Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1896, p. 2

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conclusively men were in but one way of mekin on in abriete--put. eloohol into him. Many Inherit peculiar constitutional con- ditions which render them easy victims to theinroedspl alcohol, but most. cases of heredihry inebriot.y--eo cslled-oan be lreoed to the nursery and no ~lurt.her. More imporhnt, however, in it, that the impreesion should be removed from the minds of those who believe phemselvu to have inherited the melody that there is no cure for then: Add they are destined to curry the burden tothe grove. At Luke- hnrst Institute. Ookville, hove been treet- ed`with perfect success, during thevlut. four years, lu-gs numbers who for this reuon Believed their ouse hopeleee. They emplnelns the rsunrhblo suooessthet. bu been sohleved by this representative institution. No restraint. ` No home remedies. Toronto office, 28 Bank of Com- meme Building. u nus-vussury snanrlaly. Acommonim reeeion prevails that the sppetibe for slco ol has been in many cases inherited, end the these victims of the disesee are not sooountnble for their un- fortunsbe condition. While `jdootore dil- fer." the most, rooms resesrohes into this interesting` question seem to have settled oonelualve y Elise there is but aeparate pom )any, in this city, made :1 pilgrima eto ingston, the authority to land he not been received when the company left Oswego. The company went b rail from Oewegoto Cape Vin- cent an thence by steamer to Kingston. The telegram was not at Cape \'inr.~ent- when the soldiers reached there and the commandant was in a reat quandary. It was nall determine: to goto King- ston uml tn e the chances of ettin ashore. The telegram so anxiously who for was not there when the soldiers arrived. There was no alternative and the men remained on the steamer. Permission nally came, however, and the Canadians justmadenp forloet time by qivin the Oswego boys the most hospitable wefcome imaginable. They were escorted about the tmvn, given a banquet at which the ms or presided and came home with a his: opinion of their Canadian friends. Any estrengement on the part of the two governments thet would break these amicable relations would hardly be cher- ished by the soldiers on either side of the border. unwrcmn qucmon to nnvc settled that making abriuto--put. him. IIIVO VI IIQII Oswego rnllaullum. Some vearn mm 1 .u-rn~'|r...u'vn.i.n, Feb. 3 (Specia|).--'I`he father of the boy LaFlnmme is one of the leading merchant; here and willing to talk of his son's cure, he mye-"My little boy Arthur. after scarlet fever about a year ngo never recovered nnd hiawailment ran into a kidney trouble. His bod was swollen to twice its natural sire. he eulferin not the little fellow were ver severe an we had all given up hope of im. But three months ago we commenced giving him l)odd's Kidney Pills. and to-day he is romping and playing with other boys. This as an instance of prompt cure in very remarkable. Uswogo rnllaullum. Some years ago when the Thirty-eighth Separate Com ny, in this city, nmde nihzrimaqe to muaton. the uut.hnril.v tn A. W. Wright. employed by the go\'~ vernment to repart upon the hweating system. has been campnigninf ,,for Tapper in Ca Breton. Achangeo government woul give a lot of man, now officials. A chance to work for their living. And the change. in the interest of honest industry. cannot. come too soon. The Boy Lul"luuIno--!I|n Cumwu a sur- pr|n--A Few Bges of Dodd'n Kidney Plllu. ` The patrons are running their own show just now,and can make their meetings and party ,open to all in apparent sympathy with them. But. a yaar hence they may not be runnin their own party, and will be curious to Enow the reason wh . And the old-time wire pullers can tel them if they will. FAEH AND CITY PROPERTY lnlund At laowut pou bl. neon. Before renewing old or giving new Iulnount nun from n'm.ANm L. I-u'nANnla Apnntn Hon. Mr. Foster has run up the expendi- Luro a million and n half. according to his budget 5 oh, and still he announces that there wi I be supplementary estimates. And as all thin has to be met. by taxation it is nouquita (slur where the reduction In tariff comes in. I I D Mr. Ewart, the counsel for Manitoba's minority, who was recently soaring about Ottawa and has got back to Winnipeg, gives out that remedial legislation is going to pus the house. that even Mr. Laurier is going to vote for it. Is he? Well, that is news. What buainnu has this parliament nance for another house so soon to clocked? Is it oonat.it.ut.ionalY `May not. But. what`: the di'erem.'e. Wh does the conservative party care for t} constitution when its interest) is at. stake I a a The Hamilton Spectator (conservative) does not think much of Bishop Cameron : pastoral. It. may helpto eleob Sir Charles Tuppor, it said yesterday, "but if it does we shall have a mighty poor opinion of the Cape Breton pe2plo. ; And.it did. any; .n vnunu um V J. nu. Sir Charles Tupper has been elected for Cnpe Breton, but he van a badly soared man. The desperation with which he. worked towards the close of the campaign indicated how much he feared the result. 3 I 0 lvw, vuv u-u w uvrpu-uuu lay uungnalu. In the meantime it hit tnnlpirod the't,u the Outlook up, more than hell the Bri- tieh olelln wee for the expected ontchee of veeeele cm-nod even that more then lull the veenelefor which claim werr made, were vbollyor in port owned by Ameri- cans; and that a large munbnr o! thue ehlpe had been put down at double their velue." Thin matter should have been eettled In the ret pleee by I oonnniulon, as it is now about to be settled; and if con- greu should rehue to retlly the amount of damages eeneeed by this communion erbi- tretlon between the United States end other power: would be 1 thing of the past. In the meantime the bittemeee created by the tory prose and politicians only tends to ` lncruue the dlloultioa that already pre- ` {rent our product: Irom finding their way ` into our natural market. Mr. Leurior and 1 Sir Richard Cartwright have been, and are, \ doing their bent to counteract this evil in- fluence. but their every word in mininter- 1` preted, and their most loyal utterances ere perverted, and made to serve as party cries : for their opponontn. ` nu-a-na'auu.-.s-n-eeuounnnuum-u-1Io:xv~e ua.ooo}.nd tliiflloilthnbzeqggrou nu innonuy ropndiaud I-In ndipgol the DAIII tiilhlnnl nmninlls Jllnvnc it La: -nuns, Pli -M-inAl_nnIunthen:'it mm- Ilfllhd it ) `unify the Lniollniof dam- Iggo. `vrhioliina mama: anti!-sly gpu-6 9...... +1.. ......;.4... n` 3... ... rm. from the question of anges.` The Purl: ti-Ihum1=-doclined ho agbltnto the quution of, the nmouno to be paid by tah Unied Staten. This wsl bottled by the late uo'uohry>Groahnm'und the BHHIII Imhulndor. Bi: Jnlinn Pinnac- loh, but had to bontied by oongreu. In f.I|A Innn;|Hu|n it lg}: tunnnrdng t.|.n'6 -- XUIIIIUII I3 X-IIIJC5lIIl Ell` EU` nuance Company. Puo'ncAu.r A Oanmu Conn! Wm Bllll Bloulm. BEYOND RECOVhRY. ll`e|-odlury lnobrlocy. nnn imnm-inn n.....-:I- nn1_'r'mzuL NOTES. -_I--!l\ .... ._ |___ L_, ....-J UV 3. What y the ; stake`: . la H-Ill, KCIIIIUW, Irzm ' ch:od nhot-e'in Douglu. in:-anon] from the vlllnp Iaoehotovn by I mmxy. It kicked ibol! clan o! Ito cutter. I . '1lopod any. Thodoorol Itchy & 0%: grain olontorvu opll. and high haul du`IId,I:d I Ino- O VII in b%\` :1: which It hang. I` n _ mo: Gar d'""' "" 32', 3.'.'??.7'"a's2..:'."""rnLI"".'.'.': nugm so have been bond. n Sunduy nigho one-4 Ric Ru-nnlpnlllg maul.-A - O4`-annqiln I-an Fire Insurance. Lindon Auurnna Corporation W H IIODTTI 'AlIH`I'l| unvuu v unv, uvuvl vvu - uvwtluul Hvul I` I|'v. North Dakota, notify! in II! the dull: of hi: youngest son, E. Richard- son, with typhoid fever. The doceuod wuonly nineteen years of up. He wu bhohfoungut of a family of bin children. L. Russell. Ronfnw. nconllv nur- VVISIIHI II III`! IBW lyl VRIIIRDIC W belong: to Noll Mo0amo , Dr. McCain- mon. . H. lucook. And onuGlovor, Gnnnnonno. have diad. The animal: an III on mvn noon gn Brookvillo, noooivod I to voumnut non. uonou. Richardson. ::~..E":-: In hon: Fargo, Richard. .u- v -- _, ,..... ..... aged sixty-veoiou-9. wife of Henry Davis, Jollyby, di Mondn . nar nuering with 1 cancer of stomach. She wundnughtar of the Info Peter Davin. Addison. ' . wa~_|.a.. Hm` I... 1.- A... ...|...m. .a..... .....-_ ..... ...,..._, Mrs. Davis, rowr uum. Aaauon. Within the lane low day: valuable dogs belonging rnnn, , H, Hlnnnn, And mun lmrnr are nu-on Ana ommoname. W. A. rickman, treasurer of Amelia- bu township, examining his horse : hoo . wnn kicked full in the cheat. It. is feared his injury may prove flhl. l)mria,aged Honrv Davis. Jollvbv. Mondnv. on me poor. omoo corner. Aberdeen plrk committee, Rumor, purchased the seats in St. Paul : church. shortly to bereplnood with new. The sent: an strain and comfortable. W A .-:..l........ o............ A, A.....I:.. ............ \lI r..J...u-.u uu nu. nyvuu vvvv months in jail. M. C. Ede , Ottawa, architect, plans the new bloc which W. Mackny. Ron- frew, will build during the coming season on the post. oioo nnrk eommiI.mn_ Runlun-, (IIII . A man named Chane, of Thurlow.' ned 320 and costs for atealing wood. default of payment he will spend N M P Prh... !\M...... ......I.:;...n ..I l\B\'. 'll'. lnlln, QUGOIYQ. The St). Amthony Lumber Co.. of Whit.- ney. are shipping ten car loads of lumber from their mills over the O.A. & P.S. Ry., daily. Chane. Thurlow. was --noun---we vvu-pun c Find: our .ooo,ooo. In addition to which the polio ho] on have for uolu-My the unlimi- .nmIXrD.u the stookholdon. CITY poulblo renewing The Eganvillo Enterprise is advocating the formation of a company of volunteers in Egnnville. _ The new Prmzhvtnrirm nhurnh at. Mm.- IID \IDH\WII pre "IF. Col. Hunter onded the resolution of confidence in Mr. R0 era who keeps in the middle of the road ' and does not com- mit himself by siledges. Regarding the patron stand on tie Manitoba school ques- tion, he said that when the patrons had to declare themselves it would not appear as n jackass with his head in the sand at Que- bec end his heels in the air in Ontario. On the resolution being put it was responded to by three hearty cheers for the candidate. A vote of thanks was tendered the less of the city for its fair-minded and li ml reports of patron meetings and doings. In ngnnvule. The new Presbyterian church at Met.- cnlfe will he opened on Sunday next. by Rev. ')r. Smith. Queen's. The St. hnthnnv Lumbar (`.n,_ nf Whit. lbl`0Il8 could not. mmnageamura at. ()bmwn. easked if farmers could make a worse mess of affairs than the present. spectacle ut Ottawa rows. Hunter nnrlnd the mnnlmjnn nl we pBb!`0l]S. At last session the patrons supported the government on the ques- tion, the next time they will vote with the opposition. Some people think the present form of government responeibk government. It is no more re: nsible government than a packed jury. he peo- ple are the jury at elections and by hold- ing such otiicee as they at present control an rewards for party workers the governi- ment bribes the electors, or a good rtion of them. The speaker condemned t 0 trial of warden Maaexe behind closed doors and said he would move in the house that the evidence of the investigation be read in open session. In closing his address the speaker said he had a lot of faith in the people of Frontenac county). He had strong faith they would elect . 1). Rogers by acclamation. It was said as an ar u- ment against the patron movement t at plntrons could not mnnageaffairs at Ottawa. e asked farmera nnuld mnlm in warm: g Ch-no-Q -5.: Juli: |,znH UUU more. `me govern- ment has n scheme on to ob- tain a deed of the ground on which stands government house. This they will sell for $300,000. use $100,000 for ground and a new building, place the ra- mninder out at interest. which will keep government. house without coiting Ontario one cunt. For every dollar that goes into the Ottawa treasury, fifty cents is contri- buted by Onterio, and as soon as Ontario has carried out the scheme in connection with government house, other provinces will step in and ask the dominion overn- ment to donate lands for E governors resiv dence, which means that instead of tting clear of the $l7,750 for `government ouse, the amount will be increased toabout 820,- 000 an Ont.ario R share of the maintenance of overnment house in other provinces. 'he subiect of electinnr nonntv nininls or overnment nouse Ill other provinces. 'he subject electing county officials by the mople. instead of having them up- point by the government as at present. will again be introduced into the house bv pmnwu Dy me government at present. again house by the patrons. At last session the patrons the nnnnnitinn, Rnrnn nnnnln thinly fl.` Nh fa DOTS Ixnnn IIVIIII IIUW DIIIIIIUIIIUI YIUOI ITO In STRANGE & STRANGE. Agents. `I . l'.AI.:.b`S::s.lnl Agent, Kin` Strut ..e.s:'.f"?u.'2.`.'.n:'.1'.'11."... .....`.,'2'....':.."'7 L ccounueacmrq-bu) _ 1 I pl 33. . they had bun ?ying {or it combine wubro an. At the bum more hbor was employed, villa! in Ihouldbpponl to all working thoir umunoe to the down All combines, In one in_ showed that more nmtoricl vat. for loan money. and no labor was The Ininhnr f.'|A min. nf annals IQ In-n Anllnnn` -uv-vvu Iuo-U uounu uuunu loo WIN III$I wag: higher tho prioo of goods Ibo Ion donond \ and eonoumption. Tho In-mag how on hi: hi 1 Innoot In n.uI?':1u?f|otorln on in r`A`rnoiis WA om;| OIIIIECD 0! I Illlllly OI KII OIIIICIIGL Russell, Ronfnw, ncontl pur- nd I horttrin Dourlu. It had THE DISTRICT DASHES. |I` llIll4l'lI7l IAJIIIIUIIIQ4 Whiz Exclnnlel. died. ~ In. Patch It the Hun of homism wan nlolnointholnonlmuvofort-he of her link children, her in: being 1!. OIIIIOC Vil I-`IVO lli NOO- .......% -'*7.:.="...."*.:..'.`;"........- "'.:.'..:c;' ' Inullinh lildi ullddlliilid ul bddmo y - ?|Ac'noAu.I (nnmu aunts an doplnlted nnnnall at Ottawa and now unouut to out million onus. URI: lower than she nnlorlty of onion In-nun-u nu-nus Pllb-ii|d.IIclnt ` nun. lhnnllnnn. \` 1-llT'I -IUCIIII rII3-:Ilup Duvlvui 'hlo. Ononllooo. lb do noO.lnnll.|>utthoy not irritating onthnlion. M II pllb and month In `Thy conuln noun ostrich wild: have dine: run- nll. `unt-n nnnn QLA junk. llunr lllll no one name unui me noun wan saved on with it the children. She gave her life for bhoee the loved. Mrs. Pitch : body wu feprlully burned ` In-omheed to foot. Her little eon sun. Inoned I neighbor, Mre. Field, who found Mn. Patch unooneoioua and entirely devoid of ,'III eoveri . her night. clothe: hevlisheen oonnu by the lumen. Dr. Pr-I wuenlled in. but In: umble to HIV"! noon XIIIIIIDOII Dy K-DO llIlII$. Ur. Pri wuonlledin, to donnythi foishe injured lady. nnd At. so: do! the following evening she (ll . enuee en aonneioer. The other night hie wile was descending the suite to procure water for one of the children, when she ehaed and foil. The lem which she earri was thrown from her nd and exploded, sending the burn- in; oil -oven-_the Indy and the stairs. Un- mmdfni oi herself, thinking on] to save the lives 0! her children. ehe eoug t to sub- due the emee on the eteirs. Her own elothee were on fire and she was complete- ly enveloped in iiemee. but she did not I30`? the hettle until the house saved nn -NJ: it Hm child:-an Rh: Dnvn hm- filo Win or Oonduntor Patch Porlnlnon |n ` hvlng In child:-on. One of the moat touching Stories of as mother : unnvniling heroism comes from Schniber. Conductor Thomas Pntch, at the C.P.R., formerly of Toronto. now re` sides at Sohnoiber. TL: ALLA: ninlul. Lin -viln urn: yin-nnnrlinn quarto: away. The house warming took place "as ad- vertlsod." M 383 B street, Nooe & Bro.-a. tailing to make II min lmcauso the u\\'m\r6 oonoludod to keep the house and oooup)`. It themnolvos.-Chloago News. saie mt. They hope to mnku a am-udy saw. an the event of which your share of the amount will be placed to your credit at the National. Relpovtfully, Tuvrnn Msaonuosr. i told myself bitterly that a man who oould write sneh a letter to the girl he had sworn to love always ween heartless mon- ster, and the girl was well rid of him. For two days afterward I cried steadily, but I toward the end of the next day went out behind a heavy veil to get some fresh air.` Wandering aiinlensly about, my feet un- consciously strayed in thedireetion of that miserable homm, when a sudden yearning to go in it, once more to dream for a little time of the joys I had hoped would be mine under its roottree, impelled me to run up the steps and try the door. It had been left unlocked, by the careless agents no doubt, and I felt indignant at their lack of care. II` As I passed through room after room I began io think I oould tolerate, nay, even love the place. But at the door of the lit- tle suit of rooms which were designed for our private apartments I hesitated a mo- ment, then opened it soitiy for one hasty glance around. A cry escaped my lips, for in the dim light I saw the gure of a man in the window sent, his head resting on his hands in a dejected way, his frame shaking as it with dry sohs. At my ery he raised his head and started to hire feet. and then Know that it was Tip, and before I oould boat a retreat he had rushed at me, crying, Madge, my own darling!" and had folded me in his arms. With my head resting on his dear breast, with his arms holding me as ii` they would never ll'i: me go again, I could only say, Tip. (lonr, dear Tip," and burst into a iinod of happy tears that washed all the hlttornesm of our quarrel away. The house warming nlacn "an ad- I II [400 "HO. " At the end of three mlsornhle (lays the note I had been hoping for omno, hub in only said: Kim Pardey : I Dun MADAll-I have nrrnnned with New .3 um rardey: arranged Bromto put tho house III]! B ntreot on (ha-Ir Halo Hut. They hope to mnku am-udy salts. in vour the Elton mA!orll:y6? )loco In: and oholoo pluu of umu-onoo ouod HTLLI L HITITNTNRH A ll H611}. ' I had not thought he could be so cruel, but expected him to make nll sorts of non- cessions which I would accept, kindly ro- furrlng afterward to my nmgnanlmity, so I answered that I certainly would not nnd told him I oonaidered our engagement at nu end. Tlp stood M ii` he had been struck for a moment hofore he sold, in n olmnged voice: "What in to be done about the house? You forget it is half yours. " It in nothing to me what is done with It," I answered, grandly indifferent to the fact that two-thirds oi. my patrimony was invested in it. Then I walked out, louv- ing Tip in full possession. Once sntnly outside, I dropped my veil to hide the team that would fall, while I sohbed out: Oh. why was Tip so unkind, and why wnsl uohatefull The houno might have been listed utter n bit to please me, but now i is too lnte. " A f lhn null nf Ilnvnn Iillanvulllln 1`n|1n din. nouae, 1 un.~Iwu1'c:u uonnnuy. Tlp grew xluaut, too. and said: Madge, don't be absurd. We certainly will live here " `I n....: ....+ n.......m n... ..,...m s... M ........n l.HIl'KUl.l ILH GUUFH llglll. "What do you mean, Madge?" be asked atornly. Aren't you going to konp your promise and marry me?" Not. If vnu nxlmnt. me to live In tlxln I suppose you mean to say that 1"- But right there I stopped him by saying, Distinct-ly undorstvaml that I insinuate nothing, but sinco this horrid, ugly, (asto- less old house pleases you I wish you joy of living in it. I, for one, never expect. to darken its doors ngnin. " "Wlmi: (In vnn nmnn. Mmlxm?" hn nnknd promxso nnn mnrry mor I Not If you nxpuot me to live in this house," I unswm-ed defiantly. I l In nmw Ilnnnr. tnn, nnd .m|d- Mnduu geuunr w mu nmnlueur/s mu-1w." He seems to have followed some other person : t-aatuo pretty closely," I said, with an lnslnunblug was of my head. I hopu I may never see Tip as angry again as he was then. He didn't swear, but looked as though he was dying to, as ho rutortad hotly: I slmnnse Von xmmn to saw tlml`. I"- IIDVO ll ll} EDIE H10 D0[DBl'." I`lp'u Irlsh blood was up in a mluutu. I think you are aware," he snld sclmy, that we loft lt, by mutual consent-, alw- getlmr to the amhlceus taste." Ha nnnnm l.n hnvn fnllnwnd nnnm ntlmr I had an idea that Tlp would break our ooutraet enough to give the architect n few prlvam hints of what I llked, so I was awfully dlsappolnted to nd that he had not, and that the house bore nqsemblanoe to the dream house I had bullt. Tlp was In hlgh glee and dld not notloe my lack of enthusiasm. I stood It as long as I could before I broke out: "I Ann`!-. Hlrn H. (In hit 'I`|ntnn Mnnnh_ lJ8I0l'\5 1 UIIDKU UUI/I "I don`t. like In one bit. Tlpton March- mont, and think you're real mean not to have Had in suit me better." I`In'u II-Ink hlnnd wan nn In A Inlnutn in must no true style or met. Finally, finding our engagement in/` danger of being broken on, we agreed up- on leaving the whole matter to an experi- enced architect. each promising to be eat- laod with the result-, and I did not go near the place until it was nished, pre- ferring to nee it in a completed state. 'l`he wedding was set for the int of December, the arrangement being that we would re- turn from our trip in time to give a royal housewarming. The day the keys were turned over to Tip he came for me, and we went to look at the place, oooing like `two turtledovee on the way, convinced that we were the happiest people in the world. `I Inn! LII him: that "l`|n mnnld I-manly nu- ; %.::`?`(l alolnlu In a nmrmng noun or anywhere And produond a bank-at plans. In which wowore hblprbod tha rout of the non! . Untogtu my our tptec were no 4 mm: am e plqnn which Tip ad- mind I thounhi bank]. and vine warm. so uuumuu men one plqns wmon Tip au- mtred thought horrid, and vice verso. You have no Idee how that book, Twenty Beeutltul Designs of n Home," effected us. I ouure you It we had not been too well Jared I honestly believe we would have ' come to blow: over the plain for the house we expected to pulse happy, blissful fu- ture In together. As we eeoh expected to put an equal amount In the hulldlng, neither felt the right to say posltlvely that It must be this style or that. lnnllv. ndlmr nnr mmmmmnnt In/` ` no--.-.-du ` `A;-us.` can can n`. um um. Hui: Till! Ollll, I01`, I 1 I0! '11p..1. llll | qlwnplsouulthn It nun hunploamnh IIDJDOOC Ml own bun muoli less apt to fall " back on the clubs and baholox dlaalpm tlonn. Tip qqlte tuned with me and add: all that be had nlwnyu hand than a young Inanhdwomnn needed ohomo, u she wu `sill: to fall Into frivolous, ldlojmyn If bonding, and nine times out ollten would get Into mlsol..a!. `PM: made me nnnrn. "Dn mu mnnn . `rm: made me angry. "Do you mean, "lipion Iluohmom, that 1"- I began. but he hutimqd to my ho thought I would I): Ilia tanthwomnn dad could main 1 nnrullnn In A hnm-ding Imnn nr Ant-hnnn 1%? I wait tag to build a homo. " U Q! 8001: DC We We!` we _ Mayan enguodor. :11 told Tip, Ihad wlvlhannlthltlfnmnnhnnnnlmmnhl L . I you mm 1maon..a1. This made me angry. "Do Main Muolnnonl. that 1"- I hamm. HER LIFE FOR BABY. III"! WDIIIIII [Dd Ollld man 0 In bmrdlnc home anywharol Id nmdnond n boalnl nhnn. In PIRB INSURANCE NOTICB. London. Liverpool and Globe Flu Insurance Company. nd: nun! 1 (III IIYI In nxhllnn On -Inl-In I ' km` ono|cI'.| arm`! -aptri-WY ' an .'::'.r:., W151,-:;,~-;*......s..'`........ nmhllmdgiagugen 3`:-nI._ .. XIII -CE-1 IIFW.fr ` Nnw `Yonx, Fb. 5.-A Rolno Ipooinl` thoiqrnld lays: Plgaier Crisp! all! I!- ms n, m not V VI any . ln Humplfort Inn ordond Oon. & Inn nu plant nh-ruunnnnnkinn In win: at nu i'_<`;.:;.'."u..;".: .:...'..":.?::...'r.,"*.';.."._@ ton our 0 to spoken in w nnmaI'icagl":upori1:1l-i"tIy of Hono|ok'_n (moon. Kin: Humbert mud to I fol-chm gl`0W|R OUE OI [H8 QOBIFB OI "1? C0" Lion that the Rev. Dr. 1)eWitt Tnmage occupy the pulpit at the morning as well ns thevevening services. An ngreomsntbr tween the officials of the church end Mr. Allen was read, by which the latter now nccepts the full salpry for the contract term expiring October lat. I896. and in- medintey retires from the church. The report of the committee of three pinion nnd three laymen, which was unnnlmoluly adopted. severely criticises and condemn! the action of the trustees in osllln for Mr. Allen .-a ruignntion. It cltm nlonl of the supreme court and the deliverance: ol the neml Presbyterian association, show- `in at the truatosehfps are puma let 0 cos, and have no control over air- itunl welfare of the church. which in veg the choice of pastors. Acorn-din ly,lt.,vr_u held that the minister! Are. y respon- elble to the prubytery. and that the action of the trustees in going out of their jurisdiction to interfere ~wi Jho putuor was "as much to their theme at the action of the session wu to their con- `mnntln hinn. ' WIIQ "RI III `action 0.1: rnondntiou. lllanlement n! the Wnnhlngtotl Pulpll Dl|- pnto. \\',\.~uIIxu'rn.\', ]).C. , Fob. 5.--The pun- tornl relations of the Rev. Adolil Allen and the First Preabyuu-inn chumh were formal- la dissolved Monday. at the meeting of the Mhington preabytery, called to take notion in settling the trouble in the church. growing out of the desire of thg con?-cg that the Rev. Dr. l)aWiI.t Tn mun P8!` ll! 1| H10-'lllH OI Bnllgnl/OIITKICIID I3 XKI'ln' ers. This in quite n discovery and the News deserves credit. The writer has at- temled one but failed to unearth the fact or see the point an to the benecial results to "farmers." though the pleasure derived by city "V iends" was quite Potent. Fron- tenac farmers may be blue' as the result of Lory government, but nre not quiteao green" as the News imagines them to be. .__..._.. mum goomy numner nmvea me elements. Mr. Sinclair. genemlhgent {or the Man- sey-Hurria Co., is here in the interest of the rm ho ropmsentsf The News: com- mends the annual wnrden s dinner or eup- per nu nneann of enlightenment to farm- era. This unite n distsnvnrv and the vmwu tnensmnu mat week and damaged n meeting in Grant's school-house. Big Bay. Two enjoyable events have been held down theislund Intoly. A repetition of the can- tntn, iven some time since in tho M.E. churc here, A Triptoloelnnd, wnagiven in the Methodist church at the foot and e R0ci`I| held at Mr. Gillespie a. Monday evening, the date of the last. was stormy but a goodly number braved the elements. Sinclair. crenernlhnrent for the Man. London 6:. Lanoashlre Life As- nnnnnng IV:-u---un -.- ox expmnnuon. There is considerable sickness and the M.I)s are busy. DI`. Ernest Spankie is assisting his hrother here. The coal sup- ply is exhminted and coal is now being drawn from the city to residents. Throug kindness of Dr. Dudley a party of mixed juveniles enjoyed the matinee performance ofUnoic Tom's Cabin, Saturday. Dr. Dawson and wife. Cape Vincent, id friends in Maryaville avlsit Sunday. arse trading in ( uite mpular amou our equine Ianciers. .. L. iriuycock and . 1). Rogers visited theislnnd last week and addressed n vnnnlinn in u-nnt`n smhnnl hnnnn Hip nun 5U('ll|l nnrmony nnu goon-Ieeung, Ella n s01u'('e of amusement, and improvement. Some clerical strictures have been -paasedw- on the new society. but it was doubtless owing to o. rnis1w'\dursuu1di1Ig quite capable of explanation. l Them in nonnidarnhln ninknean and thin acrimony. The township council held its second meeting Monday. Feb. 3rd. Little busi- ness of importance was transacted. No assessor was nppointod. The reeve refus- ing to decide the tie, the matter was ugnin laid over untils special meeting on the lth. The auditors statement was submitted but was also remanded till the lfith for nmendment. That bu r-n.-boo, the ferry question, was gingerly M13 gently al- luded to as if the wise men were afraid \\'nke a host by referrin to it. and it was quietlyro ped again, ome chnrit was gmnted ant the legislators udjourne . The long-talked of literary society is at last fully launched with bright prospects. The nim of the organization in praise- worthy,nnd it will doubtless add to the social harmony and good-feeling, and be imnrovement. The Things a correspondent Find: It Do. unable to Write About. \\'m.n-: l.*il.A.\'l), Feb. 4.-Rumors of pro- tests and libel suits have circulated freely since election; however, it is unlikely any action will follow. Protests am unpopular and lilael suits expensive and uncertain. Some wild talk was indulged in About elec- tion time nnd `the oendern are probably sorry nnrl ashamed now-if not they should be. Culling one mun blm-k does not prove another white. Abuse is not argument and more unsu bstnntinted statements con- vince no one. Let future contests be enr- riod on with fewer personalities and less m-rimony. townshin council held its Aannnd !l(l. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are the medical marvel of the age. In hundreds of cases they have cured after all other medicines have failed. They are a positive cure for all troubles nrisin from u vitistod con- dition of the bl or a shattered nervous system. Sold by all dealers or by mail, from Dr. Williams Madioine Company, Brockville. 0nt., at lift. cents a box. or six boxes for $2. 50. '1` are are numerous imitations nnd sulvstimtions against. which tlw public is cautioned. l0l`|': or weanecl depression and my head unto bother me consldersbl . butl stil continued todo in work. In July, 1894, while helping to iit a load I . gave my beck a. heavy wrench which aeoted the spine. My back and right side he- came very painful; my body and legs be- gan to ewel and I made. up in: mind that along with other oomplioat one I had ` dropsy. I began to grow weaker and weaker until at last I had to be turned in bed. My body and legs had new swol- len to twice their natural sine and the pain in my back and side weeelmost un- endurable. I oentinuedin this condition until about the middle of last Msrclnuneble scarcely to move. I had tried dierent kinds of medicine, but they did me no ood. I now iully made up my mind that could not live and this was the opinion of all who saw me. One day eel lay think- ing o! my terrible condition, a paper was handed to me to look over, when my eyes rested on a testimonial of a minister of the gospel who had been cured by the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I had. like many others. doubts concerning medicine testi- rnunials, but I said to myself surely that good man would not tell a lie. I decided to ive them a fair trial and by the time I long used two boxes the swelling began to leave my body and legs, and at the end of my third box the pain in my side, hip, knee and back had entirsl disa red, I still continued to use the `ink lfillgaand daily grew stronger until as you see I am as healthy to-day as ever I was. I still continue to use the pills occasionally and always feel better for them. I feel con- dent that had it not been for Pink Pills I would have been in my grave today. Mr. Williams was present and endorsed all she said. I\.. u7.'n:.......> l):..I. n.-II- -._- AL. _,,__u.-,_u In I oouy little e In the outekll ol the villnge of Merrie ville, live It. and Mrs. Edward -Willinme. Mn. William is one 0'! the thouunde of poo le who admit thnt they owe their heel , if not ` their llvee. to the reeteet ofllle eevlng modioinee-Dr. Jilliune Ink Pllh. And with I women : tltutle ehe lo never tired of sounding t pnleee of the medicine theta bu doneeo muellforher. Toe reporter who called upon her Mn, William geve thefollovln account of her lllneee and cm-e:-- E twtryun ago I wee A strong and lthv women. .. ........... '.-vv UIJIIIVIIIIWIII _U\&luIlU CI cure:--U&`:o ago strong Ithy womnn and always able to do my share of hurt` work. Two year: ago I began to fool I sort. of wonriod depression and head began to connidomblv. but. 1 rouowno. ' ' uni: ud Body Iwollon to run llnlr HnunI;luq--'l'ho luour Dunno Ilolnlau um um: O1: n. 1...... .. 1'n$pA|viruL. nuunh wmo The Kingston Business Enllege PASTEETND FLOCK. Wnll Ions]: Infarct.- Trunk Til: R__A Ila...` -- m`NcnEn_`qn BACK. THE ISLAND ITEM 8. nroncnm nuwonlno undone hm-nova rownod. This I the dullut wlnurknownhon. Nowork no ohms - lnguoopcn hwunlljoha: no money In circulation tints I Oman dqnndouum o.-.nun. ;.1eu-nsumoa yaw`: dull conned tho nnnhiml a.......n .1 :uII- Unions. ,1 Fnntmx, Fob. 4.-0n Jun. 27!): at Michael Grunt : Inn was coming from his cum nnuuimuaownnur Oral: they 0 ch` the he and won drowned. Nut 1 in Harvey Ohm- puuovni oolninc onthonek Mlhuin "'"""'s'."..' Ju.'.'s'.Z "oi. 3.7 1: ! u km: -1: ' an-Incl `PIG- IIDIIK eluded. " umuuon at Anna: hambooomo more `critlonlgunumbprofluropoatiynrvoonolu an shoring the Alonndnbu. ,_ " ho loan of 80,000,000 francs. eo- onrod bytho govotnment shun of the lighthouse not! which the in nonotisunn J3. um nnlh. ' a ` Evening ump, ma mo nulon undo up a purse of 8450 for the relief of the Inow-I. The nltutlon at Ila-uh has` become critloni: I numhnr of En:-mom? -n .....|. was we. " o Unitad States cruiser Sun Fan- ohooil It Musing, Asia Minor, on the Modiurnnenn. Letters describing the 3..., 1: eh i n lit: 3 u....`.?.`.':'.. 3n:m3'.'. ..:.a"..: `J3 nary mu 3 among the inhabitants :':nu.':h'..a aorfn were read on board the Ihip, And the sailors undo The me outrage. 1118 nousea occupier! D? Ar- menians in Smyrna were marked or a week. J. H. Madden. United States eon- _ ml at Sm xrnn, made inquiry as to the rea- son for su designating the houses, and protected lo the qlevernment againat. web a proceeding. he government re lied thatalarge quantity of Ill-ma n found ln a moaauo at Smyrna, and it. waa neoaaary to ma e all precaution: again an Armenian outbreak. Al the Chrlatiana in Smyrna considerably `outnumber the Moalema. it is regarded an improbable that any maaaacre will be attempted at. that Dlaoe. -' No Indemnity Has Been Pnld for the Kill. I In; of n Consul. Lo.-won, Feb. 4.--The correspondent oi the United Press in Constuitinople tele- fraphs under the date of Feb. 3rd, as fol; ows; The reported existence of A strain between the United States and Turkey. ini consequence of the persistent measures adopted by United States minister Terrell forfthe protection of American missionaries, is without foundation. As regards protec- tion of American citizens and the payment of indemnity by the Turkish overnment for the destruction by fire 0 American buildings. it will be recalled that none of s the 28,000 demanded b the thmdohief powers of Europe for the hi lin and wound- ing of the foreign consel at eddsh last May has yet been obtained by the wars nor hes anybod , as yet, been punis ed for I the outrage. he houses occupied b Ar- N ` Smvrns marked M n n Boys Underwear, well worth 75c, now 40c suit Men's All-Wool Shirts, 60c, for 50 ; 900 for 700. All Flannel Shirts reduced in price. All Grey Flannels reduced ; 25c, now 20c. Grey Blankets selling at cost. Wide White Cotton, worth 8c ; l5 yards for $1.00. The Newest and the Best Makes. House = Furnishings RICHMOND 6: co. Wood ; Phoaphodlno is sold by napotulblo wholesale and retnll drugglsts In the Do-lnlon. ij $0 KT 3 -TWICE. "lll \ ' A T: - R. McRAE CO.. Agtsu K?*1Ot6. . - _ ..-_I..--.. v. 7 * a Is the result. of over 85 years treating thousands otcues with I known drugs, until at last we bnve discovered the true remedy and i:renmenl.-I oombinetion that will eilect a prompt nnd permanent. cure in All Itueeof Sexual Doluty, Abuc or 1I:c:u.r, Nrrrou: Wmtuass, Emitxbux, Nah! Worry, E.rce::irc U." of Opium, Tolvarro, or Alcoholic Stiuuulantt, an o! which soon lend to Insanity. Consumption and an mriy grave. Wood`: Phospbodlne has been used successfully hy hundreds of cues that seemed nllost hopelees-csses that had been treated by..i.he most. talented physi- cians -cases that were on the verge oi despair and insnnity---cnaes ihnt were tottering over the gr-uo-but wiih the continued and peraevering use of Wood`: Phosphodine, these cases tbnt had been given up indie, were restored to manly vigor and he|lth-RieAder you need not despair--no mntr oer whohu given you upu incurnblo- the remedy is now within your reach, by in use you can be restored to a life of usefulneu and happiness. Price. one peoknge, 81; six peoknges. 55; by mail free of postage. Ono 'uu'Ilplna.n, ti: _;-ruuruntzrd to run. Pnmphiot. free to my sddnaea. - ( ` _ . . Th- \u..-.| n-.....-.... |u|_.a--. t\..a n-__.a- Alter Tnlrlnu. The Great English Remedy. all which -my -_ ,_,_.,_.:.__;.,L._, .__.n _......_-,n - NEWS FROM TURKEY. BARGAINS IN FLANNELS.: Brussels Carpets from 800. non any n annoy Unm- oonin on the cruel: Mn tun`: III]! n. `ma nlnnn And ann- ..... ,......, .... suolrurlnxiw .v nu -. 5 uuuyuuvu uvu vu nu; uuu-ouu. The Wood company, Wlndoor, 0nt., canadu. Ib2-Bst9_|e?ction in the CH1- IMHO to have them bound Bond than to O. H. Ul'l`0. 151 Wellington mm. and he will put them Into 3 I113 non- 6 for rdoronoo Ind on-nnmontal o you ----ANI')------ R. "WALDRON Manchu." you heed tho wu-ulna? . Iho.`yod will ma Dom`: Ki(]|_1oyPllh. Nothing sum the kidney: donkhaa quickly. Romania "Donn," It , mm mm -of the most nllh, Oomi that follow. . ' Then in dull hosduoho. blohoht. llllll in various parts of the body. noddlnqol X urine. high colored udno. punont Ink tho oyu. swelling 0! the I sud Ill ordain. O. othu condition: that go,,yi Hdl &' 0'09"; ', " ,~ . Why I4. an kidney: um tell you uni; trullbkoll-lnngupno plain Olloh- IIIIIOIIANOT _ ` 8othat`nnmsybowu-n|d!.nMIIn- heed warn! 7 yofcnm uroaboul Inom nnor mun may OOIIRI mu! II. III" lter is overtaud and Income: They cry for niiatmoo in,tho mug} an Coma Than: in dull Iuignulm L...I-...I.- nnlnn lilfd HIGH` DONOR. Th hurt 1. the urn " Ihbmolutor n: 05; ller O. R, : lter overland ant] hmmmn ulna-cl. `rnoy on; only no 11 lmln ng. Itnl odlho 1-`notion. Thu haunt Inn: nun x."""`""LN910_r+%%.LAI2I.E.s LL. OH . Jr 0?!" on Icy. it : beouuu I'm tllnd oi. Now. In Isn't true.` It`: booaplo you kidnoyfu-o tired. Thnv on onlv do inn no much and -4--vn 'l'um>.\"m, Feb. 4.~-At ll meeting of tho game and sh oommla.-` in, it was recom- , mended Lhat all membui.-s of deer hunting r ties should be required to take out 5 ll ioenm . for which fifty cents ahoulcl be l `Hmrged and to this two con mi should be attached. and no person is a Iqwod to ly""~' more than this number of doe It ha ..I.m um.-.mm....ImI olmo olm xney nave a language ox mexr own,uuI III! in how they spank to yoti; You Ihop stain. ridb too fLr.wnlktooJmI`1oh. work bud And use too little: than :- uohu. mdyonrhoaduhu, An young over. Oh! van -an it : I-nouns. Wm M A Iuneu deer in me water, The regulations regarding duck, -decided. would remain the same, . that in shooting the hunter thou prohibited from anchoring his boat: I` than fifty yards from shore. The nine warden will be uivo nlnaeys cmru INK. DUI I! you GU11 Um` ` them rightly you will hear from III They have langunge of their own,uul Ihi n thev meal: votiz Ibo The game warden will be give same power: nu licensed inspectors. will be allowed to mid an place, u suspicion, without. a agmciallicenae. I llllll Dilly y!|l`(]B Yl`0H'| Bl|')l'6- be A severe punishment for any ki|led deer in the water, l"lus nu-nlntinnn .~m-m-..~:lu'nn rlnnlr "I078 PHI ERIE HIHHDOT 0! G09 It. is also recommended that the P9 How the Kidneys Talk. Important Changes In the Ontnrlo GIIIIO I I awn. nanny: no m-ed. - They only in muoh Ind ll! mm. Itoaninn. Itraininl or udnn hm. JIANGES, msunns. % `__QQA`L-OIL HBATBRQ; ' I Kl d 'n um H on don't `~ .hamn rcfxzn V0: wi`l`l `heir from lm I They have a Language of their own. MUST BE LICENSED. 700 Jllll Inllll `DC m ,uatx-aining or and `MI- ! OI]. . don. Jon onou>. BINDW A landing and Day lohool for Young IAIIQI. "DI.-abut-." Klnnntn-- H;'u5X3o'x'1"oo `.'.".;.'.` ..'."e..f23 11 I` wont tabs. 96 lsnnco stunt. ton. 1.. HAO:-nnsol. n. J. HOOPII. F555? 00-7 UIIX TU UUAJN UN IJAJMIE Ullr BI-A1411 l:Ill, at low nun of Interest on 01%: and ma Property. Lanna gnntoti on 010.1 I count: Debentures. ply to non: . I ntonoo I: And lnvutn I` 1. opposite the Post Ollloo. STAMPS ""`E.3,'.`.`:_3"& ..`.. .%.-`."3: .Q.0. mu. nnm... i Y Torin begin: THURSDAY. JANUARY IUD. Ind unouuo " nnlorlty onion to iL E sou. ABC Inmyou. om mu sun or umvoruw ununuu KIIXAL ATIINTION Iv'on to Itudnnh for oxunlnntlom. The nnln; In- holno combined with high montsl ONE? TO LOAN IN LARGE OESKALL onnu. lnhront. on: I I. locum AOOOUNTANT AND BIA o to An lion and uoonnto oo . 0:1'gan_ qt gwugum. Oo Um J torjgchtnl 9n:ltry.AnDlYnII!cuuI'1l ['qdamu""""o'I'ii'r'1"' " no`. `l'ulI'phone6':8. ji-an--nj I-nun. wlnuuauuru " ` New Tum opens `FIB. EH. Full sun of Unlvonity Gndmten ml. L'I'l"N'FTN -Ivin tn nlnrl. BUSINESS POINTERS. . VTIIEIN Y SUBBED] tel nuu not. 0on:1.l:: tl:): sou Aunt... Kncnton mgnlmloe. Jagg ns,, An 5 I-ujuur Iurvloo. Not oxmllodbynnyolooln Oun- uulorrqunltvolwou-I v_ ---v-.-p-guy vvn '1! GIFT. KHCHITECTURAL. is. no 4! 0 1- `1m.,3'.? o... I`. o:':..'`. ..`21`." 63 1 at. our ado : Dn_I(lIon_. EDUCATIONAL. gloat: on at tho Oollen omen J. B. ICKAY, Principal. -`Tudnu Liv::n'v. INSURANCE. LOAN IN LARGE OE SHALL interest | Property. [nu Oity ' VII-:wmAmFT' Paints, : FINANCIAL. Ill). DIIIII OI IIIIIIIIIIIBO OITOI lama otnnmmnu um.-. i_ .o_n um numb i Li! UAL " YOU CANNOT AFFORD to allow you Papers and ` lluulnos to no no` d loose. or to be lost or ntroyod, whon it cost: no UPK). Wolllnzlon YOU onmow ulonn your PIDIII Classes] Sula, 81:: Tloko EC V73-T{i'.?%._ RUBBER STAHPS 0!" all kinds. Bolt-Inkon. Linen Kuhn, Damn. Sula. Stanos. Bank. Tlokot E Ola Btamnn. RUBBER STAIPS 01' Sol!-Inkon. an Job done In 3`""""' ;`.3-,-{,%; ;`3; THE DAILY WHIG. BO Ifaflit. `.1141;-_.. ___. n..I..... ;._-._ iv`0pun_of Onmdn. could duo to lay Iht|lod&u|CIonhqdwu|hh-ulnl- ad-gagndaeho-moan. unmod- ullyduhhda friondlyhndoorontho ouuntohln. ' , ( lnbho gnu question, howonr, v-vv- -Ijl JV? JUIIITIVZI) I17. TH: Yanhophohionvlloh nhould roooivo I Make Iron noh words u then, Inn ro- nulvul an nunllu -5...- _.L..`|.- 1.... "nos noollln Inoyu-0 mlcior to us in Any- thing; It would 59 n fatal error to suppose it: not human tiny Inn lou mtelllgenoe. or bounce they have Ion ponovonnco. Thoyunyoudo-oondonunhoyan your HIIICD: had they in fully equal to you In I thotgou to unto Iumnnonorgyvand pout. but thy an lnborlq under I don don hm which you yonuulvu have but nan-nt.Iwgnn.n.nIl N lD...L..u.._ x vv u-cu Ipufv IINIIIII |.uI'Iy OTICWIIIIOIIB Iiulllng tho well-weighed words 0! Mr. Ulnqnono dolivcmad at Leeds in '51. He saw that the weak point in tho United Btatuwu not in the pooplo,but.'in the policy. Ho dooluod that they were behind England In the I-we fan-undo preeminence, "Not boalllo Illoy an infcior to in ilk " E I [Ah] Il'Il\l' in cannon. 13-113 .. u .. _ Illucnuihlhnool Vltwu A_IIthI'|Ioutolllook on:.. This hand in so intense that the slight.- oob ml-hnp to anything American servos M n tut for tory moon. Thinna well illus- trated the other dny when an unhappy so- oidont. run the St. Paul uhore. According to the oonurntivo press that calamity was duo to the hob t, the nasal had no its upoaln an Amati n. nnd it uses this in- Ibnco to pnouliu on the universal in- opmpuonoo o! Americana. It ininpouiblo to hull` foolish party criuwithout nmlllno tho uali.-A-Ln! -.....a. -0 u- CONSERVATIVE YANKEEPHOBIA. It is impossible to ignore the fact that there is in Canada a deep-seated antipathy to Americans and American institutions. Nothing could be more deplorable than this state of things, and the blame of it lies almost entirely at the door of the con- servative journals. They feel that their trade policy is an unrigliteous one, and to hold power they unoeasingly appeal to the national prejudice: oi loyal Britons. So determined is their appeal that the liberal press and leaders, at their peril, point out that there may be some `good in this na- tion oi kiasmen to the ee.rth,and that it is, at any rate, our natural market. The ban mention of these truths brings down on their heads the bittereet invective, and they are roundly abused for being faithlees to the old ag. to the empire and to Can- ndn. ' At Ottawa, before entering on the mim- paign, he boasted of what he would do. Constituencies in Ontario,Quebso and N ova Scotls were placed at his disposal, but he selected the farthest one away. where the Dominion coal company and the church oontrolled about three-quarters of the votes, and he declared that if there was opposi- tion to him . it would only have one elfect, namely, of demonstrating his tremendous power. For days he tore about the consti' tueney in Mr. IIaggsrt s special car, at- tended by an army of hangers-on and moon- shiners,and made use of every agency known to a bad old man to coerce and dragoon the electors into the support of him. The talk of railways and breakwater-s and whnrves. the telegrams from the president of the coal company. the appeals of Mr. McKeen, the manager of the mines, the proclama- tion of Sir Charles that he had no superior on earth and sea, and perhaps no superior beneath them. failing to have the desir- ed result, Bishop Cameron waa induced to issue his mandemant and it seems to have done the business. Ila`! ,.. ....... unuv uuuv uuv uuuulvun. But the end is not yet Sir Charles has, no doubt, contracted to do something which parliament may decline to endorse and which must go tothe country for ap- proval. On his return it will be in order to decnpitate Sir Mackenzie Bowell, to put him out o! misery and to begin the reign ol terror How long it will continue will depend upon the disposition of the people to have anyone take them by the neck after the manner of the highwayman. urn luv-It yuvuulaw, uvvv-vvu. Cape Breton, to begin, in strongly con- servative, and hen given its repreeentetive ernejority of 2,000. In the lat conbeet there were three eendidaoee, and two of them polled a conservative majority of 1.3%, end there woe nothing remarkable About the feet. Now it wee expected that Sir Charles Tupper wegld do ee well, that he would break the record, and in some respects he did. Hie blowing was without l parallel. Never did amen claim such greetneu, and never did a. man. by pro- mieee of public works, so completely truokle to the low and the degrading in politics. At nu.....- I....&..... ....A-.:..... .... Ll... ..-.... SIR CHARLES ELECTED. The VIII` horse of Culnborlnnd ha: been olooud the representative of Cape Breton in the house of oomlnonl, and by a major- ity no larger than his pmdooesoor, without his great. prestige, received. (V.-ng Ru-shun on Itnavin in uh-nnnlu Ann. 06 column. pnbunlud oven in nnTns wm . 'E` n....`:'a.' 59:3. e: 7001.11 paid Inulvumo; ot nun I. -WEEKLY in pnblhhod on lon- Ild n at 01 I you in ndvunoo; I1 in. AWN 0 paper one o! u but Job - pd , 06111:): and chap "' f?'?"":'.sa'#rs.*a:';a-.-.33, I-Ind. ' '. . - `thus 1 Io. " . .113 land sale. twolu llnu :62" ` .uso., lo. not Jo"-Th a.iIy'1'.'a'u';mn{12 nun V .Io. otlou lb. lino; yodnud uh I! on I In :.nrtr|.o'InonG nooompanln. or anoonlrutu your no Hui. lnhnnln for a noun. Ila. _ , l_ I _Iuqconumuk!or ?RIN'1`B FOR THE PUBLISHERS The Queen : college Journal." "Our Sunday Schools." ~. Konthl Jonnnl ol Provincial aobbn School Luoolnuon. Canadian mule and Drama." &+++ V 160. _ .5? .."....*.:.;-.1."x.'".....,".*.:.'.;.*;*f.:*:: '"' ' """ ""'"' ' " i1'5'W'.'3.'I`9"1`l"2'Jsl:. JOHN OIIORD ihoprlotor. Aulnhnt uslnul Hunger. TIDIPIIIIX. X - . . wuuuu u- --cut, Ii IU- thong nbtih from A.-nu. AL. ..-_.._._ wuuuuotul-Innouuo. Ill bl` NW- In I "- i If NI'ViI|l|0, `HT I A II ..?".f..:-.2 Elm`: nl -nln `II IOIKI'l`|IlV|1 unihll Hqdol. Wu tloqiooro Png. Qrnr. ms. 5. - mama LitMojohn,' whooodouh in nnnaunood at the 330 or unnty-nun you-3. vs: `III on of runomu. `rot-on memo Building. THE nmnsn wmn` J9,bbin_q

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