Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1896, p. 1

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Men's Furnishingq, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Silk Vests, White 'Gloves, Overalls, Underwear, Summer" Goods. Umbrellas, Rubber Coats. Every- thing must go. Call soon if you unuant Rnrunlli The Engine Broke Down. The B. of Q. train.duo in this city at can o'clock this foronoon. via four hours late arriving at two o'clock. The delay wan oauaod by the engine breaking down at Marlhank this mornin . The brake, al- though a comparative y triing one. mm of such a nature that the trip could not be continued until ra in had been made, and thin wok aovoral gun to do. the damage being only tunpomrily repaired even than. --- .... \ 1058. This is not the first exploit of the kind. for which Miss Johnston can claim credit. She succeeded in viotimizin a clerk in F. X. Cousineau I store, when t at gentleman did business no the stand now . occupied by Provost & Co. Several other buainee! men in town have been made to suffer also at the hands of this sharp young wnmnn, hotel named, It. is said that the women attended church on Sunday evening, wearing the frnudulenclz-acquired garment. She paced the eldewal on King street, opposite the British American hotel. for a. couple of hours on the lame evening, and engaged at number of male ecqueinunoee in conversation. eppnrently -eerl'ng very little whether or not the lice had "apotbod her. The mere ante generally, are now on the watch for her, and it is hardly probable that she will be ableto carry her scheme into effect again` in this city. The police say that she has never been in oourl: in Kingezon. but. are keeping C sharp lookout for her neverthe- lees. I. HZIUWII QUIT- 'l hoBollyvillo hockey beam ll1'iVOd in the city um Aftcmoon and 1: up at the British Amcrionn hotel. '1` 0 noun in cup- tuinod I: G. G. nlmo, and is oompoood ol: 3. . Roberta. H. Junieoon. D. No- Millan. 0. Coleman, R. Weller. H. Kollo, L nu-ilu-L W. Nnh. And I`. Mclhown. A um 01 hoouyma from the R0 .1 military collage journeyed to Porth d Intthochnmpiom olthottown in umntch on Sstnrday. Ill-luck Amended the cadets. however. and wore unquiobod, the man nhndina: . O: mdoh. 5. The E lhnclll of`AIutri. - rlvnrgt-goutonolo-dn_;?h'Hovu pa -`:1 thou-pnuvilhvhonhocntudnnopun outhpmdvudrhnbooptluthfu. Thn 0003- ' Mine Johnston, wboee daring atkempt. to procure goods. by fnlee pretenoee. from Richmond and 00., wee recorded exclusive- ly in the Wmo on Seturday afternoon last. we: more successful` in enohher attempt that ebe nude during the oouree of the evening. Diuetined with the unsuccess- ful reeult of her first etbempb. ehe went to Prevent &Co e big etore, on Princess street, `end uked to be lhown a number of um-....'- nun. Ant` nnr hnvino IQ- nu IIIOG D0 D0 Inown I llllluuer women : cape and sitar having ee- locmd one, mho selling price of which we: 38.60, she two the proprietor of the store an order fgr that run: on the lady, whose name II)! had nttemptad to use for neimilnr purpoee earlier in the do 2 Mr. Provost wcoeptnd the order in faith, no he is a guest at the British American. ,buLin the evening when he returned to the hotel and showed the order to the pro- rietol. the latter at once diecoverod it to frnudulenb. The police have dinoovorod` ` the identity of the young woman, and also that at one time she was employed at the hotel named, 10. in said Hunt. hhn wnmam attendod Kilian. 0. Coleman. K. wallet. :1. none. 1.. Buniliou. W. Nash, And I`. Mclieovm. | .......... hon nun to the any to-dny. Sold ovorywhote by lpudlnl GWOOFH 50.015: Druntn, 000.. and (2 mm!) E. 00.. lomnol. I'PER8EVERED AND SUCOEEDED. "lllu Johnston" Procuru 3 Capo at Lou I|h.nn ank x ` name! do niliun nollnnvo iournavod "'- "7r*'u 'r Iullnvlllo nuuyuu nut. II-Il..-:Il- |uu.I..- 6.... gnu-in __# MON DAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 24. 1896. storm and bad roads was postponed. Cadets went to the skating rink on SA- turduy night to cheer against Queen's teamnauaual. with the very bad wave which seems to cling to these alleged gentlemen. But. their task was discourag- IIIQ. in the hospital Al. Uubrnlmr. A number of Kingatonians will take part in R concert at Hartingbon tomorrow night. The affair waste have taken place last Thursday ni ht, but owing to the and bad [on a postponed. (`..A.;r.. want. in than nlmbimr imz. Mira Volume. teacher of the second class incatnmqui school. was unable to take her ulaaa coda owing to illness. A teacher in Athn nnco ml: the collegiate in- acituto was given charge of the clue bem- pomrily. All the roads leadinx toand from the porarily. leading city areina. bad condition, being full of pitch-holes. Between the city and Cuba r.-iqui the roedwny is particularly bad. Several sleigh: while returning from a funeral, yesterday, were badly smashed at some of these cavities. A .....n'nanf um am... And mrwannui of the urn our, book place on lnureuny night, when the sergeants were instructed in their duties and authorized to go ahead and recruit their eoocionu. There was not a full attendance at. this meeting and another will be held this week. iv 1' M..n,.-....mL 1`. D R .r,nc.innmn- The sudden and was umooua Ior. u we un- ouuodgnmlnman seemed to ho in good. health the evoniml nreviouo. He was in March Mn and um. Thomas Carson is tting I18 his water spaniel: for exhibition in `hiongo and St. Louis. Tr... Vinnwh. will liluulv an to Trenton nenbly. For sale by 111. U. mlmneu. Mrs. Lewis, wife of archbishop Lewis, danced in the state lnncera. last. Monday night, with the premier, Sir Mackenzie Bowell. She wore a handsome gown of cream brocade. H... van Dunn. rand the reminiscent. brocade. When ou have read the reminiscent. skebchof ingstonreaidenoesint.hiIiusue,try nml ninl: nut ve which are either owuad sketch of Kingston reamenoesm unmusue,1ry and pick out ve or oocupied by doaoendanu or near Ielm tiveu of old owners. N l:....c Mnlnnn R MH '9]. with the tiveu of old Lieut. Mclnnoa, R.M.C., '91, wiwh the Ashnnbee expedition. eontmcbod illnoas which necessitated his removal to the coast nnd embarlmtion for Englund. He is now the hospital at. Gibraltar. A number Kimzatonians at these onvmeo. A meetin of the oicors and n-orgeante of the Huh net, took. place on Thursdny niahf. whom the naroeanta St. bonus. The Victoria: will likely go to Trenton at an early date to play a much with the hockey team there. It. in mid chore were 110 bicvclos ridden very Ill. An electric car run over a fox terrier on King street, on Saturday evening. cutting both its front, leg: 06. A policeman was called to put. the little animal out ol its sufferings. Good dinrenbion moans stood Appetite. but sufferings. Good digeahion goodappotite, what : the use without; good math I Use Odoroma for your tooth. lb not only pre- venta decny but preserves them perma- nently. For sale by E. C. Mitchell. Mm. Lewis. archbishop another will be new Hill! week. W. J. McCormnok, C.P.R. atat,ionmna- tor at. Csrlocon Place, spent Sunday with his cousin, Mrs. Ellamero. University avenue. Mr. McCormnck was in the city principnlly to conaulh hysioinnn concern in the condition of hp son, injured by ialng on the ice while skating some time ago. seemed to no In guou. hulth evening previous. tho moclnniea` institute A good I1 of So- turday evening, and seemed m in the but of spirits. Mr. Byen WM 3 member oln number o! Iocietieo. A: well so being oonnootod with various inuucubiom ol tho town. own n largo Iwckholdor in the Olmnoqno 3 ng and axle company - of lhinnlun. hoaooeuodwuthollrctto WIIIE Illo lvvrl In u-luv: -nu unnu--. Snoru Arc Dolng. The Portland horse race: will be hold on March 5l.h and 8th. 'N.m..... r~....... in amino nn lain wnlnr hockey there. It. in said there bicyclos in Bellevillo lust. season, and of this num- ber 108 were of one certain Canndinn rm`: mnnufwture. The othr two were made in England. I` A l?`nlmu- has nnlrl in A, R, Cnrneaie. In England. F. A. Folger has sold to A. R. Carnegie. Rockport, s yearlin bay lly by Dr. Curv- er; rst. dun by lostorf second dam by Bacon's Ethan Allen. This lly in s beau- ty, handsome and last. Uallovillo hockey team and the Victorian IIIIIOSI. Miss Mabel Bailey sang with taste and expression the solo, "Hoaannah In Exoelail," in Sydenham street Methodist church last evening. (`.n`nn_ mka. oonlaotionarv. compound church lash evening. Coffee. cake, oonfoctionary, compound concert oombined with comfort. Men's soolnl Queen's street. church, Thursday, 27th. Admission 260. and H50. Rh.-In. Rinnnumll nnmtnlxar nf Wil- 27th. Admission zoo. and 100. Charles Kin swell, oaremlxer of Wil- liamsville schoo . has resigned his position. Mr. Kingswell suffered the loss of a little child recently and others of his family are ill. An electric handsome end last. hocke cross etzicks no-nig t. The first mentioned beam has been anxious to en a match on with some local team al winter. This may be the last match of the season. Already local exenta are taking orders for the '96 model bicycles. One Agent has sold ten and another eight new machines. The membership of the bicycle club pro- mises to be great! increased this season. The voumr la ion city hookev teem. The young 130100 on nocloy mam. the Goo-goon, were to pay the girl: of Queen : college on Saturday. but the hours olfemd by the rink mnnngern did not lease the morur board conbingelm. II"hor-out the community of young people were dinppoinusd. Mikhail. James Boyd and James Hallidny, of the electric street railway company, returned to work this morning after two weeks of illness. Ilia: Mnhal Rnilnv una with tuna and set It. Mina weuern, Wolnngwn uuroew. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Lookou. Belleville, have left. for Bermuda, where they will spend oovenl months. _ ve Thursday evening. 27th. to at.- tag the man : eoolel at Queen street. church. Admieelon 261:. end Ibo. `ho rI1'le ol the electric atroetz our track required a heavy coating of salt before the out would move along them this morn- nub. People of good tests use Odoromn for their teeth. Do you 2 For sale by E. C. Mitchell. 1..-mu Rnmvl nnrl Jnmnn Allidnv, of tho Unmnoqnos and IXIO company-or thinplnoo. honooeuodwuthontto hold the oioe of mayor of the mum, holdiq thu office for three noocuivv urns. Tho 'l'.I.R. train did not return from the duet-noon oxpnu till mar nix debut on Saturday. orig Io lasing block- ed Iuthomov drifu. r. Duty, 1 Inn- hr Iltfffhlnt, who hum oxuulu bui- ncnln the Georgian Bay diau-lot, wulu town Scturdnyon bnuirnnt; The hnonl 0(I|g|n.oJooLa hluntooiplaooyntnp 5! Auuoonw illow Bunk cunoury from tho nsidonoo of Wm. Bullock. c. Tholhv. Enmyumdnotd nrvloo - Ibhnlnt. Anunburoluuohdnouho-' In-nhnnla-ck: nnhdnn nnnnnnilhr U83 0! I.IU-$IIu uuvuunv. Mre. P. Killeen char` her huuhend, Patrick, in the police court, his morning. with ebuling herend with breeklng the furniture in their home. On Frideylniglnt. the Ieid. he went home end carried ewey all the furniture. leevlng her end her six children to lu-eu beet they opuld. She eeid that for tweut -one eere ehe bed worked to make 1 me or hereell end family, but her husband had spent for liquor All the money he could get. end, in- steed of ueieting her bed thwerted her el. opportunity. Shelelthi o F - ::rlu1..u:d:akedthe melutrleluzoese over opporu lay. um um. day and Said tho mmumtlo '0: that but husband gave hall the l..__L.... IL- --no.4` A gnaw-nlainpn DOIOII me: on Blulruny no we run of Sir Frank Smith. Now the timid douhtlnn suitor. By Profouor hwontqen a uf, H5 , before In speaks. discover. I Ibo hu 5 marble hurt. n|,_ - ___.n_-. A; -_.I-- AL- n.....l-l> ll IIIB [III I lnlrlui IIOIIW. [hr 1 porfocf. t order the Bpocinlhy Gor- aet it Mine Wollor n, Wellington street. I' and Mn. 13`. G. Iookott. BOHOVNIO. that Int manna Mr nu! ma fnrnituro. She vuntad I spa-n_t.ion, Kloon nrood._|nd tho Inngiotnto order- odhimt.ogivoubcrhd!olthdtgood|.and not to trouble but in future. This he Agreed t.odo,nnd thopnlr Iuutbo court. with mutual nctilninationn. Ill'I,I`l'I IIWI Atria-I. Alnandy forty-nine replies have hon II- unenqniriu untonb b cit; ongineer Bolnor to other town: citaa. akin; 0 on. Another cu-nivcl will take place at an early due at the Royul rink. J. J. 8. Flint. Iyu in Kingston on Subur- day; He Is Bollovlllob polleo ms intrate.` For front bitu use oxtnot Witc Huel; 26. pint. bottlou. McLeod : drug store. Tin nnnunl meotimr of the Kinmlon zoo. pun. nonm. uousouu uru awn. _ F The nnnunl meeting Kingston el bio lo club wlllbo don Wednesday ni L hbinhop Clesry And Bit Mnckenzio m Bowell met on Saturday so the residence nf ir Fmnk Smith. ngrooa woo, ma mopuur I KII lllc IILCIC3) gift and by wearing propeh glasses preserve that which all the wealth of` the Indies cannot buy. See about glasses before it is too late. Examination free. monqmnu union 1: cup, ongmear Bol for nlormnion u Iolhooloou-in lighting inoacheuqnodohlitman In-n.of the Inquest and Ilghtoounlnlsoomlnyathnt tlninlornnoa nedvcd dnovl that "It In eotbohtuitd nylinploowownlu sun in. ' `u lploo of lvery Day Lilo-rlnft tho home An hum; About-I'othln[ la- mp: nu Attontlon of Tina WhoAn `print . lotus. Band at tho Royal rink to-night). Guppors {or change in quantity at the Wine omen. I"=AnAanAPHs PICKED up av oun ausv m=.s-omens. IIII: Iuunuuunu-uy v. --v v-u_,v--4 may 3-... nine! increased The cit. hockey may Gm-coon. DIV RM: INCIDENTS or THE um. SPORTING PARAGRAPHS. can 0! Do-cutie lnfollonv. n Inn--- -I.___-.I L-.. L... It Pay: `to out `l'IoPlnnr. ..l- hub-...h.. panlinn haw. In WI be adopted [or me new scnool. The bobogganing partyand Atome, set. for Saturday evening last, at the Tate du Pont barracks, were stponed on ac- count of the funeral of L o late Dr. Snun dera. Mr. W` P Anhin whn unrlnrwant. an EALHJUNM SPRINGS WATERS dera. Mrs. W. P. Aubin. who underwent. an opombion about two weeks ago in the gen- eral hospital, has recovered auioiently to be removed to her home, and today left Hm nhmm nnnl.u'f.nt.inn. the above Institution. The amount of coffee of the new crop received thus far is much less than is usual] received at thiatimo, and indicates that L e oooe crop of Central America is nub up to the average yield. If the snow laws: the ice in any condi- to the yield. If the any tion suitable for ice yacht racin . the yacht club will call races every day. i necessary. to decide the winner of the resent series and the yacht entitled to hol(l)the new cup for the current year. nu Wednaadnv night a skatimz Dartv lor the current. On Wedneada night; skating party will be held act 0 Kingston sink, under the nuspiceaoi the philomahheon sociow of the businenaoollege. After ten o'cloc dancing will be indulged in M. the college, where refreshments will also be served. 4.1.... Rnrntinri in nnnnmitmtinv the where relreahmenta mu also be served. Gen. Baratieri is concentrating the Italian army near Adua, Abyuinia, and in occupying the pass at Gaaciorka, near March, in strong force. The entire Abyssinin army has retired to Osobri and abandoned all contact with the Italians. Tim annnl-Al ahrilm nf lithmrnnh nrtiata. abandoned all common wnm one umlana. The general strike of libhogn h nrtiata, ordered by the national lichogmpio artists` and engrnvers' insurance and protective aesocintion of the United States and Can- erln. began this morning. It in noted that 500 designers of advertising pictures are out to day in New York and some twenty- five rms are tied up. Wnnts The charter Recalled. A citizen says that the Kingston city council should send in e counter-petition when the Smith's Falls council asks the government to rent an extension of time to the Smith`: nlle RR. Co.. In which to com letetheline. Moreover, he claims, the in ston council should ask that the charter e taken away from the company. as it has not fullled the agreement made when the bonus we-= voted to it, for, he says, it was agreed that the road should be kept as in Independent line and was to be built within 3 certain Dime. "But the company has been tr ing to sell the char- tar for _months. on has already obtain- uu uuuu nun--u nu nu...-.-. "c;:ell t}To_;:h:r'- ter for .,mont.ha, has already ed exbonsion of the origingl ulurtor," he concluded. and the other on April Lno zinc. Hirmn Maxim has lmed to u tricycle a machine with two Maxim guns, ench weighing twenty-ve pounds and capable of gring 800 shots per minute. Than nommitboo on nchool bronortv will lultnry Writer In Town. Ca 0. Mano. of the Coldatraam Guards, who nu been a neat. at the Brioiah Amer- ican for some a 3 put, left. tor Toronto this afternoon. he oaptaln ha: an able and very interesting article entitled "Our Military Problem," in the January issue of the National Review. During his stay in Kingston he win eiitortalnod by Lieub.-Col. Cotton, D.A.G., and by Major Drury com- manding "A" eld wttary, R.C.A. Thin mornlng he was present, at the regular par- ade of the corps. .._.__._n__.n a; nun... n-n E. C. HITCH ELL Munroe, Va. A bill granting a pension of$l00 a month to the widow of the lube secretary of state. Walter U. Gresham, as brigadier-general, has been ado uad._ has been Ado ted. Cu:-tum pole: with rings, and pieces and brackets for 15c. at Her y's. The Princess of Wales, on be half of the neon, will hold two drawing rooms at %unkinghnm palace, one on March llth and the other April the 21st. Himm Maxim has tted triovole De romoveu 00 nor mm the above Institution. 'l`kn -rnnnnf. nf I-AH IEIIIOIIIIIIQII AI: lulluuss unu- Of the member: of the beam sent; hi the Kingston curling club to contest. wit the Ridenu curling club. at Obtaws, for the Caledoniun medal, huh week, only three remained in the capital city over Saturday. These were: Ald. J. B. Wslke|n.Cept. Bruce Csrruthers sud L. Henderson. end they were entercsined at Rideou Hell by the governor-general on Saturday evonln and were witnesses of an exhibition fancy eknting by an expert young Cens- disn girl. ________j__ mg. I _a- n- u._..4I.-I lls Kingsbon. Donald MmMaItor, Q.O.. will be the conservative cnndidau in the new St. Law- rence division, Montreal, for the house of nnmlnnnl, commons. The battleship Indiana. with the naval board of inspection on board, wont. to sea on her trial trip this morning from Fort. Munroe, Va. A kill nu-..nt.inn n nnnninn nfl A month of gring I100 show mmuw. The commitboo property meet to-night. to discuss and decide upon what aynlam ol heating and vont.ilnv.ion will be adopted for the new school. The Lobomzaninz uarcvamd At.Home." porter. lc. per yard (or good embroidery Tum- dn at Hardy ; `hue insurrection in Formonhnl been on- bimly broken up. the hub of the black ags" hnving been driven into the noun- kins. kins. William Clark wu convicted of larceny of vobags of wheat. from J. W. Elliott. Chathnm. Wu aenbenood bove years at Kingston. Donald MmMutor. Q.O.. Wnlkem, 0.3.0., cm wnuor Iocvoo nu ma property MM:-I. Saunders. The will in very short, And it contained on Ahslf shoot of now pm I. Kn. Saunders In nude solo oxocu x. Th. km... in whinh dnnnnnnd mnidad for Ildzs Ir. ' ad oovonl days leave. an 4 with his punt until tho I! man has hunonospyuont. , . "'5 mm... nmi:a'inghqnn gun` up V ......A ' `Ith hon. . n solo oxocutnx. The home in which doocuod raided for mnny year: has boon sold to Dr. Kilborn. Into modioul sup: tondnnt o! tho gononl hospital, by the a contour. llcllll `I1! Zulu uivuzuu-v Lonnox, Feb.i24. E01110 Pull corral dam n ma ulogrn I 0 t ndvioapornoooived than from Cairo my than in no doubt that the British govornlnonb hu ontotod lnoo nqotiucionl with Fnnoo nnnn she cabinet. at the oncnuion ol hu ontond mu nogouulonl Iuuu name In the subject. Elgy It is bollovod. tho ndvlou ny, that Grant. Britain is inclined to Into eon- eeniom to l'nno0. .. _-;,._ u... an. --n-___; to visit. this city on the queen : olrbnuay. "There will be A regular cyclone at the oounoil mootln this evening. remarked on alderman um: foronoon to a Wnw ro- lc. uer urd stood embroiclerv The Late Dr. Random` Wlll. By the will of the into Dr. H. J. Saun- ders, which wu drawn up by Dr. R. T. Wnlkem, Q.C., the hunter luvoo all bit nrnnnrtv mhl. Snnndarl. house, Ottawa, to-day. Dr. Kilborn has bought. the residence of the late Dr. Sounders. King Itroob, And loonwd his omoe there. 'l`l.. Nntlnnnl he-aha Innnnn in mantina located hie oluoe where. The National baseball league in meeting in New York to-day. The schedule for 1896 will be announced to-nipht. ' The large dnpery eenbliehment of Store Broe., in Johennesbur . ha been destroyed by the. Lou 75, . Kimnwn volunteers will give. is in said, destroyed by u. Lou 70,000. Kingston give. the Queen : Own, Toronto. an invitation visit. this city the birbhdny. "Than will has roarulnr ovulone In. Inybdnt In lolclouod. Loxrox, Fob. 24.--IHu hublo that bhohomo noontu-y will.thIInok, pub- lish an nnnonmonoub ol the rebut 0! Mn. Iluyhriok. who wu oondoud Iona nun :10 at Liverpool at uhoninzhor Mn. Iluyunol. who oonuouu some zllao Liverpool of pdnonlnghor nob: . andwhouo oonolnnod imprison- ment in oxoiud with-aptud oynpuohy hIAndlnAnu-ion /_, SI] 2 I136` I-U tr-u-pugs Toronto World. lthuuudthnunom-tvillbonuloto induct Principal Gnnuof '0 min!!- Siy. to big tho ptnb 8|. Anvvh olmchh uueudnnu`1bobtolov.D. J Ilna:n'.II_` TEX l8W Ill ! Chisholm. J I`. M: Chisholm. J. C. M uiro, I oomlnoroinl traveller wu found and on his bed in the Ruuoli house, Ottawa, to-duy. Dr. Kilhnrn bu bouzht. nnlnnuuun spew-o Reed Hardy : ed. Jordan Minor. of Sperm, wu compelled to y 8460 for running an illicit. still. u-atford hockeyinu were beaten by Lietowol Friday night. by eix goals no two." Mine Ella Rice, Ce Vincent, in the gueeb of Mrs. C. . Grehuu, Union etreeb. pnntlv On wnnr hnuln wnnnar It Ready to wear houle wnpper 31.25 Hsrdy`n. `I Sir Hibborb Tapper lndentorod the Hali- fax law rm of Bordon, Ritohle. Parker & m.a.|...|.... Tho Very Intact {lows Crowded Into nu lnmllut of sync. n,, .1 rt___I_9_ -.I GENERAL PARAGRAPH8. luunod `lo Into Oonoondou. _.__-. n_I. In ML- D-lI \l-ll 1).. lnyloolnnlfloll-Incl ntn Iva-Id. u very able manner. The science association will meet again this evening in the science hall and discuss two papers, one on Environment, Here- dity. etc.. In Factors in Evolution." and the other on Protoplaam end Chlorophyll and Their Relation to Plant Lilo." ' Th- nun: plnnnu-trnnnt. in in nuifn 1 lhll` Huuhat tho I.'l' '........'-'*.'... lb IINIEII t. llllllg IIIUSI RU. want Bargains. am] I neir IVGIIDIOII D0 rlnnl. uuu. The arts department is in uita a stir these days and the result wil be one of Lhose few crisis in college history. Tho sophomore year, it seems, brou ht the ac- tion of a junior to the novice of D eooncur- nun. Afmr much hasimtion and. and it in tion 01 JUIIIOI` to the nobles 0! one concur- sua. After much hosimtion and, alleged. unwillingness the court, brought. the matter to a head and tried the accused last Tuesday ovenin . The result was an nnciciputed by bog: parciea. The c`leik ompmmelled a jury composed of aevon juniors out of eight. and the prosecuting attorney did not. object, it bein left; {or chief justice Burton to dismiss t. e whole jury as one which could not but be pro- judiced in favor of the prisoner. The naannd iurv was more renrononur ]lNIlC8(l l I8VOI' OI D110 pl`llUlIEl'. The second jury representa- tive. both `97 and 98 men being ruled oil. but the line of prosecution taken by the court attorney. it is claimed by '98 and is even admitted by the friends of the proce- cutor. was one which was more in delenoe ol the prisoner than otherwise. The result was a charge of "not guilty brought about by this action, a decision which placed '98 in a very peculiar and un leal sent position. Two mass meetings 0 ear were immediately held. the one o `rida evening being very lsrzel y attend- ed. troug resolutions condemning the action of the senior prosecuting attorney were passed, and a memorial was prepared requesting the arts societ to order the resignation or dismissal o the oloial in question or lose the sympathy and moral support of the largest year in Queen's. As there is a case now pending In the court against a member of the year, it was decided also not to nllow the appearance of that member until the grievance is remedied. The year was almost a unit in this action and some ver forcible speeches were made on the injustice complained of. In the meantime the grand jury is to meet this afternoon and take mmeline of action. Friends of the court say that it will assert its authority. while members of '98 claim that they will stand to other -and again champion the cause 0 justice and (air lay in the administration of court aifairs. n this they will be seconded by the fresh- men who have already shown themselves of the same stout material. The outcome of the affair will he watched with interest as it will either mean the ending or mend- ing of that long established and venerable concursus iniquitatis st virtutis. It is he - ed, however. that no serious eoniliet wi I nanni- OI BU. AIIUF ,ad'ourned. 1... v M the subject. "Une Uause OI manure." Ina he did it ample justice.` The last regular meeting of the no homoro year was one of the most. sucoeeafu of the sorien. The India were to present the programme of the dny, mm the way they carried it out speak: well for their enter rise. It consisted of a piano solo b :55 Jessie Polwn, biogrm phicnl skebc 1 of Dickens by Min Donovan, vocal qunrtotbo by Misses Ryokman, Brown. Polaon and Mills, selection {mm Dickens by Miss Bellamy. violin solo, "Der Tnnhouaer, by Miss Emma Mudie, which. being encored. was followed bv the render- ing in a very able manner of Homo, Sweoh Home. reading by Miss Crynn, And I quintebte chorus, the Evening Bella, by Misses Brown, Ryckmnn, Cryam, Mill: and Polaon. Mina Alioe Chown presented the critic s report which WIS voted one of the best. ever iven. Miss Malone. the vice- preeidenl: 0% the year. occupied the chair in able "l"lua nninnnn nnnnnintinn Iii mnnr. ntnin occur. The next meeting of the mock ie- ment will see the prorogetlor. of the onto, an owing to the lamneu in the session this most entertainin and instructive feature of the society wi have to be dropped. Birth Plncu 0! lunltutlonn. Queen`: Collogu Journal. "FL- gnu};-uh nnd Mann:-nhln nnm QO0'l UOUOKI Jollfnlll. The ancient and honorable concursuo had as it: birth plnce a vacant lot behind the present ruined brewery, than in full operation, where the students used to ss- semble on line afternoons and hold high carnival. A judge was selected Ind some unfortunate was seized and tried on some fictitious charge, the fine being used to pur- chase the beer for the noun at the con- venient brewery. When this supply gnve out another cui rib was found and so on, ad innitnm. early forty years the alma mater society had its humble`%n- ning in n studenu debating club. Ot. or institutions have had similar growth, but u: u... .... ... ., -..-....--, ._.__ _,- , ,, _ he Y.M.O.A. moetin last) Friday wu well attended. James gather introduced the subject. "Ono Cause 0! Failure." and he did it. nmnle iuscioe. regular ex ted loll nnt. in mm. ll} wee quite painful to see some of the principal: and their supporters goevny without the op- portunity of doliveri their well pretend eat. and convincing Ipeeo on on the eu However. the oeful oonoluelon o the ulhir quite In e up for lt. John T: [or we: nnenlmo-.Ie|y ohoeen grand men all for the remainder of the year. end in future there will be better order displayed on oc- nnninm of A renal-al turnout of students. Qgll Vj VIII II . III! 1-. lnupwytu In. ' ' - bqpdhaudduno, `you- US ' WI XVI more will be bower order ulnplayou on 01 cnuiom of A general The ranort. of the athletic commithu outs-ullorll vouojv news. There wu I very small Attendance whoa` tho nltnn manor society mot Saturday night, canned, no doubt. b the oountaor Attraction in the rink. he bulinou tronuclod wu. thonloru. of 5 Ion lu- porunt ohnrnctar, while the mock parlia- ment. which win 00 dlucuu the budget. did dolegnm no Uagooae. Wu punu vim nnuo ceromon , and so the discussion which Ill expoc loll ab. In fact. it wu quits Okgiu -nnnnn-Imp-n nn Aunt iithnnt. hhn nu- portnnb ohnrnctar, while the moot puma- ment. bud 6. not meet at I. Mr. EorIov | bi . u n dolegnta to Oagoode. paid with um. ceromonv. A You Stand: on Anlnn tho conduct of un omcm and OIIII for Ills loun- monc-'l'ho Blrthplnoe of neural loo!- .u.._n..-grnl (Inna-u Haws. IS THE com PARTIZAN? DIFFIOULTY m REGARD TO THE TRIAL or A sruosrrr. There is Only One Place A Suits tor Big Boys. - u 1 smn Aw CHEMIST ANDOPTICIAN, Good. Sim Three-Place S ta. ' ,\ __ c. mtunsrog _g__nno, m._-TIC IIIYIIIIFIDUU (II {VI eI:loo-6ononl Conan Nun. ML-.. ..-. - ..-.... -..-II -u-...l.; an oommluee ox awn, a foobbnll win ptld xnendituna. t. 9 root 53,50 to an ILIIJVIII -lIIA-Ii. Llumm Umnnnxn um EIMLIII-- I Prlnoou ntroec, Corner Sydonhun serum '15 0 phone oommunionon. ' - W. I. DRENNAI. Punnl. Dulomn um IanAutn-Io1 Pnm. oou stud. block than old And. Jns. auuu, `ml Lnnnro U:ronnnn-I5Hbo Prln on street. 'l`olophonoN1A. Open Day and NI; t. Sroonln-Wu.u-rI-In Riverside, 011.. on Saturday. Feb. 22nd, Robert. J. Spoonor. former! of Glonburnio, ho Mia Hon- rioth haito, of Manchester, England. Kmurr-Hnmn:v-0n Fob. 18th, In Tum- wort.h,Churlea Kimmeb. Richmond. to Emma, only daughter of Thomu Hinohoy. Shemeld. RATTENBURY` GIRL WANTED To Do aunnu. H006!- work. no, nuanr Bunv, col-nor Ion I-931 and My mum. - _:_??T' GENTS FOB CITY AND UNTJH. uh or oommlnlon, to Sudan ehlnu. wit to J. Iahhloy. scent. `II I 0000 wrote For lulu by JAB. ll. Iol.ll0D. Druggln. Dvinnnun Ii!-nn Iln-nnn Mu:-rm--Ab 305 Burl; um-cot. on fob. 23rd. to Mr. And Mrs. Barry Martin, I dnurhhw. Rnnonnu-In Kin nton, on Mondny. Feb. 24th, 06. Alvin: ynol_ds. only - tor of F. J. and Holenlloynoldn, `F- yours. Funeral ooourrod this afternoon. Dl\Vl'l"l`---At: Richmond, Fob. lath, John Davin. nun-I `I9 van-n gm! '1 -mnhln. AN'rm>-oT.'i'AxPs u mo so u olrl. For mun In: No to .00. Lowl. (0 Adelaide I rut. on-onto. THE REEIDENOI. OORNIIB OF PEIIIOIH And Dlvlnlon unou. ooouplod by Rev. Oanon Spencer. Pououlon In us. Apply :0. Win) Ooo. UQWII5, B800 '1! yOII'I Ind I IIOIIDIII. D.u.n--In 8 nouae, Feb. 6th, Loola. only child at illlnm And Jennie Ddo, fount- lv nl Mn:-van, mud 9 vnnrn. 05" 0' WIIIIIIII Ana JQHIIIO LXI , 10%" ly of Morven, aged 9 years. Aan.-Ai. Richmond. on Feb. 17th inst. `William E. Wngnr. ngod 26 your and 1 month. Booth--At Dosoronbo, on tab. 17th. June: Booth, aged 88 you: and 7 mnnthn. AN'l'ED-0LD snxrs l6'l\)40YI 06.00. mm. ru0. l"ol-onto. DEATI-l`OFKEX~MAY0R avans. FOB CITY AND $9333` I only IAIIMOI. IIOIIO. B TEE nnsmixol. vnmom lloonoor. D IEABLE BUSINESS HARD. III to tho 1:057 wmo on In to M I pououlou Imnodlutl. nt Inoduoi Appllontlon may be In 0 on the pnmluu. W -.4 ___ ___..- .-._ ...._-.-.-. -nyy-.u-....... _.., -- _..-- -.. ...- ,, VALUABLI SHOP ANDPBIIIBB. no and m Prlnoou ntnot. no ptooout oo- onplod by O. D Chovn. Bu boon I Itovo and hndworo homo for our ewonw non. ply to J. P. Gn.nnsulvI.0lounoo nloot. 7 ,-,, - _.. ___-.onp.\u Mud nlo Itrootn. 361510 on the Immodhco Pououion. LPN! toJol.l Doll. 9 Olnunoo Iknot. .i:.a`*` u":% .'2. ':'i`.'E.'.`:.'.r.'.'.'.".f.;'.'...':':a..'."..:- D THAT DWELLING. WITH ll Agd motion In: vonontu. IA plod Ir. 0. A. no lmon. corn 0 gtnotni Btalglo _on_h_0 80% Also an Inn mm on corner Olnonoo an tsrio an-ooh. oontnlninq vim vault and bull and room: up shin. Tho non band! will be ranted mo that or nob part upon- utoly. ply to . H. Bunuvu. Ion-hut. or J. 3. turn. 11! Union shoot. .. ., - -. A BRICK HOUSE ON lolllt. 15:! noxtto Brook Street Hall: at I rented 3100 that non] or J. B. UIPIY. E. H. EAHBAY DUFF: no BAGO!` HE. fornurly ououplod by ` Gold Gun." `Polo- phona Io. ..._.__._j_.______,_._... _ ___..-.- spin nanngn IAQ- :1 nl Honpltol. Inc Dr. Saundon. Tolophonc formerly on Now s_1x'i`Y-THIRD` `HYJQAR.-A-N0. 42:. . K. KlI.R)l.N ID. I.0.P. Iodlculsu rlmndone nun: Horpltol. Ogoojogngrly o_qoI la n. 5IIlIInIlV\lg lllovop (tonnrly Pu-mu with tho Into III. I. I. YIIWIOI), GENERAL PRACTITIONER. 003.. of wu.x.un.nm xnm nuns. (urynn. mnrs sunny.) Onlol oulI--0 to 11 5.13.; I to Ip.n., I to Mun. _ _ _ ___ litullu IIIIvII' wulu-3 `vac:-ii Alli} and snnolonuyor a nun. lower wnponhn. Embrolderles. ZSPG. I50 I daughter. -.u -j-u-u--- -9:: Sign of Onldon Boot. Brook Strut. months. x UPHOLSTEREB. A1.` onxovsxi Factory, On tarlo menu. Ulwlfl`---At: mcnmona, I00. lam, J0 Dewitt, aged 72 And 7 months. ).u.n--In Svrmuao. 6th. Look. at `Hill mi N W! . ucuruligu 3.n3oro3'o van OIL and In oully nnlnod und dlnoud. lot wutinx dluuoo. [aural doblllty, dlgooud. (Odom! powny of I a blood, Impaired dlnnlon, colds, cnhrrlul and bronchial Iroublc. A muted lnuuu In womb! and otnnqth is noticeable am: taking a tow bottleu. Children also It recall . oun--v w u I.In. . ......._., . UIVKII II . - . v `x'K"'x' I hu :1 may an oath: 0 m|m of on::: d tgh hootnont. 0. . - . N!f!7f_!!'E Lnwn mom` noon 10 Ll'l"W1'l l T L Bond. Applytomqnun no n This house holds its reputation ` for the nicest assortment of these `mueh-called-for lines. This spring's showiniz dip counts any stock we've ever had in point of prettinet and variety, and prices so much in our favor [as to count you on our purchasers list without any perhaps. New and Elegant designs and makes of Wash Materials. CLOSING OUT SALE. wsxrnsn PROBABILITIES. mam In-ong "ism, guunlly Nu ..:I Aglnnn-n an: . Ilhln Inn`: Ignnn-`aunt-nun We are opening out every day novelties in Perculu. Piques, Crepons, Chdmbrayn, etc., etc. - Inspection invited. BAT W And Irnnrovou Prices from 1 cent to one dol- lar per yard. PRICE TWO CENTS For Dcllcuc Chlldnn. Invalid: and the Agod. JACKSON S EIIJXICIIIZ III. III J. A. STIRLING. 51.0.. _..|- D.-n-p -with II: I400 124 Princess Street. _m:DIcAL_gAnDs._ LI ny ulna. no nuuuuu. u Prlnoou 50:006. Kluuton. --jj TO BE LET `llhun L4_ J A-0`-anal`. WANTED. "aoAnD.` aewea. Perfect Fit. Clmlcm ouaf . .. As the constont beverage is to maintain constant health. and C GURD I1. 00.. :-:-:---?-:---n-:- . , Nothing in the world can take the place ofone's eyesight or re- store it after it is permanently im- p a i r e d. The wise thing then is to take care of the priceless in rr nrnnnr rrinecnc SHOESI `I'D ID IISIGVI nuance- : ioooonuublo Konnody left for Guolph |,i'0n y Alla-noon. in nupunu In I ibl III, -tolll him ohhe pnmnodly i1. lllncuol h mac, and ulling lot plniulmundiuo ubadtncu. `Bohuobhln- `ed Illd will remain I; Insult ol his ill- . _._ I.-- I.-_.g gun--ant. HIE FRED, MlDDI.P.'l`()N. Mu.-1'nI-:AL, Feb. 24. -New:~ is received from London that Gen. Sir Fred. Middle- ton,ex-commander of the Ciuuulian militia, has been up inted keeper of the roynl in- signia at L 0 tower of London by her majesty. The salary i-x 400 ($2,034)) a year, with a residence in the Lower. Si: Fred. succeeded the late Sir Michael Bid- .l..l..l. - ._.... An Into Pnuenger Punlshul 3 Street lhllwey umom. Conducwr Ulick Burke, of Lhe electric street. railway company's employ, hail quite an experience with a passenger on Saturday afternoon last. The cars on Se- murdny were not under an rfect, control by the motormen ea in uaua , Lhere being a thin glare of ice on the faces of the rails. The passenger in question signalled to the conductor tolaoopat. a certain croaein where he desired to or. all the oer. and t. e con- ductor rang t. 0 bell ea usual. Approach- ing the crossing the rnotormnn put `on the bral:e,but. the car did not respond aaquiclr ly as usual and ran some distance at, the corner before coming to a Iumdati I. The nger was annoyed and an exchange of civilil.ien" took place between him and the conduchonthe passenger nally hecom~ ing so enraged chat he struck the conduc- tor. The latter did not. return the How, and his ueallnnt followed the matter up no further. ldulph. ll'8(l. 8| no ll Alnoel A Neighbor. It. is not generally known that Mien Clara Barton. who in styled the "Florence Nightingale" 0! America. and who is at present. the euoe of attraction of the civilised world, booauee of her eorta to euoconr the distressed Armeniane. has a summer cottage among the Thou Is- lande. It It situated on Welle nd, ` juet. above Alexandria Ba . and a little to the wuhof Pnllman e " ntle Rees." It in located next to who cot or Rev. Fuoyalhnlluan and "H vrel Hall," the summer houen! W. C. rowning. 0! New York. aad le Imhln thirty-two milee ol Kiuunton. The Red Oman" math the Iaorno To nll ISIII Dy Dl`l'Il|l'VIl Ill auc , Fraternal loclouoa. The funeral of the lava John Kennedy. yeaoorday, was very largely aboended, the brethren of the different. fraternal organiza- tions to which he belonged, as well as his lrienda and acquaintances. turning out. in large numborslo pay the last tribute of re- spect. The funeral was in charge of Cataraqui lodgt-, I 0.0. F'., the membern of which, and also of court Frontenac. No. 69. 1.0. F., amended in full regalaa. Rm: A W, Rinhardaon. mumr L. the BANKRUPT STUEKI D9. l.U.l., atwnaed In Iuu regime. Rev. A. W. Richerdaon, paumr First. Congregetionalcburch, held an im- preuive service at the lam residence of de- ceased before the funeral procession was formed. Afterwnrde the remains were conve ed t.oCat.erequi cemetery, and there nln in the vault. to Await. inwrment. in convo 00 wunurnqul xlnutery, auu LIIUII pl: the a ring. The ll-bearer: wore: Lt.-00?. Calla hnn, olm Nicolle, J. R. Donulduon,F. .801-gcnnt, W.J. Allen. R Moore. Uonuauon, E. Moore. New Dress _GQ9ds showing to- day. ` GENERAL M|DDLETON'S OFFICE. holnooloneotunognnuucwomen mono In the mid of dnatitution and the Inn burns the named omblem to tbonlicl oltbonunds. mdnoonehu A.` bone: right. dun the ho the mono. "In 5 boo Iigno vinccu, (In thin sign thou shalt Imnauar.) we ever held. me for ne Huck one pmcs sronr-:. 123 Pl'lll0088 st, North side - Kingston xinpgaon. `rm umu" mun mo honoolonoolthognndacwomen lbbo um In the midi. The Towel Sale Hand-Sewed. Dm-hr Goes merrily on. Biggest value 2&0. Another bale of good factory _Cotton will be offered on Tuesday at zlc per yard. Quantity to each customer limited. Fowels; I2C for very large ne Huck Towels; 8c per yard for Bleached Huck\Rollering. at IC per. yard. THE DAILY Bmsn WHIG. Ic Tuesday ..\. .....,...... FUNERAL OF JOHN KENNEDY. We will sell Fine En;brc$idery STRUCK THE CONDUCTOR. ..__.r-_ verlect ru. choicest Stock. Finest Looking. Made`to order in Black and all shades of Tan. HARD Y S 1UI&IO%fII- I..|L.IllF -4-:-u.-no -I 1 ll wlunn l.nm.y-two must 0! The Red Coons" _ ml OLA av;nl|l.QIf -nunnn AI OLA it. In noun nu-us. _-.-L|- Iz-__..I.. |.ls tn. 1')... ALL DAY. comlortms It can burn no mm mu any-. Not. my will but thine bedone." The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed betho name of the Lord. "My flesh und my heart fnileth, but God is the ntrengch of my heart and my portion for- ever. ' Memorial lorvloo In Qnoon'u. A service was held in Queen's eaterdny afternoon in memo of the lace {)1-. Bann- (lera. Owing to t o inclement. weather the attendance wns not vary lur e. The service was conducted bv Rev. Ir. Boll. Assisted by Rev. Profs. Mowub, Roars and Ferguson. Dr. Bell said : For the third time in this session we Ferguson. ur. neu saia are called upon to mourn a professor. In each case the loan has been R serious one. First Dr. Williamson. connected with the university for over half a century; then Dr. Fenwick. one of the most distin ui=ih- ed ofour professors, and now Dr. un- ders. distinguished for personal excellence of character. Many thoughts crowd in as we think of the change to come to us all. The year is sown with the graves of those who have pulsed from among us. Only the divine revelation can make it all clear. In it we hear of the valley of the shadow of denth. and we have hope, for the shadow implies a light. All things point to the resurrection and bring us to the thought of the new testament reveln. tion in the Son of God. O death where is thy sting. 0 grave where is th victor ." Our hearts rise into retitu e for t is revelation. "Thanks? to God who siveth us the victory throu h our Lord equa Christ." When we I. ink of the falling asleep" of scripture. that which we cell death. is seen to be onl e transi- tion scene, an entrance from n ark into a bright world. It is an awakening to I new, hi her. better and more glorious life for all od s children. Innrn mat this n'Al`nI\nn In think nl somo 0! me clmrncnerlulcs or me man : (1) His I-oerling character. He was ll real mnnly, noblo man. There are many in our day with low ideas of conduct, who avoid wrong becuxae it. would Iend to seri- ous consequences. It was not. so with Dr. Saunders. He did right. because it. was right.,nnd abstained from wrong became it. was mornlly wrong. [tin refreshing to meet with such n man. 10\ IL. min nnnnnnl in nvarvthino onu- 'L<>__t1-'_r~;.L_[r1e_--_? done or to be said." The preacher alluded to how much as a congregation they were indebted to him. who for some time bed acted as church- warden and who was always an active. member of Vestry and during the anxious period of the cathedral enlargement dis- che ed the duties of secretary of the buil ing committee. Reference was made to his many charities and to his :usefulneas insomany of the activities of the com- munity. The removal of such a life is a loss; unreal it is to pretend to utter Ian` guage which would speak otherwise. Yea, these losses are part of life s experiences. Changes come and homes are broken. Death is busy and hearts are heavy. In the midst of life are we in death. Of whom ma we seek for succor. Yes. of whom! But of Thee 0 Lord 1 Of Thee who never changest. Amid all that is'eeting and (lying we turn to the eternal. Thou art the same, the same Almight , Allewiee. loving, eternal (Bod. From the chan in Lethe unchanging. from the midst o e the changes and chances of this mortal life to the God with whom a thousand years are use day; the believing heart nds relief und ccmfortne it turn to Him and any-. nu... ..... ...;n I... om... hntlnnn " 'l`hn lor all U00 chuaren. Wears met this afternoon to think 0! one recently taken away from us. What are the lessons we Me to learn from the lute of Dr. Saunders? The following are of the clmrnoterintlcs of the man In Win srprlinxi r-hnrnnfnr Ha wu ll manned by mass. (5) His continuous.` faithful, onrneot and devoted member-shi of the christian church. In this rospoctllmin loan will be a Ihuv one. I -0 (Inga it hnnnrnn us On {in thnli` meet with such (2) Hal wise counsel in everything eon- nectod with the university. He was thoughtful. earnest, reliable in the medical faculty and particulurly in the universit council. He was always diligent in I - vancing the interest: of the university, and securing its progress in every direc- Linn. Lion. (fl) Hie loving and friendly disposition. The medical ntudenureelize thin. He was not. only deeply interested in his work an I profeseor, but his Icudente were to him personal friends. This characterised his whole life and led to that generosity ol die- pooition which was perhnpe the moat murk- od feature of his chu-meter. "Pk. rqnrlinonn gntl willinwnnnn with boron mu uoa Ana lM.I'l0l' wno omen nu thing: nooordin to the counul of His own will. "The In gave and Min hard takoth nwnv. blamed be the name of the Lord." ed feature 0! ma cnu-tenor. The readiness and willingnou with which he nthndod to the wants 0! the poor without. hope 01 reward. Ho (alt. that he was doing glib in doingun pct of kindnona in 0].. In - vuuun in un-nun-w will ha wlunuuv uu un Iuwuuu. no unu vuluv uv doing ri ht doin In to the Lo 9 poor. is memory will be blea sod by these. 151 His continuous.` faithful. ..... ... .. .. ....,..... ..._ ..._ __ _ l he W at does it become us to do then? Lot Ill take those Ieuom of hi: life to our- selves. Let us how with deep humilit. baton that God And Father who orders 1 l china. gonna-dint! fn lhn nnnnnnl nf in own WI". "THO 10" `NYC Ana "II 11)! ISBKOID Away. blamed be So lot. us how in humble submission before the unjust] of heaven and say, Lord not nnr will but Thv will be done." Io Wu Attached Wm: Apoplnxy and mod Suddenly on Sunday. Guuxoquu, Feb. 2l.-Tho whole town wuuhockpd yesterday morning to learn tlut ox-Mayor William Byon had passed away only in the morning. 0! npoploxy. The sudden and unlookod for. the do- na-nul -nntlnnunn nanrnnll In K in Hill` the majesty or maven and say, our will but Thy The Anglican psuona are most. fnithful in prayer: for the governor-general snd dominion ot_ Cnnadn and parliumcnuhoroof uoomblod. The Ontario legislature in oomploldy ignored, I pouiblo compliment-. -A It. mu not rennin intacoouorv nnvor. we, in this city, nsve nan nrougnr. very closel home to us how true, how sadly true, ll ell that is said of the brevity, the uncertainty 0! the eetingend trsnsitory nsture of this eerthly lile. Within sshort month two 01 our leading citluns, of our most eminent fessidnnl men, compare- nnd lisnt osreers, ere suddenly struck with Intel illness and both are ne. Referrin to the late Dr. unders he said : st wes the secret ol the great tribute of sorrow, sympathy end respect which last Friday efternoon witnessed. It was not to one who had tsken s leading part in the litioel questions of the day. or who had in ambitious for positien,hor power. or to one possessed 0! rest rio es and wealth. o. it wee `no tribute to the mere accidental sooeesories oi lite to whet is reeily of men, but it was sgenerel end genuine tribute of sympa- thy, love and respeht to the rum himself to eterling, honest, kind, true. independent character. No one could possibly know the doctor without seeing how greatly he was inuenced in all he did by s high sense of duty. Never dids suspicion cross the mind that he slldwed what might seem his own rivste interests to interfere with whet he thought was the right thing to be done to be said." mu- .......n|.m- elluzlul tn hnw mnnh an A tivelg young, In~the midst 01 successful , ri Oolnplouny Ignwul, I pllulmo uompumvnt-. In require inumunory pr: qr. while In no doubt they do max it. hndlv It Obtnin. uuu- nu vv-w-. Ptuidotw. Kn: oi tho Frontenac county Puuonaol nutty, loft. tad: Ior Tacoma. to look that tho lnunato tho Ineulhonofthoodcrin this county at. tho -nnd lodn nnodnn. which burinn unnot- %KIIOIlX0IClIIKvl|lI &IllI,IlaEO gnnd lodge nesting. which hcgina to-nor to w., William Niohbdll ulonco occupy his Iuiduooou that lthulnon ro- moddod and ml} and up. till It. hhonnaiuit ` bnyycnnngnutho bonotiuolnu. Aundsynohool eonyonou iillbohold in St. Jung olroon on Tnndn II at. Jun: unnouoonon 'n_ooany onni night Robot. Rov.A. Spun- eorwil nohuadlunntlRov.B.W. II: willooodiot nodelolnn. - In J n w.n...: -I.n.a.. mg.-....`. II WI 330' BGRIOIE. In J. wane: sung in oounp ktudaylugludn vcty nudoohryun-b 'l`wo'B1-lulnll Ion [truck with Fetal Ill- neee-Deen Inlet : Behreneen In It. George : Outbodnl to the Dr. lon.ndnn-'I'he `ttlhntoe ol Respect. Yesterday morning In so. Geol-[e`e cathedral, the damn. in cent in; the nevreroeulng changes of lilo wit the un- chengesbleneen of God. said: "Surely xn thin city, have had brought. very nlnnnlv homo mu: how true. ndlv \AI.ALLEN &SON -. n_--|. nu..- M1T1iE om: PORTION. j THE TRUTH BROUGHT VERY CLOSELY HOME. KINGSTON, ONTARIO. me snore. "Miss Johnston" was arrested at. noon today. She says her right name is Johnston, but she has gone by the name of Wemp for some time. R UIIU nlu usuur vuwuuun Thanks to P.C. Aikens Miss Johnston" was arrested shorbly after noon to-day. while sndenvoring to obtain 8 pair of shoes in G. Oll'ord s Princess street store nn an order signed by Mrs. King. Tnlien to the station she admitted having (lclrnuded Prevost &. Co. She was wearing the cape obtained from that rm on Saturday night. She said her age was ninteen, and that she has lived some time with a family named Somerville an Upper Bagot. street. It wduld seem that she had planned to Ioolung piece 0! worxmansnip. The offence {or which she has been ar- rested is not the first of which she hss been guilty. Many merehsnts have been vic- timized by her artfulneee. About a year ago, while in the employ of R. Reid. furni~ Lure dealer, she for ad the name of Mrs. Reid to an order. sng secured a hi h-pric- ed bonnet from Miss Greeze. W on the order was pl`6B0-1t0d.f0|` payment Mr. Reid refused to Acknowledge it, snd,on the sug- gestion of Mrs. Reid, the bonnet was re~ turned and a less costly one secured,which Mrs. Reid id for out of the girl's wages. Shortly s ter this the girl entered a Princess street toy store and picked out a hand sleigh, valued at sixty cents. She salted the proprietor to trust her until the following Saturday, when she promised to pay for it out of her week's wages. On this condition: she was iven the article. The proprietor then left t e store and went home for supper. In his absence the sharper approached the young lsdy clerk, and, telling her the proprietor hnd said she could have whet goods she wanted, or- dered squantity of toys and silverware, which were sent to the pleas at which she was then employed. These she gave away to friends, and when the storekeeper asked for payment, she romised to giveit tohim onacertain day. heu he went to look for her again she had changed her piece of emplo merit. This hide-and-go-seek gsine she p eyed half a-dez.en times. when the storekeeper rew tired of hunting for her and, with t e assistance 0! the police, re- covered nearly all his goods from the per- sons to whom they had been given. Another merchant. arfurrier. she victim- It was about aquarter to ton on Satur- day night when she entered Provost & Co's shore. and she purchased a number of 00m ratively cheap articles. before mnkr ing er grand coup." Then she asked if Mr. Provost was in, and on receiving an airmative answer, she stated that she wished to see him personally. Mr Provost waited upon her, agreeable to her wish, and was told that she was work ing at the British-American, and that Mrs. Crate had iven her an order for a cape that she se ected, and that had been laid aside for her. She wished to have it given to her then, and asked Mr. Provost if he would accept the order which she pro- duced. Mr. Prevost unsuspectingly no- cepted the order and had the garment de livered to the woman, after which she left the store. -Ollie. lnhn-h-ml` uvnn n.-.-..t.A at nnnu to whom may am been given. Another merchant, nrfurrier, ind oat. of the price of I r oApo-elght dollars. She said she was orking at the British-American hotel :0 the rims, but. this turned out to be untrue. and the debt. still Imnda on the merchant : bookl. Whiln nnnlinn nnvmnnl. for hi] anndn A still Imnda the mercnnnt/e noon. While seeking payment for hi: goods I merchant, with the lid of I policeman, Io- ceusd the girl in a house he by a women with an unsavory repuht on. She lo I rllhor good-looking girl, below medium size. of plump gure and dreeeee well. More Precious % Than Bright Gold.

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