Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Feb 1896, p. 3

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Eurmnnx no. nu. -uggmjn; I 1 Bargains at Horrid CougT1| Whloh you nd in still ollnging to you can he eund by tho an o! ICURACOUGHAI _. 1 "$.76 EACH. WPTm SE6. 3 3 A R 5. ---.:u:n:.-'- It you want the Cheapes__t and Best H- BRAI*SE. S~| l'U|" Illl) l'CKl"'" U1 nun Tull! l"1'uLll wruppur and two 39. uuunps. mm nu! ___ _ the popular nun-la o`f t[{n}1ny'w ll be sum. to you postpuld. with list of other BOOKS FREE Elle 0' I. " mpsv. kfn I0 xlwx In Sol my alu rocclm of ` I Adam: & Sons (,`o.. H &, I3 Jarvis Smct. Toronto. Out. 75 H Q A_QE ..S j sold in Kingston by n. O.M} 124 I Pr-{nmn Bu-ash. " FURNITURE. Tho Lending Undertaker and Fur- niture Manufacturer. an; a nu: nniunuce e-I-n|:I:'r DICUTO WKDUXIDFUFGF. 254 8: 256 PRINCESS STREET. II I'\!Il'IVI` The Shoes |Ne Have Are The Shoes You Want Suthcrlands READY WITH OUR Sold"`ny " . realm DH l_. A - - 2 - `- 7 Drug Shh. Oovoqna Windsor Kohl. The Corner Bookstore. .2-V. \_' _ #777 " Iountlhn :hchu;nLIhuuHbl 20th Century Shoes. E ;..`.;;;.;..;..'.;. .. / Md: Digoutlon. Hold by Drugndntn and Confocllmmrn. ac. R_gfuno ull hnltnuonn. 3,4; t L. And Our Prices DON` 2- `Ai%,g_&8i A|HV Are Always Right. Largo Domes. ` at Bu-tlnnd Home woe the summer retreat at I well known nunhor, whose pretty Ht- tlo wile mu 5 dlmnguluhod u-tut. Every one liked to go there. nun on me I an Nay. there were mud to more. Envy one, am 39;! Nay, two people on earth no whom tho very (thought of that place wu an agony. one via: the Rov. Adam Powornoouro, (bought at that place an agony. One was Roy. tbomoulu mooouful preacher of the day, I scholar. 3 gentleman and a favorite with on who know him. In public be was at- hantivo and oourmoyo to all, but he on- chewed society. He never vilited Indies, had he did not go to Bun-Gland Rouse. 'l'hn nmhnr nm-non to whom I refer HM` and he did not so uamnna mouse. The other person to whom been a beauty and 5 hello ten years before tho opening of m nary. She wan band- nma wmnnn at And on yet unmarried. wu mvma. Seven o'clock am, and tho guuu wan grouped In the pretty drnwing room. I Ivnmnlluo. looking very pale but bom- [weapon In we pretty urnwmg mom. Ivnngnllno, looking very pale yiilul In her evening drain 0! whim silk. with a olmwr otv tonal In but jetty hair. ood near the open window, talking to lawn! of her old trlondn, when the lane oomer wu |nnounood-lhe Rev. Adam Powernoourt, whn some 3 mm late. "so glad to use you," said Mrs. Hart- land. mm A hmminl nnuo. Evangeline. he bl ml `L and f: N1 M\I.n1Ilv`oInr-'. ...s.d"" nfuluu you shaman an Hal n 0 Ion! from New q_I. I'M Le", .`...'..':'::3".:.'__.,-n-z.':.'::~a are an dinner." Neltborol the two spoke or looked at such ochur. The gentleman offered his arm, the Indy routed tho up: of her fingers upon lt.,pnd so they fell into the proced- Iion, unnooed oxoapt by Lin. Huthnd and her husband, who gave each other a rouglnh glance all they pnuod. The moment. the Indian left the dining tho opening 0! my nary. Hne nano- nomo woman am yet which was mainly her own nun. She III lvanpllno Puts. the only ulnar 0! 11- n.-ulna um an lulv nnmrtnd I lvaupuno Pun. me only minor 0 In. Hntland, and that lady oonmvod I llnnu puny, to which Mr. Powornooun Invited. Hanan n nIa-ink ndrnn and thl lulfl WIII So glad you," land MPI. unru- lusd, with a booming qnuo. Evangeline. my door!" ' Mr. Powanooult stated he heard the dear!" Mr. Powauoourt nu-todu nuns. The non. lady looked up at him. "Eva, dear," uld the hostess. Mr. Poworncoux-I: will give you his Arm. You can ronnw your old acquaintance while we dinner." man... no Inhn cum make or lnokad at rouglen glance may pnueu. The moment the dining room Evangeline managed to escape trmu them, and. hastening Into the oummx-vm tory. sunk down upon a seat beneath an orange tree, nud, hiding her face In her hands, hogan toteko herself to mask for llor weakness. nnuu Mn-un run:-An` nnvnv rnwn nnlmm nor weakness. Some Mme passed away. Grown calmer at last, she rose to rejoin the company In the drawing room. . Rm hnfnm her Itood the Rev. Adam the drawing But baton her stood the Powenoourt, the usual grave composure of his manner gone. N. with eager glunoel and outstretched hand, he tu-routed her do- pm-tum. 1 One moment." he laid. Had I, pm-nuro. L One moment," I,` known of your return from Eur-opo-hod I dreamed that I should meet you hore-l would not have come today. But, since we have men. may I oak and will you an awor one quost.lon?" "What In it?" she unkod coldly. Ton yours ago I loved you. I love you ItHl,1ftlmHsnll. But can yours ngo l dared to tell you IO, M I should hardly venturo to do today. Why did you glve no answer to my npponl?" Mr Pnwurannur" nho nmnnnorod. 1 I Rlohl aha: It was not kind of you. to my the 'ienst,," he want on vehemently` "A man pays ll woman the highest omuplinwnt he can offer when he lays hi: heart. and hand as her (set. if she does not wish to weep! him, she should at least (iaign in call him 30. Minus Purim." Mr Pnwm-Anuurlh I know nobhinn } looking at him strangely. " You know those people \.bnI live In thee two etory houee name: the wey-the Gumpereone or eume each name?" Yee, I know them when I eoe them.` I hen e puelng eoquelmenoe with them; epeekeolhem when I meet enyot them on the etteee. Well. one of the girl: etopped me while I we on: welklng the othet morning. She eeld. `Mine Rlghy. your home weenw In-oken Into lees night and Iobbeil, wee It!` I eeld: `No. Why?` And ehe am: `I'm gled to beer 1:. I Vdreemed lee! night eomebody bed not Ink) `your honee through the utohon window and eeolel ever In men: velueble thing:-.' Think of the preenmptlon 0! m Drum- lnc ebonl uel And they Al0II'| In our eel en en. "-Ohlee3o Tribune. 1-"1'. XIVUTT IIIII Ill npuhuu won nemuuvy answer 60 my uppmur Mr. Pom~raonurM" I looking at him strangely. It. was: nnt. klml of ' Europe." "Oh," aha orlod, looking at him with a smile. [ would have answered your lot- tox-. but It never reuohed ma." WhntP" "1 never saw it. It. was novor given tc Inc. I never knew tlmt. It had been wru- laon mu this moment." "Minn Pnrkol" He stood as moment. lost. In utter astou- luhmont. Thou oortaln looks and tone: on the pub of nnothar lady during Mu put ten years ushed uuddonly norous his memory. A hot. ush row to ma hrow. He tool A step forward I ll3l)$ tho Ht.- Ilo hand mm was not. (it away. "ihlnnnnllnn O.hI-nuuh Hun i.l|I|nh5\l'V nl 'rLo.qulypan woven expansive IMO jboolol pun nnku-I ndunlud am they .-nn)Innh.nnunhnnnlnnuwnnneo1r,v Mi-Is I-'urIm." Mr. Pnwarnoourb. I nothing wimmvor of thisi How was it? How did it. happen? Tell me all now!" nhu said in an ngitauxl tone 0! voice. Mina Parke. lien duys Imfom your du- ugltauxl none 0: value. Miss Parke, duys _\'u\lr parturu for Europe Iwr-ow you n lunm asking you to be my wife." "To whom did you deliver In? To your most. Intimate trlend. nus. Grnyaon. who promised to give it. so you wmxln the hour. To that letter you ro- turnod nu nmcwur` I walml Mun days` And than I heard that you had nnlletl for I`..u-nnn " A nu (`HUI Europe.` --nh. " no harm mm. nor. urnvca away. "Evnngullnu, through um t-ronohery 0| an lftflll and designing woman I have suffered horrlhly for ten long yours. Will you not reward mo now? If thnt humor was before you. what. would be your nnswur?" Rhn lmknd as him with her heart. In hm ` "'An|wer mo." \ "I really think I should have to any l you," aha murmured. And the next. moment. Iho Md her haD-- you," aha murmured. ` And the non. Md hap-- ` py, tearful eyes upon hls broad breast. Mrs. Ilnrtlnnd lookad discreetly Into the tearful ms IJHMMI urensc. Mrs. Hnrtlund discreetly oomorvnwry ut. this ormonl mnmont and nth-ed the noxt. uusoon. Him was the III: and soul of tho party that uvnnlng nud kept her guest; away from the door of the oouurmtory M Ioalounly an if the plague hnd been lurking thorn. Rut. whnn .hn rmnnnllnd lovers cam: nun been Iurkmg mom. But. when .ho reoonullod cu: into the common world once morn. she stole up behind her namely ulster and whim nnnd um: n muov amlle. Adam and Eve." `Evangeline kissed her by way of reply. nd the modern Eden which the Rev. Adun and his wife inhabit has All you nc Ho-.Il nl elm ..u-nnno." Alnnnu in hlnnmlnn [man and his win Innnmu nan yen nc trail of the serpent" among 1:: blomnlnp owerI.-Now York News. A Oovington man has been telling The Commonwealth of his lint. experience As a Juror. nnd in so doing furnishes an apt ii- lunu-Mion of tho benuuoe 0! Kentucky`: Jury nynbem. it. was nlmuv. 20 years ago, and I don`: think I ever had been lnsldt of n oouroroom in my me. Well. I took a son and iiewned to a lot. nl lnwyurn jaw- lnn sogether nnd before they gut, through I concluded I'd get. of! that jury it I could. So when Judge Boyd, I think It. was. be- an to get. the Jury together I got. up and. Inn 1: `M11 it pious your honor,` (or you let. I hnd learned that much luv, and i aye, `May it pieue your honur, i would like to got 06 the jury.` The uid gentle- man looked Lt nielur n mimlto. und, say: he, `Whnt. x-euon have you. Mr. Young? `Why. Judge.` nay: I. `I don't think I'm competent Io seam on I Jury.` `Tnixe yum nun. Mr. Young,` nun he. `You're Lin non of men we want. And I sat down." -Louinvilie Courier-Journnl. rvuvuu nun: n --on The president. of Harvard In oppqnod N dytpupdn an I nations! dlnouo and give good ulvloa. even I! he Ilvu In the pl: bah, when he an. "Bo uhuued no! at Injoylng your lootl. but of not enjoying l\."-8I. Iaoull Globo-Demon:-It. A" HAPPY? IiEUNIO7N. tororo wnnu woulu ue your nnswurr Bho looked at. him H FIHFIOT UUNI FUN OCUGHQ A ND COLD. Huunoncn. Althlnl. Brouhltll. SUI T503`: mole behind her namely mm: nun wnm pond with a saucy amlle, Eva " Tho Ilnd o! In Wnbd. - ,,, L._._ ._|u_ ,.. ` she nmnnnorod, 1 -_. , - V 3 A TM-hoo Incident In Name [.110 80 I on the `hall: for Iolnu. They told me In thodlnlng car of 1: train on the Louisville and .\'nsh\'llle road hnt They told In tmoulnxngcarotn II on the llt In the smoking air was an old oolored man who was going much to see his old plun- utlon home again bufure dcuth claimed him. By and by I want In to have a talk with Mm. He was wrlnkiod and wbito hatred and avldanaly wry old. and when I expressed wonder than his friend: In [on- Iauoky should have let: him not out on such a longjouruey he mpllod: "Dev jest; oouldnw help dolnolvou. uh. day Jenn hud to-lot mo." And how long lines you left hhoold plantation?" . `Way back in wnh tlmon, uh. I dun went right of! ma some Yankee ao|nu,.|n ht : do low I obor did no of Ilprl Thomuu folks. 1'30 [vino down to `update 'em." Where In It!" "Just. a mm wan out o Balm; D0: tell mo dnr .mn gnu, changes `bout Selma, butl reukou 1 km walk 1-lght down do rum! an and do plnnunhun In the night). Dress av Lnml, nah. but I don` reckon 1 could huv cloned my eyes In death It day hadn't let me cum. liar`: been nich n longln to sum do ole place ucln dun I couldn't stand it. " ' vm....... rut mm M n. nhlnnnd lnmnuh long 10m-nay he repuou: "Day jest; help Ibole do oh1ll'un 1 Ivan bound to own, A: had to-lot. mo." "And how louu you couldn't mind it." Three or four of un chipped intocat his numis and make him oomiortahie. but we saw tlmt tho journey wu toiling on his strength. On t-ho morning of the day we wore to ranch Selma l iaonld loo that he was weak and nervous, And when I uni. down beside him he laid: Ml`... fnniln uni-ll n -knnrt. 'hm|I`. mvnelf down beside him he saw: I'ze toolln sort 0' akunrt bout_ myself dis muwnln. I had It dream last night dam I was hmikln `long do rand an met a funeral. nn when I and who was gwlne to he burlud a white man Ipoko up and mm: ` '1 on my soul, I! dnt hnln t Mum Thommwn olo nigger Job. who runuod on dom-In do wuh! Hanb, boy, let me tolo you uumthin. Yo bu cum too late to see yu`r ole mars. Dust : him In do oomn, an he was nxlu `bout. yo` Just do day Info ho I ll died. " I told him that dream: dld not signify, and after u ML had him qulto chirped up. [got him IOHIB tobacco {or his plpo. saw that he had breakfast, and u ! left him he smiled all over with happiness an he said: "nnlv two hours mo to Selma. I'M `IQKTHIIN I5 BooT""H"'& 00.,` .hannnnnInhhIoo||.)* nmued an with nappmeu u no Iuuu: Only two hours mo mom` dun gob dare." Thlrtv minnms lnmr tho oonduotor book- moan` dun dare." Thirty minutes lntor who oned to three or tour of un to come Into the smoker. The old man an ln his coat leaning against the aide ot the our and uoeiued to bo sleeping. HM: Imam dnnd mu mlnutu." auletly seemed to be sleeping. He's been dead ton mlnuuu," quietly obnervod the conductor, "and he died as peacefully as a child tuning to sleep." Ha he had. Thsro was a smile on M: peacefully as 3 ohm! mum; no sleep." So he had. old black !Mo-n smile of anI.|o1patlnn-- and tho plpo had not (alien from hha n- gcmn. Dmth had come like I son and Decoy mantle, und Its touch had boon pam- leu.-Det1-ull Free Pl-en. nu nu`:--u vv--u None but housekeepers know how very lltllo of their money is really spent on tiwxneeivou. Molt certainly every wife should have her private puree, for, an a wretohod woman eaid only the other day: "I would rather go without dinner for a weak, or a dreee for a year, than go to my husband on Saturday morning with the books. He is always wanting extra deli- onoioe at table and than grumbling be- cause the butohor'e hill is 81 19a. (id. ihil week. when it woe only 1 lie. id. int week. [vainly remind him he inelited on having eweethreade on Tuesday and liiint on Friday and that that hae made the dieronoo. but he onnnot or will not see it and grumhiee and hoagiee until he make: me quite iii, and then he pay: the books, leaving me with a tow ehiiiiuge for `current expenuee' till the next Saturday. He ordered some wood the other day for which lsainliiingahnii to he paid at the door. He forgot to loave me the money. and whnn 0091: brought the bill I had to own I had not got ii ehiiiiugu and to bor- row that sum from her. Oh, the humili- ation of ltl" And her one iiiied with tears as eho poke. That man : income in probably 800 or 000 a year, and hie wife hnetohorrow 6 ehiiiinge from her own servant to pay for rewood! 9-innh n hmaimnd mmht to be aehamed of ouh,1:'o`:i:oIo:imu|u:HuIImuuunu Bituu tngn y onncu-tlf thnthn nowinib vcrybulclhdta d fool vwy gntohl to 3.3.3. m Au-nu Tnonx. for urewooux Such a husband ought hhunolf. Ho degrade: hlmlelf; he Iowan nnd hurnemm his wife. Let him go eeri- ouely Into the subject. of hi! Income. de- olde how it In to be poruloned o. hand the wife over her monthly allowance, and never dleome e bill or a butcher with her again. In In to her Internet to do her best, and the In certain to do II, and me wlll be made brighter for bath eooordln3ly.--Lon- don Queen. Among no Romans an lnvlaiblc Ink who `made with the milky juices of on-ll: plnnm I tn nnnnnhctun was a can not, dash being lnllhkd upon any who uhould dlaolou It. and all important dluouobcu from the ospltnl Iotho provlnou. or vloo \-nu-an. wall Irllf In Ink. II; VIII!!- unx1~s.-Iwu in vary poo: health tor` over {our you-I. t|ndootornidIcwn0ou- nti don. Notvunlngho toomuoh ou,lgothhnobouhId rdookhlood BM: nnduookit lu-I loan can" mine. 1"... now in ungguvyblll loch` cans -r`i 6"Bl LIOUSNESS, nun 0011000 no lnor. An old writer tell: she Lowluoon Jour- nnl that "boon In human." Ind be struck is weak spot In mun : nth up when he wrom that truth. A cm. mnnnlu gun in nu: of Hahn`! t-hut. amt-n. A few month: ago In one at Main`: county seat: a lawyer and I clergyman were chatting wgothor. In the course of oonveruuon the IIIMQOI of minutes and mlnonloulallonl came up. no vnu mmr mnkn mlamkuP"nakod mlnonloulauonl Do you ever make minutes?" naked qho minister of the lawyer. Why, yes. sometimes, " WI! the Annual. "1 suppouo you notify them. don ! you?" lnqulrod who clergyman. Na. not. nlwnu. II It It A lu-no ml!- lnqulrod mo clergyman. No. not nlwqyu. mm lu-go mlm. I om-root It. bn It In In I until one I let It go. How about younolt. Brother 13.? [suppose you Iomotdmu mush mil- labia?" taken?" Oh, you, uomotlmu," mun:-ed the minister, "but 1 mac ihom u you do. For lnumnoo, In my In-mon n tow Sunday: ..... t mm "mm Inn in tho tube of All For Inumnoo, In nw uunnnyl ago I said. `The dull In tho tuba lnwyux-s,` but Ie wu such I alight mum- that 1 lot ll 30." Iunnllphldn. In nddmon to M: othu mhlonmonh In the domain of ohomhtry. Dr. Donlngu of Dresden in now reported to hug pnpond carbon monoaulphldo. CS pun, for the am time, and udu that Instead of being, an dooorlbod In the honbookn. An amor- phous rad uoud. It In nanny 0 oolorlun as. Be prepared II by hosting dry Iulpbldu of sodium with ohlomtorm. or, pntorubly. lodolorm, in oulod tubes. to 18) mu 0., the guaoouu pl-oduoln bung In 0 to bubble through uquooxu onunlo potub. whloh nboorbod Ibo uulphuzohd hydloonn, and the ou-bun monouulphldo paced through unnboox-bod. By acting upon our- bon disulphide with sodium, In the pun- onoool nomomnlnqthu ncwtuwunlao obmlnod. It In oolorlou an gully ooh- donublo to n In: uqutd. which Qvqw nteo npldly and h ntnunlyoxpluln.-- Nnu York Sun. nun npmy um New York Sun. II-`vn'-vu--1 --u---. --_... om: pm. Airzn LA1-mu msuus noon ncazanou. ""0525 T3-'D?; '6"-'s3o'i~'-.5? Oolonul '1`. Auuouji ll lupuluuuu In- tho following story 0! I _ whoa onn ` at [run not: only Bushy. paling questioned. mac "Donn `Of ` "nplhl!locolnno|.hIlI nhuhnnhuno do mum" "Douala Lani : Pnyu-my bound byohyunot" l1.Y 1 taken?" Mn. from the equal noun pro warn. wen wrmun In Ink. luau-nu. tug; nu} 'PbonnndaoleuhdoonnInpGhn.uhh `GWINE BACK HOME'l 0 DIE." -....._.-__._. -_.. ,-._ -___.;__. n_. u-_... III. II.` 0;u\IpIbI OIIOI. Y-_. Inna.-nag An lngllnh Wlb. . L........I........... loun- Ilnuunt ptuy syrup. ` ' I Metal 100. Ann see. PM ffllo sou M An. own}; _ ______ ma uuon. Montreal, Ono. -uvuq vvuu-n-. `Pauling taken place manly at night, it bolngooolor `lot 9110- pllgnhm, und bo- nldu that Ibo numb bod honor in day- light. Ivory Itch My a bulb for a com- plou N hour: in male In order to not the camel: and to pnvono Iorloun result: to them (tom the ohnng of mo saddles nnd heavy burden: which they carry. Even with this on` many of them knock uh heavy bulonl wmon may on-ry. anon with Ihln can many up and us nhundonod. Many pug:-lma an Intel: III on the way, and some die. Thlo Dunstan: onnvnn mun ha I mu-voiom night, with lea 16.000 camel: moving Along In In-Inga miles In length. and nnlhly ht. may work the urns-allay mus be. with the on, the dust. the oenulvo umollo. the crying motion of the "ships 0! the dean. " Ind the you-oo and had um. All that mun go a longwny towud upcoming own the ntrongont inonymou uwoolslly as ch null: houloroolongawuo. ll nlnhn HHICAIL A III` I. '[_P_xTe_[!_\dlA=,};_\,/_c_a9t and the Best Make: Slr luohu-d Burton. I run II use me at Mo, Joined this onnvul atla- lnnln labs and nourish to Iolnll. inking ll dun on the iounoy. but In found tho strain quite ll much an he could! and. t'~n.u I few years no udunu ...-gum Ll-Avnlnd {mm Human Illllt nlnnl land. l"n.u 10' I30 loununr onnvnn u-clad from Xuoooo right along tho nurthorll nous nt Amen, through AI- gerln, Tunis and Tripoll to k and than join:-xl the Calm carIVlB.thlW [I- gnnmlo nnlr won uulna on In Hotel 5008. cu-Iklua ncruu l.hO.I|0I'thC'll path 0! `ho Sllultlc poulnauh and down thnigh the `dean. Io \lodunnndonIoKooo1.f'l'h0 Iuuooo and north Afrlonn p DDW voyage by Iluunul` through the not canal In .naa.h. mm! for III In: run or two the House 3:3 Furnishings by through the ullll own to Jlddnh, and for tho lutyur to Egypt Ian pllgrlnn huqgonohoun Sun II! steam. .- to the tuna put. n mun without -win that In cram!- L53" IOU FAB! on Io wnnm I'I&$c(j. no pa-L It gum without nub; that the crowd- ing at Jlddnh And angrily uousalvo quota: and the m `tho and plus 1: g :..,.1".`:'."..`:`.?*:'.:."x. .... hum found Impossible to onfoioo Ignltnri wmllntiunu ur In I-|.v of soot! Iv dunuld.-,-B0. ll Globe-Dpm Insure n uulloiom nup- lo! ue ` uout. RICHMOND 5: co. NEWTSPRING - GOODS. DUIII W IIIIIOIIII II] IJIV l'l'Vpl'l!1HJl 3 Worcester : Crosso & Blackwell. Ltd.. London : and Export Oumon gonorully. I --._...' sold Wholesale by the Proprietors Wnmnnfnr - VIZ jvtj vvwjvj wt-upnvuuunghoauurunub. vu-not-summon-u-Gian: 1._.L.L.A:nn.h_.n..--.15.`-Q AGENTS : J. M. Douglas tGo.ud Urqnhut a 00., Montrod. V I8 NOW 'P/?lNTD /N laws In 0/Aaowmr ACROSS nu: OUTIXDE IHIBLPPHB ` of every Bottle of the QRIGINAD YJORIZESTERSHIRI New Prints and Girghams, Fast Colors, 5c, 7c, 8c, IOC, Izk. New Shirting Prints, guaranteed in color, 8c, Ioc,` I2}c. Mourning Prints, Fast Black, IOC, 12}c. New White Lawns and Muslinsfdirect from England. New Embroideries and Edgings. Torchon and Valencicnnes Laces in White, Black and Cream. "0"?"-"j W1"? "'9' 9'5 0`B8EI?VE THAT THE SIUNATURE '//PR/NTED nrrau. l_VIR.YW|-llll, Brussels Carpets from 804:. oouunploioni lhuol _ ......a man" (9.... 11.1. ON THE MECCA ROAD. luau-u Oolmnll. ._ `.3.-- _|-._ ._..sI- IKE PETS H": -----AND---;- [The Best Selecfti R. UUALDRON Tfirway "`.".. Fie Jmniln drlnu (LA Phi =1 SAIJEE. 1 w--7-- w_`-.-__ Will lonvo Klnfnon at 8.116 pan. oven lrldny mu roaorvm In ndvnnoo. ourlnt. um ! round mp Hahn to Florida. Tun. Mo km And all Pnclllo Cont point now on u . Weekly Touryslceplnz Car ---v.- `.V. "7 "Enid: . " '73: unto I. And Pnmnnn nooonnodnton. oh.. apply to T. B 0 fl Trunk Q Puunnt Do It! nu Johngo: usual. ' rxmaammmaim ALLAN LINE RATIO OF PASSAGE. ll-lA- A--- _...__L --_..n.-A._A.-n-. '.'V-c'o'h'un"'37u"n'$'u'-'7'; "'33:-coau-.m an-n. IOW IIII. TOMB-TABLE. GOING IABT. Io. I 1119.. ...l. 0.9. 40.4 " ....lxI|p.n. 910.0 " . u:mp.n. ,o.lD Ilx. 0-00|.In. .a.n . Steei-age n. __g_..... nA.l_.--u -|._..- ALL I` ."'\IU IU T T\II` cinounuuulehlluhlo` `-DBAl.lQ l'I--- %4LIFi2_RH!A. TRAVELLING. van .vuu.vuv-at-gland , __,?.._ -__.. 6! VI In nulls: Ill $0 in emu poem had In A FIRFIOT OUR! FOR .1 to-L13 Inn}! (5%! A IGHU I-UVU Uuhuu Auhnn Bfignhltln Tho: III '11- 6A. no cu Au 2.::-:2:-ha MEDIICAMV --.--_--an--ynnnp `His to cure any nu. Lmnbngo. >iw. \nC. Female -N-v refunded. c-r by mall on 5 \' luxc.-I 11.50. '! oronto. ED. CU. LID ' o oo-(`or. lunh mt DI: WH()L.I?S.\[.R AND l\R`I'AIIo-I31` IN `I'll IARKIT * Yard No. l--Ontario utnoi. " l-(1|nronoo ICNOI vhul. " .\-*10. lawrnnoo whorl. hm omee-s\. Luvnnoo what. hunch `I00 shook. oppo- ulmllluh A|mo{|in`nn`:ot3.`lInn\on. [u up! am. as I no I1 VG!!! . Con! all under savor and vol] noun. Toluphruu oomnuuluothn. JA--u H :4-.`vu-r 0 BOHPANV his six line: for coughing. Obnnuiug played I gentleman : part. and oonloquently drouod well, become ho had to. He also reooivod invitations to actresses receptions and went to them in a dress uult. Aooommodatingyoung men who will pan round ton and olaret cup and give recitation: are so rare that they are sought after, even it they on poor as Job. BoIidu, it you meet as young man at a ra- ooption and he in attired like other young men and talks in an educated way, how are you to know that he has juut powuod his watch and learn that he will have to pawn his ovoroontl Whon you moot a young man who throw: money away on learning to act, how are yuu to know but what he liven at the Wnldorfl` 9,. oh. on nummlnllnn Mnltrnvnrn. who Ohnnlng Inc a simple. no:-Iona, ml; taken young man, who had ugmo `myow York to learn ti) an and pubnoquantly to goontho nose. when: man In no un- Iophmlcated M to think that acting on tally be taught, them is null uhnnoo ot Mm our [comm upon the Image, except an I"lup0." This mu how Ohnnnlng on and went out every night at 7:80 make the nuns remark and go om left, by tho sumo puatebonrd door nnd come back again to woudgr when he would really do Iomathing urniatgr, Ohannluu hml nlwan been out for old something greater, Ohanniug hml nlwayn nun : put: st tho Iuhool of acting, and he | played them oonuoientlou|ly-moro cou- . Iniootionkv than ncoeuity uirod,` am note I: pox-tinliy oquippnd h In for tho tank by giving him asthma And only one whole lung, and the cough which old me on the none elm-um mile: from didn't have to be oountorteitod in Chnnnlnfl cue. Moroover, he (sought a had ooltl bo- oouae there was no heat in him hall bed- room (fun can't get heat for 03 n wouk). ' and th I would have made his old mu: imponanntlonu" very realistic If he only had In real port to play, but ho hadn't. Ho hndtonlt in his overoont and study his put-which didn't take him long being only It: linen, And the moat vn id nix linen pouihlo-nnd between time: 0 would go Ind maul at public libraries. for thin in not only improving to the mind, but also warm. The nuddon change: from the in- tonuo heat of the public lihmrionto the in- teuto cold of the hull hedmo1n-nnd than In nothing colder in the wurld than thy.- rve Ohnnning neumonlo heonune ho idn't have enoug troubles, and when he went to uhonnnln he couldn't get through his six line: for coughing. hnnnh-u nlnvsd I gentleman DIN. lain Juniuuu. Bo.sniu`.~1 inhher wtunpawnhroker. which in one wny of snying that iinsaiu \\'u.~a woli of. Him nutod becuuuu aim wuntud In and not an ungngeuiens iwonmu she knew in tiluutrinui mun. Uuaiur tim wonther, m'nn t you?" aha uiwti Uimuning unu liil)` when M wan coughing. "You need quinine." ltimnninu mid liuu im unulti not some. wan nol tootiui. but good noarwa. Are you mad?" nhu uid. Going around without. lb zopmnhl" And she added that he was it "Jug,-.zlmI," whioli in I playful iurm signifying "fool." Smnouonnlo onu ltllnll being poor, on he live: who Wnluox-Ir 80 than to Gwendollno bllultnvorn, took the lngenue part In tho play in whloh Ghannlng "auped." he Iounmd no punrer than other young mun. (iwundollno Mal- trnvern was really Beulo Brown, for the Imnller the pun on the surge the bigger the nuns. Beulo Brown was not 41: old at lnganues are popularly supposed to be. but. the played her part just, about an badly as thlrd mm lngenuus generally do and overtlrunml to the same oxlnnt. 1:1... mm... In-nll.v And had a loud vnloe. ovartirurmmi the oxlnnu. Himwua prutty and haul a voice. oviduntly pmuueding from poriootlungu, and (Jhuuning, having only one, admired her, Ht-.r unrolosd gqnorouimy had some- thlnu nu nimui ii. ani whon Hm run on to tho lilmw uud hugged nuotimr mnn ho lulu Junluuu. no.-:.ain`.a i.n.hm- wummwnhroker. couglllnu. " \ nu nuru qununu. llhunnlng mm thuL gm) [it would have got. vltrlnl If who had l`l)00.llI- lneudml in. Ho run|umbm'L`d as ho mm It that he hml in M1; bill at. the drug store. and Ma lnmrm sunk. I: unln oh...` nun. ha ulnnhlml t.n nnwn hll RIZIIII Uurvll -II uupunnn nu--now:--u At 0:30, It holug uhvn dnyllght, oho loullng ll:-ltlnh nhlp, tho ('ullo(len, 74. ro- portod [Ive all to the Ioulhwu-d and wont.- wnd, and n nmnll sloop of war was aunt ahead to roonnnoluor. tho lloot pmoaofllng undor modonw onnvu. As It Mlvnnoed. Ind mom and mom onnmlen lmmod up am of Mm huu, the onutnnmry rqmru mo- ooodod one another In nmuumnumu yet somewhat unltln: rozmlun. 'l'lml'OII'0 mm null of mu lino. Sir John." "Very well, all." There an 2'0 null 01 tho llno. Slr John." Vury wall. sir." "Then are 86 call of tho llno. Sir John." "\'ory wall. Ill." The Mlmlrnl had by this llnlo been lolnod hy Cnpulu llnllnwull, an omoor of very dlnlnguhhed mom. but of onoontrlo ohu-solar. Illa nhlp haul been lost durlng NI umponry obonnoo on ulur duty, two Iuonthn baton. And he mu now present nnlu II A nnnnnu-up. Whnn lb: Iunl ion and Ma Inmrm sunk. It was than that. he douldnd to pnwn overcoat. It was the kind uf ovorouub that actor: favor. lur Mum! and fur oollumd, u auotlvu nu an |ngunuu's Hugo mum-. Of ammo thudny after he: hml pnwnud It to turuod lomurly uold. A man Inlmwn hk topooot un nnoh as day, and other pooplo miss it. oapuulully whan It. In much a pre- bontlonu gnrnmut. Bonnie missed Ix. Rho tactful. but good hoax-t.od. An: IMIII IIIIIIIP" lhn Illd. "G0'DI playful Iurm uglnrynng mm. Sumo ponp|o being poor, long no they urn not nhoughh I0, jmet as some puoplu ure onutonmd to be thought lo as long an thuy am not. Ohnnnlng bo- longod to the urn ohms. 10 van I-In one weakness. "1 had It: atulnn." he nnlul, lying. Basalt) nnld It was too haul. Annho made the oonmumplnco, vulgnrlmvd romurk hm- oyou roduenuul It. They wore full u! play. She thought. an mlnuun. mu! thou. having no false prldo nnd an hmn u-4 M; M u stage name, mud: Bub, lay. pm-hnpn I can help you 00 ro- oovor It. Pnpn `In In purtllarshlp with Iunaoa, Hm lmwnhrukur, you know. Tpey often have: stolen good: hrul|ht. to them. I could ldunmyjour o0uIv--~&ho mm with the fur oollu-4rTnn't M It In human`: gone to ouo of papa'u Ibopa (elm prouonnood It Eoppur) may be In : [one to one nt than 0 known. Oh, wo'lln~r. It back. never furl" 4 v)...u.|.-.- |.I...|....I l'l..~v- w|nn`I. nmnh lmrl" (lhnnnlng hlunhod. Tlwro wuum much blood lu Illa pour body. but all llu-ro was run to hln hollow ohoeluu. It In hard luck to have tlm all-I you love on the road to pruvlnu that you haw luld a HM` and: nllly Ho. :90, about Icuumlnlng tlmr. no we ought to be ulmmad of. "Dun`t.." he salt! In I\ ohoklng voloo Ihnl would have made me fortune on tho lingo. "I pawnod ll myself." It In: soon after thln that tlmy more nu--Im-I _I`,vn|\-nan II WII IIXDII l|| I l' U mu-rled.-I:xolmne. Iuonmn bofom. And no present. only an I puaougut. Whun the lug! rt 0| I? chip was Iumlo, Iho ndmlrnl'| o lo! 0! us! vuntund I nmmnntrnncu on the inequality of lufoo. Enough 0! than. Ilr." remind him Admlrnl. "1! than an 50 ml]. I will ya through Jon-Ia was not I man with wlmm llbortlmoould wollbo ukon, but Hnllowollwlu not to In nunlnd. `-Thu`: right. Sir John!" clad ho. putting him on the bark. "and. by ---. wl (Ive um n d--d good l|oklnl-Noluon 5| capo St. Vincent." by Captain A. '1`. Inhnn. In Oomury. ii*oni.sT 'r..':}if... HIn'I1.mlIN.-I write to all -ou how nnml I L..- l.m...| ll........-I`. \`.. Inn` nil C XT"'-.I I UIIIIIFIQ Hun found Ihgya-rd`: Ye low Oil onouthrou. In on family alone the Yellow OII cunt! Inna! bad ones. and In onucuuumvnooguinih Hula. y no! to poke M ull on. 0. I). Count. Wholuub and Raul! Grant. Canaan Sutkm. KB. Egononyh P am mm. " - puoduuluunb-zuanh.` and U35.` 0:. monnhlqhprian thqmutouor. vary- lunlunnhtunlnllyndunrhuddouy. lulu B. lornnltluufouu ptwucllouu. New gouduurlvng " _-".'E`,'_'Z duly. lungu cuuuuy nu: . nllo lot 2&1? vnocteuy can . bu Ind at B. Iofnnlfn KI our wuclaouo. tooth nrrlv ng duly. or IVIII nunuirilon. voonnmu-oxnnxon ontul-ouuun ou- ulond Qua mail. ' onto! .:`A.[%|` . O YAID-on-nu Ontario 1.3: A. 3.54.`. nan AIILIIII Junk and Curtain lnllowoll. .. 44;.` n. n._.A._, -L,.. .I__|l..I.5 AL- THEs?ER" '=l_!.'...._. All 30001-31 .- gL_-I4.` -...n :I- `l'b'|y wupurfu;:tiap,nud|owuthIbi- n g. Hy kit lun_ shin named pmupu-lug too. Hy cup ovornovmth. I long in thanksgiving; "All'I going I0 wall hero I know what I'll do. Young Tod Iholl be Ioullionuuiuototha huaiina. .\ All I I DWI] to In; -cnuuuuu -n. n...- A um no In the joy of tho: ueuon, (outings. nnnlonn Illd gourd delight " .. . ...,.L._ ._`.i'.".":'`m..." '."...?:`........""""'."o-o... on noun New Y ...."g lngbnl blank` I III. as nu. -c. as 53.. I (` um IQ -.'.~.-....-":2. .~.:-,.- -' IImulM`ou us; run II who I and Ian . '-nnnhlnnnnndun-cl You; Too! vu onoluntcd when told of Mn million And gladly protatod ho knvw won him Ind: So I left him In grmdonr cnthronod in tho klwhon ` M In] den are my vulon should I. Coil. |IntIwh|It|dInny|nooo|dd naunmnndumdnom you Ailinsnwuuuag. ltoohupnypoull; Dnowhmwu Glnopuingntinllnd Planned! Ion clad my huh. Xlvuno mm to mm. 30 undo O b-ginning with nnltoudy hnnd: Tho mouth. the vnoi. `ho day, the hour! All hlll ud Iooutopc hohwurd tuning. mu: soy and glndnon own the puvnr"-- Oh. an, the tutu : burning!" Down you the panel]. I rush to the kicohcn. Where the has or all birds In slowly prepr- In| - For the sow England but. Thnnknclvtnc. no Ho In 000;! nhaer for In all. o'en the poor In tutu- nu. r wu mining; the pencil: the knllo. too. I found to my The outlay ndjutod. onoo lnoroto my pnpor. wm: nerve: numcwhu rullod.l talc no Inln. But hence have 1 undo my poor pencil to On- her some :11 boiled our." 0! emu-Io I nfuul follow ~ Blnnkota, oomfurton, wool` underwear `and all winter dry goods sold at cost. price at ll. MoFuul`- onrpoh vnrchouuo. Ill B01100 0701'." UK uuuru 5 And rmumo that relllh without which our hll Would bu but 3 mocha-ry patent and hollow. The dlnnor'I prourounlng. but what of the word Which wu to Inn volood In the Joy of tho no- Mon! clan! Aluck And Alan! 1% wn lost In the may. But not one of oh dear ones who on at my in- bla -'ra`:-azjwguoznk`. ._-n --u -nnmblu E-Slat! Hlllod nngnl an ill) xcuwu w mu -nu um day. -Gm:-tto M. Klrh In Junction: Agrlonlturm. on the central Plateau It la Cool. and `there In no Iona` of Inutroke. A: for the climate, it in no worse than that found elsewhere in tropic lands. The heat in not no great an in India or an it in eometimee in New York in Iummer. For- tunately the coast belt on both eidee of At- rioa, where the heat is greatoet, and where the climate is most unhealthy, in narrow. In four hours a railway train at ordinary speed would enable us to oroee it and so avoid the debilitating temperature. An- oeuding the sides of the coast range by the name means of conveyance. we ehouid in two hours reach a rolling plain. which grmiuuiiy rims in height from 9.600 to 8,500 feet above the am. Here the oiimete is eeneihl cooler, and the white man can safely wor six hours: of the day in the open without (oar of auuatroko. though he mun not oount on immunity from (ever. 1.. frnvn in On In hnnru eh. emvaiu hv mun not oounn Immunity [ram wvur. In from )0 to 19 hour: the tnvolu by train would meet another use the and would nd himself from 5. $08,000 (out above the son an the broad central plateau of the oomluent. which wu-In from 000 to 1.000 miles am-can. la In In ' this uouon that the grant. lnkoa, Iuowy mountains nnd tnlloat mm are found. Han wo have sold nlqhu and n hon nun when the skin are now clouded. though um nlr In tho shade In frequently cool ouough for nu nvornuat, and It In on thin Immense uplnnd that. the white man, whom ronnpollud by clroiumtuuou. may find u homo. --Honry M. Sunloy In Con~ bury. Vlolluu are nmong nmsloal lnltrumonta that are rented. They am hired by vim- on to the um-. by uudontn And by proton- nlmml plnyern. The visitor may be l pro- tennlonnl plnyor--be In more likely to bean nnmt.our-pe\-Imps from Euro or some other dist-um. porn 0! the war d who bu brought no lnsu-umenc with him and now has oocnnlon tn play an the hnunn of friend: whom he is visiting. He can Mn an in- um-ument. {or my length 0! than he may desire. , m...I-.u. ..r nnnlln An!` Imnlnnrl who `W The honeycomb made by boat I: al- vqnyn In rogulnr goomotrlo gural And Hun tho pmblom of the largest ooonomy onpnoo with the smallest upondlmnot m`mr|al. ` demo. ,, Students of mmlo and beglnnorn who may not want. to lnvont In A goodvloun until thuy know whetlmr they will follow muulo numotlmen him A vlolln. If they nully purohzue It-. the rent I: allowed an I pan of the purohnuo money. Profaulon- :1 players nomothnon hire 3 mm Inn:-u~ menl: wlth the underuundlng nus bhe run: than apply npun the purchase. The tone of I vlnnn dnpondn 0! course upo Mu ul- uo. For H.511 n month one got: Instru- ment uluod at 000; for 015 I month. 9:: tum-umnnt valued at t000toIl,000.-Now York Sun. hurled Allvo for 1 Wook. Ia was nn Jun. 18, 1707. that Mr. Job Baden, u mlnur lu the county of Derby, was n-digging at the depth of 45 yards when the earn. and wnwr fell upon him and Killed the mine. On the morning 0! the Both Mr. Ihulou was found. ommlntod, but n||\'n. Hucll was the vigor of Mn oon- atmuiun that. ho mu nhlo to return to his work In Mm spoon 01 14 weeks. and ho had several ohihiron. one 0! whom mu born within I nvolvomomh um-r the accident. When he wnu thun hurlod pmnnnul-sly, he -1.. Au nun old and In; nnhlh 170 When no mun hurlou prumuunuy, nu wu on you: old. and bu weighed 110 pounds.--Boston Journal. "I know what. I'll do." said the youn candidate. "I'll lap in I my supply plug wbuooo. and every tlme I meet one of the huynood7TfI uor mm a chow." Vnn will do notlnn of the sort." Inld of the huynoodl I'll unor mm cunt." Ynn wlll do nothing sort." Mn mnungur. "Youwlll go one without a bin and borrow I chow from every mun you moot. llovum you got. sense enough to know that tho mun you an undo! obli- gation: to nlwayn fools wu-mot toward you than the man you have dono I avor?"- Indlnnnpolln J ournnlu vvuunw n '0&!l0lIIlI._lrl ro LuWa":':5%A.~3 8. 0 mm (char mmdlu J plnunnt I nu lononblo Dw. Mn. Grimm (of the nuburhe)--I Huh I oould nmcmbor what. any In was I an! thou llghl brown glove: 0! min: no tho (Inn-`I. !f'q- Mr. Gr|moo-n. was three wooku no In! Thurudu. That. mu thu day I didn't but to bring nuythlng home from down sovm.-Chlono Tribune. \ _.__ No plans will pmduuo nowon unlnu than In Inn In tho son in which it grows. "lvnnj '1`: Ian: no -ouuu... -......-. .. ... bunny. And I'll pit? away to my sanctum and with A In to u taumnn. Intlwhlttldlnaylnoooladcml-:u|ug anti Dul lwjuruu unvu I III-uv nu; yvvn 'v-u-u .- ._ r Wh':'l`od coma: in lllu M7. lIIIlI|I|II- tho ann- blo Mluod main as tho: found to mat the [Ind dny. THE LOST POEM. AFRICAN CLIMATE. `Z'_-V y:__|y, ms vou `I'll 1,`! l'~. Ki !r w Pflls Routing Violin. -4 -..... _ -.._-In-| I` DAILY nn1'1!IsitT WHIG. Twmrnsbgr, ii1iUAnir 27. 1596 king-ta PI-{noon Bbreoh iignval Sale. Miscellaneous Books, Bibles and Prayers, Fancy Goods, AT COST FOR THIRTY DAYS FOR CASH ONLY. HDUVU US Dldllus HU vvlllpvr lng Stock. Below Us Lle No Competing Prices. '6 will commence with Bar- gains. We will continue with Bargains We will end with Bargains. All the leading and representa- tive styles in FURNITURE. l Above Us Stands No Compet-` Inn Cfnrll Thu kind that Burns. T3 It. I oonh. my I IF. NISBET S| II I1-I `v We mlnrrllrm Um! I' 0' I."`,!'I H` 1.! `I |. K?`

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