Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1896, p. 1

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Ra T W "'-'1-..:'.'. " 11.. wmo . . . Euohn ull lulu. boolnu kl ' And woopublo. on well u novuy. WI! the Wmn union a claim In Io. l'l0O IPOIII UIUI lngton ltI'0Ob_._ In..- llu-vvu much In no Lu-up wooa. l\`. E. Wilson. In yous I30 loft Tuna! no not his fortune in the want. nally locating at Thompson. |lioh.. when he VM on Ioynd by the Delta lum- bor mmpmy. 0 toiled ho ully. look in; forward to the day when would ro- surntohinhomouvd tbg okl mmhor ho loved in well. All wont well until the notuhanot Munh Mb. when on coming oujnt ton. and on the hop 0! one 01 than Nsnondoun loud: ot log: that an drawn In that ooumry. the lad cyddon u|r\odIoIIab|oo,nnd ho was pno - Inudtoshogronndund tho imnonuo plh 0! kg: came I-oliing ol npidl undone unol Mn town the lot! this ol in Mad Quantity 850 inhor jaw and tanking in tho skull at that Dumb vu Instan- hnnannn A nan-Inn anon hlnnnhl E Fur Onpol. Still: portunit to b o e at lull moorro:a mun Jul. Pea," 170 Wol- lm-mm nnunh What Ila mu Wlth l|l| Prlvllog . -1 Al... GA..- nl `Pun A Pl-uIbu|-3 Nntlve luau. \...... -1 l).'n-k...... Jim! nm CITY AND VIOINITY. _..._.____j_, `ONTARIO. MONDQY /EVENING. MARCH 16. 1896. ; Olonlng I010 09 Fun. . |.-n_....- -1 .|.. .....u. Fur I --L...dA` In I noun lor the mnguonmuu OUKIHUN/. ` lrgob from the mnnulucturor. two cusel lluen towels. The but value ever nhown by anyone :0 R. MoFnu|'a King-mn mun , pet. warehouse. Houno furnishings u 1 Ipooinlby. , Albert. Reid. Enternrlne. has obtained In Box 45. him to return to ma (lumen. Th Kin nbononrpot. wnrohoune. R. Mu- Fuul. ma lug big ndditionu to the stock. An Im 56 brndein carpets. oil cloths. ' curtain: nn '-Hinds in expected for Hm' spring. W. W. Cli. nublinher of the Central` wnrohou-a. 1 Thorewua no poliooconrt. session thin mom. 1 lug. Only one tranmpuked fora-halter at Hm ntablonlnst, evening. He said he came; lrom Na mac, and WM on his way lo: Montron . . VN... n...-km hnnhnv nlnh in nuulonl Lu 1 Montreal. The Poterboro hockey club is omxiouu cu l gotnnnwh on with A beam from thln city. sud bu otferod A good gure to any { tum that will nooopt. A aurutch mum. mly begnbhorod in to accommodate the WQUbOrl\TI. n.......u Fnrmll (`ln\'Inn. N.\'.. took lllhotl In Saturday`: Monnrom vv nmou.-. A In-mar, Attending the market Satur- dny,found I lad `I hundbag on the market. oquuro. Ho hm ed It over tn the polioo. Ex.mnvor WI-In-ht. and family will num- apootuwy. Albert Reid. Enterprise, ultuatlon an guard In the Kingston ponl~ bencluy. Mr. Reid come: here In u [ow woeh. Min Mnf`.-nu nl Pr-n-nnn alnmrhlnr of I (Honda. W. Fnirhrn of the U.'I`.R. ompluy. lowordopot. who wen ill for some Limo lab, has nullioiontly recovered to euuble nlm to his dnciu. 'l`|m lnnntnn nnrnnf. wan-nlmunn. IL Mn. upriug. ` Cli, publisher Cnnndlnn. has taken unto himself It hfe partner. His bride la a sister of his late wife and I former resident. of Ernenctowu township. Hunno furnlnhinn can be bought cheap- township. House furnluhin bought. cheap- est and bqpt. from I. none who make napeoIul- ty of that class of goods. Buy your new carpets at R. McI'aul'n Kingston umpot wnrohou-a. 'I`|...... ..... nn nnllnnnnm-O. -nninn thin mnrn . (` t c Barney Farrell. Clayton. N.\'.. took the examination for engineers papers in Oewe 0 Tuendny nnd Wednesday. Ho obbninet papers, givingl him chief of I veeeein of (00 tonne end rat. uv-iatnnb on |.- nny voenai. Mr. Furroll has engaged nu ` . onginoor of the eloeuuor Islander of tho .; l`|muund Inland nwnlnbout uompnny for the coming season. . Mr. Rruven. whore wife died an uudden- I ' the Mr. Bruyon. \ iv in Deaoronbo, had only N.-t.urnol n tow Anya ngo from tho almntioa. He drove but his houno. Thuradn , `and his wifo Lld u the baby at the window. An hour after 9 Q was a corpse. She had only en- | lerod Mr. Edgar : drug store when nho| fall. Some men mind her up and she sighed twice. Dr. V'undorvoorL found life I extinct. K We nay mmrc-nu human an all nnlurn mnl mmrouuan nltlshwtioll ur your money bnoh. 'l'ho Iploo ol ver) Day l.Ito-WhnI the room An `hiking Ahouo-xomng m- I upon the Anbnnol at `thou Who Are 'I`II|Il Iotu. Shamrock, Johmon, nrinh, Brook unrest. I H. Cunnlnghun plnno tuner at Ma- Auloy n book store. Bun-1 at. aha Ravi! rink to-nmhb prob- Annoy book Band In. eh: Rbyol rink to-mgho prob- abl for the hut mm this winter. H` ovorybgwdy household Mnmonln pint ` hot! on No. MoLood`n drug Ifooro. f N 1: Ela Burr. Klnlnwn. fl vlnmnn now No. uouoou-n am; a fore. ; N u Elo Burr. Kln awn, vlniblng her ahur, Mrs. Robert lllott . Tweed. For I rfocb t order tho Specialty Corset It rs. Kamila '9. Brock In-oer. Mn. E. A. McDow l(l'nnn Heaven) is In ood hulchlnd In I rul ent. of Now. \'or . `ll-.. I11 2.. ..-alum! In Mm nlhr Rn York. Hon. W. Hnrty urrivocl In the any 3: tourduy uftarnoon and remained over San- dny with Mo (umll . LIA nu... 1.. nr Pintnn thin mm-ulna mo Inoomtng uuon. . The one aims Hurry Hitchon (or mogul VOHLIF, u been dismissed without I oonu,|nd frlendnro well leaned. .h..I. M (nun, Walla nhuul. has no nnnuou ll. In rlno ponoo. Ex-mayor Wright. family mar no Stella Poms. Mr. Muutrn in build- lug houno lor the Kingltonlam comfort. rant. (mm mm mnnuhcturor. week. | Miss MuCre|, of Prescott, (lnulglltor of I . MoCru. registrar of Uronvlllu uounw. has returned home after a visit to Klugnmn friends. w ll'..l..In..J.-n nl oh. IJTR nmnIuv_ Ill: Bonuoul--A Child`: I):-nth. (}.\NANnQUI, March I0.--Aroh. and Richmond Byers, of Qnoenh. npont. Hun- (lay in town. Allred l`nr|mr, A young mum of thin place, but now Ioonwl in Syracuse. in here on A nhort, visit. to friends. H. M. Hkinnor. nlCln_vton. wuain mwnyentmu rlnv. Chu. Byona. New York. in town M. pronoun. mug solo in S0. Andmw`n Clmrch V` lust, evening, entitled "'l"he Holy City." Mr. Byers is n prmnining tenor sin or, and poueum I votes of gm-at runge. he l7th pmmh-on to be well coleln-nted In this 1 {lane this your. SLowe'n Unnle Tom`: Inbin Co. hold tho board: in 'I`urner`n | Opera house. while an nu-amubly will be` given in the dancing hull. A nlo-gh drlva ` In nlno spoken of Among some 0! (ho young people. A mnhorimr mmuonthm the |uIIh\I-v-Al Mr. (Vhupnun Itnnummlurod on the Eve of I I I Ala. Milne lift {or nouon mm morning to who charge oklho m-. Alexandria [or who lnoomlng Tho mu unlmh Hurrv ooou, Ind his friends In Wall Ienou. Julio M. Uncu. Wolfe gland. has wntun "A Plea for Armenia." It In pub- lished In Saturday`: Montreal Wltnau.-. A hrmor. Anondlna Re!-n-onus. (Jun. and Dom. Ihprou Con uuurmu 'l'Il wnm PARAGRAPH! PIOKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTER8. of tho meeting being to puuuuuy pm-oun to J. Frank Uhnpnmn. of the Rnthhun 00.. A farewell mcmonm. an n token of the high rognnl in which he is held by every one of ho town. Spoochon won made by all then vrenonh, M, the cnnnluaion of which Mr. Elhnpman wan pro-oubod wnh n ml-or to: service. Mr. and Mrn. Chnplunn leave here r-horny lur lhoorontn to rnaulo .~ l`.h-nmun hnldn the .... .....\-..slu here ahoru lur Unoronm to roauuu pormunonuy. r. Chapman hold: the xx-ition formorl t.oIu\nt.od by Mr. Bmwn. ho fuur your 0 d child of J. B. Breuumn hot! Sntunln ' nfbormxm [mm the umsvtn of the frlghtlul injuriu nunuinml {mm lure. as recorded in the \Vmu lmt. week. Chm. Byornlonvoa this week for New York City. to rummo his ntmhu. Yubordny being an idotl day many uutborn were to be not on tho nbroou all day. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. people. | gathering mpronontmg luunmm-A hnoronul of the town met. Saturday evening no the Inlaornntionnl. tho purpu-0 of the meeting being no publiuly pmnont. m .1. [Punk Uhnunmn. mu I-lo! For Inrmoru. (lm`l.Aln Bu, Murvh ll).-(To the Elll~ tor): Will you kindly dint the ntlontmn of farmer: Mid especially young men. to the fiworulilo opportunity which this pnrt of AI ms presents. There in room in the town: nip: north and wont ot the Saul! and in the rulloyl of the Gould: and Batch!- wnnu rivon forhundrodn of settler:-. In tho Gouluia Buy settlement than an nbqut forty funllion. pronporonl and doing wry well. A oottbr can nd any coil he may desire. (mm I rich sandy loam to A heavy oln . It in I very healthy coiinrry; fomr, ma nrin mid nguo an unknown. All kinds of on do wall hora --v-hunt, upring and All ; outs. barley. buck- vrliut. corn. tomntou. npplu. ornbnpplon, plums. ohornu curnnta. nnplnrriu and utnwbu-riot. JIM potato crop in ulwnyn uoollont. and; tho turnips. mnngoldn, punnipn. out-otn. oto.. otnnot be human unyvrhoro. Thou an two school: in Gould: Bnynnd to have just built the lint A liosn church in tho uottlonont. tvnnty- nouilca from tho Snnlt. The Methodists hold cortisol in the oclmol hounn In Kora! townuhip. six miloe from the Snult. than in an English chumh: n.. u.....n.u nnd IN-ubvtoriunu alto the Sun. than In sngmu cnnmn: the Iluhodmn ind hub hrhnu hold union in the ml borbood and tbonmgood auhools Anyone desiring Into:-mutton III Man an no Goulnio Bqy l'.0.. But an Huh. Ont. (av cloni I-turn ). Yours Mshmly. J. P. uniuut. ncuubont ol Ooulnio Buy and Konh. INCIDENTS OFWTHE DAY. uuuu, uuvuunauu -uu -u-nu-nu... V. lay Ald. Milne Me or Plotaon this -n tut. nhnr-an nkllun nu-. Alnnul `NJ: I. wun nu In 3. w. mp: um. um; oououno than n l'I|II(II humus, our-nut III-AI ....A...m.. .3 tin nmnnnhn In L GANANOQUE au'obE'r. Wall Paper morning .ndrin I Act. 0! March. 1303. I D. C. Bee whom , nocrotury of the \'.M. i C.A. . Bnllevhlo, hu left. for Tnronbonvhoro he will romaln for a week bofom going to Lnuuingburg. N. Y.. where be In accept.- od n nhuilur poolblon. lmllmntlnnl are not At all nromininu that f interment will who place at aydonnun. The Uernmn trnma-At|u1t.|u womnnhip company have Agreed to Increase their mboafor ntnarsge pan ten per c9nt., the advance goin into 0 och March |8th. The K. & I`. mi wuyoompany luu synod to run a spooinl through our to Ottawa next \\'ulnov-day for the convenience of delu- gene: to the Hbornl OOIIVQIILIOII In the cupi- I ' ml. ' Wurtlan Lnvoll states that no order has been received at. thoponlbexmnry regarding L the return of old clothing, by the ofliniulu of that iunt.itut.ion. before I new lawn in carved out. vr u..I( Rnhnu-Dunn : rad uocker spaniel in her ola-I. Joseph Nuh. of Nah Bros, atuuonera, Inn a valuable collection ol bills. Including one for three cents and one for ten cents. I both nned by the United Bum uudor the 1303. I II I` Mn\}\nI|i, l0l`6hIl`V tah poolblon. - Indication: are promining llov. W. J. B nrliug. ol Eubon'o Comets. can get. into ' ommo Mothodlnc oonforonoe to accept. the urn" to Pnrlululo. An or change in not yet In night. | A mental moetink of the city conupil ` night. special meeting council has been culled for to-night. to consider the : rnilwny bills now before the hou-e of com- muun, and In which the city in lnbereemd and also Mr. lInyeook'u MIL TI... Hriminh ntenmor Mahdi. wh|ch Mll- In the city shortly. A new n|ohl- laud too-water uni Ind lter ha been p mood in hho walling-room ol the Brioloh Ame:-{om hotal. 2 A.......n ..........;...I In. Pm-ink : society miuiou-0hnIrI. 30:24 lIlOl'y. tun . Prlnoul Lllluohlnn . Hnvvnll. now In Northern Imly, In to be mu-rlod to an Ioulhm nobleman on Eubor Maud: . . Club swinging, ooltumu. red I` in and ` blue at the concert. on Tlmndni 0! Son: 0! Temperance oldest. division In mguon. I v The Mail uvo George Molhy. of K|ng- ' unit! I wr-v.v-- -' " 'R'EM0VED TO THE Market. Square. n..-I-n pnnlnn In Inn`: Inrnhllnnn. olden division in Iungnon. o y The says George Molh . ' mm, is looked upon on um 01 i. o danger ' out also: A men. this your, in bionic oir- l I . u.l;.iohnrd Hardin DMIII hon writian I Van Bibbor nbory or Boribnol-`I for April, AIL: lI`llI\|Iil'|g description 0! o dnnoo in Lyric 1 I . T. MoK. Robertson : red uocker spaniel Rod Obo was nwm-dod nooond prime in the olmllengo class at the Chicago show. His Red Dolly, carried 08` the second _'p:-in ola-I. 1.......|. n..|. .3 Nnh Rmn.. auuonera. bluhoprio' Frank H. Manor robnrnpd from MA!- lorytown. to-day, I tor visiting hi: porontl for a few dnyn. 1:, in uld um a omun will hum one 0! loin It is uld shut the new "hornolou cu-rtncu on oxhlbltlon Ihortly. nlohl-nlntaod an Ill} ` Hull. Hull. Romomber St. Pariah : uooloty concert ` ln opera boulo to-morrow ovonln . Flut- olnu progrnmmo, including muoo by Nth band. gnu` progrnmmu, IIIUIIM-lIII' mu-nu -J . .._ lll( . Tho United Stubs: oongrun hu agreed to but up. on Wodnuduy. II 1:80 p.m.. reoolublonl rogu-ding the Ipoooh 0! Ambu- ndor Bayard. Dr. P. H. Oummina. vaurlnnry surgeon llldol` lsnynra. Dr. P. H. Oumminn. V: of the Queen`: Own H lmcterfy. Quebec. died, on to mg. n r a brief illness. 1 RH. ntujnnh nninlx u-in mg. nltor One! Illness. BI: six-iunhcuick ring um are now ,enruute from Max to otorin, to be lnuuuwd on the Ea uimnult fortiunblom, i which are now near y complabod. x l`|m ramninn nf Libblo Peters. Il nearly complabod. N The remain: of ngod nineteen yearn, who died at Rochester. N. \'., arrived here this morning. The ` tnko place at Sydonhun. ` 'I`|.n (Inn-nuul t.num.AtIn1Mu I`/Bllllllhul - `F- _ SIXTY-THIRD YEAR.--NO. 64. llnyeookla NH. The British steamer Mahdi. od from Sierra Leone. Feb. 6th. ha: been do:-t.ro_'od by an exploaion ol gunpowder It Iioma. Some of hot pnanongou and on-ow woro anved, hut. nmnlv are mluing. A .I.....o Oinul hnnrn his death Lord but. man mlulng. A` ahort. I-imo beoro Ma death Leighton m-mm: Coamo Monkhoune in lune selection 0! I mmarlmblo norioo of !i||uu!.rz\tionn from his own picture: for luribnm-`A Magnmine. They vnll be pub- lic-hed in thu April number. I u....m.a Dixon. the champion feather- ' thu April number. Haorgo Dixon, champion weight of the world. will make his Int. ap- nmnno in the ring no-morrow nl ht, whnn he will box Jm-v Mnrahnll. of un- ltrnliu. and N000!) aid ponsiblv twenty `rounds to n dociaiol In muuio linll, Bos- ton. The emperor and empreu will pay a visit. (,0 Queen Victoria in. Cimiex. on .\lnrvh Qmh. The queen will not to Coburg to attend the marriage 0 her grnmrldnughter. Princess Alexandra of V Cuburg. in the hereditary prince of Holmi- * Iohe [Ah nbnrg. I Mrs. Lilia Bartlett. duiugiiter _ol_ihe l_et.e_ '* nbnrg. duuqhter of the late John King Aahmoud. of Philndelphlu. died a at Tunbrldgo Walla, Sundny.in hor cl My- `thinl year She mm the mother 0 Slr Elli: Aelnnon(l-Bartlett. M.P.. and W. L. Aalnmourl-Bartlett. M.P..who in 1881 mar l zlml Bnroneu Burdet.t.~CouM.u. whom Iumo he ulumod. :\....,l.mc.u- Rlnhnrdinn. of the BA! 0! TIC VIP, LIIOII KIWI Uruyvilvu ---v v-~ lnnllut M lpooo. Rov. Mr. Pollnrd, of Oman, hu come to tho from among bhooo montlonnd tor the I Mallory the British Amoonn how. Annnul ooncort ol 8%. Patrick Ioolorty `no oporn home tomorrow uvonlng. A - m Iuiou-O|nIn. soc. 1 nllory. Rack, no homo to-morrov Ivomnx. m Iuiou-0huln. 1 fnllory. ak __ Prl_noou_L1_l|uo_h|gn no I -,1-.I A by the council at Tweed no oewor observ- ed by renidento than than are those frnm. ed how for the bonob 0! Kingaboninna. Ho mention" the wow by-law particular- 3-. and an a it. is well carried out by rui- enta of wood. In A forceful and dinoriminatin pa 1- on The Ethics of Modern Journn ism` In April Scribner`! Alina Gonon says of the mpnruw: "He in the moat representa- me gure in tho llhmluro of actuality` Ho um nu, the centre of the situation ; ho}: impormnt. boonuneho ombonlioa the monk. nvtlve [omen of the hour; boonuto he in I I|-;- ..\t\' Okgir vnhinln" `u Very Lnul Run oroynlod into I0 Imnllut I I r - z 7 _ ling -nun. uppoclto Windsor Ilnhl _._.__._.._.:._._-_._-..__ ulumod. Conductor Rlohnniion. of the Bay Qulnte rnilwnr. nu ? tho bylaws onnobod l counni wood bower observ- ..a L... ....m...a. than; (him are [ nnuvo [omen ox um noul \ their tool. their vehicle" Olsllnod llo Wu insulted. Snturdny attarnoon a police countable w-.1 detailed to loop the corner: at the in- Iornocuon of King and Brook ntnou, and Kin nnd Prinoou ntroou. clan` of idlua. In L no mum of the afternoon Mm oldorLy men ntoppodwn, one of the corners. They ware ongngod in | meal nrgumonm. The police countable I lowod than to con- . timm their hulk tor -umo time \u\inI.orrupO.~ ...n.. ....I alum \-new uuhtlv nnuulnd ' timui bulk for Mme \lI\|M.0I`|'\lpl.~ oally. and than vu quietly nquulod them to mom on as y won obnuuctimz .5... mm um ol tho gnqkgrg `Q, may won ouu-ucunx tho corner. one o! opener: unoo compliod, bub than other dommdod tho policeman`: name, oldmm In had boon insulted mm! In dohnni to tarot! the ololnl. The num wu willlnga gdvon M and the nonntnblo tool Bholrolblo :.... ....m on. mum undo: so his Inn in- oonmublo toot tnutoumou poms. ing on the ion union tormgntor. the urgent at the polio: nation` In acid ho was t ll nk from the oonngy and had boon inn end by tho countable. Tho col-{ant Informed tho lnjund nuugmnu be I ould Mu inovm the policeman won only carrying on the luv and hllling Mo div. ibotnoodouoonlolou-no. \l uul(orriI.pIopHI\nrol the ow lac-9:1. mm shnnhohruwohouu nduointho WIN but not In hving died in hi: Ihbk. nodvcd the but 0! out while on his but`. It had hllon Invo- rnltimu wit! and thin: coui to Ibo city and was in s|\n`ouIdiuon'3on it was put in No ottblt I Ihnhlf run: a. mu toad sud an .u\o y we city and was m u TIIIWUVI VIII mi Mnubk raa':'i'sNwu'r`. aw conldtotlkovonundinglotc` nu-y .......m_ who mud did 090 IMIIAI I-no could for CI. ovon Iondinglot Lmurlnuy nrgoon, who ouudum Animal blcodlnglnhmn nu-onltolshohlh ontholet II oulylllhmhlouhv hours. during wlhhtinosll in this lot intuvupmibhlodm C. B. Scantlebury. lx-n-..l||.. ll-I GENERAL PARAGRARNI. I, votorlnnry Hunurl And "H" . Saturday mom- `lion Wore Plenty or Aooldooto DIIIII " the Doy-l'ho lelolo loo mm the Knot ' Ioriono Dieootor - `l'Io Dolloneo nu Awe: Iron: llor Aoeoolotoo. L: There must be oi, "hoodoo" omens the momboro of tho ice-noht club, j `in; 1 b the number oi ooeidento which oeeor on to day of e rooo. No io_oo than he yoohu were injured on leturdoy onddnld not take port or were thrown out `Who 7 I;00.PJ\il& boloro hour for etertin toz tmo woo n vene run en `when hen the eontho'rnh`uoy her tilior ` hood broke olehort. It VII o arfoetly lnow one. having iuot been odd . The | ooht woo ollowodto remain whore the 1 meat ooenrrod until tho iron been welded. when eho woo brought hook to _,the onohorege. Tho uimoux while . taking a spin preview to t o mm hroho o _ nheto and retired {or ropeiro Juot no the yacht: bore o on the port tech ot the | etort oi the rooo the Flying Bond tried to more the bow of tho Joeh Front. and tho 5 roonit won the two lyero ooliidod. The motel boom on tho l'lyin Soud won bent double and tho you t rounded up At tho ouohore . The Jeoh Froot woo unin in end continued in the reoo. ho Flnh bed not proooedod fur before eho tore the ohoolng 0! one 0! her shun. which, 0! oouroe. threw her out of the neo. The rnoet oeriono eooidont bo~ {oil the Ioiole. On the rot [up while nooriug the southern buoy her rudder ehnte got foul of n orooh in the loo. which ohoohed her ight I0 onddenly that her "A" mnot wee torn out of her end the V aailwent by the boord. Thooe oboe:-d oi her reoeiveal nite e ohooh, but were not thrown oii`. art of the oroee plank wee badly split, but otherwiee the yacht nem- od V uninjured. Had eho not been strongly innit her timbers would have been ohm.- terod and torn unnder by the shock. A horse was hitched to the wreck and it who towed to the enohorege. (men ninn hnnhn lined In) and etM'uMl. the onchongo. (July nine boob: lined They were uni, on` in the fo lowing order : Flying Bond. In Folgon Jack Front J.B. lnrruthen-n; North Bur. H. lion; blxio, Capt. A. H. Loo; Fluh, John (Makin, jr.z Deance, John Flahor; Bpooiro. Maura. (Hldoruleevo; Snowbird. commodore Fol- gon loiolo. vice-oommodore Kant. The who: were oenb oil` to the northerly uoy. to windwnrd, rab. Thom was quite ll heavy broom sweeping across the course at the tart. Thin lowered ofur bheilrut round, but piukod up Again on the lnatlnp. The Douuoo wu ntborouud the buoy but was closely followed by the Icicle. will: the B ire third. The ilm lnpwu linialnd y the Donnoe in um minutes ; B `bro, eleven-and-n-hall min. uuon Snow lv~i, eleven-and-t.hroo-qn|ri.or inuim-,mul uho Jack Frost: very close urth. The Dennoe mundorl rnt again In thirteen minutes; Snowbird, thirtoow nnd-u-qmlrtxor minutiae; Jnok Frost. four- teen-mnd-Llxreo-( unrbor minutes. The8 ~ re ho\'e~t>o an shook out. nroow ioh n....., 1... mm fnnrth nlnoo. She oroanod bre and shook out nroonwnwn thnw her Into fourth place. 4.. .m...e.-.mm.nnd.n-half minutes. The fourth place. lshe crossed in twenty-one-and-n-lull Doanoe continued to lend on the third mund nndomeeedin iourteenminutoe;Buow- bird. sixteen minutee- Jack Frost. fourteen minutes; Spectre. eieven minutoe. The lust named ynolnt caught up wonderfully on the Junk Front nnd hustled for third pinoe. The Deance lmd A big lend on the necond ynoht and nished two-third: of n lap ahead in ton and A quarter minuten. eniilin the race in forty-seven and a quar- ter minutes. The Snowbird came next in twelve and A quarter minutes ; Jeni Front. twelve and a half minutes. and Hpeotre eleven and three-qumwr minutes. The notunl nailing time of each host wee: \nm. N. M. II. .\nu:. ! Dolhmoo. . . . Snowbird . . . Jack Fmnb. Spect.re..... Ynu will use by rnturn mall Inru vuunulo hunk: oft-hotvnwnll Put" In. Ihu luwmt rlumn kn-nwn to ho Unlmvllml tr: 9. and mu booklet. nlluw In Pnnor." wm Tr; For the cup. The Kingston curling club not on BA- ml-dn evening, when two rink: won oo- Ient to play Arnprior fnr tho Quebec olmllen cup. The curler: ohooon w Mnmr )rury. W. B. Dalton. J. Ounn. A Drummond. M. Sutherland. J |DEFlANCE jfgm THE RACE: Mn or Drury. W. B. Dalton. J. uunn. A. Drummond. . Wullmn. A. Btrnchan and A. T. 8 mi. The aolootion of skip: will In left the nlnu-Ar: Lhnmnol VGI. The eoloouon on any player: mhamaolvu. The VIM. Vlrtorlou. A largo uudienco cm-nod oub Sun night nu. Perth tn we the hocko mam bobvreen the home tonun nnd the V ouorin, ol \hia ell. . Play urn fut. all shmugh the mnwh. ho Victorian were vloborn, how over. by I acme of IIVOH to nlx. The Vim. arrived home at eight o'clock Sundny morning. Th oy wore hnndaomr 0 any t ly muted u. llorth. Lamb. goal-keeper. owing to illness, could not, ncoomptny the cum. N. Mitchell guarded the pooh. TH! IO!-YAOHT OONTIIT ON CA- TURDAY LAST. Iportlnu Hobo. The Wellington hockey bum. champion: of the Toronto cit. league. were dolonud it Petorborodby t. o ox-ohlunpiono of On. MI-in, Wednondny night. by I coon of novontoen to two. Arthur Suvngo nfotrd the much. -n.. .... .....n "no. of Dane Vinoonh. The lot yncht Uno. of Dupe Vinoons. was at the nnoh of the Kingotaon club on Saturday. W. . Wenbourno wu In charge oi her. She In none the worn for tho ncnlchnl. of Int wcok. The two men. Adam Blake and Fred. Stnm , who were injured by being thmwu the yacht. have rooovomd (mm their Injurloo. l..|u. (`nvu\n'n tun lrhh I'|IAI` ID&I|`.|. have rooovoma lmm tnonr nnpnnu. John Canon`: two lrlnh vuhor a melt Mmt won two first icon u the Iago do? show, mu 1`. 1\ (:K. Roboruonh um um. AAALAII -nnninll lhll 0 `W0 do? 1`. Mali. lmboruoni urn m cooler spaniel: thus curried ol nooond prim st. the name show. u-I-Ind home this morning trons the mono ol shalt oonquoou. Thqy will Input. in compou- tion at the Boston uhow. -n.. ..............m at than now In rink at purluu. ubnut. the |irIma u wnm [my and wlnmo you mw I ll: "MI." """" """.' 51".."-':'.'s`u'.'In.Ta.'u.'G.}."'"` '::"" ":"'``m W N A okl mi 3 In sign at the nod . next door to bean ;-Ipol-wlnhr vi I not Into phoo In "M Honkprlltthnnd Kahuna rouon ht \:`..'..".`;.`".:: ".::..'"'... ".'.:""... -"' Q as w I 1 `I50 030011 0` 9" 15'5'-- P-W-0:` ` noun" which J1...-cu 3 "t`........." '2'J.""u.`2`s.::.` ?.'."u..%"-:.."..': :.'``.':` .....'`` "'-.'."` '1' :ha-unuho:.|aoo| :1 inoenouon. 1501: .5.g`.',:.,,..;`p,.. mu.gm :, will 5. mama to um. |.'.'f,,... M. .m ......., ....... .... = out-tr. In -be ml! was an md-rmumxu-mu uoboondluon an ""v&!I:.\0 II Thi _Ioubc:l|uIo"tIry"oao. ~ ah; rill IIOH I1 IIOI N tiolful. Ihow. The mlnngornont of the new qt New York has written to the manager ol Quooni hockey tum. making it It in poo- rhile foLth:l\.um to unit than d\'nrin :50 star oli ufort urpooao o n the new n? Pmcbup md Bnuno: also vnmt the Ontario In om to via". tfxounlnou. A Fun Inns to .. .|__. u A - ......|..-a mn ad I0!` Bountiful Chinese Innhrn much nth: Sons ol Tmpnnnoo oonoott. 'l\nndqy IIIIL ' Cents /Worth I for ovary dollar when you pnrclnso your Clothing to! shot that it the vnunon osntgu ydntu will In made ne with owl IS what you not. 100 The New Wash Fabrics Are Regd y. Crisp ss' I new ve-dollir J1`, and in the prettiest color com- binntiom you ever saw. Wesvu are ner. designs prettier and prices smaller than cvsr, A crowd of buyers will soon plsy havoc with the assortment. New Good: opening daily. New Kid Gloves in .uu.-|o.. .4. minu tho PIMIIIII you H-1 wrlnu. |II'|('n My \Vc invite your inVspeclion of our New Sprung Stock, it ; w|| worth seeing. . . II II`! In Tam-1-nn-Ah Plmburg township (Onion- dall) on March Nth, on Mr. And In. 0. W. Tmtwr. as non. B1-A.wnnr:-At. Douronto. Mu-oh M. wilt of Wm. Bhnnh oh Ion. ` lIu1vuIamz--At ' vo, Inch Oil. wife of '1`. W. nlohloon. of I dun hut. A\'I.swnn-tn-Atnnd View lam. Ich- mond. on March In. VIII 0! Homhmor Aylnrorlh. of a non. KAI II III: I Muxnucnv-Cnmnn--M lnnkvillo. on March loch. Jame: |loKonnoy. Dunk... to Miss lnuluo Crunm . evangelist " I-`unma-Anxunn-At. spam; Inch llth. Denwood French and in Allah Arnold. all n! Richmond. \V.u.nn-MA\'-M. Nu nnoo. Much llth. Anna 8. Wnlior. npanu. to Nollk u... ..a.....n.A .I....I.m.- nl Mm. Jenn. nu: lollowod by ugh: an In an phony Ihuoury on male ugh! gn- nontuh. N . N9`_w_ Jogugnd Persian HUN. JV! lll Tnmmmgs. New Silks. L 8. Walker. Nnpanu. to noun Mn . ado oddnughhr ol Mn. JOIIII. Rio mon Burr - Iu. -- 0n An Hmlth tn Lanna I. Illllo Bunion:--In Kingston. on Much NH. Rlinhnhh llnrdooh. nllot ot the Inc ma mag. For Member ro} (fIdOI' "How to Pnpcr. Bunion:--In Kingston. Much Mn. . gllnbotgx Ilnrdooh. Israel 1 in run! n.ugod non. \ The din: V: II In the (aura rub ` salsa .I.m.n Nn A Vnn n tn:-mm. will In hung. l`l'| Ina Aquin- Invited to stand. Anmna gown. lurch Ibth. Juno Doddn, nlicb ol the Inn Dsvld An- dot-son. Punorul nu. Bcrvloq M III In :0:-`Ala n-Inn mnrnlno Al. hall nn. ll lIlIIII'Il Vila. wulvuuy in II: c-V nu-coo. n my morning at halt put Mn `I l. CAl:(`oAcl.LIN-Ab Vancouver. 3.0.. on 27th l`ob., George Canonllon. Old 03 vonro. Mmnas--M Nu nu, on Intel M Euogno Durwmrinltnh non cl John. M Innuo. Ipd I! dun. __._,_,_______\__`_M A `b .'.`.J'.` X.?3n$..!`2._" ..' .E'.".'` Tun` xrrm-r.uu n Irnmu not`! an! oomoro lhqu nu non. not wnu Iuruoo. Q HI 00lI'(`lI'l`All.l I: Inc corner o I! I mm o nnlonoon. um nrd an , YY old. rmsn I pl bowI.IA oluhlo `root. .1. ..;::f `a;P';:;r:::'7_'5_a:.}f_._3t - ;:.:..,":: ~ .:'r..r ..'.....r.... `Oh ._..:j._. - ________._ Axrll-onnfirr m""n XY...?`::~. ..'.::::'* ...'&:,.::."` on CANABA. guv uh wnmu>-nxr: \ ml Born \. II Inn. A yo, _. 0 ml I` VI :1 Inc. MR` to . . ling ntnomn H o`olool 9.: ____._...____.__._..i_ &'.3&. . ."-::a.F ` App to Run Bill`. III I , 4--.. _.__. summon nuunmnnu RICK D V. II. Ponnulol In \ [MK-mm ,;'\` \ Q `Q .~* . ``.&\ (`ho lunonl will III we dance. No. 5 V Err morning. at nlnd o'o| fa onthodrsl. when a solemn will be I`:-l ` Xunnnn rumc lnvlt on amwn Hungsrfotd. Iiiiiilllij Iiuuii TN ll hl nourluhl WI - uulI|ll inmllvnlu ol) Vqt OIL III In out y retained and mono . For wnI'l_ng dlnuot, |dOblI|\y, an o I m u n._ 3:a.. ut|rr:nr:I'I :`broI':c.hlnl tron Icon murlnd Ines-an In wright and ntnngm is noticeable shoe uklng I few homes. Chlldnn mm 11 mun LB JHURDUN U NHI.B.!I!!._M_'.'!| FOR SALE OR TO LIT. WIATHIR PROI WFohr__O_c'|lcMc Children, Invalldl and the Aged. lAf`IlQ(\LIlQ pl; Iv I'D!-In bw u. ocou 5;?1`iI | l: mu. H-Wl|!lInx.|. Un Huron Wo Smith to Agnu Wdglllll, LI mun:-Inrd. "1 rot lulu by nu Dmulau. j .0! H0! mrnh om.-... Lo lull. {ion-I ur Ht .. ......... ..- .. JACKSON'8 rum. BOPVIOQ n An any nudny hull _;wAn'rnD. Tsoamo. ll VIII in novelty styles. Lang`: buignu. Ihuqolnnl \- |.v "'11:, '1' ._'.I..` ....... __ _, , Bcllovlllo. Ont. rm, with the odds against you when you buy a cheap bicycle, because of a few dollars less price. A HIGH GRADE Wheel like the ntnlmownod by um omua 0! ma nun wn-` Hum Ink Putool No. 1- Ant hull of Lot No. Min on thc South Id: 0 Buy ncrnt. lmtwnou Rm gn. hum ntrwt and Unurn ul Park as fun! from. 3} 139 font du-p.nncl a H: t 0! at uutnvmy. mmmmlu u douhla frame Ilwn Ina. Pnmol 0. l- lmhu Nm I III nlu.hu .\5n\Ith 1 lulu: III|).nnu a Ham m 19 a: mu Parcel uldu l|m drunk. on whlnh urn orootm doubln fmmo hnunm. Tnrmun-- run but cant down in than Bleached !`????9 f I l`\.IVV, -.,.-__ - -__ Wluu. nlmut that Couch or thou Wonk Lungs? W0 nun numbly you with we 0 lead- lnpn-umuvluun furullhur Wonk Lungs or: Ur buy cold CURACOUGHA "' ' ' 1/ Cotton for heavy wear is replacing the usual light makes of While Cottons. We have it, 9c and toe. Splendid Cotton. VVCIIMII Opening. om: pnlca s'rona. 1'13 Prmooss st. Norm side - Kin @ gm GAMBL_E| will be :1 good wheel and worth its price (less interest on invest- ment) at the end of ve or ten years. INDEIIS WILL BE n.lC(`J'1l\'El) HY TIIR undnrnllnod up to the Lt April. for lhn followina nroportymlthor on b\oo|_ or ._n_p_u_s- TENDERS II\ THE up prorortnmlthor I) out u u\- y I :9 Ink _, _ A _ _ I __ of t o lntu ll-` dbubla Tormua-- not ut mh and tho bslunoa In an dun nim- J u. 10.. MCUANN. .18! King uncut. Cm-. lironk Mn-at. Klnq-tun. .-.--_-j-__: A FARIER NOW LIVINU IN THE wall oim-rlonnud in hon--. would in an mko churn of 5 ham 0! Imrmu an-I him-all gunurnlly nuoful In n I 9|IHI- family Nady nnd Inthlntrluun and : lwzhly rooommondod. A;-my mhruuu mu. "I` Ijn THE ANNUAL MERTINU HF` rm-1 KING- ntnn I\`.lutornl Dlvl-hm hm-tau (HnrHc~ul- mml) w|lI ho held In thn (my Ouunvll Chaun- In-rnnHATUI1UAY. Hut In-t .M. II p In TIIOMAH HlUU(l`|. Nun; . A HIIA \\'. Prod-tum. Nov - rrmu. w _ Don ountly what In nuno IIDIIOI. H`: \h t. Then we turn urn`: snug; now. my` |`tro - on-I rllnlofn to. on`: uni mu. Rmul: on, all lulu hulgn. ` when run want than on In 1:. u TPlaln Fact Q - . House-cleaning will soon be along. We'll have Art Blinds at 25c, 40c. 50c, and we make them nny size you want. Watch for date of MiHincry| HARDY & C0 S. I23 Princes: Street J. CUNN|N6llAM'S, King Street. The Council In: Tale Aulon to Uppou llnn Knlhnt mu. IIII -Il'lI*I Inu- Muyur Elliotb luu Ind nnunldonnblo unr- mapondonoo with Hon. W, llnrty with ro- forenoo to tho blll inuoduvwl in tho logica- lnlyuro b J. L. Hnyooult, M.I`.[`.. >ruvinl- hug for he purohuo of `mud! from }l|l`nI0l I on the motion by tan 0 oluuk. An n rounle 0! thin normnpondonoo Mr. Hayvuvln lma uonnonmd to modify hi: lull nouneu-Int, no M to road "after nlno o'clm`|( n.m." Mayor Elliott. had a chat. with Hum. Mr. Ihsrmy. thin morning, nonoornlng tho bill. his likely tho council will mks sumo stop: to oppose It. and Ink for I.l1_o(;o_0pern- lion 0! other ulciu and town: In the mother. Ono argument. which Mr. Huy- oook advances in [Ivor of the bill in Llml farmers are compelled In ntanrl on the market. from Iovon n`ulock mull um "during tho oold winter months" Dolor being pormlltod to din of their pro- dnoo tojobboro. In t. no Moe of this. his bill provide: {or the Ihortenm ot the time by one hour from A ril untif November, and leave: the hour urin the llvo noldonl. mouths untlmurbod. ls nyor Ellincb My: tho olty pmvldu tho lnrlm-It with nmrkot. Accommodations. police promotion Mills! in ' the olhy. lroo Inter {or their homes. mud in team: unronomhlo H the city in not d~ loved to mgulnlo lunch I: minor nmthr n the mnrkol. without lntorteronco. Chm Horny hu I-ooolx-ml a loner from chic! Rou|.ol Pdhrboro, thanking him for hh prompt I-upomo to um Inquest for in- Iorrnntiqn nqsrdin Joooph Bumlry. Ilia: ( Nnodoml . Arm-Md 3 low days ix n Pohorboro. CM:-I Rmvl aye ndr] pludod "guty" to the charge of lnroonv. hounobronklng and burglary and ? `Mocha to In mod by the nnnqlusrnto. He was nnumdod lot uonhnun. Bonudry uh- Mndod nrvieo In 88. Poker`: (R.(`.) outbo- dnl. and remained that who congregnuon had loa no that he would in loclod in. Ho nnnohd tho ohmob. scouring noshinl 7 o! nlnno` mug. thonmbrohbopon sh: `doors . nglot pnuyurynn K 3` lamb in thin. Ho min a urvnnt while -urchin; hr booty. md hooomlng Alann- `Cd Us the NICO. only to blnrnltod | bortl lurwudo. 3! 1:. ..:.:......... .....::..:,:"'**'-...;...."'*.'.*: .311. cm: non" wound a copy ol tho aneenng,25c. . l`will Bleached Sheeting. 20c and 25c. llnnuu '1 uarrll \|Ii(`E and Heavy 2 yards wide Twill Sheeting, IBC. gr: Blinds, 25c. yV-- - l\_l_o.w,J Lvpok Here 1 .L, [REAL ES'l`ATE T SALE.` lainly stated is how we strive to ave our advertisements; no ne words, just straight business. 1--: 7v__ We sell 2 yards Wide Bleached Sheeting, 19c. Tnun an.` n nnartnr Vfdl sheeting, _ Two and a quarter yards Wide Sheeting, 25c. r...;n nu.-had Sheennsz. IWARWICK BEAUDRY PLEADED "GUILTY" And Wu Ilounlnl for Mnuuoo for on I Want. n.. 5.1 ,_._n-- _---| -4 - 'Q.AL l...._| 5 sh. lburhoro pollen much qmnu mu ` will. Chill I! no vy {Pom-git. to Isgid ho is "mguoI' gs !ry.. I __ ;,_g__n.. n.._A--. SITUATION WAN I ED. LIVINU IN THE CITY. K oim-rlohnod lm nlml 'H'ARDY S -~-..-----. __I....--, . onun nmsnu In In`: In-mun-.'~ sum. Oollun. `u. hlon ml sun link at lint! Prion. ow Into 01-010 51:. WILL` LIKELY orwos: ur. ._..j.:.-._:____ NOTICE. nu-an-rlmn n Kingston :._:_1. E (TITY. I nal mnlw H:-nn\u`u AT 385 Ignored. Wlth tho Introduction of ohm- tlnnlty. the oondltlon ol thln e ln Po on tlmel we: changed. Romeln r moot deyn had no hoopltale for the och nor uylumo tor the lnoono. Few of the - plo hold the rlghto cl cltlumhlp. he oeoto ol chrlotnonlty hove boon, eocond- orlly ooculor oneo. In M no Chorto we no thoguldlng bond ol the o uroh, lor the boron: were nldod b orohblohop Ste hen Lengton.' orot omonded from lng John the reform: grontod In the greet charter. It wee the rooletenoo ol the eervon blehope thot llrot checked the tyronnloo ol the second Jomoe. The ohurols to-by lo no leu uoloun In the ooulo of liberty than lt wu In olden times. The clergy enerol~ ly keep ulool lrom polltloe. but et any government go utroy fmn the th of rlght end they at once come to the rout ln the oeuee ol lreedom. If they lnwo not yet reoohod o eottlomont ol the quarrel be- tween oopltol and lobar. have you 2 If the church ll not on free to tho poor as to the rloh, lo lt the {cult ol the clergy? The people should not dreee no rlchly no they do. and the church would then be no lreoootho city hall on nomination day. The clarg mony ol them obey ln lvlng chorlt , t e Iorlpturel lnjunctlon to et not therlg thnudknow whotthelelthuudtlcoth. A country mlnlnter. puolng rich on on In- come load than tluot of n well-tovdo me- chuuic, travel: on for an 3 country doctor, drawn on many wllln no It lawyer in good rnctlce. Because the lnlt carry the route of nrlntoomcy lnto the church. lt In a dangerous doctrine to hold the clergy re- The church he ever been ln Ironelblo. tm forefront of battle. when the ark of llberty has been in danger. l)r. Ackrovd meld that only ono~hnl! of llberty hu been in danger. Ackroyd only the earthly orb him In the punt. been M- tended to b the church. The church olnphualnoa rat, Gd, honvou, theology. What. In wnntad ll am am hull! of man. humanity, sociology and o the old: that has so far boon nqleotled. A llmmln. nnl Hm burn fuminmantnl has ier been ne leoted. A. Ho pine unit the two fundamental poworu t It underlie eooiety--the econo- mic and theological powerr4-~-should be diaouued. The authenticity of the norif turoe is now being tucked. He cou d not see what ohriutiunity has done. that had not been done before the edvent of Christ. Confucius. Buddhn.prenohed doo- trinee that contained the pith of ohrim tlnnity. People went to heowon beiore the birth ol Christ, and would continue to do no, it lie had never been born. Reforms have been brought about more by the necennity of the time: then by the inilu- onoo oi the church. The stand taken by the church regarding slavery was pointed out for oxmnple. The church tells: the people to pm for what they want. From the sucking 0 Jerusalem to the burning of 0lllCl|R0,')I`l\y0l` hue never given In mun 11 dollar. rotherhood, oonlruternlty, la the ultimate deetiny 0! all religions. ll. Silver asked it Dr. Bmvthe denied the the nineteen oenburiea 1 '1`. Wri ht. held the church llll clor y re-ponnibo for no loci. in the push. T no clergy hail mode 1 istlnoeion between rich and poor. But the church hu mndo many reforins. Confucius may have haul Lli9 spirit of oliristimity. but: by their fruits yo nhnll know them, and tho lrulta of tho roligion of Confucius among the Chinese had boon very bad. 0! courts lnllalels have ri ht: M Moll Mn olirintiuna. Tho prinoip on laid down I) ' llr. Ackroyd were deeply tin with in dolity. But. the re- ligion of C Iriui. will prevnil. W. Carnegie dial not criI.ioir.e christian- ity, which. ho Mill. in noclnlmn. llo dill criticise those who profess ohristiunlt._v and minus no invutignte the wrongs of hummi- ii.y. Tho clergy should show people thnc they urn wmn if the are no. l)r. Ackrovgnnitl the principle: ho hnd ultimate doatiny 0! all religious. B. Silver asked Em the the name olchriatlun to the I uuinn nation, which has no hon lulu IIOI uylumn. What. has ohrhthmlby mondonng there during the nineteen conmrien Y '1` ll .-L.hr Imlrl Hm nhnrnh Iuul vlm-uv RATTENBURYS ; HANAK|1lJ|?,T_- SIUCK jun. E. H. SM_YTj'S ADDRESS! An` lnconotlng Add:-ooo In 1'1-oborfo lllll lloloro tho Won-k|n[mon'o (honoring- I'Io Olmrohoo come: In For 'l`Io Donn looting. J. R. Donoldoon prooldod at tho work- lngmon o znooung yoobordoy. Dr. I. H. Smycbo opoko on "Loy Foibloo and Oloriool Virtuoo." In boglnnln . tho opoobor oold ho bod boon lod. by c o oo- oollonc roporto of tho dloouoolonl of tho olub. given by the city prooo. that ooolol ond economic oub who wore on froquontly token up, choc re lglouo oubjooho bod boon lgnorod. if the Aokroyz nnhl no pr|ncir|on quutod were thou of "ful-orb chrhr u'nn(t._\'." and wore onunohbod by It speak- or before the christian ondouvor conven- tion in Boston |m-l- year. He denied. in- difnunly. that they wore in tho locust. M I Itotl wh infMolil.y. `_ M H llunmn. mid chumhoa and rolluion LAY FOIBLEB AND CLERICAL VIR- TUE3 OONIIDERED. minted with mdomy. M. H` lhu-non, Mild cllumllea nndrollgion have ulwuyn oxlnwl. and always wlll nxlnb. Bun them was never I church than dud not run to mood, and shore nover will bo. Uhriutlnunihy lmn well nl ll done 30. Evil prodmninnbod oxen-11005 in tho rolnrmulon. If bho ohurcla goon on for two hundred yours. on tho hu done for three hundrod your: pub. the will die out. Tho I`lIlII |\ has done All Hi`. Smybho throe hundred pub. nne wul me uun. The clulrolx has done Smytho olnlma. but. for two lnnulnd And my years put. her undone] has been hull- vidunllntlo. She has gone from nolnlmcu to mmlne-a, from maduous to poverty, {rpm poverty to rovolutlon. If thou who are wedded to the church cannot oh the pnunt. boudenoy. the ruull. will Inmenulxlo. hp QonnL Manna .|hIl' Hull. nlnntrlnnl lnmonuhlo. Dr. Stnckhonna hold that. iloctrinnl numdnnlu own difference of belief. If all pnopio know that up-to-date clergyman nd~ mic that the death of Chriob did not. bring gulvntiim to mankind. hhon would be Iou dillironoo of boliol. lb was more olovuiuu to think tint. mon an saved by the our- oino of their rouon than by bnrbnroun. horrible. atrocious crucixion. 'l` \A)-ink}. hunk his nhrintinnitx-`Iran: Lha hornblo. nu-oououn orucuuuon. T. Wright took his ohrm.i|n'ty'froun the bible. It in ludollt. to din that the death of Chrint. bmug It. ulvu. on ho mun- kind. W. Quinn thought niniuon do not al- vnyo prmuoo whit they pmooh. Minmorn to-dn work for choir own lntomeuu more than or who inoonnu of the poo xlo. The I nukor Iwn attended | city . othodint. oturoh for four years. And the miuiuur hu nonr in than Mme onlond hit: home. Wealth rules the church. nnd tho poor and unlortumln no loh so the Snlvnuon lIl_\`. Mo Anluuvd nnlnhnrl nut Lhnl H10 In; unforluneln Ien no me aouvnuon Mr. Aokroyd pointed out that the In - uenoe ol ohrhtlenlty on dierenh netiom depends upon the chereouer of tho race He held that teligion hu exeroinee an evil inut me on ell muons. Religion in unper- It-ition. He did not believe in my re~ llgion. J. M. Meoher and there in e teeling that tlieohereh In lneiuoete in its eympethy with We mueee. lngeton olergymen are etem DI from thin nocueetion. gether Hunt ngdon end Rev. Dr. Maul n ` no peeved eble end eeeedleu Men I o the menu. The Belvetion Army he (I we e teeewotl eho. The libemI'L`a!.hol6oe in the united Bum: heve triumphed ovet the op- pertyjn ` menu or l=Iouen (febholiethuroh in mm not bl:-eehle tor the pceeem dhpute over eepenee eohoole. Persona in that clmmh. who we eetneted I: new end I0l'(\l mo- eivee. en oe etoeble Dr. Bnuth cl thee In hie eddreee he had referred to no uereiculer ohumh. bu an nggw F .:"-11'?-u:::-"-'r"-nos"-I--1?-'5-"'~? ...:.*;.:.'"..'.:.:.-1: .;m.::::'.::::r.:: '0'-APP Whd ""' ' so an oph ol uhriobinnhy. History 1 . . h |o\hn\hn%hhoIoonnhow0C||"' . - ~ v-m--- u.`.:r't:. o... M -u - - 3 -~-rt-..:......**~ ~:.~'-.::`.":.r.:2::,_*r*.~:. ll!` nil ooon P-W-0-K " no invu-In uooonpn d" May. `,0 3, 3","-. Iuonln-lav-v--Incl-*v --4 -r-'31 mu. Aghnoonuu 'nmho_ ` "` ' - ouduuou nqunltng tho |;oII'- for 5501 .Yn.u...u...u otshouandur kwmm 9:m"'n""" ' "" tho than us. luool ol mi. .5. .,,,_,,,,. . ....,...., . ."`""": willnho hump! IA-Oo|.|:F ' 9'..." tonnhomotohuhth By will not: Apnl occur. - lN'| ~nIhunII\hunndu d."'R.'. :.n:":0':{::: ,:::li:,:..`;:::, v'*"` V ".""' """"`"""'!""* `u|ond:ramum.um.unom """" """""'""' uunaua.u.sou..ou.,.nu.. which , . - :0-:Nh uuu|`:.; .o.1.v C:uon 8u\ho.V::uI Drll|.0!\y nanunuuw "Pb "M p I ohm. "mp `R KIN GSTON 9 The llnndllng of Mulls. An afternoon mail onwnrvl on the Kingston & Pembroke railway in 5 canoes. nlon at. lam. oonoodod to the ublm, thnulu to pout. ollino inspector Merrick. But it in only an aggravation. not. I culmination. Tho nutter will be carried out. boginnin to-day. on the Hay ofQuinto 3:30 Lrninnug bo_ lmlcl M. Hnrrownmihh unul the live ' ' & I . lrrninnrrwoo there. Why Wand i M. by the K. & I`. Lnln at. ve. giving 1. nooplo 0! Kingston two hour: of lunar I0l'V As it is in through mail the bnggugoiun uld be sworn in no mniluontlunuir Alon. it 8.119 ovuraiglit. in moral; nominal. lattnrl Ind papou for Slmrbot. Louie. lntnrmodiltn points and C.1 .R. man And won an alone carried. 80 when still remain: only one mail daily to tho K. & I`. north. fr stood upin I oicy church nbouh bnme uourn previouniy, in reeponne to the request oi the oiiioiabing clergyman, that those who had given their hearts to the Lord would acknowledge their conversion by rising. (Honing Ready For Tho lnglna. The water work: om iloyees. with the au- aiatnnoo 0! one oxtrnln nror, have complet- od tho exouvntirm for the new pumping angina. They are rondy to begin placing the wood work as soon as the nooeaury timber Ina been received. No word ro~ gnrding the pro run bein mndo withihe construction of t e ongine.u1a boon reooiv~ ed from Ingiin & Bon ninoe the Inc meeting nf Lhn wnmr worlu oommiwoe. A I Itl.Iblll'[ nnuve luau. W. Dunn. of Pittaburg, died yesterday in the Hotel Dieu alter an illness from dmreuin ease oi cancer of the liver. He wu ah -seven yours of age and was a native of 1`{i.t.sburg township. Three none, Michael, Thomas and Joseph. reside in Dexter. N.\'., and reached the city on Su- turday. They returned to-duy. tnkin with them their int.her n remains for burin M Dexter. Deceased was it brother-in-hiw .1 M .1 I(n.m..iu wnrdnn'.I meeaemter main 1 nrooiulhy 0! than good; HI: onu- duon'| I|l tn In bwood or arm, no 01.60 Ind I2. to db 1 boy lrom ve to ten year: of Age, are without. doubt tho but value aver olferod In Kingston. They Won More Mencken. A oltiuon stand to n WHIU reporter this: morning. thntoa he was roturnlng home at twelve o'clock lant night he met oi ht young men. all of whom were drunk. wo of them, ho Myl. he recognized as having stood upln city church nbout three hours m-avinunlv. runonne request ed (mm mgmu a non nlnoc Ina u of the water Doxtor. Uooenueu nromor-m-mu of M. J. Konnody. warden`: molaenger at the poniumthu-y. At it. Mu-1`: Cathedral. The oolobrntion oi the anniversary of Ireland's patron mint was commenced on Suuduy at St. Mnry a cathedral by the at- tondnnoo of the mombern of the dibrent Irish moieties at the night doionk mnun nnd tho t|C(`0[)N\ll(,`D hy thmn of tho huly uolnmnnion. The body of the church wan: given to the \0|lil)0l`ll who made in fine din clay in their rognlin. The Rev. Fr. Kelly, .U.. in his sermon com ilixnwtoai them for their devotion to their `un and love iur fnthorlnmi and nttnv. w the land of their new nduption. 1 What in nu: wlul IIII l'fIVIII|~ At. the meotin of the Sons 0! Engln. .. grand lodge M. `L-torburo last. week. the mayor tondored the froodom of the city to the dolegntoa. Tho first not of one ol the Tumutu members wan to go In the mnrketv ourlv in the morning and buy up all the eggs und1)ut.Lornfl'orod formic by hmnurn. He was summoned to apponr before the nmgiatrnto for forenmlling. hut, he up uonlod to the Innynr who Mid nothing cou (I be dam in the nmtbnr as he (the mayor) hnd mndomd the frooclum of the oh, no the: dole about. It In said the nhnrp orontoninn rt ourml SIM) by his act. I be donoln the church. A vote of thunk: wan random! to Dr. Smytho for Ma nddrou. ._ _.__ ...-...._u of wluloun uoum ever offered Kingston. .- _- An (Md Kluntonleu Dead. Mrn. David Anderson mused away vou- tordny at the rouidonue 0 her son in-law, Jnmee MoCulln. Bey ebroob. She Ind reached nripo old ego. and had enjoyed |zoodheu1(.hunl.ilnbout. two weeks ago, when eho wu atumked by the "grippe." which developed into pneumomu. Do- connod haul resided in Kingubun fornpwrmla of hnlfe oenbury. hnvin oomo hero fmm the county of Arma h. rehmd. She wun ono ofthe nk. momgore of Cooke`: churuh. Ono non Jone uh. md one daughter, Mm. Junon MuCuh\. survive her. Her hum bend died three years ago. A bu-ot.hor'. Joeeph Doddn. Lnnedowne. and two nit-tern, Mrs. John McNei|l. Kingston. and Mru. l3Inokburn,(`.-lborne. Om... are the only relatives of uenoneod in Canada. tholr ovary day clothes, no one would out nu hocouu thoy bod not good onoug clot. on. Then lb would not he noouufi to come to Fruor'n bull to do what. could the church. A mat; nl thunk: inn I AndBl`O(l (noun; an or nan. For who lnlnnoo ol the a n Galloway wlll poll Ill {urn at lull prl to close them out. Olllunu requlrln ne goods at. low price will do well to on And In: (7 them so everything` wlll be sold. Prlnoou moot. `X I hull IIIVI A Narrow Iuoopc. What come near being a fnul oceldam, occurred at. the ronidonoo 0! Mn. M. Allen, Prlnnul nbroot. about four o'clock 8ntur- dny nlhrnoon. A lmlo 31-nndxlnuglmor. aged three yearn, of Mrs, Allan thrown nowlpnpor into the klmhon re, and the blame touching hor clothing not. them on (In, Mn. Allan. with nruonco of mind. nnohing nor olotmng no mum llro. Mrs. Allen. pruonco c ulclxly throw the little girl on the Iloor And smothered the human. The hair on tho littlo one`: hand In: burned on` Mid Mm. Allen had her hand: om-only burned in her olforn to extinguish the blue. The child had a vorv nnmw compo from A hr- rlblo duth. Had Mn. Allan not notiood the accident. In uiokly M lhocenn-od than in no quoctlon uh tht the child would inn boon no aevonlv burned um death quuuou but um tho onun women have bun aevonly wonld hm-0 nouluod [mm in injuries. The mu. girl In Inn` on I mm. In pusnu. Mr. and Mn. 1`. Daley Allen. nnido at Innnnn. IF YOU THINK OF PAPERING

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