nlul, nmr. murnod. crushed and msmnuy Iuueu. Delta Mnlmn, thirty-six years old, mar- riel,crun|1ed nnd died at tho Motthnvou learnt, um minutes nfter tho nccitlclnb. ..;......,a . Murin n...m... .;..n._+:... vnura uelmc um nnnunes nuer LHU tu:<'|ucIIr.. njured : Mario Dlumm, sixl_\'-ve yenrn olal, widow, in[.erm\l mjuriu-.-u : .\lguiu 'l'rucoy, thirty-Eve years old, single, right. foot. cut. oH'_ and right. leg fmvtured: lmuiu Yendar. fty yearn Nd, fracture of right log and intermnl illjhlI`l8l`, probably fntul. Stopped From (N-I8 Truck to I Turn nf Than: Klllr tem is endorsed. The cur wheel department of the Michi- gan Peninsula car works, Detroit, in build- ing 240x400 feet. together with l,.")00 mu` heels, wuedeatroyed by tire this morn- ing. causing ll. loss of $3.'),()U(J, which in fully 4.-overeu by insuiance. F. \\'._/Nnwnmn, Montreal, robbed of jewellgry worth $3,500 lust August, has rec ered his iroperty inn moat mysteri- 1lllIlCl`. `Following im-il.ructiom4 con- ned in nu anonymous letter he went to n \`imu1t lot in \Ve-wtinount. and thorq jountl Li-a ju\\el|ci'_y lllLll(`l-. \-. The l\l`CilbiiI0[) of (junterbury hm-i de- clined tu prosecute the binliop of London for issuing in license for the innrriuge of clivoi-cod persons, on the ground that the liixlioifs clmncellor held that such licenaes are proimr, mid the lJiHilU[) hm; a right to net on the decision) of his clmiicellor. William ;\luru, Toronto, Hutldenly ox- pirocl _yentur(ln_v from heart disease. Mr. Mam um-a waiting for it mu` on Yongo I~`t1'eel. hen he fell nvcr nmldied. Ile- cuu.-teil was born in Toronto. His wine mule was one of the largest of th- kind in (,'mm _\lr. .\Inru occupied prominent ||u.'4illI)I)l-I in inuny societies iuul wuss ll mem~ hvr of Hromlwny Methodist tnberimvle. Pafbhcesi. Hnlma, Puzz!e Box, &c., &c., ` X 50 CENTS ion 0!. Egx-premier Floquet, Paris, ill fdr several days with congestion of the lungs. is dying. ' T. C. Lazier is a candidate for the common: in West Hastings as an inde- pendent. Rum: Stnumon. non of Junu Steven- son, M. P., has baen n[pointod'collocbor of customs at Pete:-bo A r, dun masking of a Want. Hauclmza of an k er,ex-Donn] At. the meeting of e West. Hastings conservative uesocinmion John S. Dench, of Sidney, was elected president. The letter of the queen to the sultan of and 5th. Total premiums, um. Mr. Brynn, M. P. for Pontiac, is lying seriously ill pt `xi: home at Cou- hmnl. soon be l`68L0l`8(1 m Annmnn. John Elliott, amnion agent of the Cuna- dian Pacic railway at Windsor street station, Montrgnl. died last night. Himnn (`.imnrd. Murmv Bnv. n former station, Momarem. alea mm, mgnn. Simon Cinnnrd. Murmy Buy, I member of the house, will be the gov- ernment. qundidnbe in (jlmrlevuix county. I\.- Lnnhhinr will be the uomlervative eminent qunanunoe In umnevmx councy. Dr. Lmlhhier will be the uomlervative cundidutein Soulnnges in succession to Mr. Buin. appointed post.-oioe inspector. Jnhn Dickenson. A. J. lnklev and W. ` minations occurred to-day. E. F. l-`M uhnr, Toronto. has secured a half-million ollar contract, to complete the Ottawa & Parry Sound railway. thus mak~ ing a continuous line from Ottawa to the Georgian Bay. A't. 11 meeting of telnuernnce workers in ueorman Day. A}. 11 meeting temperance Wzitrlilbon yesterday it was decided to run \\'. W. Buchanan agaimt John Dickenson, llu: liberal candidate in South Wenbworbh, fur the Unmrio legit-1lnL\n'e. The rnnort. nf G.- R. Barnes. Albmnv. N. rm: APP/AIRS or Tl1E%~'{{0lJR. Llttln Mpttort Tb! lltlrolt Ivorybody- Note: from An Over---Llttlo of Ivory- tlnng lulu Bond and Bogonbond. Port Hogs will hold ioe races Feb. 4th 0 and 5th. ~ hlprem|nma,$500. Mr. Bruon. P.. Secu re Sidney, elected president. The uoen Turkey expressevnhe ope that peace would be restored in Anatolia. Inln. I`.llinr.t. nr.M.inn mranl. nf Mm (`mun- Buin. appointed post.-omoe Inspector. John Dickenson, I xkley W. Buchanan will contest or South Went- worth for the local le islature. The no- mina.tions occurred to- ay. R I?` Fnrnuhnr. Toronto. has fur the Unumo legislature. The report of`0.- R. Bacnes. Albany, \ .. xlppoillbed an an expert. electrician to Investigate nml report on the electric tow- imr nvabem. constructed and onerated 21$ fELE mom THE EAlTH'8 FOUR QUARTER8 swan. mvestigate nml report me electric cow- iug system, operated Tmmwanda, has been published. The sys- is endorsed. TI... .-...- when] 4IAnnrtn1m\f. nf the Michi- TWO KILLED, THVREE INJURED. APPLA-iJDED THE PRAYER. l ny#IY;a71;r_ `lrmprlgnod. I"' 1 IX (`Anions- nn... 1.... I'I|U I IVY` plnoo I z ively outbreak of hand .hn Iloma 17, 1396 In uulovn has been im-ind to con- duet I J'I::'lc nrch choilgnnd will ml: chitin It. An orgunm will`: hunnoluhn. ` V ` 1 unnupuon VIII". Hx.~m4,v-l mm in very. poor henlth for ovorlouryenrh. ohodocuxuid iI.vuoon- Itipntion. Not. wanting to p neud too much oubLl got three bottlespf unlock Blood Biaofl And took it. mxmlnrlv, I mm nnrti. ouuLI got. unreo oomespr uurdock Blood and wok it. lnrly. I can corti- fy that I am now inrtg: very best of tin! and feel very grateful to R B. B2 A1 n Txnuvx, Momma], Q-to. What They Kay 00!. I l40.Vlms,Jan. l7.-h is expected that tho ringloadenn among the pernonn arrested at Johannesburg, and mkon to Pretoria, for hnin taken pnrt in the movement inst t. oTuma\`anl government. will In aenlanoed to imnrinomnent fur n umn sgnunu. me 'u1:na\'anI government. Wlll be sentenced imprinoiunent for 1 term 0! (in yours. and that the others will lie condemned to pay heavy nes. HIIIIIICD I 'I| Cl III'KUI'- Last iii ht Mrs. Mac. Vsnluven, beloved by all wit whom she want m-qimilited. and one whom Ynrker will miss. passed away. Her death was sudden nnd came as a shock to the norninunicy, for, previous to nine o'clock. she was about her work, had done her milking and ran ohoeril up stairs. Mrs. A. Vunluren heard 1: ml and calling to her and receiving no answer ran up stairs nnd found her unconscious lyin on the iloor. The nuffonar never mlliod uh .......J....Il. ....-....l .._-.. `r\:.r\lAvII oh- anchor pmnounceu the muse. am, very and it.ia.nnd we mu acarely believe that Tics is gone. lhrmnnul tn nmnd twnnI.v.\'e Vanni. nee u- Deoonned vmu aged twenty-ve years. Dooeuod was A dnughtaor of A. McCo_`th , of that place. Mid one of the most. hi h{y esteemed ladies of the county. Her na- bcmd in a member of the rm of Eiwrt & Vnnluven. ' w Dr. Busby, Authors, Old Maild, Messenger Game, Peter Coddlcs,1 Game of Marriage, ` .. ....-......\ no 1| nne remrm lnI|]0I'll._V m me nouno._ The funds for the new furniture factory have all been presented, and than goes an- other indn:=cr_v. u ... n..m.. r.,........ ........n.. .l:.:A..I_ we noor. '1h6 nunomr never rtuuou nun rndunlly pnucd nvuy. Apoplexv. the goctnr pmnounced the Sat}, vary and it.is.|nd we mm ncnmlv unknown tor years. If the Hon. (LW. Ross. Fmeer, of Nova Soutiu. and Peter Hynn, of Toronto, have as good luck everywhere as here, thare'l| be ne reform majority in the houno._ Tim fund: fur the new furnit.n.m fnrlnrv llUIll'l'Il'l.l nuum. West. Huron extends its right hand to Mnnitobn. The (loderich Star tells the l"nr|nern' Sun that all this time), nnaoen the while, the fine (lameronian Italian band had bean getting in its work." And no Rumnn of old knew his work better. Even our olrl conservative town gave fifteen of n nmjorily for Mr. Cameron. The lbicvcln lnomrv hm; thirtv-ve hands nmyrrny Ior Mr. uxmeron. The bicycle factory has thirty-ve hands at work. Cnpt. Crai ie, owner of the tug Evelyn, in the first eterman who ever sat at. the (-ounoil board in nmre than u unr- ber nf n cent.ur_v. A. M. Polley aent.a(fnrfe consignment of homes to England on he llbh inst . No craft of any kind is being built at the harbor this season, something unknown for If the Hon. Roan. Fmner. omer lllulN=Ll`_V. Wont Huron honors ea Malcolm (lolin gets the I David gene the grip sack. .-aluy nillruluuu. 'l'hu nllhvern of the 47th butt. held their nnmml reghnonuul meeting at the Wiudnor _vouterx|ny. |.t. (`nI. Hunter presiding. The amounts were nmhtod and were found to be in u very sntinhmtory oomlition, there being a lmml fund uulrplna alone of 8350. The queutiun of the wgilnenlfn going into training in Port Henry, this winter. wus- discussed, and was enthuniam tiunlly omlurnod by the ollicere. The intention in tn hnvethe corps trained either as 11 unit. or two companies at A time, and have iumtnwtuln from the rnmnent force on the name bneiu as the eclheool uf instruc- tion at Quebec. It was hoped that the ro~ construction of the cabinet will make no di'urence in the nrrungemente. The formation of a city vompany was nlsn fuvombly discussed. and the project will be carried out. The different commit teen were appointed und the meeting ml- jnurned. 1\ ; _.,n. `L... rurvarll llll III I' It'll- lirzluu, .lnn. l7.--The consul-general of Llm TrnmI\'m|l republic nay: that the alutolnem. vroditod In Cecil Rhodes placing the population of the Transvaal nt H.000 Boers against. 70.000 llltlandorn, inn willnl porvorslun of the truth. In likewise in the nu-inuutlun that tho lnw providing for the oonnomlou 0! property III the mule of re- buln ugnlmll. the auto wn purpmsely Inmat- ml lmnl. Innnth 'l'lm luw in uumllinn has mm ngumu the auto |)ul'p0l8I_V unman- ml lm-L nmnth. The law in quouion_hna been in ml-nuvuno uinno INN. and every one know u! it: 0IiIlA!II(v6.t` recent. conmc-L. Mr. Rhodes expressed an hoye tlml, Mr. (flmmbex-lain would su port, L e Uitlanders in their Q,'Er(.u Ln oytain relorms. He thought, pr itlenl. Krueger would prone- cutenfew `cf the reform r-ommitbee. ar- rested at, Johannesburg. with extreme .-nererity, but. would nally be vompellod to (`()ll(`G(l0 the main points of the lIit.luuder.~4' (lomnmln. VI llldlnlhonmou wwry. annual. -shun. n: s Aununl llollnuanlul Iulllj Mold Vener- .-4|ny Annnaou. 'I`|... ..nI|.. J nI.- I~l|. |...hb Lglnl Alan}.- I0 mnericnnn in we iransviun. Lmim.\', Jan. IT. -The correspondent of the Pull Mull (inzette, at Ca Town, semi to that puper the report 0 an interview with (boil J. Rhodes, ox-premier of the (`ape (folony. just. prior to the lnLbar s em- barking for England. Mr. Rhodes is re- presented as saying: It. is of the hi heat importance that the Bibuation shoul not b0pl'8jl.ldiCU(l. Untllnll of the facts are known the people of Johannesbur should not be thought, cowards, thou h t, oy were undoubtedly crushed by the goers in the recent. conic-L." Ll... nI.,.A..`. ..-...........l .. 1...... H... M Mn` Gsllovn has been invited to Innc _I...u.'.. ......I. ..I\..;. .....| _m o-|.- ulu I "l'IlII.IOIIIu L0.\'miN, Jan. J -The British foreign olr,-'0 has received in note from Mr. Bayard, l'.S. Ainlnisnador, saying that he has been instructed by his government to tender Lhnnks to Great Britain for her kind oliioes to Ainericnnn in the 'l'rnnavnal. IT 5|... l)..lI \I..lI 1'" II 1.0- l`nnA'I"nurn nnuulu non manna OI legislation. The premier. on being asked who is to behi h commissioner in the place of Sir Char es Tupper, laid the cabinet. had not. yet touched the niitwr. There is a shrewd! suspicion that. the icion will be ke t. open and mana from Ottawa. r. ;`olmer, the head of the London of- cea, who has held the position manyyean under the sucoeuive high commlseieneru, and who is will a man in the of life. and dominated with the demo to faithful- lv serve Canada, will probably benching commissioner in the interim. ` 'l`lm ..n'liI..-n Alnlnnnf in tho |\nIIlA in nnl. [ commissioner III we interim. The military element in the house in not satisfied with the substitution of Mr. Don- jurdins for Mr. Diliey u minister ol mill- tis at this particular time. when important measures for Canadian defence are under consideration. The fact thet the cabinet is likely to be remodelled after the next election, now not far distant, and that the ` defensive pr I-amine of the government has been deci ed, leaving the minister de- tail: of management to administer rather than questions of policy to originate, to- gether with the desire not to disturb mat- tern again just yet. reconcile many to the deal who otherwise would be vigorous kickers. 'l`|u.`A;.....nu-I nnnAIII\fn --54-nan urn in uougnuon overnmenb. Ir, ia um erstood that Sir Hibbert Tup per has been offered the high communion- ership nnd has declined. Qonntor Parley Will. Question Is an , Honor. Oruws, Janusry l7.-Sonssor_, Parley isalber the scalp of lieutenant-govsrnor Mackintosh, whose frequent. and long- ed visits to Ottaws vsx the wos\;o ssns- bar : soul. ` On Monday next lie will ask: ll his honor the lieutenant. - governor of the northwest t.errit.ori`ss is an officer of the government. .' and if so, has the `govern ment muted him permission to live in the city 0 Ottswa while serving in such cspac- l icy; also. if he is here now on leave 1-! sh- sencs, and if so` for how Ion Y or if there is an administrator of the o co during his absence; and if so, does such sdminislulor pt. . nd bnpn shims? rl:iuQr.1.'..v thiv will dsbsu the ad. d The unornu n?y:fnoy Inn uosnsu mu an roufornooupo wash. `Ito pun- wro is-brought to but upon Mlunianur to induce him to content to an amendment ` proposing g oommiuionon the school quot . Lion inataid ol legislation. I The nramier. on beimr kickers. The `disputed accounts referees are in session in one oice of the nance depart.- menc, and will continue their duties to- day. The referees are Hon. A. M. Ross, representing Ontario, H. T. Machen, re- presenting Quebec, and Dickenaon, the dou_1inion overnment. In L. nnl `rOnnr' Mme QR. Ilihhnpt Tun. HOBART'S I Amlmumlor Bayard /Presentl Then From l.hn 1 nrnnnnnl. Ilau nu =';:::z.~.; Inna: `nu- AN ABSEHTEE GOVERNOR. THE rloumunmo 47TH. THANKS FROM THE U.8. x um: um pays mm! ibornln any thoy for I much of Biron: III!- (';)nu(I"p:i_)n 337.3. I -unhg :.. ..--.. _--.. \ equally dividod~ Dudel Back." apt l ` Walsh's fine stock of Dry Goods dimaged bf Fire land Vfater on the morning of January 7th. 'S3t"rd\) Morning gscfock Fire Sale will bgin op P. J. WALSH . lmmmmmm N0 WASTE [OF ,WORDS. Fire, RICHFION D & CO. ICORRIGAN & cos fJanuary @ Clearing co) Sale. P355 u.ll`y l lCVI`JUD CIIIJII. l These goods claim your attention. Come on MONDAY and ICOIHC as early as possible. Later in the day there is SUI!` to be a crowd here. The best goods at the lowest prices and just such goods as you are sure to want will be here. Don't miss it. Such values have never been known in Kingston. {The Kingslgq FA [R This immense purchase will lit` ready for your inspection and pur- chase. livery departnient will l)C loaded with Bargains you cannot afford to miss. \Ve have sold you Cheap Dry Goods at different times, but the goods we shall offer on MONDAY NEXT will sur- pass any previous effort. Tl-man rand: r-lnim vnnr nHo=ntinn_ Crime nn MONDAY and cry-uounnnumuuunn E`. "ILIAUII .00. F. x. COUSlNEAU S OLTD TSTANDT That will save more money for you than any stock ever brought into Kingston. Every I)ollai"s worth is new, fresh and perfectly up to date, but we bought them at less than the price of OM-{a'lli0(i goods. \Ve are determined to give you the benefit. It's not our way to save money without giving you :1 chance f6 share it. and on I apomume, it one mum is esumnaneu. The board of trustees, to whom the mat- ter has been left by the university nuthori~ ties und the senate, will meet the govern- ment on Jan. 23rd, and discuss the ques~ tion and ask thnt the subject he left to the oourta of law to decide. IJLDD ILI LIA 1../u|..|1|n.I1\lI| \Jl \/ulluuur We cannot but feel sorry that mistortune should have overtaken them. The purchasers of the stock at once decided to sell at mighty reductions, and sent a special request to attend the sale to Mr. L. A. Pre- vost. who saw in it a chance to get Dry Goods cheap for the people of the Limestone City. We were among the largest buyers and have secured for you [Monday Ncxt, Jan. 20, 18% {T he Sensation 1 of the Season The people of Canada received a surprise when the Wholesale Dry Goods rm of Samson, Kennedy of Toronto closed its doors. They were a firm who carried a tremendous stock of well assorted goods and were doing the largest Wholesale Dry Goods busi~ ness in the Dominion of Canada. IIV . - . . 1 II Thousands of Dollars Worth of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods UOIIDIO [DBL ILIHOIIHE. One of the question: to be determined in whether the novinoo or dominion is re- sponsible, if t 0 claim is established. l The trustees. 801:0 Unpaid daupu com; llnok :0: ant ._. . ixuntury. TORONTO, Jan. I7.-~The senate of To- ronbo university bun new and startling claim against. the province of Ontario or 'tho dominion nl Canada for more than 3100.000, 1 Thmnnn Nnduinn in nag:-nhinn thuvnurh uq.-w Fxuhlonnble Jmvkm. In less than out P:-loo._ . _ M _ 6,110!!! . Conan and (Moves mum: in r..?u (gqt in pm on M this sale. mom 'r1-In Pl.M`f-2: no statute can be found which no ' tha man. and nu: in wax. II : " I-ne uII- I eontinuod. `or no obviml m vious act. From this source about .000 is due to the institution. From other grants made ubout the sumo time the sum will be raised to nhngst double that amount. n; nl lhn nnnntinnn In In: tlnfaruninnd in uu,uuu, a Thomas Hod in: in sou-chin through the nrohivb an rld papers in t, 0 passes- sion of the mvinco diecrwored docu- ments whicil nf the foundntiun of the claim. and he is now preparing. I report on his discovery. ` I In I828 nu: not was nsnad in due form. 1 ms alscovery. In 1828 an act passed in due form, granting $l,000nyur to educational in- stitutions, which aftawardl bgcauge King : coll . and later Ton-on uriIvo mi`. hmmuhow tint; than t was v 9.5:. vi-nvinnn In `HQ ! IQHH ' an. uaatlinunow um; um i {I IN the povinoo in 1828',` , 1830.` sa|..{nd huln 1392. It`1htLhe diu- nnnrjnnnd fm-nn nhvinm mam _ m nnl lllcurhcd Ta}->1i|'1g, worth f`FI.50, for 85C. Bleached Sheotinv :3! two yards wide, worth 30c, now 18c. Unbleached Tabling, worth 50C, for 35. The insun-ah,ce people paid the loss, and the Great NEW CLAIM ,BYA ;VARS|TY. Sale! for huh only. No small parcels tent; Onmm or two puinfs 0! 3 pay to take udvunnuw ul Hhfkml |Inwn [)l'il'l"4 nn nH .(}hr|utnu|u 1 Orange Hall Building. 80 Princess Street. 169 Princess Street AT THE CARPET HOUSE OF And theNewest Veilings Silk Laces Torchon `Laces Valenciennes Laces, IIIIV. Illrn IIIIIIIIIII lll`I|lIIl.I.\`|l- BI`.u.i:vn.|.|:, Jan. 10. --In Llw police court. magistrate Flint gave judgment, in the one of Fallen vs. Hudgina, the charge 0! which was that of obtaining {our gallons of cider under false pretence:-. Rev. Mr. Hud ins produced thedue bill which on- t.it.l him to in quantity of cider from the Graham company, and the magistrate dismissed the cane, plaincilf to pay oats. cmnery. `_ Many unoccupied miners cabins were swept. away, but. fortunately the on-upants wen absent. spending the holhl.-a_vs in Juneau: otherwise many deaths would have resulted. debris. ' The slide turned from the hand of Gold Creek and tone in path 200 yards wide for ve miles. It. struck the protruding point. ofu mountain carrying away million! of tom of_ rock And earth. Tire roar was in- doueribnbl It struck the? mining opm buildings A d pu-riod May the uurtz mi and the building. together wit: the Inn- I chinery. Manv unoccuniod miners cabin: were \Ve nro narin-z um Popular Iluolu AH {>01-(4 $1.16. TIIBAI9 (`nmpriw Biography. Hunk-4 uf Qnpn lrn .\IuunH ..hn Pom Toummuu, Wuh.. Jan. I7.---A wunt avalanche of snow Iwepg; down {mm the mountain taps into Bilrac Basin, near Juneau, Alaska, last. week, killing John '1`. Pearl and destroying a quartz mill and other property wort. 840,0 I. The mul- Inche came with such force as to sweep the round clean of all buildings in lb! path. i mining ohafywan choked with mow an debris. Th. nlidn -6..-tad I`-mn tlm lumcl n! nld `Ton In Why Poi Flu Illa:--IIllol One In... (A Nll(3l-FTHYWAVVALANCHE. NEUU -uuv, - . You run luuy n $1.5 ): Thnwkernu All the Hilh I` Evening` A --AT oun~-- 75i3itEAI JANUARY SALE 3%0HrjHnENnLEasoN_&oo. J 88 6:. 90 Princess Street. . :__...L .-\ . \ The Corner Bokatoro. i is T@y!01f.N?!L$!9.Iel i: A . 3, . 3 - ~ ---.--.---ww-u V. 86 Princess Strnet. Balance of \Vinta1- "(Jomls to he dlppoged of ut ma Ho-r|||4-Mons. @ aamesl a Moment! MEDICAL HALL.| 5 CENTS mum that the noon: Ma nun pilot Inc: the N`. P. The .|`9N|"" showed cu: nun; the end! -`Isl! no menu: of pomllllb 3' boon! nomoun use 1: IL. with In on two Owl `Hume-nt had enxagnd 'he Intention or `funfederation. and a question which in Im~' mhnni-r of its settlement miuhl lwrlnhhehtly affect the future of Can- uda. Fur his part he had thought that it wnulu Ive well that every facility -hnulal he given to the Government for bringing In at tho earilont pouibie mo ment the measure (or which this Iri- aioh had been called. but hetnre that there were no-rtain duties: which had tn be Attended to. and nut and toremo-t was tho duty in which they w_ere no`! engaged oi offering an answer to the Ineech with which his Excellency wu pleased to open the session two week! |l0~ He oitered hi: congratulations to the-mover and aoconder of the -address for the manner in which they had D0!`- formed their dutiea. He paid IIIJOI` Xeolliivray the compliment ot tellinl him trtht he had seldom aeen him ex- celled in the power 0! |llII(|l|l"- no-ah Ma memory did not seem to he no good In his imagination. lie. wan iznonnt `or the not that v there had been an exodus aiace the in- troduction of th N. P. He had only remembered tha there had been an exodna at aotna lime. in he would I191, admit that the undue taken Place ahce the N. P. Th. n-nu return: SPECIAL JV ARGAIN DAYS mucturen In (tanmht. \ Mr. Jeanlmotte will Imroduce :1 bill tu `amend the bsmk act. Mr. Sneaker White lnnned hln wan-um mm) snougnt regal-umg the Northweati exhibition of last fall. as to whloh much has ulreudy bren said In the l`9rrltnr!u| pmpena In condmnnntlon or (he ma-nncemeutx , Dr. Mnmazup zlvm nntk-o of :1 MI! 1119 manaaemeuk I M--nttague given notice of a bill respecting the marking of cheese man- ufuclured In (Tanmln. .\lr .l4~an.nnna mm ImmA..n.. . mu 0.. , t-n II) nu ms pume, una who is paying i NlI(`h person `, -Smmtor Perlvy ialsw ` w1.-shes to know why the Lieut.l(})v+-r- nur's BA'llP!`li[ was nut given pn tho` .~u`hool ordinance of last: evasion, and if i the (im"evrn.men-I. puvpmwe putting it` into erfevt by order in Council or oth- wlst-: also if the overmnenvl has ari- vised Mr. Mackintosh tn withhni his amen-t to t`he Ineasure. Inforrnnt '11 is ` aim sought regarding the Northwest: fail. an In whlohl nnvn Minister. The first order of tho day was HM motion of the address In rnply l- lhv npoevh {mm the thnme. Tho comp!!- mvntary ofce 0! moving and so-vnnrl lng thv address. which Is, whvm-\---r gII`(`U(`&bl(`. handed Iver to nv-W mun- wrs. was this year aaslanrd tn .\lp.-zsr-' Powell of \V-atnmn-land and .\lr`f:1H|- Vrny nr Nnrth Ontario. whn:-m l'o'IxIrn tn the House was NH` wnly .Inl\`nn- which the ($u\`:-rnment rP9('llV`rl fruln thv six bye-elections which wrrv hvlrl during tho renown. .\lr. Laurhar mud. n ..m....b. ..yM..|. IN-nru me admiration of his om-:1-`lit-*4. whn gave it their undivided atlentlun` from rnt tn last. when thu Llborul lvmivr had nlnhed, the gm-nm-all \`er1ilfI 0! those who had listened to his eiw' `luenr-e and his lntib was that he had never appeared to better advantage OI apuken with auoh effect. Mr. Laurie: not out by expressing the regret at the Huune that the actun of weak and vaeiliating men had prevented It frum addressing itself to the task of dis- rharning the duties which were In mmbent upon it. He agrc-ed with Mr Powell in uayinz that It was a speCiB' and moat important session. "at only was It an Important aensiun, but at: unprecedented and an extraordinary one. and for more reasons than On" ' It Wu unprecedented and extraordin- ary not only because of the crlslr which had been witnessed. but especial is hecauae Parliament had been aunt- nuun-Li tn (`t'[k`l|l||Il(' one nklhe ura\t:H _t'-sliullu which had ever t---mo h-~~' -rc Iu to nu-Lellullw tn [HP rhi In -I '. lhv nrnve-Il. perhaps. that up to L1: "Hum:-nl hnd enngvd 'he nuenuon (`unto-dorntlon. and n mu-snon whloh I `amend the bunk Speaker White laoued his warrant tn-day for an election 1n Carp? Breton. A moaning of the Cabinet will be hold this attonmon and the returning otoer uppnlntod, so mm the writ fur the elev- Hnn can he Issued by the Clerk of the- (`mwn In Chancery. The date for 11: nomlnav`\n has been xed for Jan. 25%. um! thv election takes place a week later, Feb, 4. Ottawa Inn 1: _Ia...-4..I \. rt-I..- uurlng mo Laurler madv a apnea-h whi--h Ihwl nddltlnnal luntro upnn his frunv as u Parlllunenlary dvhlc-I`, It will lung he remembered as being one H the able!!! dellvernnvos that has hcwn made upon publlv questlnnx In thr House of (`ommnma It lnnnlrnnl my Ilium` upon punllr "_ues!Inm< In of (`ommonot It Inaplrod th--I enthusiasm of his followers and <`nm~ pt-Hod tho admiratlun of his their undlvldml nllonllnn` D W rATURDAY. molt -bnmraced proceeding, and [nut ft named an If he had been bribed- to take the field Ian Montreal Centre on the promlne or a. Senatorshlp. This ntateanont. he lwld, had not a word of V ttutah In 1!. He had not been aIpproa.ch- . ed nor had he mprproaohed any mem- ' bar of the Government, and, In (ant. . had not even Lhougm -1 n 2-lenatur- ` llhlan. until he re-N-lwxcl un 1)P\"Pn1bf`l'| no not Lnougm ur senator- alhlap. until he received on he-camber: 81st a telegram (mm the Premier offer- I Inc hhn one of the vacant seats In I the chamber. He repnea mm szunul evenln-5 accepting. and that was all there was about me matter rom the V beginning to the end. Atmrnev-Gem-rnl Blair. the Ltberal beginnimr the end. Attorney-General Blair, the Premier of New Bruniswvick, occupied a twat on the floor 61' the Home thin nmterrvoon and heard the defbwte on the address. Speaking to your corres- pundent attcrwnrdi, Mr. Blair express- ed are-at adnlimtlon for the Liberal Iewclu-`s speech, and entire accord with his sentiments. He said : "I have heard Mr. Le. nler before. but never to such wdvanta I It was a i-Iplendid speech. I was particularly impressed with the latter portion of it. He has nalumi `Ms reiputntion in (Yunnan by the wtnv he has handled the school ques- Dale. Upon the motion to adJou1'n, Sir WH- Mam Hlnrston rose 10 a question ur privilege, and complained of n sum-- mcnt which appeaned In The '[`.orontu Globe of the 4th lnet., to the effect that his appointment to the Senate was :1 -bnmtaced proceeding, and that seemed bribed - Oitlwa. JI.n. 16.-(Specja.l.)-{In the l senate to-day the debate on the address , was contlnued thll ntternoon by So- ` nntor Boulton, 1 Comervatlve. who do- [ nouncod the Government`: scal pollcy. 3 He renrded preferential trade wlih- In the empire an chlmetlcal and lm- ` possible. He cauxtloned the Government on their school polloy. They should , take warning from the result of the l tenoral electlom In Manitoba. He predicted delewt for the school blll. Senator Perley. also a Nort'hw<~:et r~~- precncteu den-an. tor me B-cnum um. Perley. ` pruentatlve, said emclem achouln were - lndlspemsvablv. but aner school hnurs he had no objecthm to religious in< atructlon 0! any kind. Ann others had amolcen. Senator Fer- urucuon 01 Klnu. After others had apolten, guson moved the adjournment or the d--- bale. Bonror Hlngutonm Don1Ll-0Ipo Breton Election--Uautonnnt-Governor Mock` IntoIh'I via: to Ottawa. MR;j,.AURlEVR S GREAT SPEECH. THE POLITICIM1 ~$0J Debate on the ; Address in Parliament. clued by Mr, Pow;-ll. lhnl the prmcip unnltlon 'I"l'e very .lr0Il, no cl III. H-.~ rnnlnulne-d that tho doctrine on of l r0\'|m`9ll aulnnnmy did not nt- in. mum not .ho talented for I mo- ment. It would he (want the II: 10 mo Mntnry M m.- whole Confederr lbon 10 III)` In 1896 that the prlnclvlo M Provincial autonomy did not exist. Though (ho powor In lnlerfe eluted. II. requmd to be c-xorvbednonlv for can-0 and when I onhltanthl inhu- uco he found um. . ll?-. Pupil tho) wort emltlod ln;,_1'h9ro was nu Is:-up buvwn the two runs on this uuoulnn. That being 5 no vplnkm in Manitoba I-~da.v. w I , was the ceurpo [n he fnlluwctl h)` plQ Of (`nnuln lo-dny `.' Thu dmlou 1 (.139 nllunllnn mmro \'0fV .lNIIt, no N. I'r|i_\`, but lh-J)` nimulrl I`Q`10\`(` Mr. HI`I`l1\\'!I)' I am puxwr an-I |tl\'o- it to his a-ppmwnis. Hr mu.-4 Kind to know that tho rt-null }osfn`|'dn) was in |'I\\/or ni lhn purl; much. In [no innguugn ur its Attorney- (RM-neml. and its nI'IIi('ipu| 0 an. The Trlbune. was ready to on der the vlnims of the niimn-inf. -and if n griev- nnro were rnunii in vxi.-`(' It was rvady in give uwm lhv \u-:1.-ure of relief they emltiod tn`:1'horI- no bun bnunwn hurting of Canada and Manitoba. He said that he knew {rum the manifesto isaued 9. {PW day! ago ivy Mr` Oreenway to the People of Manitoba at the opening of the campaign there Gilt he refund to mmpiy with the term: of the remedial order, though he intimated his readi- ness to investigate the whole subject gvnemlly with tho (iovwrnmont of Can- adm That the people or Manitoba felt Very strumriy upon this subject they know from thv vim-tinnn which had taken plum yesterday. The Greenway Government had imcn austninvd at lho polls in an m-orwheiming manner. The tune ilsrd hvtween the two par- ties: was not as tn whvlhc-r tho nchooia i .>-..mi.| r... 4-..n...ti ....- um imt the issue } snnum IN` l'nl|1lIl|A` Iallwd against, Mri II the pa-upln n!` M ` lhvir FVIH-III uf (`umlnx to the vunslderntlon or me- Manitoba nchnol qua-stlnn he briey M- vlawod the events nlnce the iuuo of the remedial order, mentioning the ex- change: of correspondence that had taken place between the Governments of Canada Manitoba. He and that ha kn;-w (rum tho rnnnlfc-ltn I.-uuod tlc-r to be 9l't`evtlve-l_v spent, nhuuld he spent In .`l\l(`ll n manner as to prov1de ` fur the mllltlu the best arms whlch It is ponulhlv tn buy and ln kwpltlg with the progress of the age. The object 0! arming tho nnllltla and oft havlng n voluntner f0l'l`t` Is that should the un~ fortunate contlngvnvy 0: war happo-n and should we he called llpun to defend our country we should have 2: force to meet the enemy and to repel the lnvanlnn. put ll uur mllltla Hr vuluntt-era are` to meet th" NW-IV If, any mom;-nt. which God tnrbld. I say It wuuld be almply nendlng them to hutchery If they wera not --qulppetl with an armament equal to that which the enemy would have In thvlr hands. I qulte rn-echo every word that was mild by Major McGllll- vrny an thls uuhjr-vt. I go further and any that tho hast urmamrnt and the host 1-t'-m,~e- tn [0 |{l\'v good and suund \\'0ap-t1.-I In the H"1(`|`)rE of Canada. lAp|luH(`.) I do not understand what ls or ntrengthonlm; the Canadlun defences. l hupe thl.u nwnns nu jlngo pollcy. (Hvar, hear.) \\'u- are at peace wlth our n@iKh`).V4 It is true that there was H. llttlo rlpplv a few days am) he- twru-n (lreut Brltutn and the 1'nlte-I States, but I am glad to say that the ln-st fee-llng In Canada and In the Unltvrl ` Status to-day would regard a war bf`- twc-vn Ureat llrltuln and tlw United States as lwlng as fratrlcldal as that In whl:-h thlrty years ago were shed priols of blood. It In contended that there la n do-op-seated hustlllty ln the Unltvtl State-:4 ugnlnut (ire-at Hrlmln. l deny the prupnsltlnn altoL:=tho~r. I know sonwthlnx of tho Anwrloan people. I am frtw to any that the war of emanc|- putlnu has left In Hume <'ln.-was u feel- lng Hf lrrltatlun ngulntlt Gl'I`t Hrltaln, meant by the reference to the necessity hut l \-~ntun~ tn .-my amongst the nu: lhls (I would do nuuung lo vhgxent even Hm |>-rxsllslliiy that we wens Inululglug in talk of war with ma Anne-rh-ans, who were our neighbors. Alludlng to the paragraph stating that the growth of populatlrm In the Nurth- we-st an dlsclnsed hv the last enumera- the growth of population In me Nurtu- by tlon called for nddltlnnnl repreoonlatlnm In lhn Hnuse of (Ton muna. he asserted that It was beyond tho Jurlsdwtlon 0! ml: nmxtbund Parliament to deal with such It subject. and said that there was about It the smell of gt-rrymtmder. t`--mlnn lh mmsldertlon or the Hnnnnhu nnhnnl IIIIIA-"(III hn hrlnflv 1!- Bell lltgan & Piano Eu. I Moullvfiy waa heralded ulrourpuut the length and breadth of the country ' as a great and substantial victory for the Government. Slr Pllhlbert Tupvper, belng Interviewed In New York. pro- clalmed to the American people that the victory In North Ontario was an endomutlon by the people of Canada cf the policy of the Government upon the Only I. tn! days utter- uhonl Lug. ".."W.z|-co`. who an we the Sezi d . but he magma u there u been A victory for the Gov- nrnmant It was a. victory which mum at had been victory for me unv- ernment it a victory some time turn into a defeat. Whether it was approbation or condemnation of the Government, there Wu no un- certain sound in Cardwell. in Montreal Centre, Jacques Cartier and West Huron. The Government could comfort itself with me viooory in Victoria, B. C., but there had been a landslide in Victoria which aimolt buried the new Controller oi. Inland Revenue under its ruin. The speech of the mover of the resolution had been almost altogether devoted to the Manitoba ecnool ques- tion, while in that of the aeconder there had been not a word on that question. Last sesaion Mr. Bennett. the mover of the address. had declared that the remedial order was simply a reference at the, question to the Manitoba Government, while Mr. Beiley. the seconder, had declared that the Government had pinned its faith to the policy of interference. and interfer- ence there would be. Upon the pres- ( nt occasion there was one sound com- 'ing from one Province and another 'sound coming from another Province. It would be known by-and-bye who was singing in tune with the policy of the tlovernmont. I. asked to measures Intended to pro- \ ld+- for the he-tter arming of the mill- llaii defenves. It semnod to him that the subject was not one that should call` ` 11:1 and the zatrvnyrthenlng of the (`ana- 1 for anvh a. solemn announcement as to words or Unvernor Morton, lL|lll't`IHr`(l to the Leglaluturn of New York State`. emphasizing the binding nature -of the lle he-tween tho lwu cuuntrlr`H and de- ;-lnrlnx a dI-tnv'lmnm- nf thv friendly I-lnllunu lhul print The Iandoar (-on unaer tin! Nctibnl P6Ii'y.' R {on to 1) `per cent. It it were true thnt the poo-` plo went away In the former dectdo and they had Ind, nineteen you: to looms back. they were not onqlowcd hand to come back. they endowed with the same degree of locomotion u ` was possessed by hon. gentlemen on the oor of the Hones. He was in doubt whether in North Onta.rio the Govern- ment had actually won a. victory or suffered igdefemt. The election of Madon- Moaullvray Lhrourlnut length th_e`count_ry Uo\'ernmenL Mr. Laurler now book up the speech from the throne and commented upon [it puragraph by paragraph. In the Hrat paragraph thanks were returned for the bountiful harvest. In the post thanks: warn nn! liven to PI`0VId9l'|C bountiful harvest. in we -`pun thanks were not given to Providence fur the bountiful harvest, but general- ly to the National Policy. It was not fair that the National Policy should not have been given praise in the speerh from the throne for the great and big and good prices which the Canadian farmer was getting for his good harvest in the Canadian market, which had been built up by the Na- tional Policy. (Laughter and ap- |-luuse) Commenting upon the refer- ence to the loyalty Hf the Indiana, he .-mid that so long an they were well treated they would be loyal. He agreed with the statement in the 5 eooh that Vhn indman-int nohunis were -oinr: mood "I 0 Junzusnu .-1 qln-ru, uuu uu-ms urn. (Amvlnmm) Mr. bl.ur|er quoted the ...I . ....n_ .1 n A . . . _ _ , ._ u,........ ...|. `I to lnumnto that they have tram their Annoy for Kingston and unr- round! country to R. J. )l<'lI()\V.\l.l.. 47: t noun nt nohnlul nolivit thruuzh , 5 ountlnuynoo of the gmneruun patron- ; Ijlhono reooiyad. , Imps tho most Alnvrlcnn of the Ameri- nn puel, Whlltlor. theao Hues address- vd In the l`3nxl|.=`h people 1-- " We how the heart. but not the knee, To Fngltuxrl`.-4 Queen, (Ind bless her." 1 A....Ia..mn \ \h- Lnurlnr nunlnd Chi V `rninluz. JAKUABQ inn nA1`1:'.r%~1siWc{`1i`IsJII " W11` 1G`. To Elle llcyclcn. \\'nom1'm'I. Jun. I7. --A number of citt mm of Woodstock. who have neared the right to manufacture and sale of haven! of the latest bicyolo improvement, are nppl_v~ ing for incorporation, u the New Barnes Bicycle Cu. Lul. ol Woodnaock. with u cuplhtl 0! 915.0(1). `VHO RI ! TIIWIOIIUCI .' "l>;I(l.I\`, Jan, l7. -`Th0 Voorvvneru-. the leading organ of the nocialistn, prints be- fme hand the emperor`: douse which will be iromulgnled to-marrow, Jan. Itli. on Lane occasion of the tw'enl._v~lth anni~ vereery :of thnlrroclnmntiou of the Ger- man empire. oning Iniliury oenders. who are u erfoing sentence requiring the payment. of eee than 150 mark: ne, or six weeks imprisonment. Oendera, whn are ned or imprisoned for ill-treat menu of their inferioraln rank, or for deeer- lion. Ire not included in the clue of those receiving clemency. U-III-I Ia-Iv Will imrpediatoly nlirvo ox whoop- ing cough and btonchms. W `I dng nan. .:..."""..s'1`I`."3."m.'.'2'.4"-"u' `.;"`. u."`` 5'22 ];P each. It not only [no- vcnh I .......,. .1. .. .;':z."..."-......"-1* . A `I L {cred Uhlt) V\esleynn umvermty. an Hour mire, us in freshman. He remained there two yearn, nml then entnrotl Cornell uni- \'ersiLy. wliorvlie wn.-I qrmlualod in I861) In the first elm-`.-4. In the fall of the same your he wns mlmitted to practice at the bar Ill Hamilton T`\llIl_Y. He was .-nupervis-or of elections in ('incinm\t.i in N76. Thu next year he. was the republican (`uncle him for com- umn Plemz jual[;o,anrl. lll(NlL!lI|1llRll(`.C8RBful, l`.'|II nlneml of lllri t.ir'keL. In April`, 1879. he \\'i.~I elected to the nuperior court `pf (Yin- cinnnti. He resigned this poaition after holding it three years. on nccount of ill health. Judge Fornlmr was the republican rumlidnw for governor nf ,Ohio, when he wiul defeated by George Homlle '. He was married in I870 to a 1 nugliter of, exc0n resamun llezekinli K. Bu:ul_v, and is the utllier of four r~liildren_. .\lr. Fm-uker vm.-I born nun` Rninsboro, Iliglilnnal vount_v, Ohio. on July 5th. i8~|ti. llnrinu his bn_yh00(I he worked on n farm. Al. lliu ago 0! sixteen he left, lllllb umplny- nn-ntnnd anli-mil us at privntn in tho eighty-nintll Ohio infantry. He i-or\e(l with (law Lhiril division of the fourt.eent,h tinny i-nips, Ill tlienrmy of the Cumber- lnml, until the ggln.-to of the wnr. On August 26th. llMi'.. ., he was :1 - pointed in N6l`|,{0lllIl., mid wns mm 0 n lh-L lieutenant. Marcln Nth. I864. Ho wins l)l`(5\'6LCO(l r~npt,nin "for otcient ner- \-n~o.- (luring the omnpnignn in Ueorgin nnd North (`imilinu," on .\lnmh Nth, |H6.'i,mi when his regiment wn.-4 iuustered out he mun Aervnig us aide-tlcrcunnp on Hen. Slo- vinn's stall`. He mrtivipawtl in all the lmttlos of the Lulnborlnnd, excepting Cliickmmingn, at which timv he was em- ployed in detached service. .\t. the claim of the wnr the young soldier bcmuno n ntmlont in Salem nt-ndemy, Ross munty. (thin, uml in the full of Itifl en~ tomd Ohio Wesleyan university. at Ikilir ........ ..- .. c......|....-.. II. .-......;....I ohm-n uwr since the sum; (`Ull\'6nLl0ll nominated Bushnell for governor. ulsu been knmru nll nloug that, wax u vnmiitlntv for_Lhe prusidentiu um! um hill-one reooivad. NI |;z`\tr"1';u-:1 l Oolnun us Ilno nomlocl that they nm- to DIM ntylnom. to Mr. Ioliownll [or [nut duo II` cu-nut lnutalments. .l()>ll'H BENSON l0llAKl".l{. would be the nominee. Both of these gen- tluinon lmm lmret.ofora been strong M0 Kinley utlvucntes, nml the new of their ulmmrtion of the turilf lender will cause q-nmatcrmmon mnong hi`: friends. It isu well known fart that McKinley nml Fornke-rlm\ o been political enemies aim-e the suite t`0n\'enLion which .,.,1 llIILl|\IVf\'. cm -tn`-nrnnr lo L... pun. NI-`.\\ Yolm, Jan. 17. -A Herald special from (.`im~innuLi says : An editor of a re- pubhw-nu evening pnpor made the boid um! nmrllm statement yesterday nftornoon Llmt Olin wuulul prestml (ho mime of Joseph Beusmn lm`nkcz for pm:-Idvllb lo the nulionnl repnbli(:nn oonventiqn. He mm: he could see no hope for event an fumr- nble (-om-sidorution nf MoKi My`:-e name. He lid not believe McKinley ad uny pon- mhlo vhnnm for the rytninntdun, but he mnlly believed ()h$o '0u|d dictate the nominee, and thug. Lin nnme would be I. I..... LIINL Um I Inllir ca (`om Fm'uk0l'. Mr. Ho.-aenbuum, u millionmre 1nauufur'~ (lll'(`l`.lIlN() I-mid _v(:HLerduy t.|mb Fomker Hon cmrne up nwioe In `the Housw, onco- ln W112 and again In I895. He had maintained the same pnamon In Ontario and in Quobm-. he hm] nmlmaim-d It with frimul and rue. unzl he maln- rainod It now. Rut he went further than 1h|,q-, \Vha1vvr-1' might be the c-nurse `taken M tho Gav:-mment upon this Que:-zmuul. the lay would come. _~u:unc-r or ln.lPr. whn-n the position vuhlr-h he took \vuuJd have to be approv- (-(I nnd taken up by M1 Government 4)!` Cnrmdn. whivht-var party happen- -d m in: m tho lwm! nI' nnlrs. Tho Cnvwnmvnt hnd taken annthor ouuriw, but he would wait un-Ill the Mn came before the Ffollw bofuro dl.-=>r~m:sIn; It us: 1: matter nf pratstlml In-aue. Mr. to see tln=.m'r9smreu In men pun.- legw. and there wxts no man on the Opposlurm sldn nf the House. whether ln favor of Separate nr Public Schools. who would not beuzlnd to use the R0- man (`athnllm restored to their privi- l9ges, If the Legislature 4)! Manitoba. w(-r9 to do It; but what was In the W(-['9' what In me mind of mrerybmly In and out of the House waa that there was an lnvlnclble rm-pulgmnce to sulmntuumz the, will of the s(uper`l0r body. the Federal N Legislature. to 'the will of the people (of Manitoba. and the Manitoba Le:.vlsln- tune. some men took the view that be there was an appeal to the Go rnmem Canada (hr appeal was to gr1tgd3xn__al`l cases,` while others ; _. .n\._...\. stun gun. gllse utrt vrus nan I;I`}v\,u:- ..i .... 0 gnu at apnea 3 grmhadn all \ took the View that althgugh mic np- ; peal was glwzn It will ~to bo donlod, in every case. He took lane with both. these ettreme posmonn. There was only one way to proceed, and gun was ` to apply the rc-mod.-(V In every "Rape as the (`If`(`ll,'l.`llRn(`Hl f c-very mm war- ` ,ranbPd or Justdod. This was the pn.-l~ (Inn he had um:-n all along. Tho ques- ` In the Hons, ` 1.. mm and again `had told ue House that It was the bcrunden duty of tyne `Govemmenvt to lntgrfere In this matter. He (Mr. Lou~ Her) deeply Hynwatizuid wfvh his-en relixmnists In Manimba. he would like tln=.m'rr-stored to their privi- u.,.-.... ..n.1 Oharn uvan no man I FORAKER FOR PRESIDENT.)