Tweddell Tailoring En. Ono Door Below City , [GA/VENVVA s11n}ggsEnrioN.| IIICII "5. IE. II! VII IIIXI. ILIU In St. James , church ooncribuud 5.05 mare than tho previous you-. his war the lvnodhu not snort Ill.- ` "V _ `V. J. E. 3TAl"lR'8 SSIONARY ADDRESS us`? zvzuma. I4 --I2---!` Church of Enjlnndlulonl. :.. u; 1.........' V. Nuvvo III : A-nutty U: `(Oi-I.|-I_-l-an-oh-r.) mm DAY 345 f. KINGSTON. onunio. 1cNING._ EEBBUABY `VIII `IU-U. II Illa At. a meeting of the rink directors, held on Saturday afternoon. it was decided 50 remove the debris of the old rink and erect as fence around the rink. keepin it for the rpoee of hockey `co. Al matches. mi; though, will p ed in the eovered rink. Threeercl tewil 'vet.hehaoh - ieteplenfxolligh wiehw ch mchue e puck. . Willnoe was given the contract. ol |-shoving thefnllen Iilnbete and M ingthenew fence. This morning with a` `tonne! nenheuurtedtheworhsnd by J. 1.. map), law or neuevme, moo In Chicago on ridny. He was a traveller for a tea house. His remains will be bgought bo Bolleville for interment. Hlillin Fl .-mu Imn sn lnr rnnnunv-at` thnl. MA no neuevme I0!` inwrmenc. Willie Htrty has so far recovered that he will leave he general hospital some time this week. His injured eye is still week and he is not yet allowed to use it, but has it bandaged up to obscure the light. Hon. Wllllln Hnrtv came to the citv on snow. The engagement, of John Theodore Ross, onl son of the late John Ross, of Quebec. an nephew of Frank Rosa, president, of the Kingston and Montreal Forwnrdin Co., to Miss Buretnll. daughter of John ursmll. Quebec, is announced. Charles Mitchell. cnuain of Mrs. W . J. IIIIVVV UI Dldlllli IVU \IUIII|!Vl' lng Stock. Bglow Us Lie No Competing Prices. mgm. Queen : and Ayr will play off in the semi-nal of the senior hockey league in the Kingston rink to-marrow night. Numbers of voumt neonle were out for n Went, 85 H1!` H8 FOFEUTHOUID. The Limestone hockey team has received an invitation to give the Brookville team :1 match. If the latter will pay All expenses their requeet will be complied with on Seturdn night. The t nree teams in the semi finals of the `nus mree mama in me semi nmus 0| one _locnl lea ue, namely,(`mscent.n. Limestone: and Roe woods, will meet. some time this week and arrange for the playing of? of the semi-nal and final matches. 'I`|.- Vlnbnpigg will hum: llmir Inn}. nrnn. eenn-nnnl and nnal mawnee. The Victoria will have their last prec- tico prior to meeting the Petarboro beam in Petarboro tomorrow night from half- put. nine until hell-put ten. The team that will leave to-mon-ow morning It ll :30 o'clock for Petaerboro will be com of these players: (Joel, Lamb; point, igney; cover point, Motmlfe; tree. Bayqei, Murray; wings, 'I`e_vlor,Mu _ by: spam man, Mitchell. No lore [co Yuohtlng. Many of the ion yachts gt. the nnchomgo have been complotaly snowed under, no- thing being seen but their spars. The snow will and ice ynchting until a thaw clear: choice. . Jnhn flnnlrhn in lung had his vnnht. nn ve nor uuvngquumeo. onnoth Cameron hu his yacht. Arrow ready nnd will enter it in the next race. 1%: very pretty boat and it built for H _ ` ism me on. In me nnnereaua ox one nrm. Mrs. H. stern, of Hnlifax,am'ved in the city on Saturday. on a visit. to her `son, Cadet. Peters, ntbending the Royal military coll e. Jl. Clam), late of Belleville, died in , ,,_n_,, 1-.. mm in oanuagea no 00L-cure me ngno. Hnrty city Saturday. He is hopeful that the sight of his son will be preserved. Mr. Harty went back coda . The legislature opens to- morrow. e thinks the session will be Quebec, Is announced. Charles Mitchell. cousin of Mrs. W. Crothers. who at one time was in the em- ploy ol W. M. Drennan when the latter conducted a hardware store here, recently lost 86.000 by the failure ofn hardware firm at Chicago in which he was connected. Whut the Lover: of GIIIIOI IIIII Oonornl sport: Are Dolng. -` The Rockwooda and Limentonee will haven practice on the Kingston rink to- night. Oman Avr Dlav jjT:?j._,,T:__.:_ RATTENBU RY S BANKHIJPT T STUEK mngswn rm: no-marrow mgnn. Numbers of young people snow shoe tramp last night. A crowd paused Union street about nine o clock and went on far as Portsmouth. Tl... I I'vnnnInnA lmnluu. um... Imp nanniunn clan the Ice. John Gaukin, jr.. bu had his yacht. Flash overhauled And made oi Moon Inches larger all round. This. it is t ought, will imm-ova her nilinnnmlitiea. lngunonaw nnou. Tllll morning mm a foruof nonhoutartodthoworhutd by and than-ookitwill be wolIonto- unnln nnunnlnnn He Will return no Unuwn on weanosaay. James Norris, proprietor of the Ottawa. house, is conned bohia bed by a severe attack of rheumatism. I M Tlnnnknl u-ant. tn 'l`nI-nntn Inn}. Ill me I Iamuve ouuumg. The 1eaeeClaphmn have returned from Quebec. their former home and where they attended the winter carnival. Jnkn "Awfnn nmnirlnnt nf OLA hoard nf IIPRQI` Ill l'0lIlI(l. lllll, II? I! I inn ve her uilingqnalitieo. nnnath (`Amaron hu his 1 Inc and at we won: wads oou:p|Ition._ heoaslrugaon et. en nswonolniom J` W W73`: _ .`!"ei*hiIn every . for amusement than anything else , he s ' -` filled himself to drawing on kewhing n ndin ink. and this furnished him with means whereby he was enabled to live and` study his favorite subject, astronomy. At the age of forty-two years he went to Lon- don, end was made a fellow of the Royal academy and" became a lecturer on as- tronomy. He invented many mechanical appliances, and was instrumental in de- veloping the genius of Charles Herohel, afterwards knighted and became Sir Chas. Herchel, on account 01 the discoveries he made in the solar system. At the age of sixty-six years and seven months Ferguson died. Through his instrumentelity Eng- lsnd lead, the world in the science of as- tronomy, end his works on the subject were on erly sought and res.d. Next undsv will be devoted to the stu- ii: I: 37:1} ` - Tap. , MISS r uuer. umremonc. Momreal. Hon. Senator Sullivan arrived home from Ottawa on S nturday evening.` II A (`nhrin LI D in Mama nu nninnnn ntumk ol rneumamsm. J. M. Theobald went. to Toronto last night. Ho has char e of the barb shop in the I ialabive bui ding. ' The 1saeaChmhmn areal `mange o 1. .1. anearer. Capt. Lao wi I be tendered 1: reception in Belleville by the nicere of the 15th baht. after his lecture there on Feb. 21st. 1 Am... wm.'..m. ..m.-.....+..'.... Hun bath. aner ms lecture were men. zisn. J. Alton Williams, representing the Mnclenn publishing company, of Toronto, isin the cit in the interests of the flrm. M... u .9... ..r unm... ..-.-aw: in mm any sought and row. Next unday dent: and alumni. Rev. D. Stmohnn, of Heepeler. will be the speaker. Movemonu or the PeopIe-WluI: They Au Buying nnd Dolng. Dr. E. H. Horsey. of Yokohnmn. Japan, is here on A visit. M.-_ I Hauonn Kinnnonn in uinu H'l6HdB In BTOCKVIHO. Miss Macneo, Kingston. is the guest of Miss Fuller. Claremonc. Mont:-cal. 1-Inn Rnnntnr Sullivan arr-ix-ml hnmn rrom Unmwa on D nuuruuy uvuum . H. A. Calvin. M.P., is home on uaineu. He will return to Ottawa Wednesday. Jmnm Norris. nronriemr Ottnwa amended me winner cnrmval. John Hewmn, president of the board of trade, Kingston, was introduced on Mon- treal chnnge b T. J. Shearer. Cant. reception I! nere visw. Mrs. J. Sexton. Kingston. is visiting friends Broclxville. M:... M....... I.':.....nm :. Hm runnnf at . i" of,1`gn. G: -E ` 3&0} 8,06. but non. ...u About, mmy-nvo pot-sou nu-nun am. In: the union in Quoon : college yectardly nftnrnoon. Owing to the smallness of the number the wrvico wu noc conducted in oonvoooon hall. bubimtnnd on adjourn- nunt in: made to` msehomntieq chu- ro_oIn. whom PI-of. puin gun a ukotoh of the life of huge: Ferguson. whom, In laid, wu neither 1 hero nor numb unless he oould be counted such trom the manner In which ha neverod ngsimt obuuolu. and gain the object. of his lilo- lonngh Ambition. Born in Banahim. n .--n nnkinnt` in M11: vnnr 17]. In northern` Hooblend, In the year um. no splied himeell at an eerlyegeto etudy. ot oeriug to dietuvtrhie (ether. who had undertaken the eduoetion '0! his elder brother, he took hie books to an old ledy who lived neer by end from her received instruction. Hi?) {either did [not knovgiel in nogneae int in ine until eering In one day. When only About seven yeere old he acquired e teen to: mechenice end bet-ire the e of ten- ears hed in- vestigated two of t ' princip es of metho- mntioe and wrote a treatise on his investi- gation. A: e ehepherd boy he etudied the stats at night and dnlilk the day applied himself 2 the construction of. utronomioel `to-wlllllh ennielne. aIHdolmI't- nou-owuon. nap: in-y Aw-1 Ir-`I-_ - nnnvnmn: Hall. 1'53` 'A'}L"I?imf"" Bo"rTn'Min "Ba:'ah7'. n `Scotland. in the 1710. '10 nnnllad himself at An BIPIV mm to study. music. J. .Clnp), ihimum on ridnv. He for suuraa mgnc. mm] lnnnnn nnvnnlu l`.mu-nut. ljmnntnnnn ;.:a`-`*'~~= '~}%':*'-v -I oonvoonnon nun. V About thirty-ve person: tn!-nd out for khan:-vice Quoon colleln yeltcfdll SPORTING PAn`A_o"nAPHs. V . `In A SMALL" ATTEN DANCE. pansomu. MENTTON. llocounltlllocon on. LJLI. :- 4.. t- A|...n...lLI.. I. lne Ieglslauure OPBHB I30- 6 the never would solve tne proolem. bllflblllll men 0 higher for they believe in Christ. They lieve not merely in the brotherhood .af min b'u_t_in the hrotlfprhood and father- hood oi God. Theywere all brothers in Chriet the Lord. hey must recognize a new title in man. They had not only to give the poor a portion of their eubetanoe, ut they Inuet give them their love and Ineroilulneee and eel!-eeorice. They muet dignily the r. Jeeue dignied poverty end labor, or he toiled at a carpenters bench. They rnuet have perpetual and genuine eymputhy end eel! sacrice for our poorer brothere. They must have the love of God end the charity of Chriet. They mustleem the leeeon of the Master and devote themselves to the work of cherity., They must believe in the brother- hood of Jeeue Chriet. Reference woe made to the work of the lete Father Damien uneng the leper! end the noble bends of men and women who were devoting their lives to the work of relievin` poverty for the love of Ohriet. The war of the mem- ber: of the St. Vinoentdg Poul eooietiee th ttheworld wee touched in n. . They epent over two million d re leet in relieving sorrow end povert . He htiuneluded by urging hie hnren go egenerouely endbe reedy to eecrioe t veeln evlnnnthy and love for the a check for salary. Tooongrogation of St. Jalneo` church are pleased with the changes that base been been madein the choir, now under charge of James Galloway, choirmaeter, and John Reynor. organist. The choir has been improved by the addition of a number of excellent voices. The yonn Indy 3 0 who attend the eight o cloc lec rec in .ueen a college had a difficult time in reac ing the build- ing this morning. The approachea were not cleared. and mow had piled up waist deep in places, throu h `which the young ladies had to make I. air way. Ar.-hitmt Ellis. at the reuuest of the Rev. Fntlier Ryan. of Toronto. Speaks on " the subject. Rev. Fr. Rysn, Toronto, delivered ti charity sermon in St. Mary's ciithedrnl, last evening, in aid of the funds of St. Vincent de Paul society, the archbishop presiding. The speaker choose as his text a verse of sslm xl.. From the words of the im-pi writerit would be seen that poverty was not a. modern problem. The problem of poverty is new taxing the energies of the statesmen and christian men to solve. Joseph Chamberlain, the British oolonisl minister, was claimed by u writer to be the man who would solve this problem. It wean great and grand idea, and its solution would mine him to great prominence. With all his energies e will never solve the question except in a christian way. They all believed in the brotherhood of man. It was the duty of men to work out this question. To do so they must have a motive and must go to it higher power, and unless they believed in God they would never solve the question. They spent millions in relieving poverty by char- ity. It was worse than useless because the `money was merely thrown at the poor. [)0 they believe thet men has the seal of im mortality on him. Money will not give sympathy and self-sacrice. Without sym- pathy. mereifulnees and self-sacrice they would solve the problem. (Jhristion mam an hinher for thev tnunulvoo In lgllullny Ann IOVI H)!` Um poor, by which man: this grant. question could only to nnlvod. Dating the collection "Lead, Kindly Light" Va 1:: by the choir. F:-.B sn 3 it nont hr. M um v uqgtuuont. wan I '". nmr'.,1:ino|:Ix:' (illl coll 6 mm me "new pnowglupny. The mi k delivery rig of H. Rees upset Eh" imorning at the corner of King and P _ streets. About twenty quarts of milk were apied. but the rig was not in- The upset was caused by the Ildgh running into an enlbankunent of mow. Sb. And:-ew s church had about $260 in Donald Fraser's bank when it closed. '1` ho treasurers of the various funds hnve written it. as lost. The treasurer of Queen street church had 8130 on deposit, nnd u do yman left 850 on deposit after cashing c eck for salary. Win-nnmannnn nf Ht. James` church Big Bargains ladies had no make their Architect Ellis, at the re( nest committee on school pr0perty,lme prepared designs for I new school to be built. of stone. The style is Romanesque and re- sents a bold but. rich appearance. he plans will be submitbed to the committee at in meeting to be held to-nip ht. once 01 the nneauxeuc. Owing to trade depression mnny Mon` trod and Toronto wholesale houses have plmqed their representatives on the road on commiuion instead of salary. The com- mercial men reported trade all along the line A! being very poor. The onlv tramp who souzht shelter at nnolu nemg The only tramp sou ht the police station lust. nig t. was (In old printer who told the police that he was on wa from Toronto to Montreal to assist wit. the inyestigntions being made at. Me- Gill coll mo the new phobogmphy." The mi Ix rlnlivarv riar of Reese unset e Napanee Expresq speaks of the I fit rooonr. illuatratad number as n ` I 6 to tho ontnrprining publisher. Phoplo of good team use Odoromn for thdir tooth. Do you ? For sale by E. C. Mltnlmll. I Margaret Donnelly. a. middle-aged wo- man, asked for a mghs lodging in the llbo station on Saturday night. She was runk. but as she was not a frequent visi- tor she was not detained when she had u..l......l nn '7 _up."_ ' ' Good digestion means good appetite. but wlmththe use without good teeth? Use Odoroma for your teeth. It not only pro- venta decay but preserves them perma- nonbly. For sale by E. C. Mitchell. One dav last. week a local dentist. in at- nonvly. 1'01` sale Dy 19. p. Mlwneu. One day last. dentist, tel` (ling to operate on the teeth of a wo n patient, used four ounces of ether without in any way affecting the patient, who would not be placed under the inu- of the anesthetic. nmam. in trnrln rlnnrmaninn mnnv Mun. I'aDIll' I'll?! I Mmslaen. n; ._..A llllllllh 156 not edvertlse and stop, But ndvertlne and shy. For those who read your ad. lent week ` Wlll look for it today. The Steven street sewer outlet, was not _ n this mornin as was inbendezl. work will probably oommenced t.o~morA row. w. Mon ! neckbies, good patterns and latest styles, I50. each or two for 250. at. R. M c- I Fnul s. Iln-up-u-at nmmnllu n rnilmnnnd urn- Cerruthere he: had A rink put in ii gelua condition, on the lawn in rear of ' residence. in Anarinnr ulnar 0-LA Invnl lnr or rumeneo. K :y engineer Bolgor run the level for t.hq_1 uot to the propoood Steven street so on Baturdav nfternoon. unuwua I . It the II rink"to-night. _ .,Aguow a out Cure at Medley : won. I rcyaove rs the AH hi e....,.....a'2... Ir`.... f.`i'i.. ` " P sale of lgmpu for this month at 5 drug awn, Into Polaon & Co. tn-ink : nnniatv mat vaamrdnv after- ln '5 arm: own, use rowan a uu. rick : Iooiety mot yesterday after- noq_h and tnnuotod ordinary routine busi- CLERICAL VIEW OF P(5VERTY. CIDENTS Of run nu. rlploo ox Ina Day l.lto-whst an! Al! Tnlklnn AhnIlt.-NothInt ll- II! In Uviry Day uIIu-wnnu un- V An Talking Abou-NothIn3 ls- puupAmnuonotnouwhoAn sumo: no me proposou 5 r Saturday r I not-fact. t order the SI 'f*"u., ke Stigksy At Reduced Prim. r uanuruuy uwrnoon. I not fit Specialty Cor- b 11 Wellefu, Wellington street. Mgr: In uomowhpc like 3 uussge. . ah enough upon the skin; lIu'I: you never know exactly How much hog than in w thin. .-....u.l..- ..-..I onAnA l"n..-n nhnnnul H \ mamas mcxzn mg av oun ausv~ asponrsns. nuw llluull ullg uulsru ll wluuln. umber and Almond Cream, chapped and rough skim McLeod s drug vnnood study 0! the armor onouo-mum; than is provided for or pnoosl in the dimry oonne. will open on W During the course Prof. Ohnoll. college, will dolivor a-at-hid bacterial of milk and u there lnvo n nooiverl forty u - Lions from those desiring to ta 0 `the noun-In, ume. lnvibatiom have been received by many persons in the city for 3 ball to be held in the Hotel Quinta. Belleville, on the night of Monday, 17th inst. S. D. Lazier is the honorary secretary. Quite a few fiomhere will accept. Best Canadian and American coal oil at wm accept. Best Canadian 200. and `Z50. per gallon respectively. Med` le_v'sdrug Store. Call 82. Mnbeod Stewart. Ohbawu. has issued 11 ieysurug srmre. um:-sz. Mnbeod Stewart, Otabawu, issuedn letter to the members of parliament. in- vited to join the civic deputation, which will wail: upon the overnment on the lsth inst. for the urbheranco of the Georgian Bay canal. L. B. Lundv. of Lundv s Lane. is dead. U80l`gl&n buy canal. Lundy. Lundy Lane, dead. at the go of seventy-seven years. He was a juauce of tho peace. and was tholalt. aur- vivor of the family af the lube Thomas Lundy. and randson of William Lundy, after whom he famous battle ground was named. rm... n_........:.... .... m,...:.a.. n... munea. The Norwe inn ur. Florida, Capt. Hansfu, from aucouver, Dec. 2lat., for Port, Elizabeth, has arrived. She experienced rough weather and was greatly damaged during a gale. Her an ply of coal fell short and she was oblig to consume part. of her cargo as fuel. Desnite t.he dtormv weather there was a .... stfx?1j_);*r1nuD'_ YE.A.R.'-N0. 34. 0! nor as xuei. Despite the stormy weather good attendance at the Y.M.C.A. hell yes- terdey. A. McMillan, a student at Queen's university, delivered an interesting address on "Burden-bearing." These meetings are steadily increasing in point of attend- ance. the turnout yesterday being the larg- est so far this season. Tho arm:-inl nnnmnitfnn nnnnintnrl hv Hm eat mr this The special committee up nointed by the young` people : guild, 0 St. James` churc 1. to report upon the possibility of giving a concert on Shrove Tuesday. met Snturdny ni ht and will re rt ngainatn concert on t e night nam , but suggest, instead. the night of Monday, the 17th inst. On Tuesday the regular meetin will take place when the author (loldamit will be discussed. A I\v~lunIA nnnhu-nnnn tnnlz nlnnn thin be discussed. A private conference took place this afternoon between the mayor and city solicitor, on behalf of the city, and Jamel.- Laturney and James McDer'mott. with re- ference to the granting of exemption to the smaller earrings manufacturin firms on the same basin on granted to t e vehicle works. The matter will be brought up at the council meeting tonight. `l`heIr Home Destroyed. When the old drill shed fell Friday morning there were hundreds of epanowe within its walls. Many of these were killed by the falling timber: and others were held prisoners until released by the tim- bers ing removed. It was a pitiful sight witness the sparrow: returning, Friday night. onl to nd their homes destroyed. The od shed waq...a regular breeding spot and hundreds of eperrowl made it their home all the oer round. After it fel' they llltbd ither and thither chirping all the while at: loss to understand the condition of ahirs. and. perhaps, deploring a fate that deprived them of their home. * About lnpeotlng llldel. A quiet ngitation he been goin on for some time` put. hevin for its 0 ject the substitution of oompieovry inspection of hide: instead of the eyetaem in force at the present time. The hide and leather decl- ors favor the appointment of I salaried in- apector, u it in chimed there would then be no necessary increase in fees paid by thoee disposing of the hides. A meeting of the local board of crude will probably be nnllnd in dinnnu the unantian. Epoch! oouu Opus. A special six weeks course} in' connec- tion with the dnir uchool. for the more ad- vanced study of to art of chain-mcklng than nrovidod nnotiul `lino cm Iollcltor Inner. City oolicitnr llclnf. in again `able `to sound to hit duties. 0 came down town nu.`. lnnkinlr unit but nnmlnnlv Ivvvuu nu nun nu--v-u mo morn! looking pZTo"GE 'mm"'T'"' ublatndo 0 than olluulnun. Honvtrz mums!-In M: old mlhumn of ublatodoluo clan onumnun. heart grated-b hll old the gilivy eonnoilynnd by -nlnnann hinrhnnk to M1 _ runny fnoudn. all ot whom were nnoudy ooihnqno nootutonod n-om znc. per oz. u J The sergeants of the Berkshire regi- ment stationed at Halifax, N. S. at a sleigh-ride on Saturday, drove throu h the city carrying: number of ags, t. e largest of which was a United States ag. The romotion of Lieut. W. E. Cooke, of "A" ed battery, to the brevet` rank of cuptitin, has been gazetted. The promo- tion is in popular one, and the new captain has been entitled to the step for some time. We will commence with Bar- MAJESTIC of we local board ol urine wm F called to discuss the quostio Mr. um as men nssnamnn secretary. Rural Dean Carey returned today from Deeeronto where. hut night. he conducted amisaionaryaervice. Tbecollectionunounr ed to $27. an evidence of an appreciative audience. Wn lmnun n law-um nuuulx nf Inmna uthinh ,0. l Reinhold Rout, L. L. D.. formerly orien- tal lecturer in Sb. Augustine`: oollege, Canterbury, and librarian to the Indian oice. is dead. He was seventy-four yearsofngo. ` Racer & Gullah : elerznnt nerfume. Bou- years or age. Roger (J-allot elegant perfume. quet, dos Amours. in bulk at Medley s drug store. See our other" lines of fine perfume from 250. per oz. up. The aeraennta of the Berkshire regi- uu D. 1:. one am name, A gr-mucus ol the |'oynI militpanry college, Kingeton, has been appointed to I permanent position in the Toronto milihr school. The Prince and `noes: 01% Wales, who one at present, in London, wili remain un- til they go to Sandrln ham for the christ- ening of the Duke of ork's baby. Mrs. J. Cameron. wife of John. A. Cam- emng at me Duke ol xorlu baby. J. Cameron, wife eron. of Shldnconn hull. Ottawa. died in Montreal, Saturday, when she was under- going an opontion at. uho hospitnl. Bic snow storm thin. If vou oataoh cold umenco. We have a large stock of lamps which we are anxious to dispose of. If you want a lamp of any kind we can save you mnnev. Medlav. drunzuist. late Poison & unuu mnsooa nna'1'urpenr.Ine [or com: deoughs. Medley : drug store. `eater-day morning at ` the Mohawk recto:-v. Gun Andaman. non of Rev. G. A. `cam-any momnng at me JIIOIIIWI rectory. Gus Anderson. Andemon, died after three days illneu. "Denndorn is our own moth oowdor Andemon, died after mroo days umeu. "Dena9dorn own powder and is sold only by us at 109. per 0:. Mod- ley a dru worn, Into Pollou & Oo a. Cu b. . Bhoplnrd Bowie, A graduate of ya] military been nnnointad nermnnent unlit-ion mg snow storm mu. 1: on oawn com and use an particular coug modicino we have it. odley a drug store. Phone 82. William W. Rnnkhill. of Mnrvlnnd. the haven. Medley drug store. rnone uz. William W. Rockhill. of Mnr_v|n.nd, present, third uaistant secretary of state. Washin ton, has been selected to succeed Mr. Uh first assistant. secretary. Rural Donn Carav returned ho-dsv ha: house. ' Rev. Dr. Wlnhnrt, Mndoc. I toll-known Presbyterian divine, in At deals : doorwith pneumonia. . It is believed that Val Princop will be pneumonia. bdiovod Vail :-incop Lord Leighton : Iuooouor u praddent of the royal Academy. Thu Dr. Cline : remedies. includinx Dr. the royal Academy. _ The Dr. Chase : remedies, includmg Dr. Chane : Linseed And Turpentine for cold: and much. Madlav n drum store. lthovuylatculowuclcwdcdllto 'I'III VII1 IQ?! IIWI Illwwju -Iv u-- `-Iinllutot Dunno. Gnnoliuaorppnxim b the gallon 25. W. H. Hadley. d Mia Amanda Hnochtngrn, oi` Chltoham. was fatally burned in lighting : lamp. The Harmony club will meet. in St- Andrew : lull to-night at 7:45 o olock.' An and woman named Mn. Kenny. of Andrew hill to-night It 7:50 o'clock. ngod woman Konn; Chatham, val mafly burned to do: in her bones. I All I): Wlnhnof. `Ilnno A inll.knnwn xv`-w-------_ {Remy wnn OUR going oponuon II: we nosplul. Big storm on md unv mrticnlnr com! GENER.AL PARAGRAPH8. ' 10. 1896. lamp ox nnu save you Medley. druggist. late :jA summ gmn snow. CID . IIIUIU jacent. to L nuite a b( 1`u`ke the Snow Elsewhere. Alli. Richardson this morning ordered that no more snow taken oil` the streets be deposited in the city park. Since the city has been treated tosuchn sn r-abundance of the beautiful the surp us from the streets in the western portion of the city hns been drawn to that place. Ald. Rich- ardson holds that if the city makes an dumping- round ofthe park private citi- zens will 0 so also, and no discrimination could be used if the city sets a bad ex- ample in the matter. The Greatest nargnlns In the (my. Prevost, of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street. having given a large order for spring importstions. which will reach here next month. has decided to make a la reduction in all the depart- ments to in uoe close buyers to purchase freely and to enable him to make room for his coming goods. He means business. Ans:-kod By Hun Fnlluro. Dr. Saunders` condition was rendered very much worse. Almost hopeless. in hot, by an attack of heart failuno at about: three o'clock on Sunday morning. He has -rsl- liod somewhat. today. but his general con- dition shown no improvement. ' _.. 1 pie began to ask. "When Will It aw .' he wind had one down, and the heavy akes fellazily, languidly from the heavens to the earth. lling the air and clothing with a mantle of the urest white, the trees. the telegraph an tele- phone poles, signs. fences, and even the citizen who remained outside long enough. Soon after three o clock the street railway men were at work. The sweeper was sent round the track and took just one hour to make the circuit. At Intervals during the night runs were made and the track v_i'ae thus kept open ready for this morning s traffic. Vim- l.:.. fall ha. nu-nmul n`hlnnninxr trnic. ` The big snow fall has proved in blessing to many unem loyed men. to whom it has afforded worg which they otherwise would not have had. The city put a large force to work clearing oil the crossings and sidewalks and drawing the surplus to places where it was -l!l0|`0 needed. These men, or a large proportion of them,. are. still at work and will have employment for some days to come. To the water works department the heavy snow acts as a friend, inasmuch as it protects the water pipes from the frost, and prevents bursting. There is every apparent prospect that the fall will continue, and in the civic depart- ments aected. preparations will be made to meet the enemy. Owina tn the (mnntitv of snow which CLOSING OUT SALE. have been given a lew houanyu. The churches were very slimly attended. The storm was a good excuse for people to amend the dav at home in a Iuzv way. '1 no worm good excuse xur puupuu LU a rend the day lazy wn . boy rested, read, smoked and dreami{y lmkod at the whirling: snow oubeide. It. in At. the morning service in Chelmeu` church, yesterday, Miu (}er1.rude Smith. Toronto, rendered in e moet leui mew ner. e solo engitled "Jeru on." n t evening the name feir singer delighted the congregation of St. Andrew's church. the provioul evmlng null anal to DI . henvy mow akes, while the` I uh on I. sidowol.l`I: wlu noun` Inn?! :3 made 3 ice ,ni I-yum` I00 or atrium, lo`: ull ythcgepwho Ind no rubber: on. `Al day fzriday the snow came down and who wind whirlodit im dI1ItadttI whip- i u inch We can an fonool|:ii\:6ul.":nd tried to bury the trucks `Inna Hm nidnwnlkn. Ind than lhraob rnllwnv ` Fnday through the neavy loeue Dome by their mole. The drill shed skatin rink was the most notable of these. an the fall of that one building did more to induce people toolenn oil" the roofs of their houses, etc., than :1 dozen by-laws and a score of policemen would have done. On Saturday eight the electric sweepers were kept at work on the street railwn track, which was kept o ien thereb . n Sun- day the snow still oontinu to full, and ple began to ask. When will it sto Y" gone i....... n..i,... mi ...,;|., lnnanirllv cmm f.l\A to meet, the Owing to the quantity has fallen, work could not be carried on in the M. T. Co : ship card. and the men have been given few olidnys. The churches verv slimlv md vnm. mu man to bury we wanna along the aidowulh, and tho Ibroob rallwny nilnoub of night. The inn: intensely cold nndrod noose and he Ii were in style that day. Attbo down M doorouod somewhat toward: evening` the sound of the ubiqujtnus unovmhove begun to be heard from sll uum-hero. Butilv the citi- ol the umqujwue unovmnoveu oegnn so no heard from ell quartere. Bueily zens worked toget the walk: in (rent of their dwellings nicely cleaned of!` and the snow patiently weited and gathered in denser clouds overhead. all the w__hlle. And when the aidewalke had been beautifully cleared of!` It began to dome down, thicker and fanter than ever. And the citizens gronned. Friday night was stormy. and the drifting snow piled high in everv available emoe. The etreet rul- way COIIJEAIK mm I nnru ngulww usup even wit. t. 0 storm, but. extra men were set towork. the swoe re were got out. and ever thing was one that could be done to oep the track open. And the citizens have to thank King Ben" and his merry men" that the service was kept. up, almost. unhrokenl . Only afew times were the caredelay . and then for but inihorc interval on each occasion. (1.. Hahn-l-Inn blue ntnrm nnnlinuall and but aahorc mberval each occasion. On Saturday the storm continued and snow still came down. In all direeous were he be seen men and boys on the roofs of houses, sheds, and out-buildings. shovel- liug the nccumulat/ed snow down, for several structures had come to grief on Friday through the heavy loads borne lw their roofs. shed mains U "dancer and Pur- nlturo mxnuotursr. I Adi nninnlaco Q'I'3BD`l` There is no_l1ok gnaw ttrdny. No 5`- ?`.`...?..f'~"..".2.`;u. ..oa`'.:.e" ;' `3: Thursday nigyhtho vyounor ,m=`o.;y and t.ro_ohu-ouely. clunpd while` pooplo won gaudy gloapmg. and when tho hu-d-worb - mu omzon col: nn on F:-ids: momlnz. sbormy. and the anmng puea mgn in every available space. comnnz had a hard ght /to keep even wit. L a storm. pulled undo the blind and Iooloq out no rubbed his eyes and wok another look, Inrprilod wooothot the ruin nd that of the nrovioul evaninz had ohangod to blur. surprised wooobnou we run `ma new or previous evaning ohanfod bl __-.I-_.__n.. _._- I I.-..A -.uI mulg A ?."""m'.'.';"'"`'.' $"i~u".i'."'.'.2..T'nEI puloduido 0 o blndmd I odonc he n-nhhnul Lin Ava: Anal hunk nnnhhnr M. The Maui Iallvisy oonnnny" In Ind J .IIr|1 Wan-Tloltlootl an Hlod Ill With an liful - IIDVOIIOII II` GAMEDOWN UNTIL IT FILLIDJ 1-uIn\`i'nA'v|.n bependn upon neop- ing an II? to date stock of rel able goods. We are 1 Gentleman's. Boys and mouths clown: and; `Gentlemen : mm-; c.__L1j1uasron a an 1 21n A1!!! `DIII T0 --vv1 uql UWI` UNIIL I L v$RYPA'1'H. W. I. UIENNAN, Fvxlnl. Dllll0'I'0l AND Elnu(n-IIl Pul- ooan uh-cot. l_)look above old stand. ' PI-lnoou street, Oomor 8 phone communication. 7 ans. runu, Tm: Lmnum Ul'DlR`I'AKII.-lM-I540 him I street. Telephone nu. Open Day And NI; run: I nu;-.n. Lhnnta Uunnnln um Ilnuulln---14 Sydnnlnrn nnot. T01! _ GENTS FOB CITY AND COUNTRY, -51: or oommmon. to 1011 Sunny ohlnu. pply to J. IAIIIIIW. Clint. `II Pill! oon ntroet ` ~\ __ ind Birth uh-cots. Btnblion the pr` Immodlnto Pououion. Apply $0.10!! N Glncnoo mun. J u I I (lbrmorly IIIIIIIEIIIII. Vllrlla I I I IVIIEII. 0011. 01' WILLIAM AND KING B'l.'Bll'l!i._ (Ln: nu. lIWll l wnonv.) t Orncl HOUBD-0 to 11 n.m.; I to 5 f.m.; I o .m. N. .-Dr. Sttrltn!` bu given opoohl stud: and mention for t 1 Int 10 you: to Discuss of Wumon and their treatment. Tuloohnno No. bu). 1` Fohruhr next. will be the Pl any (or rocelvln Po lelom for Prhllhlil ll. _ FBID Y, tho Twonty-lljh (ll of Pub- ruuy next. wl be tho Int (II! _0l hilt- r P'{>v1f1'? B:.""'1~w my. all I In t o 0 y o will he chain` day for nooivlnzlluarr Committees on Privoh Bllln. OHABLE8 OLLIKI Clerk of tho Inglulntlvo Auubly. Toronto. lmh Jnn.. I00. Hf 'I'Io'l`Inonl at Ilu Illut. "_;.A,V` ,Tho youn daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William 0. . who did on Wodngm dn . Fobybtb, aged` Ilnotoon inn, hed privntaly at her home, 1 Aim` street. Rav. Dr. Ryoklun oohhd. The oral ooringo were I wrath with ' "Mnbello in imortolloa. Hum brodnt-I and . litter; an anchor from The Milli:-. la; .4 Fnyetm. N. Y.; bouarnot. omnu anchor of cI;'HloworI. from . and Mn. 0. I. .115 Liddollnnd Mrs. Abbie Fruor. Symon; __ . N. Y. Tau-I ind noun Inn uu.d ~`: - burn of mnnL.l'BlltoiVOl and Mood: - " Ipourn air unjustly. TM v ` sound no pd!-henna. In. :.._~- .'--"';. :2` :.-:& L ton... . .1 30 ,1` s N. v.. and chum may In dtymn but surviving |0ntanqn'l v ii. IX l --_g- For sale by JAB. B. IoLl0D. Drug-glut. pvlnnnun H1-1.40. Klnnnlnn W SHING OB HOUSE-CLEANING BY Mna. lloeluz, 31 First sh-cot. BY A GIRL OF H YEARS OF AGE, A uituacion nu nurse or light homework. Admirals L. Wmn Oioe. \ ANTEI)-0LD BTAIPS 36 '10 40 YEARS nld. For mun I no to 06.00. Gm. I.mnc.mAdaln1da s not. or-onto. ..........% I Janna` an r sununuaummn .-2: T E Roofs on snooxn FLAT ovnn Honnrs lumen. Hu.l.. Avnl! on tho nremheu. U to the now Wino ollloo In to In W!` ponoulon lmmodhtol. font notlnnl Appliontlo, Inn be con u promhu. _ THE VALTYABLE SHOP AND PEIKIBIS. no sud 2.31 Prinoou ntroot. at DIOIOIIQ oo- ounlad by C. D Ohown. Bu ban A new All HE AND PEIIJBIS. send. ouplod by ` ';a'2:st$.'2m.::'m".o..*"::z..".:.':;..`* __ _____..___.. T AT nwmuxa. wrrn IXTINBIOII snd- madam In rovomonto. In ooono niod by In. G. A. no lnson. oornu `HAT uwnuumu. wu:n am: Ink pied by lmon. J Ind Bu-do Btnblo on 1 Immodlnto Lnnl! $010!! ll. the pnouco l on February run- R 'i`..*...` r ' .t `?"s""' `,'{`.:`.1 11 non no on o n r Kotliolno innlu olcyenn Inch lot. '1. *` PARLIAlVlENT_A_RY nonce. --v.w,_ omunlypar and guy. light land not hilt" to-night. ' 1 W0 FRONT ROOMS. ALSO TABLE BOARD very reasonable at 8! Union strut. 7 1 HOIIAI promises. BIDAY. THE '['WBN`I`Y-I'll!!!` DAY 0! Fohruur be tho I day lol mm Y. rwonv:-nun day of_ lblr Are 6t`ting% Ready to % % A Count `Stocks . * So hav some Extr`aBa1I- gains to offer you this week " m connection with that aid our HE-Hllllll.` SME See it. FOR. AND their Tulophnno _EnN'rs oomrm .4 . ulna oommmon. 8ow1n_ ;-imsn DU!-IT, u.n., wxm. mom o the practice 0! [admin In Klnpton `n ' _,._. This high! nouriuhini Wino - outhefullm lclud value M000 VBR OIL And In sully roulnod And dlgutcd. For wnti dluuu. [mural dcblllty. poverty of 1 blood, Impaired dlgutlon. colds, cuurthnl Ind bronchlul Iroublu. A mnrlud lncrnu In weight and strength In noticeable that Inllln a tow bottlol, Chlldnn ulxcl recall . ESIBABLE BUSINESS STAND, NIX1 Will!) oloo in to lot will onaulon Inotlpnh L N9ffI?T_{I_!| LARGE FRONT BOOM '10 LIT WITH L Bond. Apply to I88 Queen Itroo . PRICE Two C1l91 SHOESJ Don`: buy a Bicye untii you Iee our -'96'-modes. Samples will be here in a few days. llE`l;UCED PRICES FOR CASH. wumsn PnoaATsturuAs},h4 J. [In JIIIIBIIVIJ lilnllop rmorly Pnnnu will the Ian I. ll. IINWIOKJ. GENERAL PRACTITIONER. ~ nu Wlt.l.[A|l Ann) xnm HTREI For Dcllcatc Children, Invalid: and the Aged. JACKSON'S J. A. STIRLING. M.D.. nnrlu Partner! Ilth chi LIED One of them is` a " Mi=:DIc"AT."c"'A`I D7 l0 0' Ilc I30 -UI4.I'I'p I-I Prlnoeu Strut. Klnnlon. V 50C. Der Yard. f Well Worth ONE DOLLAR. was small. . J. M. Machsr gave notice that he will -move, next Sunday. or on the Sunday ' lollowin , in resolution looking to have an outside usiness firm, which hus establish- edan Kin sum, and has cut prices one-half, broug t, under the work- ings of the t.1-nnaient traders` by-In w. The subject. was discussed by Messrs. Mnchur, Hobart. Donaldson, George, Burnett. Silver. Carnegie, Quinn. Aokroyd, and Kirkpatrick. Mr. Mnclmr stated that fteen local hands had been thrown out of work since the advent. of the agency. The mo'orit of those who spoke were opposed in r, nnhu- n idea. . TO 3: L:`r. HENRY BEAHI. nrnnn-I-AIII LII] Inn: WANTED. ""57i`'E>'." In` Bvoohflllo lln. Dal-at IQI Itilh` to Mr. Mnchsrs men. , The chairman then called on George F. Hobart for his sddress on What Is Socialism." The I )eo`|1er spoke of the correspondence which 6 red in the Wlll some weeks ego on t is subject and explained what st ret sight seemed to be the conllicting views of the writers. He said that socialists meintsinvthat the lot 0! the masses who mil, or would toil if they had the opportnnit , is incmlsing poverty, while increasing I usnoe is the lot of the smell and decreasing class that tolls not. "This evolution proceeds from the economic laws that underlie the private ownership 0! the things necessary toproduction-land And tools. The concentration of mspitnl in trusts. combines. etc.. foroee the small perty holders into the w work- Fr: olul, snd the ineress? in. la- L..,.`-huu -ngnhlnnsvw sandal-A thn ICIEEIZBGED mssl dlzctinnlnhod Eu llnh Ooutnlco. Ir. onnlnlln noud.Prlno1 l Bun.Lee:h. Festlval,lml : Norwich Fuvu . mu; Handel Festival, MM ~ Load: Festival lam ). Ir. Smut Uoholllng, solo f'lan|uI.. I. ltodorlo In nay. Immune of the (`ele- hrntod Pudolou 'I noerta. Putin. Ir. ll. nun Jllnon. lulu] Director. Ao- oompnniat of the Queen : Hall. London. Pro- menade Concetu. Prices : 1.50. $8.00. 1.50. $1.00. KINGSTON covemsn RINK HOCKEY .-___.__ - Semi-Final Game of Ontario Senior Series. George linlunt Given Illa Ideas on the Qnullon. Joseph George presided at the working- men`s meeting yesberdny. The nttendnnce ' small. I \l Mnnhnr nnun nntir-A that he will norm: 3 Iuomnory tenants 5 labor` thin clan aupornoua. nu: forces them into the inset.` Sooinlian. ostablishot the principle that us this mn- chiner nooeuiuud exhansivo co-operation and In nun nub-division of labor, uociet Inuatbe ro- ninodonubaais ofco- IAnb:vA Mn In ht lm nnnnln nl Lhn . lootivo on p by the people of the had nnd capital 0! the counu-. The speaker thou I-and the platform o the in- ternctionul socialist party, the American branch of which showed such is remarkable -unt}. In 0):` nlnnlinn in Nnvmnhnr in In!) IIIIIIIIW l|l|ru|\'laIulI III Iuuvl, uumcu`, l mm) man I I Hen`: Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Shirts,` Collars, Neckties, Silk Vests, White Gloves, Overalls, Underwear, `Summer Goods, Umbre|las,..Rubber Cbats. Every- thing musclgo. Call soon if you want Bargains.- _--_ `J I KJI I IT! A combine of European and Amoriunn Stun. _- -_.......-..-- -..-..-.-.n- an vv r-uv---.n-.. . . _... __ --. Spoolnl nuenary for the entire performance. At. blah noon the navel pnrmle taken its way from the theatre. ! rlceI-I6c to $1.00. Stmtu on unle. :j_ I`I\lIJl1I' I I4l.Jl\\ll`lI\l I V` 8 P.M. ` Under and Direction of Momma. Vs-rt & Hurrimc. 'I'0U|C'I'll|>Zll WITH Ilndnmo Ilnlo "an Der Vur GPQOII. the dhtinnlnhod on-nun ll: noud.Prino1pl Bu_I,Leeuh_. meson `l?;E;V'llV_(l-.V I558. in. x- _.- ..: n.__4. .?.I."3r?i`.I:'i.?.s"e"\i.'.3'. r achar s idea. "Flu: nl--innnn than n Drench 0! wmou enowea men n I-emu-none vrth in the election in November in 017 York and Btooll n. Ieuvin the pro- hibilioniete end popul eta far he ind and coming third In the Iiec. Socieliem pm- poeu to Inkelnen u they are. ready mnde. . l','.`.`.;.;1u;":.`.;:..{t1E.'n.3'a.`i,':'..:.'.1`i.Ie`Z better condition Chen they ot their enou- tonevet veto. The resources ofnnture can Ahnlulnnllv AIIIIQ r nil. Ind Ihn NIIOVC WU`. TX l Ill'$ oynuure an uh! mph to: all. Ind'cdI}`ao . ` . IinIin1a..|,.ohIIlon. an? an`; iu"n'o:deai. - tnla|"y'|:m|ol|inptoduosiu|u\dajnnt mu: Ion uulunoo that individual with `unit Above Us Stands No Compet-V Inn Cfnrlt Woliolwlnlinuvu `nun um Inamtluu nanny can not the militia right: of om: PRICE srona. 123 Pnoass st.. llortn sldo - Kingston dl nun. r `In cbluud tht. all that was . old In: aoohllu could ho accomplish- oi the dnglo in. with loan udounoo uinnhahut. Indthnl |wEoN,EsDEr, FEB. 12] IAL. G. FlEl.':'I$1lNSTRE`LS V |FRIDAY, PERUARV n4| lDrJc:ssJGoo;Isf Skates ' I are coming V'to' hand. . We offer to-day a lovely line of Tweed New Serges, New Henriettas,l New Mpacas are also showing. Tiok About [See the New] Pntsxl, Creponnes and Zephyrs we_are showing? Al?` entirely dif- ferentin cploging and design from last`sewson s. Prices are small. New - Effects in Double-fold at 35c. Shachhnkv: Hardware} Before you buy your spring supl plias. Coine ave} tab the sunny side of tlfg treet and visit our store. . .u..u.m. u. `N... Huh Band Wednesday Evenlng. A 'eo#pno/REE}"uE6E$[s6IT ouEEN:s":'|':\/s. mm. HARD Y S WHAT as socmusmv AAVU UTOPIA _....-. .. ...I A nu..- years. The spectacle of Great Britain sending the flower of her youth and manhood, led. by her greatest general, over the burnin sands beneath a blazing sun of a tropicn. country, to rescue one ol her noblest sons. Gen. (lordon, besieged in Khartonm, stands magnillcentl ' alone in history. as a brilliant and s lendid achievement. True Gordon fell. ut to save him what would Wolseley nothavedone? To save him every man in Wolseley's army, every man in IBritain would have submitted to the ut- most hardships. Nor. one heathen, but millions are awaiting rescue from the darkness of paganism. The cry from those suffering, waiting millions have reached to christian lands. Shall it be answered. Shall we send our arm of brave mission- nries. headed by their invincible leader. Jesus Christ, to their aid in response to the cry`! By the grace of God we will. (J. J. Hutton, 0! Unrlst cnumn, neuevmu. in milk! on behalf of diocesan missions. hlembers of the Church of En land did not give suificient attention to t e history of their church. So he ave an outline of the church s history, in -anads. since the {int diocese was founded in Nova Scotia in I787. in l793. owing to growth of church work, a division occurred, Up- per and Lower Cansds forming the new diocese of Quebec, Bishop Mountain being iven charge. For forty~six years, or unti 1839, nineteen new rishes were established: In that yeart e diocese of Quebec was divided and that of Toronto formed under Rev. Dr. Strnchan. This diocese continued until I862, and within that time twelve new psrishes were estab- lished snd two missions opened in eastern Ontario. melting thirty-three parishes, thirteen missions and two unorganized dia- tricts in this sectioh. -s-In I862 the diocese of Toronto was divided and the diocese of Ontario founded, with the present bishop in charge. Now eighty parishes, thirty- one missions and three unopened districts are contained it? this diocese of Ontario. Before l8d9 twent new parishes hsd been established. and t ere wss onl one un- opened district. Since H189 t re have been sdded three parishes and four mis- sions, Iesving now sixty-vepsrishes.forty- three missions and Eve unopened districts. - with as total of I33 clergymen. On an sver e since the church was estsblishedin this Iocese three new parishes have been added snnuslly, until now there are 234 churches, twenty-seven schools and eighty- seven none ' with s valuation of 8l`.278.&). '1` church includes awards oi l2,000 families, ea`; churc: attendance o 60.000p.sI-sons. espes er explained that s psr h is self-supporting, but a mis~ sion receives aid from a common fund sup- nlisd he the different nsrishss. There are nIs*Al sot1?_ IIIID. door is open to we nueanonnnee. uwen the men and the money, the whole world can be laid at tfhe feet of Christ,` in twenty The anectacle nlon receives no n-oI_n tuna iod by zbe difforom. parishes. There our sources of pvenuo toward: the sup- rt of missions,` namely, collections on rinit Bundny and Advnt. Sunday. the mnun mission meeting and ptrochinl col- loctionn. A com ruin nhtomont obovu thnl in 1891 OI], 80wueontribntod for mission: in this dioouo, and `in I895 only I9.8B.I0, I hllingo for the In! your due to the Ipociil I [nude in 1894, by which 82.1214 was mined. [Alt vane Ht Jnunnn nlin rah nnnh-i Iniinrl missions. The ineetimable value of missionury work is shown in a coin rison of the me- thod: of dealing with t 43 Indians by the United States and the Canadian gzoverir menu. The former took them by the throat, and in ghtin the natives to get possession of their Ian sand extend there` to the light of civilization the United States paid at the rate of 81,701) for every Indian killed by her troops. The Canadian overnment dealt fairly, truthfully, iaithfu Iy with our In- diana. True, we sent out a few mounted police, but not to kill the Indiang and to- day the light of the gospel is widening and brightening over our north-western prairies. Chi-iatianitv has made more progmas in unnrcn or nlljluuu unnulvuuu Last. evening in St. James church Rev. C. J. Hhtton, of Christ. church, Belleville. nv\r\|vn nu Hahn nf tlinnnnnn minnmnl Arthur T. Pierson. while It costs ow to convert a. gun sinner it costs upwards of $630 to norfvert n. christian sinner. Mis- sion stations are the forerunners and the sugportors of good government. and the in usnce of the missionaries is roaster and stronger than that of the poica. That [udin glistens as one of the brightest gems in Britsin s crown is due t6 the work of the missions. Tim vnlua of missiouurv pmmos. Christianity progress the past. oi hty years than was made in the greceding ,8U0 years. And no-day every 00 ris to the missionaries. Given , ,.-A __.I `L. .......... LL- ...I...l- nmrh-I `Thiaycnrtbouynodhuutn mf- 37-. |n_d houinluod their duty, but ho hoped the tenancy would In toward: inanuo. "1! Von want an . Ill! no no one Imam 10WIldli "lfyou wax to In! "aid '3:h"%u;."' udl cu inportlut lunch 1:! Il|6.t`:`humh Du the union Hits Al 8: . hnuo:ao.vduuud,uuo,n:':'co:r:?o H nunolo. ann heathen at our on door, `chant; Dogma ` ` pnulon . Irggd :l:..:,'% ""% novgli pent _la _o_nIy bogoyuxn Bon into the , _p _-._ -:n._:-.. Christ ? There ere. in my opinion`, three kinds of clnistians-rnission -chiistiens, anti-mission chriltians, and omiqgion ehristisns. To Which class do we belong! The man who does not believe in missionary work does not believe in Christ. nor in the Lord : pr;yer-in short, he is not a christian. he work of carrying the gospel to all quarters of the earth is much easier today than it was some time 0. Means of trevellin have almost ennihi awd distance, the heat en nations have opened their doors to the bearers of Christ`: gospel, and from them all oes up the cry `come over and help us. apanattributee her present inillunce and her wonderful progress to the advent and the work of the Protestant -nl-alarm u-inn W5"wi1l continue with Bargains We will end with Bargains. All the leading and representa- tivo styles in FURNITURE. J_5$i-__!`%E'D _, . q-.._. mlaaionarles. The work of the missionaries pays in hard, solid dollars. According to Rev. Arthur T. Pierson. while it. costs 880 to .....4......+ n nnnnn ninnnr it. mun unwnrds of Hut. 0! want. wolgno are an me arguments against. mi ionnry work in com riaon with the thou" of the La Jesus Christ 'I"|.n-n am in mv nnininnl threes kinda `ho an of chitin cadaver nn holds and llubodinohnah n -undue. Inn. lb. Tunic. cl Inlh. motion, in arts. science, nwrnwro, Ill ovorkway. `We ought. to deal with the hat n door, `ohnriby begin: .0. km...` in nonunion: dun Iartod via-lyy '*$IFuIaIna never no t It only begotun worldtouuen the ngonioo of crucixion. to die for the redemption of mankind. But. of what weight are all the arguments mminlt. miuionarv comparison IIIIZIUIIII -vlunvu nu-v vvunuu. vw - ..... hind oonregutaion, In Sydonhum utrooo llotahodin church, taking hit an from ikncaahglvx-9. :`Cuu `giver into Maopemcloni? us. 0 o ngin sync 0 hi: argon: The cry of Maoodonin, u volood to Paul in his vision , on tho shore of the 11" n led. in the words, "Come over into onto and In nu." ha be oor_ne she cg-y othg _ he _quost.ion_ Into Macedonia Ana :1 us." nu on come cry of tho world. question in l uony asked, Why force bhogospol unon than nation: I and the answer in "Hana Ill more Imnlonnnu ugw UlllllI,Illl.I I hope to be in a position to protect them. Heathen nations see the christian un- tionn have out-ltrippod them in ovary di- motion, in urn. uolonoo, lite:-stun, in mun: urnv `WA nnnht. tn deal lth the jzxl `I'M Iloodonhl cry lutbo l!oodod-'l'lu lontlnnlnlonodnlllnc Iovtboaonpol -`l`hoWotkIIln0|ot Ihanhtlo Day! Rov. J. Exun pruchnd his nmuul missionary In-non last evening to I Mr- ninnd oonn-cation. Sydonhun in I uonuy urea, "wny roroo moguopu u n 57:... in the appeal of LI Hun Chang. Send miuionurioa into hlnn,nnd I 1...... On 5. x.. . nnnihlnn m nmt-mt. IIIIIITO HSIIUIIOIILTST. 254 I 256 P CESS STREET. I. a. nun. tumor. xmasmn