Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1896, p. 2

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/Oils. IMO In ndvnnco. nomad nnoolntions or nu-uonnllv rnbonliblo Inilolat IIUI-gy -IIIlI'- Onngomon wont to Toledo on Tuesday ' attend county lodge muting [or hoods count . The following odious won elect.- od: nty Inutar, Andrew Ore , Elginz dorky mum, ( Lonooc , Frank- vil : trunnnr. H. Luann-Sch. Tnladnz nanny. wm. nu-Icy, Athena; nnnnom actuary, R. Seymour. Toledo; chnplnin, Rev. Wm. Ilooiwe. Lyndhnut, The next annual Ineotinglvill be held at Elgin nnd the Annual-oolobntion at Athens. '|o;' . .l'i ` .' old; |.......' *--,,,w:.`....,*' aims. ncnhrv. Sonnonr. Toledo: chnplnin. moment we overument 0| umaan snows itself dis; to restore to the (`utholic population of hlsnitobs the full enjoyment. of its rights. it is the duty of the clergy to approve publicly of this notion of the civil authority. The conscience of each indi vidual is submitted to the direction of the leaders of religion, and if R Catholic cannot, without committin a great error. refuse to obey the luv 0! t e church in the school question. it is don ing to the church its most precious n-ivi to try to prevent it from guiding t o fnit ful on such an impor- tant question." Nowburgh Notes. NI\\'l1IYRu|l, Feb. 5.--Miss Jessie Hope in visiting friends in Kingston. Mrs. J. McAulo spent. last. week in Enmrpriao. The l m'von on Fridny evening in Pinkie`: hull was a decided raucous. IIIQ UIUI HIVOTI on lnany O\'Oll|g ll) nucoeoa. About lty couples were present. It would behard to tell who woe the belle. J. H. MoAvoy. our popular hotelkeeper, pro red the supper. A rumor any: a ding in the near future. The invito. tionn will soon be out. We cannot see that in the matter with our young people this vinter on we hove no skating rink. Min Aloombrlck. of Odeean. in visiting Mrs. W. Scott. White horses seem to be the roge here. on they seem to be every- body : favorite. B. Berry visited here Sunday. . __:._:__._j.,__ I n I n___... u-_An_- The Klngslsn Business Eullege lLlIl'I clout uool Wash : drug has Uri IIDHBSI DI HBT reu IUUB BKPBYIBIICG. utrick Galvin di at. Carleton Place on Monday night, aged eight)` years. Mr. (inlvin was born in lroland in IBM, and came t/oCur|ewn Place in I846 pursuing prosperoualy the trade of tailor till lS7li, when he retired. His interest for munici- pal life found pleasurable outlet. for five years in the positionof councillor. For four years he was a tax collector in Bet-k- with. "-4- -u-urn: nuu our mu-runn- Ln Minorve takes the stand thnt it is the duty of the Roman Catholic lIl8I'l|l'(`l|y to give the government. its open support. IIVICO the great question in issue is the maintenance of the Catholic schools. The moment the overnment of Canada shown anal! .l:u-m... on .-..o.-... In Hm l`...|mI;.. la re. H `erth is in hot pursuit of a method to re-enter the county. She asks to enjoy the benets of criminal justice nnd other ml- vnntugen the county holds. for $500 per nu- num. The count ' asks $1,000; a comma mine to 8750 will made. Thn pr-nnhvfnv-Snn nhnrnh in I<`.xrnn\Ii"n mine to Nov Wlll D6 maue. The Presbyterian church in Egnnville. with its out-station, Scotch Hush, (Grub tan) in taking a step in ndvnnce, and is ceasing to be in mission. It will receive aid from the Augmentation fund, but be- comoa entitled (,0 nll the privileges of a solfsupporti ng congregation. Arthur Mann. has resiitned his noaition 0|I~8Upp0l`[l ng congmgnnon. Mann. resi ned position as assistant. book-keeper or the Cleveland need company, Cupe Vincent. and Frank (hmlner takes his place. Mr. Mann do. vows his time to the business of Mann & Co., one of the best. wholesale houses of pure beswd garden and ower seeds in the country. Minn Mnliumn died at (,'nr|at.on Place to. Why` liq -&\ he bgdlnnlnd into new politioallihr`. H . _ many to M. 11. -Judson, Lyn. Dr. M. M. Taplin, whoso parents reside at. Addison, Ont., practisin at Copen- hagen, N.\'., for four years, Ens removed to 104 Chestnut street, Rochester, N.\', w n v,....... oh- ..ma..m.. .....I umII.m. to NM l.;neat.mm screen, not-nesmr, IV. 1, W. C. Young. the amiable and well-Lo- do young farmer of A upletou, and Miss Virtue, daughter of Join) Virtue, And for- merl a teacher in Ramsay. were married last odnesdny. Bernard McKin|ev. (fame Vincent. has FIRE msukmc Nornca. London. Liverpool and Globe Fire Insurance Company. Enna. A19`: A0 nnn nnn In uhllohm tn whlnh last. woanesuny. Bernard McKinley, Cape Vincent, recovered his health and nssumea control of his farm on March let. His 90:1, Louis, retires with the condence and good wishes of friends and nei hbors. n.. I... spun. Lnvnnn I1.-m.-....... nnn (.6 ox menus am: no: noors. On Jan. 29th homna Donovan, one of Egunville's most. respected citizens. was married to Miss Mary A. Murtagh. daugh- ter of Thomas Murtagli, Vinton, Ont.., and sister of Mrs. Joseph Lubnrge, of the vil- lama. country. Miss Mchnren died at Unrieton l lnce last Saturday :1 ed sevenb -one years. The fumily consiaux of one rother, Robert, and three sisters, none married. They were all attached to Lhe Brethren. Miss Mcbnrou was known fur and wide by her kindly r:huract.er and the strength nnd bri hmesa of her reli ious experience. Carleton omu '. T omas Brigham lmsnot given up contract. to build Cape \'mcenL's depot. He will have the snuoture c placed by April lat. David Ransom. formerlv a maiden` upwmua or wumuu. A pleasant event took place 1 Purvis , Lyn, on Jan. `. 9t.h.when I daughter, Florence, was unibedi to M. B. Judson, Lyn. Dr. M. M. Taulin. narel Anonb rumored posnibilitiec at Ottawa the Montreal Star conceives it to be quite pouiblo that Sir Chulu "may yield to destiny when the crown_ in foreod upon him, and it oonoeiwu It to be quite possi- ble that Sir Maokonzie may refuse to our- rondor it. Still the bury pipe:-u any all is peace and lnrm.ony as. Ottgvm. amounted to nearly w,wU. I). Yorke has rented his farm near Jones` Falls and removed to Athens to give his children educational advantages. lninhn-n Dninlna Ar Rnlnn `u now anuh vme, oommencea worn mat ween. J. Reeves, for thirty years superinten- dent of St. John's church Sunday school in Egnnville, has sent. in his resignation. \\ nrlr nn the nnnnt.rur-.t.ion of the ll n- ngnnvule, nan sent. Ill ms resngnnuun. Work on the construction nished part of the 0.. A. & P. S. Ry. cnmnmnced. and will be hushed vi; Work the consbrucmon or me un- & has commenced, and pushed vigor- ouulan '1` nnnnn Ru-Enlmnn Imn nn. rrhvnn nu the anon: `nu-vv vv-u-run u Funds: ovor 2,mn.t\on. In Iddltlon to which the polio lml one have for neon:-ity the unlimi- tod Ihlll X0! all the stockholder-A. PARK ND Cl'l`Y PROPERTY Insured at lowest nosnlhle mtau. Before renowinn old or pieced by April ISL. Ransom, formerly resident of North Burgess, has mnden rich deal in pine lamb in Michigan, clearing t,|iex`eby upwards of $50,000. Anieasnnt place at 1 . C. Mr. Milk` Inobionmxprossivo of Canada : devotion to the queonand British interests, called forth some excellent. addnaaaes in parlinm crib. The house was solid on the motion. Mr. Lauriar made I aplendill Ipoooh, bus Mn orstlon of the day was given by Sir Rlohgrd Cartwright. Even, thn'Mnntrnl Guobte rofon to its: `*3 truly Able and p.ocrloo.icn.d Work on me nunoum nouse, Umywn, is progressing rapidly. The structure cost about 813,000. li`.ImnnrI R-nu wnnlthu nillr mnnnfnnhllu mm and six children. Cape Vincent's charter election taken place Tuesday, March 18th. The candi- dates are now in the eld. Th; nnnlulnf rnnniunrl nk Hun (`mun Vin. dame III me new. The amount received at the Cape Vin- cent station for tickets alone in 1895 amounted to nearly $9,000. I). Yorke rented about 513,000. Elwood Bros , wealthy silk manufactur- ers. Fort Plain, remove their factory to Wawrtown. N. Y. Allm-0 In h.:I.... t'L.....mnnt. N \' diml wawrbown. N. X . \ Albert, E. Dailey, (lhaumont, N. Y., died on Monday of pneumonia. He leaves a wile and six children. (`nun \,'inmant'a nhnrfnr Alnntinn Lillian cmlaren eaucamonm nuvnnm es. Mclntyre. Reinke & Bolan '3 new sash and door factory and planing mill, Egan ville, commenced work last week. I lhuumn in-voluirhy unnrn nunnrintnn. The meroet mention in made of y Wilde`: death. She was a romirk la women. ln education. in culture, in her _in- uence in society. in the atrug lee she made to prepare her children for t. no reat- neea she hoped for them. Oscar Eegnn lifewell. hut in hit; {all carried himself down into unfathomable diegmce and his poor old mother to an early grave. News of the Dlltl-lot. Condonled [From the Whlg Excluntu. A cnnnin factory is trying to work into Smith`: F111 5. . . II I" Dhillinu Alnhnma will hnknnnannnr .lVlD' HOW IIIIHIIIQNS K01 : PRIOR ll 0l'Il STRANGE ll: STRANGE, Acantl. W. J. FAIR. Spoclnl Agent. King Strict undo: Onurlu `Bank. Smith : Falls. H. 0. Phillips. Athens, will beysssessor at a salary of 820. Card mrtiaa am more numerous than at salary or am. Card parties am ever before in Ca Vincent,N.Y. Mr. Rogers, 0. Lawrence. has taken ion ol the Cape Vincent, N.Y., ntal. Wotdoouinofmnlvu-villa. lam, B. P. Jnvb.nhr1.hnhll|n hdrtoan Eoaarslon OI EHO pupa vluuelw, 11.1., oto . Work the Hubbard house, Clayton, ia nmm-mnimv rnnirllv, The nt.rum.ure cost Aanotool-nnn`|PrcoetIpcIan l)inuodb|ood,oomt.im5ol_n,undki_dnoy, ivu Ind bowel can an cured by Kn-l'I Clovu Root Tu. For ab 50 THE DISTRICT DASH ES. l..0.l.. 00130.1 loath`. gun... -mg-.6 6.. Tnlmln .... "1n1~ L? i5'1';"1iI"'1'1sH _ Wm` FEIDAY. FEBBUAB an 1'. L. x his eldest. I in nnnhri, :, !'rInI- Toledo; nnnninl London & Lancaehlre Life As- aurance Company. PIACTICALLY A Cuunun omnun Wn-3 Ilnn-um Sncunrn. the ".1... nonoltne words "1'neorornernoou olmun.` "In the Spaniard, the Portuguese. the Rus- sian, the lmted l-Inglislinmn my brother? _ he cries, "Brother to me,.e_n American. Well, l guess not." l don-'t think so my- self. The brotherhood of man idea is n benutiful one and I hope will obtain in the coming centuries, but the snapping. snurl- lug cur must be ehniinnted from the animal croutinn. and the jingo spirit in men must be edunnted out first. but cosmopolitnnism need `not mean necessarily the brotherhood of man. It npplle this wny : It is u re- cognized principle thut that home is un un~ h.ippy one, nnd n menace to society in which the members quarrel and fight. The common lnw of no civilized land allows brothers to so qunrrel and tight. no mutter whether one or the other considers itn mutter of honor or not. Therefore, it is best thnt ever `home should be happy, that ever neighborhood should not quarrel witi another neighborhood. that every count should for no possible reason ght wit any other county, that no state or vince should rise in arms sgsinst other states or provinces, and. consequently, that no country "should make war on my other country. Thatis cosmo litsnism and the jingoes hate it, for ll t ere were no wars possible there would be no use for jingoes and consequently they would have to run the risk of being pulloried as common scolds. It would seem then, that from the standpoint of civilimtion, cosmopolitenism isa grand principle but there are many thin in its wsy. The hog characteristic whic is big in men today is the chief barrier. A r yet vigorous people find s new lsm, kill otl" the ssvnges (who Ire culled savages because they happen not "to be of the same race and color as the aforesaid poor vet vigor- ous peo le)cultivsto the soil, delve in the mines, uild cities, increase and multiply; and sostter over the land. Suddenly they awaken to the feet that they are In nation. Then they talk of our country," and write nutionll anthems. They proceed to protect their new country b high hri rstes. sndto build ships to {slit sny le- tion which dares to tread on their out nuns. nnuw mum Imps up ngnr. tails. We found it link. and is`: ours," in their constitution. They pus I luv do- cluiug tliomaolvaa :11 (me nnd than pro- ceed to buy and tell one another. This in nuziouulioni:/A England was this loundod, sown evry other European nnbion, no Irutho United States of Amer-ion, Ind so 710 Cumin. Collective. individual giahneu union nutionnl `alumni and accounts for protective ' China: to- dliction manure Ind Lha likg Ieconnuror pronoun unn|,umnao monnlzzu uniiho Pica Theta An 5: `am y! or ji Thhnn enjn 'ng Iilc.u Chilnmio lg won any. p tot do limit. Tho New York Sun, the chic! `ingo that in this ow,-mt-ry. i- mine I ti-M 53*-BI Enghnd krdny, annexing (hand: mgr- nnd vi 8 ' and Turk 1" ~ _&'.a....,."'i.`s. .".`.`:.% ........1'. 31' l`hINIrYo}K8uniothoIypodti0IIl| um stronger, l'lCh0l`, Iroer man my nengn- bor` This spirit the jingoes cull nntimml greatness and international honor. The college professors. being very lauru ml and consequently libeml-minded men, any that real putriobiavn has a cosmopolitan applimt.ion, being in fact. that great doctrine of Jesus Christ, and of Sidurnhu Budhu before him. The brotherhood of H rm... ;;....,. ..;.-In hm.-I. no Hm rnnn, Huulm belore mm. "1 no Dronnernoou 0! mun." The jingo fairly howls at. the men- tion ofthe words "The brotherhood of man. -|.. .1... u.. ,:...A .1... v.\.o..,....... nu. IL... formed. The next (lay 1 was caueu (lawn in rigorous language by the trustees who were all Omngemen. I was told distinctly to teach only English. history in Robliu and never to make such unpatriotic re- marks again. This is a sample of every (lay Canadian jingoism, a beautiful chris- tiarl. eglucated spirit is it not 2 This spirit the jingous Call patriotism. If it is not patriotism. what is? Let us see. Patriot ismto my mind is love of home. Home has been described as a place where the heart is. that is where the ones we love rlwnll uml about which are clustered happy thoughts and memories. This is not strict- ly true. for where the ones we love dwell may be only an abiding-place, and the heart yearns for another spot where. perhaps. there are no loved ones any longer. a spot, however. which was the play rrouhd of our childhood. whose elds an brooks and woods were baby wonderlands. a spot where~mothor and hither lived and died, and near which they now sleep. That spot. to my mind, is home. the home which is the magnet of true patriotism. For the child lives in the man, and what the child revereuced that will the man also respect and cherish. To some of us then. who are expatrinted, true patriotism is only A beautiful sensation. a reverence for native land. an inspiration and the polar magnet of our hearts. Our real, every (lay patriotism must be for our new holues, and consequently for our nuopted country. This patriotism prompts us to defend the welfare and happiness of our homes. nnrl us these attributes of home :.I\IuAI\Il 4.. .. I........ .1..."-m-. m. Hm umlfnm homes, nnu mane nnmuuwu or name de )end, in (I `urge degree, on the welfare mu` happiness of our neighbors homes, we must stand ready to aid in :1 common de- fence. And this is ulll clnim that pal.`. oL~ ism lormuuls of Any man. Jingoiam goes further nnd Inainmills that patriotism means assault. uml battery, as well as self- defonno. \\'h_\".' Simply than I may say I stronger, richer, freer than my neigh- hur. This snirib iimroes necessary that he should be a coward. Jingoes hate college professors and mug- wumps. They claim that the former instil into the minds of the youth of this country cosmopolitan sentiments, and that the lat- ter are {shameless fellows who believe in every man thinking for himself. Therefore to the 'ingo mind it is unpatriotic to teach that t e foundations of any other vern- ment but the American are founde on the principle of the libert of man, that the German, or the Englis 1. or the French, have better methods of municipal adminis- tmtion than we have here, or that the policy of protection is open to serious criticism. They stand ready to call traitor that man who has the strength of will to declare that the Monroe doctrine. although being well enough in its time, is not now apphicable in every respect. Thejingoes, it will be noticed, have a monopoly of pa- l.|-inlisln Lriouain. Czuiudn has herjingoea as well us this country mid as I write I remember an incident which hnpiened when I was tenching school at hnblin, a village in the county of Lennox. I found the chil- dren did not know who George Wushing~ ton was or anything About the history of the United Stntee. So I told them what a great man George was and what a wonder- fully rich nnd mighty country the "mates" formed. The next day I called down i.. |IllI1\l"(\II lnnnnnnn hu Ilm. t.runtAAn wlm Ohsneterlstles of Yankee Jlngoeli-`Ilse Meaning of True P|trlotIsm--lnm ol Canndlon Jln;o|sm-'l'hs Orlnln o NhtIons-'l'he Brotherhood of Ion Yet For Distant. New YORK, Feb. 3. - (To the Editor): "Silly Cosmo lltanism is what Theodore Roosevelt, ..l*ie0w York s foremost jingo, terms the spirit of moderation and humani- ty which has unimated the college profes- sors and other liberal-minded Americans to condemn -the warlike attitude of the pre- sent congress. The jin :11? a re-eater, an inoernated Mars. is g n- and A hero. He stands read to die for his country on demand. Weelt ls trash com- pared with national honor, es he conceives it. At the end of a bloody and dsvaststlng wsr one would expect to see him standing clothed only in gore, crying to heaven an exultnnt peen of victory. This is, you know, if we are to believe all that the jin- oes say of themselves. I have been stu- ( ying the type lately as I chanced to come in contact with them in :e(0llOI`i wily and so far I have been surpri at my discover- ies. lnd that few American jimroes have been beyond the bounds of their own states, let alone their country. They are either of Irish descent, or have a romantic notion of the sufferings of down-trodden Erin. They are creatures of strong reli- gious nnd race prejudices. They are either notoriously bad or notoriously good. A happy in ium is 11 position unknown to them. The are lovers of old ideas and old ways. hey are intol- erant of opposition. hero worshippers. that is if the here has been dead a long while and was himself is jingo, and they have the honest belief thht only in the nited States of America are all men born f and equal. They are very blatant end exultingly ego- tistical nnd profess toybe born ghters. I think they would ght if they really had to. Because in man is ignorant it is not that he should be coward. Jinunen ham nolleere nrofessors mug- pure patriot , wmn A NEW vomusa THINKS our THE "TAIL Twlsfsns.-"` amconsm mmmsl; ` 1 11, I found shelter and ndorn your home. 9. Take care of your implements, nnd do not buy any more than you really need. The annual wnete under this head through- out, the province of Ontario is enormous. Implements of various kinde-plows, har- rows, rollers. mowers, teaperu, \Ang0nP,eI.o.', are left. out, exposed to rain, frost. and mow! What. in dingrnce, nnd what. a loss both owners! Yet umny incur this dia- greee end I.-u'er the loin involved therein; end such men often have A weakness for buying implements which they could do without. getting them on credit, and wearing them out or breaking them before the are paid for. Do not be uilty of we fell . Keep all your imp emenus, wagons, 3 eighs, and carriage: under cov. er. Keep them in good repair; and let. no one persuade you into buying what you can do without till you have thelmoney in hand to pay for it.. 10. Be a leader ixeome bmnch or de- rbment. in the breeding or feeding of oraee, cattle. sheep. urine. or poultry, in butter-mnking. bee-keeping. or some- thing elne. Do not be utised to live And move along on the dead level. II, Keen out of debt. Sensible noo~ an . Ffuhul not nouns to speak to you About religion and sound `morality (strict lruthlulnou. scrupulous honesty. em.) as tho truo foundution of success on the farm undollazclnro. Iuuuvno that this im- n| I. in ilnprauod In your minds m. to rock. - Yo`:-no faithful! , JAIE Agricultural co||030.Uuolpf;. end along we uenu novel. ll. Keep peo- ple reopoct. the young mun who wears rusty, thlendbare clothes, and drive: i the old buggy or democrat. until he gets the means to ME something better. Such I oung mm unchuuoo ofnuccosa. while to ono who borrows money to purchno clothes. carriages, implements, or anything ell! (unions in rare and ex- ceptions! oimunnonoee) in almost. sure to bocoqo u hewer of wood and drawer of nut foraome money or loan society. bocoqo IIOIOI 01 `won anu urnwer ox lot some money Whgmvor you do. live within your means gnd pay us you gm nn nothing to do with morunou or promitoory noun 5o.'wIuunhi;-and-aid to son. at El I[uh lII-Iliq-lo. I Xulnl your engagement to we iutwr. 7. Attend closely to your business. Hard work is the price of success in all honest vocations; nnd in these days of low prices and intensely keen competition, the man who frequents the hotels or spends much time nwny from his form need not ' expect to succeed. 8. Make rm intelligent, persistent ellbrt. toimprore your furm. There is great room for improvement on many lurms. The soil is poorly cultivntetl, weeds are plentiful, fences are out of re- poir, and things about the fnrm buildings present an appearance ofthe most din- crsditable neglect---stones here, ativka there. a pile of rails or bourds yonder, and an old sleigh or a broken implement some- where else-nll seeming to say tlmt the owner is lazy or utterly devoid of taste. llntidymen ought to give up lnrining. They are a disgrace to the beautitul country in which we live; mid like the old Qunlxer,I am disposed tosay tlmt the man who allows wild mustard, wild outs, uum.-k grass. nnd other noxious weeds to ' tuke possession of his farm is working too much land, is lazy or does not understand his business. Straighten and repair your fences, than keep them in good order. Remove all piles of stones from yours fields: `on can haul them to the woods or somew ere else in winter. Rest not, night or day. till your farm in f`l6ll-~lIll you hovenll noxious weeds thoroughly under your control, und most of them destroyed. Tidy things up nn;l kee ithem tidy, Mound your house, in the yards, end about the farm buildings: and plunt some trees (maple, elm, pine null spruce) to shelter and Adorn home. 0 Tnlu-. wire of vour imnlementn. Klidgauteu `In eonnotitlon withcog or I'll! ant roupoo un nppy o WALL, M.A.?Prlnolpal. Ind you go. nlvw nubulug w uu with mortquga promitoory Got nomointarost if you an, but do not not uni. ruling me counnry. 6. Ba punctual. l'unct.ualit.y is an I important factor in all kinds of business; and it is to be re related that farmers generally are looke upon as less prompt, and punctual than men in the commercial and professional life. Lying in among the disgraceful vices. Men overywliero roseiic the im utation of fnlselmod; uml yet n great. (enl of practical lying is done in everyday life by persons, young and olnl, who tliouglitlesaly make iromises which they neglect. or forget. to fu fil. Think be- fore vou make promises or enter into en- agemonts: then keep your premises and full engagements to the letter. 7. clo.-ielv vour To Thole In Ohnrgopr Who Are to TIIO Charge oi Dunne. In compliance with your request, I llllll, though rninch pressed for t-ime. eddreu efew words to fermell sons. especially tothooe who have charge or IPO about to take charge 0! forms. I regret to any that many farmers none are not making I good use of their time. Far too largo a proportion are living very lietleen, ueoleu lives, not well satised with their condition, and doing little or nothing to improve it, oing through the dreer routine of daily fe-eating, work- ingmleeping; sleeping, eating. working -without any well directed effort to rise above the condition of mere lnl orers. Vnnnn mnn nlhw mn nflnr mnnv 01 ms mme. Take utleaat one agricultural papei: You need l.l|Bll1f0Fmul;lOlI coxicnilied in such a paper. It will be of much practic- nl value to you~--valuein dollars mid cents; and without it you cannot. keep in touch with the lending ngricultqrints of the country. ' ' 4. Attend meetinzsin which nmtbers country. meetingsin pertaining to your occupation are discussed or illustrated, such as meetings of farmers` institute, the horse breeders` association, the cattle breeders` association, the sheep and swine breeders` association, the dairymen n nu. miutiou, the croamer~ ies association. the fruit growers ns.~oci nrjnn Hm nnnltru nnnnnlnmlnn, and the hill work. Take some part in the uhira of your township. county. and prov/ince.nnd of the Dominion also. Be notu blindfol- lower of any party. l)o your own t.hink~ inc: in such mubters: mid. if need be. lower 0! pnrnv. no r.nInK~ ing in mubters; mad, sacrifice alittle to put. the best men in positions of trust. and responsibility, and tab keep professional (lemngogues from ruling the c0untr_\`. punctual. l'unct.unlit._y lromun In 1: I! ma .0:-gun or Tammany organ of inulno poli- tiu And of polical do mvlty. It hates the" name 0! relonn in pa Ihiu. It: olen in. To the victor: bolong (ho Ipoi _. Yet it in the beat edimd per in Amman to-day. Proqidgnt Clove and once termed Chan. A. Dan: "3 senile old liar. He is IOU." Your education is very defective and you are doing nmhing to improve it. iogin to read. Nearly all grant men are great renders. It is not necessary to go to a high school or college to get an edu- cation. Some of the best. educated men in the country are self-educsted--seli. made men; and you can acquire A good education if you will only observe, road, and think. Readfnpers. nmgazines, and good books. Res closely, read thought- ully, and think over what you have read. It is wonderful what a man with even one talent can do when he makes in good use of his time. Tuba no Inna! nnn nnn-innltnrnl nnnnr ies IIBBOCIELIOH. the lrun. growers` nssocu ation, the poultry association, and the bee-keepers` a_asociutien; also the annual fat stock show, nnd one or two of the leading lnira-not all of these, but us many as you can. and especially those which bear most directly upon your spam iulliue of work. But (lo not spend too much time at full shows, to the neglect of full work. l"..l.nnnmn nnrt. lnllln uH'.uirn nl vnur IIIIITHIII SECURITY. BAIBIVOI are dephdted nnnnnll at Ottawa Inc! now smnunt to one million OHIPI. Batu lower than the majority of olou hioioill ii I` In thin country. Hi; Ftnhn In .11: It is the .orgAn 0 'l`n-nmnnv onnn of mnna noli to-any. rroqluqnb Ulevennu once wrmoa Chan. oerteinly no; Ienile. and he lays himlell he in not a liar. for you know the Sun : maxim, l`I!`you no it in the Sun It : so. '--- P. W. Smnuv. ` ll honorable am: no one In or grease huare~ by; but human muscle alone counts for very little in these days of steam and eleotricity-ver_y little in the keen com- petition and amidst the unceneing progress which we see in almost every line of human activity. If you have been dreaming in Sleepy Hollow for some time, wake up, open our eyes, and look around. You will surprised at the changes which hnve taken place since you fell neloep. 2. Observe, lead, and think. In every community. the educated classes are the ruling clauses. l*`u|' just oxperlenoe telln, in every null. Tlmt those who think must govern tlI(\:-se who toll." l'l0 DDOVB (no OOIIGIEIOH OI HIOFB Illl 0l'6l`U. Youn men, allow me. after many years 0 observation and experience, to offer a few words of advice in the form of very mild impemhives:- - 1. Make no vourmind to be some- "Illa IHIPOTIIUI V65!` 1. -Make up your mind thing more than a mere labnrer. Labor in honorable and no one is (It graded t.here~ hv: but human alone A WOlib7TO FARMERS SONS. l unct.unlit.y all kinds business: wurtn 'l'l'l| I.lI.ll|IIrlI I l'I0lllU- Any person who has used Nerviline, the grout pnin cure. would not, be without. it if in mac Len (lullure R bottle. A good thing is worth its wei vht in gold, und Nerviline is the box! rumotlly for ull kinds of pain. It. cure.-I ncumlgin in ve minutes; toutlnucllo in om`, miuuw: lmne back at one applica- JUOII; heudm-he in u few minutes; [Ind nll pains jmt gs rupidly. deposit: In It. The remaining your: of lilo lnuood ol balm polo!-!uY. happy and [no tron: pun. an ego eon- Llnuous round of sunning. ` In more no help or hope Ihll Iklo tho gnu? A thouumd umon 1'38. I)o:'.'.|'r1 Kidney Pins no the you nmody to! m limes uhnoull that nine nitouch dlnuod at Mao:-dunul kidneys. "r2.m`m nu. nlrl mania`: frhnd. Th! lll dollnrl. Inn: And choice plans 0! innurnnoo olfontl IHLIE & CUNNINGHAM. VVIJQDII James (,'.:|mpb0ll, corner of Wellington and li:m'nck streets, nlwnys has on hand I ood stock of best maple, cut and uncut, ( ry nlnbs, glue and oedarblocks. All cheap for (mph. olephone. H6. -?:: _ Tho) `ru the old people : TB] l.;~.~:. u::Io:'in.*I, onto their dhoun. and lint new lmnlth and hoponndlnopplmnhhthd um. nun no`unnI`yon pa Daub; uh: '|:uhuo|ImounroIolluppdnt~ lctnhlr in nn,v-,.n upon! :1 law du_\ 91 M. Home Inst. week. A number from here nttended the (tour cert` held at lnniuville on Friday night. un- der the auspices of L.().L. and report a good programme and II full hall. The pro- ceed: go towards paying otf the debt. on the hull. Miss Race Qumn. of Carleton Plano, is visiting nt her fnther a. Miss Ida E. l'r 'co spent. Sunday at Wm. ApPleby's. Scotch Corners. Muss Maggie Larberry leften Sunday to visit friends in (iarleton l'luCi!. j-clad. _A;) rmult the blood in not properly nned. ll . passes through tho system nupurlomund curl` (lhrnso tn mu-ry organ 0! the body. Th. tpn-monmicnnu of old nu. Rheumatism. Ieivos on the joint: and unto: me nnondnnblo _.n. ....$..w:nu mm muferiua. . Muwnlar wenknen. tindnou. duproda. h-mgulnr hurt. wtlon, Illd uhonnuo of bndll follow an he Quin. Perimpa tlu-re |u(|up|vI-onion ol urine. fro- n|mnt|v.' n mnldn. mud anon than no brick!!! quunixy u DUI! deposit! In It. Tim rnmnlni l Iergulun u l`IIllI I-Iuuu-in. I"iciu:i'.~4nN`.~< F.u.1.-a, Feb. 6.-~ltis our and duty. this week, to chronicle the death of Mr. Sheehiin, of Pakenhnrn. interred in the Roman Catholic cemetery here eh Monday. Deceased, who has been hotel- keeping in Pakenhain for some years, was a brother-inlaw of Mrs. James Maloney, of this place. In spite of the great dia- tnnce driven the funeral WIN an unusunll large one, showing the esteem in which d()(`e:lBe(l was held. A widow and four children, three (lILug'l1l.8l`8 and oni;_eon, nre left to ninum the loss of it kind husband and fath r. The heartfelt sympathy of the community is extended to then: in their and bereavement. Mrs. J. Y. Sullivan left \\'ednesdu_v for her home in Grand Forlni after a month's visit to friends here. Miss Annie Tm `nor, of Carleton Place, returned to her {mine on Sunday aftern very pleasant visit with Miss L. Hollinger. Minn l.i'/.'/.ie Close, of Lanark, spent a few days in the villa e lust week, the guest of Mrs. William oonnn. John M"Cunn, l`eith, licen-e inspector, paid his regular inspection visit on Sunday and `found e\'er_yt'ning in good order. Mrs. M. Mitchell and Mimi I). Young, of Glen Thy, piid n flying unit to friends here on Sun- dviy. Mr. Cornell and Miss May Cornell, of Carleton Plnce, visited at James Muloneyn on Saturday. Miss Mary Quinn, teacher at McDonald's Corners, few du_\ F at home last week. and em) . The mwmm (II Ilre suoum no Irv! l. mu cure and 5iCl\UI`?*B nud pain. So It would in `in ll:L- gr:-|t1najm'it_\ ul (`users were tho prime 0! HfI`Il\ul um`--nhlu: In .\`ntun~`u rules. Both: the s:rIu;;_h- tux` wealth and fume, swimming Igllnll (Km.-u'nm;ti(1oolcmnpet.itinn.lze|l|.h ll noglooldl \\'u live too Inn, work too hard, drink too much. sheep mo little. keep our nerve: on who jump all \ n...n..... ]u. s. ERANTBEFORE THE WAR 1 HOW THE TEAMSTERDINED AT` London Aasurnncc Corporation II! E I)l\I'\IIIT\I `All ?! MONTREAL. ;' ' A Drive Ovorinlitl bylnlonn 0npiulhu- Grant was the `recruiter mm! In In ' Allowed to Dino With the But 0! the Party.` ' For several years when was much mid thou: all-nilroud from Galena to James- vliio, tho idea being, whou once there, to arrange with who then Milwaukee and Mississippi, now the Chicago, Milwaukee sud Sm. Paul, to run a lino to Jbnesviilow from Milton Junction, and thus soouron Milwaukee connection. The line was built from Milton to Jnneavillo, bu from Galena so Janesviiie the road in still an air castle. A nnvnhnr nf mmmvml man nf Galena Thu Boy l.al*`ln|umo--Iu Cure Wu a sur- pr|ua--A Few lion-n of Dm|d'n Kldnay I'Illn. lending morcimnu-.1 nere unu wining to uni; of his son's cure, he says-My little boy Arthur, nfter scarlet fever about u year ago never recovered nnd his ailment run into in kidney trouble. His body was swollen to twice its natural size. The sullerin 5 of the little fellow were very severe an we had nll given up hope of him. But three months ago we commenced giving him ])odd`a Kidney Pills, nnd to-day he in romping and playing with other boys. This as an instzuice of prompt cure is very reinnrknblo. 7. 1390 run. l A|'r1.\'I~:.I'\'||.I.I~:, Feb. 3 (S n3ciM).-The father of the boy LnFlnmme 18 one of the loading Inorclmntt-.1 here and willing to talk nf his cure. savs-Mv boy A number of moneyed men of Galena had been induced to intm-out themselves in the project. In 1860 several of llleso gen- tlomun, including the bunker Henry Gor- wlth, who loomed vast sums of money lo Wisconsin lumbermon from 80 La 40 years pgo, drove overland to Janmr viilo for n double pnrposo-t0 we tlm olmmoter of the country through which the proposed road was to run and to oun- nult with A. Hyntt. Smith nnd other Junc-.-willo men oonoernlug thu uontmn- phmul enterprise. Mr. Corwith and him party were mot. by Mr. Smith and several ot-hnrn. There was a carriage ride in the afternoon. One of who Galena party had not boon provided with a seam. He stood in from of the hotel watching the delega- Mans preparing for the trip of pleasure and business. .. nu. Hr...-mn.I. thnf. aanmlamnmin of vour ho does not care to go. no uour unvur. . It. was not exactly a banquet they had that evening, after the Jnnesvllla panpla had shown llmlr vlsltorn the town lllld told thmu us much in lap; favor M It. would lmur, hut. lb was A spruud something be yoml the an-rage fur the little town` 0! 9,000 01- 3,000 lulmbltnnta. W Have you reglstmrod?" asked the land- lord of a man he saw sitting near t.l|n stove noun nlbcr tlm vlsltnrs ahd Lhnlr ou- turtuluorslmd Imon located ln the sllulng -mun business. Mr. Cm-wlbh, that geutlomanla of your partsyf, Is :9 not?" ukmlhyato Smith. as; a mum over w us." Wc-ll, wull! ['11 sh: with the driver, and he can take my plat-e. " Nm'(~l' mind him, M1-.Sm1th. Presume he does to He hour drlvur. '1 n. wnn um. nxnntlv n bauuueh they room. No, sir. " Going to stay with us toulghu" I guess 30." "Are ynu of the Galena party!` Yes; I mu the tomnator." Tlm landlord stoppud Into the dining room mul said: Mr. (iurwlth, your driver is In Lhu bm'1-oom. Rlmll homnnetoaupper now, ur wnll?" Smnu one suggested that ho Walt. "No; Int him come in. Yes, landlord, tell l.hm'u1-tum to 001110 In. " Sn It. huppmmd that Captain Gram dld noun hum to wult and at. with the aurvnn Lu, even If he was the t.eamat.or.-Chlongu I Tlmua-Ilurnld. Tho descent of the nm of lilo should bogndnnl ` ....1 ....... '1`)... .1...-3.... ..r lilo nhnnhl ba [no WEHHITISHTIHE Jobbing (9 D993 "t|I\5Z!`. llm Hum , V Than the Kidneys am am . They curl and the tufril-la gtrniln to which they AN bolna nub- Eaaf-'i|'1ities. nag _I'}_;i BE;6ND RECOVERY. "Tie" ;;;.s; La1f lTergunon`n Fnlln Flu: .-.~..u`.. 14` . x I .- l.`nl'\ ll _. I All) IT` x. is npprouion ol . no brick!!! "Am! age In I mm at nun so It be tree tron pun." Boys` Underwear, well worth 75, now 40c suit. Men s All-Wool Shirts, 60c, for 50 ; 90 for 70. All Flann _ Shirts reduced in rice. All Grey lannela reduced; 2 , now 20c. Grey Blanketa selling at cost. Wide White Cotton, worth 8c ; 15 yards for $1.00. "The Queen's college Journal. Our Sunday Schools." llnnthlv Journal of Pro! me PeopIe s Llle Insurance 60., Toronto. designed to meet the requirements of this country, which we sell in above style for $5o.co on (3 months` credit, or longer credit by adding interest ; for cash, $47.00, delivered and fitted up within [2 miles of Kingston, or delivered at nearest Railway Station in On- tario. Also without High Closet or Reservoir for less money. \l7|...k ...:II :; .m...m.. Mac} on |mu__A RANCI7 FOR l.F_qQ 13110. Also Wltllollt nigu piuscl U1 l\CbClVUIl nun n.-as mum: . \Vhich will it pay you best to buy~-A RANGE FOR} LESS MONEY GUARANTEED by one you know, or a range sold by entire strangers that you may never see again or obtain repairs from when you want them. Your inspection invited. ` 229 Princess gtreet. Issues Policies onevery plan of insurance. including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred Premium. Annuity. Bonds at lower rates than any other company. IOO Wellington street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Company. A This is not the Steel Range sold by Pedlars through the coun- try for Sixty-nine Dollars but :1 CANADIAN made Steel Range} MCKELVEY & ]8IRCH Wood`: Phoaphodlne Is sold by resomlble wholcanla and retnll drugglsts In the Dolnlnlon. g1$xuL %%%$ Almost hopeles-1-0 nlnn--033: thnt In -`R. MORAE &- CO HC` 4%: Indian Music and Drama." -I`-I--l~'|-'0' EAR0A|NsINn/FLAN NEI: wlu puuxr, ur5uar:n.-arm Au 4 an-. 5 Iulyuauu uuu w ...., .......m-. The Wood Company. Windsor, Ont-, Canada.` 69 & 71 BROCK` STREET, KINGSTON. BETTER IN EVERY RESPECT. C AS. D. CHOWN. ss treet. W__ KINGSTON, OI ;[[i\xk!~3,:;:.. luaannu R. `I wAL.D.RoN `Don't you vhear the great 'chorus of Canadian hOl.lI- ` keepers say that - Soap heats them all? Provv ed b yond, q cation-'--aaleI incre ing e ery day. Try a bar 0 `c ipse--large or small---an a soap that you will never be without in futurexb you will haxfev JOHN TAYLOR 8: CO., ;;-luunud.-W`- Aiiuu Jenny Vhvn All the Plant of Book Work . . Are u. roculu urvloo. Not oxcollod by my office In can. can for quuity o1 work. Is a little higher in price. but those who use it say it s Cheap- est. ' HAPPY THUUGHT ECLIPSE Agt" MANUFACTURERS. RANGE. THE K? \1 I AInr'TnkIn. " "`"$V' Alter Tnklnl Varnisr 4, ONT. Paints, 9!; IQ lowut ntos. . , OPHERBON & HOOPEB, AUDHOB8, Anoountnnta and Estate Aunts. Fire. Ind Accident Innnrmwe. Iona to loan M Clnronca street. lngston. lhormmaun. R. J. HOOPIII. MONEY T0 LOAN IN LARGE ORSIALL luml. At low rates of interest on City Ind Farm Property. Loans grants on City 3:4! County Debentures. Apply to Tnolua loan. Manager Frontenac Loan and Invent.- lnon Society. Oica opposite the Pont Oioo. dono. Jonn Ononn. ` YOU CANNOT AFFORD to allow your Piper: sud Mngazlnas to Ho around 10039. or to be lost or do- atmyed. when it 005 no . little to have them bound Bond than to C. H. ()'l`T(), 151 Wellington nuetmnd he will put thum into a shape eon- vonionc fox reference and ornamental to you llbnry. sTovE* I .a H!-:------------:--------- , W. BELL. VETEIIINIEY SURGEON or Dental Surgery. Dlupomn I1 and . 4115 Princess ntreet. Consultation: 0. phone us. V. -` W I. NEWLANDS. ARDHITEUP AND Appraiser. comer of Brook and King root: out Wade : Drug Store. llntnnoo on (In; nhoot. next to Wmo ofoo. ST-A1\E !II*.s%?W1.;?D';..9t&EGE Full sum of University Grsduatos IPIOIAL ATTENTION given to ntndnlitl for examinations. The rotlnlnj n- 1 unozgi homo combined with high mental lnlnz. Evening Fire Insurance. T a gun & SON. ARBHITEUPS AND'il3UlLD- Gsunoyora. 0|co-Wllln(ton Strut. QIQOII . v v `arm honlnn THURSDAY. JANUARY ill row note:-onoo-nvox-y Job dam in man ONEY LARGE UR SHALL Iuml. interest. E. B. " Louclca. RANGES. HEATERS, ;p;oAL-01L HEATERS 30 I10! j7&j WHIUR LL18 (Member of ch: Auool con 0! mmum, m APP AISIR. Oico Brod 3. E. HOGAN N A a lane. Anni Rants nnd account: col- ._ Money to loan at loweuq nun. Ofloo I n; :0... over Wndo n Drug store. oddxruwmw AND luau. aim of combined with man menu: in . 'ninf1L1s1c,\1. DEPARTMENT in In ohnrao I Argun Flbtmlx. Esq, Mun. Bao.. A.0. ., II n . PRXNTS FOR THE PUBLISHERS 10to3.')`Nazamt.h8u~oeL. hand from dme ol ontnniso. ndorguteu In connection with Doll 0. for hum and pgoupoqstug Apply to I33 ..._.......___.......__......_....._..._. I . D.D.S. L.n.s. ILD. - r . on. no frlnoou '90 . mi mu. m Unlvouity Avomu. on hours, t . to a.xn. Bntm-day ovonln I to 10. one . 8. A. Ayhoyd. D.D. ., L.D.5., BUSIN I=. s"Ponm3Rs. F1. nrtlculnna call at the College uloo or vri -e to ' J. B. MCKAY. Prinuipnl. Znioi tion o! `A:-uhmm, .m11n'rnc'r vats! Ablsnu. Broo emu. ll . - II . 3:031: unnunn. L.D.B I1! owonlto 6 {Post 034: man cnmmu s. L.n.s 1: un- mm um r oi! WE ' ram " my 0 an . n. ; lb]: 1 . one No. sag.` f|aoiLlu;:lo`o. nu n_t_rogt ARCHITECTURAL. Illll OIIOIOO plllnn OI IIIIIIIIIIOC OITIYW IHLLB & OUNNDIGHAI Role Annu. Kingston and District. mrnlur. "'6aWzz":EI Eb`Li7:'A'f TON A L. I Umvu-any AVIIIIID. UIIIIII noun, 1 I! .m. .0 AND posnlhle renewing giving I-uuineus at. rate from QTRANHE Rx STRANGE. Anantl. 7Varan|NAnv-. INSURANCET ;f`lNANClAL. J\lIIIIVIDp Monthly Journal of Provincial Bnbbuh School Auonlnclon. D1-:N"rAL. s.:m'.'**~ _ MCKAY,.Prinu|pl. to your Pinon Tlokot 8; Oman Stnmzm. am, Re Mn promo 1: I. Watt) 0 ca. Japans, RU BER STAMPS 0!` all inrlu. Sell-Inkoru. 0!` Sell-Inkoru, Linen Markers, Date!-I. Senla, Stencils, Bunk, Tlokot Stnmps. Repairs prompt!) Classes I '57- ot_,9g_ PL.nbs;an B2` .?1nnod In xx? I. ll. numb. Iuwuuuu vu'|--v-nu. nun unnlul lolllh how: out pu-liauont. hill," up the Star, an M; with Ol;iliI.". . Ondltlhntthodnftoltho romodinl bin hubouIl|idhonthbiohopIofQnoboc. Hnnotthoonnp otdorn riglattao look out-iHn|dvmoonIno?'l'hooouu\y lodge luring its hisdqurhn in Kingston would Iilouopnnunoyinlu: upoelt. Tlolilh pit lnlo pnrlisnont by that nnlhppucuhnou guhihiougivonto n nulntdpuuu. Ilty sh-Charla mltl -no. an `Inn-.u.l|AIn.-..... CWZTKWA IIIIFIJIII/Kl ? could not got along onI|4.UDuycnr Illhdtolnginglulnipould pIlIqnnln- pununolloouuuy. Daft tlaik mu! . -` TROUBLE AGAIN BREWINU. On Wedn eeday it was announced in the papers that Lord Aberdeen had been in- terrupted in his festivities at Montreal, and requested to return to the capital at once I! 3 new crisis had arisen. Conser- vative papers scolfed at the idea. But his excellency went to Ottawa all the same, somewhat unexpectedly, and yesterday rumors were aoat that mom here of the government had bolted again. The Witness correspondent telegraphed that Messrs. Foster and Hnggart, and the other strikers, had notied the premier thnt they refuse to go on unless Sir Mac- kenzie Bowell resigns before the remedial bill is introduced." 111.. pn-~ BAYLIS MANUFG 00. - um-nu-nu. On the other hand Sir Mnokonxio Bowoll has given out the Announcement that the bolting miniuaoru took their place; without any concession from him. taint he had not surnndonod to my one on any point. and did not intend to do so. Clearly thus the In: you merrily on, And the new crilin in not unlookod for. It Imy col-no any tiny, and it in ovidoncly ivory near :5 i.....i The governor-general must be getting voryanary ol the annoyance to which he iaanhjoot. and holnay put an and to it all by informing Sir Mackenzie Bowoll that if he cannot get around him a cabinet ol man ahlo tnd willing hodo the public busi- ncu. In will try what an invitation to Mr. Laurior will acooupliah. EDITORIAL NOTES. What dihtonoo does it make. dour For lat, who it pnnior. whoa Sir Clnrloo, in wall as Sir hhokomio. no pledged to re- lnnlllnl Ianlnlnnn ` "112 nlouuln IL. MITCHELL IS DEFEATED. The bye-election occurredin Northumber- land yesterday and resulted in the return of the conservative candidate, Mr. Robin- son. His opponent was Hon. Mr. Mit chell. formerly a conservative, the minister of marine in the government which the Pacific scandal swamped. and since then an independent. with a decided disposition to go as be pleased. Mr. Mitchell had spent some time in Northumberland, vir- tually put himself in the eld in opposi- tion to the government, had given pub- licity tolais sympathy with liberal ideas `and sentiments, and was expected to win with the aid of the liberal vote. He may have been given it, tea certain extent, but as a politician _ of doubtful re- cord, he does not seem to have commanded popular support. and he certainly failed to secure the number of Notes he expected. He ought to accept this as a final and emphatic hint that his usefulness is over. and go into perman- ent retirement. It is pleasant to know that some men. who have been npower in their day. feel that they have some of the spirit and buoyancy olyouth. but they can do this without desiring to usurp places of trust and responsibility which younger men claim andso olten get. Perhaps no one in such an ultra~conservstive constituency as Northumberland. without the endorse- ment of the government and the dlerical inuence ranged upon its side. could win, but Mr. Mitchell might have allowed the trial. -nu aw -uu satql-v\l\Au It is not an improbable stem of affairs, and not an unreasonable development of the (liicultiea under which the government has labored since the opening of the session. The bolmre whoresumed olce when Sir Charles Tupper became in member of the cabinet have evidently had some plnn in view of sooner or later again asserting their independence of Sir Mackenzie Bowelland of ridding themselves of his leadership. Having gone so far then, having repudiated him and declared him incompetent. and provoked him to cull p|.-... .. nnnf at e...:n.... ...|.n I....l l....... un.vu-povvuv. nuu uvvvlvla nun vu auu them a nest. of traitor: who had been trying for A year to naeaeainate him, it did seem etrange that they could become wholly reconciled and consent. to a continuance 0! their old relat.ionehip.- Sir Charles intimated, in his election campaign, that he was the man who really controlled. if he did not. own, the conservative party, that he was called the eeerelaary of state though really pne- mier. and aeignioance wee given to all this talk by the attitude in the house, dowdling away the time and in purpoeely doing nothing until Sir Charles Tripper wok oovlnlnand. t\ .| .1 a un- u. e . n van 5.... .., 8|l-.mI` nominal Nuns` nu. ' 9'31. Ina` cannon othuwin 01.50 will be oh nod. nnuuuuon` 5' "W "' . . noon-oanuoouelgnn-'a'u"t3:':'.! m' "3.""l-M on I week llvo lime and out. loo. 5 won , H 14. Three times a rut, " ac. " `QIUHWW mo _um by I nond fouls. ew_olvo lino: M I.o_ti:"-" .""' " ' ""7 ' bani.-:.5(:,. '4 | qonuthq, one huorhon. . we o . ` WJCIIM. Iguntnnfonnd. PorI0n_ll|- A""`?1'.' nu-sun. II I or uounngx uuv nu... ........ 600. S I `lbo. Wdnafuntghmnd Person: I. Aroltl [or Illa. 0%., lo. per word in 118! N ""3" mgmqhlrlmlo. __ . . ,., ` 0! OH 00!! "'E u?u7'$3&cm.. Ibo; 1 line; rodnood M00 when I 1:191 kvnt nmunt sooomvhnilc not: to: our 500 Man. llnlmnm h5o'{tn'&: all mice in undo for Jun: ta-no, to:-nun: -nnmgmungnl. liq! no noon 9 m Till 31.3.6: ucguvonougtntiusy. THE DAILY _wH1G.| t no for l ron. sdvo iumonh no `goo to t 0 npprqvsl at the publisher. 1 for ndvortiumontn And unbaorly I l omonro mound ponlololn WT`! nu ti Ologn 0! nnlnoo;-pound 9_n0olnti0ns"(_>f tin dlnotlonn nkuld in mood on an In wnnxm niua wmo a noun. a oolnnuu, lnynblhhod ovory Thurs a mom- IO 01 I your. 11 [said In ndvnnoa; ot orwiu Cl Bier ion. 8 KI-WEEKLY h publhhod on lon- al I 3%! 'l'hiI:.rsdnn at 01 3 your in Advance ; . orw . Achohod to the pint! la om of the but Job Olou in unit; rlphi. ntyunh and cheap work; nine mprovod glntln prnun. . DW. 5. n. nxsn. JOHN OFFOED Proprietor. Auintant nnhuu lnnnnr. h&tonnnir"ioil often. in '33:. :3:""rrmn o 'i'odnu" 3:3: `:7- ro I 9 PT !!! I I. `The 31.11)] I will not ho ragw- ol mhun nun of vorbul 0 on. can Ihon be hoot! all non! Inn:-an. All hgumgnh _ .. _ .._. .._ ,_,__V_ _ ' n..'|n ' 1 ti Iooloro? :13: ha mil pl o`I'::(:1|?l.:oo<;po(;;Ifib`l: {or onion they give. Q, :Iii?r`.`n..u3 `'7 " '""'*":' *.".;"i';"El".Z mnougghmm. "Opi/er per Qrbcm Dioor. 4'mlIPI0lX. nun Ila` . . . land. ndontn received an. any ti olalnod ontnnoo. lo! moupootun I]

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