Why They Trade At menu. Pennington Mnrephernon. of his daughter. Mrs. K. N. knowledged the receipt. of at nvmnalhv unused bv the Miss J. H. Rees mnde nppucauon Iur the position of instructor of sewing in the public uclmols. Mu-A Alice Keyes made a similar request. Referred to _oommiLt.oe on school management. l\llua (1 Lnvinlt requested that she be tee on school management. The report. of Lhe committee on nance was preaenwd by T. C. Wilson. The pay- ment. of the following accounts was recom- mended : Hunter 4'. Hnrold, $6.50; Selby & (.30., supplies, 5.l`2~L`.l`2; Berlin School Sup- ply 00., $10 30; Cmmdinn O. & S. F. Co.. furniture. $13 ; London Guaranboe Co . `bonds, 810; C. A. W'elln. lmck, 82.50; Hooch dz Cu.. coal. $43.2-l; Simmons Bros . $l93'2. On motion of Mr. Wilson, second- ed by Mr. Sam`.-, the report was adopted. G. Y. Chowu naked what the bonds con- lll IIILI uu.u5Iwvn. tuna. ... ... DFI;vI`0B'()l;lLi0ll nfeympathy used by the board at the Lima of the oath of the lube Dr. K. N. Funwick` Fvled. l)nu I P Hnrmnn. rector of Grace Fvled. Rev. J. F. Uormnn, church, Ottawa, asked the bond for in- furumtion concerning the working of the religious instruction in the public schools here, with a view to having a aimilnr ayir rem introrlnced into the schools at. Ottawa. (`lie i-ooromry reported he hnd vent the de- v~ll'6(l information. Acmnmunicnrion was read from A E. Loscombe, asking for A share of insurance on school property. Referred to committee , nn llnnnvn. Mine 0. Lovick requested nppuinwtl an assistant. examiner at the en- trunoo examinations Referred to commitr school management. 'n.. rnnnrt. of Lhe finance Mr. Sear.-, the reporn was Mnopwu. (L Y. sisted of mentioned in the report. The chuirmnn replied thin. the bonds were fur- nished by a guarantee company to protect the board agmni-It any loss which might. oc- cur through any uct. of Lhe treasurer. The board puys the premium of one per cent. The librnry and printing committee naked that it, be empowered to purchase about $10!) wurLh~o! educational work for the librury. AfLer careful consideration the cominittoe recommended the purchase ..r.. ..r.-"I. nmitlml "Lihrarv of Hishoric `sinom Bomuguanrluc. cominittoe rocuinnienuen mo purcmusu nfu work entitled, "Library (,`hurucLera and Famous Events," consist.- ing of Len volumes. On motion of T. C. Wilson, seconded by A. Horn, the report mu mloptod. E. Bennett suggested that the library committee piocure some books that. would furnish uuibubla reading mat.- Ler for eluilnr luring the winter months. With mfcreiive to the bonk rocommenrl or! for pnrchnne by Lha coinmibbee. T. C. Wilson said it was the bent book of refer ence thus could be purchased for the lihmry. Chmrimin Meek nlao said the L.....l. .. uulmuhln mm. and a book that Meek Also Emu Ina hunk wn~ ii vnlunblo one. and ulmulxl be in the public school library. The lollowing III II summary of the in- HpecLnr's report. for the month of February: The total number of pupils enrollod won '.'.`. .')4. In February last year it was 2.272: (lcurenso, elglileen. The uverago daily at- Lendnnco wnu L752. In Februnry of last. year it, was 1,9! I; decrease. I430. The per` (`,(!lll.I\[,[8 nf average daily nuemlunce to en rollotl mteiulmme WIIF as follows : Cenhrnl school. T`) L ; Vii-Lorin school, 81 3; Louise nchoul_ 80 5; (iutH|"( lll l|(?l|00l, 8; Queen nLriml.nu|um|.75 ll; \ ullmqtmint,reet.achonl, 7. ) 7; Willmviinville school, 71).; From.enno POIVTS ABOUT OUR. . .. ,,-) ,; unim- Iohuol, 68 -1. "Flu. rmlnt-,1 Tim reduced attendance was caused by the severity of the wenbhor and by who pre- vulonee of o-ivkne.-:4 in Lho city. 1.. .1... I.a..rIn..;..rr.mm ninetv-six mmils of o-ivkne.-:4 III we Clby. In Lhe kindergurwna ninety-six pupils were enrolled, nun] the average daily at,- teuduncu wun sixty-four. The average daily atmemlmnne at. the Central school kin- nuteu was unly eighteen. The director of thin chm: hm-4 no nnaisbullta and is unable t.u ruceive the pupils whn In-A upplymg for urlmiuuinn ..J ...a .... LU rucunu unu puynn 771-1-- udlnisu-inn. The teacher! in all the school rooms ex <-epL|n;z thaw nf Lnun-e school are reported an luving tuken Lheix turn in the auper~ vn.-inn of Lhe plny ground.-. "nnnrfl wvrn gnvan [,0 [I19 Dunp i" H Lhe plny ground.-. l{npurt,n were given puriln ull the nlu-ms nhuve the Part I gun 0. Seven pupils have I-nlferetl from concur ginua Ii-om-en,nmI {our lmvo died since clu- lunt. report wan prevented. Tem:ler:- were absent. twent `seven ha] days. The amount of fees on lecbec war $20. There were seven lrunncien. but In suspensions. On motion of Joseph Wilson. ueconded ; On Joseph by J. U. Ellmu. 8100 was plaoed no the credit. oltha lubrury commiuoo. ` uenuu In blpu vu-umu. Mrn. Mary A. Trumpour, (3upe,\'incent.. died on March 5th. Her surviving children me: David A. Trulnpour, Bay City. Mich; Richard M. Trumpour. Capo Vincent; Mrs. lhnunh Clapp, Mi-s l`at.ience Trumpour, mnn... nut : Man. James R. Booth. Der Clapp, Minn nuance lrumpour, Pictxm. Ont : MIA. oronto. Ont. ; Mrs. Ira Wnnhburn, Smokeh- Hurbor; Mr:-. Alex. Pigden. Capo Vincent. The death of Fred. Rionbook, Capo Vin- cent. bookphcce Friday last. Mr. Bion- beck haul grippe. from which be was re- covering, when he suorod n relnpoo and nlnwly lnilod. Mr. Rieubeck wu one of Cape Vineonva exam lnry citiu a. Chu-lea Shomrd. npo Vinca ; died on lnWl_V muuu. AVA]. uuuuuwun --u vuv V. Chnrlea Shopard, npo Sunday. Mr. Shep-ud had been in poor health since. September but. He wu lorty yeun nfago, born and always resided in (ma. Vinmnt. A. J. Shonml. Cluumont; nfago, born and always reuaou in 011.1% Vincent. She nl, Fred. Shepard. Nnpanoez rs. John Rob~ bins, Cape Vincent; Mrs. William Noblo. }n Jose, CAL ; Mia. DeFonIt. Stall. Penn an; Mrn. Gilbert. Robbins, Bessemer City. N.C., are surviving childnn. __ .. _ A -__ -;_ n-_u.___n_ lune: lontlonod tor the Bishop:-Io. A` Montreal paper bu been dincuuing mndidnea lor the biahopric of the new Ocuwg diooosqnnd mentions the unmet ol Archdeacon IAuder,Rov. E. A. Hun- x....o.... l2.`a Munldnnton. Perth: Run! olArcl;do1|00n Lauder, Nov. 11.. ll. nun- lngtnn, Rg'i.\Muck|outon. Perth; Donn Pnlhrd, Si. `John : church. Otcpvl; Rev. Mr.- 8nowd6n_ St. I church. Octun; Rev. Mr. E'|iott., Car ton Place; Ru. Mr. Throop. knntroal: Canon Du-_ monlln. Toronto; biahob of Queboc, and Binhpp Courtney. of HAHKL V Rm-. Mr. Hnnninaton. It point: out II Binhpp Uouunoy. 0! Hunt`!- Ror. nnnington. point: more pmbsblo shun any othon. II N! con- nection with raising the ngogpnry funds pmbsble shun othon. III! con- raising needed?` for the diocese have made him )0` known ..|......-r.....;. `.1: Oh: n..-mu. `rho Oman the diocqoo have made him ll Known throughout . all the pariu-boo. The alarnvnen. howovor. laugh at 0-helm. and throughout. all the pu-in-hes. The U!-awn cl men. however. In h at `he list. any I. mentioned eandn avenue not. my more prohchlo than lull A hundred othoru who could be monuom . Ir. lhnni - ton in I y spoken in Ottawa an E buuoia oupu-Iu.- nee. uJ. Rees mnde npplicacion for M. at i...u.mr-.r.nr of sewing Iernon, at. the request . Fenwick, ac- `ipt. the resolution tn... Ian. I). K N position of nhool. Wm. lICIICI'VIl- Perfect Flt. Choloest Stock. Flnut Looking. Made to order in Black and all shades of Tan. A lborknblo OI.-lnhnl one In Autnlh. "flu longing Judge." Slr Wlllln/m Wlndeyer. ohlel Justice at Naw South Wales. is traveling In this oounlsry. He has been on the bench for 16 year: and In very unpopular with the nonnlnoo on account of his oxrqremq lover- ' and In unpopum: mm ...... puluoo extreme ty. The event which contributed moat tohia unpopular-lty was the now famous hum mm. which eclipsed ovurythlng In me now xnmuuu Donn case, the annals of orixnn in New South Wales. George Donn was tried before J udgo Windeyor on A charge of attarnpting to kill his wits with poison, and the part played by the moulding mngistrnbo during the trial was so obnoxious to tho public that he baomne known as tho Botany Bay hanging Judge. Deon won the mum of n ten-yboul ply- ing bomwoon iydnuy and I Iubnrh. B0 in I gonna man who workodhin way np (tom I nmblo position go, the oomcwhhb to- a ibis oioeot manta: of I fan-ybool p ying between Oimuinr quay and the SIR WILLIAM WINDEYIIL north shore. Sydney. 1I'IG is so years of age. and in March, 1894, married May or Mary Seymour, whose mother was a ripe mid sinister fruit of the British convict syaiem. But Dean was is popular feiiow among a wide oiroie oi` acquaintances, and when, in March of last year. he was an- tested and charged with having attempted the life of his wito-whioh in New South Wales is on oonse punishable by death- nearly the entire population of the ooiony insisted on believing him innoosnb. Dean ongnged Richard D. Meanher. in well known Sydney solicitor. to defend him. rm... n-mi wan nmost sensational one and .____._T forums} BPINION wem ABTRAY. Sydney solicitor. to uerenu mm. The trial we: amoet senentionnione reeulted in iheounviotionot thodnfendant. Judge Windeyer sentenced him forthwith to be hanged. This wrought the public up to A high state` of exoitmnent. Judge Windeyer had puhiiciy declared from the bench that he believed Dean guilty. and some of the Sydney papers took him aev vereiy to task for this expression oi` his opinion. Then the citizens defense oom- .luii-tae, which espoused I)enn`n cause. brought forward 1; lot of new evidence, and in commission was nppoiuted to look into the ease. 'I`|\n nnn\n\|5I|nn' I-m\m'1'. resulted in the the The commission's report rusulted release of the prisoner. and the biggest kind ofu jolllontlon ennuod. It is re- oordedln the Sydnoy papers that thou- aauda of people rode on Dean's forryboat during the ausulng four weeks to shake him by the hand. 'l'lmn thm-e was another turn in events. mm by the hand. Then there Monaher. who dofuudad Dean, was elected to a seat In pnrllnmont as n rasulr. of the part. he played lu the case, but on the oor ol pnrllument the crown prosecutor made a attwemont that Meugher had ndmllat-ed Dean's gum to him, and another sensa- tlon developed. Maugbor was forced Into oonfesalou and was arrested and oonvlobod on D ohnrgo of oounplmcy. Donn also made A oonfmaslou and was arrested, trlod and convlomd on (I charge of perjury for Iwem-lng to lulu own luuocouoe. Both Monglmr. Donn nnd others In the onnnplr- may am now lu Jail. Interior stone: Mndo to Look Like DIA- -.......|. at um Pint Wntor. mono: In ll!!! l'Il'ID vv-nu. Swlndllng by nmuns of counterfeit. prov clout; stones is very dlloulz ln those days. The old wnya of counterfeiting gems are well known to all jewelers and pawn- brokers. rm... Infant mm! nf dlnmnnd swludlo con- \I|I.A|_.L.EN&SON brokers. The latest kind of diamond Ilints in "nwunntruuting" 11 prior utono. A wonmn swindlod the manager of u trust. oompnny in New York very neatly in few days ago in this way: She succeeded in borrowing sovnrui thunsaudsot dollars up- on some uppuromly very handsome stones. The ununl tests for false stones were ap- plied. but the diamonds withstood them successfully. Sumo duys afterward it was discovered that tho diamonds had been painted. or re-constructed," and were worth much less tylmu the money loaned upon them. Orluinnliy they were oi (3 ant- . tron yoiiow and worth oompumuvoly limo. I The woman was nrrosted, but she could and worth oompumuvmy uum. The woman nol.bopunlnlm1. tllm lmd burrowed mou- oy on diamonds and glvou dlnnmnds as so- ourlty. Them In no law agulnst muklug a diamond look as wall as posslblu, and she was (llscluugod. rm... nnuuuiu nf mnkhm n chnnu yellow dlscluugod. Tho proousu of making chnnp yellow diamond look like u bluuwhitu atoueiu very simple. The nppnmtuu 1-oqulmd .1; n little alcohol and fl couple of indelible pen- ..n. I-nnnnI.i\'nlV blue and uurplo in color. nloohol nud couple or mneuole pen- olls. respeotlvely blue purple Those penclls arts ground up and mlxed wlbh nloohol and wnwr. The resultlug dye ll llghtly passed over thedlnmond and lmmedlately wnnhod oil by running water. Bumolouh nnlllue nsmnlul on the dlunoud to noun-ullze the yellow tlnga of the stone and change It Into ll benullful steely whlte. Nothlng wlll remove lt but alcohol and water. A yellow dlamond worth about: $40 15 carat. beoomus n atone whloh appears to be worth $lB0 a carat. utter belng t.rent- 1 ad with the aulllno dye. BIIOII For nu vwu uv-nu. W. P. Thompson, ex-state treuurer oi Won Virginia, Whose wealth exceed! $100,000. and who in in apparent good health, had an expensive vault erected, and some wooks ago ordered A vniuebiu ouket. for him romaine after death. The undertaker wee aiow in making delivery, Ind Thompson purchased a casket: from Another undertaker. The ratrundertakor brought. suit` for dmnnnee. and there wane ttini. Thmnpson defended his own one end won. . l`homps-on lived in an elegant. mansion In iiuutingwn, bute few weeks ago hnd n huiidinaoreowd withlnesmnel throw of the cemetery and moved there. He stated that. he winhad no domonatruiou at his (lunch. it in lhe'i1rst instance on record where a man has been Iued over hil own ooiiln and defended his own cue. Bovon Pnnlnllmont of Hullnoon. I All of the row of the Russian agship In the Pnclo who recently oaunod trouble I by mutlnoun oonduot have been sent In a body, It In sold. to hard labor in Siberia for mo, their places being taken by: fresh any lent. out from Rural. - . Oollplalnh ununuu-a. Thou purely vegetable ill: have for ten years roved to thousan e of aulfemrn that they no-no equal as n remedy for liver corn lnint. Thai wt. upon the liver in 3 mil yet. `very t. orough manner. ra- 'lieving congeati and removing obstruc- tiona. Try Hp hon : Pill: of Mandrake `and Butternut. the great family remedy. All dealerloll them; also at Roche :-1 drug -On:-A ` A Natural Bounlllor. K111`: Clover Root, Tea puries the blood and given A clear and beautiful oompluion. For uh Ac Wndo a drug atom. A. K Moboneld. e copyiet. in the Re- corder : otoe. St. Louis. died Int Bundny. When etriehen he wee workin on record book l3|3. he was engeged n entering deed: I3, which in led Feb. l3I.h. Ho wee buried by undertaker Cnllinene, of 1313 North Jeereon avenue. The amper- etltubiouely inclined comsrue theee cir- cumeunoeelnto an evidence of fatality. my an-n-"oi MilIer`e Emnleion will cure cumlunooqlnto BVNIOVIOO ol mum]. Bk docofol Miller's tln mouuovonomnghoroold. Ono lu-go boulo will earn bcunohltiu. No oil` um like othon. Pnlnbblo an cram. n big bottle: I00. and Cl nc Wade : drug store. 6 lb. pull plum jun Mm. 5 lbs. ginger min 2513.. ll lb. rupjnn 950. J. Cnur L_9QII_|a_r_"3_|?i_*_ ford. -- Anti-um bargains. We an may: be. ` law the sunny on prion. Sat 3:11. ` A NEW DIAMOND SWINDLE. Sued For Ell Own Oon. . n-u,_..,.._.__. .... ....o.. 4....--1 IlI'I I!IlI'.l'Illll. run: pun Oonplunt. Ono: Don. .......I.. mu-.o.hIn nilh h 18. 1896 {THE NEWS OF rm; msnucf| SPICE OF THE ARTICLES IN THE | ...o\unn-u Lnpulen A nuns The Now: Put Into Condensed !hApo-'I'ln lplnodu That Create Talk In tho Conn- trv sud lieroobonu-A Column of Inor- oulng noun ` F. Scaqtlion. Lanurk. bu returned from Montreal. ' Mr r`nI'nn hm: rnhnrnntl in Lnnnrlr A Montreal. Mr. Cnllo has returned to Lannrk. He will meide L ere in future. Mrs. Geo. K. Stevens, Delta, paused awn addenly on Mohda . T er"Lunnrk public ncgool held a very st-.65:-ful concert. on Friday evenin . Miss M. McDermott., Cnrleton Pfxce, in the guest of Mine G. Reeve, Lunnrk. Special can-incl are being conducted in llrrowomilh by 307. J. 3. Robson. . Grnnao dnv at Thouund Island Put Iurwwnmun by luv. J. D. Mouton. Grunge day Island bu been xed at Tuudny, Au . 18th. A lnrnre amount. of ion has n hlin gin Inning. Ina- .-NI-I 0!- ':::*.:.'..:;: - 1: '8.W&rO.I. .Ou'u#h HI. 0000 IXOQ II Llliialy, III IOFII. A lar amount. of ioo huieon taken out of t a river this week for Lnnnrk mor- chants. F A Jnwunn nlnhvu that nan. Vinnant cmma. C. A. Jerome claims that Cape Vincent will have a stronger baseball nine bhnn ever lhis year. 8. K. Tuawell. Stalls. ntbendod tbol `DI! year. 8. K. Tugwell, Stalin. attended the grand legion of Select. Knights in Toronto this week. Jnunnn Flnunlna nnn nf 7iIIinm vlnvnina bma waox. James Fleming. non of William Fleming. lelv. Stella last. Friday for California to im- prove his health. James Jaoluon. near Lnnnrk. sells his ms nealtn. James Jacluon, bnnrk. farm and amok. Ho intends going to Da- kota in the sprin . Mrs. James nrtin I son and sunoort. mcnaru wooa, uelu. commmoa noynu on a charge of lunacy, ha: been discharged. Doctors pronounced him sane. Mr. mv. Pnrhnm. has rented James Doctors pronounced mm Mr. Gray, Parlmm. has Luke's blacksmith eho , Hartingbon, and open! buaineu on Mon ny. Em\nvi|le has another now resident-A. Iona in me spnrruf. Mrs. James I support. was when to the uylum at Brookvillo Int: week. from Cnrloton Phoo. Dinlmu-4-I \Nn4-vl I!-It. nnmnnltlnll On (An buolneu Monday. Egnnville ` C. Schlender, from Berlin, Ont, in J. A. Smith's photograph gallery. | Several Wntertown nhvsicians are using | Smith's phonograph gallery. Several physicians using the new consumption cure. Asoptaolim Ednnn, with marked auccess. M... D.'n|-m.-A Han...-Igrn ha: nnlrl Inr nrn. Ednnn, with marked Mrs. Richard Saunders has sold her ro party on Wolfe Island to her son-in-Aw. U. 84 Miller, Wntertown, N.Y. I:`......|. hm... Rarv-u'- Ran hm: hnnn an. U. 34 Miller, Wncertown, IN. 1. Frank Dunn. Barry's Bay. has been ap- pointed ajuntice ol the peace. A magis- mrnte was required in that section. Rufus BnI,t.innr bu rented Lewis Claw : required In that section. Rufus Bombing farm, about two miles from Hnrtington, and Allen Snider bu rented Mrs. J. Eur- kor'a farm. Mr: \\I R Rnilxn and nhilrlrnn um Vililv Ber : farm. Mrs. W. B. Spike and children ure visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Purdy, Ma Hurting tun before their departure for McClure. Michigan. next week. I\.. Qu mmn. 1.... H... unnnu mini-uur from Michugnn. next week. ()n Sabbath Inez the young minister from the Newburg circuit. preached in very in- teresting and instructive Iermon to an at.- tamive congregation in the church at Hartington. The Belleville school board has decided t.o. hereafter, have the elections of truateel by ballot. and at the name times: muni- cipal elections. The remains of an old man named Mor- cipal elections. rin, who died in Athens from inammation of the lungs, were sent to Vermont. where relatives reside. rm... .........I rnnntino nf um matron: of reside. The annual meeting of the patrons the Hprtington cheapo factory was held on the Nb inst. The Business of the omuing year was nntiafnotorily arranged. M a. L I S'ble , m t on of: en- ......|:..,...e:.,. ]]\nnKin[`)\ t:nnianad.\nd ` Mrs. Leah Slb|8Ei,g`l:0EF`Bll'e8B ox I gem emlatore in Den Msiguod,nnd the business is now in charge of the assignoe. John Ferguson, Toronto. A nnrtv of Hartinqtonyoung people nssignoe, John rbrgunon, '1'oronI.o. part Hnrtington ~ oun people (hove to me home of Mrs. Ifegennun (nee Miss R.` Bnbcock) one evening In week. and report a very pleasant. time. The rnnnvntinn and addition to the Wall week. and pleasant. umo. The renovation addition street. Mebhodiab church, Brociville. will be done by W. (3. Tompkins for 817,500. The work in L0 be completed in November. Philiu F:||l.I. emnlnved in the Ontario "'-" Dougherty ""'_" Typewriter .wIIIovfIIMvovom- aunt mooln The work IF {.0 no complew Philip Fnlu. emplpyed wheel Works, l`-annnbquo, operation some years ago. connection. He left for : where he has a ml-ition. Ar Dnnhinht A unnw Mn where he has ml-mon. AL Denbight e snow had scarce! Bet.- Lled n lime, and the roads had just. hegun to be fuirly passable again, when they got hloclmrlcd unew by another old-fashioned snow xmrm on Saturday Inst. Ms... Nullin Mr-VuI=.n_ Smllmia in Toronto Snburuay Inst. Min.-9 Nellie Mr:Veen. Sl.elia,ia to ultoml the wedding of Miss Susan Tug- woll. her aunt, and at former resident. of t,|mi~lnu She has u hush of friends who wixh her lmppinms in her new relations. 'l`wn vonnnr ladies of Stella while out wixh her llpplll-`S in her reunions. Two young walking last week wnndorod away in tho fields and were completely lost. The) were ROIDO miles from the village when picked up lay M r. Scott. and brought. back. On March -uh, Matthew Wilcox, Mani- toba. sun of (icon-go \Vilcox. Wilberforce, was mnrriexl to Miss Henrietta Sweeney, dnugliwr of Ilia lute Jmuea Sweeney, of Rankin. Wilberforce. The ceremony took place in St. John`! church, Eg|n- ville. l`nul Stem. lmlnblglx, nlmougn now mus well, in uhlu again to attend mhis usi- nenn. Albert 1.. Stein and Godfrey Page. our village tailors. both under medical mm, hm-a nlsn boon nble to reaume busi- village tailors. both under meulciu care. have also ness. Henry Uranl;slmw,tli0ugl1 still very wank and ill, in beginnin to improve, and there in ovorv to hope t mt. ho will again mu-n\-nr l`0(`0\`8I`. R (l. N. Douglas. Bancroft, is in Belle- villo juil. charged with obtaining 8300, un- der false probences, from a. furmor named Campbell. Douglas claims to be 3 our oon of the British navy and ll lineal deecen am. of the famous Black Douglas. He sold on nlloged cancer cure, obtaining the money. Campbell alleges that he found on investi- gation tlml . he had been duped. Aunmn. Jnlm mm of the rlt. oioneer gallon that. he had been aupou. Augusb John, one of the rlb pioneer uettlera in Donbigh townnhip. la very seriously sick. His daughter-in-law, Mrs. Adolph John, is also down with a severe n(.t.ucll of uriune. Mr and Mrs. William Adolph John. Is also down wltn a severe attack grippe. Hrcer have both been 1-l(`l( far some time. and Mrs. A. Emiwn, now stnying with her cl-ilzlren at her father :-. in nu Ifering frmn u very painful cure of quinzy. Fodrlnr is getting very source at, Uaubigh, nnd quite 11 number of horses and cutble have nlreurly died, and it. is almost. certain Lhul. umny more will he lost. before npring, nu nearly all who nro nhorp of feed are also rhort.oft,hu necessary funds to buy any. Of olzl horses there is a auperabundmnoemml furnmrn have not now nearly the number of milch cow: and growing cattle they mmht. In hnvn. 0! mucn cows ought to have. week. lrom Unrlown ruoo. Richard Wood, Delta. committed to jsil m n nlmron n! lnnncv. ha: bcen dimhnmod. Kidney Pills first provad to the pooplo that Kidney diseuoil oumble. Being tho ` origins] Kidney remedy in pill form. tho cm-on they have made, and the fame they have nttnimul have opened the wny for 0 1.--; ._n .-...:..o:.m. ant` nnhqtitutml. bill Fr uh by Jan. 8. Mclaod. have numm-,u mwu opcuuu mu an, N. .. host of imihmiona and substitutes. bill those who have been cured of Complaint: through the me of thin won- derful medicine, thoao whom lnmo book II V , .4, , g_.._ ....x.. um... nth . nnur hnvn delll momome, Inuuu wnu--u u--nu nu... .. now free from pain, thone wh a now hnvo no headaches. those who huve oscnpod from the death grip of Dinbeton Ind Bright : (finesse by tho use of Dow ! Kidney for Kidney Discus. Bladder and Urlmry dicultiou. Lune Bank. and HM nimbl- leu roIulholdlIonlIndI.idncyI{|DuII I Kidney wk. 30 can to at Dunk [P1-In layout )3: in. ` ' `. _ are the one: whose opinion in valuable. When IOODOI of such people come lurwnrd and tell publicly tlmt Domvs Kidney Pilll cured them after other meun hilod. it in ancient um the only CURE 'il`.e. Paul Stein. lmlnbiglx, nlthough nott uibe I .-,.ll unhlu mmin to attend - ;IlEJ'|NVlV1;$ EW8PAPER8. .. ._. V.._.._._---- -->-' a Business WEI They get good shoes. They are sure to fit. They pay less tor them here than elsewhere. KIDNEY wauuuu n---cu. nun` Idny, ` bu n an-L Inn Lana:-Iv IIIAII. you In novunwer. , since it. began , has severed his Sc. Cntharinoa. JOHN TAYLbRr& Manufacturers, Toronto. ` I : The Best Place of We are in a better j trade with STEAM PACKINGS. l'\f\"I"'I'f\ All . .. I \RlCH1'l()ND& co. Steam Pipes and Fittings. Engineers Tools. Pipe and Boiler-Coverings. Machine Oils. &c . &c. You r} Issues Policies on every plan` of insurance ancluding Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or withuu? urofm. L-o rerred Premium Annuity Bonds at to I rates than any othev corrpanv I00 Wellirgton street. <'.'=ttawa. Head Ofme of the Companv. n an : "Well. then, I suppose Irnuat. let go my hold on life." Tn 0.05.. and math`... at ..n_..-up! AL. (Inn um: I! KFIKIC. But. whence cometh sure and timely hel 2 1! death In preventlble, how ? he timelv animal in : Bv scientic end Fnlluroof Phnloalnarl lautnl Ioroo-'l`o Add to Length or lAfo-Uu Dada`: Ilnlnnv Pllln. RIIII III IJ|II'IIl LII I4II"U-UII IUOIICTII Ildnoy PIIII. | With apathetic nigh how Man it has been said: uw..n Dhnn I nunhnnn in... nu an..- I now on me. To fathers and mothers of nnrenrod chil- dnn this is tragic. But. comobh aura timolv he'll`)! u autumn is prevunumo, now 1 ho timely answer By auoooaful kidney t.reItmont-by using Dodd`n Kidney Pills. Hundreds writs so thunk us and tell of Dodd`| manoy nun. Hundreds writoto their cure, but none to my chat Dodd`I Kidney Pill: have ovpf failed. |'F;s`1on _1Tn|i' s * com} A 1.__AA4_ _- IIQ- Qglnggl Q-p '.:@ , ml my loan. lot thou Art nun; Thou the moon ,.I tho who- I the lunuoo. v on the n- ! the norvuanthou 0 ynuOu- Bouinc. rod.-hot rd photon II`: no. ,- Bilionuneu. oonntlpnuou 13:6 : lint And stomach hroublu no can I by taking Wudo'I Mandrake Va Ill. Ono pill I don. 95 docs: k 30. Edd only on Walk : in; noon. 1 ' I Q` -- "I8 PBODWS [H8 HISlll`l|08 60., TOI`ulllu, I n | Bob Bu:-doth. Prue no u Ivvu V I Il\I\.I'JIIvIaIIIvI Is the result. of over 85 year! treating thousand: of ones with all known drugs. unul an nu ma haw discovered the true remedy And i.rul.ment-L oombinuion than will aoat. a prompt. and permnzmnt cure In All lagoon! Sarmal Dddfily, About or I;`1rnu.r, Nrrrrout Wmhnu, Enu'.r.n`w.v, Maul Worry, Ercusiw (he of Opium, Tobarro, or Alcoholic Stiuutlnwls, all ot - which soon lead to Insanity. Consumption and an early grave. Wood`: n"' Tl"K- Phosipbodino has bovu used auceessiully by hundreds of cues that seemed almost 1lOpt`!l)S`.|-CiL $(!$I that had hm-u imnu.-d by the most. talented physi- cinnn--caaes mm were on um verge ofda.1|:|irnndinunii.y-onaes that were towering over the gran but with iho continued And peruevering uneof Wood`: Phonphodine. than case: that had been given up to die. were restored in manly vigor and healih-Ra.-adcr you need not deupnir-no nut- ter whohu given you upu incnrnbh.~ iha remedy in now withln your ruch. by its use you cm be restored to l life of unefulnesn and happiness. Prion. one package. 81: six packngou. 33; by mail free of postage. Ont Izillfloau, Jtrguara turn! to ram-. Pumphloi. tree to In] nddrea. -I-n..- \u.....a rm... ..-.... unn.-I-mv, nnt._ Canada- . /V (9 * Alter `rnkun . Wood`: Phoaphodlne ls sold by responulblo wholesale and retail drugglats In the Domlnlon s%%% % . ._ . ` Before 1 l\4|`1\1-`I n-. .....,.o \N R. MOHAB CO.. '-Igte- K`-1qsIO. n clout. all my own- Wnmu my hurt {or that alone. Ivory horn nnponuluhrllh; Warm: hurt [or moo QIOIIO. nu naive thrills; Itch oueen my in llll. Rent end venue in v: n I orve; In eoutwy I live. 1:! usve. Douerd with hope, with rolntee bleet. Thou do-t reign upon In -rent. Glue! null, {or 1 un lb no; Burp: In: tho: nlne; meeeege, .1 be_whe- Cl"WIIlVl` 3' vvtv -*v:--V--r I landing and Ila: lobed no You; IQIIQ '1!|oIn||rn." Ilnnho. ll nhl of Ullwnlty Gnduuo a:':1E':..`-*-....;.'l.'1 ; -.'.`L":"`:." ='-.Z".:`-3 hlnhn. , . WASTING YOUR LIFE. ;{TEAriB0;4TF FsUPPLIE$ Illu puau, uxguara luau In z Mn . 5 uulyluvu u :70 vv -.., .......o._ The Wood com pany. Windsor, Ont-, Oanadmt 7| Brock Street. Kingston. `Wade's PnOspn0dIne.-2 Il\IIv\Jug COTTON WASTE. lIIII"\l ' position than ever to supply the Steamboat `:.'[`o purchase your Spring and Summer outt. We have the Finest Selec tion of The Caledonin Springs strong apcrient. Bold by All nlloblo (hours. Hotels. Drug- glnn, 000.. and OHAB UUID I G1. Iona-col. Dress Materials Lustrcs Plassp s Organdics Pomona Stripes Duchcssc La Bella Crcpons llollovlllo. Unvroru mm we cnuuron. dnughtaon. and I yur Inter Dickson unr- riod the younger. She bore him one child. lhnntime Mrs. Dinlaon married A man :a'o'2'IT:r. each believing oh3"}llh."r"|:L'&'ot; zgodnlogll Crrrford ding tyecnlgo. ut ohno w . Recon ly Kn. 0|-aw{ord-Dickson died. Thou followed I contact. for the onotody of tho child. and in mother`: than of the property. The out in still in prngnu. um} In:.'I>.n-mu. 1..-. -1.-. -.._ -....I u -.... .... 5.-amhlul `YO. U-[.1 PII-IXUI Just what. you mod if you are troubled by aching oornu. Putnam`: Pnlnlou Com Extractor Act; In thin 1731- It Inches no by aching Putnam`: rmuou uorn say. non upon. sou Ipeodil . removing tho woutoornln twenty-lnnr rs. Putnam`: Corn Extnotor. the onlj Inn can: own. j&$IV'T' "' Cohoutolnuuyuha I1I.4lnn l`ypo- WE gtquun nu, Illgnmou Mnrrhgu. I Drrnon-. Mich.`.' Mmh i2f-1n tho I ring c! 1866 Grove W. Dick:-on and dnn Juno Shut, who resided near (Hen- coo. Ont... were married It. Chnthnn. 0nt., nnd now have one child. I young man of twenty-four. El Moon yoarngo Dichon detortod his Iumi y. came to Michigan. and boonmo I farm hand for Wm_.- Cnuvlord. I -..|o,|un lav-mgr Iivlnbhnnr Hm vlllnnn nf boonmo turn: mmu nor wm_.- unuuoru, a wealth lnrmorlivln near the village of Bollovi lo. Cnvfo had two children. nnn|nOAI-I and A roar lADAr ninllnn llllf. nod mo younger. ane oore mm one onuu. Iluntimo Mrs. Diokaon mu-tied I m named Shun. and hnd again become 1 mother, the other had ob- uui-ad A loan] nanny-n.unn_ Cnulnrd rlind Partly on account 0! the [neat depth of mow many ol the lulnbot alnntloi have 31:. opentloou lot the union. Although winurwn not very {not-ahlo for Inm- bodng. 1 var, urn! amount of uli'I'r`-hip rdlwny qua. 090.. ha boon out. am` than will ngdn In comfort 0 rlnrdrlm lnnhmxllilla ` ` is secured if you use for all laundry and household pur-' poses It cleans without destroy- ing and costs you no more than a heavily resined and strong alkalied soap. Eclipse Get it from your grocer. -T /1: Great ling II`:/3 In ;-nmly, [Karn Pianos] |\JI|-g WIPING RAUS. Soap Tnkln Slcu at Golden Booc. Brook Street. IVIIV-VJ: uvuuuvn--u Ono Door Below Clty Hotel. ` and cnnsequenfly good health follows the drinking of EDUCATION AL Pretty strong reasons why you should trade at D. W. KARN & CO. .......... I. IIQO SIJTHEHLANITS. Ilv IIIIIIIV us 1 Woodstock, Ont. SHOES] evening 3% aouauxo King utnot. Kingston. 011%., at ux'noI.unn ru nu. pun In In ndvnnoa: echo:-wtu mun will be churned. | Tan Dun am-nu Wine in pnblhhod own Anvtnrlunnxg-rs. _4 ___ _ udvinoa: othorwho will be onucoa. v ' lint lmonlon In line: and over. 10. per line. loch oonucudvo lnunlon. 66. Onoo I wash vo line: And over. we. " $33: cavooi, " an. than I wool, " ac. " `Mg _lOll:unh b! I solid male. zvulvo lino: 0 Birth. latrines or Deaths. one lnurhon. 60o.- two lnul-Mom 1 . Wnnvu. Lost and found Pononnln, Article: for sale. ov.o., 1c per word Kn dull; lnuo; Intui- mum elm e. tho. Rudin octou 150. line; roduood rune when I nplsy Minn uvment accompanies, or on contract: for our rm Hun. Minimum churn {or n notice. we. for am unoa. nunuuuuu charge notice. Contruotm for I specied apnea are and: 1.): Ion form: for moronmllo Announcements, hut I109: rl oi hol Imntod, tor mic. to-let. 90" II"! 1|. an rs or anything by 0nd actual nnnounuomont ol good: or mgn us_tur'ou THE wmcxu nn._1'-rxsn wine a page... 84 columns. is publinhod ovary Thurs I morn- ingont. 81 I 1931'. if paid H: ndvnncn; ot or-who 61 . - TH tsigig-WEEKLY in published on Mon- dnyn and Thursdnys at 01 I nut in udvanoc; $1.50 othorwiuo. Atcnohod to tho paper In on: of the `:09?! Job iiblo for I Written (1 non: (or 1 SUTHI-`LAND S. paper of but 0m0:I hi: c?l1ldI;JIDl'd, `stylish and uhenp wot ; n no in row I at n prunes. ' 'inw.5.n.P1cNsn. JOHN OFFOBD Proprlocor Annlntnnt ulnou Ihnuor. LADIA luau UULV V was Asun- The liberal party is characteristically a party of progress. It is what it in because its members have a leader whose patriotism and courage command their -admiration. and whose public life is an honor to them. It is united to-day because the same prin- ciples govern all sections of it. because it is guided by a platform which was the out come of the last great convention, one of the largest and most notable held in Can- ada. The platform enunciated in Ottawa not so long ago. and endorsed by the party unanimously, may not need much change now, butitisimpurtant that, on the eve , of in general election. it should be revived, or revised in some particulars, and again declared for the information of all concern- 00. It is to the credit of the liberals that they can meet in convention, and that their leodersareaubject to the opinion of the partyasa whole. To be sure the party is guided very largely by the advice of thoee who have made a opecinletudy of the situation. andwho are competent to offer advice, but it is according to the do- cision of the convention that certain re- sults are reached. and in that decision every delegate has a voice. This c0neults~ tion of the liberal leaders with the party is in remarkable contrast with the policy of the conservotlves, whoa-e leaders have not been disposedtoconfer with their follow- ers though eqconvention has been de- munded in the press and otherwise over and over again. Not in years have the members of the government met the con- servatives in convention. Why? Are they afraid to do so 2 -5.. In...-.1 nnnvnntinn will be held in an-i-inn ovonlu Klnggwg. _r1;u l)AlI.V wmu ..n,-4,. ._-__ 11.1.... In`...- tney Mram W uu au : The liberal convention will be ` Ottawa, on the 19th. and promises to be an immense gathering ol representative men from all points in the dominion. 1 [Inc Un I 1 Any o\;uuuun4.nu. The commons has again had the came echrsduling question under review, and to verv little purpose. The diiculuy in the ..l - I..- nnnauu nl {`..nnrIiun nnltln In \'urv Illwlu yulpvuv. Auv u uuuuu ..._, ... - .. - may of a free access of Canadian cattle to Great. Britainliea in the fact that when Lhe British department. of agriculture in dinpoaodbo modify iu I`-agulabinna some , thing happens to stop it. the reported nr rival of diseased animals, and the panic which such I report. in sure to create. l._ 1...... .a;.......:.\... 6+. was nninvArI nut WHICH IIIUII I IUVUIII In uunu nu vuuuuvv. In former discussion: it was pointed out that Canada, at home. at its shipping points, was not as cnreful as it should be, in J as A result. came had crossed the ncoan which were) not free of pleuro- pneu- monin. and tho British government. has no help for it but provide such legislation zu- rhe protection of the people demand. That the live cattle tmde cannot. be conducted nafely is A matter of regret seeing that with it. debarrod An important. branch of industry must. be destroyed. T}. M.\..o...uA oh. ("_gm.rIinn mhiintnr nl Illuuulaly usuuv vv uvcu-uyv-. Dr. Montague, the Canadian minister oi I agriculture. now in England in search of health and expert medical advice, hm: been impressed with the drastic nature of the new cattle bill projected by the British government, and he and on clerk in the high commissioner's office have heen doing some lobbying against it, and they may accomplish their plans, but it is ex- ceedingly doubtful. The doctor is A power in conservative caucus. where lung powei and brassiness are recognised, but they do not count with men who ere accustomed to look at the public interests only. and who. having reached a decision, will not modify it for any man. Truth _to tell the high commissioner. Sir Charles Tupper, if of any service to his country, and it his oice is of any socount, should be in Landon now and giving this cattle scheduling matter his serious attention. I. .L- ....o .. M. 1.1.... M D mint. Are pronounced by emmtat musicians to oxompnly the highest standard of Art in Plano msnutmoture. IUIIUIIIIIIII IIICWICI IIIU XI IUIIU Illvlllllvlla In tho put. as Mr. Liawr, M.P.. point- ed out in dobna, very glowing account: used to he published respecting Sir Chnrlel Tapper : heroic exertion: to keep Ghnt Britain (tom ochoduling Comndian mule. It. was represented club the high connnildonot had rushed by trnin down to tho place. had nkon on` hit on. and plunged hiohandl mm the lungs of we ' mind: to no if anything In: wrong. Who will do that now 1 Hr. Linwr naked, and the homo wu eonvulaod with [migh- tor, which Sir Charles Tapper himself could not nliat. Bub thin in no laughing mater. The high oqmminsionuh oioo, 1-..--- ....r.....I. Iinnnn who I. jt-Iii? VIII II. IQIIIUI `III us-z Isaiah nhtdquudomthn loin "nu 'l'IoovinI' may on.-.-Jiiu quuhddlblqin qnhucho use Ihlnlotllltl l|0hIr|cI`l`Ip- So any bodies. public and print: have boumpudhung up nnodhl bill than would up smmungeo hm sac Charla Tuppu gin I lint at that which bug on- dead It. 1. it-on quad :n,uh.gy{ A-oau..sop' ;v.u.uun. pt{n.i.. not. uulu. to thonport tlluhohu had ..._`___.l..ol..- -hL Ila In-plan nn Hm wuluur. II v-uvvpvnuuu-nu-u .-u ___.4a._ AL-A In I- II... eonbuniondon with Mr. Iaurlor on tbol ruuwvi. `nu! lulu vgulun-ulvuuu I vulva, hnyen, coat` nculy sao.ooo. What in bk; an-at:-1 ndna lnr thh nrnnndi. `EDITORIAL NOTES. \ Sir William Vanorn doolnron I. the Camdn Pncilc nilwlgio one! mics. Shoo vino! V EDW.J. . FIB ummonmao p Aulntant but-nu u.n.;'.'}'." `l'll.ll l0llI_! '-TIJCTIVH lulneou uo-e - - lento:-Isl lloonn - m~ou~ce_meN r. T Vlollm, 8 Quinn. ho. THE CATTLE SCHEDULING. ~L4_.__:_ L_.I AL.` I\A LIBERAL CONVENTION. ,_._ 1- _L__....;--:-o:;. "0p1'/er per Orbem Dicor. ,2, Inc`: noun 'IIv.\rvIIu u up: -- oountvry gaming for t.h$\ expendi- .I ' . ".".'"c'="-p-"'53-I"-7| hll own expense. block Sir Charles VpoHI I- on] life. How they love one Another! 0 I I The Montreal Witness say: the cattle Ichoduling bill is n protective measure in the inherent. ol British and Irish cattle- breodon. inasmuch up it. in well eotablished to` bo entirely unwsrrantod u I unitary measure." Eat.:blial':od wtion P 'gun. An0rnnge lodge in Montreal nu dis- approved of Major Mulvoy and his threatened revolt. on the Ichool question. But the resolution, all the some, in very mildly worded. It. is remembered that the major in 0. man of war and carrieon ccoralng W uuv Lvlullvv uvw.--..., Mr. Mouillivny, M P., who wnnted no be free to deal with the remedial bill. bu tied himself Into a knot in tho noon which is being woven for the neck of Manitoba. John A. munboln very bad BRANCH WAREROOM. 217 Drlncess Street. WI. 1!. GIBSON. Manager. .B.-Wo lluo curry 3 stock of Sheet Music. V ollnl. Banjos. Gultnru. Hurmonuuu. Dttinl-. In the New System For the lmploymont of . `ranchers. The report of the committee on school management Wll aubrnittod by A. F. 'l`he report or the committee on eunuux management by Chown at the Ichool board last night. It recommended that no action be taken re the printing and euepeneion in the clue rooms of extract: from the common law re- lating to the oenoee generally committed by boys. That Frank Gates be appointed caretaker of Williamaville eohool at a salary of 880 per year. That kindergarten direc- tors be required when deemed neoeeaary to teach efuli da in future beginning with the coming fa I term. and that the follow ing grading system for payment 0! teach- ers salaries be adopted : 'l`h.r. unmhara. on their nonointment. be be adopted That teachers, on their appointment. paid the minimum salary o{O250a year; that each increase of salary be passed upon by the management committee. on repolt. of the inspootor and the rincipal of the school in which the telsoher is engaged; that, subject to the approval of the above committee. an increase of 812 on each salary be made every year until the maxi mum (#8450 be reached, and that no re duction in present salaries be made; that. no increase be mnde in the salary of a teacher whose appointment dates after June let the previous year; that the sa- laries of male principals be named by the board; that female principals, when in charge of a school containing three or more rooms, receive $50 a your extra; that thir- nystem take effect on (running, but all teachers who are entitle under the pr raellt system to [increase of salary in l897. be given the same; that ull former schemes, reports, etq., regulating the- .-nluries of the teachers are hereby declared null and void. 1. sun: ...,w...l luv .1 rl Elliott. seconded and void. It; was moved by J. 0}. Elliott, by E. Bennett, that the report of the nchool management be taken up clause by clause. Carried. 1 1 V (`Lawn nnirl that nlmum three was clause. Uarried. L}. Y. Chown said that clause three the main change in the system. Under the old system the teachers went forward accordin to seniority. Under the new systemt 0 increases would not depend upon grade. but upon work done in the classes. Mr. Bennett pointed out that by this system the increase in salaries would greatly advance the expense of the bouri. Byesnd bye the board would have all high salaried teachers. Mr. Chown. in reply. said that under the old system the teach- ers salaries were edvnnced 325 every two years. The new system provided that they be advanced just half that nmounl until the maximum salnr of 8450 be reached. On an were a urin the past ten years there have on two vo senior teachers drop out of the employment. of the board every eight years. which would keep the average pay list under the new system about the same as under the old. The report was read through clause by cleusef and finally ado ted on motion of A. F. Chown, seconded y J. U. Elliott. "George Mncdonnld" In Only Anothorgme For Joseph lleiuulry. Chief Rozel. of Peberboro, has written <-hief Hot`-uy sending description and pimto of the man urresced for h0uue breaking, who gave the name of George Mncdonnld, and claimed to belong (,0 Kingston. Chief Horsey recognized the mun as Joseph Beuuclry. of Carleton, who served seven years in {the ponibenbinry {or burglary and larceny, and who was re lam-ed in May Inst. AfLer his release Hcnudry worked for several months with V11`. McGuire, the marble cutter. He left Lhis city to go in the United Suites. am nficr ho hnd taken his departure a num ber of Loola belonging to Mr. McGuire were missed. Chm... Oirnn nfmr Rmmdrv lnft. Kimnimn missed. Some time after Beaudry left Kingston (Thief Horsey received enquiries from Wntertown, N. Y., where. under the name of James Brody. be was wanwd for houuebreaking and larceny. M. Ken~ neily. warden Lavell'a me:-aengenwaa, this morning. shown the phowgruph sent. by chief Rnzel. and rocngnized it as being that of Beaudry. It in thought. he served It berm |II the manitentiarv nrevioua be his doing of Beautlry. 1!. In Lnouznl. no aerveu berm m the penitentiary previous doing the seven-years` sentence. He is a stone- cutbcr and a rnb-clans workman, nndia, be:-ides, something of A musician. Should Lha Pomrboro police be unable tn be:-ides, something 0! mumcnm. Should the Potnrboro police prove their one against. the prisoner. chief Horsey will take charge of him and hand him over to the Wntertown nul.horit;ios. II [I Said Klng Humbert. Wlll lnlln. Du Thll Doing Done. Roan, March l3.--The Marquis U: Rudini has promised the king not to mini nny proceedings against. Signor Cllllpl The ex-premier has iiifoimed his friendn Lhut, his majesty Will inuiet upon an energetic prosecution of the cmnpuigi until Meuelek hna been'cru-ibed. There In good rem-on. however, for supposing um L()b0 incorrect. Gen. Burntieri WllllIY'- rivo at Nnplea on March 24th. and will come to Rumd immediate y. IL is now improbable that he will be tried by court lllutill. `Flu. gionntinn in Ahunninin in ltill Av- $75 MAJESIIC. svs lll u MIL The nituntion in Abysninia ie :-t.i|lex- Lroznely sorioun. Evarglhing depends on the roe-u't.a 0! Gen. ulclinneml effurts Criupi will make strenuous efforts (.0 over- Lhrow Di Rudlni as soon as parliament. mant- meets. Roll, March l3.-Tho government ha- recoived inlormntion from Africa that the derviahen, in strong force, have attacked Sabdovati. between Kn:-Min and Agordnt. and that the Italian garrison, being green- ly outnumbered, h-vo retreated to the hills. Tho losses are not known. Vuuuun Marni: I3 _..Thn Nan VI-awn mus. mo nouns are not Known. Vuuru, March I3 --Tho Non Froye says the entire Italian garrison ul Verona have dsnortaod. with their arms and ~bsggt\g0. and crossed the Austrian border into Tyml. Hundreds of Italian doserhers no crossing the borders. KO Lon Illa lllndkqrchlof. Last. ovonin John Olson`: horse bolted from the ynrd n rear 0! its owner ; house. while being unhibched from E sleigh. Tho animal gunned the street and dashed at full gnllop along King. and writl on to Clnrenoo street. scattering pod rinnt right. And left. A ouneoma homo cinl seemed to catch the eye of the runway. nnd it undo for Mm, whilo be "made him-I Ioll source." The unimnlwu m||y osp- tnrod by I onhnnn. 1: Wu Ionnd that It had omlkod iuolf Iovonly; and the blood streamed how its wounded fdlock. A nsudont. uhnding mu bound Ma handker- nhid About ch wound. and int II he had ntudonl. sanding sound an numer- chiolnboctthow .undjunuhohnd donono. hbovnor ohhohouo walked up Andtookhhlhodhovlovilboutnvordto the enbmnn or the standout. Ilndn In Gnu Dlunu. ' Dtztvn. Mgroh l3.-Roporu (tom the cod minus ol Northern Colondo dioololo n not-riblo Into 4:! Alain. II tho direct result of no wnr an M0 ban by the railroad: htullug tho oooplc oi southern mind. This os:n=.nout in nude thuhzo Into Ovlployd ooupnny an wit L vii noun! nbonunriuol Mom: their and. hat boon uoppot and they Inn no way on alas honey. Oulioancuvdvhi than olllllu Dun-OIIOII I60: box. dWdI'I2: According to the Toronto Telegram, .1- u..u:n:...... M D ghn .`nmmh Pu. ALL ON THE SAME LEVEL. MUST CRUSH MENELEK. HE'S AN EX-CONVICT. The '06! models have arrived rum to convince our ounmmon more fully of mu oxce Lionnl vnluc ropnuntod In the I(AJl~Z~"[`l(, at its price. we would advise than to look elsewhere slur Invi thoroughly examined our wheel. 55 we no u inn sun of thnm renunlnz to pm-olaue. mutr BRITISH wma. irin mu, MARCH BUSINESS BROUGHT BEFORE | THE TRUSTEES LAST NIGHT. Oomlnunlunlonn In llagnrd lo Inn: Int- urs - The Reports Pruantod gnd AtIopud-A Boforeaoo Work Addod to the l.lbnry--General Human. The re ular monthly meeting of the pub- lic. achoo board book lace last. ni ho. When the secretary caod the rollt member: answered choir namon: Chnirmun Mack. and Maura.` A. Horn, T. C. Wilson, 0. Sears. 1'}. Bonnebc, J. Wilson. J. G. Elliott. A. F. Ghown, G. Y. Chown, Dr. I4`... and W K-llu Fee and W. Kelly. After the miuutaa of the last. to ular and special meeting: had been and confirmed the following oolntntmioabiona wore read Ind disposed of: R. 1`. Wnlkoln. ohnirnun of the board -Iieponed of: R. 1.`. Wnlkom, health, wrote the board concerning tho re run that diphbherie prevailed in the illieuxeville school, and stated he hed directed thobmedlcal health oioer to look thoroughly into the mother. He pro- mised to mnko public the result. oi such inveetigtntioll. Further, the letter rend,_ "The idea that diphtheria arisen our of an thing in connection with the school in, I L inlr, ill founded. It. has probably been brought to the school by pupils from their homes." Fyled for the time being. Thn rnuirrrmtlon of Kiuzewell. I8 0I"8- l:;l|Iot.l..A. 1!. una W. Kelly. Afmr the miuut homes." Fyled tor mo umo nemg. The rewgnution C. Kiuguwell. baker of illiumsville school, was Accepted on motion 01 A. F. Chown. I'rrInI( (hung nnnlied for the noaitlon motion ol A. 1!`. unown. Frnnk (Jabesnp lied caretaker of Wil iamavillo school. Talbot. and Mrs. Cooper, of Victoria street. made similar requests. Those were dis- poned of by the report. of the committee on -chool managements. ` nnthrill Lumuuian. Thonold, applied Catharine Lumpman, e plied for It ition an kindergarten teao er in the Kingston schools should there be a vacancy. She holds both the assistant and directors certicate of qualification in in kindergarten teacher, beside: A third class certiiioute. Referred to the school maumgement committee. Ennnu A. Abrams. Verona. holding a committee. Emma Abmma. second-class certicate. asked for employ- ment as a wscher under the board. Referred to committe on school manage- .......o $75 $75 Tweddell T&ilg[`iI'I`gze'_C0. nun Door llalolr v