Kingston general hospital. The ream was that the council we a grunt. of 8250 instead of the ulna] 100, u very good ex- ample which it is hoped other municipali- ties will follow. `lull 'l'I-nveuere Togown-;. One day last week there were staying M the British American hotel `twelve com- mercial travellers. whose united length 3% vegetod ueventytlhreo feec, one ino . one ndividunl traveller standin six feet or over, in lwiiht. It. may be he an for grant- ..a 41.... ., An tlmv not. tozet-her some ton.yota'nhy. tnplud the can or we hospital. The redulb `ma that gave rndiuvidunl nix leer. hei ht. ed,1at, wien they got. together tall vmma" were mun. ea, mu. wnen u|u_y gs ball yarns" spun. sutremi A noiapu. E. MoFsdden s condition is considered :11 higfbiysicians to beexoeedingly serious. e h a most recovered from his original illness when he was oompelled to attend at the police court to identify portions of I set of harness stolen from him. His con- vnloeoenoe had not progressed sutciently for him to stand the exposure and he suf- fered a `rzliapae which has broughthim very lnw ind . WIIII I nclunu. An eort is on foot to reform the Fraser hall Sunday alternoon meetings. Some of the rst members have the niatter in hand and are directing their efforts to- wards a chan e. If this cannot be acoom- plished another club will be established with aims and objects in sympathy with thoee under which these meetin El were originally founded. Certain hobyiete have control of the present meetings. and an effort will be made to eliminate those nnr-nhl lerea temp low indeed. nu vuv. u persons. Pol uuu-. An] .m-am: wing. On Saturday un illuatrnbetl Wun: will be issued ofa very special churnvter. II. was our desire oohnve issued it some time ....... hut ninlnmnn nmnmr the members to have issued IL mm: a 0. but sickness among 0 the snail` and delay in securing the need- ed photoslraplie have prevented. l`he fea- tures of e issue will be: Portraits of the mayor and alderman. view of council chamber; Queen street, Methodist. church and its oicers; Orphans` home and its old- time friends. and a page of Tricks of Famous Pens." The `paper will equal those issued on St. Andrew sday or Christ- mas. Be sure and secure a copy. A Mon Enjoyable Intertnlnment Glven Last Night. The Royal Telnplarn of Temperance ex- oelled all their previous ebrts in arrun `ng and carrying to a successful nonclus on, such an enjo able entertainment as that given in the iall at the corner of Princess and Montreal streets, last evening. The attendance was large. the hall bein lled to the doors. J. A. Gardiner occup ed the chair, and performed the duties of his ition in an exceptionally nble manner. he programme was excellent, mid includv ed several new and interesting numbers, fully appreciated by the audience. Mina Husro opened the entertainment fully appreciated by M18 nuuxenou. Mien Hugo opened with a piano solo, followed by Stanley Mc- Intosh. New York, N.\'., who gave his hearers a demonstration of the wonderful powers -- musical and libernry-- of the phonograph. The chairman made n prac- tical and telling address. after which the young New Yorker. Stanley Mrzlnbosh. performed several entertaining foam of mn.rzic." An instrumental trio. by Messrs. | performed several enterbmlnng team [)1 - mn.gic." Spencer, Keenan and Vnnbuven, was well received. followed by 3 series 0! practical experiments in the art. of making shadow- raphs," by Stanley Mclntmh. Mine pence rendered a vocal solo in excellent It le. and Ed. Spercer gave n mandolin no 0, favorably received. llafrnahmnnlhn were then served by tho eoio, received. Refreshments were by ladies. and when such a saciafyin " liber- nry four. had just been pnrbaken ots, it wan to be ex fed them the "inner man" would be equaqgfu well cared for, and the ex- mbion was not a whit. 1500 Ian uine, for the good things provided left not. ing to be desired. The Templar: have every reason to congretulntae themselves upon the suc- ceu 0! their concert. Rector Ind Congrogntlon Glve u P|ounnt Entertainment. There wun fairly large at.t.enda.nce at St. PnuI s concert. last, evening, and a very enjoyable programme was given by local talent. Rev. Dean Carey, rector of the church. performed the duties of chairman, and Miss Williams resided at the pipno in I most acoepmb a manner. 1'}... nmm-amma consisted of Diana solos acceptable mfnnner. I The programme oonarstod umo by`)/15,`; Applegon, raldmge byh r. Nelaogn. recitation: by little .M'|uGalla.g 9r.!0|l_9 Y Miss Dowler. exhlbltnqns of magic by rol- Hnult, the battery wizard. and songs by qualrber-mantel`-sgrgeant Percy Hugol. The notation: by Miss Gallagher wen creep- tionally well given, nnd_ showed `hat. the oung rociter f bright future laefore Ker as an elocut.IonI_st.. 1-o.l. Guult 5 ex- hibltions were very Interesting. ' Iz-lm.lum-nt; warn nervod bv the ladies v interesting. Refreshment: worn served by of the oongregutiongand were dainty and a petizing enough to tempt an epicure. e mblomaet as the roar of the apart,- enough to tempt. epicure. e tnblotnaet monk, won very hastily arranged, and with the odibles they bore furnished strong in- dlcation of the artistic tnstefnnd house- wifely cumpewnoe of the Indies. The event wu n gratifying aucceaa in every re- `-nnnl .:_-_j_ T0 T E sjggneen .:_._.:________ ___.._. , __,___.. chu-god With Allowing Clutomon In an llnr 0| Ilndly. BO! DI Illlcly. The Police court docket. this morning was a ight one. The pro riehor of the Western houeewu char by in: our Glidden with an infraction of the iquor Iioenseeot By allowing person: to enter and remain in higher room on Sunday. The defendeut, rqpnoented by J. Mc- Inm, 0.0., pleeded not guilty." innn-eta: notied dam on Sunday. Int. ploulod guilty. innpocwt atiod Sunday. 12th inutoqhooslled st defendant : homo (slow minu1I:::o|-0 nix o`o|ock in the evening. -room (hot, 0 ing on the stress, wu locked. n nlnptu the lull door. and times waited nnt some An-nlI|I.`|ldllI'ID D0 00.1. WM M ROYAL TEMPLARS' CONCERT. mndehhnyin. Foundunrunmotnlnuno burusduyou Inmbohmdtho oohnbr. Winch dnolntur undone oi thonnmnndonool I0!!! ukod him "to ov;_th|ookt.hhcuo." _ ' ma ddoIu|un omanngoI'wu'cIlIod Iwontlnt ' npdhinwoboycmly. _....a..u..n....m. -Innthn innooior and times wnimd nnul Iomo onooponodthodootto out, whonho undehlovayin. Fou thrumoninbho CONCERT AT ST. PAUL'S. CITY AND VICINVITY. i HOTEL-KEEPER IN COURT. ?_:______ `lull `ll-nvolloru Togochql-. .1-.. I--. ...--|. Hum. um-I. _.. --.+-;__a-- Llthlt Olfh `l'\_- _ (IS..- ., ... IO numence. \-not` luv Elfnnlnv Mn- FRIDEY EVENING. J _ANUARY 31. 1896. - The lploo of Ivory Day Lllo-What the Pooplo An Talking AboIv-!loth|n EI- ogpu .3110 Attntlol of Those Whin `nth; Iota. Illhim-and Wmu Saturday. on in II.-.4-I .9. Jun Rnnl Rink this Friday | lllmmud Wma Saturday. uom m 1 Band II : the Royal Rink Friday | m` ht. Admission 100. I lbs. coda onmp biscuit. 25c., men but. 1 her 18. Ju. Crawford. I Be Juno and 3 oo y of the illustrated Wmo publish Bntnrtfny. Oman Wnva Bakimz Powder works won- `PARAGRAPHS ivloxen up av oun ausv nzpomzns. ` date when properly ueed. "8 Wmo published Beturdny. Ocean Baking E.`oum. vim friends up ogdem-~ burg for the peat month, nrrlved home to- dej , hon h Ocean Wave Bakin Powder is In high c on powder it sells for . '3 Mb. tin. ' Beby Lolo Oebrum, the wonderful elocu- tiouinto, loo-night in Y. M. C. A. hn1\!. See nrnm-nmmm. butter 181:. J. Crawford. Charles Hunter. Toronto, chief agent of the Standard lilo inlunmoo oompany, is in the cit . Bo?-t_ cnuup 6c., bottle pickles 1012., oookingp 4c., print butter 18c. J. Craw~ ford. . j CAlEl]0|||A SPRINGS WATERS JIIDQ. Poklu 100.. tounto mtcup 6c., fth J. Crawford. m....I.. Irnnmr, Toronto. chief uzenl; told. .'I 'I'ho`Wma only pnbliuhol A stated num- borolita illuatrnted edition; get. in your order early. , Mnnfnr Selman. of Toronto. the talented I Master Selman. Toronto. boy soprano. at Y. M. C. A. hall to-night. See p rammes. The I was society met`. yesterday and relieved some twenty-three persons, giving out about seventy articles of clothing. Ingtmd of n mrtnershin with E. A. about seventy articles 01 mooning. Instead of in partnership Hunt. of Deseronbo, Mr. Aubiu will enter his employ in the harbor busineaa on Prin- cess street. Dnn|n nf nnnal Ilnnfa min "Odoromn ff)!` People of good taste use Odoromn their beech. Do you ? For sale by E. C. Mitchell. 4:... an... ...'-.-c.....nI.. nurnu will ho MIDCHBII. Soon the postman`: arms will he Filled with lovo's sweet mlnstrulay, While each waltlng mould wlll pins-. For her leap-yenr valentine. Bee Brand of -100. black tea is the ne:-t. Print butter l8c. J. Crawford. W. Neileon, formerly in the U.T.R. em- ploy here, occupied the pulpit in the Me thodist church at Three Mile Buy, N. Y. , on Sunday last. For n nerfect. t. order the Specialty Cor- Sunday last. For a rfect. Specialty set. at Miss Weller s, Wellington street. ,1..m.. Quin. was in Montreal on Wed- Navigation (10. Try Ocean Wave Baking Powder in making -your buckwheat pancakoa at breakfast time. A.I..m 'l`..ulm- 'I`nrnnm. in in the uiLv Lo breaktast. Mme. ; Adam Taylor, Toronto, in in the city \ day on business connected with the con-` tract for heatjn the proposed new Mer- i d ; chants Bank bu ing. WM mun-rv x\'nA1'kl-`.5'l."l`H Ocean Wave Miss Wel1er's, welnnguon screen. James Swift was in Montreal nesday and attended a meeting there of the directors of the Richelieu K Ontario Navigation Co. Trv Ocean Baking Are amon. There is safety in drinking them. \ 4` Sold onrywhon by landing Grooon, Hotoln, Dnggilh, 0%.. Ind CHM! GURD E 00.. lontroal. ______::_ ford. Another illustrated Wm:,equnl bo Lhu Cbristmns and St. Andrew's day number, appears on Saturda . Order now. Ald. Tnit. has 0 urge of the,iun mcmms or jnE nA.i chants Bank building. For l'l'Rl1'\' .\.\ n wrm-:.\`u'ru Baking Powder cannot be excelled. Print butter 1842.. bottle vntsup Baking Powder cannon ne exoeuou. Prints butter 184;. vntnup lbs. soda or snap biscuits `.25:-. J. A....H.... .'lI.ut.mmd \NIua:. euunl ` Baburda Umer Ald. urge petition graying for the construction of n sewer on beven street. and has secured the requi- site number of signatures. `N1 vnu want. onod vulue forvour monev `.` site number 01 signatures. Do you want, good foryour money Then try Ocean Wave Baking Powder. None bower. n :. nrnhnhln that. tho harmonv club and 1,` `x IJOMBI`. It. is robnble that the harmony the phi harmonic society will amalgmnabe, and that the Measiuh" will be produced by the united organizations. Scotch lamb`:-1 wool shirts and drawers, the united orgamzatuons. Scotch worth OL80 1 unit, for 50. each at R. Mc- Faul's. If you want. print. butter IBc., 5 lbs gin r snaps 250.. bottle outsup tic. J. (`raw- m-ri, ford. It. is said thnt. an oyster shell, placed in abealxettle, will revent the deposit of lime on the kecte, the shell having a stronger attraction) for the deposit. than the metal. li` nlnlininnn inax mnaive ns 4C. ford. P. Clint will leave in a few drugs on a trip to Los Angeles. California, w ere he has & daughter living, and where many former Kingstoninns reside. Mr. Clint takes the trip for the sake of his hen'Lh. Tum min wool socks for 250. Cmenmere Al` I BKIVUUN Ann I} v unuu. snunmv. FEB V in -n-_.- . n.u- ht. ln;nC.Al'lIlll Pro- takes the Lnp tor me sake 01 ms IIoI<'uu. Two pairs wool or merino socks `20c. All ants furnish` | ings at reduced prices at. R. cFau! s. Bee Brand 40c. tea is fine in packages reduced pncea K. ltlcl` an: Bee packages only. Print. butter or rolls 18c. Jae. Crawford. I ...p mmnena 1| numhnr nf vnnmr lads Crawford. Last. evening a number of young with skates on amused themselves with u very dangerous practice. Taking ad` \'at.nnge of the ice between the rails, they caught hold of the cars and were given n whirl along the streets at a fast rate of nnend. speed. - Men`! neoktiea. good patterns and latest styles. l5c. each or two for 250. at. R. Mc- Faul 1I. Mm-it. nlnnn in -umnianc bosell Ocean metal. Figs-~Plnin delicious inex pensive gs to. pound. Finest print. butter 180. J. Craw- fnrd, Wm-e Baking Powder. aola .m cans. At. noon yesterday a little gir pupil of Wellington street school was bitten by a dog owned by A resident close to the school. The sufferer was taken home and a ph eicinn Iummoned. who amended to the mjuriea. The dog in question has an ugly temper. and has been accustomed to attack rs-by. ` Remem r---0ur tomato ontsup at. (So. u bottle is good. Fresh print butter 18c. J. Crnwfonl. nnml aliannhinn manna unod nnmtite. but Faul Merit alone is sufficient bosell Wave Baking Powder. Sold .in cans. Ar nnnn vaamrdnv zir pupil nenr.Iy. For rule by E. U. Mwcneu. Notwithstanding the hnrd times poo le cry about it is an undoubted fact. that. n- ing no pmvious winter has Kingston been as ga nu this. Bulls. dnnooa, partiea. At. omen" and receptions are very numemus. and every one costs from a (um-for to A week : sultry of the head of L e house. It is hoped the bill: are met and the merolnnta not mud: to suffer. Crawford. Good digestion moons good appetite, whn&'l the use without. good teeth 3 Una Odoroma for your teeth. It not only pro` vents decay but. preserves them permu~ nenr.|y. For sale by E. C. Mitchell. Nnnwihhnmndinw people -:---: A Gl'\1_)up cl oltlsens Hut and Dlsouns New < leliool Iatters. I A group of citizens last night discussed the erection of the posed school and the merits and coat 0 stone and brick. The unanimous opinion was that atone should be used in the construction of the wells of the building. Two praotiosl mruson con- tractors gsvo an estimate ol the difference in the met of stone over brick. One said the diiferencewould beI900.and the other placed the additional cost at 31,000. For instance. .a building of brick that would cost $10,000 would oost81l,000il built of stone. ot to mention the enlnnoed appeersneeo a stone over a brick building, or its superior wearing c:unlit.iee. by the emotion of a stone ui ding work will be given to many more men, as stone must he qusrried, dressed. etc 'l`hese_ men will all be residents of the city, .....:.... o....... in Cali: aim. and the extra UNCLE .ii3`ii'7cAB1u. uL-IIPl\DI.I_.ItI all be ruidenu at we may, ying taxes in the city. and the .000 or hhoruhouba that it would cost to run I stone building, would be circulated in the city. On the other hand. if brick in unnd thn mltlrinl will he nurchuod outr the On talc other hand. ll Imcl I! ulod the mutorill will pumhuod Iidothocity from dadorl who pay taxes in 0:0 country or 'o`ln;vhon and only a an pot-eon 0 cont, ifany. will find its my hxinw thocity. Thus. for . nlitlm additional out I mom lasting nd back into tuhocny. Inns. row 3 3| additional lauin build will ho nouns! and the bulk thonom willgo wruliovo wmtnndro .....'n in min. Anolllor uisinn point.- NEW SCHOOL TALK. The Very [abut V1 Imam `Hl5IIOl` l'0lP|W_ W EDI). luau. . Ri DOIFI, bnnuuu, pin: a plot, grapes and itter oranges at Cu-nova y's. Alexander Lung. Aged elifhty-vo eras, A prominent. olbiuen o Bur 9. in den . ` George Osborne will leave to-mor;-ow for a. three months tri through Enghnd. Ho l will 3`: by my of ow York. -' . Big on Dowllnn. Hamilton. dolightpd `and lmnllolt or Inn. y Gov. Morton has mod "Bat Shea a l further reopitg to F . llth. Rig. ac , CA1-nova ,, ,1... u__._ .....I -:..I.on_Run van-an. I of New York. - Bio op Dowlin , dolizhtaod lche old people 0 the house of refuge by singing "The Balls of Shamdon." ' There immune talk of sending Ougoogie ' of Bhaudon." `There Ougoode bdAyr and Btntford to Queen : in the semi-nnlsinotatd _of mnking Ayr go to II inn-hnn pause nui in1-`if uum: rr:s-n - II! D U! 00RP-I. ` { ..`.S.`:"`}n was man... mm|`IM Introduce A nnulno (`oh n in Inn 0 union. to ad ,tll3.W hnuformutlon no. ......a.. my-9. Pnrmia At noon. (hand PQIIII-nlll Kingston. City zooi City eooicitor D. M. McIntyre is makin fairly rapid rogreu town-do recovery. an expects to able, shortly. to rename his professional duties. Fresh spinach. cucumbers. tomatoes, duties. spinach. rhubarb, lettuce, rsdiehes, parsley, men onions, celery. vegetable oysters and one radish at. CIrnov|ky l. 'I"hn nmmn and men who formed the Carnovukyh. The oloeu and famous Bct.t.loford column in the Rail ........n:.\.. :.. mm; nronnln holdina their an Bct.t.leford column" in me nun rebellion in 1886 pro holding nunl camp re" on arch 28th. The British steamer Bernard Hull, Cngt. Bartlett, from New Orleans. Jun. 11th. or Livor l. Brow Hand to-do . She signn led t at her boilers were diaa led. Mr. Devlin left. Sydney. today, for 0&- signnlled that her boilers uieameu. Sydney. tnwa. He delivered twelve speeches durin his seven deye eampsignin. He has one great, service, and the iberala will not soon forget him. The Crescent; left, this afternoon. for Napanee to pin a match with the team there. Those w 0 will defend Kingston are: Goal, Harris; point, Dunlop; cover point, Shaw; centres. Murray, Newlands; wings, Reyner, R. Murray. Joel Leduc. one of the wealthiest litm- this morning, at the age 0: seventy-yvo, of heart. disease. He was connected `with French banks and several business ms, the Montreal & Solel railway, etc. rm- r....:.a..... nmuhlinnn state maven- the Montreal &. BOIBI railway, em. The Louisiana republican conven- tion adjourned sine die, this morning, after endorsing the ticket already nomina- ted by the populists and endorsed by the sugar republicans, with J. N. Pharos, the sugar planter, at its head for governor. Dr. J. A. Stirling has arrived (ind begun practice from the oflice on the corner of King and William streets, formerly the location of Drs. Yates and Irwin. l)r. Stirling has been kindly remembered by the people of Kingston for his former con- nection with the practice of Dr. Fenwick, his brotherrin-law, and no, one :-i ac:-esnion to the medical ranks in Kingston could be more acceptable. The sixth of the series of popular talks at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association was given last night by Prof. Wm. Nicol, M.A. The subject adversed was "The Minerals of the Kingston Dis- trict, but the lecturer conned himself to twoonlyof those, namely, plumbngo and mica. Descriptions of these were given, their varieties iliustrated. their uses point` ed out and the locality whence they are obtained, designated. Kingston was spoken of as one of the best places in which to collect mineralogical specimens, and hints were given regarding how to pro- ceed in the study of the subject. The talk was well illustrated, and the audience was quite interested. Next week Dr. Clarke, of Rockwood hospital, will talk upon Heredity, Insanity and Crime." Murray. Leduc, hm- bermen in the province of Quebec, iod, the of seventy-`two, at mum. diaaase. :wio.h Held LICK. I.Vl.llI,- A business meet-in of the executive committee of the loo. christian endeavor ......... .... lmld lulf. nhrht. in the Y.M.C.A. Io??t.o`aI)I::laIrIx:t`I'1'l`l':>n'I':tl:>::':.' W Information orlutor Strut Panda Inches :0 no 9 In.\ - Inlnoe. I sud sac; Inning. .u...'na m. local christian endeavor umon wins held lent night hall. President D. A. Shaw preaided. The weekly exchange at leaders were ar- ranged between the dierent local branches as follows : Johnston street Bap- tist nnd Princess Methodist t-hnrcbea; Bethel Congregational and Syclenham street Methodist churches; Cooke : Pren- bgterinn and Brock street Methodist c urchea; Pine street Presbyterian and Qneen street Methodist churches. The hi.monthlv rallies were arranged in Methodist churches. The bi-monthly the following order: March. in Princess street Methodist church ; May, in Bethe] Congregational church: July. in Queen street Methodist church; September, in Zion Presbyterian church; November, in Bagtist church. Johnston street; January. :.. ..,.|...v. Praahvtnrinn ohurch. The can Bn List. Johnston street; January. in (gookds Presbyterian nual rally will take lime in Syrlenham street Muthodieb churc in January, 1897. An im~it.nt.ion was received to visit Sun- bury. an d arrangements were made to lic- cepb the invitation and attend at an earl ' date. A local union "goodcitizem=hip committee was formed with R. Meek as ...m.......... J N Dale: was umointed con- formed wuth tc. mean an convener. J. N. Dales appointed vener of the local union lookout/' com- ....:nm~. VUIICI UI UIIU I\I\.alII u uuuu .. .7..." mitme. A social will be held in Sydenlmm street. Methodist church at an early date. the proceeds to be devoted to charity. The Turnkey Dlunlueii ` Wu lneolont To The Oouncllmen. Quite R surprise win sprung on the citi- zens .his mornin by the action of the county council in ismiuing turnkey Blair, of the county jail, for inaolenoeto mem- bers of the council. The diicult arose uver certain repairs to the turnkey e quer- ters. which the committee on county pro- perty had made. Them did not quite come up to the expectation of the turnkey and were not to his liking. In connection therewith he accused the chairman of the committee on county property. M. Trous- dale. of Portland townehi , with not be- ing in man of his word." t wee proven by documentary evidence tht the chair- men we: "e men of his word" and had fullled all his promises in the matter. Other councillors, including the warden, who were present when the con- verention took place, did not up rove of the domineering Attitude sseum by the turnkey, end the motion for his dismissal was the outcome. After the council had ndjourned the turnke in queetion apolo- gised to Mr. _Trou nle for his remnrka, -....:..... 5.. was at knit and asked to be ex- turnke in qnomon apolo- laying he was at fault and cused. In face of thin Apology Mr. Trous- dnle woulcl like the lunar to end, but. un- fortunately, the motion for dismissal has been passed by the council and will have to be npeuled at the next. session. provid- ing acgion in not taken in the meantime. "--`-`V* --?--- ` A Large Attendance Attncted To chal- neri Church. Chalmers church was well lled lat evening with music-lovingcitiunn who had been nnnctod by the rate any of talent. .5). an mm-rmmme mnonnoed. Twelve numbers won announced, on many ox them were double And nearly all were an- oordod enom-as. which kept the close of the entertainment until I law hour. Mrs. Callfu was the brightshr ol hho evening. Her name up via oh the - nitnoud the or talent which the progmmmo announced, but many of .5... -.u dtmhln And nonrlv .......-..-... KINGSTON COVERED RINK . .-u ngulu 1:1-.1111 )! rl11I7l`| IV 'I1LTVI\ cons. Hot inst number. "mean or Home, nnd onool-6. "The Home Th Used tn Bo." wot-ovuryqhoeinlynndol-ad. Mn. Kirkputrick was well nndvod in Mr aolo. "at. Lon. Butooo Halon." - Min Alma Snafu md Mina Dmnmond vendor- '.."' .. n'.`I.";'.{'2 ..:.,;".`?-"2" ` an " . n n ing style. J. D. Martin and W1`? nby cont-ibucod 3 numlur cl tful M The onun ' |I."` orgnn by the lutnanod. nu purtiouluiy wall nudond. llutql. like pvon violin solo and J. B. Wnlhn lung "0 lord. Gornctld." flonliih, which end od the 1.50 oonun vac` DI. In` bl mall and at I L y fan; urufoud `VII. 5 GENERAL PARAGRAPH Hg RCVIOII ll Ilula anvil In lulu nu.-...-....-. AN APPRECIATIVE CONCERT. CH RISTIAN ENDEAVOR. .n__,-,. HOW IT HAPPEN-ED. Ialtolt VIUVI OI-owdod Into tho lmnlloltu Inca. ,L,._ I... ...__._._,; un_`._n aha` R : ol the lcxocutlvo Cnmmlttoo Held Last Night. --- ... .4` Mn; nvnnnlivn -___._._.___........ .... j'rH REE RED LETTER DAYS ` IN REMNANTS OF DRY GOODS. . I On Thursday, Friday and Saturday Silks, I3 ings, uuu u wu--- Atlnlol. Do. IRE-BUILUINB Annntmpygg SAlE COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE. EnImrmvn.t,C.B.,Jnn. 31. Inc unw. blood of bin: vpolitionl campaign in the count`: 1;! Bmbon was drawn yester- day on, " u. moetin addressed by Mesurs.C.R.`9evlinand . F. Mcluac, M.| s., broke 'np in disorder. That the attack was organized there is not the sli hteet doubt. _ ;.a. ..1....n in Mann mile: from North `tv'=- ootlng. EmcmmvAI.I,C.B.,Jnn. 31. The first A [July TI`; At 3 Cape In-oton Polltlonl blood of Lbs vnolitionl campaign tho] his phne is fteen milea Sydney. and there are quite A number of old country French settlers here. When the liberals ken! arrived to speak. at. three o cloe . the schoolmaster informed M. n..,|... mm. Maura. Chisholm and Mue- Mr. uevnn uulu : v cu,-guuu. `VY9 have a joint, meeting." l'p to 3:20, how- ever, the conaervut.i\'ee had not turned up. and the liberal orator from Ayhner pro- ceeded to speak in French. Itinuuibe evident from the first that o'clock. the schoolmaster nnormeu Mr. Devhn that Messrs. Chisholm I-lachern. the former c'onaer\'ntive nomineein Anti onieh. were also announced to speak. Mr. )evlin said : Verygood. We will how- ........ .1... ...-.......~m.t.i\-an hnd not. up. speak in French. ltis quite there was an nrrangenyeiit to make trouble for the liberals. During Mr. Devlin`: French address, councillor Gillie. a leading coimorvntdve, inberru bed by saying, "Speak her m2ijesty`s nguege," a propo- sition which proved annoying to the French nudiborq. u.. n...,I;.. lmwmmr. mid no attention French nudiborq. Mr. Devlin, however. paid ` to the interruption, and nfverwnrda deliv- ered an excellent chrewquartera of an hour attack in English on the connrvative ud- Ininiatrution. with telling effect on his hm; mu-n When he vma about concluding, Mr. liillis again interru (dd. which cnllod forth a merited rebu e from Mr. Leclnir. The latter in an elder! gentleman. but. Iuotwibhntnnding that, KM. Glia struck him A erce blow. Mr. Loclair retaliated. nnd oored his man with A knock-out blow. rm.-- n... 6.-anmi. nf mu-.h man took sides. 1 IIIIIIIIUII uu-gun; snuamv avanmo, ASYLUM VS. CADETS 11.5-4. ll noun. I111 llluhruwuu, w uau vvll hearers. about concluding, Mr.l a::m.. inmn-unh3d_ . any..- -.. ..._ | Then the friends of each man sides, I and a free fight. ensued, with the maul? _ that eyes were bluckened. clothe! born and - considerable bl spilled. . There was onl e no Indy recent, and she took refuge beside Mr. )ev[ln, who ` stood his ground. against. the advice of his friends to fly for his life. As a matter of fact, he was the last one to leave the meet- u... lug. ' Mr. Mclsauc made no attempt. to speak after the row. and they left for Sydney this evenin . It, is pretty certain that the or- ganize row will not help Sir Charles Tup- per a candidature, and Mr. Devlin fears that in will, when heard of in other parts of the county, cause more trouble of a aimi- lnr nnvnrr-. Death Of I Illser. lluus, Jan. 3l.-~The name of the sup posed American icked up in the street yesteriiay in a dying condition, and found to be poeheased of 2,000,000 francs in Ame- ricnn securities, is ascertained to have been Peters. His lodgings, where he died and where the securities were follild, were in the boulevard Montmartre. The man was a miner. and during the twelve ears of his occupancy of the lodgings in w ich he died he boarded himself upon a franc and a halt --loss than thirt cents-e day. It is be- Iieved by the po ice that he was connected with a large commerciei housein America, which he had ceased to direct personally, and that his partners remitted to him his share of the profits of the business. I Tho Wltcr vvurnu lhuvwu--u Notwithstandin the decrease in receipts from water rates, ne to the reduction of fteen per cent., the revenue from this source for the month of January. this year, will be about equal to that of , the corres- ponding month last ear. In accordance wit the instructions of the water works committee, about 125 wuter consumers will have their supply of water out off, as their rates are in arrears for more than three months in each ease. snlllvnn ln Dnnger 0! Death. Sriusmrucu), Ill., Jan. 30.-John L. Sullivan, who fell from A Rock Ialnnd and Peoria train, _vesterday,played at the open house here last night and to-day is in u very serious condition. All within medical power is being done for him, but it is thought. eryaipelna will not. in and if it does he cannot. pouaibly re- cover. His head nnd face an badly cut. .....a ;.....:...A _ ms n and bruised. A l'l'||l[l|I? In-u vs.-a..w... Hnvsron. Texas, Jan. 3l.-The north bound fast freight on the Houston & Toxu Central RR... wu wmckod south of Hun- suod last. night. The engine Ingl vo cars were wrecked. the loodthotive being overturned and burying beneath it the body of en ineer Jnmea Quill. Finomsn Charles Cull and hendzbnkmun Colvillo were probably fatally injured. . We win offer a large numbr of REMNANTS matielncluring our. ' 0 REA1j_ SALE Gontlomon msmu Goods Now In your tune to secure my vary but instill: [both at Ll- mout Half Price. Conan at 01.90 3 down. worth 02.50. Best uoorhnont at Thu in tho BROKE UP IN A FIGHT. dc}. Five for ILOO. worth 500 , Dress Goods, Embroideries, Flannelettes, Towellings, Sheet- '5, Tickings, Tweeds, Veilings` Ribbons, Prints, Cottons, Flannels, Carpets, Odd Lines Kid Gloves, Laces, Etc. `cnnnndiuannmomnjdodnnnd khovour pact! Bodlnqnln` uldopu-t:_I:cn't,a./; ' c._1.I_i}i[GsT/on a mi ______._:_ A Frolght Train Wrecked. _,... 'I".._..- I... ,'ll _'I"h; 1 -----v--- vcv up --. -u a_ -n nnooxpln-Ir. _-1 . ., ___._-__,,__ l- ANIXPERIENOED ooox. urn? mo 1 Illa. hllcxu, 130 Earl street. . _ ___ .__._ _-... ........:.u- nu - , temperature. Mostly fair, stationary or A little higher w. I. umsumm. .!`unnL Dmm-ml umEunu.nn-u1P|ul- oou ntroot, block shovo old utnnd. .____:._..._________ . J AS BEID. Tun Lmmum UunnnxI:|-&u-I56 Prlnoou street. Telephone nu. Open Day Incl Night. Humu muuus. Lunnm Uuonnnl. um Eunu.nn-ub Prlnoou nu-out. Om-not Sydonhun Itnot. Talc nhono communication. nu-oat. 8 phone l l'1'.\'MI-W:l.I.s--At. Cape Vincent, Jan. Huh, Walter Putmm and Miss Fannie n w-n. FOX TERRIER BITCH. ANSWERIN to the nurse of "Bella." Reward at 070 Brock street. Anyone dotnlulnc her mum chi notice will be prosecuted. :: 1 .- --.. _Aqnxn'a'T6n orrv um oouxrrnv. 3' -515? o aoommhlon, to :01) Sewing 0- PD`! ohluon. to Lnlnhlay, Mont. 1l Pr I1- oou street __:_ R, EDIGAL BUPERINTWIND NT WANTED for the Kingston Gex_\ Hospital. Du- ties to begin In}, March. new Salary. til!) nnnum. toucnur with mnintonunuo. 0. Must ha a qlmli Medical Pruotitionor. The supervision of t e Institution re ulna I Imowle o of recording accounts: t or-olore good bus neon ability indiarsnnlblo. Further informntion may be had 0 the unduu nod. to whom a liontionnaro to ha sent. not star than loch abruary. AD. 1896. J. E. CLARK, Sou`: K G. H., Kingston. 289.): Ja.nnuy.198. Pizxon TWO GEN-rs_f{` :__ KE VALUABLE SHOP AND PBEILIBES. livsnd 331 Princess ntrooc, at pi-`zone oo- ouplod by O. D Ohown. Hu been 1 b vo And hardvu-a house for 0V0!` twenty yearn. Ap- ply to J. P. (}ILnInsLI:xvl.0luonco strum. -, 7 4-- .-.._.. unnrnuvnnvnnliu Boa nl. 7 . LARGE pRONT ROOM TO LET. WITH 1:11 to $88 Quoen street. | l and motion In: ovumcnu. Intel ooou- pled by Hr. G. A. Bo lnson. corner Jo 560:: End Bottle utrootn. Stable on the pnmluu. Immediate Ponoulon. Apply to Join Ilunn. . D Oluonoo Itnot. V`! v - ._:___.._._______?__. THAT DWELLING. WITH EXTENSION ovumontn. Intel wou- . nlcd by Mr. corner gton K. N. FENWIUl\_Io GENERAL PRACTITIONER. 0011. OF WILLIAM AND KING STREETS. (LATE DR. |nwm`s nvnulnv.) Orrwn oL'ns-10 to 11 Am. ; 2 to 5 p.m. ; 7 to 93m. N. .-Dr. Sch-ling Ins given epoch! study Ind attention {or I he Int 10 year: to Dlsouun of Woman and their uutment. Telephone No. 53 I. 11 Tfoglm V '0? l p and 0 otuul Io.dioIno'i`n:l;n o.t.y orn Igroh Int. _______.________ Birthday Party At It. allies". A novelty ln the wsy of church sqcisls was presontod lsst. evening by the talent workers of St. James church. Invitations in verse were issued to the members of the congregation inviting them to come to their own birthdsy pars . and mode it one cent. for we yssro thslr llvss n I my little silk stacked to s end. school room. which had n v -u..s.sJlu rlsumrnuli. I '0 Thin high! nourishing Winc - unhcfullmc lclnnlvnlueofcob IVBR OIL Andi: easily reuined Ind digeutod. For waning dlnelun. gunernl deblllty, poverty of! e blood. Impaired dlgullon, coldn. uurrhul and hronchlnl trouble. A muted lncreue in weight Ind strength il nollccnblezer taking a {ow bottles. Chll 11 take it rudll . prottlly decorated. was well Iuoa Ina the guest: well oneortuinod. The pio- grunlno which came before and alter tho rofruhmonta. which are nlvuya 1 future of Ba. Janna onwrtninmonbo, oonduud of an addrun bythocbuil-mun. the motor. I Elana solo by Miss C. llnrmy, roolhuonn y Mrs. Roche nnd Min Inun Maxwlll. cu exhibitionololuh mi ng Id A. I. m.-........ ...n..-tnulw -an unborn. J. H. CDIIKLIIVU, |II.I-1., (Formerly Pnrtnor with (In Law DR. r ll. N. l'l:NWl0K_I. n-u-an n I nn I 1--rm-Inucn mu ' t-.0,do-.-do Wu - -3-=_j.. ?.;`.*'..:.*'..."::.:...':::"...".:':.| The iohool vmcn nu: decorated. well Lbs smock , NyI7!i"!f!_' ciaexhibitionololub mi D A. p. Shannon, u qu-mm as both. and II. lluomorino I Hum. 35...... nd Malcolm. and song: by Hi: IAIII Jluwoll, Mina Phippon, Mr. Kouloy and Mr. Coleman. Thu lidiol who the onurtnilimont. no to ho oongt-an on in manual , - .4 .;- aL__.I. King: January. 1090. Tj noon, w an R. Wells. in-In-ad lnthoulnnn. Tn: PALAOI. Jun. 3!.--('l`ui0 mm): Door Sir-`ruins in yumdayb boo of the wane It. \_rnnnno`nIo.:th"I:hl hodnnrpd :4. I.` fv? Elna INK . "J. Dru mn. Onnnnlu Windsor Haul ____:___?____ __:._ ,EI)l(`rAL V :.. tn hmrin 1.: Mn-oh. Balm-y. nor j..:. ' AsHIno_bn-IiOUsr.cLnANmu in In. Moon. 31 First street. _..._____:_..__._____ WEATHER PROBAB ILITIES. For Delicate Children, Invalid: and the Aged. JACKSON'S _x. xE1LBonN. nu). wrm. bogln onus! pl-notice otuurgery sud rliolno in his city on lurch J. A. STIRLING. M.D-.. ._--n.. p..o...- ulth nu Lute At it. James . __._..n.. 1.. 51.- nun of nhnrnh no e by JAB. B. loLE()D. Druggln. Princes: Htroof), Klnantou. ---_-V-'-Q_---I\.-_.--I&----. AFTERNOON AND BVBNINO. .--- u-\-`AI! $309`) I. 2--- f."E'; E. >W1'.`LL1N(). WITH EXTENBLUN `odorn `. (}.A. 9 the HENRY BRAKE. un-IIIAI-I A-'\ Inn WANTED. Tsonmo. L LOST. .N|'I| snrunnny AFTERNOON. n_.|..a.._ `In Tlokoi holdon flu |lIJl\IJrIlo IIq-I-- - More 0:00 : In; Epinuculn Pro- duction ol---`J ..-- _ ma` non A Isl CLOSING OUT SALE. in a strange place, the IX -\an-- 'j- _7-7 A0-PEOPLE-50. I BAN l--%yAR'I"l l'l'l8-l IL-3. I II 00RP- . .ss.*:'z';a.'w&a mom.,...` nnnlnnl to Introduce A nnulno Hokav Ir|-..o..- '.A.lIh. -Ohhcfhbuicn. -J! Inn. .I..Ano..-nun |"I\.l\.ru1n.a_ I ltluuon Luna. ll lnuuuuvvv-u Tloku (no. R;n"`N'0o 837 ; Bethe], Congregational, No.30 ;ue1- vuy, Congregational, $20 ; Baptist qlaurcln, 825.60: All Saints , Anglican, 88 : St. Lnke e, Anglican. $7.13 ; Cooke's, Presby- terian, 023.45 ; Zion, Presbyterian, 83.25 ; First Congregational, {I5 ; St. Georges, Anglican, $6..07 ; St. Andrew's. Presby- terian, 8152.37; Queen street Methodist,` O60 ;Chehnera . Presbyterian, 334.415 ; St. Pnul a, An lioan, 822. Total, $813.78., County c nrchee--8t. John's, Anglican, Portlmouth. $36.15: Odolea, Anglican. $5; Tho , Anilicen, 3l.40;0ule e, Angli- can, : Am eret Island, Moth int, 32.50: Amherst lalnnd, Anglican, $16; Portu- mouth, Methodist, >!...5l : St. Mark s, A nnlinnn Dnnarnnto. I12: Gananoque Exist, which I;nd instill clnzinx to you can In ` cured by the up of $2.51: an. Marx 9, Anglican, Deoeronbo. 812; Gananoque Methodist, 85.24; St. Mnrk`s. Anglican, Bu-riee|d,87; Sharbot. Lake. An liunn, 810; Wolfe Inland, Anglican, $7.5M; Christ church, An lican, Cutaraqui. .4 av. A...I...-gr. Inhnd. roebvterian,8li.s'>0; Uumraqun. $4.87; Amherst Island, roebyten'an,8l|.s'>0; Lnnsdowna. Fairfax snd Band Bay, Prea- b tarian, C5: Pioton, Anglican. $4.10; oife Illmd. Methodist, 35; Wilton. union service. Moshodilt. and Preabynerian, $3.60; Newburgh, union service, Methodist. and Presbyterian. 87.15; Batteries. Methodist, 88.28; St. Mary M: dalon, Anglican. Na- neo, $l`2.80: Ado phuatown. Anglican, .81: Froderickaburg. Anglican, $3.90; Bharbot. Luke. Methodist, 2.60; Snow n.....I P.-ulrmmrian. 82: Elphin, Presby- Mechodiat, 52.00; anew Road, Procb torian. ; Elphin, terian, 83; ituburg. An lican, $1.50: Sydenham. Anglican, 82.50: nvorary, Me- Lhodiat. 88; Wolfe Island. Presbjterian, 2.50: lnvorary, mo- thodiac, $8; Preab terian, 06.05: Odessa, l\lethodiat..84L70: t. An- dnew a. l'reabyberim. (hmanoqne, $516. TAIAI I9`)-1,5. anewa. rnaau` Total 82`:-1.136. To Have I Bocopl.|on-`l`ho AI Homo Wlll lie Hold. The ladies of '98 are arranging an in- formal moo tion and supper for Saturdaz, Feb. lth. he athlobio committee in boo - .4 In mart. this nlwrnoou to propsre its The nthlobio communes II Dool- ed to mere this afternoon ropsre annual ruport. At. the Y.M.(?. . meeting. this Afternoon, the progmmmo will take the form of addresses and re rte from Messrs. R. Burton and J. Wnl uco on the Hm (I. LL....l-`an Afternoon, the will use recent. convention in St; Cntharinea. The dinner committee ol the senior your In working very herd making arrange- mcnu {or the enuuel dinner 0! tint year. The pro "At. Home" 01 '97 in now an acoompl shed fact, and the date has been xod [or Feb. 7th. The committees no hard st work. and if elcient. mnnegement. will count, it will be quite A success. A .. zmnmmnm debate is the programme will be quite success. An impromptu debate pt-$1-mnme for to-ni ht.'s meeting of the '98 ebnting club. 0 speakers will be chosen an the meeting, am: the seir will, no doubt. be nwrestlng. This is It shop in the right. direction, as it. will tend to train `it: mem- bers to accustom themselves to unprepared Thelelusicel end philologioel sonielzv will meet again this evening and deal with ` pnctiosl nhilological (LlIul:l0I\s. 'I'o-mor- ts new nigh meet. ol t e mock parliament will be one of the most interesting as the ` debate on the Address from the throne will mnnond L. nnvn the Donund lulu 31 two `rnmpn to a Police lacuna. Two mm were sheltered at police natal`! night. It is oultomnry lot I number: of tho"\\'nndering fru- hrnlt.y,vho cnjoy the hospitality of the E2? dxrunont, ovor night. to sweep the 01 -room in tho morning in --6-- I-- .........un-. -mud-l them. CURACOUGHA| debate on um M`! be com uv uvuun-v.u.-_. ____._______ THEY WANTED THIIR 'BAOOY. Rocco! tho -roomin tho mormng in town hr protection nonlod thorn. TM: morning when lit pair who wore nu accommodation during an night. had nhbod IMO liwlo u! they muni- tuua and -5 the ..;....$ ....l':.`.{'u..'2 s.'s"?'ad.u. -1a`l Khnlluhrhulolnuoueo and no ' on... v*-- .... QUEEN'S COLLEGE NOTES. :_-.___ boto is the pt?l'nInmu ng [Air a rand no Thu kinal that Uurou. Tr H. Large Bottles. 2. : nonfat. (nly at ..___ -`l`l|o n-|4| and zoc re- and 17c re- \ lnbout I. 5|..- nnv n1sH1_s_g TURNKEY: Mmasns or This couucn. SAY I-IE wAs INSOLENT; An lplcodo at the unborn; of the con- 81 lbthn `I'll: lonh-A|kh3 tho Odnrlnun to ooofnlu Ir. loner- n...v.mnIan. onpoblllllou. ` The count council 0 section at nine o'clock. y [porn ng, ml! the mem- bou beinf ptumt with the exception ol II. Q. 0: via. After the mlnutetofltho nmdouo meeting had been oonrmgd tl_ae Geiviu. the minute! orme previous meeting conrmed the report of bile committee on iinnnoe, already bliehed, was adopted on motion of L. utten and M. Tronudale. It. was moved by L. Rattan. seconded by B. "Buck. that R. Mosier he Appointed auditor on` all oc- oonntal between the city and county. Cer- vied. Ii. was moved I) D. H. Tolnnd, seconded by J. 8. Kane. is sheriff Ffnaon he requested to remove turnkey B r. of the county jail, as he had become ineoient to the county oounoil. The vote was unani- mous. M. Trousdnie read the statement of the county high school, which is as given here: Reoeipt;s--Balance from last year, $99.58; novernment (rent, Int half 1894, $293.45; from lash year, ;.1u.aa; government grant, uovomment grant, first`. half l8_95, _O286:6_0; stxljzj-Tntni)` hull D5194, 12195.10, government grant, 1895, $286.60; count rut, 1895. 31,600; Dr. nkie, 1805.`! I"; uuion fun. 1895, $51 phar- rowtd. 1895. I50 toulv 19,893.00. Din- bunomonta -- Total amount id our to Dooambor Stat, 1895, 02.878. 9; balance, 314.80. - It was moved by M. Trousdale. seconded by M. Avery. that the county treasurer be inutruotadtaopny to the treasurer of the nnuntv hinrh school 3400 quarterly instead inutnotadtbply the or me oount. high H00 quu-terly of 81, on the Nth day of December as, at t. Curried. n motion of J. (lot-rie. seconded by J. Huston, the interest and amount. of pro- tect on the note of W. Smith was struck n` off. I It was moved by J. B. Huston, second- ed by D. H. Tolnnd, that the attention of the government be directed to the uliar power. possessed by R. Mozior for iscover , I. ._.J A.-. sh- m-umrnmnnh BI- the government. no cure: wet . mg minerals, and t_.hM'. possessed by It. Mouor mr uuu:uvun- and that the vernmenb ox- porba and practical men A rd him a test, and. if aamod, recognize his ability in a I worthy manner. Mr. Mozier geve an outline sketch of his ability to lomw mineral: and oil deposits. Every test he had made proved satisfac- tory. At the an tion of M. Aver the mint- ter of furnie inge room for the aw library wee left over until the next session of the council. In the meantime the committee on county property will meet a committee from the law eeeocietion and decide in to the room, cost of ttings. etc. h u Tnlnnd mid he was willing tohave practical anom mm a way, and, Mr. Mozior save etc. D. H. Toland said he willing the matter no decided.` He would attend a coinmiueo meeting and arrange matters so that at the next. session of the council Lha- could be acted upon. On motion of D. Toland, seconded by J. Huston. the council "adjourned until the second Tuesday in June. Whnl In Looked For In the content: Do- tvvocn Vnrlonu Clubl. The probable hockoy winners in the dilferont group: can be guessed at with some d roe of certainty. The are: uroup I, ueen a:lI, Oogoode; ll, Ayr; IV. Sbnhlord. The chances are that Queen : will win the final. In the junior series those teams may be looked upon as the winners: Group 1, Peterboro; II, vmomi... Kimnmn: III. Hmnites, To- the winners: uroup 1, rewruvlu; .., Victorian. Kingston; 111, ` mum; IV, Berlin. The nal match will, it is expected, be conoenbed by the Gran- iteu, of Toronto, and the Victorian of this nan. ,. . RfiTTENBURY'S BANKHUPT STHEK councu uu in June. cit V. r" It Wu intended to have the `final match in group II. of the junior een'ee. between the Victorious and Limeetones. played to- night, but as some members of the lust nnmed team are employed in banks, and M the end of the month in at hand, brin ing to them extra work, these members wi I be obliged to work to-ni bt, and therefore will not be able to p y the match as scheduled. Monday night has been set for the contest. which wilgobe I kelen one. an (uiteo rivalry exists tween t e temne. he last time these young whlrlwinde met tlgey pntjup gdsur rieinyybgugvggalsnehlzut emee mg on ay WI n WI r. While practicing with Queen's, yester- day, Merrill. of the junior team. was struck over the left eye and had the ash laid open. His injuries were attended to at the general hoepits V; :; Last niaht while th `- `gieatniies were at "B'| cit`);- the general hoepws ,, Last night eatones practice. on the drill '1: rink, W. Hnrty was acruck on the n 5;` and received 8 I ........ s..-...a, H: in ht -id he will be able struck the 4 ar severe tprnioe. It is h\ flh to be on hand for (1.. m ..:...Lo ni ht. he Toronto papers are blowing"( nine a lot. over the big nketing rinks t ere, claimin they are the largest and best suited or hockey purposes in Canada. They ere simply not. in it with the local rink in regards ice surface. The Toronto urnnine rink is l~lNx6`2 feet. and the Vic- toria rink in 138x651 feet. The drill shed rink here is l03x68 feet. 6 inchw. The Victorian have dropped out of the local I ue. They say they do not feel like wor ing for the benefit. of the direc- tors of the rink. I e on is donnved for the local hocke ism heyw ll rennin in the 1..-... hut nu.-amhin in done or 3 nor- local hocke ism may win remain nu mu league, but unoaachis in nor- cantage of gate reooipiu ia allowocl they will not. nlnv. courage OI gape niumyuo m uuu.....,.. ....,_, will not.`})lny. The ictoriu have invibd the Abor- doonn, of Otuws, to phy 5 game here at an-early data. A reply is being awaited. An Ex-Alderman Bxpleeeeenn oplnlon on the Proposed Dru] nod. Ex-Ald. C. Robinson thinks it would be a minute for (she cit. no bu hnd on which toerect. the pro drill all. The v- ernment. hen plenty nvelloble land w ich should be used for the purpose. Some ears ago the government gove the city of oronto the lnndon which was situated the old drill rhed. The city sold the propert :0. o gure, u it VII desirable andy. md `he I plot In another portion of the any at a cheaper rate. there- by nnkirg money by the tran- saction. r. Roblneon thinh the plot. ol und between the Victoria eohoolen ooll ta inetituton very de- eirnble And unite le site for the proposed am. ll drill mm is wanted for ekir~ mi-hinn nnmnnnn or other field movemenu ll drill ground ll wanton ror nlIr~ rniuhing pm or eld the cricht (1 could be used. It is close at hand md in now almost ulovol M" a billiu-d table from onoond tothe other.- uu..4...l .1 M. lriuuln on whom the turtles- Men's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Silk Vests, White Gloves, Overalls, Underwear, Smmer Goods, Umbrellas, Rubber Coats. Every- thing must go. Call soon if you umnf Rarnnlni. able from onoonu wane ox.ner.- . lo! his friondntowhom sugges- imi wuu spoken of, were ol the opinion hint. the location could not be bottond. taking into conddention who use of the oticket eld. LITERARY SOCIETY ORGANIZED. I-my Ito-hon}: `Ibo sum And rm; -nrn xx-and `I'll: Wat. Io-hon Al The man All: nu; Ion Bxpoctod last tuning the "Wolfe Islnnd social undlitae a)ciot"wuo|-gnninodntthe C.K.3.;`.rIl vials churn: Inunbu-ship ol fty. Than odour: wore olocted for .5. onmin: nu: Honorary-presidong. oleun enema I0!` ` ; njnot - `dllh `It. ntdIant.ty('.p';'D\Id' Dr. W. E. Split : t. C. H. Um!- loyz nt vm~ Hm Council; would vino-pnuklont. In. J. Phillips; ncnbry. Jana J. Bu-poll; trouuror, It-I.R.ll.C|u'b. Iuunguvillbo Suolndingadolnhuponuooo ~'.....-M ::'-...-.:.. 2 *-.......**-~ m nut , u uhhnhip.`wi|l be swelled voavcrouo lnuudnl. Oouniduhbll cuthndnun Inc Ionilulhddonndug Int ' t.und n.. ....|.n nuts on unit must use `me CRICKET FIELD. THE HOCKEY SEASON. {and received match Monday "KINGSTON. ONTARIO. ltll Hon. ~ Our souvenir china. with pictures 0! Sb. MAry I osthednl. St. Andrew : md Sy- ` donham street. churches. Thin china in |\ direct import. order from Genmny and in . nhoad of anything over shown hare before. See it at McLood' drug wore. Rev. Run! Dun Ooh: apponna buxom the county council of Lonnox and Adding- ton. yuunhy. the of the Kinmton nomnl hospital. _rggl} lllllls lll\.I3\ sv- want Bargains.