Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jan 1896, p. 1

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| an I emery DI {mo ll _yuIll'. man man. Severn! old accounts were received an-i were laid over to be brought. up in council for explmmtion by the vhnirmen of the colnmittees. during whose terms they were contracted. AIA Dunn Hnmmrhv rJ14r`nnnun| vnmat.inn nremnu was reduced to one ween. Ald. Ryan proposed that the remen be exercised us a brigade once a week. This was agreed to by the members but action was post. ned. Ald. .ewlunds asked. Hoes (`hief iv for $111 the past fourteen months. The mnvor rand u utumrr do rtmenl; hogan. Id. Allen niovod, seconded by Ald. Stewart, that the chairman be empowered to call for tenders for aupplyingthe fodder for the fire department. for 1806, tenders to close on Feb. lat. Carried. (`Lulu-man: Martin ramnrlzntl that in In notaned 0! the auopmon 0| Lms reaoluuon. A communication was received from James Gilmore. asking for payment. for aweeping chimneys since July fird, 1895. The account was recommended for pay- nnnnf. mont. Ald. Ryan proposed that the committee purchase the remen'a uniforms, and the sug eacion will be acted upon when new um orms are naeded. Ald. Stewart, moved, seconded by Ald. lDnkin-,m~ H:-r llr Mnrxrnn he nnnninuad contracted. Ald. Ryan thought "annual va('ut.ion of each reman shou t] be reduced to one week instead of two weeks. ALI Nomlnna nnnvntl nnnnnzlnd In: Ah] med. On motion of Ala. Ryan, seconded by Ald. Sbewnlt. the annual vurntion of each reman reduced to week. ALI 11...... ....,...,......I olmo tlwn mnmn ha I110 UGIEII 0| III : ll. 11- rullvvlrl I Illuwulrm Lou to the Community. A meeting of the board of governors of the Kingston general hospital was held yesterday. In the Absence of the hair- man. Col. I)u', the vice-chairman, E. H. Sm the. Q.C., resided. The following resglutiolx was nugmitted by H. A. Calvin, M.l .. and Alexander U-unn. exM.l ., and ordemdto be inserted in the minutes of the board : --rm... k.......I ..c ...\.....-mm. "6 n... Kmnonn the board "The board of governors of the Kingston general hospital, in common with all class- es of r-itizenn. expresses its deep and pre found narrow M. the deuth of Dr. Kenneth N. Fenwick. from an injury received whilst. performing his dutie in chin inni- tutiou. In view of this and bereavement the board records its sense of heartfelt sorrow which this dispensation of Divine I`rovir`lence has 0(`.C&l!i0l|0d. --D.,-..I.,...I um um .l....H.nf hr Kan. wm be given that Cougl. or Cold by a timely use or l'rovIr1ence has occasioned, Ronolved, that the death of Dr. Ken- neth N. Fenwick. one of the staff of surgeons, A member for many years of this board and I\ noble benefactor of the honpltynl, hu.~< cnusaed n. vacanc' which the bmml deeply mourns, and which hm-I tillodox-er_v henrt with gm-f and 30:2 ran: . row; Resolved. that we benr on: strong best- '7 Limony to his rare professional ski his wine counsel and his sincere devotion to the muse of nutfering humanity. especially in the .-Ipliere of his duty here; Resolved. that the communitv at large [T0 BE SUPPLIED BY TENDER. THE FIRE, WATER AND LIGHT COMMITTEE AT WORK. ya lo Sq: ln'vIIIuII-auu an-an up.- qulred tron the ohm. ` Chairman Martin, Aldo. Allan. Minnee, Newlanda, Robinson, R an, Stewart and the mayor attended the rat meeting of the new re, water and llght committee, yea- terday afternoon. The chairman explaini- ed that several departmental matters call- ed for recticatlon by the committee. He believed that the hay and oats for the re department should be urchaeed by con- tract rather than accor ing to the existing method. He also favored the appointment of a veterinnrv surgeon to attend the re department horses. I 1] Allan ninvnul an-nmlml hv AM. the sphere or ms uuny nere; Resolved. community large has sustained nn irre rable loss in the re- mom} of Dr. Kennet N. Fenwir-1t from the menu of his earthly labors. resolved. that the board deeply nympatln/.ea with his yourigywidow and Iibtl ones in this hour of their novere Aiiction, and ubrs earnest, pm or that Lhei griefetrickeu hearts may n comfort and conuolucion from the `God Ill.` UUYTUVI III |I'I.IlllIo Prof. Donald Maolonn, of Detroit, tele- gmphn Lhe Wmu: `*l)u:-nmrr. Mich..Jnn.24. -The'untimel\' gmplm the W mu: |)i~:TnuIT. Mich.,Jnn.24. -The'untimel_v mid trngical end of Dr. Kenneth N. len~ wick's brilliant career. has caused healt- felt pain to every Kingsbiiinn here as well auto the profession which he advanced and which condent] expected t things from him in the uture, baa on his splen- did achievements in the put. Having known him intimntel all his life. his death comes to me wit all the bitterness of I Pen-onnl nfllintion.~Du.\'u.n Mu`- ` i.i:u.' ' IIIIIGII II` (Mnnnoque Baportn. . U. I). Cmvan. au: l)r. Ilorgsu Msda Veterinary Surgeon of The DopIrtmont-'l.`ho Granting ol Holl- 4-n to um l`ln|non-'l`he `time Be.- T. HARRISON cos} man. we: gnerstncxen nearuc may n of all comfort. in their trial." 1). I). Covvan, aulleriiig for some time wit.h heert and kidney trouble. had another land iuiu lead. Zviuiidny. in August, last. his right arm and l were partially pani- l 1ed-bie arm whol y no for a short. time. ut. be improved rapidly up we certain ioint. and for three months past been able to go about town and auond to his bineee. thou b be spent. the most of his time at homes Aitterly he has been oven-doing it. The excitement of buai~ nose in connection with his poeition as mayor. added to the yearly overhauling of the affairs of his manufacturing business kept him cotintantly talking and thinking. And inaddition he caught. 1 severe col . Last Monday afternoon, while engaged in conversation he suddenly became unable to speak, and his heart became weak in its action. He was: put. in bed and had medi- calawendanoeaaeoonaapoeeible. Next rhwhalndahioli Devan-id oonaidnhhlo cnluundsnoousoonna poonolo. non dnyhelndshigh fovcrnnd cotwidonblo pron:-nion. Butdnol that timohe nppouu who rad I `.i strength. H` ......a' ..'.'..{.a"n.`.7'L."...o...a. .0..." by me much. nor did hi: bnin r an be in any ny Aloud. Ycucday was qnitn bright. and-this to Ipuk a word or two, though with none oort. . 'noIvovInIoIu-Iuwou. The chairman ol the diannt wards 0l1i8If0I"tI'k\0uI0iC,0I'I-. hhochninnnn ol the bond of- dnt number 0! A RESOLUTION OF REGRET. ZKINGSTON, ONTARIO. The Beeolnon Adopted. At a meeting of the directors of the Odd~ fellows relief association. on Tuesday even- in , it was moved, seconded and carried. hat this board of directors, in regular meeting a mbled, wish to congratulate our co-di tor, R. F. Elliott, on his elec- tion to the chief l _ietiate e chair of his native city. and win to place on record their feelings of leasure at this apprecia- tion of his mlualile services by the city. Weearneetly hope he may long be spared to the citizens mid tlieiusaociution." Mayor Elliott, being present. expressed his grati- fication with the resolution which had been passed by those with whom he had for some years been engaged in the management of the relief mzeociation. He thanked his frien for this manifestation of their con- dence and esteem. `l`|red or Feecllnx Doml-Beata. There is a feeling prevalent among the ocers of the city to make a departure ruin the present system of doing business and to found another on It strictly cash basis. The movement was inaugurated by the proprietors of smaller stores and an ef- fort wil be made to guin the sympathy of the more extensive grocers. llnder the present credit system torekeepers lose quite a lot of money snnu llythrough dead- beat:-. who run bills of more or less amounts nnd then either skip the city or in other ways evade yinent of their just nccounts. Merchants are become disheartened at suvh treatment and, like the trodden worm, have turned, and nre going to protest themselves. A meeting for organization wns held in the hnll `er the mechanics` institute on Wednesrl night. but no busi~ liens wus transacted and a postponement was made until next Wednesday night. when it is exported in fnir representation of the city grocers will be present. Erean prmc I Ju. Crawford. new lallouluu . .--...,.... . W. Moore, real estate agent, has dia- yaed of the promises occupied by -F. U. an-shall and W. Pipe. on Princess shred). which an a part of the Dupuia acute. Roo Robert. McLeod. at n good gure. estate business has improved greedy dur- ing the 1. week and better times in Glut. line are ookod for. v Jan.3toFeb.23! The uronteut ubrgnunl in nu vuy. Provost, of the New York Clothing Scam, Brock street. having given 3 In order for spring importatioiia. which I reach here next. month, has decided in make A In reduction in all the depatk menu to in uce close buyers to purchase freely and to enable him to make room for his coming goods. He mean: business. The Children Laid Up. Inspector Kidd reports quite a lot of sickness of a light. character at present prevsilin among the children attending the pubic schools. The weather is re~ a nsible for the sickness, which is mostly t. roattrouble, arising from colds. Five teachers werelsid oil" yesterday owin tq illness. Their places wem lled by ot iers. - .' .a.. , _._ _._ LIIUII PIKVK WIJIV Inn-vs; Ir V ----- -r cur Jnqpp The 'I'fII. '~~ The sleet. andsnowthntalell yelbdl , lled the spaces between the rails on tg railroad track: with :1. mean almost an solid as ice. In the a race: between the rails {arming froge," t e enowvfms packed hard by [me-Iing car-wheels, and became frozen until it was levelwith the faces of the rails. In consequence of this. car: were in great danger of leavin the truck, and last even- ing this late di befall one frei ht car at the switch about fifty ynrds mm the freight aheda. After is good deal of hard work the ear was replaced. No damage was dnnn to it. I l`I-onmnsc Wm no. | W lmt. shall we call the new school`! Several trubbeea have had this mat. tar ringing in their care. I am in tnvor 01 calling it Aberdeen: school after the governor-general, said one. "Well, l m not," said another. I think we should ive it the title, `Frontontc school. It woul perpetuate an old name and hon- or the ward in which it is lOl".lll .Od. Yes, we have 11 Frontenac school, but it ism little structure and is more frequently known as the `Depot school than by its other title. A resolution could easily 1,-lmnge_Lhe mime to the more imponing I-ut.ru0Lu re. " Successful Blrthduy Party. The teachers of the classes in Williams- ville Methodist church Sunday school held it very successful birthday party, last night. at the residence of Mrs. William Langdon. Nelson street. Invitations in verse had been sent out for the ntl'a`n-, and, uccompanyin the invitations, were small bugs, into which all were supposed to put one cent for each year they had lived. At the house receptacles, u mholicul of each month, were conveiiientiy nrmnged, and into these were dropped the bu e ac- cording to the months in which the irth~ dsy anniversaries occurred. Quite a large sum of money was raised. A very good programme was rendered mid refrernhmentn were served. won: we on n was done to it. I !\'lI-V I`) "'IRIIIIIy gI"\ 11' H the drill shod rink. A member of the Kinw mi... nlnvaul naninlf. I, the battle gnound.. On Monday. Feb. 2nd, two rinku :>f Rocluvood curlers and two of the Kingston club will leave for Carleton 191100 to take part in the bonspiel there under the nu- pioes of the Contnl Canada curling uno- ciatiou, which opens on Tuesday. The visiting curlers will be hnnquohed on Wed nesday night. An exciting event occurred in the 2:!!! Au lnvo-umont. not an nxpuuw. A gentleman, who about a year go ob~ mined n cure for liquor addiction. at hike- hurst Institute, Oukville, has jmt. written in mi encouraging strain. He says: "I am not. as you know, blessed with too mun). nf this wnrld`a woods. but I nm rich know, blessed with too much of this world`-I goods, nm or and happier to-day than if someone had given me a South African diamond mine and left. me with that whiskey uppetiw I once had. Here in the toaciinony echoed by hundreds who have been to Onkville, that should convince every drinking imui who in looking for A paying investment. There in money for you in 0ak\ ille.and what is still better. the esteem and respect of your friends, and whv. in best. of all - health and hnp iinenh. Our former patients sa_y--many of L emathnz the trip to Lake- hurst. lnatitiihe is still paying them so well that the original investment looks beggar` ly. and they feel elmoet Ashamed tolgll 0 . how lime they paid for so much. brunch ilintitiites-. and no remedies sent. oil for home treatment. Toronto office, $5 Bank of Commerce Building. Worth investigating. It vv'111~be a money-saver to some people. me llrlll Rneu nun. Kin tgn curling club who played `nut. t. e Rockwooda on Thursday anva t. 0 reason luck went. against the local curlers was the absence of the mascot, who disembarkod at the Asylum gram and did not accompany the plnyera to the battle ground.. On Mondnv. 2nd. givon Tenn and Curvu-bot tn nee no Rockport. when Black Unrver. 0: Kingston. owned by Goorgolhrngh; Bay- ahot. of Guunoqu. owned by band Lloyd, and Toni Poinhr. owned by David Forth. of Unionrillo. ucou-ad up. Bayonet getting the pole. BIaokC`u-we wound and Tun Pdntnrthitd. Whoa!-howoni LE" was Iront nod ronuinod neck-and-nook until thewilo In nnchod. Tenn Pointer but Black Cans: bynnook.`IIIt_B|nck (`Ana-, mongty baolud by Dagmar blood. eon noutond dolest. When the wotd `*qo" '.... ..:.... a. an ........I Inn. Blank Gan-var Whnt tho Lovers of Guam um! Gononl Soon: Are Doing. The Limestone: and R.M.C. cadets will nv V:-Ga-ullv gums: nf hnnlmv to-nizrht on I in ' u :u _L,_n'._:._I. | exciting 2:3!) when Black Carver. of Kimnmn. owned in Gourolhrnzh; BI!- _nouonddolent.. When she won we ,wugivonint.||oIucondhat,BhokGnrvot olnonothofrdntnndnmnincdtotlbolni. _:....x.... 3.. an... -h-niohl. lung. Bat ohonoaholrvnnndnuninautouounnn. winning in than straight Inga. umn.289i. - - ' . ._._._. I80. Butter. Butter. Butter gso. Fresh print butter 180., tub butter 15c. hm, Crawford. ______._.____. The urontut nu-gain: In the 018: . __A A: .1.` 9.1.... \'...|. (".lnD.I|i An lnvo-ntmont. Not An Expelua. -I , , ,._|__ _L,...L.. ........ ...-an spormne PA'nA}3-r;APHs. CITY AND VICINIIY. Ben] Baht: I`:-angler. -A... _....l A-lain nnnnf. ___m_ SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 25. 1896. Lnnlm-nmin sections to be sold tor olu Iron. Why swallow from three to six pills when one of Wade a Mandrake Liver Pills is A dose. '0 guarantee them to cure an ' case of biliousness, constipation, sick ham!- nche, dizziness. sour stomach, coated tongue, in fact, all liver and stomach troubles. The purify the blood, and are purely vegemb e. Twenty-ve doses for 26. For sale at Wade a drug store only. pro rt). The annual meeting of the Kingston & Montreal forwarding company will mlie place at Montreal on Tuesday. Ald. James Stewart, local manager, will attend the meeting. Mina Ada Movlan in vontralto soloist in the meeting. Miss Ada Moylan the Jewish synagogue, Montreal. Hcnr her at the Phillmrmonic t-oncerv. next 'I`un.~ulu_\` evening in city hall. 25c. and 35m. The market this mornimz was fnirlv well evening In city hall. 2m`. and .1.')<`. The market morning fairly attended. l 1'icen remained much the smme as during the past two weeks, with the exception of poultry, which showed u rm- er tendency. The new tinnnce committee met in the style. Workman are employed in Lukiiig the engines and boilers out of the wrcr-ketl steamer Calvin, now on the rocks off Knapp's point. The engine in in goml cmiclit.ion.but. the boiler, which is tliirty years old. is bein broken and drawn up in sections to be sol for old iron. \l'l.u aumllnm frnm flu-an On air nilln `rho Iploo or Ivory Day Lllo-Whnt tho Poopln An Tnlklng About--Nothl.ng Ec- oapon u Athontlon of Those Who Are Taking Notu. Print butter 18c. J. Crawford. Fresh butter l8c.. maple synup. Jae. Crawford. 'l`hu-an t.-nmnn were nhelhered in the 'rT37'9o MOEELSJ Udoroma. For sale b 15.`. U. Mncneu. For I perfect t 0 er the Specialty Cor- set. at Miss Weller- s, Wellington street. The voice of the festive snow shovel "was heard in the land" up till :1 late hour last. night. ' Don't. forget Philharmonic concert Tues- dav evening. Chorus of seventy-live voices. Fifty quarters of beef. besides a large qnnntgg of other kinds of meat. were weigh by weigh master Donnelly this morninnf. morning. The non-payment. of wages case that has been adjourned no man times in the polico court, came u &gain_t is mornin and was once a sin adjourned for one wee . Free a 3'3, fresh butter l8c., tub but- s-.. Ir... .. I".-mufn.-A tor lac. Jan. Urnwwra. The electric sweeper was nb work all last night keeping the street. railway track: clear. and in consequence Lralc went on as usual this morning. ll.-int knnnr lkn t.nh butter l.'u' . lixrn dc. .la.a.UrnwIoru. A very fine Heintzman iano. similar to the one sold tn George \oung, haa been gurchaaed by Senior Judge Dennon, of embroke. This morning R. J. Wilson received 300 copies of the constitution and by-luws of the I.0.0.F. for distribtitibn among the members of Kingston Iodlge. Thu mi1Hvin|'Ar meeting of the women's members 01 I\lngBb0Il I0(lg(!. The mid Winter maetin the council will not take pxce un Tueidny owing to another meeting in the earlier part of the week, but. on a later day. `.'.'.~i;:ht. had t.'.'.'nnLv~ri\ e men of. I I Jllili ` nn n'M1;,r.".'cnL_v~xn'<: mun m - his brigade, Eivided into sections, out to- day clearing the crossings nnd remnving ' the an W from the walks fucing`cit_v rt}. meeting of tendency. The new mayor's oice last evening, and [M83611 :1 number of acnounba, and attended to cer- tain unnished business left over by the cummibtee of 189.). K51. n nlmnu nf nnvnnhx-Hun vnir-on null cummictee ol lxim. With :1 chorus of seventy-ve voices mid the principals that have been en aged for the Philharmonic concert Tuenriy eveir ing. it is bound to berendered in rst-cluas style. emuloved t.1I.i(illL7 Movements of the Peoplo-What They Are Saying sud Dolng. Rev. Mr. Millard is the guest, of J. A. Allen, Alwington. Minn Wnlkem has none to Montreal on A vnsn. 00 Mrs. Uancne. John Cormack, caretaker of Queen's col- logo. is seriously ill. F` \\'n|mfnrd has been mmoinbed mann- Now on exhibition. Demand greater than ever. Tn be sure of getting om- order now for nprhuz doliwry. J. R. C. DOBBS & C0.. n:......|.. .....| 'l\...._.:o..- ll;-.Inm -{an Dn. '1'uewa{ evening. 1'0 ular prices. A taoi on requisite an A toilet. ornament. Odoroma. For sale'l ?' E. C. Mitchell. Fun In nauvfnnl. R}. n Ar thn Hrmninltv Unr- uu.5..w morning. The non tor l5c. as. Crawiord. Th: Alnntrin nwnnnnr l l`'!'08h \) H0611 D1101 : Allen, Alwlngton. Miss Walkem gone visit. to Mrs. Cantlie. I..L... n.........n|. nnnnfnlznr n` l|nAnn'l onl- logo. Is seriously III. F. Wakoford has been appointed ger of the local stock exchange agency. A. Shaw. of H.M. customs, Berlin, is in the city. He Will remmn over aunnn_y W:-icing master Newlnnds has received from Guelph n large. handsome drawing desk of improved design. Mounr Elliott. nmnirled in the police nun. \IIu\4vk)|n uubv, ........`....V K... ....D improvgd May or Elliott presided police court this morning in thenbsencc. through illness, of Lt.-Col. I)ul'T. n.. H MnKnAlu|I Rnllmzilln in intlm illness, of Lt.-Uol. l)u. ' Dr. H. McKeown, Helleville. in in the citv. He came down to attend the tuner- :1] er the lam Dr. K. N. 1-`amok. u..,. A D I1...-.oI. ml ,lm.Al.mr Annin ul of the lube Dr. I\. N. remwucx. Mrs. A. P. Booth and daughter Annie. mud Mrs. J. H. Jonah, Boston. Are visiting Mr. ML-Leod, Sydenhnm street, south. Mr. Mcheod, tsydenhnm street, sounn. Ald. W. M. Drennun, l).S.C.R., install- ed the newly elecusd otoers of Hununnque court, No. 377, l.0.F.. at (hmnnoquc. lust ninhb ' TOBACSO us Iuum. |'ort,smout.h. . Edgar Borminghnm, South Lake, who was vlsting his Aunt, Mrs. Anderson, John- ston street. for the past week, returned home yeabordny. Mu Inlmllnlo nf \\'inninmy vrhn hm: PARAGRAPHSPJOKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. police station hm. mgm. Philharmonic concert in city hall next Tueoda evening.,, l'oJ:ular prices. A mi er. mnuisito ornament. or the local stock exchange agency. Shaw, the citv. He will remain Sunday. w. nn mnutnr Nawlnndn has received home yesbordny. Mrs. John Halt, of Winnipeg, who hm: been visitin Lady (Salt at. Montreal, has arrived in t. in city on a visit. to her relu- tives. She will remain here until the end of the month. \l...m- T`lI{nM nnwnnlimnnnvl r-hnirnmn ol the month. .\Inyor Elliott complimented chairman Martin and the members of the fire, water and light committee. last evenin , for the excellent inning made at t oir first meetin .urn said that if they continue throng out the year. as they have begun, their record will beone wortliy of imiln tion. Crawford. ' Three _t.rampa were sheltered the1 plice station last. night. ` citv n1 . ' %1e\'. George (rubb and Rev. Hr. and Mrs. Cumpbellnre the guests of Rev. F. W. Dobbs. revtor of St. John's church, l'ort,umout.h. l.`.I...... I1...-. rI|\nlw| Clnnth Lnlxn whn _NOWl rrom IILI I 0IIl!IllIIBIUIlI--l'II|Iu- of th&'Pulplu. Rev. l). J. McLean, B.A., Arnprior, will in Mnmh complete twenty-ve years` service there. "l`Lnl`hu-i-h-nnn Inns: with HEB Vanile service there. The Christmas mun with the Veniw Adoremus," will be sung in St. Mury n cathedral to-morrow. 11...... in-oat MnI.hmli-t r\hnrn}u--R,e\', E. N.QT.H1N cathedral (goon Street. Methodist chnrch--R.e\'. E. B. yckman, pastor, at. both services. In the evening the sennon will be memorial | of line into Nev. '"iUinIu Bridcu. V I with debt. First (iongregntional church~-A|ex. W. Richardson pastor. ulnr services M: II mm. and 7 p.m.;pu1>or1I bible clue, 2:30 g.'l:.: ovemn `subject. A Story 0! the In nf Jnnn Book of Jonah." ' Workingmenh meeting. Fr: '9 hell. to-monow ll : 3 p.m. Joseph P rge will read a paper on "The Way Lowealth." and the dieguasion of last. Sundn will be renewed. Blxould Dr. Wilson. ew York, be present the meeting will be held in the cicyJ`u|1:' -_..a- _ ll-.. Ilnhl-_ \.-ulvr--... Want: I New BI-Idgo. 'Ald. C. H. Muiiu stated this mornig that he favors the nbolition of market fees. toll road fees and all similar charge: which no calculnted to retard the qw of trade to Kinglton. He the favor: Liking the gov- ernment to com a new iron budge across the Rides `v near Boll : inland. and up the 0. structure. which is an-lo, should torn down and the inr- bor exuldod so an to include the loeulity in whichtho present bridge shnda. He wonlgnhvo the new-bridge tree to encour- age country _ to trade in King- Ilon. Hiya! lliott upI2d simila- usual mm morning. Print butter 180., tub butter 130.. gs 40. Jan. Crawford. A .....m Ann I-Inintrnunn ninnn nimilnr Ln V of the iaw Kev. Vvliimlu bnucu. Rev. George (irubb, in his address at Sydenham street. Methodist church last evening. said he was surprised to nd that every othar church in Canada in burdened with debt. l.`:..o (`anon-continual l`hlIl'i`}|A-A|BI. W. INCIDENTS OF _THE DAY. CHURCH PARAGRAPHS. PERc$NAL MENHON. \ nrlous lsorwuen. Before an very large and enthusiastic meeting of the ladies and gentlemen of '03 and '99, the debate on Press vs. Platform was a huge nuccens. The subject was exhaustively t-reuted,eud the speeches were carefully prepared. The oration! of VV. R. Tandy, for the freshmen, and Thurlow Fraser, for the sophomores, were muster- pieces of eloquence, while all the others were much ahead of the cavern e. The judges. Messrs. (l. Ldwe and D. 0. (lun- dienafter a long consultation, decided in favor of the latform re , nted by '98. During the mterval of t e decision 1 ..1..........o |...I6` lmur nun: -rmnl-. in mnan re. CO'LUMBlA.| arena 01 the plablorm. The important business of to-night :-1 A. .\l. society moeting will consist in the reports from the Journal at.a', the general converaac committee, and the Shortt. cabinet in the new|_v~formed mock parlia- ment. W. J. Merrill, of Queen : hockey beam, has been confined to his house for `me last few days on account of is sore nuhln shi . giacrebary-treaaurer, Duncan Mr-Rae, ` Wolle Island. The township commibtoes were nlso &p- ` intaod an follows : Kingat,on- W. Craig, ` . Dowling, W. Lawson, N. McUnllum,` C. George, George Croft, S. Elliott. W.` Davis, Thomas Cl{do. J. L. Pope. Vnv-l.lnnlIA-Q, \'. DBVV. -I. (HOW. Davm, Thomu Ul (lo. J. 1.. rope. Porcland~S. \'. Davy. Glow. A. Hanson, H. Reynolds. W. W. Asselm ; tine, B. Harri an. Bodfordr -J. aggurt, Peter Duly, James I A...ln.-...... n. Mn('nI\n l ltine, B. Harri Anderson, cCunn. I.oughboro~~ )r. Tovell, J. I`. Laney. J. Carey. B` Grant. '1`. O'Connor. I urtaInouth-~E. Burke, R. Rniden. Jam. Putt/er. S. N. Watts, jr. Stnrrin n--J. Mcmth, J. Holder, A. Ritchie, . Cnverly, Thomas Makin. Pibcuburgr-l'et.er MLCullum, Ed. Brad don. T. (3. Stark. Joseph Redhuond, M. J. Jovce hm...` I..In...l_ Jnlm hriannll In`. HM-rnw. Bullin. In each cane the first named member is the \'ice~president. of the committee. Tim uuetion of the selection of a cumin is the vnce~pres|dent. or me commwwe. The question can in (lute to content. the coming election , left, over, and will be decided shortly by the execut,i\'e committee. UH. U|ll'|I'lg me llllGI'VII Ill Luu uuulalun I pleasant. half hour was spent in songs, re- citutioun, etc., and the meeting din reread ut` about. half-punt. Len with the usual vote of thanks. The victorious year, It is now stated, will challenge '97 no a try in the of the platform. The imnorballt to-night ankle. The classical and philological society met. and discussed The Dist.inct.iuns Be- tween the Homeric Characters in Virgil and Lhoeeimllliad and Udynaeyi A. O. Pubternon led Lhediscuaeion. The Journal. under the new editorship is 09,0, and pre- sents a very creditable atllempt. Lowe and Burton are 3 strong team. Tim nnninr vmr in mm deserves credit for rnoma lonlliun wu Kfnln nu-on In the President`: Chnlr. ' The annual meeting of ihe Frontenac libeml aaeocintion was held in the Wulu hall this afternoon. the "dent, T. Mc- Cnllum. in the chair. hero wean very large ntcendance and the most gratifying unanimity on all points we: shown, the fact that there is perfect accord Among the members being themby clearly evi- danced. 'n.- vnnntina um: . remnrkablv enthusi- The meeting was I re rkably astic one, those in ntten ance having the condence inspired by I cause. bein sanguine of success gt 1. e coming fedora elections, and accepting the results of the recent bye-elections as the "ah|dows out before by coming events, or, in other words, as the preeage of certain victory for the liberal party. The ureeident announced the object of J. No Do UVIJIJJ u vvu, Blryolo and Typewriter Flo:-lqm -tern. On- tario Clnunborn. ?_._ 2l.".pZa' n. The e not campai The oection of oioers was Brut. disposed of, and the candidates nominated were, the retiring oicini, Thoma McCnllum, Storringbon township. and Thoma: Daw- mn. Wolfe Island. morrmgwn uownuu son, Wolfe Rnfnrn lm vnI A' Wolfe Island. Before the vote was taken those in at- tendance were naked to pied themselves to support Illd vote for on. Wilfrid Laurier, which they did with the excep- tion of one young mm. who was thereupon requested to leave the hall. The division resulted in the reelection of Mr. McCul- 1..-n Vice-Presidents, r. Mcuauum, rlnnuurg township ; W. J. Shibley. Portland town- nhin. I *2: {DWI Joyce Howe Ialnml- John Driscoll, E. (Bar A. .\lcl)om|ld, H. W'ilaon. J. Pickett. \\'..H`n laInnA# I`hnmnnKnunn F `V .\lcDom|ld, H. WIIROII. J. Vlckeu. Wolfe Inland4Thoman Keyos. E. White. J. B. Grant, T. Murphy, Job \'\'nt.t.a, R.. Bullin. 1.. .....m lhll elm r-at unmnrl member An lnmreaung l)ehM.o -MeetInxn of Tn:-Inum n:-Inllnl. and Burton team. The senior year in Arts its large turnout. in honor of the but mor- ml remains of I)r. Fenwick. With the ...nn-ninn nf Hun rnmlu nnnn of Lh Af.t!'PP!'_ . . . . . . . . . of l)r. Fenwlck. with one vxception of the ``meds.,'` none of the other years in arts made as good a showing in mmlben-L The president the meeting to be the election of otlioera for the current. year and the considera- tion of plans for the coming dominion mamnniwn. '1ne remum unanimously 2 Vice~ Preside `I70 III E IDII I-DUI! MlI.\"l`Itl-2AI., Jan. 25. ~ An information has been laid on behalf of the atoomey-gen~ eral against. W. C. Franco and Jesse France. of the Royal art. union. for an alleged in` fraction of the anti-lottery laws. he so- ciety exists by virtue of adominion charter. The men arrested have been admitted to bull. and the enquece in to come off on Wetlnesday. Tho authorities inbend mak- ing in tent of this. Elected Vloo-President, Al in convention of the Y.M.C.A. ladies auxiliary association, in St..(1nt,hnrines, an nddross of welcome was read by Mrs. Gib- son, of that citynmd replied to by Mrs. R. H. Toys, Kingston. Many valuable papers were given bv ladies from Quebec. Toronto, and other places. Mrs. Toye was elected vice-president. for bho coming year. lum. rm (,'uB0um;, Jan. 26.~Dr. Wnwra. liberal nominee lor e dominion parliament in West Nortbumberlnnd. has been obliged to tender his ronignation through ill- henltli. Aconvenbion of libenla will be held at. Cobourg on Jan. 29th to consider the doctor's resignation and nominate nnother cnndldntao. The Big Four. ' Miller`: Iron Tonic Pills oontain iron: quinine, nux vomica and manganese, four of the beat Ionics known to science for crenting an appetite. making blood and strengthening the system generally. 50 pill! in A box for `.25 cent: at. \\'nda`- drug store only. A LIDOPII WIII. (-FILPI-I, Jan. `)5.--John Pntoorson. the libernl cnndidaae, was elected in West. Wellington. yaeterday. Mr. Tucker, pcsron. brother of the lnooly .unoeat.ed member. was hi! onnonent. _ lndol Knlglt. W BI:u.u.\'. Jan. 25.-'l`he Roicsnnmigor announces that the emperor bu npkaoinbed Prince Bismarck I knight. of the `Orrin pour le merit. for science and art. _.__ __ -_._.; -u= vouu TIIRLCCJI brother 0! me Ill member, opponent. --:-___j_.. By 11. Cunnilhun from cinolmingm. Leave onion at cAuloy`I booklwn. Rev. Henry Wilson will not be Able to make nmcddnu at the wockinglnenl meeting to-Inormw nfurnoon, but he will uy aomothin special to the woikingmon if they the Salvation army. A number of Kingnoniuna will maker ! in: mu-matting to be lsdd intho nd Hill Ptulvytorinchoush an Tnudny oven- Ill. ~ Birtbdaypnrtioonrolll the go in the c;"t.y. Nolan vln in t upper cit in . Mina .,Jqmim. visit- Miss Lam Domldibn. Joyounnuo. v :- ingfrionzhiniho .rdurnoll homom- d|*: ocovnp|nid oodin. cboulod Ihouololdnuv nonin. Psnuou_Iu.Ioc. um. The remaining officers were re-elected numximnuillvt manimously Vice-Presidents, P. McCallum, Pittsburg ......ml..'.. . \\' _I luihlav Portland town- ;ho parlolthocity Iuhuwou. Donnldibn. Joyoovillo. .... o.:....|. :. nder. ummul homo oo- QUEEN'S COLLEGE NOT!-.S. ELECTED THE OFFICERS. made. In view of the reported presence of Asiatic cholern in epidemic form in car tnin districts of Japan. from whi:-h the im~ purtntion of bulbs and plants was ex:-luded from vessels bound directly to the l`nit<-d States, and which were subsequently sent forward by one of the steamship liner: to I n (Tiinndiun port, an order-in-council hm: been pros.-and preventing bulba nnd plants not FlIE|l`6|)t:ibi8 of being disinfected from passing through the Viiiimlinn qnurnn~ tines. , Inc"E5iEh6hi5"i?1ngs Mlncraf Waters. Lines. In the return of compurn.t.ive etcielwy I of the (fanndinn eld batteries for 1895. the Ottawa eld buttery, Maj. Bliss, easily heads the list with points. The others fol- luw thus in order of merit : Hamilton, 51; ; Winnheg, 507;Quebe(`, 49]; Newcastle, 489: 'o0dnt,0ck, 463: Sidney. 385; Dur` hum. 376: Shefford, 372; (lnnanoque, 361; Kingston. 355: London `.205. In nrrison artillery, Montreal ncored I85: ffalifnx. 173; British Columbia, I07; New Brunswick, 207: I . E. Island. 214. lo r'.\I umylmn. nhinf nf nolice. of Mon- Lt. -(iul. Hughes, chief of police, treal. (`hemlier Drolet. and Messrs. W. George, (`0peland, Mo. /.6, civil engineers. of Mont.ron|,and L. J. Forget, also of that city. were charged before re corder Champnign in Hull yesterday afternoon with having violated the game lnwn gm provincial government by hunt- ing and \ _ Hp deer with the une of dogs at Lake C n. ienu in Slmnienerve bownship nu (')r~t._ l0I.h last. Of Llue defendants. (.`ln.',Y.enu in Hhunnenerve uowm.-mp on Oct. Messrs. Forget. and Copeland db.) nut, Sie an appearance. A great, deal of interest was mntmd in the case. The can was ad- journed so as to include from the Hun to the `. 9Lh of Out. in the charge. n .'. .o..nmI ohm. Hm nnnnioition will re- of Out. In the charge. I It. is stated that the opposition aiat. any vomn o__f an ply beware the govern- menu brings gown tlleir remedial measure. . Sir Richurd (lnrbwrikht, being asked by j the Star correspondent, if this was 30, said: I "(lrievnnces before supply is the old con- stitutional ndnge. If bhere be u rievance. i let. it be remedied before supply. ' 'n... :1 4: 1-` 4: ntr-ma. Otmwa. have: nc- ; Thu hltaudlng of the Vnrloul Cnnndlan Flold Batteries. 01"I'A\\A, Jan. 25.-Deepite the heav snow storm of yesterday and last night all the electric street car: are running this morning. It is still snowing here today. Application for incorporation by letters "stem: 3.` Montreal .-and Boston vnpihlinf-A or the Imperial mail marking machine I-ompany of Cahuda, capital $.'>0(},000, is 1.. mm. at Hm mnnrmd nresonce Win the lrlsh Evangelist In Who Spoke Lint Nlgln. Rev. (leorge (lrubbia tin lrish|nnn,.redu- outed nt Trinity college, which all Irish- men know is a corner of the triangle of the three greatest universities in the empire. Entering the ministry of the Church of] lrehuid. he acted for severalyearn mu rur- nte. He then went to Cahir, n garrison town in the county of 'I`ipperar_v. llere. owing V0 the advanced Age of the rector, he was nmcticallv in clmrne of the parish. remedied belore supply. I The l.`.(:.l-`.(:. oicors. Ottawa. ; nepted the invimtion of the citizens of Perth that the regiment visit that town on Ma_v`. v.h. ~-____... __ .. Annas'\|I'\LlEf) lltl acung clmpmun vu um U|v\:l:u \~.---.....-._ there. Besides his work in Unhir he found time to prench special sermons for the clorgy- I men of neighboring purishes and finally to undertake short missions. This wns car- ried on for ve years. when the church of Ireland made him diocesan misnioner. and in this capacity he Lmvelled over Ireland | for three years. Thn Church of Emzlnml misu-Iionnry ao- New, Large and Well Selected Stock at Reduced Prices. advanced 0! the recwr, `to was practically charge nnd acting chaplain to the troops atacioned I l.liem>., for three The Church En lnnrl cio.-t._v evontunllyaenc im, with Col. Old- hum, ii retired Indian otfwer, on (1 mission- ary tour through India with immense suc- cesn. Then they went to Ceylon, the country of ten pluiitatiniis worked by na- tives und managed by Europeans, and ngnin they prevailed. Mr. Campbell. in Ceylon Len planter. and Mr. Miller, :1 youg Lea huyer, of Foo Chow. China, inin Mr. Grubb. and wubsequently they Lu; joine Grubb, spread the gospel in Auatraa. New Zea- land und Tasmania. ` g 1:... n... nnnf ... m~. nr mu vears these 111- . indeed to have them WIUI us. I Mr. (lrubb nnd his part ' will remain in Canada about six months. len\'in|z for E05 hind again in Lhq spring. Ix-Iny:r C;:nphelI ..T.....a. Wi.\'Nu-nu, Jnn, `24.~At Rot For 9 . Archie Campbell. formerly ms or of la e town. and :1 nt of the Can: inn Pacic telegraph an dominion express companies, was sentenced to fteen months imprison- ment for embezzling 9900 of the express company's fund. IRE-BUILDINB Arm nmuvnt SALE For the past. nine or ten years in- spired missioners have been engugedin their {great nnd last, work, nnd we .:Are Iortunabe ndeed have them with u- ::....|..|. ....,1 ha. mrov will l I Besides goon clown um umuu... . to make good clothes. some poo 0 in by t a cloth only. on must hnvo ch: ht kind 0! ` Tnllrl .th nun sh - hhlI:[ I:4.)uoh.on hut goptl:'na&o In l|rhot|lrIncn._ A _ __ __ _r __7 ynlbo VIII! I ._v -1uu. sKETci>I= U\NiIssnoNER. Tt Takes Something `Bouidu good cloth nntl trlmmin ood main: in , A _ _ _ THERE IS.` I_m}>ou_srnLY, -. ____._-A DL-.. hhln; tonohou Slut go to man I ` pp! e 2 i Jun: 02:3: 50 .11: that : in one (mu- Fancy nu-wool lined Ina Dunn ` or loleon Ovonooh. or out` of on [duo than can mu 1: I wlucgoodel an. m Ac. umcsrouLm| Greater Bargains than ever will be offered. Everything in our THE CAPITAL TIDINGS. HALF PRICE is about whatiwe ask for miiny A kinds, including LONG EVENING GLOVES. As next week will wind up our REDUCED` PRICES FOR CASH ONLY? SIO lion will node lacuna Q vim-o o! Uulo In an undo: ".:.'.'::.::;:.'.`*::.:'::."...-`:' a....'m:::: not Iuoooonuna tho Sun of the vtovo-I 0 ;g.'. .`m....` ':'.'.'..'.-..':;.. ..:..* :r.-;'..':..: 5. mm nrlvlhnn. oonlu-ml Mohtnto or NOTIOI N HIIIBY. (VIE `I'll 1' Al`- to! 0 $14 Flake Post Haste 'f`o see the Bargains we are o'eFi. x1g in Ladies Kid GIogs nnnnx DRAMA, LIADING Uxmxlruluzn nu) I1`.uuALIu:n---M6 Princess at rest, Corner Hydonhnm street. Tole phone nnmmuulcntlon. | W. II. IIIIIENNAIV, ` , Fumcnu. lmuccmx AND Elm\uu-:n-2a1 Pum- ooas street, block shove old stand. JAH. REID, Tm-: I.r..unNn UNnRn1'AKnn--9M~!.'>6 Primseun M wet. Telephone 147.5. Open May and Nlghh ulnu. 1:.\knA~O:n Jan. 23rd, lB9ll, J. H. L`. Uurmttr, Sunbur , agbd 52 years. Funeml will leave llis late residence at ten o'clock on Sunday morning, Jan. 26th. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully inviced to attend. ORGAN. FIVE OCTAVES. GOOD TONE. nice looking. suitable for mlsnlon. tnly 920. Fine 1' rig tPinno. Dominlon.fuH 1: pm- lpmm. good one. (`out HIIO. Being sold for nuou : 3200 takes it. A. R. Tunun, 192 Queen ntrost E.. Toronto. QN ARI DOA nu uunN| I79 Wellington Street. THE VALUABLE SHOP AND PBEIIBIIH. wand :31 Prlnoou street. at prount oo- onpled by C. D Chown. Hus been A stove and hardware house for over twenty years. A|> ply to J. P. Gu.Dnu.nvI,0lnronoo utroot. Decreasing winds, unsettled with snow `or sleet. in southern portions today. Lum- ing gradually cooler tomorrow. .-,.,.., .7 _. _, - ,, _____._._:.:_:__Z_ l DESIRABLE BUHINES9 STAN 1), NEXT. to the new Wluo olno is to let wgth ponnosalon Immediate! . liont moderate. Appllcntion mu be mu 3 on the prominoo. ,, ,_ _ _.___ . ..-. ........-.-.-J HAT DWELLING, WITH EXTENSION Ind modern lm rovomonts. Intel own- plod by Mr. G. A. B0 lmon. corner Jo mton and Bun-is struts. table on tho p mlnu. Immodlwo Polunlon. Applyt.oJo|uI (mun. I) Clnronca street. .-,,,...`,..V..... ..._, ,, I HE PREMISES. mmled by and .,., -v_.-._.. _. - 7 . EXTENSION hind In corner ngton lle "Foollng Chu-Itahla .801-Itloe." KINHHTON, Jun. 25.-(To the Editor): Inst any of your readers should run away with the idea that the seller of the Hour for whiakey--deecribed in a par raph lut evening--waa a beneciary of t a poor ne- liel society. permit me to say that no our han been given out by thnhaociety this win- ter, except in the one of one poor widow. Your informant should ascertain and notify the deceived donorn.-A Mimlntn or P. R. ("nu nu nun`:- beau: OI: unauu. Mn. J`. Donn, Lnchino, yesberthv alter-. `noon received` A cable from Bouth Africa conveying the udintelligonoe of the death. by count fever, of Percy Newman, an old lmhine boy. Mr. Newman was a graduate I of the Royal military college. Kingston. Rnnnirv at the Roval military college military collage. Iunganon. Enquiry at Royal military college shown that. Parcy James Newman.Lachino, Quo.. spent. two years. 1888-8, in the in- animation. mound military certicatea and retired to enter bnaineaa with his father. He did not graduate. ..-_..n- -_- un|..I, 5 H15ioou.' " I own: vllh an In um prlvllzga, 1:.-nu by '11." ",,", . on tho aid .'w` YER `l'I"lI.III UVCI Qllllvlu Mmnm, Jul. 26.--A don roooiyod from I-hum any: the rebe louder. Mui- Ino Games. with his command, renchoda 'nt within twenty-ve kilomotyn of rmly yhui (ion. Maris. with LU!) naval? and four guns, |tutad_ otnigln. snd run the rebel loader Castillo nau- Cienhoges. In the light Cutillo `qt kill- nrl an - Inf II.I-XIlo WATIITOWX, Jun. 26.-\'esn|-Jay after- noon Patrick Louhy oommind uloidt, on n In-In new Gouvornonr. by hanging Bim- uollin I burn. '!\o'dooOIld lttvh yifo. ::.".:..':"'.'.:" '.,.,....`%-'.*:.':'.*...,,........,""' `"' . N - H9 VII dxvy yuan dd. 3 \ (N Tmm.~4nA\'. THE aislw. A PAIR 01-` Gold Glmuneu. Finder will he reward:-ul by returning to this nfro. 7101;}! Yiosn, N6. u3"QU1n-:N s1*1ucrr x Apply to J. B. CAIIUTIIIIIII. 7 nti/die} vm oc1*AV'Es. uociii mru-:". looking. LARGE FRONT ROOM TO LET` WITH Boa rd. Apply to :83 Queen an-ee. :._ PRICE TWO .OEN.'i2$ nu-anma on H`ovsn-cLEANmu MR8. MCGEIC, 31 First. ntreet. "n1NINua'6b'n (SE.-:-"~-1\"lIelu!;-ll>, . 'I`n-mush Isumn Homnc. " WEATHER PROBABILITIES. II` YISINUHBH Bllilhl`. Phone Nu. .'r.t. No. 58 for Sunday or night Nilln. Fora severe cold there's nothing to aqua! It-so save everyone that has used it. Won't vou add your testimony? . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. |O by Jun. ll. luunuu. I l I'ilH'o-an Street. Klnnnton. ..-.j_-_-:: beau: Oil Graduate. v-,,-_ v-..I.x..- ....o-.. `ro BE LET. ion SALE. hanged lllnooll. ... I__ GRAY.-Q1 ' WANTED. 7 3*???-] _ _S___I XTY-THIRD YE.AR.-I :.tI`nllhlo Grocers. Hotels. Drug :.-:.::.:-""......::*......,%| K`. .1. name. I OUR. SHOES FIT. OUR 25c, PIPE Surprises Everybody. -2-0th Cent1;ry Shoes .- -:-: .L_ik_<. ..|.1.i.+:%.{Ski-1 ,_.n..1_.1._1..I..l. |\Ic nu, VIIla\rvu'u:--- , Protetion against Rheu- matism in drinking on n I I t\,-_l__ ..- EIIIEI --lhJ Z'u---- ++-I-++ -I"!--I--I--I-~l--I-4-+-i--H~-!'l"i` .*.:!;f% I Y Gw TH AI`- ntion to Q Dunn Provlnco style at in on I}. 0. MITCHELL, - Chemist and Optician nu Iumuuu n'I~nIrIr'r you ENJOY A SMOKE GUID I (1).. Alinlu, Iollroul. .. . FITS A MAN SA LE OF Our Tobwooa hnvo always that: original avor .. .. -SHOE} ACl3(),\l[`.\NIl|T: MISS M. SHAW. llolulon Tnlol I'll! |'un:u-vnuuup; rur mu. llnyu to Spank. M(INTRN.\l., Jan. :15. On Fob, Int Ed` ward P. Hannalord, chief engineer of the Grand Trunk. will sever hin connecnion with the company after serving it for thirty years or thorenbo \Vhen yuur -ormapondent. called to (Z. M. Hays, ...........l ........mu- nhnm. thn nmmnr he was {su.IH.ERLe.~u'>' Our entire stock of Bows, Tacks, Knots and Four-in-Hands at me and me each. Here is another purse ope|`1t_er. The best*sCol|ars, newest shapes, all sizes, 14 to I8, at 11c during this Sale. The furnishing man wants you to call and see him. Here's anchance tor Small Hands. ..r - '| .....|1| I1 40c Dalr tor Black an;i"WhIte. 50c Dalr tor Tan. [Kingston Drill snca Rink` lllII'|l Nll|U`l| 0| lllll {`I`l|Q'!1. QUEEN'S II.` vs. v|cTomAsj 'N..|...o.. mmo. 1.. thirty llIOI'6llD0 VVIIUII _vuuI 4-ormapondent. general menu er. about the incsmor he was met by Mr. itzhugh. his private secre- tary. Yen," he and in answer to n ques- tion. Mr. Hannnlord'a resi nation has been accepted, and will take e act. on Feb. lat. He will he succeeded by Joseph Hob- son, of Hamilton. at present 1-hief engineer of the Great. Western division of the llrnnd Trunk who will have jurisdivlion over the whole(:.T.R. system out of lletmith" Is it true," Mr. Fitzliugli was muked, that Mr. Haxinnlordk departure fnonn the Urand Trunk is due to A linngreeineut, with the present. mnnngement 1'" "Tlmrn in no friction whatever." wan the The very best line of Shirts ever offered Kingston buyers. They're our Hardy & Co. One Dollar Shirt-are reinforced back and front--French Yoke-endless facings--linen bosom and cuffs-- in sizes 14 to 17$, and they t perfectly. Your money back if you say so. I IS THE PLACE. 123 Pnnooss St.. North Side - Pr1nco:;:z'st.. Kingston OPPOSITE W1N_DSOR HOTEL MAGIC COUGH cune. IBANKRUP1 smuq `Kingston Philharmonic Soon GRAN_[_)_"(`i_(_)'N_CERT \lD ; .. ...--... TUESDAY, J ANUZIXRY 28th Woman of Samaria" Powerful (`.horu~ of . . 75 uubwnv Limestones Vs. MONDAY EVEN pm ('.hilIlren'u Hewln (`I Frhlzugi m. Hihle Chum Eu` 3 weekly. I`hur~lny. 7-X0 p.m. Mulharu. waakly. 'l`m~-lay. 7.:In Rm]:-I (`ummiH4~e_ rhuily (except with the mnnngeniem 1' "There in no whatever," reply. It was also denied that other im- rtant. chnn on were vontemplabed or that there hat been n number of minor chnngea. The rumor that. W. Wainwright. was to go to (`him-ago and be uucreeded by James Stephenson was dismissed with I laugh. Geonze B. Reeve. of Chicago. recently laugh. George Chicago. recently appointed general treic nmnager M the Grand Trunk rmlwny and its niliated lines, will enter upon his new duties on Feb. lab. as well us Mr. Hobson. Mr. Hanmafoud stated that the matter of his severing his connection with the ron_d was decided upon aevenl day: an . nfter a I... 0` ` CC . ho:-guninu voung non ? libonlelub '9 ' n county of Fmnknao this touhcttht ho"||u urn Qpohocyybophnoruzun I All the Profit Usually exacted by us on our stock is yours by purchasing as our Cost Price Sale, now going FURNITURE] lNeckwear, I 9c` lY'\v`.g_'_A'_`_I_2_(_)'_0IS` Shirts, :I-.._ ...............n.,... -.>....n -... nun \.v-nu.--.u.. .. .. nenl manager. Mr. A a. tween them he won] not uni. nddin that he hui told Mr. Hays that e woul give no account. of the interview to the public. until Mr. Hays hndmade whet,- ever explnnnionn be deemed proper. Hr. Henmlord had seen forty-ve yeereof nil- wey service. ` \?'}.ai`.'.....oa" Llkrlry Ioeloly Annual Dinner. Lust evening the mnul dinner ol the you mm : liunry socipcy of Cooke : chn took place in the looturo hall in rent of the church. About fty wore pro- nont. including dolognun from who Sunday nobool, choir. chriotinn ondoavm nnd other gems, oonnocud With one church. The .....;A...o. -0 an nnninlv. John Orr. uto- oonnocunfimn mo onurcn. use puddont. ol the nociocy, John Orr, pro- dded in Aneidonc manner. At the con- clusion cl dinnortohe usual manta more - -uugal mall lunnnnl n hV" m V Best Collars I [cl :1 dinner we Anal It:/non more ` pond nspond to ' t. mun: won mmmm thum. Thol din- ll-n can Ann mi. IIKMII CV8!` oou vmn mum. `Inc um- nor wan one tho moot suooecnfulos-or Iuld in tin -nnintm l1&----lI& 1-I-vl-`I-+ ++-Pd-G-++++++ .Iu:1Inr.;u. Ticket-1. `.-'50.; Reurvonl Seats. Me. ' IWIVDIY . nnnu n I Prlnclolls: Soprano-M1SS R. MCCARTNEY. Bar1v,one-MAJOR GALLOWAY. Contra1to~MISS ADA MOYLAN, .IlI.1`l'lH-ZAl.. HOCKEY nus (SATURDAY, EVE WILLIAM STREET. FREE K|.`4'l)ERARTF1N DAILY nln (`hHtlren'u Sewing ('lt\.~~4 RATTENBU RY S AIIOI `I'D UIIIIIII 3 `Juan. Capt. Brno: Cu-ruthu-I bu boon uiod Inonnninu young libonl club in H4R_1?X'5 HANNAFORD GOES OUT. Anlod to otunlu A club. . h._.. rV-.-LL...f I... LAAI-I 33. NEXT T0 4 `fl-IAT COMES I Uevwlleu Hie .es R.M.C. Cadets EVENING. JAN. 27th -. muck and Tu ukr-. ()ur prina: E;'ENlN(] `Hun-!1. Ki-1 Tun. mum uf 79 the past lourteen months. The mnyor read statement prepau-ed by the city solicitor. at Maiyor Elliottfs re a quest, explaining the cit position as re- gards the agreement wit the light. heat and power <-ompnny relative to lighting the city. close on Feb. let. Uarnea. Chairman Martin remarked that in the pudt seine accounts had been presented to the treasurer for pagment without being brought before t e committee. This practice would huve to be discontinued and all eooounte must be brought A0 the committee : notice befom being paid. It wae moved by Ald. Allen and resolved that all accounts against the re, water and light department must be considered and npproved b the committee before bein paid, nnd t at the city treasurer be noti ed of the adoption of this resolution. A mmmunication week Instead 0! two weeks. Ald. Newlandn, moved seconded by Ald. Ryan. that no holidays be granted to any reman except by permission of the chair- man, and that in case of Illness of any man in the re department. or when any man is on his! holidays, the nfbernoon otfund night 1).. ....~.0inn nf ALI Ilunn nnnnnrlml hv post. nod. Aid. . ewlnnds asked. Youlden devownll his time Vto his duties in connection with the ~ tire depart- ment, and under what. terms was he an- gagied '1" The minnbea were exulnined. nm it. was found that the chief WM engn - ed to give his whole time to his duties. [gin answer to a further question by Aid. New- landn. the information was elicited that the yearly salaries oi the chief and remen nu- gregate 35,430. Last year $4.'>..'){l was paid or the services of veterinary surgeons to the re department ; 829 for blacksmith- ing ; and $4388.28 for oats und hay during flu: nnnf. `nnrfnnn mnnthl i Ald. Stewart. moved, seconuecl Dy Aux. P_3b5ngo;;_ mg: !|r Mnrgnn appointed ` veterinary surgeon to the tire deparblrent. at 5 salary of 835 a year. Carried. I Savarnl old accounts 1 A Khock Out Blow]

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