Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Mar 1896, p. 2

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Jagans, SIR DONALD FOR I`-l;l;}MlI1`.R. m up | n I no duo and pnyublaln advance. can 0! Tlnuor orntod tuoolnuonn or Min WLU 0 I101 pouonnlly nnpomlblo ordon e 01 gin. A VERY SMART IDEA. "0p(/or per Dioor. u as you. 11 pm: In Mlunoo; ouunvm H4"'1wnl:x1.y n publhhod on Mon- ad undnyn he 01 5 you In ndunuu; hIl'_VVlM.'_ _ , _ TILIPIOIII uonodihnnl __ _____ __.| )_ ,_, unmououot we Mugs. I - oltlnh mdmdnpmd gm NW8 V` oooioly u \.s.olu'oIbIo viihoul do- unypod.v\olun.|l\M wmonwero so give up tub:-Alton dint to D: Niolnbilvuldhol Evening Wlon to mu lnhrunuon. Kxxmmu. Pub, 90` -(To the Ednor): I no In Thur-dug`: Wmo c psngrn call` ing tho utenuon ol the humane IX`! Qty In the-out 0! a homo VIM h. stow night: \. III loll ntcnding ids of one 0! t howls till two o`clock I the morning. 19 the damn who aw in. inuud at niung someday: and thou tritium Q9 the pups had him tho Iroubh \o nd on In whom ILA [max I|gInn-ad And Inlnniuunn nnl-(L nu ulou use Iromuo |0 mm on no wnom the horn uni tolophonod puru- oulnn to Dr. icholo. \`.S.. who is H99 nnlcl uncut nl tho nnnianv. tin mung: would Inn to Ur. mcnou. \.a.. wno no mo aid agent ol tho enemy. thonnunt would vobonnonooloohod into and the 0! hndor duh: warned or mud. `I'M- omlnn night. at cl ooh. hvo Imus" mwnd 50 animal with tlnmlnoul ol \M1M - um. Had no IIUIII in our Ill mo momma oz mnmcupul mwornmem J. R. Domlduou and tho clmirmom hr that the dial of tho mouun would be 1. grown! from omoring munloipnl life caps In men who might ho known only to the olootorn In their own mlglzborhood. lull. NOUOIIIC. A. Hoppim stated that he would [nor the filling of nlunioipnl nlllcoa by bender llo tlmngln. that if the olcoa were tender- onl fur. nml uolx one won given to the man who olforocl m do the work for the least money. pmvidod such man were competent. un gran caving would In footed Mluunlly. and corruption would `be Ibolinhod. W. Quinn said he would favor the up` poincmonl. of lino by lander. And he nppnaod tho oldlng of otlloo. for long Ioriorln. by tho sumo lndividnnln. The more alzould go mund. Jnnoplu George said the city hu never been no fairly sud nvonly unused u uinoe the protons sensor has Mhn ooo. J. H. Nwhnr nnoko lnhvor of the Sun` J. u. tumour n tnlnvor oi tnoutrn` um bill. now un or mnuidorulon in the loml loghlathro assembly. nnd argued that it in calculated to wot} m-out improromom in tho methndu of municipal hr nu. Alul. Cannon`: mhomo for the reduction of cmo oxponun And of tho number of utlicinln wu dincuaood. I majority of tho speakers expressing I.homrol\'ou in favor o! the uohomo rho Wnrhlnuuon Favor Clvha ownership nl tho moon-Io Llghl Plant. Dr. Curtis pmnldod lb tho workingtnon`n tnooting yootordny. W. Cnrnegio. Vrhn was to NWO road In pnpur on "Su-lie-In," wno nbaom. and tho mooning diaunnaml vivio Inntborn In onornl. Tho quontlon 0 Inuninlpnl owner:-hip of the ulootric plnnt was (into taken up. and the nhnirmnn. A. Hop I`l\l. J. linker. Dr. Aoltm 'd, W. Quinn. Wright. and J. IL Donal: you gave tholr view: on the pub. joot. All welt in favor of tho city owning the plant. Munici l ownernhip of tho nlontrio atroot ruinny was also ndvo nnknd. Tomorrow the dobuo on the r bill bogun. How long ' oomimm, 50" Y 5 m""1I. some until the and of W3 I" M D`"`Nnmont. Amendments are propoud. Ind there in no telling what the bill will b0 Nkooovontunlly. Sir Mlokono Bowell and Sir Charlot- Tuppor an nmlkod at the ideal of Sir Dmmld becoming pmmier. Sir Macken- Iio. when he heard of ii. "burnt futon hearty t. of lnu.5hur; _.... . . . v . . . "r".,V P|MrrIcu.t.v A mvunun Uolrnrv Wm: nun-um RICUIITV. Known u-c_donn.ltouI nununll M Ouun | (I not amount Ln uuu mllllnz. n all n. to: lower than tho nmjurlty n nlllnon Inn: and holes 1 Illl of lnnnnnmo oond nu n u ; nnxruvunn A u John Mcillivrny. M. I`.. says that if tho mun should cums when Sir M-mkomio Bowoll Ihoulzl cum to be hand of tho govermnout the ray hnn one to Imncuod him. "to whom I. oy could Ill bond tho knoo." u Jolmgouo into tho tinrgod worlh i p Y O Q I ir Chnrleu Tnpper unnree the country lhnt. he hen Ielt. the London olliuolor good. that he hn come no Cmndn to remain in it the balance ol hie days. One thing in neruin. if the government goes undur in the next election the London union. or at loan. in extravagance, will be ended. no u: n. vunnu n v a unu- Tho gentleman who have gone on u 0om~ mmoe to no N the government cannot modify the remedial bill aro looking for some opponulnity to make 3 Iqunre peg (it. a round halo. I O I D|SUU83EO vious SUBJECTS. IUTUIIVU Wlll U. VIII lI||lIlllIu The proposed change will not be in the intereet of reform end rfghteuueneu. The mlleege le e realouable matter. The coun- try doee not object to pey the cost of tre- vel to end from the legleleture once A see- elon, but If membere went to run home every week, or travel about the oountry for the good of thofr health. they Ihould not expect to do so at the oountry'e ex- pense, or the expenee ofa railway corpora- tlom. The railway oompnnloe have an ob` joot to nerve in granting pm-eee to the member: annually. They cannot ef- fnrd to carry . the membere free. end they will not do lt if they do not expect Iome favor ln re- turn. Therefore the member: ehould not accept theee peaeen and the mileage ton, for two reaeone : (I) That It enbjeote them to uuhlnd orltfofem for taking what in enppoeed to be e refund of money spent on travel, and (9) that it pute them in a poeltfon where their independence mny not be an Apparent an it ought to be. mu. pnmboa . The U. r. u. are good until A }l 80th, while the grand Trunk pnuqu do not expire until Juno 30th. III! tlm .-nun:-nmnntnnnl Hun nnmnnnlnn 3Utl|. . "If the govornmont and the companion oomo to the nrrnngomont. Ipokon of the member: who llvo at A dlnunoe v lll nul- ler while the ropruonmtluol ln and uround Toronto wlll b0 the gnluorn." rm.- ..-......--.a ..L-...... ...m mu L. h. 9.3.. I an Muhnulo nmn and Sh-Charla Tup- nna hnun `nnhnn-gal lulu-In nnnlnlnnan H: h. III IIXI-"III DUWIII Illu Du Uljl Aly- par hon destroyed their nufulncu by bo- oonlng plodgod to tho romodhl bill, bio tho Invlour of the country In not Ilr Donuld Smith. I! tho prounb pnmlor. Ind the proapoolvo promlor. are not Aooopnblo to the country tho oonurvotivo puny In In I but way. nlnoo than I: no hope of ourrylng the country with Sir Domld Smith. Au-I uaeanuuunvu nnuuuuu Mr. Hnyooclr ha I bill before the legis- lebure which elm: so meklng the eooept enoe oi peeeee by members on Illegal pro- ueedlng. Thll notion of Mr. HeyoooY In uppleudod by all right-thinking people, and It I: hoped the Agitation will have the etfeoe of ending when oennot be considered other tbene eoendnloue proceeding. We need: ..I- A, _|.-_--L-_ IlL_l_ A1,. kt, I9-_ FARM AND UITY l'RUI'EI(TY lnunnd M I um puuthlo nun. liotum nnonu old 0' Jun; now luu-lno-smut. runs: from H'l`llAN(lIt 8: HTRAN(II. Annnh. IUIIII "In In altogether likely that Mr. Ray- oooh'e motion wlllreenll. In an arrangement. being made between aha government and the I allwa oompanlee whereby the latter wll be pal a certain avenge nun for the paeeee iaeued. "If man an arrannement la decided upon "If eunh arrangement upon the mileage allowance ol ten oenta per mile whloh the le lalatora now receive will be out of. but t in do btlul If anything will be saved to the prov nae. an the member: will only a ree to Iuoh a eoheme on the condition t at the paaeee are to be made annual and the government would probabl have to pay more to the railway: for run a privilege than the meunbera now draw from the treaaury for mileage. "All of the mambarahava received their {mm the trouury tor muugo. "Ali 0! the mombomhavo panel from both oompuniu this union, with the exception of about ten put:-om. who havo not boon favored with the handy mu. putobomfa Ti 0 0. 1*. R. wood 30`th. mo protons no nun once. I Alli `lill._ :30! :n_nuidor_:Ilon ir_n `tho LETTIRS TO maionron. THE MEMBERS` PASSES. _, ..I, L__ _ nu: |__n,_- `L- 1cL}`i)E1L NOTES. "tn-1`: ,nA1LY nnrrxn wme. 'Mo1ibAr, MARCH T I T It in looohnn loqowon that inpnind digution. Iuulom-0. our otounI.uI-uch- lion of '8 from the nounohtll hvo their origtn m I diunniond uondion at tho liver` No MOI`) an Iqbal llcmilluh Hit 0! Nmdruh and Duncan ht lb II `$0! N noh `nab at -in In '|V|||' IIQW l|\|IIl|III II? I`! `MI l|'\)II'| I-vl`llANuIc & HTMANOII. Axum. ..`x.eo:::.::*.:-n~:-:'-' *--W 3"-' uiomunounnu. aouuynu an mdldu. Alhbnbiugdus A, Tho Molly Tn Ila Dlvmod. About Awril last I). A. Dnldnon. who spent nonr`|v lhroo you: in E lund in making gum] tho claim: of his pol. I to I portion of an estate in nhnncory. vtlll n~ turn to England In I-cpl-oconl. his Inothor at am alim-ibution ol tho Oahu. which will `no clls-idud by the court on April `lmh The portion which Mn. lhvlduon will revolve will be About O3l).00(l Mr Davidson`: oxpenoon in oonmotlon with the moovoa-_v nftln count will foot up to about &'|.*0lll). He will nah his hond~ unrten at Llvorpool. but will In in Lon- ' on a good on of his Ilmc nun- 1.. ....I.....l ll. IL.-mum .I-. don good 0! mi HMO. Whilo in nglnnd Mr. lhvidu-on Alto snout! up the claims o!_ I family lm in the city no I -hare ol an ouch now in! in ohmcory. Ho thinks than will In no dil` cnlu in uubliohinmlho claim. OM of ohmcory. no woman man Inn on no cw Realty eaublio inglho the Mintnniu mfooln utnbotohbo stall at the RM 0. Hr. [hvidoon duvohrl Mo run than durin his residence In 850 M county to V0! in; up than two imu. week nuemlunglnno hum mags oz rnu-om ul lmlunlr r us: \ nphiu MoCnou|y and Thnnmn \\ allnoo were married on Wodnu tlny. Fob. mm. A number [mm ban and Sand Buy nuemlod an onborbninmom. given by the Sons of Totnpomnoo In Eoootc on I-`ohruury `J:-uh. The funuul of the lum- Mrs Charla: Gokie. of Wnodvnlo. was held :.. uh- .~h.n~.\h hnlun -nnlnn nv uh Qkh Mrs Charles none. 0! wnotlvuo. Ina nun in the thumb horn yosl.on.uy, I-`ob. `. 3t.h. Rev Mr. Reytlnldn, of Lnmulowne. preach ad tha funeral A-ormun. Tho nmninn were than placed In the vault. at Lnnodowno. Dulutmnlno Ilndgot. l)v|.nnuI2~|t. l-`ebl `. 9.-A number are llllmg their loo-hnntel this week. The maul: am in n bud oomlition. R. 1) Han Iunn Imp lllnpollod of his: clown Lam-downo to Herb. llnrmn and is moving bank unto the farm. Norvmm l\lcCm\dy will still be reminecl to wnlt. on the ounbomoro in his plmu-nut. ntyle. Mr. And Mrs. E. Ku\biI\g. of Ummnounm, were here vioitin their nlnu Mar and fliondn this week. 1 0 Int. lovnumlnyn have boon very stormy and mm ol the _\-mung men have not been able to mt. in an nppournnco u pmpoood. llicluml l"or|ruu-on, of Jnnowwn. was how this week visiting Mnbrnt.herJohn. Mun-I. [.0-smell an-I Swunv. of l'.`.Mbon'n Oornon, worolmm Ina! woe! visiting Herb. Len- mwk. H-xrbortl Horton In in Toronto this week nI.tomlinll.l10 nnid lodge of Pnubronu ul lmlmnrv. mhiu MoCnoulv |)0`RIhI WHOM HITXI L0 IHUNI \IpI'||(lNa. III M. nu-~h nmon was drawn down nidownya. In nll I have unetl nbout. one down boxes. and am now hearty nnd healthy as over in my Mo. III)(l|I I IIIIIIICJ IIIIII ()\\x.~' Sumen. Mun-h `.'. (Spom'nl).-- .\|r. Hlxipuxmn lull: his story in the hone that ho muy bmmlic others. and any: : In tho rosult. of l\ Lu `nblo when u boy whivh 'mjurml my bnvk. I have been Lroublotl \\'llII vwuk kivlumyn all my Iifo. Fm the pouch your I have been :1 grunt. nulforor. growing worse until I Irimullv drn gust. mlviur-I nm to use I)0 KuInoy `Illa. 'l`x-t.u or urme rhowml Dinbotm and I re- nIi1.o'I my dunner. I had Inund it, im- po-IIiI)In when rum! to band upright, and oidownva. London. Llvorpol um Globe PI ` I Insurance Company. Inna. 1..-. Mn nun an In n.O.nu.-m In n.|..l.u m mg nnmry E0 Turlhering this Icudv. In ull his eYI'nrl.a ho mac .I....u uunc. fna ro- Iigiun he prufunned dill not. comllst of no a- rives. in citinonahip wnn widur than Iin vlnnrclununnhi . nn.l righblyao. He would not. nckunwlm my I\ diviu-ion of life into re- vulnr nuul Iuuxrad; with him In life was -livino. He was A thorough Imperialism, hecuunn ho hollevod Hriuin rapron-outed on w\I'Lh. honor Lhnn any other nation, free dom, righlouu-noun and ponue. see its rentnou uuu rununenn D the ground It nuver.-. So It in with lit: and death. Only when A man who inintrinIionl- ly grout prunes away (loo: his true worth come home to not. How irreparable ha: been our long, and, at the ume time. how much our gnin for lmvin? known him. and having him with on now u spirit." Continuing. he said, deoeneed was an earnest utudent. whn devoted himself nl mnat entirely to his studies while at col- lege. and even in the midst of his multi- inriouuiutien an on pastor found time to lroephisnluxiien up. He began hi: work in tho minis-tr_v I\ well eduontod mun- above the uvnrugo-end he never allowed hin studios to becmne in. He was I de lightful expounder of the nnripturee. An I pm-tor he wnul at his bent; it never occurred to him he won: too hrlllimnt u mm for the most mtty detail: of n pastorate life. He mm a ways in touch with hie conuregution He combined n warm. passionate love for hill nwn nhnrvh. nlmuz with I lomtinv for n wmor (,7ln'n-mnI.y. HI 4 nirlurublo at.t.ontion to the of the church. I wuik for ` pan-ticulnrly fiuod. Thmugl: Lho nugunmmxunu fuynd bum`; any church on thin 000% -K` deeply inlomstocl "` "'"'o Sm `l`' .`w~u|nnl.lI.' REV uxro RI r. Iilulpnmu. of uwon Rmnm|-lavon \'o|n' I Amno Nu orIn[---l)|nbolo| Cured lay, l)od1|'u Klqlnoy Hill. I I\.. .... u........ owe more than my cunt Imgle man. It will not hurt the fool- ing: 0! any of the donut .friondI of the others to us that tho iutlou win the groniont. for tiers was thin unique ohnmcwr nbout tho man--no ono over on- viad him any uunoou he might gain. In computing for prime: at the university thou who OILIIO second or third mid they were lad it was ho who was first. Whon 0 was with us we thought we know him, but we did not. We cannot estimate the nine of I tree In it stand: with ita follows in the vnstloront. Only when it is hown and on the ground om we its rentnou uud grundnenn b the Ii 9 ueoply Inlomstoql I I . v :r1u'.n.'t.-.w'ia *3`: nll Mn nmn'I.n Im rum NIITIQI II ulvurpoou. u ........l un 5|.` nl-inn theology. no mounted In aue tune, nev- ing etteined e igh etendln in hie clue. Doringhieunivereit oereer eteughtechool to pay for tuition. fter reduutlnghetooh e two eore couree-of Itu y in the univerei- tiee 0 Scotland. and studied for one ear in Gennuny. A thorough end brll ien university couree thue boin completed. he won ordnlned to the m nietry of the Church of Scotland and returned to hie ne- tive land, where he bed choeen hie eld of labor. He woe I trustee of Queen'e uni- verelty, end in the severe etrug le for exintenoo which the college peued t rou h in 1869 end 1870. wee heart and eoui in t e movement to euve the univereity. In l877 he woe one who etrongly preeeed for the oallin of the speaker to the rinci ehip. end t xrough hie ebrte the cell wee remed. Since then and until hie death he proved e etnunoh friend and sturdy ndvieer. "Ie it my wonder I have felt unmennedeinne the new: of hie death came to ue?" euid the a kor. "The blow followed hard upon t none that we have received. one after an- othor, this notation." He feelin ly referred to the death of the lute Prof. illlemenn, Dr Fenwick. Dr. Seundere.J. D. Stewart. and continuing, Mid: Then the retire- ment. from proetrntion of heelth. of John Cormack, on faithful n servant of the uni- versity in his place an llr. Willlemeon him- self had been in hie. Luetly. there wee the death of i). .'l. Mnndonnell. to whom we sell had been in ma. mnuy. more wu the death of D. J. Mncdonnoll. than othor single man. M. will not. hurt. Io Wu I close Indus! sud Worked for IIII lcluonuon-Did Much :9 Inc the University-abouono Osmond from in (mud nwrlmo. Tho attendance at Convocation lull yol- urdny aim:-noon was only fair. tho diu- sgreenble walking keeping many from at.- tonding. The occasion wu the momorinl service of the late Rov. D. J. Mncdonnoll. conducted by Rev. Principal Grant. The wanker mid D. J. Mnodonneil ovor Landon Ann rnnco Corporation II) II lll\h|III\l All-? conducted by mv. rrmmpou urnnu. speaker forty years ago entered Quoon'I oollogo. Ho wmu more boy at tho Mme. but ln I Ito of Mn extrema youth he soon that n and of all his lqllow-utudontmoomlng out nhudln Latin. Gruk snd mnbharnnioa. Ho grnduntod with we dogru of B.A., the oouru oxtondlng on:-`only bhm yarn. and Iubuquontl ontond u n tho Child of bhoology. rndunt. In due tlmo, V- hm stunned: hrhnundlnnin [n A mom SERVICE. ] I on. cam? au;ka or THE LATI . ` nzv. Ma. MAODONNELI... h-anon`: Intent` run he bypass than n hung COIIIUIIIOH \\ ul`Il'l PIIIIIUIIHLO l0V9 ll)!` own ohurvh. long longing 'm>4. ..u- ~_~ RIGHT IN OUR MIDST. `ilint. He will I this Q .0 I ml .....`. .uu,~mnl edumuoll ruvu three and an months N-baring Lhtn uudv. In no ..uy. no nes olB`{r`t9M`.""' ion the hymnology which he want` \ rl. Thmugln hi; nest, of I fund buumr... N: W so-urn .;.}.Lg- I ha` aevbnzl \m`.""" B hlnnnnlm... I " loan. or On in hunt or do- ntruyod. when It noun n Mule 00 how. thorn houn land them to 0. H. () [`'l`(). M! Wolllnuton int. Ind he wlll put them lum uIu\twuun- Vonlonh lot roforouuo uni ornamental 0 you: ` I 0. Illlow your Paper: and nmuluon tn Ho Muund *1 uI-w -uwuy. `huh hm Ki 8:!` pm. for Tvnll. Nnpuno a All loan! is B. .1. Wins. In (JAIL 0.`: ol- hg(.`h:-unmalnot IN_.--Ulla W IIOII VIII'Vf")\|l pbir out all norvo in. you greuuy tn pa-ovolhl N can. krorvilino action the pawn. moth: thou. drinrpnin out. and in roliol. n '5 an. nd:`Mnwu`ygi\-an yuan an um wq oonmod. Ilnrtllgtou llnpponlngs. lhnnxums. Feb. 90 -'l`ho lung tallml of in-mcotmg mu hold on Tnooduy oven- ina lut. Tho nigh: urn buwuful md the pooplo hem coming until the meaning on- oily ol ohumh Inc About exhausted K can E. Crumloy. J. M-unis` V.S . R Licence. W. H. Hadley. L Cook cm! W J. Ruohuby came out. from Kingnton and ouhtuluod the audience mu: glean, chor~ out and coin; Dr. Int-than-t noted as chairman And mule the speech 0! the oven tug: tho oubjouv. hing " an." Inn in": line baby dnuthtor at Edlv in . no oubjoov. mung " lea." Inn 'n" a baby daughter Edly Cam|uIIol|`a. Charla: (lootlharry has bought. a farm mar Puham. and in and NI family upoct so new to their new home non Incl. In Charla Moore and little non, rho van vioiti frionda at Murvak. haw nturnod. Nra. .CIovr. Mra. J. Babcmh and Edgar Dool have boon on tho nick lint Viailou: D` Patterson at E. Sigurortlfnu. Mn. L'l`ol|o at B. Galnplnlfa, and Mia H. llill a\`l`. Sigsvoruva. It will boln charge or `luomu nnckou. ml experienced Kingston Inoohnuic Stanton Bron. an dmwuxg atone for the look: at Foobrvillo. The seven! road: loud in to the village an in nu ulmmtv im wmv A ooon:Iition|,mdt.umiu1gis prm-meal` at naumlutill. Ex-eryum looks mwnnl Kuw- mgnouncouful race-moot. here this um um. Somo fur the pol: weather will put. the Ion in I had aondtion. Wlul "ll `VH5 . III Burn ||` IVIIIK IN visitin riondn nt. lhmnnoquo. Kl-ll-OPP: John )ormnm,Sooloy n liny. and qlnuglr tor. Mrs. Rev. Myora. of lliuhmond, Qua; lidwnrd llutmm, Sooloy`u Buy. and R. Eaton, Lyudhurnt. The l"oroaLor`I oyster supper wnu wall ntroninerl by who member: of the order. l , J. Falxoy. ropriomr of the Empire houno. in lling Ill loo lmu-o. Oourgo H. Harvey in giving up the nluoemuking and will move to Porch. He lms boon A oitinn and I fuinlnful worker in the Metho- dint. church, and o\'ory0tu?l will nu... his ninl company rout! . `lm dru bum- lloocn. conducted `lg liyr. Conn, inglmmg omotlouotl by R. H. Murphy. nuctiuuoor. The doctor nds his prnotico too lnrgo to numd nmuorlv to the drun nmm. attend pm rly lo the urn; awn). J. R. arr .8 00.. of Newborn). lnvo nponod I branch shoe tho 1 in the village. It will boin charge of homu Huckon. .m umrinncod Kiummu A number lmm naro nuemnou um mun nun Taylor dobnbo hold at. Holt-u. Willimn \\'iu has taken at busincia lriplu 1)-surun- to. liram S. l)m'i-on lml r uruud from Toronto, where ho went to do ognlo to the Ancient Order of United Worlunun. M. S lliployin Uniting friends at Smith`.- Fnlla and Perth. ('. Lopgo Inns roturno f-om Hnnnnoquo. Imvimz spent. Suuduy with his routs. Minn Sum Tnwving in visiting I-itors: n__I_..I, n_.. A...) I and null-ubnegnlon. "Tho questions some up: `Can l min intoxicating liquor and be who]! nnnol.ill- ad? `No, II II the world.` lww wlmt. will you my n me if I boll rou Llml. l.lNJl`0 have been men wlmll mul truly nunvli odalthougliclio use lntoxlonling liquor or tobacco. nn women who lll\\`0 not given up the vnnltloa of apparel lIl|V0 boon truly Illl0Ill`l0d. But, I! won an it. bo- quention of connulence. and l null. a truly Innutitlnl mun nnd use I . n liquor?` Iunuwlir at once nml u on tin y. No. If you re going to lnbtuin to bgo fullness of Llii life (livino, 'nu will rid yourself ol ull unclounnem-. ll it demnmla a mouth clean of tobacco you will spit. the vile null` away from you. ll imimvuunln nbnhliioimo lmm liquor, yuu will rigidly ubmnin from the urn) of nuuli. Tll Ill" 0! l l||VIl III] III lflql A'l'l'INTl() I not nufor oxnmlnrt. on: "1"! Inn on humo mm -hm! wit: min In. The News From nltlrrlng Vlllngo In um All- jomlng County. lCl.mN. Feb. l29.--|lorhorl. Juno: mm. quite I loan on Sunday Iuornin wlmu llln implement. building collapse: from tho weight. 01 snow. All his innpleannouu and onrrlngon were bmlly nlmtlerod. Hoorgn Stanton in busy lmullnu ntouas In Funnel: lock for yopniru on the mnnl. The unmi- \-orury norviun and old Euylinll ton. hold . laythe Methodist church on Sunday And I 1 uulau I-nt. warn wnll nltnnalnal ll 0 `H0 N.`vn(X1|IU CIHIFCH H|llHIl|_V IIHI . ouduy Inst. were well nuemlod. ll. Iiolno . who came homo from Alhuns high oichon five weeks ago mung to his ill- honlbh. in still conned to his bed. Qmto .. nunuhnr frnm Imrn nl.l.mnInuI Hm Am Ind HOIIINI. II III UOIIUIIBG 130 Ill! 00. UUIIO number from here Mhemled the Bonn and 'l`..ul.n~ nhxhuln hnlxl nl. Hnlln \.\'iIlin|n "Sin. in its eesenoe end ohersctor, is just what the bible says it ls~e trunn- greeeion oi the law. But every trims- reulon of the lew does not neceunrily ring guilt. Only the unlellen angels hnve met einleee perfection. and only one reon who has lived on this enrth-Jeeu-. edo not teach a einleee perfection. John Welley never intended it. nor do we teach it. The lew is holy. `Thou shall not atenl.' end when the law seys that, it does not ml- mit of the lent shade of steelin . an more than of the stealing oi e reilrou. T no low demand: oi you an absolute. absolute por- feotion. And it In because none 0! us can live ebeolutely perioot that the bible comes to us with e eoripturnl. an evangelical holineee. The men who tincorolv and truly repent: of his sine is held to be legal- ly holy. When men me pnrdoned and nude legally holy they are not perfectly and experimentally holy. The tire on probation. An I understand it. tie divine order is repentance towards God and lnith towerds our Lord Josue `Christ. And we need not expect to to saved by any inver- elon of thin order. No man onn ever be saved but by the divine order. No one man come to Goal unlesn he come by self-xluninl and eel!-ubnegetlon. "The nueetlmin nome nn: `(Inn I >dIVlllII |. p|ll'O, EH10 cnnaunn mon. "Hollnou ll wholly the work of God. we no told. Bub what doe: our but, my 1 Do we not nd that both God and man have something to do with lb. And mun, tn do him pub, mun oloonno hlmsell 0! all lth and unoloannou. In would be A poor salvation that would nvo us from the guilt. of sin alone, and not lrom the power of sin. And save us also lrom cho prlnolplo ohln. And Iorl tural hollneu. an [under nbnnd lb, undorto on to do that. "W: nnn Qnh-I that :1: nun. MA nnvnll ntanu It, undertaken to no man. "We are told tbnt we can't be saved from Iln on earth nnd that we must be saved Irom nln beton we enter heaven. And toget over the dlloulty they place a purgatory there, and you nd holiueu in purgatory nooner or later, nooordin to the money invested. Then others to us we find hollneu In death. My lriendn, if I wen to ohoone between n Roman purga- tor end: Protestant pur atory, an deo- cri , lwould ohooee the omun. God : id k to purge the oomcionoe from dead Wnf . wuo an Iowa mm. . "God will not jumly and condemn n mun at the sum tlmo. ll hollnou la nooounry tn ontaor Into huvdn. you can no at once tlub thorn must: be a mouuro ol hollnou that will nlu nu lnbo huvon. Thln get.- tln tohoovon Ii 3 very beggar! Idea of cm ulnnlty. Don t you know u nhldlou go to heaven. that henchom o to heaven, , mat. lnlnnu go to honvml lod will take care of your Iunotlontlon no well as He . don that ol ldlou. But He will never nvo this world by idiots, heathen: or bublon. What. Ho wants in robuut, un- dovluclng. pure, truo chrlatlnn whollv God. work . uim Antbloblnounonlroakltuot cunt I; l.ov.`Dr. cannon. Block mm Mothodln church wu orowdod luo evening, when Rev. Dr. Carmen pruchod an el ucnt. sermon from II Oorinthiann, vn-1, nvlng,t.bero- lormthuo promises, dearly beloved, lot. In cloomo ourulvu from all lthinou of tho uh and ash-It, porfoctlng holineu in the far 0100 ." "nnlnD.nI-1|` lunllruann in In A Anna; - we rear 01 uoa." "Scriptural holln-on II, In a tonne, n. vary low nbtnlnmenc, boouuuo after we get. In we must. go on perfecting It. It in ` within the reach of everyone, and not, an in often said. no high that it cannot. be cached. Poplo uy, `I! you yet It you not keep it; It in no morourin .' Thozeil war h_holl. nor.|n heaven, where Inclination to do lb, to pluck unwed man from the hand: oltho God who huuvod Mn. "(Ind will run; hunk": Ant] nnnrinmn a man N=Mn'1'Ivn1`pA1. DE 'AlC'l'IRN`l` In In huge mg;-gun umn. nq.. Mm I1oo..A.O. .. I onlh rooolvul In any tlmo and Inn olnnod hum Inn of nun-nnoo. cnnlh-:I-nuoulooundf Thou :.- OORIPTUIAL HOLINIIB. 3 ouch Inuwsy. . Ingnn` It-an-can Q-E EVENTS AT ELGIN. -u._ ._..... _.... AL-.. 2. mos "I ma about tho cum cllnhd by Donn`: Knluny Pull:-. and got I box no lo- l.ood'u drug Iron. nnd from the can his very much relieved bf their ass. Tho urimia not normal an without udiuont. mdlnearnky our to to u no u L I rut -oundly. and my gun he pedmovromkrtnlly. In fact. I union pnuuo than too highly. I would I; nunnnud thou \o nnyouo aloud u ur- thingy tmlbh I // ~-- - An l,n-lJ,h--A |I3;;$iJn u Maud/'. Sponhng ofhin upon-ionoo with Donn ! Kidney l`nllu. ho my-I: "I have boon I uutfnrorlrmn kidney tmubloo for Devon! yonmv. I loll dragged on and Mind. and had um nmbilion. Hid I desire Bo urimto llllloult ox-ury I.-an minubee, and than vnu I thick sediment. Jo-cmblmg brick nduot in Ihourino. My kidney: was vu-ywenk. mull hmltlull aching poinn Around Ibo loinn Am! the Imnli of my book. I Ind I haul unto inmy mouth cromennntly. mind _my tongue Inn coated. In 1:95 I vs: generally run down. I had uiod `I [rut many mmodion md mod I gnu many IIocu1rs' ptmuripuom. but they Iron 0! no |\1i|. - ..u u n . .| _ _n,_._.n L_ London & Lanouahlre Llfo A- Iurnnoo Company. n............... . n . _ . . .... n........... Ilr._.. Mon-i~nn4u.. In `cnlhlhqoot nngfco _._,_gA_4_ Cigar maker: am olololy oonnod 00 their ublon. The work in not hard. but it in vary fatiguing. The confinement in door: has the ronult. of muting vnriouu din- ordcrs, but prinuipnlly kidney troublm Wlu.-n I mun ' orcmln in I cigar hutory ho has added w 'r_)` and bu-Inou cue. Hugh Ilurnotl. in I euo In point. Mr. Burnett. in I nophow of James Somorvillo. .\|. I'., of lmuuiul. and in fomm in No- uowmfu cigm` fncl.or_)', the mnk rt 0! the mlolunnul Trilby cigars. and has chug: of mbmn lhirl_v-vu hands. 0` . n|~ ,.-.L t\..__u- I its grinatly nurturing. Well undore-Looxl mmnon of partial conu- lion of pnulucnon on bbofurnuro dnou ht, ahornn-, pun-Lulouco und war. over wlliuh little or no vontrol can be oxoroii-ed: The nmin mum (nut nu'woll umiomluod) in Ill ago: has boon r-orrupv. governuiontn (over wliivln no in Cmnndn have control) who have never puruplod on one protenra or II-)l-llor co i`ub the fzmnera for whoue I8- cunty in the ponuoful pursuit. of Lhoir honornble cnllmg.nnd in the secure p0ll0II~ inn of the {ruins of (hair labour, ull gumm- numua exist-,nIul who in turn paw. or are the canon of thorn being puid. all the ox- ponaua of govermnonb. under any nyalom of Luxuuun. l{n-Lory oonllrnn the nuwmelu. llmt. programs in slow or rapid according to Llnonlugrm of security tho farmers of the ounmnmity anjov III the peaceful pom-ouion of the fruit: of tlieir labour to the hnmdu of tho govormueni. they pay to protect. them. The trade depression that mun overtake the urban clue of All countries at timna. has been tnkon Mlvnmago of by the xlomngnuloa of all A808 to forward their uwn ael I'll end: at. the expense of their aulllwiilix follow nuunlr_vnmn. Such an op- purI.mm._)' ntforod III Unmmln In I870. 7unlB, wlmu the bud hum-ecu of those your: hand nrnuted the imwibublo dinlmaa among the urban ulna: Llmt. nlwuy.-follow: such u call: unity. and they wore promiaed Ioliol M. Mn expense of our funnorn, who in spite of who had hnI'voal.n wore will will to do. To ob- tuin this nliof from the farmers many nuuon uuu. over prouuouon cause: me dopron-ion, when it clearly arisen from can-antlon of production on the (arm, uitllor in our own or uomo other country with whinh wo trade. It in obvious that uulou aomo fun-mars somewhere in the world produved more than enough for lllulm-olvon IHHI with whom we had the prinluuu of tnuling. no of the villngoa. towns and cities would nllhuve toga farming. und this in exactly what some nf us do during Limos of dopronuion unleu we prefer to steal, starve or bug. (Recent nl,uLI~l.uon lnulimtu n mnlkod movumunt of pnpulution from the urban: to tho ruml dintlicts of the U. 3. during tlnu last doprouuiuu there). To ubtnin ualnmu of the hu-morn` surplus. fnrlnur-t` surplus being the incentive for production m villngon, towns and cities. n purtml co:-sutlun ul the um-unlnvoru 0 production: of the farm must neceunn y chuck pl'0l\l|'Ll()ll nllulong tholino. and thun mu-to the trade depression with all Its glmatly atnlfurilm. Well nartinl |MakingCigarsj suie. . Farmers in sstste of freedom sell their surplus products only,--therelore the members of the community who can devote their time toother employments (the urbnn class) must be limited in number by the amount 0! this surplus, either produced in their own or some other country or countries they trade` with. The larger this surplus the better for the former (if free). and the a ter will be the number who can devotet m- selves toother employments. The p 00! that the urban elass(who genernll ve in villages, towns, or cities) are hm in number by the amount of the farm rs surplus, lies in the feet that: lsilure of crops is nlwnys followed by u lurge number of this ohns being thrown out of employment, our ease in l876. 7 and 8 after the bed hsrvests of those yesrs nml what is known as ii trede depression developed. The number 0! the urbsn class have up to this point been inoreotsed lrom yonr tomyear, toproduoe stoolcs to be exchnng for the now anticipated and hitherto I-tendil increasing surplus of the fnrmers. hen this surplus from uny (muse is reduced instead of ineressed us hitherto. it is easy to understand why in the cities men are without work and uturviug, with the elevators bursting with grnin. Mill the warehouses packed with etnulul. The stocks were sooumuhit ed in anticipation of the farmers demands, whiuh never nniterinlir.ed owing to the luilure of crops. the food was stored to supply the wnrlunnn's wants, who. owin to the pintiul cessation of the usuu uilumive dumnnd from the farmers. are thrown out ol work and now have no wages to buy the food provided for them. It is this ueenmulntion of stock and food luring the period of trade de- preso-ion that gives rss to the populsr notion thnt production the It nrndnntiun lnrln. Whet Farmer: In rltete of Freedom Oen no-.1'rede Depreulon wm. ell lee uhutly llnflerIn[-'I'he Many Bchemee That Have Ind Their Day. O`l'!`A\\`A Feb.. 29.--Since Noah and his none etepped out oi the ark with God : bleenlng end Hi: commend to be fruitful and repienieh the earth, communi- tie! have grown much ea we lee them today in all newly eettled districts, and though it in 4,244 year: since the Hood but eemell portion of the eerth bee no {er been replenished. end eoerch where we may through the records oi the poet or examine the condition oi the pooaplu of the preeent we nd thegreeleet eu erin where po uletion in decreed? end the out wher ihonueiu meet re I . First come the in mere, tben_the vilez nnd an the one o! ouitivetion extende t town end city. Al the viiiege in the early stage won the result oi tillage. . so am the villngoe. towne and citiee oi the world oi today the reeult oi the extension and continuation of tiiiuge. 'Prou>otion- iete imagine thie divine order oideveiop- mont can berovereed ii men like Bir Chen. Tuppor ore uiveno free bend, and the villegoe. town: And citiee be mede the oeuee oi tillage. not the renuit. The utter {eilure oi roteotion to reeiiee the expectation: o it: edvocetee in thin or my other oountr where it he: been tried iliuetreieet e iutility not to my presumption of even A Tupper tryingto improve thin immutebie law oi the Creator. On the other hand the pre- dnotiom oi the advocate: oi I revenue tori have eiwoye been fulfilled beyond the expectation: of the moat eenquine. for they are based on the belie! that this divine order of development ie unchengm able. l`....m... 4.. . -0-- -0 cmglnm ..Il Hui.- [CASE o1=NNnL PIRACY._| UTTER FAILURE OF PROTECTION TO REALLZE EXPEQTATIONS . -.-__- \IO 0! n _ nouns:-uh! navy) tho hnnoo! all our nclivrithl. Ind M an mung n uungoon or n_ maintain! an) Ibo] all auto ' Hun fonvutho pnoploinlo omen. vice. I|oyIIqddcpudII|bhlIlI`wpI$' .5) I A; Plre nvoumon. `ab tnncuuhlion 1:! (us ulna in oulyomoldnnnnyovihtht follow tho intmduouou ol thh uyoun otnuion. AI pine} in my country. It noounuily dhuounaco the amnion ul cgriculun (an niruzvontho Nnlunn chunk: uh. IOTEV POTOQIII. OI IQ III. In `INC lunch In Cnnndn Inn boon bnnluutod in- to form: ol wealth that pander to as do- me and in now ovnod by tho benecial-I un- der this nyouxn of national pine}. In tho U.S. oixty count. 0! the value at my fun lands hum n no Innomntod. tholr tu-M Urn lunch highot than onn. (ftyuvo - ouzhofthoir hrtiliuo not uhbuuv 8 Mm paying wants). In Inna: when the Mril in Itilrhighor (shot I870) tool of Ohonundl ol (arm: Mn into tho bands of that national mum poliuoi. usqand shforctvhib owners as am wondering how is Inpponod. Thoy know they were not utnvtgunl or lay. did not 5'{'a?3.'.":.?;.'i'$:"'.'.&3 "1! shopc-ohu0on_Iu\I\\|lIh0II no a. 050 fans that She bought Iyvith Shit Nooduugonlnnd yuonguin unhar- viamtpnnnnn thnv van hdnmtha Iuvuu IIV [U vionb mum revolution. This tiny: ngm. grevmy In vogue aurmg the dart s, and more recently in Indie under the o d company. tn the more modern ineidioue end ooneequenlly more enhetive method of taxing everything the farmer mnet bu for the benefit of thoee who make theee th nge. The scheme In known ea N. P., which reel- ly meme mtiolul piracy. though it in eup- to stand for netionel policy. Whet Ineken this scheme In prime levorite in new countries where the farmers ull their own lend, i- the her. that it enable: 1 few who eontml the government to turn the lend the fermere neem to own Into hard eeeh without eroueing the euepieiou of the ownere. It in eetimeted thet einee I879 Ina-t.Innr-nan! n! the ruin. 1:! min. (gun `oumen. In un uumuou mu. mnoo Ilml torn percent. of the value 0! the farm s.` `about: .0 .....In. 05.5 ......I.. a.. as. `I. nclnouxen have had choir day in the oourno of time, from nwuupnng down on them with Armed force and cnrrymg otf everything in night. greatly in during the dark upon. rocontlv JOHN TAYLOR &_ CO., Manufacturers, Toronto. Innolooolon nllo Insurance on, Toronto. [Newest Spring Dresses at Waldron s. Issues Policies on every plan of insurance. including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rafP$= **-.'-an any n_her(`0nr`oanv. i I00 Wellirgton street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Companv. done. Jollu Ormnn. : The Newest and the Best Makes. MCKELVEY & ySIRCH House `:3 Furnishings RICHMOND & CO. R. McRAE 1! CO.. Agra K ~1s|o'n. CAR*P4ET$" New Frernch Drvss Patterns. $3.5n,$4.uo. M 5n. $3 oc New Black Crepon Doesses. $350, $3 75. $4 50, $0 on French All-\Vuo| Cnnsturne Cl--tln. 50c, (mu, 75c. 300 pieces Newest Pnnls, fast colors. 8v, 9c, me. New Towellings, Sheetings and PIHOW (juuons cheap. Brussels Carpets from 800. 69 d: 71 BROCK STREET. KINGSTON. loan to loan no lowon nun. III in; :0... two: Wale`: Dru; Moro. The_Rest S_e|ectign in theg_i1y_. ---AND- R. \/VA! .DRON `DOUGH Lulu UOIIIII. D3831` LAKI. Fob `. .9.-'l`ho rooonl. mow storm have made the rand: nlmool in- Nt Then are a great many ill.ooIno at not om camping. grippe boing `hi ruin trouble. Dnmol D030. I nap-acted maidens. died on tho Nth inst... after: long and painful illnoto. Hie nmnim won plnoodln nrrowumich vault Holenvu swift and I largo funily. much nympnt.hy' in felt for than in thin their and bench- mont. Mr. and Mn. A. Ornor have gone to Wontport. R. Lindsay. Sodom. was re- novhnz Aoquninmnceo how Int. week. We 51?! hrsd loo!` See: nnl lately it. ha- boon oonnl Info to wire ovot. C. Whiting. Smith`: hlln. bu boon engined u tunhocfor our school and has onluod upon hitdulion; not many ncholu-I out as- land on account. 0! bad ronda. A Gun and Onion! Olen hro ouooI'l hmat and Landlo- pnaths Shh`: Gun kiln to com. the .0006 pdoIwIllIn vduiadod. for salt at 'Wub'I&qdon. ` I J WI.l'Uo Inn (XInplnll.oornq ol Wollington uudlnnunlurnooqslw-nynhnnun I souduooholhonuupk. ontnnd uncut. rynlnbo, noundcorlarblooh. Allohnnp hrmnh nngllk This eoon creates articially the name reeulbn the: n hiluro of orop- is known to produce. inteneiliunl by the gmwt-h of unwieldy fortunes end Ihu nlnu u:uw|nhm- tion 0! the yeomun fnruuew (from 8| to 01 we Inonuegi our us-bun oln.-an. lluaty ought 1'. cent and deoreeeod the number of our Itfmlfl N00). The ehomluh hncmuing poverty and crime (an inmllablo ugn ol retmgru-ion) we see in all cnuulrioe (including our own) that subject, thum- oolveato this lponios of ulowery or are Iubjected to it by their rulorn us in Chine Ruth and Spain. ehuuld wnrn ua nguinnt in continuance here, if we would eaoepe the evils the seeming million: 0! I-heee three count-riell ere known to be eutfering. -l-l. Wusmsamn. Leads the market today; it is in use all over the country, and has never failed to give satisfaction. leadership Means Superiority. HappyThought AOPHERIION & HOOPER, AUDITORH, Accountants: and liutntn Aunt: lro. In And Aooldunt lnuumm-.9. Inna to loan I Iowan nun. Molnronuo nlrrut. lngnton. . lncrnlnnnn. ll. J. um-in. is` secured if you use `for all laundry and household pur- poses Eclipse `_c1eans withbut destroy- ing and costs you no more than a heavily resined and strong alkalied soap. Get it from your grocer. .THE. .ll& ' `1) UL). _ 0.). soap U IE I '11)` I III III Illa` $211 I I I $I|0OI. nnm STAMPS WW Canon. Ill Unlvmuty Avonno. Urnoo noun, 1. . to .m. Saturday awning. In 10. 12:1tI.o . 8. A. Aykroy , D.D. .. L. .l|.. .-...__._ L ULIIINN. L. In Ihn;oo DI I6 . hump. In IIII vI'lv|' uv run-v vvu---pv- I Issuing ul nu Iahool for You. Iadlu "nlouhun." Kingston. lull mm or lVn|vuu10y()rm|\utu nl$`11Al. A I'l`IN'l"ll\N nhun h| -mndnnh -4 15-- .145... A._ II__ I. JIOOANN A` n \ state Mon . . lonoytn III in Ion 1 W . . . .` .. . .3,` . SUYTHHE VON. BARRIUTIRH. 301110]- tomlw. mrio 0luunb.nru. __ _ _ _ :1. out: Pad n organ-on "In nnnm-c;Hnn wk!h`Cu|ulolg. n rm n u up I) y . ICE Al.r..m.A.'rTm|snl. Iv 0 ! pol` (hold nu luwo for em rug the |mlhnI~ Ibl of I I thus amok nl: ARM NI) CITY l`RUl'lI`.I\ nun mull-Io nmnn Er Tulullllunu M6 VII]. Brook unset. _ A81:' IfAmucl.L. BARRIHTERIU, acorn. mm. as OLAIINOI mnulr. own. __ n _. ..,. _._.... . - __.._ _ `II W` lllall. VII`/IWHIINAICY Hl'.(H".0 tut lnniul uruury. Dluponnur on I moo. M0 Prlnuou unset. ()g_nnulb__u__l_mn_| VI. NEWLANDS. .uwm'mo'r AND Apprnln r, oomor of Brook And King root: out Mlo'h Dru St. 0. lnlnnooon Lunhuhnut to uluo oo. `_e_rnr:ss{%%[po:nmiT $00.3`!!!-ij"lil t\l snd O 00. Unnnulbu lmn alomlwno Hnmuh otuo--l!Ilhy'| mt. 1 ._ .. _ .._~.--, , , , , R & NON. AEOHI AND BUILD- `olnnrvoyon. 0loo- olunceon Btu. nu`... _.--v vvuu ru... . Lu aver t5N|,III). In nmnnn Q0 whim I luwo for rlu o ||.IIIlL|~ 91-n. .......,. -.,......._._.. -_.. ___. . . ,. AncH|T::TunA_1:: `.. HOGAN)! AOOOUNTANT AND REAL stink Monk`. Rant: and Account: 001- ___.. A.. ..-.. ..n I..`....A .-n..- nan... ingslun Business College An I ruulu urvtoo. No` excelled by any omoo tn Oun- ulo to: quality 01 work. BAYLIS. IANIJFG 00 '-3.3;-..=';.2. .':"..*:sam...zx: [Inn T|l\'l{Hl)AY. JANUARY llm, EDUCATIONAL. "Haiti: .l.NlBY. luulnrn mull M. tho (`,..|loo ollleo IOOANN AOOOUNTANT AND REAL We Ionoy loan Iowm Omen IL. Wain : zj?:;;mg.e W Q In :1 nu.IM in; nu-u ___________._._,_._ r;`c$A ;.."'.*.. .s"x'I.x;.`. ;`."'..`:' `E."1: '.""'.::'-.'..'...*,z:"~......1 "'.'=.::~ | J. 5'. Axum. 0.0.3.. L}>.s. Vafawniun Varnish, '_I_r|_~_AN6TKL.- il`I-LllQl'1CG. v y.....- ... . .-nu... MILLS GIQUNNINU In-uh. Ktnnmn mm `DENTAL _I..u,um: .|. I]. IUKAY. Prlnulpnl. [Anon MAI-hru. Dntorn. Hindu, Ht-onnlln. Bunk. Twins 04 Oman Hum . um. lh min pmmp ly . WIN! 0! no. RUBBER IITAMPR 0!` III kinda. Bolt-lnkorm 0! nrhrmbmorn. Hmnlu. Classes] mCCC - u . llsutntcd Alum; Views Aldtho Plmolot Book wool: .. - ......uw nu-.. 5 & BUNNINURAI Ktnnmn I)|nt.rlM Job The Toronto World. under the inspira- tion of Mr. Molaan. .\l.l`., in publisher. name: Sir Donald Smith for the premier chip of Canada. And what ha: Sir Donald lona to antitla him to this honor and dia- tinotiom Ila want. unocially and volun- tarily. they any. to Winnipeg and mau- urod tho chancaa of naming tho aohool quaotion without raaon to tho romodial bill. and at a oomorvabiva oauoua. to which I tho Ininluhn was not inviud. and at which may you not loci:-ocl. ha said he was not without hopo that an amioabla union of the problem could bo maehad. In akn nll I I`k-a`. .ll nun ..... 1.. --.`.I I- CIUVXIIIIIIK IN -3 fin:- IuIhnnno\h\Mptunhrol(hmda. lloilllupouuu IN quulmouuonofor doles. Ioinnooshudorollnnud oupl. by tho tunnel Ii: nulimhio hniintlolsh. oonnud the ulninuou olllrhllovun An adiplonu. cnpnbh nlnnQnlhMnonnn-nnnnlnn:.n AL.-`Laud T II-M up anuu villtlo [outn- nnnll. ani-unions 1 Ii.lI&UIlU'|I C A` IHIIPWZI UIII|C$II|I'lIUy dpring the Pacic uoundnl. uni. though I annncnun. append the pvornmone sud undo: opoooh in $556 oonmouon which ulhd down upon bin the than of the non he now npporu. Sir Charles `Puppet onllod him I oovrud in the common and nude 3 nun which in ion faithfully ro- euaoun lnnutd. sun an n.`musu on-npmou than us public am. upro- -vnghn nnn A ngn nl hkamphn ....I -cu-r--v- .`--- u- puuuu -um ll [our tndvonm. mum at thought and 0ncgy.nunnwboNuuri;hHoho~hcud nthooounollootth country. Inh Ln ngnnnt In ALA n-n-sh. Jf\._-J- 'UUIuvun| vs III! Inwvlvvu hvulu III Ivuunvu. lnhnln Then`: all tlntonn ho said now In Iptolnl commendation o! I boom mm sun to hdo any. Sir Donald Smith In: Inn 0! oommunding pnoonoo. Andaman with mind of his own. He npnumod I North-was oonatituonoy rlnnnllmvhuxilhs nnnnalnl nu! n|.-..-|. .. uuluu uvuu-*nvu, -vn-mu nun v-nu Thlu ll an lntorutlng discovery. 1t.`a an idea never before thought of. and oomoo wlbh booornlng grace from one of the party which ln uuppowl \.a have u watchful eye upor our neighbors. But. Mr. Motlilllvrny roprosonu tht Foresters in purlimnenwnnd he la 8 member of the Amerluom frutornnl congress. and la In the habit. of nnnunlly. perhaps ofunor. of uwnpplug |enl.lmonl.s with his Amorloan brothnn. Moruovor his order ll at the present. hlmo mnlslng conquoob of the United States. nnd it would never do to my in parliament. ony- bhlng that would mnko troublo for the au- oloty ncrou Inhe llno. Rn LA hnn :NnnnunnA:I hluni. Aka Lynn:-innn PRINT! FOB TH! PUBLIBIIRO "tho Queen`: Comm Journal." "our Sunday schools." I on J I H I 1 u .."!L.u{ an`.`:.'.`.'k:`..J."J.':? " "Canadian Music um Dmu." +++++ vvuvll III ulw nu-an uuu vunuy well In run. This eg nlfeohion 0! the American re- volutioninte in an entirely new idea and alieoloeen n renntrlmble freak in puhlin cen- iimont. The brutality of republican mob: wee unroetreined towenle loyeliate; their pmperty wee conscated end thousand- hnd to leek an iuylum in Cemuln; they were imprisoned end maltreated; some of their wivee and daughter: wen lorced to walk naked through the streets. and pub iiely beaten by the way. With perfect enne uolumne can be illled with descriptions of revolutiomry outmgee. which United Stetee historians regretfully eoknoe-lodge. They are singular evidences of the love Mr. hloillivrey hen dleoovemd one hun- uhed end twenty yeere after hie. 1 vnlnun unuuun nuuu. It in reported in the Ottawa Free Preu that during hi: speech on the budget Mr. Muiilivrny, of North Ontario. mede 3 very Itertliug announcement. It woe to the effect that the Americana. Io far from being hostile to Britain. are and nlwnyn have been brothers. and at the revolution Ihowed their deep uifeotieu by making the ag they substituted for the British of the name oolor|--red, white and blue. nu: :, n. , .1 at 1.: um, .u...- ...... So ho lnmilnoovorod blunt: Mm American and British ap are tlilfm-out yet. the ammo. They no ditfemnh in design and yet hho some in` colors. In other words, on Lhq Ottawa Free Pm has it. "one much of dyo nuslmu the wholo world kin." 'l`|.l- I-.. ..II`_.Al..n .J 5|... A .... -1..- uuu uvuuuuuu - uuill vn Innv ulivlluvu Thin Inlormntlon will be vory opportune In vlow ol the lnoroulng demand for choap land, upoolnlly on the part. of the young men of nmnll onpltml. who tom 0! lurmorn. who desire to secure lurmn and home: 0! their own. Outnrlo nclll Inn vuo ruourou 5!. her command-n horlutgo lntoudod for her own pooplo-und preunu Advantage: unnurpnaod by my provlnoo or foreign mm. Thou desirous of It copy of tho pamphlet. should Addrou the dopuunonh of ngrlculturo, Toronbo. ONTARIO FOR. ONTARIANS. An nttruutlvo pamphlet hu boon iuuod by Hon. John Drydon, tho Ontario min- ister of ugrloulturo. entltlosl "Tho Plnnoor Farm and tho Wnblgoon country. Rainy River Dlltrlot." Tho attention of tho do~ pnrbment having boon cnllod to this unnottlod rogion. Mr. Dryden ootoblhhod bhoro I "pioneer farm." to domomtrnto In A prnotlool mannor the country : ogrloulturul oopabilitloo. The oxporlmont no hr hu boon very Iuoooulul. and thio pnmphlot. giving gonornl h\forInn- tlon rogording tho action now open for oottlomont. In tho rooult. It in {Hunt rated and contain: I map 0! tho diltrlot. 'l`|.l. In-lnunnnllnnu mill L. nun: .-uuuuL..nn 0 In . 8 Mn. Ania n or Dolwhn. one lnunzon. 600. two nor om Mo. 0 en. 6 And found I rnonuln. Articles for u 0, oto., lo. por word in (`ally luuli mini- mum oh-u-Io. Ion. , . Igironnnouhn bin uolld ooslo. twelve nun o "'ar"1:' =- I n!` ozlou lbmrcr lino; roduood mu whonn uplu rbvu-I umcnl I00 mprnln, or on contract: or our mo llnu. In charge for n nocloo. mu. . Commons for as momma space an made for llllll I charge (or nocloo. -poomua Ion arms (at moronnallo unnounocmontn. bu not gun! ml vmnbd. f I ah. to-Ir. part- non Inn. can on or sun In: boron notnnl Ion terms muoinello an of hol lpn. sun in: be on Annonnmmone I oovh or man now u or lo no out . Id 59000! (or nrohu om` . nnunmr Annoy announcement: no In :- jooo so u ruertoon Oonmsm ad mo Ihoxod we hung: D0! nah non nanun o Inna must 0 Ollloon lnuoi Polotlon w 11 or Paints, `PHI BM -W1 dip! and mud ll. vothuwlu: Atuohod to th % A~'~ oU~cmN"r. W1 3- non n M 0 001005. ntar. c. 6 ..'.3..'.`o:.l ;.?l:`.`i%.n?'.'3s: ':.`.'.;n..'.".`. .'a. ' " A 1'IIInarr|, Elrnlnunlou v nu Ind out. we. 901 line. sol: oonuontlvo nurolon. bu " 10 0 won an um: and ovu. Ion. " v on D WOO`. " Io. " uumunv k..`' 60. nnnnontnmy 3 Hnu to} ojnojy. _ _ V A _ W: n. you Ana pt I: m n:|xlr:"r')locn whon I Illlll )II IO ITIIIII IHVHCWIUH odvcrtron lilo od D0! vouhprroro nun `gonna paid !or. 0 uh I at Iv] not be M: on- n direct on: I be soul on :1 no or I union. Al ndvur tum use an 11 act to O. I nmmvnl of tho nuhlln II. waif` hr min ant: o! v rbal or on?` Y M oolumm In I. II "`rn5'W run l Il.mothuwlu.' ' the paper In one of Mn but Job Ofoon in Oonndn upld. ntylhh nnd ohup work. nlno lmpmvod JOHN OFPOED Proprlooor Aulnnnt unlnau Ihnnur. wm direction: uh uh! Aood all not or! IdVI In fob 0 Approvnl of the puhlln `ohm Hot ndvomu ones nnlnubnurIp- on no and push]: 1: advance. unincorporated or 1..'..;'.'.""'*'.. ..;..................l THE DAILY 7WHIG. m wlmuv mxsn mu a pain. no umnn, In mablhhod ovary um I mom- H mm In ndunoo; oe cnvlu rnaaunsuwmn Z 3134316;

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