Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Mar 1896, p. 3

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BEL Bargains U`. IICI (II I lI`CIllCIIl3q For a genuine, reliable ne grade article, we claim to beat the world, for at the most reasonable charges we can furnish a garn em that contains standard materia`, is doubly strengthened at all poir ts, to excessive strain or wear, nished superbly and cut modish and correctly. \'Ve furnish suits that suit because they t. Ours adapt themselves to the form in a way that makes you feel you are wearing a garment especially made for you and adapted exactly to your ideas of price. There Arc Many I Kinds or Clothes 1| But it pays invariably to buy a good article. \Ve are supplied to meet every taste and well supplied at that. So, whatever your pre ference, come and take a look at our assortment before thinking of other arrangements. I7." -. manning rnlinkln Gnn ,i(71rE7tk-a't.c'1; ii:`ddisouea'"""' can 81:" O . Electricity. I8 nnnlled by the Owen Ek`(`U'ir Positively Guiedu On April sud. ant. uh. ash and ash. Good Io return until April `uh, 1888. ' O ` ' _ ' _ - ' `C " _ )` Electricity. applied by _Ek`nU'ir Beltnnd busronnory. will most oazsurod I y do :40. H, is the on y known power that will supp]; what is lncklns, nnmoly nerve force or power. nu -wt. mun an rl r to the organ: and ammo .0 mslmy notion t whole nervous system. It .vlll mmt assuredly euro. VNITI: ul Lllll [Ill], lUl' [J10 cure 0! |I\len'mus Diseases] Iodas of treatment (all to cure. Thorn is u. may >|' nerve force or power that cannot. be restored wy any medical t.ru:\1m0nt. and any doctor who woul try to accumplhsh this by an ' kind 0! iruga is punujng a. dangerous pmc cc. Pm- .nu mum. uaaumuu curu. Hithout Medicine, \.'a-Inn.-nln Mnhivlln I)-amt-nil.-.n Dluunvnnllunx __________. _____,______V V'arl:o-olo. Nervous Prostntlon. Rhuumausm, -lciul icu. Kidney l)ibU\'L$U. Lumbugo. Lamo Buck md D;.~|-owln. om: Iuusmmo cammcut .`o:.(x\in~; fullest. iufurumtinn regarding the cm: at ucuu-. utuvniu nu] nurvous dl.-on-cs. vxlvvs. _ , \ _ ho\vt.ooniur,etc..nmilw! The only aclonuno and motion! Electric Bolt . d ,t ml bathe! cl I 3:210?-at:: 31313 ont 0;! ectricitryettghntmis rtect. control and can be applied to any uuxdagpe uart t.ho_body.torl.hecm-out |I_A_,_,__ -an _ _ _ . ___ Shousnnds of people mbr from a variety of ervou Diseases. such as Somhml Weaknosx. 'm tancy. Lost Manhood. em. that the old I as "Phony would try to accumplhsh this by ir dangerous E ooxln treated. these diseases lK__lA!__-I,, Z I IIIXI if l_llIlI' IJUUIIIIU Ill nyunuuuu v Kootuuoi Care." And `now nal int I am outed rbouinublam` md pointion. pain] hulth has in `vod wonderfully, and I my mu that or neural weeks he foutnki tho madioino I was unable to ruin myu in him had without moohanionl 3 linncou. recommend Nu Koobnuy" mncdy with the (rental; obndenop for rheum- thm and sciatica. In is certainly {uplan- did tonic for building up the nyntom gon- onllv. m's"'uod ` Clamps ( I .) AYIR. Ania I make this Iolomn declaration. cou- Ioiontiounl bollovin it why two. and knowing t abibino she sumo force and chat. n i! nude nude: oath |' \v Virtue swmzurs mo` minus VI ' Jvllzllvv nun rod no at KAI Oqnnty of Woht.wort.II. E Febrnuy, I896. (8ignod.) * W. Fun. To get mliel from indigestion. billow- noaa. oonutipntion or torpid liver without. disturbing the atomach or purgin who bowels, site A few doses of Cartaor e ittlo Livnr Pills, mhnv will nlnua vou.. Liver Hm, may mu loan you. Corn: no mu-ed wit three A plioatuiona 0! Miller : Sure-Cure Corn 8: vs, Ibo I ha: nltl nnlv Am Walla`: dnut Itnra or IIIIIOFI Blll`O'U|ll`O Uom auvo, 1: ho: Sold only In Wade : drug ntoro -jg Th_e The only scientific and tactical Electric Be): made, for xenernl Vin batteries that ;cne:-ate 3 strong 0 nt of ectricity that is hemlthy the whole anus a n _ _ n - Itoroob wow, do Iolcmnly declare mm L have suffered var severely from Icistiot nud rheumatism ox-_ovor two years. I have been ntuadod by medical men And have taken many kinda of potent medicine! And in All have expended about 8130 with 7 out boiliz henohd. DOWOIF. male low (loans 0: uur_u Liver Pilh, they will loan Corn: an mu-ad 3!) )"v'ven Electric Belt KLLAN LINE mu m gu nave oxpenaoa noouu on-W ww- out being . , Ihqo used four bohtlu of yokmnn I Kootong Curd." tool 91115 1! nnrnd rluninnhinm And misting. H! Dominion ol bnnene,Uounn or w onlirvnan. Province of Ontario. o wit : I. Ohnrlee Sayer. clerk at the Qity of` Hnnilton. in the Count of Wenbworth. Province of Ontgcio. reei nee 119 Hannah went, do solemnly declare thus I hnva mffared van uverelv VL`l'\'Dll3 uueaaou. SIICD EOIIIIIIII WGBKIIOSR. or no-or that mnnol. Dominlono!Onnnd1.Gount of Wontwofth. I Pmvlnan of Ontu-in. o : um thrown; Any loam tor YON- un no.-n ulubmnnv onto" ADIIIIP BORED `HIM AOOORDING TO HIS ' GDLEMN OWORN STATEMENT. VVUIWIII BwI"U"WIlu I)`l`Clu3 We will end with Buguins. nnuubcin __1;v_q will mung. with FURNITURE. in 'nAmYJ 1'm1?r'IsH' amass. asxrmzs, `i~ oou._-011.. nsunns B`. Loucks; -fVII CID ZINE Ii 2. ting um. 16 in of hue Ioroo tuiflynndnovvinudor m( w m in (1 my thin Rad dl -nan-I1 IRE ..... ..,.,.........` ..w '49`xnm s'r. w.. TORONTO, Ont. And 2.)g_ I_o 211 {yaw Bu. WALKIR, Notary Public. T It--Dr. Owen '.':.'."'|*`-'-'-'=-"" *""""";"l . '___....L_L1__A. .m-/an rm roo Inn y ` Ilyouvanttheqlnnpeqt _and'Beut JAICC IWIFT C OOHPANV :.:._>: A Little Higher in Pricg, but- T Baum mind for that Put 0! Spng Boot; __.,_ _, What about that Cough or them Wank Lungs? We on: supply you with all the lead- lnq propcrntions for either Wonk Lungs or 3 (H1913! Cold. CURACOUGHA Does unotly what in name implies. It`: the bout. Than we hum Gray's syrup, Howard 3 run. Pi: '9 And S|l0W'n Cure. Scott's and iIlar's muluion. all o>d lung haulers` When you want them on lon us. AIleg1_ s MONTREAL. 110 alias! and largest fac- turon at Varnish In canulmnmm Japans, % A mus MANUF G Ado. R; 13535` rln--A|.`L `\I\I.AL.LElV&SON -1 n-u.n__ n--. Now, Look Here 1' Has. Removed to the Corner of Wellington and Prin- ' 1 cesssueets. |EQ1m|ey Brns.l]jg1_n_nj] Varnish, Paints, tr. NISBELI HOAGS Adana & Sons Co;, I! &. 13 Jarvis Street. 1 Toronto, Or. - 15 BOOKS FREE `III?! %w4_ng woman T.-A--= mg 16 to 30 Nazareth Street. Drug Moro. Ononnito Windsor Raul. -u- --11-} ~`aww-' Sign ol Golden Boot. Brook Street. wooo AND com: Rundown. In hot or limbo, tronhl with dillinut full: on! hhod to the ` Wuk, KndlkIluImGu~ inglnnn -lplldlon. ner- vonnnu. atommh trouble: or asfer Wloilifiiamys mg m IT wfllll. vonllll. stomach mnnllihllnn. Ihilm um Indinn mum woman-u num. uhudl remedy `to: women. -.0m%n IIOIIDIII should Indi Wonnn'IBo'l m. xc'a':'.. m Bookseller and Stationer, 'H2md-sewed . . . Boots. 5:` mo popular novels to aenceo you postpald. with may 5. o. umn.u.`124 I .....- u .. -.u...u- Sold by Druggisla and Oontecuonurs, 5o. _tu5o all imitations. """ for the return of one Tutu 1":-utL1 w_rapper and two 80. suunpa, oun oi` _. the popular novols nmn vnu mxnmnnld mm. Aids Digestion. u..u L- n , . 'rxI.lq:nnnrcnI ul-an J. Winn, ngutakl 005! Ioo.0lnn-coitus - no nova:-uy mu. 1 won: our 01 my mma. In-iedvu-iouadoo8on.bochint.||oooum ttyjnd in the city, and tool Inodioinn too numotonl to mention, bub ovuything hit ed tohnvothodonind ooct. Whonl med Burdock Blood Bishn it wounded beyond All oxpoehsiona. requiring :3 twobottlootocunnso. Tomato 3 nonoaruinthnB.B.B.bIbo nulnnro forum-t.ipntion.In'n5u:L\htIonotwo you-nnftuvudn I t Iynpuun no- turning`: And look on. Iinnh Inn. and y_............... . .... Y` cnrni And look on: Iiottlqnoto, and from time Iothin pnuni by (on: oighty-n)Ihvwvachdany olthodinun. Inns known) Indioiuoto votklo well. Itdouuotnnlnto be 0 nann- liovu-butnnronndcthin cu-culcnn totiIyIqlnrlundrdanldouI vurILo nedicinouudndvia hilulh do-Quay -maul I-I l&1m dKn EOICIUII I I'IIl- A-In-Icy: un.\'1-|.nnx,-To an A" I ought to in favor of B. B. B. woul be impouiblo. It has been I great health restore: to me nnd Idonwocr by it. Ian I dilioronemnn to what. I In ten ago when it. In: ex- tod I would in the uylum. but now u: in perfect. robnnt. hanlth And it. urn the B.B.B. that did it. I auond for n or six your from conuipntion. sometimes unruly tint. I went out of my mind. It.riadvu-iouadoo8on.bohinI.|Ioooun- ...as.a"" ..'"u".'Ia Ii"-n'.'."'tuu"' TL :1. good. but than dolkd vutiol B B. v. undo n autumnal one that in gin: no n certmed order lrom judge uroescup ivin him immunity from arrest. for that engt of time. Slocum wen u refu in Cunadn. He win wanted here, but is of- fence wee not extr..diteble, so his bonde- men resorted to etulegy, got him across the line. arrested him. turned him over to the fedenl nnthoritiee and veg diIcherg~ ed on their bond. Slocum applied for e writ oi hubeu oer us and judge Groucup heard the case. 0 held that the man hnd been unfairly dealt with. inutnuch n he had been extradited on one charge end then nrreemd on mother. He must be given I reasonable time. the judge said, in which time to return to the coun- try from which he wee extr-edited. Slo- cum eeitl ho had no money And would probably have to walk back to CI - ndn. so he asked for some order show- Izulu xnu no nuu nu -nu. n w.1T'".'{ou udn, inn um. ha Ind n mnnnnnbla Lima in thick uh, he asked tor order mov- ing that he bed I reenoneble time in which to Irelk the distance. The court give him ten dnye and Also at neide the release of the bondemen. Slocum : alleged oenoe wee oommitued two yeen Ago in Peoria. Illa, where he wee charged with taking from the mails copies of a Chicago nevu- pnper, containing whet wee declared to be en impmper ewry. It in also aid Slocum wrote the story It the time. The publish- erolthe per inqneenionwu nedO900 for publ ing the story. Judge Groueup. ol Ohlollou Gave lllu `ran Dav: In Coma Bunk. non. lbooud Ouhln. ii): 3 ultra. lloillrnlnj on or micro Apru cm. 1'` FOR TEACHERS All) STUDENTSI mnnn .---.u.4I-n nl -I-n.|An4I In-tn nl lhnl. II III,` III IIIIIIIW `M-I Cmcwo. March 20.--Sydney A. Slocum has ten da 5 in which to walk to Cnnadn. He scar last. night. and carries with him certied order from judge Groescup uivina him immunitv from nrnnt. for that The member in the house of common: for Quebeo-Thomu Mcreevey-hu in his lifetime found himsel! in more then one tight: place, but with necive ehrewdneu has been able to free himself. Among other things than have troubled him in oetarrh, but. in the use of Dr. Agnew : Ceurrhnl Powder he has been Able to rid himself of this diloulty. Urban Sou- lerd, of St. Louis, Que.. pronounces this remedy I precious preparation." to effec- tive in it. in riding the a item of outer:-hub trouble. It will `re re ie! in ten minutes. and cureancold I most. instantly. Beware of the many cheep imitations of thin remedy. They are worthless, if not dun roue. Boldb drn letgornnt by moi . by S. 0. Date on, Church street. Toronto. for 600. in stamps. Sold by W. H. Medley, successor to N. 0. Poison I (Tn, In my a. In t e course of his Argument Mr. Morley admitted that the occupation of Egypt Great Britain ha been ductive 0 much benet and many blessings to the pea le of that country. (oonaervative cheers) But. he said. the long continu- ance of that occupation had been fraught with great disadvantage to Great Britain. It wan an unfortunate atop the govern- ment was taking todeley evacuation of Egypt and divert Egyptian funda from the purpoeee 0! Egyptian development and the application of the money to En land : owrrgurpoae (pmteeting cries of h ! Oh !) f the conservative bench- an Tlm nnw nnlinv_ ha (llmlnrnrl. would 0! UD l UK] 1) "1 000 OODBBTVBIIVB DOlIC|'l- oa. The new policy, he declared, would impose upon Egy t. the duty 0! governing one of the moat. iicult. territories on the face of the earth. The government. Mr. Morley aid, had not explained their policy and the minister: had deolined to treat. the house with that oondenoe that the country had reason toexpeet on the eve of no great an undertaking. So has- ardouu A proposal. he said, could never be justified by a reason no meagre, imsy, irrelevant. and hollow as the one ad vonced. Mr. Morley`: reinnrka were received with prolonged liberal cheers. The resolution was lost. on A division of CTHK IIC Uiljfl II m - ZIIIIIIW AI `lino Advnnoont LonDox.Uuch.W---Dnring the debate of the animus in tho house of oouunou John Morluv, unid cheers from who liberal benches, moved to Ioduoo the vote for the lonign allies in order to onll ut.`cnt.ion to recent. events in E ypt. Mr Morley said in reply to a quest what nnquutionbly hi: motion sought: 3 votes oloonuuro upon blngovornmontnnd mulled the circum- It-nnoeo that he himself had moved 9 him- Iillf HJII III IIIIIIXIX % IIIOVX IIl'I'l- ilu vote in 1885 upon the then liberal government in condemnation of in policy Egy t. I. Armament. `Ina resoluuon man UIVIBIUII on 983 to 145. h THE CASE OF THOS. M'GREEVEY, M.P.,AND URBAN SOULARD, OF ST. LOUIS. QUE.- Onnnot lo Junod by louou an llnllow AA Th-no Adv:-and. nnogovermnonnnno I-canon mo 0ll'OlllI- iI-- uni- in IIIRK nuvun II`. blunn IEL:-cl in rgmmm am to `rap me. 3' v I ` oknless A cure. I was advised to ueolmgdde Kidney Pille. '`I acted on the advice. and ruler using six boxes the cure Ins effected, snd today I am s perfectly beulth man sud able to work every day. somel. in; I have been unsble to do forover two years bolero hi- i Dodds Kidney Pills." ld by all dmggists sod dealers so 50. r box. or by mail by addressing The ds Medicine 00.. Toronto. Return Tlokotl will In Iunuod 5| First-Chm` marvel to me Iuruoo ovary any. ;Wm. Fields. I C.P.R. porter here, was Iogn by our oonupondont, and mud his ouo In How : . I was ulibmd with Bright`: Dinette 0! bhe Kidneys for three yeah. None of tho doota-I in Owen Sound or . run. Own Souxn, Mu-oh 21.-(8poolnl.) To Ily club oxoicamcat prevails hon into draw it mildly. The coming to _i ht of one sarcnu in which Docld'u idnoy Pill: lnvo ooohd cure: bu created In under- current. of talk which brin some` new marvel lo the surface over] my. Wm. Fields. n C.P.R. nortor here. me kidneys for name yeen. None 0! she in Toronto being able to help At; lue. when almost honeleee on , L rnnsavuns A surname wo- . TIM OF:I_RlOHT'8 onansz. Hi Fullhvb the Illoooolfll lnnplo 0! Otln nld ll Otllod by DOUG!` `MIMI pun. ` . ~ )f0l0W llDOl'Il CIIBBPB. The no .. us 80 HAZARDOUS A PROPOSAL. * Z` -::q wyyn nhtalinu _4.L..._.} 4-. kipr lath. lllll Spools! nun lo point: on lmmcrlonin . r union. Pullman ueoolnnodnuon mud nlher lnfurmuion only to box. by mun oy mm as Medicine co.. 'ro.-'oneo._ TO WALK TO CANADA. Boocuod Iron; Insanity. nunnnomlovm no nuuu aoddothoworhwhlohllodidund 6 All who followed Hill: 0030. In nlnninn Int. n mi that nlnridlnn nui- ol the doctrine." Christian eoientieu do not proeelyto or even out Anyone to join their number. rether do thoee wishing to ayin have to nuke that desire known. In lnven h the nrightto exemine their -given rig use well u nnyothor sect? Let. uny- onolnyu r on An improper word or ection of thelre, et my time, If they oen. They ecknowlodge God and give Him the supreme piece In their liven. The, live `to demonetnu pnctioel ohrintinmhy en Noun taught it, end they have enlisted to Ieeeen uickneu, sin and dieeeee. vn... ulvmnlam ol onu-mjm Ioienoe have Ieeeen eickneu, um um meeeee. | \The edvooetee of ohrietim not been silent beoenee they have nothing to elend. To them ilenoe le golden. elm y becnuee what the poeeeee will eten without argument. hat which bu I eoli fonndetion built in in iteelt well de- fended. and whenft can be demohetreted nvnrv `d-v. made not the enmlnent 0H Illlll DIE III 011% Ill agency in oxhunoo. [t h nnbnoninntit ylll T- II. b nqdeaonimtionul in ohnotu and drawn from ovary qurur. hm nodoou-Incl bolioh in tho lly aooapud run. but undunundu u-nnntlnoddlodnligion -nnnntnfollowin tho Halal ! bother Illllt IX! ITIIIIX ZZZ ncuanofollovin Muufu nu! an u mph: ulnlnh Hndhlnn 7 nu-n-w-co-c --- V---------- 3] Ln ' est RATES. .;_ ._.... A... - Allwno louowoa nunuuo. Inclooio Iothoqythlt cllridiu Ini- ouooinvol eshblhbodhcroio Kingston, IunnhnntnllriauIn.innniovinnn&lIl|v truth they have. and as not me canon, it they were not also so onvioun, they mi In see enough of 3. in truth to cut it. And al- low our. the Ioriptunl injunction which says, If ya will do Hi: will yo uhnll know 0! the doctrine." m..-a.o_i.n ...i.nt.i.u do nnl-. nmnelvto "nan, gnu W IZII IEIIEIIIIJIIUIITIZI over day. noodt not u-gumont. of, w I nupportnt. ' n , Don't hink thntibdiuu "mwft:in_. h: some rl ptown to my, I ntooddtho Mutant oppo;iv.iou'n`_lI:ou|i en, ootoir, train :1 gton - oral . for tbowint thirty yours, I of thin mnnnmn tn win it now fI'$lndA wbic Which manual! on give W now lww um energy, for today, in spite otsllogpdtion it oovon America, lino spread to . Go:-mm and ovurxugvilisod country 0! them: .nndhn InontaoliftInn- kindontotdiuuoundain tlnnunyatlnr -nmmvlnnlnnnm. their works yo man mow mom. Thopooplowhonrehnvin t.hoiroyooopon- od,nye,and their bodionhea od,do not. thank them tmublauomo onea for trying to drag them back into dos ir. Oh, no! its the truth they have. an for the othon, if thaw were not. unite envious. they might gone ultra . Wno mule men: one guerdians o the pie? From whence comes all their w om? Cannot-everyone in this land of boasted liberty worship un~ der their own vine and 83 tree? Who are these men that pretend to have grasped the spirit of christian science. by simply reedin a sprinkling of litersture in a pre- judi mood. when they actually` do not want to understand the rst page? Nice councillors these to give instruction to those who have received pronounced bene- t, and have proved the worth of this science by better health and morals! Who would be the rst w disown the argument of good works when our Master says By their works shall know them." This mnnlawhoarehavimz their eveecpeu- vgqgouv I as at - -uvuvv - you - GOIII April I. I. I. I. O. lnturnlng bolero Aprll his. 1% An -I-ant-unnc nun e1'nnl:Il1' mon emon our youths. ~ I Ievery much with Mnwing. and r. Oloee In hevln such I not to men- ege end think thnt the me tr-Lining `meet he at leult. No nutter how poor e men In he can be e gentleman, end however rich he in he may be 3 clown.-A.C.M. _ no Public n 1-mmzoe. Knmsros. Men-ch 20.--(To the Editor): Will the preee he admitted to the inveeti~ getion at the gnitantiary on Monday, or will the feet: Iuppreeeod--hiddcn from the public. who ere celled upon to pey the nleriee of werden. deputy-werden end :1! the employees connected with the institu- tion 2 Will it be said that this in enqthor matter in which the ublic has no inur- eet. as was said of t e circumstances in connection with the meant euepeneion of I M... nfnn nmni in thin citv Y--l`Ant out out devils. Let me uncover what I think is the mo- tive thst cells lorth this advice from one here end there who epperentl are no stirred u that they must venti ete them- selves. e fact in thet some of their num- ber ue attracted to the truth of christian ecience and, getting s little understanding, feel they must hsve more. Now when you look at it squarely. if it is not the evil spirit of envy on the pert of those stirred- up people that is exeroieinw them. be- cause they csnnot hold their ock, it must certainly be conceit on their pert to think they can instruct the many simple (2) ones whom they fear have nstrs Who mede them the nrnsrdisns people? Unnuun Iulanvu n`I|||o Kmosrox, March 20.-(To the Editor) : In speaking for christian science let me ask what has it done to merit the heaps of lbllle that is being out upon it from time to time `I The ssme here, in I leeeer de- gree, it hu withstood for the hat thirty years from the_ sblest divinee, end othens in America. Whst has it come here for? To denounoe the bible end preotioe other such heresiee as we hear about 1 Nny, verily, it is founded upon the teachings of the scriptures, and is here to do hulnnnit good, both spiritually and physically. t` 0 non God so no other people honor Him, by following the Sevionr's injunction end doing the work: He commended us to do when He said to the eeventy, and All who believed on Him. to go out into the world and preach the gospel, heal the sick sud out devils. 1)}. ma nnnnvar Ihlt I (116 "You'll hour non ol um. ' Rather than nnbmlf: to any more Jun- porunonoo I walkodllowly homo. I upset nowuogot. punhhod ant; thnolgolnsbo our for writing thinbn am not noqvud. has any further that on one occasion I uk ciokotl and via oorod brown ones, and no oxplnnnion given to there boin we kinda. It don not. do to condemn I the our oonduohon for the lnuluu ol some. but it nopnu that im rtinonoo in too con- man nmon vout I. ` on called no mo. 1 nnou ed it to chop. but no! on it Ivontnndllud to walk. Gmnud ltwu not far "to Short ! ; but II I huh boolfln the home` for six or lawn woqh I would but been Id of n llbplo help on my my to Rock . I 0 to the men,II Eh Qwppod so the mnelprytoeukoon nnnemron. uh nu tharunonlornnohgnn-J` but In leplnl was un nu mon yout Tmnnnn iuvnrv mnol qwppod the rnonlmnalgrymuxoon noun - ,n n.uk.dt.lnreuonlorInoh A-` not. hoonoh bodidno0_uIII_n % my hand, the olhcr that be did.,oo`t mo uuomm hhocuhld puuod. rand.` "Yon ll hour non of thin. Rnlmr dun nnbmlf. ha nnv |non.]In- 3." `-.33.. "iiiiq; .."i&'; n3:..;e+;. .9; I Ki t. I U io Itnu, .2=ao'f.-..u..'I1,`7.'."~u..1 i":....'.', `i wnvod my band sud stood waiting on the plank wulkoo King t. To my `wr- prho the our on. I and out and the one at: and 0! of the , I than uncut. cnn irt uiul giggle with young woman frlondn in the on. Think only all ovi- dcnoo. I hntonoo am-d gnonnoll to one of_bho gentlemen oonnonlbd with the our ayutom. To-dq us No. 13 o_u- vn Ap- '0uluIIuu oudnoeunlu. Xxxqsnm. E35 1.5."?--('1'o the Edna) : Itiaoupothuhblaoeprcondtotousnd moaormn won Nngit that common pomoneu Ind common some it oxpbotad of about. Ihvo ofwunocwlth impolite- nun nynll I.nd"hpw hard other: Hm mm. snd voumr zirlohnvo been on $0 Steen-age myuu Lnampu noun onion mu mm, young I-lolnvo -Raw very impouftiucnt y while the conductor: irt sin! giggle with young women h-isndl the This in only ronneccion with the recent Iuspennon O! mt oioe ofoisl in this city 3- AV L.I1'!`.Ii`lO *ro~vna-Jioonn. Ohrlltlnn Iclonoo Agnln. _..._-.. |n.._..L un 11`. cl... I` You T mzzv ? ne People's T `Llfe Endowmen Issues Polic ' including Ordl {erred Premlu _ rates than any I00 Wollinatdpt "" 975 a 77 pnmcess: it -on j&i HQ?! -Quip 31 Q_ l DUNIAQIIITVOII-IYDOAPOO you: keep the an" MOTHERS who '. `oar . - * ms. `Inna I-Inn nI oooooooo g;_ 3o`donn New;-butt :5 dozen New 7-stud- VELL1c;"%` THE In 11th. gtho Into \ _\ EAS-TE_R_ FUIi}~}s/TUWRE. An.nAm-h:LngQnh IIATFS `IF PASSAGE. rvll I CNVIICIIB HIIU 3 I UIICII Ii (Upon nncudor uf uundud form 0! Out- onlo ulcnod hy Prlnolonh. V ZII lr mum IIIIII I AII -IIIIII FARE AND ONE THIRD I n-<-vv---.r- -`-v----- Lnquduhuhnvuhgohnhhu Hm: hllllulnclb SINGLE FARE TRAVELLING. nlllntn :1 I t " K hm.nv a sows. ;: Pnuonnr Dams. Foot l Inllp coma lmu Quilter. DUI: Ill unu- ncosiou with thin also an ilnporntivo cdcr OBI tbtooo Inuthn vauiul at .1. ..-u.Im.L inn. naming. no nuts Finn BJllHuI0.wIJIougc-run qovaoru and Bnotlynuugbtthis ninnblo thal- Ianlhnwu nothingbunbo huowr nan. an-ml that In amvdud with D50 on.,nna EDI III thnornn umhdvmh 1.... in-gain-Inn A not OI!` IIIHRI ll! rlfl P. INLI lII`1'-C|.l8S FIRE R Oll-THIRD Colic lurch II an April 4. Iohrul--I on (If tutors April lsth. II& The than nun: nuply to hone. Haul! SIG. lg Ion wunun smlsulioln um. u pmoum. J x. a 9. and 0. 2. n `lilo. ole: Ontario :8 L zooxwu`. "i w. IOUGIB. - Ant. Gen. Pun. An. 00:. lancer. thnornn umlodvnnm Just iunqinolot amount. tun`-than an drivoninto thoitnol in~IIouuhtcl ovinuruonn cluqwor ruin. bugrynudcold. llotlnoviug Ihich awhhnk unouhlul louse: I Winn?-ndur sh tthaot-nick` cult duo:H Minus nhbuytolulioro `I-tub. Jenni Tlootdulotiln Ilcnooliu Ahcolorn :4. 2:: xi 1 L1 Ihl ol an abundant Inrvut. Unr novno mo- sionariuuo `Inning that the gospel dots digut on an amp; . n a staunch Christ unlined that who Hy run up no the mount. Though His` words onuowiih the po-oolAnnmh~ sno|`o sun the h multitude mnulnid ;.".?`......a.."..". s.........a ml ptoporlyunoundtothovoudnofnnving gnu. Rqulining this in concoction `NJ! the provcrb uni "(llnnnlinou in nut to godli~ nan." the bond of blic works has established 1 outing `ng home. than thopoorwrotohonrho hvonohomoocan nd shelter during thin bitter vuntu; Lgmmlnm nmnm was ac! non-rt in all 0! llllll IIIOIIOP Cllllln IIIII luau vunuu; horocolon swoon up-rtin nllo! our polio ntation bouts. when the home- Ion 1-nld nd shelter. but in con- nanon iuuontivo foot ring. , Temuuny held an election this week. end 81!. new members were eded to the Golan: order; end in in safe so any that every men of them In friendly to Mr. Sheehen. From the int. moment that he took his seat. en the head of Foe nancial commiweeiu was evident. than there WM going to be trouble with some of the old guard. and it cuneto e olilnex at the voter dinner. when hie election wande- nounced and rep ndieled right. in the teeth of the lord high executioner himself. It. vulhen resnlved by Mr. (.\'ol:er and Mr. Sheehen to strengthen ,t.h0ir position by In inlueion ornew blood; hence the election ol this weet. There will benn open war on the dieeeniere : the young and ambitious men intheir districts will be taken up and quietly helped forward, Ind the old leedere. unable to withstand the pressure will mlly he pulhed to the null. wull. Notwithnhndin all their diunluivnen and douinlu. it Inn y loch In if no were to have on fnodoufuoil. I lroe nndindcponch on: bunch of the Stlvution arm , with heulqnanall Inn in New Yor . All the money which has been collected by the Anny in the United States wu given with the unit undonhnding cl 5: `iv. was to he and in saving thonihty army of .a......-. -ml -high thin nut nnublic in ournd. I Ken is I uid Indy for tho plough. which if properly onllinbd gins pro nine 01 nbundnnl Inrvut. Our home `mis- .a.......a.. .... ...a....im uniting whtshoondmon on In rumor. Finn 8.l) to 10.!!!) lodgers in Hot York ' .-cl llnnhlun ml-whtthin misc-nblo | to I but gudon. The afoot. of the boxin(\,elhibit.ions in visible in our primary elections as well no in our legislative hulls. Both parties, domocrsta and mpnblionm, appear to be urnd with the name stick, and instead of aettlin their differences with ballou after hhe ol time fuhion. they are now satised with ve ounce gloves and n twenuy-four foot ring. Tnmmnnv -~:--- qr -- . v--..-.--- kiln. .0-6 I train. Ieoonilnclo in C. location .|:d:IDUOl 0! porn `l.I. wall. Ila! tremendous poaaibllmea Ior plunuer. The citizen: of Brooklyn Are almost. wild at the idea 0! being swallowed up by New York. body and breenhon, without to much an by your leave. Brooklyn new number! over A million population, and she demendu that before the is gobbled up she would like to have the question uubmittod to bet peoglo if they vmnt. to be gobbled up or no. hit the motors ol the bill pouitively refuse, en the I ult is a bit.- urneu of feeling tbel. in eev I instances has brought. the pou-ties to tiatlouffn and on Tuendny turned the Assembly chamber iu~ bear guden. boxinp,exhibit.iona over come belore that body since me foundation of the government. There seams to have been an agreement between those intoreetedin the passage of the Rains: excise bill and those who are actively engaged in the greater New York bill, which. to certain parties. unfolded tremendous possibilities for plunder. Tha nitimnn Brooklyn look Inml II II OVIIWIII uuurlloewn us aeirzugness. end tor the. Quiet wish nelnteieed one strong: y Norrie lusty. the president 0! the liquor deslers' usoeietien end onset the shrewdesz end ieenest plitiesus end wire-worker! in the state. his engineered theiighe; he he had almost unlimited means st his oom- mund, but he hufeiled to make the slight- estimpreseion oneithsr house. These in favor of the hill. in both houses, were un- der the whip end spur; they had evidently been drilled with miiitsry precision ; they were told when he do, end they did it. Theintroduotion oi cloture in the senate merks e new era In parlinmenmry lew in Albany. Aooording in Cashing and Jefferson somethin , like the previous question, was abso utely necessary in e large and inexperienced body like the lower house. for thepurpoee of shunting o dehete, which might otherwise become interminable ; but the senate was suppos- ed to be A more experienced and dignified body which would have sense enough to know when s question was sucientiy debated. 11-... the nut Lima in its historv the gag Pratt. and All the swell clubs or New xorl are Iwuringm At boin placed on tho oohadnla on in; ongqzo in the liquor zrnio like common rum"-ellon. It is rather-tough on lows of those arluoornuo old-timers, who who their half bottle 0! Iborry or chat. Vbh phat: dinnor. to be plnood on I ion! with the poor wrenches who nohondngh 6! pohonrin t.hoi_r tin In my memory. With the lumoe exoleo `hm ondoibodly eeeme eetleed except those mm etc engeged in its The prohi Moniele don't nonept iht. olubmen feel outraged. at whet they eon- eidor en lnfringetnonuon their none! liberty. * piecing them on A level sh the lowest. rum mllli of the shrine. Knnhetn ` mu. uhmnnue Tnlon leemu. Tho nrhtooljuuc lama. aunt. hn, Army and Navy, baidorhrnnl. Avian, the swell clubs of New York .... nu-an-inn mud boina placed pllood lovol mm we poor wruwuu tondugh n in their pail: or ronlolnuto III u down ordinary man at a hundred ynrdn. The liquor dulou extent it, for they look upon It ovirtgul destruction of unit bnlnolu. tho.[gu_t by wick; T Democrat: and Republican Apponr to lo `round Will: Ola Inna luck -loot Inn of nupouulu Ohnlw Dlocluol ` _ -m-up rum Balaton n cam-stun ll III 0': IoDlly-lv|I lootl of `truly Llwncupo on our Ion. toouhl Oqrnlpondonoe.) Nlw Yoni. Much 20.--The bro hills ...._ 3.4.... o.|.. layinlntura. t.ho creator Yo: now bolon : um. bills tin hlnturo, hho greater Ruines oxoiae bill. the Illnturo, mo gunner New York and have beget more hul blood than any two bills lubmibhod for Iolinlativo notion with- wit the Raine: excise hm nobody noun wnrrviuaw MEMBERS Anozd TO THE coLuMau\N onozn. :3 i`:';.:i`:g. -sLTa"iEy" fniif 5? s with which this [uni npublic nnur; I LA...- wnusc w.n. 00.. no any.` N. Y.. in pnuphluton "Four National CD `l`. HARLEY Onud 'I`runl"(`lc,1 Puuonnr Depot. of Johnson -trons. Kingston. Out. 550 lIOIIu M IN : > (I. glue mu has mainly Along politiml liner. the republican: voting yen and the damn- cnu my. The populina unpportod the resolution. Whnsiatbmd ling uboutyour olnhnncvu pnlohm! All volodoiobnyncboxollilhfl Tunic Pill! at Wait : d non. They will build won an in nhnn. . Y I ` I EUuI"o A burnt. child dronda the tire. and pro- judico against many 1 good Article II bom of dis: pointment `.1 uam an inferior uti- ole. idnoy discus. ri ht : dineuo. Digbetu. and all disorders 0 the kidneys. are known to every physician to Arise chiey from the presence of lime and solids in the blood. These solids mule be dissolved. Pills and powdors will not do this. but I liquid medicine. 3 porfoctl nnd thonou hly tasted solvent. like Soul Amorictn {ldne Cure immediately goon totho coat. of a trouble. dioolvee the mild -uh-rgnnna and will air: I-Alia` in Lh wthe L-on oi we uonole. uloolvee me eolid Iubebeneee. and will give relief in the woretcuoe of kidney di inside of six hours. and continually uyfur a ran- Iomnble len lb of time will 0 e the worst. forms of t. in dreaded diseeee. Sold by W. H. Medley, euecessor to N. C. Poleon & (Tn. Biliouncn. oonuipntion and :11 liver and stomach Itoublan an niekl and by tnkinx Wndfn Inndnko gills. Ono 7| .. ......... I Lynn In connnd. Wuancomu. Much S1 --The nsolnlionn concurring unhuandnr Bayard for hip Boston and Edinburgh apoeohon, have named tho Imusa. van. I80: mu. 7|. lwillbuildyonnpinnbortu IIIIIIB FIIU II `Vii Il uppuum boron: many nouns nu: puuau. Next morning a newspaper devoted to the extermination ui Anything touching upon military pnpuuionn oniied sh: pub- lic attention to the hot that, though the pruoher Ind only quoted who rs: pan 0! the passage, his discourse had unply vin- dicated ma truth of the Inn put of ii. ll ended by quuung the audio int: "Tim -nninn: and honorable. he in tho ' ..&".oo....n uo"3"u'.'.'I.Z"'..s.'T;..?&'..2i 1?} taking `var 11:. One ...an.a.... :u.1.........m.. 2.1.: ....r. xITT:sroN_xT|3Em@E Canada Pacific Railways the most blood-onrunng oeuis. Two sonsole respectable men muned Ritchie, oneeirteenend the other eight- teen. efterstudying the hietory of meny lemons robbers. resolved to tote to the highway. They stole eome money und boughterevolver end two bowie hnivee, end, taking to the road met two boys re- turning home from school; pullin out his revolver the oldest boy ce3ed on t e school- boys to stand end deliver and throw up their bends. while the ounger brother held his sherp bowie hni e inconveniently neer the other boy s throst. The robbers demeuded ve cents end I pack of cig- arettes. The echoolhcys had neit er; then the robbers told them to full on their knee: and prepere to die; the echoolboys screamed in terronwhen the young robber lacing his revolver ok& to his victim : eed attempted to re; fortunately the cap hiled to explode, and before he could file A second timee lioemen, with his club, knocked the pistol outof hie hend, and took the pair in custody. Before they were captured they hed robbed quite e number of ho s. Another pert number- ing eight, h e cave in which they hsd all kinds of plunder stored; and the eeptain of the bend wu e typical young roman, armed to the teeth, only twelve years of eye. The most esrious question with xe- - Gm-man not in. What ere vou zoimr to The Ancient ma uononme an-uuury oompuu 01 Boston ha: been In axlnhmoo ulmootu long an Boson linen. Onoe I man In Innvnhnri hm-a bean noonuomod to chum uy qnuung we came sun: The ancient and honorubl. bud. nndtho prophet that tenohoshllu. be In the tall."--Youth : Companion '1'IIO "I35 XPIOIII QIIXIEIOII WIUII XO- - on now in, you going do I 0 it?"-Bto.mnxu. lloeoulty or I Good lolvont to can lilducy Dl|onao-8oonro Bella! In El: umootu long 11433!) 1311. um!!! a you In nomban have been noonuomod go to church In A boctyuxl hounuermon. Blnhop Clark of Rhode Island stun that he mun anon mum: noon to deliver this db- FOOLISHNES8 OF TAMPERING - WITH INEFFECTIVE REMEDIES. Blshop Clark of Rhone lsunu Inn no was once called upon oourao. and he look for his text lnlnh Ix. lb. "Thonnohnl and hononhls, he I! the M, .. Some surprise was expressed that an ap- proprlnos text bud nova: before boon uud In that connection, but the wagon became uppuum below hours Ind pound. Nun mornlmr uownnnner you think I'm I looI,"u\u nulnou 'ouu or the room. Hit htlnt, he acid. by his id- dvinod clnrlay, Ind taumod 1 Iolf-anInin- ing and ad!-respecting mechanic Into I tnnlll . Anov 'd'|:p:ll-A0 than lathe elect that the yollow sound Ia:-stare in luv- L".'.`a"..`1 ".`1 u.a.a` ` 5.s`Za. `?.';.`$ .'"Z ; uhoot In`-iinnlz not shy o to the high- ? "`:'..:......."" ` `....:'.::"*..:: J: unto N1. the week jun puuod. than rltnndn luv: been brokon u of-well organized thieves; t_|ll >0! t.hom_ nnnod_yn|1 emola tnd Single Firs?-_f.lass Fare, `Balm: Ant 1 I. I. I. I. been brokon ox-wou or-gunmen mlevoo; all of them in y Armed wnh shalt knives. and having captains. ioutuonanu and other oloori. Ill bound together by the most blood-ourdliag osthn. 'l`um nnnloln ranoonblo w by of the unllunoo or mono unnrllum inc noi Tho good bishop. in the kin - non of hi: heart, undo who lower very strong and gnu him uuuriol uaiohonoo beside. Armed with thin prooioun doom Inont the man went one among; the bishop : friondu. and olhou in be out rly rooover-. Cd his inju in I I: wash, he never nim thou d d 0 stroke of work for twenty (art. but boonnoa unnlling pnupu-. uv. an oath Mar. Twenty an Mm, `Iain son, the pronoun bishop 0 New York, v I oollod on by rho on tor who told I: pitiful tale. The Iain op took the lot- ur wrimn by his {abhor twenty years bo- ioro. and Iookin tho mun Iquroly in the eye, aid. "l wi not give you I perm for yonroolf, but I will give you hen doll? on for elm. lower. The Inn grabbed the letter from his bond, and giving him I look 01 tho moot. inolublo scorn. said. Do think Fun too , and mlkod 'out. of nu rnnm, rm htlmr. In aid. Irv 1=:.':,-........(. .. IUIIIOG I %ll'0IlnIBn00 ulna uuuurn od In ioown hm ly. `About twenty an ngowhile hintuhor. who wu also a tub- op, wnl in Philulclphis, a carpenter who Ind than nouns" work for him got hit arm severely injurgd by I machine on which he no working; he called on Bishop Pom: and roqueatod I labor oolnmondln him an wnrthv the uniltcnoo of those ngnrihbly Amman in Bnokl vlut wool: wu nddmudby-Bhhdp once on the nubjootol the but .mum of dbpotuing charity I0 u not no injun tho ra- `llovod. and I qonnootion with that the iblnt iroumabnoo int ooourr- .A I. burn lunilv. twenty your worlmg; nu vxlluu uu Dlnuvy -.--nu. and loctor wonl-flay `Mb? bishop. _--_ -1 1.1- I...-A -. . sh. lnmmr vnrv virru-I -- Tho Anolonl And Honorable Artillery mvnn-nu no Rnnmn hu basin in gdnhmoa annual jgjn I " no ussn asn Co t- F-`? - V. In tocI: M` ------ not usuon Co `:1 ......""'.'.:.".':.: ' Meal ""%" STOVES

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