090 IOMIIIHIDIIIX umu nwnn abomaanv The only Iolontmo nu! loo! Electric 381! mule, tor consul nu. Vin batteries that zenernto A ntronn current of eotrioltl that Is IHLUJU lIl&H|.LlHvU|4\1l'Ul'. { 254 I: 256 PRINCESS STREET. u nu-un nn.._-.._- Ilr\vI\LvI\rn `The Shoes VVe Havn Are The Shoes You VVant Sutl1crland s 16 to 30 N zareth Street. ` MONTREAL. PlANS Dru sum. Ouoonlu Wlndnor Haul. ?-j-:q-j--- Fmnlifmnv 15. 169 TH. `E; DAILY hnnrr` fan wri G; SATURDAY, READY WITQ1 OUR 20th Century Shoes. .M --mu upepuus. OUR IILUSTHATED CATALOGUE u-1 fullest. info:-mn.I.lnn rmnrdlnn 0.] rur lno return 0! mm l`nl.H l"1'ulLl wruppur nml two 30. slmnpu. mm of 1 . l.hopopulurn(n'uls y`wHl be sentw you poslpald. with ncx` it Ilnh . mat ll ha:-2 $3131? P PW t no 01` reator-,-6 troutm t ocomnl '&h " .`.'3 I III! Ullllll Llllllll III UUII And Appuume Co. 49 KING 8'1`. Wu TORONTO, Ont. And 9 2}! l3__ate B0. .Ip_c1rIc Bali .1 run nut`.- / Aida Digestion. Sold by hrugghats and Confeoummrn. 6c. ,,_R_efusu all hnlusllonn. I an In Jnrvln Street. >. Um. -- Are Right. And Our Prices Always Don`t buy a Bicycle until you see our '96 models. Samples wiH be here in a few days. 1Tv!!1!!';I@i'9".g.-Fv-1 ysTa?e Poms Aour omz. . . . `Strachan's : Hardwarel Or an ordinary cold, nothing can be so eicient as the Sold by loading 91.0.. everywhere In W nom gwawaaa Ha nd-sewed. Dar-for ISTOVES RANGES.EATER& QOAL-OIL HEATERS IE. B.` LOUCKS, IYHIVYI l.h CPAIIH YTNII El` Family mm cnomksl $l.76 EACH. | oso. SEARS. Lg;-:15. I $453-nnlh"`| Ll-_ [MAJESTIC 5 I'll nu -aeweu . . Portoct Flt. Cholccst Stock. Flnest Looking. Made to order in Black and all shades of Tan.` [,1 you want the Cheapest and Best ` Fl:-d_ Insurance. AT COST FOR THIRTY DAYS FOR CASH ONLY. IF. NISBET S| For la Griggg w.ALLEN&soN| 5ALlNE WATERS OF CALEDONIA spnmos. iH- BRAME $~l Miscellaneous Books, Bibles and Prayers, Fancy Goods, BRANCH WAREROOM. `II "I II_I- Violins, B Bu-Inn. Sm. Removal Sale. `I I I I IIIUUSB -Jll CUI- WI. H. GIBSON, Manager. N B.-We ulna carry a stock of Sheet Musiv, Banjos. Guitars, llurmonlrnn. ONE PILL AFTER EATING INSUREB GOOD l.`||0l-`.3'u5L`)-'4 PRIt:E25 cy._n'v~r[3!;pns ~?.E9.EP;\,si;;{ The Karn Piano '11.} I I. on Mb I` maxi ooo:a'o:m."" "m ' '~'- D"! Sold in Kin con by E. 0. Mitchjall 124 Prince: Sn-coil ' - At Greatly Reduced Prices. 21%. .r--an-` Iuuuov to 1. Iboklnunm I 03.. PH.- onqvm. In-1-kw. One Door lielow Clty gtel. P! am ` r n` `I "m" up-&["i'c"n':-3.n3'd"` "'3 FURNITURE. nun: u--:--- vsasvc-- Sign of Golden Boot, Brock Htraot. The Corner Bookstore. T V7931 . 9 , . _ it unt yuan:-non. nnnm1uinlIol.o!lII-ounI I or all dooolptlooo. can}: Is the only Piano manu- factured in Canada com- bining in its construction all the essential features of a first-class instrument. It is the only Canadian Piano that fearlessly courts com- parison with the best Ame- rican and European makes. 3 '0. w. KARN & co. I-I -IIIIIIV in I Woodstock, Ont. unvvrvu, 2| 7 Princess Street. nnnnnr Hockey Sticks 511, Hotels, Drumziutu, AND SEES] Of All Kinds fY\.IC-- 7- :7 oupguobltclloqh; '-.-DIALIB " 4 .4 CC '1 A lhlltnx Drugglnt Anny: Booumnondn For Rhpunntlnm nnd Nounlgla. loath Amorlonn qlunemnntlcburo-030 Doha Beovu. V R. P. Johnson, 0! Hulihx. writes: "For more bhnn two years rhoumncium has caused me not aulfering and st. time: almost. ontiroy uri plod mo. Idootored oonaunbly without. net. ll druggiut, H. W. Cameron, told me thnt nth Ame- ..;..-.. lu....m.nn llldfxrll nmnnrnrl ax- H. W. Ullnomll, wm me nun: aouun Amu- rioan Rheumatic Cu M pro ex- ly for. rhonmnti nd wou can mo. fgftcumd who remedy nngl received relief at once. and now um ontirolv cumd. 1 ho- lievo it to be the but mantis in oxiuenoo for rhoxmuiiism. Sold by . C. Polnon Q (`n plete. M. J. Shortall and two 0! his: friends, the Messrs. Madden, passed through our burg on Monday lust. They were visiting their friends along the line of` their route. Alex. Manrtin. jr., and J. Swords are visitin friends in Elgin, at least they starte out in that directioiwome time u n. Miss German, of Kingston. and Misc Toner, of Wnehburn, are visiting Minn Lottie Burns. Mica 'I`enie'J&okson and Miss Lizzie Cooke, both of Kingston, are at W. H. Franklin's; .l,,,Sworda in at J. Martin's. A Illghly Respected Cltllen uke: a sworn Statement of the Cure of an Extremely llnd (`use of Enema. Province of Ontario. county of Wentworth, zo wit : I, V\'m. Marahmn. of the city of Hamil- ton, county of Wentworth, province of On time, engineer. do solemnly declare that I live at `242 Catherine street north, and am aerentytlirec venrs of age. I suffered most intensely Irom eczema for about two years, and it covered m whole body. I tried several kinds of In ioine. was in the city hospital for six weeks and won told there that they had done nll they could for me, and was dischar ed a year ago last December as incnra le. After leaving the hospital I was under the care of a llnmilton physician for a long time, but got no relief. So bed was my cnae that before I could lie in my bedI lmd to procure silk underwear. the weight of the clothes Abeing unbear- able. With the mercy of God and four but- tles of Ryckmaifa Kootenay Cure lam now Welland entirely cured of eczema. The medicine is a grand tonic and a wonderful blood purier. I recommend it most heartily. And I make this solemn declaration. heartily. And conscientiously believing it. to be true, and knowing that it. is of the same force null elfectms if made under oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. (Signed), WM. M.uun|.ui. Tnken nII(l acknowledged before me at the city of Hnxnilmn, in the county of Wentworcli. this 9t,l.i day of January, 1896. (Signed), W. Fred. Walker. in commission- er for taking nlfldnvita and notary public. In the metory here. A very pretty wedding took lace at the residence of Peter Richardson. Vileted, on Wednesday, Jen. 22nd. at ei ht o'clock, when his eldeet daughter, innie. was united in wedlock to T. C. Mueterd.ol Lynhuret. About 130 invited gueete wit- nessed the ceremon , which wee perform- ed by Rev. Mr. Wi liumeon, ol Ganenoque. After the ceremony the company set down to a well laden table and drank tothe health of the newly wed. The bride wee given away I) her uncle, Alex. Richard- son, and look charming in a cream coe- tume. trimmed with lace and ribbon and vijenrin a long bridal 'veil and wreath. Mine ellie Mustard, sister of the groom. supported the bride. The groom wee ee- eistod by hie counin, R. Eaton`. of Seele 'I Hey. Mr. and hire. Mustard lelt on the 2:10 trein amid the beet wiehee of ell, for the west. The preeente were both nu- merous end costly. showing the high ee- teem in which the young couple ere held. Ald. Alexender Newlende received e hearty weloomglnom each at hie fellow nembeu of the Bre,'.\ntnr and light. (the "oporting) committee, when he -ede _hiI nnnunnce at the menial ueetlnc Inc nu: nlllnn nu-v -. Emu Mn.1.-i, Feb. ll.-Il5 is some time !lll(`0 this place was heard from, but it. in still in existence. Mrs. T. C. Brown. who has been sick, in slowly improving. as also is J. Steucy, who is able to be around ngnin. Miss Lngardu Brown has returned from Green bush. C. Johnemn has his ice hour-e lled for next summer. ()urponc- olve hm: been moved from C. Botlmm'I to Byron Brown's. (I. Botham intends mov- ing on (.041 farm in the spring. Mrs. C. Jnlmston has returned home frank Lyn, Wllul she has spent me at. week with her daughter, Mrs. J. Siinnnn. The Annie Adams" mission circ ('3 gave n re- ception to the Hagar circle." from Hard Island. at the home of Mrs. W. H. 'i"ouriI- son. Wednesday of this week. Mrs. A. Julinsbon- silent. the mat: week visiting friends in Athens. MoClamy. Luna- lowue, has been engaged as cbeesemalner in the factory here. verv nret.t,v wedding: place 3 ` at we upamu noou awning. the urn time ho hum nbteaodut comniwoo meeting time he retnrnod from his wedding tour. ' - . msummu.u;`.-xpnamngd .u um "OI! :*..*:s.::.-**~'.-.`!+.;-:-`.E?.:'L:.- E..:? uwduangunu-. 3 - had their cattle dehorned. Wesley Hartley, 0! Bettersea, passed through this looslity last week and remov- ed the troublesome appendages from in great many bovines. W illium Carey, one of our most iopulsr young men, has been removed to ltoekwood nsyluin, Kingston. His mind become unbalanced on Wednes- diiy lust, and, although possessing an un- ususlly quiet disposition, ne became very violent, and his friends had to remove him us stated. Much sympsthy is felt for the young man and for his family. The sudden change from his customary quiet and reserved disposition to his pre- sent violent state is sincerely deplored by his many friends, and all join in hoping his recovery will be speedy and com- plete. woobjiii 5' 330K Cushendell Events. C('slllNDALL, Feb. 10,-The roads nre in bed condition. especially the side reeds, the recent heavy snow having blocked many up completely. The main roads will pro- bably require considersblo time to bring them to their fonner condition. One of Wm. Hutton s stables collapsed the other day. It had previously been pro ped up, and otherwise strengthened, ut the weight of snow. increased by the generous downpour of rain, was too great. and the consequence wuss. collapse. A wedding was solemnized at the parsonage on Wed- nesdny last. William Cnmpbellsnd Miss Fnnnie McAlister, both of Atkinson. be- ing united by Rev. A. B. Johnston. On account of the severe weather there was no evenln service at Zion church on Sunday lest. ilenrly all the local farmers have had their cattle dehorned. uv....i-.. u....n... nl Rntlm-nan, mused to merit than to advertising." I have never had I single complaint or one word of disappointment from the b - er, and we are cure to hear of it if I m i- cine fail: to give utiIfuot.ion." Another drumriai. uid : I have never oi no fault to give snmuouon." Another drug int. hnd so la a an e for l)odd u Kidney Pills ma during ant. week." a kidney treatment in emphatic. There seems to be a general ewekening to the fact that some form of kidney die- enee will account for neerl all of human suffering. After `visiting in l the druggiel -6 here your correspondent nds that in every store. with a single one tlon. the ulee of Dodd'e`Kidney Pill: ve more then doubled this year, than ter, :1 compared with co ponding periods ofnyelr ego. Oned gist said: "In all my experi- ence M e ru gist. I have never sold any preparation t at hue given such unver in; satisfaction in Dodd e'Kldney Pills. be- lieve that their inoreaeed sale in due more merit than to advertising." I lmvn never lied A eimrle complaint sidered surprising here. Among all classes the exprouion of opinion in favor of Dodd a Kidney Pills u kidney treatment in emphatic. There seem: nzonenl DI-nggleu Report IloI'e_l`h|n Doubling sale:-General nxpnuion of Filth In Dead : Kidney Hill. 81`. Tnmus, Feb. l5.--(8pooial)-'l`he drug store record: and street balk referred to in a doapaoch from London in not. con- here. Amomz exprouion me sweet TALK IN LONDON HAS MORE THAN AN Em-no. EHFSURPRISED um wn Ioolly Oroolod. "" Al---_.I.. \l--I--uh I-A5145:-At` A American nllrvlnu nuluu nunu. up luv Nervouo Orgnnlnn nnd Gnve Back to Ilia Wee:-led and ltxluueted Herve Oeu- Irel Their Wonhed Vlgour. For four nerationu the remnrhble hin- ily of LAB ie have been prominenol i titled with the legs! and profession ii of Montreal. A long line of Active, inIhllec- tunl men, whoee ambition to rioem promin- onoe meant. I coolant. drain upon the nerve foroee, end A tremendous demand for bnin power. Adolphe LoBodie. 3.0.1. . J .P.. em, hon for eeventaoen years been ee- tively en in the legnl feooion, liv- in . me I. e duties of inbel eotuel men 0! this feat age demund, beyond the reserve limit 0! nature! nerve force. uiring more of the nerve oenereo at bone 0 brain than they can possibly fullil, which elwoyu re- sult: in nervous prootrntion. dyope . hot lloehee, inoomniu, constipation on Attend- ont evilo. Lhv l;InrNn nun:-all nnlthnr him: nnr f'Ol\DANDP\U FIT GFNT1 1.-men |-'n.n ant emu. Mr. Lnodie spared neither time not money to obtain relief, wont to Europo for . special treatment, :1] to no purpose. Hit mention being dinotad to South Auction: Nervino Tonic, ho concluded to bry it. Re- uult.--immodi|u relief from lnoomniA.nnd I nm-(Ant. and nnlllnnhnl mun hum A nthar . Emerald Epleodee. E\H-`JLALD, Fol). l0.-'I`he storm of the met week continues unabated. The made have become so blocked that travel is al- mostimponaible. The oung ple of the island gathered, on ednesgs evening last. in the Select Knights hall, Stella, ior a leap year party, which proved a very en- joyable event. Mr. Moutray, who ha been absent. for several months, on a trip to Ireland, arrived home last week. On Frida afternoon last, a number of his inlan friends waited upon him nnd made him a present of a beautiful gold watch. as atolien of their friendship. The attend- nnce at our school was below the average last weeli. owing to the stormy weather. The E.M.I.S. club roome have been on- IICIII WIII ' I IJCIYIIIT l.1I'lHI In B.u.1iwm's Comma. Feb. 11. - The school trustees of section No. 1 have re- seated the school house with patent seats and (leaks from the Wostport furniture factory. which give good satisfaction. The heavy snow storm has mado the roads almost impassable. Wood and logs are moving now. Hay is in good demand and mnny persons from Newbom are drawing it from Bathurpt station. Henry Stewart is going to reside in Newboro. Mrs. Donohue will come back to the {arm again. William Eaves is lumbering with James Barker on A small soalo. We are lad to hear that homas McCann, arrow's Road, has appointed road oommis nioner by North Crosby council at the last sniitin . R. W. Leech isdi-swing hay from the orth Shore. The pamnt grindere, agents are here doing some business. Goes to Eurogejg TreatmenL| PROSTRATED. EXHAUSTED, VITALITY. NO REST. Norvme. , Adolphe Lnliodio. undo: duo of A I 97th, writs: from Montreal: "I van - ing from inuonnin And nurvouc dobllity. rrootntion and oxhauotiou abhor tlnn not oilowod 5 n` M` oxporionco. Took In home. of Bout. A `and Norvinmuod In no we sruunml noon `my. 1: noun nuan- oan Nu-vino curd him. it will can you. It in the non: build: Jar hnin Imhu. nu-nu cunt: man. no win can you. 1 in the nerve build: .!ar brain wotkdil. Bnin and uovuch cannot bogh in-k tubs sumo time with hnltlnfnl and ham); i-nu. One mm mm. Inunu inullootul noti- um; pt-oduou ind! . beau; eh bnl i H . n.....'L '......"""'.`.". .f....;.'"'a-...""'....s..."'.?'. Dfllll ll %IIl|I Emil: Auioun I [ .::.".:",.: 0.Poh,In80o. AA skmun . W. Kvirkpntrick in quite ill with by hoid menmoniu. Dr. Luke is in stun mice. {. Abernebhy is somewhat improved. but is still quite low. One `of our young In- dies who is afiuood with a most. nrdonb ndmirer, was rocently heard to or ran her- ealf moat modestly thus : " 0'0 nut crazy after me." This is sometimes I an- geroua kind of insanity. A box nocial. in the interest of the L. A. _ , , caution :10. us. -unslxriwlj I ulna or Insanity. nocml, 8.. will be held at J. Hughes` reuldenoe Io- morrow night. The ladle: are ncllvely preparing their boxes. and n geodtime. Hlhyslcnlly at lent, la expected by the boye. `he following young peo le are visiting: Mien Annie Arthur, M nvernr ; Min Flouie S ike, at Hertingbou: C. lurk. It Keeleunvi lo; J. Robbe. at Perth Road. man ween. owmg no we awrmy wouner. The gaged by the Emerald nthlotio uoocintlon for Tuesdny And Thursday evening of each week. All intereeted in the manly art no welcome. Suffering For Year: From lnnonnnln Ind Nervous Dcblllty. unoruoru, Norvino. Adnlnh. Iouowou n nu bottle: of Bout Au wholly recovered. ninth. I have m I now gnjo nut!"-Ii nights. tried may on. hug been around in Ruropgmnd on any " truthful omphuil M the Soul: A Norvino Inn and no." an-uunu oupnuu unu IIIO noun Ann-nun Then in I-anon in All CM 3 hndn& rouomgln buinou. truth nuauil truth. He. I.AI'Indh'n nlunnmhiihh reunn mm tor two more monmn at noon. Quarterly services were held in the Me- thodist church Sunday morning, and al- thoupzh a fierce storm was raging 3 goodly number attended. The usual official meetin was held the next day and the unual uaineu, nancial and otherwise. was conducted. John Arthur, jr., has returned from his viaittothe city. His condition in much the name. The city doctor: auurod him that our local physician is treating him skilful`i(y. w .`.-|.n..t.-inl. ;. .....'o.. m min. o.unima.I in the truthlul noon . if Anti- mn Narrinn mund him. it will can Inn. It. nl [GA Hill. Notwithstanding the very inclement weather which revsiled last Thursday, sevomloi our res dents Attended the Sun- day school oonvention at Iuversry. They were highly pleased with the prooeedin s ol the msetin s, but the journey home n the teeth of t e storm end over miueture mountains of snow nearly took the cream oil" of it. The postmaster and your.oorres- pondent who waited for the evenin ses- sion, probably suffered the most he ship. After perseveringly battling with the ele- ments and snow drifts for several miles, their horse suddenly becsmedeteohed from the rig and they were compelled to utilize their own means of locomotion for the rest of the trip. The bend made its debut on Snturdav night, mnrobed around the vil- lage and sereneding the principal plnoes 0! business. They are mslrin favorable ro- gross under instructor Shelfion, whom ghey have enge ed forone month. and the wi I be foolish or their own good if they o not retain him for two more months at leest. nllnrlnrln can-vino: hnnrn hold in Oh. Man. W :3 on up I : ?L'.'.?.":`..&" ':z::' ::.a.:: .r'.::.; a wesitny msnurscturer or test piece. Nine members of loysl division 8. 0. '1`. of this lsoe. sttended the district lodge at L n hurstontheflth Jsn. They en- ioy the outin immensely. and An loud n prsisinn the yndhurst brethren for the hospitsble trestment soeordsd them while there. They lisd the good fortune to he bllletsd st Bro. Wiltsle's. end they will not soon forget the manner in which he looked after their physioiel comfort. Bro. R. Allen snd wile, of Kingston, psid our lsosl division I visit on his my to the district lodge. John Arthur. jr.. has gone to Kingston to be trested. His condition did not seem to be improving. Mr. sud Mrs. J. E. Anglin have returned from I visit among her friends at Boperton. Miss Blanche Taber returned with them for s short visit. Miss Be:-the Knspp snd Miss E. Abernethy, Kingston, sre visiting in our midst. as is slso Miss Madge Jackson, of Ids l-Iill. lint.-a's.|ms.-nnlinn tho was-v innlnmnnh CIOII OIDCQ NIB | IO6\:' [Ill 0! IRON, INCH unused itto water u , Clark Bron. no nnltinn Ant Iuunhar an illhl` far A IIAD no rammed mm I nnnanomo new `ulnar, A gift: from his brother-in-law. Mr. Runny. wealthy mnnuhcturor of that plaoo. Nina mombon lovnl caused in to want u, Uurl own. In etting out lumber An: timber for I new rn and dwellin home to be erected on their Koelouvillo um next 3 `ng. Rev. Mr. Platte id I visit. to P0 Int week. He romum with hnndnome new 1-actor, . am. fmm hi. In-ni_I|nII.(n.IAi. Mr. Runngm mm a lot. of omen box muons: :- nlheudy on hand. R. Bod bad I but hauling rewood u the lab on Fridy. The travelling on tgeiooiu in bad con i- tion since the heavy full of mow. which TI10 tnwolling NIB I00 II III DMI 00nll- since the heavy nnunntl ."tn C nn, lm-I B. AIS lull:--llnIOG|Il l`OI!0l non Il'|IOIlIIllA.IIIlI I perfoct nnd permanent. onto Irom all other disordon, with but. ve bottles of the Nnrvinn, Tho Lat:-at Ilrml from I \`|IuM cornu- pomlonl... _ BA'll'lR.sl.\, Fgb. la.-.-U. Muthow with the able uoiabnnoo of Henry Al) in lumbering quite oxmuggoly thin winter. Savlogauro uoming in outer thin m can be manufactured into lumber, mite lot. of chaos box muorhl In .-u..lu ..-. In-A I1 Rn-I hull A La: aAT`rn3A guitars. rt lloltoror." South 9 Toulo Bull! up the x All!` (IL-1: llnnk tn ncrvnno. nun II 1 HORN. 1%! II :`.`:"..'.`.':`:-::`;.a The Peop[efs_Llie1 Euy! You. 11 yougo noon: 1:. me rug V . Got tho but always. Putmn Pnnlou Oorn Ixtnowr non: MI: ours. Act: In evenly-four hours an .mn-nu nnlllnr ndnnordinollftlt. PI .onnuunolIlurpdnnotdhoon!on. Pd Act: In Q'C'lU"lOIII' noun ur- nun'n Corn lnnout oxtnoh coma. , , . In tho but. 5 '1 -__- .,_ llhochon. .s...m..m.. . Good lntontlono Preclpltah I Inc II; and Arron: Follow. Just as the moment. wlmn n Molmnart. omnlbus wna smrtlng, a pmoblnnl jolt nnllowd nu odll looklug old gontlem rllnglng on to the MA|[l. :-lmxuuarlng up another aldurly worthy whu was on ml polnu of followlnu, thlu wlokod lmllvldu whlaperod lu his our In oonduhtlnl tau Ion: You see tlmt, gemlumcm. He Is I unole. Ho hum just 530% out of an maylm and la stlll rumor weak In tho upp Itory. He no klud M some that. ho nllglx at Si. Eusmoho. I shall be so much obll toyou." The mod mun nromlnod to dlnolur rooted blow. [J4 Evidently the old gentlunmn hnd lam` tho Mylum J00 soon, though: the rx.._ Sunni-Man who had undarmkun to see 11 safely to his destination,` but Illllll'Hl' from the Injury that lnohnd rooelvod ' hit out with nqmu vigor, and In a moum. I upan-lug mun-In mu 13 place I . omnibus, 1.0 mm comm prawns. who uuvo V ohornn {,1 sh nah. Tho oonduotor, unable to brl the onoounwr to nolooo. had to numm the old of mo polloe. and eventually t` oombntanta were lad. with blackened eye to the nation. , V - F vmum. any eh. usual oxuninntlon. th " x an can 91 Inner: luuuuon wu- thunnosbvcnooughoroold. Onol boulovillonn bronchitic. No oi * IILA Ahsu XI-sh`. An Mrll, n Ioonomy 1:` buying Issues Policies on is Including Ordinary Life Endowment. witt ferred Premium. Aig, rates than any other I00 Wellington streeg-_ to you." The good promlnod this mlnulon tnllhfully, and whonllm on nlbna had reached Ft-. Emttnolm, be pull the old gentleman by the sleeve and all Here we are. Now you In unt. get. out. The person thua add:-enod sun-ud at. hl ln unalomcnt. and when the spoooh b ' been repeated Iavoral times, he gave ve to language of ungratelul not to any x-mg tenor, winding up with the exolumntlu that If this was intended for u just he (1 not ueo theglur, 0! In. A mild x-umomutman met. with n I-bull of an evon storuor nF turn, promptly followed up by a well th I-..,m....n. ah. nm nontlnnmn la` 3 ,7, Than, utter tho usual onlninntlon, ' learned wthelr dlncust that they had the victim: of the puotlool joker who in ` represented himself an the nnxiouu mph 0; sh odd looting old IaIlomnn.-(-kl nun Manager. Wfijllj jut--'u- Vbujbj II-nnddunopvot-(I 1 wzjwjvvyvvnrvu---- In-`gun-angnnannuranunn. 1_A.|_...__1_ Annm-h HOW TO III!` UOfIIo Easy 2 You. 1! you go about it the rig! mv. on ulwnn. Putnum Exdndud mum Inulion ville L4-nnhnnn-nuns-Innonnltl, no In \aI3U3 l|lCy BIC PUSIUVCIY Ulll When your health is lo\ disease, Paine s Celery Com can promptly banish your q well." ' ' "}.2i"m..n. i{.'.'y':...'. ' The above cut is giveq and suffering people. 4, This trade mark is for Celery Compound,as well as\ Any celery preparation is worthless and decpetive. I preparations will surely ag cases they are positively dai vour health low. AN OMNIBUS EPISODE. low to cum Oorni. 17-- u _-.. ... -I._..5 :1 `,..V.u.-...-Au. 1 _-.-nnnn .n._nAn-nnnn ______.r. Wool Ill!- _L.II Iunrnu .. III.` of the wlggp you mm (M. "In. :.i.i{.'..'.' &.'{..'.` IV I LLNILN I'l Cfumo TARBOAP Cvftl I EMT V \ GENTLEMEM |-`lr.D l'\, _ . _- "1'. _ n- MEDICAL ~ - - u - w - . --` vv-II EXCELLENT lr cmwsss mt % scALP..nu:v,a 1 HE DRYNE53 AND SO PREVENT5 HAIR FALLING our. PUT `Up selves we nre apt U0 become very eensiuve. As a mutter of fact the whole subject. of heredity has been fairly well worked out by men who have supplied what, is general- ly called good common sense in the de- velopment of ma niticent by me of animals, in `w-liicli we fin preserved pevuliuritiea. How in this accomplished `.' Simply by ap- plying the him: of heredity us determined years and years of experience. We find, too, that our stock rairzera believe not only in the trnnnnimsion of certain physical attributes, but are nine strong believers in the transmission of temlencien. Some strains of horses have a tendency to de- velop npavln, and no on the story oes. A: ll maths!` of fact our nowledge of the human system can bebetter worked out by a study in the eld ofoomparatlve ph aiology and my- cholog than in nny otier, l\ll(l this can be NIH; without throwing the least slur in ourselves, if neceeear_v. even niiliont, a belief in: Simian llllfll` . It in be- cause family hiutoriee in lid lower ani- mals have noakeletons to hide;ancial NNll`|(l- info are not considered, and general re- au to can be carefully worked out in in way quite im ible in the human race. Even the intel ectual charanteristicn~I hntl el~ moat. written mom! on wol|- man be ntudied in this way. Dogs, horaeeunil pigeons I have found most. inbereetiiuz studies in heredity. ' This is a big question though, and if followed into all its mmifiuationa, would take hours. if not. hiya, to dis- nun: Ieelinterested In it. A few years residence in a hospital for the insene melee evident the fact that heredity is e fer more powerful factor in the development of disease then one be` liered lhle before he lobled at the mat- terfetr . hetu flret regard it from the stsudpo nt of " t we know" rM.her than whet we belie . .Writin on this nub- ject in my ennuel re rt for I894, I said. after dlecussing the eoohol habit : "This question msturelly leads up to the rt plsred by heredity ln the production o in- aunlty. end an enelysis of the l.043 cases referred to furnishes food for thought. In a generel way everyone under-etnmln that inlenity is heredity. but few reelizo that the tendency in so frequently transmitted by parents who have benn unfortunate enough to inherit or develop the neurotic, nervous telnt. An n Inet.te_r of fact it la with reluctance people willln - ly an of the exietenee of :7. fumi y skeleton. end if we . are l uontly tom rlly deoslvexl ln regnnl to t Ie un- dou heredttery Iendent-y ln runny cues of mental dlseeses it does not require a deep aympthyto nd excuses for those who woukfdeeelveus. ` Thus It happens that the perosntege of those in whom the bendi inuence exists mun. slwsys up peern snellerthen it should be. end yet the Inns srestertllng. Of the 1.048 cues Admitted, no Ien than 589 were per- sone In whom the beredltery telnt was ed- mltted or known. In other words thirty- Iive per cent. of the ednissions were no- knot to have suffered as s result of e tr-ensln tted tendency to nervous diseases. It. nnnld nah .1: ofir-lftlnl IO Dl`l'|b- cuss., I am here to deal with some of the real- ly practical questions in cw nection with heredityfsnd before going mto itat any length let me caution 0|. lest you find yourself in opposition be om we get fairly started. In dealing with anch asubject one is necessarily forced totnke an attitude apparently quite opposed to the traditions o `the human race. an attitude taking no cogniunce of any such thing as sentiment. I say apparently. because careful nnnlynis will show that the ition is the onl_v true one consistent withoathe highest develop ment of the human race. and flint, of course, includes all that is worth hnving. While it is quite true that we cannot be accountable for our ancestors, we have A duty towards ourselves and our descend- ants. and it does none of us harm to investigate some of the most in- teresting problems of life. Possibly the two greatest factors in determining a mnn s course through life are heredity and enviroment, and when you can believe this you will be ina position to realize that qusetions of moral responsibility often rest on a difTerent basis from that selected by those who will not study them from the highest point of view. Niven an ideal stock to begin with, the question of here dity would not trouble us as it does now. but all of us realize that no matter when the evidences of degeneracy appeared in our ancestry. at present we certainly have no ideal members of the human race from :1 physical standpoint. All no can aim at is as near an up roach to the ideal as can be manag , and as the` mean! greater barpinoss to the community at In as we l :is.to ourselves we should all , fee interested in it. A fun uuansil ranirlnnnn in A hnnnil.-ll fur IPIIIIEIIIX I'D!!!-llvy In nurvuuu ulna-cu. lt. would not .110 o r-Itatin the pmhm bmuu if it won on ted fty per mm. nnln ndmluionl bonsn life with I cont olllo hogan mo vmn collection ol unable coll: likely Io when called pan to endure a Itnin that In not. unnnul :1. Ion puiod in Illolihd " `w-ma... didinnlonnnl romrttho blliuulf it uuucstou uau nny pur olllb hogan nnnnnlll nl muubln none coll: likely 'W:1unuldidinalormu ropan mo numb at lly I. node that P`.'..5.'.'.. 21'.` .......'u... 1 the best beiievem us well as the near. uoers. The subject of heredity is one in which you ereoll interested, whether you know it or not, and you are doubtless believers in such a thing, elthough you may not have formulated well pronounced op nions upon it. When each one of you wna his mother`: luteet addition to the collection of the good looking children of the flock (for be it known that all babies are good looking. al- though heredity sometimes gets them over this difficulty) the observant [adieu of the neighbor- hood came in, nnd without exception gave voice to their belief in heredity. How like his father," one said. his mother's eyes," his grandfather's hair," nlthough both you and the grandfather may have been on bsldas on egg. Now all of this me not have been strong legal evidence 0 heredity, but it certainly was stron evidence of the existence of a universe! lief in it. The general public is willing and ready to recognize the fact that family resemblances ure strikingly common, it will go further and Mimi! that peculiar traits are often to be noticed in succeeding generations ; it will toll: of thl clannishness of some races. the want of clanniehnees in others, and admit in is gen erul way its belief. but when it is asked to accept the acieutiiic dictum which minerts that tendencies to diseases me also inherit- ed. it declines hften politely, sometimes rudely, to huve anything to lo with it-- that in when it concerns the human rnca~ for it is about the things touching our- selves npt to become sensitive. As mutter subject It is some years since I had the pleasure of lecturin before the meruhere of the _Y.M.C.A. n the last occasion I endeavor- ed to familiarize my audience with the sp peersnoe and characteristics of many of our native birds, a subject in which I feel a deep interest. It was A safe question to deal with as well as an a motive one. and it was not dlcuit to avoid wounding the feelings of mv audience. but when Dr. Goodwin asked me A few weeks or so ago, to give a lecture upon Heredity, Insane ity and;Orin1e." I felt ut once that the un- dertaking wns dangerous. He assured me, however, that the audience was one noted for its common sense and imrd thinking capabilities, nud gave it such in good chur- acter that the invitation was accepted. It is a ho Io] sin nowndny~r that people are not A raid to isten to the discussion 0! evolutions] subjects, and although it is fashionable in some quarters to regard these questions as dangerous ones to approach true roli ion and true science will ever 0 hand an hand to the advancement of t e human race, and the best thinkers will be the best beiievers well the best doers. TL. ...k:.nt. nl hns-Arlihv is nuts in which v nut Ila In Nut Wllllng to lay Thu Dluuu An Amohgh 'I'huo-~'l'I:e DI-uniIrd'| Iunlly An tho Una: bouer--A Vary Plihlo 0000. Dr. 0. K. Clarke. superintendent of Rookwood hospital for theinmno. apoke an lollown on Thursday night at the Ya-M. .A. : I MAN AGREES THAT SOME THINGS ARE HEREDITARY. Jun. 0. K. Clg:SLECTURE. uhlihdonrlono." ' W1-lung an didinalonml apart the ntnnnlllnmrcun. vunodnothn ouo:namonpmonwono,oug.nuaonooI tioobjoot Iouooa-than-ouch us uaqpurt `t. in our doroloprnont. _;n ` (p|:lnnod on Nondny.) snno progeny. LB olwn noc-I aomenning worse. 1!. very frequenl.l' produces the moral imbecile or the well nlevuloped crimi- nnl, that is the true criminal who is just us much the outcome of in bad heredity as any other degenornbe Lyreof the human race. What. in the more imbecile`? some may ask, others may wish to deny `min exist.- ence and tell me Llmt. we are supplying a cloak for the. vicious and bml of our race. Be patient, and [will endeavor to describe him as I know him nnd your own common sense will enable you to reoognim the ori- ginal defeco. It mav be well to saw. that. in mv ex- HI6 tun ne moral eeuue enouiu nuve ap- peared i wae abeenc,eud soon he gave evidence of inubility to gimp the ordinary cnnoeptiune of right and wrong. end then to do outrageous thin e and to show that he did not understand their importance. Mont very young children will, when their moral sense is in its iufuncy, catch flies to kill them. but the time nomee when in the ordinary course of development they can be taught to undoiei.-ind the roeeon why it is wron to do so. That time never came to . D. ; he not only killed thee and insects. but ea he grew able to toddlo about chop off the heede of chickens end meim anything that could euer pain. Hie home was agood one. but men oould not eupply e moml eenee to this inoneter. As he grew older he in.- usmpted memother hie baby brother and could not be made to understand that he was doing wrong. Hie list of atrocities row with dreadful rapidity and his thirst or blood developed epnce. He Wu a veri- teble end. He diaembowelled horses and revelled in their euflerin . Finally he nearly killed a litele girl ent wan eentenc- ed to death. The eentence wee ridt cer- iied out, but the unfortunate eeui to peni- tentiary. When diecha ed from there he iminediamly dieemboweled more horeee. end wee on'oe more returned to the penitentiary end then drifted in~ to the asylum Here he did all eorte of dreadful things. but he eacnpod one ni ht end in an hour or no we found him wit a horee tied up ready to operate upon. He eeoeped A eeeoud time and attempted e dreadful crime. end from thet dav to thin Yeriy called an insane progeny. vvnen speak of the insane I refer to those who are suffering from R disease resulting from nu nffectioii of the brain either functionnl or organic. Now in II genernl wny an insane man has been originall one who is recognized as l\ mum of noum mind. An idiot, or an im- becile differs from the insane mum in being one whois actually decient in brain, that is.lie was born defective. I might explain that it. is possible for imbeciles and idiots to become insane but that line little to do with our aubjecc. Just now I Hninl Hint. an insane stock does not always brget, an in It often doc-< something verv frenueni.l\' nroducea ooonipou Ioooml nmo um nuempwu crime. day hu no on completely blind to the fact. that 0 in doing wrong. What manner of mm: out this be I hear you any. If I wore souhow him to your there would be nur- priu on every fano-gentle, uninblo in manner. looks and oonvrauion. and with ginal detect. may say, that, my perience the moral imbecile in invarinbl defective intellectuallyas well, nlthouq others nirm that they have met macs where the intellectual faculties were ex- uellent. We all admit that there is n mor- al nature, and `we ngree that it is the crowning piece of (`nods greatest creation. man. It in tho last thing ncuuired in the crowning piece or nous greatest creamon, man. thing acquired development of the complex mortal. It is the great. balance wheel which adjust. the vonduct, of man in his dealings with others. You recognize chm, it is more highly developed in some than in others, but you can scarcely imagine it almost absent in any one. Sud it is. such is _the fact. and never yet. have I found em-h a one without. hemdily to account for the dreadfuldefent. Herein one cane culled from my own ('VpBl`l8l]l!01 " P. I). wile the non of nnronts in whom [mm vwperlenuez P. I). wu parents the mint. of insanity was well mau'lxe As a very small child he soemml backward, was not able to walk or cull: as soon up other children. An ll very llttle lollow he showed some intellectual defect. and de- volopmeng, wan retarded in ever way. At the Linn he moral sense thou d have up- nanrwl i. wnn nhnnnl and nnnn hn crmm pun on ovary uoo-genue, umnmo In oonvrauion. db: Iy to non Icripturo thokwonld mako you mnrvo . Is he to be blamed? Many -mnlrl nvvnn I n-1 nnu h-mu-n Inn in [wnnu-vou.t.in`d;-iniublomd emu. K|rl`uCIoncBoot'l`uhunndo mownll and .-113. B. B. Woumt. A0 WIIIMBISBGII. you IIIIIVGI. ll IIO W 00 Dlllllll Milly would any yet. I nay no; beomu he in not. bad inuho mo come. we cannot hi:-ly condemn A man for not lnving who it in not within binpovnr Io gnin. and if he in born without moral oonoono human Agency` can supply him with the gm divine. The one inn mootpicbloom, buy in: onto! tioohioot the tart "'"*:r; '~""*"*'~.:.:'..'f.:.';.*'" % :1 dfllvl _ P000 > ` \.uuuuuun...v.. ... ....., ....... V. little charity. You'will find out as you go through life that we cannot judge the whole human race by one standard, in fact. every man must be studied by himself and judged fairly. at least that is the conclusion I have come to after groping about among family histories for over twenty-two years and Jiscovering that heredit hasn thousand times more to do wit a man`s do- ings than he often has any conception of himself. Ex rience in a hospital for the insane Ina es one take a deep in- terest in this question and it is,not lon before one formulates some well (Jefinell opinions--opinions almost universally shared by medical m-~n who have to deal with the insane. One gets so familiar with certain of the lli idmm-ks of heredity that it is almost unm -essary to ask for the family history. so invariable are some of the evidences of im ierfect development re- sulting from a bad ieredity. The saddest chapters ever written are those of brilliant intellects dimmed. shadowed and blotted out as the result (the inherited curse of insanity. The tra edy of the living death is far worse than any other. Aninsane stock does not always beget what is ro- perly cnlle(l insane progeny. hen sneak _It is not always the drunkard who suners most. nor is it necessarily the drunlmrd who nds his we to the asylum, for as a. matter of fact the proportion of chronic drunlmrds who become insane is very small indeed in this part of the rovince. This may be attributed by the wi dly exu- berant temperance orator. to the fact that the drunkards of this community have tougher constitutions and more level heads than those in other parts of the world, but I think it means something else. and it is this: The people of this district. as a rule, are a temperate people and drunken- ness is not as common as in some part of the world. but this is not the whole ex~ plsnatlon. It is often the tendency of those who are riding hobbiesor campaign crusades meant to benet the humarmoe, to exaggerate and thus do absolute harm. We hear much about the drunliards lling the nsylums and yet little is said about the descendants of the drunkards. Now as a matter of fact it is the descendants, who suffer most by the bad habits of their parents. There is little comfort in this for blue drunlmrds, for while it is true the `us lum goblins may not got them if they don t look out, there are plenty of others who will. The fuct,too,thnt the drunkard himself may be but the development of a bad heredity must not be lost sight of. and must suffice sometime to season wholesale condemnation of the fault of others with a charity. \'....-mall url nut. an vnn an thrnuah life HCQIIODUII Pllyllllllly Illu sum-u, u... to moooufully cope with the and tom umom of every day life. It I my: drunknrd who suffers malls. nor hit necessarily "an every day expe but for_ fear that youyill regard me u n 5011 that the Eenawiat l must assure righ side of the picture will be Jreaented ufter a time. [Immi- ty requemly develops as in result. of t elnherited tendency to disease of the body, but it also developsm a result of physical degeneracy shown by inherited tendency toother dieeue, such Mconeump- tion. Let me illustrate. You are all aware that the tendency to consumption in quite common in some families. "Now it II no rare history to nd in such degenerate families one or two members dying. from consumption. nnd others insane. his is rience. The Again the chronic drunkerd frequently ll uetrntee the biblical announcement that the nine 0! the lather shall be visited upon the third and Iuurth generation, for the drunknrd is Ipt. to boast children who have nerve polls of drunhrd is to beget nervo cells the Illolt llllltlbla kind, and who are froquontly phyllonlly and morally unable with trial: x_in_i ponnpmtlom oil oveiyl ...I..-. ..u'..nn whole ptoblom to be Itudlod Lou will oe how complex the whole quest. on becomes, four that. yunyill regard A muamm. I must. assure _\ou Japans, The oldest and urgent manufac- turer: ot Varnish In Canada. [That Horrid Cough] joins. `F & #2. 2-. 2/0.`. lB4MYF,'J!49_W__.0~ Whit-h you nd In still clinging to you can be cured by the use of ' ___._,.- Varnish, ycURAcUGuA| Paints, -v - cu uvv . nun-II ll. J. REID. Manager. We will commence with Bar- gains. We will continue with Bargains We will end with Bargains. All the leading and representa- tive styles in FURNITURE. ~[5.:m._'3E',P ..~:.~wi.mw4 A . HEIUVU U3 DLGIIUS IVU \/UlII|JU|' ing Stock. Below Us Lle No Competing Prices. W~i15i%ITH fnrvggs ~1=R1r?7i IFBIDDCI, IIIBMJ I-IIRIIBB OIII DB uosltlvely Gun`-earl Electrloltv. as umllcd bv the Owen Elect: _ . _ _ , _ _ _ _ _- _ ,_ _ , lectrlolty. as applied by the Owen Elcctm hall. and Susrensory. will most, assuredly do no t. is the on known power that will Iuppl; what [5 lack n , namely nerve force or powor. lm art tone an v r to the organ: and aroma to calm ' motion I. a whole nervous system. It will mos assuredly cure, Illlnl- _.,4 n... -nn-n_._ Above Us Stands No Compet-I Inn Cfnrlt of nu-vo C Power thtannot be by m'.:'.1,_ ..::::.*'". `us. :';'.*:.; r..:."., P". h.t'``3l9`sedl ante:- tee. Pro K-_IAl___|4_ 3_:__' Without Medicine, I will llllksl. uauuvuly uund, r7....I........I.. Mann... D......A...u.... nI..monnHnm Inn] IILUVIIVIIIU Illllqilllllls I onmlns fullest. Information regarding the curl of menu). chronic and nbrvoua dlgaeues. prtcea how toorder. etci. mulled I awwae ::r.....'">-""-` f" n. 01 we uuuy, not we euro 0! Nervous Dlsaspsl ----------- ---:-------- Varicocele Nervous Proetraon. Rhonmntlnm, ~'om1.Ioa. l('ldnuy Disease. Lumbago. Lame Buck md Dyspepsia. es. ~---- WILL CURE YOU ul- ............. nn.I.u'.. Kmm-v PHI; to cure anv The only Iolontlllo and ruotlcnl Electric BN1 generates strong mm to! lfeotrlolty under perfect gong:-ol an can be Implied to any generhto itronu cuogt Meoulolty rfoct control applied pan, 0 the body. (or the cure at |l_A__,_ __ -um _ _ _ _ _._ Shouundu 0!. poplo uulfor trom A variety 0! ervoun D such M Somlhul Wcalmcsu. Cmnounny. ` Manhood. am. that the old ~'olnt.|m\. Kidney mm Illl Big Bargains 0! 716 'day`wH list of other BOOKS FREE H11 3,; gum -134 451 mum Sty lllllll umtol. _.._j- _`_':-j The Leading Undertaker and Fur- niture Manufacturer. AHA a 4-11 nnlnvnnn n'IIlsl1l'|'l| Bic C/u