s xoxen or an mxely to succeed. um. Uuer, oronw, and Col. Smith. London, have nine been mentioned. .. .........., ..u.... O1'r.n\ \. Jan. `_ Il. -'I`he 4-nbinet` was en- gnged Snturdn_v com,-idering esmnates. Henernl busineas nmy he Lmumvled at the present session though the life of, this par- linment. expires on A ril 2.')th. An order-inrcounci has been nnnnrl, nn unment. expires A ru :.)Ln. has been panned, on the premier n recommendation. reorganiz- ing the milvm committee of tho privy oouncil: Mr. I uggart Irthairmnn). Sir A. P. Curon, Messrs. l"o4-tar. Ouimet, Duly and Prior. A -unnnannr on l`..I Dnmnll nu ..,l;..t....o The Railway Committee Rm-onulruclod- A Mllllnry Head. n~....... 1-.. an vm.- nmu nu.-numuuun. NE Yank, Jun. `.50. A Journal `~xpo<-inl from l'hiludelphinm_v.-< Jmnes J. Corbett Inst. mght followed up the declnrzriun 0! his intelltion L0 m-ent,er Lh< ring by .-muting that he would fight Ficnsnnmonntwenty "e round; at any time or plnve. (forbem said: "l mu willing to sign articles of Agreement Lll nny Lime to tight, Furnitu- mnnn t.wm1|.\'.ti\'n Inumls, nrnvinlml lu- BMW]: I lllll Wllllllg LU HIKII l|l'[|('le Ul numn tweuL_\'ti\'e Iounals, provided he gets ll mun In put up $`_ 1l,00() to gum`- nntee thut he will appear in the ring nt the time-. xed upon, and Llmt, he will keep all the other nlticleu of mclnnnagroement. lnmse of failure to ll0 this, however, the money will have to he lorfaitml` lwill also agree to forfeit llu,-sum0f32U.UOUl10ul(l l {nil in lmrm I-e mnexneu. I wm nmo to rouen the sum m'$`_ U,U00sl1ouIl I fail to keep the urticleg to the letter. l mu`, disgusted ut Fit,/.nixnxn0ns' m~t,|ou in the lzwt match and I will not aguin ohmic him all over the 1-uunmy, unless guaranteed that he will richer ght or forfeit." rlylll, TIN IJIKCII UP DUI.` rn0rlllIIg' CI`0'lI attorney (Jurry rend 4: letter from 0. Ste. Marie, the Monti-eul mun, who tic-ted us ugellt,f0l`!lt6l`l1'lTi Life (,`o.. in mnneuticu u ith the alleged tmmmctiim. Ste. Marie i.~4|n \'ir inin umlrefus-eel tovolne back unless he is inlleninilied for his expenses and time. The nmgistmte said `that no dependence could be placed on it man who mate in that stmin. rind asked Mr. Curry what he intended doing. Mr. Curry said that un- der the circumstnnce he would ask to have the charge ngninnt Hurry H_\'rnua disinism ed. nnd the information amended to rein] against Dallas llyumn ulone. The magi.'.4- trute consented, and Harry Hyumn was then called as n witness ngainst his brother on the conspimoy ,-harge. E. F. B. Johnston. rounsel for the Hyama brothers, informed the nia;;iz-stmte he had advised Huriy Hyalm to l`e~ fuse to nnawer nn_\' qucstioiua, even he were committed for Cuhtelnpt. of court in view of the met. thut the charge of forgery still hung over him. (lounsel then asked one or two formal Inez-tions of Hnr ry llynmn V|'l|l(`ll the Int/tor l`0H[>0ll(le(l to. Being naked, however, where he resided in ycnrugo, witness refused to mu-\\er niul l.ll0.\IllIlglHlltG thereupon :idjourned the can until \\'ednerlny, when he would do 1-ide what vourne In hike V\'lLlI the recnlc-i~ I run! urilnnuu flmrgen Azulnnt Ono Brother Wltlulruwn -llurry Called to Tmitlfy. TuRn.\"l`o, Jun. `. 0.- When the remanded .-l....-.m.m..i..ao Hun um; n..I|.... n........ l(lKIl.\T(F` clmrgu ngui of 1-unnpirn Hvnmrl. wn: DAN EGAN] umne uruces on muxnne surm 1' I cannot tell. you, replied Shortin. Those braces thnt I saw in the Valleyelil police station were certainly mine; but -I do not know why nor how I used them. Dr. Sutherland told the truth at the trial the whole truth." l)r. Lubergo wan nimble to get uny fur- ther informution from lll |)l'lEOIlel`. or 1-unrapm Hymns, wu nH.m~nm' (Tc J. J. Corlmll In Again In E. l r|/0 Ring ~'l'o Mas-I IPII nnhn unnnn. mm ruineu, nnu OI we acnnolu. In 11 second I knew that all was over, and the idea Look possession of me Lhnhl lnlll-ll; kill everybody around me. and I killed all I could. I would lmve killed all who presented tlieinselven, I only renin- ed calmness A long time afterwards. un- derat.0od tlinf nolhiw_: !`(:)Imllll`?(l to me liut L0 kill my-Ielf, and I wnri ,-gguing to do so. But, an I have told you, I um 11 believer. I reflected upon the frightful 1-omxequencea of suicide, and I should have liked to have hud some one kill me at the time. When. I surrendered the next day I naked them to kill me." H12. LU Km me. But,nuid l)r. Laberge, what about those braces on M;fxiIne'surrn 1'" HI nmmnt onll mu." ......I:,.A u|.,...o;.. ieuer mat. same nigm. I suddenly remembered that the pay lists were being prepared at the cotton factory, and than some of the clerks would surely be there. so that I could get. nt.umpl.- from them. I went. thither accordingly. You knov what happened. Young Lebonuf told the wlmln Lu-m.li, I UU KIIOW WIIEL mlppene. Young Leboeuf told the whole truth. Lowe mmle some serious anon; in his (le- polaition; but his zu-count, for the grenber part, was H.(`.(?l|l"llt/6 enough. l knew Lowe and Wilson were both very nervous, and that the mere sight. of a pistol would put them be."-ide themselves, Wilson especially. Just. l'm' fun. l nnintml Hm niutnl nt. vvuson especially. Just. for fun, I pointed the pi:-xtol at Wilson: it went off; I don t. know how. I was horror stricken. Then hts rushed Hrough my mind of my fmni y disgraced nnd ruined, um] of the acnbld. In n um-mu! I lnmm H... ..II Inna mu... --'55, Twuum me now to canon me next. mnil, while, if I waited until the following day I would miss it. I had no stamps, and it was neceaaary that I should post. my letter that night. nuddonlv remembered the nav am in." L am quite aware," replied Shertie. that you will not believe me whether I tell the truth or not. but I shall give you a written authorization addressed to Father Sanmire and Father Devine, nbsolving them from the obligation of preserving the secrets communicated to them in the confessional by me, when, with the mob outside the prison, I expected every moment to be my last. I am a believer nnd I do not make a jest of con- fession. I faithfully related to my con- feseora an account of what I_ had done. You can ask them and you will nee if I de- ceive vou. I nu uu plnco i! cents on. `:W an I left the Mc(.`innie' house:in thgl evening. I Iefn with the xed i11,en_t.;,T 'o'f' answering my xnot.l1e|"g,lgog-,,`,,:,:g`_"]' pmd mad, a.-nentnl cn|_c_-.I.l.:.~m1 (mm, by writing that. "'%3A , 1"{~'Iiul be'nble to catch the next. mnil whiln if I uminul until Hun lnllnwip... vllusu nu mnv nu: nu-uu vv--nun nu mu Himself. , Mo:'rnuL, Jan. 2U.-While Dr. [4- berge, sheriff of Beauharnois, and Sborbia were crossing the Canadian Pacic bridge :3} [Achine on foot, on their Wat from Beau- harnoia to th"Montreal jail. r. Lnberge spoke to Shortia, says the Progress de Val- leyeld : I had never spoken to vou."ho snid."o{ leynelu 9 ken you,ho snid,"o{ your famous Val eytield eacapnde; but now Shae your face is sealed, tell me why you id it. HI nwwn "uh- nun.-.. " -.--.1. -A CL-nth. `snows mi) THE SHERIFF] HIS VERSION OF THE VALLEY- FIELDV TRAGEDY. FE NIAN RAID ON CANADA. -;- -a- I 0 Want tn the Illll to Get Stump: - Fired the Revolver Aeuldontally. And When he saw tho lluult Wanted to IKIII Ill-u--ll CABINET IN SESSION. FIG !-(471: oh Eon}-'EIT..m THE HvAMs' CASE. HOBART S I rury {.0 `us taken `...-.... ..,.... Jun. `.'u.- when use re! ninnb Harry and Dullma to murder Mrs. .... o..lu-... .... ol.:_. ....\.... n Tho rings. on I`-..... 1 'emnuueu H\'mm. Hurry IE "13; ;.::;;-.6 But. land places herd ' 20.)0. ` Tue may car: I births, deaths Ind ll hi: om durint I81 lllrdlo Wnnu Tia Ouh. Lomxm, Jan. 20.--Bi:-die Buthorlnnd. I Gnioty thutm _Ictroas, has refuted an offer of 3,000` to Qtt.lc:.<;u`:.`o! court. the Action (or brew of pram narri bron ht by hot ngninlt Dudley Churc ill, eldgd. ton and heir of Lord Twnedmonth. and the mm-will nrnnnarl tn A indininl nnttlnmnnt, or-dnlnlug Ilulonnrlu. TIIR0\TI>, Jun. `2H.--An interesting cere- mony took plnce this morning at Betlmn che l. A little inter-tgenominetionnl chum ett e corner of Un ersity and Christo- pher stmeu, whelft young men were ordnined for the mission eld by Row. A. B. Simpeon,Mpreaident of the christian ll- linnce of Nov} York. The missionaries Ire R. A. Jaray. son of Robert Jnlfrny. the well-known capitalist, who was present during the oeremonioe,and George Shields. of Aurora, Ont. Mr. Jnrny to South China and Ir. Shield: to mix W rl.n -$-Y,U\lJ,UlN}, l EIVOII L0 CHO HOCPIUBI of the l rot.esmnL Episcopal church, l hiladelpnin. Thin hospital is inninuinetl for the benefit of whim female sick or convalescent. or rhnn children. The will atipiiluhon that t are shall be no denomina- tional discrimination and asks than re- ference be given to t-hildren who have out bah parents. lcndowlng A onpltal. Pl"rmnt'nu, PA.,' Jan. 2t).--Tho will ol Mrs. Anna Aspinwall, the wealthy und somewhat eccentric lady who died in Edinbur h, Scotland, last. December. was filed to "y. By the provi-inns of the will her ,=n`iro estate, etilnated L0 be worth $3,000,001), is given to the hospital linisconnl church. ...,.....m. ... ...., .w......~. W.\ -lllll. `.'H.- The M0: roe re- nolubionmm reported to the sonale this mnrning by Mr. Davis. It nnnounves that any nllnsvnpt (,0 net-ine IlOW(1I`JLldll;IOlH\l (.(srril.(n"y on this (-ontinvnt or any of the it-lnndis adjacent thereto either through force. cessation, occupzmon. purclnmo. euloni'I.i\t.inn OI otlierwina will be looked upnnns an infringement of the doctrine nnd Llml. that doctrine will he in-taertmd and mmngemenn or we uoctrme nml and maintained by the l'mt,ezl Smwu. ll, alno >|ncea the control of any canal chm, may constructed vonneoting the Atlmntic and Pacic oceans within the protet-Lion of the doctrine. ' mm is e-xpecmu IOBXOFL nnue, 1: any, nu- fu\'orul>Ie inuem-e on the lmnuml situa- tion. I-I\'er_\'bod_\'~ in Wuahington under- stnmls that the umtter is being brought. up at this time merely to uliow seumboru to work or? speeches whnvh they have been preparing. and whirl: they hope to use to tulvuntuge in the polihvnl (-mnpnign. u u, .. .. .,.....-. Nmx \nuk, Jun. :30. A V\r'm lesputxth to the Ilcruld ~'n_v~< the notion of the senane on the Monroe doctrine resolu- Liun is e-xpecbetl toexert, little. if !'munvm] ;.. w....I o:.\.. L`....~..|....I. progrnnnne nre on {no Lupus. A special meating of the senior yeur has been called for this nfternonn for the .~40lec~ tian of n delegnbe to the M04-`ill dinner in Montreal this week` The well-known pro> party qlmlitiq-ntimm churamterisstic of the Ideal student In times pal-IL. \`w,.. :5 good (`mp of hair and the :\Il-ilnpormnt cane, uro evidently being mu-vecotletl by the more nuberealing pe(`uli:u'iLies of nmuntnche brueding~t.|mt is, of course, among the younger members. The older members |0ok Lo nmt,rim0n}` for their peculiar fzul. man we minuw uuuu.-4 nruereu one rm we '_ ~|th unit. This gave rise to a rather coni- plicaced queetion,during which some strong runmrkn were nuuie both for mid ugninst, the committee. FinnJl_v. this -ommittoo were asked to report more I'i.H_v at. the neu meeting, and the (:nn\'ernL W...` postponed sine die. which amounts vir',uull_,' to none this your. The report of the Journal stat? wna not. ready to be presented nnd was laid oil" for :1 week. A proponnifor a mock par litunent was carried. und:J. S. Shortt will he asked to form n mbinet. A short, )I`0l`l\ll'l|'Il6 consisting of n recitation of O (1 Rubin Played" by I). L. Gordon. `I17; recitatinli of The Charge of Ba- Lm-.h-," bv J. F8l`|!|lDl'I. `H8: reicmtinii bv 19,; remwunn or "um umrge or nu- Louhc" by J. Ferguson. '98; reictmtiml by J. W. McIntosh. M. A . nnd several selet-> [ions by 1\leasrn. H. F. \\ enlherheud. W. I-`. 'l'_vner and Allen Stewart. of the banjo (-lub,was presented, and mm muvh ap- preciated by those pre.~ '97 will short- ly render a reception to its friends in the other years and faculties. Here's to `H7. aha," mnwr Romany mm uoon prmwu Ill u Hum little booklet] and in being tlistribuletl umong its lI10lIIb{`l`H. Third afternoon '97, the "banner year," hold. ma Iirnb moetin this season. |.0Ls of bu.-Iinesn and a goof? (In: Lnpis. special meabinu veur 'i`h0 revised constitution of I mater society hm: been printed in hM.le booklet beinu (F ~ .'. A, .v. J1`! wm -- 7. :1 IIIFFERINO WOMEN A; - ._-- _v 4., lug. A [urge und enthmsiuutiucrowtl turned out to the .~\..\l.S. meeting, Saturday night. President Farrell occupied the chair In his usual eicient munner, nnd nll the other oioers were in their planes. The mnin inLeronL,ofcour.uo,luv in the conversnt`. The general colnrnitme reported ngujnst holding any this year nnd it, was found that the minute book.-4 nrrlered for the -Ink mg: '!`l.;.: rvnnn i..., on .. .`..o|.n.- mu... um; groan anu goon uauuu. In the evening, after the 'usn.-n opening sbrvice and lesson, the speaker gave an address upomthe work done by the Metho- dist. church in the dominion 0f(,'2um(hI with the two foreign unis.-xiona in Chinu and Ju- pun. The Japan mission has been a great success and has yielded the best of fruit. Thed0mini0n.w`|n described in great, ex- lnnl Iunr vuul. Inutnrinl I-pur\nr:~nH hm` nnn. (|||H|\'HI", \I(}"lHl|ll, I IIIIIU-C. -HIIHIIIUBC, 6lv('. Attention wan culled to the noble hearts Lhut r-untnin nnd .~:er\'e thelnissiomu'y(~mIsc in connection with the Methodist church. Over six hundred truntetl agents are in the eld. In the work done (Sud is gloried, Christ; i.-4 honored, souls are zmverl, and the world is made bebtcr, while heaven is brought, nezuer. v6: The city clerk report: the nmnhr of )ir1.I|l. dmtha Ind nnrl-has ncin-ad n. HQTVICQ nnu tzne HIIICIOHBFY rporl. The sermon was based on It-uuuh xI.l\.-(5. In the introduction reference was made to the passage in its rohstinn to the nbnrntgyr and the In-Ixllngss c#'.'+:ea`nf7,1pxRauaod the '_ .`.,l).lFLJlU."i ul`Llne Father to the complaint, of the Son in not being successful with his own people. l hnve lnbored in vain and spent. my strength fox naught The loadimz thought. in the discourse spent. snrengnn I01 nuugno; leading thought. was, The development of Divine revela- tion in the redemption of the world. God revenledimself to the patrinrclia by the call of Ahmlmm; He revealed Himself to the Jewish people by an ordained nriesv lmod: He made Himself known by l us call of the pro hats. and than by the gift, of (`lirist, ollowiug nhe ascension of Christ - \\:u-`Llle gift. of the Holy Spirit, the pose. tlrw and messengers of the cross, who went, eve-r_v\A`l1e;e preaching the word. The p__vr revival of Antiooli in S__\'l`lll we:-I re furred (.0, and the sermon was closed by u in furnnnn In mnalnrn Iniuainni nun Iinnrlu-ml IUITQII 00, IIDU EH8 6l'I|IUIl WIIS CIUSBU D_\' rcfuren(`et,o modern min-,-sions one hundred _\'c~1u`s ago. The claims of t,oda_y are the need ofagenort-ua and hearty support, of this grout and good evenimz. onening 1lI8UO'Hlll0l|.W`|F uel-scnueu ll tent, her mum muberiul resourot Lrul position amid other nntiu few inhabitants she p()rlHC.~l.'-16H. consist of English, Frenvh, Int dinnviml. Hennnn. {`|1inn.~-.. Jn Ilethndlut M Inlouo. Mi.-asionnry services were conducted in the Princess street Methodist. church, morning and evening by Rev. W. S. Jameson, of Sydenhnm. In the morning the pastor, Rev. Mr. Shibley assisted in the service and read the missionary report. The EIBFIHOH based an hmmh \1.i\..ii_ IIOCIPHIDI no PPXCHOO WOFO GITOIIOOHI, HI! Itrugglu Inst the new light, his nnl dvooilion an branch with the church, nnd Hm r-nnlnnnnnnnn than-An` Th: ulrlnui On one or two points of business` Does it. pay to uka advantage nf (`heap Huh-s and MAI-iml nurn urn`:-an nu nll 1rnuII.4n\nl' nftur aoomon nna nrencn vm.n me onurcn, mu the oonaequenoea thereof. The uddx-eds was listened to with the deepest attention and ihboreat by both the large audiences. To Hold the crowd; `that flocked to Hear nun: dunlqu. .Brock street Methediet church was not III e enough to Accommodate all who crciedto beer ex-{ether Chiniquy'e ud- dreee leet night. Every lest we: taken. the nislee were crowded. end every Ivpil- eble inch of Ipeoe VII occupied. And a. large number of pereone crowded into the buement 0! than church, and waited there until the epeeker bud concluded hie lec- ture. after which the etreemed into the church endlietened 0 an after address from the veteran. Both eddreeece were the erune. The speaker : experience M e rieet of the church of Rome, the gradual urn of conviction on his mind that the doctrines he preeched were erroneous, hie nu-umzlee enlnet the new linht. lnl 3315 MfoNiuLY.% JA1(tmnf QUEEN'S COLLEGE NOTES. `rLiiz6nu*n" rBb EMALL. -16H_ mu Indian, grout ex- res, her cen- innu, and the Nut Hun. um, um me But U188 uo1'onnr.oownon have been urea I ah in the into:-nntiond regottn I In bus when choioo In fnvonblo I W. ocnpuulo ox marches. The Kit.-gsbon ice-yacht; club bu ra- ooivod an inviution from the Tomnto club to and boats chore to take part. in `a re- gotu u soon as the ion in in a {notable onndion. The inviutiop has been de- clinodon the ground of unonrtnimy of the Inuhor, diicnlty of transport, em, but tho Tonlito owner-I Inn been asked to QAKA :9}. in tho inn-nnnnnl nnnnlclm In J0HN,HEND,EB0N& 00-` unmr nru mucn mm we Quebea E, Strange, chuirmnn of the commit nppqfntaod to lorm a local hockey league, intend: calling a meeting some tjmo this week for the purpose of drawing up I schedule of matches. Th. l(:......... ;... -...|.s- ..|..|.. I.-- ... Sporting Noun. The-Baltimore hockey club will send a team to tour Canada next month. plnying their rs: munch with the Quebooo. E. Strnmre. nhnirmnn of that nnmmin one-null mmuwa. - 'l`he Snowbird made splendid time on the stretches olf the wind, but was hamper- ed greatly in beatin to the windward huo bv her rudder ading and failin to halt Llne ice when she was close hau ed. This will be remedied before the next. race. On ncvount. ol the "rough condition of the ice it vnu hardly A fair tat. of speed be- tween the heavy and light. boau,u the heavy bouts sunk deep` in the hard mow- bnnka. while the light. beau mu over them. mum. Lne naume won me race, but on n uachnicality was ruled out. In not rounding this buoy the l`Mt.Ime.iuatead of pining, loat. ice and gave rnt place no the Snowbird. but picked up and but the Snowbird on the home bent by two nud one-hulf minutes. 'n.. .s1..,....s.:.a ...-,a- ...|-...a;.a a;.... m. I'l|8LlYTI, IL Ulllg (`IHIHIBU FII6 (NU HOD round the western buoy to starboard as provided for by the rules. F. H. Mlmnee, who handled her, 841 at that when he near- ed the buoy his rud er almte slipped and he was forced to jibe. He rounded the Pastime up, mid. instead olpuain the buoy to atarboaul, came down the onus stretch with the buoy toport. The finish was as above stated, but on the facts be- ing presented to the racing committee. first place was Awarded to the Snowbird, with the Flash second and the Spectra third. The Pastime min the but n o.n|uu'n..Ii6n um. ....In.l nub 'n nut Atthe nislnof the ice ynvht. race on Saturday a protest was entered against. the Pastime, it being claimed who did noc round the western buov smrbonrd [pl It had been decided eighteen miles.->or three six mile course. with n and one-half hours, but .....I Hm .I.'.=o....m~. ..l..m.A IIIIK [HUI L0 DU FUUSLIBIIU mm one-nan nours, nut. ` nlul the (liatullce placed The l)n v beats to home n revered _v the boats lIlP0l ;.. ..n F. H. Mm"n(`e is going to procure a new set of nuilu for his ynchc. the winning I'M- time. ume. l)eance" is the name reeve Fisher has (given (,0 his iceynoht. Its milig number in Lwontyftmr. All buoy:-s had to be rounded to styr- board. A0 Hm l`_u'ul..-J thn Gan unnln I-nnn nu W 911.--Q Ihnunono J.lInIlu0ouhOo..hlnp V` o-&ooI.IhlI|no. xj-j.-- 1-;u.~4` ... .. ., .7 The \\'IIIlI8l`8 were loudly cheered us they (turns to unchor. IL was a winning day for the light. boats. On the last. home stretch the A vuluncho indulged in coxnsiderable urundst,:unl"1nnnoeu\'rimz. runnincz ulon-_' LIIC1 l\VlII|lIlC'IU IIIC ulgvu I" CUIIHIUUFHQIU grandst,un running a|on;; wnthono skate in the air. An eighteen- fout cross plank, which hm] been placed in pavilion: for the l`ut'e, broke during the morning, mud the original thirteen-foot plnnk hnd L0 be Hubstitmted. _ It had hem: alnnirlml tn mnhe the run .LVUI'YrH Hill!` . i . . . , . . . . .. . , 0 ll Many of the other i=.tau'ters rounded up off the buoy and drop ted out of the race. The slight, wind w ich was at first blowing. freaheneil up, und sent the the white-winged squadron llying along at n two-minute rate. The lead the Pnatime hnd sevured was maintained until the home buoy wus rounded on the second heat. The race was between the first three named boats that crossed the line. On the beat to home in the second round the Snowbird belmved badly and would not bent into the wind. The Fhu-ih crept up on her nml on the lust tack took second plaice, but lost the position by taking too I-hort n I-itrett-li, which necessitated round~ ;.... .... .....l i..l.:.... ....AH.n.~ onnl. 'I`|.n FHOYL I I-Iu`el~(`n, WHICII HCCCNEIDHIEH rUlIHU~ ing up and taking nnother Lack. The Snowake took advantage of the error and, taking at good dip int,-) the wind, hauled close up and spun nrnuml the buoy a good uevoml, vn't,h the Flash right after her stern. The winners panned the buoy thus: u. M. .~.-. flglil` Ill. [[10 LIUBIW hpectre, Ill COHIITIDIIU of E. Hildernleeve; Flash, F,Iillc(l by K. (fulneron; ull got away in good style, but the heavier boats were slow in getting free. By the time they `rot before the wind the limit few mention light boat,-`-1 were near- ing the Simvoe Inland buoy. The l u:_-stinxe took the load from the start, but before the first buoy had been rouched the Snowbird hurl overhauled and passed her, mundin the buoy In full minute in the lead. he Pastime followed next. hotly pursued by the Flash. The Snowbird increased her lead in running close hauled and had covered halt the dis- tance from the second buoy to the first in rm-kimr nn the home bent. before the Lance imm me HBCOINI nuoy no me man in tut-kin on the home beat, before the Set-and no had been rounded by the Flush. with the { usLime third. The Snowbird did not work well heating to the wind- wnrd and lost time on every back. The Pnutiine. third in rounding the second buoy, was sailed clone and never lost nn inch on u back. Before hnlfthe distance on Lhehnmo boat had been covered. the Paatilne overhauled and passed both the Flnuh and Snowbird. The line was cross- ed thus : I/03!!` [H8098 Oll ll Ill) lll'_V nne, OX(0ll()' ing from the foot of Noe street to the starting buoy, pin out 300 yards from shore. Aboutf itatora stamp- ed around in an atte n] ;,_3`arm be- fore the heat of the\ g of d their nerves. The wind ram `:0: `little mom north than the Saturday pm. _\'_iom` mid` blew ad ree or sostron er. The course wna chan lroui that the rat race was sailed over and extended from the anchorage to a buoy oil Channel rove, thence to a buoy oil" the tnnnery at 'orts- mouth and back to the starting point. This gave the yachts a free sheet on the ret run, cloee-hauled on the second leg, and a beat to windward home. t had been suggested to start the boat: 0 from an imaginary line extending between the home buoy and the end of tlie dry-dock, so il to give them the wind at once, but some of the owners objected, and thggoriginal plan was adhered to. This was to the ad- 'vantage of the leeward boats and handi- cnp ied the boats to windward, as the lat ter ind to make a quarter circle of u couple of hundred yards to get on an even line with the boats to leeward. All that was necessary to do with the first few boats near the aturting buoy, and to leeward, wan to swing their eterns into the wind uml away they went. When the warning gun sounded these boots were in line. their positions being as their names appear start- ing from the buoy: Pastime, Dixie, Snow- bird, Spectre, Jack Frost, Icicle, Flash, lletiance, Avalanche, North Star, Midge, Prodigal Son, Voyageur, Snow Fluke, Evquimnux. Just nreviou to the start the tiller hand hqlnmuux. Just previous hand of the Jack Frost was broken and had to be sent to the Kin sbon foundrv for re- I.. -o....o .. u m uvuu iuuo n/1..-Lo m;.. oeaenb Do me mu anon lounurv 10!` re- pairs. In startling (ne was just eight. min- uws lube and on-the first. round of the (`nurse held her own, coming in eight min- utes ufber Lhe l'ustime, but did not finish the rare. The l'mIt.ime, handled by James H. Mucnee; Snowbird, with comhnodoro Folger at the tiller; Spectre, in command Hildersleeve: Flash. nailed bv ylr CIHD, I0!` ((18 cup (IOIIBUOG. Dy EH9 commodore and vice-commodore, was sail- od Saturday and can be counted in success in every `respect. The ice was in better condition than it was the week previous. Here and there were large patches as cieer as crystal. end the snow which covered the remainder had been Ioltened up by the action of the mild weather. At the eart- ing hour the vicinity of the anchorage pre~ sented a lively aspect. A eet of white- winged yers, numbering about twenty, itted hither and thither during the few sare moments and then dropped into t eir places un imaginary line, extend- imr from the foot. of . Noe street. to the `Reflect For rllulnu LIIII Ilolllul Iv Iuncr-nlI lull!!!-` In: Event-I!ov It Wu Snlled. The second ice yacht rues in the series. `under the auspibes of use Kin aton ice yncht club, for the cup dons by the commodore vice-commodore. The Bnoivblrd Won on I 'l`oohnlcnIIy--'l`he v...n.... on... A.-mg: w|...-.-__An IEInID- [nu ma THE ucur BOAT_S.| THE SECOND ICE YACHT RACE WAS SUCCESSFUL. 20, 1396.. Lmnneu. {led to make the run ree times around the tilnelimit of one mt. this was changed :ed at twelve miles. me made the distance ulpoub fourteen Iniles nnry ,r'inI .... no I\l\ad their `RICHFION D 6: CO. Wed nesiay Next Governor E. S. Purhhevher. of (`reek Nation, wmi drowned, Saturday night, while- trying to amass Lhe Deep Fm-k near Muskogee, LT. ' j- Ready-Made jackets, this hglis styles, at Cost Price. For Bargains in Dry G9)ds golto J..TAYLR'S.. QhucunuduonIu' Iolghcu val aloe:-s'::ng nun Va mam ' IIIILLIII IIIS -In-illnhnnnnllg Thawnnhhlhnhlau BARGAIN DAY l\lI;lII'_\'n, l1Ul'lI She imops her baptismal name pure and simple, und how many a wurihy `clergyman is tilled with an astonishing gratication when on imptdsxn n go1i- mother nnnuunuea imr iillio nimrga as i)eimrnh i nl.ienoo Flwxunuix .\loi\Iiie Jmnes` The whole uf this oxtamaivo title is engravmi on the cards Mrs. Junua sends out with in-ruwn Lu apprise hur friends of Miss Jones safe arrivni. Tim Debomh and Summnnh nru careful selection: from the liihiiuni list, now so much favored that we hear of baby iiltimrs, Nmunin, Vmlhtil, Judiths, and linchuis by the more. Pnbiannu in in imitation oi the Puritan love for naming girls ulcer the virtues, and we Iuwe iinpo, Peace, Prudence. Mercy, Faith, I):-livornm-,u, eto.. Along with who now pruviuion that tho mui.hor'u muldon surnrnnu, us Muivi|io~J0neI, be hypinonnttxi wiith (ha child's. Janugry 'VClearing (9 Sale. \ll(|'l`IIl|ll)lIFlI NIIIIVI .\I`Q lll I'l'0|}l Thing 'I`heue Days`. The most. serious problem that now Mull: the ftuhlonublu mother Is what name or names she shall bestow on her m.3wly-m-rived llttlo daughter, for It has of late become thn mode {or avery young I woman to posses mu many lnlmsls as a royalm-lm-ma. Hnpplly there has come nn m-Mvo ravulralnn nsaalmv. thn dlm|nu- tlvu, and t.lI proper that all ulrla now he r'|Iuken to and of an Anno! or Josephine. Catharine or Eleanor, In plaou 0 the silly and ntupld AnnIennd.lusln, Kitty nnd Nalllu. No more does the woll-wgulntod ~ debutante ventllroijo give her name dln ltlnntlnn hr nnln nnnlllna Au l1Tdvf.h, CORRIGAN & co 9 cut in two places. one senm extending down the bow: of the Arm nml londlng itself to trimmlnur. Handsunw smoked pearl buttonn ms the tlecomtlon. IIGDIIDIIIILB V0|'IUlIl""I0 KIVU H01` IHIHID (`III `tnctlon by unlq Ipalnng nu Edytm, t l\`nI.hr_vn, Comfy em. ~ lumps baptlsluul pure Ul liuuvlc \ nun II IIJI - I vvw u lvuvs AVlrl VUI This In the garment that Hos wlmh the cape In nbsorblnt all of the remiulno fancy this season, and well It may, and prove the good tune of the gentle sex at the name tune. The most. popular lnbrlc ml uneroforo the most 82511511 is houoln cloth, nlmough Lt may be pro- duced In any of the Winter good: (mm bonvor to ustrnklmn cloth. Tho pncbern is also appropriate (or lm1lus' ol )1 n or broad cloth, in which can it is sumwlo fur mod- omtoly oool weather. It- um: be lined In In puny ,twd-zoned am: or B fancy In-lpc, or events may plum would beuultnble And give to the garment a very mun-s oocs Tue shown In the notion thing and u 0! llouc-lo (`lath ifIIiTWO l Iwa HI:-1.-vo. II`LI_ I- .1... _.. ...-..p m|...n I-.. c-lbI. OI-an Bk-uclne-I Tahling. worth $1.50, for 85. Unbleached Tablingg, worth 50c. for 55c. Bleached Sheeting, two yards wide, worth 30c, now 19%. New STORE[ o'ouaL |REAsT:-:0 REEIFER. CELST PR1CE& NAMING THE GIRLS. EARLY. l*3\'El\`Y'l`lIING AT __()N.__ Proper 293 (Ml; t.allow,AIn.. I1:-u(kl' lmnon. nenw . nu nu light, 28: 0d. (`rheene-Whlte Mi: ; ziolored Mia. (`.ot.t.on quiet--Amorlmu) Iddllnzn-4 Ltd _ UN 1 nnnu r nuuuun. nnnnnxnnm MuN1'Iuiu., Jun. 2n.~ Flour Receipts, 2500 bhla.; min-let quiet and unchumged. Patent gnu-lug, $3175! to 3 ii; pat-ant wintot (rim to 3 ; Straight Roller, a.`I.:Mb to 10,40 extra, $2.90 to um: supvrne, trim to 38.70; strung lmkel-'5. 3.40 to g:i.IL5; Ontario Bugs in Anni17n. mus unu snakes mr nenry wnaon. John Russell has bought. nn more of (.`8(lul from Mr. Stun neon, north 0! Kingnford. and in buny war in: M-!.`.u mmm. Mr. Marlon with i busy rung out timber for the ercvlion of la ban burn. He is geuinr the timber ' {mm 1). A. Martin. Einpeybhlill um meet.- ing wnaa grand succoma on Wednesday Inst. Mrs. Joseph A. Russell spent as few days last week visiting at 'l`. M. Runeellb. Mrs. M. H. Shibley and ilnugliwr Kath- leen are spending a week \'iiAiIlIIg her {nth- er, I). Vnnderwnter, of Sidney. The peo- ple ofspdncer Hill are deli hted over the ieturnn of West Huron, an! we ITO looking forward for as Hberal government after the general election. Your choice In stock only $4.50; Whlt II In tit Wllld. I)vm.m, Jan. 20.--'I`here is a movement. in the lrisll parliamentary party to Accept the resignation of Justin McCarthy ax- leader, and Edward Blake's Mme in men- bioned an I probable auooosam-. M LIIBTQAIWP. '1 I16 OICI gllblolillll W88 "Ilka ing his wa down stairs in the residence or his son, A am, when he stumbled and fell to the bottom, mceivnng injuries tint terminntodunbovo. Ho win one of tho oldeat roaidenta of Asphodel. having come tothe township with his parents in an early thirties. He was in the 77th _voni- of his age. Mrs. James nennonon. Ina oneem meet- ing at Em ` Hill. on Thurndny, was well netrendod. ur joint stock (-ompuny is nnsnm-imp lm. oh. ....nn:.-... -6 .. ...... I... lpwy lpullucr nun. < Sntrtcllt mm, Jan. l8.-Get.tin up woodia nlluhogon pnunt. Miss 31: Rnuollmont. A wool: viaitimr her sister mg an nmpa mu. on xnurnuny, was well attended. prpari; for the erection of a new fun- tory. . W. Foouo is bus ouiug out. mils and stakes for Henry evi-0... John bomzht. [mm An 0 Plonoor Moots Dunn ";In the noun 0! III: Son. Hm`-n'rmus, Jun. 20.-Friday morning about five o cldc|s (J. C. Humphriea. An- phoIlel,met with I accident. which her- minnwd fatal] in `one than live minuui thereafter. he old gentleman mak- innr his wnv the residuum or wooa to An one 30 an pnunn. mas um-o Rnsqoll spout. visiting Mrs . J amen Henderson. The cheese moot.- inu nl: Rmnv "ill nn 'l`\nu-ulna u-an 1-all MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. u...wnnnu l.... m < lflmn I-hmnlnn 9 P: II()N'I`RIAL ITOOK MARKETS. AIR. 0' Hlg (FATAL FALL. Q -.:__. `A c"ha'nce to buy Dry Goods at Wholesale Prices. COMMERCIAL: I;Ioy Iponoorulllll. in Cu v I-.. In I \m.. aii.~{od7 'lu'\I\Hx}'. he}: .. mnnnn I u. I. 20.--\ VheIH. N. H9!` . > No.) U0]. 5x64 `d; pork. . .\s.-: M; lard F15 W M035 04 rs -~02-' ou R--- V_ cm JANUARY Sm 88 &. 90 Princess Street. ' \ Derived irom S[mQk_ip;g mn`_ Tobaccns is tiifticulf to des- cribe. Try Ihem. The resul`. will please us both. '--AI j\JVJlA I 79 wemngton stret. '~i._._..,-+5.-:-%.-.:.~.:-...-'-.'*.~.;.""=Z-.'~; phydouludmanhl. IIQZBIIIII Illlilll GUI` ru-nun`; vv `Inuit! --- -u--nu-v -uvv-u 86 Princess Street. ALI; lAKI. _$_4._7_5. 21 ,M9me.11tl SKATES STICKS MEDICAL HALL. Golden Booty. Drool 81.. (Ole. mr. DFOWII I! I nnunu workman. Capt. Frank B_u_'n|nrt`s new sknting rink Ill opened lut Friday evening withn goodabtnndulce. Robina have chosen to come to l)oooI-onto lint this your. H. B. Rathbnn, Bellovillo, nnd `W. C. B. Rath- bnn, Toronto. were in town but week. Mia Louiao Ll. Dsly.of Montreal, was itting in uiwn Int wdek dung beanzi- ` Sundny awning in 3.130 Church IJUIIIII II III: Tonono. Jan. N.-'l`heiu ' that tho lihanh have abandoned onto in un- foundod. .!'|uI'ovil| In two Inform candi- douo, and porhopa three. in the next do- minion election. A special ogort will be undo to put 3 strong & ' Cont Toronto, and Ilggtryily to i: duos W. D. Matthews to announce himnoll an smallish. If Ir. Inlawn refuel tonaFI|ukPdldywi|lpIohbly In the libutl dcndud.-llolnt. W ALLEN & SON, Wu elocupu. J. E. C. Brown. of Tara, 0nl,.. has pnr chuod the barber shop laoelv owned by 1). Cole. Mr. Brown is nkililul workman. r~-... r.....|. n..-..|...o.-. ..-- .|.-o:.... -:..:. IN ! . I`. "V IIIIO. D.l\.. I'B"8lIIlg|IIQllL'n0, has eon engaged for ..the Devoronto high school. The new town council will meet for organiustion tag-day. The l . I . A's. who were so promlnnt in the old council M-esndly lacking in the now. They had thoin'cnndidnv.ea in ouch ward but. not one Wu eloctpd. J. E. C. Brown. of Turn. On}... has nnr` or me. wmcn I! or emeuem. 4 unmy um- netuon. T. (7. Fraser, Hay y, in pre- paring to bring lnrgo_ quantities of cord- wood to Deooronto uhrhet. The young ladies who drove to Nupaneo last. Tueadny know whnt it is to hivp nn upset. and run- nwa R. Whit. B.A.. Ponev.anguis|n.-no. Keen amused ..the high Dauvronlo Dofngu. DKN):|m\1'0, Jun. '20.--0ur citizens have begun to gather in their summer's suplfly of which is of emellem. Aunlity l min Anannn T I` Iu`n.u-n- llnu nu in nu: IHOHIICB DC [He l/ HUB DI-IIDBH. iA).`(D().\. Jan. :30. V The Globe, thin after noon. during the counts of mi article mu damning the attitude of the United Staten nmmte committee on foreign ahirs nnys : "The English Jeople will not stand much more iiuuting ljmm any body of these gen. tlemen with whom we credit no more ex- nlted sentiment than the wish to stand well with the Irish cone-citnenu, may very easily find themselves mm to face wioiin nituntion timt. could only be called nppui Iin ." lg\MlH. Jan. 2|) v-'I'Im Hnlnirn rnfnrrimy ling. Pxuna. Jan. :2I).v-'I_ jm I-Iclniro. referring to the suggeawd additions tn the Monroe doctrine, nah : Doen the Ami-icnn go- vernment think it. in wrong enou h to ap- mpriate to in: own ln|.emIIt..one o the two nemiapheren And forbid Europe to have no- e to it 1'" n 1- uu. Ru,~'TII\`, Jan. `20. - Rear mlmiml Hello Imp, retired. uays; "The British gm-- ernmant.in my opinion. is quietly. but letorminedly, preparing to take what she cluimn belongs to her in Venezuell. In my opinion. if the ying squadron doea ap- peariri American waters under existmg conditions, it mu only be construed as u menace to the United States." 1...... u... an '1-|...m..L... n.;_...c.... [NHL ["0 r6DUl IUIIHCI" IVIHXIIHU IIUIHCI. I." I0` tiring to the enutwnrd. \ e.=t,er:la_v Homez made an attack u )on the l0\\n of Pnlon, on the boundary of L no provinva of .\Int:un,n.-n. hut \vz1abeut4m OH. The insurgent Icmler Macao is still within the pm\'im'e of Pinnr Del Rio. The leaders of the uutonomint party called upon Hen. Mru'5,inL\7. (lnnpn yesterday und btule him n regrotful fnru wall, \\'hnI The Iinglhnh Mny Find It NH-nary Tn lln. ..m..u-, nul m but) m.monwu..- known. .\l.u:Rm, Jun. '_ .--The lmpnr ninl cnrrea )ondent. in Hnvnnu that the re llender Muximu (:< ..-. on 5|... gum ..v...~.I \`A=.w.l MHWEY 1 null V:Eu:lI . nun uu _ .. _ A ,, ,, _``.,`'.-`Ila agent. K. W. Steluooker, n Brick-maker. resid- ing at Evansville. Ind.. blew up his resi- dence with powder, which he placed in a beer keg. early this morning` Immediate- ly afterward Steinocker went to his ramble n:nd committed suicide lgy shooting himself in the head. Sbeiuooker was 11 wenlnhy citizen. mi... n An." nth"... Maui: Jim] vAn~ omzen. John B. Alley, of Lynn, Maan.,diod yes- terday of paralysis, aged seventy-eight years. He was an ex-represent.ati\'e in congress, an ox-director of the Union Paci- o RR. and a pioneer of the old free nml party. He began life as an apprentice in a shoe factory. but. was worth severnl mil- lions when he died. ` seas and cm mouwermnenn. . Messrs. Dickenson and Bucluumn`will have the eld to themselves in the South Wentworth bye-election for the ()nt.ur` ( legislative assembly. Mr. Binklgy M,-m ( nggloctod to comply wmh Lhe_lfgr'8qui|.ig ( hug hggnlalish the name gux; "gent . l - :,- ---. u my u.-.....,.I.-.. . L.pa..\.......L...- raur` . prlllllenb to-day. The chief novnmnndin otoei-.~n of the new ying squadron of ritish wan-hips have been supplied with special r-hurts of North American vmters. the West Indies ....... and H... Mnllinrrnnnnvi Norm Annem-an vnuern. we and thr Mediterranean. cardinal In ism. Simon Cimon. contractor, nnd Vlmrles Angers. advocate, both of Murray Bay, were nominated as candidates to ll vu- cant neat: for (flmrlevoix in the dominion parliament to-day. tvovnmnndinq ollioer.-I lltll. Cardinal William Renato M nan. arch bislno of Tours, France, was ound dead in at his palace at Tours, thin morn- ing. He was born in I817 and created A cardinal in I893. Ell-unn {`imnu. nnnh-nnlnr nnal 1'l\nrlan emmanu CIVIC engineer, is aeau. Parliament will deal with an eiglibliour day bill this seesion. Mr Lepine will in- vi-odncs it. R. S. White was given I\ complimenmry banquet by the journaliuta of Montreal on Saturday night. Tho liberals oi Colohostor. N.S.. have Saturday mgnlz. Colohostor, N.S., nominated Firman McClure. of Truro, as their candidate for the commons. It in uvulnrnlnnzl thnf. [nu-(I Qnlinhulrv in Fm}: AFFAIRSVOF nus GEO. SE71 RS. 4 L._.__.. A- _-;u_4__ 1 n. g_._ TELEGRAM8 FROM THE EARTH'8 FOUR QUARTERS GIVEN. _:,.a..._. their candidate [or the It. is understood that Lord Salisbury is pre ring a full statement. on the Vene- zue n question, which will be submitted to parliament soon after its meet on Feb. Ilth. _:._.n...__ Llttlo lunar: tint luconu l!:vorybody- Note: From All 0ver--Lltt)e of Every,` thing liuny Rand and Bemomborad. , W John Brynon, MP. for Pontiac county, is dead. I ` Th. n-`mi-I n-u-an xrivn Mr nnnmrnn n no pa: llth. (I... Inajormy 0! WU In Vgentl nuron. . John Allaton Wilson, Pliilndelplnia, nn eminant civic enaiheer, is dead. Parliament will deal eiizlmliour us ueaa. The oicinl gures give Mr. Cameron 1; ; Inajority of 190 in Want Huron. I l Wilson. Plnilndelplnia, WON'T $TAND FLOUTING. ubonh In 'l`oto|t;. D. Jan. .--Thain urn oronto In!- -Tho hnpnrriulh r~[)C~ telegruphsn (Gomez in re- use regret me new: In we noun 01 mm: A in Guano, Bvdenlnm, Ont... formerly n student. in the dam: ostabliahmont of Dr. .1 D W-nntinafzm in tho Wnnindn-Ln hall Allen's Fine Hand-Sewed Lace Boots, Made .to Order, only - acuaont. 1:1 mm comm esuomnmons on or. J. D. Huntin ton in the Wuhin lull block. Dr. untington reooiv I tole- m from the bereaved hther on Thun- ny. announang that aim diod Wednadny. She was nu agreeable young Indy and gun Win of. proficiency In but chosen profes- on. \ paruy nnoa win: a num Iuppooo to no poison. The woman 31 laced under ar- rest and taken to Mercy oapital, where she will be guarded until able to stand in examination. Three men who were soon about the saloon early in tho evening were /also DEC IJICTI III Bwllllllu Wntortn-nvn.N. Y.. Times. . Many Watortown people will read with doe regret the news of the death of Miss Goes. Bvdenlnm. Ont... formorlv " ' --------- \ Urqulurtfu vopublo` notaonv Kw`; cure only at llolaqth, unu ullu muluvn nun: 4 CvIn`,u:u, Jan. `.8U.-Jm-ob Johausen. a saloon keeper at 2828 Cottage ('-`roveflm-e nue, was found dead in bed at eleven cfclock last night. His wife was ` din another room in hysbericn. She he the )0llCG that three or four men had broken Into their house. killed her husband and robbed them of 81.500 in money which she had drawn from the bank on /Beturdny. The case looked suspicious and the )olice. in aearchin the place. found a co ee cup partly ll with fluid supposed to be noieon. wnpolnoed A urura, Jan. 19.-(Sperlal.)-On 'z`d- nvsday evening last it man hired .1 Inrso und rig from Hambury 1}ms.. V- I-I`)'|'lH?ll, ostensibly to go to the neigh- bnrhood of Schomberz. Nothing has bven heard from him since. except. that hr` visited the place mentioned and left about 11 the same nlzh! It In benev- Hi In b+- Walter (`nnnor.`1n ex-c0nv1et. Hi to bv- Waller (`nope-r,,`Pn ex-convict. Th. horse was about sixteen handl. .-orrei. close clipped, banged tall. with one white hind fool and wore interfer- ing shoes. The harness was -silv--r mounted. with 11` bridle not matching; H. grey goat robe and black cutter with faded grevn trimming. The man worn a blue or black dnubio-breasted coat and hrnwn hat I F'lll)](>(`l, appruyal U! the gurwrally exprwasr-d. .1 ~pnIrlnth- address was (in! H. MvKnlg`hl of Owen public mo:-etlng In the ewm was vhnswn as tho plR(`0 annual me-otlng. The Shooting of Mr_. John Muir In M13- take for a Door-Mr. Punch : Paper ac the Bookoopera Meeting. .. . . .n ;n._A-|..ux A has served his county in Parliament since 1882. He was defeated in 1891 by Mr. Murray. but re-elected at the bYe~ election in 1892. in politlcs the deceas- ed was a Conservative. James R. Macdonald, who arrived in Ottawa i'rom Hoosac Falls, N.Y., I short time ago, was convicted in the (`arloton County Court on Friday Of stealing $10 at Aid. Fordws grocery store. No previous convictions were proved against the prisoner, but Judge Mangrove mnsldered the offence one whlrh merited a sevwe punishment. and he sentenced him to five years in Ihs-t l rn\'ina`is1l Penitentiary. While ajuuy-uo-uounuonuuuuu-nu '9 `hit DI.Wll.L.A..I: nI:::. op...` five in the I rm'invi&i awaiting his transfer to Kingston Mav- ionald inst night tore his inwei into :4l1'ip.`I, tied Hwm tightly around his neck and strangled himself. The sui- vitlo wan afterwards found in the cor` ridnr of the jail near his cell. Mac mmuld had a wiro and two small (`hil- rh-nn , lowmi to live. Word was received here to-dny of the death at Fort Ooulonge, Quebec, or Mr. John Rryson, the representative in the House of Commons oi Pontiac County. Mr. Bryson, who was extensiv_e]y_,gp gtaged in the lumbering pg_{"n'e5.`_ .,-9- rently undertook p,:1gm`.'[',"ey to some of M" m limits. This aggra- vated .. heart trouble from which he ..ered, and upon him return he be- vame seriously ill. Last week it be- came apparent that he could not re- cover. Mr. Bryson was the eldest son ml the Hon. George Bryson. member of the Legislative Council of Quebec. He was born at Fort (fnuionge November 80. 1849. In 1874 he married Miss MET) Bryson. a daughter or the late Mr. Thos. Bryson. The deceased was elect- ed Mayur of Mansfield in 1882 and held the ofcv for a number of years. He Parliament ninnp 1251-) He was l were honest men in public life. Tnere were public men now `one whose mem- ory Canadians revered. Their reputa- tions might have been impugned, but their characters remained spotless. This was equally true of public men living. Perish the notion that dishonesty is rampant among our public men. For the sake of the country, for the sake of nnr vmmz men. it must not be al- Sorman by Dr. Btu-ndoro-Douth of In- John Brylon. M.P.-Bu1oido of Jamel R. Mnodonnld in Jul. Ottawa, Jan. 19.--(Bpeciai.)--During the course of his sermon in the Domin- ion Methodist Church last evening Rev. Dr. Saunders made a. reference to the degeneracy of debates in the House of Commons, of which the discussion last Frlday was an illustration. He de- precated the extreme to which mem- bers went in personal attacks and cai- umnles, and the absence of honest ar- gument for which many speeches were conspicuous. He said If such methods were continued they would ultimately destroy the country. Political and per- sonal calumny should be slain at the door or Owl` Lotlllatureq, he nid. The doctor ailo repudiated the idea that he clatmed prevails among the it. that no politician. member of arlla- ment or Minister of the Crown could be honest. He uid this was a raise morion, It was the microbe of n. mai- be honest. He said this ram- moblon. It was the microbe or ignant disease that it not killed would spread through the body politic and bring demorallzatlon In its train. There- In publlc me. There- were nubllc (one gs. Died Al. ugh: urn N V Tinnnu 71*E:r{i is Miuingf AT 1-an durrn. BRANTFORD. 18.-(Speclal.)-A : up the olty. He W hluaker and mm-hunts In Hm 0UR JANU_:_i3ARGAIN 13 to 31 making an Uh` I 1 pupvr he-lng 4 An uhlr>L.a.U1/~. In-lIv+~rv-(1 by I\ F`. I 5-Xnnnnl nl Ihn 31,5 ma Bclouuinapactor 0! ions. tho people were reqnostad to haul own all ' the American Un mo IFTIVII at Ml . nlcturx ma cnpuuni u:-I nnd this wu done. -----: . o-mu, noun: mu ngnu I Bcrnlnnl Gillan, the famous cu-hoouiat bin die: during I u ollovn : olJudgo, in dud ftgn typhoid favor. ' 294; 90; nu-rings!-, I72. nnruca and deemed to aeconw one suuu in View of I visit. by the Adminintrutor. and amon the deconuona displayed. the attr- mamz banner was` much in evidanen. amon span evidence. On to Arrivll of Mr. McTurk md captain one ueconuona mapnyoa. one Ian J Bclouuinanector nrioom. noonlo wan reqnesuu no nmu uown I ags IIZCIEI IEIWII III. I'I-`lo NEW Yynx, Jun. `.!O.-F`rom George town, British Guiana Jan. 4: A re rt is current here thnt on Christmu eve ichael McTnrk, magistnta. caused a In num- bey/ot the United states ag! to taken down at. Bartica. in the intArior"ol this colony. It A purl that the resident: of Bunion had ocidod to deconto the strata in win- n! n vnh luv 0.5- ntlnuini-t.o-no -nu-I __j__#._/` linglluh Law Paper: Drawn Pnrlllel Ba. tween `Hut and J|moIon'n Bald. L4).\Du.\j, Jan. 20.--The law papers here udduce the treatment accorded the Pl il'|0ll` ers taken during the Fenian raid into Can- ada as I precedent for the treatment. of Dr. Jameson and his companions in the Trans- van] mid. The any that the prisoners ought. to be tri by the ordinary courts of England. As no indemnity was demanded from the United States becnuse of the Fenian raid. so no indemnity should be paid to the Tnnavanl. -__I_.a In.._- IIIL- -I--- unu rnor. Aaucveaor to (Jul. Powell an adjutnnt- general of militia lms not yet. been ap- pointed. Lieut.-(fol. Aylmer, assistant. adjuunt-general, in acting and in freely ioken of an likely to succeed. Col. Otter, aroma. and Col. Smith. Lnndnn. hnva S1'fisfactjgg `\\