Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Feb 1896, p. 2

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T .- _` V u-1% V M 5. T *""l`.L'aJ`&l.*.."""' A %H.._..0A49;B;; mow pnnnnlo. nororo uonmwl aoolumg to erect a new uh-uoturo, than! go ulowly and onutlmuly sud gator | oortulnt u muubwhun _~mnw In as. 4 within a pa-tau. thou. It not,|Q- nnhh Ihnthnr A In bl: Innlldlnt nlllli `wanna. Uloh. 29.-(T u" Editor) : Noiiithuudlng int 3 by-huwmvl lot tho erection o! nnobbor only no building has been puud by a section at thomoncarownunohlnoitvoomnddna II!!! I IIGIICO can war very long Rim nnuv ncarco in war .3 lnahmhd O0 Mu IN unliolnu tannin coL`uM`=`B i`A.| xuyI-1'no mayor: Ann. Anon, uucon. Cu:-do. Dunnuu. lilac, Ilddon, Robin- no. man I Ion OI` III duo luau. lo and njnnll-an AL; auu-1l$ng~n..---a ll`. H_'K -OI` .1 In in\hooouuiIuo`nounnouh< notation hhkon huohinglhdru Suction hrounnlion. Tlodlnollolu anrun. Iuunu. novunm. II Stunts. Su-aims. `Pail. ll.$ Nnn-'l`ho Innvor: Aldn. `A uunaouon to u: ouuuo. Ald. Bohnn moved. in unondnont. to tho vapors. uoondcd by AH. Sklnnor. Ihutbo clouno refund toholtnlokout. '1-`bunondmonl Inn out-id n the fol- IQI--All. IIIIB, I1 ,\ H. Martin. linnu. Novhndn,z2,n.8kinnor, I Shaun. Bunion; Tail. ll..5 m um any pay: navy also on the pop- pu-tgi known an thponuo Olaunlnn. A . Strange thought thonsuor -hank! borofornd Inclund thntthoolnnpnhonld be struck out. LIA l1--a.-n. -....|.vl ML- 6- ... -II Au. Ana wmon ll non mono no uuuou. Ald. Ryan pointaod out that the Roman Catholic olmmh ir. Kingston pay: urea on report} to the unounc 0! oh: 814.000. an aid, further, that all hnd hold by churches, but not and for church pur- posol. is liable In amnion. Aid. Skinner amid the Anglioln church in thin city heavy taut the pu-ty tho0n&u-6o IIIO DII|l. Ald. Robinson pr'Il5r;:IIib tab tho t. amount of property 9 y I. 9 Ang iou_n and Rounn Catholic churches in this city. and which is not liable to caution. Alt`, Ru-n nninfgt` nut. tlun Oh: Du-nan H00 000 HOW BIN! OIIUQ WOIHCI ICX TJIQHI. Ald. Behnn aid the clnuso proposed to tax "all land: within the province. and. thorefore. churchesnnd church land: worn included. Aid. Dmnmn. while opposed to tuin churches. thought that no church choul be allowed to come into the city And to- uirc lnnd on which no tun were loviod. a suggested a rider to exccpb from the action 0! the OIIUIG churches under other circumstances than those mentioned, hospitals and other ohnritahlo lnutitutlonl. Ald. Rvm mid tho church. mam Linn VI XV IIIIIITIII II? If rruxon l BTIAJIGI. Luna. ..l` ,1 . W? -.`L'!.8po!1nAcontIIuBtnoI noapmus ma omor onu-name Institutions. Ryan aid the church. more thnn any other body. union the cute in doing the mun great work. He would oppose the clause. LIA D..|.:..-.-u. -u.Knt..I A- sh- __._s mo clause. I Ald. Skinner said it was ngsinat chub n irit. of the lava cl, bhiqoountry and of I no British combituhion that such A clause shoujd carry. Since chriotlnnity mu given to the world it _lud been free on the air. and the speaker would do all in his power to have It remain so. This clause would have the moat. diautrouu effect. upon amull oongrogntlonn. Ald. Curtis hold bhnt tha nlnnna hul nn amuu oongrognuonn. Ald. Curtis hold that the clause had no rofoaonco to churches. Ho oppouod the mxuion of church property. but he oould not. see how this clause would an them. Alrl Rnhnn maid tho nlnnun nwnv.-gel on novice or consent or me counou. I Ald. Skinner ex lnined that when the resolution appoint n; the deputation was . it won expected that the board of trade would sand A large deputation. It was found. however. that the need for I deputation from that body had pueed. end it was then thought to be Abeolutely use- less to eend only two nldermen to u the city`: claims for e drill shed, and It t e re- quest of the committee I third member was added. ALI. A"nn gnrl l`nvuI\A"II -605!-..... e|.-(- TAXATION OF Ulll'lI(`H PRUPIIITY. Ald. Behnn objected to thoolune ukin the Onurio government to tn all the lung within the province. 1! thin were done hospitals. asylum: and similar lnumutionu would be taxed. which would be I deadly blow to man 0! them. He objoomd to suing ohuro on and church lmdl, and asked that, if no other alderman would fol- low hiu.\.hiB votn might boroootdndugninut the clause. ALI uL:l\nQn ..lrI it nm. ....:...A AL- ; penae. Ald. Donnell; also win-had for an ex- plnnntiou on thll point. He could not un- derstand why, when the council nrolnted A deputation consisting of two: ermon, an extra mombor was added without the advice consent of the council. Am .c:L;....... .....I..:...I .1... .5... oh. WIS R0000. Aldo. Allen and Donnolly withdrew their objections. TAXATION OI` flIH'Ill`Il PRHPIRTY, ox mmmwn no Inauurnnuucnoot. numwo. be mferred to the city solicitor for mu- nidornbion. AM All... Lu! :0 oh. .I-n..o.oh... 5.. vuaornuon. Ald. Allen ukod if the deputation to Ottawa, re oho new drill lll0d, was not in- cended b council to oonullt. of two mem- here; an , if such wow the one. Why three nldormen wont to Ottawa at the olt:y a 6:- pom-e. Donnellv nlno as; labor pay net to man met... uoi.uu. The committee recommended thet no mo- tion be taken re Mobormott Ind kturnoy exemption matter. referred by council to thin committee; that the communicntionof theocoan accident and guarantee oompen be laid over until the bu thus been In - mittod; that no action token on the communication of the city clerk of Ottowe re reduction of members of Aldermen in cities; tint, on the communication of J. Henderson, city clerk of Ottawa. Asking co-operation oi council in petition pnying the local loglaloture tint Ill property within the province shell be made to bear it: iunt nronortion of tuna. I netition be Fire lnnurance. London Auunnco Conpontlor I I I'|l'|E'l'I AlIII|ll vmmn mo province mm on mnao no our in just. proportion of mu. I Mtlon signed by the unyor. and be orwardod. approving of the nation 0! the Ottawa council. 'l`|..o sh. ~.........m:n-un.. Al oh. nun al.-I. Thnt.'t.he communication 0! the cit clerk of Hamilton no induetrinlachool. imlco. kn rnfnrrn tn tho mfv nnlinnr Inn nan. incur. an Nnyo-'l`i lurch. Dr: Io; u. n. nocnmnumpo. . Jous. , one account. 337.60: J. Kondoroon & ., amtioner , 89.62;.Hort & Ridden Toronto. 8l5;J. nm'o.romovin Inow. Hi; deputa- tion to Ottawa, M2; nhrio Glutto, Io- oounn, 88. The followi water work: accounts were reoommen ed for fnyment. `.""`K1nI- ton planin mill, rep: :1, 89.20 3 Outta perclm an rubber company, vulva, 816.- 38; labor list to 19th inst... $51.00. slut rnuxc: oomurnl 112031. The nance committee rocomlnondod payment. of these tcoounta: E. B. Louokl, supplies, 824 36; labor pay uno totho lith imt..O783.98: T. Huxley. u r !ufoI,I20.- I5; H. H. Rocho.ItAmpt.R3l;B. Know, ooono ntntinnm-uy R0 [(0. Hart. L Rlnl! Tnnnnha ronnvnun an lover or one an-neon om Mug owe: the 0 tion oi, lng e by-law or the election (I) n nedn _ number of Aldermen bx general vote 01 the municipal elect/In an or adding to laid hill 6 olenee diepenelng with pro by queali8&tlon for Aldermen. Refer to the u-noe oom- mittne. \ A ` `From E. Dulnph Ind" b|herI re tun. Referred to court a revision. IILIAIIIVI nnnnneanau nnnnln awn: In our: amumuuon. _ opltl ion In MoI,ho_ , K Imu lnlnto municipal! ` , 9 no mganlclpamy pbdl Inn pour to 0:- ompt. mnnnlntuton M` taxation. Ro- forndtomnoooomml ~ Fmm Thou, W Dunn, Mn nrlnnl 3355: to m - F Th W. D Mm oougrny, rcotdvnntnfatl IdVOl1l:% t.ract.iv_e future: o city. Reform to mnoo oommimo. I Fnnm Q P `Inn-Innn nunnnar WAIIIOA. nmnoo oomnnmo. From 0. P. Harrison, my 1- Reinh- mnnn & Co.. asking cone! to qzroomonh instead of mo nt of tnmiont. Ll-Adan llmmn fan. Ragn-ad h lnnnnn |'al'lGI'I' IICI IDDHIWO. From workiugmonh club. of K1 ton, asking council to petition the lgglo taro forthwith In favor of the B311 a bill asking council to petition the I_ unmro favor the Btu n claim: nlhhu than nntinn nl nannino A hmhv 3}'r3'.'mZu' i':lu'.I:'3'E1m2"i.'u"'5a 'i'n?.'.E traders lloomo foo. and to lnnnoe nnrnvnfnn m n Inoeup,_Inr. mgnn. Inn Inyor nolly. Drennnn, _Hawlon. Martin, Illno. Minna, Nowlanda, Roiidon. Robinson. ;;_.y:n,1skinnu. Shunt, Btnlngo and I b-- 8. . Pounding the nnivnlof the mayor. Am. I Robinson Ivucallld to who olnlt. rnm'I 71H": auijN:E,- usual: `no I aoqv Lur mam. `u In-Lpcio. cg qhuchn and tau Agull Illa Ivlbw--Ibo--Oloioat lunnlou lads to no can-hon Inl- et-o-1'lu than Add other Inputs. natty oounul! ho! ital regular for!- ni ls mootlnn Int dninht. the num- :g"`:.:r:$.:::.""m ..";.: an. The mambo:-u nonunion: THNZM London. uvcrpool unlolobo Fin Inaunnco Company. M nXI In Atltllllnn An uhhh Fl.lx'lol.Fob. 9I.-'l'h0 oluetion to fill tho in the council ol Knbdar. An- mln-.g,nnI nnhnn nun Inltl I-A I`lun-n. ..."...'.:'.". .':.:`.`.'.'.`;.'.'.I.?f.;J. ..'... * Sold by . duh: and by H. I In-mom nun?-n riinT;A Iollnllo Non-Ionunl PI:-gnuvo. 0303 D000. Ivory hounold should have nlwnyn on hand a low Iilnplo remedies. No grater mod than n uh. mild and ociont purga- Ilvo can he mentioned andnoromod an onotly Illa Gk bull Il_ do Hamilton : `ll: 0! Isndnko and Buuomnt. Thane pills contain no unload. non: `gripe. Iul mildly btnoottbonugh tholi .Imdi cured. I.hh@nnl:In|':i\lv`ondI:19Irnint.h: A3 `rho Foot 0! the Inland. B1. Lnnuuol. Feb. 22.-Tbe social held W. G. Woodman`: rung:-and auc- oeu. may braving the bitter elements. Another will be held at E. Rnttrnfe on Fob. nd. E. Batu. carpenter. hue ee- ourede `tlonlnUnole Sam : domainn. He will much missed by the fair sex. J. Gnnt hula ing at T. Dignenfn. Mr Greutio en ol ' oer and well respected. Our snail route on in complete; Although the made were in ble it. mu car ried stoutl throng in due time. E Weaver. w a tenured the oonu-not of oponin I061: oon.. bu been unable` throw; illn$.tln fullment. ol bin dutv hninn umninoulv awarded to G. A `('0 IIIll.g5C IIIIIIUDCIU 0| DID QIIDV hing unnninouly Nllu Tho 8| Lnwronoo ohoono meeting will In held in the non future. Mr Konn . ohouomnkor. will be bonrtily wel- ooud. Tho nlloodsnco at school in daily inn:-nndnn. A dnhndnn nociatv man has In no moon. Thin oxplnina why DodcI o Kidney Pill: can to promptly and permanently. unn nun: `man you OVOIWOPK. H tho kidneys are not in perfect ltering ordonnon poison in injected through them to all part: 0! the body than usunl, and thonfwork. to say nothing of overwork, is hnnlul. A. an-u -n unnr Lirlnnnn nnlhvnnnnn Jn. nulmu. An noon at your kidney: commence do- in good work them in lea and loan poison In tho blood. Thin -vnlninn nlhv IN-sold : Kidnnu pill- VIIK OIWXI W DIIU D0 Illp than uunl when you overwork. ll 5).. Lian--. Ann no in um.-C... The Kmgslsn Business College BKIIDIIIUT II `VIII -' \lV`l'WIlI'K IUDIII ahbrur l.llo-Dodd`n Kidney rm. Mann But tor tho Kidneys. Ovotwork in what. you do After common _ some uh you to quit. 9 Onrwork of unv kind does more than 1 noun use you w qum. ' Ovorwork any tire. it oxhauul you. Juan A lint]: mnm um: vou nuwht. to unit urn. II`; unuuou you. Just a mu. more After you ought. to quit. in the too much" Hui use: you up. Tho blood can out. to nll mru fuber mnec nnn auly puseu. Ald. Bohnn then introduced 11 by `mw (.0 nine 816.000 to be expounded for u pur- Eooo of building a new puhlir school- ouu. The by-law Ina rend n M, time. Council thou journod. _ Ala. Anon movoa. Ioconaeu ny Am. Donnelly. that a committee umnpoaed of the mayor and Alds. B.ynn[ nd Howmn be Ippoinmd to draft a resolution ox reeling reg`:-at At. the death of the late Dr. aundern nunnnnklnw QM}: hinfnrnilv (`An-ind Al. uu-Ion mwrouuoou ll uy-mw w con- struct An asphalt walk on Earl street. bo- twoon Sydenhnm and WIN. streets, as l\ I locnl` improvement. The: council went. into committee of the local` Improvomonb. The council went. whole, Ald. Dronnnn in the chair, and the by-law was read the noceasary number of tlmeo nnd duly pused. Ald. Bahnn then introduced bv 74" I-Alde. Donnella, Hewton, Mar- yl bin, lnnee. Newlnndo, n, Stewnrb--7. Pl'l'X'l'l0)IB nnslxnn. Ald. Staewnrb--Frorn Kingston branch of netlonnl council o! women asking that n by-luv be passed requiring hotels, saloons, and other plane: where liquor is sold, to be closed at a reasonable hour ever even- In . end that no ll uor shall be sol there- in Sores reuonn lo hour each morning. Referred to finance oomrnihze. | tsolerroo to nnnnce oommlcwo. Ald. Btavvu-b-From Kingston hranhc of unionnl council of women. inking that provision be made for soourin the ser- vioou of: respectable woman w 0 can be called in when females In arrested. to diu- ohnrgo the duties of I police matron. Re- lornd to Inlim oomminionon-. ' In D010!` I TXIOIIRDIO nour GBCII Referred finance ` `Id QQAwnrl'.-WI-nun Kinanhn London a. Lancuhlre Life As"- K Iurnnoo Company. A..._.._ tn__ Ala. zsomnnon moved, eeoonaea by Ana. Donneliy. themthe mayor be instructed to uoertoin whether or not ell rms enjoy- ing exemption from taxation are kee ing their menu. The motion oarri . Aid. nmn moved. seconded by Aid. Curtil. that the Ontario government be petitioned to amend the ueeument not so that no further exemption ehnil be granted except to Ichooln. ohurohee and charitable institutions. The motion oerried on the ioilowing division : Yeu--Mayor Elliott. Aida. Allen, Bahnn. Canon. Curtis. Drennnn. Milne. xou-unyor muot.u. mus. Anon, Bohnn, Canon. Curtis, Dronnan. Milne, Rodgden, Robinson. Bkinnor,Btmlngo, Tait --l . rurnngea. It wufpolntpd out am A light ha been grlovouoly noodod for may months past. when It II proposed to plgco a now am. non ngnu. Ald. Bohnn thought tint. the G. '1`. RR. Co. mind the oonnt should y for the lighbuthoy woul roooivo t. e mtub bandit from ill. if the oomgxlttoo u my money to oxpop on no urpoaea. a light should be plnood to llghtp the u par and of Bu and Balnklnvn and Ri om n':'I2's".no'.}':;i'io"'.'a'17.oo'i':o"';ue"1i.'3"'IIEp. and Bay on man. or rbmovo thallnht from the en one at any mu nauunu ma ruaomy smote. or rbmovo thollghc from the end of Clergy` strut to light. that district. The I-snort wu Adontod. om. ' Ald. Robinson Innnd Lld. Donnelly him. the u, watt : Ind light committee would not. recommend unyt. lng shut was not: righb. though: can no will nub ween. Md. Donn yanked if 1 resolution was not puqpd lut your to the affect. that no new no lights uhonld be put. up until thou that Aronlrendy in mg have been rurnnnd. O0 WINIOIID IIIIOIIIIIIIODF. Aid. Mama uupmiotod who report of the nu. vmhr NA light oommmoo. u replan- ed In 9 Win 1: week. All] Danna `V Alind N A I-A-nlnlalnn Inn ma. uu-Ion pron no we report or me board of works. whlo ha been published in tho Wine, and which the council adopt- od vmhoub amendment. Lltl II`:-tin nuhmimnal Ohm ram-n-l\ nl flan N E H P K AUD R8 Ayn... 9.2.3 ..."`...: t ulnoo. on: to on HOOPII I 0 nhl. 05 nnoo strut, nton. 071%`. E. J. on _on urmtlunuu no moon on w cnjoy the privl-.` Ian, wiclubcxtn adnnlqo that they worbnot ukod to Maori the numberxol woronou nut: [0 upon me ullmbOI'\0l lnndounp|Iucd l`!Inu'chAo thou. Ald. Bohunni that If nuyor Wrlght lab you, promised exemption to tho 1 rllout-uh. In almuldluvo mloumd It. _. o tho Ipuklrllnd reputedly Inked. that the mnttorho brought up luo ear, but t.hon_zgh.v.ho llontkn vu ma 0 in Sep- tember, I994, could never got it. Ald. Donnell uld ll-om whnt. he know dthan an , they would not be con- conlwi nnnlu of 000 molnbofof goqmnolzootrnluhohgno. would go 09 . ".. " othi nunhou. `go tiongh 6 unt to ox-Inger Wri I; to Indy molt n It; mn9.ulcoo nothodculodor under the otroumunou. Ald. Bohnn laid llihld hulutad tomsko uoh solar?` but Mr. Mabel-mote Ind t a mad that us no u be (Ald. Bohun) I 1..a..sd. 1-Hie would ndqiq of u3..."""""... um aovulqo now may otukod upon uumborx unnbnd-'bn|'a|rol then. I I06 "V400 muon` DIIII l y0L| The blood goal to pnru fuherl xhnn man! when vou oval-work. I Hrs` 5110 all? OI I WIICO IIIIIFTUII. IVO- orrod to Hon oommiuionon-. Aid. A Ion movod. seconded by Ald. )onnellv. chm a committee uomnoaed ret ID the noun ol me Inna ur. uaunaern .n l`{ln thy with his Iunili. Curied. Al . ulon introduood y-law to con- I.run An nnnhnlh walk nn Earl nhraat. be. - z. _Nn-Alds. Donnell`, lnnnn "owls nn n HO.uvnrl._'7 >1 uurgx uuuu D0 ugnr. mu unmet. mm Adopted. Ald. blnoon moved, seconded by Ald. hnnelh. thamtho mnvor ..'.'..": :.'?.`.`::".:r..`::.::-3..-'2.` .'::: I ml omn ngwiunss. Aid. Cu-Ion the report of the herd 9!r*-- 2"-'.. .*-as M.-P".-1-.d ._,_. -,-_ , ,,, FOR TIRED FEELING. 'l'0l'0llI'a0. W Ill H ll ohouunnkor V In thn `An (In M331 THEBESTJ HOTVBO Ilfl D00) , and conqploxion. --on--u The well known ntmnglhening proper- ties of Iron, combined with other tonic: and a most. perfect. nervino, are found In Cnrwr a.Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves und body, and improve the blood and oomuloxinn. own: or out maple. our. nun uncut. Ery alnbo. me And oodnrblookn. All cheap for cash. alophone. I16. Illlook The Culvert. LONDON, Fob.` 24.-Alex. Livingstone, a RT. R. brnkemamwne killed in the Hemull nrde, Saturday night. In the darkness 0 Inisbook A cable guard packed with snow tor the solid road bed and fell into it while drawing I coupling pin from between two can which were being eliunlcd and before he could recover himself the cur struck him. killing him instantly. Decoued was unmarried And about. tmoncyeighl. yeen of age. He lormerl_v belonged to this city but recently moved to Wlnghnm. June: uunpoou. oormr or weumgtou -And Ban-mkat.noIa,nlwnyuhuonhAnd I ` stool cl but maple. out. sud uncut. rv alnbl. mm ohnn ._!u-_-I-A-u,;a..*nT.u`.:.a._j, n.{mo:,_"a3Afrs1. Aoou.-on; 9 ._._,. _ A Merchant rullllu. (}:N'rL:nu:H.--I write to all on how I have lound Hngyard'a Ye low Oil for sore throat. In one family alone the Yellow Oil cured several bad cases. and my customers now recognize Its rent value. They seem to pmfer it. to all ot. ers. C. l). CUHMIIR, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Cuuun Station, N.B. Kldney Pllls reooverm rrom ms illness. `there is talk of one 0 our citizens adding astook of hardware to his business. The Smith family did not put in an appearance on Wednesday last owin to the severe blis- sard. They held t eir entertainment, however, on the following Friday evening. Joaeph Brown and daughter are quite il . Miss Cora Dorland. Pioton, spent Suuda with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Nilea. The 0. railway train has, this month. had a serious time making her tripe so far dur- ing this month. On Saturday she made her regular trip in the morning. In the afternoon the wind came up. drifting the track and outs full. so that with much dIi- dlilty, she mama to get through to Pic- ton about four ooloolr. The snow plough was sent for while the passen er train ran to Wellin ton and remain until about two o'o ock Sunday morning. At eight o clock both trains moved out nnd had to return again to Wellington. Rev. Mr. Campbell. of l ioton, on account of the storm. did not fill his a poiutment at Com-econ. The paeeengers ind to call upon George Wellman, of the Wellman house. who received them cordially, and the beat that the house afforded was pinned at their disposal. Rev. T. J. Edminson was unable to preach Sunday on account of sickness, therefore Mrs. Elizabeth (Jarrett and Mrs. Wilteie did the preaching in the evening. which was very edifying. Mrs. G. Platt. of Pictou. president of the womans'I missionary auxilary. lectured here on Mondny evening. The attendance was fair. T. Garrett, of Trenton. of the Aberdeen house, was in town Wednes- dayc- a |l_..a._-a lI--us|-. .. Remember .. Kidney Pllls Kldnoy Plllc Kidney Pllls VII`. 0'Dea expreosed the belief that Jameson himself hoisted the white e . Anyway, if he did not personally hoist t, the white ag was raised by his orders. When the Jsmeeon rty surrendered 0`Dee still hsd ten roun s of ammunition left and nun of the others had not exhausted t eir supply. After his surrender. he said, the men were fairly well treated. They were taken to Pretoria where A loaf of breed and s uarter ofe pound of meat sdey for one man was doled out. At first he be- lieved that all the oicers of the expedi- tiou and the non-commissioned olcers, with the rank and le. were to be shot. He heard afterwards that the Volksresd hnd rejected a proposal to shoot them by A majority of two; eventually the men were taken to Port Natal, where they were free from the moment they went on board the Harlegh Castle. - Wellington Watts.` WIUJNUNN, Feb. 24.--Tho recent wind and snow storm was registered by the thermometer as bein the coldest and most severe that was ever nown in this section. Mr. and Mrs. V. Clintou s son, Norman, is reooverin from his illness. There is talk nf nnn n our nitiennn ndrlinn n -hml: nl -_v ......--u u-vv - also unru hurried forwsrd rldln "La the rate of ten miles an hour, wit not more than live hours rest in two dsys. They were sometimes able to get snatches of sleep on horseback. They had sufficient rstlons to dluast them until the evening of the second {part of fty Boers met them, And began a esultory re upon them. to which Jameson`: followers to lied. They had several skirmishes with %oera before resch- ing Kruegerdorf. where the Boers succeed- ed in sntioln Jsmeson's tomes from the sheltered hi oclu into the open veldt. while they themselves remsined under cover. out any: no gathered the the pm-pole of the expedition mm to protect. the women and childgen of Johannesburg. 0 DeI bo- lon to the advance troops. He did not see . Juheeon After the nights of their leaving or bu nob eeen him to this dny. Ho on`: that Juneeon rode In the m die of the eroope. The men ridimr at. the ram '10 AN Dl.Lr.Bl'9I8lA.IJ. utgnm 21 u mm lo vnoomood was an mum. at `,9: loroooln Pljoqoollnq to Qgkpnr b_nr;~-Juno|on. In Thinks. Boa Up nu Wh I103. Loxnou. Fob. 94.-A upuuntnuvo of tho.Unitod Prouobbainod, today, on in- terview with om of Dr. JIun'uon I trowel-I who Arrived at Plymouth from Port on yoqtaordny morning. The nun whose name wu O Daa aid be hsd 0 & 0' he month: in Motnbeloland as men: of 9 mount.- od police. About the and of the month of Deoembar `IQ IFIMI in II nluhx nl nnnunlnn. ea pouoe. About the and of the month of December he wne in n etnte oi oonvelee- oenoe from e violent etteok of fever. hie tempereture et one time. having been as high on 106`. hed been ellnatt Vi _ 3 food and vote: re week and tree Ian` in none in I lyebiliteted oondi on when I. eergeiut come to him en_d&eieJ himiihewlnledtoloee hie pleoe in the mounted troupe. 0'Dee replied in the negative. whereupon the eergeenb ordered him in appear on perede With hie com- rades immediately, which he did prior to the Intern of Jomeeon with hie lollowere` lot the Traneveel which took hoe :0 night. O Dee did not hear Dr.` nmeeon reads letter, at he in Alleged to have reed one, but he gathered that the of expedition nroteot. the women June: Compboll. of Wellington md Banaokaueeu. nhnnhuonlnnd gymsa1In,EiN's ; m.| sjiuat-`oulaos. TH! 11 HAD TO sav. DOAN S DOAN S `i DOAN S DOAN S Tnogt-fans `me man at nun! mm. nu... odl oflfllollfuidh oI'l'|$- don?:.hiamoI-niqthdtlo lnoebotnhonunhnckdorn. - K [..'.l':`:l:'>uur (libs-ml) up in. to-dnyl edition uum willrofnln in future from oomlmnunq on tho Lotion 0! oorhin mom-` born at the Cnholic o `nob u Mnnlinrnnnr u-mum `ihln-nn `In-among :11 :1 Inc Hoe? UIII1 on gum: moron, ol Chiooullni. and I'm Thou VIII no lo land:-out from In lnluann. nuuuplo Qunlc, Fob. 94.-Ilonnignour hudaclued eon delegation 0! ms] politioam that than has not boon. and than um: ho. ugrmnchnnl land by opinoo to tho gniglnnoo Roman Cuholon on tho nuodusl unnnjnn, Evening ISOIIILIIUI question. L'Eloou 75 & 77 PRINCESS STREET. THE ART GARLAND cannot be surpassed in beauty, durability. successful operation and heating power. L ELLIOTT BROS., '[l_qe__Newest and the Best Makes. RICHMOND 6: CO. |McKELVEY & BIRCH Vouse `I3 Furnishings some SPECIAL VALUES? We have a number of new lines in this ware with prices almost as low as Tinware. A nice size Tea Pot, No. 9 Tea Kettle, Large Wash Bowl, I -1 ' t n - ,0. ` ` Brussels Carpets from 800. 69 & 7! Brock Street. WILL ISSUE NONE: ENAME.LLED WARE. V The Bgst Selection in the city. :-AN D--- KINGSTON. ONT. e.=..-;.-.=.%.=-----.~--~--- T` `SL3. am 7 caomas $1.76 anon. `:3. A. .L.._.. :3... ..u |_ |A__n_.-| u-L. notation, bntllttlo tronbb. Bit: !btI0 thtuu-0 . Muir!-. .|.|'O9* (thy Dyna. _.n '4'`. . '".::. I 'r.h:o::'" .|'!"'.`.'-"' ;.|h.0L .. tho .;9. your Dyan : uh l'*"f*' ro nlvnyn well lpbtholnlt. of using DI: in tlnliono. which in A the Ircolondllbntlmlnuon _ nun. |EooNou1cAx.na mm mothers buy Ix how clocking tor toir boy: and Igirh. BIO Hub all no nlunn wall KINGSTON. -ONT. 350 $ 1 .00 25c Know Illa vvlvnv an r-an vvu-wvu I landing ml lhylciool for You. Indus. `vloooiu-I." lupus. lill Ital of Unhonl Ondutu IIZHAI. A'l'I'lN"l'IH can an nnndonu. ..A I|._-. -. n._$-..__ IUII boctni THUISDAY. JANUARY llb. { Es'v .`r:".:'2.`."`.` 3. /LOUK. 31.95% ss Polnnakst , .._.. an 0.0Il`::0 ea nun,:za:ou7n.m l Iowa 0 III A can ~ 7 ad oholoo ol hnus'no`: oglond 3 Solo Luau. um? ghAlI-I31. N {ii -ARCH ITEC1 - I I. OODWIII. AOII"I'. _ EDUCATION AL. I00 ` bl .` Dino: d no. 015 noun -7. 0on|n.I:3l:='| W In.` BuIo_h. o|o`o--Ilmry I : on do bl nnnnnl at Ottawa nnouo on nlmot. ollnn. IIVII nun the anode: ammo.- .. can Lniinv, m;E6Em1A.l =~- VETERINARY. Tisu mmoe. ;"`.::-.:-ma dud II any tum `um ton bhotutunno. $5? DENTAL. _|_.aA|. \ all at tho Gallon omoo J. B. IOXAY. Prinolpll. Classes I I. U.l'Lv; I01 wuunglnn but than lnio I uh: non- I and omnmuut ytu_ man: Y stmanonll Danni-` M mun-fl ;" _.`:_ . ` E. lQh;b`~Ir$`0o7oluIho 'I'U RA L. *`?.2:' .'-f?-1~.5.L~e-- woo-`u:uu-IuI:'$IlIIV$UIl'IIIDIl& nldtktnd hhwibnn Inn- Inlydlulandlrhnlhatvioo. Dhdpllno in tho Inlvnho any is Juan In hut plum lath nhdn uicl nhuhucl_o|nlIIbd,y. hnllj ; utl"o|} only 3, than Iioolldhhlaiphn "ha undid lh I tying updates tun uiunil. Iulowm India: In urwfcw -In: um UIIUII III nut IIIIIIUIU Wllfl. Soonly by Inhon. poulountly undu- Innrlly conductor]. Inn Ilonhin at tho Irnylntlaollnltod Inga boon lmod so uoondldon which 1. contain putty- ing to dninhhr chum. and than the n-Jn ~u-.- (lg-._-_.I4. ._A ll_. ou-riodthobuanorinlo phcuvhloh Ind hllbcrtoboon oloood Aplnn tbonnny. Shohuhdanonll-ytooho but aooiooy in Nov You-k.uId In nun-I eh. lym- pothy and inbred olnon like Ohnuncoy hf Ind hll nlmh In ha! hnnnhln can-L ~ BOOTH FAMILY QUARREL. The one dominent leetore oi the Selve- tion enny wee ite diecipllne. which no one wee eliowed to ignore at my time end on any eooount. Though the Booth family. neturelly enough. eheled the honore of ep- pointmente. they heve been eduoetedto undergo herdehipe end make eeerioee on behell of the oeuee they have expoueed. One daughter. who Inede the eeriier pil- grimage: through Europe. end eepecielly through Switnrlend end Frence, endured ptivetione which made her mum. "Theo Metehei." en honored one everywhere. Oolnnendu Bemngeon Booth end his wile hove, ee leedere ol the army in the United Stetee. won their wey deeply into theeifeoeioneolthe people. Eightor ten yeen ego they oonneneed their work un- der nut dteooureging cinnmeeencee. The only wee weekin nnmhere. decient in melho. Inching In the enthueieem which ` can-iee one over triele end dillonlhiee and makes for much success. Commander Booth in not the brighteet non of the gen- eni, hut he eeene to hue nu-ted execu- tive ehiliey, while hie wife. Mre. Booth. ha! been eller ettnction in the ueeofn her I-en mentel end vocal powere. ` Highly educated. eleqnent in language, end -lnnnenn in La man... .1.` I.-- ruuv -I- ":21! In SCI IIIU UICIIIIGII Dopow and his ch-olo In hot humble work. in :..I- K- LL... ....x.;...n_ _..I __ | Uluw \-u U: Iuullulwlln One thing` In quite nppuonb-that Sir Charles Tuppor will not now be premier. Ho hu utterly failed to impreu than by the uuiaunco of whom he expected to be olontod into the Union of dictator. Sir Mackenzie intimated. when Sir Charla: was I onndidntae In Cape Breton. thnh he had undo no bsrgdn with any on looking no A surrender of his right; nnd vnl, Ah MA Inn: -inn. nnnad can an- an: an -ufnwuuwl In um ualnn Illu pIUlV8I' Oiv In he bu since posed on one who k wt his pheo And is bound to koopll. And then no t.houo-.ho num- Lh I. nun-J...-_.-Ln l..I ...n.....-|.. n.-_|. `kl; II: Il\l IIICIU GIU Ullljjill-IU IIlIIlI' br in growing--who {eel oxbromoly thank- ful Mn: Sir Mackemle asserted his inde- pondonoo. Hole not the ideal leader of n puny. bush in after all the hose loader bl! plrtyean (lord. He will be the di- rectlngloroo in the next. general` oloctlon, come when It may and end as in my. :.._j.--,--j. VIJIIIUII, DIIID Illll _ IIHI ll-IU Luppur boom heeepent iteelf, the old we: horee bee been long enough in oflloe and It the oepitel to permit hie party to line him up, end theoonolueion ha been reached thni: he did I wiee thing to keep a cinch on the high bommieeionereliip. end that theeooner he etertllor the London ooe the better it will be for him and the government he repnuenin. Moreover, there are thoeo in the ooneervetive perty end the govern- ment who hold to the opinion that re~ mediel legieletion ehould not be peued. that it can be diepeneed with. that A oom- protniee with the Gnenwey government can be eeohd. And tint ell who etend in pl.` ...-- -1 - ...-...l..l ..I..u.._ -1 .I.. ma uuu Irv vuwuvvu. ullu Iou-U III wnu Illlu III the my of a peaceful solution 0! tho dim- quhy out be uorlood. n... skin...` I. ....n. -.........A, LIn-L ax- sin omnms A E31733. Thbllhatfrom Othmln to tho clean that Sir Ohm-in Tapper mutt be dropped unlnlliu-0. Timthu domonutntod two things. (1) thnt he In not oquul totha otmtgonoy of the hour. totho tukof leading his party In: campaign. and (2) that ha ha boonoo precipitant on the school qnutlon, so eager to commit him- self And the govornmont to "I-omndial legis- htion, that loin but to got rid of them both At the same time. And no there but been I (III. my coun- `trymon, And inch A full! The Tuppor hnnln hgnnnnnt. it..." Oh; nlol can Ln... W Guootuh i to on All "=m_:=,,-,_,-;.; ;`o%' 1 mmb 0!` n 1 01 (in. - . Y - Inc I DDRO! *_-vt'9?"'g.Eg":vo.'::."'{ a'1r....`'.".l.o` "`'l`.' `B V Y I: pnblhrd lon- _ A ,_ 01 I NI!` in >nn:u_; ' Nlou lb. u: Induced rah :::. .1... '-.z :.`:::'..'*'-.'-a.'r.'..:?sa:r.:'.;.- o no for I notice. we _ Common for I nnoofod nun an nods to: . `|o.,1c. an in n!- Fhi . on n In d Tn '96 MODELS "Op!/or per Orbem Dioor. // /% Inn). 5:350: , ifiglvlg 55' 3 I50 null Limb ad. A. AL. ....u.... .1 .L.` |..u.n. 4..m__ 1 Kill- l`ou-rnvnn. lib. .--On Fob. loch Piilpovillo was thuoooo on planning ovoulho d Hicllhliollarl-my tolohl. b u JThsnooro- HQ] ' . . . O. 'h|o&.`- N-idowulnuly inn III III UIIIE hf. IIIC Ill IICCICC our village punch I won livoly up-I pannoo. an I... J. Umdor. no IQ5; ngton .. It A. am. Mr. ucommq 5.3 tend into tho Union hotel. and in our villain manna A man Ii... ..._ man: In vur Itijllu WXI VII , IOIIK fnou. Pundit ' putty in this loonliu. . n uhonthla watcher con- sinuolh vii In vot Ii before upring opou. John Goodllowta hood I lluonovplnnn .und, nation in. who willhnvollo drlvo. iniaon: (loom 6 W. N. Bortduia L Bun B. rand Mia Millor. at A. O. Wonr'I; Illinm Clot And funilg. Wlllhn link and hail . and A. Runni- oon, at W. D. Black's; . L. Goodhllou, 'l`. A. Grish. Bnchhur. Ed. BIII. lid Andauu. In H. Hsnilwn. Ii! L Goodhlow and lid J. Cmdor. Gnu-no (hath: John hnllhnnnn, I. 1.. J. R. C. DOBBS 8 C0.. Iih llndqnnon. New GI HIM IIIIIC of 011? II Fondilul ulnlnnnlinu - lnonou-lnooltngln l.U.U.l`. hall. on the ltlu (mm. was A ouooou oonuldoring tho unfavoroblo washer: Kannada amounted to twonty dollars. social Ina nluo well stranded on unrdny ovoning, nome- Ilning lito Iona dollu-I bolng made. About two huodnd people ueondod the Uohogunn ulido on Solunhy nlglnt. Our unuvor hu aux-tad his round: in this psrtolthotmv ` and in oonuquonco some ' nu vcrv lnnu DIWII II Iy 00. Ill Ilyl Ill IHII I am not opposed to neoeeear and proper eooomrnodation for all the oh ldren in the city; but I oumot hel thinking that there is something in the 0 arge that A proper distribution of the aoholare in the vsrinus schools is not nerally observed. and a gooddeal of v uable space consequently lost. If I am wrong in this, I am open to oorreotion. Claeaee small in numbers, no matter how old or young the pupils,shouId be given the emaller rooms, and the larger olueee the la rooms. no matter Wlll the ages. unt All the rooms sreevenly lled; and if one eohool is taxed beyond its cepaoit to oooommodate all the scholars ` in its uoinit , thoee livin nearest the next school ehoud be sent t ere, and eo on throu hout the city: and all branches of in- struet on should he taught in each nohool, to my mind, asnll the teachers are obliged to hold certicate! qnelilying them to teach all the subjects required to be taught in our public aohools. In that one there would he no superiority in one school over another and the teachers of one would be on a level with times of an- other, and their eelariee could be arranged on the same haala. -Yo\u-e, W. rnuuu Ian. ll.--YcItord.|y'o thaw Inn lob roads in bud uh again.` Tholoo-nooiinain I.0.0.F. M1. the nulonunomuunnboduu ngnin. The loo-noohj I In I. ah inn. l:u|-non nnnnidm-i::= ch: nncunea LO neuove may would not uk for now Ichool buildin a nu often u they do. In uying thin! onnoood nooanurvnnd Droner ceeeery rneene, muer. be neglected. or an unwelcome decit eneue, unleee the tax- ation in inereued. This much not be, far we eennot Itend it. Therefore it behooves the echool boerd to take warning end de- mt iron: crowding ue with their oonutant- ly recurring demende. It ie one thing to look to the city council for the money for theee. in eome one: I think. unneoeeeary undertakings; it in quite another thing to mine the unouute eeked for. Were the board themeelvee held more ree nei- ble for this eort of thing em inclined to believe they would not new school hnildincm nu or me exuung uonoou u nooeeeery. met. In Willlemevilie elreedy becoming too small for then repidly- win section of the city. Here inn 0 nae no-the board to exercise their eeneeend eoenomioel diepoeition, en they all ht to doit end hike the lune view. of t e nituetion on if it were their own hueineu. Our eohoole en coltl 3 in too much, and their ex nee: ehouldrhelrept down to reason- : e proportione; our (nee ere high now. and there in deuger of their beooming higher on account of the eotunl require- mente of the public work of the city. and that too in the inoe of deprecieted voluee of prorerty. And where ere the tone to come mm, or how ere we going toreiee them? It will not do to Iree on needless- ly inoreuing our generel det by borrow- ing. for the more we bonus! the more in- wrest we mint y, end this increased in- tereet reduoee t enmount of oontrolleble revenue left to do neceeeery civic bueinene with which. in one of ehor e in the ne- nannnrv nllnnl Inns}. in nnu Annul nu an no rovnaoa. tor II n utmost. ronay no nuna. an would mvo I |uv{ng to the taxpayers otstleut. l0.000. oom rod toeho cost, ofbho propoood new no ool. nnd lonvon la balance in the hands of the trustees mil u-Link on luunnnun and -ml-an-A -nrnn solo touch as many or the sonoms who wm have to attend it. it built. them. espooiolly the youn ohilclron in the winter season, for it. Is t. o ooldosb section o! the city. while the Crswlord lob ls oentrnl and con- venient. lo: sll. Tho building hsvln; lofty ceilings. ood vontilnlon could be easily an-ongod or. and it would not take long to put tho intnrior lnm nooosnry shape. These being the facts. hho school board should Adopt. this proper! instead of the more northern ono. if nnot. or school must. bOJ.)I`0Vld0d. for it is Ilmoot. randy to hand. an would nmva A nvinu In the tnxmvarn G --~ ----~~~-~. EPPS coc<'>A Q33; -QAQQ_ Q!-15-3 II DIIIDX In EDD llllll OI VJIO ITUIDOOC wit. which min: rove snd enlarge some of the oxhting so oolu N nooenury. that in Willinmnulle Ill'OIdV booominn llll OI NIB DIE] ma DO]0nd IEIIO. PQDO able roach of of the Ioholnu who Wlli hnun On -Ijnnrl It H hull}. thni-A nnnnninnw nemg mu exoeuenl ouunoueee nu- inched. `Bin groundu no weii ienoed and stand high. and are easily drained, and the biook is situated in bhe very centre of the section for which the new echoqi in aid to he wanted end intended to nerve. This cannot. heoleilued for the nine favored bv she board. which is al that too much out-atthn-rev in tho nlv.nI.i.lnd our.- one noun. wmcn u an nor too Innon out-of-tho-we in tho ul -nestled out.- aklru oltho y And boyon tho.rouon- able reach of nnnv of the noholnn will u mo nonouru In no or my wounor, an being Ind oxoollont outhouoes in a stand high. and An annilv drninul Am] 1 ouu-roonu gn outs: spgnmouu noos- nry for a w voningqd school. and the other ouonthl equipment ; can be oom- plotod for hnlg, 00 ha thn hall. thus the propoud now I will 0005. That bolng the one. I nbpib the oohool trustee: should uouro It, for, in ndditlontothe rouom jqd (Inn. is bu unplo ground in from and gusto! It forth. notation 0! who nohohri in no dry weather, there hoinnlnmo oxoollonl nt- um at in may, Inuxonu aonrnmmy, units xm . onpqdlty and lniahod Agape- pnoo. It in I w in txopllont oon Mon n-om motto awn. Ihavo to on ood nu- thodbythntlb nbo hon 6 to A: at: very low gn Ind tint. t 0 purchase. the out of convert gun intaor Into witnblo nlnnnmnmnn an ntlnr nnnrtmnnu unnu- ;'3`2.. 1.-'.`2..'J.'i.'e`.'}.5? ."I."oa-n.u' :."...':::: ampmmu knowu _ , Arohdoooonh Polly." now ooonpi by the Mqllri. Obv- tord. groom. o All him ohmh, wumuhful, "On uooonntpl It; can- tnl position for than pairing a school in of tho city, And on-in desirability, lllbv. oamdltv Annou- I'Uf_-j (mun Panuu Feb. 84.---YcItorday`o thaw .u|aoJnma.snm.:........s... nunqlng nu been peueu Dy Ieouon ox the owns! of the city e Might maa`?! oldthe voul mi. Iii! Mo am on , an plane . I`. yronld be W5: end it in not gawk , to deae,thei. thenbhooi .eonlld n; the hard, time: and the consequent dim- onlty in nit! the neceeesry revenue to carry on the of the city. the In enm A new building will ooet. end the di- terenoe oi opinion exieting among oiminene genenlly In to whether none or brick is most preferable, before denite! deciding to arena ebructui-e..ehou no Il0WlVr 'X.>'`n P `I-`E 3 ` In nun lolon Iona vlu Ruhm in noon tron UFRANGI H ITIAIRI Agnt.

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