ny.md roolvoa. mu '1'. `loan. toIrn~ ship u-aucrol-. unto n dovnnnd on the county tnuulu for In uncut ol cues in the tovmhi which may Inn boon col- Ioeudby Inn. Rmolvod that I cheque |:og1'nn'l`. Todd. uouunr, for $11.49, interest dounndol on county nun for I85. Adjoumod till 6|-It Monday in Inyuhndclonk. . In-nun`: nonu run for Dytpopoh. rI.I.3_I" IWTH-III]! IlIII'I-Vll0 Mu-oh 2.--Tho council met. All pre- sent. oxoopt.IMr. Bennett. On communi- cation {mm the city clerk of Toronto re municipnl insurance. no notion. Re-~ solved that: cheque be issued for 82.|`24. 33, bolanco of county nut. Ina 857 for currents: m-ea. Moved by Mr. McA|pin. aooondod y Mr. Tierney. nnd resolved. that at. the plenum of this council John Mellon] be paid 8? per rook lot he of J. Angola. Accounts panned: H. b- oock, work. II: M. Byrnea. coal oil. etc- SL293 WJ`. Hadley. on account for none. 85. The auditors` report and statement ' nod in dohnil. Moved by MI. Ti 3, Iooondod by Mr. Hay. and re- Iolved. than the auditor!` report And state- ment be ndopud. And\ that the auditors be paid CIO` ouch. Resolved that `:00 copies of auditors report be rinsed. Moved!) In-.1` . neondod y Mr. H|y.m rcolvod. I t T. Todd. torn- shin u-mount. ton and aoucn uanonw. oppneue ion. oz. con. 9. P . and for removing timber there- from. On motion McKenzie-Watt. the collector : time extended to March 10th. which date must be nal, and that an or- dear for his salary, 840. be placed in tho treasurer : hnnds till his roli be Accepted. Adjourned to May ltibh, when court. of re- viaion will sit. uonuu. On motion l\[cKen1.ie-Watt, upon nppli cation of Willinm Mnnion for a rond to lot weet helf30. con. 8, l`., Samuel Slinnkn was commissioned to uncertain upon what terms the right~ofway can be obtained from the diIl'eront owners of lands crossed by such intended road. The term! mn~t be the lowest possible nnd specified in writing. On motionl\lcKenzio~White, the clerk instructed to produce the treueurer's bonds for inspection at the next meeting of the council. Wm. Menion received un or- derlor 82.23. rebate of taxes for l89.'5. On motion \Vhite~Shenka, the clerk to writeto W . J. Donaldson. requesting A written statement of all lands pur- chased by him on behelfof the municipality nt the next meeting. By-laws 88. oettle running at lerge; No. 89. setting oil from school uect`ou, and No. 91, appointing ol- cem. were peseed. On motion of Me- Kemie~8hAnhe. the Auditors` report was accepted and to each auditor voted $7.50. The clerk to procure l00 copies printed. An order granted to John Wilson for $1.65. refund of overpaid taxes for 1895 as per |u(lit0rs' report: and 82, voted to the township treasurer, for statute labor in l894in nccordance with a resolution of May ltb, 1895. On motion McKenzie Shnnke, the clerk to notify Jnmee Leyden that he will be held responsible for tree- pnee on the boundary line between Palmer- eton and South Cnnonto. oppneite lot 32. Mn 0 P , and for minovimr timber them- cnrtat, anoon mute. Fence viewers; James Monro. Alex. Watt. Allan Slewnrt. Wm. Thomas, W. J. Donaldson, Wm. Mundel. Jnmea Milkar. Samuel Lets. Hugh Mcliinnon, John Me- i Dounld. u ..\nHn.. llnllnn-i..\z\/`.H nnnn nnnli 'Qr6 IPFFOIIILBU PHLHIIIEHLBFF l0I' IHUUI No. I. Jacob Lake; 2. James Crane; 8, Peter White: 4. James Gilchrist; 5. Jumcs Miller; 8, Robert, Woods; 7, Samuel Lott`; H,R.0bert Pratt; 9. John McKenzie; ll), George Denny; ll, Robert Shanks; 12. James Johnntono; I3, John Lennox: H, Allan Stewart; 15, James Moon; 16, John Watt; 1?, Wm. Mcl)ougul; I8, George Payaa;l9, Thomas Lebenn: `.20, Edward Gilmour: 21. James urry; 22. Arthur Klugh; 23. Robert James Sproule; 24 John Chat.em;25. Wm. Massey; `. 6, Wm. Shannon; 27, Jacob Jones: '28, \\'iln0n Burnham; 29. Charles Mchougul; 30, Jamel Daw; 3|, Matthew McLean; 1112, David Gibson; 33, William Mundel; 34, W. J. Johnsmn. `l?mn.Al.n4..n.-a_ lnkn \k'obt l`)vnnnI>.- w. J. Jonnamu. Poundkoopers - John Watt, Ompnh; Antoine Lafrnmboiae, Samuel Shank:-, Hugh MoKinnon, Wm. Scott, James (H!- chriat, Jnoob Luke. IPA... ..:._..u-. T..-mm: Man-tn A`n\r Tailor-Made . . Shoe 1-\1-1 A years. Ina rewr VV [HEB Ill lHI"80 years. On motion McKenzie-White. there was granted to the township pl 030 810.24, share of annual rent. of c6`urb room, Shar- bot. Luke, and con:-`tau fees, being $5.12 for 1894 and $5.19. for I895. nu mnljnn \\'..n..\\ l.irn thn fnllnwinrv uuuuuu In I -IIIIIIFUIUII Iuu unuull to. Feb. 5.-Preaent the roeve and John McKenzie, but owing to the snow block- ade there was no quorum. Feb. 28.-All nreaent. On motion nae more Feb. present. Shanks-Watt, Allan Stewart was made member of the local poard olhealtln. retir~ ing in one your; John McKenzie in two years. and Peter White in three years. On motion McKenzie-'l1ite. Ior nun and $9.12 In! mun. On motion \VutL-White, the following were nppoxnted pnthmaatera for 1896: No. 1. Jacob Lnkaz :2. James (`rnne: 3. myuren my men, 1 nave oeen Lroumea with weak kidneys all my life. For the past `year I have been a `great. suflerer, growing worse until a friendly dru gust. u(lVlB8d me to use Dodd a K: may lll. Tests of urine showed Diabetes and I re- alized my danger. I had found it im- possible yvhen tired to stand upright, and at such times was drawn down sideways. In all I have used about one dozen boxes. and Am now hearty and healthy as ever in my life. LT: Mr. Bhlpmnn. of uwen 8ound-Soven Yuan Aoulo Bullorlng--DInbot~n Cured by Dodd'I Kidney Pllll. Own SOUND. March 2. (Specin|).--- Mr. Shipman tells his story in the hope that homny benefit. others. and says : As the result of a tumble when :1 boy which injured my back, I have been troubled with wank Ixidnnvn all mv life. Fm Mm silly to aeserve oomnuerauon. Millions of pie have lived and died without, knowing that there was such a thing. and the proportion of deaths that can y any possible means be amibubed to this oeueoie extremely emell. some day doctors and patients will realm: that is thorough wnlhln out and cleansing of the interior of t. e body is quite as benooinl as the name prooeae applied to the exterior. It is asserted by those who have had eutcienb experience to entitle their abatement: boconsideration, Lhnc the thorough washing out of the di goetive Apparatus by means of tepid water roperlv puried would prevenb at least. all of the disease: from which humanity suffers. X00 PTOGIICIII lllly DIVO IOGKOG III ([10 up ndioaluo. ho nonunnicnl them y put forth by one member of the medical protection than no injnnt. wu properly equipped lorlile until by surgical moamit. had been (le- prived of the verlnilorm appendix and I/hlll fortied against future danger, in too silly to deserve consideration. maple as one only nope tor me. There are men physieleus wholnsiet. that openelons 0 this son an Absolutely necessary, but some of the mole conserve- tive and experienced doctors declare that only In exceptional cases ll surgery positively necessary. Ass simple home treatment several tients have been im- mediately relieve by drlnking large quantities of pure snled oil. This appears I no haves beneficial effect. upon the entire `Tho Glen rufiu not in vo good condi, | tion, but in nothing in comparison with the oondidon of Montreal lunch lrom the G.T.R. depot to Princeu stun. Where i. LIA 'l"-uh Huh win!-Ar 9 Rain: non ha h mmmmmm -WmmHmm mwmm AT C0515, FOR THIRTY nae/s#Fon CASH. .--`QNLY. ` . u.'r.n. uopol to rnnoou IDNUI. wnero ia Ald. Tub this winter? some say he is advocating atone for the construction of the new nohool. ' qunnnuea OI pllI`O Bllll Dll. IDIB appears to have I upon lining membrane of the nilmentury canal ; the oil seemed to spread over the surface. alla ing Irritation nnd softening whatever foody product: may have lodged in the aunendioal no. The Iooolslty ol Bum-t qt an Operation Questioned. II: is long since so much unscientic and unnecessary butchery has been in- dulged in u in the treatment of appendic- itis in the last. few years. Severe pain and eerLn`n symptoms that might be ntribuced hos dozen other causes are char ed to appendioitidand a continuation of r. em s gests experiments to the doctors ends in operating bnble looms up the only hope ior life. Then mmv ohvsieiens whoinnint. Pltubnrg Tovlnhlp Oonnell. ..'..L. o , 1-... ..........;I ...-o All ABOUT, Appzuolcins. V RIGHT IN OUR MIDST. (I5 Bldlkkl iliUUVC- IIC 3I D - "I have suffered from violent pain in my back for the last three years and have had difficulty in urinating; after doing a day's work I felt so dragged out that I couldn't s'eep or rest. and in the moxningl could scarcely get up. [have tried many remedies for kidney trouble but got no relief till I went to McLeod's and got i a box of D0a n's Kidney Pills; They helped me from the start, and I continued ta} ing them and no\v I am happy to say] am com- pl ely ciired. I rest soundly at n` ht and have no trouble in ur- inating. The tired feeling has ed and I am always ready to get uginat the sound of the alaym. and I can cheerfully recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to anyone af- icterl with Kidney trouble, for they have been a marvellous re-, medy in my case." ... --I. k_ I`. Q Xgl a-A :1 uu-awn |."='.`::.'.:a;,............... \VllI I\o Kidney trouble follows. Mr. Charles W. Crowley, IIO Ordnance SL, Kingston, Ont.. was engaged in this occupation for some time and the results were as stand above. He says: Consumption, Lu 0 ` pe. pneumonia. and all throat and Inn ' i.-eases are cunod by Shiloh's Cure. F0 sale at Wade : drug atom. F S T} A '<-1|-eq)nni<| liburzkaring expedition sailed nm]- from Cape Cunaveml, Fla.. for Cubaf" T ere were over I00 mon, 1,001) riu-1 nnd `ZOUJJUO cartridges. [Wheeling_|run re.} '1 no nppnmuon ox LVervmne--nerve Ill om-o ~ which possesses such marvel one power over all news in, goods greatly to provethnt. it. can. orviline acts on the nerves. soothes them, drives pain out. and in thls way gives relief. Try it and be convinced. ,---- *-'79"-3" . u. ....m........ The npplicmion of Nervilino--nerve in nnwar nvnr all news min. noon vrantlv Lo no \/-uwu 4 n no nu-u nnumvn : unuuu-. After an illness of a wegk Miss Heater l ennock died at Glen Purl, Wntertown. N.Y. She was the daughter of the lube Sterling l`eunook, Elgin. Out. For the punt two years she had been an eznployeo of the Wntertown Manufacturing (/0. She is am-nvod by her mother, four sisters, Hrs. ur rhy, Mm Emerson. Mrs. Bogart. und Miss lnlildn Pennock, Elgin. and two brothers, Sterling Ponnock, (lammoquo, and George Ponnoclx. Glen Park. The re- mninn were sent. to Elgin for inbennont. lsrnvaat I-hula Ever Fought. By Joaquin Mler. The bravest battle that ever was: fought. ! Shall I tell vou when and when ? 1 H6 DFRVOFL DHLLIB Inna QVQT WEI IOUQHU you On the maps of the world you will nd it not. : No mnrshuiing troops. bivnunc song, N0 banner Ln gleam nl wave; But, oh Y these battles Lhc_\ Inst, so long- From habyhood to the grave. Yet, luithful still us in bridge of stars, She fights in her walled-up town Fights on and on in the endless wars Then silent, unseen -goea down 0 ye with banners and battle shot, And uoldims to shout. and praise. I tell you the kingliah victories fought. Were fought in these silent. ways. 0. spntiens womun in a world of shame. With splendid and silent. acorn. Go back to (`rod as Willb as you came, The kilngliwt wnrrior born! Uall. Them is no disease due to an impover- ished condi'.inn of the blood or shattered nerve forces which l)r. Williams Pink Pills will not cure if given a fair trial. With the approach of spring Pink Pills ought to he used by every person in the hand, as they purify and enrich the blood, give strength and tone to the whole systpm, and ward oil" nll ibilit of dinehse. The genuine Dr. Willir\ms' ink Pills can only be had in boxes, the wrap- per around which bears the trade mark and words. "Dr. Williams` Pink Pills for Pale People. Pills colored pink offered in an other form are worhtless imitations, and alionld be l`0fll?0d. no mutter what the dealer who tries to sell them may say. n .r Nay, not with cannon. or battle shot, With sword, or noble pen ; Nay, not with eloquent word or thought, From mouths of wonderful man : We will commence with Bar- gains. We will continue with Bargains We will end with Bargains. All the leading and representa- tive styles in FURNITURE. -{AS-_ R E10 But. deep in a walled-up woman s heart-- Of woman that would not yield, Bur. brnvel_\'. Nilently, bore her part- Lo Y there is blunt, battle-eld. rnausm isa combination well calculated to make any life miserable. Lagri poweak- ens the whole nervous system, llequently leaving the victim with a constant feeling of depression, ckle a petite. headache, heart palpitation and a eeling ol exhaus- tion as the result of the slightest exertion. As a cure for the depressing after atfects of la grippe 1):. Williams` Pink Pills have met with more marvellous success than any other medicine known to science. They act dirsctl upon the blood and nerves, renewingt sane and iortifyin the other,thus driving diseese from the sys tn. Among those who speak in grateful terms of the wonderful curative were of l)r. Williams Pink Pills, is illiam Oarroll, of Sydney. Manitoba. Mr. Carroll has been asulfeier from rheumatism` to a considerable extent for upwards of twenty years, and to add to his sutfering for two successive winters he was attacked with la- grippe in all its severity. and was left in a weak and despondent condition. Mr. Car- roll says: Following the second attack of la grip my whole system was so weakened thzt it was with dii- oultylcould do any work. In this con- dition I was an easy re to my old enemy, rheumatism, and) Iysnered the agony of its pains in almost every bone in my body. I dcctored a great deal. but without any benecial results. and I spent seventeen dollars for one medicine largely advertised as a cure for rheuma- tism, without the least benet. I. natur- ally felt despondent and thought the trou- ble had fastened itself upon me in perma- nent form. I had read so much about Dr. Williams Pink Pills that Iat last deter- mined to give them a trial. I can't. ea that I felt anythin in the way of bene ~ cial results until I ad used the third box, but at that juncture the encouragement was so great that I determined to con- tinue the treatment, and I u l the Pink Pills throughout the nter, constantly gaining in strength.` When snrimr arrived I found mvself better vvua nu stun umb 1 uetermlneu 00 con- a rin myself better tlauug had been for years, every veatigo of rheumatism had disappeared, and although ten months have now passed aincel took the last ill I hnve not had the slightest return 0 the trouble. I therefore think it is but right that I should make known the good I have received from the famous Dr. Williams Pink Pill:-. and I hope my ex- perience may be the mean: of puttin some other sufferer on the road to renew health. "l`|\m. in nn Alanna.-I J...` 5.. .... .'.....-...._ ;A mMEn'1axP`ER1:?Nc1f.'| HE SUFFERED FROM RHEUMA- Bullered Much Pain, Wu Dupondonl and Ennlly 'l`lrod--8pont Inch Iona] on V - rloul Medicine: Before 3 Caro Wu Found. rolulu. The after effects of In gri pa and rheu- matisln inn combination we I calculated make nnv lifn Ininamhln l'.A:u-inn. nu-..l. Pretty hard work. A lot of stooping to do. That is hard on the back. Causes a strain. The strain weakens the kidneys. The kidneys ,cannot do their ...r1, non : `Twas fought by the mothers of men. v . ~.. 1 ..u n TIWISM AND LA GRIPPE. _ IIIVJITU KID UK IUEUTCT. 254 8 256 PRINCESS STREET. I. J. BIID. Manager. KINGSTON [Newest Spring Dresses at Wows me Peop]e s Lile ISPIl06K(0`.,*'i(~)I;0_l(3, Issues Policies on every plan of. insurance. including Ordinary Life." Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred` Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rates than any other Company. _ I00 Wellirgton street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Company. 75 & 77 PRINCESS STREET. THE ART GARLAND cannot be surpassed in beauty, durability, successful operation and heating power. The'Newest and the Best Makes. MCKELVEY & BIRCH House =3 Furnishings RICHFION D & CO. Removal Sale. Wood`; Plnouphodlno In aold by msponulble wholesale And reull drugglsts In the Domlnlon. l3J"JU|llI1.LIUlI Lilb \\ ht CIIISJL II lH\JllI)Y|4 LLIIVI pl`! IlIlUI!'I.Ib UIIIU IU Illl NIKIKISUUI. Srxual D11-I/:Iy. Ab:/Jr r-r I.`1.n':r.r, .\'rr1":n Wt-1.`no.n`, l;':ni~.\iw:r, JVIPIIIII llbrry, 1.`J'ttlSI`t ('4! of Opium, 7'0/ran, or Aim./:.); fc .S'lI'muIunII, all of - whluh unon lend to lmsanlly, Consumption and an only pram. Wood's 39'0" Tl"K- Yhosphodine has been uscd Iuloccssfully by hundreds of cases that seemed Almost. hopeless-cases Lhutlmd been tn-at.cd hy the most talented physi- cians -cnsea that were on the verge of despair and |usnnity-cn:u~s l.ha!. were Lowering over the grin-0- but Wllh thu continued and pemevuring use of Wood`: Phosphudluo, the-:3 casvs that hncl l.\-rcu glveu up todie, were rescomd In manly vigor and healkh ILru.Lh:I' you need not despair--uo mat.- her who has given you up as Incurublu- the remedy is now within your reach, by Ina use you cu: be restored to I Me of uscfulnau and hnmnesa. Price, one package. |l; alx packages. $3-. by mull {mo of posurro. Old Ivillflmu, Jlxfuaruutrn. (.7 ran. Punphllf. tree to my 54 "em ' -In..- \u..-a n-......-.... un_.n-.... nno f`nr ...-.. Aer T-al-"Ina. Rn 6 Con Aztec! I'("`\BI()I'|s New French Dress Patterns, 83.5o:$4.oo, 34.50, $5 90. New Black Crepon Dresses, $3.50, $3.75, $4.50, 86.00. French All-Wool Costume Cloth, 50c, 60c. 75c. 300 pieces Newest Prints. fast colors, 8c, 9c, IOC. M New Towellings, Sheeting: and Pillow Canons cheap. E!:E!.QIT BR.Q_:- Brussels Carpets from 800. ~-urn--u,-u.`-uruun... -. .-unpnu-u .--.v-av... ... . The Wood Cornpan'1.WIndsoI-, Ont-, Car` uda ARPETS : 7 7;? 69 J: '71 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON. Ihe Best_S9Je<;ti9rJ in tl~e..1ty; Above Us Stands No Compot- Inn Qfnrll AND---- R. WALDRON Leads the market to day; it is in use all over the country, and has never failed to give satisfaction. HappyThought leadership Means Superimily. .THE. K|NGSTON. 0NT. T-3|-`In . HUUVU U3 DICIIUD IVU \4UllI|.IUI.' my stock. Below Us Lie No Competing Drlces. "THE KARN IS -|(lN0." Vlollnu. Strings. ho. An .11. - 1 `AL Q14. Lg_.A BRANCH WRREROOM. 2I7 Drl: WI. H. GIBSON, Manager. N I -\Un nlnn nnrrv A nhmi WI. :1. unison , manager. N B.-Wo alno only A stock of Shoot Music, Banjos. Gulmra, llarmonlau. Strings. WE HAVE THEM BOTH. Merit Makes Its Way, And cm KIA} Big Bargains The Leading uderukor sud Fun- nlturo uauhoturer. HI] I Q11 Ihbllllin l"I`l)l1I1`l' :_vcr Hear ofvg _.._~_-vj_ THO Corner Bookatoro. izsaov wm1 OUR ALwAv un"ro one. Ina Incl-I-.00-~ avII7DII.;g`iUlod-Ilcnult. Ilohb, yn CUID I UL. Inked. jtlolhhjj. I lunch Ia Hanna: Alli] nu As the constont beverage is to maintain constant I___l-L hultlg. ' PIANOS L3.-u-`_L.1II .L-L-cl n-nan hhhlbhmi.` ' J I . And the KARN PIANO la rnpldl being recognized as the ntnndan of cxoollonce In Canadian Piano mnnnlaoturo. `When you buy I Canadian Piano mnnulaoturo. you buy Plano your but {Hand In than one who give: you tho most value !or your money. D. KARN & C0. II-AJ_A_I- l\_A Ila IIIIIIIV in 0 Woodstock. Ont. :ERO0M. Princess Street. `rouse rma.... am: VZCIT $l'V?l'TlIFX"I Cnonll " all III ml : upon down in Int your is_,4\~\ dviuujiub Ibo ulI~ Ingdhduuu. O Q Q ` ltlndnjllh Dyqnd. at tho "l`um0o&t.IhtlI bu swanky nu- 'l'lo0tIdII Journal [Iron 3 reduction inlho oxpouu olqovcrnncno homoon do gonad that Fdonocruio duplicity uuup-n:p--)a.'.` Sound: In. . ro- oohoollr. 'l'|_oQuohIo(&ook-alooullc thooopnpu-u yin chitin Bit Chub: Tnppqr u"I Llhih -inn.` anal BL: lIA`hA. nu: Iv! actors; will uvuu-u uuuuu Iva lord hh ooamiulonor. [I Sir Clnrloo Iippunnliouctogot hi|n.out dthny! nvucwuuuu mu --u nun --u on.--vu. uuu II |uptunuthoopi;:ionoln vorylugooor llnaamo 'l'ho'l`oI-onto Tolq-nu prououuou the nuodinl billh|d.no6 Ind bnnolnsndit L AL. -_2_{.- -I - _.-. I-..` _-_ yu--1 . The government. wool-ding to one of in Inpporeen. "am going to put the Ieooud bill through with 1 very smell majority. and once thin in done. and the question diupoeed of. they oen turn round wtheir uni remedial friend: and Ink them to join In ourying the election: egeinet the grin." It in egten scheme end it will be interesting to watch how it dOV0lop end terminate; wuvuu H uwuu. It in said of the remodinl bill that it iavn wlornlzly mild manure. But. it is still ooorcivo, And, u the Toronto Telegram has pointed out. "who: the dominion gov- ernment Inch in not. the will, but the power, tnrmko tho luv u coercive us it. would wish." Agninlh elio bill. in principle and pncuico. in tho Manitoba government. and the bill MI. Omonny and his allies will ghtulong And on far As they can Home the wiodo|n-1dmiuing that the minority have 1 one for oonnIdont.lon-ol aocopung the overture: than have been mndo fotn pondolul solution 0! the dim- culty. mu- ......-.......... ..........a:..... .. ..... ..r in." For it. in not iinderltood by any one thnl. the matter can be dispoaed of by parlia- mont. Granted that the remedial bill will be carried, which is I most. doubtful thing. the en-l will not be reached. The bill. be- coming an not and nuentod by the governor-general. will not be opomtivo, and the minority in Manitoba will not be served at ell. The legislature of Meni- tobe willnot ooneenb (but. the provincial government conform with its, and there will be I new Appeal to the courts, And the prospect. at the been. of A compromise much on Mr. Oreenvmy, on behnlf of the Manitoba government, now offers, if it in recommended by A oommiseion whose membere have nude noloeo study of the animal system. In :. ..m A` n.. ........u.i mil in... n a. - uunum srnmss wmnsl . 5.-4 l.Iunn4LnnI.l nu nu n uu. Tho dominion parliament. is now deal- ing with A question that disturbs it more than anything that has boon dealt. with for some years. It. is doubtful, indeed, if pnr~ linmonb over had below it. an issue which will bo ditlicull. to rattle now, and. with all the contingencies arising from it, dilculc to some hereafter. In . .,.n . nu , .1 .....,.- Well. this oducatloniat is an exception, Wlhh oxoeptionnl experiences. The kin- dergarten system hu been on in triali Kingston. After the lapse of some )7 the teachers at choprimary depnrtmer asked to report. upon the Iubjeot. were unanimously of the opinir pupil: coming from the kind pnrtmem; were the brightest. m mnt, nnd curly taught. Their kinds. training had done them good. It. hm volved no burden mentally. it had been source of pleasure to them and it had been, at the same time, It means of healbhful ox- mu--y. So well satisfied is the Ichool bond of Kingston touching the advantages of the kindergarten methodu---teaching through the medium of the eye on well As the enr-thnt it has introduced certain features of it into all the primary classes of the city, and eminent educntionnliate, as well able to speak and give an opinion as `he gentlemen quoted by the Telegram. udvocnto the idea of carrying the object touching through the higher grades, and to the utmost limit! of the public system. ..... The Telegram quotes as foremost educa- tioniet as saying : I do not hesitate to say, and Am prepared to provfe, that taking two children of equal ability and home advantageu. and putting one in the kin- dergarten at (our and keeping the other out 0! the schools till eight, at the Age of fteen the letter will have A better stored mind and be Itronger mentally and physi~ cally. ' uI..ll old. ...l.....Mn..:..e in nr\nrl\Ae\C:1\n uvuuuumuu vvwu uuv rvuullu Iivnlvvlua I0 is intimated that they enoourugq parents 09 use them my nurseries, for tho care of the very young, to the Infinite re- lief of the home, and that no goodoan come, to health. to body and mind, by the rushing of children through the public schools in order that they may at thirteen or fourteen years of age enter the collar giateinatibute in search of higher learn- mg. '!`I... 'l`..l............ ....,.o... .. Cm.-nngnnb nrlunn, |THE DAILY TWHIG: KINDERGARTEN EDUCATION. The Toronto Telegnm hu an article in which it, condemns the kindergarten: in connection with the public schools. 15. (. (..5:......o.A 0...: Chan gnnmn-nun. EDITORIAL NOTES. Tho vary hum Sir Donald Smith Ior laun-I Lin}. nn-n-in-hung. I - HI- (`L-_I.. -1.30 ocherwli Aetoohod co the paper In one o! ch: but Job Offices in Oonudn; rapt . oyuah And ohup work; nlnohnprovod pi nt n ptonu. - DW. .3. PENS, JOHN OFPOBD Prop:-lo or Autumn lulnou Ihnnzu-. THE DEBATE IS NOW ON. SUTHERLANUS. `lllnlflllll when ono - - lltorlnlloonn - - "Opfer per 0:-bem Dicar. "WCQIDIOII TI IIK DIET OI Inuncokingvorhlnuuo alt ." mauled nolslauntouwnonporur evening. "butitul-llcIInol.hAHnnyoH.hanvIho mnnotlndwotk In notnljurdontin tlnirnuehlotll. lbodoconion to on- ................|.. 'l'I..-nu-hnlrnml-all uni:-uuenlotll. xnoaoconoon no munlnnnlo-day. '1?-ovortootodvill nut-iltpringund the pay in at the qdlruo. The Int shaman I uhd tohhtlnjobnhuodon one noun or auction thy fourth ucoopud. I! that ouolcvuyfonrncnunldhhnunuoshoy dolunuunpbynuglhyuvvmdr an-vlnndnnhhneomndchon In-Ado cu-vlngdanblnneqnuunuoun no use: hgo,Iovutihnppor\Iidrh-Ilia." u-nu-wig`: uuujvu Gnuxoqvi, Much 8. -Tho funonlof the lab Mrs. Erntun Cook took me from her Inca nnidenco to Willow nlx cometary. Two wellinown men of this town vntshnod 816.75 Int rock for It uniting in Got: . the printer of the Chinese hungry. `Ir. (:3. 0! Young Mills. in in town for: few days. Juno: nllidny in as Ioonmd in Bunlo. N.Y.. `l_`l.'.l*h. l`L.......... `c o- Avian} Cenndien Furniture Jouinnl. _ We are afraid that this "failure" business it-liheI.lie"giippe " Where onomauhoneetly consults hie creditors tliemnre A dozen now who inekeui ordinary buaineoatrensection 0! it . and go in for compromising on they would secure on exit: diecount. In feel. a nierclmnc wu ovurhoerd to remnrk the other day. that as everybody eluc vms securing e settlement. on forty and tiny oeuu on the dollar. in eoon In his liebilltiee wu nuliiciently large he intended asking the nine rivilego. We ere uh-ud that through in pro- miueuone granting of eettlnmente the uenderd of commercial honor has within the pest few you-e been tly lowered The men. who delibenu-y site down to run in hneineee with the determination Lu meke hie creditors pay lor his extrnvngance or reolleesneea. in e oold-blooded chief, in coinpadeon with whom the knight of the dark lantern and "Jimmie" in I uinl. uuu uuo uuuu awl- A furnfer pntienl. of Lnkehuret, Institute, Oakville, from the eastern pert of the pro \ilIC8, heezlist. \\'ril.ben in giving a pleasing uecount 0 his experience since passing through the Lekehuret. treatment. over in your ago. He enye: Since I have return- ed home I have neither ache nor pnin. noth- ing to remind me of the slavery of drink. I nun now hnppy end prosperous." In the snmelooulity more are nearly e score of men who have been uimilnrly beneted by this treatment. Mietruu and hesitation have given place to oondenoe and resolu- tion, and these men hue now no more temptation to use whiskey or ether aloe holio beverages than those who have never used them. Their friendeure he py. They are able weave money, to Image money, and they no longer contribute to the bar- keeper'I prots. Lekehurst. Institute, Oak` ville, suuids pre-eminent. to-day by the gublic benefection. Toronto otve : 25 unit of Commence Ruihling. cmea menuonou wonu no grotesque. nun would bring contempa not only upon Mon Iron! but. upon the whole ddminion, This enmrpriao has been bungled. Lot. is be dropped now. Jllg Cll IIUW . uinious fnilure if A J curry out the origin. Aura has beeiilievit all over and to Europe for the purpt sting visitors and ex hibitors, an`; iople of two continent.- have actually an informed that "whim Paris, Chicago. Sun Fmimiaco nnd At lama have done. Montreal will snrpm-:4 in 1896." The doni n was to open the ox position on May `24ti nnd you not A thing has been done in the way of prnvticul prepumtion~-it is not even decided yet whet/nor to go or to drop the whole buii nose. It is certain that, after the expecta- tions of foreigners have been awakened by -nuch foolish puery as we have quoted,an3 oxhibltion that could possibly be `omen up this year would fall far short. or w at would reasonably bqexpeotod of it. Comparison- drawn between my such exhibition and those which have recentl been held in the citiea mentioned world grotesque. and brim: contempt onlv noon POIV'[$ ABOUT OUR.... inonnsunn nations or me eartn. ut it must needs be that offences come: dilferences must arise. Verv well, that is `one of the things we are in this world for; as we advance. to develop differences and even diicultiel. and to make their roper arrangement the basis and foothod for lurthor advancement. The problems of one age are the clear, safe and solid high~ ways of the next. Private and personal disputel are not wisely referred to the ar- bitrument ol the list. the pistol, the def gar or the club; then why should ublic end national contentions be quiete only by oonllegrution end carnage? It ehoulrl not be I difficult matter for the statesmen of Britain and the United States to honor- V ably arrange for a high court of interlin- tional arbitration that will make an appeal to the award by either of them a moral im- possibility. Before the human race. be` fore history and christian civilization they are in duty bound to do it, and the chris tian ublic is under solemn obligation to see t at they do it. . Canada`: relation and duty are also very man. may no In. Ci\na.dn`a du y also very plain. Our mornl and political inuence must: go, ml hmily an the bldes of the sen, i' vor of onomble_ just and peaceful not all diiculhios. And this in ill Always benll the mightier by woe for all understood that we id unswerving in our (levo '1 of the British empire and 1 British insLit.ut.ion on hroughout. the wnrltl, `louneuta of Divine '1? I. CARMAN. VIIWI OII IIIHIITIIIIUIIII lII"IDIII'-lIl)Ils If there are, or are ever to be, such thins as moral impoaslbilitiee, s war be- twixt Britsin and the United States, now or hereafter, ought positively to be one 0! them. If morsl convictions and the sacred bonds of kindred, conscience and right are ever to hold any people: or governments to truth, justice, fraternity and peace} what peoples or governments will they, can they, hold if not the peoples and gov- ernments of the United States and the British empire, now at the close of the nineteenth ccntnryl ls chnstisnity a failure? This is the time to rove it and proclaim it to the majority o mankind, the heathen round about; such a frstrioidul war wouldbe emplest demonstration for generations to oome. Imagine Dr. John Hall, of New York, shootln down Dr. Cavon. 0! Toronto; Blsb Bslwin sabrin Bishop Can, and Dr. `ybhn Potts, wit well-sp lnted arms, mowingdown e. regi- mento Methodists led into the field of blood by the dsuntless Bisho Vincent ! And if not these men, why ot ersl Per- haps if Lord Salisbury and President Cleve- land, well supplied with provisions and weapons, were given a town lot to them- selves tesettle all disputes. there would not be such recklessness in arousing na- tional tntl thies and inaminq public passions. umnnity and pbllsnthropy, science and religion, justice and fraternity cry out to heaven e ainst even the thought ofadeadl combat twist the two lead- ing christian nations of the earth. ..o H mun. muuh K. Hut. nonnnn nnmaz fins IQ Walt`! In-t. Wolnunnnch About the nnvnhot of nan nnahinp nnoi In tho 1dtv," jnrlad ban of jil-linmril III sitting in the bout: wimp Appolntnomc to lucrative omen or prolnlios o!__'fuch appohtmenla In thpir pookata. II nu: member one of these? v o Mr. Whitney, M.P.P., who inspired to the leadership of the oppoaition in Ohmrio, and did not not it, refers to the annexation apirit of the grit. party in 1891. Mr. Whic- ney hu not read. of course, of the anngxr tioniua in in own party, and of thosi who harnessed up with himself in trying to run Ontario nhiru. The Gcnonl lnpurlnundont lnrpreuul IIIn-| nn lnuwnntlnnnl Arhllrntlnn. REV. DR. CARMAN'S OPINION. An lcpldomlo ot Dhhonuly. winn Fnrnltnl-A Jnnrnnl Ocnnoqlo lludgoc. aw- II. ...|. I `FL- \I.ALLEN &SON up 01 coma Boot, am: Strut. `-Icorprluo. at. British .prise hm: HQ (FAD I'l0W DAILY nnnsn wme. wmannsonr. mncn 4. .1896` mm lea or wall paper on nnnu. ueorge W, )u\\s0I| is growing in popular favor and his speech 0 nix hnnrn` I ould be read by his vonstitueiiha. one and all. lllark River I3l'|d[0 Bete. BLAPK Riven Biunnn. March `_ .--The inlmbm-ints of Point. Traverse travel in Pmton \'la this place. The ice on South Bay is sale it. all places. Harvey Grim- inon was visiting friends at Brighton and Smilhelrl 'last. week. Mr. Haggarty. of Tamworth. and Mrs. Jacob Date. of thin place. arrived from Trlll)\\'0l'lh on Sunday, 23rd, experiencing almost impuuahle roads. Mrs. Dom was present. at her father`! funeral. which occurred on Sun- day, lllth. Rev. E. A. Tonlun occupied the pulpit. in the Methodilf. church here on Sunvlnv. the r.-I. time in five weeks. Wil~ lia-n Keys in home from Montreal on a re- cruiting visit. Hoio one of the trained nuraen in Verdun ho~piul for the insane. Sickness among the young folks in pre- valent, in this vicinity. The Minor Acker- aian. Milford. are visiting in this vicinity. George McGuire has recovered from an at- uick of rheumatism. Mr. and Mre...I"red Heifer, Greenhurh. have returned from a trip to Bellerille. Mien Emma Inuibert has left. for (llenora. where ahe intend: to reside in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shaw. Stoco, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hudxiu. Piccomwere visitin relatives in this vicin- ity last week. Min Aliaina Hughes in visiting frienda at Pichon and Oreenbueh. Alva (lrimmou is conned to his home through various ailments. Oleubunk Glunhga. Although quite early in the dairy aeaaon the mill war in on again. and it aeeuie that arbitration will not bereeored to Soda. cide boundary lines of loeal factories. hna each one what tde it . Rohai-I Coohrane a rented R. J. V ii-'a factory for the aeaaon. Owing uo the Rev. IL Laird`! impaired health Ir. Gallop. of Queen's. took the Olenhurnie charge on Sunday evening. There will be no service in v.he,Pre1-byterian church here near. San bath on amount of aacrament at Bunhury. J. Dal] andJ. M. Feir,jr., are I-euodeli the interior of their dwellin . IcGra Bron. have the contracu. 1. Blaoklook intends building an extensive pigpeu in the early: . H raid in human. uite an inldiizrry wiiynmex our fariian. ni.Crai haeanice|ot. 'BoneoloarfarIa- enauend:-I` the live atoek nleat Ir. Ier~ ri-an`a. timer. and re ptioqg low. Patrick Fowler haepuredaived a m lange from Mr. Haley. Loughhoro, fa a trotting eontut fur8l(I)a yids. Idvud Home haalallen Isoaria-lame.-acacia Jhaoldeuntr-yby Ihadnahal hiaaaan. unnnowe. on A emu mp. Rev. 1". ). Woodcock preached to the AD. U. W. Sunday afternoon. He gave us an nble address on the duties of workmen to one another in line winh their oblige- tionn, The trees are loaded with ice and many limbs and branches are broken u the reeulto! it. The roads are in bad slmpe for travel. Wintenl has some fine lei-I of wall hand. George W hnnson urnwinu nouulnr lennunu an me at. Lawrence nan, Dl'0CK' ville. It was is quiet. niiir. Miss Minnie Burns, Plum Hollow, is spending ll. few days with her sister. Mrs. E. J. Foster. B. Slack, Long l oint.,visit.ing his son here. returned home on Friday. C. J. Slack nml duuglnber nrs visibin friends at Long l'oInt.. Miss Mary Mcgnmee, Sand Buy, visiting friends here.lelc for home on Subur- llrly. Fhomn-4 Foster accompanied her. Miss Sophia Ruins, Smith's Falls, spent in few dnys hero recently with her sister, Mia. li. J. FOFLCF. Miss M. A. Foster spent. A few (lays in Trewflyan last. week. Jinmes Burns, spending a few days with friends here. lmsi returned home. Oliver Mellon. Sounh Albion, i\'.Y., is visiting at. John l~`mLcr's. R. Foster was engaged last. week putting; in ice at, Cedar Park hotel. [L is rumored that. lu will rent. it. for the coming season. Nocwibhstunding the state of the roads for the at few weeks our mnilcnrrier SuCC86ll6lrlll making all his trips although he was sometimes quite late returning home. I Irlur I lHll.llll.lo Yuuucn, March 3.-More than the usual number nro into the ice harvest. here this winter. Many rurmera have built ice- houaos. the ice being used for their creAm- , arisen in hot weatlioi. Allnn Silver in the chiel of the ice (mg. The wheel factory is very busy and orders are plentiful. The uhl hay in about cleaned out, though some are Ellll holding for Sl5. and they are like- l.u keep on holding it. Thu grip is prevalent in the country. Minn 1)uvo_\`, Morven, is on the nick list, at T. L. 'l`oolmr'a. Miss Ella Montgomery has gone to Wnbertown. N.\'., to bake in poni- Lion na nlonoqrnpher and t -writer. Johiul Snyder, _of Dexter. ., gave nan cull. Yurker lodge A.0.U.W., meets Friday night. Mr. Dawson, while netting minnows. 0: cold dip. Row. nreached Westport Wnftl. Wl:BTl'URT, March 3.-Rosds are in bad condition for heavy loads. Wood is com- ing in very slow. Hay is getting scarce in, this locality. Some farmers are asking_ as high as 820 a ton. John H-~ben llll moved into the Mist-es Herringtols house. Bed- ford street. Mr. Robert will move into \Villism J. Thom son's house until he gets his own house iinislied. John Forister mill move to the house he bought lately from R. Bolton. Alex. Thompson will move to the form lately purchased from John l-`orister. Parr Luke bought from Hex bert Derb shire t ie property on Spring street. Mr. ylesworth, representing the Canada electric light compan , of Toronto, is in town negotintin with . C. Freden- burg, with A view 0 putting in electric light. They are canvassing the town and are meeting with success. They have about 200 lights at present. Mrs. J. H. Wholun has gone to Brockvillo for trout- nmlit. The members of the Preebvterian wnolan nan to nrocuvmo ror breac- ment. The member: Presbyterian church have decided to build the new church in the same place where the last one stood. ugo':lo`(::thFlt. ` S` k \ olcos oc . Flnut Looking. Hide to order in Black and all shades of Tan. uuurusnuul nuunru. Cll.\KLP.l1\)N, March 2 -'l"he roads are in n verv bad condition. Mien Maria God- kiu was married on fob. 24th to George 'I`ennunL at the St. Lawrence Hall, Bmclr walla It u-nu n nnino n`.n'n Alina Klinnin nnox on mu.uruey.-mr. and mu. mourn Wnlker entertained: few friends on Thun- dny evi`ening.--Min Maude Clerk bu re turned from visiting friends in Pict.on.- The Gleaner: are holdin meetings in the town hellthis week.-- re. (Di-.) Bredin end Mien Libbie Bredin returned luv week from visiting Rev. A. Dance, Belleville.- Nelson Hudgin. reeve of the township, and Mrs. Hudgin were guests at the Central on Monda .-Arthur Mchenn nnzl A. Lowry. South uy, were in the village on Sunday. -Miaa Anritta Welbanke and Harvey (lrimmon spent Sunday with friend: in Smit.lifielrl.--Rev. A. Lreeggen will con- duct services in St. Phillip`: church every Wednesday evening during lent.-Mies Lena Lucia, Ploton, is apendin I few weeks in the village.-MitIe Ru y Wel- bnnke, Royal street, spent. Monday with friends in the villn.i:e.-Mr. Newman, Port. Millnrd, attended the Gleanere meeting in the town hnll on Monday evening. MILFORD, Maren a.--mra. J. uuugm. South Ba , was a guest 0! Mn. R. A. Knox nturday.-Mr. and Mn. Elburn Wnlkar entertained: few friends Thurs- IIIU lIll.l.ll`I lruul Isrlulsu rsssusa Ill lsBIIp' . ern Ontario--Wlut People Are Doing and What They Are Saying--'l'he Events of Interest to all Classes. A'rnsNs, March 2.-Business is very dull in the classic village on account of the bad rosds. On Friday last the (our teachers of the publi school thought they would have a plea It drive to Broolxville to u.tten the teachers` convention. They had just nicely got started in one olDobbs Bros elegant turnouts, when the drew bolts in the whillletrees broke and the horses became unmanageable. One of the teachers jumped out, Another wss pulled out over the dushbosrd by the horses sun`! the other two sat in the cutter, wstohlng the horses dleappesrln the dlstsnce. No leriousarzmsge wss dons. Miss nld1e.tho guest of Miss K. Livinas- Ienoue nmnge vru uone. uld1e.t.ho new Livings- ton, returned to or home in Kingston. Mics MoNnlly, Brockvillo. is the guest of Mrs. A. E. McLean. Mr. Mott in on the mend but is not yet ablem boom. On uccount of the soft, weather the races hed to be postponed. The date in not you xed when they will take place. WHAT OUR OORRESPONDENTB ' HAVE TO TELL US. The Tldlugu from Vs:-Iolu Point: In lut- arn ntnrln-Whnt Pnonla Ara Dolnl ws mom om} gnamnmsf KIIIIIYII HI-WBIIl'Io Mnmoun, March 3.--Mra. J. Hudgin. loath Bnv. quest. mu It in tooohon forgotten that impnirod digintiou. Inlulnneo. loll! nonnoh.u-uctr tionolgufmmtlnuommhlllhntboir origin in I diuudend condition of the Iivor. No randy can cqul Huniltotfu HIE of Inndrnlo and Bnttarnut for cnnohll discount 0! an liver. uomnh ..4IIn-.|- Hanan vnnnhhlg mild in 20th Century . Shoe?