25c. PIPE. members on ma mmny. In reply to further questions Mr. (Jurznn said he would not admit that Lhe landing of Russian forcea in (Jnrea wnn Lnntamouut, Lo occupation of that country. nml further sriid that the government. has made no re- presentations to Russia on the subject. Young Men |n Trouble For Wreoklng a Train. Whooplng It In the ()lon-A Roman Cu- thollr Church Proposed. ULliNB(YR.`~'lE,Fb. l'I.--The recent heavy snowstorm and the whooping cough have almost. isolated the neighbors in the (Han and when, by chance, you meet them ex- pecting to get some itoms that would be interesting to vour readers all that. is avail- mm at aeoux. Right, Hon. George N. Curmn, unvler secretary for foreign nffnirs, I-mid in reply that the reason which had been given for the action of the king in putting himself under prowction of the Runainn mininter was tlmt the polit.ical4sitImLiun in Cu:-on was such as to endanger himself run! the members of his fnmily. In rcmlv to flnmhnr mmatinns Mr. (.'urznn n l`-lII- lI1'I'.A'g N.Y., Feb. l8.--John Watson Hildret.h \ Fred. Bristol, Herbert rmo nnd Thnndnrn "lhhnrd nnnnnrl in HM: inil in A Very Important Ieoenre Before the Ontario laglslntnai-e. _ Tonoirro, Feb. l8.--Hon. Mr. Hardy`: bill {or reducing the number 0! county councillors in r. very important measure. The actle divided into two portal. The iirst pert (l with the submission of the queatinn 0 remain; the number of` county councillors in my county to the electors, and mites provision that in every county where the council of the county is composed of more than"twenty members. and in other counties" where the council is cornpoeed of twenty members or lees, If the council by re- solution so directs, ` the clerk of the county shell, at the eul municipal election to be holden in t your 1597, lub- mit to the looeleieneoreo! every local muni- oi lity in the count the queetihh oi w thertheysrefnvore totheedoption of the not or o pond thereto. The first twenty-one sect one at the ectere devoted to the are u n toting the vote. Section iteen prcvi so for the Iubmission of the quution in eny year eubsequent to 1897 in which the set is not in force. 11.. mm in! Man mt. mining to the con- electors in the county. and deposited mm the clerk on or before the [st day of De- oember. If more candidates are nominated than the number 01 county councillors to beelected in the county, notice is to be given by the county clerk ofthe nomina- tions made, and this notice is to be sent to the clerk of each, together with voting papers. in the form prescribed by the not. At a meetln`g of each local municipal council. held on the third Monday of Jan- uary. the reeve and deputy-reeve are to ll up and sign the voting papers. Each reeve or deputymeeve is to be entitled to a number of votee equal to the number of county councillors to be elected. and may ive all his votes to one candidate. or may istribuoe them, as he thinks beat. The clerk of the municipality is to trans- mit the voting papers to the clerk of the county. who is to o n the packages nnd count the votes in tl: presence of the coun ty jud eor sheri", or in the absence of both 0 those officials, in the presence of the county court clerk. and is to enter the votes given for each camlidate in in book kept for that purpose. nnd forthwith do- clare the persons elected who have received the highest number of votes. mmoer uurmg ms connnemenc. Prof. Hodge, ventriloquiat, gave :1 variety show in the school house last. week. He kept. his audience in perpetual laugh- ter. Thomrs (ilnssford seemed to be :1 en grey ponies. n. vs aulwu on good authority that we are to have a new Romnn Catholic church erected M. Hickey't- Corners, the work tn commence in the early spriag. The churv preabytery und surroundings nro to cost, 1897 in which the set In not in rorco. Part two of the wt relates to_ the con- stitution of county council: titer the not oee into operation. Section twent -two eoleren that county council; she], in counties containing more than 40.000 inhnbitantlbe ooxnpoeed of nine mem- bers; in counties containing more than 40,000 nnd leu than 60.000, of eleven members, and in countiee containing 60,000ore tar number, of thirteen members. tion twenty-three piyoviden that nominations lhlll be made in writing. Anna! luv -9. hunt. tunntv-ve munioinal that nominations lhlll be made In wnung. signed by at leut twent. -ve municipal elector: in the county. an deposited with aha clerk on dav I nsqucma" oouN1v_ couucnu. oLENBUn_NIE LElNG$. LANDl-NG AT CHEMULPO. lND|CTEl5'FOR`MU_RDER. Bupnno Court Guam. . II..l. an ;.m|.. w..|... DAIBY Bmrrls WHIG. 4, Mr. Amorly-dome. III we nnmn nmaoo oi common: yuunhy, Inovod unmad- muntmtholpnoh in up] tluHhoVono- molo.n.hon quouion submitted to ubitnzion. on Olly talent (I Mr. Bulfour. gonrnnont . and 8h William I-hroocrl. Iudnr ol Ihooppollv don.tIn nthoqno|ntondivi- ion won Qlnlnl-nn'tho pp:-n-ant. tho unnndnnlnl. nu withdnwn. ` 0BART`S I evenings. A mob of twenty mukod men nttwkod. the Wayne county jail M. Monticello, Ky.. Sunday morning. The jniler was our nowonad nmlt\Fountnin Murtin 3nd June: mxell. white men olnrggd with burning the hum of Bonnie Bums, were taken from the prison to a point neur Stoubonvillo. where Martin was hung to a trio. Troxoll oscnpod while the mob in hanging Mar- Lin. Lin. ' In Led Charlotte Bury : diary of George I `n times, just published with ndditions in London, there iznnd painful glimpse of the king u n ' Queen Caroline and: Judge them it was to have A drunken huuhund on one`: wed- ding day; end one who pmd the gtuter pert. of hi: bride] night. under the tg, when-ehe-fell. 19 when I left inn " judgment. or econ owner." ' The I-ervmtgirl question in n ht to the ' front. in New Zoalund. And i! egiolntion turn: oul. as she domains. Mary Ann will soon have I wookly hall holiday I" to hot- nell. Not only this. but 5! her employer lde Irives her of the privilab. he will be (lit. Ha ha to be fined C25. in ion to - lug wiI._h a cold dinner on Wodn _v avnninmi. munnra wnnemz, or me uonaon uuiy News. has writuan for March Scribner`: an article on British Opinion of America," in which he says "President. Clevohnd hum buildod botmr thin he know with the tumour mo-mun. Ho ha oompollod no on both sides of the Atlnutlo to rovicqour . judgment. of each other." " The Mrvlntrirl aueozion riuht. * evbning. A mob o or Amernca, uccompnny nun 1-rnnue ner- son us A representative American in the (`Gluing inmrnatiomnl match At the Roynl \\'e'.atminawr aquarium. London. which 00- curn in A ril. hunting for six duyu. Riuhn Whiteinz, of the London D\ily Nnwi has wrimmn for March Scribner`: an by ms mlmuuscruwr. (fhorokee, 1a.. is in a favor of exgltomont. over the murder of Maude Strnwn. tnd eiyzhtecn. whose body was found in nor room at. her married sister : home at Shel- don, In. Al. Bull and U. Morrollo have been arrested charged with having know ledge of the girl's death. It hm: been decided tn have Mrs. J. C. ledge ol the girl`: aoam. Brown. nmnteur champion female cyc|iu of America, Min Frnnkio Nol- snn us A renronenunivo the suhmnrino came. The (lornmn emperor lnui made over- tuma to the Queen Regent of Holland to yaecurctlio betrotluil of Prince Frederick llmiry. eldest son of Prince Albert. Regent nf llrunswick. toquaen Wilhelmina. Prince Frorleri:-k was born in I874 and queen \\'il- liolminn in I880. Very few people realize how popular n llnwer tlm carnation has become. The .....o:n.. nun). winonr in Now \ m-I: nv. b_\ J. H. Uonneny. From the time of the death of the lube Anglimn primate of Ireland till his burial the bells of the Roman Catholic cathe~ drnl nt Armngli were tolled. and oeniinnl Lngzuo. the Roman Catholic primate. who is in Reine, was represented It the funeml by his mlminiacrutor. ('horoko0. l:\.. fever exeltomont. ` renderetl no l\l`ll6l'8(.l0l'p. Tlironali Cnnon Mnjor Lester's efforts for the well being of Liverpool wnifs and atrnyn, several hundred of the poorest ~hildren, boys and girls. are being either entirely or partially cared for, educated n-id given A good start in life. Emperor Willinm ll received hundreds of insulting anonymous letters from Eng~ lnnd since his famous mesansre of congratu- lntion to president Kruger. He was very nngry it first, and finally gave orders that no more letters from England ahonltl be opened. Sir Sunl Samuel. 11 ent.genernl in Lon- dlll for New South Vulen. and llnncnn (.`illies.ngent-general in London for Vic- tnrin, huve been Appointed to represent Auatrnlin us members of the commission to vonsirler the mutter of laying u l n<'ilic snlnnnrino cable. 'N.,\ n.......... ..m.........- L... mad. nvnr, Mower the cnrnaunn nun become. 1H8 a-omcunmtion each winter in New York ex- ocods fteen millions of out owers. The vulture of cnrnntinns will beilluotralod and tuughn in Soribnefs Mngnuino f0I?- March by J. H. Connolly. Frnm the time of the death belongmg Lo 1). A. a W. A. Moore, In rrlutlingabuilding in which paints. oils. light woods. lumborn, em, were stored in large quantities. A nenmnunn who died recentlv.iu Lon- large quantmes. A cenbonunn recently.in don. had smoked steadily since fteen years OM. He began smoking the your be- fme Napoleon wna driven back from Moa- row, and kept it up till after Jameson sur- rendemd nt. Krugersdnrp. Thrmmh Cnnnn Mninr Lester's ._.p, ....uu...v ..u. ..=,,. .._..v - .-v "r. M.K3 rly-JonI`I. in ad.` same. house nl mmmnm vuurclnv. unaud- flilc I A good advertisement cnmhls in the first few linoa and leads the reader to ox- amine further. Ink u at-Rn IIAI hurl [620 In!` (M1191 II. Saturday passed away. The new cast irun and steel pifu to re` place the wooden conduit. in the the. To- ronto, will be made 551 George H. Bortrnmt Toronto. for $31,020. ' Tl... annnn nnn at Hm hulzn nf Ynrlx was ! Albert Frederick George Arthur. The Bank of Juneau, Alaska. hu failed,` owing depositors $l5,000. There are no M-sets. J. N. Harrison. cashier and manager. is accused of embezzlement. W. H. Fredenburg is willing to put`. in I1nelect,"' It plant in Weetport rovlded the town ... guarantee him two undred lights at two and :1 half centarger light. Never in its hiswrv hue ow I-leans lights in two and mm cents I` in nu. history Igzw been so crowded during the carnival sea- son.` The weather is clear and leuant and everything is favorable to a 1g suc- |".I`,l-I. co-I-. For twenty-two years Chicago : schools have been without the bible. A compila- tion of the scriptures have been made which, it is beliaved, may be used without oifonse to an y sect. A...l......y R.-van nhnrtvnll with fnnrnrv We are already showing some Ipfill new..1ipes for the garly spring trade. G` Inga looking 00 ms axnrnuluou. A tlespatch from Havana to the Madrid lmparcinl says the rebels have out off com~ municnbion between Havana and Mntanzna and between Havana nnd Batabano. and have burned two railway stations. Han Hm-rinnn hm: no.-Iit.ivelv declined to have burned two railway smuons. Hen. Harrison has positively declined let, his mime go before the state convention mi a candidate for delegate at, large to St. Louis, and has notified his friends that it is useless to urge the matter u n him. The nininls of the imnerial nreiizn ofl5~ Is useless to the manner mm. The oicials of the im rial nreign cea conrm the report L at n detachment of British marines have been landed at (jhontulpe and sent to Seoul, the capital of Coren, to protect the British legation there. l.`:..n at llnomlom N V Rnmuwlnv niuhf. there. Fire at Potsdam. N.Y., Saturday night. destroyed about $20,000 worth of property belonging to I). A. & W. A. Moore, in- r-lmlinunbuildinu mints. MI-any m nonor or turn. an of ox- Idenc Harri it. Hi: A-and nlnl-E (1,, of ldonc Harri Sir dread Ohrk, .0., the dhtlnguieh; ed criminal advocate, but boon retained for the defence of Dr. Junolon. Th; I-uunhnaan mun `n nrlvnl-Mann knnwa wn . V ohn Connors. of Quebec, in partner 6f Connolly Bros., was arrested at Shorbrooke yesterday. charged with embezzling 870,- 000 from the rm. umal. vinitina lunar dnuahlmr. Mn. OOO from the While visiting her daughter. Mrs. Hayes, in Toronto, Mrs. Geo e Merrill, Belleville, Look ill on Friday nig 0 and on Saturday passed The new Dino: 0 Toronlzo. for $31,020. The second son of the Duke of York was baptised in the church at Sandringham yesterday. The infant. was christened _ Albert Frederick George Arthur. The Bank of Juneau. oonse to any sect. Andrew Bryde, charged with forgery and arson in Montreal. was arraigned in the Bow street police court, London, this morning and remanded, )en_ding proceed- ings looking 00 his extradition. A dmummh from A Tweed Effect,4o inches wide, 1 amine lurbner. John Gritn was fined 820 and onus no Teeswaber, Saturday, for driving A local liverymi:n s horse to death. President. Cleveland can a lunchoon you liveryman's horse to cum. .. gave Kol- MI-dny in honor of Mn. McKee. dong at n! ax-nralldanh In-rhon. the defence of Dr. Junonon. The business mun H10 udvortlaoe Imowe that the bi 0 tree given wny to the man who takes as coat of! nnd chops. lhnnt.v.nl'.t.nrnnI1-Irnnernl Cnl'f:Wl"!hb.T0- who takes his coat on and onopo. l.)eput.y-attorney-generalCnrtwri ht.,To- ronto. is indispoaod. and lt. in fan he is mote seriously in than at first antlopotod. Lm-d Snliaburv saw: there in no truth in seriously in than at nrst nnuopowu. Lord Salisbury says the report that the Berne tribunal has ordered the sale of the Delagoa Bay rall- wnv wHAT7s Inn nnmcs tom Telognphle `dlngl from All Parts of the ' Glnbo. Condensed and Auwud lor I001 Bonding - A Glanoo lvu You tho` Fnntn. . \ HERE IT IS IN SHORT ORDER_FO WHlVG" HEADERS. usual '11 m_ all IUD Flrovlouilhutl. |..a.;L.l.u.L...|...-I-n. In-no lad oil II To V ht III. Awmu, l..Foh. lU.-The ministers of the viriouu churches in this city have do- olnod their inabiliby to btin about utiu V hcwry religious ruulu. T y claim the city in growing worn daily and thnt. inu- monlity in visible overyw.hou:.donu of vice urn ruining tho ma` `Ly of young Inca. The `fuher claim tune chamber to round] the situation am} we IoM|od'on I novel tnodoofnction. stunt oolibnnoo oltho nlniotenit hnonntho uanlouofu Amy kid at Indhnnuolis to uulItlntluvork. Tho uonlquvill-ho to uh: potions] onnvus duty M BIlvn- ` ror.z5c. A Fancy Black Goods for 27c wdnh 4oc. "I Winn Tulpnd 173.90}. A 2 inches ;u.-rr9IIuqpIUIovo- not Ixtotulingmtitll ol -the Ah IL `PaIoo Prioto. In mu; ongsgemem. mo robell no believed to have lost. reveul._v- eight. men killed or vmm The in- aurgouu. under Ilnyh. "can And Fuim. in Burden. Itholdli the town of Gnu-nbabulh, I week ago, but. were re- pulsod by the Spanish gu-rioon. _ They were Doportod. HAVANA. Feb. lB.--Ionr political aun- mm were. on Sunday, deported to the of Pines for indenite periods. and at rpolioe he-dqnnrtere there ere eevent.y~nino ochero. recently mu. waiting eentence. An lmporhqut or-net. wen eecoed Sunday on board the American Imamer Olivette by police inspector Truwlo just. before the lhenmeruiled for Key on. The prison- or, Lundero Auigerre. accused on an no- oomplioe in the Ilwe munition scandal. and who had once managed to evade the Spanish Authorities. Wu endenvnring to V embark lor the United States when de- tected. under nu summed name. Servo Pinmtho rebel eecrethr ` of nance. wuee ly wounded and E Rodriguee wukiledinnlue ht. between the in- Iurgenle and Gen. liver : brignde near `Pnloo Prieto. In thin ongsgemeut. tho mortgage. :I;s,iMJ. Mr. Davin introduced and supported this motion : That is necessary (I) to the prosperity and progress of the north-west territories, important to the stability nnd progress of the dominion and of gieut mo merrt tn the empire that the north-west ter- ritories shall be treated on n dnlleront foot~ inf from thnt of heretofore; (2) that the se f-respect of the people of the north- west. not less than the material interests of those vast territories. demands that the territories shall not be treated on a plane of inferiority; (3) that the climate. soil and conditions, generally. of the northwest. are different from those of other parts of Cunt du, and a policy apeoinlly adapted to its needs nnd renources is called for in order that the settlers shall be ren~ dered prosperous. and immigration poli cies be made effective. , lle l\d\`0- cated a more generous treatment of the northwest. territories by giving them i better postal and telegraph facilities and by fostering immigration. The govern- ment. he said, should aid the farmers in en- "tablis-hing crenmeries and irrigation wells. He also advocated the eeta bliuhnient of the party system of guvemment in the north. west territories, and took occasion to refer to the usefulness of party government generally. Upon the motion of Mr. Daily the debate was adjourned. In payment. on Inwreu. on uny uunm assets. which, nncordin to stato- montc, are deducted from L :0 gross publiv (lebb? Mr. Fox-ntermnswored nothing has been paid for some years on account of Grand Trunk fourth preferred sIock.$l2l,- 739.65. And nothingut, all in the Quebec turn ike crust. bonds, $'. ().000; Upper (Inn adn sank stock, 8751), and Earl of Sallsqrk mortgage. $I3,900. Mr. introduced numuorted ` price. Mr. Haggnrt told Mr. Perry thnt the coat of maintaining the Tny cnnnl during last Henson, including pay for keeper. was $3,l8H; the amount of revenue was 3| IE).- 94. and the total cost. of the work up tu date S476,_,877. To Mr. Mulock he said that the total revenue from the first con- etruction of the cunnl has been $884.34. Rnnlvinnv kn hlr nnvnnhn hlr \\'nmi to uooemoer JIBD, inuo. lMa,uuU. lguuupl. harbor commissioners: Very little intereiit id; arrears to December 3Iat, I895. .930.463. The Three Rivers harbor cum mieaioners pnid Il.').000 under the net of lnei. session, and after deducting this | amount the nrreura of interest and sinking fund to Ilecemlser 31st. l.`'J5, amount to $26,924. The securities held by the government were mortgages in the case of the railway company and the hridgze compan , and debentures in the other cases. he investments are valued in the ollicial statement as to the net debt F Unn- nda in the public nccounte to the e.\ nt, of the principal in each case. Mr. l\l. lock's lm-tqueetion was. Hue default been mmle in payment of interest on uny mher m-ants. which. nncordinrr st.nte-. A Short Sitting. In the house, on Monday, a number of questions were asked the overnmeub and answered. Mr. Foster to (1 Mr. Dawson that, according to the census 0! 1891. there were 408,700 farmers in Canada and `.. ~IU,- 1 000 farm hands. Tn M. pm... Mr w.-WI mnnml Hmr. Hm wpnn 40c. ~ `A Fine Tweed Effect, 42 inches wlg, for 35c. A Fine Henrietta for 30c. For news Dry Goods go to (K10 mrm hands. To Mr. Rider Mr` Wood replied that the ad valorem duty on coal oil in I87!-1 was thirty-two percent. and in 1895 ninety- bhree per cent. The difference, he said, is accounted for by the reduction in the using atrucuon 01 the canal mm been usq..s+. Replying so Mr. Campbell, Mr. Wood said that James Richardson xi Sons. Kings. mn. imported from Duluth via Buffalo, hust year, 49,000 bushels of wheat for (.'0In-Iump Lion in Canada. They paid $3,781 duty, and had it, refunded upon proof of the Can- ., adian identity of the wheat. Mr. Foster. replying to a question by Mr. Mullock, said that the public money of Canada was invested in securities or loaned as follows: Albert. Railway Co. 814,725.56; Fredericton R St. Mary's Rail- way Bridge Co., 3300,0I)(); Quoboc lmrbur commiaaionera. $.`%,74.5l9; Three Rivers |.....L......n..........;.... um `um l\.~.r....h huh commissioners. a:s,Mz~s..')|u; inree mvors harbor commission, SIHJOU. Default. has been made in the payment. of inherent. in all. Albert, Railway Co. : No inherent vol- leobed since Dec. 3|st., I887; nrrenrn of interest to June 30th. i895. $4i.|3.` Fredericton &St.. Mary Bridge (`n. : No interest. collected since June. MR9; uI`l`eurn o.. I\..,......L.A... `lint IHOR mu llllll n....im.. Albert and rnnce Amen, rumor mwomoe and two laymen. Father laoombe _ia to establish there an lnduatrial school for lnlf-In-and ohildton. and nub-lone bholand tn tho lnl!-brood: In forty-non lop. u- niulng than to booomd sol!-Iupglortlng. It In tint tho governmoul. Ihall spend about 33%, in vldlng need gram nnd implement: for E o more needy of the ball-broad: who may oin the colony durin the next. nnnoin ear. The lease to t a promoter: of the so eme you`. ,, baduo. the youngest man in the house of commons, has recently inherited a fortune ' of 835,000. 'm...mm-.1 whin. it is said. has been polio] and (loom-Ion. The Hon. Mr. Dickie has promised to support the movement for the resuscitation of the Toronto garrison artillery oorpo. A nnnuurvntivn mun there Are not twenbv. ol the Toronto ll'l'll0n artillery corps 1} conservative says there Are twenty. but. mhirty, members! who are dissatised with the Itmedinl bill. Whether this num- her full: bolwen or rise: to fty depends in the attitude of .ihe prose, their leading hupportere in the constituencies nnd cir- cumstances. Allied for a list of the known bolpen in the house one of the wise old head: enld: If I knew, I wouldn't hell you for publication, because it would do the country no good, do them no good. do the pnrty n3 good. do the cause of the anti: no good. do good to no one; but might, do u lot. of harm. Perhaps by-and-bye they may be 0 n to persuasion, and may be sorry for icking over the traces. and it will be eaeier for them to come back." uevuly VI Iauu ungrnnvvun nuv nun; nnnoinfm-01.12: The lease t.o_t promoters ieto be subject to a nomkml rent. of 81 per WHIP. C3."I,UUJ. The liberal whip. it is said, notiod that seven of his party will sup- rt. the remedial bill. They are: Messrs. hu-J) Iadnn, Rinfrav. Mo.Inanc.Benu- "V},"CvT.'F:Iae' '"71*h'J_yi lirei iies}2. me Iaodno, Rinfret. McIsaac,Benu- soliolun Geolfrion. Th. `ll.-m Mr Dlnlnin hm nrnrninnd tn SNOW QLINDNEQS III! III! "Dracula . o-mm, Fob. l8.--The order in coI |ncil making grants of certain lands in- the northnlt for aememone by 7.000 um. }n\nAdl,1hAI bun mnda nublic. The nlnn tanking gnnu ox cerunn umaa m- we brnduhu beon_,mudo public. The plan uouinodin the report of the deputy minimal-onhorlorlstoleaso for Lwont.y- one earns couple of townships on the nort bank of the Bukatchewan, out of Il`..I.-nnntnn In that Rnmnn Unhhnlin Ruin. north bank ox we uuakatcnewan. east, or Edmonton. bathe Roman Catholic EpiB oo 1 corporation of St. Boniface, St. Aln and Prince Albert. Father Laoombe 3""'1v'3'r}1:r'a'oi'3 If"E. '6}iT.3e._'SE. Al ti and Prince Albert, .ml I.-m human` Father hmombe is to lI\.\.\Iu price. ` lllheret. uouex:1,eu Since June. Il'\H`.l to December 316$. H495. $78,000. Mn:-Imnr on-nvniuainnnrn \'nrv H19 What Glln Government llnl Arranged For aha IIAI I-raalll. rrfnnenlu. FEBRUARY 18, 1896 . TWO towusunps LEASED: COLUMBIA. 1. UIIVQFI Drlgl near ongsgement. to roveul.v- I ll l`l'tN| TH Quebpc I ma rmit. Atliollowa Falls, \'L.n railway Irok was caused 1- n I-rnluu rail. The pnuaongcrl besides he tr.-ninmou left. "610 `nut-h more ` more nrlou. T. J. Baker. Rutlnnd, our- Yenter, was the moat. an-ionsly injured. he may die. mm. ume. 3 p.m.-All of tlfb miuing operatives ol the Stotheimer collar and shirt. factory. burned last night. have been accounted for exvept one. It is now thought. that only three perinhodin the flames. Large relief funds have nlreauly been collected for the benetitof their families and other suffer- orn. All the persona injurad are recover- inn. gll'|H \V'0|`8 508 M) RIIPTUHCKI L00 Wlll(lU\V'N nml than full back mid were not seenagnin. i There are a number who nre injured by burns and bruises. but none of these are believed in have boon fatally hurt. The fire in still burning but. is under rontrol. The loss will reach about 3`. 00,0\)0 nminly covered b5 insurance. Three buildings were burned, the principal one being the Burden. six story building. in which the tire amrted. AI Innn ..`.~l~.I. thin Iu\(u-ninru .'o. urn: nn. noroea uml, Mrs. mellll nrocx nnu mrs. orton. employees of J. Sbeethren. Jr., & ($0.. had not romrnod to their homes and they are believed to have perished in the llnmes. The chief of tho lire department. stated `M, noon that screams must. play on the ruin: for all lunar. two days before the fire would be excilxguishff Icl that. a search for the bodies could not minds until after that time. '! n m _.AII nl rlfh minnina nnnl-Avnn nf v: n. ing. uonu: Mrs. Horporb. of Winter street; Mrs. Knne,ol 195 Fourth street, anal Mn-I. Foley, Missing: Miss Mamie Dnnks. Miss Kittie O'Connor, Miss Kane, Mina Foley. The injured: Miss Mamie I)u . burned nnd bruised; Miss Lil ie Krei er, badly bruised xind burn- ed; Miss lllamie Rourke, driven ins-nne hr alum.-k; Miss Mamie l)o\\'nn, of Sixth lnvennc, almost nmllbcnbed; Miss Annette Harrington. face and hnnds burned; Miss Lillie ()uLhonl,. West. Troy, badly burn- ed: lllina Uleinantine l.loytl, Miss (lev- (Jrnde Lloyrl, Mimi Johnson, nll three `of Lnnsingburgh, badly and perlnipe fnullly burned; James Ross, crushed by felling walls. leg broken and ear- iuusly injured; otlicer Burke. crushed by falling walls, condition serious: allicer Guy. lmdly bruised: oicer Wat.- snn, mrnlp wouml and bruised; Alfred Ca- sey, liremnn. Os;_roo(l compung, spine in jured; John Ormuby, lirenmn, ngood coin- mnv, knee hurl: John Bolnnd, reman, llltly company. scalp wound and leg Tum, N.\'.. Feb. lH.--AThe only persona pa.-nlivelv known to be (loud from the re l lust night are MP3. Patrick Curroll, \lrs. Hubert. Knne mid Mia. Ann Foley. Dm- ployee 0f__J. Fsbettheimer & Co's. oollzir fnrbory. There is a fem` which nlmost npprouches n cerminty that there are other hmlios in the building, as nererul girls were seen to approach the windows I l broken; James Quinn, in boy. i eeenasznin. tor my name In Ioronuo. Mrs. W. Burns is recoverin from a se- vere nttack of peritonitis. Muse Alice M. Scouton, of Violet, visiting friends in town for a few days, leaves to-day for an extend- ed visit to her um-lea. Otton Broe., hard- ware merchants, Barrie. Ont. T. 1). Pruyn is ettendin the grand lodge meet- ing of the A.O.U. . in Toronto as a true- tee. and W. Hey is attending the same an n delegate from Nnpnnee lodge. W. W. ltekl and Frank Trimble shipped 3 cm` loud of hogs ygaterday, notwithstanding the severe weather. Jud ment in the dog shooting case between Loyd and Amel- stine was given yeaterda . Lloyd was ned $10 and costs. W. owat leaves for the old country to-day via. New York. Tmw, N.Y., Feb. l7.-There is monrn ing in the homes of Troy collar girls to- night. An untimely and fearful doauh over- took many of them late this afternoon. Working girls whose dny a labor was almost. over were cut down almost. wiLhouL warn- ing by tire. Three girls jumped to thgir tleuch from a burning building. l)ist.riioL- ed mothers wuitozl for the rebum of their I lnughbers at. night, and the wnited in! vain. Young girls who but left their homes in the morning full ofllfe and health unil spirit. never ll\ L`d to tell the tale of u;_ron_\'. tortixre nml death. Their charred ` bodies are now resting under the tons and tons of red hob embers, stone and brick. Identity even when found will probably be im )oasil)l0. ' L... 4:... ..o...o-.l .'.. I Qinfluairnnll A (`Nu %m;'s_ TS CD` -Tl DI ` 1 cf? '10 Wolliniton street. ...... ..-_, W-.. .. ..-.. ,.._____, _- he fire started in J. Stetheimer & Co's. shirt waist factory nnd Van S:-mdt & .lncub`s collar factory at 5:30 o clock this nfternoon. There were 300 girls nt work in the shop, and in Van Sandt & Jacobs` collar factnry,whicli is situated in the same building. The ames spread so rapidly that the narrow, stairway, which we?! the only oxitoutaide of the tire escapes in the rear, was almost immediately cut off, and during the panic thut followed ve girls jumped from the windows. three of them to their (l9lILl|, and immy others were injured. The (load: KI.-n nrIv\rf nf W..va.~ ntrnnh Klra the njorlly About the lame In Both [:1- ` IClIII3l|-Stl'Il'|| 0|'I In the Seven! Pul- plu-Jndgnuut In a Dog shooting UIIO --WhM. People Are Doing.` "NA!-`ANEIC, Feb. 10.--J1'he uold wave has reached Nnpanee. On Monday morning the bhormomebers reached as low as 40 be- Iow zero, and to make machete worse the made, after last. week`: etdnn, are almost. impesuhle. The town would have hadu deserted appearance all day yesterday on- ly for the election that brought. on livoriol and private , which would otherwin have mud idle. and in the after- noon, uapm tun com, mm mm had I 3-: appeannoo. The jingle of tha bgl in tho cm front air, put vim into the voteru, and t ey a I got there. At vo o'clock when the polls closed and the votes were counwd Mr. Mudole had a majority of sixteen. He has been twice elected councillor for Centre ward lor 1896. Both times the majorities were almost the some. I-{nu hr liillingn Tnwantn nlunnhn almost. me Rev. Dr. Millignn, Toronto. preached nble sermons in the Presbyberinn church on Sunday. The church on both occasions wad lled to its capacity. Rev. 8. J. Shorey, Lindsay. occu led the pulpit. of the Eastern Methodisbc nrch luv Simday. He has been spending A few days renewing old acquaintances iubown. Dr. Milligan was the guest of W. Mowub and left yesterday for his home in Torono. M. \V Ruurnn in s-nnrums-inn Cs-nsn n ma. A LIVELY TIME IN A CONTEST IN CENTRE WARD.` IMADOLE 1s]augIEnA iAcAm.] nre amruan. AL l0;30 o'clock this morning it, was re- knorbed that Mrs. Amelia Brock and Mrs. In.-9.... nrv\nln1IAnnn`l Qogmnu-an Jr Ry iSun\Iight Soap \ LESS LAB6R. Gk EATER COMFORT. O Make Up ; Your Mindw ` Be-Up-To-Datgj NEW sTQRE| and are keeping their homoaclonn. bright. and cheorlul with very lit:-/` tlo labor. To I" who use thin world-famed map it means `I in son as I'll" as in everything else. he old-fashiunod. soups, and old-fashioned drudging wash- days uh not good enough for up- todaw people. No, they are all uning \ I Barn (.0 Approach I Wlmlow IINI nu... Fall lint-Ir. BURNED TO DEATH. llll LHFBC 1 , v, Clouds, Overstockings, I Wool Hosiery and Lined Kid Mittsoand Gloves.. 1 [Saturday Bargains L vs/1rai;s+1-i's]}{ (ire 9 Fire .Sale 5 [AL , 4 A perfect oomblntuon strength u.nd.uhtness. I Samples and Catuoauoo in a few duyt. ` J a. ENDE` RSON .52 co. Now on exhibition. Demand (router than vu'. To be Inn of getting ono order now or spring dauvory. J. R. C. DOBBS & C0.. Halal: and 'I`vn-`I-Hap Hunrlnunrlnrn Now Clevela%|i1dNwe_l_l __S_peci2_1l.%NQ. 22. trnck. The accident. was cannon n we explosion of a him on the aextuplot. ell: was cod by the ooxtu let with Stone, Terri l, Wqshburn, Schmidt. Van hnn And Swanbrou 1|: up. When near I. 0 three- .....ma.- nn 3 and nroimr at u L41 unit. a re- Bwanbrou rh w nen near hue unwe- qu rter po 0 and gain gtit, por. was heard, and or A second or so no~ thing could be soon of glue wheels or riders. Swnnbrough was the only ono seriousl hurt. Hie left ankle was broken. The otlzers were bruised shout. the limbo nd bodies. except Wells, who amped with scarcely a bruise. treatment. In I\| ng pntirely restored. Wlnlte A compney of-"uyellntn were let- Ing one: time. . Sn` Duane. 011.. Feb. l`B.-Seven wheel- men `Vere injured yosterdny in an when to break a world : record es the Boron 0 track. The accident caused b the named bv eextuplct Mr. A. M. Tremaine, oral t of the Sun Swings & Loon ., of Marlo. has successfully formed a local board for thin district, as lollown: President, 0. D. Uhown, merchant; vice-president, Robert. Shaw. barrister; secretory-treasurer, A. E. M. Loscombe. real eatato agent; valu- ntor. R. W. Allen, bill power; sollcitonl, Maura. Bmythe, Smith & Lyon. Any person requiring information as to loans. etc.. `will please call on the agent. A. E. M. Loscombc, at his olce. 283 Bagot ` street. nrnnI\i1nr A, M. Tramnine has none to IIUNTRIAL PRODUCE MARKETS. uozn'nm|., Feb. In.-Flour Icocolpu, Rlll hhlm; market quiet and unchanged. Patent ripring, *4 00 to 4.25; patent wlnton H 20 to 44: ; Stnlght Roller, am so um ultra. _.'I.4w to 53.54% nupcrne. 32.70 to NAN aironn bake:-'9. 83.75 to i-I00; Ontu-in Bugs Organizer A. M. Tremnine gone Toronto on business in connection with Viotorialodge of d0.0.F. H-3 will re- turn on Thursdxy next. . I). .l_ M603:-thv. Prescott. undergoing Thursdxy next. I). J. MCarthy, undo ing tremment. in Kingston. has returned onto Anrnlv rnutnrod. ECORRIGAN &co |Ll1,`.4 Me M7'cf; 2' :1}.t<!, :'t_li;1s, go to 1.`ve_ r:>uLC. {of many 111412111193. C - VMOLIIALI A3111 . 3! I x D I ONLY ONE PRICE. Old Whig Office. NEWWGOODS ARRIVED 451} M. Cotton ea - MidtlUnn-( lb-Md P0nK-H.b0 to slam. Lnu>-1 to R0. (`,omnn:AI.-1.1n to 1.20. Bn1'r:n- l`ownnhipn. 16 to 1%., Western 13 to 15` Clnndlnu Paolllo Ihllwu. . Duluth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Duluth Prat. .. Commarolnl Oablu . . . . . . . . . . Montreal l`ule(I-uph Go. - Rluhelleu Nnv. Co, . . . . . . . . .. Mont rmtl .`l1.raM, Rallwuym. Montreal Gas Co. . . . . . . . . .. Bell Telephone... [Loyal Elaotrio.. Toronto Railway Bank of Momnnl... Ontario Bunk. ank du Pettblo. .\{olson`a Bnnk.. Bank... . . . . .. Ban 1 Toront More nu` Bunk . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Meruhantf Bank of HIHIAL. Un|onBnk . . . . . . . . . . . . Bank ol 0ommaroo............ Northwest Land Complny. . .. Ilonnul Cotton 00 . . . . . . . . . `. Can. Colored Cotton... Dominion Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A full stock of Belding a Working Silks. uozrriuu. 8'l'00l unun. All OI NEW PRINTS. NEW EMBROIDERIES. NEW R|B$0NS. `NEW CORSETS. ;;N~VobR STORE IS THE An`: -- }F A TIRE EXPLODED. COMMERCIAL. VEIIPOOL MARKETS. . Noon. Feb. lB.-Whent N. Sp:-' mm. 59 ad; No.1 oni..m so 1 Lnter, 0nl..6I Biff; peas, Au Ind; pork, his old; M . r,Am.. Nnttd: bacon. honvy_ We M: Cheese-Whlte 452; 0d ; Colored. In an .|.'m5 no i .Remova| lSale. Miscellaneous Books, Bibles and Prayers, Fancy G0o{ls,` AT C'0ST F0-R THIRTY DAYS FOR CASH ONLY. That Horrid Cough The kind um Om-e I6 on: mm In oolvlnoo you no quolly an 3 man of out IF. NISBET S ICURACOUGHA I-1: - `I `.a`.r"- _ BREAKF'AB'I`- SUPPER. ' "By 5 thorough knowledge of the na- tural law: which govern (ha operation: of d tion and nutritiun. and i I careful up- I nation ofthotins properties 0 well-neiootod on, Mr. Rpm hlhn pruvixlud for our brcukfut and nuppor n delicately avored baver which may nave us many heavy doctor-A MI I. It in by tho iuqiininuu me of nuuh article: of dint that: uonutimution may be gradually built up until strong onouuh in rt-mint every ten- grncy t0t;ll-aeciuw. Humidredu of subtle asht- ea are uni. ng nrnun uu rent to 3 no wherever there in 5 weak point. `Va may on- on man a fatal ulm. hy keeping ourue Von we I _forti ml with puru blood and I properly nourished !roune.-(`.ivil Service (inserts. Made nimpl with hoiling water nr mill. Sold only in pnulwta, hy Grocers, lulmllud thus: JAMES EPP8 I 00.. l.ul.. llomcnopothlo ' lab;-Hod 00.. (lhunlnu. London. England. Which you am! In mu clinging to you can be cured by tho Inc 0! U5\'1'IiE' U I-l-`\l'\JKD'\JLi A LA` W . !E:PPs' COCOA nu:-nAu nAnu-n arvnnuvn - H O A_3_ _S Drill RMN. C The Cornor Bookstore. :_::..j; GEATIFUL-COMFORTINO. I-hI-\a` I r\r\f\f'I Is. Opnogih Wlntluor Haul -j King Street. ' It. Luge Bottlrm, all no 88 IL 90 Princess Street. -:--- ..IAYL[lR'S.. s,"==':aa-;:.~:. glasses at from 25c. up. days may save you many times their cost, and will cer- tainly add to your comfort. We sell smoked and tinted Doe the sun shining on the snow hurt your eyes? You cannot be too careful of your eyes. Present neglect may lead to after regrets. A pair of colored or smoked glasses worn on these bright winter "oooszi _,_-_-x-.-)'-;I- J wuu manning. 1 n unougnr. was n origlnnud frouutlio" (mm. is ngwuoppnnn ya ` t. after Sunday owning. lacs ptobcbly (Ill!) -dbl. I-n--nn.nl.Ol'| `..'.:`:?:'..';._.f2 `2.".'.'&~2".? .. '.'..'..n ' niI.1:ut:)Mdnn`:|"cId m ` nthahdnnoo on She does not oxoood `n uh I I even if R nachos. a hundred. Var`. alumna - - -'-- Wu Dooongod Iy rho. AluodeIptchnnyoOhht$hel ronby- be-ioh church at Wutpon no humid. on- Iv his walla nunininn. ID in Ihnupln an -""""""` e.s3rT3'u.'&.'u'Zi'i7v.'-s .oei"u7..'iZnCs2:'.3;'.j , - K0650 walla rounining. I9 thought thus T- ,Ps!.**'--W' W-.."'.. 've-_~-- ..E)ii-E191.`-< MEDICAL - HALL. 30 ` praplnd `Sandi 5. an an ,1 HD0001. power 0! tlloolnnmirdtnd to: He had! the nch Ed. Shoal `nonhuman " ..m.1f"a. In ll &'7'u1'.".'i-".. ' "5" "',_ 7 ulhvhit hduuh. { 7'- GIG Iuappannuy Ill ngnn utor my Qialf. With dn. ' . H. R. lining A-I-ndnnh uf Unann`; }FFef1Tif_ Department mun mu mo ngnt. xor rmuy n A can sure thing. Tho Ktoponsu. howorou . have hoonnuqnund pmipoou of the re t.nmho!onn.R`l.r::tion ol the crowd that was on on Ay no not Outside oftho ngiaonl of 0IIl'Dlp)lIO';:o the num- buofuu-unioru Itlll nnlininc to dance . ID TIMI D] "ID OHIIIOI WOCO tom. OIH. y afternoon to sports And other ring pattern I" ovar this And neighboring uhhuuht out an t. Innis notif in`; than that the ght for Friday` in or! thing. tounonsu. howareu . lava Dlggil and cont the following rn : To Robert L Fitxoimmono:.`Eod in to-ni ht : paper that you said I III I cur. Tho than I oooyon I will into you take it back. on I did before. (Signed) Junta J. ConIl'l'I'. The pmu don toh from tho cit of Mexico this moms). to tho otfoot thotytho fodorol outhoritioa Euro ivon orders to or- rest everybody oonnoc with tho ght. And to exert every effort to prevent it, is pronounood I pure invention by those of tho governor's circle at Juarez. To run by tho blnhol oont out v than-noon to nnnrh And nlhnr Dlclllfla 8 nunaa. CHll.`Au0,F0b. I8.--When Corbett rend in the evening papers thnt. Fituilnmona had ' called him n-name ho coined n telogxaph big; k 0 d cent the following "":I`o Robert tn.ninI|I. - nnnnr Hunt. Ill acid I -1: g mu- great. revolution. The latest. information is that the sclmbe hopes, on Friday. to page a vote of censure against the government by even a more cruahing majority than on Saturday. .-\n Agreelnont Benched on Mond|y-Cnr- than Bond: 3 'l'0I0[l'IIlI. l-I1. PA.-10, Tex., Feb. l7.--Both parties have agreed to fight. on Friday under old articles. Muhor putting up extra forfeit. in Stuurlfs hands. m...~..... mu. in _\V}.... n..|..u ....-.a :.. [A_BANK,llANA@ WAS Shot. { A Ng`PHsvy or J. 3. `s1jjaATHv, or '1 n..A.-.--u Called. to H1: Ilouo Door and It oz by` Illolnel l:_-ennsn-`l'Iu Undo:-or Gun mmon vp--`no Ion umuy Wu . loans of Trouble. Buuul, Ontz. Fob. l8.--J. A. Bbrsthy. mnnlgor of the hunk of Toronto. hero, for the put. luen years. In: choc and mor- tally wounded at his home no T0:3_0 this mornfngjiy an unknown man, who oqllod nnrl an for him. When MI`. ST:l It:hV news (.0 us," and a memoer m we lmll_\'. "John wan our cousin and we knew him so well that he seemed more like It brother." Mr. Stmthy , of this city, uncle of deoaanod. is quite ill. . 4\AI\l\ nun I-I-Q on EE\lE (nu, `ma nuc in ma WoizL,, Henri Rochefort. remarked to me yeacer day: Seven years ago two lines in the luv Lranaigoant. (Ronheforth newspaper) hend~ od. `Down With The Sennte.' would have Lrnnmgoant. ucocynetorr. a newspaper) nenu~ od. Senate,` auioed for 200,000 men immediately to march upon the Luxember (the building occu iod by the senate). Now there is such tuwitude that a column would not call u down men to arms." A .....I;....I I....I..- nm In um fn_:ln\- HII` uumn 00 nrml. A radical leader said to me to-dn - : "H n pretender is willing to risk hia fe he would now have 3 chance of winning the game." The olciala move that thov rozurd the game." prove they mgurd situation as revolutionary by deciding that the parliamentary buronua shall nit. enpormunonoo. This is an echo of the great. revolution. The latest. brothers in Toronoo. Only yesterday the Stmt.hy's received in letter from Toronto, telling of the visit. of deceaaod to that city. "It. is dreadful to us, said member of the family. Illnl... nun: nun nnn-in nnrl urn Iznnur hiln In I'I1Il ll! $VlAlI. Inc l'ruIu'u uusuusuv nun; Have In Reserve. Lm-mos, Feb. l8.--The Pull Mnll (lu- zecte special, from Paris. says: Those who are best, informed consider that the cabinet has a card up its sleeve which will cause considerable surprise. It is (`ertuin that. the ministry means to shop where it is, nnd there is a possibility of a coup (lo east. The government. may declare its in- tention to govern without. the senate. A sum.-nman tells me that. the obstacle Lennon to wwnout. Lie senate. A statesman tells me is Gen. Sausaier. the governor of Pulis, nnd gen: mlinsimo in case of war. Sauna-ier is opposed to the change and is prepared to march against. 11 revolutionary mnvemem. wibh the utmost. \ igor. A few months ngo he said to one of the moderate zniniswns 4.. A.-nu . "If-an man an Innn nu rnn nnu. no sum to one OI we mouemw lnlnuswla in power : "Keep me: as long as you pox aibly can. You will need me and one regi~ menus to Inumr the Parisian populace, mnl with Snuaaier the soldiers obey tho.-nr chief." l1_....: D,u.l.nl.-u-0 manna:-lint` in ma mum.- Mr.8t.rat.hy in II nephew of J.B.St.mt.hy, of this oitg. The news was a great sur- prise t. e family when telephoned to them his afternoon. The wounded man has A brother. a lawyer, in Barrie, and two brothers in Toronto. {lulu llnnfnrllntv Hun Slfrn0.l1v'n rnnnivnd n ILICIIIIIIHIII: III I uruu wu- ` A Tuntwro, Feb. l8.--Considemble excite- ment. was occasioned here by the announce- ment of the fatal wounding. at Bunie, of J. A. Smithy. Lieub.-Col. (lrassetb, chief of police. who is a brobher-in-law of deceas- ed, left for Barrie on the 12:20 train. l)o- cenned was a son of the late John Stmthy. and nephew of H. A. Smithy, manager of the Traders bank. He had numerous re- latives and connections among the banking and nancial circles of the city. Mr. Stru- tliy was "in Toronto yesterday. having spent in few days here. and returned to Barrie only lnst night. ca.-pa PIPES from soc Up :9..- Dltllllolfho HINDI. ' . Raul. Feb. l8.-AboIt 10:80 o'oloo this morning an ex-hotelheeper. named Michael B1-eunen.cnlled_ at the Maidmoe of J. A. Bhnth , lute mnnager of the Bunk of Toronto, an one of Barrie : mosh pro- minent r~itiz.ene.and naked for Mr. Strathy. The servant Invited the man in but he said he wou1d remain in the roll. When Mr. Bbrathy appeared at door, the man. without npoakiug, drew u revolver from his pocket. and red. the shot entering his victim : left; breast, just. below` the has M. the murdered man : me named to n :20. The murderer, alter ring the shot. w ked out to the comet. jumped on n _ alei h and rode down to the mer- . IV are 9 met. eeounble Men-in and asked the constable to go with him to the aheri . He told Murrin he hnd ehol. Htruuhy and wanted to give himself up. When they reached the sheri's oice Brennan asked for sheriff Drury, and when the sheriff: peered he said: "Mr. Druryd I have shot . ohn Strathy and have come to surrender myself to you." Pulling the revolver from him pocket he whnt. did the deed." When asked why he committed the ter- rible crime, he said : "1 have had nancial and family troubles and Strnthy was at. the bottom ol my trouble nancially. I could not get the courts to take it, up, so now I have shot. him and the courts will have to deal with it." vnm ....,.+;.r. tvivnn ha Hm nun-dnmr in not deal With It. ' The motive given by the murderer in not. believed. The prisoner ket hotel here about twelve years Ago. ince then he has re- aided in Midland and Toronto. He came to town last, Thursday or Friday uud has been viaiting friends here. the oor. rnyancmnl were wlepnonuu wr and several responded within a few mo- menus after the fatal shot. wn red. Although everybhin was done to rolong the murdered man`: ifohodhd :6 1:25. I`|u-. run:-(IA:-Ar, AMI r-inn "18 IIIIOL surrender myself to you. Pulling the revolver pocket handed to the sheriff saying: "This is whnt. did the deed." \.\'|.... nnhml whv Im nnmmitled the ter- IIUIKU. The family hem-in the report. runhed to the hall and found 1'. Strabhy lying on the floor. Physician: were telephoned for and mvernl remanded mornm 0 an Imlnuwnunuu, wuu uguvu apd used for him. When Mr. Stnth n argd the man dnw a revolver an I on him. :;I:'nI'r'1`1;.;`;;I I-1-I:nk.I;'(;w-urn-| 1.A'x1,"wi13Vggilod no Sbnthy ..........I mm mm. dnw A nvolvor llld THE '96 MODELS t. mghe 5 ;h. ha and found 1'. Strathv lvimz on A CARD UP ITS SLEEVE. TO FIGHT ON FRIDAY. KJ'N;3`8-1:0;d`.'C CIIHI JZVIDI OI IICHIII IIIK lllli Ill ' Illll. ht ol - out very arm on J21 Iolvuio Shh III Th hll val tutily dooonhd with In` . . In.-we. Prol. C"0aanot'a hgh`d the nude. and W. umiu-Ind no ponptur. IJTK Um L Tlhnoubanoftholoonlbnnch ol the (htlnolic Order ol lonnun bold choir cloli uuvubl onholunonlutnighun Olnli lull. nnnhu-ol mud: nun- IKIJXIII" 'III' I VISI- Tonoxm. Feb. ll. -- Jnmoa Henley. ch: with the murder of John Corrignn an ab. am. urn bafom muriltrnta Deni- cnngzm mm mm murder or aonu uorngnn an ab. 5th. Nu before Inngiotmto Deni- Ion this mornin . After henringtho tacti- qony of Mn. `gun. wife` of the do- ccuod. the-magistrate mid homhonglm shore wu nloiont undone; to` commit the prisoner but adjourned Ihoono till :0- mon-oi to into the evidence 0! oouotnblo Allinomnoutho bouontho timoofthn nilnbdl Innrnar, DAN,EcANI VIIICO IIHI 0! Gig VII IJIOII up. The one of St. Louie vs. Queen, which arose out. of the Curmn bridge. and `which was for I helenoe of $3,000 by St. Louis ageinet the government. wen decided in at. louie` hvor. all except one item of .800. IVER I0 I00 IOIIOWIIIK CIXO I Dryadnle vs. Dugu. dismiewod with` cost. 80. John vs. Campbell. Ill0W0d. St. Paul tire and marine insqmnce oom- uny vs. Troop. dismissed. M\'ll vs. be Boston Murine Insurance Co , allow- ed. l"urt.her judgment; will be given this afternoon, meanwhile the maritime pro~ Vince list of euaeo was uken Theeueof Queen. U-'I'C1U I19-TI U-I 01"I'IurA. Feb. IS.=The Fellruury Ms- sione of the supreme court. met to-day. There were on the bench chief justice Strong and justice: Tesohereau. wynno, King and Girounrd. Judgments were given in the following - Drvndnla VI. Dmnn. digllnintid with` nonu, ayrnouae. Z The youn men will be tried, in Roma, in March. riatol is ill with consumption at the jail in !~hil city. He has been ro- movod to I bedroom in the house part, nnd his mother is with him. It. is believed he will live but cohort. time. mmrer.n, rreu. urnuol, neroerr. Haw nnu Theodore Hlbbnrd, conned in the jail in this city for some months on the chnrgo of wrecking the fast mail on the N. Y. Cen- tral RR... near Rome, on Nov. 19th lust, nro now under indictment {or murdor in the first degree. The strand iurv now in aesninn hem has L718 TEL UOKTEC. The grand jury here has been conaiderin their mason more Lhann week, and to-(fay the indivbmenbu were found by the unanimous vote of the jury. The wreck caused the death of engineer Nathan Huger, of Albany, and Robert Bond, Syracuho. The voumr men will tried. in Roma pecting to get items mm: woinu no imerestin your able is, Ve are nll bud with the whoop- ing cough and the probabilities are tlmt. we will whoop it up until s wing." Miss Jessie Craig. organist, l'resbyterii\n con~ gregation. is recovering slowly from n severe attack of the distressing tlinenso nnd is sanguine in the belief that cliildhood is the time to whoo ). R. J. Vuir is uround again after wrest inc :1 week or more with grippe. His foreman. A. Milne. superin- tended the teams in hauling logs and lumber during his confinement. Prnf_ Hndma_ vantrilouuist. grave I10 inept. ma uuaience in perpelauul wingin- ter. special favorite with one of the performing gures. William Blncklock 6: Sonsnro breaking in pair of rfectly niut.ch- ed grey ponies. if is amt/atl aood aut.|ioriLv "Il-l VVHI ? _IU QIDUIII IIIU IIIHIIUT III I III" llnment To-day. L()\'lN).\`. Feb. l8.[n the house of com- mons to-day Arthur Gritciia-Bescnwon, conmr\'Et.i\'e member for the Tun bridge division of Kent interrogated the qovern ment in regard to the reported lnndin of Russian sailors and mnrinern M, Cheunupo, (,/`oreu, and the nircumsuuu,-e of the king of (Town tnkin V refuge in the Rusnion legu. tion at Seou . lJ:..I.o Ilnn l!...u...n M l`......n.\ .....l.... 0. II. V. uvuua u vvo. &nlI and Tywwritor Hondqllartorn, Now Store. 44 Clarence utwat.