u_IlIu'l VI IIIC IIVU villu- A race wu cnlled for this nfwrnoori but owin to the condition of thrice it had to In` no Incl AW no mum on. Capt. In Folger will have his now. ynchb rotdy for the next. moo. A ootnlsmnll vnchm. awnod bv hon All UIIOYI VIII DO IIIIIO I'D I? "I0 OIIID in; :1] tho around by introducing il` racing win` the mmnor montuhs. If tho club manned. 4` in hunhip and wealth lucbntly win-ant it. Itopl will ho Mkanto much u club houuvon uodsrn Al- nnnvd (Arm-nlnln dial:-1 Innntn lav edsecona vice-president. unanimously, .1. Mo n Show withdrawing; Dr. R. T. Wnl em was unanimously selected to ll the ition of third vice-president. and J. M. mw was declared elected fourth vice- resident. over W. M. Drennun. who was is oul opponent. C. F. Smith was re- 6l0b9( secretary without opposition and C. Webster and J. I`. Orarn were chosen uaaiacunb secretaries in place of I). M`. Mc- lntyre, who retired on account of ill-health. On motion of James Minnes all ex-nreai- lncyre, who rem-ea account or m-nemm. On motion ex~preai- dents were made honorary members of th executive committee. - In flmnlaiun Hun mnmhnrn for his Alnnhinn executive committee. In thanking the members lor his election -as president, Mr. Swift said he had not asked for the poeition. He had never ask- ed the party nor the government for a favor, but had conscientiously supported the former, and endorsed the poliry of the latter. He would perform the duties of his position faithfully, ehowin favor to no one on account of creed or nationality. J. l`. Dunn said that as far as the nauer account or creed nrmonanny. J. I . Oram said that as far as paper he re resented WM concerned. it) is con- servablve rnt, last, and all the time. .I. .\.ln[nt.vrn. (.),C,. nnnnunnad the; elec- $3" "`t'Ea,u. M r on 1: . , .. wupreuon u ` meow-;nooh. No n'ranno. wungdo % tlu'ptupoctlvo`aIlt!idn`to. ` ' . won last. year's meemng in one 0 m nuuau. The election of otlicers for t e current year was proceeded with, and on motion of James Minnes, seconded by Samuel Anglin, James Swift was unanimously chosen president. George Richardson was unanimously elected n! vice-president; William Dunlap was elect.- edsecond vice-president. unanimously, J. Mm-cmn Shaw withdrawimr: U. in VI nu-van. . Speeches wore undo b all the newly- olootod oloon. John Mo tyre, Q.C.,- Dr. mvhho. 0.0.. Dr. Wnllmm. Q.C.. Dr. Ila III IIIIIIIV In `t V Woodstock. Ont. IIMNCII WAREROOM. ,. `DI ! llnlnn-an (On . lacing ta olootod oilloon. John Molncyro, Q.u.,- ur. Bmybho. Q.C.. Dr. Wnlkom. Q.C.. Honld gnd Dr. Ryan. All the apeochol endorsed tho govomment/u policy. The moounnnlno puud a resolution 00: cu- oonoorvobivo my on 9 re- entry of the high comminonor into Cann- dia'n Ealitioa. M .lu-Il. M P nu nan-amt. hut IIIOTU U` `I110 IIOI-Illlo The conservatives met last night in the dining-room of the Windwr hotel. an Ad- journment having been made from the rooms of the bupineae college. There was a fairly lar e attendance. and great quiet- nou prevailed, the arrangements made during the day having been euooeuful in m-eventimr an outburst such as character- 00VIfIQ$I'I I'0lI o The conservative euooietion held it: retmeeti but night since the memor- eble opera ee equebble at the annual election of oioere A year ego. when the friend: oi Meen-I. Jemee Swift and Capt. Geekin olelmbd e victor for their reepeo tive favorite. Int nigh : meeting we: I very qeietaone. It we; held in the Wind- eor hotel dining room. Jemee Swift oo- ~ onpied the oheir. Theeleotion of oioere resulted; President--Jemee Swift. Firet vioe-preeident-U. Richer-deon. Beoond vice-president--W. Dunlo Qghird vioe-preeident-R. '1`. eikem, Fourth vioe- ident-J. Morgen Shaw. 'l`ennnm-an-_. _ Mnnllmton. 'l'Iu Eloouon ol`,oIoon-lndouln; tho oovnluuml Policy. mg-` --_-....-.:..- ......:..a;.... lull if.- dunng me any unvmg been auooeunn m revenbing ized last year s meeting in the o m house. OOQSEHVATIVE V . A`88OGlAT|O7N. I||OI'. An oort will be make to keep the club min: 11] nu ground In inuoduoinlr hm -urvIhllI_I`i"Ilo._ Inland : '1'veuure|-4. Muoueewn. Senior IO0l'0'Al'y--C. F`; Smith. Anlueno eecreteriee-J. P. Oren: and 3. R. Webster. uleobd oilloen. tyre. Q.C..- SPORTING PARAGRAPHS. They are up to date in every de- ItIil,..\ . Acimlred and praised by all. D_o|a[I or no In cm. nl`A4' `nan chi. .61;-m lI`CI(l9l`Ilr"\l. I . Muoklatton. u-n_l. H` -nl nenuy. ror sue oy n. p. mlwmsu. The school management committee met last night nnd considered various mntoers relating to school efficiency. conduct and necessities. (3. Y. Chown s snlnry grading system was cnnaiderodfand further delibera~ non decided upon. "Saw. mister. can vou tell me where the qmroa or A scribe last mgnn. There was much disap intment at the counervntive gathering ant. night when it was proposed in the business coll e to ad- journ bo the dinin -room of the indmr hotel. Gleoful arm on itted over the faces of good tories for they thought. Swift was going to not. `em up. R. Keven nnoenrod before police mnm's~ or 35 being nan oroua, trom me olu nouse oinduntry on rl shoot. The charge ngainst. him wu din-Inisaod. Dr. R. '1`. Wnlkom says the liberals "have no Hay." and there`: where he orrs. The ibonl party has A policy, has a latform chosen in o n convention and -41! |\A'nl-A OLA math` I -nrnn wan!-Q nu-P. How They anked Then. Dr. Noilson, in u`penklng'-of the needs of n hunk in the earlier (la a of Ctnodn, said the hetoar oluaolpoo oworenbalou to know what. in do WWE their nocumulntod wealth, which consisted largely of silver. Hence it wu than on-liar inhabitants were in ponouion of so much silver plnbo, Al they udopud this manner of houdangtheir wealth. In tho fnmilv of his nrsndmronu I.Jo-0|` ' The reguhr meeting 0 he guild wn holdlutevonlng. A committee was up pointed to consider the ndviubility of changing the In of mating. tort nan nutmoo an It was do'vli`d so I cgooon. on Bhrovo uudny lnucdpzlucilzc gnlnrmoiti . Tlnpl-o~ pnnnoinolndod an o-y' on I'D. been our. snnce roeovermg lrom ms mness. Last evening the usual weekly private dance was held in the Foresters hall. Brock street. It was well amended and was as enjo able as those previously held. Min Phil ins. Perth. is still verv low. BTIJO none as mose previously nem. Miss Phil ipe, Perth. is still very low. Her mother remains with her and it will be some weeks before she can be brought home under the most. favorable circum- stances. `Dana! Oh. u-gun-O: nl tl-ua -.n-A-umoivn an, uon GOOIOOG "Soy. mister. can you tell Home Circle moon? I have been up through that conservative pack in the business college and it. evidently don't meet there." 80 said a citizen an be en- quirod of scribe last night. disanoointment. The Loading Undertaker and Fur- niture Manutacturer. an; a nut nnvunncc c1-n::I:'r going to not `em Koyoa appeared police mngis~ trnta Du`, this mornin , and notified him hohud complied with t. e wnrning of the court and removed the stone, com lained of being dan from the ol house a indunhrv Ari charm) oua. AIIV Ilvvlun Iv nun .. run-._,, um: - Kid before the world r some years put. [his the only policy any Canadian party has. The oonoervnhive policy in determin- ed by I moribund government and the rank And lo Iwollow it. as it is mnnnfactumd fan 9 Lawn Ana me In fpr them. may uaopuu um or noumngmmr wealth. In the {mail} of ndpu-onu ullnr hblo uure mu mod mosh exclu- civoly. 110 la in posuuion of eonlldernblo of this glaze. Ha hat the neural of the nry ills and ucumnoy And issued bvmha British aovurnmont during the war "u-my mm" and an curroney ma u-ueu b{*=t.ho British govornmbnt during o the revolution. ' uuuua or no nlnr mopu fnnno included easy ng. by u t. and non! 3-v-cw.-4 . Jmlurn]. 59"` f A v Iulvvuv vv-mu] --uu wrvuv .. `.9. mm. u. ...v da on American soil. {'he snow which fell during the last ohdple at days has destroyed ice yachting gum, and unless a thaw comes before Saturday, there will be no race. And this is a swift meetimr" remarked mcurasy, mere Wlll be race. And meeting" I conservative wit as he dropped on a tea cosey in the Windsor hotel. This kind of gm-constling was liept up all evening. Citv soliclbor Mclnbvre has recovered gm-conuung kept an evening. City Mclnbyre sufficiently to be around. He was taken for a drive yeaurday. the first time he has been out since recovering from his illness. Lani: evenimr the usual woeklv nrivute Read the reports of the conservative AB- eocnation and the oountv Orange lodge and you will at once see the two camps into which the conservative party in Kingncon is divided? nmnn Mnflinnlu uylu. nrnn rnnanllu nnnal Ill divided 7 Owen Mcinnia. who was recently fined by the police magistrate for an infraction of the liquor license not, has appealed against the decision and this morning fyled the necessary porn. Good digeatlrn means good appetite, but me papers. digestion good appetite, what : the use without. good teeth? Use Odorome for your teeth. It not only pre- vdnta decny but preserve: them perma- nently. For sale by E. C. Mitchell. The smhool mnnurement. wmn clean moon and mm neamy comnea. A meeting of the separate school board was called for last night, but as a quorum did not turn up no business could be trans- acted. Fine embroideriea at 'I`nylor"s. W. H. Moutm .Amheret. Island, has re- turned from Tm and, where he went. in Ald. Drennan seems to have been turned down by the party for whom he him made many ucriooo. Another case of cnrdinnl Wolaley. St. Paul ; Indies mrlor concert. to-morn womey. St. Paul Indies rlor row (Thursday) nig tat Rev. Mr. Carey's, 213 Queen street. Grand music and re` freahmenta. New prints at Tnylor s. Archbishop Clenry has postponed the ceremony of bleasin the new ball on the Roman Catholic c urch in SmiLh`s Fall: until the 16th inst. A xlniuina um.-tn nnnni-Hun nf nknnf n unui one man man. A driving party consisting of about a dozen youn ' people went across to Ca Vincent 60- any and spent a portion of LB: dag` lm -nnw whinh IAN tlnr-inn thn Inuit ` NIT. TOIIBO WOIIII LO VVELDFDUWH, IV. I ., eaterday, to attend the funeral of his rother-in-law, Mr. Chitbenden. . People of good taste use "Odoroma" for ` their teeth. Do you P For sale by E. C. Mitchell. `Ll ... Q......~i..o-mI.;..t Mnllinl. in L. Rn n, Miwneu. Hear Superintendent. Mellick in the Bap- tist: church this evening on Manitoba and , Northwent. Minions. A collection. I n....o. 11...... rv.......n.-.. .....1 Mrs Mum.- XVDYFHWGEU NIIEIIOHS. A COIIBCHUH. Capt. Bruce Carruthers and Mrs. Major Short have returned no the city after u pleasant week at the Quebec curnivnl. Large stock 0! belt, buckles at. Tn lor's. Two pairs wool socks for 250. Can Imere or merino socks 200. All ents` furnish- in a at reduced prices at R. cFaul e. iva tramns hald nosmssion 9f the nolice D15-". KID U1 3:UC\IX'I'. 254 E 256 PRINCESS STREET. I. .1. sun. In-nun KINGSTON m nn 0! one mm man. It : 8 strong liberal list in the county Orange lodge declaring in favor of Wal- lace and his school policy. oh 3 New rinbs at Taylor's. Mr. anse wont. to Wntortown, N.Y., . vnntm-(lav, tn ntfnnd than funeral nf hln In a no reuuoou pnces at n. 1VlCl'lllll 5. ivo tramps held session of police cellslnst night. '1` ey left t.his_morning with clean faces and hair neatly combed. A mantimr of the mnnrnfn nnhnnl bnnrd more. Men : nooktioo. good paobems and latest, styles. 150. each or two for 250. an R. Mc- FIul a. ' "n-inn!` -Irntina nan-tn will hnvn run. I nun. kprivato skating party will have poo T-u! on of the Kingston skating rink to: .._D l|l'a._ . It. : Egduea whim skim 76c_, 8|, SL115 at '.[`n1y`l`o|- u now more. . n I-Anni-f. nf than \',W C A annual ` an l0l'l new owro. ( 0 report of the Y.W.C.A. annual meeting, held yesterday, will be published to-marrow. A .......|..... ..c u... a... ,4..._.......... mm L. no-marrow. A member of the re department. will be married to a popular young lady on the ni he of the 12th inst. gt . 1: -t.-vuln NH`:-nl ha! in Ohn nnnnbn `ICE OX HI` BKIIU DWIKTJV. Q0001) EIWQCD. For n riect t. order the Specialty Cor- not :15 M an Wells!- e, Wellington street. v The failure of the merchant to advertise II an advertisement of his lack of enter- prise. Boo the Trilby at Taylor : new store. , Cucumber and Almond Cream, chapped ` hand: and much akin. Mn-Lead`: drmrl Irv uwv nvuuu vvu an 1:: nu :1. gneut. of Miss Shel u Switzer. Queen street. nerloct order the Snocialtzv i: Linio HA wnid. annnoque, is n I ----j-- I `tho Iploo of Ivory my l..l1'o--Whu tho Poop]; An nuung About.--1loth1n II- cnpu tho Athntlon of `thus WhoAn Ihhllr Inlnn. Suave `Are I. I,-rDr. Agnew : Hurt Cure at Medley's drag store. In llnnnn .1-`Y. -unsly thus in Infgnf urn awn. Ly dozen men : nook ties. in latest. at la. just. received u`._ T: Ior s. in Link I-l'Avwnrd_ nmmnnnn. in n I PARAGRAPH8 P|OKD UP QY OUR BUSY REPQRTER8. INCIDENTS or um um. .oi1nZ.". j.?.".'.7o.?'JI:'.cf"1"~".`:5'r' .' """" ill Linio ward. mat. Bwitzer. Queen street. tail luuiiv _ Iaiiol, not the Trilby at Taylor ; Eminent In what you make it by adver- nu. ,-Iht. drcuu 45c, 500, 760. $1 at 'I.`Ay- Iunnor and Almond urenm, cnappea j rough akin. McLeod s drug IIPIZICIIIIII -upnuuvu you up-an-u Amootin of the human um `school wu bold but night. are .... mvnnnnt: f`,hn.inmn Banana. 1! J. school bond hold an mgnu. 'l'l'IGl'O was present: Chairman Beau . )1. J. Kennedy, J. 0 Noi|, M. Hal 'np:&.a J. A. llncthownon. The only It nun innum- odwuthotoonnning ol the Inlnuuo of Int regular meeting and the pulling`! I number of uooonnut. a- ---__-__..__..___. S;X'IfY-'1{1_IInD YEAR.- ` previously anti was urea out. At. Newlnnd&Co's factor , (Salt, Rus- sell Kitchen was killed whi e oiling some of the machiner . His clothing caught in the belting, hur ing him with great force against. the beama above. His neck, both legs and both Mme were broken, and his face bruised beyond recognition. The young man was a ed twenty-two. Chief of nolioe . Jarvis. Bowmanville. IICB urulaeu Utyullll l UUU6IlIl4lUlI. suu was Chief of police Jervis. Bowmanville, Ont . arrested 1: young man offering for 3|, npuir of gold apecbaclea, sayin that he had picked them up in Montree . On be- ing searched nine pair: of gold spectacles and loss than two dollars in mall were found. He gave his name as James Burns, Toronto, travelling agent, for the Black Opt.icalCo.. of Windsor. `[0 VIII! UII null. II's lIurI._yo The regular montly meeting of the Cana- dian association of stationary engineers was held in their hall, King street, last evening. There was a large attendance of members and some very impor t matters relating to the association we It with. A committee to act in concert with com- mittees forlied in all parts of the province was a pointed to wait on the local mem- ber, on. Mr. I-Iarty, requesting his aid in the passage of sh not for the compulsory holding of certicates by all engineers. An insurance scheme has been successfully carried out, whereby members of this as- sociation receive a reduced rate of insur- ance on the dual plan of life and accident. -u- -. _ -21-;--..4a n._.____ VIIIII I lII`n.|-Illl yvlllpuuy. About 5 down ex-sergeants of the 14th butt. held a meeting lent ni ht and die- ouseed the recent chnngec in t e regiment and other matters of Interest. They will take steps to recover the furniture 0! the defunct mesa. tewerds the purchase of which they contributed money. Thoee present decided to attempt the formation of 1 Hi hlnnd company, to be attached to the 47t butt. At mother meeting to be held it is intended-to form A committee to bring the matter to a Iucceuful issue if possible. HQVCI 'I'UI3IIU III Eh Yeataerdny strut our No. 7. while run- ning down Alfred Street. atmck I small dog nenr Johnston street. The animal bo- cgfne wodgod in botwoon the buck board And the brake And wan drnclod Alon! the cane wodgod In Douvoon me "one: noun!" and the brake drsggvd along ice~covoI'od and until the our Ina atop- nod at the mnction, when It bocuno re-` ioecovorou unu until me our mu Nop- rodat. mnctlon, cued and trotted back up ntmot. as though nothing had happened. The motonnan and conductor thought the dog killed and won surprised to no i6 appear from undar the our and ucnmpor away. products. ` James Willard, Toronto, houaebreaker and thief. serving a term in the Central, will be released to-morrow and at once taken to Kingston to serve seven years for committing burglary on post oices and stores throu hout York county. Edward harles, of this city, was this afternoon an aged by the owners of the steamers St`. ndrennin course of construc- tion at Owen Sound. to put 3 steel arch in that vannnl. Mr. Charles has had an ex- scores nnrou noun xorx County. that vessel. Mr. Charles has had ex- lensive experionce in this line of work in Kin abon. 'I` 4 Own nan nnnn nan: in nnnrnn nf nnn. "i'e Shoes run anon. T 6 two new open para in oourse of con- strubtidn at l`ote|`boro for the" Kin" ton electric atmet railway company wil be larger byyumaeata than the bug cars at present in the city. They will carry about twelve more paasengegs. They will be numbered 22 and 24 reapo"tive| . Lord Dunraven will nrobab v make a numnereu :r..' and 21 reaponmveu Lord Dunraven probab y abatement. of his position to the New York yacht club and resign from that organivm Iaion. It is said the prince of Wales, con- sidering the charges to be without proof, has counselled Lord l)unrnvon to abide tho ndings. Lord Dunmven will not Apologize. In the 2:30 class at Redwood. venterdav. be more. At a meeting of the county Orange lodge, North Bruce, hold an Tam, a resolution was carried, unanimously, endorsing N. Clarlw Wallace in his stand against reme- dial legislation. Ornnaes. -- Fina ommres. 12 cent: a Apologize. In Redwood, venterday, George Darraghh trocber. Blaclr Carver, won second place. It took six heats to decide the race, which was not` nished until nightfall. Black Carver would have won first money but for the fact that he was driven from here to Redwood the day previously and tired out. Newlnnd & Co's factorv. (Salt. womnn,nwenuou one man, coming mun Texas. The condition of Willie I-lany was much improved to-day, :5 Wu nlaa is eye. Dr. Connell could not say dem. _ `hat the 'sight would be saved, but had hopes` it. would. 1.. ..,.-.......- on .... inninnm. in kg n.-.. In response to an invitation to be pre- sent and address the St. Jean De Baptiste society, Detroit, Mich.. on June 24th, Hon. Wilfrid Laurier has written that he will be there. A! n nusann nf tho nnnnhy nrnnrrn Inrhrn mm legislation. Oranges. Fine oranges. dozen, at A. J. Rees . .~..11.x..........m. .1... mom... nr lam... L`ol.}lunber says the patrons of Fron- tonnc Me prepnringl fora fight, and will meet all comers. f the light is made three-cornered it will be is walk over for the patron candidate. The mmbiimtion of Scotch oil traders me patron canaiuaw. The combination Scotch established some time ago with the object of suutninin rates has been broken and rate cutting as begun. The Standard oil com ny is ooding the market with its nets. UU pl` Ill |I I 110 ts. James V Shoes You Want till) American. ` Miq.;Ml.mle P ie. of Enterprile. is the guest. of her eoue n, Mine Belle 1 . Wright, ` 0! 303 King street welt. You can not. the been solid meet oyuera in the Foresters concert. chore. - The Dr. Chum : remedies. including Dr. Chase's Linseed and Turpentine for cold: and cough. Media '3 drug store. The condition of r. Saunders remains quot by one rnrnnm nretnren. William Burt, C.P.R. reman, reported missing. has turned up At. his home in Pickering. He had been visiting at Ux- bridge and was unaware of any enquiry for him. , A ....... .........A M"... L... L`... nnnI*nnnAt` mm. A man named Myers has been sentenced at Sandwich to three ears in the peniben-` tinry for burglar . is mother, a feeble woman, attend the trial, coming from Texas. on ma mug screen won. get. meat oystora at Rees` Buaar. Prineeu nu-cot. P. M. Beoupn, An omployoeat the King- ston poniuntiary. mturned yesterduy from 3 visit to friends at Tweed. I nnfn n nu-nlup nf Rina-lvnninnn nn (mt. ' Vllll : W H1000! Ila 'l.'W00(l. Quite a number of Klngstonians go out to Collins Bay this evening. to cake pan in the Foresters concert chore. 'l`|.n Y}: I".|u-4 - ram-Alan Cnnlndinr nl, vu-av u uuu-uvu an drnvg I unchanged to-day. He in very weak but is maklnr I llunt. struggle for life. | Ald. WA] am. who win conned bohis Ald. wukern, who common so am room during the 0. week through In severe oold, was 8 lo to be around this nfoernoon. The Ontario education department has arrnnfd for the establishment of a train- ing no ool for French and English teachers inw Ottawa. \`non\A`nrIA and nlifnrnin manna: At. A, V .1. neon . Harrowsmith lodge of, pays a fraternal visit to Mayower lodge at Par- ham. tonight, and will be tendered a bun- quet by the Pnrhnm brethren. Burt. reman. reported um anne rrsnouun vvuuo, Inulauur -.u Oscar min. in dead. . Chou? sale of lamps for this month at Medley 9 drug atom. Into Poloon & Co. The Emil Banokor cornpmy arrived in the city 00- ny. snd put up" at the Bri- ! tirh American. \KI-Q Ill uni: Div`. of 't'.nfAI\nl'I$_ {I hh A Suthcrlandjs 'l'lIO. V0! IJIZI IIUWI Vnlwiuu u--u -nu lrunlutot spun. Still the hop chewing than {among an- tlnn at A. Ran . Lcd{vJnne Frsnoeaun Wilde, mother of nnnnr Hr`: in M, , 'l'ho.Vory nun Howl crowded Inst the sauna: at Inna. ' A -clmno iv bung aglaud tho eon- Non of the Bop!-ht ognuruh I IICW . Suva-AI nubngllu been 3.`; o.......na......a....n|....L':.1'u- a llnint. Ald. am, to his munch` .-In-inn oh. nail -male lthrnuoh A .n- Utuwa. Marmalade and Califomin ornngea at. A. L Rees . GENERAL PARAGRAPH8. ..-v ..--.. r . -_ _,_. Want I lllghlnnd yompnny. mm :1 rlnum nr.nnrai\nnl*JI of th Washburn, U. A.,, rman, .1. M. moz Loan, J. Ferguson, P. mythe, N. McLeod. T. Markland, T. S. Whittaker, T. Dalton, 8. Bartlett. The name of the other is not known. The company was to exint {or twenty years and no longer. Smith Bert- lett was appointed the first cashier and Thomas Marklund the first director to do weekly duty. In I827 the Benk of Mon- treal opened a branch at Kingston. The Bank of Upper Canada up lied for a charter and in 1820 the bill runs: the house. About the same time: action lo- cated at York. and known at the lemily com t, naked for a bunk charter. Their Kati ion was pneeed over and the Kingston ill pneeed. Before it penned the eeoond house this fection got control of it and .in- serted the mines of their ohA_rher member: sources or we country and esumnsn com- merce on a healthy basis. About I810 American notes came to be widely used here. The present system of Canadian banking is of American origin. In 1879 the present American constitution went into force. Washington was president and Hamilton was made the first secretary of the treasur . In l790he reported to con- gress the nee sofa bank and introduced the system which has since been in use both in Canada and the United States. The system has been developed to a high state of efficiency in Canada. The first American bank was chartered in 1791, and a year later an effort was marle to establish a bank in lower Canada but the scheme failed. The speaker said the war of 1812 was .a blessing to Canada, as it left 814.- 000,000 in the country. principally in the shape of army hills, which were used as currency. This money left commerce in a prosperous condition. The bank of Men- treal was founded as a rivate institution in l8l7. Later on a olli)arter was applied for and secured in conjunction with the as- sociated banks of upper Canada and Que- bec, at Quebec. The c arter was practical- ly the same as was formulated by Hamil- ton. In I808 an effort was made to estab- li a bank here. but it failed. In I817 ton merchants tried to get a charter- ed ank established with a capital of a 100,000 sterlin . and succeeded in having abill passed byt elegislatuz-e,but the king withheld his consent until the measure was outlawed. In June, 1818, a public meeting was called at Moore's coffee house for the purpose of establishing a bank and in Jul the articles of formation were snnoun . It. had a capital of 125,000, with shares at 25 each. It was announced that stock and roperty, onl , the bank were to be he d responsible for the bank debts. The cashier was bonded to the extent of 10,- 000. Thirteen directors were a pointed as follows: B. Whitne , A. Ricllmand. D. Washburn, C. A.,' J. M. Mc- 6: R...-n-n. Th. name: of calm nthar is not READY WITH OUR increase. Prof. Shortt, in prefscing his address. said his sub`ect was one of the most obscure in t e annals of Canada. He found man errors existing in the accepted belief of t e earlier history of Canadian banks. lfis research covered a wide field and the lmowled e he attained must have cost him years 0 patient toil and study. The subject was treated in a mastery manner and the information the dpaper contained was complete in every eta'| Starting from the condition of the country previous to the war of the revolution, the speaker described the nature of the inhabitants.their traits and characteristics. These settlers were mostly United Empire Loyalists and English immigrants and they were scattered along the border ex- tending from (}len'garry toV\'indsor. As the majority were of the first named class. American ideas and customs were most prevalent. With them money was a scarce article and the little they brought into the country with them found its way out through the mercantile avenues. Business was carried on almost entirely by trade and barter. The British government supplied mills in different sections of~the country and to these many prosperous towns and cities can trace their origin and growth. When stores became more en- eral the need of money or its equivs ent became a necessity. Orders, similar to bank cheques, were established. which were good locally for so much produce or goodeto the value stated on their face. The genernl stores become. by this sys- tem,small clearing houses for the balancing up of accounts. Later on the system grew and the first bonds or cheques were issued in Quebec. These aided settlers tocarry on busineesquito exten- sively. All Jayments were made in goods, not cash. ingston was the chief com- mercial centre for UpperCanadn. Queens- town, in the west, was the next lace of importance. The principal dea ers in Kingston were Cartwright at Hamilton. This rm was doing a business similar to that performed by the latter day banks. In 1795 some French refugees, who located here, deposited quite a sum of money with this rm and drew upon it by cheques. The system in force lacked freedom. The chief diiiiculty was found to be, not lack of money, but lack of capital. The needs of n barrkwvre~11ecenery- todev Hewe- of the country and estab ish oom- mnrne on a heulthv annoe ozmomoere was law. 1; mar noun bankers and bank omplo eee were placenta. After the oonnning of t o minutes of hbe lost regular meeting. the president. Dr. Noilson. delivered his inon rsleddrel. thanking the members for t. honor they had conferred upon him by electing him to the presidency. He bouclaod n she general work of the society and t. 0 nine of the information the research of mbmbeu brou htbolightz. He would like to hove all t 0 papers and before the meeting. nrinmd in one or more volume: for numer- all me papers teen oerore one meaning. printed - vetion. The society was onterionig upon in third year and ooul-i be look upon an bei only in ice infancy. The mom- bore ip bee not inoreeeed in keopin with the l timete expectation o the founders. herein you much ground for the members to work u n. The earlier hiebor of the greveye .ohuIcheII. otc., would orm interesting reeeeroh lor the local hietoriene. He was pleased to we no meny lndiee becoming members of the eocioty. and hoped the number: would increase. D.-.-J Elma-N in nmfnnina his ulrh-nan, -`:-h--- ` no human: ruoudvlth um` sg-chair: Work-'l`In lnIonn;lon on lllhlng II 0bIoua--lonoy that Put 00330000 Into 5 Prouporoul condition. . The rogulsr monthly meoti of the Kingston hiatoricnliomety wu Id lat night. in St. George : hall. The moon- dnnoe of mambo:-3 was` fair. A few` Ioml night. in St. Ue0l0'l hlll. TIM Mll- danoe of mombera A Lnnlugnu and I-unlz nmnlninan Gal` nljlh. inns HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PROF. SHORTT TALKS ON`BANK- | And see the genilemen who are wearing LivingstuIi's Shis. Pt`: easy to p.'clg them. out. They look\k?\nell.`= t well,wenr well. " housands are wearing them '11 prefer- enee to any other. c.1.mnesmu mo. Eek u -5--uuvnvgv C Ell` no 11 {J ....; ha 6AAb.T L ; Around WIDDI A NOW UOZZIUIE At the next meeting of the city oooneil Ald. Bohnn will move that I now ooIIhlt- tee be appointed to deal with the Guild _-_ Trunk matter in connection with tho|oo|t";`.- ing of the Ihope here. He wente the nut . . committee to resume the work when the- old committee left of. to eeonre edoh doh_ I and other information no my be neoeury I to lay betoro the general manager when he consent; to give the committee In uIdi- A once, which will be early in the Ipri `U __4' .. no nu-nu llnw ngu. Finn thing Q our Iiahai"-. lat hi` 0." add dwtll. , "What Ill thaH"uk.odfI . 9-wall. wokono. nnvubnnlu-inilaoroom-3 PI nu-gun I-con, . on the bond. ho hr by l|ovnntIn!"' II. onkoaushu-Inna-yauno. flnhnhnrtnnhnnm" THE VALUABLE SHOP AND PBEHIBE. mand D81 PI-inoou It:-cot. st pnunt oo- ouplod by C. D Ohown. Bu bun I now nd hardware houao for over tvnnty non. p- ply to J. P. (}u.DnsLnv:,Olm-moo strut. J: "I | III'IIAIIV\ . IIIQIIO. tiolmorly Pu-tun with the Law I. N. IENWIOIK). ncunn I I nn I r'I'I'I'Il\|lEl'| - D. W. KARN & C0. CIIAAJ ad.-I: (I-I 1- H: (ER "IUQ) GENERAL PRACTITIONER. 0011. OF WILLIAI AND KING STREETS: (LATI DB. lIWll'l lUl0IlY.)_ - t Olrlcl Hmm-I-10 to II |.m.; I to 5 p.1u.; 1 o 9 .m: .. N. .-Dr. Stirlin has given upooinl still! and attention for t o lut 10 you: to Dionne: of Woman and their treatment. A Telephone No. aw. _ ` Jcfineroduma . bill ing . chum so the Km ton bank. he faction did not magi. 9. n nluv-I-Ar nlhhnlnrh Hm M nan. receive the ohuur, nlsnou n Inc mu put- od. and the Kingston dime I`! let to iidrk to raise the prescribed capital. The "fnm1ly.mmppot. referred to wgro Enrgynnng omnnuu to become I has the hi . read rm oinocl oo".7:mno1'd" nl Inn nn D it! In QIIAIIHIH I3! ( :.:...""..'.7. :.:.3'..;.".:..r;.r"' 5.2;: -` of Ian on w ih to uhblilh 0.1: r ethics uni :num.luI hnnnmina than Arintnnruw of ol land wmon In eennmu nnur ounce and intended becoming the eriltmncy of Canada. Prof. Shortt will deliver the com tlnuetion of the history of the banks at m- ; other meeting of the society. ' | 1".i`.'.'...'"-.'i'."i':;..." } :.'.`i.. 5.1 mom". 7 odohalmvnhou. andlli u innwuouoounouunuluuuuyunuui. wurunhtllnuwhurtusyoan" _ `_ __ (laulrunntunninlhohphoucqy-7 V. W. I. DBINNAN, Pmtnu. Dumcron um nlnI.ln-la1 Plu- oou strut. block above old stand. HAT DWELLING. WITH EXTENSION and adorn lm rovunenh, lot occu- pied by r. G. A. Bo lnlon. comer Jo Ito! nnd'Ban-is ulnotn. Stable on tho 1: . Immodlntc Ponuulon. Apply to Jon (mil. 9 01:1-once ntroo. and introduced bill mg onuur u roooivo t. a charter, nlthou h the hill put- ...IT ...a .1... Kimntnn dime 11 not us. nnm. Tun Lg.rAn.Ix4 ~UNDll1`AKlI-Pbl356 Prinoou street. slap one 1411A. Open Day And Night. IIIILVDX D&-' Llmnlo Ulminnxn AND Enu.Inn--m Prinoou strut, Oornor Sydonhun uh-cot. `Duh nhono oommnnlontlon. W0 FRONT BOOKQ. ALSO TABLE BOARD very renmnnblo at 32 Union strut. GENTS FOR. CITY AND OOUNTRY. 221 In]: or oomlnlnlon, to all Bowing chines. pply to}. bubble}. Agent, `II Prin- oeu strut EDICAL SUPEELNTENDENT WAFTED for the Kinuton Genus! Houplto . Dn- Mon to begin 1:}: u-oh IUI. `8oiu1.WIO Illlllllll. monomer wih_..Ii|n, lIoO,_._ Must be a qualified Modionl Puotit oif. - 0 supervision of the Institution roqnlrog 5 qualied Hodisl PuotltloIYdi'I"1-`ho nlru knowle e of recording nooounu; t oreforo good bus new nblllty lndln nnblo. Further Information may he had 0 the undoni ed. to whom ngyllontlonn an to be lent not Mr than mu: ehruary. A.D. 1896. J. E. CLAIR, Sec`yK G..H.. Kingston. HE ROOMS ON SECOND 1'-`LAT OVER HonAn1"a lumen. HALL. Apply on `tho promises. m'.-.*:.-*- - T E SHOP AND PBEIISIH-. onnlod by And T AT EXTENBIO? oom mod by lnnon. Ito II: the practice on Fobruary 11th. to raise the relonnoq capital. "family, 15:06 were ' v pro 'n[{ > emu `to become knlhty human 0! new kingdom. Corner 8 phone `IANTEIFOLD STAMPS )5 '10 40 YEAM8 old. For man I to 05.00. Gm. Lows, an Adelaide I rest. oronm. TONE HOUSE. NO. 80 QUEEN BTREIT L Apply to J. B. CLIIIUTIIIII. R K. KILBOBN, ID. I.l).P.8., WILL - begin general practice 0! Surgery and Is Lolno In this 9104 an [Arch Int. For Sale by JAB. ll. Hol.l0D. DI'Il| |'IlI. Princess Street, Kingston. zoin Century Shoes. mama on nousn-cmuxmu air In. Moon. a1 rum mm. See it. So have some Extra gains to offer you this week in connection with that and our ' 1H[.-BUILBINII SME wuu l'llK~:ErIll.l,llIr_Ig N Giana, with um"-sow hlli. on [Ml-ohlghr conputgw. We Are Getting Ready to ` `Count Stock W Black Silk Wcnnctm `FOR. ESIBABLE BUSINESS STAND. NEXT to tho new Willa omoo In to 100 with ououlon immediate . lion modonto. ppuontion mu be nu on the promluu. ` AND 0OUN'l'BY.: nlnn oomlnlnlon. cell Bevin: RIEIIVVNI, Zn Prlncou Strpot. HEDXCAL WAFTED Klnuton Bonito - LARGE FRONT ROOM 10 LET, WITH x Bond. Apply la I88 Queen strut. _._.T_j.__--.-: .,.___..._.._..___.___._._._._:__ BAKSAY DUFF. I.D.. VVILL BEGIN c of Iledlolno in Klnnton nE3ucen pmces FOR cnsn. :_::_j_- PRICE TWO wtxrusnp ' "IILii1'I3."' '3 , `"1" J. A. smnlue, m.o.. nnfli Pgrtnnr lth than Lula Want: A low Don-nut. L- _-__. _._.A:_.. _l AL- .3... . One of them is a fMEDlCAm|...(3"ARD.* Prices 50C. Per yard. TO BE LET. wen Worth orie comm. Inmmlu nun Ann Inn HENRY `BRAKE. WANTED. _BoAnD. Are Always FURNITURE. J.-`3;_EF?.'..P Right. And Our '..-N0. \, 30f illm om: House] And they are deserving of high praise. They look and feel like - silk, so ne is the weave add tex~ ture. Have them in light and dark colors. . ; imported ; Zephyr I Plaids WEDNESDW, FEB Y 5 We will commence with Bar- gains. We will continue with Bargains We will end with Bargains. . All the lending and repres_enta,_- tivi "styles in Is another line of Cotton Dfesn fabric, for Blouse or Dress, that you'll like to see. We put a spe- cial price `on this line of IOC. When you see it you'd be willing to pay 15c if we asked it. !3A%N._C!'?- one price s'ron E. 123 Princess st. North side - Kingston Creponne Effets % Is interesting reading just now. A storehouse full 9! New Goods is being-rapidly opened up and placed in stock--3 cues, [New Prints `here placed on sale yesterday. styles and esigns entirely dif- ferent from last season. `The latest {qr favor is [Store News IIIDOVB US Dlallus IVU vulllpvv my stock. Below Us Me No Comhetlng Prices. vvnquz-`navy-u-, - -.-. - .. Return of the Distinguished Comedlenne. ---.-I II AND lH7`.R __._ _._...-- as-;\-an GOHOO "I U. I). WK, WDOIII, HO Illa, DIG the patron candidate for the dominion "house for two years, but the pntronn still bad faith in his ability. In sponkin on the resolution. he said, the tron: o in- dustry had been an linhod the benet N lumen socially. snoioll nnd politi- cally. Since in found: ion 6 oordor had noooninlly [ought t mbines, that of $50 binder twine com C 1nd the cult. oom- bino. Bytho overthrow? of the binder twine cannot tho hrmon have been and O3.- the pane woroe ena mgns. It was moved by J. M. Fair. eeconded by Col. Hunter, that in case of an elec- tion in this county the president uhell, et least two weeks before the election. neme one or more competent persons in each electorel eub-division to eat use vigilant committee, whoee duty it shall be. as fer ea in their power, to prevent the unlewlul expenditure of money within their elec- toral division, either before or during the time of election, and report ell ceeee of such unlawful expenditure to the uncle- tion to which he or they may belong. end the eeeooletlon, on reoeivln euoh report, shell forthwith proceed to nveetlgete the memo. and the eecreterv of the elorenaid nun rortnwtbn proceed to Investigate mo nmo. secretary uoocintion shall and A copy of decision ar- rived at to the county uoocintion. which nhnllhnva the power to prosecute, if in their wisdom it looms right. to do no." This: In: carried amidst. Ippllule. or, Inn cum: on man manna. no re- sponded by moving I resolution of con- dence in` D. D. Roger-u. whom. he mid, bud {boon nntron persona. Col. Hunter said the matter was one the grsnd lodge had to deal with. No matter what action was taken by the meeting grand lodge would not recognize it. Pro- Iident Knapp wenwd a vote taken to show the feeling of the le on the question. D. D. Rogers and . impson favored Col.- Hunt.er o suggestion. Leave the matter to be settled in grand lodge; the local dele- gate could vote intelligently on the mea- sure. Mr. Grant/firessed his sug estion I ' d :1" - :::.a ".':':::: .:*.. blunt dele abevbf 3; inted fromsaie dif- lenent. 1 gen to some the question, and that bhey report. their decision to the pre- sident, who is the delagabe from this county. as a guide for him in voting on the question in grand lodge. J. L Hnvcock. M.P.P.. aumzesbed an J. L. HA BOOK, M.I'.k'., "IO patron Bld- or, on led on for an mcldnnn. Ho re- nnondul bv movinr I resolution of nonli- Above Us Stands No Compet- Inn CI-nu-It DIIIO. 5,500 OVOTHIPOW 0! "IO DIINIOI` I aWll|O compact 03.- (IILUII). The music wominto dolnila con- campus use In-mun nave noon uvou w.- (MMIU). Ipoukc wonbinto ornlnntho ovorthrow ol tho nib combine. wu.wu. The Iponur wumnto aounu ourningt-ho out-throw ol tho alt combine. Prwknulyhrmu-upnidobouttla bu-nl lor nli. Thy provulod upon 1 man. who question In grand longs. Hnycock. M.P.P., suggested improvement. to this resolution, to the eilect that each subordinstelodge discuss the question and mail the decisions to the president previous to the assembling of grand lod e. J.lM. Fnir wanted the matter settl at once. He did not be- lieve III the grand lodge tampering with the constitution. The tron movement had grown and prospel under the 'con- stitution snd it should remain as drafted. A. Docteur. Wolfe Island, was proud of the patron leader, whom, he thought, best know the needs of the order. But he oon~ tended that as the patrons had thrived on the present constitution their condition would not be bettered by ohsngin the sums. .1. L. Havcoclr. hI.P.P.. ssi the nucvuu \.vuuv-mu-nu-n uuuu \.u-nu--uvu Igulg same. .1. L. Ha cock. M.P.P.. nmnlntjnn might. mnnndml hv nllnwimr .1. I... no COCK, 1u.r.r.. saw me resolution might amended by ullowinf each county to take into the order aucn person: an they, thpqght eligiblo. It was pointed out. that only farmers, laborers and mechanics were eligible. Mr. Hnyeock onrnal motion, to leave d the matter to be ad`?! the subordinate 1...... ...... n...n.. ....-.; .no.|..-.....|. um me manner to De aocmoa n we suoorumnw lodges, was nally curri . Although the matter ended this way the feeling of the meeting was adverse to the abolition of the words And signs. It was moved bv J. M. Fair. dents of towns and villages rejudiced n uinet the order. He fsvo treating t em all alike and iven the freedom of the meetings. W. J. `ranklin thought that by open doors the masses would be educa- ted to the patron movement. The patrons were strong enough not to fear being ruled by rofossional men. .\lr. .Trotter oonside it would be just as well to allow the constitution to remain as it is and leave it to the option of the different lod es to take in whom they considered eligi le neraonn. u n I n o I u o u 0 UB3 In EH6 W080 WOUIU D0 Dnf EH9 pro changes should be adopted. J. A. ilmot, Pittsbnrg. said that lawyer, doctors and other professional men had exclusive societies, and why could the farmers not have one one similar basis? However, there was no reason wh the constitution should not be altered f the order was to be beneted. J. Hughes. Battersea, said the constitution was so constructed as to make resi- uwninnt the order. He fnvoreg tmatinn LOG |ll00l'[DI`IIO IDWTII Ind Vllllgl. Mr. Coughlan comldemd the change; mono benecial oue for . ll`. Pauworde and fees had killed the : ran smomnenttie Na-dish-int. .80 am doors-tn All lodges III. Giant. W land. Ill onnannd so anon doors. Tho` - coon-wuuuagn. au-,unm. wa-us. land, wu ogsnud to open Tho- patrooa wan to exclude doom:-I.lo err and mono lists from the order. his could not done if the signs and pass- worda are abolished. He wanted the din- cueaion of the question left over and aug- geeted that A number of delegates from each lodge meet to enlarge on the subject, and come toaome understanding. but he wanted theqlune drawn so In to keep mono- poliita out . or` iixe order. Mr. Gardiner-took the same stand. If ponsta out or me oruer. such rsons are allowed to become mem- bers t e petron candidates will be defeated in_the towns and villages. Only a few liberal-minded men in these places favored the patron movement. They were men who knew the farmers had been im upon. The patron order should be kept for farmers. Mr. Day could not see how, by tearing the constitution to pieces, the patrons were going to strengthen their cause. He thought it best to stand by the text adopted and the patron movement would continue. Young men in his section were opposed to the roposed change in the constitution. J. I'uir said it could not be called a farmers institution i! open doors invited everybody to enter. In a short time professional men would be in control of the order and would be the re- presentatives of the farmers. Mr. Blscklock thought that if the coun presenmuvea or me Iarmers. Mr. Blacklock thou ht ties in the west woud be benefited the r\rl\r\I\nnt` nhnnnnn nhnulrl ha ntlnnfntl J U} Youtm-an afternoon the Pomona of In- dunry of b county of Frontenac hold on opon Ioutonst. tluoonrt. houotodloounu mutton of lntorut to the orgonlnuon. There was I nplondld nctandonoo; ovary township in the county was well roprooont ed. The at question lntroduood and out wlllchevokod oonuidonblod lnonulon won the resolution to abolish all word: and If no of bhoordor and allow I who no doll to become members. This manor hu Already bann nuhlishad at lamrth. The numooo of b.... {3.'E.;'5"" 1..."".,e":I%"...".,....."""" : u i at . u o the fopoood chm was oxplnirgod b J. L. n oock,'M.P. .. who add that non- tehae ing I strictly rural constituency did not. feel the need of the change uni would not be affected to as not an extent, /by the new condition of Mfnm as some of oh- nrnnfjrn Annntinn an-nnna nthnrl rlvlnrd by am oonulmon or mun some on the westarn counties. Amon other-I Oxlord. Perth, Wonuworhh, 000., w min are situa- Im-I iunnrnnr-tad fnwnn and villlnnl, I-`arm, wonuworun, ow., wnarom are ted incorporated town: and villngea. Mr. Comrhlan conlidorod mo ooeome Inelnouru. published at nronoood chm Big Bargains muons NOT A um M T:] THE OPENING OF THE DOORS TO ALL GOMERS. ruauhoratnulaagu wmiopu tatho Ibpluonbtlvo to tho Plovhohl author- |__ n_n..-. gggl no.-1-ulna III. Lidfd 5:]; llyoock. J. L. HA cook. M.P.P.. tho patron land- nr. wu m led on fm-Ln Mid:-on. Ha ra- IIIluuII|ouII-lIu.u any x " (uilnnutjl hp Tn) IOIlII$IIIIVI IO IID rlvvnulu uni-nib In;-Bribery and Oonupilon Inn Danna. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY EYENING.- FEBRUARY 5. 1896.v Lon By one Shot. In the curling bonepial held at Carleton Plnoe yeeoerday and 10-day, the Kingston club won frqm Perth b` two shots, and the Rocluvnodeloet to embroke by one shot. The Rockwoode must have played 3 {sec game, use their opponents are count.- edthe beet. curlers in Centml Canada. They hold the Quebec ` championship and the governor-generally bro hy. The 'Rookwoodn. even though they out, are to be nongratuluted on the good_ehowing they made against so strong an regetion._ The u-rum: in tho Pambm a-Rockwoods mane manna: strong rognmon, The gurou in the Pembr.o$EI-Rockwoods match were thirty -ve and thirty-four. No. I Rockwooda won )9 to I8. and No. 2 lost. I7 to Hi. In the Kingston-Perth match the gures were35bo 33. Leslie, I6 to 13; Dalton. [9 to 20. retay tor me next. A ootofomsll ynchw. owned bi boys 0! the city. are Anchored 0!! the oot of Mnitlnnd an-eat. Somo olwhom An llverl. or we may, mcnorea on me too: or Mathnd Somo of`1.hom an yeru. ours. rei can md Brigwooko upset to have their ygchb. Ghost, rigged and in condition to take put in the next. race. It is expected to do wonderful work. Cvmmodoro Folglr in having a new aoht I laogobbor and oxpootua to have I L nnonrly data. In line: an aid to bountiful and it will In a fut -dlnr wu-nnu no. any! vm no uunuo new and dhntobluuitolnu locntdby non udnll dntunninnloluodouo into lluuunthoncnhuuhlpuldoncly hnlbguhhnlhopopaulntudm. servative nrsc, last, nnu an nne ume. J. McIntyre, Q.C., announced the elec- tion of Sir Charles Tupper by a magni- cent majority. and moved a resolution ex- pressing the satisfaction of the association, atthe re-entry of SirCharlesinto the political life of Canada. He praised the work done b the bsronet in the past, and declare that he is n pillarofstrength tothe party. Whatever little differences there may have been in the government will now be healed. and the party will go tothe countryas strong as it was in this days of yore, when the splendid band of statesmen. of whom Sir Charles is the Inst, assisted Sir John Mscdonald to govern the domin- ion with suoh signal success. ` Dr. Smvthe seconded the resolutiomnnd ion with such signal Smythe resolutiomend said that the name of Sir Charles Tu per lsone to t',on'ure with. He (the spea or) could tell t e grits who had been very. complaisant over conservative difficulties, that they would not beellowed to rideinto power on the troubles of the conserva- tive party. Speaking to a life long reformpr not long ago, he was told that he (the reformer) must go with the conservative party at the dominion election, asthe scal policy of that party is the only safe one for Canada. He predicted that Kingston would remain trueto the conservative cause at the ap- proaching election. Dr. R. T. Walliem spoke briev in sup- proacmng elecuon. spoke briey sup- porl: of the reeolubionwmd ex meaed hie condence in the ability ofSir rlee Tup- per to knit together all the` elements of strength in the conservative party. The rite, he said, have no policy, and Cann- iana would refuse to entrust their manu- facturing and other interests to such :1 party. r. D Herald also sunuorted the resolu- party. Dr. supported tion and endorsed the party in 3 short: and: dress, after which the resolution was unani- mously carried. I Dr. Rvnn then moved. seconded hv I moualy cameo. Dr. Ryan moved, by Capt. Scott, that a vote of thanks be ten- dered to the retiring oioern, Capt. Gaakin ., and D. M. Mclntyro, who had gwon much time and valuable service: to the conserva- tive party in Kingston. The motion was carried and the meeting then adjourned. What the lovers ol unmet and (Joann! Sport: Are Doing. The Victorian have notied Brockville hockeyista they cannot. give them a match until nfber the nals in the junior series have been played. Perth hockevints want the Victoria: to nave been pmyea. Perth hockeyints to go down there and pln ' 3 match u soon as convenient. They 0 er the Vice. twenty dollaru. not sulcieuc to cover expenses. WIN IS KING."