`Ncw Silkalincl dot . r. B. Rouardel. Paris, ha: discovered A method of applying the "X rayu" no as to disclose the content: of bombs, enabling infernal machines to be distinguished from hoaxes. A. Hm nunli. nl n lnml W M, I l'I||Hnn_ hoaxes. As the result of A loud W. M. Purdue. nmorney, shot and killed John R. Jones. president. of the Mom yhla national bank, and dangerously woun ed his son. Purdue was arrested. 'l`|m kmln-at. -nnnnh nf nrnvlnnlnl trnnnnr. arrested. The budget, speech of provincial treasur- er Mt.-Mlllnn delivered yutordny showed that Manitoba`: nances were never In a more prosperous cnndition than at present. The surplus is $800,000. The norm-acts for most summon for the subjooh of the Salvation army nrouolea. A genuine London fog eon: about I600,- 000 In delays. uooideute And damegoe. An imporbenc Item of the expense is the neceeeery use of electric ll ht. all day lon . J. I). Barnett. sunerln ndenb of t. e ol oleomc II no an any non . J. Barnett, superln Grand Trunk shops, Sbrataford, but been Promoted to be nuiamnt mechanical super- nt.endonbin place 0! Mr. Smith, of Lon- don. '\r R Rmmrdnl. Pm-in. hm dinonvsrad shoal. Ed. Hnnlnn, oamnou. in ogiwzing for I life-saving izrol for Toronto boy to curb ion of liio rom boabing and Inching no- cidonn. The United sum mine do rtmonb does not want. to Accept consu -gonornl Williams resignation until who nicuntion in Cuba in improved. In in ranorted Mm senator Moloon bu in Cuba in Improved. It in reported been appointed aooond vice-pruidonc of the Dominion ooni company, of which R. M. Whitney Benton, is proniclonb. Prinnenn nruuerihof OI-loam. dnunhw M. whims uoubon. I! prouuonn. Princess nr uerlmo! Orleans. daughter of the Duo [)9 (mrtros, Puria,hu been bo- brohlaed to major Patrice De MncMnhon. non of the Into Marshal MncMabon. 1.. nnunrnl lmmlnrm-vlnwn nnd nnnmhu or me mm mnrnnuu mm.-munun. In neveral longlntorvlewl and a he! Bnllington Booth Insists that e has maintained It dignied silence on the subjooh of the Salvation troublea. A manuine for .600.- hot: in lnoo of Dr. wade, uooouoa. Mfl. . 0. Runny. wife of ldont of the Cmnda Life Auunnoo .. Humil- '6on, died. Mondny night, After a brief Ill- llll. 575 MAJESIIC. $75 non. The Toronto (`imnlu curling club won the governor one:-cl : rile at Uuol h yol- tordny, defengng Sb. try`: by 6 Moon show. l`..l unnlnn gunman. In Arlhnhlnl for: Izroul mt. m ht. ngoa on nay yours. Willialn vnm. the old: pooh of Am- erica. diad an Lookporo, IIL. to-day, apd Iovonty-onn. A resolution ofuymbnhy with oh. Ar- oommuu yaurany. It in sand that the has rl Melba In Grub Britain In ownod tin lo 0! Philip Bunbo M.P. Goo:-In M. ooomuok bu bun nonin- Phlllp BOIIIIIO NJ . Goo:-go Ibod an the oonurutlvo candklnbo lo:-Mum koh in flnoo of Dr. Wade. dooouod. ] Mn 0. Rnmuv. I! nf ucldnnt. nl \ ,'wmsnmr1nLmcs rom I HIRI IT II IN IHORT OIDIR POI uuaunnn -IAnlD I Tcloxnphlc `lungs from III Inn at the Globe. oondonud Ind` Auonod to! lug Banding - A Glance olvu You ch tao~day. L03. 300.000 lnnoo.' Gov. Orunhnlge. Lovmll Mum, In still alive. but his oondmori in critical. Hnn. Hnnrv E. Bmrnil dlod lb Mon- alive. but. mu oondmon u ormou. Hon. Henry E. Btu-nu Mon- ollbiht. lht on-I. "\:lil|l`i'mnn vnn:.'::o.a'o|{y in 00002 ofAm- ` seventy-ono. oi sympathy mouiunn vru pound in tho British hone oi yam-dny. 12. In sum: hurl nIV. 1| l||ll llll. OI DIIUIII IDOIIIGI IIID. nvo you man tho Snrnbou Floating Soup M be I oaks? We -hnvo sumo bargain: in Toll Soup just now. The Ammgn tnowru. rum, 1 Lou. lnnoa. Grunhnln. Mu vulu w-nvu vv uuuunsuuu ulluvl vllv v-Iv ;he Red (Irons moiety. Hnllmveli and Gardiner. town: in Maine. mvn nnnh uneriann-.d the mnnt dinnmmnn KILLED HIS SWEITHEART. FIG: ' The Ambign theaters. Pnrh. wn burned to-dnv. Lou. 800.000 lnnoo. ll l- II` CTIUIII IIIIIII "WHICI" annual. u-yompuuuulo Hum! non noun. uoothn. MI wtd poi!- uoptnoounnaung . Otnoh Alan. Ilcny Jim lhtmlh and a mono! atlas in Ilomnutvr union tlunuuullou unto win vnnu Inuuhin. In-` do uhinhtnihn. no nmlo unlnjlhoiou mark will go nqyonp\y-hndd. `_ I _A_A_.- ;ll`I._ XA._4.& 2 ..L._... vnon no women oomonon. no nu man ol pollucs, and mnounou shut on no con- Ifdontion will he scape a nomination. Ounnllon. yho Ilouonor of an Mackenzie an Ihhiuhr ht North Ratings. has Ind enough 0! an oxigons political Ii Ho. ho. ha bank! In In notication Ination to ruin. Biron (hlvin of Iron- tonn.hvInrhd of zholih. " us not out out to: a politician." an in. "and I angel hnnhroouhtn nan whom" Bound Rynluun ol Hamilton. in A sum. connrvuliv-I wk will to u. onIin~ u-yompunhotl-Io Nth of non nonth. Tlusnnoblllv. Ilialoouiol pou- urn. non-uunu nmnq nuo ruurneu to tho put After lnvi open! port. of the I'll'IlOf in Adam. N. . Cmnnn plonti~ NI Ion uncunoiabb h 0: . . . inn utnmaonqpd In drrring lumbar to Hlmlloborry In and. whom he vill one! nlnrgo cowngo this uprlng. He also hnl/contncu to build om at (lrinnol Inland park and one at Murray llillpurk. Capt-. Henry Robbin: will commonco this week to Ionglhon the Flying Cloud. So`:-rice: at the \II\I||'ho\I|` gundny evening in the chapel by older ulvon. uV atcrCarricr;l 1'Im Oar nmmu` bl m be` Is`. gr: y yw m In vhon ohouonoomenou. He in cm .1 mllntan -ml nnnnnnnnn that am no non. At An lnlsml Retort. THOUSAND [mum PAIR. Mnroh`3.--\Vo am now upootinu tho that big thaw this winter. the vast quantity 0! mow going rapidly. On Tnondny Int Mrs. D. W.` (iardmr wu kn with Iiemorrhngo, enun- -od b tho breaking of I blood venue]. and nest y died Dr. Vebber. Clayton, was aummoned and relieved the aulfnr. She is atillquiu with but in [mining uiowb. Mm, E. D. Ohnao in Mao nick. Dr. Folko-. 0! hifnrgvilio in Attending her. A quadrille rby wan hold at the Fine View hall on Eindny night and van a huge mecca. omwdn attending from Thu:-so and Alan nndrit Bay. An oyuot cu per will be held non l`uon- ` dnv mum at t 0 Fine View hull. Pom . Niinn. oi Fine View. in building: noriwr skill. Horton V. Moon. manager of the Fine View atom. mud: nying u-ipto Water- tovm Int nook; he note: 3 number of change: then. Frank Fmtlenbu l'i. for Donne. 001.. last week. and vii tannin uidn tor um um; Min Nollio Grunt, ol Cilnon. in. visiting Mania n the put. Mn. llorrillnnd hmiLy hon ruurned to tho nut hnvinn man! non. The Kingstoninnn also waited on the mhxialer of militia. and A-kml that A nchool oi instruction be established in King:-ton for the benet. of the militia of the city and dint:-ich. It was shown that ill that in needed in the appointment. of an instruc- tor from the permanent corps. The na- quoal. of the deputation wan seconded by Lt..-Col. \R'right. and oevnml oicera of the 43rd hm... OM-awn. Thu mlnintnr was inc-linnrl in lnnln fnvnp. mm mm... ubmwn. The minister was inclined to look favor- ably. and Mr. Richardson told the Winn that the pros to are that the school will be elhblmh . mngabon. Mr. Richardson told u Wiuu reporter this nftarnoon that the dnpnimion had every mason to be Mtined with the remit. of the interview with the minister. and said he did not doubt the request would be granted. Kimntoninnn on [he nuns autmwa runway. me uepumuon represented that the lute SirJohn Thom v I non promised that the line should be an - aidinod no soon as she local munioipulitim had given bonulol to in. In accordance with this rromine. the rtion of the mad fmm Emit 1`: Falls to hingnmn received a government Inbcidylnat oeuinn. Ten mu- ninipnlit.ioabetween0t.bn\wnnnd8I~\iLh`aFalln have Iinoo bonuaed the line and it was naked that tho gnvermnenc subsidy be granted as promised. The deputation consisted olJ|mu Minnoe; James Swift. woaidenb oonaorvativu association; 1). M. lncdonnoll. Q.C.; John Hewmn. president board of nude: C. F. Gildoraleeve, ii. Y. Chown. George Richardson, Jame: Mei mlfe. M.l ., and H. A. Calvin. M.i .. of Kingston. Mr. Richardson told u \V|uu ronm-t.or uoorge Richardson has namrued from Ottawa, whom he went with the do Mn` tion that yesterday naked Hon. John ug- gurt, minister of milwa a and canals, to rnntnbonun to the Kin mu, Smith's I"! &Ottnwa milwnv. he deputation nnreaented the lnvte Sir.lnlm Thnmn . Ii nmuly ullappenren. Prof. Bhoru. Dr. Wulkem. Dr. Neilson and Rev. 8. Houston spoke of the inter- esting Address. oomplimonting Prof. For upon on its nom)lot.eneu. A vote of L min was tendenxs the apegkor of the evonln for his interesting sketch. It In the rat. Mme the subject was written up in English. nAr- .u...-_ -- .. .un-_.... P.- Alululdy For: Railway and at New I Ilnll. unvu-u vu nuv nwuunn u; uvvnu nu uuuuun. He trwod the manor oi it: or! in under the rule of the From) kings. an of it: in- troduction in Cmadn in the our 1037. The diorontconcooaiom de mi mt dimer ly upon the crown. and ago the concen- nnnn known in France In the Franc-oleu, orjroe and common noocnge, were trncetl by the speaker down to the time of the conquelt. And mentioned that tlnoe ieudal conoouiom were made in Up 18!` Canada. aftor the conquest, by the En iah morn- mont. namely. Wolfe Island. lillo ochen and others. The poverty of those lords of France, who were moutl junior members ol fnmilioo. prevented t om marrying out the conditions hnd their manta. As the country became more civilized the feudal nyntem boonrle gradually weakened until it finally disappeared. Prof. Shortt. \\'nlkem. Dr. Naiinnn __-vvv_,I- -nu -vn-luv-u .9 __ New Trimming Silks.3oc per ynrd. For New Goods go to _ -. I In 0lI'9|ll|ll0l\. All H19 l I III: nnnu Mum In I wresth of mm work and In the oentro of thin. ehnding boldly out. on two Ilgureo resembling than "11." Ah the oppoelce corner la printed bhe denomlnntlon. I2. Between thoaolneakemh of jueblce. Covering the I-emelnder of the bill ls thin reedln : "The reeldenmdlroctou. em. of take nnk of pper Onnndn. pmmlae to pay the bearer two dollars. on demnn(l,oub of the joint fund: of bhe ueoclntlun, and no other. No. 309. Kin eton, Jen. lat, l8`2(>. 1'. Bmyth. prul out: Bertletb. cuhler. Thin lnhroeblng rello ll owned by Mru. 0. Bennett, Brock osroet. uennow, mock uroen. Prof. Fe upon then delivered an ad- dreu on "T o fondnlaynmm In Canada. orljgln 5|`- umln nl tin Fngnn Inhu-. gn nl lo`. Kn iootlnnd. tohlu. Noiinon I Go. `flay won dgud by W. H. Robimon. commit-` ury pm:-nl. Icoidu that bill: oi ll- obnp ho abound two may billn. mod in the Imring tiluo of ill? in lieu of money. Thou were printed in both n llnh And 3`:-onoh. Ono was for Nikon nil in or bon pour dcux piuiru. In no 0 re- doumnblo no the urn? hill ooo. Qaoboo. nnd in mnnbond 80.9 8. It Ivu nignod by E. W. Allno 0, commander oi tho forces. Thin army II in nbouh {our inohon Ion and three innhon wide. Another army bi . shown was evidently onl n prooiu it non- kinod no Iignntures nr wna notllod out. It in dniaod at Quoboo. June, 1813. In oil! it in ion inches long and live inches wide. Tho Prince of Wales` plumes no on one corner. Iii: good for the umounb oi C4, or quite pinm-on, nnd undo. "Tho boner boron! in onbiulod to rocoivo, on demmd, no the army bill oifico. Qnoboo, iour dollars." Onool iohu moot intoronbin rniins shown and oonnootin the It win the rount, wun two do or hi 1 issued by I. o Bank of Uppor Canndn in 1820. In Iizo nnd form Min vor llhlillll` to tho ordinnr bills at preunh nniroulntion. Ah the r ht. hand vdlamh In A nranlh nl mm urn:-It Tho Kinjbun ilorioliiooiob w ll din 8:. George`: lull Int night. t o idonc, Dr. oiloon. presiding. Thou mm A In 0 nt- ndanoo oi monbon. Tho pron done undo I Illorb nddrou and reviewed the lab port givon boion who sociol- Prof. S orib on sh: only bank: in mun- Onnndn. Dr.Noilnonoxh1bitodi.hru ll! of oxohmgo. om for l40, made ynblo to tho order of John Neilum. and at Quebec. Nov. Bib. llllbgnnotlnor for 600. mndo payable to John Noilnon. dand at Quolno. M-oh och, 1809; A third, made pbk to the order of William Oownn, for R i. dubod It Qnoboo. 1817. Then were remain --I-1o~nlhly Vmoohin oi tho lnl.loI'[IIOI Dal: vmn III: Intonat- .. , . IIQIQMQOO, monthiy moot-In tho` 1100:-loll mm d In n..._|. Ln Innh nh-duh Q, A .1.IA.nA. '30- pu mm no mo order or wnnnm uownn, lor 9. an Quoboo. ndorood Ln nodoh}:`ynbIc :0 GI: ow, T um. son ha: inn nlnnnd In W. I. nhlnnnn. nnnnnl OANADA IN FIUDAL TIMI`. T:-CE WANTS OF KINGSTON. ?-;-.- (bod-Iyu IN The Into. an `nloarnm `Goon moon! NEW STORE] o! N comvmluo. Mr. Ihnton mama on giving the ln~ formation. bu it was not ulumd. and he ohm! to gin a ohuuont o! N: no:- =n:::d\horo privately unto Iranian who it. Ivl I dodnd it. `hu-nmn mu. Than the oloncion an Kingston vu mon- tiouod, and Mr. Pncton oxpluimd that ho Ind been in Othvn on privslo Maine: 50 oh. mm. and on his return uhnmd In DIG Q` I UCKWI U\ FIVIX BIND II the mo. and on `No Kingston. ` llo hull who! did then. when Hr. Amman ohluul Iln such information was ouhdo M the bound: of tho commisuo. LI: IN`-Ann innlnlnnl an alumina 1).; In. IGOLD HANDS] `N D'5$T.'9'.`.' 1| a necung nnoc rnuvmyn. mm a mu ny non. r Hnuly to ruduce the number ofoonnty emmcillon. vnumm n voto.. . Son-ml lsilh won Incl n rth limo: nmon them was one by Mr. 09:-mm to Rrwi a fur the appointment. of sinking ml oomminionung one by Hon. Mr. Bronson to male lunhor provision: ro- xentiuug street. rnihmyn. ind bill by Hon. Hnulv ndum ofoonntv IE". MIG IIIOIIIDBI` I0!` mum II||l'0l|. spoke `llrst, and was followed by Mr. Unw- funl, the member for West Toronto. Then llon. Mr. Uibnon dealt oxhnuntively and man elTevt.i\'ely with the nttnclmon the mat. of aupplien fnr public institutions. which the op maitlon, led by Mr. Mnrm. are no loml 0 making. and Mr. \VhItney wound up for the munrmtivoa and Mr. Huycooi for the tram. No unondmont mun nisnd. mud t. a motion to golM/ooom- mittee of supply was con-oqnomly curried without voto.. Hnvnml lnilln u-an mml .-\ n}. Hmnr TnIm\1'0. Mnmh 3.--'I`ho bud t. debate in over. It. was ninhed botni it after I (lay of conhnuoun debowin . . Y. Mo- bann. the member for Sou Huron. spoke rst. and was follow-ad hr I III ISIPIIII IIDIIIIIIIIA jLace `/ ` 5 '\ ". %Collars. cnnolmlnn at tho Ilulgnt Dohcto-A nay oi Blond; Debuting. vr....,._.... u......|. an ,-m.. s....a..... .|..|...n- nininm. IIINA. Panza. March dapcmh from Aden. to the Mm". nay: the [Mlimn loot. 6,000 men in last Sunday`: battle with the AMI- vuneu mm seven were wounnon. The Prince of Naploa, crown Prince 0! [u\l_v.h|d a conference with King Hum- berh and Hen. Mocenni, minister of war, this morning. All of the Italian prince! have again naked porminaion to go to Abys- ainin. 11.... u.....s. ; A .a........u. :....... AA-.. aunann. Roux, Mnmh 4.-The republicans md socinlinba organized demon:-t.uI.iom last. evening inaevernl of the pnncpnl olbio and towns of lmlv, and denounced the African policy of the ministry. A crowd. in Milan. in atbelnpung to blank Lhmu h I conlon of u~oop;. bemlno no [remind t. at they hlrled theumelmn against. the bn_"onet.n of the noldiera. One man was Ilil ed nnd wounded. Tlxn Drinnn nf Nnhlnn n-nun mun nl apnwnen. I Enercibo. on military journal, ascribes the ` rli.-umor to Hen. Bnml.ierl'a supposed rna||- ` nuns and his denim tn nohievo a victory that, would olfnet. hin being nuperseded in . his conmmnrl. It in the opinion hem that. non. Hen-at-ieri`n fmve numbemd l0.000 men opposed to whom were 80,000 Abys- nimann. I)nun M....:. 1 _'n.. ._....|.n....... ..\.a Tlmy Are lncemml at the Pulley Pnnnul In All-Ira. I Roma. March I.-Newapnper corms-` ndenba are excluded from the Italian inea, and a strict. censorship has since been maintained over the press do- apntvhen. Enercibo. milimrv iournnl. ' Ulllm. l)oInon-trntionn and meeting: ofproboni. against. the notion of the American senate | and house of repreaomntivea conminuo in provinces They um almost wholly parti- cipated in by nt.udent.e. Yaubordny do- nmuntmtiolin took place in Sun , llnrceloln, Hnnibin , Malngn, Alonla, Bil- bao and L`mlir.. one of them man of on particular iinpnrtanuo, mid they worn a easily dispersed by the police. URI` Ill! ll) |6lll'l, lll Bll llllllll IIIDIIOI ity in `u on. until some other government, snuneex n. at least. t-ompornrily. In yup plnnting ib." I Unlm. Domonntrnllonu ln Ipun. .\l.\mun, March 4.~-Spnin In In oom- munimmon with European minim-Ion with A view of eoonring their ngroemoub bo I joint rotont. In the event of president` Clovonnd doolnring the bomgoronoy of l\......m-o....H.\.... .....l ......u..... .-.I` ......m_..o 88 & 90 Princess 8troo`t. :21} M R`.3.`T!."i'.`.'.: .'.': . ."" '"".` . an air f.!9.IOl'01 0 h km II C00-I Nu-I. | country. "Recognition of belli erency depends i upon the name facts and s only a modied form of recognizing independence. thou h the letter implies more perieot neeomplie A ment. The dierenne between mere in- eurreetinn and war, though in both armed bocliee am in conict. in that in the form- er only one euverei n power in engaged, while in the latter 5.. meet neoeeenrily be two. If an armed ocniet beoarried on by a nubetautial political organlmtiomrenl. palpable and manifent to the world.having the iorme and oupable of the ordinar inne- tione of the government toward I own reople and the other etntee. having a local nbitation, where it may be dealt with by other nations, then there is A war and na- funul to renognile belligereuey would be wilful. In the absence of these featuree there in nothin to take the contest out of the ontegnry o a mere mbeliioun insurrec- ti 1, or occasional nkirmiehee and ilaue it on the terrible looting of war. '1` is pre- tence of recognizing what does not exist ie nlwuyn uml juetly re ardexi as an unfriendly 1 not end grutuitoue (emonetration of moral sup mrt of the rebellion. " ndnred bv those tests. the Administra- sup mrn 01 me reoomon. ndged by those tests. the r\dminiatrn- Lion does not think the pruent state of af- fairs in Cuba justifies my change in the nttitudo of the government. its function in to act, and not tn express feelin . The only notion now mper in to cont mm to hold responsible or injuries to Ameriom citizens. the only government which so far us up tours, has and maintains cut or- itv in (.'u it. until some other um-nrnment. IBIOIYI VDGWI 2 `V;'hllob;.ho pro-Idem.` Ira.` 01: number: t. 0 on not pononn nylpm shy common to all Anni-lam will at Cuban: whom oonlondlng in I - mono. u fool than in Ilnlr utl they that :1 non depth from IhHnll~Iotll3 prlnolplu followed by Iomcr gradient: and noorotarlu of Itch during prlorlugro notion: In Cuba. Thou won olou-I no forth by Gen. Grant In hln m of I75 In which he dull. with aha mm: on at an [11 18 N01`. nu: mm 10 Ac `llno View: of tho Admhlltnllol Olooloood In nu Iouovnu nunnnl - oonull Ollnt LII` Down Wdl-Ioitlod Pill!!- plu And Thou WI In Iulothlod. Wuunmvrou, March .--The pruldonb and his cabinet are wrongly to tho 0 preunt recognition at hho bog lgonno ol . the Cuban huumonu. mud to nnv doc urn- }preum. rooogmuonol mo oomgonno oi huurgonu, so In doc urn- Mon concerning their lndopon cnoo ll ombndiod in oongrunloml rolub om. This, not olclnl, pnunta tho udmlnmrr Man`: View I1/Ian. Och: nu-nah`-mt. -n uh. -AmI|n1 wrnn ny uon. man In an m or H7 In which be dealt. with who qua on o! recognition of Cuban Indopondonoo an also with that of rooognibion of 5011130!`- ency. Both Independence und bolllgonnoy arofacbs and choir recognition by hot poworo. no the arm lm Ion. In moral [or- mniuolnowlodgmonbo It name! 5 lug: which righaly or wrong! huoomonbouo. "Whona noonlo. nnud under unn- wmon ngnuy wrong: nuoomououo. "When a pooplo an ind under unn- lmown and doiinoul form of govormnont which odmlnintnrn its functions by tho lil- ual mothodn. come to ooougy and control a known territory over whio itin oo _ tont to ndminlltor justice. and within 1! inh it niforcla promotion to citizen: and Itrungorn a new utnto exists. It: rofuul of rooogni- tion would not olmngo tho fact an more ` Mun ronmturo "roco nition"conl oronto; it. he former woul be moroly I slight to the now govormnout. junt on tho lnttor lo tndroly an n`mnt to the old cm. The quotation nocusariw is nlwnyn what ow ernment is actual y in control 0! tho couutry.. "Recognition of bellinaroncv rlananrlu vvuwvna nvwn-v-nun V On Door Below Clty Hotel. RIOOONITION or `mi unmann- ` INOY or ounm. THE ITALIANS EXCITED. ONTA.RlO LEGISLATURE. rho Klnnlon Ila-Mon. Ar ' \ VP. J. VVA LSH ` \ |\ * Ian Drlnnnaa up... NEW GOODS_ OPENING UPDAILY.` W IIIIIIIIIIVU III! Illlllulin III hlo.\n\nu.. Mm-oh I.-The grand jur have befom them the out of George llol `. `er, ohmgod vrith uhooung with intent to \ kill. Holdo:-'3 victim was nhor. on the log a mu] nfmr the doctors had hllod to nd the bullet-. the Roent n moon was used lvribh the runlb t at L 0 Non olthe a bullet had been nmoruunot and the ball extnxcmd. The photograph of the leg on v made by the cathode process wtll. for the n i first time. be produced in court. r. , J.` HENDERSO.Nw& co. 86 Princess Street. ._,. ,.g.-u-----nu--unus----uuusnn: 1"ln mmuo nuns`! ho II wholoml for an mm: tho prim noun om \ M: m nuwmn . nnlthu can we ....3`I'.'.".'"y`.'.3.Tc... nn nasty: ot price. will to. ml-lmonul :3) IwALsH s u\ v I~I\.l-\I\-nl\\o -.-s-\.\.w, up: u-um-av. Inn-\n nu-y.-.....-v 1\r l_natch. Ladies and Girls Golfjeroeye. just in. New Venlinga in all colors. CORRIGAN 6 : CO ONLY ONE PRICE. Old Whig Office. `BUTTER CUP LACES AND INSIER u IONS to match Fine Linen Torchon Laces and Insertions to match. Fine Valencience Laces, all widths. and ixn-enione to ., n...l. be insured separately. Now I can hardlv realize that the jud said what is attri- buted to him, as he I generally careful in his statements. No man known better than he does. that the feet: are just tho o rpoaite. No one uhould. because the olloe he oooupieu und has no long and honorably occupied. be better able to give u xllmot. answer to the matter in dispute. Judge Price will not diaputo this loot. be- onuno he was preoent at the fire that a good many years ago. the building in which hin ollloe in now located wen utterly (leatroyod-that in. all the wood and intol- lor wan loatmyed lneomuoh that the late (iol. Cameron exclaimed : "Man i the building in m nilloent in all its ruins l" Yot. ailpr the m it was found that All the wall: remained uninjured and the buildlu was rebuilt and not a well touched. Woul any one today or at any time know that then walla had gong through such I the an the deatruotiou of the court houne ?-~ Urnuzn. Ivmmn non \'lrl.II_n\l rocogmmon or nrnunn rights in tho wrrlbq-,7 In dis mm between the two nations. also doc Mu tlmta the whole Issue must. mm the result. of arbitra- | tion. nmnlnl. nnnln nvnn-nan `nah Hun I1`.nuv|nvuI non. Oiclalu again oxpl-an four that Englnnd will try be enforce payment 0! dumngon. NEW LACES % AN D INSLZ RTIONS. Batman to Anooclo to (In Demand. Nnw Ymm. March 4.~A dospnbcln from Curama. Venuuoln. says Vonnuoln ham to- fuaed the demand of (Irene Brwnhn that the \'uu~unn (nnhhsnl. ha rnnnwlnal nn 1: rnnnt. luaou we comma or uruw nnunn mu uno Yuruan iuncidequp re rdod an n distinct Game. and that replmtt. on be nmde and an lmlmnuity paid. The govermnom: de- clares that m gram England`: demand would ban \'irt.u_nl recognition of British rhrhtn in Hm mrrlmrv disnum betwoen lII"IU- VUTIIII DWI!-I II'IIUlIII'UIn KlNOU'I'0Xl, March cl.-(To tho Editor): In I Into fund of your pnpor it via -and that Judge Qrico remarked thnb brtoh buildings are relonblo to atom, boouun they can be naurod more chonpl . and that she walls of stone structures mvo to be Insured separately. Now I hnrdlv rmlixa mint. Mm iudno mid ..TAYLOR'S.. meln patterns suitable for Fancy "_-Wogk and Ditpcs. `KL; *1` ,.. CH1... lI.\I-1 -All `u In In Inn: to: an snuml Ion 5 Iuolunu. r......_.... |l....L a mu. u... nAn...\'. -IVI I -.XIIIICIo Kncuvrou. lurch 8.-('l`o tho Mow). Ounnldonblo dlnouulon In no parent golng on In the my rap:-dlng we roduotlon In IvIo ulcrlu u by Mil. Damon. Whllcnomool t 0 Iugguqlona made b hlm wlll nob moot \vIr.h popnlu npmvs , It In unmounry to am. that ho on In the general, touched A popular chord. Bo- tronohmcnh In nooouory owlng to tho pro- unt dopruolon In undo and gomrully felt by all onglgod In bunlnou. lb In the arlnlon ol many taxpayer: Mano It In poo- blo to an In uvorsl avonuu. and the moat promlnonb am In In tho mayor ! nlnrr. We have bad: . I um hold. A dobb 0! ha I 5 mIllIon.|nd ll @0 Annually pnld no the mayor were am 2 I the lumen on 010.000 u out an wouldbunvod. On an prlnlglo that I dollar and In a dollar urged. could that ouch I mp would he I {burl- nuu-llko ono. Some ppplnuk, `In In mouury to pay Ibo inyor 0. bonus 7" And moan by that does hlml olloltl Ipoml blmo onongh In rho my. bunlnbu to warrant hlm lulu` pnld u ulur to oomponnh hlm Ior tho on maul In bl: own lmnlnou. iboliovolf our nlxkrmon are serving the clay freely and the mayor pnld. the whole I alnmla wrong. Take the Iolon of I o Irrnnn of board of work. 0 dovouo onnmnnn or noun: or worn. no aovouo more tlmo. don moro work and Inn more unxlot Ind I-uxonnlblliuy can Mme: ovu- thm no lndl dual who adorn: hlmull with u Id chin and lnulnu on boln ud- d|`II as "your worship." and yet 0 I0- oolvon nothi but nbnu. and lots of um. I hnllmm an In wnnld In unhlr hn nut ouvon nounlm nut. mun. ma low or mu. I bollqvo :6 is would be unlnlr to not pay Imyor Elllotb his nalury n he wu elected wlch that understanding. but u them no uvornl In the pronoun oounoll `who luvs already nnnounood themselves ,3: candidate: for next you, tho one I lndopondont enough to man I rowlutlon hhnt would mnlco the noolblon ontlrolv muoponuonu enough to move rowluuon make lblon onclroly lnononry, would oonv noo the pnbllo shut 110 was pnI.rlot.lo'onough to corn tho clty without oomponutlon. Ho would at onco proclnlm hlmsoll M n ahlnlng oxnm lo lor other: to follow. Illa name won (1 ho handed down A: one when prldo wu centered in urvlng his fellow: wlbhout. money or without prlco. I bollovolhoro was no salary attached to the ollloe that there would not be so many mnvornlty onndldubu forcing lhomselvoa upon the people. Thou who ollloo would noel: tho man: the pooplo would go looklug for the lnllvldunl.-Tnucunnt. I". u'.'n'TL ;'r'3nC' '"f:'.i'.'1'1{'." "'ToaS.2'".': l Inn!-A Hnnn (Inna ma-no um:-B And Iunn mnrn IT S A com) DAY! I0 Good Songs for...-f . . - . . - . - . .-l0c I0 Piano Piece: for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I0c 9. 8. 7. } Pieces Best Music Published 6. 5. for . . . . . ..; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c . n ....... -.3 Mn Lunch: 1-Lnlgmnl. M. Iqn llvngn H... ....x.... ....-.. _n.....x..- n. _. ___I._.._._:_-_..__ OUT OUT THI IAKARY. spnmeg I896. MEDICAL HALL. nnunloidvi The mum. .... \l......`I. A ,'I`|..\ ...~. I 60 Princess {street HIIU |lll2 IIIUSIIQ IIICIII Iwuy UIIUCI llIL' [VI IILYY IR) 3. Thousands of sheets full size, high gmdc Music. Selections from the popular Opens. \\'n|tn-3, Gal- Iops, Marches, Instrumental Music, all kinds. Also good Songs. These are done up in lots ot Snow : falling and so have been the prices of our Music. The snow melts awny~under the xunshino and the music melt: away under the price rays. Thnnlenndn nf nhnaln full kins his-uh nwnln klnein III` .l`I IllII: IHHIIEI I'Ht LlVIII`IK`|l.. Noon. Mar 4 ~WIu.-at N. Nu-Hf. no.1; nd mum. H: mm; N... 1 vnl..n. nw K mm as M; mu. In my pork. An. (kl. lnnl. In 9-`; Mllovo. m .lI!n l- \uwun.lnmw .20: I; ||`[hl III: M. 0henn- \'hNo Ilhukl; blond, hut! . Onhmn u\nlor-AmIr(ncn MAM-||||\I--4 0-RN Potent kl rln mill) to (In; nnlonawlnhl no to 6.41: B-nlfhl Roller, um to Nlo ours, .40 to 9.51 - uuporllno. am to .00 qtrrmq nkor`n. 0.715 to H110; Ontnlo 0 I! K) to OH!) Wunn-No. I hnrd Innltnlm. No. to no Ooml-4! to an. Puo-uo. to no. A lawnr Icy: Them In No lvldonog To Oonvlot In. Lune. PI-rrmnnno Mm-ch 4.---About can rhy- Igo Mrs. Wllhmn Leslie. 1 mdrriod womm mud n ruldontln Pow-boro, wan nrrutod in Toronmcmd clnrgod with proourln[." She pauod under the name 0! [Annie White. A young girl. who npponmd againubhor, said she had onuood wnnuo m live with her for immoral nurnoou. III IIOI|CII"I W ll. 'l'l|O 00050!` llyl II. II horo to o . Tho ln:n`o rol ol tho loto Btowort Mllllng. lothor of Ru la ond Robert Mllllnu. Com? boll houoo. w 0 Mod on Bundny night loo . took ploco Tuoodoy afternoon. at two o'clock. to tho Eootorn Mothotllot church. and thonco to tho hlootorn oomotor vnulit. It no In ottondocl. l)oooo woo n hlo oo\'o:n|t..`y'?l`l{oo you and haul oul boon lll o low doyo. Tho ooolooo opou hon on Tuoodoy oltornoon boloro Judgo l`o noon. Tho ooooof Tlmnu llurph . Now ur h the lndlvldual who no loun undor A In Jonnlngf howl ln thot vlllogo loot loll . olootod oonoldoroblo lnooroot in tho oourt yootonloy. from tho ovlclonoo odduood It would oppoor that lt. woo not plundor tho boy woo oltor. Altor hoorlng R" tho ovl- nonoo In tho one the ludro novo the bow agamubnor, and mm mm onuoou wwnuo to live with her Immorul purpoou. Mrs. Lullo wu -out to the Moroor ro- formnwry for two yours. Wllllnrn Lullo hulbund o! Mm womnn. wu dumbfonndoti when he heard of tho nnlr. for In hid never Iunponml Mu MR and supposed Ibo wu visiting with lrlendn In the city. He At. once nrouoodod to Invnuuah and The oloors of tho Ontario howlkooporf nanochmuu have decided to hold on oonvon-` Mon at Ouawn durln the notion. nu] In culling It for March MI: and Nth. `'1 Mn Qyll. WIN Kill DO. "IIIII qucdhu in no. I mount to this govunmoat mud in puny." nan un- nounounont Inn nooiyod with chat: Ouhno uptuud his gnlmentfon at tho nroomu ol the uulononl. lo nidthc U `lloloupln luau Ihgnonlnn luau H... III LIQOI. NA:-Ann. In-ch 4.--A .m ploul onntooounodonlond ovonn Int n gnu ruldono ool 1;` B. M. Bguh v n I ~ n u 6 3.. Vin unm fltmr ! .3 Km Hmlth. only son of I`. W. nmh. . Ml ` MAIN In . 33.: n..aa:'..mi ... 534.2. m|t.h.only `I . "mMh. jun or. Nnpunoo. Mlu mm. mm. chard. abhor oi tho bride. noted an brldu. maldmndn llkb Iorvloo wu rlornoll (or tho grboln by Frank Oonwl. Inpton; Rev. D. 0.01-ouloy Hod tho knot. Only tho lmmodlnh nlablvon of the oonbrnoung nuu warn nrunnL TIM nronnu to IO alum. A. AIOSIIGII` nu mama a bnninan b oolontnnl. ' ' W0 30 gland be Mo to unto that Dr. J. . Iuonnqtulm no lummon `of mnovl from Nnpnnoo. as was intimated In Mon ny'n Wnm. Tho doctor nyn In In Inn to nnv. vlamng with menus In ma olty. proceeded lnvoamlgata R. Powell who (lafendod the woman wrllna thnt. aha waa aontoncod wlmhonh aulllclant avldonoa to nonvlot. It wlll oat 075 to appeal. Loallo la n working mun and has not. the funds boboar the oxponao ol blue appeal, but wlll make an allure to mlaa Illa nqulrad amount. the Immodlnu nlnblvon oi tho oomrnoung Button wore pnlont. The pruonu the rldo worqvuriod and Olognnt. Mr. and Nrn.,B|nma Nook tho Inornin mm for Dlonu-ul and other hum Mr. and In. I`. I. Roolwol Mumod on Saturday `Inc hon bhvlr honuynoon no the eastern Egzlud. A. Alonldu bu Ncurnpd A hnnlngnn main my Ilnnhnnnl IONTIIAL P300608 IIAIIIITI. lonnnn, Ian. I - Flour um. mm to II.: mMk`t quiet. and nnnlmnnm . nt r n ntrn. I310 to II. : nunorllnn. llfu tn um D0] VII Ill'OI". AHOY lllll Ill M|I O\`I' not judge gun boy in freedom. 5009-! to IR`. k)IIlIIAI.-01.10 to OLD =Ig'I`II-'l`ovInnhlp|, m to |Dn.q Wuhan: ll IOITIIIAL I'l`0Ol IAIIITI. An N` I Inn Psolo lnllvm M` M 1nt . . ll 5` In no M In mmoml 00 lb Montnnl lurwh()o. ..|I1 mm WAS IT AN INJUBTIOI? _ tho onpnuluhp. Ornvu. Much 4.-As he oomntvnuvo canon yuunhy Sir Donald Smith on- nonnootl that than Um: I 6 0! the school nation none from tho xnnn 4.? olnnnlnhuu Alan` `A 2. .4 .A "mania AT NAPA NI%T OOMMIROIAL. King Street - - --urv f"\"5"`~|Nnmu . . MI (I) ..nm In .. M on ..u no uvuuu-u vuwv vuuuv wu-n II yl `I In IIIU nation ` nap dominion lino. Havana litany to ash any hm-onnnounoounnk "1 mn an Ihin. Ihnnnh." mid lug "nut: ; Inn VII ulmuwu oy F nunntonn an a way that uprated an implied Agreement, that to soon A: the manor in invnnti ted .1 is pro to im rodrou. In t. o intomnt. of 0 minor by it would have been ru~ dam. to have had In in tlon. Trace who ptopoud taovlqiohto wiehont a com- miulon won the worn ongnioa ol the op. position. Clath Wsllooo. who followod Mr. hurht. doolantl Lin inumiou ol mung hr the unondnont Thu `II I t jun ol vhltoro in the gnllorho throng out the sermon. whlhon tho oor than u-an 1 full attendance 0! Italian. I foinunnnhn Inn-IL; hill ;_.I ll. ".'."-:..':'..""""-..':-:.'.n..., ..... .. nova 3.0.4301:-uncut r` .__.... Mr. Lnurior--l would investigate use an to whether there in In compact; , an to whether common school: no repug- nant no the oonnnlonoon of Roman Catho- line: And thirdly, n to whothor the nohooln of Manitoba tn Protlnnnt uchooln. Then wan no quuuon ml In tho righb of rlinmont to Imaorfem by legislation. Th 3 wu admitted by Mmltohn (but unlined An imulied an-eamont. that `MI . ulurler urgnn min. more Inoum be a commission And then should bow invoc- M ntion. 1.. w...o.... ,\m... ......u ...... WIII IIIUWHIKIY U0 HIIOWUI '10 (`On- tinue. it on ht. at least. not In assume t at that doclamtion in I falsehood without inquiring into the [new for luoll. And tlmt in virtunlly the position it is taking today. The adoption of Mr. Laurie:-`a policy would at once and all friction between the two gov- ornnmntn. would show the country whether nn_\*nn\l grievance oxima, and. if so, would loud to the remedy boing npplioxl in tho pro rqunrtor. `.\ r. Luurier urged thnt there Ihohld be than nlionld bann imma- ju-in--r - 3 `mini OF 0000! AND CNATTBLS. -_- OOUNTY OI` FRONTENAU, 1!) WIT: SATURDAY. THE SEVENTH DAY 0|!` Ilnrolu nexl. will no mid at the Hlmrlih n O. in tho Clay 0! Kin union. in the (`ounty ol rontonuo the nu: ormnnliunod Gonxln 8:1 Lrthls iioiungin to Niohullu Kni hi alto I) And Iiuhnl unnoIiy. wind nm or In 1 virtue of: wrii of Van-iilinnu Ex- gnn hand out 0! Hour I-ulouidc lixvlloquo-r urt oi Onnmin and to me roulml. at line unit of tho Queen, on the infornnntiqiu of Mn Athena:-Oonorni for tho Dominion of can- >- Now Stool Dredge now lyin :0 the Dryhfbol. in the City of K|l1[lf0n.`WH|| in A uunooa. loo. Four Donloh. lying at tho nioroanid plus with their lining: Ami nupcminpon 00D 0. It 010 column at lwolvo u'olouk noon. WLLLIA ITBUUHON. Hhoriif Count: of Frontonnn. mo vornmonr. upon in ponoy. Tm Alternative presented by Mr. Laurior may he deooribod in three wonln A inqnir and oonciIini.ion. lie admit: n ponnibo one for intorfomnvo, "a mug which appeal: to the heart and mind of overy man. which would be a violation of those Inorkl right: which Hod hm implant- ml in tho brunt of over mAn.And which the Ilreok poet. has mllod maven : li\w,writ,ton and unohnn bio." u such I\ one for intorforenco n made out? Auurodly not. Auurodly. us mutter of oourway, the dominion government ought to give orotlencoiocho declaration of Manitoba that no wrong was intended, I djshntnone will knowingly be nllo ho onnhi. least. not HDOFRI IOIUBT. RH. I1lH`|6l"H | name is in ererybody s mom` this evening. His I ah" nil minds as a master-stro e ' while at the some time thorn wlv yond present events see tint than bold tactics. that itis ate. it kind that unhsp ily has not 1. past confronted CRIB racial one commotion: of this strife-torn Csn. \ _ was expected by those who did not ln ' man that when the time come for lll take a position he would be unequnl to situation; that while hemightoopy thel)u. of Wollington`s Terms Vedres taotios. in would not emulate the iron duke s courage when the da of battle should arrive. But to-day has s own the measure and mettle ol the leader whom the liberal party has placed nt its head. It has shown him not eethe spokesman of n pnrtf. as he never has been, but as a national eeder, and the embodiment of the s irit ol conciliation and harmony by whioli the now wavering elements of the Cenndien xeople Inn be united. No mole candid nor 0 eur- er exposition of pl`lll(`l|ilv) was ever iren than he laid before the lliouso, end no broader treatment of the re` lations of nmes and oreeds. out of which have been springing the succession of heart-burning. oe-destroying ngitetions which have s when ooniederntion. No more courageous utterance was ever made by a public men than when he dened his relation. an leader of the lihe~ ml party. toward the eccleeiastioel dignitaries who might seek to dictate to him. as a member of the Cnthot iio ehnroh. He oonolnded by moving in amendment that the remedial bill be given the six months hoist. This is the straight- nst issue which it is possible to take with the vernment upon in policy. T 0 nrenented bv Mr. Inmsen IOI` wnat was to no a\ rear. Inurv. ie ublio deliveranooe einoe is reenter- ng nto parliament had not justiilsd the acclaim wit which he was received. In his ilret d iveranoe he was obliged to defend his veraoit . in his second to deny an accusation not his honesty, and in his third to re y to a report that he was to be deposed) from his newl -acquired lesdsrshl . Today, however, e was to restore h s weakened status and to inate ngain the Topper boom. How he suc- ceeded may be leit to the judgment oi the readers oi his speech. The sin le observation may be made that, ait ough physioall he spoke some- times with oonsideraile vigor. the matter oi his speech shows that ears of absence from the arena have put in: out of touch with the movements of events, until today he a peered. with hie reminiscences of a den generation and hie extrav once of Ian uege. like a gure of t e pest rat er than a man of the present. 0! his argument, if it ma be dignied by the name, nothin need said. more than that he rested h in whole case upon the contention that the government had no option left it by the constitution but to the remedial legislation, and that in act the constitution in this matter worired mechanically. He was not able to make even so important a speech as this without failin into his old habit. as. for instance. when e declared that prominent Methodist divinee have publicly endorsed the hill, ni- though he could not have iven the name oi one such. The other efender oi the bill was Mr. Diclie . minister of justice. He came on late n the evenin . but. de- spite this disadvantage. he in e a very much better argument than his leader. Bpeekin (mm a government standpoint. it woui have been better if the chief place had been iveuto the oung minis- tor. As it is. t ie first day's ebate closed with the advantage altogether with the Vposition and its ooura us leader. I he dav Droeented two note le features U POIIKIIOII ll IBI COUPE ll! IOIIIIBF. Tllne day presented noun footureou the less important the practical failure olbhe conservative leader, and the more important.` the Iplendid speech and the still more nlendld ooumge 1 ! the liberal leuer. Mr. Lnuriora 4. a.. .........x....u..v. ...,...n nnlnn aovmuulm MIABUHE ou- - FINDED IV runnn. not In lnu-In loves the In outing` loin-A Iononblo Day In the Do- IIIIOI Ions-Ir. tastier`: Insula- ocnt Plea lot oololllnlou-It. Clarke Value lxplnlnu III: III llnd to lnnvo In uovornnnnc-The Adjournmono of Ike Iouo load by J. D. ldgsr. Ornwn, March 8.--Tho dny bu been one of who most notable which the parlia- ment of Canada bus on. Tho Inuront. of nix years vs: summed n In the p Inga 0! an nfbornoon. an the wane: upon . VI lob the lamina ol Onnndn hung woro ouellnod In the May which wu formally launohod. On am sick of tho govornmonh the d: had no unrprlu In Qoro, hr, In policy g bun Inld down. nohin1 ro- minod but wipe out tho In lb my of no olounth hour withdraws! mug thud in tho WI] marked out. 3 r hm-In Tuppor took upon hlmolf the duty of lnunohln and dohndlng bho govornmonth mllnv. Q . Ind hunbondod his st:-onnbh launohln sud dohndlng um govcrnmonn llo . elm! strength or t o ocoulon, and elaborately prepared hlmooll for whn wan to be |\ rut. oorb. nln nnhlln nvnrnnnnn nlnnn ll I\.lnfAl'- C01-IRCION B1;y._nnBATIa_ on. !"oI0or-~Wlnh would you invoati IIIII D] VIIIHO 0 nn Canada Quoow Athena:-Oonon 5-- Sun Dry I. Hm her tho: coll oh. 0 to column WILL v\'IIIIDIl.'l:I`L. utin monnlntl all; ohugd burning nont- onlor. UN pudloohrp bdngtln thy math public that nqyor luau Ill black- :l.hdu_nlIwu `|hv::bPoa7un:`IIul\onu outrun an sunn- diunnnl. * -1 If TTICIVIFI I -l`I-.I"n Tnrouto lqnm. It won non Principal Guns who vru opokonoluttouoou-sortotlolua Rev. D. J. lnodonnoll in St. Andnvb. bun Us brother, who In lihtila I Olnndinn. and who In now mlnhtu-in; :0. Damien. Bootlnnd. Ihvo uhonl Inna. Mom-u.uI., Inch 4.--an Donnld Buick nmllntd loans Bbphnlnvu cotton- thbcll |l0.lIl) towards dofnying sh worlln` oxpnnnl ol tho Boyul Vhhtft Iionpih for Q put yur. I M donut hutch Iodaomouu in Willhw. 018.. Qhln mombul til it nlunul will hunch: -an-an at an I -I nu-Iv-IIU vvullrt-run l`mI.u|u-nu. Pm. hlnmh 4.- l`ho auto aupnmo oourt shin morning Lfrmotl the int of murder in the Mn d in the ' of u-mun W. Mn an H. H. H . found guilty in t a court. of cyst and minorollhe murder ot Bonjuniu F. Piotnl. _ A III` -I llrijlluln. Buumox. Mnmh 4.-A fruit houao. In- I in; to Wm. Wide. Iihuntnd at the (I. l`o..;f. nation. caught re from the move I: night and Inn changed to the grant of Ol.000. Inaund. About 250 horn]: of apples. ovmod by Coylo, of Oolbomo, were burned: no innunnco. only Ill: Dlgnlty Aoctoal. A1.1u.~'\', N. \`., March 4.--Hov. Morton and Col. Marvin wot-0 thrown from A car- rine about two o'clock this afternoon va-hie boin dnlvon from the executive mansion. `the axle bmko and the wore thrown to the ground. Noithoro them wuuinjurod. . u.._. A - -_._;.,._ II!!! want u: IJIIIOI. Haunx, March 4. --The one of Sir Charles Tuppor against. Robert McConnell for allogod criminnl libel wn culled in the nolico court to-lay before city nbipondnry `iolding. John Dunn was placed on the witnoll Itand. but the lawyers did not nuc- med in getting much informntion out 0| him. WILLIAM IERUUEON. Hlurl County Ihorl I Oflloo. City of Klnguton. Thirteenth n o! In-nu-y. mu. 'l`nI.v1~nN, March -1. --Lut night; about twelve u`olock ro was discovered in the store owned by George Crown and occu vied by W. J. Mcbomb. momhnnt. tailor. he m brl nde promptly mepouded and uvod the bui dim: from nnv wrest dnmun. The HI` DTI ue pl1)mp(.l_v rocpouueu IHU IIVUU bui ding any great damage. couatmwa were slightly damaged by smoke and water. Lou fully oovomd by inim- |'\l\l`l`, VIII IIIIIIIIII |u-uIy- Tuuowm. Mnrvh 4. - The funeral of l.auiy Smith took place this mornin . Though primus there were I large nttonll non of personal friends of thodeoeaaod. Amon others pmaout were Sir Mnclmnnie Bnwel . pmmior of Canada; Col. Prior. nuncroller of inlnnxl revenue; Hon. Ai- phrmno Donjnrrline. miniptor of militia, nud Sir John Carling, nil fellowmomhern of Sir Funk Smith in the Ottawa mbinet. Triad to Get. Into: Vnult. l'uIn` Horn. Mnmh 4.-Thia morning, when the caretaker of the opera lmuno Wm! cleaning the hall ho disoovemd A hole cut Lhmugh the Iloor directly over the vault. of the Traders` bank. The police dl9(`0\`0l`01l that robbers lmd gninod access to the St. Lnwmnco Hull howl. nlnaed for the winter. thence to the opera houso. ll it had not been that the opera house was to be used to-nightfhoroia no doubt. but that the rnhbura would noon have been in the vnnlt. to-nlgm. more us unuom on man me robbers would soon have vnult. `hie morning} (rand lodge, .\ddl`OBI was ..ppoe|bion was 1 - .:nunciat.ed by the pp . .uka as if that part, 0! the .g to Manitoba separate nchou .: federal government`: ac- tion in .149 will bemhrown out. N. Clo no Wnllnce. Iupreme grand mne- Ler, arrived in the city this morning and received a cordial receptionff the former were delentuou. (ion. Albertans`: brigade, the report says. had advnnood too far And lost. contact. with the mnin army. To protect. them he was obliged to move forward. The white troops of Alberhonda command did not rs- sin. the assault of the Abyssinian: and iell book in disorder. hindering the artillery fmm taking position. The blank croono of the brigade were taking ponluou. The black troops brigade braver and fought with more valor and vlgor than the whiten. It, in dltcult, Gen. Banner! nya. to ascertain the Italian looses accurately. Large numbers of men are miulng who are supposed to be dead or to have been taken prisoners. her of man Innunou In wmon I nworumu hn rouiop Ind boon made of the mutant nus renourou of the province. Tho im- pcrlll government. he claimed. laid grout. strou on web honpltallby. and aorou the line it won Imlnuinocl In greater mm than here. Tho salary, ho oontondod. should be 020,000 in order to ontoronln In A nrnnnr mmmnr. and he Added int the should bo 020,000 In order no onurmn m n propor manner. and Qmr liouunnm.-governor In Ontario with 020.- 000 did vo than on much ontornlning u the governor-general with 050,000 ulury. Pins: The (Ienonl comm nndlng Len The Feet: Before the lullnn Government. Roms. March 4.-Gen. Bm-ntIeri'e re- rt oi the battle fought between the Ital- mn troop: in Africa and the Ab eeinlnna oppoeing them he been receive by tho overnment. The report explains why the tnlhmn were obli ed to make the attack upon the Abyeeiu ans u they did and why the former defeated. 11.... AH\Arfnnn'n hriundn. the runort -.-"... -....-.. r.,, , , Inpporu Wallace. WA-runv1u.x, Q-:e.. March 4.-The Que- boo grand Ornnge Iod . in session hero, P" `;::r:..I.1:,;r.:.:L".;.: .*:.::*:.'";::. `-ho course urnuod by . C. nledging In m augport In hie : \ppoaibion to he obnoxious frntulntlonn were sent to ' Ontario wont, trusting `ona willcondnco to the order, the preserva- mnd the integrity of Manitoba !- Oliver now In mo onur. Hon. John Beverly Robinson. an ex- Heutemm-governor. mu onmlnod. Ho coutcndod thnb tho govormnont. house was a part. of the dl lomnmo oonhre, by means of with the oourwalu A u.. nmvlnnn can gxmndgd b{ means of which the oourw-nu o the provinces were extended bo dllunguhhod vilibon And vs I num- ber of nuoh lnnunou In whlo I favorable c.........am. Iml hann made of oqulpmont. And wlhh I ospuowy [or between -(our and lln undrod on- bln, and In hhomnd tlgorrd 0:131: punn rl. n rag to I . l. 0 wlll bo'r.qulrod to make (Monty-one knot : ln null-hour trial run. Ind to be oapnblo olordlnnry ocean Icumlng at I rpm of twenty knob an hour. Thiy wlll ho ol not on than 8.600 bona. The Canadian gov- ernment`. wlll lvon Iubuldy of 0750.000 a your whloh I. Brltlnh govdinmonb wlll an Dugout: by an nnmml nubvontlou of ----:--:q:--- _...u.. _ n nnAino-A'|nn'l'| InhrI1OII'CO'OI`ll0I' DOC! -2! jun- ulnlnl `IBM In llonmot-Oounl. Tonomo. March d.---The nlooo oom- mlbuo, nppoinud hy the loginluuro to on- qulro Into the ndvlublmy of tho maln- bomnoo or dlooontlunnoo of the vern- monb homo. mot thin morning Iv tlhlr Ollvur blown in the ohnir. um Jnhrn Rm-nrlv Robinson. The government ennounoee um bender: I wlllbe edged term In eerlyd delzpfron pononnor rmnw n ooun te running of e line olneb lawn four Iutz euemehir between the B0. In-enoe and e Irma port. Helm: being the Oenedlen terminus In the winner. v The veeeeln no notbo be Inierlor to the Ten- tonio,o!the Whm Star line, In nenl and with oepeo by for betmeon hundred `oe- In-nine Principal`: nun. Qn 1\InnbAln IHOU|.0 it 1 CAUSE of THE DEFEAT. SHER|Fl_= S' S/_\_LE| an lIl\nll'\Q . In an A-urn A Flu At Brighton. ... u....|. 1 A 0.... MAINTIINID. run VDLILY `nmrtsn -wan; WIDNSDAY. MARCH 4,, 1393 wunmwx. 11.1.. nun: c.-4maun- dnmorniug Purringwn MoKibhon.Dn\_Ir. N. .,diI.h-onnoun olIln|nut.`u :00 Lman r. NoK6bI:.I. who ton punnpr wan Dung Ind Wmrooum. .e.r':I'a.u.a., morning In a sly good Indth. Winn mu hovruobligullohkuo khlolch rmduhulnnimmmbh In nu round concerned In a sunny: on no Junu Oloou. plum, half I am hon Sh o-romofthn murdor. H0 in I (Baum. nbontRLy:nn o\d.u1d|snln0n in the man u t. nvunhon yous. He II: up: some fullest and ha a criminal ro- coni. Min Tnsbbo van 5 hmduono roam o( oxoollonl ohnchr. nonouniurounoou nu ll enuinguuluicnwaylu ovulxundit in with 80 usual in list It unnunduonclhhnunndthnnnnun mot vmuulu-I xmro noon gnu menu long. and Iungod itinto he: built jun: above HI! N... Min Trobbo uni I0 I50 Inn: and n.`.n| In III. on mhnnlng Ilnntlnln .'.`L`.`."u".`l .`sL'.7" r.."'b.."..'I`"a' oor and dial in Mt on minutes Ihnloin found concealed In hyuhd Ch Jams Oleou. nlnm. ' Bought from an import house 1,, mtxejh below regular price. We F7-7`kiV'Q'-our customers the` benet of .tho LOW PRICE. Also IIITDIQIH l(I)lB(I OVOT X U|DlIlIlU' IIKI mid: "honllo. will you marry me? She replied impntiently : "(lo urn lrom me. Don't. bother me." u..o|.|.. nuns hstn ORA nnnlrw nan.` non": oomor mo. llntthln vmnt. Into the pantry. onmo bnol witlm dirk knife nbonl. ugh! inch: Inna. and nlnmnd it into hot brunt hm. Wonld No! Return AIoc\Io|-P|In[od n Dlrl Itnln Inc nor Irout. H.u\1-mms, Comm. Month 4.~-Louho Trobbo. thirty-ve n old. daughter of the lam Hermum Km... vru mnnlond at 8nut.h Wunohonuor on Snhmlny by On- pnr Hnrtlu . a fnrm hind. Hnrtlnin. n love with Ms victim. humor- xnrtn mm: mm. Hnrtloin. u love with his victim. impor tuned her to marry him. She did no\ ro- cipmoowo his nboon. On Batlniny he was combing her hair in the lwohon when llnrtloin looked over her shoulder and -dd. ||I.`nln. -lII nan: nun:-on may Bk` wnwr mu tour nae: deep an we mmnoan sections. Ice and lo son-bod Into wharvoo and houses tipping 8 cm ox-er.nnd in many mass can ing them away. The loan In Hnllowell A estimated to in 815,000 and in Gardiner IINI Fnrmingdnlo at over M00,- 000. mumwen mm uurmner. wwua In nnlne. have ouch exporionred the moat disanroua ood ever known. Stores were ooded. Water four feet deep in the bunlnoan nentiunn. [co and lmn nrnnhod lnm wluu-van \\'m, Thornton. Chnbhmn. pumhued A beofnmnk. part of which he aha, leaving the bnlnnc-o in a nupbonni. Before cook- ing what was left. he Va A piece to M0 mt. Thu nnimnl rli noon nfmr in vinlnnt. my wmu: Ion. no Va pnece to ma cut. The animal di soon after in violent. npnumu. The men was charged with alyryclmine. Thornton has communicated nun tcionn to the police. no mvolnt.ionnrv forces in Nlcnrumn mono m we pouco. rovolxniomxry Nlculgua hnve auoml signal defeat. A boulomhioh lnataxl eight, honfn, oc<`.ui`|'bd M. Nqnvoto. the rebels being defanmtl and dinpomod. Before they ed, however, they not ro to the town. /The government was thirty killed and oi My wounded. The lather - were taken to lomngnn under the can of the u.n.......n .....| u....a.-..... ........ c.. u-z.._ pron-Iumn. llll) uoague wmopen perma- nent nubm-iptionn In uinl n! the Cuban war fund. and ulnvmbiona of even the smallest. I`niun\\i|l be received III every pcriahin Spain. Thornton. Uhnbhmn. numhued W0 have Iomo nxnsllont hlnh grade Bath Sponge: In stock. The print runs from Ill to Ilnnd extra good value at that. We now: luv butter nponaeu null for Ia:-m, but hnvn Oon IIOIJ worse Ipongos null for more. A ` ntlly good lnhlng upnnao In uunhh comfort that It pan to not the but. 0! course we have full llno of oholp Iponcen nlno. Haw: mm nnnn Hm Slnrnhnnn Flnntlnn nnn Li Hun Chang. vhe famous Chinese viveroy. WI I visit the Umted Sbelzee next. summer M guest. of Hon. John W. Footer, who noted an counsel for the Chinese com- mission in the nemelnellt. of the war be- tween China and Jon mu, and who spends; his summer! over I 0 wow In \Vnl5ortow'IIl A U.m...|s u-.unnn`.. nah-uni-in In-nun L..- Inn over me way In vvuortow-1|. A Hpominh women`: pnmotio I uo has been Inrmed; which ombracos the r ch and poor uliko. Queen regent. C`\riItinn| In pron-ixlunt. The league will open nvnt ouubsm-imionn the Cuban war non [or me common.-4 tor norm nenlrow. A party of Cuban insurgents made an am.-k upon 8 um Tannmo. yesterday. and were repulaeditber thirty-nix hours ght- ing. The snmll Spanish garrison euered severely. The enemy lost 100 killed or` wnundotl. M r. unnI.... mm, ..c 13...: I(u,.|..... ....., I Wnu|I(I0(l. M rs. Kitvhen, wife of Fred Kitchen. ma- chinist. Montmal, on Bundny, attired In her night (Irena, atunrtod downstairs. She onught, her foot. in the gnrlnenmlell. turning rompletely and breaking her neck against n wull at the bottom. 11...... ...... s......a....a ...... .I.......a \\`ulI no we oouom. Over one hundred men, droued in bloomers. with bishop nloovoo on their counts, were the nctmction M. the leap year party in the opera house. Fort. Wuhing- um. Win. Tho aocietv voum: men nrmmred pnrny m we opera nouao. A-orr. v\namng~ ton, society young arranged um bloomers as n mrprioe for tho young Indian. Ii unnn l`|..nu- DI; 'n|m\nnn f`|\iu`.4. canned manta re( ulrea. The oorrespoment of the Berlin Loki! Anneiger. in Constantinople, in authority for the statement -that Runia hen Inked Turkey to ex xel all En linh and American missionaries mm Asia L Inor. The \-mioua section:-I of oonuliatn in Ot- tawa. Kingston. London, Hamilton, To- rmto. Winnipe , Montreal. ebo., have de- cide(l_ to eetab iah the Imtionel()4\nm|inn executive headquarters in Montreal. Owhm tn innmuimr measure of busi- oxecuuve nemlquaroers In monnrsm. Owin to increasing pressure ness. ne to the serious illness of his brother and business partner. Thomas Murray has resigned the liberal nomina- Lion for the for North Ronfrow. A nun-on nf Pulmn in nwoanin muln nu The surplus Is $8UU,UUU. The contracts supplloa British North American squadron have just been accepted. and Armour & Co.. of Chloe 0; will furnish all the salted Ind canne manta rululred. nnf. nf thn Rnrlln Lnknl Thu nnrrannnnu fholhcobnnrlinod. wanmowx. N.\`.. larch .-0n Bun- Inv vnnnnino Pun-lnninn MnKlIhnn. Ihrho, HOBAT'S I