Ia mo tune thoroonnn which IHI mud in occupied ch grIndTry and tho` boob mnnoe not AL mom mon- Dll Qlllrl TDOl|I D00 ltlonodb thopnvion crwbulddo nnlnndldmornmuihno tho room und Rattan and J. Id. Tag rt. On motioniof W. D. cRae end D. H. 'l`o|snd, Mrs. E. Knillton was given liberty to address the council. She asked for oompensstion for tlnmnge caused by resi- dents of Loughboro and Porthmd town- ships crossing her harm by way of a road running to Loughboro lnke. If compensa- tion was not given she wsnted the council to purchase the road. The warden ex- plained it was not a matter for the county council todeel with. It should bebrou lit to h attention of one of the townsiii ooun Is. To ify Mrs. Kniifton l). T014505! mov , seconded by R. H. Mc- Alpin, that the petition be referred to the towhi > of Loughbnro. M. Truesdale objec . It was not county business and the councilof the township of Loughboro was a ble of looking after its own busi- null, `:` _ Ami-v wanted the oountv courv When the roll was called all me coun- cillors were present. with the exception of H. A. Calvin. After the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting the re- port of [the committoe on county proper- tx was road, which recommended t 0 payment of these accounts: '1`. McMahon, 85.34; water works. Ol2.|0: water works. 81,75: Simmons Broa.. 83.8.`-I; Simmons Broe., $17.83; Simmons Bros.. 60c.; (lurney foundry company, for boiler. mun -ix. n ...... .. I .. A ... ..n...-mun L read, wmcn rooommenaoa J. $249.75: Gurney foundry com ny. sun- dries, 885.43; George Pogue, 0|. 3|; water work: do tment. city, 30.39. D. J. Walker, .25; water works, 82; T. Mc- Mnhon. 86.88: M. J. Lmrd. 812.97: A. '1`:-unn I0- R Rnnvm: .'|- VI OM11, .90. ()n metion of M. Avery, seconded by J. Cole, the re rt was adopted. By-law No. -l01l,rcon rming the ap inbment. of auditors, was read atbird time and con- rmed. On motion of M. Trousdale, seconded by ll. Swarbrick, the warden was made a member of all committees for the current. vear. Hy-law No. 410, up- pointing J. Gallagher and A. J. Sharp cru.-tees of the Sydenhem high school. was. on Indian 0! J. Mm ag art and L. Rut- tan. read a third ti me law. Jaireu n ver su bml his annual .._._-_4 5.. a - -tl`....A Al...A AL..- .....- ..l.....o ll. Bwnrhrlck, B. Boon, L. nuoun. It III moved by B. Buck. seconded by ` H. Swnrbriok, that the report of the special oommmae be receive! and adopt.- od. Curried. II Au.-u mnunnl nnnnnand In: W, HAL a ble 0! looking ruler its busi- nous. . Ave wanted the county all 05 pay an. Kniffton 81,000 for the l'l?ht. of way through her property. Severn newspa_per clippings were submit.- ted by Mrs. l\nifl`t.on. and in which she :5`-caionsd to take action against. the coun- cil if the matter was not--afitled at once. While the matter was bein discussed by the members among thomse voa, a motion to adjourn was introduced by J. M. Tug- gart. seconded by L. Ruunn, and the councillors fyled out of the chamber. louv- M rs. Knilon in possession. `I nunuulny I lllllflllll` BGUIIIJII. The county council was called to meet at ten o'clock this morning, but. the session did not most. until nearly half-past. eleven owing tothe delay of some of the com- mittees, which hold length meetings. When the roll called al the nillr.-4: mgr` nnunnt. nut}: thn nvnnntinn nf AL.g_c'r|oN SALE Manon. 50.53: M. J. bl.|l`(l, uz.w: A. Tlzon, 82.50: R. Reeves, $.'l;.\l. Otto, IS) on mates. ()1: motion of M. Trousdnle An?` H. Swar- briok the report. wu adopted. A dolencion conaistinn of John Mc- od. Damon. M. Avery movod,nooondod I; W. Sul- Inond, that A. Munro and D. .. Walker l;.:spoinud members of the quarterly of audit. Carried. lo um. annual hv W Muuunrn lnnnnlln board oi mum. Carried. It was moved b W. Munro, eeconded by W. Salmond, tn the bonds furnished b the county treasurer be accept`-,:`.. Car- red. John Gsllegher, of the township of Portlend, was uppoinued trustee of the Sydenham high aohool on motion In! L. Rattan and J. M. Tag rt. nn mno.inn`nfW D r-Rom And I). H. Ill WIIIOII WI! III non: KIVIIIE unt.y1Pro y--MooIrs. M. Aver J. Can, J. . eodnlo. D. H. Tohn . J. Foley. J. S. Knno and G. Wright. Finance and MoounlI-G. Mu-uh, J. Gorrie. W. Miller. W. 1). Mc- Rn R, H MnAInin. B. Buck. [HAD A van sum snssm uouuuucu The" county council renamed auction you- tntduy nfui-noon at two o'clock, wardon Transom prodding. The minutes of the ute union of this your : council were and and conrmed. I111! Demon ol Dim yearn counuu wen: read and confirmed. It mu rqvod by M. Truoodslo. seconded b L. Rutbun. that the nudiwrs receive 0&1 each when they have completnd their work. Curried. M. Avory mud the report of tho apocisl committee appointed to strike the stand- ing, which was as here given: "nu n-Ana:-t.n.__IlAnnr-A M `VIII! J, J. uomo. W. Miner. W 1:. me- an, R. H. uonpin. B. Buck, W. Salmond, J. H. Haitian, J. M. Tug- nnrr. I. R.nt.f1n J Flnhnr, H. A. Calvin. in: snrrma or THE FRONTENAO Almost Nov;-; |ouschoId_`Fur-. nltnr. Brussels Carpets. WI BIOIIVBD !NII1'IlY(7l'l N8 10 `in 30 II Division slant. on IDAY. UA Y nn. all ol Ibo llonuhold funi- R'.I;.`l:I'.`f'!-..YIaL."6'.`i.``.?s.?.;.'}a.2.`i.'5 In. Knllton lulu Jiyown llor Grin- IIGOI to tho Oounonlol-o-ItrIkIn the Emgdlng 00-nntooo--0tIu lulnou on-nuhrod. u, manhunt, hnldown In-1|-onnLh N. HAlInond,J. ll. uuswn, .1. .11. Lag- guru, L. Rattan, J. Fisher, H. A. Calvin, , . Mouier. ` Road: and bridgoo--J. M. Taggnrt. J. Lmmou. J. Goa-(I. W. T. IIW. H. Thursday : Ilo;:Ing Soulon. - ........t.. ..........:l ..m. nnlhul on COUNTY KINGSTON. Tuoedey or Wednesday next. The members of the board of trade will interview the minister of ublic works, to urge the deepening of the ideeu cmnl by the `government, and the member: of the cit council will petition the lame minister to (we the slip: in the hubor dredged. `I'wo Yuan; lilngqtonhls Unlud For Llfo Thli ornlng. ' In Archbinho Clary : place this morn- ing. Rev. Fr. choc performed the core- mony that united in matrimonial bgpdu, untpll death do them put" Willilih E. 014317. Boilermaker, of this city. snd. Min Inurty. also of Kingston, and nioou 9 Hrs. Kennedy. propriou-can of the an I( H L_.... Th. nnnnun -.- nnnnnnfpal I1l'lll Hllell. The second meeting of the council of the board olitrade to confi r with the com~ mittee of the city council, relative to the erection of 11 new drill hall. was held last evening. The members of the board in at- tendance were: President Hewton, Messrs. Chadwick, Minnss, Richardson. Redden and Spencer. and the mayor, and Alds. Skinner. Martin and Ryan were wre- sent on behalf of the city council. he sub-committee appointed to inspect the several sites Iiu ted for the new build- ing, repor that a difference of opinion existed as to the comparative suitability of the different localities. It was, therefore. decided to send a deputa- tion to Ottawa and discover towhnt ex- tent the government will assist in building the hall, provided the city furnishes a free site. No guarantee is to be given that the city will suppl a free site, however. The deputation wil be composed of the mayor. Aids. Ryan and Skinner, re resenting the city oounci|,and president ewton. Messrs. Swift. Richardson and .\1innes,representig%r' the board oftrade. Secretary King has wri - ten to Ottawa to appoint dates for the meetin of the ministers and the deputa- tion.w ich will leave for the capital on Tuesday Wednesday next. The members Mill many. also ot mngnmn. Ana "0.K." homo. The groom wu uuspportod by Frank Mocuo, guard in the K own poniuntluy, nnd..r.ho bride ro'ooiv the Iorviool of Him Mury Ialforty, her sister. M bridesmaid. TL; Kohl. -5. tin uuninlnnt. nl nanny}: nun. IIAVR !NB`I IulV(7l'l `fun at UAIY an. II `Inc lull Book '1'): I 4701' 3%: :3-K} ` n n u an II no - Lslnglvn. On '` ' . m. \ Tho bride In: an roopptcnc or many uno- lul and Inndaomo pnunb. anon which um I nlunblo clock nnunud the lul cnd lnndaolnn pronoun. vmon wu l nluablo clock pnoonud burden it tho "0. K." homo. The youm V on hftontln 8:40a.n.tnln to .. ~....a..o. 5.1.... ..u... an-3;` in nouuonnuuo--u.n."nonu. un you 8:40n.n.tnln \; pdnu bolon Iotwng dow in Khnlan. IIIIl$ V:',': m" M. I . I |I:1{ nuoo0! '3": ' "-`" v d"' may-an ` Klnglvonlnn to the Front. Minn Matilda Craig. of this city, {undu- ubed ua nurse from the Toronto general hospital tnining school on Thursday lut. In B gradunminf clan of twent '-three Miss xt Craig stood a h from the and of the lint. mu,-V-._v . Want: B1-preu-n tn tlon. Ald. Milne maintains A representative of the city council should be on the boards of institutions receiving runte from the city. In the management of the jail the city has no voice whatever, which he consider: is not just. The cit pays a good share of the maintenance 0 the jail and the city nhould be represented on the board that expends the money. He is going to in- vestigate the matter nnd if it in not possi- ble to have repreeentntion under the pre- sent system, he will move that the legisla ture benppenled to for the necessary law in the matter. Ina vnu Ill nun nuyn The committee on county property visit- ed the county jail this morning, accom- ganiod by governor Corbett. and warden ruscott. The iiiecibutioii was found in It very tasty condition which greatly pleased the visitors. Warden Truscott. was for nine years an attache at the Albany; N.Y., penitentiary and is well posted in jail and penitentiary affairs. He says the jail is kept. in in very elcient and aat.isfact.ory state and he com limented governor Unr- both on the aplen id condition of the inm- l.ut.inn. The new heater. latelv added. in both on the splendid common or we mm lution. The new heater, lately I giving every satisfaction. lint. Mina Lucy Bowerman, of Nnpanee. was also Iucoooaful in passing the final exami- nnmlnn And rmaivad her certicate. I Whou [noon Bhlno In It. Besides various public buildings excel- lent phohogrn hr of Mrs. Muchnr, Mrs. Cartwright. rs. Hendry. B. M. Britton. Q.C., Dr. Lsvoll, .1000 h E. Clm-k,William Allen. Robert Meek. . J. Crothora, Rev. E. B. Ryokrnnn. Rev. Richard Whiting and Capt. Crawford along with n two-col umu out. of mavor Elliott. and single col- end Capt. Urevvforu along wun WI'0-C0l- umn out of mayor Elliott, single umn outl of Aldermen Appear in the Wumi-4 illustrated edition on Saturday. The let- tor press in full and complete. Want A New Drlll Shed. The proposition to petition the overn- ment to erect a new drlll ehed or the Kingston militia meets with general favor. There is some ophpioeition to the proposal that the cit Rhou provide afree site, but it is pointedyout that this in the custom in other places, and the wei ht of public de- wire is in favor of having . a $30,000 spent here. even at the cost of n free site. One citizen remarked last evening that if the shed be built it should be large enough to afford accommodation to the Nth, the field battery and the 4th Hus:-are. llave the Ilrldge Removed. The shareholders of the (xatnrnqui bridge company have It fnirly "good thing In their charter, which reads that no bridge shall be erected within fl mile on either side of the present structure. Mayor Elliott will ascertain if it is ponsible to have this clause set aside by not of purlia ment so an to allow of another bridge being built acme: Bell's Inland. If this cannot be done he favors nllowingthe shareholders use much percentage for their stock, so as m can control of the unainhtlv bridle and much Ior their amok, to got control of unai htl bridge have it removed and the nu r improved rluu-ah nu \`0 II N thereby. 33 `2"""-..aJ .`;"3:.`-"2 "' "` v`f T. Milo. Power & Son . and ' % .3 nt & {Ion oarpontau-I wort, , Guy a ing. "Co.;pa.iI are the amhitocta and awarded the con- man. Work on the amructure will be commenced forthwith. also nucoooatul In pawng one man nntion and received The unseat uuguuu In the (my. Provost, of the New York Clothing Store. Brock street. having given I In order for spring impormtlom. which ml roach here next month. hug dooldod to makes In reduction in all the dopam- ' menu to in noo close buyonto purohuo truly and to enable him to mks room for his ooming goods. Ha manna bulnoul. L ` In ooim-sou Awarded. Tender: for the contract of crooning W. Downing : new bonus, on Johnqtcn street. __ , sad the oontrnou nu-...nadJ u s llmnI1.,W- Tho mid-winter mobtlnghc Kingston woman : council will be Id in the city council ohnnbor on Fridny. int, at bin-on o'clock. A: vnrioiu intnrutin nuhjocu will come up for disouolionih in oped that than will be a In a attondsnoo of lode- rnted societies. Al lndicum oordinlly in- vited to t.hoJneoting. It 1- non. Our aonvenir chins, wibhpicturm of St. Mn acathednl, St. Andrew : Ind By- V don ,m street churches. This claim in I direct import order from Germany nndll, nhend of anything: ever uhown here bfr. See it at McLeod I drug Itore. Iheld OI anyml Ivor Inuwn :1 Plbllo loom of Women`: National- nunnlln, M bmcunnu. _ \ Tho bride the roojphnt 0! Pul and Inndnnmn nnnnh. nmonn which in; 5...: '..x mm V. unnu to v."5:-"qua: :3 onduuunm EARLY MORNING MARRIAGE. uouuug , . mtln ho manna : nnnnnn Iii ho Id in th OaV ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 30; 1896. ~.wHA'r WILL H710? orrv inn vuciuiw. 'n.TvT1i la Wo-l;Vi(7I;pl.. ..__...:u.`.. M. ........o.. nnnnn nu ' ~ OLLIII ' ' :qai`:.' MnAmn`h. hula mum, and why were tenders not canon ior 1 i The wave of niclmeu that is sweeping over the city at present hm engulfed quite a large number of the mdeta at the Royal military college. About twenty are affect- ed with sore throat." and A number more -nmin hop,p_ltal ,|t tho oollogo with other Wmonta. An ngn-fan! |'|A||IIf.I1 in A nnnnnnrl. In nnntl mclnms or mnmw. ommonu. b A: perfect uty in I puaport to good society, so "0dorom|"oonducee to ood appearance. For sale I) E. C. Mite ell. Ala flock of En lah sparrows have made t elr home in t e K. h. I`. freight shed. where they might perch and pro- secute n eeu-oh (or food in the freight oars during the daytime. They have grown uita tame through their constant nasocim tuon with the employeee. Rev. E. S. Darlina. Minnenuolia. Minn.. v\ nvo baking Powder. Sold only 1n cant-. Mina Singleton. daughter of Prof. Single mu. Port. Hope, hm! been engaged M- organist. by the trustees of Queen Street Methodist church. She comes highly re- commended. nrlnrnvn-" :.........-L. I.......ou us H... nmol. Imgrnnce [0 IO DPOEIJH EHO netunn gums. For sale by E. C. Mitchell. ` (lertnin cltlmnn would like to kn( ror sale by ta. L;. Mnwneu. ` Certain cltiuns would like to know if it was necessary for the county conm-il to '0 to Toronto to purcheae on hot. water boi or for the jail. Could the Ircle not. be bought here it as good a gure as at, To- ronto, and why tenders not called for '3 The wave of ninlman that in aweenimr mon wnn me employeee. Rev. E. B. Derlin , Minneepolie. Minn., has been visiting reeilvee in Prince Ed- ward county within the pest. week. At, Coneecon he visited the reve of hi: great- greetp dfecher. I .E. loyalist. who came romeeeeehueetle About I790. Mr. n..|:.... l... L..- :.. \.n.......~.l:. l....o|.. l"`- manner. u.n.. Ioyunu. wno Dnrling has been in Minneapolis Ion-the past. six you-3. `~ \, Pneumonia carries :1 3 Popular Young Klngltonlun. Michael E. Brennan, Johnston street, when serious illness was reported in the Wmu I luv duyn ago. did ac nvin o'clock thin morni . am 3 Iolnovhot procnotod ucmgglo wth pnoumonin. Mr. Bromnn mu I t B-inc of n. .;`1'. ...." ...".. =n .';2f.'..: a`...`. nan. taper Imam Mnpwn ppmmm- cry and van. use :30. married on in. Mulhollsld.` 8yrunuo.N.Y..wbo somulyudddh UH: city. Two oh-L nu ..bot| vnrrlvowmourn the .--I- I4... nl n I-ul --uI `R-nbjnnnba fnthnll Iujtly portrayed In the features 0! the man wno has Jon an xnmmng article of clothing. You won't. be such a mature or do. Inn, both . vnrvivo 50 mourn urly louoln ind and aootlonatofnbar. Doouuod com: the position o! lo- oounbnt. in the nu dllnmu Swih t 00. iineo 1838, and was uolhblo And tnoud umlmn. ;-In had I wklo ` nouuulnhmoo `llll I35! and IIIIIADIO IDII Iflllltl ungoyu. n "d0`MI|Nnh\n0I In ngntoomnd was very wpulnr with ulhviokncvu. Rowan number of AInAnnn-|n-lhnnln Univ`: allrnl. llllvlokncvlu. own: manner ol IL Mary`: outed:-n|.Vl concert, on needless to : M-vepmbly. A uibimn I ncrepumly. cit-imn aug La l.hnt.the ice roller could be greatly Improved by being fitted with an appliance for sprinkling sand on the walks nfber roughing the ice. His idea is to nttach an appliance on the principle of R seeder, such in in used on A farm. \.l... . mmI.o:... nnnll ....n..--.. ma lnunt or seeder, such In used mrm. Men : neektion, good patborns Mid latest styles. I.'(:. each or two for 250. at R. M0- Fnuhl. ll...-H .|.\... I. ....l..l....6 tn nnl` no... commended. Odoromn im rte beam to the toatln, fragrance to the math and with to the aumn. For mla hv E. C. Mimhell. DEATH OF MICHAEL E. BRENNAN, Mlwnsus. Harry Hogle, formerly in the employ of drnggist. H. H. Roche, was in the city yesterday. A toilet. reanisito and a toilet ornament. : yeueruny. requisite and ornament. Odoromn. For sale by E. 0. Mitchell. A consiunment of sail-cloth from Yur- clothing. You won't be such a_p1oture do- sptur it you buy on our D. 8. Sun: at 86.00. m nrm um: morning. lls Inst. bargain day At Richmond & U0 : to-morrow. A lnnnl m-nnlnnhn-or I-his mnrninn nInin_ the Ferry Hound axamcu. For n rfeot t order the Specialty Cor- set at MIG! Weller s, Wellington street. Break. hreni, break Thou mu-dollar blll. and Has ! nm. A bachelor member of the local re bri- gade received A quantity of household fur- niture by mil. to-day, which circumstance would seem to point to a wedding in the near future. 'l`u:n uni. unnnl nnnlrn In-< ORA {`.u.lunnv-n xumure. Two pair: wool socks for 25. (En:-hmere or merino books 200. All out! furnish- in 9 at reduced price: at R. cFnul'n. . is! M. Shaw acted in the capacity of uocompanistnt the philhnrmonic nociety`n concert, Tuesday evening. and, it is say, lled the position moat n(`(`8HI.nblV. Mdrit alone la sulciant 00 sell Ocean Wave Baking Powder. Sold only in Simrleton. dmwhter Prof. Sinrzle` n`.5"1." to tho.olty Mn. Dr. I NIOIIIHOIII C U0 (0-lll0|`l`0W1 Mydd-Iomn Wood bu returngd door I visit to the country. ` [AVB viva: an At. Home" on ll. Beat. white mstilo soap 2 lbs. for `Joe. at. Miwheirs. nrro "naln lnrmnrlv in Hun nmnlnv nf U0'E I10-ITIOITOW A local Insnnfncturer this morning ship- ped a large consignment of milk cans to the Parry Sound dxatrict. For nerfeot Snecialtv I llll)ll IV l|8\'8I' CUHIIS UIIUIK lo!) IIIIS. Everyone come to Richmond & Co`: on Friday, the last chance to secure dry goods at. cost. Trv Ocean Wave Bnkimz Powder in goons an cost. Try Ocean Wave Baking mnlxin your buckwheat. puncnkes. break nab time. u u.......... n..n- M n :..o.....a. mu I (ll\lqIl'tI'Ilau I nu I V I Ivy. ` H v `ran-rwnxn-rxhsr an or 23: um. um be than nor via: lion: for Prints , A n. munaay uun, m.u.. [at March, commencing practice of his pmfoesion. Another illunlanted WH practice 01 ms proloesion. Another illustrated Winn, equal to the Christmna and St. Andrew s day number. up rs onhaturday. Order now. . umea Metculfe. M.P., arrived home from Ottawa last night, to attend the wed- ding of Aid. Newlanda and Miss Reid. Samuel Birch in visiting in Bimzhzunm.on.- mug 0! Ala. Newlanaa nun miss new. visiting Binghumpt.on,- N.\'.. where his wife receded him by sev- eral weeks. They wiii be home at the end of the week. rm. ........ n` .\.....r....o 5,... mm fan} #n..i.. I`). U. Lulwneu. Do you want good value foryour money? Then try Ocean Wave Baking Powuer. None better. 'I`I.a nio .. nun|v'run u-iO|\ .-mmmnmiul NOIIG DBDEGI`. The city- over -run with commercial bravellers. There were no less than eight. reprosenlsatives of hardware rms in the cit yeeterdn . . notch lam '11 wool shirt: and drawers. l"luIl'II. E. A. Hunt, Deaemnto, purposes coming to Kingston bckentor into partnership with his brot.her-in- w,, Mr. Aubin, in the bar- hering business. (lanrma Jnhnnbnn. fnrnmrlv foreman for nenng nuameas. George Johnston, formerly foreman Ueorge McGowan, cigar mnIuIf:mt.uror, purposes starting a factory in Bolleville about March lat. llnni-inn Q;....A.-ullln Qt) in ntonurlinn Hun about. MBFCD um. George Somervillo. 32', is nttendin the sixteenth annual reunion of the an lime bodies of the ancient. and accepted Scot tiah Rite in the valley of Hamilton. Rnhnrt. Rinlmrrlilm, nlnnmd nranidant, of usn mm Ill me valley or rmmunon. Robert Bickeldike. elected president of the Montreal board of trade, was born in Kingston in I842 and removed to Mon- treat in I859, where he began business lifv. A l.....l.-|,un mgmknm l\` bk- lnnnl H.-n kn-L wmu punmnoa nanny. Ooo-n Wave Balm Powder works won- deto when pro ly used. Mitchell : io Cough Cure cures when all other: fail. a homo. J. J. Rym, Troy, N.Y., aryivetl here hat night on I bulineu ori . No on: can nord :0 m u the hut. bar- V "' "3HIi6ni`!or Illa. . - u. who J .... ..g5-..;':-.'.i-.-.-..:-1..-'..' Twolh an 2! In THE '96 MODELS Inn mgnn nunneu on No ono can bar- gain do of Richmond & Oo to-mon-ow, Rev. . Mvddlooon returned ` I rulwn AND smnnu-ru uoean wave Powder cannot be excelled. " ` turd Xolhddon bu been Ill {or come Jim" pui and his condition at proaent is ilous. . lII`l0Ill. Thouh Ocean Wave Bakin Pnwdex in a high 0 us powder in nella for 5c. 11 Mb. min. I Uaoronm. rot sale py my U. Mmcnou. consi gent mouth, NE Errived for :1 local Ehipbuild inrm this morning. he Inst. bursmin dnv or Lhe week. The acme of comfort. for cold feet~Rub- her but water botcloa--nb popular prices. I)_ C. Mitchell. `- Tin Ivnu ulnnf n-nn vnlun fnr vnnr mnnnv " ' `u spun at Ivory boy x.m-wnn tho Iooplo Au lnlung Ahon-NoehIng lo- oopol tho Auhntlon of Those Who Am 'I`lI|llI' Noun. `llluntntod Wxm Saturday. Got it. | luthortnllk soup 6o. 5 oake at Mlwhellia. V Band-. hnnd. nrhhe Rmml Rillklao-nhlht. 00|ll`l mu morning. J. M. Stewart. Chelioyfu paying an` business trip to the city. Be sure and rat. I. oonv of the illuatrntod UIIIIIIUII UTIP KI DUE Ulllyo Bouureand otnoo yo! Wluu bli Bgu . oo. ;w:v. Baking Paw no we may user vmr. no we country. Mu. Dr. [null given an "At, Home" Friday in honor of her son. H. A.. and wilt. cut. yeeterun cobch s drawers, worth $l.0 a suit, for 500. each at R. Mc- Fnu|`a. I` A uni. llnnnrnnfn nnrnnan nnmino RATTENBURY S' BANKHUPT LSTIIEK PARAGRAPHS PIOKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTER8. uuwmnuk 00. one II? mlwnelul. inane}. ma, .1 me. Boys] Rink-no-night. . mlulon 10o. ` There was I clean slate at the police oourc this morning. A Shown-1:. Cheliov. is Davin: n: nemuasn ume. H. Ramsay Dull`, M.U.. at. March. comanoimz IIIIIIIOII mp 00 I Be sure and 1 Ulun nnlulln wk 1' M1,. ukan cl intends, on L in Kmgetont 1 Wave 1 the `n the Ilu Mabel Dalton`: Debut Oolebrluul Ian IVOIII[. Mrs. W. B. Dalton we I dunno last night. in the Hotel Fron emu to celebrate mho coming out of her dun hter Mabel. The ball room and the refrea ment. room were very pl-emly decanted with union jnclu. buntin , plonta. owers. em. and the sup r to let wen Arranged in an ex- ceeding y tuty And effective manner. The number of guest: wu verylorge and ell enjoyed I thoroughly happy time. the event bein Ipoten one one of the most pleasant. I. t he! been held at We Fronte- nno this anon. 'l`IuoccheIt.n of tho mh band furnished the music and oonbrlbuted in no amsll meunre to the success of the `grant Ex-Ald. William Bnowach nnppou on um oidotnlh, tlnothcr (I51, and fell. ' I hialnoolohodlyt-llatrhohdlo gohhnhonoloo wu alien and `hub jq. nu. Bnwdcn in: august; A....Ia- - Ibnbyv III VI IIDII .VlIIO- A rumorin current. in the cit. today that tho govornmlt has mnt|e...t. me ur- point, nents within the put Ievfdays. '1` 1e )6I`H0lI!-I most concerned disclaim all nowladge of the rumored deal how. ever. The position: said to have been lillezl are the wardenship of the ponitoncinry, the sur eonship of the name iimriuition, and the nyal ilimry college And "A" battery aur chip. Warden Lnvell has been (wt. 0 the city for me days past. I! also has surgeon-major Neil- ROI]. non. The conservative ullocintion met lnnt. evening to talk over matter: in general, relative to loonl prospects for the coming campaign. v Wu Aolovn linden. Mina Em d. |f.A.. married hat ni hm. won dint ouon u n atudont not. on yin the oolleghu inunuu. but Inho- unanuv In Queen : nnivornity. in which uontly Queen nmvorm . In VIIIOII I vru ndunlod In 1899. orllnriod ubllicy song mnthouutionl linu wound lnrhu nu tmanhin in Inntbolnntiol in ubllicy along muhouunou nnu Ioouuu lorhu the In ip the oolhgo. tho ask: 0! which won moat ooiontly dioolnrgod until the ruignod Int ML She In idont. of the Iavunn society at Quota`: m-lug two nuuiocmnnd the Inndoomo wedding pt-aunt. van bot bythomombonohlu nooiuzv. wodln nut nouns bcuhlghly the astound. _.:._?.:; land chorus that proanoeu one oemmm. A Trip to Iceland," in the Woodburn church. foot of the inland, lut night. The nhir passed o` very auccoaafully. During the evening C. H. Dudley rendered ` very ncceptnbly the solo. Jeruaulem." The cg` ittee on school property met lnstn1'{H7 dlliscuen the question of erect- ing "t e building of brick or I-tone. The unanimous opinion won that nbono nhould be used. providing the R\'llnl)l0 mane would (`over the expense. Archi- tect `llisleft today for the west to ex- amine the vnrioua aohoolein Toronto, Hum- iltou nnd Oewego. N.Y. Throo uovornnunt ppolntluntn snld '|`n Haw: `LII minds. II`. I heata. - A meeting of P.P.A. members was held at Westbrook last night, and rumor with that several of the county councillors M.- bended I). N .l Rnumlnnin nmamnina favor- B. sI1,yE}3_._&__co. bended In. H. J. Saunders in progreuin favor- ably towards recovery. He pa n com- rntively any night, and is resting quiet- _v to-day. Wm. Price. of Bauhnm. chanted with ma. iabrnte. '. J. Chapman has been awarded the contract of remodeling the store at present occupied by (I. Vanurnam. It will exm-ml buck tlnlrt feet. ) Q Dana fnn nnhn-nod vnnfnrnv from. n xt out hlmsell. Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. Starr sent a hornetfs not-at to Sir Mackenzie Bowell. On the out side of the box wu a card bearing the words, Con ratulativng che prevvier upon being `Kin ilornet " He wrot in reply that "the ornet/a neck. was the noun elo quent. thing he ever received." About A dozen persons from the city ne- quent. thing he received. ' About persons city compunied the members of the Woife ls- lund chorus that produced the cemtaba. -`A Twin tn Iceland." vincill Y.M.U.A. Mayor Tuokott will lay the corner stone of the new Salvnbio army barracks, Hamilton. next Mond y. " oh, heuin Apparutuu. why Such var ed trait: unfold 1 You're bllltorinc when the weather`: mud And front: when Wu cold. In a match tmbtln not at Boole '3 Buy, bet-ween Mark me and Tax: a- toga. the former won in three Itraight heats. ly to-day. Wm. Price. Ba}hnm,oharged insulting ladies. was fined $215 and costs or Lhrea months bv the Avlmer police insulting ladies. nnea wanna com; or three months by Avlmer police iabrnte. V I f`l'|nIunnn has ham: nwnr-dad Hm ' buck tllirt IDOL. _ S. Rnuli ton returned yeaterda from a visit. to re ntivea at Don Moinea, own, and Htreutor. Ill. He was accompanied b_\ his cousin, Fred. Burrows, Belleville. u......mI `llnnlu ngnn nu-nnrintnr (J Han (`.r.L his cousin, Fred. burrows, uenevme. Samuel Harknees, proprietor of the Col- lender hotel, has purchased the prnperty on which is situated the American hotel. It wns formerly owned by R. Benupro. (`hinf anainaer Hnbaon. of t,he(l.'I`.l{.. lt formerly owned by K. lsenupro. (`hiel engineer Hobaon. oftl1e(l.'I`.l{., will be aocom nied to Montroul by his son, Robert I oboon, chief clerk, and Arthur Tisdale, ntenogrupher. from Hamil fnn Wretcherfhss - its usual vigor. `J The grocers were to have held n meeting last, night. in the inherent. of a cash system of doing business. but at the last moment, the meeting was called o. It in thought the olfort will fall through for lack of nup- nort! 4 Bv the explosion Inf I threshing boiler of his`.-a. ovary. The charge "of ..W'-n against John Seuton. of Stratln-oy. was diunnueod by Judge Rd- W Elliott at London. His honor pro- : ujhsod the evidence Altogether unantiafuc tory...-and amid the witness Mitchell wnn more dishonest. than Judas Iaoariot. VPL- \':nonmi.. lvmnl-nu Innm triad In hnvn for that m no. A. Sbmc an says that nobhwithmuldiug` the assertions of mnthelnnbicul scientists to the contrary. the celebrated fbeen" puzzle can be solved. He can solve it in t.went.y-two moves. He was Won the key to the puzzle by 3 fnrmer, w o worked himself. M... luau 1 _I I4`. Hhnrr -ant n lmrnnt.'n dead. Joseph Donoghue in building 5 choose factoay on Mr. IAdford'I firm on Walk; Islnn . I nmyl Ognnnnrnnn hrnthnr umdn ml nn Island. 1 good temperance brother sends us an account of a gathering at which there wna "a full house!" ` It A l`..Iuin hu hum nnnninuad I mam. "a full noun!" H. A. Calvin bu been I pointed a mem- ber of the oxboutivo oommllatoo of the pro- vincial Y.M.C.A. nwnn 'I'.mIut-.9. will In: u: nnrnnr ntnna cogs. w heats. mu. James Jncquith. rived in the city or parents. He will ren which was injured its usual vigor. Thn grocers were 1 port: By explosion :of threshing near Emerson, Mam. F. W. Freeman was hurled with A portion 0! iroli work through the wnll of n bnrn. He wu badly moulded` and hurt in other ways bntthere mo hopes of his`.-a. *.'wery. Tim r-hnrua hf ._~'nn aaaiuat dishonest than Judas laoanot. The Victoria hockey team tried to have the Moruinburg hooks iota play In return match here bn Batu ay night, but the secretary of that club states that owing. to the trip to Quebec. which the team is tak- ing, a match cannot be arranged for here for that night. A Sh.-no an nnvl that nnr.hwH.hnt.nndinlr' SIXTY-THIRD YEAR.-N0. 25. I dock. cod and halibut. at Uarnnvuyw. W. Moore, real aha ngent. is conned to his house by 3 severe stuck ofgx-Jppe." Mia Irma` Livingstone Eaton. step- dm PEI of Hon. Joseph Martin, M.P., is den. i fourteen valuable tromng norm. Fresh ought. not froun. whibenh, hud- F dock. cod and hnlibut. at Csmnvukyh. x W Mum. uul -gum nmmm. in connod tho Vary Inuit NOV! Olidll Into "IO . I-Allen oi luau. Atlantic ailmon at Cu-novuky'a. Richard Tooloy, ex-M.P.P.. is seriously ill ' 3 00d skate. verything at coat price at Richmond & Co : on Fridh . That ti fooling" rgntiroly, ovrcome 3 by using C: ovIky | 30. oysters. I _ Fire at _ at-Ilngannott Fnrk destroyed ho to the Royal Rink to-nip\ght and enjoy- FIFO NIl`I'IgIll$l:Io rnrx (I1 : fourteen valuable trotting honvu. . Fnuh nmlcrht. not lmmn. Ilhif only in the oolloghta Inuuuu. but man- uontly Queen univornit. whohl n urn nndunlnd In II marked run on tp uuquwuu. Ex-Ald. Wmh Slloaill Illppd ohu nllnnnnr nirlnhnlk. CHER! (luv. and full. :0] using Us ow-sky sue. oyauoru. nrrngsnnett. Park 'ourt.oen valuable bmbtin! BALL AT THE FRONTENAC. STILL ANOTHER RUMOR. GENERAL PARAGRAPHS. >4-C4-$C+C+C+-l-< I Rochester. N.\ ., nr- 4 I bo-dny on A visit Lu his remain here until his arm. ....... In-nul Innf. nnummnr ranrn-Ami ran on .n n1nIx-_'. 5--.):-. -n.. ._...._ _ -___.___.._:____.__.;___...._?_..,...._.____.._ `l`l' REE REDLETTER DAYS Lhe senior and junior oomoru will no m-awn. The Crescent: wens booked for Na nee to-mormw night to play tn match wit. the temn there. but run some of the team pl: with the \'ir`,turiIuu the mp had to be cal - ed 011'. A .......|..-u- nf lnnnl rlnn lnnninrl Q!- ed oil. A number of local dog hnolora will ex- hibit canines at. the dog show to be held at New York from Feb. lllth to 22nd. 0. H. Corbett will send down his fox terrier (lunrliun" that won first prize at Toronto last fall. H. C. Babe: will exhibit his wire terrier "Beaver Joe" and T. Carson will show his Irish spaniel Mike lllld Mar- guorite." The axacutivo nf the union wnntod the on Friday night and the winners Agun w 1 g}? to l ot,erboro on Monday ni ht. but the t roe mama interested. prompt y "kicked" against auch nu arrangements In the 5-ohm dnle was drawn again an already stated in another paragraph. 0n rmonunt. M the bin in nroun II. of N10 another paragraph. On account of the tie group junior hockey aeriee, the executive at the union have drewn another round`for the three beerne. Thie pitched the Victoria- ainet Queen : II. on Friday night. and I. o winnere egainet the Limeetonee on Monday night. The Queen : 11. defaulted be the Victories end this team And the Limestone: will gl, for no remaoy end the winners of the group on ridey night. -- ()ll00lI'I WIIII II IIIIID! lillla | An exciting sznme of basket ball was 3 played in the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium lust evening between beams composed of mu- dents of Queen`: and members of the oung men`: clause 0! the Y.M.C.A. The [rmer ; won by a score of eight, goal: to ve. The bemns wore: Btudent.a-C. A. McGinnia :n...\o..in\ A N Rrnwn R W, eddan. J. (on main), A. H. Brow S. }\IcF.wen, H. W. E Young men-C. A. L Birch. (L A. Uat,es,W Walker. Referee, moron-, A. MoCart.er. Bportlng Notes. Rm-kwoods and R.M.C. ondeta wlll lay their schedule game on the drlll shod r nk, Snturdny night. This mnrnina U. H. Corbett received It ;O2 PHI NCE8 ST. >+o-a-oaq-L Se member hut. `he second match in the home-and-homo curling series between Kingston and Rock- wood, for n trophy, will be played to mor- ruw ufbornoon on Kingston : loo. A Innnlinu of the hookev union executive ulmrnoon mnguowu I00. A meeting of the hockey will be held nt Toronto on Tuondny night next when the semhllnalo Andnnll ln botli the and junior seniors will be drawn. The flrannnntn warn booked NIIXIIOO guorite." The executive Victoria: to play Queen`: I] on Thurldly night, the winners to lny the Limestone: Friday night and t on In Pamrbnm on Mondnv night. I e winners Again to ( giuno. The ltockwoods did not have the snap whiuii their score might indicate. but had to labor hurd mid play nclose game to win in victory. They were greatly strengthen- ed by plnying W. Hamilton at point. Reid distinguished himself by his clever work, and scored three of the eight_ goals. Hilmour was another who put upa swift game. Shea, in gonL played in his usual sure way, in fnct the whole team never exhibited a closer knowled e of the sport nor handled tlieminelves to ttcr advantage. At the finish of hnlf-time the score stood 15-3 in Honkwood s fnvor, and at the close_ each side had adg*(l`t\y}_)___more points, making the total `which Lhgy pflto rofemed f~l!- 4 match and his M Vid... acceptable in every particular. After the contest re- freshments were served and the victors and vanquished, to ether with in few friends. partook of t e good things and fought the fight over again. Saturday night. This mornin diploma from ontronlnwurded him for his bondle Melody C." exhibited there in Serteinber hunt. `L. ...m~....-I nmlnl. in Hm hmnA.nnd.hnmQ They Defeat the Oudeu |n n Pnetloe Qpmo Yesterday. `Only a practice match was played yet herds afternoon by the Rookwooda and Royn military oollege clubs instead of the local league game as was ori inally incomi- ed. There was a fair atten anoe of spec- tators. The cadets were badly worsted in the Inatch. perhaps owin to the rem-on of their bein badlv hnn icnpped by the smallness o the lioekwood rink on which .|... r........ ..m. nlmmrl The vinmrn won 0l| I smallness or the lsocllwoou runs on wmcn 1 the game was played. The victors won their own ice. which they know thoroughly, but when the two teams meet on n lnrger rink where their merit! will be tested nnd where team play is ible, than may not ' be such a ditlerence in the more. Undoubt edlv in the I mtch yesterday the Rockwoods I llutl the best. f the [')l|Iy. rushing well and keeping the butt e up within the territory of their opponents. Rut-sell. the gmil of the cadets, is a stair in his position. Although he allowed eight points to be scored. he eaved many dozen from beingr made, and stopped some very swift and `ditcult ehotn. The cadets did not put up a good defence, and were, lueidea, week in centre. The wing men y-lnyed it hard Silks, Dress Goods, Embroiderips, Flnnnelettes, Tuwcllings, Sheet- ings, Tickings, Tweeds, Vellings` Ribbons, Prints, Cottons, Flannels, Carpets, Odd Lines Kid Gloves, Laces, Etc. ` COME EARLY `AND GET FIRST CHOICE. I IN nEMNAy1's OF DRY. GOODS % 0nI1;u%rsday, flA=rid_ay and Saturday Statisticians |'RE-BUILDING Arm nmnvat snti THE ROCKWOOD8 VICTORS. Gentleman's Pine Punishing Goodnv omma unnmcou gooauu know our}:-Icon. poduoon In J u_d.ou-uncut. 7 I - 1 hT2EAT_ SALE ` Now in yo'C1r tune to acute tho vary bolt Inqlllh good: It up most null Price. Oollu-I pt 0.1.90 3 doIon.'worth 02.86. But uuomnontol u tn the city. the for 01.00. worth Boo Io. _uI!u9_sr9_L1I~l We /`will offr a large npmber of REMNANTS made durig orhz Queon`u Wlnl at Bukot Ball. ..... .:.... .......n at knnlznt. ha} us!" CLOSING OUT SALE. n, H. W. Bryant. N..W. Angnn. n-(f. Lowe (cnpbnin). A. C. Uat,ea,W. E. Hamilton. C.W. secretary Hol-nun; M nf`.nrfAr, u: Bt.udent.a-U. A. Mcumms .. Brown, R. W. (leddea, J. , Bryant. R..W. Anglin. ._(T_ A. Lowe fountain). -C_ON8ISHNG or In the Illdlund ammo: nonuptol uowlu-3. andP00el'bolo Coho po.u'n'.';.`' mun 'oc. nInvOnnnh!|loIi.vbo (Ion. oouanndor-In-olhlollhd Ialinnlot-nu {n Abyd_nu. hm uu_g~ u_I_dortoI`o| wI:.oIII .9f_Ru: Ac-E; man. coma: in A vi Q:-qyg T u Iundln ehmtunot-sure-nuuol-no 9` unis: Gcllhvo yhlohwu bdqdlu , Ihfu-it-Ibuxkt 1,, Auto!-Iqolnthoaooounud " liehlng houee roqueeted H. I\. now eoeenu him eome u imene of upile' work. Some booke. in w ich plipill _ d been working for months. were sent, end the elemen wrote then he ooneldend them utllul, the gnree mervele of oxoellerice. The pooreet. book eent. he thought much better then the avenge book-keeper e. In wee dlcult to believe pupile. fourteen or II-. teen yeere of ege, oen write eo `well. nplod by 0. D Ohown. 1! Incl I8) P:-luau: snout. M. pruont oo-' an bun I now and house for our event: you-I. Ap- f.P. Gll.DIIlLllVI,01ArOnuI -ems. Accused Of - Bl\()(:.KVll.I.I.', Jun. 30.--Freenmn Throop. Algonquin, is under arrest. on 0 oh 0! bignsmy. In I803 Throo married I in Jackson. Roebuck. who. hroop says. ob- tained at divprco from him About Iixtoen your: 0 in the United Status. In Jum- ur`. I8 . he muriod Mrs. Wallace. the widow; of Jose h Wallace, Algonquin. On Snturdny Int hroop received word from bin Ion in California that his first. wile wu nllvo. the nooond wife road the lower and mi. onoo swore out the I'u'nnt.. nllvo. 'ljbo nooona vmo rem an` so once ll WII llll Io lllIIlVUv The head of I Bonwn oduontionnl pub- liuhlng house requested R. K. Row tound him name unanimous nuniln` inta strange plae, the Now o,'aXh1hit.inn. Demand greater than ever. Tnlm sure u! gnhur nm~ urder now [or us rlna lollve-ry. . _ - _..__- a. an TIC WOXI WIO UIIX To out down oxponnu will lake dun- tqo of our ooqi uh Friday. Handy : ,9 GENTS FOB. CITY AND OOUNTBY. N ulnry or oommhlon. to DO" Bowing U- ohlnu. Apply to J. Ialuhlonugont. `II Prin- oou strut. . :::: . . | HI VALUABLI mop an pmunsls, I19 P:-luau: oo- 4 onnlod by and T A1` DWELLING. WITH EXTENSION And modern lug:-ovomonu, Intel ooon- nhd by It. G. A. no lmon. oorndr Jo not 1 THAT plod 5 G. no lmon. my. and mo stuck. Stable on the p . Inunodhn Pououion. Apply to Jon! non. D015:-onoo ah-cot. R` K` ki1In 6im',"m1>. u.u.p.s.. wm. . healn general pramcioe ofE\urory um! Ioqlolno In hhu~H.y on Much ht. Fair to cloudy with light local I A little higher temperature. w. u. unrey, on Jan. wan, `mo:-on A. Reid. M.A., aemnd daughter of W. H. Raid. on Alexander Newlands. O`I.nAn\--I..Arnm'n'-- At the Archbishop : Palace. Kin atom, on Thursdn , Jun. 30th. by the v. Father Kehoe, illiam Henry O`l4eury. to Miss Agnes Labrty, both of this city. 1 FOX TERRIER BITCH. ANSWERING to the name of Bollo." Reward M 414 Brook an-eat Anyone detaining hot after I bhlu notluu will be pronmuted. LARGE FRONT ROOM TOl;ET,1 Board. Apply to I88 Queen strut. "'}.?"I1".i:'.' nouns a co.. - vtiu. 'l`vnnun-H,nu- Hnmlulunrfmr-. ( Di1u.Ai31.h_ US triEss-E'1`.{ilJi'x7r to the new Wnm ofuo in to lot with nonunion lmmodlntaly. Hana modonh. W. In. unnnnnn. , hnuznu. Dunno-um um EIIIIALIIII-281 Plot`-' oou strut, block nhovo old ntand. "-v .1 AH: lilulll, Tm: l.r:Ax-mu l'Nl)|tll'l`AKII--SM-IM P:-Inca` street. Telephone 141A. Open Day Ind Night. TIIBIVKI I DIIIICD` Ilmnlo UNDIITAKIII AND E|u\AI.ll|--14.0 P noon street. Corner Sydonhun strut. T010 nhonc oommunlontion. Ill Holl- ,-_--~.nu.~4-l|n Kingston. on Jun. 30th. M. . mn. nan. I ed twenty-nine yuan, eldoaton of Schwel Bronnnn. kolplr ponitents-l`{ Funeral nohioo I!'I` tmmmun nnnm-I nlnnu: nnnv \ ASH mu o1i"H'ous'n.cI.nAN}Nu xiv HM. Ilclut, 31 FKSII. ntroet. niknnllcn. Nlc\\`l..\N lni-Rlllh. -At the roaidenoo of the bride : father. Williamavillo. b the Rev. W. B. Carey, Jun. 29th, hon-on A. Raid M A nnnnu dmnatnr nf7 H I 1<`uneraInooaco"{I'wI` (Syracuse papers plea-e copy.) ]`ow|u,[,--A|, Ca ,0`. yi_Qoent. Jan `JMII. | Milton (,`. Powe I, aged?! year? _ __%___ ,__,_,,,__,,, ,_ _, __ W _, U"?o cho"xTow"\7vnm 2{ii1oo"'i'['i3 ' 1.? `Gui uoulon lmmodlntal . rpplloutlon may be ms 0 on tho prunlloo. "'Pl vi 0:" ldoboud A - Ibufon `IEi`:h:g `l'nI-ltbantlqno Mall: ...'::.':':" tun J .Jom-Inn. Iovu. Bntlhnl om: Dun Thlo hlghl nourlnhlng Wlno {oun- Ieuhafull me lcln|lva|uaofCOD IVBII OIL nndll cnlly ranlned and dl and. For wutln dluuu, guneul dc lllly. poverty of! e blood, lmpnlrcd dlgentlon, coldu. cnurrlul and bronchial trouble. A mnrked lncrenc In weight And strength In notlcublc me: taking I law honlu. Chlldrun take it recall N EXl ERlENCEl) (`.00K. APPLY T0 In. Nl(`|(l.lt, 1190 Earl utroot. PRICE '-rwo JHURDUIV D ,NUTR_lT|VE `ynm:| 'l`Ll- |.l-L .. _-..4->.x.... ..- ....-... HENRY nmum. Ell shoot. Svdonlnm WEATHER PROBABILITIESI For Delicate Children, Invalid: and the Aged. JACKSON S LI I n:3|:l|nlI Illllll '_MjD}cAL"T It Wu Inn! to Beovo. _,_n -1- n--n..._ -.I.....Al.... nu..u: , Vumm ounn t oo..u.nm.1. lo by .149. II. Immlcun. on-mum. Prlnmmn Strut, Kingston. TT Thowonnnilocuon . .n_...._ -_.___..- ....lI| 5-1.- "\N"A'N1"i.=;D.` "C6'F mar, wf IQMOE. l'HI"l'WEN1'Y~PII1' OI ' Jul. I:I`l,lb`IoI.h do: let` .n.%u. In at us- The newly-murriod oou lo left thin morn- ing for Moutnol. on then wedding tour. They won oooorud to the railway station by 1 number ol I-elntiva and Iriondu. desir- ou of seoln thorn wort. and of wishing them, In; to time-honored custom, tannin: and nmonorltv in their mnrriod I'll Miss Muuldn Item, unwr OI me nrme. After the 1-eremony she newly-married couple and the (noon: sat. down no A most sumptuous wedding ppor to which lull Luiitico won done. W on the IN: had .. ..|.u..-ml lhnr Mann {`.u-nu nu-nnnnul lhn \VQ(I(lII'Ig $0 WHICH lllll pztico Ible n cleared Rev. l)eenCei-ey proposed the health of the young couple in ll very noel: speech in the course of which he referred to the wide popularity of both the bride and the groom and 0! their mrenie. The In re lied in happy strain star which he heels of the parents of the oonirect ing parties we: proposed which called forth from J. H. Motoalfe, N.l'.. one of his che- reoterletioellytheppy hen, Afierwnrde. the younger. guelu en yed an hour's danc- ing while the more el erly portion Amused themeelvee In diifei-one ways. Anmnn u invilnd annnu nmlnnt. were J. 1!. Metallic. l.I'., And Mrs. Mowane; M. Walsh and Mn. Wahh; \ViIliaIn Mc- Cnmmon and Mn. Hoummon; John Mc- Clmmon tnd Mn. Mocunmon; W. Knox and Mrs. Knox: Thoma and Mrs. Grima- non; N. Wilmot and Mn. Wilmot: S. Huknou and Mn. Harhnou: Mrs. Isaun Nawllnds. mother of the groom; Mn. W. Nowlnndlz W. A. Nowlnnda; A. F. New- lindu Mrs. H. P. Wolln. The brick : wodding um made An In; nrruy, and inc mlod very mnn _oIoI both nnln! and ornnmon Among them was I magnicent. baby grand `:22, the gm of 8. Hnrknooa, uncle of the Men's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Silk Vests, White Gloves, Overalls, Undemlvear, Summer Goods. Umbrellas, Rubber Coats. Every- thing must go. Call soon if you want Bargains. xormoo by nov. Mean many, n-Jruur Ul cw. Paul's church, at the - residence 0! the bride`: fnthor, at the faahion- nblo hour of half put nine .In.,in the presence of A number of the re wives, and of the intimate friends 0! the contracting rtieo. The groom Wu nu [)0|'tOd by Mr. ea. 0! Clark : Mills, and w o in atbondin n...n . ununr-ilv whiln Huh hridnnn-mi roles. The porno by Mr. Queen's university. while ch: brideomai Miss Matilda Reid, uinusr of the bride. An-.. Hm nnv-ntnnnu [Jan mnurlv-rnurrim-I conow Ion. ma thence to when they will an up their 1 Ovdnuneonnot. 0ooIo'I Glut-I 711000 In 3 l'lou"-hhlng xdlti. ` kl OB. SUPPLYING LOOSE HAY, HTIIAVV, Ooh. Bun, (or. um. All n [in nu above to be of nut llhllty` -flue cl ohho Deplu-%mont to he he Sud 0 In over; can when uaution of unlit Ir nan. Sunni an to he do] vorou mu-{nu tho your an lie was Inde lap ! at W. H. Bela`: Rome um lugm. Ald. Alexander Newlandl was united in wedlock, last. night, to Miss Therese Reid. second daughter ol William H. Reid. Willinmaville. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Dean Carey, rector of St. _|_|- 1.....- ,.t |...ll ...-s ..:... nun in um NIOCI, Illllf IO DIIDO-ll0ll(lI'l Ollllim, ad t ' Hui `ed j7::"5 ;...rv:.':'.".I..::.... .:..:":.:r;n. Inn... CI-tun I-luau. than nl-nnnnrl 1 .m'nn VIIOIO mo procoon ltogow York. and thence to i awn. -In-. u- _:II o.L. nu. ojnhu . . tn: om; ;>rr`|:a sronis. 123 Pnneoss st.. North Side =- Kingston vlivnauu -\rn-- v w.---_... m-PEOP|.E-.50. 8-BRASB A.ND6--I. !- UABTF. l'l EH-2 I-P100 NNY Fllfllhb UM ()0RP-l. 10--BUCK AND WING DANCF.lu+-10. mm. Oomnum to introduce a nnulno Cot- nlred. ondoru vlnso Saturday. February In. to he mldrossed to the Chairman. The lowest Gander not noceuully Accepted. 0. H. MARTIN. tlnmulvu In mm:-Inn ways. Among the invited guests present. wore J. H. Motulfo. M.P., and Mrs. Motcalfeg u w.|.|. ...a Mr: w.m. - \\ iIIi|un Mr-. TCIHII ill 23 HIIU IOU. F-ine Cashmere Hose for 30 and 38c,1-etail at 40 and soc. In an urnrrl lIIlAl'\Ifh;nCf in SIOCIL Elli] 3oc,n:(au BI. 40 auu gun. In a word, everything in stock, Cotton. Linen or Woolen, at Wholesale Cost. What we quote above is a {air sample of how much you can save on a general purchase. FRIDAY is the last day. I3 IVIIIIIV IIIVII I-1V IIIVIIVVJ sA"`rru|3:|gy_. PEB V ist| ( I u 0 Y I 0 H ( H UNCLE ,A_1;gggsm cAnm.| Fl:-at Company genuine ton Pros: And (Hn In full operation. 52,000.00 Tnnuformntlon Booms. Ionuter Street. Panda at noon. (hand Matinee at. man p In. Prior-`I : laminae. 150 and Itfw; Evening. Me. Mr and 60. IJIVBI \-IVUUI IUI Dy Illlu -vv retail at 25 and 3oc. I Dress Goods for 25 and 28 retail at 35 and 40c. Fine Black Goods for.30.33 and 39c retail at 40, 45 and 50c. Ladies` Underwear for I6 and 19c retail at 20 and 25. Finn ITnrInruuInr far 1: nnd 101`. 19C flall Hl ZU illlu lab. Fine Underwear for 35 and 39c retail at 50 and 60c. (`uni-srnnrn Line: `A! In and On!` EALEWIA SPRINGS WATERS Cnshmete Hose for X9 and 2oc retail at 25 and 28c. 12:..- Fucking!-A nan `(If Ql [CEBU ill 5U anu UUU. I `. 0 auu 1': 1-1:. Duu Ggodt for 12 re`tail"atx5`a1Id"3o.` r\n-an CAWIA Fe wer Dollars TCIIII at 9 llu IUU. ` Flannelettes for 6 and _6 I-2c retail at 7 1-2 and 8c. WIonnn`nfOn: tn! 7 nnrl '7 1-20. l'elEl|_8( 7 1-1 auu UL. -` Flannelettes for 7 and 7 I-2c retail at 9 and IOC. `Prints for 8 and me retail 2.: I0 and 12 I-zc. I\_--- I"A...In `no: If] and Ill` Are reduired to secure` what you want at 6ur Cost" Sale than you ever needed before. Sale` closes Friday Evening. tau 9! 25c. Grey Cotton: for 5 and (re re- tail at 7 and 8c. White Cottops for 7 ya aqd 8c retail at 9 and we. I-Tlannnlpfhac for 6 and () I-2C Sheetings for 16 tail at 20c. cl.-...:....... 6`..- -n I (ill at 20C. Sheetings for xg tail at 2 5c. (:7;-nu (`ADI nna `OI irifure `unlit! uh. Bu pl do] no man red. V Sold ovurywhero by loading Grocorn. Hotels. DrIuI*,_nh..md OHM! (X).. Iontull. Och. Bun. nlxopllu. The annual I nuotin ol 3oolo l olmteh won last nlfht. v. I II...-b.- `h nnno Ihnahl no 1%; I -13 twin` KINGSTON FIRE DEPAR'lTA;EN'l'. ' ALD. NEWLAND3 MARRIED. _-._ .._..-.- an-450-nu.- A sA1'I;rAoTonwaiPoa1'. TAKE ABVANTAGE. j AFTERNOON AND EVININO. Avril Il'.AII INFWTIIII I. TENDERS 4-Inllnl annuals IL-IIIMIIEI nocum Ohllrmnn coLuME'1K.| I. F. It L. Com. j 49 and zoc re- and 17c re- mm-on custom. | haul this A\'AlI. FUUII III I the In and 15d and 10;! ",";.. ..':f.'.;`.".'.': hurt i . `Ho VII dug ` yanmolggp vi vubuuuulothuuiluouupnh. 'lhwihnn1lwoduIhuunnivo. ' I is s 7 I J9 II. V. vvuua u vvo. Bl:-ynlo and Typewriter Hondqunrton. On- tario Clmmher-1. Road: And bI1dgoo--J. M. In .1. : Huwomjl. Got-via. Int, 1!, `p`52%*.*aaP";a;u.;%ai`n .`;`P`c':.m H. Swu`-brick, 3. Buck, Rattan. . 1'. Hunt} 3."H. Tl] IV. 3. KOIHl',"' Ir. -an nuwul In H. Buck. monndad bv lhlp 0' YWWIIIIG. 1: OOVIHCIIIOFI H0 also congntnlutod on in}; rqmruod by the oiocton to rmnlunt. them at the coun- ty council. WI anon to the libmry In acid it who {or lawyers, espe- clnll young lawyers who had not exten- sive `bl-u-in of unit own.oo have woeu tn u. in-6, Inn Lani: nnnilghln It Dnn'wMh awe libnriot oi molt own.w mu-e woeu In tho but law books nvailsblo. It Iruwvith Ihinond in view bopnaont. Iibnry wu established When I judge from Toronto comes down here to holdoonn it was not I very nice thing when noouury to eonmlt. nhook an I mint of law to 5|Cl$II IX |l'.V|OII C` WXII II oplondld . portion tho room by tho school ?nopuoor. Either voulddollsonluin long nun huh" nntlwnyu aniluhh. A ulroonniah oouldho audio ' onthomuur nrltnmlld Idlh omnlthnnn mn. noun mxra n report no t. e effect that the the average amount of illness prlmner! durin the year. The hen th of the prinonere. owever, on (he been very satisfactory, there no bein a tingle one of contagious or inloo ions ia- eue during the year. Only one oath oo- curmd in 1895, that ol as men years 0! a . who died from old Age. The number 0 room conned during the ear was lb . Several lunatic: were trans- errod from the jail to the Asylum during the past. twelve month. The new lurumce has added greatly to the oomlort of the in- mates. l\u mnonn AI M Twxnuulnln Anlrl H Qwnr. brick me report. naopuea. A delegation consisting Intyre, (,).C., and Dr. Smythe. Q.().. ap- pointed by the bar ueocietion of Kingston. veiled on the council with reference to the better eccommodetion for the law library now stored in grand jury room. Mr. `Mc- Intyre rexed his address by congratu- lating t. e warden on being awarded the hi heat It in the power of the council. Vi ith re renoe to the library he and when it was mostly wentedthe room we: generally occupied by the grand nry. Besides this the Iibmry has no wn t I the reeenl. quer- tera are not an teble for it. e uuggeebed tht the room now occupied by the county et.l.orne_v, or the onenn the 0 `to side of thepeuege, beset rvfof eueeolthe librery. so that it. oo Id/he available at all i tim Dr. Smytlae I othgruuletod the w an on hie edvenceuient. and said um lJI'.B uaonlnooun unwu me wagon on udvnn mlrand that. if at any time o dooidod to gofnrmin howould I toin the town- ship of ortlnnd. T councillors he AL- 4...-.. _ . 51.... .6 ok. ......... moo umng when noouury to consult. nhook on point have I lawyer run down to hit pfi* uto library fot the necessary hook. TM vorvmatholnv llhnrv In I-Iunlnd to not-ury rot mo noon. `B56 voryunttholuv man nqnlnd in tho tirno thoroomin whic IHI noted a. ..........a..| 5.. n.. ........n 4.... ...a u.. Ainbbon. There is safety in drinking them. n_|.n -....__L__. L- |_-Ax.._n_._-__ n...-I-