Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Feb 1896, p. 1

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board ox me appomunonc on ur. rnemn and John Mali: an em; , and also !.Dydo' to _, the max ndtqrm 0! Prof. Dunuid. A number 0! account; were 1.1) dtuuueno max nawrmol I Duyguid. goounu read And mused. Tborat Inootin of the can late in- ltituto bond for 1 took plnoo oven- ing. `*-There were no: John - Indxyro, Q.C., John oliny, Dr. Phelnn. Jonegh Swift Prof. Dyde.P1-lncipal Ellis and r. Horai d. n.. mntinn nl Jnhn MnKAv, umnndnd hv Curried. M. Flanagan, city clerk, notied the board oi the appointment 0! Dr. Phelan sud John MoKnv tnutaaon. Bllootlng I Ohnll-nnn--'I'lua Appointment 1:! n (humanist - J. crnlu ill |J. MTNTYRE 18 "CHAIRMAN. THE FIRST MEETING OF THE 00L- LEGIATE BOARD. OI I IDIICIOI in vrnllu wit the Wlnlu--Liking for Iron 'l`nItIo_n and an Action Dooldod Upon. in-' Mtntn hoard for I tank nllm aven- BFTTEN BY RATS. KINGSTON, oN"iumIo. l`HURSDA;Y EVENING. FEBRUARY (6.M196. by ntlemen the city M I w-I n 5- luv n In nu uluuuvu The pretty mid distinguished come- dienne, Emily Bsnclrer, mid companion layers was the "card" at Msrtin s opera iouse last evening and they drew well, having a packed house. The bill, a three not farce comedy, "Our Flat. was uproar- ious and the description of domestic bliss, - under ndverse circumstances, such as eluding of creditors, production of im- povorished furniture and altogether unA successful ell'oI-ts of the hnsblnd to provide, as an author, is do icted in A most humorous and lsughnbe manner. Of course Miss Bnncker in the leading role was the general fsvorite and her la y- ing was rewarded with well-meri ep- plause; but her support on the cut was excellent, and to individuslize would be unhir to the balance of this select com- n . In the third act the duet, Little Riding Hood," with trnvesties on prend o re and the separation scene rom he Prolligate." was introduced nndnsit iss new departure on the stage was received with enthusiasm. KIIIIIO Lest evening nbout_ nty~ve cltisens, the majority of thegn members of the l.0.F., drove out to Collins Buytoper ticipnte in e conoett end supper there un- der the auspices of the local court of For- esters. The hell in which the court holds ite deliberetions wu lled. every nvnileble inch of s was oocu led and the vent eudienoe, y frequent out ur-Its of spplnnee, manifested its approve] end App-eeietion of the splendid concert provided. Put high chlol ranger, A. Milne. presided end lled the diicnlt dntlee of his oflloe in I pleu- Ing and efficient manner. T lrom the city who contributed towards evenings re were the Kisses L Heliillen, . rr, Mrs. T. Cernoveky, Messrs. J. (kl- lowey. Btenley Iclntosli. P. Neeh, W. Taylor and member-n of the Veedevllle oormnnv. I111. W. Sharon. .1. Wriht uoounudlnib bu-Iololuobun . T3 IIIIII` `II Human- Taylor and number: oi use Vaudeville lawn. Slut-on. J. Wright. and . nI|ivnn.oftho|nIt. named aphi- uon. won rtloululy good in choir nuna. After conoortnnontoruumnr nasmenus, sne is allowed to go witn them, but the frequenters of the lice cells are generally "repeaters," 0d of- fenders. At the outaide they occupy the cells only for a few hours. They are not search- ed and are always made as comfort- able e.-c circumstances will iermit. If it is found necessary to reman such prison- ers they are taken to the jail, where a ma- tron is employed to look after them, and every convenience is arranged for their comfort. The last woman who occupied the cells was arrested on Nov. 27th. In chief Horsey's time it was found necessary to search but one wome.n.and a young lady physician was employed to do the work. It Was Largely Attended and Puued o ntl-lnatnrllv. cents per ousnei. mean grain ueaiers can- not account for the rise in rices. All the elevators between here an Fort William nre blocked with wheat, and what is ur- riving comes from Manitoba in cars.` Prices of both wheat mid our have also advanced in England in proportion to the increase. Flour dealers expected an ad- vance in prices to take plm-e about the first oi April. They think the rise has occurred a little prevnaturely. The present rate. they `say, may not continue long. nu uuuu run u Au-wruu. v In reference to the proposal to employ a matron at the police station, chief Horsey says his experience of fteen years has taught him that such an official is not required. The number of women detain- eddurin the year does not average more than lml a dozen. If n woman under detention in respectable to any degree, and has friends, she is allowed to go with Llmm, hut. tlm frennantera of the nolice It is only the price and there are those who have taken advan- tage of the frozen prices to get some hot bargains. In or; Inn} unit`!!! In '99 All!` nn lIllVIlIl'B Ill l'l`llll'- Locally llour has advanced twenty-two per cent. on retail rates. 'l`his means that, family our hitherto bou ht at $1.80 now costs from $2.10 to $2. 5 per hnndred. Millers an the rise is due to the advance of Manito wheat, which has risen sboedily for the past month from seventy bo eighty cents bushel. Local grain dealers can- not. Drices. Will Not Leave The Regiment. There is n rumor current to the etiect that the members com rising the 14th bntt. band would detaoi themselves from that organization and become connected with I private band it is proposed to form. The manager of the Nth butt. band and several 0! the members were spoken` to with reference to this rumor and all denied its truth. They say they are satised with the treatment received from the oicera, have no grounds for complaint and would stick" to the regiment to the lust. l From The M.nrll.Ims Provinces. John Tudho )0. carriage manufacturer. Orillin, nnd w 0 has been one: business trip through the maritime provinces. stop- Ead over in the city today to see his rotlier, M. Tutlhope, who is in his nal #3411` at Queelfs. Business in his line, Mr. udhope says, is somewhat better this year than it was last. Political questions, he says. are occupying the attention of the peoplojust novv to the exclusion of almost every other subject. ly brought. mm you per monnn, on account of conmuipus disease placards having been attached to them in the month named. He says that in Toronto the medical health oflicers are not permitted to placard house: and contends that the rule has no good re- sults, and that it should not be enforced in Kingston. Breaking (my By-Lawn. The police and harbor master MoCam- man are in hot pursuit of the scalp of the youn men who drove n bay team down to the snack street slip early Tuesday morning and deposited on the ice in the slip a quantity of decayed and decaying apples. Such an act is in direct contm\'en~ tion of the city by-laws and a sharp look- out in being kept for offenders. Down On Pluunrdlnj. Richard Boyd says he has lost the rent since Ma last, of two houses that former- ly broug 1. him 820 month, account of contagious nlacurds havimz xenon here not monnn. nu doomed to mike 0 I roduoon In All the nuntltoin uoo..olooo bupra to pu freely md to enable him to Inuke room for his coming goods. Ho means buuineu. RITE! IIIIG IOU l'IlDDDlI'Ia The police are keeping a sharp lookout for offenders inst the by-kw governing the eutti moo in the hnrbor. 80 hr ve rm be have been issued and penone toun taking ice to place: other than are specied therein will be roeeouted. Quite a number of poachers" ave been at work _ -_ -..-._, . The Greatest nrgnlnn In tho Olty. Provost, of the Now York Clothing Store, Brook street. having given A In order for spring imporutiona. which 1! I much here next month. bu decided to mike; In-no nulnnnn In I thndnnnrh. E9?ff P.___=PI~= specied therein will be rosoonua. qunw recently. room to-mo:-row, olook Ihnrp. No. 9kA.U.U.W., was held nut. ovomng, to arrsn for nttanding the funonl of the late W. . Chsdniok. of Lntimer. It wu docidbd to engngo a van to carry those members who can attend. to start from the lodge room at 11:40 mm. A9 I . U: "5 -I"-IIX- The vln to amend the funeral of the Int/.0 Bro. W. M. Ohdw ck will leave thol to-mo:-row, ( ridny) morningnt ll: 5 dolook Ihnrn. V. UUX vvulu. Tho great nerve builder. 7 drugstore. A n II II! Inll A n iel meeting of Limestone lodge go. 9m.0.U.W., held last. evening, errenite ettandinz of CONCERT AT COLLINS BAY. Immune the `tuna. neoiel . A.O.U.W.. evenink. amt AND womrrv, A. 0. U. W. lotpoo. L- -a.A-_J LL- l....'.-_.l Our Clothes Are Not Frozen ! 750. McLeod : ham to look over some mlnartu mnus. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clarke, New York. have issued card: announcing the marriage ovboir dnughter, Mina Alice Maud. to F. W. Crum. on Monday at St. Thomas` ohuroh. Mr. Clarke is IICAnndinn, having been born at C|ark s Mills, Ont. up. Many Rlirnhnth Rnnt, ralint. nf the ten years. Jone h Fox died at Belleville on Tues- da . 0 was born nearly aixt. -nine years n oin Kingston. employed or yearn by ealn.Cho\vn and sent to Belleville to conduct their local branch. He remained for fifteen years and then retired from ne- tivo businelt. I1-up Jnvnnn M Pullman ll T) , nl Lvnn. Live humili- Rev. James M. Pullman, l).D., of Lynn. Mum. bu roooivod a W ll ufthe xaabomoe of the church of Our Fabher, in rooklyn. Dr. Pullman In: no so rior on a pulpit orotar in the Univcl-so in donominobion. Dr. Pullman inwoll known by summer life upon the St. lnwnanco. IIIIIIEK ICU "UI'KIlIUlIu The Monetary Timon ol Jan. 17gb. makes an onslaught on the A. 0. U. W.. nnd exnrum fun of the total destruc- hm UOCIIIOII. but. he coma not no so. F. W. Webawr and G. B. Watson, Boa. con. interested in mines in the county, were in the city to-day and left for Syrian- hnm to look mineral lands. M. and Mr: J F. (`.lm-Ina, New \'nrk. been born At. Ularre Mllll, Una. Mrs. Mary Elimbeth Root, relict. of the late Erastus Root. died at her son's resi- dence, Belleville, on Wednesday. The de- ceased Wu born in Wntertown. N.Y., ninety-three years ago. She lived for sixty yenrein Piccon and in Nupanee for mucn onnumgnu me A. u. u. w.. and oxrrcn tion 9 the ontlor," principully_ because there in notmora young blood" in it. The Timon mun shut the membership of the order in Cnnndn is studily decrea- inu. And manta nruru Ihawina n num- oraor In Ulnldl us suumy a ing. And quotas gural showing tho horohnqphononthoroll ut. the and cf I803 vu27,IB;nc thoond ol 1894, 27.- 66l;,nG thoond of 1805. 25.700, and mm tlntfnurnontha Vienna the clone 0! I35. thuowcnv .158 newborn in good nandhg. The dash: during that aim mmlnnd My-noun. and. according to Hnarticlo, nnnuldooioon` dz ngod -nxhun in Alan `Pinning Inrna con- vino, .....~ ....w IIVIJ ..... ., ....... .. ,.,......,- at St. John a 0 urch, l`f('1:'wn . A detachment of the 14th atbnlion band will furnish music at a private bull to be halt} at Napunee on thonight of the l'2Lh inst. \V I) I-Inn nf Hm whnlnmln hnuim of npuuwn IIIIIIEIIVVIII, 2I1 Princess Street. "`%.:'.~'.'.F~`n'1'.';'.;.. .4 sum um. Yloilu. Bhnlou, nltntl, Hnrmonidu. mat. W. D. Hny, of the wholesale house c Davidson & Hay, Toronto, and an oiuer is the Royal Grenadiers, of that city, in i f-own to-day. Willis Camnbell. emnloved b\' Bristol f-own to-day. Willis Campbell. employed by Bristoll & Sun. l'ict.on, was married Wednesday to Miss Cora E Luzier. daughter of Mrs. H. J. Lnzier, Bellevillo. Rev. Dr. Isaac Campbell, Erskine church. Ottawa. has rsaigned. A sgeciul committee asked Dr. Campbell to 0 his decision. but he could not do so. L` H. \N-I-.-um nnrl (I R Wnlrlnnx, Ron. ange uunrucu, IIIOIIIIIIIII common ux nguu IIIQDOII I8I0..` Tkroina largo cor`; ll wotknnn npton. man whim to stand up lnydo : j will remove to nnobner nelu 01 Iuuur, Rev. W. Gilrnour. Bruckville, is spoken of as Hunter of James street Baptist church, Humi ton. nan I) J "u`nI\Il lI`it.7rnv Hm-hm`, has Humllcon. Rev. 1). J. Hylnnd, Fitzroy Harbor. has resigned owing (0 ill-health. He IR 11 gra- duate of Queen s. James Robinson, Montreal, known as the king of nhoe dealers," in the guest of `ueorge Oord, ar. F W. Estes, Clayton. wan lined $28 for rum.-inn I-uafnrn n nnuvuniuninnnr in l'.. W. hams, mnywn. wan Ilnuu can IUI not appearing before a commissioner in nu) lementar proceedings. in (L Urltlin. Trinibv church. Brock- lementnr proceedings. in Urltlin, Trinity church, ville, has ucce ted the aition of orgunuat nrwn A .I-s..Ju-..nr nf Hm lath nf.l.nIinn hmul Tn l0r s. urtuins for the protection of the motor- mnn have been placed on street. our No. 17. They add glutly to his comfort us the Vi nnd rain cannot. reach him to the some extent. as when the doors were open. The curtains cover three-qumters of the door space of the car from the oor up. Movolnontl of the PoopIo-Whnl. They Are Snylng Illd Dolng. I). J. Kenyon and wife, Prescott, nre in the city. - W lo` (Ihnwn. Oshawa. isin the citv on we may. W. F. (Jhown, Oshawa. city business. M-n Inmnn Mnnnn Ann:-nntn in via "KARI" IS KING." J. M. Mncnar. (,[.l;. J. H. Ogilvy, of Ottawa, is in the city to-da on I! business visit. F. `. H. Bell,oI the DOFGFOHLO Times. will to another eld of labor, Dan I llilrnnur Rnmlrvilln in nnnlumn up rance. nor sale ny n. \,. mucnen. 9 new chlorination plant for the trostment of refractory gold ores. recently added to the school of mining. is the only one of the kind in Canada. It in at present working on some of the concentrates from the ores previously treated by the stump mill. A I-Au . ninlut Arena nnnlnv-nirlnrml frnnr mm. A IAdy'e night dress. embroidered front. lar 0 turn down collar, embroidered culs an {poked yoke. of ne cotton, for 3| ut, 'I`nvI(':r a. but-nnens. Mrs. James Monen, l)eaeronLo,is visiting in the city. "Fait,h Fenbon," Toronto, is the guest of J. M. Mnchar. QC. .1 H Ouilvv, nf Ottawa. in in the (`ilv nnenoos. I` R; gnd 1:. New York corsets $1, worth IL26, oloain out at Tayior s. All the mi roads in the joint (milk mi- sociation combine are withdrawing tickets from commission men throughout the country and are conning the sale of tickdh exclusively to boxm de .'|ii\l'i0(i agenu. A: perfect baaucv is a passport to good agent. perfect beauty passport, good society, so Odr)romnconduces to prom! For sale by E. C. Mitchell. or.-tmgnt. nf rnfrnntnrv uvnl In-an rnnnnllv reomll. ana put. In nrst. cmea conunuon. William Adair is again in trouble nt Strlthroy for aamulting women. He spent. two henna in the penitentiary for silnilur nffenoes. D And ll Nam Vnrlr nnrnnhl RI wnrlh l':I"6Il I0!` 6Xp0l'L I30 nngmnu. Mon ! neckcies. good patterns .md Intent. styles, 156. each or two for 250. M K Nin- Faul u. 'l`l.A mnhml airlinn dnr-I: nvnuulinn frnnn i we- Iaylor 3. When navigation opens T. Hazlett will entoru n the duties of engineer on the sbr. He bourne. undm-nmn" hnrsarln Innuou on Hm om-uh our. uemourne. "Odoroma" im rte beaut to the teeth, fragrance to the reach and enlth to the mnnl. For sale bv E. C. Mitchell. Ila IIO IIIIIIIV V: `v 'Woodntock. out. nnnncn wnnanoom. 2I'l In-Int-Ann Sin Irlgrllwe 90 Ill!) DTBBDH llll lllbll gulnl. by All the cheese made at, the dairv man. nor sue Dy :9. p. Lvnmnen. All cheese dairy school so far this season is being shipped to Mon treol for export. to England. Man : nank!.ies_ mood natterna Flllll The mutual siding dock extending fmm the ferry dock to Swift's conl shed is being rebuilt and put. in first class condition. William Adair mmin H`. yr 5 Perfect t. order the Specialty Cor- Iutlla M as Weller-`vs, Wellington street. For therst time in several weeks the` lle'colls were unoccupied by trumps ` at `night. Cucumber and Almond Cream. clmuned B. Wbelan has gone :6 Liverpool in| oba of in shipment of cattle consigned by 3 ocal dealer. You can buy A trimmed night. dress for 500. Taylor When navisration omna and up u1Iny|;)ru. ' h ` Greatueo onto urnis ingn. F.ver_v- I thing at rodu prices at R. MoFnul s. Aparty 0! Kingaboninpa go_ to Sifncoe IIland,_on I menzl-mnlnn trip. tom ht. An Jmkgt now Itock of S5, wort $8 Ind , ololnngvout at Taylor 3. Hon & ilkinnon are securing nume~ ` than in Montreal at, the poultry Cream, chapped hands and rough skin. McLeod s drug atom. nullolr. navommng. NI) donen men : necktie: from l`. c. ench nod up at Taylor`; Grant sale of nvonta Iurnishinmn. Everv- The wing: or A navemsemonu make the merchandise y. A toileu requisite and a toilet. ornament, Odocomn. For sale by E. C. Mitchell. l)l`.' Agneva Catarrh Cure at Medleym, law Polnon at Co. `The buoioat. stores we those that do the buds. advertising. MI) dolen men : . .c. ench Ilia lploo at Every my Luo-wIun the mo no rnunn; Abouz-No:mn; mn- ` Ihn Attnnunn nl Thnnn Who Am They are up to date in every de- tail. Admirgd and praised by all. mowing`. I Obs ouund yard: of white cotton at I jomim at. Taylor's. wings of advertisement. make v. PAIOABRAPI-I8 PIOKED up av oun , ausv nzponnzns. mclnmss OF THE nmf PEREONAL MENTION. Illtllnj the workmen. |l....-|...-. VIM...` .-I I.- to wood dayJ. F. mmea, VVO(1ll%l1Iy. IW0 ('0 [af|I'0O. At the egoiel meeting of '98 he eater- arvey was selected elegnte to the '97 At Home." Medicineeeleoted V. Barbour as its delegate to the At Home. The general programme com- mittee of the senior gear met yeeuandey. A meeting of the gran jury in culled to con- sider the next docket of oifendere ngeinst college rulee. ,_ Pmr. McNn hton, who was ill for a few dn e poet, has I recovered and be Again Vp-of (break. PORTSMOUTH P LIC SCHOOL. """.':::':..':;z:'..'.'.'.:.'. -W" The Portsmouth public school board hold A regular meeting Int. evonin . A communication {mm insnoctor nnnkie held regular meoung nu evomn A communication lrominopoctor pnnkie who visited the school some mu. time `no: u... marl nrlvi-inn u}. I nun hInnH- who vnno::dun:dqc[1ooIu:me Iltuourcuio go, In: . nun: G I new - board for the junior moat be pI'_o- mu-ul_ and in accordance with the |dVb6.' vies ; ` F; rnishings, Hats, Caps. ilii, Ilars, Neckties, "ll: Oil; `wiite Gloves, Overa lo, `Cigar Cnlnmnr {`.m-ale, bodnllor Mn jumor apartment in p cured, and in accordance ndvi dun hnnrd dmidnd to mnrolnn lumi` o_\'en ol mu menus. MuI1yconser\'nti\'ea, rightin this city. as well as in others, mining the master lmml whose nbwnce in so strongly felt. be- lieve that a. change would be for the better nml will throw to the winds their party nllegiance and vote for their country's good. --FRON'l E.\`.\I.` \\'.um. The Grand Jury Ila: Been Called Together -llo4~key Tlmen. The hours selected and allotted for wac- tice of hockey in the rink are as fol owe: Divinity and science, Monday and Friday. two to three o'clock: '96 arts and medicine. Friday. threetofour: 97 arts and medi- cine, Monday and Wedneednv. three to four; '98 arts and medicine, Tuesday and Thursday. three to four: '99 arts and medi- cine, Tuesday and Thursday, two 00 three; Queen I and II, ever day from four to five, and Saturday rom ten to twelve; lndiea, Wednesday. two to threefkl AL the aneoial meetimr vector- cured, ma In accordance mun none the board decided to m mun nrt.|nIa_ Thu lambs": for SI nruolo. The manner : upon. rot in month of Jqnmry Ihoytgd that than wco tlib name: of` uovonty pupll on the roll during t.bo month. I; , . Ir. Mclbndd wrote rolndvo to obtain- during tho month. 1 Ir. ing the podllon oljonohor, but no notion wuhkunonhhoohnunlmtlopn. ugh hard In dotwnluoto uhin Ilsuuviu olthopnnnt unit. ` ' ` . \ All In Not ujmonvjnul Sunshine. Kl.\I:S I'()N. Feb. li.-(To the Editor): As one of the many conservatives who did not attend the meeting of the association held in the Windsor hotel hall on Tues- day evening, I must take exception to the statement in the News that the meet- ing was in success: that the party is united; what they will stand man to man by the principles enunciated by that chief of promisera, Sir Charles Tupper. There is mnny a wheel within in wheel, and truly to the unuructised eve the meeting. on the is wheel wncmn wheel, and r.ruI_v unpructised eye meeting, surfnce, presented 1:. unanimous p.ut.y mud a happy family. I have been told on stood authority that happy mmlly. good authority icrequired the united forces of all the jingointa in the party for a week previous, to purify the atmosphere and that the ellort. then only partially succeeded. Two aentlemen were offered vice>Dresi- eiiort then only partially succeeaeu. Two gentlemen vicepresi- dencies who refused to accept because they were not in accord with the party at prea- vent, and no they told the deputation of lawyers that waited upon them. Aid. I):-ennan, I have been informed, distinct ly refused otiice, although obred the third \'ir`a~nrBsid8ncV. nnd did not attend the \ A 04' IANO ly relused omce. altnougn onareu me nmru vice-presidency, \ meeLing. , Yet, in his absence, his name wnspropoacd and voted upon, evidently with the intention of injuring him in the of his friends. M-.." nnnnm-.nt.imn riahtin thin nif.v_ ivIl'- lull: nun lVllll'lI lulurns-uun nuuui. School linlldlngs. Arthur Ellis, architect of thenew school. nfteru week's absence. returned to the city today viii. Cape Vincent. During the week he visited schools in Toronto, llaniilton. Niagnrn Falls, Bnllzilo, Rochae ter,Oswego and Wntertown. He says he comes back supplied with enough pointers lor n dozen schools. I`articuliirly on the American side he was treated with the greatest courtesy. Wherever he made himself known the school suthoriv tles placed the superintendent of buildings ut hidisposul besides providing him with the vehicles for trnnsiortation from one part of the city to iuiot ier. He re rts that the buildiii s in places visited in ew York State are chiey )lRlll buildings. The ten- dency now is to 0 Away with all In} 'llu~ cus outside oriinmeiitatioii. There: no towers, and the desire is to have the build iiigs as square us possible, two stories high, spreading out on the round rather than in the air. In t e in- 'erior the l`00m!:M`O tted up regardless of expense. There is telephonic communi- cation from one room to the other, while electric bells and all other conveniences nre found everywhere. Speaking of the lieut- ing iipparntus he found more Smesd-Dowd systems in use in Canada than across the line. is Buifalo firm providing steam re volving fans seems to have the first pluce. The heating is satisfactory, but the ex- pense, ofcourse. is quite large. Mr. Ellis did not see one stone schoolhouse through out his trip. Possibly this was` owing to the fact, not that stone was un- desirable. but when Inone was voted for schools. it was foun that brick edices could be put up morequickly. He will be able to present many excellent facts to the school property committee ut 0 coming session. uunr rrom me Jan. For the first time in a long pen iod not a single law er visited the court house to- day. J u go Price mid he had not been cg-oubled by I single caller at his cham- ber: during the entire day. Robert Marshall. who has for some time East. been employed in the (iananoque mnch of Corrigen B103`. store. has been transferred to Kinglmn and has begun the rlormance of his duties here. T. S. Cole and (L Banner. nrovincinl ure queen`: cone :9 nrancn. P. Fowler, of cunt Chesne ,"0ll'era to match his trobtiii horse. nlm Leaf, against 0. Pixley s rinco of Rideuu, for M) a side, the race be take place on Fow- ler : track. Mount (Jheenoy. on Wednes- day, l`.th inst. Mr. Fowler will give Mr. Pixley the privilege of preparing the track to suit himself, but. stipulates that each horse shall be (lriven by its own~ nu- 1')6l"lOl'D'l&C6 0! HI! GUDIBB l|8|`O. T. S. Cole and G. Bonner. provincial secretar and treasurer, respectively. of the Y.hr .C.A., are in the city. The first named is making his usual visit. and the secon is meeting the members of the Queen : colle e branch. P Wnwlnr nf mint. l`.hnnnAv,'-nhrn to broke, the latter winning by mvo mus. A citizen stated this morning t L Hon. J. M. (iibaon, p vincinl secretary. would be asked to sen own an inspector to in- vestigabe the recent dismissal of turnkey Blair from the jail. For the first time in n lomr uei iod ] some pusoea no me depth or eignr. Inonea. At the regular meetin of the local branch of the C.M.B.A., he (1 last evening, a number of applications were received for membership. There was -I ne aatherimr at the cover- memnersmp. gathering ed aknting rink last night. The band was on hand and the young folks thoroughly en;'royed the keen sport. he fth match of the Cm-lebon Place '1`no mou maven or me um-Iewn ruwe bonspiel series was played this morning between the Rideeua, of Ottawa. and Pem- broke, tho latter winning by two inta. . mornimz I and coughs. Medley ! on: store. 1 Quite a portion 0! the car tnolx though 'out. the city was under water to-day. in places to the depth of eight. inches. 1 regular meetimr T. -I` i\Jl II lane, onn , nhuamovuym. 1 James . Metoalfo wu among those who dined with speaker White Inst evening. Thoma: Tapping. ex-roevo of Burris. in- tends. contesting the township elootionu next winter. Th: Dr r".h...'. nnvnna-HA: innlnrnnn l)l'. DEX! WIHWOI. The Dr. Chung : remodioc. including Dr. Chase : Linseed and Turpentine for cold: I and coughs. Medley drug store. J portion though `tho Vory um News Orowdod Into tho I-nu`u: of Ipooo. ' Pinonpploa, honnu. pears sud marma- lade, ntCu-novIky`|. amen: 1 :.m,:. ;I`ho nnnnninl marina urn: nlnuml this rnnrninn QUEEN'S COLLEGE NOTES. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. GENERAL PARAGRAPHS. ' BACK FROM HIS TRIP. rnlnr lontlnly Inht. Postmaster: would do well to im )|'B!! upon the ublic that the nddrou of I etter intended or the United States is not com- plete unless the words `United States. or at least the initial letters `U.S.'-cnrefully written no no not to be mistaken for N.S.- form part thereof. A great many poet oliicee in the United States bear name: which also belong to point oloea in Cnnade, and a aim le indication by an abbrevietion such as e., 0.. l a.. etc.. of the state in which the place is situated, may not, if there is no mention of the countr , euiee to prevent letters being eent to B nnndien oice of the same name as the one in the United States for which it is intended." `SIXTY-THIRD YEAR`.-N0 . 31.? The Toronto Star in authority for the mltement that Sir Oliver Mownt. and Hon. U. W. Ross intend to retire from the On- tnrio government. and to enter` the lodernl aronn An allies of Mr. Laurior. and that Hnn. Mr. Hardy is to become premier in Ontario. mg xunu. me aunmun acnooi was report` Bll an in n llouriahing condition. The church debt is provided for except $l0.000. The income and exlpemllture practically hrlanoed. The retiring trustees, Messrs. l)river nn(l Campbell. were reelected. Notice was given of a roposed change in the constitution of t e congr ation, no thnt the board of trustees migit be en- larged from six members to nine, and an adjourned meeting will be held four weeks from lust evening to give effect to the pro- posed amendment. A vote of thanks was given the trustees and the other societies of the church, and the meeting was closed with the benediction. lmltarl I-U IIIB l!lIll|!Il suntan. The Cmmdinn Oicinl Pontnl Guide" for January contains the following in- strxmtiom with regard to the addresses of `letters intended for nny part of the United States 2 Dnnbvnn-Oar-n nrnn`rI rln mall in hnnn-nun The Annual Meeting of the Oongi-e[Int|on-- llunlneu In Bntlnnotory. The unnunl meeting of this congrega- tion was held in the school room of the church last evening at eight o'clock. After devotional exercises Prof. Nicol was a - pointed chairman. and James R. Forte l. secretary. The meeting was large. The various reports submitted were interesting nnd showed excellent results for the year a work. The eession s ro rt showed an in- crease in the number of umilies and in the inenibersliip of the n-evious your. Refer- ence was made to t egrenl. loss sustained by the con regntion in the death of Wil- liam J. liic , elder, Inst April. The wo- man s foreign missionary society ga ve N09 to missions; total for misuionn, 5554. The ladies nid, one of the most eootive work- :..,. `nrnnn 3.. H... .m......-...oi,... ......I.. H... manes mu, or me most enoomve worn- in forces in the congregation, made the up endid contribution of $880 to the build- ing fund. The Sabbath school remort- splenmu conmouuon or wsnu no me unnu- ing report- tlouriahinnr urove ouoy, nun coum non nnum. Tho sailing committee of the Royal Cu- nudinn yacht club. Toronto, has not. den- itely nccepbed the challenge sent, from (Jhk-ago on behalf of the Vincodor. The challenger in commodore E. U. Berrimnn, of tho Lincoln Park yncht club, an old Onwego, N.Y., mun. ci nr manufacturer," with n good rating. lo is an ardent ynchmnnn. unren, zn; nonerr, rnr.r.eraon. m. The ice-yachts Jack Frost, North Star and Snowbird, owned by Messrs. Car- ruthera, Horn and Folger respectively. started 1:. n friend] ' race around the club course yesterday a hex-noon, but. got stuck in nelush holo just. beyond the Channel Grove buoy, nnd could not, nish. suilimz Roval Imlht. J. H. Metcalfe. M. P., yesterday receiv- ed a pair of rare game fowl from an Oswe- go `)oultry broader. embers of the Pioneer coma intend gopoulury oreoaer. cork: forming a. hockey club. They wi I engage (1 fast. hookeyiat to coach them in the me. Tim Klnmara Hilulnralnnvn I-nu-n nth Ad n The Shoes VVe Have Are The Shoes You *VVant perlect. xor IE8 work as a neeule. Hereafter the racing connmitwo of the ice-yachtclub will call a rnce within twenty- four hour:-1 if they cousidol it necessary to do so. A race hm: been posted for Satan (lav. ..., uxrn .. ...`.... ..... ..V... l...\..,_,`. .V. ..,_-... (L '. %`ho auhetlulo for hockey manches for this week in as iven here: To-nighc, Rockwooda Vs. .M.C. cadets: Friday, Trinity vs. Queens; Saturday, Trinity vs. R.M.C. cadets. Thn inn:-H: main}: nf I}1n hnnuninl nnrinn l(.M.U. means. The fourth match of the bonupiel series. Cnrleton Place, was played Wednesday afternoon between Arnprior and Carleton Place, the former winning by three points. Arnprior skips, A. Hood, 2]; W. J. Johnson, 23. Carleton Place, 8. J. Me` Lnren, 26; Robert, Pnt.t.ersou. 15. 'rI....;.... ....,...., |..,.1, |:~..,... n....n. no... last. nockeynac to coach them III me The Messrs. (lildereleove have And ed in new spar to their ice-yacht Spectre. It is twenty-ve feeh high and as straight. and perfect. for its work needle. Hereafter the rucinu clung contest. no Mme recoru was logo. The green moo for a purse of $10. divid- ed prizes of 85. $3 and $22, was contacted by a new napirant for track honor: owned by Mr. Sands, of Bntteraea; J. MoFarl|no'I John A. Allen. and Sister Smith. anothqr oungstor, owned by 3 Kin awn township nrmer. Mr. McFarIAno s ohn A. Allen took first place and monoy,wit.h Mr. Sand : crooner second and Sister Smith a good third. I..A,..,._ I 12...). l(.`.m..o.m umm.}.:.\. cmrd. .Iudge:--J. Smith, Kingston township; R. Smith. Loughboro township, D. Grant, Wolfe Island. ea mw mroe prmol 0! II. 00 um pa. 'll'|O entries were : P. Fowler : Palm Loaf. Dr. Froemmfs News A. , and a townnhip trot,- ber entered an Electric Boy. Pnlm' Ian! won lint. money, Electric Bo book ooootfd and Nettie` A. nished thi After an ex- citing content. No bime record was kept. green purse Sporting Nolan. George McKay will reloree the match between the Rookwoods and Cadets to- niwht. .1 H Mnfnnlfn M P vnntnrdnv ranniv. Ivvlu uluuv nu: wuun. ; nuwv w -nu three minute class for a mm of Ol5:ivid- ed moo t,hroe prime: of O , I5 and U3. The entries were : P. Fowler [AOL lr1E Urvrll HI ,5 Mrvvlilnu nun- MEET. Two Bacon and `Hunt Iltrho for lul- Hov no Ooneuu lnIlod--TIA lonlpdl at cnloton Plan and law the Glues Wont. ` ` The annual moo moot. hold at Mount Cheanoy, yocwrdnynftnrnoon. was I Qigtpd Iuooou. in-no-far u nbtondnnno And `good sport. was concerned. Quito 3 up contingent went out from Kinguton. In helped toawell the number of I town to about two hundred and tiny. The t-AHA-a um. no-natlw lunrlinnnnnnl hv th- Sutherland`: to about. two hundred and any. 1'00 trotben were tly handioappod by the narrownoau o the track, but the crowd was "out. for fun" and did not allow ` unfavorable oircumamnpe to bnulk thor intention. 'l"|mn. um-n Hun run`. and Hanna Antrinn IHIBIIBIOII. There were tiyo races and three ontriu were made for each. The first was me a uroe C15 divid- nul nntn min-an nu-iv-n nf I M An!` .1 TIIA {Ar MOUNT _C__E_S_IjEY RAcEs.}] THE SPORT A`T,A COUNTRY ICE -nu?-2~r Pcn cct anitmg Whltc \ nrcssnutz A in. _g.1_v_mcsm mo; - --n4- -n-no.-.- OUR... TF0 See It u o 15 spoon runs. 1` 4f CHALMERS' CHURCH. 18 `re BUY IT. :6;PklNCE88 ST. .$.1-D0. ~ nmouonwunuuuuulwnou ulonolml jnuloo Amour. who nub MI opdc hr nwrlboloorcru-IM snafu-Ila mum I an at lha. . miuon '3: ...a..a :v:ok"*nbdonoHol inclnn An-Innnll nn IIAAIA An tnlluv Im- no Al'|lII|'. of camera! "21'.....""" Allin J P 0 0 union '13:... o0uYl0NUINL_@lOWIo` to poytoil-vnnuiod. 'l'IOI'II'Ujl.l ho. pnnhuu of to aunnhopulou In I hwdayu wit-Iulpavuvdouhol hold! Illdt tlirpuml hdlwllh. ` "33 n. 1`: 1* an IIIUIIII GENERAL PRACTITIONER. COR. OF WILLIAM AND KING STBEEN. (LA'l`h`. ml. mwIN's nmlulnv.) ()nm'x llnvnn~1n to II u.m.; I to 6 pm. ; 1 to 0 `m. N. .-Dr. Btlrlin has given npaolsl ntudy and attention for t 9 int 10 years to Dluelu.-I of Women nnoulmlr treatment. Telephone No. 5.-m. -- And I lnrglcal opontlon In Noododto `lake It Awly. Some days ago Chris: Simmons, clerk in the employ of J. Corbett, hniinrn. merchant. was called upon to show 1 newly-pounced variety of w` to n oun- bomor. Heoook down; box oontaning the mood: and draw out and nhood botvnon ma up: me use: man now we no menu. A moment. later the oushomor made I joou- lnr romark, at which the clerk laughed heartily. with the mole that the not went down his throat. Since then he bu boon under the one of his medical ndviuar, and onto:-du van in I var - curious oondib on. Al ofortl to wlcgdgtv the tack being unluooouful, tho doctor: h decided ta n I cal - $131., with that 0 just. jn vio:`..`lmd. ` lab patient. In wrong one II to tho` -min. he will ho opont upon to-by. in II: VI 0'31?!-It-fl E Vvog n ui 'l`mwr1tu ondqmnon. New to. Cl: nnoc strut. in II. BJIIIIIAIIVV. IIIDIIOQ (Formerly Partner with the late K. N. FENWIOK). t3l:ul:l-1 I I nn I l"I'I'DIl\I.lI!fI UOIIIOIH HO WOK GOWII .I DO] 00lll'4IlIl|" good: draw hood his lips the hack chum held t. lid cloud. A oulbomor ioou- HE VALUABLE EHO? AND PREMISES. III) and I81 Prinoou uh-uh. at pnunt oo- cuplod by 0. D Ohovn. HM ban 5 stove nnd hhPdW3f$h0I1lO for our hunt] nan. Ap- ply to . .0u.nnu.uvl.Olnnnoo mm. ' HAT DWELLING, WITH EXTENSION and modern lm rovomonta. Intel occu- pied by Mr. G. A. Bo lnnon. comer Jo nuon and Home nu-coil. Stable on tho 1: miles. lmmodiuto Pouuplon. Apply toJoul Unit. 89 Clarence ntrut. EBIRABLE BUIINEBB STAND, NEXT to tho now Wino 011100 In to lot with polunlon immediacy. lions moderate. Appllontlon may be mu 0 on tha promlun. T E VALUABLE PREMISES. nunlod by Ohovn. T ifuii-mi Tjufrir.` ii.D.`Wf."ii'<}T n the pt-notice 0! Medicine in Kingston on February lnh. u hegln general pno` I Medicine In thin city on I _._- nn:u. (3nAn\\'I<'K At Latimer, on Feb. (Sch. W. M. Clmdwick, marble dealer. The funeral will leave his late residence. Latimer, on Friday at half-past-one o'clock for Caulraqui cemetery. Friends and ncquninmncea are respectfully in- vited to nttend. 0EN'l`8 FOE CITY AND ulnry or oommmon. to I ohlnu. Apply to J. Lainhloy. I can In-oot 20th Century.Shoes. HAE xwou]-a/o`Tuc00ND FLAT uvnn. H0l|All'l"Ii MI~:n|ul. HALL. Apply on the premium. w. M. unumm-uu, Fuunny. DmIc(`.1'nn um EIm1u.nI:n--In Pun- oosu unmet. blank nhovo old stand. .__?_._._-_.___.._--. Illn I5 I .DlIll-.II|, Lnnnm UNDIHITAKII AND E|mu.uIn--14 Princess nu-eat, Comer Bydonhnm -emc. Talc ph one communication` -:_ W0 FRONT ROOMS, ALSO TABLE BOARD very reasonable at .1! Union street. NEXT nonunion Immodlntoly. For Sale by JAB. ll. MOLEOD. Drugglu. Prinuous Street. Kinguton. .::__-j:._jj-- J AH. NISJIU, Tun Lmnlun I'NmcnnKn-8M-I66 Prlnouu street. Telephone 141A. Open Day and mum. 'KSn1'Na on HOUSE-CLEANING BY mu. Mean. 31 First m-eat. ANTEl)--0LD STAMPS Sow` on YEARS old. For man` I my 560.16 ".003 am. - Lowx. 414 Adelaide u root. oronto. See it. We Are Getting Ready to Count Stocks So have some Extra Bar- ..-3,._ L- _, __ _-,, A.I.!_ \I\l LQCVU BIJI-I-II: uIJLIIa Ll.`- gaina to offer you this week in connection with that and our; HE-l||l|l|N[i SALE FOR. -1-q-un- ponouro. '_ One of them is a W 1"W_11!`"' ONE OONVl6T|ON 6UAIH `D. R K. KLLBORN. ID. I.0.P.FI., WILL . begin pnotloe 0! Surgery nnd ludlolno ohhc March In. GENT3 FOB CITY AND OOUNTRY. ON nlnn oomminlon. ull Sowlnl Kn- Gone:-nllyk Mr. noo lynch clamp is um-nlmn - This high! nourishing Wine oun- Iuthefullrne lc|nn|vnluoofGOD IVER OIL And In enlly ucuined Ind dlgnud. For wntln diueuen. general doblllty. poverty of: a blood, im I ed digestion. colds. camrrhnl nnd br Ill groublo. of :5: dlgutlon troublo. A rnnrkgd menu: In wal I and nrong ll noticeable after taking a few boulel. Children lulu: it read LARGE FRONT ROOM TO LET. WITH L Board. Apply to 838 Queen ntroot. DUI` D . N9f!IiT!_ .!!'_!| V neouceo pmces Fon cksn. PRICE TWO j WEATHER PROBANLITIIS. J. ASSTIRLING. M.D.. narlv Partner with the [Ann For Delicate Children. Invalid: and'thc Aged. JACKSON'S nu |-IlIu|III||nl- Illl All llqflgbumlpptnl. mun-Lanna nl AL: Qxnhnn f'*,.,.." .z`:'.;;';:;;," I.'l|I3Al`I"l'\c -... ` Rl\TTENBURY S f1ANKHl|PT STLQEKJ , CLOSINGOUT SA V ' s. H tan`: Fnrmshinz a _s`wA`LIow:o A Tack.` `ME DIAjLTARP? 50c. DUC. Der Yard. Well Worth ONE DOLLAR. ~ ~ o~ W. M. DRENNAN. Ivulrrvrnn A um mun u.nn HENRY BRAKE, urun.-nu--n Alln u: WANTED. D. w. KARN & co. ' |u....4.o...I. n-9 D ON u Sewing y. scent. '18 Prin- $3.95 25. Are Always Rig ht. Our Prices And III) PIJRITY OF TONE. C4-9+ Statisticians Boy that only one person in ten has perfect viaion-the other nine have some visual deiect which can usually be remedied by wear- ing properly titted glasses. WE TAKE PAINS To fit them properly so as to add to the wearer's personal appear- snce E. C. MITCHELL Cholnln and Optlolnn. Ill Prlnvonn 8! reel. Hello No. 59. No. Is for Sunday or night culls. as uno umnnn connno meur warfnro to civiliud methods. Of course any action on the part of the (zbun of n barbarous clut- acter will be ground for rouliation by the Spanish forces. Hen. \\'Q_y|er will issue the proclamation. nu-us. expected. within I rook. He is expected to oonduct I III campaign, mo n jut as soon as he assumes the oommun of the Spanish troops on the island. It. is the unocubion of tho Bnmish government WIIIII "CD" VJIQ IOIRINI. [D II IEO upocution Spanish vornmont. that tho rebels will urge m I. farm: of upocuuon or no apumn vornmam. an the robolawill wt. term: of the proclamation to iuuedmdeeuo their destruction of property oi non-coll bnlutts. means. 1 The communication receivodi? at the ma dopnrtmont, wu friendly in tong, And it relieve: the United Sutton from uk- ing any atop: in the direction of suggest`; , ' action by hot looking to bolli cy. snag u was suggested by the moo ution. favor- ably roportad by the majority of the comm? foreign rolntlom committee yeahrdA :"- W` I`uI|Ioln`l'Io Innis. Tolono. Fob. 6.--'l'bon in aid to be G:-oublo anon; lb odleou cl tho `I Oromdion. out tho {sac that the poni olngi-smog baboon ucsnor nycu. Dr. .` .K(ng,tbounintAntonr- goomoluinnibt nuoofhh bodice!!- ... an 1:91.. 01: nan-ant. lain I-vnnnlnlmn, IIICO$C0l' OI lin. Ill OOIDIIIIIIG IN the Spanish tones in Cuba. assumes hin ow command he will issue a proclamation practically giving belligerent rights to the maurgenm. Socrour Olney has been ud- vieod of the pro proclamation. The groclnmuion wil declare the invention of pain to carry on n humane war as long as the Cuban: conne their .......t..... on .:uil:...-I mmluulu DC IV :3 I . Q.` IIIIIfI - n Rona. Fob. 6.--8ovonl newspaper: hero and that has had serious dwar- onoou with ' iml Rulls.-_ -`-__'.,aocro- an a! mm. and an Inn. in hnnn I-yo: Iuu.nna nuI.unu9I-naooon bl: to condor hi: ruigpoo. This as- II doniotl. Ilovovbt. by in- vutlmn. who `(Isolate t no no- O Anu- ntnmnan Inn: nrinnn Intdnnn Li. Inn. I100 I00 VIHQII, WIIO `Owl!!! lllllu tion wlutonr has u-inn bowoon his holi- ` not md his uonhry of gum. goousmlualunlot nuoouu uoucrou cuouutrylngtoprovqnthupronotlon. . Our rljc always HAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTION FROM the Executor: to yell by Au:-clon.nttl1e residence of the late Ilchuol Lenhy, corner of Kin? ntroot `nil Alwington nva-nm-. on FBKDA , FEBRI AEY 1'rII.lH1ui. the under- montlonod goods nunoly :--3 B. W... Parlor Sultan, Bedmom Sinltes in Black Walnut and Ash, Contm, Side and other Tables, Pi('fl\I`eh. Bruuselu. Tapestry and other Carpets. llnll Stove, Pullman Heater. Coolxlnq Ran a near- I new). :-tofu. Extouulon Tnhleu, Sh elumnl. bloolu, Kitchen Utensils. Crockery. (lingu- waro.()ane Diners Ourtnlu Pol;-mslove Pl 5. Single and Double Beds. Hull anal nl mr Lnmm. nnd many other nrtlclem (llvlng lulllgorent Right: to the Culnu lnoul-(emu. Nxw Ymuc. Feb. 8.--A Washington de- apntch to the Herald an a: It in under- stood that as soon as `non. Weyler. the 0! (Ion. Cumpoa in command of tha Smninh {mom Cuba. --uu- v---v nun - u -on -vuu uuuu Ii? "us.-, -V-R3...-.-rm try of Iuumnd that laugrinaboon obhgod his I-XIB&HIllG- Wnnlno,` Fob. G.--John Nuukivilb dot Wllliunnith Mo oanpnuhu wldlo nucn mnnrlnn In robnhnnu um X Wlllll BCIIII .ID NIIIPIIIII WIIID hi-cacao torobnhouoncnr kl will arolnhlv din. Rodi I I Clocks, Cruel Polo.-u,: and Lump.-o, and many Term.-c om-h. Sale It 10:50 J. SALTER. A POINTS ABOUT OUR. . . . Hand-sewed. Perfect Flt. Chnlrm hddochood and white- ` `"`'.:.'` .'. .T. .. V non at .-.:.'R. too. some IIUI uaugaiua. We are not going to let our customers suffer because money is scarce. We have put the price in reach of the depleted pocket book, and are giving better bar- gains than ever. CAL nnr Man : Ow-rr~,nafc_ RfV- VCTIOCI l`Il. choicest Stock. Flnest Looking. Madq to order in Black and all shades of Tan}. K w.A|..Le:n SON ` Sign of (lumen Bonk. Bro: Street. Is_another line of Cotton Dress fabric, for Blouse or Dress, that you'll like to see. We put a spe- cial price on this line of Ioc. When you see it you'd be willing to pay 15c if we asked it. om: pane: STORE. V 123 Princess 31., Nortn Side - Kingston And they are deserving of high praise. They look and feel like silk, so ne is the weave an"d tex- ture. Have them in light and dark colors. Imported Zephyr Plaids !New Prints Creponne Effects were placed on sale yesterday, styles and designs entirely dif- ferent from last season. The latest for favor is lstore News Isinteyesting reading just now. A storehouse full of New Goods is being rapidly opeqed` up and placed in stock-3 cases Ill; lllill CVWII See our Men : Overcoats, sty- lish, elegant ad durable, at I Ia&-- ,2: :2- -.:j . OF HOUSEHOLD Fl'RNI'!`l'R.F.. INSTRUCTION FROM Aux-cion.nt the who outddon And In-Eon any. [nun `Ah A __4ug-gl nguu--an..- L- ..-._ __.__ a-u-.,-.-u-n !`.'.'.':':.2"...'.."'.1"a'.".-....:""' 3. snoesl no duty tor me current momn. The chairman. principal, and E. J. B. Pense were appointed to take the neces- sary SL8)! to recover frnm"the"cnunty council 0. e portion of fees due the board for the tuition of children from the town- ship of Wolfe Island. The amount in about $80. With regard to a bill of 853 received from the board of works for work done in connection with n drain tapping the residence of the caretaker, the secre- tary was instructed to ascertain what por- ' tion of this amount is to be borne by the city. as it_ is proposed to tap` Victoria school into it. I rlllrluil IIIlo Brockvllle Tlmau. The seven-your-old daughter of William Green,-of thin town, had I most unpleasant experience on Tneodny night. About the middle of the night. her father. sleeping in '50 Adjoining bedroom, was awakened by A niercinnr on from the child. Hurrvinn to we are clearing out this week. `Inlet Told By Bro:-Ivllla Pd-op|e- Ono End a IIAII-Inn: 'l`nIl. nor noauao. no umooverou unu. more was blood upon vhor from her breast down- `iii-'i!1l;"'8hewuacI'enming nrthe top of her voice, and, holdi up her hand, Mr. Green aw the bl coming from two ly cuts on the third nger. As were no domestic animals Around the homo, the In `Lion in that the child In: `Men by I mt. While Mr. GI-oonwui itlulng this incident hot to M. Mclndo hold I away chip). -I. 5|. `Jun. .0 I.` ..:..I.o I and rrol. uyae. Visiting-- All the members, two to r- lorm the work monthly. The mom re will be notilied monthly of their turn to visit. the institution. Th. nhuirmnn and 1-`. J R Pnnnn will visit. we Imuwuon. The chairman and E. J. B. Penso will do duty for the current month. The chairman. nrinciual. an mjonmng oouroom. was nwuenoa by cry Hun-ying or side. he discovered that there vvu khuul n-nu. -Lap l-nun km L-n...6 .l..-n, [DI I. ll. MOUIIGO `Old IEO! which rink the alaodo of Int night. K |:.pponod when r.o{hl':}hdo t pt`-amino! Grand I. mil Ion. Juno: [-3. MoGIuia.nwu '.'.'.Z5.""x':`. thn u Inlay. ho d :...,..::'v .:.::- ~'~v [HUI Ilol oz we unna usnu-u non. Janos Nomads, In: On line summer night, when . mouthing of ham boon. ; I I Inc may wu Ionnn nloop. Ioauomng niprod one . f largo tool. In my it blood hcd,,.' It In thou In tohvobomthovrorhoinliwen. be following night, howavor, llr. Nomads diaoovond the sun mppouod lumen outl- inc into had our Ml urn. Cntehinn is In auoovu-on mo nun mppo-on Inuan crawl- ing Gntchi In throw it uglinogtho wall but not be is Ind lalt. ihmnrkonhil hand. In no: tree. ' Miss J. English wrote to the board, ask- ing that she may be permitted to pursue her studies at the institute on the same un- derstanding as did her sister. Her father is a resident of the county but she lives with her uncle. who is ll ratepayer in the city. James Dennison, Ports- mouth, asked that his boys be allowed the privileges of the institution on the same terms as residents of the city. Although residing in Portsmouth he owns pioperty and par`: taxes in the city. Miss ird wrote to t e eifect that slthou h her father is a resident of the count . s e and her brothers live in the city an maintain a residence here. Mrs. Hutton, Barrieeld. kod for the privilege of sending her ughter on the same terms as nre accord- ed residents of the cit ~she is assessed ior property situated in t 8 city. 1). Corrignn, township of Kingston, asked for a similar consideration. as did also I). Sciimmell. Tluma nnvnnnnninnlinnn warn Hun nnlnnlnn B. S!L_\[Afi_R & co. consmeramon. uiu Moo 1:. acnmmeu. Those communications were the outcome of the decision: of the board to comider all city property owners who reside in the county as non-residents, who are not on- gaged in business in theoity, and are not tuned for SL000 or mom Dr. Herald thought. that to make an y concussions con- trar to this rule of the board would result in ofenting the object. which the board had in view. The only a iplicant. granted nnncenaion was Miss Lnir . All the Othor mm In view. '1ne only xpncanr. grnnwn concession wu Miss others will have to comply with the non-resident; rule of the board. 'I`|m nnnninnu nf nlnnrlina nnmuniftnnn I rule OI me nomu. o The appointing of standing committees resulted : School management, - The chairman, Messrs. J. McKu and J. Swift. l`:nnv|l\L#l`l` nmlrl I`. .l R Pnnun Meears. .1. moms and .1. awnt. l"innnco--l)r. erald, E. J. B. Pense and Prof. llyde. Vinitinz-- the members. nor- 35 '11:`: ?.'."....x"` "I.';.'n.'1';'.3."`n".';i`1"?..1! `uhtil the stunt VII bithnon the notgontlntlih-d M that Mr. llculndo boounoahnnd. lrthnl tnokyo atria In on My. and shout` , n_ urrihlo ruckus vru hard. It lnddlllvuoondqtluun All no on-. lhllhghalyf :3` 111.14.... -.A..z...I session on Maren ist. Lzameu. Applications for the position of care- taker were received from Messrs. W. Mob- ley. W. Cunningham, G. Gear , W. A. Craig. J. Smart. W. A. Butler, (V. Camp- bell, F. Ayers, J. Cruise, M. Campbell and J. Turner. Most of the applicants submitted testimonials. It was decided to choose a caretaker by ballot. and on the recommendation of the principal, three names were decided u n. namely, W. A. Butler. J. Cruise an (i. Hearv. These he thought the most eligihle of all the a lioants. On the su gestion of John cKay. the name of WK Cunning- hnm was added, making {our to choose from. On the first ballot Cruise received three. Cunningham two and Butler one Asitrequired four votes to decide the winner, another ballot was taken, which resulted in Cruise getting three. (ieary. one and Cunningham two. On the sug- gestion of Dr. Herald only the two names receiving the largest vote were considered. This left the contest between Cunningham and Cruise. Three ballots were taken and no decision was reached, Its each received three votes. Finally it was decided to al- low the chairman to decide thecasting vote and he gave it to Cruise. who was at oncea pointed caretaker at the same sn- lary w ich the present incumbent receives, namely. 8275 a year. house rent und water free. Min. ,1 w..mIa.I. mmm In um hnnrd nnlr. rem end . A communication was read from the Jnnitor, John '1`. Murray, to the effect that at the request of tewhora mid pu ils he would consent to remain until aster. Principal Ellis wanted the matter dealt with at onoe; there was no object in delay- ing it until the time specied. Dr. Phe- lan named with the: principal. whose mg it until one time specmeu. ur. rne agreed the principal, wishes in the matter,-he said, should be recognized. Joseph Swift Ild he would like togrant the janitor : request, provid- ing principal Ellis was agreeable. Mr. Ellis said he would consent to the janitor remaining if he could be made to rform his work satisfactorily. John clhy said it was only postponing the matter for a couple of months. He moved, seconded by Joseph Swift, that the resignation of the janitorbeaccepted and another man be appointed tothe position to take po- eeeeion March lat. Curried. Annlzmoinn. In. H... unaiminn nf mm. rrox. uupmu. A lroad And pauod. A communiont.` and DI`. Herald. On motion of John MoKAy. seconded by Dr. Phelan, John Molntyre. Q.C,, was elected chairman. He thanked the board for the condence it had imposed in him, and mid he would endeavor to emulate the attitude of hi: prodeoeuor in oice. The minutes of the hub annual and ulnr meetings during the year went 1' and conrmed. It was moved by Dr. Phelan, seconded by John McKay, that J. 8. R. McCann be a pointed secretary for the ensuing yew; Axrriod. Zly `VVIIIII: ulvvca, wvuuuuuu, divest, Summer Goodp. Illhunu. Rubber Coats. Every- Call soon if.yo_u VII` 3N!` ` e ,

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