n \lll-I` sunny-I-o In the Tmmvlnl sums: of who halt. mf- ddnl am much oxpmod to tho nwngon of lngooynu-phallo upon. Am! a m)m`I mm!-cl MI in In R999. 01' tho msullu of long lnhor Idnld ho lvn. In uumu of thnau unrdum lhlu Ihruhn which am much :1!- Wlllll. the lnusut-0 llklng tou- hnh shalt nun. I-I :vvv-.- p`.-- lvcry nquldio for the twin 'm'""'"?'$1.I1uIt)1Ia.u-nu. J J. nanamun-'. 3:9. doc: also nord Inahtuul lid lntuuthng Mun. all nuhod by nkunnh 0! tin Quboe Stat-nun Qonnur hon Nu! Yul. Dual-I 4.3: . `iIo.'1n :`:.a.`.`.":?.`2:'z;`i.`:.':: .`5:.'. .?"" ` A 'I` I IIIIIISQW` II A"I"El! n`--unac v. - -..y---- Oahu: 06 and npwnrdn, according to noun- or. loonlon and number 0! person: in tuto- mom. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON. 11:15 n.m.-F'or ()ct|wa.Mnntroal. Qnelwoc. Re. John. N.B. Halifax. Boston. Toronto. Chl- '0: o.Don\'or.hon!roIv,.`1ault Ste. Marie. Dn- luqn Sc. I'nnl, Wlnnlpog. Vancouver. Shuttle. Pordnnul Ind San Frnlxuluoo. 6:00 pm -1.001! for Shnrlrot. Lake. connotat- lng with (`-`PR. Rut an-I West. ull unrtlnl1lArs at K. I: P. and C. P. R ALLAN LINE! Udanada Pac;f_lc Rallwaysl Kiisron & PEMBROKE| l`minn Nm. 2 and 8 run dhily. No.5daHy except. Monday. All other trains xhuly. ox- noot Sunday. For rinks-ha, And Pullmnn m'commo:lo\Mou, WHOLE.-mm: AND ltE'l`\llr-BF.54'l` IN THE MARKET. fivkc-V9,.-I, 030., Apply to Tmuu. Moxicn nu-I nll l ncmI' () W I . " M" " TsM-TAnu=.. nnnm Iuwr G0!) Iobm. Booond Oabln. IN: I55 fO\IltII. The kind that (iures. T13 it. Large Bottles, 2. : cent. nly M \ Dflll -l10(`II IOI .`lll'l|l)l In; We ull particulars J Ticker otce.0ntM-lo street. ICURACOUGHAI H. BRAmE's, | Whivh you find in will clinging to you can he 1-ured by the use of ` u,..='. _ l__=l;\l Lcvv/\ _ ?' DAILY nmnsn wme. FRI1:)AY.,.FEBBUA`RY '7. `I896 HOAG S III. IJOIICIOIIIIOIIT Illll HIIIOIIIIZOWIL AT LOWEST RATES. Ag, ______ 4__A.,; I "VII:-I GOING EAST. {(1.2 Exp. ` . .231!) a.m. 40. l ` ..l:D!a [\.m. 10.6 " .1i:35 p.m` 10.19 Mix 6:00 n.m. 0.22 ..H:10 n.m` l .-......., "J .. . V . . . . _ . . . . . _ . _. Berincia, by Amelia Barr. 51:25 The Red Red Wine, by Jack- son Wray. $1.00. An Arlvnnhlrn nf lhn Nnrfh Hv F. NISBET Sl Efge From Far Formosa, by Rev. Dr. McKay. ` $2.00. A Girl of the Commune, by Henty. $1.25. Dorothy's Double, by Henty. $1.25. The Personal Life of David Livingstone. $1.50. Lilith, by Geo. Macdonald. Sr 4: ' DOIG In All I Princou Stu lmaw BOOKS.l 'unlnruLs or mun: IIAIIIENE Ptlnooau ltmot comer of Fiydouhnm Htvouo .. Rina-utnn Sold in Kingston by E. 0. Mitchell, 124 Prinoou Street. Dru; Sltnro. ()x:nonIOoWlndnor Hotel. '3"="""!_{..'.`.'.`.-.,. n \lI\IIr nun I` cALI%I5b+RNI/3 FURNITURE. you want the Cheapest and Best .-..-_- ..... _-..v-. . __v_, . - -........ gnu rm. omani none; 43 Oman Prlooo RATES OF PASSAGE. LJI-`IIQIV K-ILJI-I. NOW um! nuumma. lth mhh communication and canal)!- I51!) LIV l'l`4lJ 0| IIIRY 00 fl. \u term. h aplr us to D t. "In Bull Ina. canon. The Corner Bookatora. Coming out every day and you doa know what to do to stop it. Better try It prevbntn falling out of hair. rid! the scalp-of hair destroying germs. nourishes the hair follicles. and pro- mote: I vigorous growth of hair. WAY. B. W. FOLOER. :. Gan. Pun. An. Gen. Innnnr. T. HANLEY h SONS, `runk City Pmuen er Depot. Foot of .lohn.~uton utrnat. lngaton. 0! 311 douolptlons. call at PIA~<.>. 'E'(3"61H"'& c0., :1 -an A llnnl _'l:i`\'A;VELL.iNC7. zmof Oak SONS. Pmuenmlr Depot. .'. p.m. Mary Friday. 20. :).]lI ,...H:.'s0Ja.m. A No.5 ally ;r nhuly. GOING . 1 Exp. . L3 as b WEST. .,.3.1)6 p.m. ...1:90 am. ` adubh tunic iobritxiru and druids. Vufth CLEO: lhlt, for 50. each at R. No- lAnl'A_._._,n. . -; -. _A- onurcn. Ino nornormes nu-o decided on I site for their church. A_ fancy drool carnival was held on the combina ion rin lucnight. A large number up in costume. The citluna` band furnished!) choice Illootion otplgoep. . Ann euro/tor/uouncno ma nu-vou diocesan. * Nothing relieve: so quickly. For uh at Wank ; drug non. A [In] luv rvuuvu unsuwl Inuu Um lndaguuon and Too Hearty Eating. A pea-. kt Iuudy for Dizziness. Nuuca. Dmwi-` lieu. Bad Tuteln tha Mouth, Coated Tonga Pain mjko Side. TORPID LIVER. Thy ltngulm the Bowen. Putely Vegoubh. 4._.-u -nn A._.-Il 3..-? ` Athena lploodos. Afnxxa, Fob. 6.-Rovivnl nervicuum still boin condncud in the Baptist church. Hornoribos hue decided 1 din `no GRAB: nluu-J. A lnnnu Ann.- EWIIUB 0| [Ell |UI'llI0l' U\VlI0l'Elp. Pugnulul had several valuable vlollna. Ind tho lnstrumum whloh he used ln hls lot-or years---4| U-uarnurlus, dated 1743- would probably command somethlng llka 6,000 ll It could be put ln the meukot. now. Indeed the sum of 2,400 has al- rendy boon offered for lb and refused, nud I report was lowly olrculntod that 10,000 had been tried. But. the Instrument; can- not be sold. Pl nlnl himself bequeathed it to the city or non. and the munlolpnl nuthorltlou than are keenly nllvo to tho value of tho trouure. They hnve is be named lnn gluaoalo lnthe roooosot I wall, which ll again lnoued in heavy French-_p|nt.o glut, the whole being closed by I moulvo door. Every ywo monmhu the null are, broken, and the vlolln ls plqyod upon for aboum half An hour In the rer anon of olt-y ulolnls, and then It ure- phuod and put under muntelpnl seal. Thin of course I: done so keep Ihiv Instrument ln oondl&lon.-Co1-nhul Mnaulno. The beauty uud nwoumuaa oi Sarasawn tonoare uiwn commented on by people who never think of the tuna being in Any way dueto tho nunuss 0! his iustrumunt. An In Inatter oi` fact, Sarmmte has iwu Shrndl. (mo in the runowned hois.~xier" Stud`, which he Inanugud to soouro in Park fur l.000 an hour or two bolero Hill of London son: an oer for it. Thu other in one Lhat. had been used by Pam uini. which came to him through his son Aohiiie. 0!` course the lumber instrument has an additional vniuu from the circum- stance oi its former ownership. Pmnmini hmi mwnral vnilmhln vinlimt - - u v u - c In smlllng summer sunshlno tho whlto ands glonm llko ermluo. Thu son wnslms up its secret treasures and Ms s-pulls, all eloquent of the m\'ngus of tho stnrm. Fur out atsunnn upmrned hunt drifts help- lessly. Upun tho sand the Imdy U! a drowned mun llus with upturned fnco and with mmn. nlln-Ina nvnn Tlmrn In In Innl: lll'0VVl'l0 Il(\R VVIUI ll[)lvlll H0(l H100 llllll upun,,q4 ring you. 'I`hum ha 15 lnuk ufhurrot p tho (nee. and the hands have tuIn y the gnrmunf, from his cheat-. An open locket. hangs from :1 Mb- bun Mound hln Hock. ll. contains the plcturu of u wunmu-I\'nnltn-tnr the body hi than of I\'|ouln.-Wm~xhlngt0u Pust. move or unrmv, take away that. rum I" The ungn\'vrn(v(l bunt swoops omvnrd through tho tmnpont nnd thu night. The wuvos nrn tmsslng ttznllout at will. I\'lnnIu, kneeling nt` Ms pmyur for u momnut-, throws his hunds out wildly. Hn fools nnd hours: the rush of wntura us Lhoy .1099 about hlm. Ho uhrlnka ulmnl In terror, and tho nnh of tho Ilghmiug disclose-s nu m'erturm~d boat driven along bofurutlm mmpuat. O 0 It I a u u HIIIIIHHI And an, nmdre min. on nnIghtHlm1hl.u, when Hm wind and tho son wnro warring and Iluppo and I wore smiling nlnnn, I pushed him into the son. It In his {two whlnh fullnwn mu nnd atunls mmy ul- nlghttlmu tho lmppinuas whmh ounum lu me OI(Il|_\' whom I think that Nunitn he mlno, nll mlnu again, and 13-ppm cannot, come lmt-wnun. Oh, mndro min, for the love of Chri. take that. {um I" The lll'll.tll\'III`lHVll hunt. nw:\nl\u nnwnnl Ann cum/1 Hnn.nnn`\Ynl,I gill!) llI\VlI}'H IIIHIIOIMIII UPUII IIIIII. "Linton!" ho orlns, hunting his hnndpz upon tho night. "I.iHl,ou, nmdre mini in has fnliowml mu, that (non, through ~v~r_\' storm, until it is driving mu mud. It was all on account. of Nnultn. Mmlm min, all on nomunc of Nnnitu that I invo! Evnr slnou WU were imima, Nunitn um! I, I have iovml hur, nnd nhn wnn Ininn nmil Boppo cunm-Iiopp0, with his hinck heard and grunt cine:-zl. Iluw cnuiti I stand. mm inn h('l' give her smiluu to him, whunl would have died for one of those namu annilm-1? H A ...l .... ......1.......I.. . .. .. ..I_|.; In... 41.1.. nnu Kunp muum ms cyan pm-uxstunuy. "Muthur of God! he muttvn-a nnd shuts hla a_von. But. hu mm fuel the unrelenting gaze nlwnyn fnstonud upon him. "Linton !" lm nrlm. hnnmlmr his Imndn "icx II to II! ` grouuvoxyoun-on bk = mm. pm; / I or gnnsu xy moon. The nnpzur uf fmar ulzon upon him, and he 0lll`HUH (hum, whlln his hund (`llltC]lI`)-I thnllllvr GI`!-1])l`l'l|t1!Iy, und ho guld-x-3 hh-x frull (Iran by Im-Llnoti. l`lm vver lm-re-m+ lug wlnddrlvs-H ltv nlnng with 1'1-|ghI`ful \'elocIty, and it, plunges again into tlm trough of the mm, but bomro Mm, umund him, ulmmluul below him. thnt ghastly glmlnlng fmxo an-uma to stare upon him and kunp bufum his eyes perulstuntly. "hluthnr nf Gad!" hn lnntlm-H nml nhnf-x pamm mm eyes or unuuu spnru stern]. Now the vomzol ])1\llHI`.`I I hlghu.-et of tho hlllown, and from in surrounding waters Nloolo soon 11 of ghnsl ly {not-s. I`hn nnmur uf (mar nnlwnu nnnn l- vessel owr mu 1-mng unu mrunmg wnx-M. The puusu uf nntum before Hhn ntrlkus the Drum llnrc-0 blow In amzor luuvlmu Mn sup(\ratit`lnu.~c nature and nmkom hlm mum- blo an no now:-rs In his bout, But` Hm lunf enlhg crash of tho alnnmlma {allows quirk- l_ . and the hon! durta fnrwnrd Inn: is ml- dron of soothing foam. into n ury (`|l`(`lu of light, run! Into A mighty nhmm of 411.:- cordnnt sound. Now It is In tho vnlloy of tho wnturn, nnd nmuml It. Hm It-npin mnnnlulna uf wnwn xluuco and dnrc up- ward to what sown lowering Iwightn. Phosphnrma glhnnwm from tlmir Rhlc-H nml penkn Mko eyes of untold splrltnnf Hm ntm-n1. Nnw lhn vmznnl IUIIIHIIQ nmm Hm PUVVGTI lll lll/IIFH UI llll]. Nlmlo. nruuohlng by his ullnr, wnmhen the llmrmslngnlngar of the night. h1LurI'ur. To him (has high wnvnn nra [hurplml with II thnusaml nuy.-msrluun lmhlgn, nnd he wit- nmmos tho gnlhurlng tmnpusb wlih supm'~ ntltlous awn us he guhlu-A thu way of his vessel 0\`lVl' the rising und fnrunlng l`hn Imuan nf nnvnrn Iwfnm uhn an-IL-ma we nugnuwr lllip. The night shuts out the em n, the heav- ens mm the waters. There is in terror in the coming of a tempest which mnquers the Iuightiust of minds. The hissing of the raindrops an choy strike upon lim wu- tora has a venom of its own. 'i`hu imnvy bellowing of the clouds us thny (iisvhurgn their past-ziona of lightning, the vninn of the rushing storm winds and the iur-hing of the sea rmhdna and ovurnwo tho most powerful natures of mun. Nivnin. nrunnhinn lw hin tiiim-, wninimn pace. Niooio, bentir-ring himself to set; his lights. watohus the gathering blmknosa of the heavens. Ilia smile is gone now. The coming of the darkness seems to nveroust I his spirits. Ho glances turtlvoly about ` him Ml lm but-iies himself with tlm hunt. Although nlonu, he suuma to lnok mound for some one whom he will not wnlcnnm. Thus his boat arrives at the piano wlmre the waters of the river are lost and forgot am in the waters of the son, and passing out from the confining slmrus rides wibh long. swooping motions upon the swell oi` the mightier deep. Tim nluhf. uhntli nut. that Am i n, Hm immi- ruvuna, wnwn Iii BWBOB no mm. The sun slips down toward the wont. Tho glare of the day fades Into the azure of the evening. Aong the edge of mm horizon blue nml purple and rod nnd guId~ on cloud begin to an-etch themselvesnwny across the sky. Solitary knots of trees gruw black against the ush and glow of the evening heavens, and over ave:-_vl.hlng the shadow of the coming night creeps on name. unemseivos away into nommg. Nio'oio I taco wears a look of triumph, and his eyes sparkle with the pleasure of his thoughts. It is true that a shadow crosses is now and again, but he tosses his head, and the shadow fades away. And Nioolo, in his lugger, drifts toward the gulf, wcmingly happy. The dull brown waste of maruhlund seems ilitoruilimblc, it stretches so far away on either hand in such unbroken, dreary levels. Once in awhile: frightened bird darts from the water's edge to wheel and circle out oi sight. The whisper of tho solitude seems to creep across the surface of the earth. But. Nicoin hoods neither bird nor solitude nor anything except the passing of his 1-cvurie, which is sweet to him. l'Iu: nun nllnn rlnuni tnmnml tin. unmo- Nlmlo, nwut, dark, lndolont, lying up- oh his book and looking up into the sky; the Ikymloudlosa, brazen, and the muddy. yollo river all agllut with roooslons of the sun; the stlllnms of n semltroploal nltornoon, wlth nothing to hour blmtha rlpple of the water and he splash agnluut the boat; the m_onutnny of A semllroplcal marsh, with uuthlnu to see but. the parched gmuos,_tho swlrllng eddies of tho rlvur aml tlwmmnllt-as heavens. (`And Nloolu, with one arm resting lazily across the till- er. keups the vessel ln mldstromn, drin- ing toward the gulf, and wamhen the wreaths ll-om his olgnrette as they mlst themselves away lnto nothing. NIdoIo I hum want: A lnnk nf trlumnh, NICo1.o s Rmtonf l_,T.C`rawf0rd, Iunlu un- I upnn tho lull uf tho L n nlyrlnd using nunuwn'I.' st Polaotfa drug I vegetable oxtneu wmcn nun uvrocrnmr dial action upon the rwmwh. VII snd bowejn. - Ax-oi-1"` itnting drutio [ilk by using Hamilton`; Id ytll doubts. and st. Poison`: drun ' -` XI : ll-Cljn ` Those pills no not sum", but they no not dnuhc-irritating cazhutios. it until pills must. needs be. They contain active vegetable extract: which Inn direct-rant dinl nation noon munwh. liver lIlIll' UIIIIX II 51 It is hard tn understand why ununumo Ing pooplu nuns no ups to wen oquuklnq Ihou.-Rnm'n Horn. game ormn Inn to no 100. She-Hnw dallnhted you must be at the prospect of such as long lilo!---Dutrole Fno PI-nu. . vrllun o 'Ho-0no of tho fellow: at the club aald game often llvn to be 100. !a'I|a_I-Inn: lhullnhtnrl vnn mnnt In at u. nun A--r away; "I'm -sorry, M1. 'l`lmpany," said the leader of tho brnss band to the bass drum- mar, but. we shall have to dllspense with your services." "Why!" . Why! You Mk mo why! A man who has got. no mt. that he can no longer hit. the middle of the_dx-um ask: me why!"- Btmnd Magazine. IIMJIKIT ' "I should hope not. On: such (mo ll be has In enough to convict I man."-Dr trolh Ergo Press. m In. . _ Lawyer--Ahl I see. A woman In the Iase.-Soott.lsh American. Dropnv, Rho Trouble-1. lm Sold by {all xl. receipt 0! I ri `Oh I , A. Q I-Nil! Law-yor-You any the prisoner stole your wntoh. What dmlngulnhlng feature was thorn about the watch? . Wlannnnrlo I.-A -nu-.-..4|....n- ..l_&L._ W35 I-nt'.l"0 IIDOUF NIB WIIIIIY Witneca-lt had my Iwoothul-6': pthro in It. V l.._.....AIu I ..... A _.._-.. 1.. LL- umz. weru wnung to play an uwe unu noz- nni. The Lady Margaret, his wife, did kuope her oimmbor to the sumo intenn." The mayor, having won 50 marks from um king of Cyprus, roturnod him tho monuy, saying, "My lord and king. be not uggriuvud, fur I covet not your gold, but your play. "-Cimmbors' J ouruai. won mnsu-nma ii] mo uoscnpuon by Now of the onmrtainmunt. given by Hanry Piuurd, nmyor of London, in 1357. when tlmkingu of Frnncu nnd Scotland. boiug prisoners in England. and min: king of Cyprus on a visit. to Edward III. the mayor kept his hall Against All camera that were willing to play at (lice uml lm1.~ nnl. Thu l.ml\.' hlnram-nt., his wifn mild Antarctica. Antnrotlcn, whvllwru oontlnent or an nrulnlpulngo, the lslnntha of whlnh nre unltod by Hlmeln of lvn, ls onnslllorod to have an au- pnrnlul Men M -1,000.000squnru Jnllos, her lug. lluarufurv, larger than Aunt`:-nlln. The gruuu ohnln of vulonnoou ln Vlntorln Land rlsus ovur 15.000 fooluIm\'atl1o sea. On the South Am:-rlcnn sldu of Antnrutlca Is the ncl,l\'e vulnnno of B!-ltlgmnn and thu lnrge and partly uulmmrgod volcano of Dsonptlon lslnnd, wlth u crater uver 5 Inllus ln (llam- etur. lhu wnllu of whlch, bnllt up of allur- nntlng lnyors of Inn and volunnlo sourlm, rlnu l,h'0l) font, almvn Iho sen. h`o(llmnnt-ary ruukn of thu l}n(mnn ngu, wlch fm-uzll trout-I, wuro (llnom'ur~(l ln 1895 nt Haynmnr lslnnd. and tho l"n~nch shlp Tnlhnnnn, MY U10 antnrutlo onlntluum nmny yours pruvluus- ly, (lredgml l'l'l|gllltIl)l`N of rock uontulnlng u luamll plnnt nllnruclurlstlo of tlm l`rluu. rocks of Europe. Near Iuun-la lslnml, ln tho Huuth ()rkm\_\'.~1, llmnubuno uoouru. l`lw:-no rm-ks are If npuolul lute:-eat an eon- tinnlng the thuury that Ancnrclloa Is a ountlnent rntlhar than an nrohlpelngo, for tho mlnroollno grnnlta, wlzh garnet. null t,unr1nullnvnnd the Inlcn uulnlntls. must have hud n [`()l'tl|"`,lltl|] urlgln, such rocks lwlng ahnuut unknown lu ucnnulo lslanda.-G. E. Borchgruvluk ln Century. uvguu u-Iuulvl -. Tho fascination which games of ohanoo have exercised over gentle and simple I: well lllusu-ntad lu the description by New | nmurr.nlnx1mnI. nlvnn hv Hlnrv n-n::ino not: No. Hill; (I lllflll UK` V\'0Illl|l] W10 19 H0! g()I`g90'l`i with uuiur and thu gill-lur uf nhoii or {out In- ur nury. F.\'on tho rhildrun huva duuhi of i'r~:-.h paint` on (hnir plumplittlnuhmakn-s, whilo ilm dmlum urn wumiuriui in buhnid, rusplumlt-nt in nunklnous, mnhroidvrud log- ging:-1 and shirts, mm with orxmlnlmnn in- numornhle bruldud into thnir sunlp locks. Tho \'h-alt. owr, tho Inriinna go back to their hulmu; plumsmi nmi oumumed, happy ii I-huy iind, us may not nlwnys be tho use, ihni ihu umuny hus nut hm-n M work in thair nhsencn.-Ali<'u (7. Flowher in Can- tury. ` l'lI\VHll|U [JIHVKH lIl'U UIJBIINII, IIHII HHS UTUHHUH and tine urmnnenbs come to iighiv- Tim two ynung mun B|\i(`()trUd to be the hmu-urn ni` gifts of tuhanundock themselves for iimir nnissinn and ride on in advnuuu. A surprirxu purly in not in tho [uIiim1's list; of unnisuumalnu. He takes his enemy un- uwzlmx, hut, nut, his i'riun(i. The ynuug mun rulum with nmsrmgun of wuiumnu. Sonmtinum )munh(Vi'nuf lim fnmiiy in he visilml mum with whom pursolmiiy in` mm- duob lim purhy. M4-zuiwiiiiu nii imm been busy priuking -i)rushing nmi braiding their looks, pninling limir fuoenund donniugtiioir iyoo-`L gnnr, Um Witin pmirin (imirdrtmsing room, Limir mirrors nah nliimr'a eyes. When Lhu visiting party in nguin on )`0llI8, there is new man or wnnmn who is nut gnrgeovn ninma nmi siiil-ts. mid with nrvmnmntn in- They An Fond ol Pnylng Soolul Vlllu Among Thomulvou. Indiana, contrary to widely received oplnluna, are of n soolnl mmu-e. and tom] of paying frluxndly-visits, the etiquette of which would nmko a ohaptaar of itself. Nut much nttmmun is.gl\'on to the order of t-hnlr gnlng whllu In the slum. nf travel, but when urrlvud within n ahorb dlutnmu of thnlr desthmunn a halt is called, tho ponlns um rvlluvetl of their burdens. tho rnwhldu puckrl mo openml, nnd gala dresses "I`l... nu... ......n.. ..u... ...\I....o...I I1\ 'u.\ H... "wuuv WILL SURE YOU nl- ........n..n;. hm! l'c Kmnov Pills: to cure nnv ion Iuuiw IIIIII nqla. ` Thus wupo. tholgh null. have A nay VQOIIICII nun]. Baboon: had often boon notion! vluu with unvlom glauou the X.l Ip0I|n[ mm In `one out-Iain gnldqu. ht fund to punk for In! of nmnotlni ofultloftho wupo. ma manlnn tho fnnmr Inna` nnlhh blotting a good position, I said `Shoo! to the geese. because I never shoot one until it flies. The geese sll stretched their necks and began opping their wings to rise, but never a one of 'em left the water. Such a squnwkinc and ceckling I never heard. I shooed em again, and again they made In big effort to lift themselves up, but there they staid and squnwked and cncklod. I got up out of the bushes and looked around to make sure that I was not in bud and dreaming. And what do you s'posnP The lake was frozen tight as a drum! A Hyde county cold snap had tum- bled on the lake during the night and froze it up, and done it so quick and ellok that the sleeping geese hadn't known a thing about it, and didn't discover it until I woke em upl And there they were held in a trap that wild bears couldn't have got out of. I cminted the geese. There were 217 of 'em."-New York Sun. more 0! `cm: I crept. through the bushes on the edge of the lake, and looms to me I had uevur seen it look so glassy and smooth. Pretty soon Ionme In slghtof A big ock of goose, all bunched together. `lran littln munch on am. I HAVE. `to Ill DIJIIUDBG D08Ill0l'. `ltsa little tough on `em, I says, `to rout `em out so only, but It . can't be helped. Hnmlnn a mood noumon. I said woo. One of the best times to bug wild goon in only in the morning. just before they get up from their sleeping pinces on the water and start for business. Whenever I want a goose right bad, I always go out uriy in the morning after it. It happened one time last winter that; I was pining for wild goose. and I got up early in the morning and went out to Lake Matu- musket to bag 8 low. A: I stepped out of the clubhouse I noticed that one yo! those Hyde county oolil snaps had dropped down on us during the night, and every- thing was just tingling. `All the hm.t.er. saw: I. `The szeoso`il smug Just ungnng. `All the better, says I. geeso'll be huddled together in a bunch to keep warm, and as they rise I'll humble all the at em.' I nu-ant. through thin hnnhnn nn thn nthvn It [polled I Will Goon Hunt Int Ibo llydo County Sportsman.` Cold Inopu don't Vvomo often down In Hyde county," and Pooky Griswold. who if Instructor to who Hmumoudnport. Try- to-Ooboh-Blaok-Bom club during the num- mor, and tho some to the Wild Goose, Wild Swan and Wild Duok club o( H do O0lllI- ty, N. C.. during the winter. old snap: don ! oomo often down there, but when they do come, they come sudden and they Itlok right; luv 00 things when they come hm. `Iholt Douro. at I-bnrnunont. A I. L__J ... .._..:.__.__; ._L_. ____..__ v-u uuuugun n`I you think that Do Seen In two SOCIABILITV OF INDIANS. .A GENUINE COLD SNAP. Iht Vivluw uwv we `um-nntre Dorm`: Kidnrv l'H|sv to cure any can cl Bri ,ht's Di czrz -. I)i.xlw1rs. l.umh:xao, I(Kt`uInnIm:-. Hcnrl U|~"`:|SC. Fcmale Icllpum: i i...,l 'r mulltv refunded. nnm nu. .I|.I.- .1 . Hl um-,h xl:.--. nr Yw nmilon one lnongh. .. L|.l..|. u.-. n. Pllhlh IOGOIIQ lihdbmnn nu-unto. In-l'I var Boot [hf - n nu-hotnzuhtvdtlo lunch. Train IQVU Ki tan 3:`) II. (ll Tweed. Nnpsndo |n':F'nlll|oo|l ma. 5. I J. Wilson. nan: C.P.R.. Go : uveou. Nnpsnoo and unload J. Wilson. agent C.P.R. Co : I pm Iunner uooauno mo prleu may Inn vantage of tho opportunity toinnke n \y with Mm. Two men Ihonld not gun Inwn well. for If one of than I: in dob: to the other. or Inn In bin pouuqlon nomochIng.whloh the ochur Wllltl. tho! other may aelm the pension to pull: his omnpaulon into `the woll."-Pl&Im O. H, Cndv In Ou'n.urv, ' . A Ohllcu l Arthur H. Smith. in M: wdndorfully Il'1ght,nocul'Mv and you somewhat mis- laodlng book called Chinese Characteris- tlos. quotes the Chinese proverb that "one man should not outer A temple, and two men should not look togataher Into 3 well." adding: And why, we lnqnllo In surprise. should not om man cum! I tan- plo Alone! Because the priest uh llfvnntnta mmarmnitv to `make onmpamon moo Ame ` I I. (hdy In Oohtuiy. nurmm V II] oolor and lorm." But lhla is a conventional world, sol `moroly keep my seat and my nllouoo. dis- pu`t.lng mentally moanwhlle those warped beings who over that It In not possible {or one woman to admire another. renum men. 1 wlnn 1 snow your` or, You are just as pretty as a ower"-and I really feel qultema much run-lobed In not helm: allowed to tell her of It as I would If I were not purnnluod to ojnoulato over the beauty of n ro2Io-0l'. Your oce- tume shows 0 rarely dolluato pemoptlon of hurmm In oolur and form." lino. Ilu In In ...-m.-...u......1....\.|.: _. v Tl'|1.')>1|1I m-my warpou men or IL The only way Lo get at the merits of the case ls. lnstgpd of rugtu-(ling humanlty no man and woman, to look upon them no souls, and thus lookldg, I, for one, no plenty of ohurmlng women Ioulu. I note them In stnset. oars, church and thutdr, old, mlddlo aged and young. and I! I fol- lowed out. my luollnntlons I would go up to them and say: You have such a sweat, reuod men. I wlnh I knew you:" You nrn inst an m-ottv an n nwm-"_.ml nuuunu an-nu \II:lII1ls Cynics love to assert thnt women in runllly lmtu unes nmIt,iu,-r; (lull, the only guuuluo mutuni aunillmmt they punaess is onvy; tluu: their interest in each other in fulgnml. and nloofully quote in support of tlmsu vlmvs Lndy Mont-nun : rumurk, It guns far toward reconciling me to being a woman whuul reflect. that [am thuuin no tlgmgar ul marrying one." Not being ll cynic, l dun t agree with these wlnoaorea. says a writer in The Jonnosa Miller Month- ly, hut um, on the contrary, of the opinion thnt wnnu-u admire. appreciate and under- almul women more t-lmrmuzhly than men will (Nor bu nhle to do. and us A logical suqunnco, 1 nm further 0! Um in-llof that A man in quite liknly to omnprolmud n broth- nr mun mum olunrly than ulous a woman, aspuulnlly if this womuu la in love with Lilla purllculnr brotlmr man, there nob bo- lng lhu luant. doubt. in the world that love is hllml-tim love hotwunn men and wom- en-nu being blind, and huuco unable to see, it either onnnot. perceive as all or oi.-:0 it. onduw the loved one in imagina- tion with uttrlbutoa neither he nor she possunsvn, just us 11 pm-sou born alghtloaa oitln-r fnlls tu crndit the unlverso with any qualities wlmtsoevor or also gets an en- tirely warpod idea of it. Thu nnlv \l'I\\Y In ant. at tlua mnrhn nl tlnn Ooutrpsvy to the Cynical Idem, Atlnnlna Ilnnlu lith- uguours. The lesson Limb has been driven home in the! fuhhorlnml is tvhnt. imluairini processed ourriud on upun u im-ge smile give rout olmnocs fur (|iscu\`ury. Just as gasmu in gave Aniline. so the sump boilers` lye yield`- od iudlno, the waste ui` snip gardens bru- miuo. the mother liquors from the springs oaseaiuln untl rubidium, the (mid cimmimra sulunlum and thallium. the minus and nmtltllllrgiuul wurlls gallium and germa- nium. 'l'h(u'uf0r0 the ch0miker" on the other Hitlu of the Rhine is nlwnyu looking out for Humullilu now. He iuuml it in thu bouzldlno dud nzo dyes. tho former giving Kongo red und ohryaamin, the mom. lnlpormut dlnoovoryn! mmiurn times so fur nu notion (lyuing is ooncornud. " In short, us Dr. ()stvvnl(i has said, it is now I rm urtlulo of bullet mm the secret. of (:`m'nmn industrial chemistry is the N003- uiilun that solunoe is the bus prnot,iuo. In Engluml in is greatly to h xurod there still llngm-a tnlch in "the rule of thumb." -L.ou\l0u 1`olugrnpl). Bu of quanta Iallvny. Train leaves Ki 5:30 In; (at ruuin "Hm. nllilnnnl n& R K'|9\'(`-llT('ll I11` HI LHU |Ill.`4|lIUhN |lll`l'U l|l'U UU high elm. l"llVHli\l~`. In lhu Umllsche Anllln uml .\' T8('|mInlsl.~nnr0 un- gugml. An n-xpurl \\'llnm,.~. luld Um (inas- hnm UU|lHlI].-.\iUll that MS raklllud v|mII|ln'l.! was lhu maximum numbur umpluyud In any }<'.ugIi.~h mlur \\` if, Ill(IN9(|, lhurc \\`-rn so xnzuny. 'l'lluM'munl|l'(9l1lI0uI\Hll]g|_)' nuuvu In ram-nruln. Thu prluo l-u [my fur program. In Muruul \'lgllum=u. Every hint from Engluml, l."mm-1, Alnurluu ur Italy is tried, 4-wry now mnlurinl mt-stud, awry hupoful prm-u.-a.-1 puluntml. The grout works no Huuhsl. nuulo in 1590 from I,7ou lc 1,800 oolurze; tlwy umpluyml 11.001) humlu, 70 ulmnulsls uml I23 unglnuurs. A [Inn in Offmnlmoh with ISUU workers had 45 1u\'es tlguburx-I. 'l`hn lminnn Llmn has home RUNIU ll ulzud lraul out, him was dnrivud fru slnul lnnlu sum, 1: u` an..|...| 1 I. UIL Wu-zrdvr warrior.-4 bulow. An ull wurltl s-pic In! years ed. Huw nhull I lack _\uu, 12;: mo now- With nmvux-:4 u..~ bu-suzirous a d sweet An fur nu lm1\".~' hnmh bra meat? WOMAN'S VIEW OF WOMAN. In Up.xla on u I)('|K` ul' Wilh qunint urhn drug Swoup duwu from c rvd Foot of Qlu-on sc.. A uumln\\'uI' mr In-I` 1111!`:-010 or ll`x'H~n-s fair, und Jossunlno 'l`o mulch the ziUI'Ill('.-`I.-I of her sun. Ami fur u .- uf In-r mu]: EXPERTS AT CHEMISTRY. TO AN ORIENTAL VASE. nu Lend the \Vorm In tho Mysti- ulum of the Ln_burulory. Mu In (1'~|'|nun_\"' in` nuw lhe1'ucug< lraulunmrl; {or vlmmlunl:-I l,h1-uugln n wurld. '1'lm tlyua` uml lxyprmluute 1 from mu] lur Imus bvculno u ulna` nnlumw, ul`, Us llnuuu would haw uhu-ing uxaulxplo. As we have Hm 1'mlu;|'luIIt|I\1'.~I hum captured l`lI(l1-u from u<. (in lo lllmrlluld, mt lln we nun`: AL Hm l"m-In-ulu .. llma . . . .. |I'n .. M. )\\'vh4 u.-4 us-mzirous and awe my lm1y'.- much he meow? Year for In-r nun-oh) uf Jul ; ruguun that in Mghl n cloudn ut ruse IOIVOI Area boon. 'l`he;~e'is safety in /7 drinkingthem. _ _ . ` loHovu1wI3uhkIdlnc0nIng.lof Druul-0-.uo..ud . /.' ' 1.,_A_-nnAn.nhnnA1n_l-a-L, .,. TO THE STRANGER in a stnnge place, the EAEEDUIIA SPHIISS WEBS ISlrachan's : Hardware om` EEESPAIR ,-Ou\_ \Ve will commence with Bar- gains. We will conlinue with Bargains We will end with Bargains. All the leading and representa- tive styles in FURNITURE Jfys. RE D -_,.Q_ .-.4,-_-,.,__ __- ..___ IIUUVU U3" DIGIIUS IVU \.4Ull||.IU|' my stock. Below Us Lie No Competing Drlces. Above Us Stands No Compet- Inn Qfnrla A Nntunl Bonutlllor. Karl's Clover Root. Tea purified the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. For sale at. Wade`: drug store. Ha (jouulurly)-Whnt makes you I0 xnlaornblar You look as though your grmtest. ennmy had got married. Qhn--"lI.`n wnmn than nae. Rim : gnu QPEUIIESF Bllllly nun K05 Inlrnx. " Shn--"Wu worse than um. Sim : you her douroe of divorce. " Dy -1 Olly. Honm people think candy nln't good for lime boys. Itdon't never hurt me. 1!; sticks rightm mylungl and make: me grow. Big Bargains j H1n`ll ho down pretty soon. uld Johnny to young Mr. Hnukluaon. It always takes hur a long tlmo to pm on ha:-good clothes. 'l'hnm was a bl-Inf nilnnnnjm in hrnknn nus going mvowwn. No, Pm `g0Ing." Iho said, but I want, mnan In A dozen of eggs. I have nnly ll,but. t a old hon is on the neat, and If you'll wn u little whllo I'll have the dozen. 'l`I\n nu. .-u-un.l Jvuuuuy wutvu II; unt __ HMO Pilll. / `ay also relieve Distress from Dyopap: Innlundinn um Ton Hem-M I-`going. A nor. l`ho_v toll thln story nbom. an electric llno which rum: In a c|t.y not more than n hundred miles from Hnunmun: Tho our mua luhaurely coming long when a woman mu out and hailed It. The our stopped and tho motormun naked har I! aim was nutv going Imotaown. Na. I'm t. nnlnn," Ihn nnhl hut. I nur a mug umu Io pun on nargooa mounon. Thom was a brlot allenomlh was broken by Johnny. ` ` Nnnm mmnln thlnlr nnmlv nIn't. unnll Im- H k msaaszy At Greatly Reduced Prices. Tho 0M-fushlt 1: ul ironing table which (urnuql up ugninsw the wall, and left. a punt. for lhu .~'ur\'ulH. In tlm plump shape of u Ilvlghlmrlng funm-r's daughter and In-r rm.-tin swuIn-~n snun just wide n-nuugh In onrmm lrlmully prox|In\1y-luu rt--uppunrml in u nuw guise. or nmlly In lwo now gtnlmm. In mmm fushlonnble pity hulxitnllmm. It In oonvurtod mm In quaint uml nrllstlmlly 1,-usxhlonud hull mat. and wlmh u {out mnx-ml off on ulthor side to rvlllluultu wlnltn. in In ('o\'emd wlwh a dulntvy In|Il'(JIl|('l`l`d oluth and decked with nunt'~utl<- x-Mun uml surves an an afternoon tea mhlo. Ulll You will have to wcwlx up the dishes. Sir! Wlmt do you mkcwne for? My wife In In tho qammtry. A ...I I`. 5.:-"ml nu... no-H. unol...-9).-.. IH Ill lll (7(Hlllll'_V. And he turned away. Death rntherthnn (Hz-xh-wmahlng` l"UlllIl llpl ll|()lhI-0116. Ah! he gasped. Hln voloo had a house rattle. Honwllng to eat! Rusoue had oomo not a mlnutotoo soon. But- What In it? cried the fmnlp{:ed creature. stretching out his pm-ohd hands, I0 thln-oh, so painfully r-h|An and transpa- ant! n nnuu vy- Here is food! The ateu- v|ng mun ornwled feobly for- ward. His hollow eyes burned and glitter ed M. mhn night of the savory vlandl. HI: parched Ilpa moistened. Ah! he munmd. Hln vnim had A hnnl-an iv ; - uuvnynvn mg: -II l\&-15L. The Leadig Underuker and Fur- niture Manufacturer. The Leadibg Undensker and Fur- 254 & 256 PRINCESS STREET. 5 1 upon nn.__-_._ wrunnnvxv (lluooouora to Brad: 0 Booth.) -DEAl.ltR..~l IN- The our wnltod. A Martyr to Prlnolplo. "$55.3 no CbAL._ A Cllln Baboni. ` .. ..l AL- ` bold II to I Ill 11 I d - move .25" J:..&..3. 'm.2.'. "' " ..c.:::. _;.s:aa..:.'.'.:.'::+...-:a.'s: IIO comm or mo wupc. One morning the tanner bond tomb). C3 Ind with the old 01;; good lloldglnn he wluuuud tht following : A baboon, chief of 3 band. VII nanny the youngot Ann and pitch- lhua Ink. the uln-uh whcnolr hung mun` mun. `TM: he Iqunud spin in "m :3 Ln on nppllnot on. [roe In. ormu on how to not nlr noon 3 -WTwTi EATI n mormnl I! hand. top lune: ppllnuLonl . froolg: [DU I IIDOII I (:1 In In I and ro- . Add 7333- It!!!-I II!-no-nu. Comma hunk and rt *tnIad.u-luv MEDICAL. I M IIIIIIXIK WWII IITOIXIIIIK [III III` ` mm uklng thatwnrd be Nut to T T1 V V T\Pa or lvmw IDll0IlP'l'l&. OORIIRSPONDENCE onrxcn-comu On- ario and Qnnon struts. SALES OFFICE 8'1. YARD-Cornol Ontario nd Wong I kph. 9-9i'~9-"+~+W ~`- ~.'{ he and qnlto calmly. n my brothcltbtulllnutherlnmln ' .You all some tllnomloui shall ` Inno- " n In outer two. The Inc Mum was ya mu Stmnlc-r. No was not yet 19 yen}: olq , nml lhn u-vlclnlwu Against hlln Wu 5130 olroumstautlnl. Ila ` nu ohugod with being lunpllcntod In the lllllng of Sous and Meierluuu nnd was to have had Mn preliminary hmrlng next day. He mm of 1 good family, and his oldur brocher. n gndnato of an Oregon unm-r- Illy. was In Ymh tho night of 'tho lynch- Inn. lug. The boy lxgan to plead lmfone the look: I his call door [no way, hm. he soon milled Glut hh ploudlng mm In uln and tontonlod himself with protecting his In- nomnm and nklnn that \\-ml In mm. Au uu nwulluun in nu null); hi M Answering It, and in mmtln-.1` ninnto hownn struggling In the air hosldo to other two. 'I`hl- Inn n...-. _.. .......... .`......|... u.. prnyor or planning. Null mm the third man. The crowd Int-vmed nugrior at him than nt. any ..r the others. Ho bugged for nu-rvy liku Jaim- nnn, but may tiul his hmuix and J:-rlml him Along. All the way in wlu-nu the naval mil with twu mou nlmmly hung- ing to it. luv across the hmnnlma of the lu- cult trees he pleaded fur nu-rcy. "You didn't nhuw Hnviur nnv Innrmn ouu mean no pmmeu mr You didn't show Hnytrr `nnv mm-cy, Wu all the nnnwur he got. Hu hung Imck. but they plllhlll him along. and null the whllo In wan npuklug. M1 mmhar In In an Ilwnna maI\'nn\ " wnuo no speaking. Hy mothor in In an insane walyunn." he mid, "and I am at-ruck with lnmnlty myself. 1 Am in poor mluvr nnd mu only defending my rlghta. Ha law that M: nlnnlnou wan-nn! nn uomnulng Hymn. " Ho law that Ms pleadlllml womnl no uh. and that ho WM bolng lmmghl shun!- lly to the Ionnkl. Thom `ho made` I hut Ituad. Mil um. |..;.I.o .. s.-...a .... .. 3...... u 5... Illllll. . "If you Insist on hanging me. buys, he dd qulbo ..nly. "let mo drop nud don : nhoko mo to.dunth." Th no ntmlon to nu mquan. nlnntn In-u.-- ..o-.._..u.._. ... .|_.. _|.. n_..-1.:- uxmnue nuu ml. mo pray. They stood hack and gave him his chance. Hls pruyur was short, nml lm choked whllo aponklng tho words. Whc-II ho stopped for hronth, ndozon nu-n Inld hold of the rope and jvrkml him uh-or of the ground and held him thorn. Mnnnwhlln Hm I-cur. nf Hm Ivnnlmm wnm me gruunu mm nelu nun uwru. Mmnwhlla the mat of mu lynohors wnm smashing away M. the dunn-I of the nthur oelln. The Spaniard. Mun-m). was tlm uuxt vlothn. Hcrwap prulmhly thu moat. vlnlous of All, and he dh-I mu (Ie-.npurm~l_v as ho had llvccl. Thom was no whlnlng or [nagging for mo in his omw. llu alum! up straight (and novor l|I\ilWl'l`('(l um lynmu-ru, but walked om. qulutlynml mu: hnulod up lnmlde the other man whlmut :3 word of prnyor or plumllnn. Null was tho third nmn 'l"hn m-mm! [)l'1l\'lN`(I RIHDUD llly nll!'l'I(`ll ulllllllll. lf yuu'\'n got anything to say, my It quick." nnld ono of tho . Thu wmtohr-(I prlsnna luulmd up at. the bar ulmvo Min and nhuok hhmmlf l.0p(I'l|Il`. Buys, " lm suld rlnly, "give mu is fair chance and lot. mo pray." Tlwv Ilnud Ivmk and mum hlm lulu for mercy. ilu might as well hlwo crlml to tho jnil wnils. 'l`lw_v throw a noosu nvor his hvnd and hnrrit-(I him out of tho juil. "Bring on the mil, " nunwlmdy shnutod. A dozen mun brought nscm-I mil from the rnilmad. It was a hmwy it`: {not rnii, but so many man got hold of It Must. they lifted it like It pivot! of straw. In thn nmlrthnnan mark nm twn inmnt. IV HAW) lb pl( (`(l (ll IHWW. In the: courthouse park are two hxmat tl`(`0.*|, nbout 1'3 fact. apnrtv. 'l'hr_' lnld the stool rnll ewrmua the limbs uf tlww In-we about ton to-at from tho gr-nund, jmnmlng it rmly Into the crotch. l'ndur thu lm prn\'|m~d glhlxnt lmy hllrrlml Juhm-um. quick." mm of thmu. pan or um town on a unmmua mlxsmn. Moanwhllu tho rrowd st lhn jail was busy. Thu clnnk of tho culnl ohhwl un lmn doors and steal halts rang out In tho still- ness, hut, nll who might. hnvn Int:-rft-rc-d wore prlsmmrn or far awn)`. First. they attaoknd Lnwronon Johnm-n'.~a 0011. [In nnuun-nal 'n:|I`n nrlulln I In. nhhanlu I-`It nt.motmu unwronoo aonmqcm s 0011. Ho cuworod Inside whllu Hm ohl.-ml.-I his Hlmngh tho bolts under the sludge nt.|-okon. liu know what thu nolno mount, nnd wlmn Ms null dour swung open orlud and prayed for mercy. llu mhrht. mu wall hnvn m-Ind tn Hm Inll IHUFN. Mt-nnwhilu I00 mun n-nmlnud on mmnl untnhln thn jull. 1`hn_v amply:-I nll_ |msuu-r.~I- by nml ulthnr mm them bank the wuy (hay emnn or xuuzuml llmm lnuldu Hm llnua. Ev- ery prm-nmlnn was taken naulnat int<-rrup- tlon. l`ho re hulls had hm-n mulod nnd the night wntohumn sent off to n dl.-ant. part of tho town ncltiuua mlanlun. Mmmwhlln Hm (`rnwd mt Ihn inll wan nu warn n('a\'n_v urmnu. "Now, the kuyu 0! than null.-II" salt] the lmulor to tho luulorr-aI|url'. "I hmw-n`! got` thvnl." A lnurrhed nmnrvh imllvntx-d that this was (run, nml tho word wma ngnln pu.~c.~w(l to the mon In the yard. 'l`hvy wurv pro- msrml for tho mm-rgmmy. nml m~\'m'nl of tlwlr nlnnlwr loft tho jnllyurvl nml mun rc- t.urnud with cold ohlrwlu and s~'Iwhzo hmn IIH\I`9l Ann vvuu n n annu. caution, however, Sheriff Hobbs had sworn in another undernheri. H. 1.`. Bmutlioh, who sleep: in the Jail. It was Brautlioh who ii:-It oncounlaered the lynchora. A little after 1 o'clock in the morning he was awakened by hearing i'oot.ntopn in tho jail- yard. He extinguished his hultern and waited. The noise ceased, and very cuu tiounly the undersherii`! nponod his door Ind peered out. His face ran ngainat the Inuzzles of several ries. Hovoral mun jumped behind him and held the door so that he could not retreat. It u-nu all 1`t\nn nu nnlublu ..u.l u-.......l- uvemng 01 Aug. 0. Then: has been lynching talk in the county ever since the murder epldomlo be- ` gun, but the wanted men were In every can hurrlecl to the strong oonnty Jail and the sheriff never dreamed that the men would be taken from his custody right. in the harc nl Yreka. As an uddltlonul pro- um.: Tho men hnnyod were; Willinm Null, who killed Henry Hnyter April 21 near Callnhan s; Lawrence H. Johnson. who brumlly stabbed his wife to (loath July 28 at Emu, nnd Louis Moreno and (zlnrlnud i`-ltemlor, who wem_oha1-god with killing Scan and Mule:-haul at Bailey Hui on the evening of Aug. 5. Then: lmu hum lvnnhinu Iznlk in ilm [IVER 01' W18 Lynonmg OI WEB ID!!! Bllligtll murderers from the dounty jail at Ymka, Cn|.: 'l`|\- vn-II lunn:-ncl |un.n-- Wlllh-u Mull The following grnnhlo I-tloulors ate [lven of the lynching of t a tour alleged murdm-on from dmmtv ml! at Ymkn. HANGING OP ACGUSBD IURDEBEIIH How am cmmuy Plnnud and Long coh- -IA._.A n-:A n:-_ n___n_.n 4.-. nn___... Later [Founvwms on Mon] ._ .. ._ ..__' _ pgdond Bald Wu Clfflld 0n&-l.rung -Up on I-provlnod Gnllmnmu the coun- houu lqnn. ..__ _.-- --.. Particulars of the Sis` klyou Lynching. ' nuuux I1; I`. Ylrd No. 1-On!n|-1, street. I-Clnrence street wharf. 3-SL Lawrence wharf. Ohio! ol'oo--Ht. Lawrence when-fr Brunch ooo-()or. King and tilnmnoe ytrootn, oppo- ollo British Amarlonn Hotel. Klhknton. gamut and uulnfnmnry dullvery A upu-.lAlt.y. I all under vnvor and well um-gonad. Tclophono communication. _ Flat looted min on unluln; board: at tho and long manna. bimon- annoy nun w an u-we A lawyer gave a dinner puny; cw which the gentlemen retired totho Imo loom for :5 wood and I chat. Suddenly the boat go: up, took down I sword which hung in A trophy, and, brandishing It in the air, exclaimed, Ah, gentleman, I shall nuver forgot. the city when I drew thin binda fur the iirll Ohm!" Du-u ulunnn tlltl Inn ng- II)" Anblgcl vvilillltj Bu-onus (to Indy companion)--'l`ho ho (Inning 0! this non] In horribly dull. Hun the goodness. Fraulein Brookhudl, to:-and Ihenttwoor that olupnon for me. I will then go on with the hunt.- Folenbond. The 'l`nlmud' (Jewhh book of flu`!- mental and canonical luv) an that were 80 person: butch: Joahua who - nuod tho powc ol "napping" ll` ma. um l)lM1amr me urn unm" _ Prqy, when did you dnw m" naked in anger guest. A1. I rnn" Inn u Inwvuh in an guest. At. I nine." out the lawyer : n- 1olndor.-Peunun'a Weakly. E0 BIIOOI: ll p6l'Illl)0llD 0Lll'8. Anothur u-eatment is that ol ung bortclo Amid. About a taoupoontul of this powdar nhbuld be dissolved In B tewupful of water And used In the aunt manna u the cold ms. Cltrlno ointment, whlnh In tohnhad no the dnngglwn, In also good. [I oomes In a small, round, wooden box and In to be applied along tin odp of tho min. It In very heauug.-Hounokoopor. wjj W wwjvuivjuj '&_&1l%.iI1h j._4.L_.__n;. .A_.L_.__A. a;_.._a_ Wjjmf Ziii TILIPHONE NO. I 83. -.1` rwwn n uuuuun-m Lnwnmsa or um um Ono of the hunt remedies for this trouble as well mi mm 0! the simplest is cold ton. The eyelids should be bathed in this sev- eral tlimus a day, winking I little of the um up under the lids at. times. At night the cold ton imvea, which have been pro- viouuly uteaped, should be bound over the lids. This trouument, it followed up, in almost. auto to bring relief, and, in time, to auol. pernmuout cure. Anntlmr nmmtnmnt. in that of nninn -u---u-vs. -you-m Many persona nro troubled by Wonk or lnamml oyullds, nud some children have such from Hm time of their birth. This trouble In ludlcntved by white or yellowish grains forming on the edge of the lids along Hm eyelashes, and sometimes by an unnatural thickness of the M 1 h... .\l' Ihn h.... -u.-.u..II.... On: nu. 9-nnhl- _- _.._. -,..-_ -`-- _..,,. For n hrntlmr-lu~luw 01' tho {umm king of England In In) lung odds on n ho:-so race and ch-fmlll. whun a IUHUI` In nmnmhlng tn (`misc :1 ewnsntlun in Lnndnn. Yot. this In what Prlncn 1*`r1umh-mt Tm-.k dld mount- ly. H0 but $60,001) to $G,(N)() that In our- usln fuvorite would win. Thu mrse lost, the prince Wm! unulule to pay, wild in pre- vum scandal thu aum was nmdu up by the Prince of Wultm nr some of tho lnLtur'u frlundn. Prince Francis It-I n hrnthvr of tho Duolmsux of York and has ulwuyu Imm- lfm-xtml much Inn of umdnor sport. The llmlcluut junt. nnrrmud hnu ewtud as u vig- Uruua bmku an the lmmlluug apnod at; whlch ho was mm-ling. nud ho may con- sider Mum-If luvky 1! lm escapes bclug soul. to India. His hmmhm-, Prlnw Adol- phus, whu murrlud udnuglpuur of tho Duke of Wounuluunsr, in n. cundldntu fur the throne ut Ulnlgttrla and In IIBU very fond of horsu rwlng. nunsna may. lie was nnknd point blank If he was not young Edv :ml:.'. The question took him oumplotuly ` ' surprlso, und for a moment ho was nllen Tho nmcuru urn convluoud that the boy knows more of tho doings of Frnkur thuu he bun t-hue fnr mdnuxmml and am now trying (,0 pump him for Informal Non. IIUFIIIUFII VY INUUIIHIII IIIJUIIL NIX HIUIILIIH "R0. A tulogrnm was rooeivud from Knnsum City which convinces who autimribius that. Smith in in reality Juimuio Edwards, who Wm, prior to thu disnppanranou of Fraka-.r, his nice buy. The buy usiiiun in many mupoota with the description Ham; on from Kansas City. Hn wma nnlznd nnlnt. hinnl: If he was nnt. noun. (ihh-f 0! Police Lnrnonnf Tuwor, Mlnn., nnd l)oput_v Hln-rm Phllllp urn mnvlnnod thul. Ihoy lmvv I-mlvml the Inyntvry unr- ruumllng Hm id:-ntlty of the buy found with Dr. Frnkur. The young fulluw hnu nlnlmml all ulung that Mr: nunm In Frank h'nmh1m(l that he mob Frnkor. whom ho was introdncml to us Wlllhun Suhnull, in northorn W1.~J0nuln about nix months ngo. A mlmtrnm was rnmlwsd (mm Knmuua lll'l\l`ly II yI'Bl', 1"`. I` l'lLKl5!' UlK1ll|T9(I nu \\'L\H glad It. wan ovnr." M no dmlbt, ho wun. Thu utrnln ho had undnrgoxlo must hnvu mprommlud nn uxpondlture of mum-nl and nurvmm onoruy grunt: mmugh to lmvn made him an textmnrdllmrlly mu-coax-xful man In any logltdlnulu lnmhmaa ha might, have chm-mn. But. as he chose to ban mgun, an be proforrod tn gob umnethlng lnwlunnly without. glvlng nnything In nvturn for It, M1-n Hm pm.~4pmt, of mu ponllt-Imury was u rolh-f tn mm from the strain of hurd- nnuu our, Ill ma unmuosn ueuuis. This display of cunning, foiiuwod by a timmmstrntion of courage in swimming such u. stream as the Missouri, lvfl: noth- ing for the insurance companion to do but to pay thu nmuoy, and thin: nil of them would hnvn imam compelled tn do but for the unfnrmuwn vents which (won the most intoiimnml rugmv loaves out of his count. Whnn drnunml nnl. nf hi: hidinu nlnu-.n lHF(`llU17Illl|| TUKIIU HVIIVUH (HID (I1 "I15 UU\I1lYr. When drnggodouty of his hiding phwo umr Hm (`mmdlnn llna, whom he had llvod the life of n humml wild animal for nunrly n year, Dr. Fmkur duclnred he was ahul It. wma nvnr," an nn alnnht. hn wnu on a crumbling bank and dlsuppmmd {mu cho river as part of a plan he bud thought out. In its smallest details. mm. .n.nI...1 nf ........u.... 4-..n........a rm . Coal Wopdl 8'] IA ) BOOIINI Imuuumnuy. Of the six men who testified to the (non; of his nuppoued death by drowning In the Missouri river it is probable that the ma- jority were disinterested. He seems to have led I hunting party after dark to A place he had aolootad beforehand, stepped Dr. Fl-char, tho Attempted lnnrnnoo Ivlndlpr. I Oonngeoun locus. The one of Dr. Gouge W. Faker. who Iwindlor of insurance companies, who was recently captured. in n remukablo one. 10 illuntratel the genius at can be em- ployed iu unmcoeugul ity. The same capacity to take great rink: and to endure privntlone which Dr. Fluke! Ihowod in his attempt to swindle New York, Con- necticut; and other insurance companies must have won for him in any honest busi- neu iamnore than the 158,000 he attempt.- od to secure fraudulently. Of this nix man who tnnhiml to tha (ant: IOU! WEI Wllll ITUID M10 EHYUDG. ., ' The lynoberu stood on guard Around the nonold for about Sonutuuws after the last man had been bulod up. When phey were Iotlslled that all four were dead. they mounted their home; and dnnhed 01! at full speed. . w ml-ougn me moguls! Iorms or law. ` While the work of (loath was done with sxtremo order and qulotnoan, word or it. got nround,`und there was quite A crowd In tho park by the time the luv of the four was swung from the grmihd. I The lvnnhnrn nmnd nn nmnrd Around the `airing n groncdeal um` thy ma non gm`: ut through the regular forms of law. While the work of dmth wu demo with lnnunod Inyonlaf _._.. .......|_|_.| WASTE D GENW8. with cubic communication sud oqunbla tor hmpontnn ol Invent) don-coo. bonn- tuul sooner: and 100 mile: gr! good roudn. luodqnnton ol tho British um) and navy huu-ivnllgd In In utrscuvonou, reached by tho Inclined! Iron utuuun orlnooo or Ell! FAB-FRIED I ruohod I: In oat orlnooo n no n my . onu. tropical 1.1.1:. .0?` Infill N.;tY'i'lka' 11 Bums Orin. 3:. cu. lurtlniquo and hubs- doon uord lnoutul nd QOIlI.I_l|_lOQohOd njungh 3! tluQuboe utunuhlpu an 3 n|MOon l x v. o'gu"pao_3uo%-':'gs:u."n1a'_ L: --.-.,_ ..... -._._. ......... ... JAMES SWIFT 8: COMPANY