'~_COAL-OIL HEATERS- , 3. L0 RANGss.`*m_sA*rnRe, mnnvnmmnnln ll-. ` ANNdu_~__e:iN1'. 0Ll)_(;-A-ME or 'rTL_131r+'. ` wmcn. nnTrxm wmu Inn. in pulY,u:hqcl_ovu_1 Thumb; l: :z.:t_ ::-' Opifor per Orbem Do}.-or. will be hold 3 tho: glvo. CIUUQIV INIKII` CDIII 'l'Il}ll'i0lII. nnnnn . . . . ::.::'o :0!!! sub. :31 rhu- .--g-...-- P OITY TORIIS. .-u_A -1 AL- -_____ All noi be . Fe.` 'r.'::x 2% an iulnonu on IIIII |IIIIlC JVIIVVI-3 Monthlg Jdnrnnl of Provincial ab!-at. H4-hool Anuoolntlon. "canadlin Music and Drama." +++++ vvvI'I- `nun IIUIIIIII ICING. Any pot-non who Ian and Norvillno, tho 0 pain euro. would mo in without it I! out Ion dollars I hotclp. mm thing is woh Nu vol 6 In . Norvlllno In tho but {fora kinda of pain. It enrol noun n In minutes: hoochobo In on mine i lune book at one nppllom tlom lnndaoluo In A for minutes: md .n pun: just no Iipldly. Don th I401 0I'II[llIlOll- The annual meeting of the South Looda cauuay Onnge nuoolntion mu hold in Brockvlllo on Feb. ll. Report: of the ntirlng oicou were utlolnoeor-8, showing progrou all Along the lino. loorl for the ensuing g were oloowd : County mnnur, Abel 8. Addloon: deputy conn- 9.` muoor. E. R. Bndlo . hnndowno: o nfhln, J. Franklin. Allorytown; re- In uorohry. H. 8. Monte. Addinon: Guano nl uonhry. N. Wobuor. Lann- downo: tronurot. Wm. Molnb . Brock- yillo; loolurot, Wm. Anoluno nodowno: nuiountlootnror, J. W. Elclrod, Brock- vlllo; director of oomnonlu. W. J. Dixon. BI-ookvlllo. mm umcu To Illve I llloyole Olroult. Canada is likely to have A circuit of hi- cycle moo meets this year of two or three nwntlni -i-duretilon. An association hm- been or enieed 'to arrange for euch. pro- vided tllie 00.0 rntion of twenty five or more bicyolo oln e be secured. This, how- ever. seem: to be an onny certainty, in many of the ntrongeet clubs in Ontario and the eastern provinces have already decided to enter the circuit. The ontiro circuit will be nenced by the now nuocintion. and eec 60-operation nlub will be iron A porcontne of the gross receipte at It}! own moot. ie organization willfonrry only n-tar attraction: and novelties, and will be known run the Canadian bicycle race moot circuit euocietion. The or uniting eocro tery in the well-known binygle promoter.J H. (lerrle. of the Toronto Maui and Em- pire. wlioee euooeeeiul management of big road meets. relay rides and race meetings is n matter of Cenedlnn cyclim_r hietor . From the fectytlmt four-fifths of the clubs giving race meet: in Cenedn lust ear lost money, and that the sport is on t is down- rede in public eetlmetlon, the scheme of t enew Meoclntion is viewed with much favor by wellavinhera of cycling through- out the dominion. A Corronpondonl Dan the Court: Are mod to Rob the People. Uoorge A. Pnrrotc, Watertown. N. Y., late of Nnpnneo. writes the Wutertown Standard: I make the following charge: (I) That Sir Oliver Mowncb, attorney- gonerul and first miuiabor of the province ofOnt.ario. uses the courts of Ontario, in conjunction with his shorih, lmililfa and other court. officers. to rob any $`no1I that I they think will stand it. (2) _oy tried it on me, but I will not stand and if nooeuary I will call on Uncle Sam for as- nis,tannQ." The heading in from the Wnwrtown paper. nruu u Jun nvv vuv 6:-um un mu; A\II`IrKJl Mont.o\guo~Hn garb clique? To stave of? romedial legls ntion until the lapse of time for the fth parliament forces un ndjnurxr mom: without. pinning it. Q I 1'8 WJv$in9%$%.TF9!!% uuvuuuvu vuu muv un vuou nu-nu uuuv. Inn Tuppor do it.` We shall see: and we shall see the great things tlmt some local man, under his banner, will do in the contest. for tho reprountatlon 0! King- ston It. was said that there were several men in the Windsor hotel that night who could beoleotod. Who were they! Mr. Motonlfo wu not preaent. n uvvv Lllulu nu an-u vu -11; van nu \.Ivuuvvu. The overnor- eneral has been summoned to he capita from Montreal. la the politiml murder of Sir Mackenzie the next act? c ya 0 The best worker the conservatives of Kingston ever had was not present M. the annual meeting of the association on Tuesday. He is said to hnve per1nanont.l_y retired from politics. '1 a o u Luv unuuuwuu \-nuuvvv nu-Jo uuuv vllu uuu in out ol the way "there would come the ill dealing wibh the Manitoba school question." But the bud ob uhould not be in the way of the bill. ml. in what, the liberal: contend, and the country in M, Hmir back. uu.-V.-nun nu...-1. The Montreal Star holds that the sup- ply ahould not be preuod in parliament. until the remedial bill has received at least its second reading. 0 Q I The conservative: of the any are said to be all ready for battle. Are they? Hndn`t. they better nominate a candidate '.' Since Bowell has been abandoned who is the coming man '3 I . C The liberals do not propose debating the remedial legislation. They will put their ` ideas on record in n comprehensive resolu- tion and lots the same go the people. a _0 n pulllupu Ins wnun uuluvuv uu-qunv vvlvlne But at the conservative meeting in the Windsor hotel it won declared that Tup- per e mu the name be conjure with. and Bowell,_ now the poor old man. seem: to have been completely ignored orforgobben. Oh,the ingrnbitude of the toriell They ennrlod at Meredith and oureed him when he failed to lend them to victory in the local elections. and they are now ready to kill off and bury Bowel! because he has not etemmed the tide of their mlefortune. n In 1 1. . nu ,|_|I ,_. HA1 Ullvu And memory, awakened by the music of their voices, went back to the time when Sir Chsrles wasn't considered the men for the place he is now seeking, when a more modest individual, in the person of Sir Meckenzie Bowell, seemed to have been designed by providence fer the position to which he had been celled. The mis- givings which` his colleagues hsd all the while entertained in respect of his ability to lend them were not shared by their political friends here. end when the good old men come to unveil the monument of his greet predecessor it was suggested thst he should be the member for Kingston. and public opinion was sounded upon the questioh. Once the party, failing to nd a local can- didate with courage suioient for battle. induced the premier to lead it, and so Sir Mnckenzie s presence revived the idea that perhaps his wasa nameto conjure with. 12-; -0 oh. ........-m.H.m vunnkinn in rim :* W W WIIIUC IPUW IT" cu :-nd and whoh you` In`; SIM: u pruitbnoy by uolnnutlon. `limo uh talk at tho Int moment of oppoumon fromono who {sell that he has not boon ulltronbod by his party. and am this gang... 6.. .-...A LA. la.-I.-mgn-an. Ann-. For an-Hr or wrl o to np!or't|o muting which fpnnslly om` un:'-u4I ` -InlnIu -nnun' '4 Hunt QIIA WWII UIWZI Ii III. IV . EIIU Illl-ll II! II neeeeeery to alert hi:-independence oom- elonelly In order to get his deeerte. But Iomethlng occurred which oelmed him ope portunely end Imoothed the my for that mutuel edmlretion .whloh occurred et the meet! ng. ' r"l'he greet feature of the meeting wee the Ipeeohllying. in which ell the oloe- holdere indulged. Honors heving been hurled upon them they felt thet they hed te "ewim eut," ele Kr. 0'Gredy. end on e reeult there weeeeme very telltelk,ee- peolellyfrom the trlumvlrete of doctors. And what no the burden of their 0on3? Oh. Sir Cherlee Tupper. the brave, the greet, the good. the eeviour of the country. the men of thehour, the wonderful genhu who Alone could unite the vnrioue element: of the eoneervetive party end make them The Montreal (lnzette says thnt the bud- . ....A nl pl.` uunnv only... ..m_I.I ......... bl... Don't. you see the game of the Foster- .IA..b.n..n I.l..:u-n.-6 nlinnnv "FA -0....` 4.0` A new crisis is uni-d to be on at Ottawa. ToonZnuTBN IN ETNADA. T Wonk In Ilollnun notch. r nan-nun uhn Inn ....4I t7....nn-. EITIFORIAL NOTES. FIRE INSURANCE NOTICB. London. Liverpool and Olobo Plrc Insurance Corn puny. Funds: over !59,nm,(m. In nddlolon to which ohapolln holder have for neuurlty the unlimi- hd ublli y of All Mm utonkholdorn. FARM AND (`.l'l'Y I'II()l'EIl I`Y Insured II lowest nmmlhle rntou. lloforo ronawlnl old or uuooorllpuoul gnu uonnuom. uuoaw ; ngnnt mm tho I. D. 8.. NH); from Kin Chasm, principal Louis nohool. - ooodl of concert. $81.80: from rmo school bond for kinda-gamn, I 570; soul. mun. Ex during the you-: Doldoncy Iron ut.yur.8&80;nnHot thi bout. 0140.60; like Chum. nluy. 0160; aka of Ilia Mu-ny. kinda-nnun huh. 0:10.00: Inn ununut. nluy. JIM; III: Hurray. kinda-[Anon touch er. I0: nnoolphnolor touching. O88; unurhlforuwin and oshor clam hr thoohlldl-on. IN. 3 fuel. light and III!- drhn. $.93: Iota). clnwu. The room-uiloril n convenient centre 0! operations for other societies else. The poor relief committee meetn regularly there. too. gives out fuel snd provisions. and every week plsin setting is given out by themma number of poor women when-s thus enabled in enrn'ulittle.weehl .tewtI-ds the support of their lemiliee. T s Domes society sleo meet: there once s fortnight and gives out clothing to the `destitute. A goepsl meeting is slee held over Snndsy afternoon in connection with `t e neocla- tion. i Tl... .uu_...in.. ......I.I A....l-. AI.-L- L..- monr worn. to me m.- u. nanny tor unolr gonoroun grant. to bho klndomuhn and sewing clans, to ho oily piper: for no- Noon and to the It:-on of Fnlth and Work" for 1 copy 0! that paper. `l'lIAl|lYItII'S upon. . non. The committee would tender] bhoir hour- : thank: N: in who have in my my uldod V. oir work. to the NJ). notch [or their Luv vvullulvvuu wulllu IIIIIIIIII IIllUII' II! - have work. society nnoroun (rant. llndonnrhn Ind IHHI OINIOIIVOFH Ln E00 CHI: (I10 O00! OI WHO children nt.t`,ondin the clnuael nre nup- plied from the elm. ring aunt in, an well an to do what. she mm for the nick and duti- tuto. A spare room is kept. as formerly. for taherreoapbion of my friendleu woman needing a temporary lodtng. Eighteen nbrnngere have en)o{ed Iu oupihlihy dur- ing t 0 year, uome or I week. others for A shorter riod. Employment. hm nleb been 8I`0c\ll`0( for othernin need of it. and Min `hennut doniros to thank II" who have kindly eont..iu, donation: of ulouhing. which hm: been wail be:-bowed end much appre- cintvod. 'l`|.. .-um... ..m...l .. ............&...o mnou -0 mngaton, immy gins wno men one need 0 sewing-classes. or have leisure to attend them. A bible class for young girls is. however, held every Thursday evening. and. in connection with it. n small branch of the Onward and l'pnard" studies for girln has been organized. Two girls competed. one of them successfully, in the written exnminntiuns last year. There nlso R brmmh of the some orgiuiiuttion for mnrried women, which meets on Tuesday evenings, mid is enjoyed and found ret- nble bydbhoee who nttend it. This in - nton brunch of an orgunimtion. founded lln Soothuid lcy her excellency the Countess of Aberdeen, in one of two branches or- nnized in Ciuiisdn, the other being in ontrenl. ln connection with it the On- wnrdnnd l`pwertl nmgnnine is taken end cirrnlated. A mothers` class for dun making. cutting and fitting is also held st the rooms every Thursdny evening, through the kind thoughtfulness: of Miss Weller. who personally conducts it, thus nurdin an opportunity to all who will nvnil tieinnelves of it, to improve them- gelves in A much needed nrt. Miss Ches~ nut has, of course, in good deal of one and responsibility in connection with these various useful undertakings, and. there- foro, line not so much time its formerly for outdoor visits. She gives to this work. however, such time as she is able to spare. and endeavors tn see that the needs of the .-|.iI.l.-on nnIm..li...-. cl... nl.u.... ..... ..... creasin 4 In useruinoss and extent. The free kinderqarten for the accommoda- -ition of which the removal to the present rooms we: made, has been successfully conducted under the management of Miss C, Murray. During the school year fifty-threecliilvlren have been enrolled and twenty '-two have left it in regular course, for to public schools. The committee only regret that a large number of the chi dren living north of Queen street are prevented by distance from avallin them- selves of its advantages, an it is much to be desired that a similar school could be established in that needy and populous region. The sewing classes are also conducted regularly-a kindergar- ten sewin class, and a more advanced one being he]: on di'erent afternoons, an ar- rangement very conducive to the 00d order and progress of the children. Jame forty and iifty little girls have been re- ccivcd as pupils during the present win- ter. The kindergarten e rcises also have not been neglected, alrding valuable trainin in tlm household `Tluties of which the right performance is so necessary to the comfort of every home. And the moral training of the children. so far as oppor- tunity will permit, is not neglected. the results of the care bestowed being appar- ent in their reatly im n-oved behavior. As rmmriu older urls the committee enu an nnonr renuy un n-oveu Demwlor. A5 regnno o|dor grla the committee have not yet been able to accomplinh much. 'l`horo does not seem to be, in Kingston, girls who feel the need of nawimr-elm-nan. have FARM l'Il()l'EllTY |o\vnuc posulhle renewing [win] new business get. rnten from .61'rnANnI<`. A. .~I1`II.ANnll:. An-nu. lleport or Woman`: Ohrlutlnn Auoolulol For the Your Eudlng Dec. 8131. MI. The committee of this woman : iutian association. in completing the venth year of its existence. recogniv much cause for gratitude and encouragement in the fuel. that, nlthou h their work hut been in name respects ifforent lrom that which had been originally ooutam lubed, it has been for some years put Itoaglly in- crensin in usefulness and oxtent. free kindercmrten the success. _ Rev. J. K. Meerine had been expect- ed, but owing to indisposition was unable toteke pert. Rev. Dr. Ryolnnnn kindly supplied his piece. and seconded the adopt- ion of the reportin a brief but encou mg address, also urging the importance 0 the work for young women. although. like that for young men, there were many practical difficulties connected with it. He also drew attention to the great reflex benets of such work for others, upon the workers themselves. and expressed his hope, that nothwithstending inevitable discourage- ments. more had been done then they knew ior those towards whom their elforts were directed. 5 J. M. Mechar. Q. C., made a few re- marks, eug eating ways in which young girls might e attracted, and remerkin that the ladies nnxilinrpol the Y. `ll. . A. mi ht also extend some aid to this effort or the good of their own sex. The oice-beerera and committee of last enr were re-elected as follows: President, in. R. J. Chown; vice-presidentu, Mrs. Streinge. Miss lioss; treasurer. Mrs. J. V. Neal; secretary. Miss Machnr; eseistent uecretary, Mrs. W. ll. Mnrru ;committoe, Mesdnmea Calvin, Cnmeron, ugue, Hen- derson,Mnrslmll, Mcltoseie. McCemmon. W. Mnrmy. W. H. Murmi, Strnohen. Whiting, Misses Cottle, In ster, Main. Mcitao, end 1):. A. E. Dickson. The re- ports are: nnnlmlrs ,. Suboori out and donations. I-I05`.40 `; __gru_I3_t H: D :6 32]); There wuun intereeti end repreeentr tive eeeemblege oi iedieengreeent et the en-' nuel meeting of the women : ohriltlen ee- eooietion Tueedey eiternoon. The kinder- - -~ erten oleee wee `freeent et the opening of t e meeting. en went through eome of their exercieee very ereditebl to themeeivee end their teeohere, eiter Iv ioh they were trezed lt)o or`-`en end diemieeezlh. v. r. y men open e meeting. with needi end preyer, ier which the minutee o the leet ennuei meeting were reefd enhd eueteined. end _ the re rte or t e yeer were pretent- ed.p Rev. Mr. Leing moved the edoir tion of report-commending very epeoiei y the work oi the eeeocietion in trying to elevate and train the children, wheee euc- oiei-ions and eurroundinge ere often eo un- favorable to their more] development. For the older girls eieo. he hoped thet the ee- eooietinn might be ebie to eooompiieh eomething t on h thin might bemore diiI- oult, and urged t e importance of exeroie- ing euoh influence over them--euoh el head: of household: might bring to beer on young een-ante, to weken them to oultivete their minde and seek something better then more nmueement. He oioeed with en eer- neet reference to the need, of beeing ell ei- iorte for the good of others on the power of the Divine Spirit to give the deeired `rho lauou of the Kindergarten 0l.uI- | The town; oluuo Inn new loan 1 nu-guy Pntronllod--`l`lu noun 3 our | voulont 0onzrc-'l'ho '1':-Quinn : lI- I Illl. ' =:'r*"*-*5 ? '92 "`.`*"'~i`-`*"'~"a` i , _ O womm; mm mm wom. j`% A '-'-'==-~ nuumou nalisation: ll! Aufnllr Onld Inna: H! ANNUAL GATHIIIING or we-i IIELIIQ A-f\I ATIl'ILl vi-lb GFIITIIIIIIVII Ur MEN'S ASSOCIATION. -:-__L_. 'NIVIl.ljI Uh Km-l'u9tovu-noovlbu rmouhoblood pad Iluiohr but luupluhn. I7 aw hunts. , AYLIIB. no. o.--nu~u. nuuou, an on: ` lnlnrloth r. who llvodjlono on moot. In ad dead by one of her no! hon. BM had evidently boon drun- In Iarnhurahan Bnndnv wlnn nrlokan. TH[`BHlTlSHWW Jqbbijng D9,P3ftJ'139!1tA not. ammo-Imuung onmnmoa. M amnu pills mun mod: bo.` They oouhnin nctivo ublo crunch which lnvo direct. reIno~ din Action upon the stomach, llvor nnrl bowels. Avoid irritating dnatlo pills by using Ihmllton. Sold yalldenlormnml an PolIon`a drug won. 4 Ilurlown Happenings. HAm.nw|c.Feb. 4.--\\'o nro pained to announce the (lunch of the infant `child of Mr. and Mn. Dr. (Gray. The fuueml will be conducted by Rev. (J. Bynm t,o-marrow M. an o'clock. Teams and my sleigh: are in grub domnnd since the Into fall of snow. Mrs. H. Rodgers lled tho vnoano caused by l.ho'nou-appearance 0! J. Coo In 3 var antlulncbory manner. Vldtson: Mr. un Mn. William Scott. at Wlltomldr. and Mrs. N. Soon. Arden: Mr. and Mrs. J. Moillh-my. at Uhnrloa Scott`; Min Ida Mitchell Is on the nick list. Ila-Ilka`: lnuornut I llln-lIcl. I Melon! Into one | Don- 'IVL-_- _!II. ._A ...-L -._._II |...A AL-.. -..._ Iulvw IIIII I Thule `HA no not small. but they are not draw o-irritating cnbhurtioa. small nllln mun. mod: Thor A Commlnloner In lI.R. uentlemen,-}{nving used l{ngynl~4i'n Pootonl Bulaam in our family; for years I have no holltnblon in saying that it. bonta ovorythin else we ever tried for coughs and colds n ohlldren as well nu grown up people. 1!. relieves that tight. binding son- ution in the chant. We would not. be without. it for anything. as we have n largo` !nmil{.--Wn.I.I.m A.~m|ucw_ ooxninisnionec in R. L. Balmornl, Man. Their memory neoaloth no dafonon; who left. Inch recur-l here. Our lnlr domlnlon. Ipromllna wldo. uhnll their mmnorlnl he. We lulu would kunp thulr loyal lnlth, the honor and thalr truth To mould (mroounn-1' growluu lllu; tn gum hot plmulln youth From nolmmlmr (plan of (`llI~I or nlun. fru otty rumlo plmm. An mos ofull from lmmal-rml utrlfn an [and of nnvod and nuw ! Uml mm our Queen ! (iocl lvluus our llhl. M hop the lzruxo 0 ll llng l-`rom hlrolln1 hI\n tlmmgh Ihn ml` in unurod olnln would drug I \Vlthtynnny lnlrluno. and wrong 110'-r I ll: name ullloal, Th: mm for whlch our fathers fmmlxl. fc No thought had Q-hay of (`-hino-I wnlln,oxtenI~ Inn fur and wide. Tn km the work of nrmm hunxln upon Hwir fur her Ihlo. Nnc thin than love for the old ag," not thin they dnumwl of then. dominion. wide. uhnll When fused into one uonornun life. who roium from son to non ! .....,, ..-... ..- W9 plum tho patty insult by, we In-urn tha uovarl aunt: ullloal, The u father fnuam, with they lived uud dlod. -I~`nuu.u: In the Wm The Queen's College Journal. l|l|.., n,.,,.u , The Bone of_ti:Unlted Empire `Loyelleu ' And the Old Flag. inguenmd lny in recent. parliamentary episode.) Uur fuiharn loved thn brave oi-I ling they brought, no mine the non. To wave o'er their "New England" homes, the symbol of the free ; And when their kiuumen out aside the Intend- nrd held no dour, The? I-aiiiml round their uounir_\"n ling. and um: it safely horn ! For it. and iiritliinho honor bright lhoyntukeci their liven. their all : They left. their dear old honmu behind. and dated whnt mi in lmfall. The umrmy nun. 1 us wil-lernane. ntarvutinn. weary mil, 'i'lmt they might. rum their ohiluiron ntehul Dri- ionn on British mil ! 5 'l`hofon-at km :1 lmfora thom full. `nonth many 1 uturxly h ow; Nuw elds and fnrmn nhuut. thorn nmlluqhere their [my hmulu luy low : Yet. nhulnrwh Hwy aloud, to nlwul their lnluod, in many (I lmnlnr (my. Nor uuuntod tinny tho n-on nf nuulxt. rm Britain won the lily Tlwir lmpn was for It happy rmnhn. from rum! and Motion Irma, Where no monopollon nhuulxl vrmah Hm inur- lm ht liberty; Nu Inn: of nlnvns ground lawn by want, in fatten uluh amoal. But one whore pronporom toilorn spring. to nuhly norm hot need. thin than love for the old Wlnnn. cutout. fr In their hon` they wont an .nulinhmun ! no ,_ .. , __.., 1., .,u 1,, ooie juetae 1 peeeea tne loldlerl monu- ment. and, meetin Bob Burdette, who at that time was edit ng the Review there, he remarked that it was going to be cold enou h to freeze all the pipee and even the nobe off the doors. wliioh would boom the lumbing and hardware tredee. [left he humorist at the post office. one block further on, and b the time I reached the foot of the buff I realized that she was ri ht. It seemed to me that I could never live to et home. The exposed portions of my ace were frozen, and it took I! long time to thaw myself out with iee before venturing into the house. When I entered in wife screamed. and, lookin into n mllrror, I saw that my board. which was then long, wee white as snow. It was not simply fronted; the roots of the hair had frozen, and every voetlge of color had been taken out. The next day we went to Pekin, ten miles below Peoria. to attend the wed- ding of a friend of my wife. I had never been there. and it was evident that my wife's friend: were astonished nt my seeming e e. l made up my mind to have the eard cut of? as soon I18 I returned to Peoria. As we sat in the parlor of the house where the wed- cling was to occur I noticed first one and then another turn and gaze upon me. It eeemed that some peculiar fneoination existed in my beard. Their eyes opened wider and wider, and they sat spellbound. All uonvereetien ceased. I felt so uncomfort- able that. making eoine excuse, I started to leave the house. in doing sol passed a mirror in the hell. and a part of my beard showed upae black u it ever was. One by one the hairs would take on their nu- turel oolor-~the roots were thawing out. In an hour the transformation process was complete. but, while the guest: were too polite to my un thing. when an explana- tion wne mecle. lyfelt that they did not be- lieve me. and that there wne something un- eenny ebout I man whose beuid changed color like mine." vvusuvg w-use v-av vs vssu Heaven snug eslelvv t oeu ht fist, having been stuck in th mud. other foot, which had been lilted to step with when the bliuerd struck us, was on top of the frozen earth. Something had to he done at once, or we would leee every steer. so I called ell of my men. Fortunately we had plenty oi ma- chines in the oommissary. and the su ply oi deed In uito bushes was unlimited: so it did not to e ion to determine upon a plan of action. 0 started a fire under each steer and watched them carefully. We hed twenty men, and you never sew ilree built so rapidly in your life. Within two hours they were ell bluing. We could not thew the cattle out of the earth, but they were kept alive, and two days later the sun came out, as it doee in Texas, suddenly and strong, end in another day we were moving elon the trail again as If nothing had hep neg. Thet blim must have been very neral. said Silas Adenss. I was living It Peoria, III., at the some time. Peorie is built elon the western benl: oi the [lil- nois river. w ieh widens into in lake at that point. Back of the business portion oi the city. I little over a mile from the river, is ubluif. upon which some of the leading citisens have erected handsome residences. i lived neer the street car stables on the biuii'. I had an oiiioe on South Adams street. near Main, and started for home earlv in the evening. It `be en to turn cold just as I paseed the sol era ment. and. meetimr Burdette. ` Ilrhlcu Ilo Druslnc For church. Anna. lob. 5.--Mr-I. Rulloll. old uli In In! lm vmr. who Ilvnnfnlnnn an ' ooTan(ti To near Fort Worth to Gr'oo- hoy. .. so 0 tlmc. The niimd wu July to Wichita Fnlla, And wo Ind to drlvo sorou No Mun : Lnnd to ~ Colorado, it uh! bhroamonthl to monom- nlinh tho trln. Ind bean inrm and wnon we Ion wlomm run u. mu muddy and driving was slow work. A blizzard Itruok Ill suddenly. I Wu fooling wurm nnd oomforhblo, whon. In 5 noment,I mnod to be psnlyud. and, looking around no in u duodloro olws. rallud what had In ponod. '1` ground wu froun Ioli y, and. of course, each One of the sum had three but nnuuhh at, Invlnn hum shank in ah. |WMh|Inon mu. ~ - N "I rommnbor tho winter of 1878 very mil." nid'1'omAndonon. "I no mov- ing ocmnll bunch oi oottlo iron: Tu-rant count. . Tun` hv. .. Ah I. 1 him; Th: rnliu-and wu uolonao, II : III plinh the Mp. ninv. which vn .IVIn. HOW DIIMIIIGSI K85 ruwn ll 0I'1| STRANGE 8: STRANGE, Aunts. W. J. FAIR, Special Aunt. Kin; Scrub under Ontario Bunk. ' [ts XIII , WIIIUII WI. III UNI."-"I 0' X9 Y0- iclng In that dnughu-infected oountlg. hon we left Wichita Full: it mud y And drlvinu was slow work. A bllzurcl own one or me anon ma mroo but stuck cho 0 foot. oolluilou 0! Awfnlly 0011 Inop II: lnnlhnuun Inn-nhnn. plllll we mp. n, ma been warm and rdny, whlohwu anooouion of pub ro- iolclmr dnunhu-infected oonntrv. I non. am nuunaonuy noon unu- Run. on Sunday who Itrlokomj Aihnnllu -I'.._... n... In.. .13.. 1 VII I1 lnnghntln Iuonuun. mmnn [MAL rl Wonk. truth 1' nun rd 1 no! frum KN`. nu und MM u, that mlro 'ould ma. bu for tor ex Th Liv! u nnd :1 Cum: nerve und 'I'\\' :11` Int I up I London &. Lanoashlro Life As- surance Company. Pnc1~Iou.I.v A mummy: Coll-uv Wm Bnmau swcunrrv. Eon:-vol are daplunod nnnnall at Ottawa Ind now amount to mo million OHOPI. Run lower than the minority of oflou tllltl mllnlllvxloll. Two puirs wool nooks for 250. Cashmere nu-rino nooks 20. All nu` fnrnh h- at. reduced prices M. R. IuFnnl`a. ol month. and wu, In Incl. Almost 1 lo!!! wreck. I not 3 box of Don`: Kidney Pill: from Mean. E. Hooper & C0.. And im- proved at once. md feel like a newnud; can nowwork right along uad at 1: pm. fuel like right ahead. I-Ind I not got that Iii! holthulwonldnotlnvobunwoltlq 3"" any to-dn. ll woulseallhlmly (IO andlduu my 00 wondurhlnnIIII`hDou'I Ihuvouudtwoboxou~ I Thu \\`-ll-knm\'n I-Lreugtluoning pI'0|I0l`~ Livsuf iron, combined with other tonic: In most. perfect. uurvino, urn found in Unrter`n Irnn Pill:-. which strengthen the norvea and body, und improvn the blood vnlnplvxioll. nuirs were uwnya com and cnmmy. mu 1 un- fe I severely {ram h zigulion. Ihortnopl o breath. nnd I. almost I Roll! uvvn:-Io I Ian! 1 Inn: A` Hana`: klnnu Pllln Illlllll Rll(l LHPOIILOIIMI UNIT: I! may GIG HOD "plank dawn" warrants would be issued for Him!` urrost. T mlice magintmta committed the men for ial. W ulnl lIrIl- James Campbell, corner of Woilington and Barrack streets, always has on hand I iood stock of best. maple. out and uncut, n ry ulnba, kipno and oodarblooka. All cheap for uwh. olophono. ll. I nu ulu-In unsun- Siimmc. Feb. 6. --- Albert. Slack and Robert Smith, \'il|u Nom. charged I half down ouug men with criminal Monult, but the claims would not hold water. Thou tho ooinplninnnta worofxlctninod. charged with Mtenipt at blackmail. by MOMIM. Koyeu, bl school teacher. and Fleming. both of Boston. Slack and Smith approached them Iftor the alleged lullllllb and threatened that if they did not "nlnnk issued \VllllIl'lI' HUI] II nnuuu U] uuuscu. For over three year: I have been '11-ouhlod with what the doctors said wu nrlghfa Disease. was getting rapidly worse. and could ecatoely attend to my business. My ankles were swollen. the pain and heat in my back were almost unbearable. the urine was of a dark wine color. and it used to dribble away continu- ally. [had to rise 9 or no times each night to void the urine, and consequently lea: nearly all my sleep. The scalding heat and pain in lag the urine were painlul and di.-urea. ng beyond my feeble power to describe. People who did not know my trouble uud to laugh at m I` uent vislluo the urinal. My han I In fact were always cold and dummy. and I an!- fered aeverelv nalnilallon. Ihortnul A Tyendlnngn ltulqlont Donn. Bn1.I.icvn.uc. Feb..-r-'I`he funeral took lnoe Tnoacln from Gilead, of John nther. 'I`yen inagn. who passed nwny on Sumluync the home of his son. James Mather. The dreutl aymmons came while _ he wtu eating his dinner and he died ul- `muat instantly and apparently without any pain. He had been ill for some time. but was around up to the time of his death. which was ('l|llF8d by heart failure. Ho louvon two sons and a daughter, Mrn. Adnin Leslie, of Blesningmn, nnd James and Oliver Mather, in Tyendinugn. People nslly do not know how often tbs nngcl of death hovers over them. Mr. R. I`. Watkins. 173 Buy st.. is a barber by trnde, and gnva our representative this short history of his escape front the dis- order which wss rspitlly carrying him to his grave. Mr. Wstkins is a skillful snd experienced man, and is now enabled to exercise his sitiil from morning till night. where before he was unable to regularly iollow his chosen calling. This is Mr. Watkins story ss misled by himssli. .-1:... nu-I u-on war: I hm-a hnnn Ind nno million dollars. lower Inn] and choice plum: of lnnnranon oorod IHLLH k. UIYNNINGHKII. ms reugnumon. African news is still contradictory. It is uncertain whether the Negua in continu- ing his oH'ensive movement by ourrounding (ion. Bamtieri from the sea or whether he intends to withdraw. (ion. Baratiori in in a very strong position near Etinciaoo. The present situation may be prolonged {or weeks. l AI'l`ll~`l~2Al`Vll.l.Ic. Feb. 3 (Special).-The father of the boy LnFlnmme I! one of the lending merchants here nnd willln to talk of his son's cure, he snyr-My little boy Arthur. nfter scarlet fever about 11 year ago never recovered nnd his ailment run into a kidney trouble. His bod ' was swollen to twice its nntnrnl size. he sulferin no! the little fellow were ver severe an we had All given up hope of him. But three months ago we commenced giving him l)odd`s Kidney Pills. and today he is romping and playin with other boys." 'I`his ns nn instance 0 prompt cure is very remnrlmblo. son, me renter mu: 01 [J10 any was occu- iod by t e oont.munbion of the trial of a ibel unit brought. by William F. W. Fiehern ninab Rev. J. I . MoQuM`rio and Thomne `uvorhill. The plainziin one of the license commiseionera for the county of Hnlton, his qnllen uea bein Messrs. Uamp- - boll nml John R. arbor. ho defendant: accused the plnint.iil' ol saying than license had been granted in consideration of the licensee, is conservative. ngreeing to vote liberal. A verdict, oftl was Awarded the plnint,i'. and the question of cost: was re- nnrvod to be nrgued. vlnv wJu-Irinvlll v. uu--nun nun: v-nu .v'y-. famil '. A glow York board of survey examined the American line Ibeamer St. Paul pater- dny. The officer: of the line are emphttaio in their ubnbolnenta that the steamer sua- mined no injury as R result. of her going aground. Hen. Count Von Schouvnlo`. the cover rrogrnmme l0l'Lll0 government. or nuulnn olund, and if it is rejected he will bender his resignation. African news is still noxxtrndiomrv. It. VINDICATED A COMMISSIONER. II-lItUII IAIIIFI BIIIIII Mn.1'<-.~, Feb. 4.---At. the high court lit- tingn to-day. before Hon. Justice Fergu- son, the router nub of the day was occu- niod bv IETOIIHG. Sohouvalo`, the gover nor-general of Russian Poland, it. in said. hm decided to submit to tho our 3 libenl girogrnmme for the government of Russian olund. and it in relented he will bender The Boy l..nFlumIno-Illn Cum Wu I lur- prlna--A Few Bonn of Dod|'n Kldnoy mm. A TALK WITH THE MAN WHO EX- PERIENCED I1`. Londo Auurnnco Corporation III II l.ll\I'\\lII\l 'ALIUIl I` pmonmon: now one In me yours. Mlchmlbevino. bachelor. Stroeuville growinginnno, 'umpod into a well Ami was drowned. lie wan an honest. inof- fenaivomnn. aged about oovonby. and o ocanoisent member of bho Roman Catholic 0 urc . 'I`hn l'nnn:H.n .-nu--n-ngno um. IAI\DA, cnurcn. The Canadian government wu repro- nentad at the Battonborg memorial nrvloo hr Westminster Abbey by Mr. Colmor. who aenbu beautiful wreath to roproaem the sympathy of Canada with the roynl familv. faligilg; sooreury on gnunonn. b n N l Conreu upundn I pro tn] prize ightin cr bull ghblng in the Mr- ritoriu 0! t o Unlud Batu sud the din- triot. of Oolumbln under the pontlty of im- prisonment from to ve Michmlbevine. bachelor. Btroouvle. cnulou mu or me... ' Word corner from Edwards & Co : lum- bering camp, in Ripon township. oh mnrv dor there eaberdny not-nln . Amnnamod Turpin, t, no cook, was stab by I wood- I man Immod Doohalotu. Lurpm, mo cool, I .1 I1` um... n.....a.. nmmoa uoomuou. J. F. Moore. Dundn. left 01.000 to the Mebhodilb miulon !und,snd 3509 to the aupounnuution land. The dooeuod wu A brother-in-law of Rev. Dr. Sutherland, secretary of miuionl. Comrreu has nund n hillnmhlbmnn nev. runner moan : remains will be buried in Potorboro on Saturday morning at six o'clock. Vm-l. nnunru .m...mIIl..... .....s ........o,:.... M l:r`|:'?:|f:IT|;y councillor: wsnt Iopuntion from Toronto and the establishing of n county town in a oontruzrhoo. in 1:lm(3:.I;rI.o::l:il?|-t?h':ow:oys:.t::'o children tip the ncslu st. uvon pound: .pI:c`B1-nil bun fruhnu tun mmnd apnoea. In Bnzll heavy fruhou have cmuod great. dam? in varloun action; 0! the country. T o oods in Uruguay ban canned loss of life... A `X7:-n-4-I nrunnu 'IAl|n w.:.|-A|n'- L FA : In-n. ILIIOI. "UIOIollll'l." lllljiiul. New Term opona FEB. 01'". Full man of I'nivernit.y Graduate: SPECIAL ATTENTION given to undone: pnrin for examinations. The rening in- Iunoo o homo combined with high mental mining THE UBIOAI. DEPARTMENT in in chug. . ;, of Arnmn Fnsmm. li:aq.. Ilun. Bno.. A.() land. udontm roooivod at Any time and (on mad from `data at ontnnoo. dorgu-an in connection with Coll o. For rm: unit proupoocnn apply to I . IXJRN ALh.`M.A..Prinuipui. llnlbs of News on Dev tollltkllnlyool tho may 0mun-lo on Poi! limit! In 3 III: and loud in In lino-I'll World : Oorurlonnukol. '1`uppor'a com to ma brlt In 892. Gen. Campos md an {mugs oonhuuoo with the noon nu yum-day. Rev. ather loom'a remain: will ho hnl-{all in P-lg:-kn:-A An H-tn-A-u nu`-nlntr [nun InnotI_cyja;cuLLEnnnn} T suon is me nu-no Auk: unv- mo up nun. mxwnya C I renth. wu. W: A CLOE SHAVE aavbnp RECOVI-.RY. Boys Underwear. well worth 75, now 40 unit. Men's All-Wool Shirta, me. for 50 ; 90 for 70. All Flannel Shim reduced in rice. All Grey Flannel: reduced; , now 20. Grey Blankets selling at cost. .__ Wide White Cotton, worth 8c ; 15 yu-do for $1.00.` /_;_ [The People's Llle lnsu[I3ance60.,TToL1'onto.` Issues Poll/glee on every plan of insurance. Including Ordinary Life/timited Payment Life Endowment. with or without p'roflts.D 1 ferred Premium. Annujty Bands at low ` rates than any other company. ` I00 Wellington street. Ottawa. Head Office. of the Company. power. Fire Insurance. 75 & 77 PRINCESS STREET. _THE ART GARLAND cannot be surpassed in beauty, durability. successful operation and heating The Newest andthe Bet,Makes- bHLORODYNEe [House `I3 Furnishings RICHMOND sq co. Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors Worcester : l Crosse & Blackwell. Ltd.. Londorl; and Export Ollmen generally. 1 w. R. McRAE 42:0: LEA ANIIPEBBINS ouvrnxnn: wnxppnn v of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL VVORCESTERSHIRE Evening AGENTS : J. M. Dough: 0. Co. and Urquhart. & 00., Mont-real. ELLIOTT BROS., IITAII. IVIIVWHIII. BARGAINS IN%|31TKLANELs. DIS. a."":6LLns i3Row1%:7s9 Brussels Carpets from 80c. OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE ARPETS ~ ~ THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE } CRLORODYNE `J .':3`f.`.ffi"v.{ F..'i!i."2`1{fJ`5'1`v.ia :uf5`:.J.'iT"`"' CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE 'd".'.'i."..`..`I.`:`;'$?3$K#t3:1I3I'fJ:Z?T2:.i3{.`IiA}`i3.f"` "" ,cuLoRobYma .~.:'.:."o*.:1:..:::-..::*:. '.':,.'. .`:::.:`:';. `~ "'"'~ cHLoRo1>YNE :.*::.:`::!:.x.,:::~:.;.:';::..':.:..2:.::`*- ' "r he the only pnlliutiw In Nuumlzln. Rhenmulum Gout, (burner. Tout huvlw. Monhmltln. nfu. ---AN D--- YOU OANNOT AFFORD to allow your Paper: and ` Mrurotlnu to lie la . 6.` J ` loose. or to be on or 0- Itrnyed, when ll cosh I0 llttle to huvothom bound Bond them to 0. H. () l"l`O, 151 Welllnnton Itrootqlntl he wlll put them Into a slut coon- vonlcni for reference and ornamental 0 your llbnry. The 3991 Salad? R.._ wALDRoN //v aws INK DMGONALLY Acnoss r/:5 llva~t'H.nl.. lllnonmlnlry. London. In KINGSTON. ONT. PRINTED KT`"Lu9sM.L_i*;I2I_is" .00LLE"EI _L-- 5.... w.__.. dam. Jonu on-onn. : moN'rnIm... 8.11. ICOANN AOOOUNTANT AND REAL n Estate Annk. Rant: sud Account: 001- . Ilomy to loin at lowest. Intel. Oloo In; -c.. over Wade : Dru; Eton. gAUP}lERSON & HOOPER. AUDINRS, Accountants and Estate Anntn. Flu. to and Accident. Imuumco. Mon to loan If: lowest rates. 05 Olen-sumo Itroot, lnnton. B. Incl-Ilnnaon. I1. .1. HOOPIR. MONEY T0 LOAN IN LARGE UR BKALL mum. at low raters of interoat on On: and Fnrm Property. bonus an-nntocl on City and Oonnty Dehonturon. Alpvly to Tnouu Dumas, nnager Frontenac man and Invoic- lnollt at}. 03100 opposite tho Pout Ool. " 3. {anti G Sm-voyo llton. ._......._...._ ITHUR ILL Anna! M A! non. one. I. N EWI Apprslur. strut: over Wu (hm shoot. nu - NEWLANDS. AROHITEOP AND corner of Brook and King Wade : Drug Store. llntrnnoo on nut to Wine omoo. _ STAMPS llllvuvlvli u--rnuu ww---u- A Ion-ling and D31 School for Young lndlu. "olouhurn." lnnnton. Nnw Tnrm nmmu FER l`ll `T91 . Ol D0 Prln &CO II Unlvo.r`|lty Avonaito... k " to I .m. Sutm-du av` `wano . B. A. Aykroy . um. moox mm zioinbnd very nub]: 1: tie any. For Rotoronownvory Job done In 138. (W. BELL. V3 to: Donn! H I noo.61b [Tucson Tolophon M8. .0: N _L_D '%`To&:. anus mum cal `gm begins TEIQRHIJAY, JANUARY Ill). For urn:-uluru call at the College oloo `16to3ONaza.1feth8u'oot. PRXNTB FOR 'I"HE PUBLISHERS . l:u.1a (Mumhor of o 4 ` of mnmom. ll. Oiloo 8104: Iraqi, non. AO0_0U'NTAN'l' umn) unn.no.n lnnn at lmvnnf. rates. AND matmnvnl Wade : Drug `f1`iN_i.A iibtnrsns. > a sax. Ancxwiom AND BUILD- gsurvoyorn. Omco-Wellington Shut. I` on. 7, . ... -._.-. -uuvuv-nu. ..u.., -.v -.__.,_, I.`*a........-` .e.o. 1. IL tuna; nm.1.s & ouxxmamm Rolo Aaanh. Klnnton sud Dhhloc. -ARCHITECTURALL -5:-aha: ._I.IvE vv. T:"DU"ri}irfiE)E7\T.7 ......-.-_._. .___..__. VVETEETIEARY. _ .._..._._...._._._.._..___ '. 3ELL.VE'!`lB.INAB. BUBGEON or Dental Surgery. DA|poIu_gly__Q_l| . . VE'l`lH.lNAH.f amsunun D I 1` or B cry. 5.815 lnoonl rpeb. Oonnnlclonn ophon Ma, DOIIIIUI DI Japans, INANCIAL. 5t'|Y6o.'i6'"I"rtx'|ocin iagli Ibu- `nlvorngyemzgno. n `hang, v n . X. A. Aykn-013. `).D.'., L. .8.. nlvo plan-1 of lnnnranon olhl HILLS hum no. Dhtllo La: oA_|._ no, lartnoau I unit! Avonm. J. H. MCKAY. Principal. RUBBER STAMPS 01' all kinds. Bel!-Inknru, Linen Ilnkou, Damn. Heals. Stencils, Bank, Ticket IL Oluo Stun, am. Re sin promp y r. Wma 0 ca. Ticket & um. Re r. Oloa. Paints, Classes I STAMPS 01' Bel!-Inknn. ".`n'-`d-I 32".: '...'.:`a...'"".,..'""*..2?.*':..2'..".'.T.T.I.' llvurh-an-angling-mane. llhuknlungllnolqpo thlngoln ' I UIIU Uy'UUIuvII lulu:-yiluugluu I IlJIlI|l'0llll$ wu gladly nooqull. -Tho Ipoohcio all Ohovho la pnnnhd of the non commit- hd to nnodhl Iqluon Ah-dd to intro- duoolowhllothooo ddlobo Ah-dd oils, ObliIcnb.uIuior0op0ng|lnpu' an Aiuvwn-II VII VII I IVIDJCB. 'AM|oAnnul_gooun oltho connota- puoowuptoo|dIhod.but. Iidauunhbynuyunuuln. Wham no pmloulymoupud Io clout apn- bula-at-inmnannnn-u-ulnnalnn-u 1.... win: 5 `J-nu-Iuvuv Inn Inc VI VII I`! 00' fol-In and of April. nndho country Mr- ly donsndn that It have the fallout oppor- tunity hooonnidor thin bill bdrm it putt. " Sir Ribbon Tuppor Mud to but up Mr. Ida in his data to limit the privileges ol the member: by appropriating ovary , Thursday for government business, but the opposition trlunpbdmxa I coup:-omits -nn nlnlu nnnfn, -AA -nonlgnig -II uu-vuuu. vv -nu-nwuunvv -uvo The quution of the dny -was the right of pu-llnmont. to 3'0 on with othor work when it nu oallod to pun remedial Iogloloon. And its is I ublulactlon to no the Montronl Slur. lndopendons. but a supporter of the N.P.. doolulng that the pullng of the supply bill is morelym incident. that "tho nmodlul blll should luv? the rnt. place on the qrdor pnpor an I matter of right and jun- tloo to I" oonoornod. It ll the sole reason for ulncalllm ol the ulxbh union, lay! the Star : pu-llnmonc will die of old up be- fnnulhn And of Ann nvulihn nnnnt;-nu l.l-. no-pun:-unv nu Iv. As the leader of the government. invit- ed a , raking down he got. it, Mr. Mulock lecnlling the pitinble feature which Sir hleokenxie Bowell nbrded. when. standing on the oor of parliament one of theee ine~ moreble deyl. while the political crisis was at lte heighth, and lint II the home had edjoumed. he Ieid. referring to xhe bolien. (or twelve month: they have been en- denvoring to Meueinnte me." 'l`I.- .....m.'.... A, LL. .1... ....- sh- ..J...l.4 -0 VarnisE A FAR-FETCHED THEORY. The Montreal Gazette, which professes to abhor the improper use of the imagina- tion. in political campaigning, suggests, in answer to the Hamilton Times question. where would the liberals get money for briberyin Cape Breton. that perhaps Mr. Wiman supplied it. Which shows how silly a great journal can toll` on special oc- casions. Wimen is a great man and clini- lenges admiration for the manner in which he worked himself up in the com- meroiul world; he is entitled to some sympathy in misfortune, the result of his'over-weening ambition. his disposi- tion to conduct enterprises beyond his means; and he has been pitied in mi fall which followed his indiscreet. not to say criminal." appropriation of the funds of his firm. Mr. Wiman has never been the nancier of the liberal party, and in no election was he able to advance it money for election purposes. He may have talk- ed extravagantly. but that is only a sign of greatness, and in a man like Sir lfhsrlee Tupper it is distinguishing characteristic. M. win... am "no 41...... 4...... 0...... ....... The opposition at once objected, polnt- lng out that though parliament had been in union I month praotionllv nothing had been done, that the limb low lays hall been spent by the government in quarrel- ling and making nppoinmnonlsa, and that no for little progress had been made be- cause the work of the nouion-t.he special work lor which it. had been Apocially culled --had not been prepared by those who were responsible for it. A. IL. I-..l.. ll, AL. .......-.......-..A :.....u nuyyvn nu no \IIuv|I|IIInII|II \;unuu;uwImuIU. Mr. Wlmnn did not gure in the Cape Breton election. but another one whose ro- lntlonship with Sir Charles will be expon- Iivo enough, as the country may have oc- oulon to know a little later on. uu_u ununu un n-uuul. In the houeeon Tueldny a hot debate occurred upon the prop0eil.ion of Mr. Power that Thursdays be reserved for gov- ernment bueinees, the Idea being thus con- veyed bhat. the public moaeuroe. to which the government mu committed, wore enf- lerin`. 'I'|.- n.......l>:......5 ........ ..L.'-..A-..l ....|... uvv u on-w. The point of the poem is lost without the title, and our contemporsry deliberate- ly slured it to The Old Flsg."-a piece otbunting peculiarly its own. If readers will only resd the poem with care they will discover that it is in no way suited for s protectionist campaign song, but only for the lips of such a true, patriotic. free-trsde loyslist ss Sir Richard Cart- wright. We publish it in another column so that sll'msy see what a strong nnrl stirring plan it is for religious peace, for free trsds. and for pure political life. a The Mnil saw this poem, rooogniud that the cap onotly uted in party. Imilod Ly cynical, nrdonic smile. and used verses tint Iholld have mnde it blulh for its dwn ends. L ,1 .L. ___-,,, 1, I__A .._.uL-,,. THE TEICKY MAIL. We were delighted to see in the hm. io- ue of The Week a powerlul end timely peern from the pen of Fidelir. The verse: were headed "The Sons of the United Em- pire Loyalist; and the Old Plug," and fine- ly oontrutod the Ipir-it of the men who Inorioed nll {or their loynlzy with the loy- alty of men who are lled with a petty greed of place." and who "drag the old ting : neared folds through the mire in their eoru to stir up urlfe and loud oi creed and race. " `Iv , ,- 3 Oil I 0515:! ;' ' war`? n'lInolmpr:v 3' nations at: o o R o`{'n 2'i`....' .f`.c%`u" "'u"`:.?.':3' ' O . ohugu lor sdnrgt_nynntg`:nd Iublol Ill In for hnnilontnn 0! V In ordl I Wu 3; be fl I Hub 9 iI"" nm' "lblth Mm: Am so u.l:r sdvnt m:1t|a:ndu:.t:wriD- do an no and puuln o In ndunoo. sun of nnlnoo nbod nuooinolonn or In N ,::o'kW"Ll:'b:` pguonnlly [IIDOIIII 0 Catalogues .. .. .. Illustrated Album: of city View: All the Plant of Book Work .. Are u rogulu service. Noe excelled by my onion in Oun- eda. for quality of work. ' I a. %`%`:.`.:;E *1-:.:.:.r'.*:..~ OM ,lC::0It<!`.od':;`:-.' .0 pupa: iitno 0 tbs ban Job on In Oomlis; mm and chow pm "Gris nine lmpmvorzrlgbinu n_nun-___ THE DAILY _wH1G.| wag: nx': ':"'1|`-'"'a uh. Articles 2"! .060. . no: '3'?! in luau; mink " lhrknnm; I-oduod r M W I D 0: sin out oooompan u. _nn oontnou for our coo unu. lunlnnm 'rKi5:tLI33fa`s.:i3h-iapi-99.95.1524-J9: rs. b his soul uolowolvo unu o or Dunn. 0l|l'lll0tCIolI." m owu two ohlnq "1.:"'`."'.::` f3..`.". 1 :.u."..3.` In or `g: one: of that o 0': 7109,11 ions I: mood on 1 now or lnnrtlon. All Mn 5. '"" 3.1 -e.-.-.;.;:.-.':.:.':*~ *- m @,?.nriInn. ` mo no in mm and 'our. 100: ._ y ' 7 M 9. H `..',:..*i."::':`..`a`-'3'" : ::::.:- lmh ' I, ll pa. d In udnnoo; ot orwlu E-______ . . . -. - kn. ZWBLUITIR 4 IA AL- _..__._I _.-_A "-I -'-'--u-vvv- -- r- - `ic'v's'7'.'3. nffnsn. JOHN OYIOED P I t . Auiuunt u.dn- Iguana? . 0' _ ,+ ;f,","`1'!'T__. Sunday Schopla: Monthly Jbnrm