Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jan 1896, p. 3

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ln VII?! 0! Inner: 'l l'0ulIIlI-lIow [p new Quietly. What. to do till the doctor comes in A good thln to know, and in ur em. in ones of heart. (ieeeao. Keep in t a house Dr. Agnew`: Cum for the Heart-. and it. will be found to exceed the skilled physician. Many letter: are in the possession of the Rip:-ietor of this medicine. showing that M. would have ensued from heart, die- eebe had it not been pmmpgf when when Inert epumn had menlfeo themselves. It. in A nmnrkeble enecilio for this one ner- lrnc KAR'N PIANOI BR .`.'CH 3.`? Dfll rho d 1 "am he you-9o'33 1>x3gJ3. _:-xc" LoIo'Monhood. etc. has u on C I `.:n as '?f{roAtmonh full to ourc. 1-0 to lot of nerve force or power tint oonnot.}:r`E)o'_toI0:w by '1 medical treatment. sud ny try to woomnlhh this 1 any mg of will most. Msuremy euro. .4 . . , u__.__.._ n_.-..;__u_._ n|.u......-M.v.. ma uynpopsln. OIIII ILWUTQITID CITQLONII Oonulns fullest. Information regarding thocun of acute. ohronlu and nervoun dlsouon. prices how order. em. manna 1} glen} ).-PIII-WIN ('f)l HIYvl'|l(`Yl'll|. Wu Ilhm Parry n Hhn Muulvul Mnrnlmmnoo. E III l`r Far Formosa, by Rev. Dr. McKay. - $2.00. A Girl of the Commune, by Henty. $I.25. Dorothy's Double, by Hcnty. $r 0: | Belt Eictn-1:1` TI 0|'Il>|u3. In Sold hv all `I` tecelpt ul \ -i D I,. A. Vnrloooolo Nervous Proatrntlon. Rheumatism. .-lulntlcn. Kidney Uhneaao. Lumbar). Lune Haul. md l)ynpops|n. IIIIII llllllfllflll IEITILMRIIE BRA.`.':;I1 wnucuuum. 2!`! Drlncess Street. WM. H. GIBSON. Mnnnmar. II` [V HART Luau! Nnnnlutn |NEw B0oKs.| .,u..,...,., .,\,--.v, -_, ..-...,. $1.25. The Personal Llfc of David Livingstone. $1.50. Lilith, by Geo. Macdonald. 810:. F. NISBET S| 7KD1\l*f(5`PnPsin i TV'I; ~mr~r=riH shut. Adam & Sons (`o.. ll & I3 Jarvh Street. Toronto. 0m. 73 Sold by hruggl-at: null (`uufu-~tlmmrn. M. ll_ofunu nll hnllnllum-. For nu rvgurn of mm 'l`ulIl `l"rulll wrapper and two 30. utumpu. mm (L! _ the popular nuvulu - . wl booontto you pootpuld. u*n.n list of othpr BOOKS FREE Eu; 15 rkmcess'sr_gtaar.` DON ? AESPAIR 411$`, Novgao Good. Never to clap. Z: FOR BALI OR TO-LIT. Tho Corner Bookstore. ` 1 :01 one pmotl Bdt 32"! ...::'... ..`}'- f'x.-v_aau t'ea"o`s aT'.-.-__t;-ea` `nB:lW:'KARN & co. m Iuf`l'\l\l\Il _ [5 ON TOP mun. Ivumumu-. F. W. HART. Agent. Nupomoo. OUR I \IlV -vu > Hluwriur Tone (Jimmy, Ro- n. I'm-fox-Q VVurkmunuhlp, Fina llurnlnllity. Brilliant-y uml leuvu tllrouuhunl it: I-nhro no mm h-omJ mm at Bomin mhood. eto.. 0. I "II V" IlI|~ LIIIUII Ill UUII And Applhloo co. 4!! KING 8'1`. W.. TORONTO, Ont. And '9-2.1 lfgpco Sb. " address. ilnanwenilectrlcaall A -nl Anmunnnn n. ard, by `trulc Mud:--Dr.0woa Rid: hlgonllon. .I_l_I L. , 4 ., loo rlo But be an tgm.` ?l1`..'a`$.`.`...`; (hntlomon.--Raving need l'lngynrd`n Peoeonl Bulnm in our family for years I hm n no Ination in saying that it beats overybhi ollo vn our tried for-coughs nndookh nchildron u wollu wu up pooph. lb, ion: that. tight bin in; un- nlion I tho chat. We would not be without. for Anything. on we have In large hmll .--Wm.uuu Annnw. commissioner In B. ., Bnlmonl. Inn. KIIIDII In new Iur-. I Dune.`-manta Trllzxxnr-. John Stnlford. Blqomeld, pom-ed thmugh wwn Thursday on his Way to New York city. hnvh received It blegrun informing him thnl. ll eon Jnmee had boon killed by the etreet. care. Deoenod wee A street cos: conductor and hed resided in New York for eleven yeere. He was merrledthut. hand no nhildren. Mr. Sulord had returned said: `'1 mn coni.inunli_v mcninmemiing Di. Williams Pink Pill: to no: uainmimun and Liiono 1 chance to meet wxm nro troubled with rheumatism or looomutnr imixin. Pink Pills." cnnt.innoi l)r. (lnitlirop. are the but thing of the kind i know of, They are innimly nuporior no moat medi- cinee that an put. up for sale. I know putty well what. the pills conmin nnd I consider it. All exoollont prescription. It, in Iunh A one u I might. i. from my doc tor but. In would not. give t. in imnh A com- pact. form nnd so convenient to mks. HI mnnmmnnd the nilla iiinhlv to all _Dropuv. kl..- Truuhlua. lm `I: form me! oonvemenh no mks. I recommend the pills highly whoaro troubled with rlxoumniam. loco- motor auxin orany impovomhment, of the blood." I eleven Ho mu-rteatpuv. mm no children. Mr. only than week: ago {mm I visit to his con. un left. him an. that time in the but othhlu: .. . ...... __._a.- It has Llvu Iva-ry Du. Thounndn of can of oonunnption. Ilth mu. coughs. Ghldlllld utonpnn curd (Ml by Bhlhlfo Cum. For sale at W 1 non. It ml . I gladly give you this nmtennant.` lourn. S. R. (`alH\rnp. Since writing this letter Dr. (`nlthmp but not had any viaiu from his old enemy and in even more ounllul now in his revolu- momlutlon of Dr. \\'il|imm' Pink Pill! .|..... 1... ...... n.... 'T`.\Il\n rnnnrlnr lm monuumon than he said: ul nun the other. About fteen enrn ngmtho swelling recommonced, tin limo without nuy wrench at all, and before Ian I runlivml thnt this wna rheumntyiam natt ing in the weakest, partof the body. The tmnulnlu muno so often that. l was obliged to curry an opiate in my pnnkob. uvur_vwhnrul went. I had crenerullvn nnnkot. in my time. i hnd noon the gon1le-Ln chm. Pink PHI: were lmvin Ill nuvh vmnen, um] I tried mhem mynef with tho mnult. that, I hnve navorluul n twinge or u uwnlling since. This was nbvbotl by taking seven or oight boxes. / I naad not an that. I run thnmkfnl for ought boxes. I need not an my mooverod in epondonoo, hm, I wil! add that my knee in far stronger than it. has been for mhiruy-ve years. I I hulk mm mill at. m\ monls bhroo l.1Im~n from the jolllla. This made me lame for yours. mul from time to time the weak knee would gix-omit entirely and the swelling wouldomnmonce. This was always occasioned by some strain like ll sudden alo L The knoo rndunlly moovered, but. nIlwnyn was won or clum the other. Ahnlul Rhnnn unnrn nun than uwnllinxv opiate Ill pnr~xm,. uvurywrwru I went. I generally a pnnkot. my wniatvontu pocket. but in going to n l`0l\fOl`- once at Buhlo. I forgot it, uml nu tho our vrnn lamp and cold before I got tuhulfnlu my knee was swollen (.0 twin its natural Ill. which has oneubuuuy (tureu nun. During more than hull of his pnntynrnbe in Syrru.-u.-0. Dr. (.`o\lt,hrup has been .rouh led with rlnemnumimn, und nt intorvula ho nutfened oxcrucintinlgngony fromut. At timed the pain was no gmnt. us to prevent him from walking. Muny romudion wure him] without. auncosn nnd he and his friends had gi\';:\. up hope of u portnnnont. cure or of morethnn temporary relief when ho booktyho premmtion that drove the (llnonne complete y from his n_\-utmu. In n latter written to the ozlimr of The (llaoue completely lrmn nun n_\-a-mun. ln n letter wrmon Exuning News, of Ryrncuao. lnut year, Dr. Culchrop told of his nflliotion nml its euro. This is Dr. UnlLhrop u letter: To the oditnr of The Evening News. Dear Sir: More Lhnn t.hirLy.vo yours ago I npronched my left. knee. throwing it. n|~ most from its socket. Gram. nwolhn fnl. lowed, and thv nynovinl juice kept. lea inn; from the joint. Thin mnrle mo lmno fm vonrn. {mm nu-I proxewon. M u etmullunu. On a bright. A ril morning in reporter followed the win in driveway Lhnt, <'nI'\'- ing around the hi 1 lend! to Cnithrup Lodge, (in old fashioned red brick mnnuion, surrounded byn szrnvo ofouknnnrlchm-t.nuLn. Wearing a black skull cap and A blnok com, ofsemi-oiericnl vut, the manner of (fnlclnop Lodge gruurimn-ly received the re vortex- who called to enquire ubouthin heal! I, for, though nmnfuily repmnuim: ull ponaihiu evidence of his .~uniering. I)r. Culbhrnp for many yearn had been the \i(`.tim of u distressing utliiction, until by forlunute ohnnoo he was lead to Lake tho remedy which has obubilailly cured him. hm-im: mnrn than lmntm`nte la uemnmnnce. lrumeum nixurmm.inum4- so of silky. IHOW white lmir mid beurd, are of the type of Bryant and Longfellow. Although over seventy years old his ruthar apare figure in rm and erect nnd ever movement in nctivonnd griuaoful. Iliu- whnll; life long ho hum been unxnrdeut admirer anal promoter of uthlotic nports. and oven at his udvmiood Ago. plays tannin with all the rigorumlnkill of u young mun. T9 Syrncuanm-, perhaps, this roImn'|uil)le versatile man in most widely known. apart from his profession. as u eu,-iolitint. On a hi-inht Am-il mornimz reporter SATUBDAY. JANUXBY T 25. 1396 ? A Scholarly Oh!-lulu: nu! e Beloved Pu- tor who Ilellevee In `training the Body OI Well 00 Eh. Illd. _ The twenty-ninnth day of April in a note- ble day in the hleixory ol the May Memor- ial church in Syraoule, an it. ie the anniver- Mry of the inemllntion of the Rev. Samuel R.` Oelthrop D. D.. the eminent divine who no long he: ministered to them epirit- unlly no r of the church. Dr. C: throp was born in England and received hie prepare! eoholubic urgin- ing at St. Paul I eohoo London. Enter- ing Trini Colleg . Cambridge, he soon became a right. ure in the: brilliant oolerieof Ioholare itarnry men end wine that followed in ggonditione of Miam- ley and hie ueoei 1wl.ho university. In the middle of the century he visited Breanne and received his first lmprouionn o the young city that nearly 5 score of you: later he wan to choose In his home. and in which hit lebore have been no long and nkntivn Th: mnntnrlv nulnitm nun . nu. \rIuII|vn| , n. u... . -.., -. . . Dr. Calbhrop hu a striking peruonal'rty. I To the o a he in a moat picturesque figure. His 11 nndfnce. frumedin luxuriunt.nnum4- .. nl -llI.u lnnul unhhn Iunhvnnul |\nnr[`l DOES NOT HISITATE TO spam ' FOR THEODOD HIS wonns ' ,WlLL no. _ arouu 0! UI`. Ulunnrop nave nuu anon" fundamentals drnwu lrom the deepest. re- uaruh. His people have boenitumructed by him. not only in things spiritual, but in the element: o! the brqudeut. culture. in literature, In are and in Icienoo. Hun young men have been caught. a muscular system of morality. In these and in many other way: ha ha endured himuf to his nonurorntion. which in one of the moutl v7iCL""u6+p":Tnin BELIT other nu no endeared lumum no In: congrogntion, most. hlg ly cultured Illd wealthy in the city. and In wmon ml Inborl nave Deon no |on , And oootivo. Thu mutorly gulnft MK u drouu of Dr. Cnlthrop have their lundnmmmuln dmwu lmm they deem HIQI-Qua Tu-~ 4-cm-t v . men for hhiruy-ve u I took one pill at. my ` . uhnv. TBROAD-MINDED ulviif Killed In New York. _ 'l\.J|-n--. In 0| Ill`. \\IlII|\ml l'Ill|( run- wna then. To the reporter ho lll \ HI. 0}. Comblnati They Are The Fuvol-ltells of Thousands. ONE PILL AFTER EATING INSUREU GOOD DIGESTUON. m-unr luv lI'l"| `I'...I`I'Q MFR 0lI.l1.1 lIu----s u-- --.-_--.-_.--. your manna about nnuomn uun tor uon- aumpdon. The wlllrooommendit. For sale no Wndo`- rug noon. Mdoyou-worlcghlydng \ ullvn IIITU WiIIlWI'W\lIDl`I `W T` 0 I nt-In colon for wool and E1`:i."v zl:h zpochl {no he cotton. Inch dye in I n with full nnd Ininuh dinctimn, no 3 V` non lnoxpa-knead anndou road work a Ibo ptohuloml var.` M` in mild \b| Inhale!-n an try! an `the V band pld DI mm Dy?-.p, Bu 5 your an vs`: you the Dina-md:"~no mic nah clyo will II I` In! or I Ullllui III III) I10 nlllln ll.mn.1-nn, Jan. 25.- -William 0"l`m|e. charged with voting in the name 0! M. Sweeney at the rooont municipal olootiom. admmotl the offence before In iatrnbo Jelfn but. pleaded u an excuse tint. 0 was drunlc at tho time. The magistrate de- clinod to moept t.hia oxcpn and lined O'Toole 8200 or sixty days in jail. after- wards remitting HM of him ne. RII E`0IIIKUlIII II: } Ask `our physician, our vi!---.-mi-0` 9-Av`. * f and: about Bhil `n Cumwbr Gon- nnmnhlnn. Thaw will moon-Amend it. For Miller`: Hndacho Powders cure In- stantly. 101: and 260 no Wadi: drug won. 'l'I'lO\lQlI:il OI IIIIIC IIIUW llllrlll Dyd can no val-Cosy. mom a gun bounty. 1`huovondoI--working us: no put up In out are wool silk. with much! no cntnrrn ol the kidneys. mnnmmnuon on one bladder. etc. It mrioq and mgnlnooa the urino. removes iment in urine and pre- vent: scnldin . It is worth I thounnml mimou its cost or prootacio t.roub|eu in the old. much As enlargement. inmnmnI.ion'nml nlcoratiou of the pmobmto gland. Sold by N. P. Pol:-on &Co. ~ Ono Source of Pnlq and Bnlforlng Under llumul Doulrol. The remedy known as South American Kidney Cum never fails to give relief in six hours innll deran emenu of the kidneys or bladder. Bright. 9 disuse. dinbetoa. in- Hnmrnntion or ulcorntion of the kidneys, neuralgia, consumption. hemorrhage and cntnrrh of the kidneys. innmmntion of the hlnddnr. atn. It. rmriaa And ramnlnuu: mhn oiglwy-tour yearn om. Nell McNeil died At. his rouidenee. Unm- don, Jan. lmh. Aged oi My-tour years. He wnn widely known an highly ronpeoted. He lived I good citizen. 6 thorough, Gurn- er-L nhr1'ut.inn He but! many sorrows in this life. He uuv four of his childnm land in the rave. three LIona-younpz men -nml n dang tormn youn women. The fnnorul Look plnce on tho Tbh at the Roman Un- tholic churvh, Centmvillc. vm... I ..l.....1. o........|........x:....n......I ......'.... uiolic churvh, Uemmviilo. I`ho Livlmrkmwnahipngriciilmral aociotlv romipt-H for the pint your wem $720.10, ox- pomlmire $638.00, bnlanco M03213. l'lieu~ are sixty paid-up subscribers for IRSML The ollioorn elected are: Andrew Baird. proxi- zlonm: Tliouiu Young. vice-pronidout: Jnlm Hemmill. James C. Currie. George Mo- Ilrnith, William J. Rinvoul, James Aillock. William Aitken, Daniel Baird, Jolm Somer- villo, ar.. and William Rodger, `ir.. (llI`0(`- mm Amh, Rankin wan m.nnnnmt.nd um! "'U""v - u 25' roan mm: TABLET vulo, mm vnumm noager, _1r.. unmo- mr.-. Amh. Rankin wan rvappombod nou- rebnry-treasurer. ' ' mnncn, In a remnrlmme commueuce. Mrs. (Bu Wnllnoe, Beth, on entering a neighbor : ouee on Sunday, WM suddenly when ill. and thou h eomewhnt better. in emll very low. She as been removed to her duught,er"a residence. Mrs. Abram Irish, who in nursing her. Heart. failure is supposed to be her ailment. Mrs. Wal- hwe ne supposed to be eighty-three or eighty-four old. KIIOWH no me lumoormon 01 me manuwnuu. Crystals formed in ma )le syrup pur- chased from n Prim-.9 E ward funnel" is shown. The syrup was uumnteod hobo of the purest quality. humane crystals show that it was mnde chiey from ordinur_y HIILHIT. l(e\'. Ml`. nucnannn proaonwu. Ill hm- muno of the Bnldorson l'roab_vtorinn cun- gmssmtnon, n puruo of money to Mr. Mt-~ Ilrnith for his wIle.nnd n day nfborwillinm Mchnmn sent. fort bushels of out: with n (|unn(.il.y of hush or his cow. M u l`m_e"tl (rum l)ruvnmond part. of the congregation. A quiet, wedding took place on Monday. thooontracbetl parties boin Sum Agnes Mooney. Nupnnoe. and Wil inm Hopkin-, of lirinlwille. Mary Hopkins ably assisted the bride, while Daniel Kourns did the nor: of groonnsnmn. The bride looked 0 urmin nhtinaxl in pale blue nilk.trimmod with rib n. ' `nu lnnl.i...- nuvnw an nI.l Ill.-u nu k`nn:lnu In It ver ' early appearance tor mo vlmorn. ()u riday James Arnom. died at, his home. SLowart.ville section of McNub. The deceased contracted n cold and it develop- ed into pneumonia. 'l`|'e deceased was well known to the lumbormon of the Madnwaaku. 4`.-unonln In-unuu-I in nunnln lIII~||I\ nur. rsumlny nchonl workers 0! mo |)I`0\'IIl(`e. Mrs. Nelson Baker. Nnpnuee. (lied on Sunday hut, aged eighty your:-. l)ecemIo(I Iuuvou ve FOIII, (luy C. and Aloxnmler. of Ottawa; Jmnea A., of St. Paul. Miun.. and Charles nnd George. the latter of Winema- lm-. Hnr onlvdnuuht.nr in the widow Of wnm rmoon. In lookin over an old dinr on Smntln . Jun. 5th. grville Allison. )eIn61`tsst.vilo. found the weather corresponded in cold with that on Sunday. Jan. Ivth. 1868. the thermometer on both occnuniona registering fourteen doamoa below zero. Sunday in both those years on the same day of the month, in romnrlmble coincidence. M... 11.... \x`..II.m.. Rn). nn nninrinuv u and been mnomngry. On Wednesday. the marriage of J. Phil- lips and Min I). Bednrd, (humnoque, oc- curred. Tho ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father ()'Hormnn. Lust week robina were observed in tho rnnlen of W. F. SI.uurt..Deaeronbo. picking L no borriea on a mountain uh tree. This in early for the visitors. ridav Jmnaa sugar. Stephen (libum has succeeded H. M. Elliottun uuperinmndent. of the Eastern l\|ol.hodint Sunday school. Nnpuneo. Mr. Elliott has held the position for the punt eleven years. and in one of the prominent Sunday nchonl workers nf the pr0\'in(`e. Mrs. Nelson Baker. Nmmuee. Uny. IOWII On 10th inst... Richard Wril to. while also pin; wood in bur cut. his lo 0. [not nearly of t. 9 Loan. no .. .......H.... at H... l!.mn.li. hid hand, my (nhk ifr"ni'd'}o'- nova nu . A rota . "..~.: ' the council. ` E. W. Stickue . Newburg. has machine shop nu foundry now on nished. It in furnished with ` and best mnohingry. On Wadnaadnv. mnrriure 0 I Uhlmga. On uoodny Jqhn A. Mnodon|ld,Crymsl. N.D., led to the Altar Min Annie Fm.- nnmrioe. third dnnghtaer of M. Fltzmnurice, Rnnlrew. .- Kgnnnu r`IAnulnnnn Ann (I, willilllll Hnnlrew. * Kenneth Clomimon. non of William Clomlnaon, Wellington. Inn secured 1!. ii- bion in n wholoule drug Itoru at Soux City. Iowa inst... Wrinht. Deuteron- or one coon. At. :1 meeting of the Canadian society of civil unggneera. Montreal, M. .l. Butler. C. E.. ueronlo, wan eleotud n. member of ck- n... . ,..'I \Thnrl0lI nnu ueorgo. the uuwr or n monon- ler. Her onlydnughwr in the the lute Percy Clmke. of Kingston. Rev. Mr. Buchanan proaeutml. in the lmnm n! the Bnldm-non l'reabvtoriIu|cun- place or r. r.'. Mlboo. Mr. Smith. I loudln resident of Elphin, died onwednoodn , I th. lrom hurt. a'oc- Mnn. good nlxtnnt. n-an van. non. Iced uxny-tune yum. Capt. 81d Vnndorvoort. formerly of the m. Morrlm, will have oharfe of an excur- sion manner on the St. anwrenoe next. -nnnnu season. , Charles W. Mills. insurance depurunent Rachbun oomlgmy. Uclomnbo. moo ta a :lt.ion~iI: him rather : real auto 0 01: in atovaramounou. uamoan nun, nave diuolvod partnership. Invitation: no out. for 5 fuhlomblo wedding In Nupnoo on uh Feb. JumuA luvorth,J.l ., Tnmworth. has been nppo ntod municipal clerk of She!- eld. uamol bun nu puronuoa me on: uoo. D. Clough tum, Storm : Corners, for `L000. 9 k . I) If`, Mnlmm Inn tghm Henri: Nmmnn `A We wlllmnjlon uppllonuon. frocln- ; nun nan mrmuoouou momoonvoa. It in I romnrkablo upocio par- ticular purpooo. and in ninety-one mason out ol I hundred, strong II the ntnument nun. will cure heart disease, either in it: Incipient gages or the mute chronic. Sold by N. C. Pol-on Q00. U. I`. Molumm nu nun nonry uuuon into phrbnouhl with him in the Smith`: Falls Record. On lllnllnn-Jaw Nnnnlnnuu lhrnnnnnnl Ind match memory Mrs. Robert. Smith. North Elmeiey, bu goneto Philadelphia for an operation on one of her eye. (home A. Rowe. Oreenbueh. he: been near Normporu. E. 0. Clnrko. Odessa. has been appoint- ed clerk ol the township of Ernoattown. in place of P. E. Mnboo. Smith. londlnc Elnhin. (HOG on VVBIIHIICII I0"). [POI] Mon. nged nlxoy-I. me Cnnt. Vnndervoort. forn I Run or the nuns: oouonml run on` I Chi- lnnhrnnnnn.` ' D960 eld. I\nn nun oooru. On Wednesday Nnpoloon Doronroan had the up of hhohumb out offln thoAl)ouront.o match factory Mn. Robert. Smith. North Elmnlov. 0! nor George A. Rowe. Oreenbuuh, appointed light-koopor at/l`olegnph inland. Northport. E. 0. Clarke. Odoun. has unnumb- u. r... ueuen the council. [P I am. Thouundn ot hdlu know 0.! Nn nujlng xi-CAD 32.! We wll mall on uppllont on. Iron In- lnlunnu :1 hot #0 row It upon I bu . II In If and ro- } sell dluouu. Ad nu, _AIuI - Iodltnl Dlaoonnn-1. Hy`WU- ' G. F. Molmmhu taken Henry Sutton ` nm [n-tmenhln with him in W. U` 5-. IICUTIWW IlI7-CUIl'UII IIVI - WM] luuntu.` Btover & Blolmoll. Camden Em. Nnunlvuwl nnrtnnruhln lold. Dnnlol Shot In: purchased the old Goo. ). Clauuh tum. Booms Corners. 'j"-X;j j'j'? THE DISTRICT our-age. (ht, l`roderIc|u- . voring one has his new 7' completely In the latent. hnvd | PIANOB For puzzle and particulars calla: $trachan's : Hardwate Fon PuzzT' ALABASTINE PRIZE 0F $100.00 IN GOLD Ii? A I-rt:- nuAOOn ' Inbiallml (Inna? -IAMICII El`?! 0 (.`0.. Ltd. llomn-opnthlo Chomhtl. Lomlon. 'IIn[|nmI. :Japans, `Oils, MONTREAL. Tho oldoat and lat-gut {manufac- turera ol~VarnIah In Canada. nn;An:'Au1'-~13 u rr-nan. llyn thormutll knowledge of the na- tural lawn wlnlvh [nvorn tho oporatlnnnul dlrestlnn and nutmltlnn. and l a careful ax)- l mstlonol the ue pruportlea o wall-nolovtwl oamn, Mr. Eppa has prm-Meal for mu lnroakfaat and aupner a ulallonlrly llnvuro-I luovorare whlnh may nave llll many lmavy duutnra III] a. M In lxy Hm jmllnlouuuaoofnuvh an-Hvloaohllot that a nonntltutluu may he nnulnally built, up until matron: enonth to main every ten- dolmy mullauarus. Hmulradn of umlvtlc mala- dlnn am oating around nu read to attack wlmrewr llu-ro la a weak pulnt. on ma on- oa man a fatal nlmfc by lumping onruo van W0 I foul ml wllh pure liluoal and a properly Iluurlnlwd framo.--(`lvll Horvlno (Ian-Ho. Mada nlmpl with lmlllnn water or milk. Old on 1 In pankotn. lay uronoru, lnlmllml Um: : .lAlul I (.`0.. l.t|.. llomn-onnthlo 5 |CUR0UGHA] mus MANUF G 00.: Whlvh you mm In -till vllnuinn to _\-nu mun ho vunul luy tho mm M uunlcni.` EIXTWI" U Ll-\J\Jm.l"\JKV- I LIV `J - EI3Ps' c:ocoA no... . -9-. nun nuvnnm-. Vzsh, Paints, HOAGSI JOHN LAIDI 16 to 30 Nazareth Street, nm. sum. Onmmg wtndmv ntol. -:.--._ GRA'I`EF`UL-OOM.F`OR'I'INO. run-Q5`! 5%4'sJf\ -_r satrsow BREAKFAST-~ - BU PPER. 1.... AI....n....I. |....n.I-.O... nfu 4| 1- in mu|1clm:._ or bynmllon pm luux, nr bin how.-I $1.50. ?`. !l1"l-I 81. CO.. Toronto. ! L`-um-. Tr` H. barn Bottles. 95 mm-. ( nly an - I >04-904-oc+o<+oa-z-o 9+- ca--9 ` `C-IO C-I-$C~O-QC`!-GC-O-CC`!- C-I0 LAIDLAW & SON tlfnl nanny mu! Inn mile: of good rnndn. hutdqmu-tars of Nun British army and navy luunrlvullml In in nttrnnumnman. l`l\IOI|I( Ivy the Inngrxiront hon ntonurmrn Orinoco or Trlnhlui n on hmrn fl-hm yon York. The trophy] Inland lm~l\nI`I|1j `EN. Thuwu. Bantu I-uI,8t. lmln-In Ito nncllin - loo: also nffo beautiful I Interacting toitrlmllrounh luyntonmh `I1\f`rhQQO'|C0 u-Am:-hip Com II: from 9 York. spacial CPIIIIQI tn the tool. llml olnnuurpth. Inch hula: nos`; drobmn;-y.ml-`or doulnrl eh: m .11: tuonnnnpy-0. 1nI.u7s (r B1l lIKI!tGh& K was nlvu. w ormot T. ANLI dn.{::~: mm. Onh. THUR AHIBN. Roowl donoo. Ill Unlv gamn. to n .1! phono um. _ I .m. to II `[5 phone: `.3 LIN Inna. M:`:a'-Em.-.;-r\=<'~* .1~`-*5`-"s I not lulu. to union Imnlloon. ` L ~, - I A 8 D.D.8. I..D.S.. ID. ID - R. >rnil?c.'%5na., to am... .. ..' donoo. III Unlvontsy A nub. oo hour. I mm. to 0 am. an nvnnlnn. I In In. I- UT: Lidnev Pills to cure my -. Ilialu-N-.1. hnnl :.mv. E'**iv .f3'*.` -.... . ?&}ephonoNo. . Rculdillsmllil ngnnot \ll0. W. I I.|.. VITIRINAIY IUROIOH I Doctor ml Burg. Dlnpoll ad I . uid 8 K Own Q t... '-i`.`u..`. .......'le." " ' ._......:_ -_......_....... --_~_. ..... Lgrro` Ul:8:`I.N"l:|.Pl4.:)`.;. `ll N'lIi}B'l o oo 0 Ion' I-IICI . an. .ltn!:h|lnhJ In 13? Canada Pat:-`l`IT`Vlc Railways WILL HRH. llE I`l'R.N 'l`lUKE'I`.`| T0 Hon; January Iltll to non. Returning Ieln-unry M-1|. IMM. Full pm-Huhlurn In K. & I . and (1. I Tin km. nmvo. Oman-in streak. F. OONWAY. II. V\'. |<`nl.ulclI Ant. (hm. Pun` Ant. (hm. Mnuuw -`.-.-w v. - -----.- Oohln M5 and upwards. anmrdlng to sham- or. Iona Ion and number of ponnm in mm- room. second Onbln. ON: 055 return. 1 mhter}}LLcarm1 I Kingston to Quebec. 5 --~l"0R----- 1 SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE --uvI\lv-`-r&o- -. HE NOW FAII-FAMRI) llF.I!Ml'l)A, whh onhlo nummunlmllon mm oqunblo winter romp:-rMu`m of nommy (IQINOI. ho - nnomrry Mu mlln [mod mu 9. hcndnmu-torn arm: Army Mvr. Of All Kinds I new Humlny. Fur Mukot-n. and Pullmnn Accommodation. om.. apply to - T. HANLEY & SONS. Grand Trunk (Tm! Pnnummor Dnnut. Fun! of (`My Pnnutm or Donut. Jolmnton street. Kingston. xvcsron & FE1`\1BROKE ALLAN LINE ltvuv nqululk for an voyuco mrulnhod ~ wmmul onn Instr. 1`. H Nl.lY&K)N8.AunIa. J. P. (ldlonlurorklnm. , _-.._-_ ...--_-. To 0|` from Liverpool. (HIIQOW, Beirut. Lon- don. Imndondorry and Qnoolunhbwn. AW` I l|IIII"3c I" l'IA'I`I3 Lona ` g';:?.:t"li..f:`.E.5:'i:m`f.':`.;.`.."::`..i;k`&.uE.` For a Genuine \bmc|=_s: .,h.nIo~ \ . ~6:.L`*-...,'.:.-'...L,.....*::_,......':.'-`:3 Hun use only 0! Marcus unu- I'tCenhr- R: & G. Corset NEW YURK ill. lmnuonnorry IIHI H\\IOlIIY0\Vl). _AT LQWEST RATES. Sirjage P! -.`3" `U .`-. RATES OF PASSAGE. HORSE |.|vsn?r." .................... T\I"c7'i"I'i:III3IA ii`Yf ` :_!_`lNANGiAT ~'~;.1f*:3~3E.?3:*;w:Ti.~"i?I~.'33.`E:' Come to us. Short Walsls. in I-m.mcn. Mnunm-r. his 1: the oloctionn this lull, An oo. will be nude to hand all the li nor launch to one common alofonoo: MI thou It In 1 mm: at life and death: It meant , s million or two million: of dollnn V be mad and upont. on the city olcusion. Tloprlno nos-on. like Dicky Cmlmr. umnmru (lnnt. Mimi . and Crohr. . ox-In nllnr a-rand ll! IIIIII AI I-Irwyr. Iouhul mmm. ldloino has in homes no Ion glorioun Okla `on of war. and on that noble scroll olhnomum: now bephood the mm of Dr. launch. 01 Klmlton. who Mod the day lrolmblood poinoning oontncbd min: In am as the gun:-nl I to which Md mods I: C uouusanu hoop ant. Nthm balm In pin mom]: to up opon tight. for the o|oc~ hunnavnrvtihlhn Aln. I hum ml- oLNu York; 00. `MT ` . from in; too. A large jcity ol tho old lynmo have A strong olunnhh lulu; In hvoc of Ibr own on )9 Inc ban at human Mn ...L. AL. .15- .L-.-Ag. ALA- n 9 IIIIIIIPCM (Spools! Corroupmidonue.) Nnw Youk, Jun. 24. --A despot-ate otru glo in now gain on between New Yor and Brook|yn I in to the oonaoli- datlon ol the two omen. . Brooklyn dose: not want. to be onnolidntaod and be mal- Iowod up in tho grgatnr New York, which would make New orlono of tho gr-count emu of the world. with n lmmiol Mm!`-` tory nenrl thirty miles long an ` lboon broad, am containing nearly four million: 0! iuhabfmntn, and increasing moro rapidly x.. .....Io.I. nml nnnulntion than anv other failure. Thcquostion I refer to in proliiliitinn. Last Sunday, by concertml a moment. every llulpit in Brooklyn (lovotoll its scr- mon to prohibition, and the following day the ministers in a body waited on the mayor to insist on the uxecutinn of tl.o law which forbids the selling of llqllm` on the christian Habhath. Bmoltlyn huu over flvo thousand saloons, and loss than llll'|>0 thousand policemen; a large number of these mo-n are detailed for l`0|ll`L duty. many are sick and others are absent on leave; looking at this. with a knowledge of the number of e'ect.ivo men that. van he used for an instant emergency, one can easily see` how impoaaihle it would bu to plane in policeman at the door ofeu-1'_\` an- loon. ln mnnevtiun with the (lute:-l,inn of infractions of the Sunday law, tlu-no are Inoans re.~Inrt.e(l to which am abhorrunl. to every well regulated and hnnorablo mind. lfhililmn of Lender ago lmw lmen sent Into saloons to buy beer and liquor on tho Sal bath, and it neenuo to mu that the person ml... .....l.. n Iinln .-luihl nu -unh an infam- lmth, um! It. to that me person Whu send: on little child on nuvh nn inam- onu arrnnd on the Sabbath day. wnua n-n times worv-9 than the moat degrndecl rum- aellor that ever sold 11 gluon of whir-key to n drunken not. A .mol....- n`n-ll nf winmumu lmu ham: mmln drunken Another chum of witllommn hm: bean made up of wretohou rondy to hell Llnelnsdlvea for an prices. They were suddenly taken sin . nnd thev annealed to the I-nlnonkoen any price. They !lI(l(lenl_V mlen , they appealed I-nlnonkoep- er`s humanity to ivo them a drink, nnd when. after hard ) ending. they l|ll(`(`00d0(I in geuiug what L my vmnted, they untreat- ed the ualoonkeoper mud hwkod him up. There is: uomethiu abhorrent in the spy Iyetom. In wart. eepy expect: nml re ceivee no mercy; the aentenoe of loath pronounced by I drnmheud court. mm-t.h\l Iadeomod his jullt deeort, for a thing nun moan an an epy in not deemed fit, to live. Our vnnmr nndi. Theodore Roosevelt. Ill not deemed no (.0 me. Our young cndi. Theodore Roosevelt, hnehnd hie raieee sounded lrom every pulpit in the city for the able mnnnnr in which he has executed the Bumluy lnw: and theie is no one who mmzen better than the energetic ohairmnn of the police oonmiu-ionern, that no man. from the Bronx river to the battery rk. for the sent. year has gone dry it` ie wanted a rink. The general pnbllo may imagine that Mr. Rooeevell. has been doing a very greet work. and he him, but it hm been :1 work that will hand the government of this city over to Tammany hall. nnd Providence only lmowa when we shall over aee ll reform victory Again. The irominee made have not been realised: thelhopes of better gor- erunient have been a delusion and A snare, any many of the ioople put forwnrd lor the principal poationa inthe in of the --3-5: L-um Loan Ingitn ul hni an their t u-L. ,_L _:n-_ 4\! I -_:::7c:- 3...... known nn_In\ hlll Inll`! . -- ~t~-~-~ | Tunmnny prodoonoon. The ahnri`n of- oe hu bun u qnnt scandal.` and afoul- i In Ibfbld that my change. no mnwor V: at. must. be for the better. Ifwo had nothing also! think about but prohibition our task would be I very may one. But. tho city unnm with tlnovoo`; life and property an in danger at all hohrn ol the or night; Gho urging forwsrd of the prohibition queqtlon to the oxolur n of nll otboniiu bundgl. together the d emiu of rofunn. and th diunroua raaulh will be his the oloctiom thin full, 1.. .ln.-4. will In main In hand All the -s4-- -_ any auto RANGES, HEATERS, COAL-OIL HEATERS E. B. LOUCKS. IIIIVIH n|.n UTAH!) KING RT Wlbll, lulu Dl'uvuu__vn -ma wwuvuuu gnu. bhat. r The argument. in lnvor of conwlidntlon in that. lnatoud of having two oosbly sets of oloon tor the ndminlntrntion of the muni- cipal overnmentq chm. with the aid ol A few I dicionnl clerks the work could just. as well be done by one. Thi. nnnnhnn nf municiml xzovernment. H1011 luuuemy Uuuuluu unuuuuuuuu. u. um... i nu-nnt. hounds, who can hnrdl write 3; air own names, become bloat bond- holders, and who. after eight. or ten yearn ol successful olce-holding, can retire to their ontnbea in the country and nmuse themselves far the rent of their natural liven ulipping the coupons from their United States bonds nml other seem-i~ Lien, which attest the value of a New York olline. A .y.....- mm mm nnnntinn of consolidntI'on [mix wKzff__oL_qrfsoLInn|oIi A nmuun guano: Baton IlrooIlynItau- low in luforu the Ulquor Luv-A Porlnlnn Novelty Thu On: Hold ll; Audlom-an. IHQIAAIAI {`.nn-mnu.l"uInnnn.I iuhabfmntn, and moreumg moro rapmny in wealth and opulation any oltiy In the wor . .. nm.-mu mun New York has nearlv ch. the world. n thirty years New nearly doubled its pnjntion and tripled its wealth, nnd rooklyn has exceeded even that well be done by one. Tliiaquoa-non of municipal government is a serious one. This year our city bud- get. lg` forty-iiino million: of dollars, mi ap- palling sum. whon you consider blunt, it averages for eve man, woman and child. on the inland 0 Manhattan, twauby-ve dollar-an head. No wonder that police- men nuddenly become millionaires. or tlmt. lnttnnt. o .a.. mm. n.-nu, hmnma A year ago the question of was submitted to the penile of Brookl{n and wee carried by R emnl nmjority; tie defeated minority was angry and declared it wm.- a snap judgment. The le ieluture went to work to frame ll bill whiu I would make the two cities one. but by some poli- tiunl lug ling the bill was kept in commit- tee ti l t 1e legislature adjourned: but now, under the (`[\l`8 of senator Laxow, who win: the ghnirnmn ol the committee that made the fmnoun police expoluree. the bill We )5 up ugnin. and promise: to be one 0 the lively features of the present legislative IIBFHIOII. (`UL UIIU \II I con.-amutinn oft whnt u (`unnlit an was. They gIi<| of`New York. :...I.... Iv.-mw .|. ()I'.VOW IUl'K. In nuun nu-m_vm VVlN",l1nr judge |'r_vor slot-icloai that that wnsloo poor timber for Anierimm ritjzniialnip. Yet that in the same kind dML|lI|L|I 'l`iummui_y judge..twent,y yonrn ngo nu~ fnntnrodinto Oihilllvlll the rate my a minute by the Cl0l'l(. Though the ight not be able to apouk En huh. or to wiim their own nnmen in Iuhmdinh, Run- ainn, Hungarian or \'o the would easily be made to undon-[mid min` the something the judge gnvo them. (`MHe(| citimxn-hi , was worth I\ dolhir or n dullnr nnrl n hi on election if they only voted the ticket the l'm\Lnl.u gave them. they might. get a chance to nwoep the streets at two dollars it dny. Tim nnw mnvnr nf Hrnnlxlvll hmu inst, 0|!- dollars mny. The new mayor of Brooklyn junt, Aumed his oico, and he it: met at the out- aels with one of the most dilliuult q|l0BLIOll! that he will have to face to the end of his term; in quotation that will meet hin Micron. nor at, the very Lhreahold of his olcn, and which will prove his boto Imir till he lunveu il.. acknowledging his ollioinl lifohmn been :1 failure. "Fl... ...m.ninn I rnlgr on in nrnluiliitinn J1 :-oz ro1'mu rmasn or and session. The republicamu of lronk_l_)'u I to at man against it. The 'my 6 nmn\' memmro. nml that 1' Tum ngmnnt u. Lne my up In n |uIu nmuy umemmro, i{TmnInnny nuc~ voods iv otciug the two cities: cnnuolilut.nl them wilno\'cr again be u rt-publivun viv- lorv III New York nmlu. To shun` the voting timlmr some nf our now-adgurl r~i(i7.unnurenuulo of, n Tum- nmny healer brought up nix Hungouluml, l u|ou llllll |{u-ninm to be uIlmiH.o(| to (:it,i/.eun|np hefmo r-upromo vuurl. juntiuu Huger K. l uy<)r. Not mm of t|1o.np- plivnnls mnhl npouk u word of I`lng-liuh, mm. mm of them over |l0l|l'll of the OF THE STATES. .-__I_...... I0 Iovoru. Illa many (hunt. (lmy. I. undonhnd it in n Audlnnnnn `afar (M I are nlmost n :. .. 'l`..m. l`lx-t0n'I'iInuu. Mrs. ()nthm'ine()urpeImsr, wile of Aus- tin B. Carpenter, of Unbourg. died in that town on Fridny. Jun. l7th. Deceased wun the only sister of Messrs. Sylvenun mul Nontqmrl Sprnguo. She was A nntivo of |'r"Ince llrlwnrd, the only daughter of Hylvelmn S wuguo. nr., and moved t.o(30- bourg in ll-I117. ml resided there over wince. She was one of the oltleat inhnbi Hunts of (`obourg nnrl was highly eaheennml. She leuven four daughters: Mrs. (l{ev.) John l~)nglinh.(7olmurg: Mrs. Emma, New York vity: Mrs. Uox, (`obouv-g. and Mrs. Deming,l`hlhulolphin. Mod-rs. Hylvonus and Nnntrand dprsgue, the unly survivors of the family of the late S. 5pm no attend- ed the funeral at (`-ubnurg an returned Tuoavlny, Hr. (Jnrpontor was one of the most prougtpent men of Uobonrg and held many honorable nllicea. He was very wealthy. max qrllulwnn llyapepaia, billounnou. sour ntonmoh nnclcon-Mpuionsu-inc from wrong notion of the stomach. liver and bowels. Bur- dock Blood aim.-.. cum: all _dinonson of tlmue or-gum. Bay or Quinta lnllwny. Train leaves Kin non 3:30 pm. for Tweed. Nnpanoo Ill nlllocal points, R. J. Wmon, agent. L:.I'.K.. L20`: wlegrnpn ol- oo. Clnrenno street. maul nor home. Are no hotn I" crude and irritating mutter. conconlrumd icing on . Carter`: Uttlo Liver H a. Very nun : very only to uh; no pain: no griping: no purging. Try them. < BIOI IIXIIIO IIUp Biliouaneu, conam'pnt.ion and all liver and nmmnoh troubles are uickl ourod by taking Wain`: Mmdrcke .ivor `ills. One pill: dose. doooo for 950. Sold only M; Wade : drug store. .\ MiIbum`n.(;`orl Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hymphmpzon com- bines the curntive powers 0! \H Cherry. Hypophoophitloe of lime and I, and pun Norwegian Cod Liver Oil in perfectly palatable form. It in the boot for coughs, colds and all lung troubles. Price H0:-. nmlul bottle. Am in` hmn all nrnrln and in-rll.nl.ina iretty. nor has she a pnenomemu voice. lfontrnry to all untioi tions she neither says nor does anyt ing that hus the slightest lhwor of wickedness; und when you consider thut it was the anticipation of that, that crowded bald-heeded row on her first uightuand that they were all disap- pointed, the marvel is that they mine the second time. lmtlhe did. She is above the middle height. ier reddish gold huir linings loosely down her buck. the expression 0! her have is pleasing, hnving that quality thut the French call ehir. Her dress is dark and modest. and devoid of jewelry. As she enters on the st; e she looks quietly on lheuudience, as tiough she had known them ull her life: no . boldly, but quiet and null-possessed; but that look has captured them before she opens her mouth. und she holds theln till she leaves. The songs sh sings ure funny, and she sings them very funny. Her power is hypnotic. The severest test she has been put to was in l`lrookl_\'n lust Suturdny night. She ap- )0l\l`0(l with her own company At the urgent thentro them. It was thought by many that she would l)e hissed oil the stage when she uppeured. The house was crammed, nnd from start to finish she held her audience in t e hollow of her hand. Men shouted the Ives honrse: women wured their hnndkert-hiefs like mad. Were they oruzy, or what`! I guess they were what. -- l`lIw.\iuuu M. 0! the C.I .Il. Scanner Arthnhnukn. Bays: (hut Dr. Agnew`: Cntnrrhnl Powllor In the Belt Remedy In the World. To the thonamitls who have enjo ed :1 trip on the beautiful Cmmdinn aoiiie summers, few men are better known than the pnrner. John Mnclidwnrda, of the Arthubnnkn. Hailing, however, hm not been nil joy to him, as he hm! been a uni`- fer from cnmrrhnl troubles. With others. fortunmely. he in. hunt. found relief. quick nnd e'evti\'e, in Dr. Agnew n()nLerrhnl Powder. So )l8lI!Od him he been with thiamedinine t. nt. good Snmarimn like. it isnpruetice of his tueend supplies to friends who he knows have been nlicbed like himself. itnever fails to give Relief in nu. mimunu mu! mum: Imrmumnnhlv. like himself. IL never mus no gwo renal in can minuwa. and cures pornvmonuy. Sold by drugginta. Sample bottle nnd Mower sent by S. H. Decuhon, 44 Church street, Toronto, on receipt of ten cents in silver or ntnnxpn. Sold by N. (`. Pollnn & (`n chomp llodullng. M. R. Moluul'n carpet. warehouse you can supply your house with fonthur pillow: at $1.25-per pair. blankets from 90. per ognir in 87. mmforcoru from Min. to I 7. [white npreadn from 760. In 84, linen shaoting nnd pillow muting, r-otton shooting from Ibo. Ever thin of good qunlitg; and low priced at I no reliable iinuso fufui.-I ing depot. R. M(rl"nul. 1 ` ' ` .\ . \ d tmnslb. Then All the bunk? sing e great momunule houses. exoeg Btewere s greet dry goods store and as dozen others, were belosy Csnsl street: end those engegedln business anywhere near` Wall street. Broad street, or the lower part. 0! Broadway had only to cross the ferry, s ve-minute trip, to nd on Brooklyn Heights s's complete seclusion end qulet. as lfthey were fty mlles away in the coun- try. ,-,There wsse section of the Heights, between bhe Well street. and Fulton fer- ries, that looked like Is town that had been deser.ed;t.here vrsu hardly I sign of life during the day. and at night. It wesss stillsshhe rms. All the streets ended on the bln , A hundred feet shove the rlver, so blue there was no thoroughfare for mdsstrhns. ass-rhses or carts. and there blue there thorongnm-e tor em-lens. earrings: cam. rooklyn e sriscoemc enjoyed them seein- eion and complete iso stlon to be found no- where else about New York. " But rapid brands hn ohsn all chase; the moved to Madison end F ith s\'enues,; sn to all that district. known as "The Hill." But it lookn ea ii trsde would soon make mone beg: move 5 sin and find a home elsew om. Already t eFifth avenue. below F`ort.y-second street. is iven over in tailors. drusmakers. upho terers, are smree, florists and other lines of trade. Many of mu finest hotels are to be found there.~-the Waldorf utandln on the spot. which for many earn wu b e homestead of John Jacob smr. the lather of Wil- liam Waldorf Astor. the present head of bile house of Aster. A0 Innf. um hnvn nu nnnnrilunitv of ones- STOVES amusement-loving l'nrII no not cnenon wheels, and who promise: to keep them there for the next. ten are if she so do- elreu. union the lone Ker voice or men-lee eduke. When she wu ret announced to appear here. her ohlel chum was a oorcnin lleyor of wioliedneu. which was not ex- actly wickedness, but something so near like in that you could hardly tell the difference. But, said the lnquirer, "Wlmt does she do T" Oh, notliin in particular. What does she say Y" O . nothing very bad; bulge and see her. and bhen you will know." u....mu-.r.in .. nnw Olvmniu in mm nf the house 0! Astor. At. last we have an upportunit of pan- ing judgment. on the latent. Par Iinn four- thqnannd dollar novelty \'vet,to Uuilbert, who for the t three years has chained nmuumenb oving Paris to hot chariot. Ivhnell. and who nromiaon keep know. }Iammerabein n new Olympia is one of the largest. and hnndaomolt; of our new theatremmnd for two weeks this French woman has crowded the house from par- quette bodome. What, does she do and how does she do it ?--nn(l t.hnt.in what. everybody wants to know. She in not over volmk: neither is she everybody wants to know. She yo1m:neither yretty. has she p enomenul voice. lontrnrv nntioiuationn EL: diifew PURSER VJVOHN M'EDWARDS. dilllnuu. nun cl moon Io |l'II' bad. Mal fooling, mans. try mu we-an-u sun. 31' nahu-`n run-nlv Inn wanna. w:jv--II.`IpvIuI'Iow- lbs-IunOIl.toIIulhr&ih. nnuucunt-.-nun-_-c-nub. s'-.;"'.;;':':Z.:o`"$'l-:".'-`u'..s2.'T'K.'.`.T voninou. usomsch trouble: or nnnntlnnllnn, nlunnhi nan Intllgn no: woman`: Bdn._ 3 down ll NC. I .3 or lin3. |IonhloS:it: Dmuh 0! at body. Moll udnrho. L.'NA..-..-_- _. plld In lloo. lulu- hcul nnlnnnlon. nar- /, 'rmn' `DAILY nm'r"1sn ` wax G. !christa's"- Bells} ' THEY RING FOR ALL. A Cheerful Call to Christmas Bargains. WILL GURE YOU In- ......,........~ n.,.M'n Kidnev rm: Ourbeautiful display of Holi- day Gifts is open and ready. The newest ideas, the best selec- tions. the most appropriate and desirable presents at fairest g- UTCS. I The right thing for every pet- ` son-olg!, middle age or young. rnvnn in and (on tho Intact nnrl son--mg, mluule age ()1 yuuug. Come in And see the latept, and best. JkAS. REID ='- *-:.v:a.v.m1.-....."-*3.-.-.~ M ITOI [DD 000], I01 HIOUIIIIIII DI llrvous Diseases _._ 4-... M IOPOO lull : $11000 liltl ; pg tn 3 r who W 1! try I woom llah Ewan lug: up: In pursuing ndizngorous groin at per 1 trontod. thaw _ use can , Rosltlvoly cured Electricity. an nnnlled by the Ovven__Ele_ctrlo In &----:-' --__. .lout.rlolt . applied by Owen Electric halt. and us mory. wlll mount. assuredly do an. L In the on `y known power that will supply what in luck nq. nuuely nerve lomt or power. lm rt. lonu um vllgor to tho organ: and Mouse to enlthy notion ho whole nervous system. It will most assuredly cure. nan: an, _,,_A _.ll_I_... '1' only soionulo and ` m o. for genonl me. I gonorate A strong cum I under pq:-rcpt pongrolgn gonorhte in-on: to! purfegzxon Ion can pnruo the y. orthoonno I. __..._._..g RI- I'M d I .~..!.'.'$'.{.' 6 ""1..'}".I."s..`. . a`.`..S` $`.'3'u`.m " lm no onhood. hat an `. I . a: ..:.2.'...':::':.'::'.?.::.1:..::`;'.....t "...`:...: l-- "I We gunranttw D KM CIllMI1_rI}.1|I!'~' W " I

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