Oumot Do tho won. W. Johnston, of Toronto. whom the wntnr work: committee had` Ielootnd to Iuporintond the preparatory work In con- nection with the construction of the new .........a.... .....a.... hv Inn: A: son. bu writ.- Pollen Court Penollllngl. This was an o'~day in court. The docket. was blank. Th` nnlinn dmaira tn thank Hon. W . blank. The police desire to thank Hon. W. Hart for suppl ing them with copies of the nbario par iamontary reports submit.` ted at the present; session. 5-`(ix trnmna were housed in the station ted the present session. Six tramps in hut. night. P_(). Tumble is unable to amend to duty. (;ll`8.lu`h-`V; sick ea c Aid. Milne`: opinion. Ald. Milneia strong} ' in favor of the city owning the electric light. and gas plnnta. More eicient service for less mone could be given the citizens. In exten ing the water works system gas mains could also be laid, saving the cost of one excavation. A citizen stated this morning that if the laid, saving the cost. 01 exommmon. A citizen morning city purchased the present electric and gas plants the street milwa company would erect a power house in t e vicinity of the K. &, P. round house. He said it. in the in- tention of the com n to push a line through to Kingston Iilrs. Ward Olllcern Imczoh. The conservatives of S denham and Frontenac wards met. last night, and elec- ted officers, in expectation of the dominion elections, for the ensuing year ; Sydenham ward - bhnirman, A. Mc- uu .___,_..L ..I...:......... Mn I /nltnr Man- Senrsmecretary, 14'. H. tmrkpamck. Frontenac wnrd-Chairman. John Mc- Cammon; sub-chairmen, No. 12, John Anrler1!0n;No. 13, (leorge Keen: No. 14. William I urt.ell; No. I-1a., William H. Harmer; secretary, Henry J. Wilkinson. The Work of the Two |n the Fmnl Struggle Compared. Queeifa hockeyiste take their victory :15 a matter of iight. They wear their honors easy and find they do not chaff. They are quite satised of their treatment at To~ ronto nnd speak highly of their opponents, who, they say. are thorough gentlemen, who took their defeat philosophically. `The Stmtford team is not by any menus n slow aggregation; they were simply out- pln ed by A stronger force that played to- get er as one man. The great beauty of the play put u ) by Queen's was its unitednesn: every Inem rof the team was in touch; they knew thoirplnoea and managed to play in them. That was the great strong- point of the team. On the other hand, their opponents were out of touch; when the forward: passed it was haphazard. Be- sides they did not clin to the puck or rush with it, thus wor lng on opposite lines to those followed by the victors. The forwards aimed to throw the puck into Queen`: lines and to follow up and keep the play there. but these tactics failed. for the entire forward line of Queen : would rush, play together, and than keep the play nt the opposite end. McFedden, Htmtford. scratch man, generally get the elecmona, [or me enuiun you: ; Mahon; aubclmirmen. No. 1. Walter Mac- nee; No. 2. William Duffy; No. 3, George F. H. Kirkpatrick. I`.-nnmnnn wsu-rl-(3hairman. ----.:m play the opposite ena. iaceauuen, Stmzford, generaliy on puck out. of scratch. but it. was pio ed up nearly every time b a Queen : man. Every member of the tmblord team work- ed hard, but. the character of the work was not. effective, as it was mostly individual. Queen's followed their old system of play- koeping quiet during the first half. aizin up their opponents, and in the second hai settling down to work in real earneem. This in the eecond year in succession settling down no worn in run: uumu-u. This is the ,year Queen`: men have won the championship trophy. A third victory will award them the ownership of the cup. Several of the Ayr team were on'hand to give the winning team a cheer of encouragement. Bore Over The Reports. The Btratford hooke into Ire complain- ing of the rout. the oronto porn gave them over the Queen :-Strut. ord game. Said an Avonito : "Two papers, in their reports. have exalted mnlloiouely in our defeat. It. would lmoeb loom that a Queen : ooll mm wrote the reports. for they ere pemeen all the WI] through. I hope the next time the Sbretlord hockey team plnys in Toronto that. the newspapers will give us credit, for some good playing." wit} Thohllovwushoutixhu n `voIAuovct.l6rCynnd-ov|dov! IIOW ll! lilc I Innrjv -urn J-Iv un- Plucdof I Ilull Ono. Cnbmen. an a clan, are omditad with the ion of I mom than ordinarily la share of cut.eneu." and Kinguton "cu - hing" Ara innt. AA lhnrn "Al tbnv llllk om." share 0! "cut.oneu." mu lunguwn "lulu" bios" are juat. u lhlfp "AM they make A few nights Ago I woman ll`HVBd st. one of the railway Itnons, and hnilin the nearest. cabnnn she told him she ms ed to go to oormin hotel which In oiunstaod within roe minuuo' walk of the station. All he, Indy ! use in. sud` I'll mks you than n an minutes. responded the cab` by. the took her seat In his ....Lh-I |...I...-. Hm clams nhnmuith A b the tool her son llll hIh M door that with I like sir, mounted no his lost. and with I k of hi: whip sad I winhin the dnrkneu. t. his oolnndeo. drove of. Ho` howl at which his hm desir- I circuit of lulfm-dozen Iy drew up at. t.ho hotel Bio luv not know- '8 nonnco 0! trick tin Ind boon pl yad on hot. W ' a `I-1 UUI-I UC'U'Iv c. v1nooas.u.v..n.m. picked up this noto onbho wk kho othordny. Itwunotnddrenaodsndrud ulolloun: lllwur two bloc bovnon jholdtaidoolnyololk 56 the potholes to-night,uooOI,aoonIhoonrnor oi Broad- way nndhna that as nine o'clock. ' Tholniuinwunot nndaotoknow vhoitwuthuvub ribbon! i ouuvcnionttoholn an action Ioutuonliomd. And wonldyon ' 'h_l Thohovwuohutdxhun Iunnnnnn-Ill:-hound--AIHACI HOW 'TWAS LOST AND WON. A CA8MAN'8 SHARP TRICK. Perfect , . %B_lc.-Jycles CITY AND VICINITY. , wuere no was 1 1 of his father. Do tho pti. `L -mun. nl 'I`m-nn}1\_ I OI! Inch 0 Oocplo. at V lgnln ,,w,, FRIDAY 1`:v:I3:NING.. FEBRUARY 23. 1896. gvvfuv -nv nun- Qpu u Ann Noun. dnu good- nl Annual: 1: u at in ! u. do: r?`ynu want. pros! 1 perf pan Inf. M`. Mrn. }rnn|aV flw. Jll. luddon E U0. you pmsorvod berries in 7lb. psi for 35. go to Cnwf `n. nerfoch b order the Bnocialhy Cor- Maze. - ion mu lo syrup at Raoddorfa. `no-- lbs. pnaorvod ben-ies 350., froth butter l8c., 5 lbs. ginger biscuit 25c. J ,,cmwtout .Q'fAn-lug -Anal-a nun Iunlnn mnrln tn than -run; sploo of may my Luo-whn um toopu An rum; About-Nothing nu- nnn nu Anumon of Thou Who Are pun tor 30. to unwzorwn. perfocy Bpecialcy set Qt Mrs. I-Huntley's, Brock street. lhnr amnlovaeu of Elliott. Broe.. n|umb- - "1! JBX ld}II'i.?..0lV"- 5* dung-1. from ' 4903'!!! ' Uuliiu InguHo:; in, 180. and who .n.__n.... -. .._ I. - l...4.L 11.4; I ford, Indies night drones 460., 50c., 75c~. 31, 31.95 g; Tnylor l. Hlno member: of Kinlntaon lodge 1.0. $1.30 A; Taylorl. { Nine Kingnoon lodge I .O.F., are under the care of the lodyzel` nhnicinn. . pnggcun. ' plo of good tub uno Odo:-om " for I choir booth. Do you 1 For sale by - . C. I Mlmhell. ` 1 J ,,Urnwto:-d. 1 thodist church. died at Brnnnord on'1'nurI- ' V V '5 "Ni" "'9 bdnll m`d "9 '-h ) da at the Advanced Age of Ioventy-ontx ` 0 Pontiac, At. Mon-iaburg. Inspec- , {me Stmtford Beacon admit: I crushing bot hompson looked over the work yest.er- defem, 3;, hockey fog-Nu boy: nd adds : dav. The honkev nlavimr of the university 0` ua . {luau tray covers 960. It Taylor's. . Itls ox ted major Drnry will rer-.om- ` mwd for isclnr a several of the deeercera ' now conned in t e barraok cell. l Mn}. lnnt loll : onndn but. the Infant. nnvnl. common In me barraox con. Nob Inst fall : good! but the latest novel- ties in spring clothing offered you on Fri- day and Saturday at 25 per cent. o" regu- lar prices. Star Hall. Buv unw--7 lba. msuberries preserved. mr prices. mar nan. ; Buy uow--7 lba. raspberries preserved. 350.; 5 lbs. ginger blaouit 350.. finest fresh I butter 18c. Jae. Crawford. l uvL.... ..L.. ............ 1.. L... "U... ,l:-ono DUE TBFHBK UBUHUEIU lll HUI nluuvva. Clear olover honey strained and i him: at. Redden's. Quin. Inn nnnn Crnm SARA SIR 1 I Friday and banurua . auxr nan, ; Buckwheat panca es. maple syrup and ] rs cup of that good coffee of Reddelfs makes ) n tirst, mm breakfast. ` uoumr nor Mn 0 lzillnrl mm nf V, H tirub rnbe brealnasb. Street. car No. 9 killed one of W. H. Reid's prize white turkeys, on Union street, yesterday ufsernoon. Tho bird was of con nidemble vnlue. PARAGRAPH8 PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. man: at. neauenw. I Suits for men from $4 to $15, youths` l suits from 83 to 312, boys` suits from 32:31) no $7.50. 25 per oent. o everything on 1 Friday and Saturda Star Hall, Danca es. maple Bvrup I mdemble value. You ought to use preserved fruit wh w you can get`. 7 lbs. for 35c.. sweet. orang- la')(-. Jas. Crawford. 'l`iw-ma urn haul and if vnu ran cwxwz 160. Jim. Umwtora. i Times are hard and if you can sww a dollar you want to. You can not, oulyl save one but three on every suit. bought of us on Friday and Saturday. Star Hall. RAMA and half. hunkle from NFC. III) R!` z Belts and belt. buckles from up Tn lor s. he Kingston broubadours have dis-` I I Friday anu uanumay. outr nun. { I handed for the season. They could not prepare. in time. the programme intended to be produced at. Cape Vincent. New line of snrinz overcoat: iuat, mnrle , be produced at. Cape vmcent. 5 spring just, and made by our own tailors, 25 per cent. 1 olf re ulnr prioe Friday and Saturday. ` sun all. 1 TI... nnmdina of mlrlnrl fnr the nresi- y8RD8l'(llly Ill 66!`! ll sidemble \'nn nnnhi tn Hm!` Hall. The standing of curlers for the presi- dent : prize is: Mnjor Drury, 34 points; A. T. Smith and Dr. Watson, 30 points; J. B. Walkem. `.29 inns. Thu mulinnl ntn gnu are nnt vat thrnuph Wldll , " }ln:om}fotdp"i.I:yTl.l.l2g:;-I'uu . `{.'.".'.:.'.:`.-`"Jg.'-`u. .722.`ia .`.` JJ % J. B. Walkem.`..'U mus. The medical atuclzlnts are not yet through i with Mr. Cra|.e's bill for breakage: at the late dinner. The zlsculnpian society wor- ried over the question yesterday. New embroideries at Taylor s. Prof. Foralmw Day will exhibit. three pain!-ings at the annual display under the nunpicoa of the Royal Canadian academy | of art, Montreal, which will shortly open. ` W- urn nhnaal tn lmnw hhnf. nnr enter- ot nrb, Montreal, wnlcn Wlll snormy open. We are pleased to know that our enter- prising townsmnn. J. B. McLeod, has ne- cured the wholesale agency for the cele- brated Orion: Mfg. Co s remedies. Ina wmhb man Are iubilant over the pre- brutod Uriens Mtg. Uo's rememes. 1 Ice yacht men jubilant pre- sent. thaw, which. when succeeded by n I keen frost, will put". the ice on the harbor l in excellent condition for their favorite! V uh} .~' '3. The Boe" Brand Ce lon Tea, packed in ` y, `co of growth is wit out exception the ` beat packagetea In the market. Jns. Red- ` den & Co., solo ngenu for Kingston. Wn will aim vou an onnortmnitv of buy- den E ()o., solo ngenu xor lungzswn. We will give you opportunity buy- ing clothin Friday and Saturday for men. Youth`: an boys` at; manufacturers prices and you know what. that means with us. Scar Hall. 'l`l.:.' ...m\in.v no "I-Rn Rinhnn Rurn. of Star Hall. This evening. at 7:30. Biaho Burn, of Qu`Appelle, will preach in .t.. James church, and the men of Kingston will be as ongoruohear him us were the women , yesterday in view of his Mlmimble (lis- { COUPIEE. courses. Suits for Friday and Saturday at 25 per cent. less than you can buy them elsewhere in the city. Star Hall. Good direction means stood appetite. but in the city. Star Hall. Good digestion good appetite. whatlnhe use without. good teeth! Use Odoromn for your teeth. It. not only pre- vents demy but preserves them perma- nently. For aa|e by E. C. Mitchell. A ahnrv bv Kinlinnr that breathes the nently. For sale by E. U. Mitchell. A story by Kipling breath of life into every place and river of A great ship, and makes it an all but hu- man community. atrivin . straining and ......;...'.... :.. l..o..m. n n(`.lurn'n Macm- ....... ................_, gouipin , is I I zine or arch. n... ...4:...,| ` D-I-C'l'C+}C-I-}C-l--Ff After (!uII[lI_-l30lIlIIP"I'l0N. ! STOP THAT n.*`WITH- nnnml. 'E"'S 3 zine for March. Our otfor-l pail jam raapbrriea 350., fresh butter I8:-.., sweet. oranges 150. Jan. Crawford. W. hum an Ian... M man : nnnta muo- Urnwxora. We have ve lines of men : pants rang- ing in price from 81.25 no 81.75. you can have your choice on Frida and Saturday for 81, sizes to t. every y, nllthis spring mnkea. Stnr Hull` 1...... n-::I ....A..+..Im.- in lmvinnr an mnkea. Bur hull. James Reid, undertaker, is having an improved unbulnnoo built. It will have all the modern uppliuncea for the comfort. of sick And injured persons while in trans- nnrt. Rubber res on the wheel: will be INCIDENTS OF THE `DAY. of sick And injured wnue In amm- port. Rubber res one of the features. Hendaoho Ind neuralgia cured almoat. Immodiawl by main Prawn headache mwdarn. t. rec now are in each packet, I00. only at McLeod : drug store. The starlet of smuggling olng on be- tween Cape Vincent and ingebon are lurid imaginations. It in not ' uay to smuggle when there in three feet. of snow on the level and only one road open, with three custom! oicara on duty u n it. E. 0. besmott. Nowboro. hi! friends, three custom! omcara may n n.. boggott, And in not everybody. I: rocurodlioenae. drove to the rendonoe o illinm Pinker- ton, nenr Portland, Ind took away his daughter, Mica Ids. on Tuesday. The groom is one of Newborn : most. popular and sucooufnl bulimia men. ll or uuwnm-on p Illovo-uni In In: ruupuu--n--. --, -.- hill] III Doing. .1. A. Vmdatvoon. ol Bollovillo. spent. yesterday in the city. Dru. Anglia and Konld In both pro- atrthod by the grippo. E. Dunlap. non of ex-Ala. W. Dunlop. in v ill at the homo of his father. 1-}. . Strange will be undo the recipient. of A Present by hi: friends, st. tho ioo yncbt. club I smoker to-night: ,_n Illovoncnlo of the Poop|o--Wlmt Tho: Arc Inulnn nnd Dnlnz. I! "I'll! Wuuuu. 1| ill to C h d I nnotnwln imp. 3{u..3nn|33n (nk: It. Tuko nothinn 0150 and you In ` I310 at prnonu oy ta "uh Iannh to-ni ht. Hon. Sountor alums hu mooived utiulnotory roporu from Gibraltar, when his son, out. hlolnnel, R.M.C.. huboon innlidod from the Gold Cant. Wnltar J. Barr. of the Goldsmiths` wook oompnny.'l`otouto. who wotkgd u tho watch-Maul can, in which I honian was an to ho inplioubd, in in ay. Mrs. E. C. Mitchell gave ndoliglnfnl At Homer at bar nnidoneo, Earl. Itnot, Immomawl by uam rraua netluzwnu powders. t. pow packet, I00. only McLeod dtug store. The Imlumlinz going Homer" her rclidoneo, NIH tutu. fvduy and-noon. Shown nuiohd by autumn Mitchell and Sandi, In. D. mama. nu. n. I-may ma Mhuu Jon- Ilu. Icky and Iolnlqon. When she seems to be more distant, The wise young man believes That it's not becluso she loves him 104:4 But rather because of her aloe ws. Inndnpnn. `Proud: Iaeodoino. Jun. Raddon&Co.`. at an: gooan an nynoru. ml nook to-night. : 15 min tin: lsugoodnnthol don & Co. .. ......, ...........a ....-....a...a.. 'llh, | I at Taylor ; ml to-nlnh Ill Arc Tllllng AnoIIv-.mnnu:g um- I Atttntlon -an Kntga. PERSONAL MENTION. SIXTY-THIRD YEAR.--No. r.oL ..,., ..... .....-... .. .... .... -___._ munity. atriving feature of cClure a Magn- l.....|. IDORYG OI IIXIIII. ID IJIIVI uuvu won: v---r i afternoon, has been tponed. Spring onions, l'IdE`:0l.10b!:lIcO. rhubarb. mrsley, mint, spinach. oyster lnnt. cucum- , re and tomatoes at Cu-nova y's. ! His grace. the nrchbinhop, and Mrs. ! Lewis leit for Ottewe to-dny. A nle taken ` hoe there in the Interest oi Canadian omoa in Peria. I Citisens in all part: of the city took Id- win of the thaw toduy, to clear the 1` ice o the sidewalks, and walking has im- proved proportionally. I The members of Mme Albnni'I oonoort The Very lanai Nun crowded Into the Smallest of Spoon. X Court of nvinion ha been called to | |00t at three o oloolI. thin nfbernoon. ` Ex-Ald. J. Mcliolvoy and A. R. Martin ` are in Toronto on business t.o~day. mu n....I.I:.. wmmnwn. N. Y.. is the guest 0` Mrs. K. 11. Elm, |'l'lII| fibr- A dairy school for the unritim provinces . Evlill be opened st Suuox, N.B.. Much ; st. 1 The receipts of the Smith : Full: Metho- .di|t church anniversary were 81.500 in I mulh. ' cash. - I The ulur monthly mo9(I%.' th, iboard of ealbh. to have been Id Ill 3 Aftnrnmn. Inn bum nnstnoned. proved propormonuly. The Mmo_A.lbnni'I `troupe have been ongugod to` min the halo mm at. the Dteoonhtion o the I troupe have been engngou to` am we solo parts presentation Messiah, in Toronto next. month. Rev. Dr. R. Boyle. one of the oldest. and 1_ most highly reupooood minister: of the Mo- church. died Brnntford on Thun- x A. no nu. min.-mu! nan nl uuvanhv.ona. defeat, hockey for"ita boy: and anus The hockey playing university Queen's college is I pleasure to behold." R. H. Jnnea. Toronto. who onnolod Sir ' bion. : H. Nickle,of the Kingston sbreetrnilway I company, has presented the police with a number of copies of the Cosmopolitan Magazine. tor which the bobbies" tnndor t him their thanks. 1....-. u...i.;..... Ami nf. r`.nanmwn_ Wod- | pmrrressive farmer. N`. T. Greenwood. choir leader of St. |Audrew'i church. returned today from `Toronto, where he spent the past. week 1, visiting his uncle, Rechnb Tandy, of the l`oront,o conservatory of music. . 'I`Im=.lm.mr n! "A_B.C.." oomnlninint: of In June: uooum. n.EJC.'3uI Indnnulgu [mm mmlv. if II to-day. Mica Conklin, Watortown, N. Y., guest of Mrs. R. H. Elinor. PI-in on`-uh. A dairv province; Queen's college is pleasure to oenolo. ' S. H. Janos, Toronto, oppolpd $3!` Richard Cartwright for the liberal candi- {dacy of South Oxford announces that he gwill support the nomineaof the conven- ' tion. I u M.-,.|.I.. nf H-.4 xn.m.mn :t.rAnt.rnilInv him their thanks. ! James Herbison died at Cainbown. Wed- 1 nesduy, with consumption. which reduced { him to almont; u shadow, though he was once 1| powerful man. The deceased was a I pmrrressive farmer. hf`. T. Greenwood. [)l`6BR|0l| 0' anonymous COTTOCPOIIUGIILV. "Noclaing will come 0! the proposed acheme to cut down oivio exponuee. says | R. Boyd, oebman. Such schemes have 5 been brought. forwerd reguhrl for several { years past, and we are none t. 0 better [or I them." E5 I TL- .o.-..o. rnilwnv nmnlmmm nf Phila- Toronto conservatory 0! music. The letter of A.B.C.," oom lnining mismanagement and partiality y the corn mines of the business college elntin party, has (some in contact. with the rule or sup- ` presion of correspondence. *-Nnnhina will come proposed them." g The street railway employees of Phila- del min and other cities are preparing to , IHELG a demand for a ban-hour aday at 3 twenty cents an hour, and in the event of refunl of employers to grant; the proposals ` tn strike. . us... n....ol... llrnnnwnnll nf this nitv. ] strike. I Miss Bertha Greenwood. of this city, Iurusaed the Atlantic from England '0 ' Canada, last. summer, on the name vosael- tho Pnrioian---wit.h the late James Scott. who a few days ago jumped from the Rosednlo ravine. Toronto. A um-mnl -nhnnl -kudanf. Ah Ynailnnti. Ronedulo ravine. Toronoo. ` A normal nahool student ab Ypsilanti. ` Mich, was bound, ingged and nailed up I in a dry- ooda liox y his fellow students because 0 had joined a secret society. The nightwnbchman, on going his rounds, liberated the boy. A nitimn. who went from here to West- liberabed the boy. A citimn, port by stage, says he had to work his wa_\ " n the down trip. The abnge u set. several times. and at. places the 103 of freight had to `be removed and replaced. The roads are in bad shape. In places the hi;_vhwny is left and the road cuts through elds across the hope of fences. so deep is the snow. 1.... ..;..m. n r~hrI'Hnn endeavor Rather- | Last night a christian endeavor gather- ! ing occurred at the Sunbury Presbyterian lcliurch. Representatives from adjacent places were present. Various papers were read by Misses Wilder. Barney and Gardi- lner and by Henry Ovens. A uestion `(lrnwor was conducted by E. E. orsey. The city visitors were cordially welcomed. `l). A. Shaw made a reply. Afterwards the Kingstonisns were entertained at the HIRIIEB. au:,|;i..k. 0. llmholl and 0. H. lo- h . Also our Wholunlo Again. ' J. ll. In-blob. (My Drug lion. >-FC-I-CC-I-C-I-C'|-+< Snrngo nnd Unprovokod Ansel Upon an lnoannlvo Olcluon. ASSAULTED ON A MAIN STREET. ` lnonenuve Ulllllln. At about 9:30 o'clock, last. evening. C. Vnnluven. caretaker of the Wmu oliicis, was returning to his home on the pmmisee ,formeriy occupied by the Walt), on King at at. \Vhen he reached the entrance to t. building his way was barred by two young men. aparentiy_vveiting for a com- pnglon, who adj gttone Int: t.hei'oni._ranc:: an was can no in mine in manner that would apegedily have brought, about police interference, had Any of the bins comm" been near. The janitor re- about police Inmrlerenoo, nsa nuy 01 um blue janitor pr0\'8\l the offender, who, without. more ado, struck him s crushing blow on the face, felling him to the oor and lsevin the mark of the hully's list. on his forohee . Mr. Vanluven grsspod his assailant. and called for the police. but he was not strong enou h. lying prostrate, to hold the oilomgler, who -yvrenohod himself free. snd with his two companions. made good his escape. The police were put in possession of the facts of the case this inornin . The victim of the savage and unprovo ed as- sault bears plainly on his face the marks of the ill-usage received st the hands of his assailant. The 'l`I-oomror Acknowlodgu the Booolpt no mhnr Amnnnll. 0! Ulllof AIIIIIIIIII. (2. E. Hsgue, treasurer of the Armenian fund. acknowledges the following recel ts : Previously acknowledged, 8305.25; oil McLeod. 85; Sgznoerville Presbyterian ` church, 815; C. Inilton, I6; Mrs. Bette, 35: a friend, 861 Mile Benton. II; E. H. Dickson. 115; Min F. Barrio. `5: Mrs. R. Hewbon, 81; Mrs. John Hewtmi, OI; Miss Annie Hewwn, .1; Mrs. Cornwnll, 8]; a friend. 81; E. 8.. ll; Queen's ooll 1-tutlente, Old; Mrs. J. A. Hendry, I6; . Going, 81; E. R. Welch.Ol;Bet.hel church. 82.75; Celsbogie mission, per D. H. Mo- Arthnr, 85.%;MrI. McDoneld, 82.25; H. Sulsbury. SI; Baptist 8. 8. miles. 82; total, 8403.45. There is still time to con- tribute as the treasurer is waiting for ss- other promised subscription before sending away the funds on hand. Dull ! School H0000. Prof. Robertson, dominion dniry and `ugricultursl oommiuiouor. paid on oclul visit totho school yutnd Ho npranod himnolfuwollplcuodwi She progress which in boing undo. Altar sddraing the student! in the afternoon he left for Obtain on the midnight. Gnln. The spooin|"oonn| in ohoooo-making in now on; And than in: {all clan, com- prising some of the but and most. udnncv ed cheuonmkon in Eastern Ontario. nn......ah mnlimunn for admission are Althougha pliuuuuor summon no . the clout: an now ull full untiltln ofthota1n,wi&lI thee: ' ohoInointho|nt.kn-dapnrt monk. ore icuionn but been re- ooivod hhisgou unn Inn. Supgrinuudont Rnddick hunooophd aninviuonmgiwmoddnuulho nu. - Sold I) In vldo auulo drnglntl. ' u-253:, . O. 0. . I.- h Al-oour WholusloAut. | 3 noun ""i clout. 'l'htnuvoI'h'_ D: unl--arkhovn-I - Boll In Ila q[I'UU--ru 10 city burr.` who mg: ' shops. 0' t. 8|l|:I'dl! ubtptdl. have no htgnsioq ol Sllutgny : blukmg t. ltobowu-IiV'7" id cheolo-mull _AIt.hough a 1 GENERAL PARAGRAPH8. W|I_lBollhtIo 4;:-uv-inc. ..L.-I.... -Iu. Ad Ms ARMENIAN FUND. -maker! m \anQno. =*;::w~*-...,' W 1!: in ....m u: -Io! an tum. met: kctosma oyr snua. ohurgo of things. And il'IVlt0d we puouc to attend I men's Iooisl," the attendance wu exceptionally large. The shit was held in the Sunday school rooma, and the adjoining parlors were thrown open to no- oommodnte the crowd: that ocked to the unusual ovont. The rooms were bouuw c..n. glam!-ntnd with than of I" descrip- of this important feature on we aounu. and. as the event rovod. it could not have been ontrnatmr to better nor more oompotent. hnnda. The refreshment; dld credit. to the dozen or no nblo-bodied oookn," who wore I very fanciful And be- ~~-~:-- Imuhimn mgde of moor bum. .And They Declared the Anlr to In One of the Fluent Iver (ilven-'l'ho Procnnhe Furnished solely niche nus lelnbon of ab: Church. \ Leap your parties have been of such common occurrence since the opening dey f. of 1890 that I function. el-ranged an ried out in almost: every detail by member: of the enema: sex, comes as something `genuinely unique and cannot help hub eo- treob a large etvendnnoe. It. wu little wonder. then. hheh when the me], mem- bers of the oongregstion oi Queen street. Methodist church ueumed the position which it is po ulnriy believed men} will occupy when t. e new woman" takes and invited the public ho nttand n "men I The were nonun- fully decorated with Eng: descrip- tions, Chinese lantorns. oto.. and the ....o,i.oin gr:-nnaamanh of those showed that tioria, Chinese Ian ngomen toms. ow.. and we t. had been done by a manner- the wor` had been con: Dy 1: u hand. Ad. W. M. Dronnan had : feature of the and, an the Drovod. con credit no me uuwu Us to u... ........._ comin headdress made paper bags. Over t e entrance to their special depart- ment was the legend, "Wanted, kitchen help--no ladies need apply." Thirty men of a younger generation acted as vniters. appropriately dressed, and each wearing I deinty button~hole bouquet. Better nor cloeer attention to the wants of the big ss- sembls could not have been given their was a orded by theta amateurs. B. M. Britten. Q.C., acted as chairman, and delivered an excellent address. bristling with wiadom and sparkling with humor. The entertainment was opened by the thirty waiters. who rendered the ancient and classic chorus. We'll All Have Tea. with telling eifect. Alter this came the re- ireehmente,md no portion of the programme was more thoroughly enjoyed. The chair- man e address, already alluded to, oame,ss nn aid to digestion. immediately following the refreshments. rm... A.-.9. rnimirinl selection was given by Erma woman wgla Norm IT BUT THEY CROWDED A CHURCH The audience insisted upon hearing anorner song by the quartette and were gratied by the rendition of The Old Arm Chair." An oboe solo, by F. Jackson, of the 14th batt. band. so delighted the audienm that the clever young musician was enthusiastically encored. J. B. McKay then gave one of his inimitable ntomine performances, and was recall , when he demonstrated how an excitable city mute politician laid down the law regarding the Manitoba school question. An instrumental solo on banjo and mouth organ, b A. Routley. was well executed and t e performer was recalled for a second selection. Mr. Spence sen A Friar of Orders Grey" with code set, and was followed by A. Rout ey, who treated his audience to a pleasing medley. J. B McKay : second appearance was the signal for hearty ap- p auee, which was gmatly increased upon the conclusion of his selection. In response to an encore he read. b request. a pathe- tic sketch entitled lloom For Hot In Heaven. W. J. Riokaby followed with a piano solo. executed in-masterly style. and `. W. Walker brought the programme to a close with a cleverly played musical selection. Alf. Birch was the very suc- cessful accompanist. Any entertainment given in the future by the men of Queen street church will, beyond all doubt, be marked by very large attendance, the event of last ni ht having proved them to be fully capagle of overcoming all ob- stacles in the way of success. 'JI And the KARN PIANO i-. rnpidl I-Mug recognized nu Hm ntnndu of exnellanuo In (`nnndinn Piano A Lady W-r|t.on About 1:. Judging from the smiling faces t. t. met. the eye at the Queen street. sociu , last. night, everyone must lnvo been -delighted beyond measure. The flnoy Appearance of the chef: and the nutty costumes of the .....;...... .m...ui . nlenimr nioture not and the nutty costumes 01 um waiters afforded a pleasing picture ....,... rnmnmmn Tho bum ianluy ofnza. aliorded pleasing picture not soon lo tten. The test lsplay ois s. the bri liant Chinese eoorations, t e dainty and tasty we in which the menu was served deserve t e hi hest praise, and [am sure the ladies wi willingly yield the palm. The busy activity displayed by the men in serving the good things pro- vided deserve more than passing notice. The ladies feel the have been highly honored by the gent emen. who so kindly and willingly ave their services. Long may thn men of Queen street church pros- per: The songs oered were good. The waiters chorus wesreally ne--it was a happy introduction to the dsinty refresh- ments. Such sandwiches, such cakes- made by the pretty women of the church. of oourse-end such enlfeei Needless to say the criticisms of the ladies were, as all criticism should be, in praise of. the affair. And there were no elevated eyebrows either as the praisetrthe menu. And Ald. artin`s ooifee 2 What a sue- the prained the And Ald. eoee sue- cean it. was! He would was t no womnnly advice, and. though we "a uddorod. you I haste oonquored us. It was exquisite. Mr. Bngum, too. gave his cnmrin ox- porienoo to the task. and no up wu more delicawl`y or more tutily sent. out to -, IT- ur:....I.-I .0 dm urn. unuu uvnnawu ..... - - ~n company. '1r'.'{*...wiK-13:. of the wro- Yremme committee, we: A good wor or. might go on and specify name after nume of successful workers; every man who took part did his wife or sweetheart medic. Mr. Britton shay: makes golgarming porienooitao the task. and In dolicatelg; I - -m...n.nu r Vnnwinckol. 4 sweetheart emails. shay: 1 charming chnirrnnn. Hoisaofriondl uidplunut; he mule every one happy. 0 moved about and had an open hand and I cherry word for all. And Dr. Ryckmon too wnq nll smiles and goodness. But the women did 1-____.___ _`Uo_ IIIIIIIUUIVII In - zsnunnasmet. Resolution f"l\I'I Piano nmnnfmstnre. When you buy 0. Plano your hunt friend In tho one who give: you the moat. value for 5'm.lr money. } (Llvlngstou Bros.. Outtters) ls found upon thousands of shirts worn by gentlemen, not only in the,city but through- out Canada} ` . Lmmrou & an. 0:x.gAr7|nQSu'$_ Those who have enjoyed the c3mforts of Livingstorfs Shirts will wear no others, Those who have been care! less as to what kind of shirts they wear will make one of the best resolutions of the new year if they will deter- mine to try out make. TO CRlTlC-|E uuuy n r. Vnnwinckol, ..:Ao.. ulnl A man .___._ ' ll`: OIII: D0 uoftho ood . _n -_ ..-mg The|?e S No Royal Road To Success. PRICE TWO olmirs l3c grey Yrd'.r w. ll. ulusmuu. IFUHIIAL Dmlomn um ElBALl'll-l8l Pun. oou mac. block nbovo old stand. .._.____..?_.:____:.__. D. W. KARN & C0. ............ no ,7 5 cs. French LMWPK$ - For sale by JAE. B. Mcl..EOD. Drugglu. Prim-on Street. Kingston. am. nus-w, Tm: LEADING UNnn'rAnn-!64-IM Prlnooan street. Telephone nu. Open Day and Night. rum is 1 15511119. Lubma UIDIITAKII nu) EIInAL||II--M6 Prlnoon uh-cot. Comer Sydonlnm strut. Tel: Dhona oommunloutlon. 8 phone _.?--Lj ..___:___________..____.__.. A LARGE FRONT BOOM '10 LET` WIT Board. Apply to use Quoon utroo :_:_..____:_-.-:. ANTED-()LD STAMPS in T1 old. For man I pa he Lows, 49 Adalulde I met. oronh GEN11-J FOB CITY AND om ulu-7 or oommhion. to all ohlnu. Apply to J. Lolnhlcy. If!!! can utroot ELIABLE MEROHANT IN EACH TOWN to handle our Waterproof Cold Water Pnint. Five million pounds sold in the United States has your. V1010: Koran, 49 Fnnnoiu Xavier, Montreal. . an ooii~om-an: um rmxmr arm- nsod dwelling. corner of Bagbt Ind Wont Itroon. Hot water furntco Inoclorn con- nrd nnd uublo uttaohod. vonlonon In 9 Apply to ill. gnmnu, on the promises. II: IIIIIIIV us an Woodstock. Ont. . ____.____________. HE RESIDENCE, OOINIB OI` I-`BRIO and Division ntrooto, ooouplod by Rev. Canons uoer. Poauulon lay lat. Apply at Wulo oo. .. DEHIEABLE BUSINESS RTAND, NEXT to the new W319 oioo In to lot with pououlon immocnu . out Inodunoo. Lpplloulon mu be III 0 on the pumhu. 7 _-_ _-.._- .-.n na--navnun THE VALUABLE SHOP AND Pllllllu, nu um! um Prlnoou street, :0. pl-aunt oo- onplod by O. D Chown. u been I new And hndwuo homo lot ovor twenty nan. Ap- ply to J. P. (}n.Dllu.vI,0hnnoo strut. -u-mu nwuvwtllllnl -try" - 7 ~ - AND PRIHIIIS, onnlod by 8:; boo_n n`n_d od plsd by Ir. snd Burris struts. Stable on Immsdists Possession. Apply toJ I Olsmnos shoot. mvsmsnts, ls l G. A. Buo fnson. corner tho 0 mean prsmlsu. $1 IUDIII. w vlunxuuv nu wwvu -Z A BRICK HOUSE ON IONTREAL STREET. next to Brook Street Iathodht Ohumh. Also a large store on corner Chronoo und - tnlo ntreota, containing wine vault and 11110 lull sud room: up stairs. The Ito:-0 building will be rented nltwthor or each port unar- uuly. Iyply to . H. suuavn. Bu:-Ina. or J. B. UIHIV. 111 Union strut. ll-n Prue! | April lat. _ B. H. RAISAY DUFF! N0 HAGUE formerly ooolplod by ` Gold Onto." phone N. ______._.____.__.._.._._. - _.__.....o -.n unn._n1 _ R` KELBOBN ID. I.%.P. I; 8.. LA odlool 8 rlntun-font lnpeon 09: 111 Hospital. on fo nly ooo led by I late Dr. Scnndon. T` ophono No. . WEATHER P| I3IVA`B|L|T.Il8'. \ Gononlly hi: and mild. REM EM BER, we sell all styles 4-ply Collars for gentlemen, 2 for a quarter. ` ._- now-- --.--v __.______.:_:._ AGENTS WANTED. MALE OR FEMALE. None but uvo eaenh need eppl . who onn Ive references. Applilo Ilnrket lure all u Snmrdey, tech. to . J. Bum`. _, H ABM)?!` K.D.. WILL BEGIN `I'll R-n l5rsotloo of hodlclno in Klnnton about Anvil (ionnorly Partner with the late [III- I. N. llllwlcll). GENERAL PRACTITIONER. 003. OF WILLILK AID KING M1318 (Ln: DI. mun IIIIOIIY.) KING Ul'l.ll'nI Orncl Houn-0 to II 5.11).: I to I p.n.;V to 9 .m. x.K.-nr. stun nu mm Ind nunclon lovrnlto of Woman and their IIUICIQIIC. Toloplmlu No. ll. _: hnvonwordtonynftc All. It woI|da?t' mnbomuuomomnunbmouuwbg` 'l'|..c an` MP! out dill. N"'I'iiunsDAv. A TORTOISE sunf. Comb. wm the nder plllu lnvo umo Lt this oloo. JAUR 3 ny__IRI'rI\I`"\i'4|n ..u.. ......d.mm Winn noun- This hlghl nouriahlng - Iulhc full in lull value M60? EIVBI OIL India oully named and lgutcd. For wuti (Inna, pnerul nobility. any on 0 blood. Impaired digutlon, coldl. utnrrhnl and btonchhl trouble. A muted Increase In weight and nnngth In noticeable that taking a kw bonlen. Chlldrcn tulle It rudily. Nenw Shirts ,_ AT ONCE-SALESMAN FOB. STAPLES AND Cm-potu. Luuzv & IlcKIm'n'. Nnpanoo. Y A WIDOW, SITUATION A8 WORKING Housekoener Yor n unclamgni W_lll[ng ___Z: _COOK.-`APPLY T0 unEW. N1`oxI.E. . lw Earl street. .________._._.__._. Lpru nu. ___.:.__._.:_____-.._.__._ HAGUE a ` L_..- an Y WIDOW. Housekmapor ontlouun. Wllllng care for an aged or nvad l|[_. Bohr- 1""?:"""'-_"`:_: For Dcllcatc Chlldrcn, lnvallds and the Aged. J A0 KSO N ' S m n -:Qn9I|ll- l|)| [1 | 7-`on SALE on TO LET .j_j::- To hand to-day. See them \vhen you come to look at the iies. |Style, t and price right. ousekoeper fonclunun. W11} 9 I ad Ind . B4 Address u:vnuNn,WumO oo. in light and dark coloici grounds, well worth 25, `Al J. -A. STIRLING. M.D.. _-..- o-.q..p nut. :53 Ian `K00 JVI V III` JUII T. every `succeeding seuon keeps this store alwayl to the front, and than when values like these are Id- vertised ou know they are to be ad. Lovely goods and fast col- ors. New Spring Goods opening out daily. Come and look around. W f d tht t | an: oQuAnruina.un`:tu :-----2---.12---1 1&2 'KC`<=TD7. _:{_____-__..__.. I. .1 . |;l..LA rdloal 83::-{nun-i'onI ...I on formnly ooonnlo-.l Eeiiluyuer law I: ( Tie Sale. Vlolinu. B Strings, &.o. w. ii.-IiitmNNAx. ircnlvnnn A an Iltulu Ll _ TO BE LET HENRY BRAKE. .n.--any-n Ann Fun WANTED. BOA R737" JAB. REID, "\rl'\II'l|AIII.- Wllllng mn. Wmoo mxm IIous| FRIDAY and SATURDAY we will put on sale 100 dozens Gents Ties in all the Newest Shapes and Colorings. Any tie for We won't say what they wre or are worth, we leave that to the judgment of the buyer. An I an: mun Npe<-ln| Emmge.-ment ! Boston MuneuIn's MAURICE FREEMAN as IRCI1 Snpportod by 9. Huang Com an nude management uf W. S. E]gV]s`.s. n.a...... can u\.. Mn Santa nn nah om: pmcs sroma. 123 Prinooss st. North side `- Kingston FRIDAY & "sATunDAv| !i%#iii>f$iiI9$I!!E_Er| The London Paper: Do Not. Hnve (`mn- puulon For lm. Merit Makes Its Way, And thn KL} larlsu ..w.v....v...V Nvcw YORK. Feb. 28.-Lortl Dunraven was expelled from the New York yacht. club last. night. lxwnnx. Fab. 28.- I`he Weatlninswr club last. night. Lusnox, Fob. 28.--'I`he `-Mews says the expulsion of the curl is deplorable, but cannot be regarded us a surprise. It. recalls Lord l)unmvon.~x age andthe oioee he has llerl. and ndds: -IQ..nl. a rnnn muaht on Iunn lxnnwu Iu-sl.. tor." The Globe says the motion oered by Capt. lmdyard was couched in needlessly offensive terms. I`h.. up I...-us: (In-IAMA an \-a~ Tim Nnw otfenaive terms. The St. James Gazette say.-I: Tho New York yacht club bu very properly cxpell ed Lord Dunrnvon. We only regret that the credit of British sportsmanship has been identied with I man who mu lu.h\'0 so badly." ulvull nuuunvr I I.n.~mou. I-`eb. `. .`t.--The ntlicial gnvette. to-day, announces that Lurd Dnnmven has been guottetl lord lieutenant of Lim- erick. which no mu, on one or two OOCEIDIOVII, found himoolt unconsciously handling hi: rie. Ho Added that he was afraid he should be shooting somebody. Lovie ndviood him to place himself on the nick lint, but this he objected to doing. He will be buried with military honors. IIDOI of I Fluod Forty Daft \ DANSVILLI, N. Y., Fob. `Z7--MI`n. Val- entino Kuru, of this village, nished n lorty day {ash youardny. On January 17th the aid that the was hungry. but eouhl not out,nnd did not. know why. Sovonl you-ongo the Instead in the same cannot forsovon dayatocuro a utomnch trouble. Tho wouun ion rm believer in Christian uoionoo. and claim: that she won suddenly cunt! of an ailment sovonl gun ago that being I holplou inulid 1 The hl .. ..`I;`I_.. "`....... ....'...`. .. ?.`.""`.".`. In HENRY PE l`TITT`S LRlQ.~| Melodrama, |o Illa Doing nalplou Invuul or {our whole community is greatly worked up over her recent. hating. She has lost nearly sixty pounds In unlut fonv dun. "THE KAIIN IS KING " lnporhlfioopu Iolwhlnh. loxnun. Qua. lob. 98.--Liont. -Gen. Montgomery Moore. commander-in-chief of the imporinl (ocean in Canada, in am in- terview add nut. in all probability the in tau-oolsnonthoruougo would havotho nulls ol Ill additional numb: of impurhl Inonu Ming Ihtiouod in Canndn. " In home govunncnt," he mid, "nu about-Iouly thinking of mtg OOIO ol Lhnealnnhl ruinnb undo up entirely and the omoee he nu l'l||0'l. anu M1051} "Such a man ought be lune known bet.- .. tar, about-Iouly mlntmg 0| mung some or thocolonhl rqinub Ip mainly` nltknnllun. "ISFT6 oTuNriTAvEN EXPELLE; HARDY S BRANCH WAllEVl.l(V)0M/. 211 Prlncess Street. win. a. mason. Hunger. N B.-Wo 3130 our: A stock of Sheet Ilunlo, Banjos. Guitars, Harmonious. ; AND SAl'l`N.UA! IIAILLVAA, | `ml Elmugement! m1Mune\1n| s (Iran! Suave.-an ! | .|1.... IJIII II LFIIIIJIII AND SATURDAY HATLNEE, ,......-...oI I run An I Itcotlnuunnd llnrlhuh. ...._. n.L n-.n... rs n.-ml 1N JACK DUDLEY. 256.. Nlnp-"int ldlllllu `ll. mm mus men in the eld the church will have 180 misaiou scattered through Manitoba. British Columbia and the northwest terri- torities. Dr. Robertson says that besides these he hopes to open up about fteen more stations this year. These, 0! course, are exclnsive of Indlun missions. Several men are oing from Montroahnnd Knox college. oronto, is sending out a couple of missionaries. Said Dr. Robertson : Queen's college has not given us any- thin like the number of men we think she _ Hhou d. I suppose it is because there is too gmata demand for them down east. We et no better miseionaries than Queen 3 cnllege sends us, hence our desire and anxiety to get more of them. \\'han naked eoneernim: the nances at Queen ! oouege In DOIIAII or me mieuon eld. Al the result of his vieit two students heve volunteered for mieeion labor. One will be stationed in the Ceriboo district and the other eh Albemi, west count of Vancouver Ielend, the meet ex- tremeweetorn point under the control of the Preebywrlen miuion society. These two volunteers are only in their second year in the theological clean, but theywill be or- deined at once and lent. into the eld; They have the option of nishing their examination: in writing end thus gain- ing their degree. They will be sustained by the miuion society of the Presbyterian church. Queen's oollege mlaeionn society promised to lend and sup rt uring the ooming emmner ve eta ente. They will he etetloued at etvnn, N W. T.: Pnrhieemo, Mew; Hur- ........ M... Tull. IL(`__ and one at either smnn, N W. glnvo. Man`. i Ea e 'mKENBunv's BANKHlJPT%_ SIIJEK REv.nn.n0gg0N'sv1Ewsf The Pnulrytu-Ian Ooluo II Advnnelng--Ilo 1. Innklnl lo: Holman In In Illa Yuouhyag. Dr. noun-Icon. w|nm- ,n n on Plubytol-Inn min- Eigu inp.lI:nnitaobu. gltlsh Oolnlnbh And a north-wont tormoriu. vhitod Kinn- n and add:-used the student: in theology Queen`! oollege in behdl of his mission ald. A: anxiety get or them." When asked ooneerning ilnnnces necessary to carry on this important. work. Dr. Robertson said some anxiety was felt concerning the nances this year, hut he thought, perhaps, enough would be forth- coming tb meet all necessary claims. This is owing to his efforts in the lower pro- vinces. particularly in Nova Scotia, where he addressed many congregations on be- halfoi the work he is engaged in. Con- gregations at Spri bill, ruro,Glu.ss Bay, and Fort Massey. alifax. romised each to support a missionary. ides these many congregations. Sunday schools and missionary societies had either given or had promised to give sums varying from $100 to8250. Several persons contributed mun: rnnainw from .1) to when they MANITQBA ,AND THE NORTH- WEST UNDER REVIEW. the work. l)r. Robertson was llenaod with the ready manner in which 0. e people of Nova Sootia responded to his a pen] for assist- ance. Nobwithetmldingtnese sums there is urgent need for more. Dr. Roberuon would like the people of need for Canada to have as much faith in their country as Americans and people of other nations have. It would be a glorious,` thriving nation if they had. Last year be- tween five and six thousand Americans settled in the gold districts of British Co lnmbia, and alsoa few hundred in the north- west territories. north of Calgary. This spring a large number is expected toarrive from northern Europe and from the north- ern coast of Englan and Scotland. These classes make very desirable settlers. They are law-abiding. and are free of all anar- chistic or revolutionary tendencies. Be- sides these, they more readily adapt them- selvestotheir snrroundin n, and quickly become acolimatized. geoplo imported from southern climates do not makeas suc- cesnful settlers. They cannot stand the cold climate in certain diatrictl. and be- sides. seem to be not as industrious as those who come from the more northerly climee. n.- Rnlmrfann nnmlm verv hizzhlv of the $08250. Several conmouwu sums ran ing from 9100 8250 they lelrnod 1. no importance and vastness of work. Elenaod .......|.. .m...m..- In which I. a manic Dr. Robertson speaks very highly efoiency ol the mounted police, and says they have done excellent, service in km`)- ing down lawleasneeu. more particular y Among the Indiana. He says there is no better place in che world for A man to rear ll family in than weabern Canada. The anrroundinge are all that could be deeired. Last. season there wiuu grown up there six- ty-two and I half millions bushels of grain. about half of it being wheat. yet from one end of the countrv to the other not a sin lo sheaf was cut, on Sunday, while across L e hnrder, in the United States, the whirring of harvesting machinery could be heard on Sundng the same as on unv other dn . n.. ..L.m-ram. nnvn hn lmn heart some OI l'|lIl`VB8&lIlg Lll|MJl|IlIUI_y uuunu uv IJU-nu .... Sundn Dr. lhabertaoli sny he has heart peaaimista "growling" about the slow rowtli of the north west and `itsiepparent elplesanema. He quotes his experience to show matters in 11 better light than in us- ually presented by such room. It in twenty-two years ago since e took charge of the north-west missions. Then Win- nipeg had a population of low thnn 2,000. Now the city contains over 10,000 souls. Then there was not in single foot of side- walk or mecadumizod road. Now the city is modem in every renpect and in many points outclasaea all eastern cities. Mani- toba had a population of less that 20,000. Now there are over 200,000 per- sons in the province. The north- west territories were completely empty. Now they have a population of over 100,000. British Columbia then had within its borders less than 40,000 persons. Now there are l00.000 living there. All the provisions used by the Iettlere in those days were carted up from the east. Now everything needful is either grown or monulootured there. And quite I lot of ntu, pnrticulaily grain. is exported to the out. Between the years 1881 and ISDI the population increased 150 per cent, yet crime ootunlly. not eompontively. decrees- ed. a fact of which Dr. Robertson is justly noun 1| Men : Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Silk Vests, White Gloyes, Overalls. Underwear, Summer Goods, Umfarelias. Rubber Coats. Every- thing must go. Call soon if you mm A Bargains. lld. `wan. J. Reddon. n gredunte of Queen's. who at one.time was manager of John Henderson A 00 : book st.ore.ia stationed at Mooeomin. N.W.T., where he bee I [urge congregation and is doing elfective work. Rev. John Muirhead, stationed At. White` wood. is very popular. He is a herd worker, Dr. Robertaor says, and is one of the best. missionaries in the territories. Rev. '1`. R. Scott. stationed at Ox Bow, is nnother old Queen : boy who has won the love of the people at his mission. Dr. Rnberuon would dearly like to heve more gruduutee of Queen`: in his field. and hope: tooeee the dny he will receive a sufficient. number to satisfy him. Ilolpilul on nulluuy. Dr. Third, the uooontly appointed modi- eal Inporinundont of the general has `cal, ruched tho city lut evening, and vi I an- ourno charge of the holplkl on Sunday. To 3 Wnm reporter be tested. this morn- ing`. that In. Third will not come to ......g.... ....m 1...... ..m..I .I...../ in`. that In. Third will KI tonnnulhohu nomad dot com- huo. Hit furniture, oto., to In- marrow. In nnawor lo I ouastion Dr. mu. nu nmnmro, ow. u-nu w- Inorrow. question Third aid be had boon shown ova the in- stitution by Lt-Ool. Dal. \ line you decided upon, or do you con- un to nukingmy change: in the mo- olnnnnaumom..cm.. now in aoat. lo.Ib.Pnuunodl nlclc.Ib. Inna-nd rwnrrhlilb, lo 35c..5 and `.5liI.g(ng|:`nApI2lc.' 1.0:: - I In looking tor llupon A: an wunu l`hld.-'l'Ia Gxonh In you uudyl ..4 I. I.-/I-manna tuna. THE NE;J6R| NT-E_N DENT. We huh tuna N to an ntolua II In nap oyolo .'.'.o ..-..r.::.:'::.`:1s.'.-.`;.:." '~--- - glnspnu, Dr. Thicd!" the npofur WIII LIIIIIC vi-I1 Ilonplul on Sunday. ..I ah. ..4u..ol- Al'|III'lI ummo, nun.; nar- I,(`. had cm at. oi bar I II. With one .I........\\ IDH` L-an I KINGSTON, ONTARIO. A Dllemnco U! uplluon. Ald. Milne does not agree with Judge Price that in the long run a brick school would be cheaper than stone. In ease of re, he says. the chances are brick walla would {all while it is poeaible to rebuild on stone walls. and quotes the court house re as in example. The nine wells were built on after the disastrous re them. The Grantee: unrgnlnu In the Olty. Prevoet. `of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street. having given a large order for spring imporutiom. which will reach here next month, has decided to make e la reduction in All the depart- mentatoi me alone buyer-Ito purohue freely an-ltoonnblelilmho mekeroomfor hie oot`nihg'oods.' ' ,He 1&3 Wmaineel. located the Trunk. A trunk lled with provision: fell off A etegeon Princess street`. yesterday after- noon, in front. of an approaching street. car. The driver of the stage showed reck- leee regard for his own safety in dammit- itlg toreecue the trunk from damage y_ 0 car. with the construction or me new pumping enine by In lie & Son, tan ltatlngt at he wi I be unable to no- oept the position. (ippe At tho l'rol[ht shod. La Uri pe" seem: to haven peculiar mrtiality Err tha men employed at. the ).T.R. {height sheds. W. Thompson. freight. agenb:AlfI-ed Pi r. checker; R. Thompson. oaahier, and . Talbot. porber, have all been attacked b the malady. W. Dunnett, foreman o the Shedden Cart; 0 0o s_ Kingston agency, has also been uid u for awash with the "fashion- able" comp Aint. I .(_,`. Tumble duty. having been attacked by In grippn. PC. Kennedv has not vet. returned from | hut. night. ' having been attacked by In grnppn. P.C. Kennedy yet. ($llelEE:l where he was called to attend the ahslz of Mn father, .'L'3o'_*'."'......a"" " 5'4" ` Vlad for umuwdonum ,IIQO1$I to II! II......... IL I. III u - - . --