Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Feb 1896, p. 2

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` - It v xnunsmv. JANUARY luv. ` lbr iculnrl onll at mo College olco , or In! to " ` J. B. ICKAY.Prlno|pul. bunny 1 u. .w-`.. 7...: `s-e-II-1 Irina- todu: of blue ruin. butlso In ' {nut-Mod in bid usmiqnton othghnu and n billing `tabs pooplo just what they in. Those m not the time: in which to juggle with gure: and attempt to deceive the people. M Mr. latter by uwoutpud to do. EDIIORIAL NOTIE. , The `dominion goggrntunw lo spending hoomuuh money by 010,000,000 a year. This thin`; nmgt I5 Tho oxporu Ian ynu included Ol,0I6.- ' 288 In houuliold oillutc. How vnny wont out.wit.ht.hn!_ inbhlumaturtoglory `O70! uMr.l'oIt:Iru:mIu:luvodono? Tho Globe's cartoon, one of Bongouglfu, shown Bmnll. Ouhnoc, Caron and tutor in the wt 0'! hatching out tho egg, hboilod -rolnodhl leglnlaelon`. This I ; `called "the momontuoul incubation." O I nveu Ior mnny years. On Dec. l7th, 1871, Wesley A. Miller and Sarah E. Wedley were united in mer- ringe. Ten children were given them. Four years Ago Mr. Miller moved with his fnmil to Rensselaxer, Indiana, where he bought. a. (arm and built up a home. Wherever he lived he gained and held the rapeot. of his fellowlnen. While at. a your`? man he gave hi: heart to (3 and was A il converted. He wannmember ofthe at odilt church, also of Lhe 1.0. n Ii` fur nnnnv vnnrn - v - The voting occurs in Cape Breton to- morrow. Tholiborulnsre not boaating 0! what they can or will do; the tories talk of big majorities. Mr. Taylor, the govern- ment whip ab ()t.t.awn, the man who knows everythin , has a tip to the effect that Sir Charles w II have a majorityoY 1,200. But. nobodv bakes any stock in H5. The uuivvmuloy A. mum. Renuelur, Ind , People : Pilot. Died at his home in Renuelaor, Dec. 15th. 1895, after a protracted illness. Wes- ley A. Miller. Aged forty-nix years. one month and two days. On lth Oct:.. 1850. near Newbunrh. monbh and two days. On l3t.h Oct. 1850, Newburgh. Canada, a son was born he Allan and Mary Miller. the only son and fth child in a family of six children. He was named for his father and was the grandson of the late William Miller, of Ernes town, one of the pioneers of Canada. hen Wesley was about seventeen his father and family moved from Canada to Illinois, where they lived for On Dec. l7|.h. 1871. Woslev amtosnrung mum: on um.aou oyme sol ochuq ho was ulhnd from M: Iol lou`n.$odun. Ho vnlkd ineo the tohlhhwlhbowundndlnnn. Holillgudiu ylcgn Jhpn I Anolthnt mu:-anon. Hunt to Ian own! man. Ilohronoc moot. nnton. .IAoI-nuon. ` n..J.Hoom:. v, H W - -- . %`33."".`.. .`%%`l".. .2"%%';: I r Mr. Sheppard, of the Toronto Star, ro- ferring to Dr. Montu'gue`a lust marl rotho cattle rognlntionl, any! that at present "his reputation foI-vorncit;y in in such A bad stats 0! repairs that he nhould be cue- ful not to ex himself to such a num- cmry oonnoolnon of ill-treating the truth." ~ 0 u L`-narloa will nave majorluyol nobody any UK [He MBDHOHIID Clllll O.F., for many years. He leaves to mourn 'I;he decanted was laid to rest in Weston cemetery by a large concourse of loving friends. ("I INTI WIIIIIII mngnln, I IXIGOHD of Richmond. while hauling wood to Napa- neo not with rather A luau-hhlo runuu accident. Be In: doloendlng the big hi I at Forest Mills And 3 of the load to wnlk do! u the hill. The Bartel in come mmner took fright and he wu unable to hold them. Getlin loooe they run full Ipeed down the steep nchne. but when they t. to the cum they failed to tum on` An went. pell mell over the dmbenkment. I fall of some ten or twelve loot. Strange to II the horses were uninjured and the nloig no but. slightly damaged. In the {All I mind hemlock tree was mi entire v of it: hurt and left. looking no as n whis- hla. BIIIII III II III: nun}. A man nnlnod John Peters. living nohr Batehlord, N.W.'l'.. not with I horrible dash. Howuulidingltom the hope! u ludothny wlonh Itneionono oi the mllkd the not and bouncin- oh la. ' Unable n raid hlnnoltol ho calldfou-uihInoo.nnd\ rdlvu nnalnthnmuhdhhnmnnmnnd Lv par . nun II we women Keep rlgnu on 0 ey nny succeed. o o a Mr. Temple. M.P., is de/Icribed ll yery mad became he he: notv been called to the senate. Rumor has it that he threaten: to belt. which wouldn't. be It rest surprise. Why shouldn't Mr. Temple in): as well as Mr; Foobar, Mr. Hnggnrmsir Hibbert. Tup- per, or Dr. Monfague ? ONIY 1'0 LOAN IN LARGE on slum. I, golow mm o! lntorut on My no potty. Loon: [I'll] on 11:: wt: Debentures. A ply to '1`umu| Fr ton mil t.- -an '}?'2>'a;.."'.`...;'in.. s`i.'`ro.e3:'n'8.. Renfrew-Ilerrury One evenin last week, in the family of James Innes, iving in the K. & P. R. round-house section, Renfrow, were retir- in for the night, Jimmy, the eleven-year old son, met with an accident that banish- ed sleep from that household for that night. He had been iling wood during the day, and thought e had run It splinter into one of his fingers. He was trying to get it out with a pin. His father asked to look st the sore spot. The lad put the in in his mouth and held out his hand. he father looked and said thet the wound wee aim ly a bit of ruflled skin. He pull` edthe eliinea he spoke. This probably hurt the youngster, and he jerked his hand away, at the same time opening his mouth to protest that there was a splinter. As his mouth opened the pin Hllpperl down his throat. In A moment he could not speak and A moment later he WM 1; itting blood. l)rs. McCormeck and A elm spent some hours trying to get the pin up. but failed. They then got it down, and the boy seems to be doing all right. Celebrating Iler Ninety-Thlnl Blrthdny. Ploton (lnxette. On Jan. 20th in \-nrv nlemmnt fnmilv re- Pioton (lnxette. On Jan. 20th II very pleasant family re- union wee held at the residence of David R. Morton. Allimnville, the occasion being the ninety-third birthdly . Anniversary of his mother, Mrs. Heard, who resides with him on the homeetaed. The old lady at this _extreme age is viveoioue. bright. and interenin And bide {air to be a centenav rinn. A uh twenty-ve children ano- gmnd children met to celebrate the event and extend oougmtuletiona. Rev. Isaac Wilson and wife. of Bloomeld. were elm present. and added not It liotle to the (ley u enjoyment. After dinner and before the friend: eepereted Mr. Wilson made some tting remerke on the milletonee of life, much to the delight. and profit of all. . I I Iii} aid that Edward Furor, dnbbgd thqgkut nnononilb, has again become editor` of we Mnllnnd Empire, which, it true. will be somothlng to. occupy the st- tentdon of the Iuporloynllabu at Otlawn who dimes the inopiaatgon .0! than paper. Renfrew -Ilorvury Onn nvanimr Inn The women`: council of Kingeton in in {nor of having a matron at the police cell! for the care 0! the unfortunate: of their sex who run he incarcerated. The thing he: been ked of before but to no nnrnolo. But if the keep right. ; onulnblo Bnluwuy Aocldont. On Tnendny Williun Engluh, n Incident 3! Richmond. lnulimr Nam- "Inca:-who-n-nun "W&lnJuno ol'U. Iva athndiu; Dhnnnuhllonhd. an gallant In Into OI II III Body. .51.. .......I I4... bu... I:..t YOU CANNOT AFFORD on allow xout P pen and A llsunlnu to lfo ground . _ looamor to In on orda- ` In-oyod. when ll: colt: Io llttlo to have thom bound Ild them to 0. H. 0 l'I'(). 161 Wellington Itnohrgd he will put them into a that con- V n or tolerance and omamontnl 0 your ll ury. DDOOII when or botoro but no no keep right. any nnnnnnd. mm: nos: :2: F012;} fguomsn (msuooissrut AT-t TEMPT anozaour nacqua. | no: `The in ".'1 a `n5.'.',`:.".""i~"z..'`a . .o 'r..s. `E1321 3 ..ul"t'b',.' II odoubhnbosbdtdmhnhhii elm limit. The` wound rnoocnded into nnutinhomry manner`, she winning yacht being ruled out on I wbhnioulity sad the given to tho yacht ninhing uoond. ay not for tho third not In too blvutryfor tho want and it want 402 halt. The fourth nmmm `man. I Saturday. and ended In in ntidnctory mmnor. Tho nd 0&0.` Lf'<`>.gu~ounnd>t.he dyer: got 1000 In tho qn. . nu: and crowd puma as an anchorage at the hour of lflfnllnll riot- od over the whine-wiugod' min; to nick thn winner. The I-sin B 3 been sli ht crust, formed on top or me snow. t eleven minutes to three. when the starting gun was red. a sli ht log sprun up from the southwest apd an to sett e down over the course. enveloping the outer buo s. The Pastime oh well away and hen ed for the west en of Garden Island. amile from the buo . The other yachts pointed better and t close up tethe rounding mark. The big lead the Pastime gained was lost by running too free with the wind. Just before the scatteredtleet reached the Simooe Island buoy the fog became so dense that the yachts were com- pletely hidden from view. so that those who had gathered at the anchorage to view the race were disa pointed in their expec- tations. About a hundred yards from the home buoy the Snowake collided with the Spectre and broke the peak hnlyards of the last named. besides several other of her ttings. The Spectre, owned by E. Gildereleeve, was hove-to, and, after making temporary re- irs, returned to her anchorage. The giliowake continued the race, but became disabled at the first buoy and remained there until nearly nightfall. All e es kept gazing into s we in the hope 01 ' covering some of t e yers. After about fteen minutes of anxiety a sail suddenly appeared out of the mist a couple of hun- dred yards away, and, changing its course, bore down on the home buoy. This proved to be the Icicle. owned b W. C. ....> A mlnntn anti :1 Inn" afar Hun waved to heme Icicle. owned 0 vv. 1;. ent. A minute and a half ater the Snowbird, with commodore Folger at the helm, broke through the blnnket. of mist. The Flnsh was about six minutes later in crossing the line. K. Cameron was in command. On the first round the yers croesedin this munner~time of starting. 2:49 o'cl0Qk: an u_ u . headed the ynohu nur mm one wma. ginnin up the buoy. they extended in this or or: Pastime, Avalanche. Defen- der, Icicle, Flush, Prodigal Son, Jack Frost, Haze, Snowbird, Esqninmnx. Snow- ake, S tare. North Star, Dixie. Midge. Flying cud. About two inches of slush covered the ice, and beneath this was a all ht. crust, formed top of the 9 .I..m.. manna. tn u-an. whom (aha NAME. Icicle . . . . . . nowbir1|.. Flash . . . . . . .. Avalanche. .. Javk I"rost,.. North Star. E1nimuux.. IIQZIIIXT BIIIIPIII run.--uIIa -u-u-u-cg Inc. one I Don. Thou pills on not null. but they no not drutuc-irritating outharol. an unnll pill! mm mod: be. They oonhin active In ext:-sch which have dh-out runo- din action upon the staunch, liver and haul; Avoid irritating dnuio pill: by Evening ' The Psrk m3$I4x.n.. (mom uooncly modunhnorlhorikohdtnkonthopnpor fornlnoyunnnnd hdnonr pud u cant. Thodobuuonnhdlo Sun: the dolin- rick "IO WIIIIIOI3 THO Pllll IIII illl DSII ' Q lling all morning oeesed about one o'clock and u still breeze came u fr-om_the west- south-west. The course ecided upon was the same as the last one sailed over. neme- ly. from the anchorage to a buo oil` Chen- nel grove. thence to n buoy o the peni- tentiary and back to the starting buo , three times around and once across to t Oheunel grove buoy and ilnish st the An- chorage. This gave I run of fteen miles, less one-thirdol s 'mile,the time limit being one hour and fteen minutes. The wind wss sweeping diagonally AOPOII the course, and gave the iiyers a close run into the wind on the first stretch, close lnuled on the second, and. had the breeze been strong enough, on easy sheet home, but on the last stretch the yachts were obliged to took to hoop moving. The white udi-on was In: up on a line extendln mm the home no to an int on` M onnld park, whic head the yachts fair into the wind. Be- winninir at buov. thev , , . . . . , . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ : - `-11 ill! III A hundred yards or so from the home buoy the yachts again disappeared in the fog and the spectators (Y) were kept ness- ing as to the outcome. The fresh groom that had been blowing at the start now be gun to die away. nnd before the second round had been completed had al- most entirely diss peered. leaving the course entirely un er cover of the fog. At the start all soils were reeled, but the suilors were obliged to round up and shake out the spnro canvas in order to make time. Some of the starters had not, as yet, shows `up and there was some tell: of sending 0 search warrant or a party of rescuers uide the absentees home. The heat of the race not being suicient to keep the crowd gathered at the crossing line inrm, the were obliged to stamp around to keep t eir blood in circulation. The rst boat, to appear on the second round was the Icicle, followed closely by the Snowbird. The others came drifting along slowly in this manner: :1. n :5. 1-.umma...._,.,.... . . . . . . . Vl . u. The Icicle did not crane the line and dropped out of the race. The North Star did likewile, but the other: continued. About fteen minuteeaer the time limit the Avalanche sailed in. Just ahead of her Captain Allen with the Eequimaux arrived -on foot, hnving had to push the yacht in from near Simone Inland. J. B. Cnrruthers, with the Jack Frost, came sailing in from townrda Garden Island. having lost his- course. The other boats got stuck in aluah holes. and thoae in charge had great dim- culty in getting them on solid ice Again. The Flash nnd Snowbird sailed nearly items: to Point Frederick before their captains discovered the "lay of the land." They did not get back until nearly five o clock. It was not a day for the yachts: every one had poor luck. Spicy spent-or mu. SI`!'..`1l7IIll HILL, Feb. l.-~The ton-moon ing at, Eunpe Hill proved to be A grand success, 872 in realized. Choose moot.- inga seem so be a I the go at present; one at. J. Ooborno a, Jan. 28th. and one at Gould`. factory, Jun. 29th; Another to be held as J. 0aborne I, Feb. 7011. and at Gould`: fmbory, Feb. l2th. John Runull is busy drawing oodnr from Mr. Bun n'I. Kimnford. Jacob Cline wu busy t rash- in this week. Thoma and Joseph Run- -nnn. I (Inn: in Ralhnvilln Int. weak and in this week. Thomas and Joeepn mu- spent. 6 dny in Belleville Int week report hay at 815.60 per ton. Jnlnee Hewett`: {amber is still very low. Mn. 0. W. Shible . Mrs. W. G. Cownn nnd daughter lone spent. n week M. M. H. Shiblefa Sunnyslde. Miles Buford spent a de in Belleville Int week. We underaten our township clerk And town- ship treuurer have been hoisted by hhe A. I .Ae. in the new council. We..look for nomething denlto After the next cheese meeting. u there ha been In good deal at 3: k. '3 Ilqiiofl numouu PIl|o-l|kI. llolent. II-In. on: I Dose. Illlllg nullllwnt. st Poison`: dug wore. an-----.- dial action no nqmnoqn, mar Ana bowoln. Avoid irritating pill: by using Hnmllhonh. acid yslldoslomnnd drugstore. KI ZfV:'R Pllbdonotauoooutlpsdoa. Thy mlyl an-nvnn In-l'o0bnr`Ihd Tn pins I Inna uwuuvnvnu -V-u -v.---.. London. Liverpool and Globe Pm Inournnu Company. i..-A. ....-- unnm nm In ..hIMInn"t.n -hlnh flxdouuotlillot-;:II$nu.|ouo:m nouuvuo or, u.uuwsuo...u7&uq. no llhothn. Pahhbb! ,UC.I.-..-- _ Io8bIhaIIIiIIIO tlfl Inuuuruguuu IIIIU nuns VI nun: nun -uu_ vtvw ad I:-sinbgooto II Pick the winner. Th .IH...- .11 mm-ninn muuvl nhnut. ann n nInnk II OGIPII IIOQIIQI IJDIII Q @335! Luann:-' no onto-` luau I`dIn oumutho mad at Inna: nu me In turf;--ln conpluoa I: run. The Kin ioo-yacht club in n xlm-dl . 'I'hant.n6ohIdto:|o.:`sl IPnldl1p. .15? `l\ I {1- `:3-~ ,,.IL , ,9 1-J'~:-,=e . 5. . ._ . . . ._ . . N7. . _ ,_._.,`,`` b *V .v:__` . _;_: I V, `. T G. `MONDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1396 5' 'i""""frl-IIA'IV`l l.`iI or Pdv`:a1'v_.T sincere! a.i'\Iiu-u -sung`:-no no in-hhnnnYnthIIAl., se "-'" -........'~.:r-r...%....%: .... . `no u 9 ' J.l'.mwu\I|oIpuIh: olfday at the 'I`Hl|[ll|OlI I -nnung yutonlny, sud ~ThoJQlInnol ,Povu-t.y an M: (Juno. 0 _ntod out} that imtho putitwu, hold nu-binund~ d to cums tnnity, and the olun that holds the o nion qnoud illutvunhhlny. Poverty axiom In Canadian hwnl. clue: and vil- lage:-poot-houuu on being built And are lIllod.I!I`i,,Grn':pI sre qrgakz o rt . rt 1: n o Vfll Four I: nun got rug: fl-:1; . 0' NOE & STRANGE, Agontl. . l"`A.I`\n.8g:s.lnl Aunt, King Street removable. lone an or v vuwy lnoulu me on society. P|l::ipl| rent. we: 3::- ed to thaw that the church in not en Iy blameless in the matter. The immediate remedy for povm and the mesne of pro- curing wenltlme t e application ol labor to nature. If our lure were just the weelth , glntu 0 pov an . ch[S1o o:bv.ho pa`; . mm rolnoublo. the Itiglu o Java-my nhouuiedi society. Pnnoipnl qno- wum:,n the nppnocuon or moor lo woilth of rich ulna-al dopoalu should pour Inc the nntlonnl cxohoqner, Alter the just or non`: for mining, ohc., have been paid. he extension to all olaaaoa of the oppor- tunltyto work. and the iviug oo ovary works! laho jut fruits o Illa labor, the span: aid. is the only mean: of Abolish- imr novortv. V and lenty to eet,end we to Vorty. irmen Quinn eeid, There ere too many people livin for the work them In for them to do. Thir y yeere hgo. when I was e boy, the workingmon hel grk n etho work out of our bends. ' e um : compete with the machinery of to- (law. while the bones make the money out ilflljt lulu. ID vuv Inn; -uv-u V: -nun-.. '8 If a pair of boots coat only may cents, what good does the low price do you if you lmvent the fty cents! We have too much politic: now-a-days. Theworking- men den t need politics. The worlxingmen <|un t stick together ee they should, but cut price: too much." Mr. Hobart eu geeted that the evil: fol- lowin the in action of maohineryinto the Be d of labor could be at over by hav- in the workin men own t e machines. r. George t ought that ii the working- men would stand on their principles and make 9. practice of doing so they would not need to fear being turned out of their places. Let vvorkingmen look out for themselves as politicians do. He thought the abolition of machinery would throw civilization back a century. Competition in labor cannot be got over. There are idle men and women in Kingston, but a Toronto firm does washing for a large por- tion of the po ulation. Mr. Cnrneme said the idea of doing away is heir to. Mr. Young. a Ihoemakor. said that twenty-ve men with machines are now do- ing the work that it. formerly took I00 men to do. Voters are coerced in this city. M. Wriahl. nnirl mnmhinmrv was :1 hlaur men's franchise. Mr. Masher said no man of common some would advocate the abolition of ma- ohinery. He said that municipal reform was necessary. and first of all the abolition of nmnartv nunlication. No interference and nrer or an me nuonuuu of pro rty unlicacion. ghoul be boemted with t-he freedom of the electorate. Mr. Maohnr defended the church and the press, and contended that. the reporu of the meetings are eminent.- ly fur." All clue distinctions are up- poeed to be obliterated M. these meetin a, and the enelyeil, in a recent. issue of L e Wmu of the composition of leak. Sunday : mooning. weaepompliment to the meet- Illll. ` I `I [ I Fi!-100 r';v'3J'"o3'h-~ uouwuwudnguon. compete with one nnoumery In M)- dny, while the money of it. Thu`: what mnohinpry is for, to rob vorkin people, mid every boss the puhunoo inoin hiuhop doealoto rob his workmen. If we had a law to do .. .f.. math t.l.in' mmhinarv wa would have Inllllllllll ll: In-lluuuuuv uuw nu- uuranoo Company. 2uo'noAu.1 A cuannx Oonn-An Wm Blrnul Iculrrv. IA...-an Ann tlnmlnlind Annngllv ni Othin workmen. H had luv to do n .u y with this mnohinor we would no poverty. They say, `t. ingl lire cheap. pair of boots cont. only lmy conta, whnh good price you tion of the ulauon. Mr. Carnegie ideaof doing away with machinery was like a proposal to bail out lake Ontario with A dipper. Socialism is a cure for every ailment that humanity hair M. Vmmu, A nhnamnlmr. mid do. Voters coerced in cm: any. Mr. Wright. said mnchiner was u blem- ing to workingmen. He in vocnbed com- pulsory voting and laws to punish can- vassing, at a protection to workingmen. The chairman said the introduction of at protection to worlungmen. The chairman the ballot had when away the working- men a franchise. Mr Mnnhnr maid nn man of -ommon the press will follow. Ald. Tait deprecated the practice of canvassing and pre-election promiur-s. He hoped it would soon be a thing of the past. A man could vote. conscientiously, either by ballot or openly. Ald. Tait warmly defended the press nnd said re- ports of all events are iven fairly mid ac- oumtel . He touch on the proposed new so oolsnd gave man reasons for con- tending that it should built of stone. We should use the opportunities we pos- i sess to sdvsnce the interests of the com- ........n.u nu! nl Mmanmumsses new chances m . r. Hobart said the press in not, as re- puted, the leader of public inion. It is rather the follower of u lic opinion. These maetin rareinten ed to educate the people. an when that has been done will follow. LIA rI`.m. rlnnnxr-nnvl the nractico advnnce the Inmreau or one com- munity, and as time progresses will prgfnt. themselves. Tho airman advised the appointment. will pre nt. memlelves. The appointment. of in committee by the meeting, to decide whebherit. will be cheaper to build the school b contract or by day work. Alrl .it. mid much an nnooinbment. was bou h, Milling and uymmgwn. E uoation and printing -~ Mr. Wilde. oluirmnn; Mr. Laue. secretary: Meson. Madden, Mung and Wood. D. B. Pnnton. 0.0.. was elected a trua- Madden, Mung ma wood. D. P1-canon, Q.C., too for Nnpsnoo oollegiau inltituto. and J. H. Psttanon for Nowburg high school. The sum of 8250 was granusd the Kingston general hospital. ' - ' / .. .- ... . ...__--_ IIIITIII BIQBIITY. on on doplnlhd nnmull :0 Ottawa adv amount to one million ollun. 600 In thin tho majority of ooou Ian: and oloo plum of lnuuanoo olnod KILLS OUNNINGIIAI Ioln Agents. Icon and Ducrloe. modioal uuuunoo coma no aocunao moo t.ho- umo ovoningqed seventy-eight years. 39 left: large tally of long and daugh- tan. Two son: are ohiels of police at. Dren- dnn and Walhooburg respectively. He left. his farm to hit non Christophor. who raildod with him on tho homestead, when nlbo one: daughter unmarried also resides. The funoul wok tines at Tamworth on Jan. 23rd And was i rgoly seconded. school I) contract. or by any worn. Ald. nit said such an appointment out of the question. The matter is in the hand: 0! the school board, which is quite competent. tonbbend to all particulars in connection therewith. Lennon and Atldlnjton Connoll. Al: the meeting of the Lennox and Ad- dington connay connil James Thomson. move at Nevvburg, was elected warden. In taking the chair he hoped all would keep in view the best. interests of the county at large. The atlnire of the count. were In a most satisfactory condition. on there was no special legislation to announce. A de- benture of $11,000 falls due in June, but it had already been provided for. The endi- tors selected are John '1`. Orange and T. G. Davis; board of audit, Allen Oliver and J. C. Cereoallen. The striking committee consisted of Messrs. Amey, Devin, Fowler, Oliver, Sills, Milling and Wilde, and they re reed theee committees : :.....~. ._ `Mr Oliver nhnirinnn: Mr. Derbyshiro and woes. Road: and bridgen-Mr. Amoy, chair- man; Mr. Fowler, aocrot.ary:` Measra. Rom- bou h, Milling and Symington. E umlsion nrintimz Wilde,` uxnu vl on ; lirllwvlc lleser uto Tribune. Ch Gunyou attended the funeral of his unole,\ Jsiee Gunyou, a pioneer of Shef- field to 3 ip. last week. Deceased had resided on arm near Erinaville for over fty-ve years. Jen. 2IIt. he; was eeken ill while eating 1 h rt dinner and before medical nuietenoe con d be secured died u... ...... Avnninajund nnvanl.v.ainhl vanrn. ` Nunpepet-0.1: A-uerl I704, l-~The Boston New: Letter. IMO, 9-0! which four were published in Benton. W70, 87-_-All weeklles. except one "semi- no-nliv, rted these commmwos insnoe Mr. Oliver. chairman; Mr. Kooch, secretary; Messrs. Brydsn. Ayls- worth and Baker. _ I`.-unnbn nu-nnnrf.v-Nll`. Bills. (!hlIil'lX|II'I1 worth and baker. Count! propert.y-Mr. Sills, chairman; Mr. mm, secretary; Maura.` Anderson. Derbyshiro and Woes. mud: bridzen-Mr. Amoy, THE B|T|SH WHII} J9`bhi%n%9 null . I803. 200---Including ! Vdniliea. ms. 852-1nnin" L '1 ~18.n7.?oo K850. 2.5%-- iug yearly 423,409,073 ' aao.o.72a-+u5 iairiz-'77.soo lion. `Juno. eo.ano-z.ooo dnillu. :4, weak- Death 0! A Pioneer. . 'l`uII>.nnn maps Doing qmouy bucking 1: oil the much If--Wi." ! gm ms 951351 1-g--a-- IMO! or `rs-u_:"AIr'rIou>s "IN THI " "g3n's$.iaE'ir'a}T5ai3. Ibo loin l II_ Into 35530-810 Iplnodnuflntnuofnlt h an on--_ srv and lcubouu-4 Ooh-I ounc- uthc Inna. " ` III.` Illpnbnn-A -gnu`-.-n Iugun ul-nltln XII-I IICIQ Th W,` rt 0 two dnoldod to ones a I nut 3 . , The Hush Grove Mothodhl Mu-mootlnll no one: nu nun spring. The Maple Grove Mothodht Mt-meeting in Inludowne yielded I12!) nob. Honrv Bmm. North Crolbv. died on lll IAIIIGOVIIIO |OIO IIEIJ IIOD. Hon Brats. North 0:915 d` 27th. he funeral took plnoolgn dn . gr. Pu-her has been Ippolnud medical gfaulth omoor for Weapon and ugwndip Body onioolun an nb ion-k in tho vino-r ity of Perth. Many gnu.` hue boon` oponod than of hue. . `rho Lennon: nndA.ddlnton eon noun- 3 In t.t::b:|?.:mp.uamP" ` M II . J. R. Fnuyr, Tamworth, kn OOH his l'0"` lidenoo no Mr. Wells. bu-non Iuhr. Mr. F1-uor intend: residing in Nnpunoo. The Grand Union hotel Ill Amnrior In: `_1}E>n1-mung. V main)-zo-nu." In-uor mwmn reumng in unpnnoo. Am `or been pumhuod from June: voy by Robert. Mntlnuun. of Ronlrow. for 010,000. On Wednesday lm Mia Adolil. McCon- no and C. A. Wood, Lnnndowno, wore mu-riod. They will mnide in Toledo. Out. One of Bollovilwa that camera in the non of Mn. Charlotte Willinon II dud. he came tocmndn from Irelnndover olxmy DALI`. ADO. \"\ The muonm order will thorny olranunn n. lodgo in Woutport. In the put. the brothom have been oonnoctaod with who Newboro lodge. Ohio P. Elm-knv. oldolt. IOI of Gnome R. Newboro lodge. om P. Stu-k|{, oldest son Goorge Scarkay. lo:-mar of Ospo Vlnoonb, but now at Deiroit. ich.. diodon Mondnv of u now an neurons, 1: con active chill. . .1 any... 1 Inoe nuamou Into It. . On Monday the workshop in connection with the Dart : furniture iectory. Dese- ronto, wu ablaze. The ames were soon extinguished by mean: of snow. Nepenee council has promised 8500 and exemption from taxes to Miller & Bob] to start a cunning factory there. The build- ing and plant will 00% 812,000. Charlie Rcott. an eccentric character mg anu plant; Wlll coin uz,uw. Charlie Scott. an eccentric character who made his home in Deleronto. diod in the Kingston asylum, where he had been consigned a few months :30 for note he in. @ aster Walton Cronk, son of Sidney Cronk. Desoronto, ten years of , inn promising young musician. Ho p ya the comet, innnipulating his inearumoiu with the skill of a veteran. The Arm-Irnnn In-nun at Alnhnnn urn: lnld the skill or vebenm. The Armstrong house at Athens wu sold on Thursday. N. D. McVei h. of Athens. being the urchuer at 3,650. Robert Bowie, Broo ville. bought the Cedar Park hotel at Charleston lake. `nail: (`nirIvlnnn'- 0.:-min nrnAnf.ivn nun. note: an unaneauon une. \ Leeds dnirymen's trade rotoctive asao- l ciation has been formed. he oioera ap- ` gointedz Joseph P. Redmond, president; elson Webster, vice-president; Matthew W. Sbeaoy. secretary-treasurer. ~. Robert. W. I)ennin(')n. Namnee. last. W. showy. secretory-treasurer. rwr Robert W. Dennison. Napanee. week, christened his first born Wilfrid Laurior Dennison. If there in anything in a name young Wilfrid, who is n. lusty baby, ought to develop into A grand rib. 8 Daniel Rankin. seventh concession, chores or a mrm. Miss Elliott. a teacher in the model school, Renfrew. received word on Monday of the death of her only brother by noon- deut an Winnipeg. He was aged twenty- Lwo. and a commercial traveller. The lnmilv resides in Ottawa. r...3.,1. |ra......- an ....Ian.an.. R.-n,hm- Hm. or pro y, Gun" is. near the roller mil . o in moving I: I cannery and belt lnoe buainou into it. (In Mam-Inn Mu: nun-I:-Inn- in nnnnnnhinn gnu. Rankin. Erneatbown, father of Mrs.` Wm. Hay- oock, and half-brother df Capt. Rankin, Na eo. is ninety-t.wo years of age. He is 1:110 and hearty, and able to do the chores of farm. Me... I`.llinn. .. u..m|.m- in mm mndnl their aches. 3m! to I` you mow nuw canny they can be cured Jun I word 0! explsnntlon. The back in the keynote ol the kid- ne 3. When It when that's: Ilgn tho! the kl nay: are not acting properly. When it lI_ lamo." tint indlontoi that the kidneys are clogged up. Then all the polnonouu product: tbs! lt l: the kidney: speohl dot to ollmlmto from tho blood. are carried 1: the blood onrunl toovory nu ma cl unoohhobod .brln~ Inn on yuan; 3 kidznoy trouble Jmon noulootod monnl disease. will nan hone} Hun lhnnlv wgrnlnn the fnmilv reside in Ubtnwa. Isaiah Finner, in religion Brother Sb. Josephus, son of Joseph Filmer. of Ren- frew, died in the convent 0! his order at Ammeudale. Maryland, on Mondny morn- ing and was interred at that placg. He was in his twentieth year. Rnmmal Donnvnn. meve of Front of in his twentieth Samuel Donovan. move Leeds and Lansdowne, did not attend counties council on account of aicknesa. Two of his children were attacked with diphtheria: his second daughter, Louie. (lied. His other child is now reportod bet- ter. A zlnl-mtiurv nnninfu um: fnrnlall in ter. A debuting. society was formed in Nnpnnee collegiate institute with the fol- lowing oicera : President, William Loch- head; vice-preaidenc, R. W. Brown; soc- treasurer. A. G. Burrows; commibme, J. P. Anderson), F. W. Louclu, W. B. Van- nlstine. An .10. man: Inna nlnnnd in the nlmrnh of St. Mary Magdalene. Napanee, in memory of the law Arthur W. Morphy, laced by the members of the family. he material of the cross is brass, and it, is of chaste design. It. was made in I Torontx L`.-h-la. lnnnn llnhnrlnnn Nnnnnnn, whn nlstlno. | An altar cross was placed in the church I 'l'orom.4 Friday), Isaac Robertson, Nnpanee. who saw the ups and downs of over ninety years of life, died. Deceased had been as remarkabl healthy man, and was noted for his in ustry, honest and true christian- it.y. He wnsnfghly nucmsaful farmer, and leaves a grown up family to mourn the loss. no oh. llinrranr. nmmnil nf Rmml Tnmnlurn Wnrlh Ten Dollars A Bottle. Any person who has used Nervilind, the, great. pain cure. would not, be without it if it. cost. ten d_ollm'e a bottle. A ood thing is worth its wei lit in old, an Nerviline is the best rem y for a I kinda of pain. It cures neuralgia in n minutes; toothache` in one minute; lame back at one applica- tion; headuoho in A low mmutou: and all pains just as rapidly. Lindon Auurnncc Corporation ` w n. oonwmsmuufr. 0- ";;l-l";<\_1VzV|Vn;tVstir|ho um! hook ' `P Will youuallothunom dl:i|ag\::?1'cy:::`striko hard `P Donn`: K! k `(W09 you 7 \VIII y0ll`$fllBKlIIOlICIll whila you can strike hsrd? Dom`: Kldndy ` pm in the Inn. enunlel 0! an- ordesrs They utrfko with no Old batik and you huh no "N bucked " -and fraud but purl nanny I km: and Ihilll no. and oontnohd. ll stunglhnd all h ndbnu (Doubling rat" by`. . loss. At. the district council of Royal Templar: of Temperance, held in_ Bellaville, the fol- lowin officers were elected : District councillor. Mrs. E. Dulm , Bolleville; vice-councillor, Mrs. J. E. xsmith, De- aeronto; chaplain, Wm. Bowen. Napnnoe: secretary-treasurer, S. C. Warden. Dese- rnnftv hm-ald W, (2, Bnnt.hn. '1`:-enmn: secretary-treasurer, 5. U. weruon. U690- ronto; herald, W. C. Boothe. Trenton; guard, Miss Florence Kimmerly, Nnpanee: sentinel, W. T. Watha, Bellevillo. The next district council will be held aw Napa- neo on May 7th. IRES y0|H' IKDK ICIIII .' III II IDIIIII I Thouaauds suffer from what they oom- monly term " Bad back. When they walk or when they work. when they lie down or rise up` wherever they may be or whatever the mny do. the old dohing. paining. (Ange bu: " worries end weuieu and went them out um, .,. _,_;_:x.;-...I-u.- ...l ...n_ nl Olll Few people nnd nndlho real own of their aches, sml lo yet know how sully than nnn In nnrnd W IIBOII, 1186!: U. I1 ee. Clarence street. T III] or uulllus lluuwuy. Train leaves Kin anon 3:30 p.m. for Tweed. Nnpnnoe an all local pomta. R. J. Wilson, agent C.l .R. Co : telegraph of- m. Clarence Th; pertinent qnution of the day [I- Does your book Ache? In it Isms ? 'l`l\m..mmI. .~mm- h-mn whnt thnv oom- rear: ago. , 1; The muonio order will nbortly uhblilh I. lodm Walton:-1.. In unit. Jagans, 7uunT1T`]ann%}aAex I RE-BVABKED. ........... Wm yr .-`In uim-u Imw IT is non: ,-eouve omu. . J. Gibson bu purghuod the old um- oronortv. Gannnoouo. ny, to: t Deirc Bay of Qulnte lhllwny. - n......... 1(:.......,... min nrgnuoa me on am- no. : u unnarv and Toxox-Io. Fob. l.-'I`ho Inanoinl shit, nnnooftbowholonnlofnncy goods lingo! `Moo.u,noun.ouaeo. sumddua A one Hun nnucipaud. Tho using an ":nly 08.000. u in ooh! lhhllitiu of I.000.9fwhioh ,MOInpnIl1bdInd ' mmo dine! -. 0lthobhl_nIIhI 3,. 2-;.::..:'::-....~:...=m -M -'-- _T_he.usav.v;est and the Best Makes. Wm ll House =13 Furnishings us -uni:-scan-qvooo. n.T' uzrkr-.":.wmuuiu.V - ni ht. 1 `ho authorities of tho university Ind not netioualy objoohod to the lnnqnot. when the 'Inatt4arwu propoaodso them. but thaw hudimioudtbnt in menu be hold a`. an-nan: Lin Lam - lllll lnlllb EDI! Ieuomble hour. Align 1):: And: Ieuomble nour. . ` After the order had been deed, the oluawunrniguod boforiu ptelidnnu. -Somooleho you women vol-sin tun Ind all of the sen were voted to oig-n Lc:oola`nti:.n of lg:-at for `tho dunno. o t on women two of the youth: complied um! '90 restored to MCKELVEY & BIRCH I.llYIl' I Ill-IIUl'u 01'mwA, Knn., Feb. l.-Twonty-one young men, all members of the sophomore class. have been oxpollod from Ottawa university for having -deed the fuculty by ling n bnnquet. to tho female an r: of the class at n down-town by n-mg nnnquev. lo we mnuo manger: the down-town restaurant after lq:30 o'clock Tuoodny lninht. ` RICHMOND 5: co. London a. Lnnoauhlro Life As- nnnn-na; (`A-`nan nu |Tne People's Llle Insurance 60., Tom YOUNG AND FOOLIBH. Icxpollad from Ottawa lmlnnlty For ulvlng 1 Dinner. (\-.. ..- . L -.. Igls I #'I"u-Anon un- Issues Policies on every plan of insurance including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rates than any other company. I00 Wellirgton street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Company. "` actual pd-I.'.ly, Amut or Ltrtxttx, 1vrr7'rruJ n (mrnou, QIIIIJJMIUJ, annual Worry, [In-csrh-r U of Opium, Tobcrm, or A Icaollc Stimulants, [I] of which soon land to Insanity. Consumption and an only grue. Wood`: B" T""" - Phoaphodino hon been used successfully hy hundreds of moon thlt. seemed almost. hopuIes3-cn.ses Lhsumd been Lrenwd by the most. tnlemql physi- ciuu-i~cues that were on the verge of despnirund insanlty-casea that were towering over the grnvo-but win: the continued and pemovering use of Wood's Phmphodiuo, these one: that ind been given up to die. were restored to umniy vigor and huith-Reader you need not despair-no mat- wr who hu given you up as inounble- the rembdy in now gthin your ranch, by its use you can be restored to A life of uufuln ' ` `~45 . Price. one package, 81: nixgnokagu. 35'. by mail I ' `Dd Om u'1'llfl~.-V, ti: guamufr`-I to run. Punphlot I go -I-I..- no.....n n.........-.... mama.-. . '30.;-- . . R. McRAE.' 4. CO..v}1te.. K Wtqstorv. Brussels Carpets from 80c. Fire Insurance. 69 & 71 BROCK STREET. KI{NGSTON. ---.. ..-v.....v.....v_. Is the result of over 35 years treating thouslnus otcases with all known drugs. untll at Inst. we have dlnooverod the true remedy And treumant-A oomblnouon that win effect A prompt and permanent cure In all nuguot Srxuul 1):!-i.'.'ly Alruu or Etmrxu, Nerrmu (rIl'IlI-U, E~n'.m'ox., Maul n_. A: n..'.... vr..L--.. 1.- lI.LnIL Cn'._uI,.-Me -II a-I 1 or diffusing "Sanitas Vaporizer Mixture, the mostcomplete Germ Destroyer and Atmospheric Purier known to chcmiml scienre. Used by Hospitals, Public Institutions, Private Houses, Oices, Stores and Factories. W0od 3 Pno3pnodIns.-2 Kccvxour Homc Healthy QOBERTS @ ozn/won ...;..- V Don't you ,hear the gygat E) ' chorus ,of_,Ganadian home.- ` % keepers hay ;..,n. y., ----AND-L-- :IheJTBet%S9!9ction irttbe citr- And free from Disease by using the "`l'ln.0uoon's College Journal." "Our Sunday schools." I M` Journal of Provlnohl Op 1. Sohoolytuoolulon. 1.`- A41..- nn_._n_ __4 tn__._._ n FOR GALE BV Soap beats them all? Prov- ed beyond question--aalfeu increaaing every day. Try a bar of Eclipae-larg_e or mall-and you will have a soap that you will never be without in future. ' *3 JOHN TAYLOR & C0.,~ . l-II-vI' ICITIUI - 1, Lnmxn. Fb. l.-Ronda nngood. considerable hnvolling in hing Tho social at Hhnry Hughuonhon enuiu wuwoll um! All vac. Mr. IE: Wilton. nhowad In I. nohool Inch on . vonitiloq I! wnwn. nnowoa In In nonoou noon on Tllurrhy evoni . In vontrl ulna in ooldom uallla, and his Illa GIN Thanu"o-on forth the ' and ul- mlntion of,slI pnung. plny,oou- nmingv ollour noonowu awfully mogul: Ind lndi mm. B. Wu-snug In hull:: gtonoI afar an Addition on lab has momcolvos. Mr. nod vonomoquunqi Wiltnn. Qhowod In tginohool boat on Thnrrhv avaninu. In vmnhdlhnni ITIIIII PA-r|n:Ar\'fl.Ln. Feb. 3 (Speoinl).-The father of the boy LnFlnmme In one of the lending monabnnte here and willing to wk of his eon : cure, he eeye-"My little boy Arthur. After scarlet fever about. I your ego never recovered and his elllnenl run Into a . kidney trouble. Hi: bod wee e lento ' twice in netunl else. he enlfe ol the lltcle fellow were v severe on we Md all given up hope of in. Bueblme months we emnmenced giving`-lulu: ml innv Pnll and Otnnv In unu nu `nun any uvyv In Illlllo civi Mu: Dead : idney Bills. and today In romping and plnyi wish oher boys." This as an instance o prompt can in story remarkable". . The Boy I.ntIunmo-IlIn can Wu I lur- prIuo-A Few Bonn oi D0dd'I Kldnoy nu; W .. .. ..' _.|_j|`utraudAIhusucltyVlvwI "AIItIoPIIutptBooI:_WorI: .. ECLIPSE MANUFACTURERS. / BEYOND RECOVERY. - The Great English Rnnedy. .lA_tluorlA'uIu. Ilgl. I h...I- -_. KINGSTON mums comm ' A -_._Al__ -_A Ilgu ghp-I Chm W--- IIIIVVIII VII naunvnuv vvuu-\--u "Alana-aundlluIehooIhrYun; ladies. "oluelnn." Input. N-v `farm nnanu FIB. BT31. jun: on Uuuvvl_ nuuvunu nu "Canadian unc and Drum." V `I O O Varnish; lll. "IJIOIBIIII." nluguwu. Now Tom opens FEB. lull Ital! of Unlvonlty Graduate- IPEIAL ATTENTION (hon to otudonu W (or uumlnnclonn. The nnlng In- a ham: oolnhlnod with bill: menu] A30! OR SHALL Interest, on Qggy ,,._1 __.A 4\|_|__ In- II:--I uuvv vvnu r---J u fun out ,om.ooo. Lu nddilon"to which `no 0 ho] on have for noun-My the unlimi- AMJS 9!, Il_l_|_hg Iggokholdon. _ ` PRINTS FOR THE PUBLISH!!! NGES, aiirrnns, ` i';*:gAL-OIL n3A'rnns `I'll min-4. --ur.,--.-- F-u---------g--.-----.-.-.__- AIDKITIOT AND ' I B k .WI2""" g;.*.`a1..,.:?n:.::...`:: II . Iaox to I10 ooo. BUSINESS 1-Togmans. ';.,'_A,_BcHITECTUR A L. Ban iuvzhv. 4 1:. VETERINARY Sultans .` Surgery. Dlnvlnnrya oglnraet. Donvmltntlu , OX -------u-u:u % V E Q}! 5.....:*o.."=**e.m... VI`l`BRlN ARY. %- :DucA1'iEmm.. Ami 'l'0II1hI`.IOl'V!0O. Not umncdbyu:yotnoun'0n.n. `adntorquauty olvork. INSURANCE. ""..--='--i.'=-__ _l_'lN_ANOlAL. In DENTAL. iori uonl-My the unlimi- all F113; Ilookholdon. F C PROPERTY insured at In rates. Bofqto ronowlng old LE GAL -..........~...... - :.":.W``."-Lav? .. VITEIDIARY SURGION. kl Inrun. Ihllvlnqqry gm] '1:gKCU C u. Wino BUEBEB BTAKPS 0!` Ill klndn. Sol!-Inkoru. I` I--- II. .|.... n-A.. 0! Linen In-ken. Dutch. Souls, Stencils. Bunk. Ticket E Oman Sum 5, ate. Benin prom L1 Classes I Ilh'l'ou' I r;..;.:;.':'z.u Job `"254 l`t'n"lonn * '."5=.";';1:.a$.:t": 'f:".u:: :' 5.; ' ..'s :e.':.'...'..';'.`:..:: ~ .:.':. .:'. *'..,7E*:..`:x-...... ... chum I um go? :z..':::.*-4.:-.':.' "':...'r:::f...f".`:`.. ~am.`m.':.::'... }`7f3"3?m_mmu``V`7"?f:f;... I ,0 m . I M . . m or numu. on murhon, II . N0 `M9 , nu. Lou and in for II #0.. . DO! '0 `*1. Ann ' "$30: , D0 ` .076?)-in ( , I. ophonobl & mum on Ila. `Esau `$73.... no, , :1 I `glyph: U or on contact: for our l MI viii TiI1iiI1i'y"'u'ulvonIuno" ' at `m 0 In nu, %""e.'::.`.:.'.:.::`:~ W ` UOII .' The Hamilton Spectator taken a hand in the disouuion and begin: by declaring that Canadian consumers have excellent muons to know that they do not pay the duty on coal imported from the United Stetee. Once upon n time," it remarks. there was a duty of fty cent: a ton on nnthreolte coal. One day. in a moment of weakneu. the government throw on that duty. Aocordlngto the Globe the price of enthreolte eoel ought to have gone down. instantly. half a dollar a. ton. But it didn't go down one cent, and it has never gone down since. There have been fluctuntione in the prioe of coal at the mines, And these have effected the price of coal in Canada: but the consumer hei con- tinued to pay the same relative price that obtained before the duty wee thrown off." mL_ :_.u.._.:.... :_ ........I- H-me sh- tnlnnrn uuuuluu IIBIUIII UIIU uuu_y wnu vulvrvaa v The intimation in mode that the miners arrange all thin. The Nova Scotio. mun regulate the price of the soft cqal, we are informed, the Americana cannot folhn o ring with them. and thua it comee that the Canadian (Ste hie soft coal from the United Statue at the price of Nova Sootiu cool." And my evidence in thin explanation that the Canadian does not pay theidutly? The fact ia that the Nova Sootia ooal does not enter into competi tion with the cool of the United States forther west than Montreal. the freight up- on it being greatly in excess of the duty. that Ontario geta in aupply ofeoft coal from the other side of the boundary lino, that the importere ret pay the duty upon it and then the oonaumete. "`~---- - --- ~--4-- -I-- L-A- -_ Lu... AL-.. `WK 31333000 Ihdliflii 18001! on III All muJ :... to an at 9 1| n or rtlon. I: III to up In thaublln u. for v and aubump- uon no and ndvnnu. ' can o nglnoo nuoolnotonn or foolon will hol uonnlly ruponniblo or on-dam that (In. ll wnuxnv niasn wnigho pun. lwuu bllalud Th - T` at O1 9 pald'l:\v:5'vAn:o ; oc 33:0 01 r . d. ` d 'Ind`WIllll.`Y1||$uhu|l`:od an lon- . n ; `tgoaulwiw 1 : I`; not us VI 00 -.. `-4 1-5 coal bney Ionu W. unuauu. Slr Charles said that the removal of phe coal duty would deprive Genedians of a million dollars revenue now contributed by the American: who supply coal to bhe Cam` diam beyond the protable reach of the Nave Sootlu product. And the Globe asks, , Can it behab Sir Charles still believes a government. can take I million dollars or one dollar from the people of a foreign nu- tion ? nu- vr__.:n__. nI..-..L..A.... Ami.-- .. lmml in WHO'PAY8 THE DUTY `.' There in quitp A discussion in the press. inspired by Sir Ohulnl Tapper : abatement. in one of his Cape Breton nddroopes. that. the American miners y the duty on the coal they and U0. Cami. cu. m.-.I.. in Hunt. 9.1.. I-iummml of the II4 uuu vuuu uuu uvuuu nuwuw. Oommon. over-day fact: are better than speculativefphilosophy. IT! II in lI-vvI IJIHIUIII-I nu Thouhnudity ol Ilr. Tutor : x-atoning vuclqinyotllnrdonno to the balance lntnnulho hlpllpll Ind upon: ofCcn- uh. tlic`hhnon'bdn' In tutor at thum- Uq. . Slrllohnl punctual this uguuiaont ._ ~I&KI1dO500lpol`|I - _' buihold COM-I. Il.0l0.93| (which 5b oxodugulpthcr, the ` III wh|o|I_th_oouIylu _'a`..A.-`i "A-luau glakqgangl-nu 13` gg, oILn,v||luhy.Ipon which. to Inllnv dI|`(KI'IXO)|l'H0I|1Vl|IOhd L.._g..A an an IV nun-uu, V ON ` . .. duo nus WIN) one THE pA1LY WHIG`. A u n l.l\!bIAlAVl\JA1 :4 A An...` yum. On Friday. rogsrdod u the unlucky dny, Hon. Mr. Foobar made his budget, speech, or rnthor his `financial political proclama- tion. Oi recent. yonru the budget. speeches have not been. as they ought. to be. a plain. candid, honest raproaenucion of the coun- try : nancial poaition, but In parciznn de- Iivornnoe to cover up the defects of mis government. and induce the people to con- tinue their condence in those guilty of thin miagovemmont. vI*|.- .........no,..... \.I.- lI`...a-.- Inn! on ml. III lllIB`vvu| uulvuv. The expenditmre. Mr. Foster had to ad- I mic, hed exceeded the revenue during the leak yer by $4,153,878. but. he held out the hope that the period of decits was over. that the ouhlook wee promiuing, and that M. the oloee of the next scal year it. would be found that the revenue and ex- peh inure hed belenoed each other. Such glowing chlngl hed been hoped to: before. A yeer ago the end of bad times wu- elnuu-IA he hung Roan sunning:-I nl. Inga}. Kn II yxl '1: uuv wuu vl n-u mums vvuc thought to have been reached, at least. in the oxporlonoo of tho government. nnd the oxbibio chlolyonr in the worst. on record, hr Iurpnuing my decit during the re- ginu 0! OH llhonl party, with some 012.- 000.000 his oollooud in bus, and Iogwieo 1.... - .IAl..s..I .u--g-ugtlum an ....... ..| IIuuuuuu' Iv vvvn V-.vvv,v-rv. The lmnoo mininur undo I grab ndoo our the reduction In Mnuon which his govnnlnonl Ind boon able to bring About. In rnovlng the duty ol cu-kin {Nola ol input. But It! lllohprd nnwrlnht. In his sun}: -3. All]. In nhnu that u I-hm. Imp`: DID III l\IuIl_Inl olrtwnuuv. Ill his rop\y. in this tn show that the reduc- Nonwunoe wins it seemed to ho. that thohghlho Mrilhul boon roviaod, during the life-time 01 Sir John Thompson, I0 us to remove the Inouldorlng branches. the mnnuhctm-cl` utochtion had got in in work. and. no I Insult. the friend: of the govarnnontvon further prooooud. And to tho mango rah of duty `Which in Ind`:-Gil -nn xnlnnxinn Th.-m, vuu -vwuv-u an-v vs --cl wuivil nu 1898 van 80.3. was in I896 30.6. The re- duction olhntlon In not. thofoloro. ll ml II II. Ioobr painted It. OL4La_.JM- a` ll. Ingdnn -n-nnnina :"""......;"""'.........":.'.'..'......,"V"';:."..'t nbknn -LIn5A- ulna: -.nIa|H In Inn 2. Iljlljvifwlr I`.-0:. kl to tho nulls M nlzjhj Ah.` uldhu ulluuw Jpn Iutbavurloano Ind wguh when an no to Ahnlhonhul could not out- vuv.v"v w- uvuvuvvu In u-av-. u-nu Iv.-u-was lrom I doluud oonurvnivu government. amounting to over O4.000.000. A I-Anna nslnl-IAr mm`: A grant Allan In nma. -ANNo{3:r~E%btiEN THE DOMINION'8 FINANCES. _.-. . - 4 an noun: PB`%I u` . nu...-|.. n in un . 5. id~""# W . . I The Kmgslun Business College _- n\t:Ivnn'\A`\I vnrnv Inn

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